HomeMy Public PortalAbout2021.04.05 First Class Cleaning ContractDate Date to Begin Services 5/8/2021 Phone We hereby agree to perform the following cleaning plan : * Manpower , chem icals, supplies, and equipme nt provided by First Class Cleaning , LLC * Consumable items (toilet p aper, paper towels , soap , etc.) provided by_ {!'lc.(q II fyb / ,c I.No, "'-J * Jan itorial Services provided \x f-1r M<>"'~l-with quality meeting industry standards Plan includes the following specialty work : * Deep Clean ing $150.00_per each w hen reques ted by.City__()f McCall * Carpet Cleaning approximately_ $200 .00 per each when requested by Cit¥ of McCall * Wind ow Cleaning approximately_ $200.00per each when requested by City of McCall The above work is gua ranteed to be preform ed in accordance with the specifications submitted above, and completed in a professional wo rkm anlike manner for th e su m of: $150.00 rate per each cleaning and wi ll b e paid as one payment per month upon invoicing . Any a lterati o n or deviation from above specifications in vo lving extra costs will be executed only upon both ve rbal and w ritten ord er and wi ll become an extra charge over and above th e esti mate. All agreements are contingent upon strikes , accidents , or delays beyond our control. This is a mon th to month through September 30, 2021 to be renewed annually on October 1. 2021. Either party can ter minate at any give n time , however, termination shall be mad e in writi ng a nd at least 30 days in advance. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS · a . Contra ctor sha ll obtain an d maintain insurance at its own expense as requ ired herein for th e duration of this Agree me nt, and comp ly wit h all limits, terms and condi ti ons stip ulated . Poli cies shall provide , or be endorse d to provide , all req uired coverage. Contractor sh all provide certificates of insurance or certified endorsements as applicable for the in su ran ce requ ired . Contractor shall not comme n ce wo r k under this Agreement until satisfactory evidence of all requ ire d insurance i s provided to the City. b. All insurance, except fo r Workers Compensation , and Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions sha ll be endorsed to name the City of M cCa ll and th e McCall Police Department as Additional Insured . c. A ll insurance shall be with in surers rated A-, VII, or better in th e latest Best s Rating Guide, and be in good standing a nd authorized to transact business in Idaho . The coverage provided by such policies sha ll be p rimary. Poli cies ma y contain dedu ctibles, but such deductibles shall not be deducted from any damages due th e Ci ty. d. By requiring in surance herein, th e Ci ty does not represent t hat coverage and lim its will necessarily be adeq u ate to protect Contr acto r , and such cove rage and limits sha ll not be deemed as a limitation on Contractor's liability under the indemnities granted to the City . e. Contractor shall maintain insurance in a mounts not less than the following : i. Commercia l General and Um bre ll a Liability Ins uran ce · Contractor shall mainta in commercia l general liability (CGL) and , if necessary, commerc ial umbrella insurance with a combi ned sing le limit of n ot less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000 ,000 aggregate . The CGL shall be written on standard ISO occurrence form (or a substitu te form providing eq uiva lent coverage) and sha ll cove r liabili ty arising from premises , opera tions, independ ent Contractors , products-completed operation s, personal injury , advert ising in jury, and li abil it y assumed under an in su red con tra ct includ ing the to rt liability of another assumed in a business cont ract". ii . Auto mobil e Insurance The Co ntracto r sha ll maintain automobi le liability in surance which shall provide a minimum $500,000 comb ined single limit per occu rr ence and sha ll include coverage for owned , non- owned, and hired automobiles. iii. Worker 's Compensation Insu ra nce The Contracto r s hall ma inta in worker's compe nsa tion insurance in amou nts as re qu i red by statute in all states in wh ich th e Contractor performs work , and emplo yer's liabi lity insurance with a lim it of $100,000 Bod il y Injury by Accident each Accident ; $100,000 Bodily Injury by Disease -each emp loyee ; and $500 ,000 Bodily Injury by Disease -Policy Limit. iv . Fidelity Bond · If the Contractor has employees, a Fideli ty Bond on a ll employees of the Contractor who are wo rki ng on the premise s sha ll be maintained in the amou nt of $5 ,000 .00 each . f. The Conlractor shall require all subcontractors utili zed in performance of th is Agreement to provide certi fi cates of in sura nce to the City e videncing insura nce coverage with the required additional in su red endo rsements as set forth in th e preced ing paragraphs . · I m a qualified rep resenta ti ve for the City o f McCa ll P blic Works department receiving the above s rvic es. I have read the proposal a nd their a socia ted cos ts and accept both the services and a ree to p ay their costs as written . Nathan Stewar:t I am q ua lified to rep resent First Class Clean ing, LLC . We prom ise to provide the above listed services at the ir ab ove lis ted costs . _./ . . ( , 1 u vl,..i Print Name Date Sfgna tureO First Class Cleaning , LLC 3394 S. McDermott Rd . Nampa, ID . 83687 Phon e; 208·899-4956, Fax: 888.3 63.9442 Hi Jim, Below is the list of cleaning items in order of importance : 1 . Wipe down top of baseboard s throughout, where possible . P~e 2. Both bathrooms general cleaning -toilets, sinks and mirrors . µ~ 3. Vacuum/sweep 4. Countertop and sink in breakroom . 5. Common area/tabletop surfaces As usual no need to mop or take out trash as we do this weekly on Wednesdays . Thank you so much! Hi Jim , The following check list we spoke about in order of importance : 1. Top of baseboards -specially around the back of the to ilet ~ 2. Both bathrooms -general cleaning including toilets, sinks and mirror~ . .::::::----- 3. Vacuum/sweep ~ 4. Countertop and sin k in the breakroom. ~ 5 . Common area/Tabletop surfaces . Mopping and trash are NOT necessary as we do this weekly on \Nedne sdays . '(l~ If you need more time to clean these areas, it is OK to bill us for more hours. We understand that initially it may take a bit extra to bring us up to speed -if you have the time to spare. Thank you for making our works pace a cleaner environment. © I 1 . )) Cd·L ( ' -c'k\XD ,~ i\<2__ ~. I \~~~\ ~\S ~ '+·ut b,fedn-ht5. \..>J~ ..)...., C\9·-\--~\<Y\'o ·~ S, ~,~\ 5~~· Jodi Weaver From: Sent: David Martinez <davidm @f ir stclassc lea n ingllc.com > Monday, Ju ly 19 , 20 21 2:12 PM To: Jodi Wea ver Subject: Re : FW: Fi rst Cla ss Clea ning .M cCall Public Works.pdf Follow Up Flag: Fo ll o w up Flag Status: Flagged Th is email originated fro m ou t sid e of t he orga ni zation . Do not click links or open attachmen ts un less you recogn i ze the se n der and kn ow th e content is safe . We would be doing one more a nd then we should b e good . On Mon , Jul 19, 2021 at 1:49 PM Jo di Weaver <jweaver@mccall.i d .us > wrote : Tha n k yo u Davi d , shou ld we ex pec t to have one m o r e cleaning at the b egin nin g of A ugus t or ca n that be cance ll ed? From : Da vid Martinez <davidm@firstclasscleaningl lc.com > Sent: Mo nd ay, Ju ly 19, 2021 1:4 7 PM To : Jodi W eaver <jweaver@mccal l.id .us > Subject: Re: FW : First Cl ass Clea ni ng .McCall Public W orks .pd f UT N Thi s email origi nated from o utside of the or ga n iza t ion . Do not click li nks or open attachments unl ess you recog niz e the se nder and know the conte nt is sa f e. Hi Jodi, Thi s email w ill work fors u re. Th an k you On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 12 :41 PM Jodi W eave r <jweaver@mccall.id .us > wrot e : Hi Dav id, 1 , ... Can we use thi s email as notice or is there som ethin g more formal that n ee ds t o be done? We have decided to us e a local company for the carpets and windows as this has proven d iffi cul t for FCC. A lso , we didn't see the value in th e cleaning once a month as we hop ed we wou ld . Than k you for you r help, Jodi From : David Martinez <dav idm@firstcla ss cle aningl lc.com > Sent: Friday, July 16, 202112:38 PM To : Jodi Wea ve r <jweaver@mccall.id .us> Subject: Re : FW : First Class Cleaning.McCall Pub lic Works.pd f UT J '.J This email originated from outside of the organ izat ion. Do no t click links or open attachments unless you re cogn i ze the sen d er and know the content is safe. Hi Jodi, We would just n eed a 30 d ay notice . Is there anything I can help with? Than k you, On Fri , Jul 16, 2021 at 12:36 PM Jodi We aver <jweaver@m ccall .id .us> wrote: Hi David, Can you please t e ll me th e process for cancelling our clea nin g co ntract with First Class Cleaning? Th ank you, Jodi 2 Jod i Weaver I Pub lic Works Administrative As sistant 216 E Park Street I McCall I ID 83638 Direct: 208.634 .8945 I Fa x : 208 .634.4170 Web : www.m ccal l.id .us Blog : cityofmccall .w ordpress.com Soc i al : Facebook .com/cityofmccall From: David Marti nez <davidm @fi rstcl ass cl ea n ingllc.com > Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 3:33 PM To : Jodi Weaver <jwea v e r@mccall.id .us> Subject : Re : FW : First Clas s Cleaning .McCall Public Works.pdf A TION Thi s email originated from outside of the organization . Do not click li nks or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hey Jodi, I'm working on this . We have to h ave se p arate crew to do it. On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 10:50 AM Jodi Weaver <jw e ave r@mcca ll.id .us > wrote: Hi David, Touching base about a possible date for window an d carpet cleaning. 3 Thanks, Jo di Jo d i Weaver I Publ ic Works A d ministrative As sista nt 2 16 E Par k St re et I McCall I ID 83638 Direct: 208 .634 .8945 I Fa x: 20 8 .634.4170 City of ~kC.lll W eb : www.mccall.id .u s Bl og : cityofmccall.wordpress.com Socia l : Facebook .c om/cityofm ccall From : Dav id Marti nez <davidm@firstcla ss cleaningllc.com> Sent : Monday, June 7, 2021 7 :53 AM To: Jo d i W eaver <jweaver@mccall .id .us> Subject: Re : First Cla ss Cl e an ing .M cCall Publ ic Wo r ks .pd f ON Th is emai l origi nated from outsid e of the organi zation . Do not click li nks or open at t achme n t s u nl ess you r ec og ni ze t he sende r and know t he content is sa fe. Jo d i, Let m e reach o ut t o o u r clea ner a nd see whe n it's available to get that done . Tha nk yo u, On Fr i, Ju n 4, 2021 at 2 :50 PM Jod i W eaver <jweaver@mccall.id.u s> wrot e : 4 Hi Davi d, Can you tell me w ho I should contact to sc h edu l e th e window and carpet cleaning? Thank you! Jodi Jod i Weaver I Public Wo r ks Adm inistrative Ass i st ant 216 E Pa rk Street I McCa ll I ID 83638 Direct: 20 8.634 .8945 I Fa x: 208.634.4170 C i t\· o f :\tcC,11 Web: www.m cca ll.id .us Blog: ci t yofmccal l.wo rdpress.co m Soci al: Fac eb ook .com/cityofmccall From : David Martinez <davi dm @first classcle anin gll c.co m > Sent : Monday, May 3, 202110 :15 AM To : Jodi W eaver <jweave r @m ccall.id .u s> Subject: Re : Fi rst Cla ss Clea n ing .M cC all Public W orks.pdf AUTION Th is email originated from outside of the orga ni za tion . Do not click lin ks or open atta chments u nless yo u recognize the se nd er and know the co ntent is safe . Received, th an k you . 5 On Wed, Apr 28 , 202 1 at 9:33 AM Jodi Weaver <jweaver@mccall.id .us > wrote: Hi David, Attached is the signed co ntract for cleaning services with the amount s t hat we discusse d . I have everything I nee d and have submitted the PO to our Treasurer. Jim ca me by for another site vi sit and discuss the cleaning products he needs. He will be doing his first cleaning on Saturday May 81h. Thank you for your help! Jodi Jodi Weaver I Publ ic Works Administrative Assistant 216 E Park Street I McCa ll I ID 83638 Direct: 208.634 .8945 I Fax: 208 .634.4 170 Web : www.mccall.id.us Blog: ci tyofmccall.wordpress.com Social : Fac ebook .com/cityofmccall David Martin ez 6