HomeMy Public PortalAbout19440727SCMeetingTown of Savannah Beach a deed transferring and quitclaiming all of the right, title and interet of the std Municipality in and to that portion of the Strand abutting said Beach Lot Number Fifty- four (54) , Ward Two (2) , eastward.ly to a line eighteen (18) feet west of said sea w l; BE IT THEREFOREF :SOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Reach, Tybee Island, Georgia., -in Council assembled, and is herby resolved, that the Mayor of said Town be, and he is here- by, directed to execute said deed to said Mary G. Stovall, and the Clerk of Council be, and he is herby, directed to attest the same ad affix the seal of the Corporation thereto. Councilman Young moved that a; ouanity of the new plumbing ordin- ances be printed in book form at a cost of not over 1,100.00. Councilman Slotin seconded and the motion passed. There being no further business, Council adjourns subject to the call of the Mayor. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. July 27, 1944 A special meeting of Council "PS held today , July 27, 1944 at 7 :00 P. M. in the Council Room ^nd teas attended by the Mayor, who presided, and Councilmen Walsh, Young, and Hdsti and °also Mesters T. S. Chu, T. B. McCarroll, J. A. Brown and W. H. Haar. The meeting was called to conduct the following business: 1. Meeting with representatives of business interett, to dis- cuss Doff Limits" biy order prohibiting service men from bathing at Savannah Beach - issued by the several Armk Posts adjacent to the island, and to devise ways and means of meeting the situation. 2. Authorize paying expenses of engineer to come to Savannah Beach and inspect Sewerage system. 3. Authorize construction of additional room at Convict Camp to house white prisoners. 4. quit claim part of old Central Railroad right of way near Lazaretto Creek to Tybee Rea.ch.00. .Discussion of means was invited es to the "Off Limits Order" pro - hibiting service' men from bethink in the surf due to Contamination, Hr. Brown stated that every business place had suffered a tremendous loss of business since the order had been issued and something should be done to offset this bad situation. The Mayor informed the group :1t representatives of the Georgia Department of Pub- lic Helath had been taking samples vg water from the surf daily and were sending the samples to they abatory to be analyzed, Mr. Brown stated that all had agreed to contribute to a sum for the purpose of advertising the Island and asked the Town make a contribution of $100.00 to the fund. Councilman Walsh moved that 66 the town contibut:4100.00 and that it be made payable to Mr. J. A. Brown, Chairman of a Special committeeto advertise Tybee, Counecil- manHosti seconded and the motion passed. Mayor Dutton stated that he had endeavored to have some Engineers out of town inspect the Sewerage System, but had been unable to get any. A Jacksonville firm agreed to send an engineer if the Town would pay his expenses. Whereupon Councilman Young moved t that for the purpose of inspection and reporting on the sewerage system chat the expenses of an engineer be paid. Councilman Walshseconded and the motion passed. The Mayor informed Council that Judge)?Houlihan and Kelly Burns had informed him that if the Town would construct a room and pro - vide plumbing facilitiesP that some white prisoners would be sent down for work on cleaning maw ditches and so forth, Councilman Hosti moved that the-work be authorized and the Mayor be empow- ered to act. Councilman Young seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Walsh moved that the following resolution Quit claim- ing a. part of the old Rai1wayci. of .the Central Railroad near Lazaretto Creek to the Tybee Beach Company be authorized. Coun- cilman Young seconded and the motion passed. RESOLUTION WHEREAS the Tybee Beach Company has leased to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA certain property lying immediately notth of the right of way of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, and on the east side 0 of Lazaretto Creek, said property consisting of a dock and the ad- joining property; AND WHEREAS. the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA does not have access to said property from the paved highway between Savannah and Savannah REach, and said Tybee Reach Company desires to own the. property here- inafter described so that its lessee may have such access; AND :1HEREAS it is for the benefit in general of the Town of Sav- annah Beach that Tybee Beach Company be placed in a position where it can provide such access to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of. the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island,.Georgia, in council assembled, that said municipal corporation quitclaim to Tybee Beach Company all of its right, title and interest in and to the following des- cribed property, to -wit : - All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in'the State of Georgia, Countly of Chatham, on Tybee Island, being that portion of the abandoned right -of -way of the Central of Georgia Railway near Lazaretto Creek described as follows: - Beginning at a pipe marker two hundred eighty -five (2g5) feet east of the intersection of the southern boundary line of the old Central of Georgia Railway right -of -way with Lazaretto Creek, thence in an easterly direction along the southern bound- ary line of said right-of-way a distance of twelve hundred sixty and three - tenths (1260.3)feet, more or less, to a point; thence North eighteen degrees forty -five minutes West across said right -of -way a distance of one hundred (100) -feet, more or less, to the Northern boundary line of said right -of -way; 6_t thence westwardly along the northern boundary line of said right -of -sway a distance of twelve hundred sixty and three tenths (1260.3) feet more or leas, to a. pipe marker placed et the eastern boundary of that portion of the abandoned right - of -way of the Central of Georgia Railway conveyed by quitclaim d deed from the Town of Savannah Beach to A. C. Carter by deed dated March 10, 193; thence South seven degrees, fast across said right-of-wry a distance of one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of said Town of Savannah Peach, Tybee Island, ^ eorgia , be authorized to sign a deed cuitclaiming said property, and that the Clerk of Council be authorized to attest the same and affix the seal of said town th thereto.