HomeMy Public PortalAbout2013-08-08 HPC Minutes Village of Plainfield Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: August 8 , 2013 Location: Village Hall CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL , PLEDGE Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Roll call was taken; Commission ers Schmidt, Kachel, Hendricksen, Buchanan , Hagen , and Chairman Bortel were present. Commissioners Olsen , Derrick and Rapp w ere absent. Jonathan Proulx –Planner II ; Merrilee Trotz, Recording Secretary w ere present. Chairman Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Hendricksen moved to approve the Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Kachel. Voice vote: All in favor. Opposed - none . M otion carried 6 -0 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Kachel made moti on to approve the mi nutes from May 9 , 2013 as presented . Commissioner Hendricksen seconded the motion. Voice vote: All in favor. Opposed - none . Motion carried 6 -0. CHAIR’S COMM ENTS: Chairman Bortel indicated he picked up the brochures; a letter will need to be prep ared and the QR Labels will need to be distributed to the businesses in the Historic District. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Commissioner Hendricksen indicated the Wine & Cheese Shop will be applying for Landmark status. Commissioner Buchanan commended the Vi llage and Staff for their work on the Strategic Plan. PUBLIC COMMENT: (Items not on the Agenda) No one approached the microphone. STAFF REPORT Mr. Proulx s tated a landmark application has been received for 24010 W Commercial Street; there have been no n ew pre -application meetings ; a demolition permit application has been received for the barn located at 12002 S Essington Road; and Staff has met with the new owner of the Weinhold property located at 127 th Street and Naperville Road who is asking for an am endment to the original annexation agreement. The Village Board is looking for some language in the amendment to address the future of the structures located on the Weinhold property . Historic Preservation Commission Minutes August 8 , 2013 Page 2 of 3 Chairman Bortel asked if the amendment to the Weinhold annexation agre ement would reference the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Mr. Proulx thought the amendment would include the HPC ordinance. Chairman Bortel stated the landmark application for 24010 W Commercial will not be considered until the renovation is completed. NEW BUSINESS Corrected Case No . 1627 -072313.HPC (COA) 24 215 W Lockport Street Commissioner made a motion to open the public hearing. Commissioner Hendricksen Mr. Proulx summarized Mr. Garrigan’s staff report. The applicant is asking for COA to replace the wood clapboard with vinyl siding and replace the original windows with vinyl windows. The home was built in 1948; is located within the Downtown Historic District; and has been identified as a contributing structure. The roof has recently been repla ced. The three factors to consider are (1) the Secretary of Interior Standards should be considered regarding the restoration of a historically significant structure; (2) the Village’s g u idelines for historic structures ; and (3) how action on this proposa l will influence the pending National Register process that is underway . Mr. Proulx reviewed the applicable Secretary of Interior Standards regarding restoration : ii. The historic character of a place shall be retained and preserved. The removal of hi storic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. vi. Deteriorating historical features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires the replacement of a distinctiv e feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and where possible, materials. ix. New addition, exterior alterations or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. Mr. Proulx reviewed the local guidelines regarding preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and maintenance of the wood siding and windows. The proposed changes are not consistent with the Secretary of Interior Standards or the Village’s Historic Design Guidelines. The integrity of the Village’s cu rrent Downtown Historic Distric t and pending National Register District depends on making sure that any future elevation changes to existing historical fabric are completed consistent with the n ational standards for preservation. Based on these facts Staff would recommend denial of the proposed COA. Chairman Bortel swore in Dave DuPree, 132 McDonald Ave, Joliet. Mr. DuPree stated they are not replacing the wood siding but are covering over th e existing siding with a product that is wide enough to be true to the existing siding ; every sash and glass is to be replaced ; felt the siding was beyond painting. Mr. DuPree stated there are houses on each side of this home that have been sided with vin yl. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes August 8 , 2013 Page 3 of 3 Commissioner Hendricksen stated the normal procedure is to have a pre -application meeting; vinyl siding could possibly be used on the rear of the home; indicated the houses on either side of this home were sided with vinyl prior to the formation of th e Downtown Historic District. Commissioner Hendricksen stated the Commissioners would follow the rules of the Secretary of Interior and vinyl siding is not allowed as acceptable on any street viewed side of the home. The houses to the east and west of this home were sided with vinyl prior to the formation of the Historic District. Chairman Bortel reiterated how the house to the east and west were allowed vinyl siding and the fact that there was no district at that time. Commissioner Kachel mentioned t hat only part of the crown molding has been removed with the installation o f the new roof . Discussion was held regarding the widows and the muntins. Discussion was held regarding how to save the wood, replace some of the boards, place vinyl on the sout h or rear of the building. Commissioner Hendricksen suggested someone could talk with Mr. Zimmerman to offer some suggestions and to explain why the Commissioners hands are tied . Several commissioners expressed a desire to see the windows. C ommissioner Hendricksen stated if this building was a commercial building – there would be a possibility of obtaining grants or tax credits. Commissioner Buchanan made a motion to continue the proposed Certificate of Appropriateness for the property commonly known as 24215 Lockport Street to the next HPC meeting . Commissioner Hagen seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Hendricksen, yes; Kachel, abstain; Schmidt, yes ; Hagen, yes; Buchanan, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion carried 5 yes 1 abstain. Chairman Bortel aske d if Staff would contact Mr. Zimmerman in order to further discuss options and arrange for a possible tour of the house. Mr. Proulx indicated he could contact Mr. Zimmerman. OLD BUSINESS: COMMITTEE REPORTS : DISCUSSION: ADJOURN: Chairman Bortel adjou rned the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p. m. __________________________ Respectfully submitted, Merrilee Trotz - Recording Secretary