HomeMy Public PortalAbout19440608CCMeeting1 1 1 57 Srvannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. June 8, 1944 The regular meeting of Council was held to -day et 5 :00 P..1. Rnd was Attended by Mayor Dutton, who presided end councilmen Walsh, Young, Biotin, Lovell end Hosti and Town Attorney f. A..L• ALexander also Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goring, Plumbing Inspector Blair Building Inspector Kent and Mr. G. R. Vinson. The. Minutes of the Meetings of March 20, March 22, March 31, April 5, on4 May 3 were read and approved. The Mayor informed council that Mrs. Goring was appearing before the board in answer to a notification sent her on May 2 that some - thtng.:bex, dsine _ towards '.gutting :.her Cott age In. a e fe end_ senitary.,� condition -- Mr. Blair stated that some of the plumbing was unsa.nitary- - Mr. Kent stated that the steps were bed end part of the porch 11ra.s bolted, some of the floor joists were ^"x4" and werebetween 3 end 4 feet apart and that it was a general fire hazard -- The Mayor asked if it could be corrected -- Mr. Kent stated that it could -- Mrs. Goring stated that the porch had been closed off due to the house being constantly broken into -- Mr. Goring stated that some of the things complained about had been corrected, but that he didn't under- stand about the unsanitary plumbing, After some discussion Mrs. Coring was requested to have the things objected to by the inspectors corrected by the next regular meeting of council end that she get in to'h with Mise,s Kent and Blair so that they mey ascertain that everything is in order. Mr. and Mrs. Goring were then excused. Councilman Slotin called attention to the numerous complaints from the property owners relative to the apparent excessive costs of installing the plumbing connections,. he steted that when the bona issue was voted upon the property owners were inforged.the cost of in stalling their plumbing would run $50.00 to ?75.00, end now some of the people are having to pay what eppe-,rs to be extremely high costs, apparentely something.is wrong. There are quite a number of the small property owners who cannot peythese apparent high costs -- Mr. Blair stated that most of the houses must be vented as some of them do not have any vents at all -- Mr. Slotin stated that as to his houses they have vents all over them and still his estimates he con- siders high -- Councilman Lovell wanted to 1,tnow why it should 'cost ?460.00 for plumbing at the large house of Councilmen Slotin -- Councilman Slotin stated that the property owners must he considered and protected. The Mayor stated that some of the plumbing Contractors were complaining that they could not find the locetions of the Stubbs given them by Mr. Vinson. Mr. .Vinson stated that of 7? applications that had been made, only 4 could not by found, in some instances some of the plumbing contractors would not use the stu-eb where it was located and several instances it wa.s necessary to put the stubb in a new location -- The mayor stated th^t if one had to pay $50.00 as a stubbing fee and $1.00 for a service connection fee they should not be compelled to pay extra for plumbing fees -- Councilman Slotin stated that when estimates are gotten from the plumbing Contractors they all seem to give one price -- Councilmen Lovell asked if houses with outdoor showers should be compelled to go into the sewer system- - He -was informed that if the showers are notenclosed it would not be Jit; 58 necessary to tie in with the sewer line. The.Standard Oil Company pet4tioned hat the 1942 license for doing business be reduced mom $25.00. plat Slotin moved that the petition be denied. Councilman Walsh seconded and the motion passed.._,, Mr.. W.: J. Moore petcitioned that his salary as toll Collector be raised. Councilman Young moved that the petetion be denied, Coun- cilman Lovell seconded and the motion - passed. The Mayor informed council that in connection with Mr. J. 0. Blair who submitted his resignation at the fast meeting of coun- cil and was accepted that he teas inetruc•ted `"to contact Mr. Blair with the view of having him - reconsider, Mr. Blair agreed to re- main on as plumbing ins1eotorrat salary or $150.00 per month and he requested that council authorize his action, Councilmen Slotin moved that Mr. J. 0. Blair be reemployed as plumbing in- spector at a salary of $150.00 per month, Councilman Young seconded and the motion passed. The Mayor( informed council that the J. G. Attaway Company is in default on its contract with the town and stated that the bonding . company be so notified. Councilman Slotion moved that the Mayor be authorized and empowered to do what is necessary. Councilman Walsh seconded, motion passed. Mayor Dutton informed council that 3rd, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and lgth streets from Butler Avenut to Strand had been repaved that work on the area in front of the Brass Rail had been completed. Councilman Slotin moved that the action of the committee appoint- ed to have the area in front of the Brass Rail paved at a cost of not over 9315.00 be confirmed, Councilman Walsh seconded and the motion passed. The Mayor suggested that in cases where councilmen eresbsent from the regular meetings of council that they should be paid, Councilman Walsh moved that hereafter whenever a councilman is absent from a meeting of council that he be paid as if he were attending. councilman Young seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Slotin moved that an expression of regret be ex- tended to Councilman Farrell and that he be wished a speedy return to health and soon be able to carry on as usual. Councilman Lovell seconded and the motion passed. The Mayor called attention to two drownings and several near drawnings and numerous first aid treatments that have occured this year. He Stated that Colonel Carmody cannot permit - Doctors to answer calls, that he had worked out a plan whereby assistance will be given by Camp Stewart and Medical Depot on Sz1ur''.a,ys and Sundays. The town is to furnish quarters, food, and a place to work, that he had located a place on Tybrisa. Pravalian for a first aid Station and that the town had been given the.use of this loca- tion, but that the place will have to be screened and equiped_ end that he be authorized to make the necessary arrangements so that more adequate life saving facilities can be had. Councilman slotin moved that the Mayor be authorized to do what is necessary. Council man Lovell seconded and the motion passed. 59 Councilman Slotin stated that there are several bad areas on the Beach that are dangerous and should be marked. The Mayor stated that for Life Guard Service. Hunter Field had sent 6 Life Guards Chatham Field 10, and Fort Screven 6 under an Officer. The Mayor informed Council about the prava.iling practice of the Police department to use the Police car for almost any kind of an errand,that this should be stopped. Councilman Slotin moved that the Police car be used only for duties of the Police department and that the Chief of Police be so notified. Councilman Lovell seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Walsh stated that he had been requested by a firm in Sevannahv o deliver meats and groceries on the island to have the li- cense charged them reduced as it was too high. The opinion of council was that this should not be done. Councilmen Young stated that in laying one of the sewer lines it was found that it was obstructed by a water main and requests had been made of the Tybee Water Works to lower it, but that they were reluctant to do so. Councilman Lovell moved that the Tybee Water Works be requested to lower this pipe at once. Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Young st4d that the storm sewer on 19th street from second avenue to the ditch had been broken. The contractor replaced this from second avenue tonditch using 24++ pipe as far back as it would go and suggested that the town buy 18“ pipe to finish the job. Councilmen Slotin moved that it be referred to the Chairman of Sewerage committee to be handled. Councilman Walsh seconded, motion passed. Councilm'n Lovell wanted to know if anything was wrong with the garbage collection, The Mayor stated that several days when the State Highway Department had its equipment fixing the streets, that :li availabke men were used in assisting in this work, necessitating that the g=rba.ge having to go several days without being collected. The Mayor stated that in connection with numerous complaints relative to sewerage tax and high plumbing connections cost that he would arrange to hold a public meeting in connection with this. Councilman Biotin moved that bills or the month of May for general government amounting to 1846.8i and the bills in connection with sewerage system amounting to8.�9also bills in connection with materials purchased in repairM streets amounting to 311.69 be paid, Councilman Young seconded and the motionppssed. Councilman Hosti celled council's attention to promiscious of running at large of dogs and suggested something be done to re- medy the condition. The Mayor inforemed Council that a license hed been issued for Chind'se Ball game to be operated in Benny's Riptide that_the game had been stopped. Councilman Slotin stated that he didn't think that the license elo141d be issued for this form of gambling. There are considerable sol'iers coming through the island and the first thing that the Town Authorities know the town will be put off limits by the Military Authorities for permitting things such as this, Councilman Wa4,sh stated that things like this had been turned down last year -- ouncilman Slotin stated that he could not understand 60 why the men operating bar rooms and other places of business would permit gambl ng of this type to go on as it is against the business interest of' s- town. The Mayor stated that this game is authorized by license ordinance that it ran last year and e, license has been issued And something must be done. Councilman Slotin stated why should the game be permittedas it is not providee9in the ordinance, gambling is not going to do Savannah Beach any good. Councilman Young moved that the game be permitted to run but that the ordinance be amended and increasethe license to $100.00 that the game be kept inside a building and the limit be 25¢. councilman Hosti seconded. Thoses voting yes - Young, Hosti, Lovell, and thoses voting no -. Slotin, Walsh. The motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE 70 PROVIDE FOR THE RATE OF LICENSES FOR DOING BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEAC, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30th, 1945 ", BY CHANGING THE LICENSE DUE BY EACH AND EVERY OWNER OR KEEPER OF A RECREATIONAL GAME KNOWN AS "JAPANESE BAL GAME " , "PENNY PITCH ", MICKEY MOUSE ", OR SIMILAR GAMES OF CHANCE;'AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that an ordinance adopted by said Mayor and CoUneilmen entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the Rate of Licenses for Doing Business in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, for the Fiscal Year ending April 30th, 1945 ", be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding to the language "each and every owner or keeper of a recreational game known as 'Japanese Ball Game f, 'Penny Pitch', 'Mickey Mouse', or similar games of chance, each; or if all three are operated by the same operator under the same roof, the three $25.00 - -- - - - $15.00" the following language, "provided that the license to be paid by each and every owner or keeper of a recreational game known as "Chinese Ball Game ", or "Chinese Skee - Ball ", - •shall be $100.00. 'SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herwith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Councilman Young moved that the following amendment to the license ordinance be adopted. Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. 1 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE RATE OF LICENSES FOR DOING BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30, 1945, "BY CHANGING THE LICENSE DUE BY EACH AND EVERY .07JNER OF A TELEGRAPH COMPANY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same that an ordinance adopted by said Mayor and Councilmen entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the Rate of Licenses for Doing Business in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1945':, be, and the sae is herby, amended by striking the figures "25.00" immediately following the words "each and every owner of a telegraph company" and inserting in lieu thereof the figures "1 0000 ". 6 SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be, and the eame are hereby, repealed.. Councilman Siotin moved that the following resolution be adopted. Councilman Walsh seconded and the motion passed. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Edward A. Dutton was elected Mayor of the Town of Sava - nna.-h'Beach, 1"ybee Island, Georgia, in an election held on April 3, 1944 for a.term of two years. WHEREAS, it is necessary that checks drawn against the several accounts of the Town of Savannah Beech, Tybee Island, Georgia, in the various banks in the City of Savannah, Geagia, for the withdrawal of funds, be signed and Yor countersigned by the Mayor and the Treasurer of said Town, and in the absence of the Mayor, then by the Acting Mayor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVB that the said Edward A. Dutton as Mayor and Henry M. Buckley as Trea.sur(,r be.snd they are hereby author- ized to sign and /or countersign any checks on any bank in the city of Savannah, Georgia, where funds are now deposited or may hereafter be deposited to the account of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island*, Georgia, and the several banks are hereby authorized to accept their signatures; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the absence of the Mayor from his official duties,' that Morris Siotin, as Acting Mayor, be authorized to sign and /or countersign checks against the several accounts of said Town in the several banks in the city of Savannah, Georgis. There being no further. business council ndjours subject to the call of the Mayor Savannah eachp Tybee Island, Georgia July 6, 1944 •The regular meeting of Council i•.Ps held today at 5 :00 P. M. &nd was attended by the Mayor, who presided and the following Councilmen:. Councilmen Young, Siotin, "elsh, Lovell ,nd Town Attorney,Alexander and a family of gypseys by the name of Johnson. . Mr. Johnson petetioned for a. refund of n portion of the busin- ess License paid by him to conduct a Fortune Telling business, he contending that since the town had recently passed an ordinance prohibiting trailer to be occupied on the Island, that it necess- itated "that he and his family having_ to move away. After some discussion, Council decided that the refund could not be granted. The - minutes of the meeting of June 8 were nad and x7onted.