HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 98:224 Dam .¢ 98-224 I/ESOLUTION TO (;O INTO CLOSEI) SESSION WIIEREAS, Section 8 oFthe Open Public lvleetings Act, Chaplel 231 ILL. 1975. permits the exclusion oFlhe public Iiom a meeti.g i, cetlain citcumstances; a.d Wil EREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such cilcumstances P~ esently exists; NOW, TIlERElrORE,ilE IT RESOLVED bythe Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cm teret. County of Mkldlesex. Slate of New Je~ sey, as Follows: '-- I. The public shall be excluded flora attending, discussi.g or patlicipating in the hereinafter specified subject mattels. 2. The general nature of the subject malte~ to be discussed is as Follows: personnel matters 3. It is a,ticipated at this lime that the above stated subject .rotter will be made public: upon conclusion of matters. 4. qhis ~esolution shall take effect immediately p, lrTjOiID OIr COUNCIl, VOTE __ CRILLEY GUTOWSK~_ ...... ~ FA!LACE ..... -~ -- -- -~AZEKAS 0 ~ BRtEN X X - Indicalc Vole All - Absc,t NV - Not Vollng XOR - Indicalcs Vole Io Overlulc Velo sj Atiupmd at a mcctl,g o[ the Maaicipal C.,,cil __fi~s~ 3, 1908