HomeMy Public PortalAbout2013-12-03 PC minutes VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD PLAN COMMISSION December 3 , 2013 Chairman Sobkoviak called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:0 0 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag . ROLL CALL Commissioners O’Rourke, Renzi, Kiefer, Green, and Chairman Sobkoviak were present ; Fire District w as present . Commissioner Heinen was absent. T he Park, School, and Libra ry Districts were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The Plan Commission minutes from November 19 , 2013 w ere accepted as amended . PUBLIC COMMENTS: There w as no response . D EVELOPMENT REPORT Mr. Garrigan stated the Village Board approved the Cornerstone grou p home by a vote of 6 -0 . OLD BUSINESS Case No. 1622 -052313.AA/SU Kombol Property Chairman Sobkoviak stated the applicant requested this case be continued to December 17 , 2013. Commissioner Kiefer made a motion to continue Case No. 1622 -052313.AA/SU to December 17 , 2013. Commissioner Renzi seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Green, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes; S obkoviak, yes. Motion carried 5 -0 with 2 Commissioners absent. Commissioner Seggebruch arrived. NEW BUSINESS Case No. 1638 -111313.SPR.SU Speedway LLC Mr. Garrigan stated this is a public hearing being heard pursuant to the posting of the appropriate public notices and being published as required by state statute and local ordinance. The property is located at the s outheast corner of Renwick and Route 30 (Lincoln Hwy) with the Rookery on the north side of Renwick Road. This site was previously approved for a Gas City with a retail center. The current zoning is B -3 and the Comp Plan shows this property as commercial . The applicant is asking for a major change to the planned development with a new site plan and new elevations. Mr. Garrigan reviewed the two findings of fact; with regard to a) the current zoning is B -3 and the busy intersection is appropriate for a fu el station and there is nothing to indicate that the proposed use will have any negative impact on the values of the adjacent parcels; and with regard to b) the trend of development along Route 30 continues to be commercial and with the proposed improvemen ts to Route 30 staff anticipates new commercial interest in the corridor. Mr. Garrigan stated the fuel station would include a 4,600 square foot convenience store and two fueling canopies , one canopy with 10 fuel pumps for cars and one canopy with 3 dies el lanes for trucks. This development would incorporate three access points with one full a ccess and another right -in/right -out on Route 30 along with a right -in/right -out on Renwick Road. The materials meet the guidelines; the applicant has identified 3 4 parking spaces while on ly 15 spaces are required; the parking stalls meet the minimum dimension widths and the drive -aisles between the canopies and the convenience store also meet the Village’s minimum requirement as outlined in the site plan review . T he applicant has submitted turning radii plans for the diesel truck movement ; has identified this will Michael P. Collins VILLAGE P RESIDENT Michelle Gibas VILLAGE CLERK TRUSTEES Margie Bonuchi Paul Fay Bill Lamb Garrett M. Peck James Racich Dan Rippy Plan Commission Minutes December 3 , 2013 Page 2 of 5 not be a truck stop. Mr. Garrigan reviewed the elevations . Staff is requesting the applicant to consider the following elevation changes; • Introduce a wainscot of prairie stone along front and side elevations which would provide some additional architectural variation and movement to the convenience store design. • Introduction of brick pilasters along the side and rear elevations to provide some archite ctural movement to the convenience store. • The rear door and mechanicals on the rear elevation should be painted an earth tone red (Cherokee red) to blend in with the face brick. Mr. Garrigan stated the applicant has submitted a landscape plan which meets the requirements of the Village’s ordinance. Staff would request the following modifications; • Introduction of a minimum of a two foot landscaped berm along Route 30 and Renwick Road. • Introduction of a grouping of ornamental trees at the corner of Route 3 0 and Renwick to provide some additional seasonal color at this very important corner within the Village. The landscaping at this corner will help establish the future character of this corridor. Mr. Garrigan indicated the stormwater plan is consistent wi th the plan that was previously approved; the trash enclosure and materials will match those used on the convenience store; the photometric plan was not originally submitted and Staff will need to review the photometric plan prior to submittal to the Villa ge Board . Mr. Garrigan stated the applicant’s proposed change to the Planned Development will have no negative impact on the surrounding uses; the proposed fuel station is consistent with the previously approved Gas City for this site; and the proposed si te plan meets the minimum requirements of the Village’s Site Plan Review Ordiance. Staff suggests a favorable recommendation. Chairman Sobkoviak swore in Chris Kalischefski, President of Corporate Design + Development Group LLC, and Al Chakaonas , repres entative of Speedway LLC. Mr. Kalischefski described the ethics of Speedway; indicated there is no intention of truck stop with overnight or day parking of any trucks; reviewed the site plan . Chairman Sobkoviak asked for any public comments. There was no response. Commissioner Renzi asked about the lost revenue from the previously approved retail; and asked if there would be anything for the hard corner for the Village. Mr. Garrigan indicated the Board was comfortable with the gas station at the hard corner and indicated the sale of the gas will probably cover the lost revenue; there have been no discussion about deeding any property to the Village but thought the additional ornamental trees would make this a stronger plan for the Village; Commissione r Kiefer liked the idea of the landscaping at the corner as long as it does not restrict the sight lines. Commissioner Renzi asked if a stipulation would be needed regarding the photometric plan. Mr. Garrigan agreed a stipulation should be added that th e photometric plan be approved prior to submittal to the Villag e Board. Discussion was held regarding the signage and placement thereof. It was determined that signage would be approved administratively. Commissioner Renzi asked about the additional orn amental landscaping and the additional of wainscot of prairie stone alon g the front and side elevations; and asked about the berm. Plan Commission Minutes December 3 , 2013 Page 3 of 5 Mr. Kalischefski described the lighting used on the site as being LED recessed lighting; the pole light will push light back onto the site; indicated they would agree to the additional landscaping and the changes to the elevations; mentioned they would screen the HVAC but prefer to paint it so it matches the architectural shingles so it would all blend in together; they would l ike to break the berm rather than build a dike. Mr. Garrigan indicated the berm would be elevated 2 feet. Commissioner Kiefer expressed concern with a gas station at the gateway to the Village. Commissioner Green mentioned he liked the landscaping a nd the architecture; asked about the dispenser pump sensors, the drainage and ground water contamination . Mr. Kalischefski stated the tanks are double walled, the gas piping is double walled; described the monitoring of the tanks, pipes and sumps; the ove r fill (spill reservoir) at the pump; the sump that is under the dispenser. Commissioner Green asked about the water from the top of the canopy is handled; asked where the catch basins emptied. Mr. Kalischefski described the downspouts were tied to the underground stormwater detention ; further describing the catch basin, restrictors and the detention. Commissioner Green s aid in summarization there are three lines of protection to protect any spillage. Mr. Kalischefski agreed and indicated they use a p lant variety in the detention areas that uses petroleum as food. Commissioner O’Rourke expressed concern for the trucks at this location ; concerned with the traffic on Route 30 with cars entering the station at the same time as trucks are existing; indica ted he had no issue with the convenience stores or the gas station s but was concerned with the addition of the trucks . Mr. Kalischefski stated they have separate canopies and indicated they mostly cater to the box trucks and landscape tru cks ; indicated t here no amenities for the trucks. Commissioner O’Rourke asked if this site could be compared with a Speedway located in Bloomington near I -55. Mr. Kalischefski was not familiar with the station in Bloomington. Commissioner Kiefer asked the number of e mployees. Mr. Kalischefski stated 20. Commissioner Seggebruch asked about the extra parking that has been provided; where employee would park. Mr. Kalischefski stated they are focused on marketing ; indicated employees would be parking further out; stati ng it was easier to navigate the site. Commissioner O’Rourke asked if they would consider eliminating the trucks being able to utilize the right -in/right -out to eliminate a possible conflict with the autos and trucks. Commissioner O’Rourke asked if the m echanics could be screened as opposed to being painted. Commissioner Renzi asked about directional signage and no parking signs on the site. Commissioner Kiefer asked about the possibility of truck access from Renwick. Mr. Garrigan stated the county h as limited the access to Renwick to right -in/right -out. Mr. Kalischefski stated the goal is for the trucks to use the full access on Route 30. Chairman Sobkoviak asked if the applicant was in agreement with the disguising of the mechanics on the back of the building to meet Staff’s approval and if the applicant was in agreement on the undulating berm and the addition of the ornamental trees at the hard corner; the photometric plan would be approved prior to board submittal. Mr. Kalischefski stated they u sually use a solid panel to match the color of the architectural shingles; they would agree to the undulating berm and the ornamental trees. Plan Commission Minutes December 3 , 2013 Page 4 of 5 Commissioner O’Rourke asked about the monuments. Mr. Garrigan indicated two monuments can be placed on a property if there is sufficient distance between the monuments; stated signage is not approved at this time but will be reviewed at the time of application for signage. Discussion was held regarding the traffic patterns and turning radii. Commissioner Seggebruch suggested restricting truck traffic to the full access. Mr. Kalischefski indicated they will have internal directional signage. Commissioner O’Rourke expressed concern with the truck traffic, noise and smell next to day care . Mr. Kalischefske indicated the Gas City that was previously approved had a two diesel cano py behind the building while Speedway is proposing three. Commissioner Green asked the distance to the closest residential area ; projected revenue and sales tax . Mr. Kalischefske stated petro leum is the highest sales tax generator per square footage basis of development. Mr. Chakaonas mentioned diesel is needed for Speedway to accept the project; stated they do not attract the national truck companies as their do not provide the various ameni ties; mentioned they will start the business with 20 employees and hope to grow to 30 or more; they are looking at 300,000 to 400,000 gallons of gas and about 100,000 to 150,000 gallons of diesel in a month. Commissioner O’Rourke mentioned he was not aga inst the gas portion or the convenience store on this project but was concerned with the diesel portion. Commissioner Renzi made a motion to recommend approval of the major change to the Planned Development subject to the following two (2) stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. Seconded by Commissioner Green . Vote by roll call: Kiefer, yes; O’Rourke, no ; Seggebruch, yes; Green, yes ; Renzi , yes; S obkoviak, yes. Motion carried 5 -1 . Commissioner Seggebruch made a motion to recommend approval of the site plan review subject to the following three stipulations noted in the staff report and the additional fourth stipulation : 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. 3. Incorporating the façade changes and landscape changes as recommended by staff and the Plan Commission. 4. Staff will review and approv e the photometric plan prior to submittal to the Village Board. Seconded by Commissioner Renzi. Vote by roll call: O’Rourke, no; Green, yes ; Kiefer, yes; Renzi, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Sobkoviak, yes. Motion carried 5 -1 DISCUSSION Chairman and Commis sioners wished everyone Happy Holidays. Meeting Adjourned at 8 :3 0 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Plan Commission Minutes December 3 , 2013 Page 5 of 5 _________________________ Merrilee Trotz Recording Secretary