HomeMy Public PortalAbout03-24-22 CouncilMARCH 24, 2022 The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of COUNCIL MEETING Carteret was called to order by Mayor Daniel J. Reiman at approximately 6:00 p.m, on Thursday, March 24, 2022, remotely, via telephone call -in. Upon individual roll call, the following were noted present: ROLL CALL Mayor Daniel J. Reiman Councilmember Vincent Bellino " Dennis DiMascio " Jorge Diaz " Ajmar Johal " Susan Naples Also noted present were Carmela Pogorzelski, Municipal Clerk and Robert J. Bergen, Esq., Law Director. The meeting was opened with a moment of silent prayer and the PRAYER, PLEDGE Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Bellino. OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Reiman asked everyone to remember the Freedom Fighters in Ukraine fighting for their existence as a nation and the state of Ukraine and for all those fighting for freedom around the world. The 2022 Annual Notice was emailed to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board and on the doors of STATEMENT OF the Memorial Municipal Building on January 11, 2022. Notice was MEETING NOTICE published in The Home News Tribune and The Star Ledger on January 14, 2022. All items being voted on tonight were posted on the Borough's website, www.carteret.net prior to tonight's meeting. PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING 2022 BUDGET a) 2022 Local Municipal Budget Upon MMS &C, by Couneihnembers Diaz and Bellino and unanimous affirmative vote of the full membership present, the Public Hearing on the 2022 Local Municipal Budget was open. AARCH 24, 2022 continued) SEARING CLOSED There being no comments or objections Mayor Reiman declared the Public Hearing on the 2022 Local Municipal Budget to be closed, upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellino and unanimous affirmative vote of the fall membership present. kPPROVAL OF Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellino and unanimous AINUTES affirmative vote of the full membership present, the minutes of March 3, 2022 were approved as transcribed and engrossed by the Clerk. ORDINANCE #22 -6 ORDINANCE #22 -6 was introduced and adopted on First Reading VVIENDING and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public -HAPTF,R 43, Hearing, upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellno. Upon tE: ALTERNATE, individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Diaz, DiMascio, ?ORT AUTHORITY Johal and Naples voted in the affirmative. ORDINANCE 922 -6 "AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING §43 -3 OF CHAPTER 43, ENTITLED `MUNICIPAL PORT AUTHORITY' OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET" YJAYOR REIIIVIAN Mayor Reiman said this is with regard to his alternate on the Borough Port Authority Board, this will allow the alternate to vote when any existing member is absent, not just in the mayor's absence. ORDINANCE #22 -7 ORDINANCE #22 -7 was introduced and adopted on First Reading ACQUISITION and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public DRDINANCE Hearing, upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellno. Upon WASHINGTON AVE. individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Diaz, DiMascio, Jobal and Naples voted in the affirmative. ORDINANCE #22 -7 "AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 55 -57 WASHINGTON AVENUE AND IDENTIFIED ON THE BOROUGH'S TAX MAP AS BLOCK 6703, LOT 5" 2 IvLARCH 24, 2022 (continued) Mayor Reiman said 55 -57 Washington Avenue is in a redevelopment MAYOR REIMAN area and will be used for public parking for the Arts District Project. ORDINANCE #22 -8 was introduced and adopted on First Reading and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public ORDINANCE 8 Hearing, upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Naples and Bellino. AMENDING CODE, Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Diaz, CANNABIS FEES DiMascio, Johal and Naples voted in the affirmative. ORDINANCE #22 -8 "AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET REGARDING CANNABIS FEES" Mayor Reiman said we adopted a Resolution and Ordinance last year, the state allowed towns that will have certain facilities to impose tax MAYOR RE,IMAN which will allow maximum tax to come back to the town to extent there is anything produced or distributed in Carteret. Councilmember Diaz asked if this strictly amends fees, no change to ordinance. COUNCILMEMBER DIAZ Mayor Reiman said no change, only allows tax if we sell or it is sold. A copy of each Resolution was posted on the Borough's website for public review prior to the meeting in accordance with the Rules of PUBLIC PORTION Council. Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellino and RESOLUTIONS/ unanimous affirmative vote of the full membership present, the AGENDA ITEMS meeting was opened for public input on all Resolutions /Agenda items & NEW BUSINESS and new business. There being no continents or objections to the Resolutions /Agenda items or new business, upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and HEARING CLOSED Bellino and unanimous affirmative vote of the full membership present, the meeting was closed. 3 MARCH 24, 2022 (continued) RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS: 1. #22 -67 Authorizing Refund of Tax and/or Sewer Fees Overpayment. 2. #22 -68 UEZ Administration Budget. 3. #22 -69 UEZ Marketing Project, Re: Carteret Performing Arts Center. 4. #22 -70 UEZ Fagade Program. 5. #22 -71 UEZ Outdoor Dining Equipment Program. 6. 922 -72 Execution of Litter Pickup Program Between the Borough of Carteret and Middlesex County Division of Solid Waste Management. 7. #22 -73 Authorizing 2nd year Extension of 2020 Contract for Animal Control. 8. #22 -74 Authorizing and Directing the Planning Board to Make a Determination as to whether Blk. 3601, Lts. 1 & 2 is an Area in Need of Redevelopment. 9. #22 -75 Authorizing Contract for Municipal Marina Electrical Maintenance. 10. #22 -76 Creating Handicapped Parking Space for 253 Randolph Street. 11.422-77 Authorizing Participation in the Defense Logistics Agency 1033 Program. 12. #22 -78 Authorizing Receipt of Bids for Cleaning & Internal CCTV Inspection of Sanitary Sewers. 13. #22 -79 Professional Services —Potter Architects, Re: Roof Surveys & Feasibility Study for Various Locations. 14. #22 -80 Authorizing Receipt of Bids for Waterfront Northern River Walkway Project. 15. #22 -81 Authorizing Receipt of Bids for Ferry Terminal Improvement Project. 16.422-82 Authorizing Excel Environmental Resources, Inc. to Apply for Grant Funding, Re: 1383 Roosevelt Avenue. 17. #22 -83 Authorizing Excel Environmental Resources, Inc. to Apply for Grant Funding, Re: 351 Roosevelt Avenue. 18. #22 -84 Designating Equinix, Inc. as Redeveloper of Block 2801, Lot 18, 1400 Federal Blvd. 19. #22 -85 Professional Services — CME Associates, Re: Fee Estimate, Construction Administration Phase Services, Improvements to Milik and Minue Streets. 20. #22 -86 Professional Services — CME Associates, Re: Fee Estimate, 2022 RAISE Hitermodal Grant Benefit -Cost Analysis for Ferry Terminal Building & Site Improvements. 21. #22 -87 Adoption of the 2022 Local Municipal Budget. 22. #22 -88 Certification of Compliance with US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Enforcement Guidance under Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964. 23. #22 -89 Group Affidavit Form for Enforcement Guidance under Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964. 24. #22 -90 Approving Progress Payment Estimate #9 & Change Order #1, Re: Improvements to Industrial Highway & Middlesex Avenue. 25. #22 -91 Designating Forte Real Estate Development, LLC as Redeveloper for Property in the Locust Redevelopment Area. 26. #22 -92 Professional Services — Excel Environmental, Re: Preliminary Assessment, Block 6504, Lot 11. Mayor Reiman asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. Resolutions #22 -67 through #22 -92 were introduced by Mayor Reiman and referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS &C, by Couneilmembers Diaz and Bellino RESOLUTION #22 -67 "AUTHORIZING REFUND OF TAX AND/OR SEWER FEES OVERPAYMENT" RESOLUTION #22 -68 "AUTHORIZING UEZ ADMINISTRATION BUDGET FOR 2022" MARCH 24, 2022 (Continued) CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTION #22 -67 REFUND OF TAX OR SEWER FEES RESOLUTION #22 -68 UEZ ADMIN BUDGET vUARCII 24, 2022 continued) ZESOLUTION #22 -69 RESOLUTION #22 -69 JEZ IvUARKETING "UEZ MARKETING PROJECT" PROJECT — CPAC RESOLUTION #22 -70 2ESOLUTION #22 -70 "UEZ FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM" JEZ FACADE ?ROGRAM RESOLUTION #22 -71 tESOLUTION #22 -71 JEZ OUTDOOR "UEZ OUTDOOR DINING EQUIPMENT PROGRAM" -)INING EQUIPMENT RESOLUTION #22 -72 tESOLUTION #22 -72 "AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND /OR APPROPRIATE EXECUTION OF BOROUGH OFFICIALS TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE A d ITER PICKUP ?ROGRAM WITH SHARED SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF AC COUNTY MIDDLESEX, DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RE: LITTER PICK UP PROGRAM AGREEMENT" RESOLUTION #22 -73 tESOLUTION #22 -73 "AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF THE 2020 CONTRACT AND YEARANIIVIAL WITH ASSOCIATED IIUMANE SOCIETIES" -ONTROL -ONTRACT AHS RESOLUTION #22 -74 3ESOLUTION #22 -74 DIRECTING "AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING BOARD ?LANNING BOARD TO UNDERTAKE AN INVESTIGATGION TO DETERMINE CO DETERMINE WHETHER CERTAIN PROPERTY CONSTITUTES AN AREA kREA IN NEED IN NEED OF REDEVELOPMENT" 0 MARCH 24, 2022 (continued) RESOLUTION #22 -75 RESOLUTION #22 -75 1AARINA ELECTRICAL "AUTHORIZING A FAIR AND OPEN CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE MUNICIPAL MARINA ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE" RESOLUTION #22 -76 RESOLUTION #22 -76 HANDICAPPED PARKING 253 "CREATING HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE RANDOLPH ST. FOR 253 RANDOLPH STREET" RESOLUTION #22 -77 RESOLUTION #22 -77 CPD PARTICIPATION "AUTHORIZING THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET THROUGH IN 1033 PROGRAM THE CARTERET POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY, LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT OFFICE, 1033 PROGRAM TO ENABLE THE CARTERET POLICE DEPARTMENT TO REQUEST AND ACQUIRE EXCESS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT" RESOLUTION #22 -78 RESOLUTION #22 -78 AUTHORIZING "AUTHORIZING BIDS FOR CLEANING & INTERNAL CCTV RECEIPT OF BIDS INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS" CLEANING & INTERNAL CCTV, SANITARY SEWERS RESOLUTION 422 -79 RESOLUTION #22 -79 "AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT PROFESSIONAL FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES WITH POTTER ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTS, RE: ROOF SURVEYS AND FEASIBILITY STUDY SERVICES —VARIOUS FOR VARIOUS LOCATIONS" ROOF SURVEYS RESOLUTION #22 -80 RESOLUTION #22 -80 AUTHORIZING RECEIPT OF BIDS "AUTHORIZING RECEIPT OF BIDS FOR FOR WATERFRONT WATERFRONT NORTHERN RIVER WALKWAY PROJECT" NORTHERN RIVER WALKWAY PROJECT MARCH 24, 2022 (continued) RESOLUTION #22 -81 RESOLUTION #22 -81 AUTHORIZING RECEIPT OF BIDS `°AUTHORIZING RECEIPT OF BIDS FOR FERRY TERMINAL FERRY TERMINAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT" IMPROVEMENTS RESOLUTION #22 -83 RESOLUTION #22 -82 RESOLUTION #22 -82 AUTHORIZING "AUTHORIZING EXCEL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES, INC. EXCEL TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDING BY THE NEW JERSEY ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR TO APPLY FOR PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT, SITE INVESTIGATION, GRANT FUNDING REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION, AND REMEDIAL ACTION 1383 ROOSEVELT AT 1383 ROOSEVELT AVENUE LOCATED IN THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, NEW JERSEY" RESOLUTION #22 -83 RESOLUTION #22 -83 AUTHORIZING EXCEL "AUTHORIZING EXCEL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDING BY THE NEW JERSEY TO APPLY FOR DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR GRANT FUNDING PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT, SITE INVESTIGATION, 351 ROOSEVELT REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION, AND REMEDIAL ACTION AT 351 ROOSEVELT AVENUE LOCATED IN THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, NEW JERSEY" RESOLUTION #22 -84 RESOLUTION #22 -84 DESIGNATING EQUINIX, INC. "DESIGNATING EQUINIX, INC. AS REDEVELOPER DEVELOPER OF CERTAIN PROPERY KNOWN AS BLOCK 2801, LOT 18 1400 FEDERAL BLVD. ON THE OFFICIAL TAX MAPS OF THE BOROUGH AND AUTHORIZING THE BOROUGH TO ENTER INTO A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT" RESOLUTION 422 -85 "AUTHORIZING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CME ASSOCIATES, FEE ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION PHASE SERVICES IMPROVEMENTS TO MILIK AND MINUE STREETS" RESOLUTION #22 -86 "AUTHORIZING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CME ASSOCIATES, FEE ESTIMATE 2022 RAISE INTERMODAL GRANT BENEFIT -COST ANALYSIS FERRY TERMINAL BUILDING & SITE IMPROVEMENTS" RESOLUTION #22 -87 "ADOPTION OF THE 2022 LOCAL MUNICIPAL BUDGET" RESOLUTION 422 -88 "GOVERNING BODY CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNITED STATES EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION'S `ENFORCEMENT GUIDANCE ON THE CONSIDERATION OF ARREST AND CONVICTION RECORDS IN EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS UNDER TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 "' RESOLUTION #22 -89 "GOVERNING BODY CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO P.L. 2017, C.183 OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNITED STATES EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION'S `ENFORCEMENT GUIDANCE ON THE CONSIDERATION OF ARREST AND CONVICTION RECORDS IN EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS UNDER TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964' GROUP AFFIDAVIT FORM FOR MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES" MARCH 24, 2022 (continued) RESOLUTION #22 -85 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, CME ASSOCIATES IMPROVEMENTS TO MILIK & MINUE STS. RESOLUTION #22 -86 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, CME ASSOCIATES 2022 RAISE INTERNIODAL GRANT RESOLUTION #22 -87 ADOPTION OF 2022 LOCAL MUNICIPAL BUDGET RESOLUTION #22 -88 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE EOC TITLE VII CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964 RESOLUTION #22 -89 GROUP AFFIDAVIT FOR ENFORCEMENT GUIDANCE UNDER TITLE VII CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964 MARCH 24, 2022 (continued) RESOLUTION #22 -90 PROGRESS PAYMENT /CHANGE ORDER #1 IMPROVEMENTS INDUSTRIAL HWY / MIDDLESEX 2�VENUE RESOLUTION #22 -91 FORTE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNATED AS REDEVELOPER FOR PROPERTY IN LOCUST REDEVELOPMENT AREA RESOLUTION #22 -92 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EXCEL ENVIRONMENTAL, PRELIMINARY ASSESSNIF.,NT, BLOCK 6504, LOT 11 RESOLUTION 922 -90 "APPROVING PROGRESS PAYMENT ESTIMATE NO. 9 & CHANGE ORDER #1 IMPROVEMENTS TO INDUSTRIAL HIGHWAY & MIDDLESEX AVENUE" RESOLUTION #22 -91 "DESIGNATING FORTE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, AND /OR ITS DESIGNATED URBAN RENEWAL, ENTITY, AS REDEVELOPER OF CERTAIN PROPERTY KNOWN AS BLOCK 6805, LOT'S 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 AND 29 ON THE OFFICIAL TAX MAPS OF THE BOROUGH AND AUTHORIZING THE BOROUGH TO ENTER INTO CERTAIN AGREEMENTS WITH THE REDEVELOPER" RESOLUTION #22 -92 "AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH EXCEL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES, INC." were Adopted. Upon individual Roll Call Vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Diaz, DiMascio, Johal and Naples voted in the affirmative. PAYMENT OF BILLS Upon MMS &C, by Cotmcilmembers Diaz and Bellino, all bills appearing on the prepared list, properly audited and signed were ordered to be paid. Upon individual Roll Call Vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Diaz, DiMascio, Johal and Naples voted in the affirmative. REPORTS Reports: 1. Board of Health — February 2022 Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellino, and unanimous affirmative vote of the full membership present, all reports were ordered to be received and placed on file. 1A MARCH 24, 2022 (continued) There being no further comments or discussion, upon MMS &C, by ADJOURNED Councilmembers Diaz and Bellino and unanimous affirmative vote of the full membership present, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:06 p.m. cp 11 Respectfully submitted, t 4Ly)r(A -(L(ui Carniela Pogorrzelski, RM Municipal Clerk