HomeMy Public PortalAbout19410130SCMeeting1 1 Savannah Beach, Georgia, January 30th, 1941 85 A special meeting of council was held todavat °:5 :30 p.m. and was attended by Mayor Jones, who presided, and Councilmen Griffin, Henry, Lovell, Ferguson, and Slotin and Town Attorney Dutton. CouncilmanFergtaab i moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Councilmt n Gf•f'fn: seeonded� sand t the motion passed. . RESOLUTION Resolved by tie Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in Council assembled, that the following Notice be sent to the Solicitor General of the Eastern Judicial Circuit of Georgia, notifying him officially in behalf of the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, of the results of an election held by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, on the 30th day of January, 191-1 in accordance with law, to determine whether or not said Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, should incur a bonded indebtedness and requesting him to prepare and file an appropriate proceedings in Superior Court,ofCha.tham County, Georgia, for the validation of such bonds. NOTICE TO THE SOLICITOR GENERAL STATE OF GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY TO THE HONORABLE SAMUEL A CA fl , SOLICITOR GENERAL OF THE EASTERN JUDICIAL COURT OF GEORGIA: The Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, r municipal corporation in Chatham County, Georgia., and of the State of Georgia, desiring to incur a bonded debt, as prescribed in Paragraphs One and Two of Section 7, Article 7, of the Constitution of the State '5f Georgia, held an Election on the 30th day of January 1941, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Georgia, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia and the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, controlling and regulating such Election, and the returns of said Election show prima facie that such-Election was in favor of incurring such debt by issuing bonds. NO W, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, being. the Officers of said Town, charged by law with the duty of declaring tile result of the Election within twenty (20) hours after so declaring he result of said Election, Notify you as Solicitor General of the Eastern Judicial;Circuit of Georgia,'in which said Town lies, in writing of,the fact that an Election was held for the Issuance of bonds ads aforesaid, on the 30th day of January, 1941, in siad Town and that said Fiection.was: n-favor of the issuance of said bonds, namely: c 1 .SEE PAGE 851 YOU ARE THEREFORE requested hereby o prepare and file in the office of the.Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia, a petition as required by law, providing for the validation of said bonds, and you are further requested to file said petition as soon as possible. SIGNED: Roland R. Jones, Mayor Morris s Slotin, Councilman Jos. F. Griffin, 0 86 W.S. Lovell, Councilman W.W. Henry, Geo. A. Ferguson " Service is hereby acknowledged, any and all further service is hereby expressly waived. This the 31st day of January, 1941. SIGNED: Solicitor General E.J.C. of Ga. Coinoilran Griffin moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Councilman BenryyIn seconded, and the motion passed. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, by resolution of the Ynyor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in meeting assembled on the.27th day of December, 1940, an election was called to,be held in the Election Precinct in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, on the 30th day of January, 1941, to submit to the qualified voters of said Town the question of incurring debt and issuing the following bonds, to -wit: BONDS, the proceeds of which shall be used by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah =each, Tybee Island, to construct and /or erect and maintain a sanitary sewerage and disposal plant, in the sum of Thirty Two Thousand Dollars ($32,000.00). AND, WHEREAS, by said resulution it was provided that the fora and manner in which said bonds should be executed would be fixed by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee ,Island : T'JEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the said Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, `in Council assembled that each of,the said bonds authorized to be issued in said Election shall be signed by the Mayor of said Town, the corporate seal- of said Town shall be attached to or impressed upon each of said.bonds, and attested by the Clerk of Council; the coupons to be- attached to tie bonds shall not be authenticated otherwise than by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and Clerk of Council, etched, lithographed or engraved upon the coupons. Councilman I ryLmov_ed,:for :the, adopt :,onvt ;tithe ' ®: tieing resat on. r Cdun.dilmari Fer son., eoonded and : t4e:=motion :passed..__ RESOLUTION AREASn,'the2 th;.dayof ;Deceruber;° 19409 Cth4�S Pr €tnd - ; Councilmen; of :the Town Aof . S .ua.nnah. ,Beach.,_ :, Tybee Isla .d', they being theoofficets Qha ±Bed. byL1aw with ,1evy,.ngr, taxes 70ont 4ctX g debtg, said' managing( the: of 'aiTrt 3of the Mayor )and Caunci_ men of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, a municipal corporation in Chatham County, Georgia, passed a resolution and order calling for an election to be held in said Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, as provided by law, on the 39th day of January, 1941, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said Town of Savannah.Beach, Tybee Island, the question of determining whether or not the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, would issue bonds as follows: NAA�$ EAU& T N FOB 1:, INSAAIIB EC OF BONDS ` Wheareas, ' in Order to improve the and tenitart conditions at Savan- 'bee ,Ialan , it is necessare Sayan- . t and /o erect and maintain age disposal ply t; and, s, uoiess the sewerage disposal cony rusted• and /or erected and ed.', same will cause an unsanl- d - 'unbeaithy condion on the affecting the general welfare of bitants of said 'Mend; and, efts; the Town has not , sufficient rem current' takes' to do the Weems- Work' to cOnitruet ; and /or erect and loin -said sewerage disposal plant; efts,, under and by virtue of the tile state .Or Georgia, the Mayor tcilnaen of the Town of Sayan• ach, Tybee Oland, a municipal tion . , authorized to istue bonds i Municipal corporation for any rAd ai the several purposes and in the pin:unt of for each purpose hereinafter set out. and designed and described as: =Bfi the proebed od which shall be used y the Mayor and Councilmen of the own of Savannah Beach, Tybee 'Island,' to conatrµct and /or erect and me*t aln a sanitary sewerage and dis- Pesa7. ylant, in 'tf.te.: sum bf' Thirty-two:. Thousand ' boilers (533,000.00) to ' be known designated and described as Beni• to Seweraga Bon .. - �ded the, . requisite assent of the eual d vq�r of .,the Town of SeYan- nah aeh;,',Ty a'Asiand, to the issuance bf. Beady` filet obtained, as pre scr by ;law. , ' ore,' notice is 'hereby given bs d. Mayor and Councilmen of (he Savannah, Beach, Tybee Island, eorg9a. = as follows:' PARAORAPH ONE at for theyg�urpose of obtaining the voters 1 the town afnSavannah Beach,! Ta'kee<ifsland. and in .accordance with the lays of the state of citorgia in such cases . made and provided, the Mayor and Coufl dirden- of the- Town of Savannah Beach, Ty a Island, hereby ' giye notice te, the qua rs of said Town of Savannah pita ,�abee• Island that an election of -the said qualified voters has been duly called and ordered ' by the said May0r, and COune Men of the Town of Savanifah Beach• ghee Ialaitd,• and wilt be held on the >30t day of January. 1941, to detei�mine he question el whether the said bonds shall be issued bI' tthe Adam and Councilmen of the r lil ds big desis aired s d sde- of as : fol ANT MlIR )g BONDS, the s of w en shall,' be u$ed by the Mayor and Councthrien of the Town of Savannah Beach. Tybee Islaand, to con- struct, and /or erect and maintain a sew - erage dishoeal plant to be used for the improveis t,. and general welfare of tite in the' $u�h of Th ri try- -taete Thousand uusand�Doll lars' ($32,000.90) • to be known. designated and eacribed — as Sanitary Sewerage 16nds. be dated. as of the 1 . 1941. : and a to bear" ; iatereff, of two and one 41alf net 1. payable eeml ua - y on ed= In . iN•,s H d D*liars pr ncipsj of said b b$ psi bdq' nd retir ff *12 H19undred Dollars tired b the rb ie o£ titie00.O0 each year. 40bffiecd)tf'�ely ;wide* ive 1 Hydra ra irtd, 1 in 1lass O tlgel,it° 6 Isoetda etic sots 511*! et' year, loat 1405; t o s f g ut fib. in oebtp ( 0 a f s ee Pred et tt e -• d i ee ye r o tgitl niit . March {t,' 1969 the interest to '0 anrlurkM 6a -all of saild'lnf7olle b i two said one` -hhalf filer rapt. '(2'(ti- l 0 } the amount b tire, bonds outatan ins :each year'' e proceeds arising! .from the' Geri 111 ae bo da if aut er d and a sifted to by said - voters abali be dse fort a cnaIlneo4 as umef ad. _The es . ,pr,� h►,w of said d� ff $s MS -, @rest t.ed any aturned et t 6� e ' q d= and Boat s leas be. re ascd a Pal e •;ietir ed 4Ja$Qr and ,CnU°C Saavaapah ; Seao `or their. -#oft rs 10 en Arinity wltli the laws for ¢1 made end prp�{ PA PH TWO t "'sald eleCtioh fov .the .ifs eai as for f th Paraa. 6f tbls =lfgtloe abeli� a` •' cud el Lion i rez wi fr. of ,tile T wn <af ; avpnnab 11 Isia#ad .: abifshed 1) 1 aril 0'S s ad _tit ia d{�a A a si1a11 Iita sze. aid; of a13irNS. sl ef; d °a h hat the true c y, • • seteCial tips Fritts', :D r . Cier f8 nth Beath) v e neat- ■ 1 1 1 BONDS, the proceeds of which shall be used by the Mayod and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, to construct and /or erect and maintain a sanitary sewerage and disposal plant, in the sum of Thirty -two Thousand Dollars (:32,000- ..00). AND WHEREAS, the said The Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, published a Notice of said Election in the Savannah Evening Press on December 28th, 1940, and January 4, 11, 18,1941, a space, of Tftirty (30) days next precedingthe date of said election, that being the news paper published in Chatham County, Georgia, in which the Sheriff's advertisements are published, notifying the qualified voters of the said Town of Savannah Beach, that on the day named, to -wit, January 30th, 1941, an election would be held to determine the question of whether the said bonds should be issued by said Town, the said notice containing all the specifications and information required by law; and: WHEREAS, said election was held on the said 30th day of January, 1941 in accordance with said Resolution and Order and Notice, as required by law; and WHEREAS, the several ma.nrgers of said election brought in the returns from the precinct, as required by law, which returns have been made to the Mayor andCouncilrnen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, they being the Officers calling and ordering said election; and IT APPEARING to the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, and the the Mangers of said election who brought up said returns, as provided by law, in joint session assembled, who in the presence of and together with each other canvassed and consolidated said returns, that said election was held in the regular toting precinct in said Town and that said election was held by the same persons and in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations that elections for officers of said Town are held; and WHEREAS, said The Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, and the several Managers in said election who brought in the retunrs in the presence of and together with each other, consolidated said returns and the said result of the election was as follows. FOR AGAINST TOTAL 87 Sanitary Sewerage Bonds in the suiu of 332,000.00 345 1 346 AND IT FUR ER APPEARING from the Registration Lists of said Town as certified by the Clerk of Council and as furnished to and used by the Ma Managers of said election, which Registration Lists were filed with said returns of said Managers, that the total number of registered voters of said Town is FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY NINE (429). AND IP FURTHER APPEARING from said. returns consolidated, as aforesaid, that more than to-thirds (2/3) of the registered voters of said Town voting at said election voted for said Bonds, and that two - thirds (2/3) of those so voting were a majority of all the registered voters of said Town: AND IT FURTHER APPEARING that said Officers calling and ordering said Election, Namely, the '_Tryor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in the presence of and together with the said several managers of said Election did declare the said Election to be in favor of said bonds, to -wit: 88 BONDS, the proceeds of which shall be used by.the Mayor. and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, to construct and /or erect and maintain a sa.nitary'sewerage and disposal plant, in the sum of Thirty -two Thousand Dollars,(32,000.00). THEREUPON, IT IS ORDERED, that said Election is in favor of the issuance of said Bonds. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the consolidated returns of the said Election and this Resolution be entered upon the minutes of Council of the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, GIVEN under our hands and official signatures this 30th day of January, 1941. SIGNED: Roland R. Jones, Mayor Morris Slotin, Councilman Jos. F. Griffin, Wm. S. Lovell " W.W. Henry ri Geo. A. Ferguson Councilman Griffin moved that a rising vote of thanks be tendered Town Attorney Dutton for his efforts in behalf of the Town on the Bond issue. Councilman Ferguson seconded, and7Council rose in a body. Councilman Ferguson moved that thanks, be extended to the Mayor for his ceaseless and untiring efforts in putting the bond issue through. Councilman Griffin seconded, and also called for a vote of the Board, which was unanimous. The Mayor thanked Council for the kind remarks, and informed them that he felt like a new man, and appreciated very much all they said about him. Councilman Griffin moved that the following resolution be adopted. Councilman Ferguson seconded and the motion passed. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on the 22n. day of April, 1939, J.B. Pound Hotel Company, by Charles G. Day, Vice President, in consideration of a sea wall being u erected along the beach front of Savannah Beach, through a N.P.A. project, agreed to pay 12.50 per lineal foot for 800 feet of sea wall a paralleling the property of J B. Pound Hotel Company on the Strand, said subscription being payable on demand; and, WHEREAS, J.B. Pound Hotel-Company is unable to nay the balance of its proportionate share under said agreement of April 22, 1939, in cash; and, .•dHEREA", J.B. Pound Hotel Company, by its president, J.B. Pound, hes executed and given the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, a promissory note for the balance due of its proportionate share of said sea wall project, dated January 11, 1941, in the sum of 11376.00, due sixty days after date, interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum said note endorsed by J.B. Pound personally; and, WHEREAS, J.B. Pound Hotel Company is desirous of having the privilege of reducing and /or renewing said indebtedness at its maturity in the 1 1 1 1 1 1 event said J.B. Pound Hotel Company is unable to pay said note in full; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, are desirous of discounting with the Savannah Bank and Trust Company of Savannah said note given by J.B. Pound Hotel Company by its president., J.B. Pound, and endorsed by J.B. Pound personally, dated January 11, 1941, in the sum of `1:1376.00, due sixty los (60( after date, bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum; and, ':1HEREAS, the Mayor and Councilrnen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, are willing for the said J.B. Pound Hotel Company, with the consent and authority of the Savannah Benk and Trust Company of Savannah, Georgia, to have the right to reduce and /or renew said note from time to time without the authority of the said Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in Council assembled, that the promis- sory note dated January 11, 1)41, for the sum of '41376.00, due sixty (60) days after date, interest at the rite of six (6) per cent per annum, executed by J.B. Pound Hotel Company by J.B. Pound, its president, and end-�rsed by J.B. Pound personally, be discounted with the Savannah Bank and Trust Company of Savannah, Georgia, t) apply the proceeds thereon to indebtedness due by the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia; also That said note be reduced and /or renewed from time to time without the authority of the said ' `ayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Teach, Tybee Island, however, with the express permission and /or authority of the said banking institution holding said promissory note. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. Henry 7. Buckley Clerk /of Counci._ Roland R. J Mayor. Savannah Beach, Georgia, February 6th, 1941 The regular meetig of Council was held today at 4 p.m. in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall at Savannah Beach, and was attended by Mayor Jones, who presided, and Councilmen Henry, Ferguson, Daniels and Lovell, and Mr. M.W. Dixon, Y.R. Young and Ray Willis. The minutes of the meeting of January 2nd., and January 30th were read and approved.