HomeMy Public PortalAbout2022.02.21 Maverik, public comment J HopkinsFrom:Jared Hopkins To:Brian Parker; BessieJo Wagner Subject:Maverik, public comment Date:Monday, February 21, 2022 12:31:52 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear McCall Planning and Zoning Commission,   I am a resident of McCall and want to express my concern about the proposed new location of the Maverik C-Store. This is not the first time our community has had to make tough decisions about development as we plan for growth in our small town. Understandably, the benefits must be weighed with the potential costs as the core of these decisions. Please consider the community's voice during this arduous process. I live in close proximity to the proposed location and like many others I will feel the effects of Maverik's decision to build in the city corridor. I am already affected on a daily basis by the influx of traffic due to our schools, businesses, and visitors. The existing management of safety and general welfare of those who partake in the daily rituals already place strain on our services. McCall residents are all too familiar with the typical “no left turn” weekends and holidays. A reminder of how the existing Maverik store already has negative consequences to moving people safely through our town. With their new proposed site Maverik would force patrons deeper into our neighborhoods. Stibnite St. will suffer negative consequences. Stibnite St. already hosts many of the youngest community members, the Little Sprouts Day Care students, McCall Donnelly High School population, youth groups and camp patrons of the McCall Baptist Church. The daily travels of these groups walking safely throughout the area will be compromised. Stibnite St. is in a school zone and has posted 20 and 25 mph speed limit signs. I often witness vehicles travel around the Little Sprouts preschoolers as they walk to a local playground. High School students on their daily walking commutes to McCall Donnelly High School are forced to walk on the street in the dark with traffic because no sidewalks exist for them to safely navigate to and from school. Stibnite’s straight road warrants those with the “need for speed” to race unchallenged due to limited patrol from strained safety services. Unfortunately, many who travel this road do not acknowledge how their decisions affect the overall safety of our local travelers. Maverik would indeed push more vehicles into these areas and naturally exasperate the consequences. Maverik is proving to be a powerful voice within the community. Do we like what they are saying? Do they value or consider the opinions of the local population? Does Maverik recognize the consequences that will incur in these areas due to their progressive push to develop in an area of the community that many do not support? How does this decision set the precedent of what is to come? I ask that McCall say NO to Maverik’s proposal to build a new location. Please consider the harmful effects it would have on the general welfare, health, and safety of our neighborhoods.   Sincerely,   Jared Hopkins 208-363-9198 202 Stibnite St. McCall Idaho 83838