HomeMy Public PortalAbout19400801CCMeeting559 Savannah Beach, Georgia, August 1st, 19+0 The regular meeting of Council was held today at 8 p.m., and was attended by Mayor,Jones, who presided, end Councilmen Slotin, Lovell, Daniels, Griffin, Henry and Ferguson, and Town Attorney Dutton, and Mr. Dan. J. Sheehan. The minutes of the meeting of July llth were read and approved. Mr. Sheehan requested that Council give him a guarantee that in the event any damage should occur on his lot, 35 A, Ward 6, resulting from the sewer line that runs under this property and which is owned by the Town, that he be protected. Mr. Sheehan was excused, and after some discussion Councilman Slotin moved that the Town should not assume any liability. Councilman Ferguson seconded, and the motion passed. Town Attorney Dutton was requested to so notify Mr. Sheehan. Councilman Henry moved that the audit on the Town from March 12th, to April 30th, 1939, and May 1,.1939 to April 30th, 1940 as submitted by J.T. Molver Company be approved. Councilman Griffin seconded and the motion passed. Mayor Jones informed Council that he had had a number of cards printed warning motorists that the area at South -End only permitted 30 minutes parking. Mayor Jones informed Council that Mr. C.H. Smith, engineer sent by J.B. McCrary Company was on the job making a survey fair the proposed sewerage disposal plant, and stated that he would • appoint a committee to handle with the Fort Screven authorities with the view of going into a system that would take care of both the Fort and the Town. Councilman Slotin stated that he had been informed that some of the soldiers on the post were complaining that they were not being treated fairly by the Town authorities, and that.the Town did not cooperate with the post. The mayor informed Councilman Slotin that he had been misinformed. That he had recently been in touch with some of the officers and men on the post, and he was of the opinion that a friendly feeling and cordial relations existed, and that a number of the men stated they liked being at Savannh Beach. The Mayor stated that several times he had had occasion to handle matters that had to do with members of the personell at the post, and he had handled same with a view to having the matters adjusted amicably without calling on members of Council, and asked if this would be agreeable. The sense of the meeting was that Council was in accord with what the Mayor was doing. The Mayor informed Council that it had come to him that at times matters that have been discussed in Council had gotten outside and he asked that the members of Council be discreet in their conversations to avoid the possibility of any misunder- standing. Mayor 'Jones stated that it was very necessary that several rest rooms be constructed for the use of the public at once. After some discussion Councilman Griffin moved that •the Mayor be authorized to have one rest room built at once at a cost of not over $300.00. Councilman Ferguson seconded and the motion passed. Those voting yes; Councilmen Griffin, Ferguson,.Henry, Daniels, and Lovell. Not voting; Slotin. Councilman Ferguson called the Attention of Council to the unsightly condition on the beach caused by waste paper and trash, and stated that visitors had also informed him of this condition. He was informed that there were several available garbage cans at the lot, and they would be put in place at once. Councilman Griffin informed. Council that former Mayor Righton had promised the Little Sister$ of the Poor six of the concrete columns which had been taken from the old pergola, and they had'made a request that they be given to them, they to take care of the hauling. Councilman Henry moved that six of these columns be given the Little Sisters of the Poor. Councilman Ferguson seconded, and the motion passed. Councilman Griffin moved that the tax ordinance be amended so as to .reduce the. charge for operating a Penny Pitch from $25.00 to'$10.00. Councilman Slotin moved that it be reduee4 to $15.00. Councilman Daniels moved that Councilman Griffin s motion to reduce the license to $10.00 be adopted. Those . voting yes: Councilmen Griffin, Henry and Daniels. Voting No: Councilmen Biotin, Lovell, and Ferguson. The Mayor broke the tie, voting for Councilman Griffin's motion. Councilman Griffin informed° Council'' that he believed the seawall from 2nd to 114-th Street as is shown by the work starting from 14th Street to the north is going to be too far out on the. beach, and suggested that a committee be appointed to investigate this matter with the view to having the seawall placed farther in if.it is convenient to do so. The matter was referred to a committee composed of Councilmen Henry, Daniels, Slotin and Griffin who with the Town Attorney would call on Major Wallace in reference to this matter. Councilman Ferguson stated that he had recently made a survey of the garbage dump, and that, on the day he investigated, Mr. Fitzgerald informed him that only fifteen convicts were working. Dr. Hedges also investigated the dump and stated that things looked fairly good. • CouncilmaIrstated that regarding the installation of extra fire hydrants, he had looked up the contract with Tybee Water Works, and found that the Town must bear the expenses of any new installations, and that adjustments for the cost of same would be made after the Water Works completed its payments to the R.F.C. Councilman Lovell also informed Council that the groin at Tilton Stree'ti was in a bad state of repair, which if not corrected would probably cause serious damage. If this groin gave way, it would affect the seawall from Tilton to First Street. Mayor Jones reffered the matter to the Public Works Committee-to investigate and report back. Councilman Lovell stated that he had made up a set of rules and regulations for the operation of the Fire Department. Councilman Siotin read a financial statement for the month of July which showed that the Town had a balance of $8,565.00. That approximately ?18,000.00 had been collected from taxes; ?8,871.00 from licenses, and $2,600.00 from perking spaces. He stated that collections from licenses and parking spaces will fall short of the current years budget. He also informed Council that 21,809 bushels of oyster shells had been purchased from L.P. Maggloni and Company at 50 per bushel, making a total of 91,090.45, of which $545.23 was paid in cash, and a note for the balance due May first, 1941 was given to L.P. Maggioni and Company. Councilman Siotin presented bills for July amounting to $1053.00, and moved that they be paid. Councilman Griffin seconded and the motion passed, Councilman Siotin moved that the Finance Committee be authorized to have advertised and sell any property on which 1938 taxes have not been paid. Councilman Lovell seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Siotin brought up the matter of dogs roaming the streets, and stated that a young lady had been bitten by a dog owned by one of the residents of South -end. It was decided to have signs made notifying the owners that dogs must be on leash or they will be impounded. Councilman Siotin stated that he had been informed that a number of property owners interested in the construction of the seawall were being approached and requested not to pay their share of the cost. This was received as information. Councilman Siotin called attention to the bad condition of the private road known as Smith Road at South -end. The matter was referred to the Public Works Department. Councilman Siotin informed Council that bills approximating $10,707.00, representing materials purchased by the Town for use in connection with the seawall project were unpaid. After some discussion the Mayor stated that he would appoint the_same committee that is to call on Major Wallace on another matter- - pertaining to the seawall, to also take up with him the various phases of the W.P.A. Project Proposal, a copy of which the Town has, with the view to ascertaining what the cost will be to the Town, and when they expect to complete the job. The DeSoto Beach Club has requested that the bill of $121.50 representing plumbing inspection fees at the Beach Club be reduced. After some discussion Councilman Griffin moved that the bill remain as is, but if it is paid in full by August 15th, a 20% discount be granted. Councilman Lovell seconded and the 62 motion passed. The Tybee Amusement Company on paying their 1940 licenses requested that one dance hall license of $50.00, and one moving picture license of $25.00, be cancelled, as they were not engaging in the operation of these businesses. Councilman Griffin moved that the licenses be cancelled. Councilman SIotin-:seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Siotin notified Council that $500.00 had been paid out in salaries since the first, of the fiscal year, . more than had been provided for in the budget, and that he was opposed. to hiring any more-employees. Councilman Lovell moved that the following resolution be adopted. Councilman Siotin seconded and the motion passed. RESOLUTION AN ACT to' amend the several Acts imcorporating the Mayor and Councilman of the Town of Tybee, now known under the Act of the General. Assembly approved August lst, 1929, as Savannah Beach,.Tybee Island: tO grant authority to the Mayor and" Councilmen to deed the. Strand to the property owners adjacent thereto; and for other purposes. Section 1: Be it enacted by the General Assembly b' the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority . of the same, that the Act -of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, approved August 19th, 1922, entitled PAn Act to amend, revise, and consolidate the several Acts_ granting corporate authority to the Town of Tybee; to confer additional powers on the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee; to define the corporate limits of said Town; and for other purposes ", be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new Section as follows: Section: Be it further enacted that the Mayor and Councilmen shall, after the passage of this Act, have authority to deed, transfer and quitclaim, by resolution, to any property owner who has contributed a part of the cost of the erection of the sea wall along the strand all of the right, title and interest of the said Municipality in and to that ortion of the Strand which remains zabutting e.aetwardly. to. the property 'line.: gowned ^bir said t rdpenty :hd1:der•s =_ tei the` sea :i.wall and such . owner --?To cantributii •:shellh ve -the right:.-f'ar'-,this carisi.deration.to )nbtatn .fro;rintheltanicipaltty such`_deed°, ttltle, transfer., and nigh olAit y ? , M, Section 2: Be it further enacted by the that all laws and parts of laws in conflict and the same are hereby repealed. There being no further business the meeting to the calI of the'Mayor. authority aforesaid with this Act be adjourned, subject