HomeMy Public PortalAbout19440503CCMeetingCouncilman Hosti moved that the bills submitted by J. G. Atta- way1Company for stubbing amounting to ;?1309.68, be paid. Council- man Young seconded, the motion passed. Councilman Young moved that for the purpose of arriving at the proper fee for stubbing to the DeSoto Reach Hotel that they be charged on the basis of fixtures. Councilmen Walsh seconded, motion passed. There being some difference of opinion between Fort Screven and the Town as to the proper charge fOr the Water furnished to the Diving School, the matter was referred to the committee composed of Councilman Young, G. R. Vinson, and Henry M. Buckley, to handle the matter. It being called to the attention of Council that raw sew- erage was being dumped into Tybee Inlet from the diving school, the Clerk was instructed to write Colonel Carmody, CO, at Fort Screven that steps be taken to eliminate this bad condition at once. It was decided that the Parking Areas would be open for collection of toll on April 16, 1944. There being no further business, Council adjourned, subject to the ,/ x: ,11 fo the Mayor Clerk f Counci Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga, Mai' 3, 1944 The regular meeting of Council was held today at 4;00 P.M. and was attended by Mayor Dutton, who presided, and Councilmen Walsh, Young, Hosti, Farrell, Slotin, Lovell, and T. A. Alex- ander and Judge John Rourke. Judge Rourke adminstered the oath of Office to Mayor Ed- 49 50 ward A. Dutton as follows: 1, Edward A. Dutton; do solemnly swear that 1 will faith- fully and honestly perform the duties of Mayor of the Town of Sav- annah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia,, to the best of my skill and ability without, avor or affection, SO '' P ME GOD. 05)/9ied) Judge Rourke then admininst.tededhe oath to Councilmen Walsh, Young, Hosti, Farrell, Slotin and Lovell in a group as follows: We, Charles V. Walsh, Mitchell R. Young, Benno P. Hosti, Joel T. Farrell, Morris Slotin, William S. Lovell, do solemnly swear that we will faithfully and honestly perform the duties of Councilmen de the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia to the best of our skill and ability without favor or affection, (eI2 SO HELP�M/E GOD.1� 'n� ��C4tles Y• 4/0 - Aitc e7� 113 Ica o -2�/�o R/7/0.571/- 9 g Pi (NY- X34 i%; 7.1, Judge Rourke stated that this was a distinct pleasure to be given the honor of giving the oath of office to Mayor Dutton and his Board and he wished them every success. Mayor Dutton that he was highly honored to receive the oath of office from Judge Rourke.in the presence of his Mother, the board of Councilmen, and the other friehds who were present. Judge Rourke had meant much to him in his life and he was going to try to live up to his oath of Office. Had no idea of the duties involved, but he was elected for two years and he will do his duty the best he can, do it according to instructons, with cooperation Of the board he hoped that at the end of two years that a good adminstrati' will have been given to the town. He thanked all those for attending and also those who sent such lovely flowers. Mayor Dutton stated that his first Official act was to present a picture of the Late Mayor Roland R. Jones to the Town, to be hung in the Council Room. Councilman Walsh moved that Councilm n Slotin be elected 51 Chairman of Council. Council Young secoonded, motion passed. Councilman Farrell moved that Councilman Walsh be elected Vice- Chairman of Council. Councilman Young seconded, motion passed. Councilman Walsh moved that Henry M. Buckley be elected Clerk of Council and ex- officio or Treasurer at a salary of 13000.00 per year payable monthly. Councilman Young seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Walsh moved that A. Leopold Alexander be elect- ed Town Attorney at an annual fee of 600.00 payable monthly. Councilman Councilman Farrell seconded, motion passed. Councilman Young moved that R. A. Stewart be elected Chief of Police and Ex- officio tax collector at a salary of '2280.00 per year, payable monthly. Councilman Welsh seconded, motion passed. Councilman Hosti moved that R. A. Wall be elected superinten- dent of Public Works at a salary of ' 1800,6$er year payable monthly. Councilman Farrell seconded, motion passed. Councilman Young moved that Dr. C. A. Henderson be elected Health Officer for the ensuing term. Councilman Walsh seconded, motion passed. All the men of the men of Board extended reetings to Coun- cilman Slotin and told him how glad they were that he wPS back. He thanked them and stated how glad he was to be back. Mayor Dutton stated that the last extension of time granted the J. G. Attaway Company to complete contract was due to New money being alloted by F. H. A.. The extension wt'.s recommended by Mr. W. H. Toms of the F. H. A. Both Mr. Toms and Mr. Attaway agreed that no further extension would be requested. It was the opinion of Council that before the system is finally accepted that it should not be accepted on Mr. Vinson's approval, but thiA Mr. A. S. Goebel, engineer of the City of Sav- annah, and several other engineers be requested to check the en- 5� tire system and then recommend whether it should be accepted or not, Councilman Lovell was also requested to be one of this group and he suggested also that Mr. Reeves who is 3l bhargeof the sewer of Hun- ter Field, be requested to go along with the group. Councilman Slotin asked if Mr. Vinson is cooperating with Mr. Carter in familarizing himself with the system. He stated that the town has paid a fee to the J. B. McCrary Company to see that the system is properly installed and operated and it is their duty to see that this is done. Mayor Dutton stated that Councilman Young and himself were shortly to be in Atlanta and they would call upon J. B. McCrary Company and have and understanding with them relative to this. Mayor Dutton stated that he had received a letter from Attaway Company requesting the town to accept the Treatment Plant and the two pumping stations. He Stated that he would not agree to this, Mr. Attaway threatened to out off the operation of the plant at that time. Councilman Young stated that it would be necessary to get a Pick -up truck to move the tools and supplies and so forth to service the system. Councilman Slotin stated that the J. B. McCrary Company should inform the town as to how the sewerage sys- tem should be operated. Dr. S. C. Lynn, Mr. Samuel A. Cann and Mr. William S. Lovell protested against the high assessment on their property and re- quested that it be lowered. The opinon of Council that it could not.be done at this time. Mr. J. 0. Blair, Plumbing inspector, submitted his resign- ation as plumbing inspector due to ill health. Councilman Slotin moved that it be accepted, but that he be requested to stay until someone else could be appointed. Councilman Walsh seconded the 53 motion passed. Councilmen young, Hosti and Farrell were appoint- ed a committee to endeaver to find a new Plumbin:^ inspector. Councilman Siotin moved that X. C. Carter be appointed Sup - erintendent of the sewer system at a salary of X175.00 per month and that S. R. Kent be appointed Assist :nt Supprintendent of the sewer system at a salary of $125.00 per month and that he also be appointed Building Inspector at a salary of $50.00 per month Walsh seconded, the motion passed. Fire Chief Young submitted his resignation as Chief of the Fire department. Councilor =n Hosti moved that the resignation be accepted and .that S. R. Kent be appointed. Council seconded, the motion passed. Mayor Dutton informed Council that arrangements had been made to pave 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th streets to the Strand with -the help of the State Highway Department. The work has made an excellent improgement at a cost less than that shown in the bud- get which allowed $3500.00 for repairing the Parking lots. Mayor Dutton called attention to petty jealousies existing among the employees. He state that each department head should have control over his subordinates and where it was necessary to be done they should be instructed to do it. It was agreed that this Was as it should be. Councilman Siotin read the Financial statement showing the final year's operation and stated that the Town did pretty well for the year just finished, but that each department should wat- ch its expenditures the coming yea r. Councilmen Siotin moved that purchased the bills for the month of April covering p made amounting to )9Lq be paid. Councilman Young seconded, motion passed. Mayor Dutton informed Council that the rates to be paid for water furnished to the Diving School had been agreed upon at a meeting held with myself, Captain Requa, Mr. Vinson, Mr. Haire, and Mr. Buckley. The Tybrisa proposed that if the Town pave its unimproved portion of the area in front .of .Lots 91- 92 -93and 94 in front of the Brass Rail the Tybrisa Company would pave the area owned by it. Councilman Lovell, Young and Farrell were appointed a committee to check on property work. - Councilman Host stated that Mike Goldberg had applied for a Whiskey license to operate a Package shop at his place at Lovell Station. Councilman Lovell protested against granting of the li- e cense. tbuncilman Biotin stated that he could not see any object- ions to issuing the License and moved that it be granted. Coun- cilman Welshed seconded, the motion passed. Councilman Farrell stated that the Georgia Federation of Labor who were holding a 3 day convention requested that the Town have a Welcome sign painted for them and moved that this be done. Councilman Young seconded, motion passed. Councilman Biotin moved that the following resolution be adopted. Councilmen Young seconded, the motion passed. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on the 27th day of July, 1942, Roland x. Jones, then Mayor of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, by bill of sale, sold to the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island Georgia, one (1) Cadillac sedan, Motor No. 8343486, Model 62, for the consideration of Two Thousand Dollars ( 000.00.); and, WHEREAS, the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, is now indebted to the estate of Roland R. Jones, deceased, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (2000.00); and WHEREAS, Mrs. Maude Jones Brightwell, Executrix of the es- tate of Roland R. Jones, deceased, desires to cancel the munici- pality's debt upon the said municipality delivering the said auto- mobile to her as Executrix of the estate of Roland R. Jones, de- ceased; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest. of the munici- pality to relinquish all of its right, title and interest in the said automobile to Maude Jones Brightwell, Executrix of the estate of Roland R. Jones, in consideration of said indebtedness to the late Roland R. Jones being cancelled; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council 55 assembled, that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute a bill of sale .to Maude Jones Brihtwell, Executrix of the Estate of Roland R. Jones, to one (1) 1941 Cadillac Sedan, Motor No. 8343486, Model 62, for and in consideration of a release and can- cellation of all indebtedness due the late Roland R. Jones by the Town: of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Gero_ia. Mr. G. B. McKenzie offered to buy Section 7 of Lots 19 and 20, Ward 1, owned by the town for $300.00 but it was decided to not sell at this time. Judge W. W. Douglas requested that the ditch adjacent to his property on Chatham Avenue be either cleaned out or filled in. Motion was referred to the Chairman of Sanitary Commission. A letter wee read from Colonel Carmody of Fort Screven replying to town's objection to the dumping of sewage into Tybee Inlet from the Diving School. He stating thatthere was only a small complement of men there at that time. It was the opinion of Council that septic tanks should be installed to take care of sewerage rather than dumping it into the river. .The letter was read from Mr. G. R. Vinson stating that a meter for measuring of sewerage from Fort Screven to the Treatment plant had been procured from the government. The Mayor informed Council that &11 handlers of food had been instructed that their employees must have Health Cards. Due to the shortage of help Councilman Hosti suggested that Women be employed for collection of tolls at the parking areas. Councilman Lovell moved that the following Ordinance be adopted. Councilman Slotin seconded, motion passed. AN ORDINANCE ,S` . ° `f jf AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE PARKING OF TRAILERS, SEMI* TRAILERS AND SIMILAR VEHICLES IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, GEORG- IA; TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AHD FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that, from and after•the passage of this ordinance, it shall be illegal for any person or persons to park, or cause to be parked, any trailer at any place within the limits of said town except on A trailer parking lot for which a current license has been issued, by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach. SECTION 2. For the purpose of this ordinance a trailer shall be deemed to include any trailer, semi- trailer or similar vehicle not capable of being propelled by its own power, but shall not include such vehicles as are suitable only for hauling personal property and are not suitable for occupancy as living quarters by human beings. SECTION 3. Any person or persons violating the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance, upon the conviction - thereof, may be fined not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or imprisoned for not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both, and each day's viola- tion shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the-provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Councilman Young moved that the following ordinance be adopt - ed. Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, ON MARCH3, 1942, BY PROVIDING THAT THE INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING FOR SAID TOWN MUST BE A RESIDENT OF CHATHAM COUNTY, GEORGIA, BUT NEED NOT BE A RESIDENT OF SAID TOWN.. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by authority of the Mayor and Councileen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee sland, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority aforesaid, thhat the Ordinance approved by said Mayor and Council- men on March 3,`1942, entitled "An Ordinance Creating the Office of Plumbing Inspector" by amended by striking from Section Three (3) of said Ordinance the words "said town" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "Chatham County, Georgia ", so that said Section, as amended, shall read as follows;- . "An inspector of plumbing in and for the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia., who shall be a resident of Chatham County, Georgia, shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approv- al of Council, aid who shall be subject to'be discharged at anytime by the Mayor for cause deemed sufficient to the latter. No one shall be eligible to said appointment as inspector of plumbing who is not a practical plumber." SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. There being no further business council adjourns, subject to the call of the Mayor. Cler, of Coun ' it Mayor