HomeMy Public PortalAboutStudy for City supported Local Transit - MultipleCity of Watertown, MA  ARPA Project Proposal Submitted by: Deborah Peterson Submitted on: May 31, 2023 Request Number: ARPA-32 Project Name: Study for City supported Local Transit Proposal Type: Organization Watertown Faces Climate Change, Watertown for All Ages, Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Commitee Recommended Project Manager: Department of Community Development and Planning Project Summary: We are proposing a CITY SUPPORTED LOCAL TRANSIT STUDY to determine the best options for connecting people to where they want to go locally without a personal car. Amount of ARPA Funds Requested: $67,500 Minimum Funds Needed: $75,000 Matching funds available? No Other funds available? Yes Department of Community Development and Planning 7,500 Guaranteed Project Narrative: I have a detailed narrative to upload Watertown Faces Climate Change, Watertown for all Ages, Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Commitee ARPA Project Proposal , May 24, 2023 Applicant name: Watertown Faces Climate Change, Watertown for All Ages, Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Commitee. Contact person: Deborah Peterson Contact email address: deb.peterson@verizon.net Contact phone number: 617 458-1076 Project name: Study for City supported Local Transit Amount of ARPA funds requested to run the project $67,500 Matching funds available for the project from other sources: a. Source of funds b. Amount c. Are funds guaranteed or if not, likelihood Other sources of funds that could be used for the project other than ARPA funds: a. Source of funds: Department of Community Development and Planning b. Amount: $7,500 c. Are funds guaranteed or if not, likelihood guaranteed Minimum funds needed to make the project worth doing $75,000 Recommended project manager Department of Community Development and Planning A narra�ve descrip�on of the project. We are proposing a CITY SUPPORTED LOCAL TRANSIT STUDY to determine the best op�ons for connec�ng people to where they want to go locally without a personal car. Building on exis�ng and planned bicycle, pedestrian, WTMA Shutle, and MBTA offerings, this plan will also look at fixed route and shared ride on-demand op�ons. The goal of the study is to consider op�ons to serve those with mobility needs and to lower traffic conges�on, pollu�on and greenhouse gases (GHG) by reducing car miles. The Study will look at baseline travel paterns, a needs assessment of unmet mobility needs of specific popula�ons with special mobility need and equity of access, as well as the of general popula�on to determine the best mix and scope (service area, hours, and des�na�ons) for a local transit service. It should iden�fy current service gaps, es�mate costs for new services both for opera�ons and implementa�on, iden�fy exis�ng City and private resources and poten�al start-up and funding sources, and provide targets and measurable outcomes for increased mobility for those with special needs, for reduc�on in car use and conges�on, for reduc�on of GHG emissions and for increased par�cipa�on in the local economy. In addi�on, it should recommend the organiza�onal structure and rela�onship with the WTMA and iden�fy areas for collabora�on with neighboring communi�es. This study is a one �me expenditure that should be completed within the required ARPA encumbrance and expenditure dates. BENEFITS This study is geared toward mee�ng the needs of many of the families and individuals whose mobility needs are not being met and who were most heavily impacted by the COVID pandemic. These groups include older adults, those with disabili�es, low income residents, parents with young children, students and young adults. These groups o�en cannot rely on private car ownership, nor can they make use of biking or walking. Exis�ng connec�vity gaps leave some areas and residents without easy access to jobs, schools, groceries, and health care, crea�ng inequi�es. Even those who live close to one of the bus routes find ameni�es and jobs outside of Cambridge and Boston difficult to get to without a car. ALIGNMENT WITH CITY and ARPA GOALS This project will provide a template to guide interven�ons over the next decade and shape how we transform local transporta�on away from cars to a more inclusive and equitable system. Our Climate and Energy Plan’s goals call for reducing local car miles traveled by 50% by 2050. The most effec�ve way to accomplish this is to expand the geographic and demographic reach of transit services. Our Comprehensive Plan calls for revitalizing and rebuilding our local retail centers. This requires improved access to these centers. The Guiding Principles of the Comprehensive Plan single out Equity and Diversity . This proposal addresses the ARPA priori�es of rebuilding a stronger, more equitable economy as the country recovers and serving the hardest-hit communi�es and families. OUTCOMES and METRICS This study should iden�fy outcomes for all recommenda�ons and approaches and metrics for ongoing monitoring of interven�ons including efficiency, travel mile reduc�on, use by underserved groups, greater par�cipa�on in community life and contribu�ons to the local economy. In addi�on to submiters, this applica�on addresses issues of other groups serving the community. Please see accompanying Leters of Support from the Watertown Council on Disabili�es and Wayside Youth and Family Support Network . ~ \a~ l, . 2023 \ inccnt P1ccm11li. Chainnan \\atcrtown Budget & O,crsight Committee \\ atc11own Cit)' Hall 149 \fain l \\ atcrto,, n. \1 \ 02472 Dear \fr. Piccirilli: I am writing on behalf of Wayside Multi-Service Center in support of the application by the Walerto'.\n Environment. Energy and Efficiency Committee. Watertown for All Ages and Watertown Fights Climate Change for an ARP A grant to fund a study of Watertown's transportation infrastructure. The purpose of the study would be to identify the unmet transportation needs of older and very young adults, those with disabilities. and low income residents, and to make recommendations as to the best way for Watertown to augment the existing transportation network to meet those needs. Local mobility options would provide more youth ,,ith opportunities to engage in afterschool, recneational, and social activities. Our direct engagement with youth through our Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leadership program and our community assistance with a broad sector of Watertown residents through our Social Service Resource Specialist program, provide us with qualitative and quantitative information that supports the need for this study and potential changes it may bring about. Thank you and your committee for seriously considering this proposal. Sincerely, ~z-~~~- ~ Stephanie Sunderland-Ramsey Prevention lProgram Coordinator Wayside Youth & Family Support Network Commission on Disability City of Watertown Administration Building, 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472-4410 May 18, 2023 Vincent Piccirilli, Chairman Watertown Budget & Oversight Committee Watertown City Hall 149 Main St. Watertown, MA 02472 Dear Mr. Piccirilli: I am writing on behalf of the Watertown Commission on Disability in support of the application by the Watertown Environment, Energy and Efficiency Committee, Watertown for All Ages and Watertown Fights Climate Change for an ARPA grant to fund a study of Watertown’s transportation infrastructure. The purpose of the study would be to identify the unmet transportation needs of older adults, those with disabilities, and low-income residents, and to make recommendations as to the best way for Watertown to augment the existing transportation network to meet those needs. Thank you and your committee for seriously considering this proposal that has tremendous potential to improve the capacity of seniors, low income residents, and people with disabilities in Watertown to have more independent lives by expanding people’s ability to travel throughout our community. Sincerely, Kim Charlson, Chair Watertown Commission on Disability May 24, 2023 Vincent Picciriilli, Chairman Watertown Budget & Oversight Committee Watertown City Hall 149 Main St. Watertown, MA 02472 Dear Mr. Piccirilli: I am writing on behalf of Watertown Housing Authority in support of the application by the Watertown Environment, Energy and Efficiency Committee, Watertown for All Ages and Watertown Fights Climate Change for an ARPA grant to fund a study of Watertown’s transportation infrastructure. The purpose of the study would be to identify the unmet transportation needs of older and very young adults, those with disabilities, and low-income residents, and to make recommendations as to the best way for Watertown to augment the existing transportation network to meet those needs. Local mobility options would provide more equitable access to jobs, services, and other opportunities for our low-income residents. Thank you and your committee for seriously considering this proposal. Sincerely, Olivia Fields, LCSW Watertown Housing Authority Directory of Resident Services