HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 02:08802-88 Dnlc I)[ Adtllli}lln February 2_1, 2002 C~RTIFYING ~y A. DI~qTON AS POLICE SI~GEANT WItEREAS, the New Jelsey Depa~tme~;t of Petsom~el called for a. examination for the position o£ Police Sergeant in the Borough of Carte~et; and WHEREAS, fl~e New Jersey Depa~hnent ofPe~ somml has served a Certification of Eligibles for Appoinhneni, dated 2/07/02 for saki positio.; and WIIE~AS, the New Jersey Department of Pe~sonnel has certified H~at Greao~ a. ~nton is e/igible for appointment to Hm position of Poli~ ~rg~n t in the Borough of Caterer; NOW, THEREFOI~, lie IT AND IT IS I[EREBY RESOLVED that Grego~ A. ~nton be and is hereby appointed to the posiliol~ of Pol ic~ Sorgoant of the Borough of CaI'leld flora the Ce~ lification List da~ed 2/07/02 as provided by law, e~eclive 2/21/02 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of lifts Resolution be sent fonhwifl~ to the New Jersey Depm lment of Pe~ sonneI, C N 316, T~ ento n, NJ 08625-0316. Adopted this 21Stday of February, 2002 and certified as a tree copy of the original on February 22, 2002. KATIILEENM BARNEY, Mtmicipal Clel k I~I[C()RD ()F COUNCII, VO'IF~ COUNCIl,MAN YES NO C{)UNCII,hlAN PARISI X SANTORO REIMAN X SOHAYDA RIOS X SOSNOWSKI X - hldknl¢ Vt~I¢ Ali - AII!;c.I /'IV - l'l.I VIllb,~ t xXX____[~_t~.~I;ES HO N~; A.I1. XOR - hiillc,lcs Vole ill Ovcrlllle VeIO Fh rv_e_ma_: 21:2002 _