HomeMy Public PortalAbout2003 - Wade and Associates - Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I - Final ReportTo see Appendices "found on CD" referenced on the blue pages throughout this report, go to subfolder in this root directory named as follows: "2003 - Wade and Associates - Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I - Final Report - Appendices" Final Report FOR Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I City of Jefferson, Missouri January,2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS __________________ _ LIST OF FIGURES _____________________ u LIST OF TABLES _______________________ m LIST OF APPENDICES ___________________ v DEFINITIONS ________________________ vt ABBREVIATIONS _______________________ vllt SECTION 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. General _______________________ I B. Findings 2 C. Recommendations 3 SECTION II: INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BACKGROUND A. History ________________________ 5 B. Goals of Study 5 C. Background of Study 5 D. Study Outline 6 SECTION III : FLOW AND RAINFALL MONITORING PROGRAMS A. Introduction _____________________ 8 B. General Desc ripti on 8 C. Calibra tion and Site Investigation 8 D. In stallat ion 9 E. Mon itoring Procedures 9 F. Monitoring Results 10 G. Summary of F low and Rainfall Monitoring Programs 11 SECTION IV: FLOW DATA ANALYSIS A. Introduction _____________________ l2 B. Base F low 12 C. Infiltration 13 D. Inflow 15 E. Peak Basin Flow Rate 16 F. Summary of F low Data Analysis 17 SECTION V: FIELD SURVEYS AND INSPECTION ACTIVITIES A. Introduction _____________________ 18 B. III Source Identification 18 C. Manhole Inspection 18 D. Visual Pipe Inspection 21 E. Smoke Testin 22 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) page F . T e levisio n Inspectio n __________________ 24 G. Building In sp ectio ns 26 SEC TION VI: FIELD DATA ANALYSIS AND HYDRAULIC MODELING A. O bj ecti ve ______________________ 29 B . III Sources 30 C. H ydra uli c M ode li n 33 SECTION VII: COST -EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS A. Obj ective _______________________ 39 B . Present W o rth Cost Criteria 39 C. III Removal Costs 40 D. R e li ef Sewer Costs 41 E. T reatment Cost s 42 F. S ummary o f Cost-Effec tiveness A na lysis 44 S ECTION VIII: RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENT PLAN A . Introdu ctio n _____________________ 46 B . M anho le R e h a bilita ti o n (III Re duc ti on Prog ram) 46 C. Pipe line R e h a bilita ti o n (LI I R e duc t ion Program) 48 D . Priva te-Secto r 1/l Reduc t io n 49 E. Reli ef/Re p laceme n t Sewers 50 F. S u m m a ry 5 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wade & Associates i s grateful to the various departments withi n the City who ha ve as s isted in the many phases of thi s s tudy. In particular, staff members within the Public Works D epartment an d E ng in eering Services sect ion were most helpful in completing much of the fieldwork. We wo uld es peciall y like to thank Kent Peetz, Jimmie Fisher, and J eff Wankum for th eir s upport and interest in develop ing thi s comprehe n sive and long-range program to reduce 1/I and improve the operation and pe rformance of the City's wastewater collectio n system. Fina ll y, our many thanks al so to Tom Jones and the City Co un c il for thei r interest in and selection of Wade & A ssociates for this important program. LIST OF FIGURES fo ll ows page SECTION II Figure A General Co ll ection System Layout 5 SECTION Ill Figure B Basin Flow Sche mati c II SECTION IV Figure C Basin F low Summary 16 SECTION V F igure D T y pical Public Sector Inflow and Infiltra ti on Sources 18 F igure E T y p ical P ri vate Sector Inflow a nd Infi ltration Sources 18 Figure F Examp le Manhole Inspection Form 19 Figure G Typical M anho le D eta il 19 Figure H Summary of Manhole Defec ts 20 Figure I Visual Pipe Ins pectio n Form 2 1 Figure J Summary ofVi sua l Pipe D efects 2 1 Fi gure K Examp le Smoke T est Form 23 F igure L Summary of Smoke Test Defects 24 Fig ure M CCTV Insp ecti on Form 24 F igu re N Location (map) ofTelevised Lines 24 Fi gure 0 Building Inspectio n Survey Form 26 F igure P Summary of Building Inspection Defects 28 SECTION VI F igure R Summary of III in Stud y Area 32 FigureS Standa rd R a i nfa ll Intensit y Curves 35 Figure T Example Sp li t Flow Config uration 35 Fi gure U Overloaded Sewers @ 0 % III Elimination 37 F igure V Land Use Future Growth 38 SECTION VII F igure W Summary of Cost-Effectiveness Anal ysi s 44 F igure X Recom mende d Manho le Rehabilitation 47 I SECTION VIII F igure Y R e ha bilitation/Replacemen t Program (III R e late d ) 48 F ig ure Z Relief/Replacement Sewer Program 51 ii LIST OF TABLES page SECTION I Tab le I-1 Recommended System Im p rovem ent Cost Summary 4 SECTION II Table Il-l General Study Compo ne nts for Ph ase I 7 SECTION III Tab le IJI -1 Flow Meter S ite Inve ntory 9 Tab le III-2 Rainfall S ummary 10 SECTION IV Table IV-1 Basin Peak Base F low Rates 13 Table IV-2 Typical Infiltratio n Sources 14 Table IV-3 Bas in Peak I nfi ltratio n Rates 14 Table IV-4 Typi ca l Inflow Sources 15 Table IV-5 Basin Pe ak Inflow Rates 15 Table IV-6 Syste m Peaking Factors 16 Table IV-7 Individual Basin Severity Ranki n 17 SECTION V Table V-1 Manhole Insp ecti on Statu s Summary 19 T ab le V-2 Resu lt s of M anhole Inspections 20 Table V-3 Res ul ts of Visu a l Pipe Inspections 22 Table V-4 S m o k e T est ing Summary 23 Table V-5 Res ults of Smoke Tes tin 24 Table V-6 Resu lt s of CCTV I nspec tion 25 Table V-7 Resu lts of Building In spections 27 SECTION VI Table VI-I Description o f III Data 30 Table VI-2 S u mmary of Public-Sector Inflow 31 T a b le VI-3 S u mmary o f P ubl ic-Sector Infiltra tion 31 Table VI-4 S ummary of Pri vate-Sector Inflow 32 Table VI-5 S ummary of Private-Sector I nfiltration 32 Tab le VI-6 S ummary of III Source Quantification 32 Tab le Vl-7 Pipe Inventory Report 35 Tab le VI-8 Re li ef Sewer Requirements 37 Tab le VI-9 Land U se Future Growth 38 iii SECTION VII Tab le VII-1 Tab le VII-2 Table VII-3 Table VII-4 Table VII-5 Tabl e VII-6 SECTION VIII Table V III-I Table VIII-2 Table VIII-3 Table VIII -4 Table VIII-5 Table VIII-6 Table VIII-7 LIST OFT ABLES (Co ntinued) page Sum mary oflncremental III E limination Costs. ______ 40 R e li ef Sewer Unit Cost G ui deline 41 Sum mary of Incremental Reli ef Sewer Costs 42 Summ ary oflncremental III Volume s 43 Summary of Treatment Costs 44 Summary of Cost-Effectiveness Ana lysis 45 I/1 Reduction Program -Prel im inary Manhole Re hab 4 7 III Reduction Program -Recommended Manhole Rehab __ 4 8 l/1 Reduction Program -Pipe line Rehabilitation 49 1/1 Reduction Program -Private-Sector Abatement 50 Recommended Relief/Replacement Program (39% 1/l Removal and No F u ture Growth Considerations) __ 5 1 R ecommende d R e li ef/Replacement Program (Including Future Growth F lows a nd 39% 1/I Removal) __ 5 1 Recommended Sys tem Improvemen t Cost Summary 52 iv LIST OF APPENDICES A. Flow Mon itoring Site Sheets/H ydrographs (see enclosed CD) B. Rainfall-Induced "Q vs. i" C urves (see enclosed CD) C. "Not Inspected" Manhole Structures D. Manho le Inspection Report (see enclosed CD) E. Visual Pipe Ins pection Report (see enclosed CD) F. Smoke Testing Report (see enclosed CD) G. CCTV Inspection Report (see enc losed CD) H. Bui ldin g/D yed-Water Inspection Reports (see enclosed CD) I. Hydraulic Capacity Report (see enclosed CD) J. F low Analysis Report (0% Ill E li min at ion) K. II I Elimination Report L. Flow Analysis Reports: 10%-44.9% I I I Elim ination (see enclosed CD) M. Preliminary Manhole R ehabilitation Schedule (see enclose d CD) N. Recommended Manhole Rehabilitation Schedul e 0. Recommende d Pipe lin e Rehabilitation Schedule P. Pri vate-Sector 1/I Elimination Report Q . Recommended R e lief/Rep lacement Sewer Program R. CCTV Observations v As-BujJt Backup Base Flow Basin Excessive 1/I Fi ve -Year S tonn Event- Hyd raulic Gradient Hydraulic Network Indus tri a l Flow Infiltration Inflow DEFINITIONS Record drawin gs w hich th eoreticall y reflect the field conditions of the sewer system after it was constructed. Records are normally provided by the contractor and approved and accepted by the City of J efferson , Missouri . Wastewater that e nters into base me nts and other low-lying areas during intense rainfall p eriod s. Normall y a re s ult of excessive storm water and ground water entering into the sanitary sewer syst em or bl ockage in the public or private sewer lines. The compone nt of wastewate r that originates fro m all wastewater uses s uch a s re s id e nti al, comme rcial , in stituti onal and in dustrial customers. An area d e fined by the network of interconnected sewer lin e segments tha t are tributary to and terminate at a de s ignated control point. Measured in fl ow and infiltra ti on within a sanitary sewer system that is cons idere d to be more expens ive to trans port and treat a t the C ity's wastewater treatment fac ility than to e liminate through rehabilitation. A s in gle rainfall event which has a 20% statistical probability of o ccurring during any given 12-month pe r iod. The vertica l profi le of a sewe r system in plan v iew tha t defines the (grade lin e) elevati on of free s u rface wa ter a s it flow s through a sanitary sewer system . The inte rconnect ion of sanitary sewer pipes within a basin that terminates at a s in g le disc h arge point and is de fined by phys ical characteri stics such as pipe len g th , diamete r, inv ert elevation , rim eleva tion , and slope. The compon e nt of flow that is contributed from a di sch arger w h o is class ifi ed as an industry . Ground water th at enters into the sanitary sewer through d efects in pipe and manhole s s uch as c rac ks , separated joints, dete riorated manhole components , bui !ding foundation drains, and defective service lateral s. Surface stonn water that enters into the sani tary sewer throug h direct sources su c h as ve nte d manhole lid s, downs pouts, area drains, indirec t sto rm sewer connections, stonn sewer c ross- conn ectio ns, a nd uncapped cleanouts below grade. vi In vert Maj o r User Disch arge Manning's Coeffi c ie nt - Non-excess iv e 1/l Overfl ow Overl oade d Sewer Pe nna ne n t Infiltra tio n - Pr ivate-Secto r Preventa t ive M a int e n an ce - T h e botto m po rti o n of the sani tary sewer pipe as measured at a m a nho le. T h e com pone nt of wastewater th a t originates f rom a user di sc ha rgi n g g reate r than 25,000 gall o ns/day. An e mpiric al valu e th a t is ass igned to pipes of differing m a te ria ls as a fun c ti o n o f th e s urface r o u g hness of the pipe wal l. M easure d infl ow and infiltra tion w it h in a san itary sewer system th a t is con s id e re d mo re expe n s ive to e liminate th ro ug h re ha bilitatio n that to tra n s p o rt an d treat at the City's wastewater treatment fac ili ty. A condi t ion in w hi c h the wastewate r flow rate in a sewer system exceed s the capacity of the sewer to the extent that raw wastewater is di scharged to a navigable water way. A condi t io n in w h ic h th e wastewater flow rate theoreticall y exceeds I 00% of the design hydraul ic capac ity of the sewer. G round water th a t e nte rs into th e sani tary sewer system dur in g th e d r ies t p e ri od of the year wh e n th e g rou nd water table is lowest in e levati o n . Those fac iliti es w hi c h are own ed an d ma intai ned by the p rivate p ro p ert y ow n er s of the C ity. Sche dul e d a nd imp le me nted m aintenance of t he C it y's sanitary sewer syste m t h ro ugh systematic inspectio n , cleaning and bu d geted rehabi lit atio n in order to reduce the net a n n ua l cost of system main tenance. Publi c-Secto r Those fac ili ti es which a re owne d an d mai ntained by the C ity. R ai n fa ll -Induced Infil tra ti o n -P eak in fil tra ti o n t h a t is measu red 2-5 hou rs afte r th e peak wastewate r res po nse to a m eas ured ra infall event. S lo pe T he d egree of vertical fa ll of a san itary sewer system measured in ft/ I 0 0 ft between manhol es. Wet-W eather Infiltrati o n -P eak in fi lt ratio n th a t is normall y m easu re d 6-12 hours after the peak wastewater respon se to a measured rai n fall event. vii CCTV CEA CFS or cfs CIP City CFR CMP CNL DIA or dia DIP DNE E PA fps gpd gpcd gpd!IDM gpm III lD IDM IN or in Jab-In LF or If MDNR MG or mg MGD or mgd N /A NPDES O&M OBG PM PVCP RCP QCP SSES TDH VCP Wade WEF WWTF ABBREVIATIONS C losed C ircuit Televi s ion Camera Cost Effectiveness Analysis Cubi c Fee t Per Second Cast Iron Pipe C ity of Jefferson , Missouri Code of the Federal R egister Corrugated Meta l Pipe Can Not Locate Diameter Duc til e Iron Pipe Does Not Exist Env iron mental Protection Agency Feet Per Second Gall ons Per Day Gall ons Per Capita Per Day Gal. Per Day Per In ch ( dia) X Length of Pipe (mi) Gall ons Per Min ute Infi ltration and Inflow Identification Inch (diameter) X Leng th of Pipe (miles) Inch Non-factory Y-connection. L inear Feet Missou ri D epartment of Natural Resources Mill ion Ga ll ons Million Gall o ns Per Day Not Applicable or Not Avai lab le National Polluta nt Discharge Elimination System Operations and Maintenance Orangebu rg Preventative Maintenance Polyv in yl C hl oride Pipe Reinforced Conc rete Pi pe Quality Control Program Sewer System Evaluation Survey T o tal Dyna mic H ead Vitrified Clay Pipe Wade & Associates, Inc. Water Environment Federation Wastewater Treatment Faci lity viii A. GENERAL SECTION I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thi s exec uti ve s ummary is a ge neral overv iew of the con s ultan t's findings, conclusions, and recommendations of th e sa nitary sewer evalu ation s urvey (SSES) th a t was conducted in ba s in s 9, 10 , and 1 J for th e City of J efferson City, Mi sso uri . This rep o rt h as been prepared b y Wade & Associates, Inc., consulting engineers for the City, a nd concludes th e SSES in bas in s 9, 10, and I I of th e C ity's san itary sewer coll ect ion system. This s tudy was conduc ted to measure, locate , quantify , and eval uate ra in fall -ind uced inflow and infiltra tion (Ill) that c urrentl y enters into th e C ity's wastewater collection system . Field s urveys and in specti o n activi ti es fo r the SSES we re a cooperative effort between City staff an d Wade & Associates' staff. Wade & Associates' staff train ed, provid e d oversight and coordi nation during the SSES. Th e stud y has al so prov id ed comprehens ive im provement recomme nd at io ns th at will signifi ca ntl y reduce the occurrences of overflows a nd bypasses in the stu d y ar ea. Major p roject goa ls were: • locate a nd analyze manhole and pipe li ne defects in the system that contribu te to system III • locate a nd an alyze sou rces ofl/1 from private property through s moke testing that di sc harge into the C it y 's wastewater collection system • evalu a te the impact of l/1 on the C ity's wastewater coll ection system • d evelop a comprehensive and cost-effect ive plan for m anaging peak wastewater flo ws thro ug hout the system during periods of extended or intense rainfa ll • provide genera l recomme nd a tion s for improve me nt to the san itary sewer systems in bas in s 9, 10, a nd II. Furtherm o re, results of th e stud y w ill esta bli sh a multi-year sewer renewa l p rogra m . A lthough , the SSES was comple te d during a 12-month pe ri od, actua l imp le me ntation of th e rehabilitation prog ram recommended herei n, w ill require a longer time frame d ue to fun d ing li mitatio ns and available resources . Specifically, the multi-year rehabi litati on program w ill : • seek to el imina te was tewater backups caused from 1/l and restricted pipe capacity due to structura l d e te ri orati on • re duce peak III fl ows w ith in th e City-owned coll ection system through cost- effective manho le and pipe li ne reh abilita ti o n • reduce p eak II I rates in the private sector by disconnecting sources of storm water o n private property that contribute III to the wastewater coll ection system • e nha nce h ydra uli c capacity of the wastewater collection syste m by constructin g st ra tegic relief or rep lacement inte rceptor sewers • prov id e a database management system to be used for the n ex t ph ase of des ign and o n-going preventative maintenance of th e col lection system City of Jefferson City, Mi ssouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 B. FINDIN GS 1. The City operates and main ta in s an exten sive wastewat e r coll ecti on system covering a p proxima te ly 66 square miles. T h e e ntire system discharges into a s ingle wastewater treatment fac ili ty, herein referred to as the WWTF. There a re twenty one maj o r wat ershe d s that p rov ide wast ewater serv ice. Basin s 9, I 0 , a nd li were selected for th is in itial SSES project. 2. T h is SSES in vesti gated the sanitary sewers included in basin s 9, 10, and 11. Basins 9 and I 0 have been f urther sub-di vid e d , f or modeling purposes, in to in di vidual b asin s labe le d 9A, 9B, 1 OA, 1 OB , 1 OC, 1 OD, and 1 OE. Basin II was no t sub-di v ided. 3. T he s tudy a r ea, was flow m o nitor ed d uri n g the SSES. Ten ( 1 0) fl ow mon itor s were installed to contin uo u sly monito r wastewater flow rates fro m m id Octobe r of 200 I thr ough early J an uary of 2 002. T he da ta obtained during th is monit oring p eriod included a s uffic ient n umber of m easure d rain fall events t o evalu a te the system's response to rai nfall-i nd uced infi ltrat ion and inflow. 3. Four (4) con t in u o u s ly recording ra infa ll m oni tors were a lso ins ta ll ed in the syst em co ncurrently w it h the fl ow monitoring program. These monit ors fac ilitated the evalua tion of the relatio ns h ip be t ween rainfa ll intensity a nd peak wastewater fl ow rates within each o f the basins. 4 . Gene ra ll y a de q uate resul ts were o b tained fr om the flow a nd rainfall monitoring program. An average of 5.4 inches of rainfa ll was record e d d uri ng the mo nitorin g p e ri od. The hi ghest rainfall in te nsity measure d duri ng th e mon itorin g pe r iod was 0.95 in c hes/hour o n December 1, 200 1. 5. A compute r hydr auli c model was deve loped of a ll pi p es with in the three b asin s. The mode l was d evelop e d from all avail able sources inclu d ing fi eld investi ga tions as well as as-built m aps. T h e m o d e l faci l ita ted the evaluatio n o f th e im p act of existing and fu t ure wastewater fl ows on the C ity's collectio n syste m to the o u tle t o f th e study area, fo r a 2 0-year planning pe r iod. 6. Peak dail y flow under near satu ra ted so il cond itions contri b uted by each basin ranges from 0.1 mgd in basin 1 OCto 0.6 mgd from bas in I OD . Under near-saturated ground conditions, storm fl ow rates peaked by as much as 6: I at the o utlet in basin 11 . 7. A total of 2 ,077 m anh oles were in te rn a ll y inspected d uring the SSES, resu lting in the identification of 1, 728 potent ial sources of in flow and/or in fi ltrati on fro m m anhole related d efect s. 8. A to ta l of 5,182 v is ua l p ipe inspections were comple ted during man ho le ins pection s. Using dig ital cam e ra technologies, fi e ld crews were able to view u p to 30 fee t up/down each sewer li ne. A tota l of 286 structur a l, III and/or m a intena n ce-re lated defects s u ch as c rack e d o r broken pipe, roots, d e bris, p oor line grade, offset join ts, and collapsed or m issing p ipe were identifie d . 9. A tota l of 459,300 lineal feet of san itary sewers were s m o ke teste d as pa rt of this s tudy. The tests located 655 de fects in the p ublic sector a n d 280 d efects in the p r ivate sector. 10 . A pilot building inspection p rogram was u nde r taken as part of this stu dy. A total of 250 insp ectio n s out of 355 a ttemp ted inspections were comple te d . A n a rea con ta ining residential, institutional, and commercial, p roperties was selecte d for the p i lo t program. Thirty (30) sump 2 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 pumps directly connected to th e sanitary sewer system were located from th e completed inspections. Additionally, thirty o n e (3 1) other p o tenti a l III sources were located but remain un confirme d as III sources. I I . The most re liable and accurate metho d of ide nti fying the exact location o f III e n try fro m d efecti ve pipe into the co ll ection sys tem is throug h the con c urrent use of c losed circuit te levis ion (CCTY) inspectio n a nd d yed wa te r testin g. Approxi mate ly 17,300 feet o f san itary sewer were t e levised a long w ith 74 compl eted dyed water tests in th e study area. The C it y conduc t ed thi s work . YHS tapes were prov id ed to W ad e foll owing the inspection work for further eva lu ation. 12. A total of 506 public-sector inflo w d efects contributing 2,124 gpm of flow we re id enti fie d during fi e ld in vesti gat ions. An additio na l 168 private-sector infl ow d efects contri b ut ing 956 g pm o f flo w were a lso identified during fi e ld investigations. 13. A total o f 748 public -sector infi ltration defects contributing 467 gpm of fl ow were ide nt ifi ed during fi e ld investigations. An ad d itiona l 138 private-secto r infiltrati on defects contrib uting 16 1 gpm of flow were also ide ntifi e d during fi e ld in vesti gati ons. C. RECOMMENDATIONS I. A cost-effective an a lysis, u s in g prese nt-worth crite ria a s a means of com pa ring and evaluating alternatives to improve th e sa nitary sewer coll ectio n and treatment system, indi cates that approx im a te ly 39% of th e III m eas ured in basins 9, I 0 , and I I sh ou ld be re m oved . 2. The proj ected probab le cost to re move excessive III and e li minate backups and overflows in the three b asin s, is ap prox im ate ly $I 5 milli on. This cos t includes improvements to pub li c- sector, incl udin g future grow th fl ows, as we ll as private-sector infrastructures. Summaries of each phase of the recommend ed 1/1 reduction pl an a re as fo ll ows: a. Pipe li ne Reh abilitation (Ill E li mination): A total o f 70 sanitary sewer li n e segme nts (approximately 1 I ,500 ft) have been targeted for rehab ili tation to remove excessive Ill a nd restore structural integrity. The recommended Pipe line R e habilita ti o n program is estimated to cost approximately $2.4 m i lli o n . b. M a nho le R e habi lit atio n (VI E limination): Part of the pi pe lin e re ha bi litation prog ra m in c ludes the re pl acement of many manhole s tru c tures, w hic h wou ld otherwise have been m ade part of th e manhole re hab ilitatio n program . Based on fi e ld in spec ti o n o f each manh ole stru ctu re, 874 ma nholes a re recommende d for rehabilita ti o n or re pl acem e nt. However, it is recom men d e d th a t 11 8 m anhol e structures recommended for reh ab ilita tion b e in c lude d in the pipeline re hab ilitation program, leaving 756 manholes to be inc luded in th e m a nhole im provemen t plan. The estima ted cost of the final recomm e nde d manhole rehabi lit ation program is $644,000. c. Pri va te-Sector III R educt io n : The projected cost to remove private-sector III from the sewer system is estimated to be approx im at ely $87 ,000. T he C ity an d th e property own e rs w ill like ly share this cost. This 3 City of J efferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 proposed estimate also includes the City 's cost to administer the private III abatement program . R e moval of private-sector l /1 can be achieved by doing the following: ( 1) repairing defecti ve service la terals , (2) disconnecting driveway, stairwell, and area drains, (3) capping or re pairing cleanouts, a nd (4) di sconnec ting downspouts. d. R e li ef/Replacement Pipeline Program : The s tudy has identifie d approxi m a te ly $11.9 million of re lief or replacement sanitary sewer s in th e s tudy, inc luding est imated future growth flows f or a 20-year planning p erio d . Table I-1 summarizes th e recommended system improvement costs for basins 9 , 10 , and 11. Ta bl e 1-1 R ecomme nde d System lmprove ment Cost S ummary Description Cos t Estim ate Manho le R eh ab ilita ti o n $644,000 Pipeline R e h a bilitatio n (II I E liminat io n) 2,400,000 Private III Abatement Program 87 ,000 Relief/Replacem e nt Sewers * 11 ,900,000 Total $15,031 ,000 *Includes req u1red reli e f sew ers for futur e growt h needs. 4 City of J efferson City, Misso uri Sanitary Se wer Evaluation Survey -Pha se I Study Area No vember, 2002 SECTION II INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BACKGROUND A. HISTORY The City of Jefferson C ity , Missouri operates a nd maintains an extens ive system of wastewater collection facilities serving a n a rea of approximate ly 66 s quare miles. The coll ection syste m ha s been divided into 21 separate drainage areas. Three of the se 2 1 bas in s we re se lected for th is project. They are bas ins 9 , 1 0 , a nd 11. The system contains a w ide ran ge of utility customers th a t di scharge wastewater to the system. Users include res idential, commercial, a nd industria l customers. The current III p roject is pa rt of th e C ity's long-range wastewater managem e nt program to e liminate sanitary sewer overflows and bypasses. Due to practical and obvious financial cons traints, the e n tire collectio n sys te m could not be incorporated in thi s stud y. Rathe r, it was dec id ed that th e SSES wou ld be phased over an extende d period , beginning with th e sanita ry sewers in bas in s 9, 10, and 11. Appro x imately 497,000 linea l feet of sewers were investi gate d in thi s s tudy a re a. The coll ection system in the s tudy area is comprised prima rily of 8" sewers with interceptors as la rge as 28". Currently, fi ve lift stat ions are located in the study area. B. GOALS OF STUDY The Ci ty retained the consu lting engin eering servi ces of Wade & Assoc iates, In c. in Jun e 200 I to provide assistance, training, a nd oversig ht of a fl ow monitoring program, comprehens ive J/1 investigation in the stud y area, and to create a hy dra uli c model. Base d o n the City's past experiences with excessive e m e rgency m ai nte nance a nd reoccurring storm re la ted backups, it was b e li eved that excessive III con tri butions from was tewater coll ection system we re resu ltin g in excessive fl ows in the coll ecti on sys tem . These excess iv e flows may res ul t in sewage backups and overflows. A comprehens ive 111 inves tigation of th e sa njtary sewer collection sys tem in bas in s 9, 10 , and I 1 was conducted to d eve lop a cost-effective plan for sewer re ha bi litation and to estab li s h proj ection s for re habilitation costs required to a ll eviate III re lated overfl ows within the sewer syste m. The study area collection system is s ho wn in Figure A. Th is report presents th e resul ts o f thi s stud y and recommend ations for redu c ing excessive III through proper management approaches suc h as sewer system re h a bilitation and selective re lief or replacement sewers. C. BACKGROUND OF STUDY Hi s torically, the C ity h as experienced periodic and infre quent p ro bl ems with wastewater overfl ows and b ackups during p e riods of e ith e r sh o rt, hi g h int e n s ity s torm events or pro lo nged rain fa ll event s. In addition, dry weather overflows ha ve been reported which we re due to blockages in the collection system s uch as root intru sio n or debris bu i ld-up. 5 City of J efferson City, Mi ssouri San itar y Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 .A Rain Gauges • Flow Mete rs • Manholes N Sewer Force Main Basins SA 88 w ~• 9A ~ 98 10A 108 10C 100 10E 11 s FIGURE A General Collection System Layout Occas ional proble ms occurri ng within the system included : • Was tewate r backups and overflows • Sanitary sewer backups into low-lying a reas • Structura l dete ri ora tion of pipes and man ho les • Increased frequency of unsche duled m aintenan ce and associated capital expenditures D . STUD Y O UTL I NE The City commissioned thi s s tud y to d eve lo p a pro-active rehabil it a tion program for minimizing the hydrau lic impacts of III. The first part of th e s tudy, a flo w-monitoring progra m beginning in October 200 1, was estab li s he d to evaluate the hy dra u lic behavior of the study area under vari o u s rainfall events and conditions. The main objective of this phase of the s tudy was to quanti fy III rates for each basin and establish a corre lation b e twe e n p eak now respon se and r ainfal l. This p hase is further di scussed in Secti o n IV of thi s report. During the s econd part of th is study, intens iv e m anho le inspections, s moke testin g, te lev is ion in s pe c tion s, building in s pections, a nd d yed-wate r testin g were conduc ted to c ha rac te ri ze and quantify t he d e fe cts with in the co ll ection syste ms of th e area studi e d that contribute excessive VI to the City's WWTF. This phase is further di scussed in Section V of th is re p ort. The third part of th e s tudy in volved the deve lopment of a c ompute r hyd ra ulic model of a ll C ity owned sanitary sewer lin es ide ntifie d in the study area. B y c reat in g s uc h a mo d e l, the hy drau lic impact ofl/1 o n the ex istin g sewe r syste m could be eva lua te d for a variety of s pecified s torm eve nts. Where peak flo ws exceeded the h ydra u lic ca pac ity o f segm ents in the system, the mode l se lec ted th e a ppropriate re l ief/re p lacement sewers and de termine d the associa ted probabl e cost to imp le me nt the re li ef/re pl acem ent sewer p lan fo r th e study a rea. S ub sequent m o de ls could a lso evaluate the effecti veness o f reduc in g re l ief sewer re quire m e nts based o n the effective reduc ti on of III through compre he ns ive sewer renewal. De tai ls regard ing this modeling phase are included in Sectio n V I. The fourth p a rt in c luded a cost-effecti veness analysis (CEA) w hi c h identified the least-cost m eans of reducing excess ive III n ows and trans porting, conta ining, and treating th e remaining peak fl ows unde r condition s that corre late to a s pe cifi e d ra infa ll in te n s ity (or retum period). This an a lysis in cl uded a combina ti o n of II I r eductio n and re li ef/re placem ent sewers. The study was condu c ted ass uming th a t a ll inflow a nd infiltration sources fo und to be cost-e ffecti ve to elim ina te will be re moved th ro ug h vario u s m eans of re h a b il itation. S u b seque nt mo de ls were develo p ed for vario u s I l l red uctio n a ltemati ves. Di scu ss ions regarding the CEA are included in Section V II. The fifth and fina l part of the study presents recommenda ti o ns regardin g the s pec ifics of th e cost- effective plan to re move III and impl e ment an inte rceptor relief/re placement prog ram. It is included in Section VIII . Basic study compone nts in c luded in each phase are s how n in Table II -1 . 6 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evalu ation Survey -Phase 1 Study Area November, 2002 Part 2 3 4 5 Table 11-1 General Study Components for Phase I Task Temporary Flow Monitoring I l l In vestigation Hy draulic Mode l Cost-Effectiveness A na lys is Final R ecomme ndatio n s Pur ose Provides informati o n regarding wet-weather fl ows. Temporary fl ow m o nitors we re placed in each bas in studied to quantify g ross III a nd he l p determine the relationshi p betw een rainfa ll a nd peak flow response (b as in rainfall sens iti v it y). Ide ntifi es and quanti fies 1/1 sources in each of the stu di e d basi n s. Allows com puter s imula tion of hy draulic b e h avior of sanit ary sewer syst e m under varyi ng storm events a nd III reduction levels. Identifi es re li ef sewer require m ents. Identities the "least-cost " option of III reduction t h rough sewer re habilitation and relief or replace m e nt sewer plan . Presents s pecific recommended improvements resulting fro m the cost-effectiveness ana lysis. 7 City of Jefferson City, Miss o uri Sa nitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Pha se I Study Area Novembe r, 2002 SECTION III FLOW AND RAINFALL MONITORING PROGRAMS A. INTRODUCTION The analysis and development of a stati stically accurate hydraulic model requires the collection of flow and rainfall data at critical p o ints in the system . Results of the monitoring programs were u se d to evalu ate the hydraulic be havior of th e system under varying rainfall and g roundwa ter conditions. Rainfall impac ts wastewater flow s in two principal areas. First, high-intens ity storm events can cause wastewater flow rates to inc re ase dra ma ti ca ll y in a s hort p eriod oftime. This can resu lt in hy dra ulic bottlenecks, sewer surcharging and overflows due to the sewer system 's limited capacity to trans port th e flow to a terminating point s uc h as a pumping station or treatme nt plant. Second, moderate s torm events of extended dura tion can introduce flows to the system which can be observed at the treatment plant where flow s increase to a le vel that may be s ustained for several hours or days. The res ult is increased operation and energy costs. Such rainfall events typi ca ll y have minimal impacts on required re i ief sewers. The information from th e analys is of flow d ata also faci litates prioritization of 1/1 removal based on its measured rates in va riou s bas in s. B. GENERAL DESCRIPTION A tota l of ten electroni c flow monitors were used to measure flow s contributed by all bas in s in the stud y area. The flow mon itoring dev ices have fo ur components: (1) depth of fl ow and ve loc ity sensors, (2) a centra l processing unit, (3) solid-state memory for data storage, and (4) an on-board clock to synchroni ze se nsor recordings. Each monitor acquired and stored depth of flow and velocity readings at user-define d intervals. From the data coll ected, fl ow rates w ere computed u si ng accepted e ngineering principa ls. A ll rainfall events were recorded by 4 continuous ly recording electronjc rain gauges. Rain ga uge measurement is based on th e tipping-bucket principle to acc urately record rainfall a t one hundredth (0.0 I) of an inch increment. Figure A show s the approximate insta ll a tion locations of the rain gauge and flow m onitorin g d evices. A portabl e computer was used in the fi e ld on a weekly basis to retrieve data from each flow a nd rainfall-monitoring device . C. CALIBRATION AND SITE INVESTIGATION Before each installation, calibration of flow and rainfall monitoring equipme nt was pe rfo rmed to manufacturer's specifi cati ons. Calibration ensures that th e equipment operates in a manner consistent with its design. Site se lection for flow and rainfall monitoring equipment is an integra l part of th e process. An id eal flow monitoring site should be located in the bottom reach of the bas in . The s ite should be accessible and the flow stream sh ould approximate a laminar flow situation . Rainfall monitoring si tes s hould be located in open areas free of di s turbances that mig ht interfere wi th the natural distribution of precipitation. 8 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phas e I Study Area November, 2002 D. INSTALLATION After the site investigations and calibrations were completed, temporary flow and rainfall monitors w ere insta ll ed at s ite s in the study area. Again , Figure A shows the location s of the monitors in the system and their re lative positions with re spect to the collection system . Depth and velocity sensors were mounted on an expandable ring and in stall ed a distance of approximately one to two pipe diameters into the upstream sewer pipe of the chosen manhole . After the in stallation was complete, the flow mon itoring field crew tested th e sensors to ensure that the monitor wa s working properly. A total of I 0 flow meters and 4 rain gauges were in sta ll ed in the co lle ction system for approximate ly 90 days beginning October 200 1 and ending Janua ry 2002. During th e monitoring period, a suffic ie nt number of rainfall events occurred for flow analysis. A summary of each flow meter s ite is presented in Table III-I . Si te location sheets for each monitorin g location a re included in Appendix A. Table III-I Flow Meter Site Inventory Site Basin Manhole Pipe Oiam. Date Installed Date Removed No. Number (in) I. t OE 8924 8 1 0/l l/0 1 1/8/02 2 . IOD 89 11 10 I Oil 1101 1/8/02 3. IO C 8652 12 10/11/0 I 118/02 4. l OB 7 144 12 I 0111 /0 I I /8/02 5. 09A 7027 15 10/12/0 l 1/8/02 6. lO A 7 10 8 21 I 0/12/0 I 1/8/02 7. II 6973 28 I 0/11 /01 1/8/02 8. 0 8A 7833 8 10/30/01 1/8/02 9. 0 88 7962 8 10/30/01 1/8/02 10 . 098 7039 8 10/30/01 1/8/02 E. MONITORING PROCEDURES During the monitoring period , field crews visited the metering locations at least weekly to download the data and document field conditions. The following Quality Assurance Pro g ram (QCP) was conducted to ensure the inte g rity of the data collected at each m e te rin g lo cati o n : • Measure Power Supply. Power leve ls were recorded and power s uppli es rep la ced , if n ecessary. The monitor is powere d by a dry cell battery pack. A separate battery provides back-up power to memory, al lowing the primary battery to b e replaced without the loss of data. • Verify Depth of Flow and Velocity. During the s ite visit, a fiel d crewmember d escended th e manhole to measure th e depth and velocity of flow manually a t the sensor. These readings were then compared to the monitor readings to assess mo nito r accuracy. • M eas ure Silt Level . The fi e ld crewmember measured and recorde d th e d epth of an y si lt at the sensor. • Do wnload of Raw Data. Raw data was downloaded onto a la ptop computer and later arc hi ved on computer disks and b ackup tapes. 9 City of J efferson City. Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase 1 Study Area November, 2002 • R e vie w of Raw Data. After th e d a ta w as coll ected , it wa s reviewed by th e fi e ld c rew to ve rify its in tegrity. All read in gs were c hecked for c onsiste nc y and d eviati o n s in th e flow pa tterns th at woul d indic ate system an o m a lies or equ ipment f a ilure . F . MONITORING RES ULTS The ra infall g a u ges and fl ow me ter s w ere in p lace in the wa st ewate r collectio n syst e m fo r approximate ly 90 days d urin g the fall period o f 200 1. D u ri n g thi s time, an average o f 5.37 inches of rainfall occurred . T h e h igh est ra in fa ll inte n s it y me asu re d during the mo nito rin g pe ri o d was 0 .95 inc hes/h our o n D e cember I a nd w as recorded a t ra in gauge No . 2 locate d at Ced ar Hi ll s Sc hool. Approx imate ly 26 separate ra infa ll ev ents w e re rec o rd ed d uring the fl o w-mo nito rin g peri o d provid in g adequ ate informa tio n fo r syste m a na lys is. A s ummary of rainfa ll recorde d during t he monitorin g p er io d is shown in T ab le III -2 . Date R C I Total Int e nsit y (i n ch es) (i n/hr) 10/13/0 1 0.37 0 .24 10/15/0 1 -- 10/24/0 1 0.16 0 .12 1 1/2/0 1 0 .9 8 0.6 1 1 1/18/0 1 0.4 0 .2 8 1 1118/0 1 -- 11/19/0 1 0 .25 0 .15 11 /2 4/0 1 0 .2 9 0.12 11 /27/0 1 -- 1 1/29/0 1 -- 1 1/29/0 1 -- 1 1/29/01 0 .11 0 .05 1 1/29/0 1 0 .04 0 .03 1 1/30/01 -- 12 /l /0 I -- 12 /l /0 1 -- 12/2/0 I -- 12 /2/0 1 -- 12 /3/0 1 -- 12 /3/0 1 -- 12112 /0 1 0.4 0 .17 12/12/0 1 0 .1 0 .0 9 12/12/01 0 .13 0 .13 12/12/0 1 0 .04 0 .04 1211 4/0 1 0 .17 0 .07 12/15/0 1 0 .12 0 .0 5 12116/0 1 0 .3 3 0.0 7 12117/0 1 -- 12/22/0 1 0 .0 5 0.0 3 1/5/0 2 0 .0 8 0.0 3 1/8/0 2 -- Ta ble 111-2 R a infa ll S ummary RC2 R C3 R C4 T otal Int en s it y Total I nten sity Total Int e n si ty {in c h es) {in/hr) (in c hes) (in/hr) {in c hes) (i nf h rl 0.3 1 - 0 .12 0 .84 0.4 - 0.2 5 0 .28 0 .2 9 - - - - 0 .0 5 0 .0 8 1.35 0 .2 1 0 .0 5 0 .07 0 .0 7 0 .4 1 0 .0 8 0 .13 0 .0 3 0 .17 0 .12 0 .3 4 - 0 .05 - 0 .0 7 0 .19 0 .3 0.1 9 0 .36 0 .22 -0 .4 1 0 .14 0.4 3 0 .15 0 .0 9 0 .12 0.07 0 .18 0 .11 0.4 7 0 .89 0.49 0 .8 7 0 .36 0 .28 0 .3 4 0.24 0 .35 0.2 7 -O.Q3 0 .0 3 0 .0 2 0 .02 0 .15 0 .24 0 .16 0 .3 0 .18 0 .16 0 .3 0 .13 0 .37 0 .15 0 .27 ---- ---0 .04 0 .04 ---0 .06 0 .05 -0.13 0 .07 0 .15 0 .08 ---0 .0 5 0 .04 0 .0 5 ---- 0 .07 ---- 0 .9 5 ---- 0 .19 ---- 0 .05 ---- 0 .0 6 ---- 0 .0 7 ---- 0 .14 0 .52 0 .17 0 .5 4 0 .18 0 .0 7 0 .0 7 0 .0 6 0 .0 8 0 .06 0 .13 0 .12 0 .12 0 .13 0.13 0 .03 0 .0 5 0 .04 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 0 .08 0 .14 0 .0 5 0 .13 0 .06 0 .15 0 .1 0 .04 0 .1 1 0 .0 5 0 .07 0 .34 0 .09 0 .38 0 .09 -0 .06 0 .04 0 .09 0 .05 0 .04 0.04 0 .03 0 .06 0 .04 ----- 0 .07 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 O.Q3 0 .0 4 1 0 City of Jefferson City, Misso uri Sa nitary Sewer E valuation S urvey-Ph ase I Study A rea November, 2 00 2 T o d e te rmine peak coll ecti o n syste m fl ows, it is essential that assoc ia ted rainfal l events h ave m odera te inte ns it ies. Hig h inte ns ity rainfa ll events usua ll y res ult in p eak wastewater fl ows that create surcharge, backups, and poss ib ly overflows. T he goal of the mode ling effort is to evaluate th e hydrauli c b e havior of th e sewer system u nder open-channe l fl ow cond itions. T he refore, sur char ges a nd b ackups produce non-representative da ta a nd must be used cautious ly. Also, p rojecting th e th eore t ica l peak wastewater fl ows un der t hese conditions is v irtua ll y impossib le s in ce storage and oth er vo lu me tri c losses r educe measured peak fl ows. It is a lso importa nt to use cauti o n wh en evalu at ing hy drau l ic perform a nce o f a collectio n system based o n total ra infa ll o n ly. For exampl e, a low intens ity ra infa ll w ith a c umulati ve to ta l of 2 to 3 inc hes may fa ll d uring a p eriod o f seve ra l ho u rs , res u lt ing in o n ly moderate in fl ow (peak) responses in th e co ll ection syste m . However, a h ig h intensi ty rainfa ll of 0.5 to 1.0 inch in 60 min u tes may resul t in a greater inflow response in the coll ect ion system. Ideally, several rainfall events ra ng in g from 0.1 to 1.0 inches per ho u r are norma ll y required to project peak san itary sewer system flows. Opti m a l results occu r w he n us ing a storm du ration that approx imates th e ti me of con centra t io n fo r each basin . G. SUMMARY OF FLOW AND RA IN FALL MONI TORING PROGRAMS T he data resu lti ng from th e flow a nd rai n fa ll mon itorin g program was indicat ive of a system s imila r in age a nd condition to th e C it y's co ll ectio n system . T he flows recorded by the tempo rary fl ow mon ito rs in d icated the p resence of system -wide in fl ow entering th e system by respond ing qui ckly to ra infa ll even ts. T hi s is a typica l response from a system co ntai n ing deficien cies tha t a ll ow surface run-off to e nte r th e sanitary sewer. Flow ra tes genera ll y returned to nonnal leve ls in a reasonable pe rio d of t ime. Thi s is another ind icator th a t th e majority of the extraneous rainfall enterin g the sani tary sewer syste m is from infl ow sources. A basin-to-bas in flow sc hematic is provide d as F ig u re B. T h e schematic indicates th e re lative positions of each bas in as well as the path of fl ows as they progress toward the outlet of the study area. Wastewater fl ow hydrographs for each m e ter location are included in Appendix A . 11 City of Jefferson City, Misso uri San itary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Force Main Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 c ·c; ~ Ill u .... 0 u.. FIGURED Basin Flow Schematic 15" .!:: 0 ~ Ill u .... 0 u.. A. INTRODUCTION SECTION IV FLOW DATA ANALYSIS As disc ussed in Secti o n Ill , th e q u a nti fication of wastewate r fl ows is crit ical to the creat io n of a h y draulic mode l that w ill accura te ly p redi ct b e h avio r of a ny sani tary sewer syste m . Accura te a nd m eaning ful d ata can b e o bta ine d from th e infonnati on gath e re d by th e fl ow mon it ors. However, th e techniques used to inte rpre t th e d a ta are p aramount in th e d evelo pme nt of a hy d rauli c mod e l that can b e utilized in evaluating the syste m unde r vari o u s conditio n s. For purposes o f th e m od e l, ta bul a te d results of the fl ow mo ni toring d ata presente d in Sectio n III w e re se par ate d in to three fl ow compo ne nts: (I) base diurna l fl ow pl us p erm a n e nt infilt ra ti o n, (2) ra infa ll -induced infi ltra ti on, a nd (3) r a infa ll-in d uced inflow. Each fl ow compo ne nt con tribute d to the develo pme nt of the predi ctive hy d ra uli c mo de l in a s igni fi cant way. A brief overv iew of each com pon en t fo ll ows: B. BASEFLOW Base fl ow is de fine d as the com pone nt o f measure d fl ow t h at is comprised of wastewate r di sch a rged fro m reside nti a l, in s ti tuti o na l, comme rcia l, a nd in d ustria l use rs. In a dditi on, "p e nnanent in fi ltrati o n" is include d s o th a t the base fl ow h y drograph becomes th e average dai ly d i u rna l measure d fl ow during dry-weath e r perio d s. These d ry-weath e r per iod s are selecte d to rep resent tim es o f low g ro undw ate r ta bl es w ith no ra infa ll -induced infiltrati on o r infl ow. Permanent infiltrati on occurs during low groundwater conditio ns th ro u gh syste m de fects s uch as broken p i pe o r pipe wi th sepa ra te d o r offset join ts. Pe rman ent in filtra ti on can a lso ente r th e sewer system fr o m private latera ls, s uc h as b roke n service la terals or peri mete r dra in s loca te d in p erc he d water t ables. T able IV-I s ummari zes th e bas in a nd c umula ti ve peak diurn a l base fl ow rates f or each o f the fl ow mo ni toring s it es a nd corresponding b as in s w ith in the stud y a rea. For mo d e lin g p urposes, th e greater o f, infiltra ti o n rates fo r a three-mo nth storm event or twen ty fi ve percen t of th e da il y p eak fl ow, were a dde d to peak dry -w e a th e r b ase flow ra tes to account fo r satu ra ted soi l cond ition s. For mo de ling p ur p oses, diurna l base fl ow p atterns were u se d in li e u of a s ing le, average base fl ow ra te. Thi s a ll owed eva lu a ti o n o f th e mod e l unde r a wors t case scen a rio, th a t is, ra infa ll -ind uced peak fl ows occurrin g a t th e time o f d ay w h e n the diurnal ba se fl ow is a t it s high est val ue. T he value s in Tabl e TV -1 represen t th e peak o f th is di urnal base fl ow pa tte rn. 12 City of J efferson City, Miss o uri Sanitary Sewer Eva luation Survey -Phase I Study Area No vember, 2002 Table IV-1 Basin Peak Base F low Rates Basin Pipe C umulati ve Pe ak Individua l Unit Base Footage Base F low (m gd) Basin Base F lo w Flow (gpd/11) (m d) 0 8A NIA* 0 .14 7 0 .147 N/A* 0 8 8 NIA * 0.025 0 .0 25 N/A* 09 A 46,2 00 0 .543 0 .329 7 .1 0 9 8 43,200 0 .2 14 0 .2 14 5.0 l OA 69,000 0 .95 0 0 .136 2.0 l OB 79,200 0 .8 14 0 .187 2.4 lO C 26,000 0 .042 0.0 42 1.6 100 4 8,0 0 0 0 .508 0 .43 1 8.9 I OE 16,900 0 .0 77 0 .0 77 4.6 11 160,7 00 1.660 0 .167 1.0 *Note: Basi n 8 was not in c lu ded in th e stu dy area , flows were mo n itored fo r mod el cali b ration only. C. I NFILTRATION Infiltra ti on is a c ompone nt o f fl ow us ually e nte rin g the sani tary sewer syste m thro u gh unde rg ro und c ra ck s and de fects that allow g roundwat e r t o pass. F o r the purpose o f hy dra uli c mode l c alibra ti o n , infi ltra tion is se parated into three categories; perm a ne nt infiltration (in c l ude d in base flow), ante c e d e nt infi ltration , an d rainfa ll -indu ced infiltra ti o n. I n o rder to create a h y draulic m od e l whi c h refl ects a "wors t case scena rio," a ll three c ategories o f infiltra t io n m us t be accoun te d f or. 1. Permanent Infiltra tio n Pe rmane nt infiltra t ion (as describe d in Pa ragra ph B of this secti o n) is a n int egra l compo ne nt of th e diurna l b ase fl ow pa tte rn a nd is d iffi c ult to m easure. The refore, it is in c lud e d w ith b ase fl o w a nd no atte mpt i s m a d e to sep a rate th e two. Anteced e n t and ra infa ll -induced infiltrati o n , o n th e o th e r hand, can be extr acte d from th e fl ow monito rin g data a nd sepa rate ly accounte d fo r in th e hy dra u lic model. 2. A nt eced e nt Infiltration A nt eced e nt infiltratio n is th a t compone nt of in fi lt ra ti o n th a t occurs w he n sat u r a te d soil condi t io ns prevail. Unus u a ll y h ig h groundwa ter ta bl es, w hi c h m ay resu lt fro m m a ny rain events, cau se infi ltra tion to mi g ra te into the se w er syste m . T hese flows induce hi g h e r th a n average diurna l flow s that are m e a s ure d b y the flo w moni tors. Introduc in g th is compo ne nt of infil tration into th e hy drau lic model a llows the mode l to account f o r s atura te d soil co nditions pri or to the design s to nn s imula tion . S ince thi s re presents flo w ra tes prior to th e d es ig n sto rm, it is cons ide re d a nteced e nt. For m o de ling purposes, values for a nte c e d e nt infiltratio n are assume d to approx imate th e three-m o nth infiltra tion ra tes d e ri ved from Q vs. i re present ation of ra in fa ll - induced infiltra tion. 3. Rainfall-Induced Infiltration As opposed to p e rma n ent and ante c e de nt infi lt ra t ion, rainfall-indu c ed infi ltra tion is th a t compo ne nt of flo w m ea s ure d in the s ewer syste m th a t occurs soon afte r a m easured s to rm event. U nde r very dry c onditio ns, ra infa ll-induced infiltra tion is us ually undetecta bl e, s in ce dry soil 13 City of J efferson Ci ty, Missouri Sa nitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 condition s will prevent infiltra ti on from entering the sewer system . Therefore, rainfall-induced infiltration is more s ig nificant during p eriods of extended w e t weather. Ra infall-induced infiltration normall y e nte rs into t h e sewer system from both th e public a nd private sectors 2.5 hours after th e onset of a s torm event. T ypical so urces a re lis ted in Tabl e IV -2. Tabl e I V-2 Typical Infiltration So urces Private Sector Public Sect or B uilding Pe rime te r Drain Broken Service Lateral Broken/D e fective Service Tap Jab-In Service Connection Sump Pump Defective M anhole Wall D e fe c tive Manhole Invert/B e nch Defect ive Manhole Pipe Seal Broken/Cracked Sewer Pipe Offse t Pipe Joint Se a rated Pi e Jo int M easurement of rainfall-induced infiltration in a sewer system is m ade by comparing dry weather flow d ata (tha t is, flow d a ta coll ected during a pe riod of time when no rainfall has occurred) to t he measured fl ow during a nd following each recorde d rainfa ll event. To d etermine optim a l rainfall-induced infi ltration, flow data was eva luate d for 6 to 12 ho urs after th e occurrence of each r ainfall event. Rainfall-induced infi lt ration flow ra tes for each storm were p lotted a gains t th e total rai nfall acc umula te d during each s torm even t, o n log-lo g scale (Q vs. i re presenta ti o n). From thi s graph ica l repres entation , a lin ear re lations hip can be determ ine d . U s ing lin ear regressi on anal ysis, proj ections can b e m a d e for peak ra infall-induce d infiltration for any g iven d esign s to rm event. R a infa ll -induced Q vs. i c u rves for infiltration a re sh own in Appendix B . A s ummary o f bas in and cumul a tive rainfall -indu ced infiltration for each m e te r site is sh own in Tab le IV-3. Basin Basin (IDM)* 09A 74 098 65 l OA 130 l OB 13 1 I OC 39 100 74 IO E 26 1 I 284 Table IV-3 Basin Peak Infiltration Rates (5-Year, 60-Minutc S t orm Event) C umulative Individual Basin Ra infa ll -Induced Peak Infiltration Infiltration (mgd) (mgd) 1.1 2 0 .60 0 .52 0 .52 1.37 0 .38 0 .99 0.47 0 .1 I 0 .1 I 0.4 1 0 .30 0 .11 0 .11 2.90 0.41 Unit Infiltratio n R a t e (gpd/idm) 8,10 8 8,000 2,923 3,587 2,82 1 4 ,054 4 ,23 1 1,444 •10M = p1pe dmmeter 10 10c hes mulhphed by p1p e length 10 miles w h 1c h prov1d es a gauge of s urface area s ubj ect to infiltratio n . 14 City of Jefferson City, Mis souri Sanita ry Sewer Evaluation S urvey-Ph ase I Study Area November, 2002 D. INFLOW Inflow is d e fin ed as storm-wate r that e nte rs into a sanitary sewer system from th e s urface during a nd imme di a tel y after a meas urable rainfa ll event. It is c haracteri zed by rapid c hanges in the in stantaneous flow rate as recorded by th e metering d evice. Inflow is gene rally the major contributor of peak system fl ows that result in wast ewater backups, surc harges, and uncontroll ed overflows o r b ypasses. System response to inflow varies d ep e nding on : ( 1) ground wate r a nd soil conditions, (2) ty pe and quantity of infl ow sources, (3) ra infa ll intensity and duration, an d ( 4) inflow source lo cation s relative to th e monitoring d evices. Typical inflow sources a re li sted in Table IV-4 . Table IV-4 Typical Inflow Sources Private Sec tor Roof Downspout Dri veway Drain Exte ri or Sta irwell Drain Uncapp ed C leanout Area (yard) Drai n Public Sector Vented Cover (below grade) Pick h ole (below grade) Poo r Manhole Cover Frame Seal Directl y Conn ec ted Stonn Inl et lndirect Storm Sewer Conn ection By comparing the tota l p eak fl ow during o r fol lowin g rainfa ll event s to the average dry-day diurn a l flow pattern , it is possi b le to d e te rmine th e ra te and quantity of inflow t hat e nters into th e sewer system at a contro l (mon it o rin g) point. Infl ow compiled fr om flow monitoring d a ta from each of th e monitored basins normally peaked ap proxim ately 60 to 150 minutes following the peak intensity o f a rainfall event. By comparing th e inflow ra tes resulting from vario us measured storm event s during th e monitoring p eriod t o th e peak intens ity of the respect ive s torm event, li near relationships were esta bli s hed for each of the b as in s us in g li near regression ana lysis techniques (Q vs. i representati on). A summary is shown in Table IY-5. Bas in 09A 098 l OA 108 I OC 100 IO E II Table IV-5 Basin Peak Inflow Rates (5-Ycar, 60-Min utc Storm Event) Bas in footage 46,2 00 4 3,200 69,000 79,2 00 26,000 48,000 16,900 160,700 C umulative Peak Individual Basin Un it Inflow Rate Inflow (mgd) Peak Inflow (mgd) (gpd/11) 2.85 1.89 40.9 0.52 0 .52 12.0 4.06 3.0 7 44.5 0.99 0.47 5.9 0.11 0 .11 4.2 0.4 1 0.30 6.3 0 .11 0 .1 1 6.5 8 .2 3 1.32 8.2 IS City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November. 2002 E. PEAK BASIN FLOW RATE Peak b as in fl o w ra te is th e summa ti o n of th e base diurna l fl ow (in c luding pe rma ne nt infiltra ti o n), a nteced e nt infi ltratio n , a nd inflow. R a infa ll-induced infiltrati o n is not con s id e re d w h en d e te rmin ing the p eak b asin fl o w rate since it usu a ll y occurs s ign ifi cantl y after the in fl ow resp o n se h as peaked. The peak d esig n fl ows li s te d in T ables IV -1 and IV -5 re present contro l fl ows fo r th e h y d ra uli c mode l used f o r syst em calibration a nd a na lysi s. They re present p eak projecte d wastewate r fl ow ra tes und e r exi s tin g syste m conditio n s. Proj ected p eak 5 -Y e ar, 60-minute s to rm e vent fl ows we re d e termined by a ddin g the cum u la ti ve p eak proj e cted infl ow to the c umul a ti ve w e t w eath e r base fl ow. P eak ing fac to rs at each m o nit orin g locati o n were determine d by compa rin g th e c umula ti ve peak fl ow ra te to th e c umulative peak we t weath e r base fl ow. P eakin g fac to rs ran ged fro m 1.6 in b asi n 1 OD to 4.5 in basin 0 9A. A s ummary o f peak flows is show n in Tabl e IV -6. Basin 0 9A 0 9 8 l OA l OB IO C 10 0 JOE I I Table IV-6 System Peaking Factors For Near-Saturated Ground Conditions (5-Ye ar, 60-Minute Storm Event) C umulative Cumulative Cumulative Wet Weather Peak Innow Peak Flow Peak Base Flow (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) 0 .82 2.85 3.67 0 .4 7 0 .52 0 .99 1.30 4 .06 5 .36 1.06 0 .99 2.05 0 .07 0 .11 0.18 0.6 1 0 .4 1 1.0 0 0 .0 8 0.11 0 .19 2 .39 8.23 10 .62 Peaking Factor 4 .5 2.1 4 .1 1.9 2.6 1.6 2.4 4.4 T he Peaking Factors s hown in Table IV-6 d e m onstra te th e system 's respon se to a rai nfall event as a w ho le. However, to gain an unde rstanding of h ow each indi v idu a l bas in reacts to a ra in fa ll event, th is p eaking fac to r must be d e ri ved in a di ffe re nt ma n ne r . For each b as in , projected peak fl ows were d etennined b y s ubtracti ng t he peak flo ws con trib ute d by a ny ups tream b as ins. T h e p eak we t- w eath e r diurnal fl ow rate for each b asin was deri ved in a s imila r m an ner. P rojecte d peak basin fl ows w e re compare d w ith th e pe ak wet-weath e r diurna l fl ow ra te fo r each ind iv idua l basin and a p eak in g facto r was calcula te d . In thi s way, it is poss ibl e to isolate each basi n fro m the rest of th e syste m and es tablis h w hi c h b asin s react most severe ly to ra infall. B ased o n its peakin g fac to r, a severity rank ing was assig n ed to each b asin . Peaki ng fac tors ranged f rom 1.6 in basin 1 OD to 13.8 in basin I OA. A s ummary o f bas in peaking factors and severi ty ra nki ng is sh own in Table IV -7 . A g raphi ca l representa ti o n of indi vi dua l bas in wet weath e r diurna l fl ow a nd sto rm induced infl ow for each indi v idual b as in is sh own in Fi g ure C. 16 City of J efferson City, Missouri San itary Sewer Evalua tio n S urvey-Phase I Study Area Nove mber. 2002 11 lOE lOD c lOC ·-~ ~ = lOB lOA 09B 09A Individual Basin Peak Flows (5Year, 60-Minute Storm Even) 3 4 (mgd) Peak Wet Weather Base Fl ow Peak Storm Indu ced F low Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Stndy Phase I Stndy Area Wade Project No. 0107 FIGUREC Individual Basin Flow Summary Basin 09A 098 lOA 108 10 C 100 JOE 11 Table IV-7 Individual Basin Severity Ranking (5-Year, 60-Minute Storm Event) Peak Peak Peak Wet Weather Inflow F low Base F low (mgd} (mgd} (mgd) 0 .35 2.33 2.68 0.47 0 .52 0 .99 0.24 3.07 3.3 1 0 .38 0 .47 0 .87 0 .07 0 .11 0 .18 0 .61 0.41 1.00 0 .08 0 .11 0 .19 0.27 1.32 1.59 Peaking Severity Factor Ranking 7.7 2 2.1 7 13.8 1 2.3 6 2.6 4 l.6 8 2.4 5 5 .9 3 F. SUMMARY OF FLOW DATA ANALYSIS The a na ly s is of the flow d a ta rece ived from th e fl ow monitoring program confirms that the w aste wa ter coll ect ion system , in th e s tudy area, exp e ri ences pe riods of h eavy infl ow and prolonged infi ltration. T h ree of the bas in s monito red, in the s tudy a rea, will experience peaking factors g reater than 3: I times their peak ba se flo w during a 5-year, 60-minute storm event under existing conditions. 17 City of Jefferson City, Mi sso uri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation S urvey -Ph ase I Study Area Nove mber, 2002 SECTIONV FIELD SURVEYS AND INSPECTION ACTIVITIES A . I NTRODUCTION Field surveys an d in spectio n act ivi ti es for thi s portion of the SSES were conducted by City s taff. Wade & Associates' o ns ite staff prov id ed training, oversight and limited QCP du r ing the fie ld inspection activities. T he fo ll owing parag ra phs di scu ss the vari ous phases of work completed by th e C it y to identi fy the specific so urces of Ill in both the pub li c-and private-sect ors of the areas stu died . B. III SOURCE IDENTIFICATION Inflow a nd infiltration e nte rs into any sani tary sewer system fro m public as well as private sources. Pub lic-sector I/I sources are s hown in Figure D. Note th a t th ese so u rces are generall y the re spo ns ibi li ty of th e City, sin ce th ey originate w ith in the realm of the coll ectio n system maintained by the City. H owever, an equa ll y s ign ific an t amount ofi/I may enter fr om p ri va te p roperty as sho wn in Figure E. T hese so urces are generall y the responsibility of the property owner. Typically, they a re illegal connections to the pub li c sanitary sewer sys tem. Therefore , the goal o f thi s phase of the s tud y was to locate, assess, an d quantify th ese public-and private-sector defects th rough a serie s of in sp ec ti o ns and t esti n g ac tiv ities. Basin 1 OC was exc luded from this phase of the s tudy since the C ity had p rev io usly cond ucted a pi lo t SSES in th at area. C. MANHOLE INSPECTION Defective manholes a re maj or contributors of excessi ve 1/I in a san itary sewer system. All accessible manh o les were class ified according to one of the fol lowing categories: • Inspected. Manho le ins pe ctio n was comp le te d . All pertinent data was recorded o n s tandard C ity approved fo nns. • R eason Not In spected. Manho le ins pection was n ot completed due to one o f th e fo ll owi ng reasons: • CNL-Could Not Locate. Cou ld not locate man ho le, a ltho ug h there is reasonable certainty tha t ma nho le exists. • DNE-Does Not Exist. Man hole no longe r exists. • Buried. In spectio n of th e manho le restrict ed by earth or paving ma terials. • Haz/Atmos. Atmosphe re readin gs are a t hazardous levels-unable to enter and in spec t manho le due to OSHA regu lati ons. • Unsafe. Unab le to comple t e in spect ion due to o ther u nsafe conditio ns. • Sealed Lid. In specti on of the manhole restric te d by lid that could not be removed fro m fram e. • Traffic. Inspecti on of manho le deemed un safe due to heavy or fast traffic. • Dog. Inspection of m a nhole deemed unsafe due to dog. • Other. In spection of manhole im poss ible due to s ituatio ns such as locked gate or uncooperative property owner. 18 City of Jefferson City, Mis souri San itary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase 1 Study Area November, 2002 · MANHO~E· .. ,. . ' .. VENTED ~H· COVER . · ' ·. / • OEf"ECJIVE: FRAME 'SEAL, • I,.EAKJNG ,MH .CORBEl,. OR WA'LLS ' CROSS OYER • INDIRECT STORM CONNECTION SANITAR Y SE WER PIPE • CRACKED • BROKEN • COL LAP SED SEWER PIPE • LEAK ING PIPE SEAL • LE AKING BENCH/TROUGH ~ • CRACKED • BR OKEN • OFFSET • SEPARATED • DIRECT STORM SEWER CONNECTION Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluadon Study Phase I Study Area FIGURED Wade Project No. 0107 Typical Public-Sector Ill Sources SERVICE LINE a FROM PRIVATE SECTOR SERVICE CONNECTIONS • PROlRUDING • CRACKED a BROKEN SERVICE UN E ,. ,. D' ~ I ,. 111 ,.. !II!! ... DOWNSPOUT .. . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AREA DRAIN . . . . . SER VICE LINE CLEANOUT" • • ••• •.• (UNCAPPED ) : •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 FIGUREE Typical Private-Sector III Sources DRAIN A total of 2,077 manholes we re in s pected in the s tudy area. Table V-1 prese nts the fina l stat us of the manholes inspected by the field crews in each of the basin s. Additionally 415 manhole structures could not be in s pected. Of these, 43 have been confi rmed as nonexistent (ONE). The locati on and li st of these remaini ng 3 72 not in spected manholes can be found in Appendix C and have been inc luded in the recommended m anho le rehab ilitation p rogram. Table V-1 Manhole Ins pection Status S ummary Basin Inspected C.N.L. D.N .E. Buried Other Total 09A 22 1 29 II 14 I 276 098 224 13 3 12 2 254 lOA 298 27 14 19 I 359 lOB 336 40 0 32 II 419 JOC ------ !OD 212 8 2 0 3 225 JO E 7 0 5 0 I 0 76 11 716 1 17 13 29 7 882 Total 2077 239 43 107 25 2491 Inspection of va ri o us manhole componen t s were conducte d and recorded on standard inspection forms. An example field form is s hown in Figure F. Eac h inspec tion id e n t ified potential sources of inflow and infiltration, s tructural deficie ncie s, and other ge ne ral information. Compone nts of each manhole evaluat ed are s hown in Figu re G. In spections also a ll owed creation of a pennanent and comprehensive data ba se to correct deficiencies assoc iated w ith nonn al operati on and maintenance of the coll ec tion system . The following d ata was co ll ected for each manh o le inspected. • Date. Calendar date that inspection was made or attempted and initia ls of crew members. • Manhole No. Identificatio n number of man ho le correlating to numerical system developed by th e City o n a g rid -location basis and recorded o n the Ci ty's sewer maps. • Address. Approximate location of manhole to s treet or building address. • Precipitation/Ground Conditions. Coding of gen eral atmosphere and ground precipi tation at time of in spection. • Downstream Pipe L ength. Length from the inspected observati on manho le to the manho le located down stream of the observed m an hole. • Inspection and Reason Not Insp ected. Ins pected, no t ins pec ted, could not locate or does not exist. • Location Code. General proximity of manho le to stre e t , easement, c urb/gutter or private property. • Manhole Diam eter. Diameter of main barrel, in fee t. • Manhole Depth. Vertica l dist ance, in feet, from center of p ipe invert to top of frame . • Subject to Ponding!Ponding Depth/Tributary Area. Estimated area of runoff tri b utary to manhole cover, in s quare feet; ponding condi tion. • Grade Elevation Code. Cover e levation in relat io n to s urface elevation. 19 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November, 2002 I Date:_/_/_ MANHOLE INSPECTION Crew: _, _, __ City of Jefferson City, Missouri Proj ect No. ___ _ Manhole No. ( Address: House No.------------------ Street:----------------------- Locality:---------------------- Map No.: 0 Inspected Reason Not Inspected: I =C.N.L. 6 = Sea led Lid 2 =D.N.E. 7 =Traffi c 3 =Bur ied 8 =Dog 4 = Haz/Atmos. 9 =Othe r 5 =Unsa fe Location Code: I = Paved Street 6 = Sidewalk 2 = Unpaved Street 7 = Park ing Lot 3 =Paved 8 =Backya rd Intersec tion 9 = Di tc h 4 =Unpaved I 0 = Curb/G utte r Inte rsection I I = Easemen t 5 =Alley 12 =Pri vate Residence Manhole Diameter: __ ._(ft .) Manhole De pth : __ • __ (fl.) 0 Subject to Pooding Ponding Depth: __ • __ (fl.) Tributary Area : ___ (sq. fl.) Grade Elevation Code: __ _ I = Even 2 =Above ___ (in.) no deci mal 3 = Be low ___ (in.) no decimal Structure Type Codes: I = Brick 9 = PVC 2 =Precast 10 =PV C-coated 3 = Block I I = Rebar 4 =Clay Pipe 12 =None 5 =Conc rete Pipe 13 = Bitumasti c 6 = Poured 14 = Grout 7 = Rehab Coatin g 15 = Oth er 8 =Cast Iron See Attachment "A" for Genera l Observati on Codes. Type Condition Cover: .............................. G F p a. Diameter: __ . __ (in.) b. Thickness: __ . __ (i n.) c. Type Code: I =Light Duty. 2=Heavy Duty 3=Bolt Down , 4=Lo ckin g d . 0 Vented Cover e. No. of Vents: f. Vent Dia .: __ . __ (i n.) C over-to-Frame Fit: ............ G F p Frame: ............................. G F p a. Ins ide Di a.: __ • __ (in .) b. Outside Dia .: __ . __ (in .) c. Dwe ll : __ . __ (in .) d . He ight:--·--(i n.) Frame-to-Chimney Seal: __ G F p C himney: ................. --G F p a. He ig ht: __ . __ (in.) C orbel: .................... G F p -- Wall: ....................... G F p -- Bench: ..................... G F p -- Invert: ..................... G F p -- Steps: .................... .. G F P a. No. Missing : __ _ Pipe Seal: OlndUln l /1 (gpm) Seal # l. G F p --- Seal #2. G F p --- Seal #3. G F p --- Seal #4. G F p --- Seal #5. G F p --- Seal #6. G F p --- 0 Evidence of Surcharge S urcharge Depth : __ . __ (ft.) Comme nts: Precipitation: I =None, 2 = Light Ra in, 3 = Heavy Rain, 4 =Snow Ground Conditions: -::--:-------,--..,..,.-:-::-:---- 1 =Dry, 2 =Damp, 3 =Wet, 4 =Standi ng W ate r Downstream Pipe Length: -------(ft.) III (gpml General Obs. Comments --'--'--'-- ----'--'--'-- ----'--'--'-- ----'--'--'-- --__ , __ , __ , __ --__ , __ , __ , __ --__ , __ , __ , __ --__ , __ , __ , __ --__ , __ ,_, __ __ , __ , __ , __ ~ -N 1999 ©Wade & Associates. lnc. Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area FIGUREF Wade Project No. 0107 Example Manhole Inspection Form .... & MsocLAIE:S:. IftG_: I I I ....--.. I "-../ I- I () w I w ::::iE <{ 0::: I.J... >-w ...--..z w ::::iE z -0 I 0 0 "-../ __J w co 0::: 0 0 z 0 I- 0 w (/) __J __J <{ 3 Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Stndy Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 0 0 CJ==l 0 FIGUREG Typical Manhole Detail FRAME-TO-CHIMNEY SEAL STEPS PIPE SEAL BENCH INVERT • • • Cover. Type and condition, inc luding number and diameter of pick h o les and/or vent holes . Cover-to -Frame Fit. Gene ra l fit of mating s urfaces . Fram e. Type, s ize and condition . • Frame-to-Chimn ey Seal. Condition o f seal between frame bottom and top row of the • • • adjustment o r corbel. Ch imn ey. Type a nd condition o f adj us tme n t. Corbel. Type o f mate rial and genera l condition if present. Wall. Type of m a terial and condi tion of main barrel. • • B ench. Type of material a nd gen era l condition of manhole bottom, excluding trough . In vert. T ype and condition of trou g h throug h manhole . • Steps. Type, genera l condition a nd number of s teps. A l so evidence of mis s ing o r poorly place d steps. • Pipe Seal. G e ne ra l condition a nd evid e nce of infiltration . • Evidence of Surc harge. Hi gh water marks, grease lines, deposition or s lu dge on bench, t issue or rags on ste ps and evi de nce of ove rflow through cover. Tabl e V-2 shows th e results of th e de fe c ts id entifi e d during this pha se ofthe study. A graphica l representation of th e defects identified is in c luded as F ig ure H. Table V-2 R es ults o f Manhole Inspections Defec t Category Number of Observations* 09A 098 lOA lOB IOD I OE 11 Total Manholes In s p ected 22 1 224 298 336 212 70 716 Def ect Typ e Vented Cover 30 48 17 27 55 5 151 Below Grade 20 24 35 22 9 II 49 Cover-Rim Fit 6 3 3 5 12 3 13 Fra me Co nd ition 17 3 3 12 II 3 II Frame-to -C himney Seal 27 27 37 47 48 6 95 C himney 2 3 7 10 2 I 26 Corbe l Condition 22 6 4 25 3 2 22 Wa ll Condition 42 49 25 39 25 6 84 Bench Co ndition 19 5 18 2 1 4 0 20 In ve rt Condition II 2 0 2 4 0 12 Steps Co ndition 20 2 I I 0 0 27 Leak in g Pipe Seals 42 19 35 25 12 6 120 T ota l Defects 258 19 1 185 236 185 43 630 Defec ts/Manho le 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.9 Note: Basm IOC was not mcluded m the SSES. *Observations shown a re of m a nhole components in Fair or Poor cond iti on. Total 2,077 333 170 45 60 287 51 84 270 87 31 51 259 1,728 0.8 20 City of J efferson City, Missouri Sa nitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Pha se 1 Study Area November, 2002 Percentage of Manhole Defects Leaki ng Pipe Se al s (1 5) Ste ps Condition (3 ) lnvert Condition (1 .8 ) Benc h Conditi o n (5) Wall Conditio n ( 15.6 ) Corbel Condition (4 .9 ) C himn ey (3) Ve nte d Cover (19.3) Be low Grade (9.8) Cover-Rim F it (2.6 ) Frame Conditi o n (3 .5 ) Fra me-to-C himn ey Seal (16.6) Total Number of Manhole Defects Leakin g Pip e Seals Ste p s Condition In vert Condition Benc h Conditi o n Wall Conditi o n C orbe l Conditi o n C hi m ney Frame-to-C himney Seal Fra me Conditi o n Co ve r-Rim F it Be low G rade Ve nte d Cover Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 Number of Defects FIGURED Summary of Manhole Defects 400 It should be noted tha t the predo minant defects o bserved in th e manh o le s tructures consist of p oor fr ame to chimney seals, poo r pipe seals, walls in fair o r poor condition, and below grad e ve nte d covers. All of th ese d efects have the potential to allow conside rable amounts of 1/1 into the system. A fi n a l output report of th e manho les in s pected in the study a r ea is located in Appendix D. Cop ies of a ll manho le in spect ion fonns are on fil e at C ity offices. A furth e r discu ss io n of the in spection results and analysis is in c lude d in Section VI. D. VISUAL PIPE INSPECTION A ll incoming and o u tgoi ng sanitary sewers, w he re feas ibl e, were lamped from accessib le manholes. In most cases li nes were Iampe d for ap proxim a te ly 10-3 0 feet us ing digital camera techno logies, w hile ins p ecting the manhole stru c tu re. Thi s permitted in sp ections of the pi pes w ithout actual entry into th e ma nh o le. D a ta coll ected d uring Iamping was also used to identify sec tions of pipe that are structura l ly defective or require some form of m a intenance o r follow-up CCTV ins pection . Inspec tions of private service co nnect ions, w hi c h di scharge into a manhole , were a lso made. General data that was coll ected und e r this in sp ectio n activit y includes the fo ll owin g: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Date. Calendar date tha t segment was in spected . Ob servation Manhole. Ide ntification numbe r of m a nho le from w hic h pipes were la m ped . Lamping Direction. Viewing directi on from o bservation manhole, either up stream or down stream. Forward Manh o le. Ide ntifi cati on number of ending manh o le of line segment be ing lampe d . Rim-to-In vert Elevation. Verti cal di stance fro m pipe in vert to cover for each pipe segme nt. Drop. Yes or no . Drop Type. Constru cted externa l , constru c ted internal , not constructed . Pipe Size. Diameter or dime ns ion (in c hes) of pipe . P ipe Material. Typ e of m a te rial (e.g., VCP, RCP, DIP , CMP, e tc.) . Pipe S hape. Circular, rectangu lar , ellip t ical. Depth ofF/ow. Estimate d in inches (in pipe) . Velocity of Flow. Estimated in fe e t pe r second (in pi pe) . Observations. T ype and extent of observati ons (e.g., roots, d epos iti on , grease, cracks, broken o r co ll a psed pipe, offset or separated j o in t, joint infiltration, protruding tap , poor line grade, p lugged a nd abandone d segment). Estimated Observed Length. Estim a ted le ngth o f lin e that is actuall y v iewed by crew . Com m ents. General comments regarding inspection . An exampl e field form fo r v isua l pipe in sp ectio ns is s hown in Figure L T he results o f the v isual pipe inspection program are shown in T ab le V -3. Comparisons of the dif ferent types of pipe defects observed are shown in Figure J. A fin a l re p o rt of th e v isu al pipe in spection program is included in Appendix E. 21 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sa nitary Sewer Evaluation S urvey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 VISUAL PIPE INSPECTION City of Jefferson City, Missouri Date: I I Project No. C rew : ---· • Observation Manhole No. ( ) Lamping Direction DS #1 US#2 US#3 us #4 US#S To Manhole: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Service 0 0 0 0 0 Rim-To-Invert Elevation (nearest tenth of a foot) --------------- Drop 0 0 0 0 0 Drop Type: I =Cora Ext.; 2=Const.lnt. 3=Not Co nstructed Pipe Diameter: ( dia in inches -no decimals) Type of Pipe: I=VCP 4=RCP 7=0BG 2=PVC S=CMP 8=0ther 3 =DIP 6=CIP 9=Truss Pipe Shape: I =C ircular 3=EIIipt ic 2=Redllngular 4--Qt her Depth of Flow: (in.) ---------------------- Velocity of Flow: (ft./sec.) Roots: I=Light 2-Modernte 3-Heavy @ (ft ) @ (ft) @ (ft) @ (ft) @ (ft) Deposition : !=Medium 2=Heavy Grease 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) Mineral Depos it 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) Longitudinal C r acks 0@ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) C ircular C racks 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) Broken Pipe 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) Collapsed Pipe 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0@ (ft) Joint Infiltration 0 @ (ft) O (al (ft) O(al (ft) O (al (ft) O (al (ft) Offset Joint: I=Minor 3=Se vere 2=Modernte _@ (ft) _@ (ft) _@ (ft) _@ (ft) _@ (ft) Protruding Tap 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) Line Grade Poor 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) Abandoned 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) Permanent Plug 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft) 0 @ (ft ) 0 @ (ft) FstDmed Obienoed l...t.ngtb (ft) ___ (ft) ___ (ft) ___ (ft) ___ (ft) C omments: 1999 C Wade <l Assoco ates. Inc. Jefferson City, Missouri FIGURE I ~1: ~~ ; Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study ,, I Example Visual Pipe I'' Phase I Study Area ... Wade Project No. 0107 Inspection Form g A sOg_A_!E [lN ~..: Summary of Visual Pipe Inspect ion s (Percentage of 1/1 Defects) Plugged (26.9 ) A ba nd on ed ( 1.4 ) P oor L ine G ra d e (0.3 ) P ro tr uding Tap (1 ) Offset Jo int ( 4 .9) J o int Infiltra ti o n (3.5 ) Co ll a p sed Pipe (0 .4 ) Brok en Pipe (3 .5 ) Circ ular Cr ac k s (I .4 ) Long itudina l Cracks (0.7) Miner a l D ep os its ( 1.1 Grease (7 ) Roo t In tru s ion (34.3 ) Summary of Visual Pipe Inspections (Percentage of All Inspections) Plugged Abando ned Poor Line Gra d e Protruding T a p Offset J o in t Joint Infiltra ti o n Coll a psed Pipe Bro ke n Pipe C irc ul a r C racks Lo ng itudina l C racks Mine ra l De pos its G rease De pos iti o n R oot Intrus io n Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 - 0 I! ~ • -~ -• t I I I I I I I I I 20 40 60 80 Number of Defects FIGUREJ Summary of Visual Pipe Defects - I I -, 100 Table V-3 R es ults o f Visual Pipe Ins pec tions Number of Observations Defect Category 09A 09B lOA JOB 100 IO E 11 Total Total Inspections 557 50 9 7 18 864 450 141 1943 5,182 Defect Type Root I ntrusio n 9 8 I 5 12 I 62 98 Depos ition I I 0 6 I 3 27 39 Grease 0 0 0 3 2 0 15 20 Mineral Deposi ts I 0 I I 0 0 0 3 Longitudina l Cracks I 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 C ircular Cracks I 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 Broken Pipe 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 10 Coll apsed P ipe 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 Joint Infi ltration 0 2 I 2 0 0 5 10 Offset J oint 0 0 0 I I 0 12 14 Protruding Tap 0 0 0 I I 0 1 3 Poor Line Grade 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 Abandoned 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 4 Plu gged 4 4 22 8 3 0 36 77 T otal Observations 17 15 27 27 23 5 174 286 O b se rvations/In s p ection <0 .1 <0 .1 <0.1 <0.1 <0 .1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Note: Bas m I OC was not mc luded m the SSES. E. SMOKE TESTING Line segment s in the s tudy area were smoke tested to detect 1/1 sources in the public and private sec tors. This test was used to augment the ma n hole a nd Ia m ping in spect ions. The smoke tes t is often referred to as a "rainfall -sim u latio n test." Smoke testing was pe rformed by injecting w h ite smoke into an i so lated line segme nt with high-capacity b lowers. Blowers were pla ce d over an iso lated line segment and li qui d s moke was injected in to the b lower intake to forc e smoke into th e sewer. For optimum results, smoke t esting is gene rally performed du ri n g pe ri ods of dry soi l conditions. This is due to the fac t th at g roundwater tends to re s trict the m ig rat io n of the s moke toward s th e surface . An extensive pub lic re lations and notification program was implemented to minimize p ublic concerns raised by the test. Such activities included, radio broadcasts, distribution of door-hanger notifications to every property, web-site updates, press re leases, and daily commun ication with the City's Engineerin g a nd Fire Departments . Results of th e smoke test were recorded on stand ard fie ld forms fo r entry into th e computer da tabase. Ad d itionall y, o bserved d efects were photographed a nd documented fo r follow-up rehabilitation . Field sketches of all observed sour ces were made on an attached field form to facilitate easy future identification of th e source(s). A ll photographs, a long with th e fi e ld inspection form s, are on file at C ity offices. 22 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November, 2002 The t es t did not rev eal all sources of excessive II I since facto rs such as traps, sags, leaves and deposition, and hi g h water level s may have restric ted smoke mig ration to th e source in question. A total of 459,000 feet of sanitary sewer were te sted . Table V -4 summarizes th e quantities of pipe smoke-tested for each bas in. Table V-4 Smoke Testing Summary T ota l Tota l %Footage Bas in Segments Footage Tested by Tested Tested Bas in 0 9A 269 45,100 9.8 0 9 B 254 42,900 9.3 lOA 342 67 ,3 00 14 .7 JOB 420 79,400 17.3 IO C 0 0 0 I OD 226 47,800 10 .3 JO E 77 16,900 3.7 I I 880 159,900 34 .8 To tal 2,468 I 459,300 I 100 Note: Basin I 0 C was not included in the SSES. Th e fo llowin g it emize s the ty pe of d ata recorded durin g th e tes ting of each lin e: • Date . Calendar date of tes t conducted . • Lin e Segment. Identification of line segment tes ted. • Wea th er Conditions. General tempe rature s and presence of precipita tion. • Private-Sector III. Type a nd location (addresses) of so u rces id en tifi ed b y smoke on private prope rty . • Public-Sector Ill. Type and location (s tation) of sourc es identified by smoke in the public sector of th e sewer system. A samp le smoke testing fi e ld form i s s hown in Figure K . For di rec t infl ow so urces such as curb inlets and area drains, an e s tima te of the dra in age area was ma de a nd recorded . Spec ific 1/1 sources included under public-and private-sector Ill are li s ted in Table V-5 . 23 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanita ry Sewer Evaluation Sur vey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Date: --'--'--SMOKE TESTING C rew: --'--'-- C rew No. City of Jefferson City, Missouri Project No. Line Segment: ( ) To ( ) U p s tream D own stream Weath e r C onditions: Pipe Length (ft.): Slatus C2!1 ~: I ~.N.L. 4•Lin e too lon g 1 = 11 0-90°,2 = 90-80°,3 = 80-70°,4 = 70°-below 2~D.N .E . 5 ~Diameter too large G round Conditions: Pipe Diameter (in.): 3•Buried 6•Co mplete I =dry, 2 =mo ist, 3 =wet, 4 -satu rated Mc!IS!J r~ Q!d ~: Precipita ti o n : Statu s Cod e: !-Scaled from Map 5=Es timat ed 1 =dry, 2 =dri zz le, 3 =rain 2•Walking Wheel Last R a in Event : _, __ , __ Meas ure Code: 3•Tapc Meas ure 4•Survev PART A: PRIVATE SECTOR Smoke Bldg. I QJz/J.(mgl : Tributary Defect Defect Defect 1 Footage Offset Offset Area Smoke No. No. Address Type ~~~ (UR) Footage (sq. ft .) Inten si ty Comments : A --__ , -------- B --i --------~ -- c ----1 --------I D i ----1 --------I E I ----I -------- F ! ----------I -- G --! -------I -- H ----------I -- I ! ----l -------- J ----I -------- DdectTl:I!C: S moke lntensi!!: I = Downs pout 4 =Stairwell Drai n 7 =Service Lateral 1 =Light 2 =Uncap ped Cleanout 5 =Foundation Drain 8 = Window Well 2 =Medium 3 = Driveway Dra in 6 = Area D rain 9 = P lumbing Defect 3 =Heavy PART B: PUBLIC SECTOR I Ootional: i Tributary DY ED WATER TEST: Defect Defect Footage ! OfiSet OfiSet I Area Smoke Dyed : Resul t: Date: Comments : No. T ype (lFC6 M") ! (UR) Footage (sq . ft.) Intens ity Pos. Neg . Sus. s ___ , __ ! 0 0 0 0 _!_!_ ! -------i T I ' 0 0 0 0 _,_,_ -----~-----i -- u j 0 0 0 0 _,_,_ -----i -----1 -- ! v -----1--l --0 0 0 0 _,_,_ ---! w ---1--! 0 0 0 0 _,_,_ -----~ -- X ---1--0 0 0 0 _,_,_ -----i -- y ! i 0 0 0 0 _,_,_ -----~-----i -- z I i 0 0 0 0 _,_,_ -----j -----! -- i S~oke lotens i!!: Additio nal Comments: Defect Tn!!:= I=Curb In let S=Manh ole Defect !=Light 2=Area Drain 6=Drainage Crossing 2=Medium 3=Line Defect 7=Water Val ve 3=Heavy 4=1ndirect Storm 8=Dinect Storm 1999 C Wilde & Auociates, Inc . Jefferson City, Missouri FIGUREK ~ ,. ~ .... ,, I ,... Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Example Smoke Phase I Study Area .. .... Wade Project No. 0107 Test Form ~ A.S S 0 QAIE:S I~~.J Table V-5 Results of Smoke Testing Total Numbe r of Ill Defects Defect Category 09A 09B lOA lOB 100 IOE 11 Total Public-Sector Defect Typ e C urb Inl et 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 Area Dr a in 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I Ma in L ine D efect 2 I I 2 I 0 38 45 Manh ole Defect 78 94 73 8 1 86 12 165 589 Drainage Cro ssing 2 0 0 0 I 0 I 4 Water Valve 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 2 Private-Sector Defect Downs pout 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 Uncap ped C lea nout 12 9 8 9 13 8 62 121 Dri veway Dra in I 0 0 0 I 0 4 6 Stairway Drain 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 3 Foundation Drain 0 0 4 0 0 0 I 5 Area Drain 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 5 Defec tive Serv ice 13 8 10 II 29 4 57 13 2 Total Publ ic Sec tor 82 95 7 4 83 89 12 222 655 Tota l Private Sec tor 26 17 22 20 46 12 137 280 Total l /1 Sources 108 112 96 103 135 24 359 937 Total Basi n Footage Tested 45,1 00 42,900 67,3 00 79,400 47,800 16,90 0 159,900 459,300 Defec ts per 1,000 Feet 2.4 2.6 1.4 1.3 2.8 1.4 2.2 Note: Ba sm I DC was not mcluded m the SSES. Again, the C ity staffs effort s to achieve grading con s iste ncy during smoke testing ac t iv it ies was achieved in Wade's QCP. On a reg ul a r basis , fiel d crew s retes ted li ne segments previously tested . Upon completing the second (quality control) smoke test , the crew ca me togeth er at the line segment in que st io n to disc u ss th e res ult s. Th is process o f re-testing a nd compari ng resu lt s led to greater consistency and precision from day-to-day. Figur e L graphi call y represents th e results of smoke testi n g ac ti vities. A fina l re port of th e smoke testi ng and an example field fonn is included in Appendix F. F. TELEVISION INSPECTION 2.0 The best method of accurately id en tifying the exact loc atio n of III entry into pipeli nes in the collection syste m is through the combination of c losed circuit te le v isio n (CCTV) in spection and conc urrent dyed water testing. Since smoke may mig rate th rough cracks in the soi l, th e exact defect location may not be poss ible to d etermin e during smoke tes ting. The inspectio n re sult s were recorded o nto standard observation fo rm s as s hown in F ig ure M. Line segments we re ranked base d on infonnation gathered durin g tamping and smoke testing inspection activities. T he higher-rankin g lin e segment s were se lected for CCTV inspection . Approximately 12,0 00 li neal fe et of sewer s were tel ev ised in the s tudy area. Figure N shows a ll line segments that were televi sed. Table Y-6 in c ludes (as an exampl e) a partial li sting ofCCTV In spection Observatio ns. The entire CCT V Inspection Observati ons are included in Append ix R. 24 City of J efferson City, Missouri San itary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Ph ase I Study Area November, 2002 Percentage of Smoke Testin g D e fect s Defect ive Se rv ice ( 14.1 Area Dra in (0.5 Fo und a ti on Dr a in (0 .5 Sta ir way Dra in (0.3 Dri veway Dra in (0.6 Uncapped C lea no ut ( 12.9 Dow nspout (0.9) Water Va lve (0.2 Dra in age Cross in g (0.4 Defec ti ve Se rvice Area Dra in Fo un datio n Dra in Sta irway Dra in Dr iveway Dra in Unca pp ed C lea no ut Downspo ut Wate r Va lve Dra in age C ross in g Ma nh o le Defec t Ma in Lin e Defect Area Dr a in C ur b inle t Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area W ad e Proj ect No. 0107 ur b Inl et (1.7) Dra in (0.1 ) ·n Lin e Defect (4.8) a nh o le Defec t (63 ) 500 600 Number of Defects FIGUREL Summary of Smoke Test Defects TELEVISION INSPECTION City of Jefferson City, Missouri Line Segment: ( ) To ( ) Upstream Down stream Date Televised: __ ! __ ! __ Pipe Diameter: TV Tape No: Date Reviewed : __ ! __ ! __ Invert Depth: C ounter Start: Crew: --'--'--'--Pipe Material: C ounter Stop: I =vcp, 2=pvc , 3=dip, 4=rcp, 5-cm p, 6 -C!P, 7-0 bg, 8=0the r Location: Total Footage: I Surface Condition: OBSERVATIONS: --Measure-I =Open Fie ld ment from Observation Code: 2=Street (Paved) Footage: Up/Down: I 2 3 4 Comments: 3=Streel (Unpaved) 4=Sidewalk (U/D) 5=Front Yard -------- 6=Back Yard I 7=Side Yard -------- 8=Building, Structure -------- 9=Street ROW -------- IO=Other -------- Measurement: -------- !=Estimated -------- 2=Scaled From M ap --------3=Tape M easure 4=Surveye d -------- 5=Walking Whee l --------I -------- Maintenanre Rfquiml: __ -------- !=Flush --2=Jet Flush ------ 3=Power Rod -------- 4=Root Cutte r -------- 5=Vapor Rooter 6=Buckel -------- 7=Vacuum -------- 8=0ther -------- Frequency: -------- !=Monthly -------- 2=Quarterly -------- 3=Semi-Annual --------4=Annual 5=Every Two Years -------- 6=Every Five Years -------- 7=0nce Only -------- -------- PRIORITY LEVEL: -------- (Ci rcle One ; !=Highest, S=Lowest) -------- 1 2 3 4 5 1999 © Wade & Associates, Inc. Jefferson City, Missouri FIGUREM 1: II: ~ ,... '!-Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Example CCTV Phase I Study Area ... Wade Project No. 0107 Inspection Form ~,aSSOQlATtS IfiC. ~ I \ .:::-::-- f :;, • \ • • 8 .J~ .... ~'\:"' -·~·::: _. . " ;I •···· ..... ~-~. •J ......... ·-·c-:.-:-s· • • •• , .... , -.:-;-:: 1'~1 • • • •• • ' • Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 01 07 __ I STATE HIGHWAY C I j • Manholes N Te levlsed Sewer Unes Sewe r Force Main Basins 0 8A 0 88 CJ 9A CJ 9B CJ 10A 0 108 0 10C 0 100 CJ 10E CJ 11 FIGURE N Location of Televi sed Sewer Lines I Table V-6 CCTV Inspection Observa tions* Up Up Down Down Pipe Pipe Pipe CCTV Observation Bas in Manho le Basin Manhole Length Dia. Type Tape Number 09A 7446 09A 7445 182 8 VCP/D IP 2 Positive dye test @ 5 1' break-in service connection. Broken p ipe @ I 0 . 7', 13.9', 17.8', 28.9', 36.3', 41.4', 54.1 ', 55.9', 73.3'. 89.2', 125.9'. Sags and roots. 0 9A 747 1 09A 7462 209 8 VCP 3 Mul t ip le crack . broken pi pe and roots at joints th roughout. 09A 746 1 09A 74 60 146 8 VCP 3 Positive dye test @ 136.4 ' h eavy j oi nt infi ltration . Mu lti ple longitudinal and circular c racks. 09A 749 1 09A 74 92 306 8 Truss 2 Positiv e d ye test @ 41' break-in service connect ion. Hole in pip e @ 8'and 40.5' from root saw. Service con nect ion wi th o utsi de in fil tration @ 39.8'. Poor servi ce connection @ 14 1.9' and 144 .4'. Se rvices with heavy roots@ 269.8' and 286.7'. 09A 7842 09A 78 10 130 8 Truss 4 Hole in pip e@ 69.0' lO A 713 1 l OA 7 130 239 15 Truss 29 Negat-ive dye test @ 126.8 '1arge hole in pi pe. Joi nt s with li ght roots @ 37.6', 188.5 ' and 238.7'. lOB 8559 l OB 8558 149 8 PVC 7 Longitu d ina l cracks and hole in pipe@ 52. 7'. lOB 8712 lOB 87 11 70 8 Truss 5 P ositive d y e test @ 21.1' poor service connect ion . lOB 8745 lOB 8756 76 8 Truss 7 Joint with roo ts @ 2.0'. lOB 85 17 l OB 7196 2 14 8 Truss 7 Poor service connection @ 2.0'. Pipe in good condit ion. l OB 8715 lOB 8 7 14 2 18 8 Truss 5 Positive d ye t est @ 6.6' se rvice with inside in filtration . I OD 8804 L IOD 8803 139 8 Truss 44 H ole in pi pe @ 2.9' and 50.3 '. I OD 882 0 IOD 88 16 259 8 PVC I Positive dye test @ 6 7.8' j oin t infi ltrat ion. Offset j oi nt @ 80.1 previously repai red. Sag in li ne 88' -95'. Hole in pipe @ 239.1 previous ly repa ired . IOD 8964 IOD 8963 77 10 VCP 4 3 Protrudi ng Ta ps @ 65 .7' and 66. 7'. IOD 9492 IOD 8845 160 8 PVC 42 Large ho le in p ipe @ 1.1 '. Act ive I& I @ I I. IOD 8768 I OD 8773 243 8 Truss 6 Positive d ye test @ 176 .6 service connection. Light roots at joints @ 13 .6', I 0 1.8', 126.5'. Medi um to Heavy root @ 123.3' and 176.6' Hole in p ipe @ 2 13.5 I OD 8775 IOD 8776 246 8 Truss 44 Heavy roots @ 2.9', 196.2' and 199.1'. Heavy grease from 140.8 to 200.0'. IOD 8780 IOD 8782 392 8 Truss 4 5 Hole in pi pe @ 231 .5', 329.4' and 329.8'. Evid e nce of in fi ltration @-99.3 and 329.4'. IOD 8781 IOD 8780 96 8 Truss 4 5 Hole in pi pe @ 43.4'. The h ole in pi pe @ 44.4' was recorded as repai red . Ev idence of joint infiltrat ion in what appeared to be an a bandon service connect ion @ 91 .6'. IO D 8986 IO D 8987 252 8 Truss 4 3 Crus hed pi pe @ 62 .2', 131.5' an d 227.9'. Cracked joints @ 29.6' and 247.6 '. Mul t ip le poor se rvice connectio ns. I OD 8850 I OD 8843 64 8 DI P/PVC I Missing tape foot age from 19.4' to end of line segment. IO D 9491 I OD 9492 178 8 PVC 4 2 C ame ra out of focus. Pipe appears t o be in good condition. II 15041 II 9399 191 6 VCP 18 Positive dye test @ 165.7' an d 177.7' heavy joint infi ltrat ion. Multi ple cracked joints and light roots at j oints . Hole in pipe @ 85.6'. II 15076 II 2360 237 6 VCP 33 Ho le in pipe @ 1.0'. Craekedjoi nts throughout. Moderate o f fset joints @ 51.2', 79.4', 2 14.6' and 220.2'. II 2307 II 2308 300 8 VCP 18 Pos itive dye tes t @ 167 .I ' from insid e serv ice. Minor offset joints w ith li ght roots throug hout li ne segment. Camera blocked by protrud ing ta p @ 167 .2'. II 2311 II 2310 325 8 VCP 26 O u ts ide in filtrat ion at connection @ 28 .9'. Protruding tap cam era could not pass. II 231 3 II 2310 499 8 VC P 8 Joint in fil tration throughou t line segment. *Parttal h st. Complete hstmg of CCTV In specti on Results may be fo und m Appendtx R. 25 City of J efferson City, Mis souri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Ph ase I Study Area November, 2002 G. BUILDING INSPECTIONS Generally, smoke testing, a lone, cannot locate and confirm every possible III d efect on private property. For this reason, a pilot building in spection program in Basin 11 wa s undertaken by City staff to determine the effectiveness of a comp lete in s pection program in the study area. A total of 250 buildings were inspected in Bas in I I to confinn or identify potential III so urces. Two-person inspection teams condu cted th e s urvey . Special prov isions were made to assure homeowners and occupants of the legitim acy of the survey and to communicate the importance of the information needed. These provisions in c lud ed photo, radio announcements, ID badges for a ll in s pectors, a letter of introduction , and well-ide ntified field vehicles. Inspections were grouped into one of the following four categories: • • • • Insp ected. The exterior of the building and the interior plumbing (basement only) were in spected to locate potential 1/I sourc es. Not-At-Home. The property owner or occupant was not available to in spect the basement for pote ntial sump pwnp connections. The exte rior was in spected in most cases. Refusa l. The owner or occupant refu se d entry of the in s pection team . No furth er attempt was made. Not Inspected. Generally , conditions such a s a vacant or dil apidate d building, locked security gate, or unleashed dog. An example building in spection form is s hown in Figure 0. During the in s pecti on p eriod a minimum o f th ree separate attempts were made when an owner or occupant was not at home. Subseque n t in spection attem pts were made at a different day and time w here possible. After th ree unsuccessful attempts, a fonn letter and/or door hanger was left at the property in order to sc hedul e an appointment for an ins pec tion. Follow-up tel e phone call s were made to sc hedule inspection appointments. General ly, almost all property owners or occupants were very cooperati ve. Resu lt s of the pilot bui lding in spection program for th e study area are shown in Table V-7. 26 City of J effers on City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase 1 Study Area November, 2002 BUI LDING INSPECTI ON Date: __ ! __ ! __ C i ty of Jeffe r s o n City, M iss o u r i Crew:___,___, ___ Li ne Seg ment: ( ) T o ( ) Upstrea m Dow nstrea m Occupa n t: Own e r : A ddress: A ddress: C ity: S t a t e: ___ Zip: C ity: State : ___ Z ip: Pho n e: S t a tus: Pho n e: Occul!a ot S tatu s: I = Bad Dog 3 = Elderly Perso n 5 = Hea lth Problems 7 =Notify Prior to Smoke Testing 2 =Conce rn ed About Neighbor 4 = Hand icapped 6 = Host ile Re sident 8 =Ot her Ins p ectio n D ate : S t atu s: Comme nts: A ttem pt : 1 _!_!_ ---S t atu s: 2 _!_!_ I = Inspecte d ---2 =Not at Home 3 _,_,_ 3 =Refusal ---4 =Not Ins pected 4 _/_/_ --- 0 H isto ry of F loo ding I Source : Action Takt n: , I = Sanitary Backup I =Call ed Plummer M a ximum Dura tion Acti o n I 2 = Stairwe ll S tormwater 2 = Install ed S ump Pump F loo d Date: So urce Dept h (ft.) (hrs.) Tak en 3 =Eliminated Stormwater _/_!_ ! 3 = Window Well Stormwater Source -----------I 4 = Wall Seepage 4 =Removed Blockage _!_!_ ! 5 =B lockage (private li ne) 5 = Call ed C ity -----------I 6 = U nknown _1_1_ 6 = No ne -----------!?=O the r ?=Oth er ' Building Typ e : Buildin& T}:[!e: I Basem e nt T}:[!e: Building A ge (approxima te): yrs. I = Ranch 5 =D u plex 9 = Industrial l l =Full 2 = Raised Ranch 6 =Townhouse 10 =Institutional i 2 = Half Years Occupie d By Presen t 3 = Split Level 7 =Apt. Building II = Othe r I 3 = C rawl S pace Owne r/O ccupant : yrs. 4 =Two-Story 8 = Commercial 12 =Vacant Lot J 4 =None Basement Typ e: ! BUlL DrNG SUMP P UM PS: D YE TEST: Sump Sow-ceof Connection Pump ~ Number Location Sealed Drain Water Type Discharge ~ity Dyed Pos. Neg. Suspect 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- Loc a tio n : j Sou r ce of W a t e r : C onnecti2 n T}:[!e : I Di~£h a r~:e : I = Ins ide I I = Foundation D ra in 4 =Storm I = Sump Pump wi th Single Discharge 4 =Drain i I = San itary I 2 =Outs ide I 2 =Sanitary 5 =None 2 =Sump Pump with D ive rter V a lve 5 = Pit w/Drain i 2 =Outs ide I I 3 = Combination 3 =P it Only and Pump I 3 =Storm I I 4 =Unknown 1999 © Wadb & Associates, Inc. Jefferson City, Missouri FIGUREO t ... :I, 1: ... Sanitary Sewer Evaluadon Study Example Building Phase I Study Area w.s QCJAIES...lN.e Wade Project No. 0107 Inspection Form Tabl e V-7 R es ults of Pilot Building Ins pect ion Program Category Bas in 11 Total Inspection Att em pts 355 Statu s Inspected 250 Not at Home 95 Refused 6 Not Inspected 4 Observati on s* Downs pout 15 Uncapped C leanout 0 Dri veway Dra in 5 Stairw ell Drain 9 Foundation Drain 0 Area Drain 2 Serv ice Latera l 0 S ump Pump s D ischarge to Sa ni ta ry Sewer 30 D isc harge Outs id e 3 Di sc harge to Stotm Sewer 0 Di scharge Unk now n 0 Observa ti on Totals 3 1 Sum p Pump Totals 30 Su mp Pump/Co mpl eted In spection 12% *Mark ed as obse rvatiOn s because conn ec tiOn mto sa mtary sys tem have not been confi rm ed. The fo ll owi n g list d esc r ibes data tha t was co llected , recorded a nd i n p ut into the computer databa se for further analysis. • Date. Calend a r date tha t in s pe ction was pe rformed . • Lin e S egment. Specific line segment to wh ich b u ilding service lateral d ischa r ges was tewat er and po tential 1/1 the City-owned sewer system . • General Information . Addr ess of b uil ding, name of owner or occupan t a nd teleph o ne nu mber. Also pr esent status of in spect ion and gene ral com ments. • His tory. H is tory of basemen t fl ooding as r eported by owne r o r occu pant. Detailed information includ ing flood dates, dur ation , s u sp ected cau se a nd act ion taken by owner or occupa nt. • Building Data. General de scriptio n of building including t y p e, age, layout, a nd basement type. • Defec t Typ e. Descr iptio n o f type of d efect, inc lu d ing d ownspout, uncap ped cleanout , driveway drain, s ta irwell drain, fou ndati on d rain , area drain , servic e lateral, w i n d ow well w /drain , and s um p . • Tributary A rea. Estimate of square footage of runoff tributary to d e fect used to compute th eoretical inflow rate to th e sewer system based on rainfall int ensity . 27 City of Jefferson City , Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Sur vey-Phase I Study Area Nove mber, 2002 It should b e noted that fo llow-up confirmation testing was not conducted to determine if su spect defects were actuall y connected to the sewer system . All defects identified during building inspections were cross-checked with defects located during smoke testing. Results of the inspection s are s hown in Figure P. A tabulated building in s pection report is included in Appendix H. A further discussion of the results and analyses is included in Section VII. 28 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Percentage of Building Defects Window Well Dra in (0) Defective Service (0 ) Area Drain (6.5 ) Foundation Drain (0 ) Stairwell Drain (29 ) Downs pout ( 48.4 ) Driveway Drain ( 16.1 ) Uncapped Cleanout (0) Total Number of Building Defects Window Well Drain Defective Service Area Drain Foundation Drain Stairwell Drain Driveway Drain Uncapped Cleanout Downs pout Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 Number of Defects FIGUREP Summary of Building Inspection Defects SECTION VI FIELD DATA ANALYSIS AND HYDRAULIC MODELING A. OBJE CTIVE T he evaluatio n of the syst em's a b ility to safe ly transport peak wastewater flow s to th e City's wastewater treatment facilitie s (WWTF) is a significant p art o f any sanit ary sewer study. Und e r th is analysis, h owever, mo de lin g was conduc ted o nly w ith in , basins 9, 10 , and 11 , the area s tudied. F uture m odeling wi ll need to be conducted to comb ine a ll waters heds in the coll ection syst em. By d efinition , the co ll ection system is the network of gravity sewer p ip es and manhole stru c tures inc lud ing pumping stations, force mains, ho ldi ng faci li ties a nd control struc tures. In principle, sani tary sewer systems are de s ig ned to tra nsport do mestic , com merc ial, an d industrial wast es t o the trea tme nt facility. Althou g h the de s ign crite ria used to s ize grav ity sewers has changed over the years, some reserve capacity was formerly cons id e red for modest a moun ts of infi ltration. Under c urrent and fu ture growth conditions, however, the system d oes not have adequa te capacity to transpo rt peak flow s (including infiltra ti o n a nd infl ow). This resu lt s in uncontro ll ed a nd reported co llec ti on system bac kups and overfl ows. Genera ll y, these backups occur as a re s ul t of one or more of the fo ll owing: • General deterioration o f the collect ion system d ue to age. • Direct an d indirec t c ross-co nnections be t ween sto nn an d sanitary sewers. • Legal 1/I connecti ons via b uildi ng late ra l sewers p rior to the a doption of the City's c urre nt plumbing codes. • Illegal III connectio ns u nde r c urre nt plumbing codes. Most of the a bove conditions have be e n imposed o n the City's wastewater coll ection syst em a nd m us t be cons idere d for mode lin g purposes. The resul tant h ydrau lic mode l of the system has bee n deve lop e d an d analy zed under the se condit ion s. The purpose of thi s analysis is to: • Determine th eoretical hydraulic capac ity of the existing sewer system. • Analyze the c urren t load s imposed on th e existin g system. • Identify and locate re li ef sewers required t o meet the s pecified desig n c riteri a. • Establi sh costs to transport d esign fl ows under variou s conditions of I/1 reduc ti on as part of the overall cost-effectiveness a na lys is. The resultant model is by no means a document that should be used to begin construction of relief sewers. Necessary and additional design must be considered as well as additional follow-up flow monitoring once a ll sewer renewal and rehabilitation work has been completed. However, the model will provide the C ity with an effective planning tool to establish design criteria for such improvements. Although the type and quan t ity of da ta is important in modeling sani tary sewer systems, it is equall y important to eva luate and use the d ata in a manner that will y ield the greatest benefit. 29 City of Jefferso n City, Missouri Sanitaty Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November, 2002 B. 1/1 SOURCES No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Each fie l d inspection activity located defects t hat may or may not contribute VI to the system, depending on their type and or lo cation. Based on the information gat hered in the field, it was possible to determine which defects will contribute VI flows, and which will not. Defects, which were determined to be III contributors, were se parated into four categories; public-sector inflow , publ ic-sector infiltration, pri vate-sector inflo w, a nd private-sector infi ltration . In this way, the potential impact of VI-re lated defects on the system, as they re late to their location in the sanitary sewer system , could be determ in ed. 1. Public Sector III Sources Public-sector VI sources for the basins in the study area were identified through field services activities described in Section V. Summaries of the type and location of inflow sources in the pub lic sector are listed in Table VI-1, items 1-10. Items 11-18 in Table VI-llist public sector infi ltration sources. Unit inflow rates (gpm) were assigned to each source type based on a rat ing condition use d in the field and/or th e estimated runoff area that is tributary to the inflow source. For infiltration sourc es, unit rates (gpm) were based on the rating condition a ssigned during field ac tiviti es (that is, in creasing severity of defect results in h igher infiltration rates). A su mma ry of quantities and cumulative flow from public-sector infl ow sources in each of the basins included in the stud y area is presented in Table VI-2 and public sector infiltration sources in Table VI-3. Test or Ins pection Manhole In spect ion Manhole In spection Manhole In spection Man ho le Inspection Manhole In spection Smoke Testing Smoke Tes ting Smoke Testing Manhole/Smoke Testi ng Smoke Testing Manhole In spection Manhole In spec tion Manhole Inspection Manhole In spection Smoke Testing/TV Insp. Visual Pipe/TV In sp. Smoke Testing/TV Insp . Smoke/Dyed Water Te st Bu il ding/Smoke/OW Test Building ln sp./DW/S moke Bu ilding lnsp./DW/Smoke Building lnsp./S moke Test Building In spection Building ln sp./DW Test Smoke Testin g Smoke Test/Bui lding Insp. Table Vl-1 Description of 1/1 Data Loc a tion Public Public Public Public Pu blic Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Pri vate C lassifica tion So urce of 1/l Inflow Vented Cover (below grade) Inflow Pi ck Hole (below grade) Inflow Poor cover-frame tit In flow Deter iorated or mi ssing fr ame seal Inflow Poor frame adjus tment (chimney) Infl ow Uncapped lamp hole (below grade) Inflo w Directly connected cu rb inl et Inflow Storm drainage connection Inflow Missing manhole cover Infl ow Directly connected area inlet Infiltration Deteriorated/leaking cone (corbel) Infiltration Deteriora ted/leaking manhole wall Infiltration Deteriorated manho le bench /trough Infiltration Leaking pipe seal in manhole Infiltration Broken/cracked pipe In fil tration Offset , separated pipe joint Infiltration Protruding tap, un sealed lateral In filtration Indirect sto rm sewer connection Inflow Downspout, roof dra in Inflow Dri veway dra in Inflow Exterio r stairwe ll drai n Inflow Uncapped cleanout (below grade) Infiltrati on Sump w/ or w/o pump Infi ltration Foundation drain connection Infilt ration Defecti ve service la teral Infiltration Window well drain 30 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November. 2002 I Table VI-2 Summary of Public-Sector Inflow Source Type N umbe r of Inflow Rate Sources (gpm) Vented Manho le C over 100 500 C over-Frame Fit (fair/poor) 33 98 Leaking Frame Seal 288 1,106 C himney Conditi on (fair I poo r) 5 1 25 Curb Inlet & Storm Cross ings 20 283 Defective Pipe 11 109 Wate r Valve/Defec ti ve Pipe 2 1 Area Drain 1 2 Total 506 2,124 Table Vl-3 Summary of Public-Sector Infiltratio n Source Type N umbe r of Infiltration So urces Rate (gpm) Manhole Cone (c orbel) 84 16 (fair/poor) Manhole Wall C ondition 271 106 (fair/poor) Manhole Bench/In ve rt Condition 100 23 (fair/poor) Pipe Se al C ond it io n in 259 258 Manhole( fa ir/poor) Defe ctive Pipe 34 64 Total 748 467 2. Private-Sector 1/1 Sources P ri vate-sector III so u rces identified in the s tud y a rea basin s w ere id e ntifi e d through smoke testing, build ing inspections and dy ed-water te sting . The typ es a nd lo c ations of inflow sources typically located in th e priv ate-se c tor are li sted in Table V l -1, items 19-22 . lte m s 23 -26 in Table VI-1 li st p rivate se ctor infiltration sourc es. Uni t in flow rates (gpm) were compu ted for each so urce us in g me thods s imilar to t hose des cribe d for public-sector inflow. A s u mm ary of infl ow quantities a nd c u m ul ati ve flow from the priva te-sector for all basins included in th e s tudy area is included in Tabl e VI-4 and pri vate sec to r infiltra ti on sources in T a bl e VI-5. 31 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evalu ation Survey -Pha se I Study A rea N ove mber, 2002 Table Vl-4 Summary of Private-Sector Inflow Source Type Number of Inflow Rate Sources (gp m) Dow n s pout 7 33 Driveway Dra in 6 88 Yard/ Area Drain 5 65 Uncapped C leano ut 120 700 Defecti ve Service Lateral 27 55 Exter io r Stairwell Drai n 3 15 Total 168 956 Table VI-S S ummary of Private-Sector Infiltration Source Type Number of Infiltration Sources Rate (gp m) De fective Service Lateral 105 114 Foundation Drai n 5 3 S ump with & w ithout pump 28 44 Total 138 161 3. 1/J Source Summary Total quantification of infl ow and infiltration from ind ividu al sources id entified un de r the fiel d inspecti on activities is s hown in Table VI-6 a nd Figure R . In prepa ra tion for the hydraulic a na lys is d escrib e d in th e following part of thi s section , a system hy drau lic "balan ce" was made between th e monitored basin flow s ummarized in T ab les IV -1 , IV -3 , and IV -5 and th e c umul ati ve source flo w id en tifi ed a nd li s ted in T ab le VI-6. Table Vl -6 Summary of III Source Quantification Source Type Public-S ector Infl ow Public-Sector Infiltration Private-Sector Inflow Private-Sector Infiltration Total Number of Flow Rate %GPMof Sources (gpm) Total 506 2,124 57.3 748 46 7 12.6 168 956 25.8 138 161 4.3 1,560 3,708 100 32 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanita ry Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 I I Private Sector Infiltration Private Sector Inflow Public Sector Infiltration Public Sector Inflow Jeffenon City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 Identified 1/1 60% Percentage of Total III Defects FIGURER Summary of III in Study Area C. HYDRAULIC MODELING 1. Objective The evaluation of th e system's ability to safel y transport peak wastewater fl ows to the City's wastewa ter treatment faci liti es (WWTF) is a s ig nificant part of any sa ni tary sewer study. Under thi s analys is, however, modeling was condu cted only w ithin the area studied (basin s 9, 10 , and 1 1). To evaluate flow ra tes enteri ng th e WWTF, future m odelin g w ill need to be cond ucted to combine all waters heds in the collection sys tem and to cons ider any increased fl ow rate s d ue to reactiva tion of III. B y definition , the coll ection syst em is the network of gravity sewer pipes and manhole structures. This al s o in cl ud es pumping st ati ons, force mains , h ol din g facilities and contro l s tructures. It does not in c lude th e faci litie s at th e wastewater treatment p lant. In princ ipl e, sa nitary sewer systems are desig ne d to tran s port, by g rav ity, domestic, commercial, and indu s trial wastes to th e treatment facility . Al th o ug h th e de sign criteria used to size gravity sewers has c hanged over th e years, some reserve capaci ty has formerly been conside red for modes t a mounts of infi ltration. Under curre nt a nd future growth condit ions, howeve r, the C ity's collection system does not have a d equa te capacity to transport peak flow s (including infiltration an d inflow). This re s ults in un con trolled coll ect ion system backup and overflows. Genera ll y, these backups and overflows occur as a res u lt of one, o r more, of the fo ll owin g: • • • • Gene ral d e te ri o ratio n of the co ll ection syste m due to age . Potential cross-connections betwee n storm and sanitary sewers . III connections v ia building latera l sewe rs prior to the adoption of c urrent plumbin g cod es. Ill egal III connect ions cons tructed unde r c urrent plumbing codes . All of the above cond itions we re cons idered as a possibility in the City's coll ection system and were, the re fore , in c luded in the modeling analysis. The resu ltant hydra uli c model of the syste m has been developed a nd analyzed und er these conditions. T he pu rpo se of this a na lys is is to : I . D e tennine th eoreti ca l hydraul ic capacity of the existing sewer system . 2. An a ly ze the current average and pea k fl ows imposed on it. 3. Identi fy and locate re li e f sewers required to m eet the specified d es ig n c riteri a. 4. Estab li sh costs to tran sport the se design flow s under variou s cond iti ons of III re ductio n as part of the overall cost-e ffectiveness analysis. T h e res ultant model is by no m ean s a doc ume nt that should be u sed to begin construction of r eli ef sewers. Additional and n ecessary design will nee d to be con s ider ed. Howeve r , the model will provide the City of J efferson C ity with a usefu l too l to esta blish des ign criteria for s uc h improvements . 2. Ge nera l Methodology H ydra uli c behavior in s anitary se wer syste m s is principally a fun ction of the follow in g: • physical c ha ra c teris tic s of th e system network s uch as pipe length , pi pe slope, and pipe diameter • maintenance -re lated proble m s such as roots, grea se, and deposition 33 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 • system configuration • bas in s ize and or ientation • type and location ofi/I d efect s. Peak flows move throug h the syste m in a d ynamic fashion s imilar to their movement through st orm sewers. C urrentl y, a number of commercia ll y availab le software prog rams such as XP-SWMM0 , HYDRA0 , HydroWORKS0 , and Sewer CAD0 are available. H owever, these programs do no t a ll ow th e user to easi ly a na ly ze the d irect hy drauli c impact ofl/1 defects on the c o llec ti on system. For the City of J efferson City, Wade & Associates used its own proprietary hydraulic modeling software package call ed Pipedream©. Th e reason for se lectin g th e Pipedream © software system is that it allowed the C ity to combine a ll the data coll ected during field ins pection activiti es (see Sect ion V) into a single, comprehens ive data b ase wh ich , in tum, could the n be u tili ze d to d evelop th e hydraulic mode l. Additionally , the phys ical characteristics of each line segm en t in the d ra inage area could be entere d into a network d efinition database. Thi s a llowed Pipedream© to t ime route fl ows through each pipe in th e entire study area syste m . 3. Netwo rk Devel o p me nt For Pipedream© to analyze the sewer syste m , th e system n etwork was fi rst d efined. For "construc t ion" of the m o de l, d ata was coll ected from information prov id ed by the following : • Pip e Diameter. Vi s ua l pipe in s pecti o n, sewe r atlas ma ps, a nd as-bui lt/record drawings. • Pipe Length. S m oke testing, sewer at las maps, and as-built/record draw ings. • Pipe Invert. As -built/record d rawi ngs and calculated va lu es. • Rim Elevation. As-buil t/record draw in gs and calculate d va lu es. Once the network was compi le d , a connect ivity c heck was perfo rm ed . This e ns ure d a ll pipes we re properly connected a nd accounted for in the model. Critica l conn ecti ons such as c ro ss- connections, b ypasses, and possible s plit fl ow confi g uratio ns were field-verified sin ce they represent key points in the m od e l that impact th e theoretical hydra ulic performance of th e system . Continuity and connectiv ity checks a lso assured Wade & Associates that the III d efects locate d in th e SSES portion of the study were being considered in the hydraulic model. Table VI-7 prov id es a s ummary inventory o f th e coll ection system tha t was includ ed in th e network definition d ata base. A comp le te listing of a ll lin e segmen ts in the model is p rovide d in Appendix I. 34 City of Jefferson City, Missouri San itary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phas e I Study Area November, 2002 Table VI-7 P ip e In ve nto r y R e p ort Pipe Diame t er Lineal Feet o f Sani tary Sewer s (by bas in) (in .) 09A 09B lO A JOB IO C IOD tOE 11 Tota ls 4 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 2 6 I 276 0 43 23 0 0 0 0 7 677 9 226 8 38,862 43,2 11 52,7 15 66,153 26,042 45 ,328 16,485 138,762 427,558 10 2 448 0 2 848 0 0 2 685 387 I 373 9 741 12 1,523 0 1,287 I I ,192 0 0 0 176 14,178 15 2,096 0 6 474 I 665 0 0 0 I 130 11,365 18 0 0 779 0 0 0 0 0 779 2 1 0 0 2,0 03 0 0 0 0 327 2,330 24 0 0 2 868 0 0 0 0 6095 8 963 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,702 5,702 Tot a l Footage 46,205 43,211 69,01 7 79 ,240 26,043 48,01 4 16,872 161,242 489,844 Tot a llDM 74 65 130 131 39 73 26 284 %of Tota l 9.4 8 .8 14.1 16.2 5.3 9.8 3.4 32.9 100 .0 " . *4 p1pe d1 a meter constitutes sam tary sewer fo rce mams. 4 . Desig n Storm Sel ec t ion B ased on previous I II studies conducted in the EPA Reg ion V II, the se lecti o n of a 5-yea r, 60- minute storm event is the c ommonly used g uideline for controlling SSOs. Thi s crit erion was th erefor e selected for t he p u rpose of an a lyz in g the hydra u lic behavior of th e C ity's co ll ection syste m. T h is d es ign storm event was initia ll y selected b y the C ity based on recommend ations from Wade & Associates durin g pre-study di sc uss io ns and d eliberations. Figure S shows the TP-40 c urves used by W ad e & Assoc iates for m od el ing purposes. 5 . Split F low J unction s As mentioned above, Pipedream c is capable of mo d e ling s pli t flow conditi o ns as cons tructed in the fi e ld . Figure T s hows an example of a possibl e split fl ow configurati on in a typical coll ect io n syste m. Four s p lit fl ow junc ti ons have been located in the City's collection system . 6. Creatio n of U nit Hydrogr a phs Synthetic h y d rogr aph s were c reated b y Piped ream 10 from five wastewater flow compone n ts: (a) b ase di urnal flow , (b) seasonal peak gro undwa te r infi lt ratio n, (c ) anteced e n t i nfi ltration (such as residual infi ltration fo llowing a stonn event), (d) rainfa ll-induced infiltratio n , and (e) inflow . Each component wa s determined as follows: F low C omponent So urce o f In fo r mation Base diurnal fl ow Flow mon itoring d a ta Seasonal peak groundwater infiltrati on Flow monitoring d ata Antecedent infiltra tion Flow monitoring d a ta R a infa ll -induce d infil tra ti on III d e fect mode l a nd meter d ata Inflow III de fe c t mode l a nd meter data I 35 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 10.0 (2 I z ::::;. ~ U5 z UJ 1 .0 1-z ...J ...J <( u... z <( a: ---t- RAINFALL INTENSITYvs DURATION JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI --•---·--•----•-._. r -. --. - + l : "'" SOURCE: TP 40. RAINFALL FREQUE NCY ATLAS OF THE U.S. 0 .1 Report o f Agriculture Soil Conservation Service 0 .1 6 .0 ,.....5 .0 a: I --z ~4 .0 U5 z ~ 3 .0 z ...J ...J <( u...2 .0 z <( a: 1.0 0 .0 1 Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 10 DURATION (HR) RAINFALL INTENSITY vs RETURN PERIOD JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 130 MINUTE I . Report of Agrirulture Soil conservation Service 10 RETURN PERIOD (YR) FIGURES Standard Rainfall Intensity Curves 100 100 I Split Flow Split Flow Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 FIGURET Example Split Flow Configuration a. Base Flow Hydrograph. The flow monitoring data collected by th e temporary meters were eva luated for d ays th a t were not influ e nced by preced ing measured storm events. D ata coll ected from the se metering p e ri o ds, call e d "dry days," were used to develop an average diurna l flow curve for each of t he basins within the stud y a rea. Flow monitoring d ata for dry days we re also use d to meas ure and analyze sea sonal groundwater infiltration, th a t is, re s ident infi ltrat io n enterin g into the collection syste m during several d ays of extend e d dry weather. Generall y, sea so nal infiltra tion is not cost-effective to el im inate due to th e type of syste m defec ts and th e phenomena o f gro undwater mig ration. Unit hydrographs (b ase fl ow plus antecedent infiltrat ion) were established on a "per lin e segm ent" ba s is and tim e-routed through th e system. The sy nthes ize d base flow hydrog raphs were compared w ith the measured hydrographs at the temporary m etering si tes and adjusted to achi eve system calibra ti o n. T ypicall y, major wastewater contribu tors to the coll ection system ar e included in the base flow hy d rog rap hs. b . Antecede nt Infiltratio n Hydrog raph . A ntecedent infiltra ti on is he re in d e fin e d as th a t component of gro undwa ter-induced infiltratio n mea s ured several hours after a major rainfall event. Thi s a ll ows th e hydraulic model to simulate back-to-back storm events. Si nce th is fl ow represents ra tes prior to th e design storm, it is consid e re d antecedent. For mode lin g purposes, va lue s for a ntecede nt infiltration were taken fro m flow monitorin g d a ta captured 3-12 hours follow ing the event. T h is a ll ows the model to evaluate the rainfall -induced peak fl ow res ponse unde r "saturated g round cond itions". For modeling p urposes, a ntecedent infi ltra tion plu s base flow was uniformly di stributed to each line segment within each bas in a nd ca libra te d as described above. c. Inflow/Rainfa ll-In duced !njiltration Hydro graph. Flow monitoring res ults of the study area , as di scussed in Secti o n IV, indi cated that ra infa ll-ind uced inflow an d infiltration is sign ificant. As di scussed in thi s repo rt, a ll mete r s ites s howed inflow an d rainfall-induce d infiltration respo nse under a nteced en t soi l mo isture conditions. Therefore, thi s hyd rograph becomes th e m ost critical part of th e h ydraulic model, s in ce it has the greatest imp ac t o n capacity re qui re me nts. Inflow and rainfall-induced infiltration hydro graphs were crea te d fro m the Pipedream e III source defect m odel. Indi vi du a l unit hy drograp hs for each defect identified in the SSES wer e created in Pip edream e. Each defect was in clud ed in a s pecific III d efect c lassification. Each c lassifi cation in c lud e d a unit hy d rograph un iq uely developed for the model. 7 . Flow R o utin g Each d efect from the Pipe dream e database was t ransferred to the s p ecific line segme nt w ith in th e coll ec tion system tha t was field-located by th e inspection work. Defect hydrographs were aggregated for each line segme nt in cl uding unide ntified Ill and a "composite" hydrograph . For modeling purposes, compos ite hydrog raphs always s tarted at the up s tream manhole . Composite hy drographs were then time -ro uted thro ugh th e d ownstre am pipe. Travel time through a single line segment was computed by Pipedream 10 for pa rti a l and fu ll-flow conditions based on kn own values for (1) depth of flow fo r g ravity flow, (2) hydraulic g radi ent fo r sur charge, (3) pipe s lope, (4) pipe diameter , (5) pipe le ngth, and (6) ro ug hness coefficient o r "C" value. Where con vergen ce of two or more pipes occurred, syntheti c hy dro g raphs for each of th e di sc ha rg ing pipes were combine d and th e routing routine con tinu ed. 36 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 The process continue d until th e ro utin g progra m reached a termin ating poi nt in the system. Fo r th e s tudy area mo d e l, tenninating points occurred a t each of the .fl ow mo ni torin g points (ex it location s of each ba s in ). At this point, th e synthe ti c h ydrograph was compared with the peak projected .flow rate establi s hed from th e "Q vs. i" re la tion ship fo r each basin. Subsequent mod ific a ti on to o n e or mo re of th e mode ling va riables was made to match the proj ected vs. synthe ti c .fl ow rates. A compari son was a lso m ad e of the re lative shape of the synthetic h ydr o graph to that of the meas ured in.tl ow res po nse c urve from the .fl ow monitoring data. Calibration of the mode l con t inu ed until each bas in was com ple ted a nd th e fina l model reached th e study area outl et. 8. Mo d e ling Res ults A model of the coll ecti on system under c urre nt III conditi ons (th at is, 0% VI elimin ate d from th e syste m) was prepared. The mode l compare d c urrent hy drau li c ca pac it ies to peak fl ow rates under th e 5-year , 60-minute desig n s tom1 event. R esults of the mode l indi cated capacity im proveme nt s need e d througho u t the study area. Main sewer lin es id e n t ified for re li e f sewer s ar e primari ly located a lo ng the major interceptor sewer alignme nts. In p articular, hy dra uli call y overloade d sewe rs during th e 5-year storm event are predom inant along the lower e nd and mi d-section of basins 9 a nd I I . Peak wastewater .flo ws in these section s exceed th e c urre nt c apacities by more than 350%, wi th most overload ing occurring in the 130% range. Figure U s hows the location of all overloade d sewers for curr ent conditions w ith no (0%) Ill e li m in a tio n . T h e approx imate cos t to implement a re lief sewer pl a n at 0% Il l re m oval is $4 .7 million (co ntracted cost). A ct ual constru c tion costs cou ld be hi g her due to th e locatio n of required re lief sewers . Costs assoc ia ted to re l ief sewers are planning level on ly. A more detailed qua nti fica tion of th e relief sewer plan for 0 % 1/I e li mination is shown in T a ble V I-8. Th e compl e te Flow Ana lys is R e port for 0% III e lim ination is pres ented in Appendix J. Table V J-8 Relief Sewer Requirements (5-Year, 60-Minute Storm With 0% 1/1 Redu ction) Basin 09A 09B l OA l OB IOC 100 JO E 11 Sub-Total Total with Reli e f Sewer Costs ($) Tot a l 8 in. Pipe Pipe > 8 in. Total C ost 11 6,000 378,000 494,000 227,000 0 227,000 32 ,000 585,000 6 17,000 26,000 4 84,000 510,000 42,000 0 42,000 175,000 186,000 361 ,000 6 ,000 3 ,000 9,0 00 4 8,000 1,3 14 ,000 1,363,000 $672,000 $2,951,000 $3,623,000 30 %contingency $4 ,707,000 37 City of Jefferson City, Mis sou ri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area Nove mber, 2002 I \ • . .. . • [6 .. ~ _,..-··~ .._. . ",.--·~~-=1EM J ••••• .. • • •• •I ...,_,. • ,. --.· .......... -j • -· .1"':!..!.~., • • I • • -...,.... • • Jefferson C ity, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 108 I • 10A • • • _ _.,----• • • --1 STATE ~WAY c -·- • Manholes N Overloaded Sewers ft 0% Ul Ellmlnatl Sewer Force Main Basins CJ 8A CJ 8B CJ 9A CJ 9B N CJ 10A W........_E CJ 10B ~ CJ 10C CJ 10D CJ 10E 0 11 FIGURE U Overloaded Sewers@ 0% Elimination 9. Future Growth An important con s ide ration for th e J e ffe rson City h y draulic mode l is future g rowth considerations. The C ity is anticipating continu e d g rowth f rom both de ve lopmen t a nd annexation . The City of Jefferson provided projections for probable annexations to the City's s anitary sewer system. The C ity 's 20 year pl anning period indicates that population growth and new d evelopment will continue a s well. City staff determined that approx imate ly 3,020 acres should be included in the fut ure growth modeling efforts. Undeveloped areas a long the south s id es of basin s 1 OA and I OB (Frog Hollow interceptors) and a s mall area in I OC (Covi ng to n Gardens) were specifi e d for res id e ntial d evelopment. Modeling was conducte d for ultim ate growth conditions assuming a ll 3,020 acres wi ll be fully d evelope d . Residen tial p opulatio n d e ns ity projection s as provided by the City were at 2 p ers ons pe r acre for a ll a reas except Cov ington Gard en s in wh ich 3 person s per acre we re u se d. Inflow and infiltration flow s for future g rowth were based on peaking factors associated with existing fl ows from th e basin s in th e study area. Tota l projected base fl ows for th e future growth areas were estimated to be 636 ,000 gpd . T ab le V I-9 provides a summary of the id entifie d future growth areas. Fig ure V p rovid es a g raphi cal r ep resentation o f the undevelop ed areas and th e ir connection into th e ex istin g collectio n syste m . Land Use Description Frog Hollow R esidenti a l- North Side of I OA Frog H o llo w Residential - South of lOA Frog Hollow Resi d enti a l - lOB Covington Gardens Re s id entia l -I OC Table Vl-9 Land Use Future Growth Upstream Acres Pop Density Total Flow Basin ID Person/ Acre (gpd) (10A)82 16 700 2 14 0,000 (IO A)7105 a nd 110 0 2 220,000 (IOA)8 124 (I OA)83 41 900 2 180,000 (10 C)8642 320 3 96,000 38 City of J efferson City. Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase 1 Study Area No vember, 2002 l .--.-,.1 .,...t,.. . • . f ~--• • • • •• • \ • •• • • • •• • ••• ::l 1 0 . .. . . \..() ··~ ·----. " _. •;....a.l: ·::!~~ . .z, ....... ··~· !~-~ _. •-t• s. !..:..: : h ... !;..;';~ ' .y • • I • •I"' •/ • • • • • 10C • • • • • • • Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 01 07 Future Growth : 108 Frog Hollow/1 OA North / (10A)8216-700 Acres 10A • • Future Growth : • • Frog Hollow 0 t 0 1AOB .-__,. (10A)8341-9 cres ., • • Future Growth : Frog Hollow/1 OA South (10A)7 105 -770 Acres STATE HIGHWAY C I j ' • Manholes Sewer Force Main Basins CJ 8A ,. CJ 88 w •• CJ 9A • CJ 98 CJ 10A CJ 10B CJ 10C CJ 10D CJ 10E CJ 11 FIGURE V Location of Areas w/Future Growth SECTION VII COST -EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS A. OBJECTIVE The purpose and final objective o f thi s sewer system eva luation study is to de termine th e least-cost improvem e nt p lan to reduce excessive 1/l and effectively m a nage the remaining wet-weather p eak wastewater fl ows by increa s in g the capacity of the coll ection system. It is impossible for th e C ity o f Je fferson C ity t o re move a ll o f the sources of III in the collectio n system. Likewise, it is cost-prohi bitive to add s uffi c ie nt re lief sewers, storage, and treatment ca pac ity to contain a s ignifican t ra in fa ll event such as a 5-year storm. Between th ese two ex tremes is a p o int in which transportati o n , s torage, a nd treatme nt costs are more than offset by the cost of removing III. A comprehensive cost-effecti veness analys is (CEA) was conduc ted to id enti fy th is least-cost im provement p lan. The procedures fo ll owed fo r the CEA are briefly d escrib ed as follows: • Tabulation o f a ll id e ntifie d III sources wer e computer-gene rate d in Pipedream 0 . The li sting ranks III sources on th e basis o f cost to re move an III fl ow (n ormall y "$/gpm"). The compiled li stin g of a ll identified Ill is included in Appendi x K. A resulting "elimination cost c urve" was p lo tt ed s howin g the in creme ntal percentage of III removed and corresponding remova l cost. • For each in c rem e nta l re duc ti o n of III in the collectio n sys tem, a hydrau l ic analysis was performed in Piped ream e . The h ydrau li c mode l showe d where re li ef or replacement sewers were req uired a s well as th e estima ted cost for restoring system hydraulic reliability under the d es ignated rainfall conditio ns. The resu lting curve was plotted showing incremental p e rcen tage of III removed and the corresponding relief sewer costs for safe transport to the system o u t le t. • An estimate for addi ti onal costs to s tore and treat wet-weather fl ows was computed and operatio n a l costs requ ired to mainta in the treatment plant was determined. The result ant treatm ent cost vs. in crementa l III re mova l was p lotted . T h e curves describe d above were nu meri call y added to produce a total cost curve. The lowest po int o n th e c urve was conside re d to be th e cost-effective point. I n o th e r words, this point represent s the minimum cos t fo r th e C ity to a d equately improve th e system withi n th e stu dy a rea. Thi s procedure is consisten t with the applicable parts of 40 C FR, Part 35.2030 of the Fe d e ral Regulations . B. PRESENT WORTH COST CRJTERIA To eva luate each alternative re presented by a p e rcentage of III eli mi nated from th e coll ection system, a present-worth cost a na lys is was performed. Presen t-worth means th e sum that, if in vested, would prov ide th e amount required to m ake a ll future payments. It allows fo r the combination o f capita l a nd annu a l operation and maintenance (O&M) cost s so that various a lternat ives can be compared d irectl y. The fo ll owin g cost criteria were use d for the City's study: 39 City of J effers on City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Pha se I Study Area November, 2002 • • • A 20-year pl an ning period fo r system improvements . A discount rate of 8.25% was used to calculate th e present-worth cost fo r annua l O&M, debt se rvice, and capital costs. A service a nd contingency factor of 3 0%, for legal (6%), administrative (6%), an d engineering and contrac t admini stration (18%) expenses, was a pplied t o the total estimat ed construction cost to y iel d the tota l capital cost. C. 1/1 REMOVAL COSTS Unit remova l cost s for public-and p rivate-sector I/1 were ba se d on historical records collected from s imil ar proj ects in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas. All costs are based on outside contrac tor pri c in g. The assumption in this ana lysis is that specia li zed uti lity contractors through competitive pric in g w ill p erform a ll rehabilitation. Allowances wer e made, though, for local constructio n costs and a sta nd ard cost sc he d ule was entered in to Pipedream<i.'>. Estimated unit removal rate s, expressed in gpm , were also estimated from o th e r projects that have resulte d in successful e li mination ofl/1. A final tab u lation ofl/1 red ucti on costs for th is stud y is shown in Table VII-1. Appendi x K includes the d eta il ed li st that tabul ates all id e n t ifi ed sources in order of p riority beginning with the least-cost sour ces on the b asis of $/g p m o fl/1 removed. T he detailed tabulation in Appendix K a lso p ro v id es the ge ne ra l location of each source. For m ore detail on the precise locati on of each defect, refer t o sketche s prepared during field investigation s as d escr ibed in Section V. Table VII-I Summary of Incremental 1/I Elim in a tion Costs % I /I III (mgd) Remaining 1/1 Removal Removed Removed l/I (mgd) Cost ($) 0 0 11.9 $0 10 1.2 10.7 7,000 20 2.4 9.5 52,000 30 3.6 8.3 132,000 35 4.2 7.7 227,000 36 4.3 7.6 253,000 37 4.4 7.5 284,000 38 4.5 7.4 3 17,000 39 4.7 7.2 360,000 40 4.8 7.1 414,000 42 5 .0 6.9 585,000 43 5.1 6.8 7 14 ,000 44.9 5.4 6.5 1,460,000 Note : Based on a 5-year, 60-minute stonn event. 40 City of J efferson City, Missouri Sa nitary Sewer Evalu ation Survey-Phase 1 Study A rea Nove mber, 2002 D. RELIEF SE W E R C O STS For each incremental reduction in III (i nc lud ing 0 % elimination), a revised hydr a ulic mode l was c reated by Pi p edr eam e to de termine the re lief sewer re quirements and the respective cost estim ate for each a lternative. Prices for this cost estimate were based on estimated un it price pe r li neal foot from past projects. Variab les in th e cost e s t ima ting tables w ere pipe diameter and depth o f potential excavation . A summ a ry of the un it costs u sed for re lief sewer construction is sh o wn in Tab le VII -2. The cost s are re fl ective of p lann ing -leve l estimates a n d may vary sign ifi can tly depen d ing o n th e fi n a l se lected imp leme ntat ion plan and schedule. A fina l tabulation of relief require m e n ts a nd the ir respect ive costs f or incremental re duction leve ls o fl/1 a r e provided in Table VII -3. All Pipe d re a m e F low Analysis r eports for eac h leve l evaluated are contained in Appendix L. Pipe Di a m . 0-5 (in) 6 48 8 50 10 6 1 12 7 1 15 87 18 103 2 1 119 24 134 27 150 30 165 36 2 17 42 268 48 320 54 400 Tabl e VII-2 R e li ef Sewer U nit Cost G uideline ($ pe r lineal fo ot) 5-10 55 60 71 82 98 11 4 13 1 147 160 180 235 290 345 425 De pth of Excavation (ft) 10 -J 5 60 65 77 89 107 125 144 163 178 200 262 323 385 460 15-2 0 20 -2 5 >25 De faul t 70 83 95 55 76 88 100 60 95 10 7 120 7 1 11 4 127 140 89 142 156 170 107 170 185 200 125 188 203 2 18 144 205 220 235 163 222 242 252 178 240 255 270 200 298 317 332 262 357 378 393 323 4 15 440 455 385 500 540 580 460 4 1 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Table VII-3 Summary of Incremental Relief Sewer Costs % III 1/1 (mgd) Remaining Relief Sewer* Removed Removed III (mgd) Cost($) 0 0 11.9 4,707,000 10 1.2 10 .7 3,499,000 20 2.4 9 .5 2,700,000 30 3.6 8.3 1,64 8,000 35 4.2 7.7 1,444,000 36 4.3 7.6 1,371 ,000 37 4.4 7.5 1,37 1,000 38 4 .5 7.4 1,3 19,000 39 4 .7 7.2 1,296,000 40 4 .7 7 .1 1,283,000 42 5.0 6.9 1,260,000 43 5.1 6.8 1,260,000 44 .9 5.4 6.5 1,23 4 ,000 *Note: Based on 5-year 60-minute storm event. Rel ie f sewer costs include 30% cont inge ncy. E. TREATMENT COSTS As part of the compr ehens ive s tud y of th e sa ni tary sewer co ll ection systems in the study area , the project team evalua ted th e impa ct o f extraneous I/I on treatm ent cost s. Th e volume ofl/I was quantifie d a t the bottom end o f th e stu d y area. I/I vo lu mes neede d for the cost-effectiveness analysis we re based on a 5-year, 60-minute s tonn event. The hy dra uli c mode l was used to det ermine the volume ofl!I entering the area stu di ed. Infl ow, infi ltrat ion, a nd base fl ows were calculate d by th e hydraul ic mod e l for a pe ri od of about fo ur days, a period of time s uffi c ient to a ll ow infiltrati on fl ows to reced e and sewer flo ws to return to normal. Base flo w volumes for a four-day p eriod we re then removed , resulting in t he re s idual VI vo lume. S in ce these fl ows rep resent a 5-year, 60-minute storm event of2.14 in c hes pe r hour of rainfall, total vo lum es were no rm a li zed to a 1-year peri o d us ing an average an nual ra infa ll of 40 inch es. 1/I volume s for a 5- year, 60-minut e st orm are shown in Table VII-4. 42 City of Jefferson City, Mi sso uri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Table VII-4 Summary of Incremental 1/1 Volumes % III Total Total Base Total Il l Normalized Removed Storm Flow Volume I/1 Volume Volume Vo lum e (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) 0 14.8 8.2 6.6 122.5 10 14 .6 8.2 6.4 11 8.2 20 14.3 8.2 6.1 11 3.6 30 13 .9 8.2 5.7 l 05.1 35 13.5 8.2 5.3 98.8 36 13.5 8.2 5.3 98.2 37 13.4 8.2 5.2 97.4 38 13.3 8.2 5.0 95.1 39 13.2 8.2 4.9 93.4 40 13.0 8.2 4.8 90.4 42 12.9 8.2 4 .7 86.7 43 12.7 8.2 4.5 84.2 44.9 12.5 8.2 4.3 79.8 Notes: Nonnalized 1/1 volume calculated for an average annual rainfall of 40 in ches. Stonn volumes arc for 5-ycar, 60-mi nutc storm event. Annual O&M and treatment costs for excessive II I in th e drainage area were detem1ined using $714/million gallons. To compare treatment cos ts to capital costs for VI e li m in at ion and re li ef sewers, it is necessary to determi ne th e present worth of the treatment cost. The following criteri a were used: • A planning period of20 years for system imp rovements. • A di scount ra te of 8.25% was used to ca lc ul ate the present worth cost for annua l O&M for debt service and capit a l costs. Treatment cost for th e stud y area is sh own in Table VII-5. 43 City of J ej](mon City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey -Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Table VII-S S ummary of Treatment Costs 1/1 Normalized Annual Present-Worth Removal Annual Ill Treatment Treatment o;o Volume (mg) Cost Cost 0 122.5 $88,000 $844 ,000 10 118.2 84,000 813,000 20 1 13.6 81,000 782,000 30 105.1 75,000 723,000 35 98.8 7 1,000 680,000 36 98.2 70,000 676,000 37 97.4 69,000 67 1,000 38 95.1 68,000 65 4 ,000 39 93.4 67,000 643 ,000 40 90.4 65,000 623,000 42 86.7 62,000 597,000 43 84.2 60,000 580 000 4 4 .9 79.8 57,000 550,000 Notes : Annua l treatment and O&M cost based o n $714/mil lio n gall ons treated. Present -worth based on 8.25% for 20 yea rs (PIA, 8.25, 20) = 9.646. F. SUMMARY OF COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS Re s ult s o f cost analysis for I/1 removal , relief sewers, and treatment were combined on the basis of ne t present-worth . Present-worth cost crit eria is di sc u ssed in section VII.B. Val ues were nume ri call y ad ded at eac h in c re ment of I l l e li m in ati o n and a fin al cost-effective poi nt was det erm ined. The analysis s hows th a t the optimum present-worth al ternative is ap proxi ma te ly 39% removal of III. A nything Jess than o r gr ea ter than thi s percentage wou ld yield a g reater total prese nt-wo rth cost. Figure Wand T able V II-6 summarizes the present-worth analys is for each cost component of th e sewer syste m impro ve m ent plan . T he m ini mum tota l p resent-worth of $2,300,000 occurs at th e 39% re m ova l point. All costs presented in T ab le V II-6 rep resent impr ovements for a 5-year, 60- minute , des ig n storm event pro tection plan. 44 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 6 .0 .---------------------------------------------------~ Vi 0 5.0 ~ 4 .0 t:: ~~ c:~3 .o Q)·-l{l~ .... a.. ~ 2 .0 0 ~ 1.0 0 .0 0% Cost Effective Level = 39 % ] 10% 20% 30 % 40% Percent Ill Elimination --IHr-Ill Eltm Cost --9---Relief Cost --IHr-Treatment Cost ft(J-Total Cost Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 FIGUREW Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 50% Tab le Vll-6 S ummary of C os t-E ffective ness A nalys is %1/1 Ill Relief Sew e r Present-Worth T otal Present R e move d R e mova l Cost Cost Treatm ent W o rth C ost C o s t 0 $0 $4,707,000 $844,000 $5,550,000 10 7,000 3,4 99,000 8 13,000 4,320,000 20 52 ,000 2,700,000 782,00 0 3,530,000 30 132,000 1,648 ,000 723,000 2,500,000 35 227,000 1,444,000 680,000 2,350,000 36 253,000 I ,37 1,000 676,000 2,320,000 37 284 ,000 1,37 1,000 671,000 2,3 00,0 00 38 3 17,000 1,3 19 ,000 654,000 2,290,000 39 360,000 1,296,000 643,000 2,290,000 40 41 4 ,000 I ,283,000 623,000 2,320,000 42 585 ,000 1,260 ,000 597,000 2,440,000 43 714,000 1,260 ,000 580,000 2,550,000 44.9 1,460,000 1,23 4 ,000 550,000 3,240,000 Note: Based on 5-year, 60-minutc storm event. T he tota l presen t-worth at the cost-effecti ve leve l of elimi nation includes the following: Results of th e CEA show t h e recommended lea st-cost alternat ive of Ill reduction, transport, and t reatm e nt at approximately 39%. The 44.9% III reducti o n leve l represents a ll the Iff flow contributed fro m defects located during fiel d in spection acti v ities. The rem a ining 55.1 % ofi/I flow was not d etec te d during th ese activitie s. For the purposes of the cos t-effect iveness ana lysis, it w a s assumed that 100% of the flow from d efects targeted fo r correcti o n wo u ld be a ba ted. Thus, re lie f sewer sizes and costs, along with p resen t worth treatment costs were establishe d for each II I re d uctio n leve l based on thi s assumption. However, it is u nd e rs tood th at some d efects w ill "reac ti vate" over the 20-year planning period due to cont inuing deteriora tion of th e syste m . 45 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Ph ase 1 Study Area November, 2002 SECTION VIII RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN A. INTRODUCTION The recommended improvem e nt plan to manage and contro l peak wastewater flows in bas ins 9, 10 , and 11 will require a combinatio n of public and pri vate-sector III elimination. Implementation of the improvement plan w ill require the City to deve lop plans and specifications, construct a ll public- sector work related to the project, and initiate a pri va te-sector III di sconnect program. The ultimate success of an umbrella improvement plan for reduci n g wastewater overfl ows and backups will rely large ly on the success of imp lementing each of th ese programs. Partial implementation will not result in satisfactory reductions and containment of peak wet-weather-induced wastewater flows . Careful consid eration must a lso be g ive n to th e d es ire d schedu le for improvements and method(s) of financing . All im provem ents recomme nde d in this stu dy wo uld requ ire varying degrees of involvement by th e C it y. B. MANHOLE REHABILITATION lnfonnation summarize d in Section V identifi ed a total of 1,7281/I-related d efects in the 2,077 manholes in s pected in th e s tud y a rea. This is a n average of 0 .9 defects pe r manhole. A total of 874 defective manholes are detem1ined to be in need of rehabilitation. It is recommende d that a ll d efe c ti ve m anholes th at are adjoined to defective pipelines be included in on e pipeline rehabilitation/replacement construction contract. Currently there are 11 8 such manholes. It is further recomme nded that the rema inin g 756 defective manholes that are not adjoined to defective p ip e lin e s be included in a second sep arate manhole re habilitation/rep lacement construction contract. A total of $842 ,8 00 has been budgeted for th is work. Of this total , $110,000 has been set asi de for contin gencies such as engi neering, adminis tration, in s pection, and potenti al construction overages. Table VIII-I summarizes the manhole rehabilitation schedule before any cross-reference with the pipeline program and represents a ll manholes in need of rehabili tation, regardless of whether or not th ey li e on a lin e segment scheduled to be replaced. A detailed l isting of all manholes requiring re habilitatio n before cross -referencing w ith the pipe line program is included in Appendix M. 46 City of Jefferson City, Mi sso uri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Table Vlll-1 lfl Reduction Program Preliminary Manhole Rehabilitation Type of Rehabilitation R e place Cover, Frame, and Frame Seal Re place Frame Seal R e place Cover, Frame, Frame Sea l, & Chimney Repl ace Frame Seal and C himney Grade Adjustment Plu g Lift Holes, Plug H o les Wall Rehabilitation (vertical feet) S ea l Pre cast Jo ints Remove Steps Complete Manhole R e place m e nt Lowe r 1 8" M anhole R e ha bi 1 it atio n * S urfacing & Restoration (total cost estimate) Sub-Total Co n ti nge ncies (15%) Total Preliminary Manhole Rehabilitation Note : In c lud es all manhol es needin g rehabilitation. *Includes bench , inve rt , and pipe sea ls. Number 14 8 245 2 14 169 11 785 202 45 14 186 1 U nit Cost Total Cost 750 111 ,000 500 12 2,500 875 1 ,8 00 750 10 ,500 250 42,300 125 1,400 125NF 98,200 300 60,60 0 125 5 ,7 00 3,125 43 ,80 0 500 93 ,000 14 2,000 142,000 $732 800 $110,000 $842,800 As prev io us ly stated , the m a nh o le re h a bilitati o n schedule summarized in Table VIII-I was cross- re fere nced with the recommen d ed p ipe line rehabilitati o n li s t. T able V III-2 summarizes th e $644 ,000 budgete d for manho les to be rehabilitate d that do not conflic t with the pipeline rehabilitation sc hedule . The re m a ining $19 8,800 manho le re newal budget is includ ed in th e pipeline rehabilitation work associated with 1/I reducti o n prog r am. T he recomme nde d manho le r ehabilitation sch e dul e is provided in Appendix N . Fi g ure X sh ows t he locati ons of the m anho les r ecommended for rehabilitatio n . Include d in Appendix C is a li sting of 415 manhole structures that could not be compl e te ly ins pected during the manhole ins pection program (SSES). This m ay be due to reason s such as access, buri e d , or may not ex is t. It is recommend ed th a t th e fin al d is posit ion of these manholes be inc lude d in th e proposed m a nhol e rehabili tation program. 47 City of Jefferson City, Mi ssouri San itary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 • . ' • • •• • ' \ • • • •• •• .• . • .. , 1 ~ I ~ Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Project No. 0107 108 10A _( _ _.,..---- ---- STATE HIGHWAY C ; I • • • • • i I • Reconmended Manhole Rehab • Manholes Sewer Force Main Basins CJ 8A CJ 88 CJ 9A CJ 98 CJ 10A CJ 108 CJ 10C CJ 10D CJ 10E CJ 11 FIGURE X Recommended Manhole Rehabilitation Table VIIJ-2 III Reduction Program Recommended Manhole Re habilitation Program Type of Rehabilitation N umber Replace Cover, Frame, a nd Frame Sea l 13 1 R eplace Frame Seal 222 Replace Cover, Frame, Frame Seal, & C himney 2 Replace Frame Seal and C himney 13 Grade A djustme n t !53 Plug Lift Holes, Plug Ho les 5 W all R e ha bilita ti on (vertical feet) 92 Sea l Precast J oi nts 174 Remo ve Steps 31 Com plete Manhole R ep lacement 12 L ower 18 " M a nh o le R ehabi litation* 14 9 Surfacing & Restorati o n (tota l cost estimate) I Sub-Total Continge ncies (l 5%) Total Recommende d Manhole R e habilitation Program Note: Excludes manholes associated wit h any type of pipeline replacement. *Include s bench, in vert, and pipe seals. U nit Cost 750 500 875 750 250 125 125NF 300 125 2500 500 127,800 C. PIPELINE REHABILITATION (Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM) Total Cost 98,300 111,000 1 ,8 0 0 9,800 38,300 600 11,500 52,000 3,900 30,000 74,500 127,800 $559 ,500 $84 ,500 $6 44 ,000 The stud y identified numerous locati o ns in the coll ecti on system w he re III was entering through defect s in the pip e lin es. Th ese d efects in c lud e o pen/ex p osed pipe join ts with active Ill and other major defi cie nc ies su c h as broken or pa rt ia ll y coll apsed pipe. All d efects were ini t ially located by smoke testing and verified by follow-up cleaning and CCTV insp ection. Also, based o n th e cost- effecti veness a nalysis in Section VII , these d e fects were above the cost-effective cut-off li mit for the p rogra m (i.e. cost to make the repairs is less t han t he long tenn present worth cost of transport- and-treatment). A to ta l of 70 sep arate line segments are included in thi s work, repre sent ing approx im a te ly I 1,5 00 lin ear feet of sani tary sewer rang in g in di ameter from 6" to 8". Of the 70 l ine segmen ts targeted for the III removal program, 18 in clude only point repa irs. A progra m budget of approximately $2,400,000 h as been recommende d for these improvements, including a 30% contingency set-aside of $54 9,500 for e ngi neeri ng, inspecti on, legal, and general adm ini stration . A ge n e ra l breakdo wn of the costs to impl e m ent the pipe line rehabilitati on program associa te d w ith 1/I reduction is shown in Tab le YIII-3. The locations where pipeline im provem e n ts a re recomm en d ed are s hown in Figure Y. 48 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase 1 Study Area November, 2002 \ I \ • • •• • • • • •• -·· . -.., ~ 0 I a: • • • • • • 108 10A ___ J S TATE HIGHW A Y C .-------·~ --- • ~ • ! ~ I • I • • • • • l 'r ./ ...1'-• Manholes \ Recommend Rehab. Sewers N OpenCut Trench less l.\f.Partial Replacement Sewers N Point Repair Sewers Sewer Force Main Basins CJ 8A 0 88 0 9A 0 98 0 10A 0 108 0 10C 0 100 0 10E 0 11 FIGURE Y Rehabilitation/Replacement Program (1/1 Related) Table VIII-3 1/1 Reduction Program Pipeline Rehabilitation /Replacement S umm ary Type of Rehabilitation Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total C ost Point R epair Each 23 3,500 80,500 Replacement (6" or 8" pipe) LF 8,000 160 1,280,000 Tre nc h less (8 " pipe) LF 3 ,500 140 490,000 Total Construction Estimate $1,850,500 Contingencies (30 %) $549,500 Total Pipeline Rehabilitation $2,400,000 D. PRIVATE-SECTOR l /l REDUCTION D efects o n private property a re contributors of excessive Ill to the collection system. Cost analysis of the field data coll ected during bu il ding inspecti ons, and smoke testing, have s hown that many sourc es ofpri va te-sector 1/I , s uc h as un cap pe d cleano uts and downspouts, are cost-effective to re m ove. T he total estimated cost to di sconnect a nd/or re route the 165 sources of Ill from private property is $87,000. These cost estim ates fo r private-sector Ill removal in cl ude $1 1,600 for costs associated w ith the admini stration of thi s aspect of th e program. A su mmary of the p rivate-sector sources recomme nde d fo r removal is presented in T ab le VTII-4 . T he unit cos ts s hown in th e tab le rep resen t improve ments made by profess ional contractors. D e ta il s regarding the type, location, and unit cost are inc lud ed in Appendix P. It is a recogn ized fact t hat by e lim in atin g all pri vate defects, s ig n i fi cant syste m-wi de Ill could be e liminate d . H owever, s in ce many private-sector de fects fa llin g below the 39% recommende d level of II I removal are primarily infi ltrati on defects, th ey h ave a relatively mi no r effect o n re du cing th e need for a dditiona l relief sewers. In additio n, over time, d efect s that have been abated may be rei ntroduced to the sewer system. Any ad di t ional Ill remova l a c hieved by removing private defects th at are not cost-effecti ve s hould be cons idered. During the cour se o f fi eld investigatio ns, copies o f a ll fi e ld forms w ith private-sector defects were coll ected and ar c hi ved at C it y offices. 49 City of Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Table V III -4 1/1 R edu ction Progra m Pri vate-Sector l/1 Ab ate ment Type of R e habilitation No. of R ep a ir s Di sconnect D owns po u t 7 Di sconnect Area/Yard Dra in 2 Disconne ct Dri ve w ay/S ta irw e ll 7 Dra in Re p a ir Uncapp e d C leanou t 11 3 R e pai r Defecti ve Service Late ra l 9 S ump Pump D isconnect 27 Subto ta l Contin ge ncy (15%) Tota l Pri va te III P rogra m E. R ELI EF/REPL ACEMENT SEW E RS U ni t Cost Tota l Cost 100 700 3,00 0 6 ,000 3,00 0 2 1,000 50 5 ,700 3,000 27,000 550 15,000 $75 400 $1 1,600 $87,000 M ode ls of th e was tewater coll ec tion systems in b as ins 9 , I 0 , and II were prep a red u tili z ing the hydra u lic mod e ling conditio n s previou s ly di s c us sed. Re li ef sewer recommenda t ions were establish ed b ased on th e fl ow rate s resulti n g from t he cos t-effect ive level o f III e liminat ion d isc ussed in Sect io n VI. The mo d e l c ompared curre nt hy d ra u lic cond it io ns o r fl ow capacity to pe ak fl o w rates unde r th e 5-year, 60-minu te d es ig n stor m eve n t. W h ere surc h arging occu rred , a m ore de ta il ed hy dra uli c gradi e nt a na lys is was p erforme d. R esults ofthe mod e l ind icated relief se we r requirements alon g the exi stin g intercep to r sewer a li g nm e nts scattered through all th ree bas in s. These sewer a lig nmen ts remain overl oade d fo ll owing e liminatio n of39% of the III in th e sewer syste m as recomm e nd ed by th e cos t-effectiv e n ess a n a lys is. Specificall y , the hydra uli c a na lys is, w it h no futur e growth cons id e ra ti o ns , ind icates th at approxima te ly 2 0,00 0 li neal fee t o f re pl acem en t/re li ef sewer lines will sti ll be re quired to tran s port the rema inin g s torm-induced fl ows to the s tud y area o utle t without incident of system bac kups . T a ble V III-5 prov id es a gene ra l c os t a n a ly s is fo r c apaci ty im p rov ement s excludin g fu ture g rowth re quire me nts . 5 0 City of Jefferson City, Mi ssouri Sanitary Sewer E valuation Survey -Phase I Study Area November, 2002 Tab le VIli-S R e co mme nde d R e li e f/R e placem e n t Program A fter 39% III Removal and No Future Growth Con s ide ratio n s Typ e of Rehabilita ti o n Re li ef/Repl acem ent (I 0") Re li ef/Replacem e nt ( 12") Re lief/Re placement ( 15") Relief/Re p lacem e nt ( 18") Relief/Replacem ent (2 1 ") Re li e f/Replacem ent (24") R e li ef/Re pl acem e nt (27") S ub-Tota l Contingencies (30%) R e li e f/R e p lacem e nt Program (with o ut F uture Growth) Unit Qu a ntity LF 74 00 LF 133 0 LF 3540 LF 3270 LF 29 10 LF 300 LF 14 60 U n it Cost Total Cost 165 1,22 1,000 175 233,0 00 190 673,0 00 210 687 ,000 230 669,000 250 75,000 275 402 ,000 3,960,000 1 ,180,0 00 $5,140,000 A ft er futur e g r o wth flow s, as de fin e d in S ecti o n V -I , are inc luded in t h e h y dra u lic a n a lysis t he re qui re d replacem e n t/re li ef s ewers in c reases to approx im a te ly 38,000 li neal fee t. Tabl e Y III-6 summa ri zes the estimate d cos t to construct th ese sewers. It s hould be no ted th a t t he 38,000 If also in c lu des a ll th e re lief sewers re qu ire d before f utu re g rowt h fl ows are inc lude d , as shown in tab le Y III -5. A b udget to ta lin g a p proxi m a tely S 11.9 mi lli o n for thi s capac ity improveme nt project includes $2.7 m ill ion in contingen c ies cost s a ssociated wi th th e d es ig n , easeme n ts, ins pectio n, construction admin is trati o n, an d cons tru c ti o n co ntinge nc ies. A gene ra l co st a nalys is fo r ca pa c ity improveme nts is s hown in T a b le V III-6. Ta ble V III-6 R ecommended R e li ef/R e placem e nt Progr a m I I d ' F t nc u m g u ure G row t h F l o w s an d 39 % J/1 R 0 em o va Ty p e of R e h a b ili t atio n Unit Qu a n t ity U nit Cost Tota l Cost Re li ef/Re pl acem e nt (I 0") LF 3600 165 594,000 Re li ef/Re pl ace me nt ( 12") LF 48 00 175 840,000 Reli ef/Re p lacem e nt ( 15 ") LF 7700 190 I ,4 63,0 00 Re li ef/R eplacem e nt ( 18") LF 5350 2 10 1,124 ,000 Re li ef/R e pl acem e nt (2 1 ") LF 1730 230 398,000 Re li ef/Replacem e n t (24") LF 300 250 75 ,00 0 Re lief/Rep lacem e nt (27") LF 2 600 275 7 15,000 Reli e f/R ep lacem e nt (30") LF 83 00 320 2 ,656,0 00 Reli ef/Re placem e nt (36") LF 370 0 350 I ,295 ,000 S u b -T ota l $9,160,00 0 C ontingencies (30 %) $2,740,000 R elie f/R e place m e nt P rogr a m $11 ,900,000 5 1 City of Jefferso n City, Misso uri Sa nitary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area November, 2002 ) I 100 \ ~~-- ~ 7 .. I J •••• • • • • • • • • • • •• • Jefferson City, Missouri Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Phase I Study Area Wade Proj ect No. 01 07 Future Growth: •••• .,__ :::'1-"!· i .~~ i . ··~ • . ~ .. ....,! . 108 Frog Hollow/1 OA North (10A)8216-700 Acres Future Growth: ~_,__ Frog Hollow/108 ( 1 OA )8341 -900 Acres ~ .-------------~ ---Future Growth: Frog Ho ll ow/1 OA South (10A)7105-770 A cres STATE HI GHWAY C i • Manholes ,N Recommend Relief/Replacement w/Future Growth y I_ Recommend Relief Sewer (w/o Future Growth) Recommend Replacement (w/o Future Growth) Sewer Force Main Basins CJ 8A CJ 88 CJ 9A CJ 98 CJ 10A CJ 108 CJ 10C CJ 10D CJ 10E 0 11 FIGURE Z Relief/Replacement Sewer Program with Future Growth Projections Figure Z shows the proximi ty of th ese capac ity improveme nts. A detail e d listing of th e lin e segments is included in Appe ndi x Q. F. SUMMARY With the implementation of both public -sector a nd private-sector III abatement programs , it is estimated that the City can e ffective ly reduce the rai nfa ll-induced III flows by as much as 39% in bas in s 9, 10, a nd II study a reas . Public-sector III elimination re commendations include the re habilitation of pipe lines as well as manhole structures. For pipe lin e renewal work re lated t o th e cost-e ffective removal oflll, the total cost is expecte d to be 5)2,400,0 00. As part of the sewer line re ha bilita tion program, a number of manhole structures, sche dul e d fo r rehabilitation, are be ing re placed . It is, however, recomme nde d that the remainde r of the manhole sch e dul e include d in Appendix N be completed. The tota l cost of the remaini ng m anho le reh abili tation program , afte r pipeline con stru c ti o n , is estima ted at $644,000. The recommended pri vate-sector II I e l imination program is estimated to cost approxi m ately $87,000 and includes th e abate ment of defects s uch as un ca pped c leanouts, defective service late ral s, a nd downsp ou ts connec te d to the sanitary sewer coll ection system. The actual ca pital cost of thi s program will vary d e pending on th e Ci ty 's in volveme nt in reimbursement program s a nd enforcem ent polic ies. Once the comprehens iv e 1!1 abatement program is compl eted , it is expected th a t appro x imately 38,000 lin ear feet of re li ef/replacem ent sewers w ill be required to tran sport the rema inin g flows in c ludin g future g rowth need s, 20-year planni ng pe ri o d , safel y to the ou tl e t of th e study a rea. T hese improvements a re exp ected to cost $11 ,900 ,000. System-wide re habi li tation cost es timates for each p hase of the comprehens ive 1/I e limi nation and reli ef/rep lacem e nt sewer program s are provided in T able V III-7. Tab le VTII-7 Recommended System Improvement Cost Summary Part Description of Improveme nts Cost Estimate B Manhole Rehabil itatio n $644,000 c Pipeline R e habilitation (1/I Elimination) 2 ,400,000 D Priva te -Sector Ill A batement Prog ram 87 ,000 E Reli ef/Repl acem e nt Sewers* 11,900,000 Total $15,03 1 ,000 *In cl ude s requ1red relief sewers for future growth need s . 52 City of J efferson City, Missouri San itary Sewer Evaluation Survey-Phase I Study Area No vember, 2002 APPENDICES Appendix A Flow Monitoring Site Sheets/Hydrographs (see enclosed CD) Appendix B Rainfall-Induced Q vs. i Curves (see enclosed CD) Appendix C "Not Inspected" Manhole Structures Page# 4:17:59 PM Monday. October 28, 2002 Manhole Status Report Jefferson City, MO Phase I Not Ins pect ed Manhole No. Address Locatio n (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A ) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) (09A) 15020 7079 7086 7438 7440 7459 7490 7702 7708 7711 7718 7719 7720 7729 7732 7733 7734 7735 7741 7743 7746 7751 7754 7757 7760 7763 7773 7782 7786 7787 7791 7794 7799 7800 7801 7804 7809 7813 7836 7855 7856 7857 7858 7864 7865 7866 7869 7870 7872 7877 8198 8199 8203 8204 1733 1608 2403 2214 2214 2031 1308 151 1 1413 2220 1510 1510 1434 1502 1509 1605 1607 1615 1828 2308 1704 1705 1714 1715 1722 1721 1721 1718 2401 2325 2309 2312 1704 1712 2414 2415 1733 1406 2306 1910 2437 2437 2303 2301 2308 2305 2301 independence dr bunker hill colonial hills rd melody dr. buandy lane w . edgewood dr. lynnwood dr. vieth dr inglenook dr cederbrooke dr veilh dr veith dr inglenook dr. independence dr . independence dr. mdependence dr Independence dr Independence dr. bunker hill li berty lane independence dr liberty ct liberty ct bunker holt rd bunker hill rd bunker hill rd bunker hill rd independence dr colonial holls rd . colonoal hi lls rd colonial hills rd colonial hills rd providence dr providence dr hartford dr hartsford dr Independence dr bunker hill rd yorl<town dr. bunker hill rd . plymouth rock dr. plymouth rock rd . valley forge rd. bunker hill rd lexington dr . lexington dr . PLYMOUTH ROCK DR. plymouth rock dr. yorl<town dr. plymouth rock rd . valley forge rd . valley forge rd . yorl<town dr. yorl<town dr. ontrsctn of valley forge lot 39 lot 91 lot 35. lot 39 lot 91 Data 01 /03/02 12/20/01 12/21101 12/04/01 11130/01 11129/01 11/30/01 12/13/01 12/07/01 12/07/01 12/07/01 12/07/01 12/20/01 12/21101 12/21/01 12/2110 1 12/21101 12/21 /01 12/20/01 01102/02 01/02/02 01102/02 01/03/02 01103/02 01103/02 01/03/02 01 /03/02 01103/02 12/21101 01/02/02 01102 /02 01/02/02 01103/02 0 1/0 3/02 01 /03/02 011 0 3/02 01/03/02 12/19/01 12/20/01 12/20/01 12/20/01 12/20/01 12/20/01 12/14/01 12/1 9/01 12/19/01 12/21101 12/20/01 12/21101 1 2/21101 12/20/01 12/20/01 12/20/01 12/21 /01 Status Dog C.N.L. Burled Buned C .N.L . CN.L. C .N.L . Burled C.N.L. D.N.E. C.N.L. C.N.L. D.N.E. C .N.L . Buned C.N.L . C.N.L. C.N.L Buroed Buned C .N.L. Buried C.N.L. C .N.L. C .N.L. C .N.L. C .N.L . Buned C .N.L. C .N.L. C.N.L . D.N.E. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C .N.L. Buried Buried C.N.L. D.N.E D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E . D.N.E . D.N.E. C.N.L . C.N.L . Burled Buried D.N.E . D N.E Buried C.N .L . Page# 2 4:17:59 PM Monday, October 28, 2002 Manhole No. (09A) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B ) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (09B) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (10A) (lOA) (lOA) (10A) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) 8206 7067 7069 7486 7493 7494 7504 7519 7521 7527 7538 7549 7555 7561 7566 7581 7599 7604 7606 7626 7631 7636 7647 7655 7658 7661 7672 7673 7679 7680 7685 15056 7105 7109 7111 7117 7141 7161 7174 7175 7176 7249 8085 8089 8093 8095 8111 8114 8115 8131 8148 8157 8162 8164 8169 Address 2300 1827 2018 1311 13 10 1815 1600 2129 1527 2117 1512 1735 1730 1807 1702 1905 1823 2006 2003 2015 2111 2100 2114 2015 2015 1626 1808 2340 1426 3337 3201 3201 3201 924 2603 2601 2703 2603 2724 2611 2707 1841 1931 2610 2509 1935 plymouth rock dr. crader dr stadium blvd. lynnwood dr. memorial dr. edgewood dr. cedar ridge rd . southwest blvd . ceder hill rd vielh dr oakndge dr limber tra1l Overlook Dr. overlook Dr. sun meadow dr southwest blvd ceder hill rd crader soulhndge dr. southridge dr. meadow lake dr. meadow lake dr. oakleak dr meadowlake dr. meadow lake dr . meadow lake dr. hickory nut lane rolling hills dr . w. of plymouth rock dr. w. edgewood dr. creek trail dr. w . edgewood dr. mo . blvd mo . blvd mo.blvd sardon1x dr briarwood dr. kenwood c1rcle kenwood dr. tanglewood dr. kenwood dr. cedarwood ct cedarwood ct sartoga blvd. rolling hills dr. southndge dr. leXIngton dr. saratoga blvd Jeffe rson City , MO Phas e I Not Inspected Location charles crader property stan kolb prop at dead end in rear dnveway sylvester bemloom proper rk quarry w.stadium blvd south of w . edgewood Data 12/21101 12/13/01 12/13/01 11 /30/01 11130/01 12/19/01 12/19/01 12/19/01 12/19/01 12/14/0 1 12/13/01 12/14/01 12/13/01 12/18/01 12/1 8/01 12/13/01 12/14/01 12/14/01 12/11 /01 12/19/01 12/04/01 12/04/01 12/04/0 1 12/05/01 12/05/01 12/06/01 12/04/01 12/04/01 12/04/01 12/04/01 12/19/01 11 /27/01 12/04/01 11 /21/0 1 1112110 1 11/20/01 11115/01 11116/01 12/07/01 12/07/01 12/07/01 12/06/01 11121101 11 /201 01 11120101 11120101 11120101 1112010 1 1112010 1 11128/01 1112710 1 11 /27 /0 1 11127/01 11127/01 11 /28/0 1 Status Buned Sealed Lid C.N.L. Buried C.N.L. C.N.L. Buned Bu,ed B urled D.N.E. Buried C.N.L. Sealed L 1d C.N.L. C.N.L. Buried C.N.L. Bu,ed Bu,ed C.N.L. B uried C.N.L. C.N L. Buned Buned Buned C.N.L. C.N.L. D.N.E. D.N.E, C.N.L. Other Buned C.N.L. C.N.L. Buned Buried C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. Buned Buned Buned Bu ri ed Buned C.N.L. C.N.L. Buned D.N.E. Page# 3 4 :17:59 PM Monday. October 28. 2002 Manhole No. Address (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) (106) 8170 8171 8172 8173 8174 8179 8183 8188 8189 8195 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8217 8223 8240 8252 8267 8275 8290 8291 8297 8301 8310 8316 8318 8325 8328 8329 8330 8331 8335 9488 9515 9516 15014 7193 7205 7206 7210 7217 7227 7230 7237 8346 8348 8351 8353 8355 8363 8364 8365 8368 2544 1820 1824 2541 1835 3118 974 917 903 3308 975 3230 919 907 953 933 925 3118 3215 3205 3205 3205 920 3201 1307 131t 810 4720 3546 3560 3515 3525 3545 912 3442 3442 912 lexington dr. rolling holts dr. roltong holts dr plymoulh rock dr. saratoga blvd. emerald lane Diamond Rodge Amethyst Lane Diamond Rodge W . Edgewood Drove Diamond Ridge Emerald Lane Wildwood Dnve Wtlwood Dnve Sardonyx Onve Sardonyx Dnve Sardonyx Dnve emerald lane mo blvd mo. blvd mo blvd mo. blvd Woldwood Drove mo. blvd creek tratl dr. creek traol dr. Woldwood Drive country park rd Scruggs Statoon Rd Ge tt ysburg Place Gettysburg Place Gettysburg Place Gettysburg Place Gettysburg Place Sholoh Place Gettysburg Place Gettysburg Place Shiloh Place Jefferson City, MO Phase I Not Inspected Location W Edgewood & W oldwood behond capo tal coty chyr Lol20 robert kauffman farm robert kauggman farm north east of road Jaycee Home Assoc. Inc Jaycee Home Assoc INc Lawson School Yard Data 11/28/01 11/28/01 11/28/01 11/28/01 11/28/01 1 1128/01 11128/01 1 1127/01 11 /27/01 11127/01 11128/01 11128/01 11128/01 11128/01 11128/01 11116/01 11/08/01 11108/01 11 /08/01 11/07/01 11/14/01 11/07/01 11/07/01 11/08/01 11/14/01 11114/01 11114/01 11116/01 12/06/01 12/06/01 12/06/01 12/06/01 11 /07/01 11/07/01 12/07/01 11120/01 11120/01 11101 /01 10/18/0 1 11121/0 1 1 1121101 11121/01 11/06/01 11106/01 11106/01 11 /06/01 11 /01/01 11 /01/01 11 /07/01 1 1101101 11101101 1 1101101 1110110 1 11 /0110 1 11101 /01 Status D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. C.N.L D.N.E. Buned Buned C.N.L C.N.L. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. C.N.L. C.N.L. 6uroed Buned Buried Buried Buried D.N.E. C .N.L. Burted C.N.L. Bun ed C.N.L. C.N.L. C .N.L. C .N.L . C.N.L. Buried C.N.L. C.N.L. D.N.E. D.N.E. C.N.L. C .N .L. Sealed Lid Sealed Lid Sealed Lod Other Other C.N.L. Buried C .N.L. C .N.L. C .N .L. C.N.L. C.N.L. Buned Buned Buned Buned Page# Jefferson City, MO Pha se I 4;17:59 PM Monday, October 28, 2002 Not Inspected Manhole No . Address Location Data Status (108) 8376 3576 Gettysburg Place 10131101 C.N.L (108) 8380 3514 K nipp Drove 11/01 10 1 C .N.L (10B) 8396 3628 Gettysburg Place 1 1101/01 C.N.L. (10B) 8398 3625 Gettysburg Place 11 /01/01 C.N.L. (lOB) 8401 3576 Gettysburg Place 11101101 C.N.L. (10B) 8402 3573 Gettysburg Place 1 110 110 1 C.N.L (10B) 8416 705 Harvest Dnve 10/19/01 Buned (10B) 8418 701 Harvest Dnve 1011910 1 Bur1ed (106) 8420 705 Sherwood Drove North 10/19/01 C.N.L (10B) 8421 704 Harvest Dnve 10/19/01 Bu ri ed (10B) 8424 3704 Fairway Dnve 10/19/01 Bu ned (106) 8426 801 Sherwood Omre South 10/19/01 6uro ed (10B) 8429 809 Sherwood Drove S 10/19/01 Bu ri ed (10B) 8437 3805 Sherwood Court 10/18/01 Bu ned (10B) 8438 3804 Sherwood Court 10118101 C.N.L (10B) 8440 718 sherwood dr north 10118101 Bu ned (106) 8444 806 Sherwood Drove S 10/18/01 C.N.L (10B) 8447 701 S. Country Club Drove 10118/01 Buned (10B) 8449 710 Sherwood Onve N 10118/01 Buned (108) 8451 704 Sherwood Onve North 1 0/18/01 Other (10B) 8463 810 Wildwood On ve lot20 1 110110 1 C.N.L. (10B) 8465 810 Wildwood Drove 1 0/31101 Bu ned (lOB) 8479 626 Howerton Court 1012510 1 C .N .L (108) 8490 3600 darice In 1211 1101 C.N.L (10B) 8494 3411 Kmpp Dnve 10125101 Other (lOB) 8509 626 Howerton Court 10125101 CN.L (lOB) 8512 816 Country R1dge Road 10111101 Buried (lOB) 8514 10117101 Buried (lOB) 8516 922 counry R1dg e Onve 10/11/01 Buri ed (lOB) 8518 10/19/01 C.N.L. (lOB) 8523 1000 Country R1dge Drove 10/19/01 Dog (108) 8524 10119101 C.N.L (lOB) 8525 10119/01 C.N.L (108) 8526 10119101 C.N.L. (10B) 8529 10/19101 C.N.L. (10B) 8531 10/1910 1 C.N L. (10B) 8532 1 0/19101 C.N .L. (l OB) 8533 10119/01 C .N.L. (10B) 8537 1001 Banister Onve 101 1710 1 Bu ried (10B) 8539 3909 Stone Ridge Court 10117/01 Bu ried (10B) 8540 1003 Country R1dge Onve 10111/01 Buned (lOB) 8542 3909 Stonendge Court 10/11/01 C .N .L (10B) 8544 10/18/01 Buned (108) 8552 10/11/01 Buned (106) 8562 4005 Arlington Court 10/11/01 C.N.L (106) 8568 4015 Cambridge Onve 1011110 1 C.N.L (10B) 8572 4015 Cambridge Onve 10111101 C .N.L. (10B) 8579 Thomas Jefferson School 11 /0610 1 C.N .L. (10B) 8580 Thomas Jefferson School 11/06101 C .N.L. (106) 8582 T homas Jefferson School 11/06/01 Other (l OB) 8583 Thomas Jefferson School 11 /06/01 C.N.L (108) 8710 10123/01 Buned (108) 8717 10123101 Buned (108) 8718 10123/01 Buried (108) 8719 10123/01 C .N.L. Page# 5 4:17:59 PM Monday. October 28, 2002 Manhole No . Address (lOB) (10B) (10B) (10B) (10B) (lOB ) (10B) (10B) (10B) (10B) (10D ) (100) (100) (lOD) (10D) (10D) (10D) (100) (lOD) (10D) (10D) (IOD) (10D) (lOD) (lOE) (10E) (tOE ) (10E) (lOE) (lOE) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 8729 8733 8738 8748 8754 9493 9497 9500 9501 9527 15006L 8815 8826 8827 8828 8841 8865 8873 8904 8976 8985 9031 9032 9033 8921 8927 9038 9039 9043 9051 15032 15038T 2306 2311 2314 2315 2318 2319 2320 2322 2326 2327 2328 2330 2331 2342 2353 2354 2370 2371 2375 2378 2425 2426 2428 613 3616 3622 701 822 810 811 823 5312 4901 1706 1710 1705 4911 5204 5311 1801 1617 5202 4911 1612 5225 5603 5603 1219 1311 1413 1308 2226 805 500 301 309 701 405 414 316 721 308 321 907 218 915 406 217 217 1104 1118 401 723 Hobbs Lane Darice Lane W . Gordon Drive S. Country Club Drive nob h1ll nob h1ll Nob H 1ll Nob H1ll SCHERR DR scruggs stallon rd chaddsford dr chaddsford dr westport ct westport dr scruggs statJon rd scherr dr rene ct starllte dr bagnall dr w1llowby dr northport dr scruggs statJon rd s brooks dr s brooks dr dry creek rd dry creek rd dry creek rd dry creek rd mo blvd Oh10 St muteberry WEST ELM ST WEST DUNKLIN MULEBERRY ST WEST ASHLEY WEST A S HLEY west ashleyst. BROWDWAY STREET WEST ATCHSINSON WEST ATCHINSON STREET BROWDWAY STREET west atch1nson street WASH IN GTON ST REET WEST WEST FILLMORE ST . WEST F ILLMORE ST JEFFFERSON STREET JEFFERSON ST WEST ATCHINSON MULEBERRY ST . bellevue dr BELLVUE Jefferson City, MO Phase I Not Inspected Location foxboro st up from nob ATCHISON Data 10/23/01 10/23/01 10/23/01 10/23/01 10/23/01 10/18/01 10/18/01 10/18/01 10/18/01 10/31/01 02114/02 02/18/02 02/12/02 02/12/02 02/11/02 02/11/02 02/14/02 02/14/02 02/20/02 02/14/02 02/14/02 02/12/02 02/12/02 02/14/02 02/15/02 02/15/02 02/11102 02/11/02 02/11/02 02/11102 01110/02 01129/02 02/05/02 02/06/02 02/06/02 02/06/02 02/06/02 02/06/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/06/02 02/08/02 02/08/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/07/02 02/06/02 02/12/02 02/12/02 02/05/02 Status Buned Sealed Lid C.N.L. Other Buned Bu ned Buned C.N.L C.N.L. Buried Sealed Lid C.NL C.N.L C.N.L. C.N.L. Seated L •d C.N.L. Undetermmed C.N.L. Dog C.N .L . D.N.E. D.N.E. C.N.L . C.N.L. C.N L. C.N.L. C.N.L Buned C.N.L. C.N.L. Buned Buned C.N.L . C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C .N.L. C .N.L . C.N.L. C.N.L C.N .L C.N.L. C .N.L. C.N.L. C .N.L . Buned C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L . C .N.L . C .N.L . Other Ot her D.N.E Page# 6 4 :17:59 PM Monday, October 28, 2002 Manhole No. Address (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 2436 2439 2440 2 4 50 2455 2456 2459 6976 6979 6989 6996 6999 7009 7010 7014 7255 7257 7265 7269 7287 7298 7302 7303 7308 7309 7311 7312 7318 7320 7321 7 331 7333 7337 7345 7351 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7361 7362 7365 7366 7377 7382 7386 7392 7396 7397 7402 8025 8026 8040 8041 1017 1026 1023 707 1008 1113 425 805 1200 805 2009 2233 2233 2219 1101 1030 11 00 1310 705 705 2070 711 2019 2015 2014 2004 820 711 2043 900 905 908 2120 2204 822 2215 901 2201 907 2307 920 805 909 1008 811 715 706 706 926 2415 2407 748 744 Holly Dr Holly Dr Holly Dr LINDEN DR BELLEVUE CT bellevue dr Darlene Dr west elm st oh1o st Wash1ngton Park Dr Southwest Blvd mo blvd mo blvd mo blvd mo blvd South Blvd Edmonds St Lmden Sw1ftHwy primrose ct bria rwood ct honeysuckle In maywood dr honeysuckle In honeysuckle In honeysuckle In honeysuckle In p1n oak terrace maywood dr honeysuckle In jason rd JOSOn rd carl ann ct w . edgewood dr ryans rd carl ann ct julie lane jason rd . julie lane jason rd jason ct jason rd maywood dr tanya lynn dr tanya lynn dr maywood dr maywood maywood dr maywood dr tanya lynn dr mo blvd mo blvd w. stad1um blvd w. stad1um blvd Jefferson City, MO Phase I Not Inspected Location next to creek next to creek Data 01129102 01129102 01129102 02106/02 02/05102 02/12/02 01/28/02 02/05/02 02/05102 01122/02 01122/02 01/15102 01114102 01115102 01115102 01125102 01123102 01/23/02 01123/02 01116102 01116102 01116/02 01/15102 01115102 01 /15/02 01/15/02 01 115/02 01/15/02 01/15/02 01 /1 5102 12104/01 12104/01 01107102 01107102 01107102 01109/02 12104/01 12104/01 12/04/01 12/04/01 12/04101 12/04/01 12/0410 1 01 /15102 01/09102 01107102 01/15/02 01/09/02 01/09/02 01/09/02 01/07102 01109/02 01/09/02 01/14/02 01/14/02 Status C.N.L. C.N.L. Buried C.N.L. C.N.L. Other C.N .L. C .N.L . C.N .L. Sealed L1d C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N .L. C.N .L. C.N .L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C .N.L. C .N.L. Buried Buried Buried C.N.L. Buried C.N.L. Buned Buned Buned C .N.L . C.N.L. Buried Buried Buned Buned Buried C .N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. Buried D.N .E. C.N.L. D.N.E . Buned D.N .E. Buried C.N.L. Buried C.N.L. C.N.L. Bur1ed C.N.L. C.N.L. Page# 4:17:59 PM Manhole No. (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 8052 8068 8075 8080 9078 9079 9081 9095 9107 9110 9113 9117 9121 9129 9132 9133 9134 9139 9140 9144 9145 9160 9184 9187 9188 9214 9219 9223 9234 9236 9240 9243 9250 9251 9254 9258 9266 9283 9293 9296 9297 9302 9311 9326 9336 9345 9347 9348 9351 9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 9357 Monday, October 28. 2002 Address 724 730 2820 1709 700 711 1406 1400 1510 1904 21 18 629 605 610 628 1013 1005 608 1211 1909 2018 2001 833 945 1909 1812 1804 1906 1901 1900 1035 1102 1000 t602 1200 900 1001 1001 920 1009 1009 1009 1000 1607 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 w. stadtum blvd w. stadium blvd s. ten mite dr s. ten mile dr Missouri Blvd Southwest Blvd KANSAS ST M1ssoun Blvd Mi ssoun Blvd Mi ssoun Blvd Missouri Blvd mo blvd Kansas Street Ka nsas St Georgia St Michigan St St Marys Blvd St Marys Blvd Kansas St St. Marys Blvd St. Marys Blvd wtlliams st Missoun Blvd aestmere ct windsor st towerdr swifts arway bassman rd maplewood ct south tower dr woodcllft dr westwood dr southwest blvd dullest Kathryn S t Washington Park Dnve Ellzabehl St Elizabeth St Elizabeth St Myrtle Ave Elizabeth St Elizabeth st Elizabeth Sl DulleSt Kathryn St DulleSt DulleSt DulleSt DulleSt Suite St J efferson City, MO Phase I Not Inspected Location walmart w. of walmart MI K E KEHOE LOT Data 01/07/02 01/07/02 01/09/02 0 1/091 02 01/22/02 01/22/02 01122/02 02/05/02 01/24/02 01/24/02 01/18/02 01/17/02 01/16/02 01/25/02 01/25/02 01/25/02 01128/02 01128/02 01/28/02 01/24/02 01/24/02 0 1/17/02 01116/02 01/17/02 01/22/02 01/15/02 01/10/02 011 10/02 0 1/09/02 0 1/10/02 0 1/09/02 01/10/02 01/10/02 01/10/02 01/09/02 01/09/02 01/17/02 0 1/16/02 0 1/18/02 0 1/18/02 0 1/24/02 01/24/02 01117/02 01/17/02 01/17/02 01123/02 01123/02 01/23/02 01118/02 01/18/02 01/18/02 01118/02 01118/02 01/18/02 01/18/02 Status C .N.L. C .N.L. C .N.L . C .N.L . C.N.L. C.N.l. C.N.L. Buned C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.l. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. D.N.E. Other C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. Buried C.N.L. C.N.l. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. D.N.E. Dog D.N.E. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N.L. C.N .l. C.N.L. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. D.N.E. Page# 8 Jefferson City, MO Phase I 4 :17:59 PM Monday, October 28, 2002 Not Inspected Manhole No. Address Location Data Status (11 9358 900 Elizabeth St 01/23/02 C.N.L. (11 9365 1000 Laurel Drive 0 1/24/02 C.N .L. (11 9370 730 wicker In 0 1/15/02 C.N .L. (11 9371 730 wicker In 01/15/02 C.N .L. (11 9396 913 St Marys Blvd 01/28/02 Burie d (11 9398 611 St Marys Blvd 01126/02 C.N .L. (11 9399 603 Ohio St 0 1/26/02 Buned (11 9403 Delaware & MO Blvd intersectton 01/29/02 C.N .L . (11 9404 606 Mtssouri Blvd 01129/02 C.N .L . (1 1 9405 606 OhioSt 01/26/02 C.N.L. (11 9408 717 OhioSt 01/29/02 C.N.L. (1 1 9411 900 MISSOUri Blvd 01 /29/02 C.N .L. (1 1 9414 706 OhioSt 01 /26/02 Bur~ed (11 9415 906 Mtssouri Blvd 01 /29/02 C.N .L. (11 9421 194 dora In 01 /15/02 C.N.L. (11 9422 1912 dora In 01115/02 C.N.L. (11 9424 1911 dora In 01115/02 C.N .L. (11 9429 713 pnmose dr 01 /15/02 C.N .L. (11 9450 602 Waverly S t 0 1/25/02 C.N .L . (11 9452 1421 St. Mary's Blvd 0 1/25/02 C.N .L. (11 9454 2111 dalton dr 0 1/16/02 C.N.L . (11 9475 600 Montana S t 0 1/25/02 Sealed Lid (11 9479 914 Montana S t 01123/02 C.N.L . (11 9466 726 heisinger 0 1/15/02 C.N.L. (11 9509 2212 w. edgewood dr backyard 01107/02 Bu ried (11 9791 2026 autumn lane 01114 /02 C.N.L. (11 9792 2024 autumn lane 01 /14/02 C.N .L. (11 9799 2026 wendemere ct 01 /10/02 C.N .L. (11 9610 2036 towerdr 01110/02 Buned (11 9811 2026 towerdr 011 10/02 C.N .L. (11 9824 1104 Dogwood Dr. 01/22/02 Buned Appendix D Manhole Inspection Report (see enclosed CD) Appendix E Visual Pipe Inspection Report (see enclosed CD) Appendix F Smoke Testing Report (see enclosed CD) Appendix G CCTV Inspection Report (see enclosed CD) AppendixH Building/Dyed-Water Inspection Reports (see enclosed CD) Appendix I Hydraulic Capacity Report (see enclosed CD) Appendix J Flow Analysis Report (0°/o III Elimination) Page#: 2:45:28 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LIN E SEGMENT (08A ) (08A ) (08A ) (08A ) (08A ) (08A ) 7962 7961 7932 7833 IPS 7965 Basin <z 8 on $0.00 Basin > 8 1n $0.00 Total Bas1n Cost: $0.00 (08B ) Basin<= 8 '" 7963 $0.00 Bas1n > 8 1n $0.00 Total Basin Cost: $0.00 (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) 15015 15020 15021 15028 15031 15057 15062 15064 15065 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 -(08A ) 7961 -(08A ) 7965 -(08A ) 7833 -(08A ) 7965 ·(09A ) 7817 -(08A ) IPS -(08A ) 7962 -(09A ) 7816 ·(09A ) 7809 -(09A ) 7704 -(09A ) 7453 ·(09A ) 7470 ·(09A ) 7445 -(09A ) 7719 -(09A ) 7085 -(09A ) 7765 ·(11 ) 7026 -(09A ) 7027 ·(09A ) 7034 ·(09A ) 7088 -(09A ) 7030 -(09A ) 7031 ·(09A ) 7032 ·(09A ) 7028 ·(09A ) 7033 ·(09A ) 7035 -(09A ) 7036 -(09A ) 7037 ·(09A ) 7037 ·(09A ) 7703 ·(09A ) 7073 ·(09A ) 7074 -(09A ) 7075 ·(09A ) 7076 -(09A ) 7077 Flow Analysis Report LENGTH (FT) 200 1 1 0 400 250 7025 45 150 130 1 11 96 216 131 38 425 50 100 276 373 420 206 370 2 1 3 213 238 363 226 226 365 329 204 306 305 242 363 147 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 15 15 15 12 12 12 12 15 12 12 12 8 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .101 0 .101 0 .102 0 .102 0 000 0.102 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .434 0 .434 0 .434 0 .433 0.433 0.433 0 .433 0 .434 0 433 0 .432 0 428 0306 0 .1 21 0 .119 0 .119 0 .119 0 .119 0.118 0 .116 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .003 0 .003 0143 0.143 0146 0 .146 0 .003 0 .162 0 .007 0 .007 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .004 0 .007 0.001 1 .176 1.173 1 .167 1.141 1.140 1 .136 1 .134 1 .170 1 .131 1 .118 1 030 0 .531 0 .496 0.449 0 .447 0 .443 0.440 0 .424 0.394 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.025 0.025 0 .206 0.206 0.206 0.206 0 .025 0.250 0 .027 0 .052 0 .009 0.026 0 002 0 017 O.Q28 0 .012 3 673 3 666 3 .650 3 .550 3 .546 3.534 3.523 3.654 3.520 3 .462 3 .073 1.307 1.812 1.5 15 1.510 1.494 1.484 1.4 18 1.306 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 2.370 0.389 0.389 0.222 0.389 0.389 0.222 0 .389 0.389 2 .835 2.713 2 .669 1 .489 1 .545 1 .545 1.941 3 .4 58 1 .947 1 .541 1 .552 0 .710 2 .097 0 .967 1 .343 1 .735 1 .453 1.345 1.346 REL IEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 6 6 53 53 100 53 6 1 1 13 0 8 3 130 135 137 238 230 229 181 106 181 225 198 18 4 86 157 1 12 86 102 105 97 (IN) ($) 10 19,596 12 30.586 12 37.380 15 22,042 15 36.260 15 30,246 12 18,957 10 16,898 12 41 .382 15 24,182 12 18.532 10 25.915 10 14 .484 10 21 .726 10 17.182 10 25.773 Page#: 2 :45:28 PM L INE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) We d nesday, October 30 , 2002 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7 087 7088 7089 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 7441 7442 7443 7444 7445 74 46 74 47 7448 7449 7449Y 7449Z 7450 74 51 -(09A ) 7078 -(09A ) 7079 -(09A 7080 -(09A 77 39 -(09A 7740 -(09A ) 7083 -(09A ) 7737 -(09A ) 7085 -(09A ) 7086 -(09A ) 7029 -(09A ) 7088 -(09A ) 7089 -(09A ) 7423 -(09A ) 7424 -(09A ) 7425 -(09A ) 7426 -(09A ) 7427 -(09A ) 7428 -(09A ) 7429 -(09A ) 7430 -(09A ) 7433 -(09A ) 7431 -(09A ) 7433 -(09A ) 7035 -(09A ) 7435 -(09A ) 7436 -(09A ) 74 37 -(09A ) 7435 -(09A ) 744 1 -(09A ) 74 92 -(09A ) 7440 -(09A ) 7442 -(09A ) 744 3 -(09A ) 744 4 -(09A ) 7445 -(09A ) 7446 -(09A ) 7447 -(09A ) 7442 -(09A ) 7449 -(09A ) 7449 -(09A ) 7449 -(09A ) 7450 LENGTH (FT) 386 274 276 85 196 222 239 189 130 166 97 2 15 200 200 275 150 144 141 90 104 13 75 103 45 338 81 341 169 22 123 2 5 0 379 90 68 182 3 19 120 166 85 300 1 53 146 DIAM (IN ) 10 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 12 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MG D) 0.116 0 .116 0 .116 0 .115 0.1 14 0 .113 0 .111 0 .110 0 .110 0.434 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0.002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.392 0 .388 0 .385 0.366 0 .34 9 0 .333 0.295 0.282 0.271 1.163 0 .020 0 .0 19 0.01 7 0 .0 15 0 .01 3 0.0 10 0 .009 0 .007 0 .006 0 .005 0.002 0.004 0.001 0 .010 0 .007 0.004 0 .00 3 0 .00 2 0 .077 0 .078 0 .074 0 .05 1 0 .047 0 .046 0 .0 4 5 0 .004 0.001 0 .020 0 .001 0 .003 0 .014 0 .012 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 1.302 1.288 1.278 1.203 1.136 1.0 72 0.92 4 0 .874 0.824 3.639 0.081 0.077 0.0 69 0.062 0.054 0 .0 43 0 .0 37 0.032 0.026 0.023 0.01 2 0.01 9 0.00 4 0.050 0 .0 30 0.017 0.0 14 0 .019 0.350 0 .354 0 .336 0 .242 0 .228 0 .21 8 0 .214 0 ,018 0 .005 0 .074 0 .003 0 .012 0.052 0 .046 CAPACITY (MGD) 1.890 0 .907 1 .004 0 .904 0.712 1 .115 1 .0 2 2 1 .0 9 2 1 .149 1 .758 0 .659 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.222 0.222 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PI PE COST 69 142 127 133 160 96 90 8 0 72 207 12 20 18 16 14 11 10 8 6 3 5 13 8 5 90 91 87 62 59 56 55 5 19 2 5 13 1 2 (IN) ($) 10 19,454 10 19,596 10 6,035 10 13,916 15 16,268 Page#: 3 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) {09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7452 7452Z 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 74 73 74 74 7475 7476 7477 7478 7490 7491 7492 7696 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 ·(09A ) 7451 -(09A ) 7452 -(09A ) 7452 -(09A ) 7453 -(09A ) 7432 ·(09A ) 7455 -(09A ) 7446 ·(09A ) 7457 ·(09A ) 7458 -(09A ) 7457 ·(09A ) 7460 ·(09A ) 7461 ·(09A ) 7462 -(09A ) 7463 ·(09A ) 7463 -(09A ) 7465 -(09A ) 7457 -(09A ) 7467 -(09A ) 7468 -(09A ) 7468 -(09A ) 74 62 -(09A ) 7471 -(09A ) 74 71 -(09A ) 7473 ·(09A ) 7474 -(09A ) 74 75 -(09A ) 7440 -(09A ) 7477 -(09A ) 7491 ·(09A ) 7492 ·(09A ) 7036 -(09A ) 7697 ·(09A ) 7698 ·(09A ) 7699 ·(09A ) 77 00 -(09A ) 7072 -(09A ) 7696 -(09A ) 7701 ·(09A ) 7072 -(09A ) 7703 -(09A ) 15021 -(09A ) 7705 ·(09A ) 7704 LENGTH (FT) 118 250 288 151 50 185 178 312 198 181 145 110 235 145 88 258 120 97 142 165 210 220 118 162 24 6 56 98 83 1 50 306 268 237 247 234 3 52 265 121 179 159 197 142 240 180 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD} 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 004 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .120 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal RELIEF AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) CAPACITY %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 .011 0 .003 0 .006 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .038 0 .005 0 .002 0 .024 0 .022 0 .019 0 .008 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .007 0 .006 0 .001 0.004 0 .010 0 .002 0 .006 0 .004 0.003 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .00 5 0 .086 0 .005 0 .00 8 0 .0 10 0 .013 0 .016 0 .003 0 .002 0.477 0 .0 2 7 0 .004 0 ,003 0 .018 0 .04 1 0.01 0 0.0 26 0.006 0 .01 1 0 .007 0 .188 0 .0 22 0 .01 0 0 .1 13 0 .106 0 .073 0 .029 0 .006 0.014 0.010 0 .046 0 .042 0 .006 0 .032 0 .040 0.009 0 .023 0 .0 19 0.012 0 .00 2 0 .015 0 .00 3 0 .006 0 .018 0 .385 0 .021 0 .031 0 .040 0 .054 0 .070 0 .012 0 .007 1.729 0 .223 0 .027 0 .017 0 .164 (MGD) (IN) ($) 0.389 0 .222 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .604 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 10 5 48 6 29 27 19 3 12 11 8 10 6 5 3 2 99 6 10 14 18 2 108 57 7 42 10 12,243 Page#: 2:4 5:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7708 7709 7710 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7 747 7748 7749 7750 7751 -(09A ) 7707 -(09A ) 7708 -(09A ) 7709 -(09A ) 7710 -(09A ) 7712 -(09A ) 7713 -(09A ) 7076 -(09A ) 7715 -(09A ) 7716 -(09A ) 7717 -(09A ) 7718 -(09A ) 7722 -(09A ) 7077 -(09A ) 7721 -(09A ) 7723 -(09A ) 7724 -(09A ) 7725 -(09A ) 7726 -(09A ) 7727 -(09A ) 7722 -(09A ) 7729 -(09A ) 7730 -(09A ) 7731 -(0 9A ) 7732 -(09A ) 7733 -(09A ) 7734 -(09A ) 7735 -(09A ) 7084 -(09A ) 7739 -(09A ) 7081 -(09A ) 7082 -(09A ) 7738 -(09A ) 7741 -(09A ) 7742 -(09A ) 7743 -(09A ) 7744 -(09A ) 7745 -(09A ) 7744 -(09A ) 7747 -(09A ) 7759 -(09A ) 7751 -(09A ) 7753 LENGTH (FT) 14 3 101 264 80 157 157 108 90 221 127 292 50 100 140 21 0 190 185 115 255 100 133 143 174 250 87 168 341 121 89 296 188 74 224 177 124 92 14 8 51 86 185 210 50 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LO W CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .11 3 0 .001 0 .116 0 .115 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 Jeffe rson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Remov al AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.01 7 0.0 15 0 .014 0 .007 0 .005 0.002 0 .0 13 0.01 2 0 .011 0.008 0 .007 0 .011 0 .0 26 0 .0 11 0.009 0 .007 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0.01 3 0 .013 0.011 0 .010 0 .008 0 .006 0 .005 0 .00 3 0 .327 0 .0 1 3 0 .382 0 .364 0 .0 1 2 0 .0 1 2 0 .0 10 0 .008 0 .003 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.157 0.153 0.142 0.0 72 0 .046 0 .0 14 0 .0 61 0 .0 57 0 .049 0 .033 0 .029 0 .04 5 0 .103 0 .043 0 .0 38 0 .0 29 0 .0 22 0 .0 15 0.0 10 0.0 55 0 .051 0 .04 6 0 .04 0 0.033 0 .0 24 0 .020 0 .014 1 .065 0 .059 1.270 1 .20 1 0 .055 0 .053 0 .044 0 .037 0.017 0 .006 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 1 3 0 .007 0 .008 0 .0 10 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .377 0 .389 0.909 1 .381 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIP E COST 40 39 37 19 1 2 16 15 1 3 9 1 2 27 1 1 10 8 6 3 14 1 3 12 10 9 6 5 77 15 14 0 87 14 14 11 10 3 2 2 (IN) ($) 10 2 1 ,0 1 6 Page#: 5 2:45:28 PM LINE SEG MENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday. Oclober 30, 2002 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 776 1 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7795 -(09A ) 7755 -(09A ) 7752 -(09A ) 7752 ·(09A ) 7758 ·(09A ) 7755 -(09A ) 77 56 -(09A ) 774 0 ·(09A ) 774 8 -(09A ) 7737 -(09A ) 7775 -(09A ) 7761 ·(09A ) 7772 -(09A ) 7771 -(09A ) 7764 -(09A ) 7771 ·(09A ) 7766 ·(09A ) 7767 ·(09A ) 7768 ·(09A ) 780 9 ·(09A ) 7763 ·(09A ) 7760 ·(09A ) 7772 ·(09A ) 7773 ·(09A ) 7772 ·(09A ) 7775 ·(09A ) 7085 ·(09A ) 7777 ·(09A ) 7778 -(09A ) 7781 -(0 9A ) 7087 ·(0 9A ) 7765 ·(09A ) 7782 -(09A ) 7783 ·(09 A ) 7784 ·(09A } 7086 ·(09A ) 7786 ·(09A ) 7787 ·(09A ) 7788 ·(09A ) 7789 -(09A ) 7790 ·(09A ) 7791 -(09A ) 7792 ·(09A ) 7796 LENGTH (F T} 170 125 288 145 84 250 6 2 66 116 58 132 4 0 157 146 85 14 7 92 76 50 212 9 5 61 77 60 80 52 20 0 1 50 1 55 210 37 83 146 134 159 95 10 5 213 62 117 82 102 245 ClAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .0 00 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .008 0.004 0 .003 0 .013 0 .004 0 .002 0 .014 0 .003 0 .030 0 .002 0 .001 0 .024 0 .008 0 .007 0 .013 0 .012 0 .011 0 .009 0 .000 0 .023 0 .029 0 .0 01 0 .001 0 .0 03 0 .001 0.00 4 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0.003 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .001 0 .009 0 .008 0 .00 7 0 .006 0 .004 0 .00 3 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .003 HIGH C UM FLOW (M GD) 0 .033 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 1 2 0 .060 0 .021 0.01 0 0.062 0 .0 1 0 0 .138 0 .00 8 0 .00 5 0 .11 2 0 .039 0 .033 0 .064 0 .054 0 .048 0 .037 0 .00 2 0.11 1 0 .134 0 .006 0 .0 0 3 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 03 0 .016 0 .014 0 .006 0 .006 O.Q15 0 .016 0 .014 0 .011 0 .005 0 .044 0 .0 38 0.0 34 0 .030 0 .0 14 0 .0 12 0.007 0 .004 0 .0 14 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 9 3 15 5 3 16 3 36 29 10 16 14 12 10 29 35 3 2 2 11 10 9 8 4 (IN) ($) Page# 6 2 :45:28 P M LIN E SEGMENT (0 9A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 78 11 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7834 7835 7836 7837 7838 7839 7840 7841 784 2 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 ·(09A ) 779 7 ·(09 A ) 15064 ·(09A ) 7799 ·(09A ) 7800 ·(09A ) 7802 ·(09A ) 7800 ·(09A ) 7083 ·(09A ) 7 802 ·(09A ) 7803 ·(0 9A ) 7803 ·(0 9A ) 7805 ·(0 9A ) 7 808 ·(09A ) 1 5020 ·(09 A ) 776 9 ·(09A ) 7087 ·(09A ) 7850 ·(09A ) 7859 ·(09A ) 7812 ·(09A ) 7813 ·(09A ) 7814 ·(09A ) 7815 ·(09A ) 1 5015 ·(09A ) 7087 ·(09A ) 7 871 ·(09A ) 7872 ·(09A ) 7836 ·(09A ) 7 8 37 ·(09A ) 7 840 ·(09A ) 784 1 ·(09A ) 7810 -(09A ) 7810 ·(09A ) 7842 ·(09A ) 7843 ·(09A ) 7843 ·(09A ) 7877 ·(09A ) 7846 ·(09A ) 7847 ·(09A ) 7 8 48 ·(09A ) 7 810 ·(09A ) 7846 ·(09A ) 7851 ·(09A ) 7 852 LENGTH (FT) 163 14 2 148 240 96 169 136 60 199 2 42 216 331 225 134 2 4 7 100 95 183 240 237 285 133 60 328 230 74 95 150 250 145 129 335 110 115 355 114 235 280 147 325 165 80 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .108 0 .104 0 .104 0 .104 0 103 0 .103 0 103 0 102 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .107 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (M GD) 0.005 0.006 0 .001 0 .004 0 .006 0.002 0.014 0.007 0.002 0 .0 0 4 0 .002 0 .003 0 .006 0 .008 0 .251 0 .202 0189 0 .187 0 .179 0 175 0 .170 0149 0 014 0 .0 13 0 .008 0 .006 0 .001 0 .002 0 .005 0 .006 0 .0 12 0 .005 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .026 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .230 0 .0 16 0 .01 3 0 .00 9 HI GH CUM FLOW (M GD) 0 .020 0.026 0 .006 0.015 0 .026 0 .007 0 .059 0.028 0 .008 O.Q18 0 009 0 .013 0 023 0 .034 0 .741 0 .449 0 .3 4 6 0 .343 0 .305 0 .292 0 .274 0 .207 0 .058 0 .052 0 .034 0 .025 0 .004 0.0 12 0 .028 0 .0 4 1 0.11 6 0 .022 0.004 0 .005 0.124 0.026 0 .021 0 .011 0 .579 0 .085 0 .0 72 0.0 55 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.070 1.329 1.279 1 1 11 1.842 1.699 1.777 2 .566 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIE F %CAP P IPE P IP E COST 2 15 2 5 2 3 6 9 69 34 2 7 3 1 17 17 15 8 1 5 1 3 9 3 10 30 6 32 5 149 22 19 14 (IN) ($) 10 10.437 Page#: 2:45:28 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LINE SEGMENT (09A) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (0 9A ) (0 9A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) 7854 7855 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7 872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 8203 8204 8205 8 206 8207 8199 8198 7857 7856 7858 7864 7794 7720 7711 7866 7865 Basin<= 8 in $116,369.00 Basin > 8 in $403,737.00 -(09A ) 7853 -(09A ) 7859 -(09A ) 7811 -(0 9A ) 7813 -(09A ) 7860 -(09A ) 7860 ·(09A ) 7860 -(09A ) 7816 -(09A ) 7867 -(09A ) 7852 -(09A ) 7869 -(09A ) 7834 -(09A ) 7835 -(09A ) 7854 -(09A ) 7854 -(09A ) 7874 -(09A ) 7875 -(09A ) 7850 -(09A ) 15015 -(09A ) 7886 -(09A ) 7887 -(0 9A ) 7888 ·(09A ) 7889 -(09A ) 7890 -(09A ) 8207 -(09A ) 8203 -(09A ) 8203 -(09A ) 8205 -(09A ) 7837 -(09A ) 8198 -(09A ) 7857 -(09A ) 7856 -(09A ) 7859 -(09A ) 7856 -(09A ) 78 14 -(09A ) 7795 -(09A ) 7716 -(09A ) 7710 -(09A ) 7865 -(09A ) 7815 Total Bason Cost: $520,106.00 L ENGTH (FT) 180 80 94 330 115 135 18 170 120 150 130 97 126 72 1 76 84 126 50 33 215 252 193 144 168 56 125 26 215 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .104 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal A VG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.008 0 .001 0 .196 0 .006 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .003 0.001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .0 14 0 .0 10 0 .00 2 0 .00 5 0 .00 3 0 .001 0.026 0 .0 11 0.011 0 .009 0 .006 0 .003 0.002 0.004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0.005 0 .001 0 .002 0.003 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0.002 HI GH CU M FLOW (M GD) 0 .052 0 .003 0 .372 0 .031 0 .005 0.00 5 0.001 0 .0 12 0 .00 5 0.01 1 0 .005 0 .056 0 .0 39 0.0 16 0 .029 0.022 0 .005 0 .126 0 .0 60 0 .059 0 .051 0 .026 0 .017 0 .012 0 .017 0 .005 0 .010 0 .009 0 .019 0 .004 0 .008 0 .012 0 .020 0 .004 0 .004 0.004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0.008 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELIE F %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 13 96 8 0 3 3 14 10 8 6 32 15 15 13 4 4 3 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 8 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 1 5016 1 5017 15022 1 5023 15025 15058 15059 15060 15061 15063 7039 704 0 7041 704 2 7043 7 04 4 704 5 704 6 704 7 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 -(096 ) 1 5017 -(096 ) 7630 -(096 ) 7614 -(096 ) 7598 -(096 ) 7522 -(096 ) 7675 -(096 ) 7674 -(096 ) 7547 -(096 ) 15060 -(096 ) 7046 -(09A ) 7038 -(096 ) 7039 -(096 ) 7489 -(096 ) 7041 -(0 96 ) 7042 -(096 ) 704 3 -(096 ) 7044 -(096 ) 7045 -(096 ) 7555 -(096 ) 7047 -(096 ) 7048 -(096 ) 7049 -(096 ) 7050 -(096 ) 7569 -(096 ) 7052 -(096 ) 7053 -(096 ) 7054 -(096 ) 7055 -(096 ) 7056 -(096 ) 7 057 -(096 ) 7058 -(096 ) 7059 -(096 ) 7051 -(096 ) 7061 -(096 7062 -(096 ) 7604 -(096 ) 7064 -(096 ) 7589 -(096 ) 7610 -(096 ) 7067 -(096 ) 7068 -(096 ) 7069 -(096 ) 7070 LENG TH (FT) 20 43 43 84 61 96 98 108 76 371 3 15 1 1 1 205 240 2 16 339 315 225 138 386 173 386 216 403 390 250 250 260 225 160 408 251 215 203 100 250 32 100 270 253 253 262 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.015 0.055 0.002 0.001 0 .009 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0.001 0 .021 0 .306 0.303 0 .290 0 .289 0 .287 0 .286 0 284 0 2 82 0 .254 0 .239 0 .222 0 .220 0 .200 0 .107 0 .105 0.088 0 .085 0 .083 0.081 0 .068 0 .067 0.066 0 .079 0.077 O.Q76 0 .054 0 .045 0 .036 0 .021 0 .017 0 .015 0 .013 0 .011 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.023 0.090 0.004 0.002 0.018 0 .002 0.001 0.003 0 .002 0 .035 0.528 0 .523 0 .503 0 .501 0 .4 99 0 .4 96 0 .4 93 0 489 0 .441 0 .415 0 .390 0 .385 0 .347 0 .181 0 .178 0 .148 0 .144 0.141 0 .139 0.112 0.1 10 0.108 0 .143 0 .141 0.138 0 .100 0 .084 0 .069 0 .037 0.028 0.024 0 .022 0.019 HIGH CUM FLOW (M GO) 0.062 0.240 0.026 0.004 0.054 0.005 0.002 0.019 0.018 0.062 1 .299 1.293 1 .263 1 .261 1 .245 1 ,242 1 .225 1 .220 1 .132 1 .0 4 1 1 .003 0 .997 0 .830 0 .422 0 .406 0.331 0 .325 0.321 0.317 0.274 0.271 0.265 0.354 0.350 0.346 0.284 0.249 0 .218 0.107 0.056 0.04 9 0.045 0.04 1 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .713 0 .710 0 .814 0 .676 0 .676 0.605 0 .829 0.855 0 .879 0 .907 0 .909 0 .811 0 .863 0 901 0 997 1 003 1 .136 1 .243 1 .068 1 .298 1 .619 1 .555 1 037 1.247 1 262 1175 1 533 1 852 0 .428 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE P IPE COST 16 100 14 5 5 16 182 18 2 1 55 1 87 18 4 205 148 14 3 1 29 115 110 123 96 47 41 33 29 26 30 21 17 17 34 28 27 24 16 12 25 14 13 12 10 (IN) ($) 10 26,341 10 22.365 10 7 ,881 1 0 14 ,555 10 17,040 10 15,336 10 24,069 10 22,365 10 15,975 10 9,798 10 27,406 10 13,321 Page#: 9 2:45:28 PM LIN E SEGMENT (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) 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7519 ·(098 ) 7520 ·(098 ) 7050 ·(098 ) 15025 LENGlli (FT) 180 1 70 175 125 190 71 50 239 100 130 47 155 334 300 266 143 76 179 206 124 88 120 125 200 256 278 102 145 50 206 220 190 382 171 154 216 105 140 130 212 94 32 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .0 10 0 .00 9 0 .008 0 .006 0 006 0 .004 0 000 0 003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .300 0 .001 0 .008 0 .010 0 .019 0 .0 20 0 .0 21 0 .006 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 002 0 007 0 006 0 004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .015 0 .015 0 .014 0 .012 0 .004 0 .001 0 .007 0 .006 0 004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .010 0 .009 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.015 0 .013 0 .011 0 .009 0 008 0 .006 0 001 0 .005 0 002 0 .001 0 .5 18 0 .002 0 .013 0 .016 0 .030 0.0 31 0.032 0 .010 0 .004 0 .002 0 001 0 .003 0004 0 .010 0 008 0 .005 0 .003 0 .002 0 .024 0 .0 2 3 0 .021 0 .018 0 .006 0 .002 0 .010 0 .008 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .019 0 .015 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.025 0.022 0 .020 0.017 0 .015 0 .012 0 .001 0 .010 0 005 0 .003 1 .286 0 .003 0 .031 0 .036 0 .055 0 .058 0.059 0.026 0 .018 0 .015 0 .002 0 .006 0 .008 0 .018 0 .015 O.Q11 0 .005 0 .003 0 .041 0 .040 O.Q36 0 .033 0 .013 0 .004 0 .018 0 .015 0 .01 1 0.010 0 .007 0 .005 0 .055 0 .052 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.670 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.31!9 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 6 6 5 3 0 3 192 14 15 15 7 5 0 2 5 3 11 10 9 8 3 3 14 13 (IN) ($) 10 3,619 Page#: 10 2:45.28 PM LINE SEGMENT (09B ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (098 ) (098 ) (09B ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (09B ) Wednesday. Oclober 30, 2002 7524 7525 7526 7528 7529 7530 7531 7532 7533 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 754 1 7542 754 3 7544 754 5 7546 754 7 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 ·(098 ) 7523 ·(098 ) 7524 ·(098 ) 7525 ·(098 ) 7526 ·(098 ) 7523 ·(098 ) 7 529 ·(098 ) 7532 ·(098 ) 7533 ·(098 ) 7534 ·(098 ) 7536 ·(098 ) 7534 ·(098 ) 7 047 ·(098 ) 7539 ·(098 ) 7543 ·(098 ) 7540 ·(098 ) 7541 ·(098 ) 7 542 ·(098 ) 7536 ·(098 ) 7537 ·(098 ) 7545 ·(098 7546 ·(098 ) 7547 ·(098 ) 7548 ·(098 7549 ·(098 ) 7550 ·(098 ) 7551 ·(098 ) 7050 ·(098 ) 7553 ·(098 ) 7 554 ·(098 ) 7555 ·(098 ) 7046 ·(098 ) 7557 ·(098 ) 7063 ·(098 ) 7556 ·(098 ) 7558 ·(098 ) 7559 ·(098 ) 7560 ·(098 ) 7569 ·(098 ) 7562 ·(098 ) 7563 ·(098 ) 7564 ·(098 ) 7565 ·(098 ) 7566 LENGTH (FT) 13 4 196 229 168 240 137 170 147 165 100 133 186 194 263 90 124 1 1 5 84 135 74 152 248 84 135 101 195 60 95 272 182 90 151 19 238 211 325 91 50 260 344 194 209 115 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 002 0 .003 0 005 0 .001 0 .0 1 3 0 .004 0 .002 0 .00 5 0 .0 06 0 .006 0 .0 07 0 .003 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .005 0 .006 0 .007 0 .008 0 .009 0 .001 0 .003 0 .004 0 .258 0 .007 0 .074 0 006 0 .004 0 003 0 001 0 .010 0 009 0 .008 0 .005 0 .004 0 .00 2 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Re moval AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.009 0 .008 0 .006 0 .002 0 .005 0 .001 0 002 0 .003 0 005 0 008 0 001 0 .022 0 .006 0 .00 3 0 .00 7 0 .009 0.010 0 .011 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .005 0 .011 0 .013 0 .01 4 0 .016 0 .0 1 7 0 .001 0 .004 0 .006 0.448 0 .011 0 .136 0 .009 0 007 0 .004 0 .001 0 .017 0.017 0 .014 0 .0 10 0 .008 0 .005 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .018 0 .01 6 0 .013 0 .004 0 .039 0 .003 0 .004 0 .007 0 .009 0 .038 0 .003 0 .075 0 .012 0.006 0 .014 0 .01 6 0 .018 0 .019 0 .009 0 .002 0 005 0 .011 0 074 0 .090 0 .091 0 .097 0 .111 0 .002 0 .019 0 .022 1.1 55 0 .019 0 .343 0 .01 6 0.012 0 .009 0 .002 0 .047 0 .039 0 .027 0 .020 O.Q15 0 .01 2 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .890 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 5 3 10 10 19 5 5 2 0 3 19 23 23 25 29 5 6 130 5 88 3 2 12 10 7 5 3 (IN) ($) 10 6,390 Page#: 11 2 .45 28 PM LINE S EGME NT (098 (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) Wednesday. October 30, 2002 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580 7581 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 7591 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 ·(098 ) 7567 ·(098 ) 7051 ·(098 ) 7057 ·(098 ) 7572 ·(098 ) 7573 ·(098 ) 7570 ·(098 ) 7573 ·(098 ) 7574 ·(098 ) 7575 ·(098 ) 7576 ·(098 ) 7572 ·(098 ) 7580 ·(098 ) 7067 ·(098 ) 7580 ·(098 ) 7064 ·(098 ) 7582 ·(098 ) 7583 ·(098 ) 7584 ·(098 ) 7583 ·(098 ) 7586 ·(098 ) 7587 ·(098 ) 7065 ·(098 ) 7589 ·(098 ) 7590 ·(098 ) 7591 ·(098 ) 7592 ·(098 ) 7604 ·(098 ) 7594 ·(098 ) 7595 ·(098 ) 7596 ·(098 ) 7597 ·(098 ) 1 5023 ·(098 ) 7595 ·(098 ) 7600 ·(098 ) 7601 ·(098 ) 7602 ·(098 ) 7557 ·(098 ) 7610 ·(098 ) 7605 ·(098 ) 7606 ·(098 ) 7607 ·(098 ) 7608 LENGTH (FT) 227 157 282 66 210 218 116 185 190 74 200 227 231 11 2 50 96 130 225 160 2 14 230 127 135 166 400 153 205 200 118 316 73 96 159 281 163 118 110 100 110 62 227 200 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0 .118 0 .011 0 .000 0 .003 0 009 0 004 0 003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .004 0 .001 0 .008 0 .0 07 0 .002 0 .002 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .043 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .001 0 .013 0 .011 0 .005 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 067 0 .013 0 012 0 .003 0 .003 0 .001 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Re mova l AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0.200 0 .020 0 .001 0 .005 0 .0 15 0 008 0 006 0 004 0 .001 0 002 0 002 0 .008 0 .003 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 14 0 .004 0 .00 2 0 .009 0 005 0 .002 0 .081 0 .010 0 .009 0 .007 0 .003 0 .023 0 .020 0 .009 0 .006 0 .003 0 .001 0 .009 0 .008 0 .004 0 002 0 125 0.025 0.022 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .005 0.470 0 .038 0 .001 0 .010 0 .033 0.022 0.020 0 .018 0.002 0 .004 0 .007 0 .050 O.Q36 0.034 0 .033 0 .008 0 .005 0 .026 0 .010 0 .005 0 245 0 .025 0 .023 0 .020 0 .014 0 .044 0 .039 0 .0 19 0 .0 13 0 .006 0 .002 0 .025 0 .022 0 .018 0 .016 0 .328 0 .080 0 .078 O.o11 0 .010 0 .006 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.840 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.921 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 1 378 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 1 56 10 0 3 8 6 5 0 13 9 9 8 2 7 3 13 6 6 5 11 10 6 6 4 24 21 20 3 3 (IN ) ($) Page#. 12 2 .45.28 PM LINE SEG MENT (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 (098 ) (098 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650 7651 7652 -(098 7066 -(098 7606 ·(098 7611 -(098 ) 7612 -(098 ) 7613 -(098 ) 15022 -(098 ) 7615 -(098 ) 7614 -(098 ) 7071 -(098 ) 7618 -(098 ) 7619 -(098 ) 7620 -(098 ) 7071 -(098 ) 7622 ·(098 ) 7625 -(098 ) 7626 -(098 ) 7627 -(098 ) 7 060 -(098 ) 7627 -(098 ) 7628 -(098 ) 7628 ·(098 ) 7632 ·(098 ) 7633 -(098 ) 7634 -(098 ) 7635 ·(098 7 636 ·(098 ) 7640 ·(098 ) 7635 -(098 ) 7637 ·(098 ) 7638 -(098 ) 7 6 41 -(098 ) 7642 -(098 ) 7643 -(098 ) 7644 -(098 ) 15017 -(098 ) 7641 -(098 ) 7645 -(098 ) 7646 -(098 ) 7646 ·(098 ) 7648 -(098 ) 15016 -(098 ) 7650 -(098 ) 7651 LENGTH (FT) 2 44 159 167 173 189 107 129 164 318 302 200 113 243 146 1 1 5 1 1 6 2 1 6 332 1 28 1 28 131 143 121 222 137 106 157 114 40 125 222 71 159 179 91 160 150 97 164 320 190 260 206 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L OW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .036 0 .008 0 .007 0 .006 0 .004 0 002 0 .001 0 001 0 .007 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .00 2 0 .00 3 0 .063 0 .057 0 .001 0 .056 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0004 0 .007 0 .009 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .01 1 0 .017 0 .018 0.020 0 040 0 .006 0 .005 0 .001 0.003 0 .002 O.Q15 0 013 0 .011 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AV GCUM FL OW (MGO) 0 .068 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 14 0 .011 0 .008 0 003 0 .002 0 002 0 .010 0 .006 0 .003 0 .001 0 .005 0 .002 0 .001 0 .0 0 3 0 .005 0 .104 0 .0 95 0 .002 0 .092 0 .001 0 .003 0 .005 0 007 0 .011 0 014 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .018 0 .029 0 .031 0 032 0 067 0 010 0 008 0 001 0005 0 003 0023 0 021 0 .017 HIG H CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 .204 0 .069 0 .067 0 .05 1 0 .035 0 .026 0 .011 0 .004 0 .018 0 .011 0 .007 0.002 0 .022 0.01 9 0.003 0.006 0.011 0.259 0.246 0 .004 0 .24 2 0 .003 0.006 0 .015 0 .017 0 .023 0 .028 0 .006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .033 0 .072 0 .075 0 .078 0 .175 0 .040 0 .013 0 .002 0 .010 0 .007 0 .062 0 .04 6 0 .033 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.428 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0 .389 2.273 1 .890 0 .389 1 .773 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CA P PI PE PIPE COST 48 18 17 13 9 7 6 11 13 14 6 19 19 20 45 10 3 2 2 16 12 9 (IN) ($) Page#: 13 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7678 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7680 ·(098 7652 ·(098 ) 7653 ·(098 ) 7651 ·(098 ) 7654 ·(098 ) 7656 ·(098 ) 7657 ·(098 ) 7658 ·(098 ) 7666 ·(098 ) 7660 ·(098 ) 7661 ·(098 ) 7662 ·(098 ) 7663 ·(098 ) 7664 ·(098 ) 7644 ·(098 ) 7666 ·(098 ) 7 667 ·(098 ) 7668 ·(098 ) 7669 ·(098 ) 7670 ·(098 ) 7636 ·(098 ) 7672 -(098 ) 15058 -(098 ) 7663 -(098 ) 7662 -(098 ) 7660 -(098 ) 7677 -(098 ) 7053 -(098 ) 7681 -(098 ) 7681 -(098 ) 7683 -(098 ) 7684 -(098 ) 7682 -(098 ) 7686 ·(098 ) 7687 -(098 ) 7688 ·(098 ) 7689 -(096 ) 7690 ·(098 ) 7690 ·(098 ) 7692 -(098 ) 7693 ·(098 ) 7694 -(0 98 ) 7679 LENGTH (FT) 287 167 11 3 207 233 226 178 77 124 112 228 183 202 98 1 29 250 1 32 144 200 4 1 79 51 86 154 104 119 224 181 155 172 136 174 174 154 4 0 73 56 70 125 180 143 100 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGO) 0 .009 0 .00 7 0 .001 0 .006 0 .004 0 .003 0 001 0 011 0 .009 0 .008 0 006 0 .00 3 0 .00 1 O.Q18 0 .006 0 .00 5 0 .00 3 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .002 0.001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .0 14 0 .010 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .008 0.007 0.006 0 .005 0 .005 0 .000 0 .004 0.003 0.002 0 .001 0 .0 01 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AV G CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .014 0 .011 0 .00 1 0 .009 0 .007 0.005 0.002 0.020 0 .017 0 .016 0 .011 0 .005 0.003 0.0 30 0.009 0 .008 0.005 0.0 04 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 003 0 002 0 .001 0 .025 0 .015 0 .007 0 .003 0 .001 0 .01 4 0 .012 0 .010 0 008 0 008 0 001 0 006 0 .006 0 .004 0 002 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .0 30 0 .0 26 0 .002 0.023 0 .020 0.016 0 .0 13 0 .065 0 .060 0.058 0.044 0 .036 0 .033 0.080 0.01 6 0.01 3 0 .0 09 0.0 07 0 .0 04 0 .003 0 .002 0 .003 0 .006 0 012 0.005 0 .003 0 .058 0 .045 0 .014 0 .007 0 .003 0 .043 0.04 0 0 .037 0 .035 0 ,034 0 .00 2 0 .031 0 .030 0 .028 0 .026 0 .00 2 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .38 9 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .38 9 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 8 17 16 15 11 9 20 0 3 15 12 11 10 10 9 9 0 8 8 7 (IN) ($) Page#: 14 2:45:28 PM Wednesday. October 30. 2002 LINE SEGMENT (09B ) (09B ) 7679 7527 Basin <~ 8 In $226.461 .00 Basin ~ 8 In $0.00 -(09B ) 7644 -(09B ) 7526 Total Basin Cost: $226,46 1.00 (10A ) (lOA) (lOA) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (l OA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (l OA) (l OA ) (l OA) (l OA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) 15018 1501 9 15050 15051 15052 15053 15054 15055 15056 15078 15079 7090 7 091 7 092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7 1 00 7101 7 102 7 103 7 104 7 105 7106 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 71 1 5 7116 7117 -(10A ) 7129 ·(lOA ) 8104 -(10A ) 7 130 ·(10A ) 15052 ·(lOA ) 15053 -(lOA ) 7121 ·(l OA ) 8087 -(lOA ) 8184 ·(l OA ) 8187 -(l OA ) 150 51 ·(1 0A ) 15051 ·(lOA ) 7119 -(10A ) 7090 -(l OA ) 7091 ·(10A ) 7092 ·(lOA ) 7093 ·(10A ) 7094 ·(lOA ) 7095 -(lOA ) 7 096 -(lOA ) 7 097 -(lOA ) 7098 -(lOA ) 7099 -(lOA ) 7100 ·(lOA ) 7101 ·(lOA ) 7 102 -(1 0A ) 7103 -(10A ) 71 04 ·(1 0A ) 7105 ·(11 ) 7107 ·(lOA ) 7 108 ·(lOA ) 7109 -(10A ) 7110 ·(lOA ) 7111 ·(lOA ) 7112 -(lOA ) 7113 -(10A ) 7114 -(lOA ) 7115 ·(lOA ) 9521 LENGTH (FT) 100 75 47 50 152 21 1 85 240 87 67 55 115 353 493 327 365 392 235 232 258 252 288 284 2 1 5 251 257 175 219 212 3 1 9 384 431 425 405 358 253 305 373 405 218 DIAM (IN) 8 8 15 8 15 18 18 18 8 8 8 8 1 5 24 10 tO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 21 21 2 1 21 2 1 24 24 24 24 24 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .507 0 .000 0 .000 0 .568 0 .568 0569 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .606 0 .0 15 0 .015 0 014 0 013 0 013 0 012 0 012 O.Q11 0 .011 0 .010 0 010 0 .009 0 .009 0 .009 0 .009 0 .005 0 .659 0 .657 0 .655 0 .654 0 .652 0 .651 0 .631 0 .630 0 .6 28 0 .624 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0 .00 1 1.114 0 .000 0.001 1.273 1.274 1.275 0.001 0 .00 8 0.0 00 0.0 01 0.002 1.411 0.130 0 .128 0 .126 0 123 0122 0 .121 0119 0114 0 .11 2 0 108 0 .107 0 .105 0 .104 0 .103 0.101 0 .057 1.512 1.510 1.507 1.504 1.501 1.499 1.462 1.460 1.456 1.450 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .004 0 .002 3.645 0.0 0 1 0 .002 4.088 4 .089 4 .091 0.011 0.01 9 0.0 01 0.001 0.004 4 .4 53 0 .359 0.356 0 .352 0 .348 0 .346 0 .344 0 .341 0 .336 0.333 0.329 0.327 0 .324 0.322 0.320 0.317 0.147 4 .713 4.709 4 .704 4 .699 4.695 4 .692 4 .595 4 .592 4 .587 4 .575 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 2 .562 0 .389 2 930 3 .209 3188 4 .473 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 6 .673 8.341 1 .286 1 .397 1 .502 1 .401 0 .989 1.018 1 .231 1 .726 1 .505 1 .676 0 .759 1 .0 1 9 0 .686 0 .601 0 .740 0 .389 4 .522 6 .462 4 .865 5 .321 6.742 4 .771 9165 9 .200 9 .130 8 .312 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 1 0 142 0 0 127 128 91 5 0 0 0 53 28 25 23 25 35 34 28 19 22 20 4 3 32 4 7 53 4 3 38 104 73 97 88 70 98 50 50 50 55 (IN) ($) 12 3,854 12 18.779 12 7,565 10 36.480 Page#: 15 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGM ENT (1 0A ) (1 0A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10 A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7118 711 9 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7147 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 7174 ·(10A ) 7 117 ·(10A ) 9523 ·(10A ) 7 0 90 ·(10A ) 7120 ·(10A ) 1 5051 ·(10A ) 7 122 ·(10A ) 7 1 23 ·(10A ) 7124 ·(10A ) 7125 ·(10A ) 7126 ·(10A ) 7 127 ·(10A ) 724 6 ·(10A ) 1 5018 ·(10A ) 7130 ·(10A ) 7131 ·(10A ) 7132 ·(10A ) 7133 ·(10A ) 7134 ·(10A ) 7135 ·(10A ) 7136 ·(1 0A ) 7137 ·(1 0A ) 7138 ·(1 0A ) 7139 ·(1 0A ) 7 140 ·(1 0A ) 8265 ·(1 0A ) 8341 ·(1 0A ) 7113 ·(1 0A ) 7246 ·(1 0A ) 7160 ·(1 0A ) 7161 -(1 0A ) 7162 ·(10A ) 8217 ·(1 0A ) 8318 -(10A ) 8303 ·(10A ) 7166 ·(10A ) 7251 ·(10A ) 7 168 -(10A ) 7169 -(10A ) 7170 -(10A ) 7171 ·(10A ) 7172 ·(10A ) 94 88 LEN GTH (FT) 211 1 26 350 298 265 118 360 280 263 354 307 205 241 239 367 330 337 328 323 290 290 222 213 269 250 175 302 313 248 221 257 85 265 290 106 64 359 343 275 176 251 72 DIAM (IN) 24 24 18 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 15 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .622 0 .606 0 .572 0 .57 0 0 .565 0 .564 0 .563 0 .56 1 0 .560 0 .559 0 .000 0 .508 0 .507 0 .505 0 .504 0 .503 0.501 0 .492 0 .491 0 .489 0 .488 0.479 0 .478 0 .477 0 .467 0.457 0.003 0 .0 15 0 .0 14 0.0 14 0.0 13 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.003 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG C UM FLOW (MGD) 1 .4 46 1 .4 15 1 .279 1 .277 1.269 1 .266 1.264 1.258 1 .257 1 .255 0 .008 1 .1 1 5 1.1 1 4 1 .111 1.106 1.104 1 .1 0 2 1.088 1 .087 1 .085 1.083 1 .069 1.068 1 .06 7 1.049 1 .034 0.027 0 .128 0.126 0 .124 0 .123 0 .083 0 .082 0.06 8 0 .066 0 .034 0 .0 1 2 0 .010 0 .00 8 0 .00 7 0 .006 0 .00 4 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 4 .569 4 .4 56 4.098 4 .095 4.081 4 .077 4 .074 3 .998 3 .995 3.992 0.019 3 .647 3 .644 3.640 3 .566 3 .562 3.559 3 .523 3.520 3.516 3.51 3 3.482 3.480 3.478 3.436 3 .410 0.068 0 .335 0 .324 0 .321 0 .319 0 .232 0 .229 0.197 0 .194 0 .124 0 .031 0 .027 0 .023 0.021 0 .019 O.Q15 CAPACITY (MGD) 10.160 11 .721 3 .718 3.727 1.504 4 .0 06 3 .624 2 .160 2.172 2.796 1.680 5.439 3 .325 2 .805 3 .315 2.814 3.018 3.632 2 .800 2.800 3 .608 2 .275 1 .266 4.429 1 .358 1 .712 0 .577 0 .953 0 .628 0 .699 0 .597 0 .672 0 .396 0 .795 0 .769 0 .493 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE C OST 45 38 110 110 271 102 112 185 184 143 67 110 130 108 127 118 97 126 126 97 153 275 7 9 253 199 12 35 52 46 53 34 58 25 25 2 5 8 7 6 5 5 (IN) ($) 10 24 ,850 10 22,94 6 21 34 ,715 10 8,378 10 25,560 15 29,960 15 25,774 12 31,506 10 17,111 10 16,969 10 26,057 10 23.4 30 10 25,949 10 22,933 10 22.330 12 19,758 15 22,791 15 24,500 12 14,350 Page#: 16 2 :45:26 PM LINE SEGMENT (10A) (1 0A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (1 0A) (10A ) (1 0A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) Wed nesday, October 30, 2002 7 175 7 176 7177 7 176 7246 7249 7250 7251 7252 6061 80 82 8063 8084 80 85 80 86 8087 8088 80 89 8090 8091 80 92 80 93 8094 80 95 80 96 8097 8098 6099 8 100 61 0 1 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 811 1 8112 8113 6114 -(1 0A ) 7174 -(1 0A ) 7175 -(1 0A ) 7176 ·(10A ) 7177 -(10A ) 7127 -(10A ) 7167 -(1 0A ) 7 249 -(10A ) 7250 -(10A ) 7166 -(1 0A ) 7147 -(1 0A ) 8061 -(10A ) 7147 -(10A ) 8083 -(1 0A ) 6064 -(1 0A ) 8065 -(10A ) 6066 -(10A ) 8094 -(1 0A ) 6066 -(10A ) 6069 ·(1 0A ) 6090 ·(1 0A ) 6091 -(10A ) 8092 -(1 0A ) 8095 -(1 0A ) 6097 -(10A ) 8097 ·(1 0A ) 7116 -(10A ) 6093 ·(10A ) 6096 -(10A ) 6082 ·(10A ) 6100 ·(10A ) 6101 -(10A ) 8102 -(10A ) 8103 -(1 0A ) 8100 ·(10A ) 8105 ·(10A ) 8106 -(10A ) 8107 ·(10A ) 6108 -(10A ) 8109 -(10A ) 8110 ·(10A ) 61 13 -(10A ) 8 101 ·(10A ) 9523 LENGTH ClAM (FT ) (IN ) 1 25 173 72 141 366 117 10 8 238 276 124 236 125 43 82 62 236 246 50 299 100 63 383 49 239 379 171 230 130 2 16 183 187 323 297 371 348 139 133 363 89 70 340 203 400 8 8 8 15 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MG D) 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .556 0 .004 0.004 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0.00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal HIGH CUM RELI EF AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) FLOW CAPACITY %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 1.245 0.0 37 0 .0 36 0 .0 35 0.0 21 0.023 0.0 22 0 .002 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .0 15 0 .011 0 .0 11 0.008 0.007 0 .006 0 .01 5 O.D1 6 0 .007 0 .024 0.004 0 .001 0 .020 0 .0 10 0 .005 0.004 0 .002 0 .009 0 .007 0 .00 5 0.004 0.003 0 .001 0 .000 0 .00 2 0 .00 3 0.005 (MGD) (MGD) (IN) ($) 0.0 15 0.014 0 .012 0 .011 3 .973 0 .128 0 .127 0 .126 0 .093 0 .048 0 .047 O.Q16 0 .014 0 .012 0 .01 1 0 .013 0 .055 0 .041 0 .040 0 .019 0 .018 0.017 0 .056 0 .058 0 .044 0 .103 0 .014 O.D1 1 0 .045 0 .025 0 .011 0 .009 0 .005 O.Q18 0.014 0 .009 0 .006 0 .006 0 .002 0.001 0.004 0.0 07 0.01 1 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 2.994 0.460 1.449 0.519 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.222 0 .389 0.369 0.389 0 .389 0.369 0.369 0 .369 0 .369 0.369 0 .369 0 .389 0.389 0 .369 0.389 0 .389 0 .369 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 4 3 3 133 27 9 24 24 12 12 3 14 1 1 10 5 5 14 15 1 1 26 3 3 12 6 3 2 5 3 2 2 0 0 3 10 29,722 Page#: 17 2 :45:28 PM LINE S EGMENT (l OA) (l OA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (l OA ) Wednesday. October 30, 2002 8115 8116 8117 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 8125 8 126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 8 134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 81 4 0 8141 8 142 8 143 8 14 4 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 ·(l OA ) 81 14 ·(lOA ) 8 1 1 5 ·(l OA ) 8096 ·(l OA ) 8 1 18 ·(l OA ) 8119 ·(lOA ) 7105 ·(lOA ) 8121 ·(l OA ) 8122 ·(lOA ) 8123 ·(lOA ) 8124 ·(lOA ) 8125 ·(lOA ) 7 106 ·(lOA ) 8127 ·(lOA ) 8128 ·(lOA ) 8129 ·(l OA ) 8130 ·(l OA ) 8 1 31 ·(l OA ) 8132 ·(l OA ) 8133 ·(lOA ) 8134 ·(lOA ) 8135 ·(lOA ) 8136 ·(lOA ) 8130 ·(lOA ) 81 38 ·(lOA ) 8139 ·(lOA ) 8140 ·(lOA) 8141 ·(l OA ) 8142 ·(l OA ) 8143 ·(1 0A ) 8144 ·(l OA ) 8145 ·(1 0A ) 8146 ·(lOA ) 8146 -(lOA ) 8126 ·(lOA ) 8149 ·(l OA ) 8150 ·(l OA ) 8151 ·(l OA ) 8152 ·(lOA ) 8 153 ·(l OA ) 8 154 ·(lOA ) 8152 ·(l OA ) 8156 LENGTH (FT) 2 4 7 288 168 196 4 1 209 210 209 3 10 196 181 130 262 281 24 2 153 151 83 150 181 234 75 147 207 100 101 201 1 37 82 91 146 301 104 75 400 295 185 260 135 125 200 140 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0 .0 00 0 .000 0 000 0 .003 0 .003 0.003 0 .003 0 .003 0 .003 0.004 0 .0 04 0 .0 03 0 .0 03 0.00 1 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0.00 1 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 J effer son City, Ph ase 1 0% 1/1 Rem oval AV G CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 043 0,039 0 .038 0 036 0 .033 0 .030 0 056 0 .055 0 .045 0 .044 0 .0 12 0 .006 0 006 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 003 0 .001 0 .030 0 .013 0 .0 11 0 .010 0 .009 0.008 0 .007 0 .007 0 .006 0 .004 0 001 0 .0 27 0 .018 0 .01 5 0 .0 1 3 0 .005 0 .003 0 002 0 006 0 005 HI GH C UM FLOW (MGD) 0 .006 0 .003 0 .022 0 .020 O.Q18 0 .173 0 .171 0 .169 0.167 0 .135 0 .103 0 .143 0 .142 0 .127 0 .124 0 .038 0 .0 14 0 .012 0.012 0 .010 0 .008 0.003 0.084 0 .046 0 .034 0 .0 22 0 021 O.Q19 0 .016 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 14 0 .010 0.001 0 .098 0 .082 0.069 0 .057 0.026 0 .01 4 0 .004 0 .029 0 .017 CAPACITY (MG D) 0.389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0 .999 1.097 0 .691 0 .880 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 2 6 5 5 17 16 24 19 35 26 37 37 33 32 1 0 3 3 2 22 1 2 9 6 5 5 3 0 25 21 18 1 5 8 (IN) ($) Page#: 18 2:45:28 PM LI NE SEG MENT (l OA ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (l OA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (l OA) (lOA ) (l OA) (l OA ) Wednesday. Oclober 30, 2002 8158 8159 8160 8161 81 62 8163 8164 8165 81 66 8167 8168 8175 8176 8177 81 78 81 79 8 1 80 81 81 8182 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 8200 8201 8202 8208 8209 8 2 10 8211 8216 8217 8218 ·(l OA ) 8149 ·(lOA ) 8158 ·(lOA ) 8159 ·(lOA ) 8160 ·(l OA ) 8161 ·(lOA ) 8158 -(lOA ) 8163 -(lOA ) 8 164 -(lOA ) 8158 ·(lOA ) 8 1 66 ·(l OA ) 8126 -(lOA ) 8 128 ·(lOA ) 8175 -(lOA ) 8176 ·(lOA ) 8 1 31 ·(l OA ) 821 1 -(l OA ) 8 181 -(l OA ) 8131 ·(l OA ) 8138 -(lOA ) 8182 -(lOA ) 15055 ·(l OA ) 8185 ·(l OA ) 8186 ·(lOA ) 8187 ·(l OA ) 8 186 ·(lOA ) 8186 ·(l OA ) 8 190 ·(lOA ) 8193 ·(l OA ) 8 1 94 -(l OA ) 8 1 84 -(l OA ) 8 1 84 ·(lOA ) 8 1 95 ·(l OA ) 8192 ·(lOA ) 8157 -(lOA ) 8200 ·(l OA ) 8201 -(lOA ) 8155 -(lOA ) 8155 ·(lOA ) 8200 -(lOA ) 8178 ·(lOA ) 7123 -(lOA ) 7163 -(l OA ) 8219 LENGTH (FT) 175 185 165 175 150 110 255 130 125 130 255 90 110 107 197 1 22 87 1 36 1 50 140 67 119 1 31 11 5 235 105 75 95 2 10 1 90 2 1 5 110 1 40 84 1 25 192 81 84 177 92 206 232 165 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L OW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 0 0 .00 0 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .0 1 2 0 .004 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Remova l AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .009 0 .004 0 .00 3 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .003 0 002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .002 0 017 0 .014 0 007 0 007 0 .003 0 001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .003 0 .00 4 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 00 1 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .114 0 .030 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .0 18 0.008 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .006 0 .005 0 .002 0 .003 0 .002 0 .003 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0.01 0 0.007 0 .0 03 0 .01 5 0 038 0 031 0 .019 0 .018 0.006 0.001 0.005 0.002 0.001 0.0 03 0.0 05 0 .007 0.0 04 0.0 01 0 .0 02 0 .01 6 0 .004 0 .002 0.001 0 .002 0 .01 2 0.008 0.002 0 .292 0 .061 CAPACITY (MG D) 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0.389 0 .389 0389 1 009 0 389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 5 2 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 8 5 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 29 16 (I N) ($) P age#: 19 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (l OA ) (l OA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (l OA ) (l OA ) (l OA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (l OA ) (l OA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (10A ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) Wednesday, October 30 , 2002 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 ·(lOA 8217 ·(lOA ) 8 218 ·(lOA ) 8 294 ·(lOA ) 8221 ·(lOA ) 8222 ·(lOA ) 8223 ·(l OA ) 8224 ·(lOA ) 8225 ·(lOA ) 8226 ·(lOA ) 8 227 ·(lOA ) 8228 ·(l OA ) 8229 ·(lOA ) 8230 ·(lOA ) 8231 ·(lOA ) 8232 ·(l OA ) 8233 ·(l OA ) 8234 ·(lOA ) 8229 ·(lOA ) 8236 ·(lOA ) 7167 ·(lOA ) 8 238 ·(lOA ) 8239 ·(lOA ) 8240 ·(lOA ) 8241 ·(lOA ) 8242 ·(lOA ) 8243 ·(lOA ) 8244 ·(lOA ) 8245 ·(lOA ) 8246 ·(lOA ) 8246 ·(lOA ) 8248 ·(l OA ) 8249 ·(lOA ) 8250 ·(lOA ) 8251 ·(lOA ) 8254 ·(lOA ) 8265 ·(lOA ) 8254 ·(lOA ) 8253 ·(l OA ) 8256 ·(lOA ) 8257 ·(lOA ) 8258 ·(lOA ) 8261 LEN GTH (FT) 35 1 50 46 233 294 152 155 327 200 61 111 281 301 183 212 168 203 200 132 128 152 294 195 127 140 105 76 185 116 173 132 183 228 265 300 200 35 34 4 199 222 2 15 186 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGO) 0.004 0 .00 3 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .00 2 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 0 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 Jefferson City, Pha se 1 0% Ill Rem oval AVG CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .030 0 .029 0 .026 0 .025 0 .024 0.022 0.021 0 .020 0 019 0 .015 0 .012 0 .008 0 .007 0 .005 0 .004 0.002 0 .001 0 .003 0 001 0 .029 0.028 0 .023 0 .0 18 0 .0 14 0.014 0 .013 0 .0 1 1 0 .011 0.001 0 .009 0 .008 0 007 0 .006 0 .003 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 1 5 0 .001 0 .011 0.009 0.003 0 .001 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .061 0.0 59 0.054 0.053 0.051 0.04 7 0.04 6 0 .044 0 .04 0 0.031 0 .025 0.016 0.013 0 .010 0.008 0.00 4 0 .0 02 0 .006 0 002 0.065 0 .055 0 .04 6 0 .036 0 .029 0 .028 0 .026 0 .023 0 .022 0 .001 0.01 8 0 .0 16 0 .015 0 .0 13 0 .00 7 0 .0 26 0 .039 0.01 8 0 .023 0 .019 0.005 0.003 0 .002 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.174 0.787 0 .697 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF '.4 CAP PIPE P IP E COST 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 10 8 6 0 6 9 8 6 6 0 5 2 10 5 6 (IN) ($) Page#: 20 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (10A) (10A ) (10A) (lOA) (lOA) (l OA) (l OA ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 ·(10A ) 8262 ·(10A ) 8263 ·(10A ) 8264 ·(10A ) 7138 ·(10A ) 7141 ·(10A ) 8264 ·(lOA ) 8266 ·(10A ) 8267 ·(10A ) 8268 ·(10A ) 8268 ·(10A ) 8270 ·(10A ) 8244 ·(10A ) 8239 ·(10A ) 8273 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AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.002 0 .003 0 .005 0 .0 1 2 1 .065 0 .006 0 .00 6 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .002 0 .003 0001 0 .001 0 .005 0.007 0 .011 0.004 0.003 0 .002 0 .003 0.002 0 .001 0.003 0.004 0.028 0 .001 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .072 0.001 0.002 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.003 0 .006 0 .017 0 .028 3.475 0 .012 0 .011 0.008 0 .001 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0.008 0 .002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0 .014 0 .002 0.001 0.010 0.013 0 .032 0.020 0 .018 0 .017 0.006 0.005 0 .002 0 .006 0 .008 0.057 0.011 0.004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .015 0 .014 0.004 0.001 0.211 0.012 0.013 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 1.400 1 .376 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 586 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 1.094 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 2 2 253 3 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 8 5 5 15 3 0 2 0 19 3 3 (IN) ($) 15 18,404 Page#. 21 2 :4 5 :28 P M LINE SEGMENT (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (1 0A ) (1 0A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (1 0A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (1 0A ) (1 0A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (1 0A ) (1 0A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 831 1 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8 340 8341 9487 9488 9511 9512 9513 9514 9517 ·(10A ) 8240 ·(10A ) 8 308 ·(10A ) 824 1 ·(10A ) 8241 ·(10A ) 7165 ·(10A ) 8310 ·(1 0A ) 831 1 ·(10A ) 8312 ·(10A ) 8313 ·(10A ) 8316 ·(1 0A ) 8317 ·(1 0A ) 8310 ·(10A ) 7164 ·(10A ) 7252 ·(10A ) 8319 ·(10A ) 8320 ·(10A ) 8321 ·(10A ) 8322 ·(10A ) 8323 ·(10A ) 8324 ·(10A ) 8325 ·(10A ) 8327 ·(10A ) 8328 ·(10A ) 8329 ·(10A ) 834 1 ·(10A ) 8331 ·(10A ) 8332 ·(10A ) 8333 ·(10A ) 8334 ·(10A ) 8335 ·(10A ) 8336 ·(10A ) 8337 ·(10A ) 8338 ·(10A ) 8339 ·(10A ) 7 142 ·(10A ) 7 1 28 ·(10A ) 7173 ·(10A ) 7 1 13 ·(10A ) 951 1 ·(10A ) 9 51 2 ·(10A ) 9513 ·(10A ) 9521 LENGTH (FT) 125 97 248 83 10 4 284 271 122 293 69 162 159 134 154 218 371 309 343 240 177 196 150 86 106 180 380 264 385 335 351 32 117 97 62 1 70 148 97 119 72 234 236 250 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 008 0 002 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.002 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 .00 0 0 .000 0 .466 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 Jefferson City, Phas e 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0.001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .009 0 .006 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0.001 0 .002 0 .083 0 .020 0 .019 0 .018 0 .0 1 5 0 .014 0 .009 0 .008 0 .007 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .013 0 .0 1 2 0 .0 1 0 0 .008 0 .006 0.004 0 .002 0 002 0 .001 0 .000 1 .04 8 0 .002 0 .004 0.006 0.005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 HI GH CUM FLOW CAPACITY (MGD) (MGD) 0 .0 14 0.001 0.004 0 .001 0.018 0 .012 0.008 0 .005 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.004 0 .231 0 .090 0 .089 0 .0 8 7 0 .084 0 .082 0.075 0 .073 0 .071 0 .068 0 .067 0.066 0 .026 0 .024 0.020 0.017 0.01 2 0 .008 0.004 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 3.434 0.006 0 .0 1 6 0.028 0.027 0.017 0.014 0 .005 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.38 9 0 .389 1 .010 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 2 .263 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF "to CAP P IPE PIP E COST 0 0 5 3 2 0 23 23 23 22 22 21 19 19 18 18 17 17 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 152 4 7 4 (IN) ($) 10 13.090 Page# 22 2.45:28 PM Wednesday, Octo ber 30 , 2002 LIN E SEGM ENT (10A ) (1 0A ) (1 0A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (10A ) (l OA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) 9518 95 19 9520 9521 9523 9830 9831 8291 9516 9515 8 118 8174 8173 8172 8171 8170 821 3 821 2 8169 8214 8183 8215 8284 8327 Bas1n <= 8 1n $0.00 Bas1n > 8 m $567,761.00 ·(10A ) 9517 ·(1 0 A ) 71 17 ·(10A ) 9519 ·(10A ) 7116 ·(10A ) 7118 ·(l OA ) 9831 ·(10A ) 8 323 ·(10A ) 8292 ·(10A ) 9515 ·(10A ) 9514 ·(10A ) 8 1 17 ·(10A ) 8 173 ·(10A ) 8 1 72 ·(10A ) 8171 ·(l OA ) 8170 ·(1 0A ) 8213 ·(10A ) 8212 ·(10A ) 8169 ·(lOA ) 8128 ·(10A ) 8183 ·(10A ) 8215 ·(10A ) 8182 ·(l OA ) 7134 ·(10A ) 8326 Tota l Basin Cost $567,761.00 (108 ) (lOB ) (108 ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (l OB ) (10B ) (108 ) (10B ) 15007 15008 15009 150 10 1501 1 15012 15013 150 14 1504 7 1504 8 15049 7144 71 45 7146 7148 7149 ·(10B ) 7220 ·(10B ) 8720 ·(lOB ) 8712 ·(1 0B ) 7235 ·(10B ) 7222 ·(lOB ) 7223 ·(10B ) 7224 ·(108 ) 7 159 ·(10B ) 7225 ·(10B ) 7 198 ·(10B ) 7185 ·(10A ) 7143 ·(1 0B ) 71 4 4 ·(108 ) 7145 ·(lOB ) 8342 ·(10B ) 8349 LENGTH (FT) 2 1 3 250 1 52 255 149 316 119 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 282 264 2 40 72 135 56 240 460 92 1 06 156 284 284 289 150 100 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 24 24 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 8 8 LO W CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .627 0 .609 0.0 00 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 000 0 .259 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .004 0.004 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .457 0 .456 0 .455 0 .027 0 .023 Jeffers on City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AV G CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .001 0 .002 0 .00 1 1.454 1.421 0.002 0 .003 0 001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0.003 0 .001 0.001 0 002 0 002 0 .0 0 3 0 .003 0.004 0 .005 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .0 12 0 006 0 588 0 .002 0 .002 0 .00 1 0 018 0 022 0 .027 0.00 7 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 1.033 1 .032 1 030 0 .148 0134 HI GH CUM FL OW (MGO) 0.003 0.005 0.002 4.583 4 4 67 0.004 0 .00 5 0 .001 0 .001 0.002 0.02 1 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0.005 0 .006 0.007 0 .008 0.009 0 .001 0 .002 0.003 0.033 0.069 1.421 0.023 0.006 0 .010 0.098 0.108 0.117 0.019 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 3 .4 06 3.403 3.401 0 .758 0.724 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 9 .864 4 .512 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0 .3 89 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 1 .374 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 384 1.676 1.067 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .821 2.226 2.259 1 017 0.627 RELIEF %CAP PI P E PIPE COST 0 46 99 0 0 5 0 2 2 0 9 18 103 6 3 7 6 11 5 0 0 0 187 1 53 151 75 1 1 5 (IN) ($) 10 17,202 12 25,276 10 20,164 10 22,253 10 7,100 Page#: 23 2:45:28 PM LIN E SEG MENT (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (lOB ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 -(108 ) 7149 -(108 ) 7150 -(108 ) 7151 -(108 ) 7152 -(108 ) 7153 -(108 ) 7154 -(108 ) 7155 ·(108 ) 8379 -(108 ) 7157 -(108 ) 7158 -(108 ) 7146 -(108 ) 7179 -(108 7180 -(108 7181 ·(108 ) 7182 -(108 ) 7183 -(108 ) 7184 -(108 ) 7185 -(108 ) 7186 -(108 ) 7187 -(108 ) 7188 -(108 ) 7189 -(108 ) 7190 -(108 ) 7191 -(108 ) 8543 -(108 ) 9503 -(108 ) 7194 -(108 ) 7195 -(108 ) 7196 -(108 ) 7186 -(108 ) 7198 -(108 ) 7199 -(108 ) 7200 -(108 ) 7201 -(108 ) 7202 -(108 ) 7203 -(108 ) 7204 -(108 ) 7205 -(108 ) 7206 -(108 7207 -(108 7208 -(108 ) 7209 -(1 08 ) 7210 LENGTH (FT) 315 275 230 300 170 317 272 18 168 250 400 385 240 370 270 200 400 325 400 360 220 418 361 295 148 258 340 361 350 260 250 375 260 400 400 390 350 350 165 210 170 200 140 ClAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 15 15 15 15 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 2 1 2 12 12 12 12 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.022 0 .022 0 .021 0 .021 0.007 0.006 0 .006 0 .003 0 003 0.003 0.410 0 .410 0.409 0 .409 0 .4 08 0 .408 0 .391 0 .391 0.014 0.013 0 .013 0 .012 0.012 0 .011 0 .009 0.008 0.003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .350 0 .349 0 .348 0 .347 0 .325 0 .324 0 .323 0.317 0 .316 0 .315 0 314 0 .314 0 .313 0 .313 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal A VG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.126 0.125 0 .124 0 .123 0.049 0.045 0 .0 44 0.030 0 .030 0 .025 0 .880 0.879 0.878 0 .877 0 .875 0 .874 0 .837 0 .834 0.069 0 .067 0 .066 0 .065 0.063 0 .058 0.050 0.041 0.019 0 .010 0 .004 0 .764 0 763 0 .762 0 .760 0.727 0.726 0.724 0.711 0.709 0 .708 0.707 0 .706 0.705 0.704 HIG H CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.708 0.705 0.703 0 .701 0 .253 0.244 0 .241 0 .306 0.306 0 .233 2.652 2.648 2.645 2 .642 2.639 2.628 2.534 2.529 0 .272 0 .269 0 .265 0 .261 0.257 0 .243 0 .217 0 .189 0 .058 0 .031 0 .0 18 2.256 2.253 2 .250 2 .247 2.117 2.113 2109 1.995 1.992 1.989 1.987 1.985 1 .984 1 .982 CAPACITY (MGO) 0.856 0.879 0 955 0 .823 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 3 .843 4 .111 2 .332 2 .610 4 .127 1 938 2 .280 2 .328 0.741 0 .729 0 .774 1 .064 0.830 0.991 0 .929 1.245 1 .074 1 .445 2.169 1 .749 1 .836 2 155 2 .141 2 189 2 .415 2.259 2 .703 2.025 2 .689 2 .449 5.865 1.074 6 .936 RELIEF %CAP P IP E PIP E COST 83 80 74 85 65 63 62 79 79 60 69 64 113 101 64 136 111 109 37 37 34 25 31 25 23 15 5 2 129 1 23 104 105 97 87 93 74 98 74 81 34 185 29 (IN) ($) 10 18,480 10 28,490 10 15,400 10 28,400 10 23,075 10 18,460 10 17,750 10 26,625 10 18,460 12 17,800 Page#: 24 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGM ENT (1 06 (10 6 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 (106 (106 (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (106 ) Wednesday. October 30, 2002 7212 7213 7 21 4 7215 7216 7217 72 18 72 19 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7247 7248 8342 8343 8344 8345 8346 8347 ·(108 721 1 ·(106 ) 7212 ·(108 ) 7213 ·(108 ) 7214 ·(108 ) 7215 ·(106 ) 7216 ·(106 7217 ·(1 08 ) 72 18 ·(108 ) 72 19 ·(106 ) 15011 ·(108 ) 15012 ·(108 ) 15013 ·(106 ) 7225 ·(106 ) 7226 ·(108 ) 7201 ·(108 ) 7217 ·(108 7221 ·(108 ) 7228 ·(108 ) 7229 ·(106 ) 7230 ·(106 7221 ·(108 ) 7232 ·(108 ) 7233 ·(108 ) 7234 ·(108 15007 ·(108 7236 ·(106 ) 7237 ·(106 ) 7238 ·(106 ) 7239 ·(1 08 ) 7240 ·(106 7240 ·(108 ) 7236 ·(108 ) 7243 ·(106 ) 7244 ·(108 ) 7218 ·(108 ) 7247 ·(108 ) 7 146 ·(108 ) 8342 ·(1 06 ) 8377 ·(108 ) 8344 ·(108 ) 8345 ·(106 ) 834 6 LENG TH (FT) 11 0 385 250 309 150 425 400 185 480 92 342 103 300 400 400 400 320 375 265 350 190 125 150 285 139 420 250 300 180 400 230 225 470 200 400 410 235 11 5 30 320 148 350 OlA M (IN) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 8 8 8 6 12 12 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.312 0 .3 12 0.311 0 .310 0 .309 0.309 0.306 0.261 0.261 0.003 0 .004 0 .004 0 .005 0.005 0 .006 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0 .002 0.002 0.000 0.000 0 .258 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0 .253 0 .252 0.251 0 .037 0.037 0.027 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Rem oval AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .703 0.703 0 .700 0 .699 0 .697 0 .697 0.683 0 .591 0 .590 0 .018 0 .022 0 026 0 028 0 .030 0 032 0 .0 1 2 0 .00 5 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .012 0 .01 1 0 .003 0 .002 0 586 0 007 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .578 0 .577 0 .573 0 .090 0 .089 0 .149 0 .000 0 .005 0 005 0 .003 0 002 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 1 .981 1.980 1 .974 1.972 1 .959 1.958 1 .949 1.427 1 .4 25 0 .097 0 .107 0 .115 0 .120 0 .124 0 .128 0 .037 0.012 0 .009 0 .006 0.003 0 .084 0 .072 0 .024 0 .013 1 .408 0 .028 0.025 0 .020 0 .017 0.004 0 .002 1.381 1 .377 1 .370 0 .518 0.515 0 .761 0 .001 0 .013 0 .013 0 .007 0 .005 CAPACITY (MGD) 3.448 1.098 1.170 3 .552 4 .323 1.089 1.092 1.107 1.079 1.4 03 1 .141 0894 1 .069 1 .069 0 .968 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.097 1.210 0 .389 0.389 2 .814 1 .145 0.935 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.222 2 .621 4 .040 1 727 3.672 4 .7 13 1.037 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RELIE F %CAP PIPE PI PE COST 57 180 169 56 45 180 178 129 132 9 13 11 12 13 10 6 6 50 5 53 34 79 14 11 73 0 3 3 2 (IN) ($) 12 27,335 12 17,750 12 37,825 12 56,000 10 17,575 10 29,280 Page#: 25 2:45:28 PM LIN E SEGMENT (106 ) (106 ) (106 (106 ) (106 ) (106 (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (109 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (1 06 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8385 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 -(106 -(106 8347 8357 -(106 ) 8357 -(106 8350 -(106 8351 -(106 ) 8352 -(108 ) 8353 -(108 ) 8354 -(106 ) 8355 ·(106 ) 7148 -(106 ) 7149 ·(106 ) 8358 -(106 ) 8359 -(106 ) 8360 -(106 ) 8361 -(106 ) 8362 -(106 ) 8362 ·(106 ) 8364 -(106 ) 8365 -(106 ) 8361 -(106 ) 8367 -(106 ) 8345 -(106 ) 8369 -(106 ) 7154 -(106 ) 8371 -(109 ) 8371 -(106 ) 8373 -(108 ) 8374 -(106 ) 8375 ·(106 ) 8378 ·(106 ) 8349 -(106 ) 7 153 -(106 ) 8379 -(106 ) 8380 -(106 ) 8381 -(108 ) 8382 ·(106 ) 8383 ·(106 ) 8383 -(106 ) 8385 -(108 ) 8386 -(106 ) 8387 ·(106 ) 8404 -(1 06 ) 8389 L ENGTH (FT) 200 240 200 178 255 250 200 350 210 30 150 375 90 60 1 30 200 1 20 40 1 30 1 35 200 230 100 33 210 1 30 96 85 332 so 110 213 40 70 200 73 90 209 66 213 180 216 283 DI AM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .025 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.027 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .0 00 0.000 0.001 0.001 0 .005 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .003 0.001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .00 1 0 .14 1 0 .006 0 .005 0 .005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .147 0 .008 0 .007 0 .005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 002 0 001 0 000 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .003 0 .001 0 .002 0.002 0 .002 0 .001 0.005 0 .006 0 .035 0 004 0 004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .000 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 O.Q13 0 .005 HIG H CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0.74 1 0.01 5 0 .013 0.012 0.010 0 .007 0 .005 0.002 0.756 0.016 0.014 0.011 0.010 0.006 0 .002 0 .004 0 003 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0.003 0.001 0 .008 0 .002 0 .006 0.005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .013 0 .014 0 .319 0 .011 0 .010 0.010 0.008 0.001 0 .006 0 .004 0.004 0.002 0.033 O.Q13 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .661 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .828 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .3 89 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COS T 112 3 2 2 91 2 0 4 82 3 3 0 0 9 3 (I N) ($) 10 18,480 Page#: 26 2 :45:28 PM L INE SEGMENT (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) {106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) {106 ) (106 ) (108 ) (1 06 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) {10 6 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8391 8392 8393 8 394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 8 406 8407 8408 8409 8410 8411 8412 84 1 3 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8425 8426 8427 8428 8429 8430 8431 8432 -(106 ) 8390 -(106 8391 -(106 ) 8392 -(108 ) 8393 -(106 ) 8394 -(106 ) 8389 -(108 8396 -(106 8397 -(106 ) 8398 -(106 ) 8399 -(106 ) 8400 -(1 06 8401 -(108 ) 7184 ·(106 ) 84 03 -(106 ) 8404 -(108 ) 84 05 -(106 ) 84 06 -(106 ) 8407 -(108 ) 8408 -(106 ) 8409 -(108 ) 84 10 -(106 ) 8 4 11 ·(106 ) 8412 -(106 ) 84 13 -(108 ) 8414 -(106 ) 8415 -(106 ) 84 16 -(108 ) 8417 -(108 ) 8418 -(108 ) 84 21 -(108 ) 84 22 -(106 ) 8423 -(106 ) 8430 -(106 ) 84 23 -(106 ) 8424 -(106 ) 8427 -(108 8428 -(106 8430 -(108 8428 -(106 8431 -(106 8410 -(106 8431 LEN GTH (FT) 288 155 260 196 220 188 170 170 332 4 00 260 210 3 0 0 283 4 50 375 235 150 300 218 306 151 157 40 3 12 225 100 88 112 80 400 238 118 326 120 139 65 162 87 315 61 128 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L OW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 002 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .008 0 .008 0 .005 0 .005 0 .00 4 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 001 0 001 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.004 0.003 0.003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .007 0 .006 0 005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .036 0 .035 0 .021 0 .0 1 9 0 .0 18 0 .0 17 0 .0 17 0 .015 0 .006 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .003 0 .005 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .008 0 .009 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.010 0.008 0 .006 0 .004 0 .002 0.018 0 .017 0 .013 0 .01 1 0 .008 0 .004 0 .002 0 .093 0 .091 0 .05 5 0 .051 0.047 0 .04 5 0 .044 0 .041 0 .014 0 .011 0 .010 0 .008 0 .008 0 .005 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .00 5 0 .007 0 .0 12 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .004 0 .001 0 .0 1 9 0 .025 0 .005 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .194 0 .839 1.097 1 .210 1 .438 0 .817 1 .713 0 .805 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 REL I EF %CAP PIP E PIPE COST 5 3 3 2 24 8 5 3 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 6 (IN) ($) Page#. 27 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGM ENT (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8433 84 34 8435 8436 8437 8438 8 4 39 8440 8441 8442 8443 8444 8445 8446 8447 8448 8449 8450 8451 8452 8453 8454 8455 8456 8457 8458 8459 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 8465 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 8474 8475 ·(108 ) 8432 ·(108 ) 7194 ·(108 ) 9507 ·(108 ) 8435 ·(108 ) 8436 ·(108 ) 8437 ·(108 ) 8438 ·(108 ) 8439 ·(108 ) 8438 ·(108 ) 8438 ·(1 08 ) 8436 ·(108 ) 8443 ·(108 ) 8444 ·(108 ) 8439 ·(108 8446 ·(1 08 8447 ·(108 ) 844 0 ·(108 ) 8449 ·(108 ) 8450 ·(108 ) 8453 ·(108 ) 8454 ·(108 ) 8455 ·(108 ) 8456 ·(108 ) 8457 ·(108 ) 8458 ·(108 ) 8462 ·(108 ) 8458 ·(108 ) 8459 ·(108 ) 8460 ·(108 ) 7 1 59 ·(108 ) 15014 ·(108 ) 15014 ·(108 ) 8464 ·(108 ) 8465 ·(108 ) 8468 ·(108 ) 8469 ·(108 ) 15014 ·(108 ) 7153 ·(108 ) 8470 ·(108 ) 8471 ·(108 ) 8472 ·(108 ) 8473 ·(108 ) 8507 LENGTH (FT) 128 220 70 332 160 230 238 180 140 140 55 120 320 78 50 50 300 275 30 300 237 1 12 100 312 140 298 215 240 149 297 90 230 308 47 250 277 103 300 150 120 110 160 230 OtAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .000 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 .000 0 .00 0 0 .000 0 .000 0 .007 0 .007 0 .007 0 007 0 006 0 .005 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .021 0 .016 0 .015 0.011 0 .010 0 .005 0 .003 0 001 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .004 0 .007 0 .008 0 .010 0 .01 1 0 .0 15 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .017 0 .000 0 002 0 001 0 000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0.037 0.036 0 .035 0 .035 0 .034 0.024 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.004 0.129 0.114 0 .113 0 .100 0 .098 0.011 0.007 0.001 0.084 0.007 0.006 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0.000 0 .006 0 .00 3 0.000 0 .030 0.042 0 .128 0 .138 0 .151 0 .162 0 .199 0 .025 0 .013 0.011 0 .202 0 .001 0 .006 0 .003 0.000 0.002 0 .008 0.009 0.127 0 .115 0 .113 0 .112 0.111 0.059 CA PACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.080 0 .781 1.235 0 .749 1.054 0.874 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIP E C OST 33 29 29 26 25 3 0 22 2 2 0 0 0 11 33 36 39 42 51 6 3 52 0 0 2 12 15 9 15 11 (IN) (S) Page#: 28 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) {10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) Wednesday, October 30 , 2002 8476 8477 8478 8479 8480 8 4 81 8482 8483 8484 8485 8486 8487 8488 8489 8490 8491 8492 8493 8494 8495 8496 8497 8498 8499 8500 8501 8502 8503 8504 8505 8506 8507 8508 8509 851 0 851 1 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 ·(lOB ) 8475 ·(lOB ) 8 4 76 ·(lOB ) 8477 ·(lOB ) 8478 ·(lOB ) 8479 ·(10B ) 8480 ·(10B ) 8481 ·(10B ) 8475 ·(10B ) 8483 ·(10B ) 8484 ·(10B ) 8485 ·(10B ) 8484 ·(lOB ) 8487 ·(lOB ) 8488 ·(10B ) 8474 ·(10B ) 8476 ·(lOB ) 8501 ·(lOB ) 8492 ·(10B ) 8500 ·(10B ) 8507 ·(10B ) 8495 ·(lOB ) 8496 ·(10B ) 8497 ·(10B ) 8498 ·(10B ) 8499 ·(lOB ) 8500 ·(l OB ) 8495 ·(lOB ) 8475 ·(10B ) 8503 ·(lOB ) 8491 ·(10B ) 8505 ·(lOB ) 8474 ·(l OB ) 8478 ·(l OB ) 8508 ·(l OB ) 8509 ·(lOB ) 8510 ·(lOB ) 7196 ·(lOB ) 8512 ·(10B ) 8513 ·(10B ) 8514 ·(10B ) 8515 ·(10B ) 7196 LENGTli (FT) 50 50 235 78 1 20 160 230 30 25 138 175 50 68 312 70 85 50 250 70 350 100 210 370 70 50 250 175 160 230 1 10 370 140 140 105 125 150 77 132 138 198 320 214 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .003 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .000 0000 0.000 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.002 0 .002 0 .006 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .018 0 .007 0 006 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 003 0 003 0 001 0.001 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 000 0 .009 0 002 0 .001 0 .000 0.008 0 .006 0 .006 0 005 0 004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0.009 0 .008 0 033 0 003 0 .002 0 .002 0 001 0 .003 0.003 0.002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.046 0 .023 0.013 0 .005 0 .005 0 .004 0.002 0 .008 0.007 0 .003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0.001 0 .022 0 .013 0 .012 0.001 0 .040 0 .035 0.034 0 .032 0.029 0.0 16 0.015 0 .002 0 .004 0.002 0 .022 0 .021 0.100 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.001 0 .008 0 .007 0.006 0 .005 0 .003 0.002 CAPACITY (MGD) 2.559 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .949 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PI PE PIPE COST 2 6 3 2 2 0 0 6 3 3 0 10 9 9 8 7 0 6 5 10 0 2 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 29 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (1 06 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8518 8519 8520 8521 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8527 8528 8529 8530 8531 8532 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 8548 8549 8550 8551 8552 8553 8554 8555 8556 8557 8558 8559 8560 -(1 0B ) 8519 -(l OB ) 8520 ·(lOB ) 8521 ·(10B ) 8522 -(lOB ) 7222 -(10B ) 8524 ·(106 ) 8525 -(106 ) 7223 ·(106 8525 -(lOB 7 191 ·(lOB 8527 ·(lOB ) 8528 -(10B ) 8529 ·(lOB ) 8530 ·(lOB 8529 -(lOB 8532 ·(lOB ) 7192 ·(lOB ) 8534 ·(lOB ) 8543 ·(lOB ) 8536 ·(lOB ) 8537 ·(lOB 8538 ·(lOB 8539 -(l OB ) 8542 -(10B ) 8539 ·(lOB ) 7192 ·(106 ) 8550 -(lOB ) 854 4 -(106 ) 8545 -(l OB ) 854 6 ·(lOB ) 854 7 -(lOB ) 8548 -(lOB ) 7193 ·(lOB ) 8552 -(lOB ) 854 5 -(lOB ) 7 195 ·(lOB ) 8553 -(106 ) 8554 -(106 ) 8555 ·(lOB ) 8556 -(lOB ) 8557 ·(10B ) 8558 ·(l OB ) 8559 LENGTH (FT) 1 38 150 102 203 70 110 220 179 130 75 130 140 363 82 281 110 65 190 100 135 221 120 70 121 150 260 72 160 260 131 100 110 72 195 244 29 1 120 125 200 114 165 142 180 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0.000 0 000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .010 0 .001 0 001 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .009 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0 .002 0 002 0000 0 001 0.003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .004 0 004 0 002 0 000 0 001 0.000 0 001 0 001 0.004 0 003 0 .003 0 .002 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0.055 0 .005 0 005 0 .003 0 002 0 001 0 001 0 .049 0 .001 0 .002 0.007 0.006 0 .005 0.004 0 .002 0 002 0 001 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (M GD) 0.001 0 .003 0 .004 0 .006 0.006 0 .001 0.003 0 .007 0 .004 0.011 0 010 0 .009 0 .004 0 .001 0.004 0.001 0 .003 0.002 0.018 0 .008 0.006 0.004 0 .00 1 0.00 1 0 .003 0.238 0.019 0 .018 0.013 0 .0 10 0.009 0 .008 0.214 0.002 0.004 0.023 0.018 0.010 0.009 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .00 2 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.38 9 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.785 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 1.002 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.214 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF 'lo CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 2 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 5 2 0 0 30 5 5 3 3 2 21 0 6 5 2 4 2 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 30 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (1 08 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6561 6562 8563 8564 8565 8566 8567 6568 6569 6570 8571 6572 8573 6574 6575 6576 8577 8576 8579 8580 6561 8582 6583 8584 8585 8703 6704 8705 8706 6707 8708 8709 8710 8711 6712 8713 6714 8715 8716 6717 8718 8719 -(108 ) 6554 ·(108 ) 7197 -(108 ) 6562 ·(108 ) 8563 -(108 ) 8564 -(108 ) 8567 ·(108 ) 8568 -(108 ) 6572 ·(108 ) 8570 -(108 ) 8571 ·(108 ) 8572 -(108 ) 7233 ·(108 ) 8574 ·(108 ) 8575 -(108 ) 8576 -(1 OB ) 8572 -(108 ) 7204 ·(108 ) 8577 -(108 ) 8578 -(108 ) 8579 -(108 ) 8580 -(108 ) 8581 ·(108 ) 8582 -(108 ) 8582 ·(108 8584 -(108 7156 ·(108 ) 6703 ·(108 ) 6735 ·(108 ) 8705 -(108 ) 6706 -(108 ) 8707 -(108 ) 6707 -(108 ) 8709 -(108 ) 7156 -(lOB ) 6711 -(1 OB ) 15009 ·(108 ) 6706 ·(108 ) 8714 -(108 ) 8711 -(108 ) 8716 -(108 ) 8717 ·(108 ) 8716 LENGTH (FT) 121 203 100 125 120 165 200 82 120 65 225 160 218 225 100 260 100 400 400 240 260 115 75 112 100 152 198 80 144 145 210 200 75 170 70 117 72 214 60 275 120 128 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0.000 0 .004 0 .004 0 002 0 .002 0.002 0 .000 0 002 0 000 0 001 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .002 0 002 0 ,00 1 0 001 0.001 0 002 0 002 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .002 0 008 0 .00 1 0 002 0 .002 0 .003 0 011 0 .0 11 0 010 0 .006 0 .007 0 .005 0 .000 0 005 0 .004 0 025 0 .024 0.015 0.015 0 .012 0 001 0.010 0 .000 0 .016 0 007 0 000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .008 0 .004 0 .003 0 003 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.008 0 .015 0 .013 0.012 0 .011 0 .002 0 .007 0 .008 0 .010 0 .013 0.017 0 .038 0.003 0.008 0 .009 0.0 11 0.1 11 0.11 0 0.107 0 .103 0 .101 0.098 0.001 0.096 0 .086 0 .145 0 .144 0.117 0.114 0 .066 0 .008 0 .077 0.001 0.089 0 .021 0 .001 0.027 0 .026 0 .071 0 .036 0 .033 0 .025 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 1 .467 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .369 RELIEF %CAP PI PE PIPE COST 3 3 0 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 29 28 27 26 26 25 0 25 22 37 37 30 29 22 2 20 0 23 5 0 18 9 9 6 (IN) ($) Page#: 31 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (l OB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB (lOB ) (lOB (lOB ) (lOB (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB (10B (lOB (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 8732 8733 873 4 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8 743 8744 87 4 5 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 87 51 8752 8753 8 754 8755 8756 9493 9494 9495 9496 9497 9498 -(10B ) 8719 ·(lOB ) 15008 ·(10B ) 8731 ·(lOB ) 8722 ·(10B ) 8723 -(10B ) 8724 ·(lOB ) 8725 ·(lOB ) 8726 ·(lOB ) 8726 ·(l OB ) 8728 ·(lOB ) 8704 ·(10B ) 8730 ·(lOB ) 8731 ·(10B ) 8732 ·(l OB ) 8732 ·(10B 8736 ·(lOB ) 8704 ·(lOB ) 8723 ·(lOB ) 8737 ·(lOB 8740 ·(lOB 8743 ·(lOB ) 8742 -(108 ) 874 3 -(108 ) 8744 -(10B ) 8745 ·(lOB ) 8756 -(10B ) 8741 ·(108 ) 8746 -(108 ) 8747 -(10B ) 8747 -(108 ) 8751 ·(lOB ) 8718 ·(lOB ) 8718 ·(lOB ) 8752 ·(lOB 8753 ·(lOB ) 8745 ·(108 ) 8709 ·(lOB ) 9507 ·(l OB ) 9493 ·(lOB ) 9493 ·(lOB ) 9494 ·(108 ) 9496 ·(lOB ) 9497 LENGTH (FT ) 60 126 80 230 1 52 90 50 168 50 55 62 68 50 55 120 11 0 4 2 42 100 210 100 128 160 290 100 76 123 125 100 263 50 70 65 108 50 90 50 215 198 146 170 175 190 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L OW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0 .00 1 0 .004 0.004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .006 0 .005 0.001 0.000 0 000 0 .016 0 .016 0 .001 0 .000 0 001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .005 0 .008 0 .008 0 .009 0 .003 0.003 0.000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0.000 0 000 0 009 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .024 0.011 0.010 0 .010 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .024 0 .023 0.012 0 .001 0 .001 0 .118 0 .118 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .008 0 .046 0 .048 0.069 0.070 0 .072 0 .025 0.024 0.00 1 0.003 0 .00 0 0 .011 0.021 0 .011 0 .000 0 .001 0 .074 0 .013 0.008 0 .003 0 .006 0 .005 0 00 3 CAPAC ITY (M GD) 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.369 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 0.389 0.389 0 .369 0.389 0.389 0 .369 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF '~CAP PIPE PIP E COST 3 2 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 30 30 0 0 2 12 12 18 16 18 6 0 0 3 6 3 0 0 19 2 (IN) (S) Pag e#: 32 2:45:28 PM We d nesday, Oclober 30, 2 002 LIN E SEGMENT (lOB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (1 0B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (l OB ) (l OB ) 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9524 9525 9526 9527 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9 927 Bas1n <= 8 1n $25,580.00 Bas 1n > 8 In $483,600 00 ·(l OB 9498 ·(lOB ) 9501 ·(10B ) 8 4 36 ·(10B ) 7193 -(1 0 B ) 8550 ·(l OB ) 9503 ·(l OB ) 9504 -(10B ) 9505 ·(lOB ) 8434 ·(l OB ) 9525 ·(l OB ) 9526 ·(lOB ) 9527 ·(lOB ) 7156 ·(10B ) 8506 ·(l OB ) 9920 ·(lOB ) 9921 ·(lOB ) 9922 ·(10B ) 9923 ·(10B ) 9924 ·(lOB ) 9923 ·(10B ) 9921 Tolal Basin Cost $509 ,180.00 (1 0C) (1 0C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (1 0C ) (1 0C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (1 0C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 8593 8594 9 5 92 8592 8596 8597 8598 8600 8601 8599 8602 8604 ·(10C ) 8588 ·(10C ) 8592 ·(10C ) 8587 -(10C ) 8587 ·(10C ) 8589 ·(10C ) 8590 ·(10C ) 8592 ·(10C ) 8593 ·(10C ) 8595 -(10C ) 8 59 5 ·(10C ) 8595 ·(10C ) 8 596 ·(10C ) 8596 ·(10C ) 8599 ·(10C ) 8600 -(10C ) 8602 -(10C ) 8603 ·(10C ) 8603 LENGTH (FT) 150 34 0 55 195 70 1 95 10 2 1 68 4 2 170 1 50 25 78 100 210 26 0 320 369 180 160 260 139 80 58 122 150 14 7 196 221 135 1 35 108 83 37 198 230 75 122 1 52 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0000 0 008 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 002 0 001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 001 0 .000 0 000 0 .00 3 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 005 0 005 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AV G C UM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .001 0.04 3 0.002 0 .001 0 001 0 .020 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.002 0 .007 0 .007 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .006 0 .001 0 .005 0 .005 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.008 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .011 0 .012 0.001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0.0 03 0.004 0.002 0.194 0.0 0 4 0 .003 0 .002 0 .127 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0 .017 0.016 0.01 2 0 .0 10 0.005 0 .002 0.002 0 .003 0.00 3 0 .035 0 .004 0.029 0.027 0 .003 0 .008 0 .004 0 .003 0 .045 0.005 0.002 0.001 0.010 0.0 07 0 .067 0 .069 0.006 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .38 9 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .38 9 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELI EF %CAP PIP E PIPE COST 0 0 50 0 33 0 4 4 3 2 0 0 9 8 2 12 0 0 3 17 18 (I N) ($) Page#: 33 2:4 5:28 PM LIN E SEG MENT (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (1 0C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (1 0C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) Wednesday, October 30. 2002 8605 8606 8607 8608 8603 8609 8611 8612 8610 8613 8616 8617 8619 8620 8621 8618 8623 8595 8615 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8622 8639 8640 8642 8641 8643 8644 8645 ·(10C ) 8604 ·(10C ) 8603 ·(10C ) 8606 ·(10C ) 8606 ·(10C ) 8609 ·(1 0C ) 8610 ·(10C ) 8609 ·(10C ) 8611 ·(10C ) 8613 ·(10C ) 8614 ·(10C ) 8613 ·(10C ) 8616 ·(10C ) 8618 ·(10C ) 8619 ·(10C ) 8618 ·(10C ) 8622 ·(10C ) 8622 ·(10C ) 8599 ·(10C ) 8614 ·(10C ) 8623 ·(10C ) 8624 -(10C ) 8625 ·(10C ) 8626 ·(10C ) 8627 -(10C ) 8628 -(10C ) 8629 ·(10C ) 8630 ·(10C ) 8631 -(10C ) 8590 ·(10C ) 8633 -(10C ) 8634 -(10C ) 8635 ·(10C ) 8636 ·(10C ) 8637 -(10C ) 8639 ·(10C ) 8640 -(10C ) 8641 ·(10C ) 8641 ·(10C ) 8643 -(10C ) 8649 -(10C ) 8645 ·(10C ) 8646 LENGTH (FT) 141 138 43 51 134 93 227 216 120 51 195 44 230 143 255 165 280 125 231 186 187 102 169 171 179 78 163 182 89 1 18 230 225 110 280 104 537 320 357 343 216 52 243 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L OW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 006 0 .007 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .007 0 007 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 000 0 000 0.009 0 .002 0 004 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 001 0 000 0 012 0 .013 0 013 0 .000 0.014 0 .015 0 .019 0 019 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 014 0 .016 0 .002 0 .001 0 .017 0 .018 0 .001 0 .000 0 002 0 001 0 .001 0 .022 0 .006 0 .009 0 .001 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 .029 0 .031 0 .032 0 .001 0 .035 O.Q35 0 .046 0 047 HI GH C UM FLOW (MGD) 0.003 0.005 0 .001 0 .001 0 .083 0.097 0.01 2 0.008 0 .099 0 .105 0 .005 0 .001 0 .011 0 .006 0 .00 5 0 .130 0 .033 0.055 0 .005 0 .028 0.024 0 .021 0 .019 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 1 2 0.008 0.007 0.004 0.021 0.019 0.017 0 .012 0 .008 0.006 0.173 0 .184 0 .190 0.007 0.203 0.208 0 .268 0.273 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 21 25 3 2 26 27 0 3 34 9 14 7 6 5 4 5 5 4 3 2 4 5 47 49 52 53 69 7 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 34 2:45:28 PM UNE SEGMENT (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C (10C (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C (10C (10C (10C (10C (10C (10C (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) Wednesday. October 30, 2002 8646 8647 8648 8649 8650 8651 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8676 8677 8678 8679 8680 8682 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 -(10C ) 8647 -(10C ) 8648 ·(10C ) 8649 ·(10C ) 8650 ·(10C ) 8651 ·(1 0C ) 8652 ·(10C ) 86 22 ·(10C ) 8644 ·(10C ) 8612 ·(10C ) 8620 ·(10C ) 8644 -(10C ) 8657 ·(10C ) 8658 ·(10C ) 8657 ·(10C ) 8660 ·(10C ) 8660 ·(10C ) 8662 ·(10C ) 8663 ·(10C ) 8664 ·(10C ) 8665 ·(10C ) 8663 ·(10C ) 8667 -(10C ) 8668 ·(10C ) 8671 -(10C ) 8672 ·(10C ) 8667 ·(10C ) 8672 ·(10C ) 8673 ·(10C ) 8674 ·(10C ) 8675 ·(10C ) 8676 ·(10C ) 8677 ·(10C ) 8673 ·(10C ) 8679 ·(1 0C ) 8659 ·(1 0C ) 8682 ·(10C ) 8683 ·(10C ) 8671 ·(10C ) 8685 ·(10C ) 8686 ·(10C ) 8686 ·(10C ) 8688 ·(10C ) 8689 LENGTH (F T) 293 527 218 233 68 294 373 224 177 176 97 180 283 79 223 27 138 143 208 43 103 154 58 180 319 126 74 162 145 39 155 101 243 214 212 183 54 240 122 76 77 11 5 91 ClAM (IN) 8 8 8 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.020 0.020 0.021 0036 0 .036 0 036 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.018 0 .001 0 .001 0017 0 000 0 .0 16 0,016 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 .016 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 .003 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 1 2 0 .011 0 .011 0 .010 0 .006 0 .000 0 001 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0.000 0 .002 0 .001 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.048 0.049 0.050 0 086 0 .086 0 .087 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .045 0 .003 0 002 0.041 0001 0 .040 0 .040 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .039 0 001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .007 0 .037 0 .030 0.028 0.027 0 .025 O.Q15 0 000 0.002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .005 0.004 0 .000 0 004 0 .004 0 000 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.278 0.289 0.292 0.504 0 .505 0.511 0.007 0 .005 0 .004 0 004 0.263 0.018 0.015 0 .243 0 .004 0.237 0.237 0 008 0 .005 0 .001 0.227 0.004 0 .001 0 .004 0 .041 0 .221 0 177 0 .163 0 .160 0 .147 0.087 0 .002 0.013 0.008 0 .009 0.005 0 .001 0 031 0 .027 0.002 0.023 0 .021 0.003 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0.389 1.145 1.145 1 145 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 72 74 75 44 44 4 5 2 68 5 63 61 61 0 58 0 11 57 46 42 41 38 22 3 2 2 0 8 7 0 6 5 (IN) ($) Page#: 35 2 .4 5 :28 PM LIN E S EGMENT (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) Wed nesday, October 30, 2002 8691 868 1 8697 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 9749 9750 975 1 9752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9759 9758 9760 9761 9762 9763 9764 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 977 1 9772 9773 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 ·(10C ) 8689 ·(10C ) 8 680 ·(10C ) 8690 ·(10C ) 8691 ·(10C ) 8692 ·(10C ) 8691 -(10C ) 8694 -(10C ) 8 695 ·(10C ) 8677 ·(10C ) 8698 ·(10C ) 8699 ·(10C ) 8700 ·(10C ) 8701 ·(10C ) 9750 ·(10C ) 9751 ·(1 0C ) 9 7 52 -(10C ) 9755 -(10C ) 9 752 ·(10C ) 9753 ·(10C ) 9764 ·(10C ) 9 755 ·(10C ) 9756 ·(10C ) 9 7 58 ·(10C ) 9755 ·(10C ) 9759 -(10C ) 9 760 ·(10C ) 9763 ·(10C ) 9 764 ·(10C ) 9765 -(1 0C ) 8675 ·(10C ) 9 766 ·(10C ) 9767 ·(10C ) 9770 ·(10C ) 9 771 ·(10C ) 9772 ·(10C ) 8 6 98 ·(10C ) 9 772 ·(10C ) 9 773 ·(10C ) 977 1 -(10C ) 9775 ·(10C ) 9776 -(10C ) 978 5 LENGTH (FT) 2 14 180 49 29 1 08 210 88 153 1 68 60 365 160 51 2 11 297 102 20 0 202 352 139 1 58 30 1 52 99 198 4 0 304 1 4 6 184 20 1 276 67 182 1 76 72 8 2 239 287 207 7 3 6 5 204 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .006 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0 .002 0 001 0 .000 0 .003 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 000 0 000 0 .000 0.001 0 .004 0.00 1 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 004 0 .004 0 .001 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0 .0 00 0 000 Jeffer son City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0.00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0.014 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .005 0 .002 0.001 0 .007 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0.002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .009 0 .002 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .009 0 011 0 .002 0 .001 0 .008 0.007 0.001 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .016 0 .004 0 001 0 .003 0 .002 0 .009 0 .005 0.003 0 .082 0 0 13 0 .01 2 0 .004 0 .0 0 1 0 .004 0 ,0 10 0,012 0 027 0 .0 1 1 0 .007 0 .044 0 .004 0 .0 0 1 0 .008 0 010 0 .005 0 .001 0.006 0 .0 0 9 0 .056 0 .01 1 0 .007 0 .0 0 1 0 .004 0 .007 0 .054 0 .066 0.010 0 .006 0 .046 0 .042 0 .006 0 007 CA PA CITY (MGD) 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 RE LIEF %CAP PIP E PI PE COST 0 21 3 3 0 3 2 11 0 2 3 0 2 2 14 2 0 14 17 3 12 11 2 2 (IN) (S) Page#: 36 2:4 5 :28 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LINE SEGMENT (1 0C ) (10C ) (10C (1 0C ) (1 0C ) (10C ) (1 0C ) (1 0C ) (1 0C (1 0C ) (1 0C (1 0C (1 0C (1 0C (1 0C (1 0C ) Ba sin<= 8 in 9779 9780 9781 9782 9783 9784 9785 9786 9787 9788 9789 9918 9919 9765 86 14 8652 $0.00 Basm > 8 in $0.00 Total Ba s 1n Cost: $0 .00 (1 00 (100 (1 00 ) (1 00 ) (1 00 ) (1 00 (1 00 (100 ) (1 00 ) (1 00 ) (100) (100) (1 00 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (1 00 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) 1 5001 1 5004 1 5005 1 5006L 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 876 7 8768 8769 8770 8 77 1 8772 8 773 8774 8775 8776 8777 8778 8779 -(10C ) 9777 -(10C ) 9782 -(10C ) 9782 ·(10C ) 9786 -(10C ) 9784 -(10C ) 9786 -(10C ) 9784 -(10C ) 9787 -(10C ) 9789 -(10C ) 9787 -(10C ) 9776 ·(10C ) 9778 -(10C ) 8601 -(10C ) 8676 -(10C ) 8618 -(106 ) 7248 -(10 0 ) 8796 ·(100 ) 8879 -(100 ) 1 5004 -(100 ) 1 5005 ·(100 ) 8764 -(100 ) 8766 ·(100 ) 8763 -(100 ) 9016 -(100 ) 8763 ·(100 ) 8 764 -(100 ) 8771 -(10 0 ) 8768 ·(100 ) 8773 -(100 ) 8772 -(100 ) 8771 ·(100 ) 8772 -(100 ) 8779 -(100 ) 8774 ·(100 ) 8775 -(100 ) 8776 -(100 ) 8783 -(100 ) 8778 -(100 ) 8776 -(100 ) 8778 LEN GTH (FT) 228 363 72 78 77 148 10 0 102 67 96 245 168 9 7 163 100 202 109 161 92 443 251 329 336 21 4 129 76 399 243 210 1 39 64 2 16 148 2 1 8 246 272 204 272 121 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.0 02 0.000 0.0 00 0.004 0.0 08 0.036 0.006 0 .002 0.0 01 0 .000 0 .0 02 0.001 0.001 0.0 07 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002 0 .004 0.004 0.005 0.006 0 .014 0.001 0 .007 0.005 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.0 00 0.0 02 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.000 0.006 0 .001 0 .000 0.010 0 .019 0.087 0.013 0 .003 0.002 0.001 0 .004 0 .002 0.003 O.Q15 0.008 0 .001 0.004 0 .004 0.006 0.002 0.001 0.006 0.010 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.035 0.0 02 0 .01 9 0.0 11 HIGH CU M FLOW (MGO) 0.005 0 .007 0 .001 0 .010 0.002 0 .014 0.009 0.026 O.Q29 0 .002 0 .034 0 .003 0.002 0 .059 0 .111 0.511 0.034 0 .007 0 .005 0 .002 0 .014 0 .005 0 .006 0.033 0 .020 0.003 0.034 0.010 O.Q15 0 .004 0.008 0.044 0.052 0.017 0.027 0.031 0.120 0.004 0.0 69 0 .0 54 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.092 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 1 2 0 0 2 8 0 9 15 29 100 9 0 3 2 9 9 3 2 11 13 4 8 3 1 18 14 (IN) ($) 0 0 Page#: 37 2:45:28 P M LINE SEGMENT (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (10 0 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) Wednesday. Octo ber 30. 2002 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 8789 8790 8791 8792 8793 8794 8795 8796 8797 8798 8799 8800 880 1 8802 8803 8804 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 881 1 8812 8813 8814 8815 8816 8817 8818 8819 8820 8821 -(100 ) 8782 -(100 ) 8780 -(100 ) 8783 -(100 ) 8784 -(100 ) 8785 -(100 ) 8797 -(100 ) 8796 -(100 ) 8786 -(100 ) 8787 -(100 ) 8788 -(100 ) 8791 -(100 ) 8792 -(100 ) 8 793 -(100 ) 8794 -(100 ) 8795 -(100 ) 15001 -(100 ) 8797 -(100 ) 9010 -(100 ) 8799 -(100 ) 8800 -(1 00 ) 880 2 -(100 ) 8800 -(100 ) 8999 -(100 ) 8802 -(100 ) 8803 -(100 ) 8997 -(1 00 ) 8807 -(100 ) 8813 -(100 ) 8809 -(100 ) 881 2 -(100 ) 8809 -(100 ) 881 2 -(100 ) 8807 -(100 ) 9008 -(100 ) 881 3 -(100 ) 8814 -(100 ) 8815 -(100 ) 8816 -(100 ) 8817 -(100 ) 8818 -(100 ) 8816 -(100 ) 8820 LENGTH (FT) 392 96 178 120 304 269 179 1 1 2 8 1 95 2 1 5 127 200 289 168 70 120 1 36 193 200 293 221 245 222 1 39 315 176 287 240 103 148 1 37 337 191 165 349 172 1 84 163 135 251 2 1 4 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .00 2 0 .000 0 .00 3 0 .018 0 .019 0.021 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0.002 0 .003 0.004 0 .005 0.005 0.008 0.030 0 .001 0.002 0 .004 0.001 0.007 0 .002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.008 0.001 0 .002 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.016 0 .008 0 .007 0 .005 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0 .002 0.001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MG O) 0 .006 0 .00 1 0.008 0 .044 0.047 0 .049 0 .005 0.003 0 .002 0 .001 0.002 0 .003 0 .005 0 .008 0.0 10 0.0 11 0 .0 19 O.D7 0 0.002 0 .004 0.010 0.003 0 .018 0.005 0 .0 01 0 .003 0 .005 0 .0 18 0 .002 0 .005 0.002 0.002 0 .0 10 0.045 0.02 4 0.023 0.0 19 0.005 0.003 0.001 0 .0 12 0.002 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) O.Q13 0 .002 0 .0 1 5 0 .141 0 .152 0.157 0 .019 0.0 14 0 .012 0 .0 11 0.005 0 .008 0 .015 0 .025 0 .028 0 .030 0.055 0 .215 0 .004 0.013 0 .065 0 .047 0 .159 0 .072 0 .008 0 .011 0 .052 0 .0 88 0 .005 0 .019 0 .007 0 .003 0.028 0 .139 0 .058 0.056 0.04 9 0 .0 14 0 .006 0 .003 0.039 0 .0 15 CAPACITY (MG O) 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 36 39 40 4 3 6 8 14 55 3 17 1 2 4 1 19 3 13 23 5 36 1 5 14 13 1 0 (IN ) ($) Page#: 38 2:45:28 PM LINE SEG MENT (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8822 8823 8824 8825 8826 8827 8828 8828Z 8829 8830 8831 8832 8833 8834 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 8844 8845 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 8851 8852 8853 8854 8855 8856 8857 8858 8859 8860 8861 8862 8863 8864 8865 -(100 ) 8824 -(100 ) 8822 -(100 ) 8825 -(100 ) 8828 -(100 ) 8827 -(100 ) 8830 -(100 ) 8829 -(100 ) 8828 -(100 ) 8830 -(100 ) 8833 -(100 ) 8832 ·(100 ) 8834 ·(100 ) 8834 -(100 ) 8843 ·(100 ) 8834 -(100 ) 8837 ·(100 ) 8838 -(100 ) 8839 -(100 ) 8842 ·(100 ) 8850 -(100 ) 9492 -(100 ) 8845 -(100 ) 8846 -(100 ) 884 7 ·(100 ) 8851 -(100 ) 8845 ·(100 ) 8842 ·(100 ) 8843 ·(100 ) 8852 -(100 ) 8853 -(100 ) 8854 -(100 ) 8855 ·(100 ) 8856 ·(100 ) 8863 -(100 ) 8856 -(100 ) 8857 ·(100 ) 8849 ·(100 ) 8848 ·(100 ) 8855 -(100 ) 8869 -(100 ) 8869 -(100 ) 8865 -(100 ) 8872 LENGTH (FT) 149 300 399 200 95 398 140 80 218 135 222 140 219 291 196 304 111 101 140 155 100 110 111 110 142 348 63 169 107 258 181 295 142 4 21 260 290 260 345 399 84 143 362 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGO) 0.002 0 .001 0.004 0.005 0 .000 0 .002 0 .006 0 .000 0 .007 0 .010 0 .003 0 .003 0 .011 0 .0 18 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0 .024 0.000 0 .030 0 .030 0 .031 0 .002 0 .003 0 .004 0 .038 0.038 0 .039 0.040 0.064 0 .068 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .022 0 .005 0 071 0 .040 0 .042 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CU M FLOW (MGO) 0 .005 0 .003 0.01 1 0 .012 0 .002 0 .006 0 .015 0 .001 0.017 0 .026 0 .006 0.007 0 .028 0 .044 0.006 0 .004 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.008 0.056 0.001 0.068 0 .069 0.070 0 .004 0.006 0.010 0.088 0 .089 0 .092 0.094 0 .153 0 .163 0.008 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .057 0.012 0.170 0 .094 0 .097 HIGH CU M FLOW (MGO) 0 .0 10 0.007 0 .022 0 .025 0.052 0 .059 0 .028 0.002 0 .034 0 096 0 011 0 .014 0 .106 0 .141 0 .017 0 .0 1 3 0.002 0 .000 0.002 0 .017 0.188 0 .007 0.223 0.230 0 .237 0.008 0.013 0 .040 0 .275 0 .282 0 .287 0.292 0.497 0 .517 0 .017 0 .010 0 .006 0.005 0.200 0 .046 0 .530 0 .293 0 .300 CAPAC ITY (MGO ) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.015 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 6 13 15 0 9 25 3 3 27 36 3 100 49 2 57 59 61 2 10 7 1 73 74 75 128 133 2 2 51 12 137 75 77 (IN) ($) 10 20,945 10 10,082 10 5 ,964 Page#: 39 2:4 5:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (10 0 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 } (100 ) (100 } (100 ) (100 ) (10 0 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 } (100 ) (100 } (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 } (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8866 8867 8868 8869 8869 8870 8 8 7 1 8 8 72 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 8878 8879 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8902 8903 8904 8 905 8906 8907 8908 891 1 8912 8913 8961 8962 8963 ·(100 ) 8 982 ·(100 ) 8866 ·(10 0 ) 8 867 ·(100 ) 8864 ·(100 ) 8866 ·(100 ) 8871 ·(100 ) 8872 ·(100 ) 8878 ·(100 ) 8876 ·(100 ) 8875 ·(100 ) 8876 ·(100 ) 8877 ·(100 ) 8870 ·(100 ) 8964 ·(100 ) 8880 ·(1 00 ) 8881 ·(100 ) 8904 ·(1 00 ) 8881 ·(100 ) 8882 ·(100 ) 8883 ·(100 ) 8884 ·(10 0 ) 8906 ·(100 ) 8907 ·(100 ) 8887 ·(100 ) 8890 ·(100 ) 8886 ·(1 00 ) 8882 -(100 ) 8891 ·{100 ) 8892 ·(1 00 ) 8903 ·(1 0 0 ) 8904 ·(100 ) 8905 ·(100 ) 8908 ·(100 ) 8905 ·(100 ) 8908 ·(100 ) 8913 ·(10E ) 8923 ·(100 ) 891 1 ·(100 ) 8 91 2 ·{100 ) 8962 ·(100 ) 8967 ·(100 ) 8889 LENGTH (FT ) 250 203 352 1 32 251 329 21 255 202 121 193 179 296 366 269 348 4 74 194 247 166 199 374 284 4 00 157 303 203 264 275 6 6 97 83 105 227 306 1 13 488 378 434 298 227 142 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 8 10 10 10 8 8 10 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .055 0 .015 0 .014 0 .039 0.040 0 ,007 0.007 0 .0 50 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .005 0 .052 0 .003 0 .004 0 .0 14 0 .00 7 0 .00 3 0 .00 2 0 .00 1 0 .204 0 .00 3 0 .00 2 0 .200 0 .20 2 0 .00 3 0 .003 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .01 5 0 .221 0 .205 0 .005 0 .226 0.232 0 .230 0 .228 0.001 0 .002 0 .199 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.132 O.Q35 0.033 0 .092 0.093 0 .015 O.Q16 0 .115 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .007 0.012 0 .119 0 .006 0 .009 0 .032 0 .0 16 0 .007 0 .004 0 .002 0 .454 0 .007 0 .004 0.447 0 .450 0 .007 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .002 0 .034 0.491 0 .456 0 .010 0.502 0 .514 0 .510 0 .506 0 .003 0 .005 0 .4 46 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .491 0 .193 0 .189 0 .290 0 .293 O.Q38 0 .038 0 .343 0 .00 9 0 .006 0 .010 0 .022 0 .032 0 .349 0 .01 2 0 .0 19 0 .0 59 0 .031 0 .0 14 0 .007 0 .004 1.429 0 .014 0 .008 1.41 7 1 .422 0 .014 0 .0 10 0 .00 5 0 .00 1 0.003 0 .063 1 .498 1 .433 0 .020 1 .520 1 .544 1 .535 1 .528 0 .006 0 .0 1 1 1.414 CAPACITY (MGO) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.38 9 0.389 0.38 9 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 1 .1 14 0.389 0.389 0 .998 1 .320 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .3 89 0.389 1 .141 0.869 0.389 0 .682 1.258 1.218 1.390 0 .389 0.389 1.998 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PI PE COST 126 50 4 9 75 75 10 10 88 2 2 3 6 8 90 3 5 15 4 128 4 142 108 4 16 131 165 5 223 123 126 110 2 3 71 (IN) ($) 10 1 7 ,750 10 26,554 10 11 .147 10 21,513 10 7,455 10 16,1 17 10 8,023 10 37.576 10 29.106 10 30,814 Page#: 40 2.45;28 PM LIN E SEGMENT (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) Wednesday. October 30, 2002 8964 6965 6966 6967 6966 6969 6970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 6978 6979 6960 6961 6962 6963 8964 6965 6966 6967 6966 6969 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 ·(100 ) 6 963 ·(100 ) 6966 ·(100 ) 6967 ·(100 ) 6961 ·(100 ) 6964 ·(100 ) 6971 ·(100 ) 6969 ·(100 ) 6966 ·(100 ) 6970 ·(100 ) 6961 ·(100 ) 6978 ·(100 ) 6974 ·(100 ) 6975 ·(100 ) 8962 ·(100 ) 8979 ·(100 ) 6973 ·(100 ) 6971 ·(100 ) 6964 ·(100 ) 6974 ·(100 ) 6994 -(100 ) 6963 ·(100 ) 6966 ·(100 ) 6967 -(100 ) 6966 ·(100 ) 6991 ·(100 ) 6966 ·(100 ) 6969 ·(100 ) 6994 ·(100 ) 6991 ·(100 ) 6992 ·(100 ) 6970 ·(100 ) 6996 ·(100 ) 6976 ·(100 ) 8998 ·(100 ) 6977 ·(100 ) 9000 ·(100 ) 9001 ·(100 ) 6666 ·(100 ) 9001 ·(100 ) 9002 ·(100 ) 9006 ·(100 ) 9004 ·(100 ) 6862 LENGTH (FT) 77 197 201 100 246 52 78 107 228 33 127 235 325 338 12 97 143 150 325 192 151 83 252 139 61 69 212 243 355 124 350 114 283 250 320 218 90 183 374 173 281 148 370 DIAM (I N) 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .198 0 .001 0 .002 0 .005 0 .070 0 .067 0.067 0.068 0.001 0.070 0 .069 0 .004 0 .003 0 .006 0.069 0 .069 0.001 0 .075 0 .063 0.002 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.057 0 .055 0.054 0 .061 0.002 0 .001 0 .065 0 001 0 .002 0 .003 0.004 0.008 0.006 0.012 0.002 0 .001 0 .002 0.001 0 .004 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal HIG H CUM AVG CUM FL OW (MGO) FL OW CAPACITY 0 .445 0 .002 0 .004 0 010 0 153 0 148 0.147 0 .150 0.002 0 161 0 159 0 010 0 007 0 013 0 .159 0 160 0 002 0 172 0 148 0 004 0 002 0 001 0 .003 0 005 0.128 0 122 0.122 0 .136 0 .005 0 .001 0 .144 0 .001 0 .004 0 006 0 009 0 021 0 021 O.o29 0 006 0 .002 0 005 0 .002 0 .008 (MGO) (MGO) 1.4 12 0.004 0.009 0.022 0.455 0.440 0 .436 0.450 0.015 0 .584 0 577 0 036 0032 0 .038 0.577 0.563 0.008 0 .610 0 .534 0.018 0 .012 0.002 0.009 0 .020 0.367 0 .346 0 345 0 .385 0 .012 0.002 0.422 0.011 0 .026 0.016 0.032 0.163 0.165 0.182 0.014 0 007 0 023 0.012 0 .033 1 .362 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.369 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 369 0.369 0 .389 0 .389 0.369 0 .389 0.369 0.369 0.389 0.369 0.369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0.389 0.369 0 .369 0.389 0.369 0.389 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 RE LI EF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 1 04 1 6 117 113 113 116 150 146 10 6 10 149 150 157 137 5 0 94 69 69 99 3 109 3 4 6 42 42 47 2 6 3 8 (IN) ($) 10 5,467 10 17,466 10 3,692 10 5 ,536 10 7,597 10 2.343 10 9,017 10 852 10 6,687 10 10,650 10 23,075 1 0 24,850 Page#: 41 2:45:28 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LIN E S EG MENT (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9 028 9029 9030 9033 9034 9035 9036 9489 9490 9491 9492 9031 9032 Bas1n <= 8 1n $174,731 00 Basin> 8 1n $185,749.00 -(100 ) 8861 -(100 ) 9007 -(100 ) 9010 -(100 ) 9011 -(100 ) 9012 -(100 ) 8990 -(100 ) 9011 ·(100 ) 9013 -(100 ) 9014 -(tOO ) 9015 -(100 ) 9018 -(100 ) 9020 -(100 ) 9020 -(100 ) 9023 -(100 ) 9022 -(100 ) 9014 -(100 ) 9022 -(100 ) 8806 ·(100 ) 8877 -(100 ) 8851 -(100 ) 9026 -(100 ) 9027 -(100 ) 9028 -(100 ) 9029 ·(100 ) 9034 -(100 ) 8863 ·(100 ) 8831 ·(100 ) 9035 -(100 ) 9490 ·(100 ) 9491 -(100 ) 9492 ·(100 ) 8845 ·(100 ) 9030 -(100 ) 9030 Total Bas'" Cost: $360,480.00 (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) 15002 15003 8894 8895 8896 -(10E ) 8944 ·(10E ) 8948 -(10E ) 8895 -(10E ) 8916 -(10E ) 8897 LENGTH (FT ) 397 344 123 103 55 382 295 291 427 253 24 3 303 129 196 201 310 194 252 205 132 263 295 161 218 245 405 197 t48 85 228 178 160 100 100 283 205 310 201 93 OIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .020 0 .018 0 .001 0 .031 0 .051 0 .053 0.020 0.018 0.010 0.008 0 .001 0 .002 O.OOt 0.004 0 .001 0.007 0.005 0 .001 0 001 0 .006 0 005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0.002 0.027 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Re mov al AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .053 0 .049 0 .001 0 072 0 .116 0 .120 0 .044 0 .040 0 .022 0 .018 0 .002 0 005 0 .001 0 .009 0 .002 0 .0 16 0 .011 0 .004 0 002 0014 0 012 0 .008 0 .006 0 004 0 002 0 .0 06 0 003 0 .001 0 001 0 .003 0 .005 0 .062 0 .001 0 001 0 001 0 001 0 001 0 .00 1 0.000 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .193 0 .182 0 .002 0 .22 1 0 .334 0 341 0 .111 0 .101 0 .047 0 .039 0 .005 O.D15 0 .003 0 .027 0 .012 0.049 0 .030 0.048 0.004 0 .029 0.023 0.017 0 .0 11 0.008 0 .005 0 .013 0 .007 0 .003 0.002 0 .006 0 .009 0 .201 0 .002 0 .002 0 .003 0 .002 0 .006 0 .008 0 .001 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 RELI EF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST so 47 57 86 88 29 26 12 10 3 13 8 12 8 6 3 2 3 2 0 2 2 52 2 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 42 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGM ENT (10E (10E (10E (10E (10E (10E (10E (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (lOE ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8909 8910 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 8944 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 -(10E ) 8898 -(10E ) 8920 -(10E ) 8898 -(10E ) 8899 -(10E ) 8900 -(10E ) 8910 -(10E ) 8921 -(10E ) 8909 -(10E ) 8914 -(10E ) 8917 -(10E 8920 -(lOE 8917 -(10E 8918 -(10E ) 8927 -(10E ) 8927 -(10E 8926 -(10E 8926 -(10E ) 8922 ·(10E ) 8924 -(10E WVLS ·(10E 8924 -(10E 8923 -(10E 8928 -(10E 8929 -(lOE 8932 -(10E 8934 -(10E 8910 -(10E 8933 -(10E 8921 -(10E ) 8935 -(10E 8931 -(10E 8939 -(10E 8940 -(10E 8943 -(10E ) 8942 -(10E 8932 -(10E 8933 -(10E 8945 -(lOE ) 8915 -(lOE 8945 -(10E ) 8946 -(10E ) 8947 -(10E 8948 LENGTH (FT) 8 1 274 301 103 121 391 347 300 288 69 290 160 2 4 6 141 5 1 20 8 4 35 147 19 205 296 213 370 241 106 150 71 326 7 1 318 394 364 401 1 52 401 201 277 278 220 273 276 67 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .009 0 .013 0 .009 0 .009 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.002 0.013 0.016 0 .233 0 .016 0 .000 0 .250 0 .015 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 001 0 .003 0 001 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .006 0 .008 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG C UM FLOW (MGO) 0 .000 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 .034 0 044 0 .033 0 032 0 .002 0 .004 0 001 0 .001 0 .007 0.046 0.055 0 517 0 .054 0 .000 0.573 0.053 0.002 0002 0 001 0 .002 0 .004 0 .009 0 .004 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 001 0 .002 0 003 0 .001 0 002 0 .004 0025 0 029 0.003 0.003 0 .002 0 .000 HI GH C UM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0 .011 0.006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .192 0 .240 0 .189 0 .180 0.008 0 .016 0 .004 0 .003 0.027 0.257 0.284 1 .552 0.283 0 .002 1.810 0.280 O.Q10 0 .006 0.004 0 .006 0.038 0.055 0.039 0.018 0.014 0.004 0 .004 0 .008 0.013 0 .015 0 .019 0 .015 0 .139 0.172 0.032 0.030 0.019 0.0 14 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.499 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 5.011 0 .622 5.975 0.389 0.660 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF '!.CAP PI P E PIPE COST 2 50 48 49 46 2 66 6 250 5 0 274 72 2 2 10 14 10 5 2 5 36 44 8 8 5 4 (IN) ($) 10 6,468 15 2,698 Page#: 43 2:4 5:28 PM Wednesday, October 30 , 2002 LINE SEGMENT (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) 8950 8951 8952 8953 8954 8955 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9052 9053 (10E ) WV LS Basin <= 8 in $6,468.00 Basin > 8 in $2,698.00 Total Basin Cost: $9,166.00 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 15024 15026 15027 15029 15030 15032 15033 1 5034 15035 1 5036 -(10E ) 8944 -(10E ) 8950 -(10E ) 8951 -(10E } 8952 ·(10E 8953 -(10E 8954 -(10E ) 9042 -(10E ) 8956 -(10E ) 8957 -(10E ) 8915 -(10E ) 8959 -(10E ) 9038 -(10E 9039 -(10E 9040 -(10E 9041 -(10E 9042 -(10E } 8955 -(10E } 9041 ·(10E ) 9043 -(10E } 9044 -(10E 9045 -(1 0E } 9045 -(1 0E ) 9047 -(1 0E ) 9048 ·(10E 9049 -(1 0E 9049 -{1 0E 9051 -(1 0E ) 9052 -(10B ) 7245 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 7342 9229 9247 9211 2358 9 193 9122 9067 15034 9065 LENGTH (FT) 64 24 0 272 260 169 299 280 390 50 8 392 296 205 400 280 220 182 121 120 1 10 80 149 11 5 285 1 78 2 10 180 285 350 53 32 105 15 164 137 30 183 151 203 DIAM (I N} 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD} 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.002 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.250 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 O.D18 0 .00 1 0 .001 0.003 0 .019 0.000 0 .053 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.020 0.0 07 0 .0 06 0.004 0 .002 0.0 01 0.001 0.002 0.003 0 .003 0 .0 11 0.0 19 0.007 0.007 0 .007 0.002 0 .005 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001 0 .573 0 .002 0.004 0.002 0 .051 0.002 0.00 3 0 .00 8 0 .047 0 .001 0 .136 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.1 33 0.1 33 0.130 0.1 28 0.125 0.1 24 0.0 28 0.0 23 0.01 9 0.008 0.003 0.002 0.007 0.009 0.0 12 0 .102 0.121 0.089 0.088 0 .086 0.069 0 .0 17 0.0 16 0.01 3 0.002 0.009 0.007 0 .004 1.368 0 .006 0 .023 0 .004 0 .117 0 .007 0.010 0 .0 1 8 0 .098 0 .001 0 .30 0 CAPACITY (MGD} 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .586 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.039 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELI EF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 34 34 34 33 32 32 6 2 2 26 31 23 23 22 18 3 3 2 100 30 5 25 0 77 (IN} ($) 0 0 Page#: 44 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 Wed nesday, October 30, 2002 15037 1 5038T 1 5039 1 5040 1 5041 1 5042 1 5043 1 5044 1 5045 1 5046 1 5066 1 5067 15068 1 5069 1 5070 1 5071 1 5072 1 5073 1 5074 1 5075 1 5076 1 5077 1 5080 1 5081 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 231 7 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 6983 9063 7263 9467 9399 6974 7281 7281 15044 15042 9112 9365 9227 7316 15039 9 105 15073 2460 6985 2360 2360 15075 9395 9 448 2308 2308 2310 2308 6975 2310 2313 2310 2315 2313 2321 23 13 2317 2318 2317 2320 2321 2322 2317 LENGTH (FT ) 100 184 173 142 191 3 00 75 3 58 2 1 8 100 100 40 1 1 6 150 145 52 161 55 52 237 347 33 102 175 300 250 250 497 325 343 499 225 100 402 4 98 225 100 250 257 150 200 424 DIAM (IN) 28 1 5 8 6 6 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 6 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 1.401 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 00 0.000 0 .0 01 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .026 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0.000 0.040 0.000 0 .0 00 0 .037 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0 .007 0 .000 0 .000 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.00 0 0.001 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 0% 1/1 Removal RELIEF AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD ) CAPACITY %CAP PIPE PI PE COST 3.206 0 .020 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0.00 2 0 .00 1 0 .0 0 1 0.00 1 0.000 0.00 2 0 .001 0.00 1 0 .069 0 .0 00 0.004 0 .000 0.001 0.00 3 0.001 0.001 0.005 0 .001 0.00 1 0.00 3 0 .001 0 .137 0 .00 5 0 .001 0 .127 0 .001 0 .00 2 0 .002 0 .021 0 .001 0 .001 0 .016 0 .015 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 9.459 0 .060 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0.005 0 .002 0 .006 0.002 0.004 0 .003 0 .00 1 0.007 0 .002 0.001 0.165 0.000 0.008 0 .001 0.003 0.007 0 .002 0.002 0.01 3 0.001 0.002 0.007 0.002 0.509 0 .067 0.004 0 .436 0.002 0 .020 0.005 0 .107 0 .008 0 .006 0 .081 0 .080 0 .020 0 .00 2 0 .00 3 (M GD} (IN) ($) 10.106 0.114 0.389 0.222 0 .222 0 .389 0.222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .788 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .222 0 .389 0 .388 0 .389 0 .222 0 .5 58 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .222 0 .389 0.222 0 .222 94 53 0 0 2 0 21 0 2 0 3 3 0 3 0 131 17 2 78 0 28 21 36 10 38,269 Page#: 45 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wed nesday, Oc tober 30, 2002 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2334 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2362Z 2363 2364 236 5 2366 2367 2368 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 2321 2743 2326 2743 2328 2325 2334 2334 2330 234 0 2337 23 13 2339 2338 234 1 234 1 234 3 2344 2735 234 6 2347 2348 2352 2350 2348 2352 2347 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2356 2361 2362 2359 2363 2363 2367 2360 2367 LENGTH (FT) 490 200 249 100 125 200 200 200 304 372 391 72 185 149 149 150 126 135 325 249 224 125 147 61 179 172 206 285 1 15 87 144 102 163 110 351 200 225 110 160 4 00 25 255 OIAM (IN ) 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 15 10 10 6 8 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.003 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0.026 0 .025 0.027 0 .027 0 .025 0.000 0.024 0 .024 0 .023 0 .022 0 .009 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .007 0 .007 0 .006 0 .005 0.005 0.004 0.003 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .00 1 0.002 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AV G CUM FLOW (MG D) HIGH CUM FLOW (MG D) RELIEF CAPACITY %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 .0 10 0 .00 2 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0.000 0 .00 5 0.001 0 .00 2 0 .004 0 .095 0 .093 0 .098 0 .09 7 0 .091 0 .00 1 0 .089 0 .088 0 .0 87 0 .0 85 0 .030 0 .00 3 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .025 0 .025 0 .023 0 .017 0 .016 0.014 0.011 0.005 0.002 0.0 01 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.00 4 0.006 0.003 0.04 9 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0 .025 0.014 0.007 0.024 0 .236 0.234 0.257 0.248 0.229 0 .001 0.227 0 .222 0 .220 0 .213 0.104 0.006 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .004 0 .00 1 0 .096 0 .0 95 0 .0 91 0 .0 80 0 .074 0 .066 0 .061 0 .010 0 .004 0 .002 0.005 0.002 0.001 0.042 0.050 0 .008 (MGD) (IN) ($) 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0 .389 0 .222 0 .3 32 0 .937 0 .478 0 .484 0 .342 0 .389 0 .335 1 ,793 0 .614 0 .930 0.483 0 .2 22 0 .389 0 .222 0.389 0.222 0.222 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.478 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .222 22 0 0 0 7 11 71 25 54 5 1 67 0 68 12 36 23 21 3 0 2 25 24 23 2 1 19 17 16 5 2 0 11 13 Page#: 46 2:45:28 PM LINE S EGM E NT {11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 {11 (11 {11 (1 1 {11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 {1 1 (1 1 {11 {11 {11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (1 1 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2369 2369Z 2370 2371 2372 2373 2375 2376 2377 2378 2423 24 24 2426Z 24 27 2429 2430 2431 24 32 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 24 55 2457 2458 -{11 -{11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 ·(11 -(11 ·{11 ·{1 1 -(1 1 -{1 1 -(11 -(11 ·{1 1 -{1 1 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -{11 -{11 ·(1 1 -(1 1 ·{1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -{1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 2368 2369 1 5030 2370 1 5076 2372 2344 2377 234 0 2377 2346 2452 2426 2454 2427 2429 2430 2431 2432 2435 2454 2435 2438 2442 2438 2442 2442 2444 2444 2446 2444 2447 2424 2447 2448 2448 2424 24 23 24 51 2451 2454 2445 2457 LENGTH {FT) 100 328 135 85 163 194 250 132 167 146 174 70 70 246 186 68 167 104 165 171 120 152 207 1 59 59 66 60 1 12 1 23 11 6 125 108 299 195 71 200 139 155 116 98 65 355 134 OIAM (IN) 6 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0.013 0.011 0.000 0 .003 0 .002 0.002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .005 0.004 0 .006 0 .00 7 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0 .013 0 .000 0 .004 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 Jeffers on City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CU M FLOW (MGD ) 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0.054 0 .050 0 .000 0 .010 0 .009 0 .008 0 .004 0 .003 0.001 0 .002 0 .005 0.001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .004 0 .001 0.021 0 .01 6 0 .026 0 .0 31 0.002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .017 0 .053 0 .001 0 .0 16 0 .000 0 .0 1 2 0 .009 HIGH CUM FLOW CAPACITY (MGD) (MGD) 0 .006 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .00 5 0 .001 0 .00 2 0 .004 0 .0 11 0 .001 0 .1 0 9 0 .103 0 .00 0 0 .031 0 .030 0 .028 0 .014 0 .0 1 3 0 .002 0 .004 0 .0 1 1 0 .008 0 .003 0 .020 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .022 0 .00 1 0 .050 0 .028 0 .051 0 .058 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0.046 0.108 0.0 01 0.044 0.000 0.021 0 .017 0.222 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.222 0.222 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.660 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 3 0 0 0 3 0 17 27 0 8 8 4 3 0 3 2 5 0 0 0 0 13 13 15 0 0 12 28 0 11 0 5 (IN) ($) Page#: 47 2 :45:2 8 PM LINE S EGM ENT (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2459 24 60 24 61 24 62 24 63 24 64 24 65 24 66 24 67 24 68 24 69 2470 24 71 24 72 2716 2717 2735 2743 6973 6974 6975 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(19 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 2458 2459 1 5073 246 1 2462 2445 2464 2465 24 30 2467 2467 2469 24 70 2471 2460 2716 2345 2325 6971 6973 6974 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 15037 9473 6985 6 986 9094 6987 6989 7275 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 LENGTH (FT) 228 64 208 100 100 1 21 41 2 422 83 267 178 6 0 153 1 52 49 1 50 360 20 158 313 170 418 300 3 16 80 1 72 293 207 230 1 10 411 427 3 19 1 09 495 142 352 304 350 48 1 327 466 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 6 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 24 24 2 4 24 24 24 LO W CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0 .00 1 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .0 23 0.001 1.484 1.483 1.482 1.425 1.424 1.423 1.422 1.422 1.421 1.421 1.390 1.299 1.298 1 .297 1.305 1.296 1.296 1 .290 1.290 1.289 1.288 1 .288 1 .287 1 .228 Jefferson C ity, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 .008 0 .00 7 0 .004 0 .002 0.000 0 .003 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0.001 0 .086 0 .002 3.398 3 .398 3 .396 3.258 3.256 3 .256 3.255 3.254 3.253 3.252 3.188 3 .009 3.008 3.006 3.02 4 3.005 3 .005 2 .994 2.993 2.991 2.990 2.988 2.986 2.88 1 HI GH CUM FLO W (MGD) 0 .016 0 .01 4 0 .006 0 .003 0.001 0.007 0 .006 0 .003 0 .014 0 .009 0 .005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .008 0 .001 0 .219 0 .005 1 0 .0 58 10 .057 10 .051 9.6 16 9 .612 9 .609 9.608 9 .607 9 .605 9 .603 9 .420 9 .050 9 .0 49 9 .046 9 .097 9 .043 9 .042 9 .019 9 .017 9 .014 9.012 9 .009 9.006 8 .795 CAPACITY (MG D) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .64 1 0.222 8 .978 8 .498 14.343 8.54 1 7.297 9 .549 11 .491 6 .334 9.119 8 .498 7.944 5 729 8.562 8 .855 8 .937 8 .56 2 8 .541 8.477 8.953 5.662 5 .66 2 5 .475 5 .676 8.953 RELIEF %CAP PI PE PIP E COST 2 0 2 2 0 34 1 12 118 70 1 13 1 32 101 84 1 52 1 0 5 1 13 1 19 1 58 1 06 102 102 106 106 106 101 159 159 165 159 98 (IN) ($) 1 5 24,648 15 4 4,446 1 5 65,208 2 1 6 0,900 10 22,436 24 3 7,840 10 20,803 15 35,190 15 35,880 24 22,550 10 43,977 10 32,879 1 0 30,305 10 7 ,739 10 59,400 10 10.934 10 27,104 21 43,776 2 1 50,400 21 9 7,643 21 47,088 P age#: 4 8 2:45 :28 PM LI NE S EG MENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7 008 7009 7010 70 11 7012 7013 7 0 14 7015 7 016 7017 7018 70 19 7020 7 0 21 7022 70 23 7024 7025 70 26 7 107 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 700 2 7 005 7006 7007 7008 70 09 7010 7 011 7 01 2 70 16 701 2 7 01 3 70 14 7 0 17 70 18 7003 7 0 18 701 9 70 20 7 0 21 7336 7 0 23 70 24 7 0 25 70 25 15037 7253 7254 7259 7255 7257 7258 7256 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 LE NGTH DIAM (FT) (I N) 236 355 222 339 307 480 290 201 232 225 2 9 2 1 1 3 342 245 244 76 96 71 142 333 1 17 224 305 305 305 243 296 474 464 327 285 400 280 205 172 253 255 130 85 75 199 215 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 28 28 24 24 24 24 24 15 2 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO ) 1 .228 1 .222 1 .221 1 .215 1.214 1 .213 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.005 0 .005 0 .006 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .006 0.008 1.211 1.199 1.198 1.159 1.1 58 1.141 1.1 19 1 .1 18 0 .439 0 .660 0 .007 0 .007 0 .006 0.004 0 .005 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .003 0.002 0 .002 J effer s on City, Phase 1 0% Ill Rem ov al HIGH CUM RELI EF AV G CUM FLOW (MGD) FLOW CA PAC ITY %CAP P IPE PIPE COST 2 .879 2 .870 2 .869 2.860 2.858 2 .857 0.002 0 .004 0 .006 0 .007 0 .0 11 0 .0 12 0.013 0 .014 0 .016 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .016 0 .020 2 .856 2 .835 2.834 2 .767 2.766 2 .735 2.703 2.702 1.187 1.514 0 .017 0 .0 16 0 .0 15 0 .0 10 0.0 14 0 .0 13 0 .0 11 0.009 0 .009 0.008 0 .008 0.006 0.005 (MGD) (MGD) (IN) ($) 8 .792 8 .773 8 .771 8.749 8 .74 7 8.74 5 0 .005 0 .0 10 0.0 12 0 .0 19 0 .035 0 .035 0 .037 0 .0 39 0 .044 0.002 0 .001 0.000 0 .046 0 .053 8 .743 8 .693 8 .692 8 .514 8.513 8 .447 8 .391 8 .390 3 .692 4 .718 0.043 0 .0 39 0 .037 0 .023 0 .0 35 0.0 34 0 .0 27 0.022 0 .0 21 0.0 19 0 .019 0 .0 13 0 .010 8.754 6.71 2 6 .006 8.744 6 .806 7 .977 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 8 .186 8 .058 11.866 7 .140 8 .008 9 .534 5.925 9 .191 3 .020 3 .876 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 00 1 31 146 1 00 1 29 1 10 5 9 9 10 10 1 1 0 0 0 12 14 107 108 73 119 106 89 14 2 91 122 122 11 10 9 6 9 9 7 6 6 5 3 3 10 22.420 18 44,375 18 37,740 10 32,205 15 47 ,892 10 51 ,360 10 11,115 1 2 19,936 1 5 4 3,310 10 23,485 18 37,000 10 32,944 1 2 29.103 P age#: 4 9 2:4 5 :28 PM LINE SEGMENT (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday. October 30, 2002 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 -(1 1 ·(11 7267 7265 726 7 7268 726 9 7270 7273 7258 7275 6990 7274 7276 7277 7278 7276 7280 7274 7282 7000 7284 7285 7286 7287 7285 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7293 7295 7296 7289 7298 7299 7300 7300 70 20 7 388 7304 7305 7306 LENGTH (FT) 208 1 18 319 195 108 313 108 52 232 50 176 80 362 115 176 3 4 2 100 125 91 2 4 2 158 222 147 41 89 87 181 152 50 93 55 53 14 3 213 197 76 251 1 64 82 246 1 59 2 19 OIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 28 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 1 .295 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.025 0.018 0 .016 0 .012 0 .002 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.001 0 .005 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0.009 3 .003 0 .007 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0.005 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .009 0 .009 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .006 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0.002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0.066 0.048 0.044 0 .034 0.004 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .003 0 .010 0 .006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .003 0 .003 0 .023 9.039 0 .016 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .012 0.010 0 .003 0 .003 0 .023 0 .0 22 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .017 0 .008 0 .007 0 .007 0 .006 0 .002 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0.007 0.006 0 .005 0 .002 0 .002 0 .193 0 .161 0.151 0 .127 0 .0 17 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 9 .356 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .837 0.416 1 .056 1 .199 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 1 3 2 6 97 4 0 3 3 6 6 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 23 39 14 1 1 (IN) (S) Page#: 50 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 Wed nesday, Octo ber 30, 2002 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7 3 34 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 -(1 1 ·(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 7307 7308 7309 7309 731 1 7304 7313 15069 7314 7316 731 7 7318 730 3 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7336 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7335 7333 7022 7334 7337 7338 7339 734 0 7343 7341 734 2 7344 7345 7 343 7347 1 5024 7351 LENGTH (FT ) 165 205 122 2 1 3 179 168 110 116 1 51 1 75 205 65 24 5 150 150 150 151 299 228 283 166 113 118 8 2 123 176 95 80 136 94 95 160 312 54 31 1 177 192 98 111 144 172 104 182 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MG D) 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .025 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .012 0 .0 1 1 0 .0 10 0 ,01 0 0 .009 0 .009 0 .009 0 .00 8 0.006 0.008 1 .157 0.006 0.006 0.004 0 .004 0 .00 3 0 .002 0 .003 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MG D) 0 .00 3 0 .003 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .004 0.003 0 .000 0.003 0 .002 0.001 0.000 0.065 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.0 02 0.001 0.029 0.027 0 .026 0.025 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.021 0.016 0 .020 2 .765 0 .015 0.014 0.010 0 .009 0 .007 0 .004 0 .007 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .006 0.005 0.001 0.003 0.001 0 .0 10 0.008 0 .0 01 0.006 0 .003 0.002 0 .000 0 .192 0 .006 0.006 0 .004 0.003 0.002 0 .064 0 .060 0 .058 0 .0 57 0 .048 0 .045 0 .044 0 .043 0 .034 0 .041 8.50 8 0 .032 0 .032 0 .024 0 .023 0 .020 0 .012 0 .0 17 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .003 0 .004 0 .001 CAPACITY (M GD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 1.143 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .633 1.064 0 .909 0 .636 0.622 0 .747 1.494 0 .51 0 2 .301 0 .756 1 3.944 1 .208 3.180 0 .535 1 .7 1 2 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 17 2 10 6 6 9 8 6 3 8 5 61 3 5 3 4 0 (IN ) ($) Page#: 51 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 Wednesd ay, October 30, 2002 7351 7352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 736 0 7361 7362 7363 7364 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7 374 7375 7376 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7388 7389 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 -(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 ·(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 734 0 7326 7352 7329 7354 7331 7333 7359 7334 7335 7360 7360 7362 7363 7305 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7368 7375 7399 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7320 7388 7389 7390 7389 7392 7393 7394 7395 L ENGTH OIAM (FT) (IN) 100 100 115 50 230 81 90 155 25 97 2 1 8 213 337 125 54 1 00 177 103 1 55 4 00 370 375 230 142 140 1 33 75 16 4 400 400 250 208 1 84 1 52 31 200 19 4 58 101 53 1 26 10 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L OW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .0 00 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .023 0 .005 0 .001 0.000 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal HIGH C UM RELIEF AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) FLOW CAPACITY %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .009 0 .009 0 .008 0 .006 0.006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0.007 0 .006 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .061 0 .012 0 .001 0 .001 0 .010 0 .010 0 .010 0 .001 0 .001 (MGD) (MGD) (IN) ($) 0 .002 0 .00 3 0 .002 0 .008 0 .008 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.007 0 .001 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .022 0 .022 0.019 O.Q16 0 .015 0.014 0 .009 0 .004 0 .002 0 .003 0 .002 0 .013 0 .012 0.01 1 0 .010 0 .007 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .185 0 .023 0 .003 0.001 0 .019 0 .01 9 0 .018 0 .002 0.001 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .900 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 5 0 0 3 3 3 3 2 0 21 6 0 5 5 5 0 Page# 52 2:45:28 PM LINE SEG M ENT (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 804 0 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(11 ·{11 ·{11 ·{11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(11 ·{11 ·{11 ·{11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·{11 ·{11 ·(11 ·(11 7396 7394 7398 7398 7400 7403 7404 7407 7338 7407 7405 7349 7349 7026 7410 7411 741 2 74 13 741 4 74 15 7416 7417 7413 7419 7420 7421 7005 7005 7007 8031 8027 7004 8029 7008 7023 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8039 7 1 07 8037 LENGTH {FT) 96 164 63 165 100 240 330 149 60 180 60 110 100 72 63 175 72 72 400 226 95 256 299 363 276 226 183 257 135 231 67 190 262 203 400 395 72 186 178 134 275 145 DIA M (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .004 0.003 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .00 1 0 001 0 001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0 .014 0 .013 0.013 0 .012 0 .012 0.011 0 .000 0.001 0 .0 11 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.008 0.007 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .004 0001 0 004 0 000 0 000 0 010 0 .009 0 .009 0 .008 0 .004 0 .003 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 031 0 .030 0 .028 0 027 0 .027 0 .026 0 .000 0 .001 0 .025 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.016 0.013 0.002 0.001 0 .002 0.004 0 .005 0 007 0 001 0 .006 0 .001 0 .001 0 .01 7 0 .0 1 7 0.016 0.015 0 .007 0 .007 0.004 0 .002 0 .002 0.008 0 .006 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .007 0.006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .014 0 057 0 .055 0 .053 0 .050 0 .050 0 .049 0 .001 0 .003 0 .048 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 1.252 0 .478 0 .764 1.341 0 .329 0.647 0 .389 0.389 1.195 RELIEF 'I. CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 15 8 0 (IN) {$) Page#: 53 2:45:28 PM LINE SEG MENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 8054 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8060 8061 9062 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8757 8758 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 8040 8041 8044 8045 8051 8042 8046 8047 8070 8046 8050 8053 8050 8053 8054 8055 8056 8056 8058 8059 8060 6981 8064 8057 8057 8065 8066 8048 8068 8069 8043 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8076 8078 8079 7017 8757 LENGTH (F T) 130 189 93 400 302 66 240 76 196 213 360 180 222 400 171 11 6 23 100 300 80 90 58 55 92 170 95 165 31 50 49 199 308 161 232 211 105 353 118 291 212 75 325 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0.011 0 .011 0 .003 0 .004 0 .005 0 .010 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .009 0 .005 0 .000 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0.002 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0 002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) O.Q25 0.024 0 .008 0.010 0 .011 0 .024 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0.021 0.012 0 .001 0.008 0 .007 0 006 0.005 0 .002 0 002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 000 0 .000 0 001 0 002 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0.008 0 .007 0 .006 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .001 0002 0 .002 0 001 0 .003 0 .002 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.047 0.046 0 .017 0 .019 0 .021 0 .045 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .040 0.023 0.001 0.016 0.014 0.011 0.010 0 .004 0.005 0.005 0 .003 0.002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0.002 0 .002 0.016 0 .015 0 .013 0.012 0.010 0.009 0 .002 0.006 0 .005 0.001 0.005 0 .004 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .714 0.974 1.287 0 .513 0.916 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .919 0.478 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .020 1.169 1.450 1.714 1.523 3 .017 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE P IPE COST 5 2 12 0 4 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (IN) ($) Page# 54 2 .4 5 28 PM LIN E SEGME NT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 Wednesday, October 30. 2002 8 7 59 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9093 9094 9095 9096 9097 9102 9103 9104 9105 9106 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 8 7 58 15038T 9369 6983 9097 15036 9066 15034 9068 9069 9070 907 1 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9833 9078 9085 9080 9081 9082 6998 9083 9832 9084 9086 9087 9088 9091 9092 9093 9064 6984 9094 9095 9096 9077 9066 9103 9104 1507 1 LENGTH (FT) 300 14 0 31 12 135 31 76 69 237 123 344 4 39 86 76 377 244 230 14 358 195 122 26 94 59 203 35 4 04 365 335 387 85 122 379 164 143 78 288 133 280 241 346 171 5 4 DIAM (IN ) 8 15 15 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 28 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.01 4 0 .053 0 .053 0 .020 0.019 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0.003 0 .003 0.002 0 .002 0.001 0.000 0.005 0 005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 004 0 .039 0 .007 0 006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 1.389 0 .059 0 .059 0 .058 0 .001 0 .032 0 .032 0 .030 0 026 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.000 0.04 1 0.045 0 .1 37 0 .135 0 .048 0 .046 0 .011 0 .0 1 1 0 .0 10 0.009 0.007 0 .007 0.006 0.00 5 0.004 0.001 0.00 1 0.01 1 0 .011 0 .009 0 .009 0.008 0 009 0 103 O.Q16 0 014 0 .012 0 .008 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 3 .187 0 .163 0 .162 0 .161 0.003 0 .088 0.087 0 .079 0.068 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0.00 1 0.14 8 0.161 0.300 0.298 0.099 0 .096 0 .032 0 .031 0 .025 0.023 0.020 0.018 0.013 0.009 0 .007 0.003 0 .002 0 .026 0 .023 0 .0 2 0 0.020 0.018 O.Q19 0 .222 0 .036 0 .033 0 .029 0.020 0.001 0.002 0 .007 0 .010 9.4 19 0.343 0.342 0 .341 0.006 0.201 0 .199 0 .19 1 0.164 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .114 0 .11 4 13.548 0.389 0.389 0 389 0.695 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .388 1.089 7.639 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 960 0 .478 0 .576 0.423 RE LIEF '!.CAP PIPE PIPE COST 129 77 77 25 14 8 8 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 57 9 9 8 5 0 0 2 123 88 88 88 21 42 33 39 (I N) ($) 10 2.387 18 24 ,310 Page#: 55 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 91 07 91 08 9 109 9 110 9 11 1 9 1 12 9 1 13 9 1 14 9 1 15 9 1 16 9117 9 1 18 911 9 9 120 9121 91 22 91 23 9124 9125 9126 9127 9 128 9129 9130 9 131 9 132 9133 9134 9 1 35 9 1 36 91 37 9 1 38 9 1 39 9 140 9 141 9 14 2 9 14 3 9 144 9 1 45 9 146 9 14 7 9 1 48 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 ·(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 9 106 9107 9108 9106 9105 9104 9167 9165 91 14 9115 9149 9153 9 183 91 19 94 6 3 9121 9 11 5 9 1 23 9 1 24 9 1 25 90 97 9 1 27 9 1 28 9 1 28 9130 9 1 31 9 1 31 9135 9 1 36 9 1 27 9 1 36 9 1 37 9 1 38 9 1 38 9 1 29 91 4 1 9142 9 1 43 9144 9 116 9146 9147 LOW CU M LENGTH DIAM FLOW (FT ) (IN ) (MGD) 267 170 3 10 290 384 346 1 65 271 359 36 3 194 28 197 365 392 230 200 297 119 180 359 187 98 300 2 19 105 93 97 35 14 9 416 87 100 93 6 3 272 220 4 5 190 301 2 85 355 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 8 8 0.0 25 0.025 0.02 4 0.000 0.003 0.001 0 .023 0.022 0 .0 21 0.0 18 0 .014 0.0 11 0.007 0 .007 0.004 0.004 0.003 0 .002 0.002 0.002 0 .005 0.003 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0.0 00 0 .001 0.001 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .064 0 .063 0.062 0 .004 0 .010 0 .006 0 .059 0 .057 0.0 56 0.04 6 0.0 37 0.028 0.0 17 0.01 7 0.0 10 0.009 0 .0 08 0.007 0.005 0.0 05 0.024 0.0 16 0.011 0.005 0.002 0.000 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0.0 07 0 .0 06 0 .0 01 0.000 0.000 0.0 10 0.009 0.00 7 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.001 HIGH CUM RELIEF FLOW CAP ACITY %CAP PI PE PIPE COS T (MGD) (MGD) (IN) ($) 0 .16 1 0 .1 59 0 .158 0 .008 0 .027 0 .011 0.152 0.148 0 .146 0.1 14 0.088 0.070 0.0 36 0 .035 0 .022 0.020 0.030 0.029 0 .0 16 0.011 0.043 0.0 28 0.019 0.016 0 .009 0 .001 0 .004 0.001 0 .001 0.012 0 .010 0 .0 04 0.002 0.001 0.0 19 0.0 17 0.01 4 0.008 0.006 0.01 5 0.0 11 0.003 0.605 0 .395 0.395 1.283 0 .873 1 .289 0.394 0 .425 0 .377 0 .349 0 .336 1.555 6 .534 0 .60 5 1 .234 1 .84 9 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .222 0 .222 0 .2 22 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 27 40 40 39 35 39 33 26 5 6 8 7 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 8 6 3 3 Page#: 56 2 :45:28 P M LINE SEG MENT (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 91 4 9 9 150 9151 9152 9153 9154 9155 9156 9157 9158 9159 9160 9161 9162 9163 9 164 9165 9 166 9 167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9173 9174 9175 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9184 9185 9186 9188 9189 9190 9 191 9192 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 9453 91 49 9150 9151 9117 9153 9154 9155 9156 9164 9158 9161 9162 9156 9157 9163 9113 9165 9109 9167 9168 9126 9170 9171 9118 9173 9176 9 1 77 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9118 9186 9186 9176 9118 15033 9189 9189 9 191 LEN GTH (FT) 206 400 219 137 1 12 171 278 136 157 21 155 114 114 173 120 4 8 79 380 249 155 216 223 369 327 400 365 145 75 92 126 104 30 200 21 238 97 126 283 292 146 178 85 448 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.016 0 .001 0 ,000 0 .000 0 014 0 002 0 .002 0002 0.001 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .022 0 .001 0.024 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 002 0 002 0.010 0 .000 0 000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0.002 0.002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (M GD) 0 .04 1 0 .003 0.001 0 .001 0.037 0.008 0 .008 0 .006 0.005 0 .002 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0 .004 0.003 0.058 0 .001 0 .061 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .003 0 001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .003 0.003 0 .004 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.023 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .008 0 .002 0 .005 0 .005 HIGH CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .095 0 .006 0.003 0.001 0 .087 0 .015 0.014 0.011 0.008 0 .004 0 .002 0.001 0 .002 0.003 0.007 0.006 0 .151 0 .003 0.156 0.002 0 .001 0 .009 0.005 0 .00 3 0.005 0 .002 0.001 0 .005 0.005 0.009 0 .01 1 O.Q1 1 0 .019 0 .019 0 .058 0 .001 0.001 0.003 0 .007 0.018 0 .004 0.014 0.013 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.34 0 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.57 1 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .170 0 .389 0 .395 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .708 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 28 0 15 4 4 3 2 0 0 2 89 39 0 2 0 2 3 3 5 5 8 0 0 2 5 4 (IN) ($) Page#: 57 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wed nesday, October 30 , 2002 9 193 9 194 9 195 9 197 9 198 9 199 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(1 1 -(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 ·(1 1 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 9192 9190 9194 15032 9197 9198 9199 9085 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9209 9210 9205 9204 15029 9212 9213 9214 9215 9212 9217 9218 9219 9218 9221 9222 9225 9226 9215 9221 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 LENGTH (FT) 75 1 9 0 173 38 1 71 117 380 372 385 1 36 1 06 1 44 217 1 9 1 306 251 283 1 61 228 65 185 179 1 14 3 10 306 165 135 380 195 280 261 246 228 173 132 363 154 251 232 189 200 58 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0 .00 1 0.001 0.001 0.0 34 0.0 33 0.0 20 0.020 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.0 18 0.0 18 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.000 0.0 12 0.0 12 0.000 0 .000 0.011 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 .010 0 .009 0 .00 8 0 .006 0 .00 5 0 .00 4 0 .00 3 0 .002 0 .002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 .004 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.092 0.089 0.0 58 0.057 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.052 0.051 0.0 16 0.0 15 0.0 12 0.000 0.035 0.0 34 0.001 0.000 0.032 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0 .003 0.028 0 .02 5 0 .024 0 .01 9 0 .01 6 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .009 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.0 10 0.002 0.001 0.009 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.197 0.192 0.129 0.128 0 .009 0.003 0.001 0 .002 0.004 0.006 0.118 0.117 0.033 0.028 O.Q26 0.001 0.082 0.080 0.002 0.001 0.077 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.067 0.059 0.058 0.03 4 0.029 0.022 0 .017 0 .016 0.015 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .5 14 0 .453 0 .449 0.943 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .549 0.872 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.665 1 .023 0 .389 0 .389 0 .880 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .026 0 .428 0 .945 1 .193 1 .1 92 1 .328 1.391 1.301 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 3 38 42 29 14 2 0 22 13 9 7 7 0 12 8 0 9 0 0 14 6 3 2 2 (IN ) ($) I Page#: 58 2:45:28 PM LINE SEG MENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245 9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -(11 9228 9231 9237 9238 9232 9240 9241 15068 9243 9244 9245 15026 15027 9248 9230 9250 9235 9252 9252 9256 9235 9254 9257 9481 9261 9202 9259 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9285 9269 9270 9264 9272 9272 9276 9272 9276 9277 L ENGTH (FT) 106 100 195 200 185 281 70 180 248 62 113 339 210 275 250 345 331 148 191 309 170 78 138 49 387 45 402 391 297 251 188 279 129 108 91 157 152 4 00 150 165 122 280 130 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW {MGD) 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 001 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 000 0 .000 0 009 0 .012 0 012 0 .009 0 009 0 .008 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 000 0.000 0.000 0 .004 0 001 0.000 0.000 0.003 0 .001 0 .000 J efferson City, Ph ase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 001 0 000 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.000 0 .004 0 002 0 .001 0 002 0.001 0.007 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 002 0.001 0 .000 0 025 0.030 0.030 0 .025 0 .024 0 .022 0.01 1 0 .010 0 .009 0 .007 0 002 0 001 0 001 0.010 0 001 0 001 0.001 0.007 0 .002 0 .000 HIGH CUM FLOW CAPACITY (MGD) (MGD) 0 .001 0.007 0.006 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .001 0 .023 0 .003 0.002 0 .004 0.002 0 .012 0 .006 0.004 0.004 0 .005 0 002 0.001 0 .049 0 .061 0 .062 0 .049 0.047 0 .044 0.019 0.017 0 .016 0.014 0.006 0.005 0 .004 0 .025 0.003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .016 0 005 0.001 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .529 0 .983 0 .819 0 .950 0 .920 0 .942 1.297 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PI PE PIPE COST 0 2 0 0 2 0 6 0 2 0 0 9 6 8 5 5 5 4 4 6 0 0 0 {IN) ($) Page#: 59 2 :45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9279 9280 9281 9282 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 9322 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 9276 9279 9280 9281 9280 9268 9285 9286 9287 9287 9289 9289 9291 9292 9201 9294 9068 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9337 9310 9305 9306 9307 9308 9304 9310 9305 9312 9313 9316 9311 9315 9317 9318 9318 9315 9321 lENGTli (FT) 175 153 228 158 280 36 120 172 173 90 88 157 150 125 28 149 198 188 38 367 385 224 83 150 72 140 186 167 186 40 29 107 148 181 136 145 126 163 69 70 284 199 DtAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 000 0 .000 0 .002 0 002 0.001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .014 0 .013 0 .013 0 .013 0 012 0 .012 0 .0 11 0 .008 0 006 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .008 0 .002 0 .005 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .001 0 .000 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0 001 0 .007 0 004 0 .004 0 .001 0 002 0 .000 0 002 0 001 0 000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .034 0 034 0 .033 0 .033 0 .031 0 .030 0 .029 0 020 0 014 0 002 0 002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .019 0 .005 0 .012 0 .011 0 .011 0 .004 0 .005 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 002 0 001 HIGH CUM FLOW CAPACITY (MGD) (MGD ) 0 .007 0 .006 0 .003 0 .002 0.002 0.013 0.007 0 .007 0.001 0.004 0 .001 0 .00 3 0 002 0 001 0 .002 0.002 0 .064 0 .062 0 .061 0 .061 0 059 0 .056 0 .055 0 .041 0.031 0 .005 0 .004 0.002 0.001 0.040 0 .009 0 .026 0 .025 0 .024 0 .008 0 .009 0 .003 0.002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0.002 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .488 0.478 0 .478 0 .479 0 .829 1 142 1.199 1.011 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 2.015 0 .725 0 .940 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PI PE PIPE COST 2 2 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 13 13 5 5 8 0 10 3 3 0 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 60 2:45:28 PM LIN E SEG MEN T (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9339 9340 9341 9342 9343 9344 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 9322 9322 9314 9327 9330 9329 9330 9325 9330 9331 9332 9333 9333 9337 9303 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 9331 9344 9345 9346 9347 9344 9349 9350 9339 9344 9063 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9064 9087 9087 9485 LENGTH (FT) 69 69 148 105 44 156 49 164 81 83 72 70 49 150 205 11 5 195 266 94 265 157 72 102 168 200 150 158 142 400 134 219 133 231 314 114 329 102 200 100 185 100 150 305 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLO W (MGO) 0.000 0.000 0 .004 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0004 0003 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .011 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 001 0 000 0 003 0.001 0 001 0 .001 0 000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0 .006 0 .006 0 .005 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0.003 0 0 13 0.000 0 .000 0 002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AV GCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.000 0 .000 0 .010 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .010 0 .008 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .029 0.007 0.005 0 .005 0 .003 0 003 0 006 0 .002 0 002 0 001 0 001 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .021 0 .019 0.018 0 .017 0 .016 0.013 0 .011 0 .0 11 0 .010 0 .042 0.000 0.00 1 0 .006 HIG H CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.000 0.000 0 .023 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .022 0 .019 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .000 0.001 0 .054 0 .012 0.009 0 .008 0 .005 0 .005 0 .015 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0.006 0 .005 0 .001 0.003 0 .003 0.088 0 .080 0.079 0.073 0 .07 1 0.04 1 0 .039 0.038 0 .037 0 .151 0 .001 0 .001 O.ot5 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0.913 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 1.120 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 1 .125 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .114 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 REL IEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 0 0 23 21 20 19 18 11 10 10 10 132 0 0 (IN) ($) 10 14,245 Page#: 61 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 Wednesday. Oclober 30, 2002 9373 9374 9375 9376 9377 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 9378 9081 9374 9088 9376 9372 9378 9379 9380 9384 9385 9385 9373 9368 9368 9387 9388 9387 9386 9391 9394 15080 9392 9397 9405 9399 9397 9416 9400 9408 9402 9 4 02 9410 9407 9409 9409 15038T 9412 941 2 9413 94 14 9406 LENGTH (F T) 143 120 196 380 270 137 102 105 205 124 104 247 17 192 157 161 191 124 274 179 150 77 168 125 190 117 192 350 106 500 100 100 263 170 160 40 30 177 100 174 86 280 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0.002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0 .003 0.004 0.002 0 .006 0 .002 0 .000 0 .002 0 .003 0 .003 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .004 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .004 0.005 0.004 0.003 0 .001 0 .004 0.003 0 .001 0.001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .004 0 000 0 002 0 .003 0 .002 0.008 0.000 0 .000 0 .005 0 .009 0 .010 0.008 0 .0 1 9 0 .006 0 000 0 .007 0 .008 0 .009 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.006 0.002 0.001 0 .008 0.002 0.011 0 .004 0.003 0 .00 1 0 .001 0.001 0 .004 0 .005 0 .011 0.023 0 .0 19 0.018 0.002 0 .010 0.006 0 .001 0.002 0 .005 0 .001 0 .007 0 .001 0 .005 0.015 0.003 0 .023 0.001 0 .001 0 .016 0 .027 0.035 0 .023 0 .058 0 .018 0.001 0.022 0 .024 0 .026 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.222 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE P IPE COST 0 2 3 0 0 0 3 6 5 5 0 3 0 0 2 0 4 6 0 0 9 6 15 0 6 6 (IN) ($) Page#: 62 2:45:28 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30 , 2002 9415 9416 9 417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9446 9447 9448 9449 9450 9451 9452 9453 9454 9455 9456 9457 9458 9459 9460 9461 9462 9463 9464 9465 9466 9467 9468 9469 9470 94 71 9472 94 73 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 ·(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 ·(1 1 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 9412 9402 921 5 9417 9418 9419 9420 9 423 9421 9423 9420 9425 94 26 9426 9428 9 11 1 9446 9 11 1 15081 9449 9 450 9451 91 16 9457 9456 9458 9 456 9459 9461 9 4 59 9462 9463 9120 9468 9464 9 4 65 9466 9469 9470 9472 9470 9473 6988 LEN GTH (FT) 100 1 78 60 1 11 73 1 19 210 1 30 187 1 30 92 188 290 168 109 211 289 62 129 250 250 200 121 80 158 96 90 85 232 1 58 1 18 238 57 49 144 375 465 105 84 59 9 3 132 110 ClAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 28 LOW CU M FLOW (MG D) 0.000 0 .001 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .016 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .006 0.002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .004 0 .002 0 .004 1.304 J efferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.00 4 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.0 03 0 .0 00 0.0 03 0.003 0 .0 01 0.0 01 0.0 00 0.003 0.002 0 .005 0.005 0.002 0 .002 0 .001 0.041 0.0 00 0.0 01 0.0 02 0.0 01 0.0 02 0 .003 0.001 0.004 0.0 05 0.0 15 0.0 05 0 .005 0.004 0 .002 0 .005 0 .006 0 .01 3 0.006 0.0 14 3.023 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.0 18 0 .020 0 .0 18 0.0 15 0.015 0 .006 0 .002 0.005 0 .001 0 .008 0 .007 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .008 0.006 0.013 0 .008 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .096 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .007 0 .002 0 .008 0 .009 0.031 0 .009 0 .009 0.008 0.006 0 .010 0 .012 0.052 0.022 0.052 9 .095 CAPACITY (MGD ) 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .222 0 .222 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.222 0 .38 9 0 .536 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 1.344 0 .389 0.389 0.222 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 16 .284 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 5 5 5 4 2 0 0 4 3 0 1 8 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 3 3 1 3 6 1 3 56 (IN) ($) Page#: 63 2:45:28 PM LI NE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 {1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 {1 1 Wednesday, October 30 , 2002 94 74 9 4 75 9 4 76 9 4 77 9478 9479 9480 9481 9482 9483 9 4 84 9485 9486 9508 9509 9510 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 980 5 980 6 9807 980 8 980 9 9810 981 1 98 12 9813 9814 9815 ·(1 1 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{1 1 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·{11 -(11 ·(1 1 ·{1 1 -(11 9475 9471 9477 9474 9476 9478 9364 9 260 9481 94 82 94 83 9089 9 4 85 7348 9508 9509 7306 9792 9 793 9790 9793 9793 9795 9796 9797 9794 9799 9800 9803 9805 9803 9806 9799 9806 9809 9807 9809 9807 981 1 9812 981 3 9814 LEN GTH (FT) 76 82 1 5 403 267 140 285 323 156 151 240 56 277 72 121 84 132 96 91 132 28 89 2 10 169 122 194 2 1 6 69 135 267 145 97 195 249 48 153 72 1 0 8 189 272 190 128 DIA M (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0.000 O.Q1 1 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .00 3 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.010 0 .000 0.000 0 .0 10 0 .008 0.001 0 001 0.000 0 .000 0.008 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0.007 0 .006 0.000 0.000 0 .0 00 0.005 0 .004 0.001 0.000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% 1/1 Removal RELI EF AVGCUM FLO W (MGO) HIGH CUM FL OW (MGD) CA PACITY %CA P PI PE PI PE COST 0.005 0 .006 0 .003 0 .005 0.003 0 .001 0.002 0 .028 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .007 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .029 0.000 0 .001 0 .028 0 .024 0 .003 0.002 0 .001 0.000 0.0 24 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.003 0 .001 0.003 0.0 23 0.0 19 0.000 0.0 01 0.000 0.0 17 0 .0 12 0.002 0 .001 0 .0 01 0 .019 0 .019 0.015 O.Q18 0.015 0 .004 0 .029 0 .0 59 0 .006 0 .00 5 0 .00 4 0 .0 1 7 0 .00 2 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .00 1 0.109 0.002 0.002 0.108 0.095 0.0 10 0 .0 10 0.007 0 .001 0.095 0 .002 0 .000 0.001 0.006 0 .003 0.007 0 .092 0 .0 84 0.000 0.002 0 .000 0.081 0 .0 50 0.0 05 0.004 0 .0 02 (MGO) (IN) ($) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 1.148 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .526 0 .389 0 .389 2 .212 4 .2 16 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .929 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 5 .065 1 .8 1 2 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .021 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 5 5 5 4 0 0 0 0 21 0 5 3 2 0 10 0 5 0 0 0 379 13 12 9 ,6 12 Page#: 64 2 :45:28 PM Wednesday, October 30. 2002 LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9832 9833 9834 7377 9283 9356 9357 9355 9354 9352 9353 6976 9338 7365 9296 9187 8062 2426 2456 2425 9203 Basm <=Bin $47,881 .00 Basin> 8 m $1,294,973.00 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 Total Basm Cost: $1,342,854.00 All Basins <= 8 in . $597 ,490.00 All Basins> 8 in . $2,938,518.00 Total Cost: $3,536 ,008.00 9819 9818 9819 9820 981 2 9811 9821 9822 9820 9818 9823 9825 9824 9826 6996 9834 91 0 2 7376 9282 9357 934 1 9354 9353 9353 9350 6975 9337 7332 9295 9188 8061 2425 2425 2452 S TORM LEN GTH (FT) 219 70 140 215 407 52 107 1 38 1 10 1 34 233 247 290 206 20 5 69 11 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 70 135 264 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 28 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .00 3 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .039 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 1 .425 0 .002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 0% Ill Removal AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0 .001 0.004 0 .006 0.009 0 .004 0 .004 0.003 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .001 0.104 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0 .001 3.258 0 .007 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.002 0 .000 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0.002 0 .025 0 .0 38 0 .044 0 .031 0 .0 31 0 .0 30 0 .003 0 .024 0 .029 0.0 08 0 .002 0 .001 0 .224 0 .003 0 .004 0 .0 01 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0 .003 9 .617 0 .013 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .00 3 0 .000 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 10.971 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .021 0.021 0.021 0.222 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 10 11 8 8 8 6 8 2 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 3 0 0 0 0 4 16 0 (I N) ($) Appendix K Ill Elimination Report I I I Reduction Program-Combined Report Page# 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Sou rce Item 1 2 3 4 5 sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout 6 sUncpd Clnout 7 sUncpd Clnout 8 sUncpd Clnout 9 sUncpd Clnout 10 sUncpd Clnout 11 sUncpd Clnout 12 sUncpd Clnout 13 sUncpd Clnout 14 sUncpd Clnout 15 sUncpd Clnout 16 sUncpd Clnout 17 sUncpd Clnout 18 sUncpd Clnout 19 sUncpd Clnout 20 sUncpd Clnout 21 sUncpd Clnout 22 sUncpd Clnout 23 sUncpd Clnout 24 sUncpd Clnout 25 sUncpd Clnout 26 sUncpd Clnout 27 sUncpd Clnout 28 Vented Cover 29 sUncpd Clnout 30 sUncpd Clnout 31 sUncpd Clnout 32 sUncpd Clnout 33 sUncpd Clnout 34 sUncpd Clnout 35 sUncpd Clnout 36 sUncpd Clnout 3 7 sUncpd Clnout 38 sUncpd Clnout 39 sUncpd Clnout 40 sDownspout 41 sDownspout 4 2 sDownspout 4 3 sDownspout 44 Vented Cover 45 sUncpd Clnout 46 sUncpd Clnout 4 7 sUncpd Clnout 48 sDownspout 49 sUncpd Clnout 50 sDownspout 51 sUncpd Ctnout 52 sUncpd Clnout 53 sUncpd Clnout 54 sUncpd Clnout 55 sUncpd Clnout 56 sUncpd Clnout 57 sUncpd Clnout 58 sUncpd Clnout 59 sUncpd Clnout 60 sUncpd Clnout Line Segme nt (09A ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOD ) (tOE ) (09B ) (lOD ) (09B ) (10D ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (10D ) (09A ) (10E ) (lOD ) (tOE ) (098 ) (098 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (108 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (lOA) (11 ) (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 ) (108 ) (09A ) (lOA ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (11 (11 (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09B ) (10D ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) 7710 8330 7124 8442 8585 8454 8826 9046 7581 9008 7665 8766 8090 8096 8287 8776 7875 9046 8998 8932 7665 7616 7888 7700 7710 2468 9181 7811 8585 9247 7007 9405 9400 8179 7307 9827 2319 2332 9360 9389 9389 9826 9407 7158 7891 7124 9797 7355 9221 2716 9188 9447 15081 7840 7492 7550 8792 7371 15030 8028 61 sUncpd Clnout (11 9155 -(09A ) 7709 -(lOA ) 8329 -(lOA ) 7123 -(108 ) 8438 -(lOB ) 8584 -(10B ) 8455 -(10D ) 8827 -(tOE ) 9045 -(09B ) 7580 -(10D ) 9007 -(09B ) 7664 -(10D ) 8771 -(lOA ) 8089 -(lOA ) 8097 -(10A ) 8286 -(10D ) 8783 -(09A ) 7874 -(10E ) 9045 -(100 ) 8977 -(tOE ) 8934 -(09B ) 7664 -(099 ) 7615 -(09A ) 7887 -(09A ) 7072 -(09A ) 7709 -(11 ) 2467 -(1 1 ) 9182 -( ) -(lOB ) 8584 -(11 ) 15026 -(11 ) 7008 -(11 ) 9410 -(11 ) 9416 -(lOA ) 8211 -(11 ) 7306 -(11 9825 -(11 2318 -(11 2334 -(1 1 9063 -(11 9388 -(11 ) 9388 -(11 ) 9823 -(11 ) 9409 -( ) -(09A ) 7890 -(lOA ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(09A ) -(09A ) -(09B ) -(10D ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 7123 9796 7354 9218 2460 9118 9446 9448 7841 7036 7551 8793 7370 2358 8027 9154 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ul REDUCTION PROGRAM • COMBINED Location De l Ill Ell m No. (GPM) 1421 INGLENOOK DRIVE A 34.400 3205 MO BLVD A 45 140 1302 LECAR DRIVE C 55.180 3811 FAIRWAY DR A 57.180 1201 FAIRGROUNDS RD C 54.460 714 WILDWOOD DR A 51 .740 1700 CHADDSFORD DR A 34.730 5511 SONOMA PL A 37.620 2081 SUN MEADOW A 24.080 5013 SCRUGGS A 25.800 2106 JEFFERSON B 15.050 120 GRANDVIEW OR A 19.350 2605 KENWOOD C IRCLE A 13.500 2610 TANGLEWOOO A 12.540 1005 1CON DRIVE A 10 030 1401 WESTVIEW 1936 VEITH DRIVE 5511 SONOMA PL 1628 WESTVIEW DR 5541 BRADLEY DR A 10.320 A 8 .600 B 8 .960 A 6 950 A 7 170 2106 JEFFERSON A 6.020 1814 SOU TH WEST 8LVOA 6.020 2324 SOUTHRIOGE OR A 5.160 1406 SATINWOOD DRIVE A 4.630 1425 INGLENOOK DRIVE B 4 .630 802 MINNESOTA A 4 .730 2010 MISSOURI BLVD A 4 .730 lot 33 53 040 1201 FAIRGROUNDS RD A 4 .190 1815 BASSMAN A 4,240 2305 MISSOURI BLVD A 4 .2 40 614-B OHIO STREET B 4 .340 609 OHIO STREET A 4 .340 1857 SARATOGA BLVD A 3 .860 2027 HONEYSUCKLE A 3 .940 1105 PR IMROSE DRIVE B 3.940 410 ASHLEY STREET A 3.940 122 ATCHISON ST C 3.940 805 SOUTHWEST BLVD A 3.940 911 MINNESOTA A 5 760 911 MINNESOTA B 5 760 1101 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 5 .180 723 OHIO STREET A 5.180 4 3.130 2304 SOUTH RIDGE OR A 3.440 1302 LECAR DRIVE 2007 AUTUMN LANE 2204 JULIE LANE 955 WINDSOR DRIVE 1120 DARLENE DRIVE B 3.380 A 3.180 A 4.550 A 3.150 A 4 .550 MD BLVD. VIETS A 3.150 620WAVERLY STREET A 3.150 61 1 WAVERLY ST A 3.150 2325 YORKTOWN DRIVE A 2. 780 2220 BRANDY LANE A 2.580 2117 OAKR IDGE DRIVE A 2.260 1517 FAIRLAWN CT A 2.080 1000 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 1.970 1104 SYCAMORE A 1 .970 2411 MISSOURI BLVD-A 1 .970 606 HILDA STREET A 1.970 Cost ($) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 650 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 650 50 50 so 7S 50 75 50 so 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 S/GP M 1.5 1.1 09 09 0.9 1.0 1,4 1.3 2.1 1.9 3.3 2.6 3.7 4.0 5.0 4.8 5.8 5.6 7.2 7.0 8.3 8.3 9.7 10.8 10.8 10.6 10.6 12.3 11 9 11 8 11 .8 11 .5 11 .5 13.0 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12 7 13.0 13.0 14.5 14 5 15.1 14 5 14.8 15.7 16.5 15.9 16 5 15 9 15.9 15.9 18 .0 19.4 22.1 24.0 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 CUM I/1 (GPM) CUM ($) 34.400 50 79.540 100 134.720 150 191 .900 200 246.360 250 298.100 300 332.830 350 370.450 400 394.530 450 420.330 500 435.380 550 454 .730 600 468.230 650 480 770 700 490.800 750 50 1.120 800 509.720 850 518.680 900 525.630 950 532 .800 1,000 538.820 1,050 544.840 1,100 550.000 1,150 554 .630 1,200 559 .260 1,250 563.990 1,300 568.720 1,350 621.760 2,000 625.950 2,050 630.190 2,100 634.430 2.150 638.770 2,200 643.110 2,250 646.970 2,300 650.910 2,350 654.850 2,400 658.790 2,450 662.730 2,500 666.670 2,550 672.430 2,625 678.190 2,700 683.370 2,775 688.550 2,850 731 .680 3,500 735 .120 3,550 738.500 3,600 741.680 3,650 746.230 3,725 749.380 3,775 753.930 3,850 757 .080 3,900 760.230 3,950 763 .380 4,000 766.160 4,050 768.740 4,100 771 .000 4,150 773.080 4,200 775.050 4,250 777.020 4,300 778.990 4,3SO 780.960 4,400 Ill Ellm (%) 0.4169 0 .9640 1.6327 2.3257 2.9858 3 .6128 4.0338 4.4897 4.7816 5.0942 5.2766 5.5112 5.6748 5.8268 5.9483 6.0734 6.1776 6.2862 6.3705 6.4573 6.5303 6.6033 6.6658 6.7219 6.7780 6.8354 6.8927 7.5355 7.5863 7.6377 7.6891 7.7417 7. 7943 7.8411 7.8888 7.9366 7.9843 8.0321 8.0798 8.1496 8.2194 8.2822 8.3450 8.8677 8.9094 8.9504 8.9889 9.0441 9.0822 9.1374 9.1756 9.2137 9.2519 9.2856 9.3169 9.3443 9.3695 9.3934 9.4172 9.4411 9.4650 Page# 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Ite m 62 sUncpd Clnout 63 sUncpd Ctnout 64 Vented Cover 65 Vented Cover 66 sUncpd Ctnout 67 Vented Cover 68 sUncpd Clnout 69 Frame Seat 70 Frame Seal 7 t Frame Seat 72 Frame Seat 73 Frame Seal 74 Frame Seal 75 Frame Seal 76 Frame Seal 77 Frame Seat 78 Frame Seal 79 Frame Seal 80 Frame Seal 81 82 83 84 85 Frame Seat Frame Seal Frame Seal Frame Seal Frame Seal 86 Frame Seal 87 Frame Seal 88 Frame Seal 89 Frame Seat 90 Frame Seal 91 Ven ted Cover 92 sUncpd Clnout 93 sUncpd Clnout 94 sUncpd Clnout 95 sOownspout 96 Vented Cover 97 sUncpd Clnout 98 sUncpd Clnout 99 sUncpd Ctnout 100 sUncpd Ctnout 101 sUncpd Clnout 102 Dra~nage Xmg 103 sUncpd Ctnout 104 Vented Cover 105 Frame Seat 106 Frame Seat 107 Frame Seal 108 Frame Seat 109 Frame Seat 110 Frame Seal 111 Frame Seat 112 Frame Sea t 113 Frame Sea t 114 Frame Seal 115 Frame Seal 116 Frame Seal 117 Frame Seat 118 Frame Seat 119 Frame Seat 120 Frame Seat 121 Frame Seal 122 Frame Seal 123 Frame Seal 124 Frame Seal 125 Frame Seal 126 Frame Seal Lin e Seg ment (1 1 ) (11 ) (098 ) (098 ) (10E ) (10A ) (10E ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) 9170 9400 7529 7547 8958 8125 8958 7042 7044 7047 7052 7053 7066 7501 7547 7548 7551 7553 7576 7586 7610 7612 7613 7615 7623 7644 7645 7650 7695 (10A ) 8124 (11 ) 9372 (11 ) 9197 (11 ) 9197 (11 ) 9238 (09B ) (10B ) (09A ) (10D ) (09B ) (10B ) (09A ) (11 ) (09A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) 7534 8567 7459 9010 7564 8444 7 842 9405 15021 15054 7128 7160 7163 7178 8086 8099 8101 8120 8139 8140 8143 8150 8151 8153 8154 8156 8181 8186 8210 8228 8238 -(11 ) -(11 ) -( ) -( ) 9126 9416 -(10E ) 8957 -( ) -(10E ) 8957 -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -(11 9485 -(11 ) 15032 -(11 ) 15032 -(11 ) 9237 -( -(10B ) 8568 -(09A ) 7458 -(10D ) 9011 -(09B ) 7563 -(10B ) 8443 -(09A ) 7810 -(11 ) 9410 -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PRO GRAM -COMBINED Lo ca tion De l Ill Ellm No. (GPM) 1617 ST MARYS BLVD A 1 .970 622 DELAWARE STREET C 1.970 23.200 23.200 1210 MERNIE DRIVE Dorothy Loesch 1210 MERNIE DRIVE s. of stadium central bl s . of stadium central bl harold krieger property Harold Kr~eger Property dead end off just up from southr~dge w. of L.S. D 1 .790 22.160 c 1.650 9 .310 9.310 9.310 9 .310 9 .310 9 310 9 .310 9 .310 9.310 9.310 9.310 9.310 9.310 9 .310 9 .310 9 .310 9.310 9.310 9.310 9 .310 9 .310 9.310 Dorothy Loesch property 20.390 728 HEISINGER ROAD A 1.S80 2300 MISSOURI BLVD A 1 580 2300 MISSOURI BLVD B 1.580 1104 MAPLEWOOD A 2 300 18.940 4012 CAMBRIDGE CRCL A 1.470 2033 EDGEWOOD DRtVE A 1.390 5210 SHADY CT A 1.390 1708 OVERLOOK DRIVE A 1.350 3805 SHERWOOD CT 8 608 OHIO STREET 97 s.e. of emerald In A 1 .360 T 59.530 A 1.180 1S 000 6 890 6 .890 6.890 6.890 6 .890 6 .890 6.890 6.890 6 .890 6.890 6 .890 6.890 6 .890 6.890 6 890 6 890 6 .890 6.890 6.890 6 .890 6 .890 6 .890 Co s t ($) 50 50 650 650 so 6SO 50 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 650 50 50 50 7S 650 50 50 50 so 50 2,500 50 650 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 S/GP M 25.4 2S.4 28.0 28.0 27.9 29.3 30.3 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32 2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32 2 32 2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32 2 32.2 32 2 31 .9 31 .6 31 6 31 .6 32.6 34.3 34 .0 36.0 36.0 37.0 36.8 42.0 42.4 43 3 43.5 43.5 43.S 43.S 43.5 43.S 43.S 43.5 43.5 43.S 43.5 43.5 43.5 43.S 43.S 43.S 43.S 43.S 43.S 43.S 43.S 43 5 CUM 1/1 CU M (GPM) ($) 782.930 4 ,4SO 784.900 4,500 808.100 S,150 831.300 S,800 833.090 5,8SO 85S.250 6,500 8S6.900 6,SSO 866.210 6,8SO 87S.S20 7,150 884.830 7 ,4SO 894.140 7 ,7SO 903.450 8 ,0SO 912.760 8,3SO 922.070 8,650 931.380 8 ,950 940.690 9 ,2SO 950.000 9 ,SSO 9S9.310 9 ,8SO 968.620 10,1SO 977.930 10,4SO 987.240 10,750 996.SSO 11,0SO 1005.860 11 ,3SO 101517011,650 1024.480 11,9SO 1033.790 12.2SO 1043.100 12,SSO 1052.410 12,850 1061 .720 13,1SO 1082.11 0 13,800 1083.690 13,850 1 08S.270 13.900 1086.850 13,950 1089 1SO 14.02S 1108.090 14,67S 1 109.S60 14,72S 1110.950 14,77S 1112.340 14,82S 11 13.690 14,87S 11 1S.OSO 14,92S 1174.S80 17 .4 2S 117S.760 17,47S 1190.760 18,125 11 97.6SO 18,425 1204.540 18,725 12 11 .430 19 ,025 1218.320 19,325 1225.210 19,62S 1232.100 19,92S 1~38 .990 20,22S 1245.880 20,S2S 12S2.770 20,825 12S9.660 21,12S 1266.550 21,425 1273.440 21.72S 1280.330 22.02S 1287.220 22,32S 1294.110 22,625 1301 .000 22,92S 1307.890 23.225 1314.780 23,52S 1321 .670 23.825 1328.560 24,12S 133S.4SO 24 ,425 1342.340 24.725 1/I EIIm (%) 9 4889 9 .5127 9.7939 10 .07S 10.096 10.36S 10.385 10.498 10.611 10.723 10 836 10 949 11 062 11 .17S 1 1 .288 11 .400 11 .S13 11 .626 11 .739 11 8S2 11 .965 12.077 12.190 12.303 12.416 12.529 12.642 12.754 12.867 13.11 4 13 134 13 153 13 172 13.200 13.429 13.447 13.464 13.481 13.497 13.514 14 .235 14.249 14 431 14.S15 14.598 14.682 14.765 14.849 14.932 15.016 15.099 15.183 15.266 15.3SO 15.433 15.S17 15.600 15 .684 1S .767 15.8S1 15.934 16.018 16.101 16.185 16.268 Page# 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 127 Frame Seal 128 Frame Seal 129 Frame Seal 130 Frame Seal 131 Frame Seal 132 Frame Seal 133 Frame Seal 134 Frame Seal 135 Frame Seal 136 Frame Seal 137 Frame Seal 138 Frame Seal 139 Frame Seal 140 Frame Seal 141 Frame Seal 142 Frame Seal 143 Frame Seal 144 Frame Seal 145 Frame Seal 146 Frame Seal 147 Frame Seal 148 Frame Seal 149 Frame Seal 150 Frame Seal 151 Frame Seal 152 Frame Seal 153 Frame Seal 154 Frame Seal 155 Frame Seal 156 Frame Seal 157 Frame Seal 158 Frame Seal 159 Frame Seal 160 Frame Seal 161 Frame Seal 162 Frame Seal 163 Frame Seal 164 Frame Seal 165 Frame Seal 166 Frame Seal 167 Frame Seal 168 Frame Seal 169 Frame Seal 170 L1ne Defect 171 sUncpd Clnout 172 Vented Cover 173 Vented Cover 174 sOrive Dra1n 175 Vented Cover 176 sUncpd Clnout 177 sUncpd Clnout 178 sUncpd Clnout 179 sUncpd Clnout 180 Frame Seal 181 Frame Seal 182 Frame Seal 183 Frame Seal 184 Frame Seal 185 Frame Seal 186 Frame Seal 187 Frame Seal 188 Frame Seal 189 Frame Seal 190 Frame Seal 191 Frame Seal Line Segment (10A ) 8255 (10A ) 8263 (10A ) 8278 (tOA ) 8295 (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (t06 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) 8300 8304 9512 95t4 t5007 15008 150t0 7158 7159 7183 7215 7232 7233 7234 7240 8452 8453 8454 8455 8456 8457 8458 8459 846t 8470 8474 8477 8493 8499 8536 (t06 ) 8565 (106 ) 8584 (106 ) 871t (t06 ) 8716 (106 ) 8721 (t06 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (10A) (11 ) (106 ) (106 ) (10D) (09A ) (10A ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (10E ) (09A ) 8732 8751 8752 8753 7131 9376 8741 6747 6803 7713 6162 9615 7372 6694 15031 (09A ) 7032 (09A ) 7072 (09A ) 7074 (09A ) 7067 (09A ) 7088 (09A ) 7439 (09A ) 7444 (09A ) 7477 (09A ) 7706 (09A ) 7709 (09A ) 7712 -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -( ) -( ) -(10A 7130 -(tt ) 9068 -( ) -( ) -(tOD ) 8802 -( ) -(tOA ) 6t61 -(1 1 ) 9814 -(11 ) 7371 -(tOE ) 6695 -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM • COMBINED Location North of W. Edgewood Jaycee Home Assoc Inc lot2 lot2 Fa,.grounds & W lot2 lot 2, tn vacated road lot3 lott2 lot13 lottO lotS Thomas Jefferson School across creek behmd hous 110 OLD MOVIE THEATER 5014 SHADY LN 2509 LEX INGTON DR 1017 PRIMROSE LANE 2101 TOWER DRIVE 5513 SCHERR DR Del Il l E llm No. (GPM) 6 .890 6.890 6.690 6.690 6.690 6.690 6 690 6.690 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6 .700 6.700 6 .700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6 .700 6.700 6.700 6 .700 6.700 6 .700 6 .700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 6.700 s 55.560 A 1.060 13 .640 13 .640 A 4t .670 12.990 A 1.000 A 0.990 A 0.990 6 0.960 5.210 5.210 5.210 5.210 5.210 5.210 5.210 5.2t0 5.210 5.210 5.210 5.2t0 Cos t ($) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 2 ,500 50 650 650 2,000 650 50 50 50 50 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 $1G PM 43.5 43.5 43.5 43.5 43.5 43.5 43 5 43.5 44 .8 44.6 44 .8 44.8 44 .6 44 .8 44.8 44.8 44.8 44 .8 44.6 44.8 44.8 44 .8 44 6 44.8 44 .6 44.8 44 .8 44.8 44.8 44.8 44.6 44.8 44 .8 44 .8 44.8 44.8 44.8 44.6 44 .6 44.8 44.6 44.8 44 .8 45.0 47 .2 47 .7 47 .7 48.0 50.0 50.0 50.5 50.5 52.1 57.6 57.6 57.6 57 .6 57.6 57 .6 57.6 57 .6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57 .6 CU M Il l (GPM) CU M ($) Il l Ellm (%) t349.230 25,025 16 .352 t356.t20 25.325 16.435 1363.010 25,625 16.519 1369.900 25,925 16.602 1376.790 26,225 1383.680 26,525 1390.570 26,625 1397.460 27,125 1404.160 27,425 1410.860 27.725 1417.560 28,025 1424.260 28,325 1430.960 28,625 1437.660 28,925 1444.360 29.225 145t.060 29,525 1457.760 29,825 t464.460 30.125 1471.160 30,425 1477.860 30,725 1484.560 31,025 1491 .2 60 31,325 1497.960 31,625 1504.660 31,925 t 51 1 .360 32,225 1518.060 32,525 1524.760 32,825 t531 .460 33,125 1536.160 33,425 1 544 .860 33,725 t 551.560 34,025 1556.260 34,325 1564 .960 34,625 1571.660 34,925 1576.360 35,225 1585.060 35,525 1591 .760 35,825 t598.460 36. 125 1605.160 36,425 1611.860 36,725 t 616.560 37,025 1 625.260 37,325 1631 .960 37,625 1687.520 40 ,t25 1668.560 40,175 1702.220 40,625 1715.860 41,475 1757.530 43 ,475 1770.520 44,125 1771.520 44,175 t 772.510 44,225 1773.500 44,275 1774.460 44,325 1779.670 44,625 1764.880 44 ,925 1790.090 45,225 1795.300 45,525 1800.510 45,825 1805.720 46, t25 1610.930 46,425 16 16.140 46,725 162 1.350 47,025 1626.560 47,325 1631.770 47,625 1636.980 47,925 16.666 16.769 16.853 16.936 t 7.018 17 099 17 160 17.261 17.342 17.424 17.505 17.586 17.667 17 746 17 630 t7.91t t7.992 t8.073 t6.t54 t8.236 t8.3t7 t8.398 t8.479 t6.560 t6.642 16.723 t6.804 t8.685 t8.966 t9.048 t9.t29 t9.2t0 t9.29t t9.372 t9 454 19.535 19.616 19 697 19 778 20.452 20.465 20.630 20.795 21 .300 21 .458 21.470 21 .482 21 .494 21 .505 21 .569 21 .632 21 .695 21 .756 21 .821 21 .884 21 .948 22.011 22.074 22137 22.200 22.263 Page# 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 192 Frame Seat 193 Frame Seat 194 Frame Seat 195 Frame Seat 196 Frame Seal 197 Frame Seal 198 Frame Seal 199 Frame Seal 200 Frame Seal 201 Frame Seal 202 Frame Seal 203 Frame Seal 204 Frame Seal 205 Frame Seal 206 Frame Seal 207 Frame Seal 208 Frame Seal 209 Frame Seal 210 Frame Seal 211 sUncpd Clnout 212 Vented Cover 213 Vented Cover 214 sUncpd Clnout 215 Vented Cover 216 sUncpd Clnout 217 sUncpd Clnout 218 sUncpd Clnout 219 sUncpd Clnout 220 sUncpd Clnout 221 Vented Cover 222 sArea Drain 223 sUncpd Clnout 224 sUncpd Clnout 225 Vented Cover 226 Vented Cover 227 Vented Cover 228 Pipe Seal 229 P1pe Seal 230 P1pe Seal 231 Pipe Seal 232 P ipe Seal 233 Pipe Seal 234 Pipe Seal 235 P1pe Seal 236 P1pe Seal 237 Pipe Seal 238 P1pe Seal 239 P ipe Seal 240 P1pe Seal 241 P1pe Seal 242 P1pe Seal 243 Pipe Seal 244 sArea Drain 245 sUncpd Clnout 246 sUncpd Clnout 24 7 sUncpd Clnout 248 Vented Cover 249 Pipe Seal 250 P1pe Seal 251 P1pe Seal 252 Pipe Seal 253 Pipe Sea l 254 Pipe Seal 255 Vented Cover 256 sServ. Lat. Line Segment (09A ) 7713 (09A ) 7714 (09A ) 7717 (09A ) 7745 (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) 7756 7766 7768 7789 7815 7816 7841 7860 7873 7888 (10E ) 8914 (10E ) 8936 (tOE ) 8941 (10E ) 8947 (tOE ) 8949 (09A ) (09B ) (09B ) (11 ) (09A ) (09B ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10D ) (10D ) (10B ) (10B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09A ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (10D ) (09B ) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D ) (10D ) (10B ) 7889 15061 7536 9791 7712 7684 9423 2369 9139 9138 8994 8801 8725 8452 7603 7645 15031 15025 15063 7046 7047 7057 7057 7071 7567 7570 7586 7596 7605 7610 7640 7662 7683 9024 9016 8767 8823 7593 8830 8851 8858 8866 8991 9027 8743 (10B ) 7227 ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( ·( ·(09A ) 7888 ·( ) ·( ) ·(11 ) 9792 ·( ) ·(09B ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·( ) 7683 9421 2368 9138 9137 ·(10D ) 8800 ·(10B ) 8724 ·(10B ) 8453 ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(10D ) 8806 -(10D ) 9015 ·(10D -(10D ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( 8768 8822 ·(10B ) 7217 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location on Independence cl '" st lot 78 Del Ill Ellm No. (GPM) 5 .210 5.2t0 5 .210 5.210 5 .210 5 .2 10 5 .210 5.210 5.210 5.210 5 .210 5 .210 5 .210 5.210 5.210 5 .210 5.210 5.210 5.210 2318 SOUTH RIDGE DR A 0.860 11.020 11.020 839 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 0.850 10.610 1630 HI CK ORY NUT A 0.810 1924 DORA LANE A 0 .790 108 FRANKLIN STREET A 0 .790 1009 ST MARYS BLVD A 0 .790 611 GEORGIA STREET A 0.790 1513 BAGNALL DRIVE 619 WEST GORDON 3322 AMERICAN DR e .o l sou lhndge church e .of southndge church e .of southndge church 5008 BAGNALL DRIVE 1318 BISCAYNE DR 10.180 A 29.770 A 0 .730 c 0 .730 9 .470 9 .230 9.190 2 . 4 .040 2. 4 .040 2. 4 .040 1. 4 .040 2. 4 .040 3. 4 .040 2 . 4 .040 2 . 4.040 2. 4.040 2. 4 .040 1 . 4 .040 2. 4 .040 2. 4.040 1. 4 .040 2. 4.040 2. 4 .0 40 A 26.790 A 0 .640 1204 GRANDVIEW CT B 0 .640 1612 S. COUN TRY CLUB A 0.640 8 .270 2. 3 .740 2 . 3.740 1. 3.740 2 . 3 .740 2. 3.740 2 . 3 .740 7 .940 Cost ($) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 50 650 650 so 650 50 so 50 so so 650 2,00 0 50 so 650 650 650 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 2,000 50 50 so 650 300 300 300 300 300 300 650 FAIRGROUNDS MENS A 24 .250 2,000 $/GPM 57.6 57.6 57 .6 57 .6 57.6 57.6 57 6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 58.1 59.0 59.0 58 .8 61 .3 6 1 .7 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.9 67.2 68.5 68.5 68.6 70.4 70.7 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 7 4.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.3 74.7 78.1 78.1 78.1 78.6 80.2 80.2 80.2 80.2 80.2 80.2 81 .9 82.5 CU M Ill CU M (GPM) ($) 1842.1 90 48,225 1847.400 48,525 1852.610 48,825 1857.820 49,125 1863.030 49,425 1868.240 49,725 1873.450 50,025 1878.660 50,325 1883.870 50,625 1889.080 50.925 1894.290 51 ,225 1899 .500 51 ,525 1904.710 51,825 1909.920 52,125 1915.130 52,425 1920.340 52,725 1925.550 53,025 1930.760 53,325 1935.970 53,625 1 936.830 53,675 1 947 .850 54 ,325 1958.870 54 ,975 1959.720 55,025 1970.330 55,675 1 97 1 .140 55,725 1 971.930 55,775 1972.720 55,825 1973.510 55,875 1974.300 55,925 1984 .480 56,575 2014.250 58,575 2014.980 58,625 2015.710 58,675 2025.180 59,325 2034.410 59,975 2043.600 60,625 2047.640 60,925 2051 .680 61,225 2055.720 61,525 2059.760 61,825 2063 .800 62,125 2067.840 62,425 2071 .880 62,725 2 075.920 63,025 2079.960 63.325 2084 .000 63,625 2088.040 63,925 2092.080 64,225 2096.120 64,525 2 100.160 64,825 2104.200 65,125 2 108.240 65.425 2135.030 67,425 2135.670 67,475 2136.310 67,525 2 136.950 67,575 2 14 5.220 68,225 2 148.960 68,525 2152.700 68,825 2 156.440 69,125 2 160.180 69,425 2 163.920 69,725 2 167.660 70,025 2175.600 70,675 Ill Ellm (%) 22.326 22 390 22 453 22.516 22.579 22.642 22.705 22.768 22.832 22 895 22 958 23 021 23.084 23.147 23.210 23.274 23 337 23 400 23 463 23.473 23.607 23.741 23.751 23.879 23.889 23 899 23.908 23.918 23.928 24.051 24.41 2 24.421 24 429 2 4.544 24.656 24.767 24.816 24 865 24.914 24.963 25.012 25.06t 25.110 25.159 25.208 25.257 25.306 25.355 25 404 25.453 25.502 25.551 25.876 25.883 25.891 25.899 25.999 26 044 26.090 26.135 26.180 26.226 26.271 26.367 2199 850 72,675 26.661 Page# 5 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Ite m 257 sUncpd Clnoul 258 sUncpd Clnout 259 Frame Seal 260 Frame Seal 261 Frame Seal 262 Frame Seal 263 Frame Seal 264 Frame Seal 265 Frame Seal 266 Frame Seal 267 Frame Seal 268 Frame Seal 269 Frame Seal 270 Frame Seal 271 Frame Seal 272 Frame Seal 273 Frame Seal 274 Frame Seal 275 Frame Seal 276 Frame Seal 277 Frame Seal 278 Frame Seal 279 Frame Seal 280 Frame Seal 281 Frame Seal 282 Frame Seal 283 Frame Seal 284 Frame Seal 285 Frame Seal 286 Frame Seal 287 Frame Seal 288 Frame Seal 289 Frame Seal 290 Frame Seal 291 Frame Seal 292 Frame Seal 293 Frame Seal 294 Frame Seal 295 Frame Seal 296 sUncpd Clnoul 297 sUncpd Clnoul 298 Pipe Seal 299 P1pe Seal 300 P1pe Seal 301 sUncpd Clnoul 302 Vented Cover 303 sUncpd Clnoul 304 Cover T o R1m 305 Cover To R1m 306 Cover To R1m 307 Pipe Seal 308 Pipe Seal 309 P1pe Seal 310 P1pe Seal 311 P1pe Seal 312 Pipe Seal 313 sUncpd Clnout 314 sDrive Dra1n 315 sUncpd Clnoul 316 Line Defect 317 sUncpd Clnou t 3 18 sUncpd Clnoul 3 19 Vented Cover 320 Vented Cover Line Segment (09B ) 7691 (10D ) 8883 (10D ) 8760 (10D ) 8770 (10D ) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (10D) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D ) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D ) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D ) (10D) (10D) (10D) (10D) (11 ) (11 ) (09B ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (10D ) (10E ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (10D ) (10D ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (09A ) (10D ) (09A ) (11 ) (09B ) (09B ) 8774 8778 8783 8784 8789 8793 8799 8804 8805 8817 8829 8833 8838 8843 8844 8845 8846 8847 8851 8852 8873 8974 8979 8980 8984 8987 8995 8996 9005 9013 9018 9020 9021 9024 9026 7381 9145 7526 7526 7601 7568 8972 8894 7659 7676 7695 8778 8780 8780 8822 8868 8977 8062 9480 7808 8820 7848 9 148 7562 7563 321 Vented Cover (09B ) 7565 -(09B ) 7690 -(10D ) 8882 -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -(11 ) 7380 -(11 ) 9144 -( ) -( ) -( ) -(09B ) 7567 -( ) -(10E ) 8895 -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -(11 ) 8061 -(11 ) 9364 -(09A ) 15020 -(10D ) 8816 -(09A ) 7847 -(1 1 ) 9147 -( ) -( ) -( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location Del Ill Ellm Cost No. (GPM) ($) 1702 VEITH DRIVE 5415 SCHERR DR off dead end 1610 dead end b1scayne dr A 0 .600 A 0 .600 3.540 3.540 3 .540 3 .540 3 .540 3 .540 3 .540 3.540 3.540 3.540 3 .540 3.540 3.540 3.540 3 .540 3.540 3.540 3.540 3 .540 3 .540 3 .540 3.540 3.540 3 .540 3 .540 3 .540 3.540 3.540 3 .5 40 3.540 3 .540 3 .540 3.540 3.540 3 .540 3.540 3.540 909 TANYA LYNN DRIVE A 0.590 1211 ST MARYS BLV D A 0.590 1 . 1.160 2 . 1.160 2 . 1.160 1800 OVERLOOK DRIVE A 0 .570 5511 SCHERR DR 7 .200 A 0 .550 6 .960 6 .960 6.960 2 . 1.070 1. 1.070 2. 1 .070 2 . 1.070 2. 1.070 2 . 1.070 2703 WALMART DR IVE A 0.530 91 11NDIANA A 18.640 1800 VIETH DR IVE A 0 .460 60 T 22.050 2315 PLYMOUTH ROCK A 0 .430 1713 ST MARYS BLVD A 0 .420 5 .330 5.330 so 50 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 50 50 100 100 100 50 650 50 650 650 650 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 2,000 50 2,500 50 so 650 650 $/GPM CU M 1/1 CUM 83.3 83.3 84,7 8 4.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84,7 84 .7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84 .7 84 .7 84 .7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84 .7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7 84 .7 84 .7 86.2 86.2 86.2 87 .7 90.3 90.9 93.4 93.4 93.4 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 94.3 107.3 108.7 113.4 116.3 119.0 122.0 1 22 0 (GPM) ($) 2200.450 72,725 2201 .050 72,775 2204.590 73,075 2208.130 73,375 2211.670 73,675 2215.210 73,975 2218.750 7 4,275 2222 .290 74,575 2225.830 74,875 2229.370 75,175 2232.910 75,475 2236.450 75,775 2239.990 76,075 2243.530 76,375 2247.070 76,675 2250.610 76,975 2254.150 77.275 2257.690 77,575 2261.230 77,875 2264.770 78,175 2268.310 78,475 2271 .850 78,775 2275.390 79,075 2278.930 79,375 2282.470 79,675 2286.010 79,975 2289.550 80,275 2293.090 80,575 2296.630 80,875 2300.170 81 ,175 2303.710 81 ,475 2 307.250 81 ,775 2310.790 82,075 2314 .330 82,375 2317.870 82,675 2321.410 82,975 2324.950 83.275 2328.490 83,575 2332.030 83.875 2332.620 83,925 2333.210 83,975 2334.370 84 .075 2335.530 84,175 2336.690 84,275 2337.260 84,325 2344.460 84 ,975 2345.010 85.025 2351.970 85,675 2358.930 86,325 2365.890 86,975 2366.960 87,075 2368.030 87,175 2369.100 87,2 75 2370.170 87.375 2371 .240 87,475 2372.310 87,575 2372.840 87,625 2391 .480 89,625 2391 .940 89,675 2413.990 92,175 2414.420 92,225 2414.840 92,275 2420.170 92,925 2425.500 93,575 Ill Ellm (%) 26.668 26 676 26.719 26.761 26.804 26.847 26.890 26.933 26.976 27 .019 27 .062 27 .105 27.148 27.191 27 .233 27.276 27.319 27 362 27.405 27.448 27 .491 27.534 27.577 27.620 27.662 27 .705 27 748 27 791 27 834 27.877 27 .920 27 .963 28.006 28.049 28.091 28.134 28.177 28 220 28 263 28.270 28.277 28.291 28.306 28.320 28.326 28.414 28.420 28.505 28 589 28.673 28.686 28.699 28.712 28 725 28.738 28.75 1 28.758 28.984 28.989 29.256 29.262 29.267 29.331 29.396 5 .330 650 122.0 2430.830 94,225 29.461 Page# 6 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 No . Source Item 322 Venled Cover 323 Venled Cover 324 Venled Cover 325 Pipe Seal 326 P1pe Seal 327 P1pe Seal 328 P1pe Seal 329 P1pe Seal 330 sUncpd Clnoul 33 1 Cover To Rim 332 Cover To R1m 333 Dramage X1ng 334 sUncpd Clnoul 335 sUncpd Clnoul 336 sUncpd Clnoul 33 7 sUncpd Clnoul 338 sUncpd Clnoul 339 sUncpd Clnoul 340 sUncpd Clnoul 341 sUncpd Clnoul 342 sUncpd Clnoul 343 Frame Seal 344 Frame Seal 345 Frame Seal 346 Frame Seal 347 Frame Seal 348 Frame Seal 349 Cover To R1m 350 Cover To R1m 351 Cover To R1m 352 Pipe Seal 353 Pope Seal 354 P1pe Seal 355 P1pe Seal 356 P1pe Seal 357 Pipe Seal 358 P1pe Seal 359 P1pe Seal 360 P1pe Seal 361 P1pe Seal 362 P1pe Seal 363 Pipe Seal 364 Ptpe Seal 365 P1pe Seal 366 Ptpe Seal 367 Pope Seal 368 P1pe Seal 369 P1pe Seal 370 Ptpe Seal 371 Ptpe Seal 372 P1pe Seal 373 Ptpe Seal 374 Ptpe Seal 375 Ptpe Seal 376 Ltne Delee! 377 Pipe Seal 378 Ptpe Seal 379 P1pe Seal 380 Ptpe Seal 381 Ptpe Seal 382 Ptpe Seal 383 Pipe Seal 384 Pipe Seal 385 Ptpe Seal 386 Ptpe Seal Line Segment (09B ) (09B ) (09A ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10D ) (10A ) (10A ) (09A ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (11 ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) 7633 7651 15065 8922 8924 8951 8955 8956 8795 8120 8255 7461 8039 9805 9428 2372 2372 2435 9120 9 402 9143 7048 7059 7068 (09B ) 7537 (09B ) 7580 (09B ) 7614 (10B ) 8549 (10B ) 8561 (10B ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) 8569 7097 7097 7097 7099 (10A ) 7099 (10A ) 7110 (10A ) 7113 (10A ) 7113 (10A ) 7115 (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10E ) (10B ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) 7119 7119 7122 7128 7128 7128 7163 7163 8098 8121 8121 8128 8257 9487 8922 8715 8090 8092 8092 8104 8113 8135 8136 8136 8187 (10A ) 8187 ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) -( ) ·( ) ·(10D ) 15001 ·( ·( ) ·(09A ) ·(11 ) ·(1 1 ) ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( 7460 7107 9806 9426 15076 15076 2454 9119 9408 9142 ·(10B ) 8714 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Locat ion Del Ill Ellm No. (GPM) 5 .330 5.330 5.300 1. 2.400 1. 2.400 off of kendale In 2. 2.400 orr deadend of merme dr 2. 2.400 2. 2.400 1509 WESTVIEW DR 12 815 WEST STADIUM 2014 DAISY LANE 813 PRIMROSE LANE 1105 JEFFERSON 1107 JEFFERSON 1014 HAWTHORNE 2014 MISSOURI BLVD 801 MISSOURI BLVD 617 KANSAS STREET n_of rt c .. w.ofsunmeadow A 0.400 5 .150 5.150 s 19.840 A 0 .390 A 0.390 A 0.390 A 0 .390 B 0 .390 A 0 .390 B 0.390 A 0.390 A 0 .390 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 5 .010 5 010 5.010 sylvesler bamboon proper 1. 2 .250 sylvesler bamboon proper 2 . 2 .250 sylvesler bamboon proper 4. 2 .250 sylveSler bemboom prop 1. 2 .250 sylveSler bemboom prop 2. 2 .250 2. 2 .250 97 s .e . or emerald In 97 s .e . of emerald In 1. 2 .250 2. 2 .250 3. 2 250 1. 2 .250 2. 2.250 2. 2 .250 2. 2 .250 3. 2 .250 4. 2 .250 1. 2.250 2. 2 .250 1. 2 .250 Sylvesler Bemboom prop 1. 2.250 Sylvesler Bemboom prop 2. 2.250 3. 2.250 2. 2 .250 1. 2 .250 3. 0 .680 206 s 16.760 2. 0 .640 1. 0.640 2. 0 .640 2. 0.640 2. 0 .640 2. 0 .640 1 . 0 .640 3 . 0 .640 1 . 0 .640 2. 0.640 Cost ($) 650 650 6 50 300 300 300 300 300 50 650 650 2 ,500 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 300 300 300 300 300 650 650 650 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 100 2.500 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 SIGPM 122.0 122.0 122.6 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 126.2 126 2 126.0 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 130.4 130.4 130.4 130.4 130.4 130.4 129.7 129.7 129.7 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133 3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 147.1 149.2 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156 .3 156.3 156.3 156.3 CUM Ill (GPM) CU M ($) 2436.160 94,875 2441.490 95,525 2446.790 96,175 2449.190 96,475 2451 .590 96,775 2453.990 97,075 2456.390 97,375 2458.790 97,675 2459.190 97,725 2464 .340 98,375 2469.490 99.025 2489.330 101,525 2489.720 101,575 2490.110 101 ,625 2490.500 101 ,675 2490.890 101,725 2491 .280 101 ,775 2491.670 101,825 2492.060 101,875 2492.450 101,925 2492.840 101,975 2495.140 102,275 2497.440 102,575 2499.740 102,875 Ill Ellm (%) 29.525 29.590 29.654 29.683 29.712 29.741 29.770 29.799 29.804 29.867 29.929 30.170 30.174 30.179 30.184 30.188 30.193 30.198 30.203 30.207 30.212 30.240 30.268 30.296 2502.040 103,175 30.324 2504.340 103,475 30.351 2506.640 103,775 30.379 2511 .650 104,425 30.440 2516 .660 105,075 30.501 2521.670 105,725 30.561 2523.920 106,025 30.589 2526.170 106,325 30.616 2528.420 106,625 30 643 2530.670 106,925 30.671 2532.920 107,225 30.698 2535.170 107,525 30.725 2537.420 107.825 30.752 2539.670 108.125 30.780 2541.920 108.425 30.807 2544.170 108.725 30.834 2546.420 109,025 30.861 2548.670 109.325 30 889 2550.920 109.625 30 916 2553.170 109,925 30.943 2555.420 110,225 30.971 2557.670 110,525 30.998 2559.920 110,825 31 .025 2562.170 111,125 31 .052 2564.420 111.425 31 .080 2566.670111,725 31 .107 2568.920 1 12,025 31.134 2571 .170112.325 31 .161 2573 .420112,625 31 .189 2574.100112.725 31 .197 2590.860 115,225 3 1.400 2591.500115,325 3 1.408 2592.140 115,425 3 1.416 2592 .780 115.525 31.423 2593.420 115,625 31.431 2594.060 115,725 31 .439 2594 .700115,825 3 1.447 2595.340 115,925 3 1.454 2595.980 116,025 31.462 2596.620116,125 31.470 2597 .260 11 6,225 31 .478 Page# 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 387 P1pe Seal 388 P1pe Seal 389 Vented Cover 390 Vented Cover 391 Vented Cover 392 Vented Cover 393 Vented Cover 394 Cover To R1m 395 Cover To R1m 396 Cover To R1m 397 Cover To R1m 398 Cover To R1m 399 Vented Cover 400 Vented Cover 401 Vented Cover 402 Drainage Xing 403 Vented Cover 404 Frame Seal 405 Frame Seal 406 Frame Seal 407 Frame Seal 408 Frame Seal 409 Frame Seal 410 Frame Seal 411 Frame Seal 4 12 Frame Seat 413 Frame Seal 414 Frame Seal 415 Frame Seat 416 Frame Seal 417 Frame Seal 418 Frame Seat 419 Frame Seal 420 Frame Seat 421 Frame Seal 422 Frame Seal 423 sServ. Lat. 424 P1pe Seat 425 P1pe Seal 426 P1pe Seal 427 Pipe Sea l 428 P1pe Seal 429 P1pe Seal 430 P1pe Seal 4 31 P1pe Seal 432 P1pe Seal 433 Pipe Seal 434 Pipe Seal 435 Pipe Seat 436 P1pe Seal 437 P1pe Seal 438 Pipe Sea l 4 39 P1pe Seal 440 P1pe Seal 441 P1pe Seat 442 P1pe Seal 443 Pipe Seal 444 sOnve Dram 445 L~ne Defect 446 Line Defect 447 Vented Cover 448 sUncpd Clnout 449 Vented Cover 450 Vented Cover Line Segme nt (10A ) 9521 (10A ) 9521 (10D ) 8802 (10D ) 8809 (tOD) (10D) (10B ) (09A ) (09A ) 8862 9004 8708 7839 7873 (10E ) 8936 (10E ) 8941 (10E ) 8949 (11 ) 2357 (11 ) 2361 (11 ) (10D) (11 ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (108 ) (10B ) (10B ) (108 ) (10B ) (108 ) (lOB ) (10B ) (108 ) (10B ) 9070 8850 9074 7143 7147 8084 8136 8137 8180 8182 15009 7189 7238 8397 8433 8553 8570 8571 8574 8705 (108 ) 8739 (10B ) 6740 (10E ) 8958 (10B ) 7153 (10B ) 7158 (108 ) 7 1 56 (108 ) 7184 (108 ) 7185 (10B ) 7194 (10B ) 7197 (108 ) (108 ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (108 ) (10B ) (10B ) 7213 7225 7244 7244 8475 8476 6476 8 477 8510 8556 (108 ) 8581 (108 ) 6703 (108 ) 6745 (09A ) 7442 (10B ) 8712 (11 ) (10D ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) 9470 6 996 9126 7439 7705 45 1 Vented Cover (09A ) 7842 ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·(10D ) 8843 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) ·(10E ) 8957 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(09A ) 7440 ·(10B ) 8711 ·(11 ) ·( ) ·(1 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( 9472 9 125 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I In REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBIN ED Location 655 Hobbs Road 59 sw edgewood, wof b/W edgewd & bnarwd robert kauffman property 1211 MERNIE DRIVE North ol W. Edgewood South o f W. Edgewood Del Ill Etlm No. (GPM) 1. 0 .640 3. 0.640 4 .050 4.050 4.050 4.050 3 970 3 .890 3 .890 3.890 3 .890 3.890 3 .860 3 .860 3.860 s 14.880 3.750 1.700 1 .700 1.700 1 .700 1 700 1 700 1 700 1 .660 1.660 1.660 1.660 1.660 1.660 1 .660 1.660 1.660 1 .660 1 .660 1.660 A 10.580 4. 1.500 1. 1.500 2 . 1 .500 3 . 1.500 3 . 1 .500 3 . 1 .500 2 . 1500 County Park Lake 1. 1.500 South of w . Edgewood Dr 3 . 0 .500 1. 1 .500 2. 1.500 by pole by creek 4 . 1 .500 1 . 1.500 3. 1 .500 2 . 1 .500 1. 1 .500 2 . 1 .500 Thomas Jefferson School 2 . 1 .500 2. 1 .500 2. 0.500 2207 BUE HRLE DRIVE A 9 .920 20 s 12.130 41 601 HOWARD S TR EET T 12.130 3.140 A 0.240 3 .090 3.090 3.090 Co s t ($) 100 100 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 2 ,500 650 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 2,000 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 100 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 100 2,000 2 ,500 2,500 650 50 650 650 650 $/GPM 156.3 156.3 160.5 160.5 160.5 160.5 163 7 167.1 167.1 167 .1 167.1 167 1 168.4 168.4 168.4 168.0 173.3 176.5 176 5 1765 176.5 176.5 176.5 176.5 180.7 180 7 180 7 180 7 180.7 180.7 180.7 180.7 180.7 180.7 180.7 180.7 189 0 2000 200 0 200.0 200 .0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200 .0 200 0 200 0 200 0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 201 .6 206 1 206 1 207.0 208.3 210.4 210.4 2 10.4 CUM I/1 (GPM) CUM ($) Ill Etlm (%) 2597.900 116,325 31 .485 2598.540 116,425 31.493 2602.590117,075 31.542 2606.6 40 117,725 31 .591 2610 .690 118,375 3 1.640 2614 740 119,025 31 .689 2618.710119,675 3 1.738 2622.600 120,325 31.785 2626.4 90 120,975 31 .832 2630.380 121,625 31.879 2634.270 122,275 31.926 2638.160 122,925 3 1.973 2642.020 123,575 32.020 2645.880 12 4,225 32.067 2649.740 124,875 32.1 14 2664.620 127,375 32.294 2668.370 128,025 32.339 2670.070 128.325 32.360 267 1.770 128,625 32.38 1 2673.470 128,925 32.401 2675.170 129,225 32.422 2676.870 129,525 32.442 2678.570 129,825 32.463 2680.270 130.12 5 32.464 2661.930 130,425 32.504 2683.590 130,725 32.524 2665.250 131,025 32.544 2686.910 131,325 32.564 2668.570 131 ,625 32.584 2690.230 131 ,925 32.604 2691.890 132,225 32.625 2693.550 132,525 32.645 2695.210 132,825 32.665 2696.870 133,125 32.685 2698.530 133,425 32.705 2700.190 133,725 32.725 2710.770 135,725 32.853 2712.270 136,025 32.872 2713.770 136,325 32.890 2715.2 70 136,625 32.908 2716.770 136,925 32.926 2718.270 137,225 32.944 2719.770 137,525 32.962 2721 270 137,825 32.981 2722.770 136,125 32.999 2723.270 136,225 33.005 2724 .770 136,525 33.023 2726.270 138,825 33.041 2727.770139,125 33.059 2729.270 139,425 33.076 2730.770 139,725 33.096 2732.270 140 ,025 33.114 2733.770 140,325 33.132 2735.270 140,625 33.150 2736.770 140,925 33.168 2738.270 141,225 33.187 2736.770141 ,325 33.193 2748.690 143,325 33.313 2760.820 145,825 33.460 2772.950 148,325 33.607 2776.090 148,975 33.645 2776.330 149,025 33.648 2779.420 149,675 33.685 2782.510 150.325 33.723 2785.600 150,975 33.760 Page# 8 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Ite m Line Seg ment 452 Vented Cover 453 Vented Cover 454 Chomney 455 Sump (11 ) (11 ) (09B ) (11 ) 456 Sump (11 457 Sump (11 458 Sump (11 459 Vented Cover (11 460 sDrive Draon {11 461 Frame Seal 462 Frame Seal 463 Frame Seal 464 Frame Seal 465 Frame Seal 466 Frame Seal 467 Frame Seal 468 Frame Seal 469 Frame Seal 470 Frame Seal 471 Frame Seal 472 Frame Seal 473 Frame Seal 474 Frame Seal 475 Frame Seal 476 Frame Seal 477 Frame Seal 478 Frame Seal 479 Frame Seal 480 Frame Seal 481 Frame Sea l 482 Frame Seal 483 Frame Seal 484 Frame Seal 485 Frame Seal 486 Frame Seal 487 Frame Sea l 488 Frame Seal 489 Frame Seal 490 Frame Seal 49 1 Frame Sea l 492 Frame Sea l 493 Frame Seal 494 Frame Seal 495 Frame Seal 4 96 Frame Seal 497 Frame Seal 498 Frame Seal 499 Frame Seal 500 Frame Seal 501 Frame Seal 502 Frame Seal 503 Frame Seal 504 Frame Seal 505 Frame Seal 506 Frame Seal 507 Frame Seal 508 Frame Seal 509 Frame Seal 510 Frame Seal 511 Frame Sea l 5 12 Frame Seal 513 Frame Seal 514 Frame Seal 515 Frame Seal 516 Frame Seal (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 {11 {11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 2377 9130 7586 9137 9145 9397 9402 7307 9826 15024 15039 15044 15046 2312 2338 2343 2346 2369 2372 2460 2735 6977 6978 6981 6983 6986 6991 6992 6998 70 12 7016 7023 7025 7253 7258 7259 7261 7264 7266 7272 7274 7283 7289 7314 7330 7341 7349 7367 7389 8028 8030 8031 9075 9080 9093 91 04 9141 9146 9147 9153 9178 9179 9183 9245 9255 ·( -( ·( ) -(11 9136 -(11 ) 91 44 -(11 ) 9405 -(11 ) 9408 ·( ) -(1 1 ) 9823 ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( -( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( -( ·( ·( -( ·( -( ·( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location Alley in rear 606 Michig an 1201 Sl Marys 608 Ohio Sl 807 Mossouri Blvd Del Ill Ellm No. (GPM) 3 .090 3 .090 2.300 1. 1 .600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 2.960 1101 MAYWOOD DRIVE B 9 .100 behind McKnight Tire N of Broadway N of Broadway Intersection 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1 .300 1 .300 1 .300 1.300 1.300 1 .300 1 .300 1.300 1 .300 1.300 1.300 1 .300 1 .300 1 300 1 .300 1 .300 1 .300 1 .300 1.300 1.300 1 .300 1 .300 1.300 1 300 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2800.480 154,175 33.941 2803.440 154 ,825 33.976 2812.540 156,825 34 .087 2813.840 157,125 34 .103 2815.140157 ,425 34.118 2816.4401 57,725 34.134 2817.740158,025 34.150 2819.0 40 158,325 34.166 2820.3 40 1 58,625 34 .181 2821 .640 158,925 34 .197 2822.940 159.225 34 .213 2824.240 159,525 34.229 2825.540 159,825 34.244 2826.840160,125 34.260 2828.140 160,425 34.276 2829.440 160,725 34.292 2830.740 161.025 34.307 2832.040 161,325 34.323 2833.340161,625 34.339 2834.640 161 ,925 3 4.355 2835 940 162,225 3 4.370 2837 240 162,525 34.386 2838.540 162,825 34.402 2839.840163,125 34.418 284 1.140 163,425 3 4.433 2842.440 163,725 3 4.449 2843.740 164,025 3 4.465 2845.040 164,325 3 4.481 2846.340 164,625 3 4.496 2847.640 164,925 34.512 2848.9 40 165,225 34.528 2850.240 165,525 34.544 2851 .540 165,825 3 4.559 2852.840 166,125 3 4.575 2854.1 40 166,425 34.591 2855.440 166,725 3 4.607 2856.740 167,025 3 4.622 2858.040 167,325 34.638 2859.340 167,625 34.654 2860.640 167,925 3 4.670 2861.940168,225 34.685 2863.240 168,525 34.701 2864.540 168,825 34.717 2865.840 169,125 3 4.733 2867.140 169,425 34.749 2868.440 169,725 3 4.764 2869.740 170,025 3 4.780 2871 .040 170,325 3 4.796 2872 .340 170,625 3 4.8 12 2873.640 170,925 3 4.827 2874 .940 171 ,225 3 4.843 2876.240 171,525 3 4.859 2877.54017 1,825 34.875 2878.840 172,125 34.890 2880.1 40 172,425 3 4.906 2881 .440 172,725 3 4.922 2882 .740 173,025 3 4.938 2884.040 173,325 3 4.953 2885.340 173,625 34.969 Page# 9 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 517 Fr ame Seal 518 Frame Seal 519 Frame Seal 520 Frame Seal 521 Frame Seal 522 Frame Seal 523 Frame Seal 524 Frame Seal 525 Frame Seal 526 Frame Seal 527 Frame Seal 528 Frame Seal 529 Frame Seal 530 Frame Seal 531 Frame Seal 532 Frame Seal 533 Frame Seal 534 Frame Seal 535 Frame Seal 536 Frame S e al 537 Frame Seal 538 Frame Seal 539 Frame Seal 540 Frame Seal 541 Fram e Seal 542 Frame Seal 543 Pipe Seal 544 P1pe Seal 5 4 5 P1pe Seal 546 Pipe Seal 54 7 P1pe Seal 548 Frame Seal 549 Dra1nage X1ng 550 sUncpd Clno ut 551 sUncpd Clnout 552 sUncpd Clnoul 553 Chimney 554 sServ. La t. 555 Cover T o R1m 556 Cover To R1m 557 Cover T o R1m 558 Cover To Rim 559 Cover To R1m 560 Cover To R1m 561 Cover To Rim 562 Cover To Rim 563 sUncpd Clnoul 564 sUncpd Clnout 565 sUncpd Clnout 566 sServ. Lat. 567 Wall 568 Vented Cover 569 Vented Cover 570 sSIIWtl Dra1n 57 1 sOnve Drain 572 Vented Cover 573 Vented Cover 574 sStrwll Dram 575 Curb Inlet 576 Ch 1mney 577 sServ. Lat 578 Line Defect 579 Vented Cover 580 Vented Cov er Line Segment (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 ) (09A ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOE ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09B ) (10B ) (lOD ) (10D ) (lOD ) (lOD ) (lOD ) (lOD ) (10D ) (lOD ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (lOD) (10D ) (11 ) (098 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (108 ) (lOD) (11 ) (10D) (10D ) 9271 9272 9277 9334 9344 9359 9368 9369 9376 9384 9387 9391 9395 9 40 1 9412 9417 9418 9427 9449 9 469 9471 9 48 1 9484 9796 9804 7 455 7 156 7218 7236 8557 8720 8932 9825 9273 9341 9 166 7623 8452 8789 8810 8858 8874 8984 8995 9005 9007 9120 9140 9416 8802 8780 9003 9021 8821 2432 7579 2376 9819 2311 8499 8778 9124 8807 8981 581 Vented Cover (10D ) 8983 -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) -(1 1 ) ·(11 ) -(11 ·(11 ) ·( ) -(10 8 ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) -(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) 9818 9272 9340 9165 8453 9119 9138 9402 ·(10D ) 8999 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(10D 8820 ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(11 ) -(11 ) ·( ) 243 1 9820 2310 ·(10D ) 8776 ·(11 ) 9123 ·( ) ·( ) ·( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM • COMBINED Location Jaycee Home Assoc Inc off S. Country Club Def 1/1 Ellm No . (GPM) 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1 .300 1 .300 1 .300 1.300 1.300 1 .300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1 .300 1 .290 3 . 0 .430 2 . 0.430 3. 0 .430 2. 0 .430 1. 0.430 1.290 99 s 10.610 1004 REAR NORTH EAST A 0 .210 1506 EDMON D 1510 MISSOURI BLVD 3222 AMER ICAN DR 1610 s ta rlit& dr A 0 .210 A 0.210 2.090 B 8 .380 2.640 2.640 2.640 2.640 2.640 2 .6 40 2.640 2.640 2022 MISSOURI BLVD A 0.200 1005 ST MARTINS BLVD A 0.200 622 DELAWARE STREET A 0 .200 1609 SHADY COURT 1620-D CHADDSFORD A 7.940 1.980 2.480 2.4 80 A 7.540 1004 HOLLY DR A 7 .4 90 2 .370 2.320 1025 DOGWOOD DRIVE A 6 .9 10 298 s 34 .110 1317 W ESTVIEW DR 123 1.660 A 6.610 s 8.080 2.090 2.090 2 .090 Cost ($) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 100 100 100 100 100 300 2,500 50 50 50 500 2,000 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 50 50 50 2,000 500 650 650 2.000 2.000 650 650 2,000 10,000 500 2,000 2,500 650 650 650 $/G PM 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230 8 230.8 230.8 230.6 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230 8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.8 230.6 230.8 230.8 232 6 232.6 232.6 232.6 232.6 232.6 232.6 235.6 236.1 238.1 238.1 239.2 238.7 246.2 246.2 246.2 246.2 246.2 246.2 246 2 246.2 250.0 250.0 250.0 251.9 252.5 262.1 262 1 265.3 267 .0 274 3 280.2 269.4 293.2 301.2 302.6 309.4 3 11 .0 311.0 311 .0 CU M Ill CU M (GPM) ($) Ill Ellm (%) 2886.640 173,925 3 4.985 2887 .940 174,225 35.001 2889.240 174,525 35.016 2890.540 174,825 35.032 2891.840 175,125 35.048 2893.140 175 ,425 35.064 2894.440 175,725 35.079 2895.740 176,025 35.095 2897.040 176,325 35.111 2698.340 176,625 35.127 2699.640 176,925 35.142 2900.940 177,225 35.156 2902.240 177,525 35.174 2903.540 177,825 35.190 2904.840176,125 35.205 2906.140 1 76,425 35.22 1 2907,440 176,725 35.237 2908.740 179,025 35.253 29 10.040 179,325 35.266 2911.340 179,625 35.264 2912.6 40 179,925 35.300 2913.940 160,225 35.316 2915.2 40160,525 35.331 2916 5 40 160,825 35.347 2917 6 40 161,125 35.363 2919.130 16 1,425 35.379 2919.560 161,525 35.364 2919.990 181.625 35.389 2920.420 161,725 35.394 2920.650 181,625 35.399 2921 .280161,925 35.405 2922.570 162,225 35.420 2933.180164,725 35.549 2933.390 164 ,775 35.551 2933.600 184,825 35.554 2933.810 184,875 35.557 2935.900 165,375 35.562 2944.280 187,375 35.683 2946.920 188,025 35.715 2949 .560 166,675 35.747 2952.200 189,325 35.779 2954.840189,975 35.611 2957.480 190,625 35.843 2960 120 191,275 35.875 2962.760 191 ,925 35.907 2965.400 192,575 35.939 2965.600 192,625 35.942 2965.600 192,675 35.944 2966.000 192,725 35.947 2973.940 194 ,725 36 .043 2975.920 195,225 36.067 2976.400 195,675 36.097 2980.860 196,525 36.1 27 2988 4 20 198.525 36.218 2995.910 200.525 36.309 2998.280 201 '175 36.336 3000.600 201,825 36.366 3007.510 203,625 36.450 3041.620 213,625 36.663 3043.280 214 ,325 36.883 3049.890 216,325 36.963 3057.970 218,825 37.061 3060.060 219,475 37.087 3062.150 220,125 37.11 2 3064.240 220,775 37.137 Page# 10 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 582 Vented Cover 583 Vented Cover 584 Vented Cover 585 Sump 586 Sump 587 Sump 588 Sump 589 Sump 590 Sump 591 Sump 592 Sump 593 Sump 594 Sump 595 Sump 596 Sump 597 Sump 598 Sump 599 Sump 600 Sump 601 Sump 602 Sump 603 Sump 604 Sump 605 Sump 606 Sump 607 Sump 608 Chimney 609 Ch1mney 610 Vented Cover 611 sServ. Lat. 612 Chimney 613 Ch1mney 614 Ch1mney 615 sUncpd Clnout 616 Vented Cover 617 Vented Cover 618 Line Defect 619 Frame Seal 620 Frame Seal 621 Frame Seal 622 Frame Seal 623 Frame Seal 624 Frame Seal 625 Frame Seal 626 Frame Seal 627 Frame Seal 628 Frame Seal 629 Frame Seal 630 sServ. Lat. 631 Bench 632 Chimney 633 sServ. Lat. 634 Curb I nlet 635 sServ. Lat. 636 s Uncpd Clnout 637 sUncpd Clnout 638 Vented Cover 639 Vented Cover 640 Ven ted Cover 641 Vented Cover 642 Vented Cover 643 Vented Cover 644 Ch1mney 645 Wall 646 Wall Line S egment (10D) (10D) (10D) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 8987 8992 9006 15066 2431 2432 9110 9110 9110 9112 9112 9112 9130 2457 2461 9137 9401 9142 9143 9143 9 144 9145 9389 9447 (11 ) 9449 (11 ) 9478 (10A ) 8140 (10A ) 8334 (lOB ) 8468 (11 ) (10B ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) 9478 7213 7243 8756 8585 (11 ) 2343 (11 ) 9111 (11 ) 9247 (10D ) 8767 (10D ) 8771 (10D (10D ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (10D ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (09A ) (11 ) (09A ) (11 ) (11 ) (lOA) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 ) (09A ) (096 ) (096 ) 8786 8790 8797 8854 8966 8969 8970 8986 8994 7084 9804 7446 2436 2313 8227 9252 2368 7840 2355 9131 9137 9272 9276 7675 15022 15023 -( ) -( ) -( ) -(11 ) -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 9112 2430 2431 9 106 9 106 9106 9104 9104 9 104 9126 2445 15073 9136 9400 9141 9142 9142 9 143 9144 9366 9446 -(11 ) 15061 -(11 ) 9476 -( ) -( ) -( ) -(11 ) 9476 -( ) -( ) -( ) -(106 ) 6564 -( ) -( ) -(11 ) 15026 -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -( ) -( ) -(09A ) 7063 -( ) -( ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(lOA) -(11 ) -(11 ) -( ) -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( 2435 2310 6226 9235 2367 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location 613 Virgin ia St 1001 Holly 1006 Holly 614-A Waverly 619 Waverly 63 1 Waverly 617 Virginia St 623 Virgm1a St 612 Virg1n1a 632 Georgia St 805 Linden 1 128 Darlene 615 Georg1a St 805 St Marys 6 18 Kansas St 614 Kan sas 617 Kansas 610 Kansas 1211 St Marys Blvd 1005 Laurel St 606 Waverly 607 Waverly St 909 Montana lot 7 906 MONTANA County Pari< Lake 645 hobbs raod Def Ill Ellm No . (GPM) 2.090 2.090 2.090 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1 .600 ,_ 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1 . 1 .600 1, 1.600 1. 1 .600 1 . 1 .600 1 . 1 .600 1 . 1.600 1. 1.600 1 . 1.600 1 . 1 .600 1 . 1.600 1 . 1.600 1. 1.600 1 . 1.600 1.540 1.540 1 .980 A 6.060 1.500 1.500 1.500 1201 FAIRGROUNDS RD B 0.150 234 1723 PROVIDENCE DR 1.930 1.930 s 7.2 80 0.870 0 .870 0 .870 0.870 0.870 0.670 0.870 0 .670 0.670 0.870 0.670 A 5 .510 0.790 1 .290 1015 HOLLY DRIVE A 5.090 462 s 25.010 938 DIAMO ND RIDGE DR A 4.960 1911 SWIFTS HWY . A 0.120 102 FRANKLIN STREET A 0.120 1.540 1.540 1 .540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.170 1.160 1 .160 Cos t ($) 650 650 650 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 650 2.000 500 500 500 50 650 650 2,500 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 2,000 300 500 2,000 10,000 2,000 50 50 650 650 650 650 650 650 500 500 500 $/GPM 31 1.0 311 .0 311 .0 312.5 312.5 312 .5 312.5 312.5 312.5 312 .5 312.5 3 12.5 3 12.5 3 12.5 312.5 312.5 3 12.5 312.5 312.5 3 12.5 3 12.5 312.5 312 5 312.5 312.5 312.5 324.7 324.7 328.3 330.0 333 3 333.3 333.3 333.3 336.8 336.6 343.4 344.6 344 .8 344 .6 344.8 344.8 344 .8 344.8 344.8 344.8 344.8 344.8 363.0 379 .7 387 .6 392 .9 399.8 403.2 416.7 4 16.7 422.1 422.1 422.1 422.1 422.1 422.1 427.4 431.0 431.0 C UMI/1 CUM (GP M) ($) 1/1 Ellm (%) 3066.330 221,425 37.163 3068.420 222,075 37.188 3070.510 222,725 37.213 3072.11 0 223,225 37.233 3073.710 223,725 37.252 3075.310 224,225 37.271 3076.910 224,725 37.291 3078.510 225,225 37.310 3080.110 225,725 37.330 3081.710 226,225 37 .349 3063.3 10 226,725 37.366 3064 .910 227,225 37.386 3066.510 227,725 37.407 3088.110 228,225 37.427 3089.710 228,725 37.446 3091.310 229,225 37.465 3092.910 229,725 37.485 3094.510 230,225 37.504 3096.110 230,725 37.524 3097.710 231.225 37.543 3099.310 231,725 37.562 3100.910 232,225 37.582 3102.510 232,725 37.601 3104.110 233.225 37.621 3105.710 233,725 37.640 3107 .310 234.225 37.659 3108.850 234 ,725 37.676 3110.390 235,225 37.697 3112.370 235,875 37.721 3118.430 237.875 37.794 3119.930 238,375 37.812 3121.430 238,875 37.830 3122.930 239.375 37.849 3123.080 239,425 37.850 3125.010 240,075 37.874 3126.940 240,725 37.897 3134.220 243.225 37.965 3135.090 243,525 37.996 3135.960 243.825 36.007 3136.630 244,125 36.017 3137.700 244,425 38.028 3138.570 244,725 36.038 3139.440 245,025 38.049 3140.310 245,325 36.059 3141 .160 245,625 38.070 3142.050 245.925 38.080 3142.920 246,225 38.091 3143 790 246.525 36.101 3149.300 248,525 38.168 3 150.090 248.825 38.178 3151 .380 249.325 38.193 3156.470 251.325 36.255 3161 .460 261,325 36.556 3 186.440 263.325 38.616 3186.560 263,375 38.620 3166 680 263.425 36.621 3188.220 264,075 38.640 3169.760 264,725 36.659 3191 .300 265,375 38.677 3192.640 266,025 38.696 3194.360 266.675 36.715 3195.920 267.325 38.733 3197.090 267,825 38.747 3 198.250 268,325 38.761 3199.410 268,825 38.776 Page# 11 9 :52:07 AM No. Source 11om 647 Wall 648 Wall 649 Wall 650 Wall 651 Wall 652 Wall 653 Wall 654 Wall 655 Wall 656 Wall 657 Wall 658 Wall 659 Wall 660 Wall 661 Wall 662 Wall 663 Wall 664 Wall 665 Wall 666 Wall 667 Wall 668 Wall 669 Wall 670 Walt 671 Wall 672 Walt 673 Wall 674 Wall 675 Wall 676 Wall 677 Wall 678 Wall 679 Wall 680 Wall 681 sSeN. La!. 682 sSeN. La!. 683 P ipe Seal 684 Pipe Seal 685 P ip& Seal 686 P ipe Seal 687 P ipe Seal 688 Pipe Seat 689 Pip& Seal 690 P•pe Seat 691 Pipe Seat 692 Pipe Seat 693 P ipe Seat 694 Pipe Seat 695 Pipe Seat 696 P•pe Seal 697 Pipe Seal 698 Pipe Seal 699 P ip e Seal 700 P ip e Seal 7 01 Pipe Seal 702 Pipe Seal 703 Pipe Seal 704 Pipe Seal 705 Pipe Seal 706 Pipe Seal 707 Pipe Seal 708 Pipe Seal 709 Pipe Seal 710 P•pe Seat 711 P ipe Seal Wednesday, October 30, 2002 Line Segment (096 ) 15063 (096 ) 7039 (096 ) 7041 (096 ) 7045 (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (096 ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (10D ) (10D) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) 7046 7049 7051 7053 7057 7065 7066 7068 7496 7503 7511 7514 7557 757 5 7576 7582 7586 7589 7593 7594 7603 7605 7609 7610 7613 7625 7629 7644 7652 7676 8824 8881 15015 15015 7033 7077 7078 7087 7460 7465 7465 74 77 7721 7737 7810 7811 7811 7812 7812 7814 7814 7815 7815 7816 7816 7816 7817 7817 7817 7859 (09A ) 7873 ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( -(10D ) 8825 ·(10D ) 8904 ·( ) -( ) ·( ) -( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM • COMBINED Location Del Ill Ellm Cost No (GPM) ($) west of lynnwood dr harold kneger property Harold Krieger Property e.of southndge church sw. of dead end just up from southridge 1 160 1 .160 1 .160 1 .160 1 160 1.160 1.160 1.160 1.160 1 .160 1.160 1.160 1 160 1 160 1.160 1.160 1 .160 1 .160 1 .160 1 160 1 160 1 .160 1160 1 .160 1 .160 1 .160 1 .160 1.160 1 .160 1 .160 1 .160 1 .160 1 .160 1.160 1709 CHADDSFORD DR A 4.410 5428 SCHERR DR A 4 .410 1 . 0 .660 3 . 0 .660 2 . 0 .660 2 . 0 .660 2 . 0 .660 4 . 0 .660 2 . 0 .660 1 . 0.660 2. 0 .660 2 . 0 .660 2 . 0 .660 2. 0.660 4 0 .660 lot 33 1 . 0 660 lot 33 2 . 0 660 1 . 0 .660 2. 0 .660 bunker h ill rd&lexington 1 . 0 .660 bunker h ill rd&lex~ngton 2 . 0 .660 lot 78 1 . 0 .660 lot 78 2. 0 .660 1. 0.660 2 . 0 .660 3. 0.660 1. 0 .660 2 . 0 .660 3 . 0 .660 lot 41 1 . 0 .660 1. 0 660 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2 ,000 2,000 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 S/GPM CUM Ill CUM (G PM) ($) Ill Ellm (%) 431 .0 3200.570 269,325 38.790 431.0 3201.730 269,825 38.804 431 .0 3202.890 270,325 38.818 431 .0 3204.050 270,825 38.832 431 .0 431.0 431.0 431.0 431.0 431.0 431.0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431.0 431.0 431 .0 431.0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 4 31.0 4 31.0 4 31 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431 .0 431.0 431.0 453.5 453.5 4 54.5 454.5 4 54 .5 454 .5 454.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 4 54.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 4 54.5 4 54.5 4 54.5 4 54.5 454.5 4 54.5 454.5 4 54.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 454.5 3205.2 10 271.325 38.846 3206.370 271,825 38.860 3207.530 272,325 38.874 3208.690 272,825 38 888 3209.850 273,325 38.902 3211.01 0 273,825 38.916 3212.170 274,325 38.930 3213.330 274 ,825 38.944 3214.490 275,325 38.958 3215.650 275,825 38.972 3216.810 276,325 38.986 3217.970 276.825 39.000 321 9.130 277,325 39.015 3220 .290 277.825 39.029 3221 .450 278,325 39.043 3222.610 278,825 39.057 3223.770 279,325 39.071 3224.930 279,825 39.085 3226.090 280,325 39.099 3227.250 280,825 39.1 1 3 3228.4 10 281,325 39.1 27 3229.570 281,825 39.14 1 3230.730 282,325 39.1 55 3231 .890 282.825 39.169 3233.050 283.325 39 183 3234.210 283.825 39.197 3235.370 284.325 39.211 3236.530 284,825 39.225 3237.690 285,325 39.239 3238.850 285,825 39.254 3243.260 287.825 39.307 3247.670 289,825 39.36 0 3248.330 290,125 39.368 3248.990 290,425 39.376 3249.650 290,725 39.384 3250.310 291,025 39.392 3250.970 291 ,325 39.400 3251 .630 291 .625 39.408 3252.290 291.925 39.416 3252.950 292.225 39.424 3253.610 292,525 39.432 3254 .270 292,825 39.440 3254 .930 293,125 39.448 3255.590 293,425 39.456 3256.250 293,7 25 39.464 3256.910 294,025 39.472 3257.570 294,325 39.480 3258.230 294,625 39.488 3258.890 294,925 39.496 3259.550 295,225 39.504 3260.2 10 295,525 39.512 3260.870 295,825 39.520 3261 .530 296.125 39.528 3262.190 296,425 39.536 3262.850 296,725 39.544 3263.5 10 297,025 39.552 3264.170 297,325 39.560 3264.830 297,625 39.568 3265.490 297,925 39.576 3266.150 298,225 39.584 454.5 3266.810 298.525 39.592 Page# 12 9 :52.07 AM Wednesday. October 30, 2002 No. Sou rce It em Line Seg ment 712 Pope Seal 713 Wall 714 Wall 715 Wall 716 Wall 717 Wall 718 Wall 719 Wall 720 Wall 721 Wall 722 Vented Cover 723 sArea Dram 724 Bench 725 sUncpd Clnout 726 sUncpd Clnoul 727 Pope Seal 728 Pope Seal 729 Pope Seal 730 Pope Seal 731 Pope Seal 732 Pope Seal 733 Pope Seal 734 Pope Seal 735 Pope Seal 736 Pope Seal 737 Pope Seal 738 Pope Seal 739 Vented Cover 740 sServ. lal. 741 PipeSeal 742 Pope Seal 743 Pope Seal 744 Pope Seal 745 Pope Seal 746 Pope Seal 7 4 7 Pope Seal 7 48 Pope Seal 749 Pope Seal 750 Pope Seal 751 Pope Seal 752 Pope Seal 753 sServ. lal. 754 lone Defect 755 Vented Cover 756 Vented Cover 757 Vented Cover 758 sUncpd Clnout 759 sUncpd Clnoul 760 Vented Cover (09A ) (10D ) (10D) (10D) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (11 ) (11 ) (100) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (11 ) (10B ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (11 ) (lOA ) (11 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (11 ) (lOB ) 761 Cover To Rom (1 1 762 Cover To Rim (1 1 763 Cover To Rim (11 764 Cover To R1m (1 1 765 Cover To R1m (1 1 766 Cover To R1m (1 1 767 Cover To R1m (1 1 768 Cover To Rim (1 1 769 Cover To Rim (1 1 770 Cover To Rim (11 771 Lone Defect 772 sServ. lal. 773 Bench 774 Vented CotJer 775 Curb Inlet 776 Curb Inlet (11 ) (11 ) (10B ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (1 1 7889 8811 8833 8851 8853 8884 8984 9003 9008 9026 15030 9826 8871 9110 9304 15015 15064 7082 7082 7427 7450 7450 7451 7451 7452 7466 7752 9467 8452 6994 6994 6995 6995 7006 7006 7008 7253 7326 7339 7360 9790 8228 9214 8975 8986 8991 8874 9091 8569 15044 2364 2 472 7294 7297 7301 7346 7353 9271 9360 9213 9147 7209 9413 2366 2366 -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -(11 ) 9823 -( ) -(11 ) 9106 -(11 ) 9337 -( ) -( ) -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -( ) -( ) -(lOB ) 8453 -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -(lOA ) 8227 -(11 ) 9213 -( ) -( ) -( ) -(100 ) 8875 -(11 ) 9092 -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -(11 ) -(11 ) -( ) -( ) -(11 ) 9212 9 146 2367 -(11 ) 2367 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location De l Ill E llm Cost No . (GPM) ($) S/G PM CU M Il l CUM Ill Ell m (%) off dead end 1610 starlite dr 2 . 0 .660 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.070 1 070 1.070 1.070 1 .070 1 .330 1101 MAYWOOD DRIVE C 4.090 0 610 629 WAVERLY STREET A 0 .100 1002 MYRTLE DR IVE 3335 AMERICAN OR 934 DIAMOND RIDGE 125 A 0.100 2 . 0.190 2. 0 .190 1. 0 .190 2 . 0 .190 1. 0 .190 1 . 0 .190 2 . 0 .190 0190 0 .190 3. 0.190 2 . 0 .190 2. 0.190 1 .160 A 3 .350 1. 0 .500 2 . 0 .500 1 . 0 500 3 . 0 .500 1 0 500 2 . 0.500 3 . 0 .500 2 . 0.500 2 . 0 .500 1. 0 .500 2 0.500 1. 0.500 A 3.310 s 4 .130 1 .050 1 .050 1.050 5308 JACOB LN B 0 .080 713 MICHIGAN STREET A 0 .080 0 .990 33 605 CONRAD STREET north east of rd 20 0 .970 0.970 0 .970 0 .970 0 .970 0.970 0 .970 0.970 0 .970 0 .970 T 3 640 A 2 .910 0 .430 0 .910 s 13 .640 300 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 650 2 .000 300 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 650 2,000 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 2 ,000 2 ,500 650 650 6 50 50 50 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 2 ,500 2,000 300 650 10,000 454.5 467.3 467.3 467.3 467.3 467.3 467 .3 467.3 467.3 467.3 488.7 489.0 491 8 500.0 500.0 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 526.3 560.3 597.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 6 00 .0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 604.2 605.3 619.0 619.0 6 19.0 625.0 625.0 656.6 670.1 670.1 670.1 670.1 670.1 670.1 670.1 670.1 670.1 670 1 686.8 687.3 697.7 714.3 733.1 76 T 13640 10,000 733.1 (GPM) ($) 3267.4 70 298,825 39 600 3268.540 299,325 39.613 3269.6 10 299,825 39.626 3270.680 300,325 39.639 3271 .750 300,825 39.652 3272.820 301,325 39.665 3273.890 301,825 39.678 3274 ,960 302,325 39.691 3276.030 302,825 39.704 3277.100 303,325 39.717 3278.430 303,975 39.733 3282.520 305,975 39.783 3283.130 306,275 39.790 3283.230 306,325 39.791 3283.330 306.375 39.793 3283.520 306,475 39.795 3283.710 306,575 39 797 3283.900 306,675 39.800 3284.090 306,775 39.802 3284.280 306,875 39.804 3284.470 306,975 39.806 3284.660 307,075 39.809 3284.850 307,175 39.811 3285.040 307.275 39.813 3285.230 307,375 39.816 3285.420 307,475 39.818 3285.610 307,575 39 820 3286.770 308,225 39.834 3290.120 310,225 39.875 3290.620 310,525 39.88 1 3291.120 310,825 39.887 3291.620 3 11 ,125 39.893 3292.120 311,425 39.899 3292.620 311,725 39.905 3293.120 312,025 39.911 3293.620 312,325 39.917 3294.120 312,625 39.923 3294 .620 312,925 39.929 3295.120 313,225 39.936 3295.620 3 13 ,525 39.942 3296.120 3 13,825 39.948 3299.4 30 3 15,825 39.988 3303.560 318,325 40.038 3304.610 3 18.975 40.051 3305.660 319,625 40.063 3306.710 320,27 5 40.076 3306.790 320.325 40.077 3306.870 320,375 40.078 3307.860 321 ,025 40.090 3308.830 321,675 40.102 3309.800 322,325 4 0.113 331 0 .770 322,975 40.125 3311.740 323,625 40.137 3312.710 324,275 40.149 3313.680 324 ,925 40.1 60 331 4 .650 325,575 40.172 3315.620 326,225 40.184 3316.590 326,875 40.196 3317.560 327,525 40.207 3321.200 330,025 40.252 3324.1 10 332,025 40.287 3324.5 4 0 332,325 4 0.292 3325.450 332,975 4 0.303 3339.090 342,975 40.468 3352.730 352,975 40.634 Page# 13 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 777 Wall 778 sServ. Lal. 779 Cover To R1m 780 Wall 781 Wall 782 Wall 783 Wall 784 Wall 785 Wall 786 Wall 787 Wall 788 Wall 789 Wall 790 Wall 791 Wall 792 Wall 793 Bench 794 Corbel 795 Corbel 796 sFound. Dra1n 797 sServ. Lal 798 Corbel 799 P1pe Seal 800 P1pe Seal 801 P1pe Seal 802 P1pe Seal 803 P1pe Seal 804 P1pe Seal 805 P1pe Seal 806 P1pe Seal 807 P1pe Seal 808 P1pe Seal 809 P1pe Seal 810 P1pe Seal 811 P1pe Seal 812 Pipe Seal 813 Pipe Seal 814 Pipe Seal 815 P1pe Seal 816 P1pe Seal 817 P1pe Seal 818 P1pe Seal 819 P1pe Seal 820 P1pe Seal 821 P1pe Seal 822 P ipe Seal 823 Pipe Seal 824 P1pe Seal 825 P1pe Seal 826 P1pe Seal 827 P1pe Seal 828 P1pe Seal 829 P1pe Seal 830 P ipe Seal 831 P1pe Seal 832 Pipe Seal 833 Pipe Seal 834 P1pe Seal 835 P1pe Seal 836 P1pe Seal 837 P1pe Seal 838 P1pe Seal 839 Pipe Seal 840 Pipe Seal 841 P1pe Seal Line Segment (10E ) 8957 (lOD ) 8883 (lOB ) 9495 (lOA ) 7097 (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (09A ) (lOB ) (11 ) (lOA) (lOA) (10D) (11 ) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 7122 7139 7163 8121 8124 8125 8146 8175 8209 8233 8311 8338 7076 8704 2462 8147 8251 9016 15074 15076 15076 2338 2338 2338 2356 2356 2356 2363 2424 2424 2424 2424 2424 2424 2435 2438 2438 2438 2438 2446 2446 2446 2446 2447 2457 2457 2469 6982 6987 6988 6991 7000 7026 7258 7267 7305 7324 7324 7335 7410 9063 ·( ) -(10D ) 8882 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·(lOA ) 8146 -(lOA ) 8250 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( ·( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM ·COMBINED Location Del 1/1 Ellm Cost No. (GPM) (S) 0 .680 5417 SCHERR DR B 2.650 foxboro st up lrom nob 0 .850 sylvester bamboon proper 0.640 s or w .edgewd,e or onyx 97 s.e of emerald In Sylvester Bemboom prop Dorothy Loesch property Dorothy Loesch 0 .640 0 .640 0 640 0 .640 0 .640 0.640 0 .640 0 .640 0.640 0 .640 0 .640 0.640 0 .500 1.000 1.000 1924 ROLLINGHILLS DR B 2.480 919 DIAMOND RIDGE A 2 480 0 .370 beh1nd McKnight T~re behmd McKnight T~re behmd McKnight T~re m creek bed in creek bed in creek bed m alley 1. 0 370 1 0.370 3 . 0 .370 1. 0 .370 2. 0 .370 3. 0.370 1. 0 .370 2 . 0 .370 3 . 0 .370 3. 0 370 1 . 0 .370 2 . 0.370 3. 0 .370 4. 0 .3 70 5 . 0.370 6. 0 .370 2. 0 .370 1. 0.370 2 . 0 .370 3 . 0 .370 4. 0 .370 1. 0 .370 2 . 0.370 3 . 0 .370 4. 0 .370 1. 0 .370 1. 0 .370 2 . 0.370 3. 0.370 2 . 0 .370 2 . 0.370 1. 0 .370 2. 0 .370 2 . 0 .370 2 . 0 .370 3 . 0.370 1. 0 .370 2. 0 .370 1. 0.370 2. 0.370 3 . 0 .370 1. 0 .370 3 . 0 .370 500 2,000 650 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 800 800 2,000 2,000 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 $/G PM CUM Ill CU M Ill Ellm (%) 735.3 754.7 764.7 781.3 781 .3 781 .3 781.3 781.3 781 .3 781 .3 781 .3 781 .3 781 .3 781 .3 781.3 781 .3 800 0 800.0 800.0 806.5 806.5 810.8 810.8 8 10 .8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810 8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 8 10.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 8 10 .8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810 8 810 8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810 8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810 8 810 8 810 8 810.8 810.8 810.8 810.8 (GPM) ($) 3353.410 353,475 40.642 3356.060 355,475 40.674 3356.9 10 356,125 40.684 3357.550 356,625 40.692 3358.190 357 '125 40.700 3358.830 357,625 40.708 3359.470 358,125 40.715 3360.110 358,625 40.723 3360 .750 359,125 40.731 3361 .390 359,625 40.739 3362.030 360,125 40.746 3362.670 360,625 40.754 3363.310 361,125 40.762 3363.950 361,625 40.770 3364.590 362,125 40 .777 3365.230 362,625 40.785 3365.730 363,025 40.791 3366.730 363,825 40.803 3367 .730 364,625 40.816 3370.2 10 366,625 40.846 3372.690 368,625 40.876 3373.060 368,925 40 .880 3373.430 369,225 40.885 3373.800 369,525 40.889 3374.170 369,825 40.894 3374.540 370,125 40.898 3374.910 370,425 40.903 3375.280 370,725 40.907 3375.650 37 1,025 40.91 2 3376.020 371,325 40.91 6 3376.390 371,625 40.920 3376.760 371,925 40.925 3377.130 372,225 40.929 3377.500 372.525 40.934 3377.870 372,825 40.938 3378.240 373,125 40.943 3378.610 373,425 40.947 3378.980 373,725 40.952 3379.350 374,025 40.956 3379.720 374,325 40.961 3380.090 374,625 40.965 3380.460 374,925 40.970 3380.830 375,225 40.974 3381 .200 375,525 40 .979 3381 .570 375,825 40.983 3381.940 376,125 40.988 3382.310 376,425 40.992 3382.680 376,725 40.997 3383.050 377,025 41 .001 3383.420 377,325 4 1.006 3383.790 377,625 4 1.0 10 3384.160 377,925 41.0 15 3384.530 378,225 41 .019 3384.900 378,525 41 .024 3385.270 378,825 41 .028 3385.640 379,125 41 .033 3386.010 379,425 41 .037 3386.380 379,725 41 .042 3386.750 380,025 41 .046 3387.120 380,325 41 .05 1 3387.490 380,625 41 .055 3387.860 380,925 41.059 3388.230 381,225 41 .064 3388.600 381 ,525 41 .068 810.8 3388.970 381.825 41 .073 Page# 14 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday. October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 842 P1pe Seal 843 P1pe Seal 844 P1pe Seal 845 P1pe Seal 846 Pipe Seal 847 P1pe Seal 848 P1pe Seal 849 P1pe Seal 850 P1pe Seal 851 Pipe Seal 852 P1pe Seal 853 P1pe Seal 854 P1pe Seal 855 P1pe Seal 856 P1pe Seal 857 P1pe Seal 858 P ipe Seal 859 P1pe Seal 860 P1pe Seal 861 P1pe Seal 862 Pipe Seal 86 3 P1pe Seal 864 P1pe Seal 865 P1pe Seal 866 P1pe Seal 867 P1pe Seal 868 Pipe Seal 869 P1pe Seal 870 P1pe Seal 871 sServ. Lat. 872 sArea Drain 873 sServ. Lat. 874 sServ. Lat. 875 s Serv. Lat. 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La I. 932 Curb Inlet 933 Curb Inlet 934 Curb Inlet 935 Bench 936 Corbel 937 Frame Seal 938 Frame Seal 939 Frame Seal 940 Fra me Seal 941 Frame Seal 942 Frame Seal 943 Frame Seal 944 Frame Seal 945 Frame Seal 946 Frame Seal 94 7 Frame Seal 948 Frame Seal 949 Frame Seal 950 Frame Seal 951 Cover To R1m 952 Wall 953 Wall 954 Wall 955 Wall 956 Wall 957 Wall 958 W all 959 Wall 960 sServ. Lal. 961 Ven ted Cover 962 sServ. Lal. 963 Curb Inlet 964 sServ. Lal. 965 Line Defect 966 Line Defect 967 Lm e Defect 968 Bench 969 Bench 970 Bench 971 Wall Line Segment (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10B ) (lOD) (11 ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (10E ) (10B ) (11 ) (lOD ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) 2454 6974 6982 6983 6983 7021 7022 7274 7329 7329 7334 8032 9094 9127 9127 9136 9136 9179 9359 9359 9369 9369 9369 9394 2434 2313 2311 2438 7244 886 1 2423 2433 2444 2453 2454 7328 7336 9159 9246 9252 9257 9394 9423 9457 7080 7074 7077 7192 7202 8470 6995 7006 7326 9362 8935 8359 2331 8763 9253 2446 2716 7 585 7587 7683 (10B ) 7158 -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -( ) -( ) 2435 2310 2310 2442 -(11 ) 9361 -( ) -(lOB ) 8358 -(1 1 ) 2334 -(lOD ) 9016 -(11 ) 9252 -(11 2447 -(11 ) 2460 -( ) -( ) -( ) -( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I In REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location 1011 HOLL Y DR IVE 462 298 134 along Hwy 54 West side 75" West-MH at3812 gray robert kauffman farm VACAN T LOT 928 MANASSAS PL 1 3 1 307 BISCAYNE DR 113 48 46 Def Ill Ellm No. (GPM) 2 . 0 .110 2 . 0.110 1 . 0 .110 1 . 0 .1 10 2. 0 .110 3. 0 .110 1. 0 .110 3 . 0 .110 2. 0 .1 10 3 . 0 .1 10 2 . 0 .1 10 1. 0.110 2 . 0 .110 2. 0 .1 10 3. 0 .110 2 0 .110 3 . 0 .1 10 2. 0 .110 1. 0.110 2. 0.110 1. 0 .110 2 . 0.110 3 . 0 .110 2 . 0110 A 2.200 T 10.910 T 10.910 T 10.910 0.320 0 .320 0 .320 0 .320 0 320 0 .320 0 .320 0 .320 0.320 0 .320 0.320 0 .320 0.320 0.320 0 .320 0.320 0 .660 0 .500 0 .500 0 .500 0.500 0.500 0 .500 0.500 0 .500 c 1 .940 0 620 A 1 .820 s 9 .100 A 1 .760 T 2 .200 T 2.200 T 2.200 0 .350 0 .350 0 .350 0 430 Cost ($) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2.000 10.000 10,000 10,000 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 650 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2 .000 650 2.000 10.000 2.000 2.500 2.500 2 ,500 400 400 400 500 $/GPM 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 9091 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 9091 909.1 909.1 909 1 909.1 909.1 909.1 909.1 916.6 916.6 916 6 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937 5 937 5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 937.5 984 .8 1000.0 1000.0 10 0 0 .0 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0 1000.0 1030.9 1048.4 1098.9 1098.9 1 136.4 1136.4 1136.4 1136.4 1142.9 1142.9 1142.9 CUM Ill CU M (GPM) ($) Ill Ellm (%) 3429 210 415,625 41 .561 3429.320 415,725 41 .562 3429.430 4 15,825 41 .563 3429.540 4 15.925 41 .565 3429.650416.025 41 .566 3429.760 416,125 41 .567 3429.870 416,225 41 .569 3429.980 416,325 41 .570 3430.090 416,425 41 .571 3430.200 4 16,525 41 573 3430.310 416.625 41 .574 3430.420 416,725 41.575 3430.530 4 16.825 41 .577 3430.640 416,925 41 .578 3430 750 417 ,0 25 41 .579 3430 860 417.125 41 581 3430.970 417.225 41 .582 3431.080 417.325 41 583 3431.190 417.425 41 .585 3431 .300 417,525 41 .586 3431.4 10 417,625 41 .587 3431 .520 417.725 41 .589 3431 .630 417.825 41 .590 3431 .740 417.925 41 .591 3433.940 419.925 4 1.618 3444 850 429.925 41 750 3455.760 439.925 41 .882 3466.670 449.925 4 2.015 3466.990 450,225 42.019 3467.310 4 50,525 42.022 3467.630 450.825 4 2.026 3467.950 451 ,125 4 2.030 3468 270 451 ,425 42.0 3 4 3468.590 451 .725 4 2 038 3468.910 452.025 42.0 4 2 3469.230 452,325 42.046 3469.550 452,625 42.050 3469.870 452,925 42 053 3470.190 453,225 42.057 3470.510 4 53,525 42.061 3 4 70.830 4 53.825 4 2.065 3471 .150 454 ,125 42.069 3471.470 454 ,425 42.073 3471 .790 454.725 42.077 3 4 72.450 455,375 4 2.085 3472.950 455.875 42.091 3473.450 4 56.375 42.097 3473.950 456.875 42 103 3474.450 457 ,375 42 109 3474.950 457.875 42.115 3475.450 4 58.375 42.12 1 3475.950 4 58.875 4 2.127 3476.450 459.375 42.133 3478.390 461 ,375 4 2 157 3479.010 462.025 4 2.164 34 80.830 464 .025 42.186 34 89.930 474 ,025 4 2.297 3491.690 476.025 42.318 3493.890 478,525 4 2.345 3496.090 481,025 4 2.37 1 3498.290 4 83,525 42.398 3498.640 4 83,925 42.402 3498.990 4 84 ,325 42.406 3499.340 484 .725 4 2.411 1162.8 3499.770 485.225 42 416 Page# 16 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30. 2002 No . Source It em 972 Wall 973 Wall 974 Wall 975 Wall 976 Wall 977 Wall 978 Wall 979 Wall 980 Wall 981 Wall 982 Wall 983 Wall 984 Wall 985 Wall 986 Wall 987 Wall 988 Wall 989 Wall 990 Wall 99 1 Wall 992 Wall 993 sServ. Lat. 994 sServ. Lal 995 sServ. Lat 996 Curb Inlet 997 Bench 998 Bench 999 sUncpd Clnout 1000 Line Defect 1001 sServ. Lat. 1002 Wall 1003 Wall 1004 Wall 1005 line Defect 1006 Corbel 1 007sServ. Lat. 1008 Wall 1009 Wall IOIOWall 1011 Wall 1012 Bench 1013 Bench 1014 Bench 1015 Bench 1016 Bench 1017 Wall 1018 Wall 1019Wall 1020 Wall 1021 Wall 1022 Wall 1023 Wall 1024 Wall 1025 Wall 1026 Wall 1027 Wall 1028 Wall 1029 Wall 1030 Wall 1031sServ. Lat. 1 032sDrive Drain 1033 Line Defect I 034 Line Defect 1035 Bench 1036 Bench Line Segme nt (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (11 ) (IOD ) (100) (11 ) (11 ) (lOA ) (100 ) (10D ) (IOD ) (09B ) 7203 7204 7207 7208 7209 7211 7212 7213 7214 72 15 7218 7236 7243 7244 8358 8462 6477 6463 6556 6581 6704 6147 8169 8236 2317 6774 6616 7384 2447 8106 8764 8778 9016 15017 (lOD ) 9013 (tOE ) 8901 (09A ) 7446 (09A ) 7449 (09A ) 7465 (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (098 ) (098 ) (09B ) (09B ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (09B ) (098 ) (09B ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (II (11 (I I (11 ) (09B ) 7472 7811 7812 7814 7816 7817 7043 7059 7070 7529 7541 754 6 7569 7580 7601 7611 7612 7614 7616 7688 9343 2316 9253 9360 7050 (09B ) 7582 ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) ·(lOA ) 8146 ·(lOA ) 8186 ·(lOA ) 8229 ·(II ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) 231 3 7383 2424 ·(lOA 8105 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(098 ) 7630 ·( ) ·(I OE ) 8900 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(I I ) ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( 9342 232 1 9252 9063 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED location roberl kauffman farm robert kauffman farm robert kauffman farm north east of road north east of rd no of road north east of road County Pari< Lake Jaycee Home Assoc Inc Jaycee Home Assoc Inc Jaycee Home Assoc Inc Shermans H ollow Ioiii I 00' east of deadend sir Del Ill E llm No. (GPM) 0 .430 0.430 0.430 0 .430 0 .4 30 0 .430 0 .430 0 .430 0.430 0 .430 0.430 0 .430 0.430 0 .430 0 .430 0.430 0.430 0 .430 0.430 Thomas Jefferson School 0 .430 0 .430 1916 ROL LI NGHILLS OR C 1.650 2514 PLYMOUTH ROCK A 1 .650 926 DIAMOND RIDGE A 1.650 41 s 8.1 90 0.320 0 .320 1021 TANYA LYNN ORIVEA 0 .040 301 s 1 .930 2710 BRIARWOOO DR IVE A 1.540 0 .370 0 .370 0 .370 dead end biscayne dr 5504 SCHERR OR lot33 bunker hill rd&lexmgton s. of stadtum central bl n of rt c.,w.ofsunmeadow stan&mary kolb property harold krieger property T 1 .850 0.590 A 1.410 0.350 0 .350 0 .350 0.350 0 .210 0 .210 0 .210 0 .210 0 .210 0.350 0.350 0 .350 0 .350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0 .350 0 .350 0 .350 0.350 0 .350 0 .350 0 .350 1001 DULLE STREET B 1.380 705 BROADWAY STREET A 1.360 125 u 1.650 117 T 1.650 0 .520 0 .520 Cost ($) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 400 400 50 2,50 0 2,00 0 500 500 500 2,500 800 2 ,000 500 500 500 500 300 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 600 800 $/GP M 1162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1 162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1 162.8 I 162.6 1162.8 1162 8 1162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1 162.8 1 162.8 1162.8 1162.8 1212.1 1212.1 1212.1 1221.0 1250.0 1250.0 1250 0 1295.3 1 298.7 1351.4 1351.4 1351.4 1351.4 C UM 1/1 CU M (GPM) ($) 1/1 Ellm (%) 3500.200 485,725 42.421 3500.6 30 486,225 42.426 3501 060 486,725 42.431 3501.490 487,225 42.437 3501 .920 487,725 42.442 3502.350 488,225 42.447 3502.780 488,725 42 452 3503.210 489,225 42.456 3503.640 489,725 42.463 3504 .070 490,225 42.468 3504.500 490,725 42.473 3504 .930 491,225 42.478 3505.360 491 ,725 42.484 3505.790 492,225 42.489 3506.220 492,725 42.494 3506.650 493,225 42.499 3507.080 493,725 42.504 3507 510 494,225 42.510 3507.940 494,725 42.515 3508.370 495,225 42.520 3508.800 495,725 42.525 3510.450 497,725 42 545 351 2.100 499,725 42.565 3513.750 5 0 1 ,725 42.585 3521.940 5 11,725 42.685 3522.260 512,125 42.688 3522.580 512,525 42.692 3522.6 20 512,575 42.693 3524.550 515,075 42.716 3526.090 5 17 .075 42.735 3526.460 517.575 42.739 3526.830 516,075 42 744 3527.200 516.575 42 746 3529.050 521 ,075 42.771 1355.9 3529.640 521.875 42.778 1418.4 3531 .050 523,875 42.795 1428.6 3531 400 524.375 4 2 .799 1428.6 3531 .750 524,875 42.803 1428.6 3532.100 525.375 42.808 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1428.6 1449.3 1470.6 1515.2 1515.2 1538.5 3532.450 525.875 42.812 3532.660 526,175 42.814 3532.870 526,475 4 2 .817 3533.080 526,775 42.820 3533.290 527,075 42 822 3533.500 527,375 42.825 3533.850 527,875 42.829 3534.200 528,375 42.833 3534.550 528,875 42 837 3534.900 529.375 42.842 3535.250 529,875 42.846 3535 .600 530,375 4 2.850 3535.950 530,875 42.854 3536.300 531 ,375 42.859 3536.650 531 ,875 42.863 3537.000 532.375 42.867 3537.350 532,875 42.871 3537.700 533,375 4 2 .876 3538.050 533,875 42.880 3538.400 534,375 42.884 3539.760 536,375 42.901 3541 .14 0 538,375 42.917 3542.790 540,675 42.937 3544 .440 543,375 42.957 3544.960 544 ,175 42.964 1538.5 3545 480 544,975 42.970 Page# 17 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I 9 .52:07 AM Wednesday. October 30, 2002 Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED No. Sou rce Item Line Segment Location Del 1/1 Ell m Cost $/GPM C UMI/1 CUM 1/1 Ellm No. (GPM) ($) (GPM) ($) (%) 1037 Vented Cover (100) 8887 -( 0 .420 650 1547.6 3545.900 545,625 42.975 1038 Vented Cover (100) 8907 -( 0.420 650 1547.6 3546.320 546,275 42.980 1039 Vented Cover (100 ) 8961 -( 0.420 650 1547.6 3546.740 546,925 42.985 1040 Vented Cover (100) 8966 -( 0 .420 650 1547 .6 354 7 .1 60 547,575 42.990 104 1 Vented Cover (100 ) 8980 -( 0.420 650 1547.6 3547.580 548,225 42.995 1042 Wall (100) 8798 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3547.900 548,725 42 .999 1043 Wall (100) 8813 -( 0.320 500 1562.5 3548.220 549,225 43.003 1044 Wall (100 ) 8816 ·( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3548.540 549,725 43.007 1045 Wall (100) 8824 -( 0.320 500 1562.5 3548.860 550,225 43.011 1046 Wall (100 ) 8852 -( off dead end 0 320 500 1562.5 3549.180 550,725 43.015 1047 Wall (100 ) 8856 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3549.500 551,225 43.019 1048 Wall (100 ) 8857 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3549.820 551 .725 43.022 1049 Wall (100 ) 8993 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3550.140 552,225 43.026 1050 Wall (100 ) 8998 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3550.460 552,725 43.030 1051 Wall (100) 9018 -( 0.320 500 1562.5 3550.780 553,225 43.034 1052 Wall (100) 9020 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3551.1 00 553,725 43.038 1053 Wall (100) 9027 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3551.420 554,225 43.042 1054 Ch1mney (11 ) 2369 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3551 .740 554,725 43.046 1055 Chimney (11 ) 2424 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3552.060 555,225 43.050 1 056 Chimney (11 2452 -( 0.320 500 1562.5 3552 .380 555,725 43.053 1057 Chimney (11 2465 -( 0.320 500 1562.5 3552.700 556.225 43.057 1058 Chimney (11 9063 -( 0 .320 500 1562.5 3553.020 556.725 43.061 1059 Ch1mney (11 9389 -( 0.320 500 1562.5 3553.340 557,225 43.065 1060 Chimney (11 9402 -( 0.320 500 1562.5 3553.660 557,725 43.069 1061 Bench (09A ) 7074 -( 0 .500 800 1600.0 3554 .1 60 558,525 43.075 1062 Bench (09A ) 7080 -( 0 .500 800 1600.0 3554.660 559,325 43.081 1063 Bench (09A ) 7739 -( 0 .500 800 1600.0 3555.160 560,125 43.087 1064 Bench (lOA) 7113 -( 0 .500 800 1600.0 3555.660 560,925 43 093 1065 Bench (lOA) 7114 -( 0 .500 800 1600.0 3556.160 561 ,725 43.099 1066 Bench (10A ) 7 147 -( b/w edgewd & bnarwd 0.500 800 1600.0 3556.660 562,525 43.1 05 1067 Bench (10A ) 8265 -( s of w edgewd,e olw1ldwd 0 .500 800 1600.0 3557.160 563,325 43111 1068 Bench (10A) 9487 -( 0 .500 800 1600.0 3557.660 564,1 25 43.117 1069 Bench (lOB ) 7192 -( 75' West-MH at3812 gray 0 .500 800 1600.0 3558.160 564,925 43.123 1070 Corbel (10B ) 8507 -( 0 .500 800 1600.0 3558.660 565,725 43.130 1071 Bench (10B ) 8554 ·( ) 0 .500 800 1600.0 3559.160 566,525 43.136 1072 Bench (10B ) 8704 -( ) 0.500 800 1600.0 3559.660 567,325 43.142 1073 Bench (10B ) 8730 -( ) 0 .500 800 1600.0 3560.160 568,125 43.148 107 4 Curb Inlet (11 ) 2322 -(11 ) 2321 48 s 6 .060 10.000 1650.2 3566.220 578.125 43.221 1075 Curb Inlet (11 ) 2322 -(11 ) 2321 48 T 6.060 10,000 1650.2 3572.280 588,125 43.295 1076 Curb Inlet (11 2339 -(11 ) 2313 43 s 6.060 10,000 1650.2 3578.340 598,125 43.368 1077 Curb Inle t (11 2315 ·(11 ) 2313 71 s 6.060 10,000 1650.2 3584.400 608.125 43.442 1078 Curb Inle t (11 ) 2315 ·(11 ) 2313 71 T 6 .060 10,000 1650.2 3590.460 618,125 43.515 1079sServ. Lat. (10B ) 8365 ·(10B ) 8364 3448 GETTYSBURG Pl A 1 .210 2 ,000 1652.9 359 1.670 620.125 43.530 1080sServ. lat. (11 ) 2735 -(11 ) 2345 323 ATCHISON STREET A 1 .210 2,000 1652.9 3592.880 622.125 43.544 1081sServ. lat. (11 ) 8079 ·(11 ) 8078 2831 SOUTH TEN MILE A 1.210 2,000 1652.9 3594.090 624.125 43.559 1 082sServ. lat. (1 1 ) 24 37 -(11 ) 2438 1022 HOLLY DR IVE A 1.210 2,000 1652.9 3595.300 626,125 43.574 1083 Bench (100 ) 8850 ·( ) 0.480 800 1666.7 3595.7 80 626.925 43.579 1084 Vented Cover (11 ) 2323 -( ) 0 .390 650 1666.7 3596.170 627,575 43.584 1 085 Vented Cover (1 1 ) 2324 -( ) 0 .390 650 1666.7 3596.560 628,225 43.589 1086 Vented Cover (11 2325 ·( 1n1ersect•on 0.390 650 1666.7 3596.950 628,875 43.594 1087 Bench (11 2338 ·( beh1nd McKmght TirO 0 .180 300 1666.7 3597.130 629,175 43.596 1088 Wall (11 7330 ·( 0 .300 500 1666.7 3597.430 629.675 43.599 1089 Bench (11 7406 ·( 0 .180 300 1666.7 3597.610 629,975 43 602 1090 Vented Cover (11 9116 ·( lnsterseCI•on 0 .390 650 1666.7 3598.000 630,625 43.606 1091 Vented Cover (11 9119 -( 0 .390 650 1666.7 3598.390 631,275 43.611 1 092 Vented Cover (11 9147 ·( 0.390 650 1666.7 3598.780 631,925 4 3.616 1093 Vented Cover (11 914 9 -( intersection 0 .390 650 1666.7 3599.1 70 632.575 4 3 .621 1094 Vented Cover (11 9152 ·( 0 .390 650 1666.7 3599.560 633,225 43.625 1095 Bench (1 1 9158 -( 0 .180 300 1666.7 3599.740 633,525 43.627 1096 Bench (11 9159 ·( 0.180 300 1666.7 3599.920 633,825 43.630 1097 Bench (11 9164 ·( 0 .180 300 1666.7 3600.100 634,125 43.632 1098 Ve n ted Cover (11 9446 ·( 0 .390 650 1666.7 3600.4 90 634,775 4 3 .637 1099 Ven ted Cover (11 9460 ·( 0 .390 650 1666.7 3600.880 635,425 43.641 1 1 00 Chimney (11 15069 ·( 0.290 500 1724 .1 3601.170 635,925 43.645 1101 Ch1mney (11 2337 -( 0 .290 500 1724 1 3601 .460 636,425 43.648 Page# 18 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source It em 1 102 Chomney 1103 Chomney 1 104 Chimney 11 OS Chomney 1 106 Line Defect 1 107 Lone Defect 1 108 Chomney 1 1 09sServ. Lat. 11 10sServ. Lat. 1111 sServ. Lat. 11 12sServ. Lat. 11 13sServ. Lat. 11 14sServ. Lat. 1 l 15 Curb Inlet 1116 Curb Inlet 1117 Vented Cover 1118 Bench 1119 Bench 1120 Bench 1121 Bench 1122 Bench 1123 Bench 1124 Bench 1125 Bench 1126 Corbel 1127 Corbel 1 128 Chomney 1 129 Area Draon 1130 Bench 1131 Bench 1132 Bench 1133Wall 1 134 Lone Defect 1 1 35sServ. Lat. 1 1 36sServ. Lat. 11 37sServ. Lat. 1 1 38 Line Defect 1 1 39 Line Defect 1140 Bench 1141 Corbel 1142 Corbel 1143 Corbel 1144 Corbel 1145 Bench 1146 Bench 1147 Corbel 1148 Corbel 1149 Corbet 1150 Corbel 1151 Corbel 1152 Corbel 1153 Corbel 1154 Corbel 1155 Corbel 1156 Corbel 1157 Bench 1158 Bench 1159 Bench 1160 Bench 1161 Bench 1162 Bench 1163 Bench 1164 Bench 1165Wall 1166Wall Line Segment (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (11 ) (10A) (09A ) (10D ) (10D ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) 7343 9178 9484 9820 2435 2447 8182 7452Z 9002 8823 9817 9422 9137 2325 (11 ) 2325 (09A ) 7714 (10A ) 7104 (10A ) 7116 (10A ) 7137 (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10E ) (10E ) (09B ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (10A) (09A) (10D) (10D ) (tOD) (11 ) (11 ) (lOA ) (10A ) (lOA) (lOA) (10A) (09A) (09B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (108 ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (tOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (tOE ) 7138 7143 8094 8127 8187 9037 9052 7637 7022 7084 7087 7810 8134 7491 B773 B815 B892 9254 9285 7163 8228 8229 8239 9487 7435 7574 15007 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7220 7245 B435 8712 8858 8984 9003 15076 2356 2357 2362 9455 B910 (tOE ) 8924 ·( -( ·( ·( ·(11 ) 2454 ·(11 ) 2424 ·( ) ·(09A ) 7452 ·(10D ) 9001 ·(10D ) 8822 ·(11 ) 9818 ·(11 ) 9423 ·(11 ) 9136 ·(11 ) 2321 ·(11 ) 2321 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(09A ) ·(10D ) ·(10D ) ·(10D ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( 7021 7492 8774 8814 8891 9252 926B JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM ·COMBINED Locatio n 49 252 2202 MELODY DRIVE 5101 SHADY LANE Def Il l Ellm No. (GPM) 0 .290 0 .290 0.290 0.290 T 1.380 T 1 380 0.440 A 1.100 A 1.100 1610 S. COUNTRY CLUB B 1 .100 1101 PRIMROSE LANE A 1 .100 903 PRIMROSE LANE A 1 100 614 MICHIGAN STREET A 1 .100 27 s 5.460 27 T 5 .460 0 .330 Sylvester Bemboom prop 0 .190 0.190 s of w.edgewd,wof zorcon 0 .190 s.of w.edgewd,w o f Ikon sw edgewood. wof Sylvester Bemboom prop 40 271 1320 GRANDVIEW CT 4911 WILLOBY DR 5437 SCHERR DR 35 31 97 s e. of emerald In South of W. Edgewood South of W. Edgewood South of W. Edgewood roben kauffman farm robert kauffman farm 50' south of Foxboro Dr 1610 tn creek bed in tntersection 0 190 0 .190 0 190 0 .190 0.190 0 .380 0 .380 0 370 s 2 .270 0 180 0 .180 0.180 0 .220 s 1.100 A 0.880 A 0.880 A 0.880 s 1.100 s 1 100 0 350 0.350 0 .350 0.350 0.350 0 .130 0.130 0 .130 0 .130 0 130 0 130 0 .130 0.130 0 .130 0.130 0 .130 0 .130 0.130 0 .130 0.130 0 .130 0 .130 0.130 0 .130 0 .130 0.210 0.210 Cost ($) 500 500 500 500 2,500 2,500 800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 $/GPM 1724.1 1724.1 1724.1 1724.1 1811 .6 1811.6 1818.2 1818.2 181B.2 181B.2 1818.2 1818.2 1818.2 1831 .5 10,000 1831.5 650 1969.7 400 2105.3 400 2105.3 400 2 105.3 400 400 400 400 400 800 BOO 800 5,000 400 400 400 500 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 BOO 800 800 800 800 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 2105.3 2105.3 2105.3 2105.3 2 105.3 2105.3 2105.3 2162.2 2202.6 2222.2 2222.2 2222.2 2272.7 2272.7 2272.7 2272.7 2272.7 2272.7 2272.7 2285.7 2285.7 2285.7 2285.7 2285.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2307.7 2381 .0 CUM Ill CUM (G PM) ($) Ill Ellm (%) 3601 .750 636,925 43.652 3602.040 637,425 43 655 3602.330 637,925 43.659 3602.620 638,425 43.662 3604.000 640,925 43.679 3605.380 643,425 43.696 3605.820 644,225 43.701 3606.920 646,225 43.714 3608.020 648,225 43.728 3609.120 650.225 43.741 3610.220 652,225 43.754 3611.320 654,225 43.768 3612.420 656,225 43.781 3617 .880 666,225 43.847 3623.340 676.225 43 913 3623.670 676,875 43.917 3623.860 677,275 43.920 3624.050 677,675 43.922 3624 .240 678,075 43.924 3624.430 678,475 43.927 3624.620 678,875 43.929 3624.810 679,275 43.931 3625.000 679,675 43.934 3625., 90 680,075 43.936 3625.570 680,B75 43.940 3625.950 681,675 43.945 3626.320 682,475 43.950 3628.590 687,475 43.977 362B .770 687,875 43.979 362B.950 688,275 43.981 3629.130 688,675 43.984 3629.350 689,, 75 43 986 3630.450 691,675 44.000 3631 .330 693,675 44.010 3632.210 695,675 44 .021 3633.090 697,675 44 .032 3634.190 700,175 44 .045 3635.290 702,675 44.058 3635.640 703,475 44 .063 3635.990 704,275 44 .067 3636.340 705,075 44 .071 3636.690 705,875 44 .075 3637 .040 706,675 44 079 3637.170 706,975 44 .081 3637.300 707,275 44 .083 3637.430 707,575 44 .0B4 3637.560 707 ,875 44 .0B6 3637.690 708,175 44.087 3637.820 708,475 44.0B9 3637.950 706,775 44 .091 3638.080 709,075 44 .092 3638.210 709.375 44 .094 3638.340 709,675 44.095 3638.470 709,975 44 .097 363B.600 710,275 44 .098 3638.730 710,575 44 .100 363B.B60 710,875 44 .102 3638.990 71,,175 44.103 3639.120 711,475 44.105 3639.250 711,775 44 .106 3639.380 712,075 44 .108 3639.510 712,375 44 .109 3639.640 712,675 44 .11, 3639.850 713,175 44 ., 14 500 2381 .0 3640.060 713,675 44 116 Page# 19 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED No. Source Item Line Segment Location Del 1/1 Ellm Cost $/G PM CU M 1/1 CUM 1/1 Ell m No . (GPM) ($) (GPM) ($) (%) 1167 Wall (10E ) 8948 -( ) 0 210 500 2381 .0 3640.270 714 ,175 44.119 1168Wall (10E ) 8955 ·( ) off deadend or merme dr 0.210 500 2381.0 3640.480 714,675 44 .121 1169Wall (10E ) 9042 ·( ) off dead-end 0 .210 500 2381 .0 3640.690 715,175 44.124 1170sServ. Lat. (lOB ) 8573 -(lOB ) 8574 4037 CAMBRIDGE CRCL A 0.840 2,000 2381.0 3641 .530 717,175 44.134 1171sServ. Lat (10B ) 8567 -(10B ) 8568 4008 CAMBRIDGE CRCL B 0.840 2,000 2381.0 3642.370 719,175 44.144 1172sServ. Lat. (11 ) 9141 -(11 ) 9129 1112 MISSOURI BLVD A 0 .830 2 ,000 2409.6 3643.200 721 ,175 44.154 1173Wall (11 ) 15073 ·( ) 0 .200 500 2500.0 3643.400 721,675 44.157 1174 Wall (11 ) 15076 -( ) 0 .200 500 2500.0 3643.600 722,175 44.159 1175 Wall (11 ) 2338 ·( ) behind McKnoght Tore 0.200 500 2500.0 3643.800 722,675 44.161 1176 Wall (11 2341 -( 0 .200 500 2500 0 3644.000 723,175 44.164 1177 Wall (11 2343 ·( 0.200 500 2500.0 3644.200 723,675 44.166 1178 Wall (11 2350 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3644.400 724,175 44.169 1179 Wall (11 2356 ·( in creek bed 0 .200 500 2500.0 3644.600 724,675 44.171 1180Wall (11 2357 -( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3644.800 725,175 44.174 1181 Wall (11 2424 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3645.000 725,675 44.176 1182Wall (11 2438 -( 0.200 500 2500.0 3645.200 726,175 44.178 1183Wall (11 2446 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3645,400 726,675 44.181 1184 Wall (11 2447 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3645.600 727,175 44.183 1185Wall (11 2454 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3645.800 727,675 44.186 1186Wall (11 2457 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3646.000 728,175 44.188 1187 Wall (11 2462 ·( 0.200 500 2500.0 3646.200 728,675 44 .191 1188Wall (11 9131 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3646.400 729,175 44.193 1189Wall (11 9159 -( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3646.600 729,675 44.195 1190Wall (11 9164 -( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3646.800 730,175 44.198 1191 Wall (11 9235 ·( 0 .200 500 2 500.0 3647.000 730.675 44.200 1192 Wall (11 9300 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3647.200 731 '175 44.203 1193Wall (11 9361 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3647.400 731,675 44.205 1194 Wall (11 9368 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3647.600 732,175 44 .207 1195Wall (11 9389 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3647.800 732,675 44.210 1196 Wall (11 9461 ·( 0.200 500 2500.0 3648.000 733,175 44 .212 1197 Wall (11 9466 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3648.200 733,675 44.215 1198Wall (11 9805 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3648.400 734,175 44.217 1199Wall (11 ) 9822 ·( 0 .200 500 2500.0 3648.600 734,675 44.220 1200 Wall (09A ) 15015 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3648.790 735,175 44.222 1201 Wall (09A ) 7038 ·( w .of lynnwood dr 0 .190 500 2631.6 3648.980 735,675 44.224 1202 Wall (09A ) 7073 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3649.170 736,175 44.227 1203 Wall (09A ) 7075 ·( 0.190 SOL 2631 .6 3649.360 736,675 44.229 1204 Wall (09A ) 7076 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3649.550 737,175 44.231 1205 Wall (09A ) 7078 -( 0.190 500 2631.6 3649.740 737 ,675 44.233 1206 Wall (09A ) 7080 -( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3649.930 738,175 44.236 1207 Wall (09A ) 7081 ·( 0 .190 500 2631.6 3650.120 738,675 44.238 1208 Wall (09A ) 7082 ·( 0 .190 500 2631.6 3650.310 739,175 44.240 1209 Wall (09A ) 7730 ·( 0 .190 500 2631.6 3650.500 739,675 44 .243 1210Wall (09A ) 7745 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3650.690 740,175 44.245 1211 Wall (09A ) 7807 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3650.880 740,675 44.247 1212 Wall (09A ) 7808 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3651.070 741,175 44.250 1213 Wall (09A ) 7811 ·( lot33 0.190 500 2631 .6 3651 .260 741 ,675 44.252 1214 Wall (09A ) 7812 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3651.450 742,175 44.254 1215Wall (09A ) 7814 ·( bunker holl rd&lexongton 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3651 .640 742,675 44.256 1216Wall (09A ) 7815 ·( lot 78 0 .190 500 2631.6 3651.830 743,175 44.259 1217 Wall (09A ) 7816 ·( 0 .190 500 2631.6 3652.020 743,675 44.261 1218Wall (09A ) 7817 ·( 0 .190 500 2631.6 3652.210 744,175 44.263 1219Wall (09A) 7850 ·( lot35 0 .190 500 2631.6 3652.400 744,67 5 44.266 1220 Wall (09A ) 7873 ·( 0.190 500 2631.6 3652.590 745,175 44.268 1221 Wall (10A) 7092 ·( 0.190 500 2631 .6 3652.780 745,675 44.270 1222 Wall (lOA) 7093 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3652.970 746,175 44.273 1223 Wall (lOA) 7101 ·( Sylvester Bemboom pro p 0.190 500 2631.6 3653.160 746,675 44.275 1224 Wall (lOA) 7103 -( Sylvester Bemboom prop 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3653.350 747' 175 44.277 1225 Wall (10A ) 7 1 31 ·( s.of w.edgewood 0 .190 500 2631.6 3653.540 747,675 44.279 1226 Wall (10A) 8117 ·( 0190 500 2631 .6 3653.730 748,175 44.282 1227 Wall (10A) 8122 ·( Sylverter Bemboom prop 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3653.920 748,67 5 44.284 1228 Wall (lOA) 8136 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 .6 3654.1 10 749,175 44 .286 1229 Wall (10A) 8151 ·( 0 .190 500 2631.6 3654.300 7 49.675 44 .289 1230 Wall (lOA) 8152 ·( 0 .190 500 2631.6 3654.490 750,175 44.291 1231 Wall (10A ) 8225 ·( 0 .190 500 2631 6 3654 .680 750 ,675 44.293 Page# 20 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source It em 1232sServ. Lat. 1233sServ. Lat. 1234sServ. Lat. 1235sServ. Lat. 1236sServ. Lal 1237 Bench 1238 Bench 1239 Bench 1240 Bench 1241 Chrmney 1242 Chrmney 1243 Chimney 1244 Chrmney 1245 Vented Cover 1246 Vented Cover 1247 Chrmney 1248 Chrmney 1249 Chrmney 1250 Chrmney 1251 Chimney 1252 Chimney 1253 Lme Defect 1254 Lme Defect 1255sServ. Lat. 1256sServ. Lat 1 257 Bench 1258 Bench 1259 Bench 1260 Bench 1261 Bench 1262 Bench 1263 Bench 1264 Bench 1265 Bench 1266 Bench 1267 Bench 1268 Corbel 1269 Corbel 1270 Corbel 1271 Corbel 1272 Corbel 1273 Corbel 1274 Bench 1275 Corbel 1276 Corbel 1277 Corbel 1278 Corbel 1279 Corbel 1280 Corbel 1281 Corbel 1282 Vented Cover 1283 Chrmney 1284 Chimney 1285sServ. Lat. 1286sServ. Lat. 1287sServ. Lat. 1288sServ. Lat. 1289 Bench 1290 Corbel 1291 Corbel 1292 Bench 1293 Chrmney 1294 Wall 1295 Wall 1296 Wall L fn o Segme nt (09B ) (10B ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10D ) (10D ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (11 ) (11 ) (10A) (10D ) (09B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) 7625 8708 9362 9362 9416 7115 7128 7130 9521 15053 7147 8202 8337 8765 8859 7203 8411 8433 8434 8493 8557 2446 2446 8229 8788 7692 7203 7236 8534 8548 8571 8703 8709 8724 (10B ) 9524 (11 ) 2423 (10B ) 15009 (10B ) 7204 (10B ) 7207 (10B ) 7208 (10B ) 7209 (10B ) 7213 (10B ) 7213 (10B ) 7214 (10B ) 7215 (10B ) 7236 (10B ) 7243 (10B ) 7244 (10B ) 8477 (10B ) 8536 (11 ) 7310 (10D ) 8763 (10D ) 8783 (10D ) 8815 (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) 2332 9269 9343 7082 7446 (09A ) 7465 (09A ) 7815 (10E ) 8956 (10B ) 15007 (10B ) 7 185 (10B ) 7195 ·(09B ) ·(10B ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) 7626 8707 9361 9361 9402 ·(11 ) 2447 ·(11 ) 2447 ·(10A ) 8228 ·(10D 8787 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·(10D ) 8814 ·(1 1 ) ·(11 ) ·(1 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( 2334 9285 9342 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Locatio n 2010 SOUTHRIDGE 645 HOBBS RD VACANT LOT VACANT LOT 623 OHIO STREET s. west edgewood dr. frog hollow & 179 b/W edgewd & bnarwd robert kauffman farm 100' south of Foxboro Dr off S. Country Club 33 71 930 DIAMOND RIDGE 5104 WOODWAY robert kauffman farm along Hwy 54 West side robert kauffman farm robert kauffman farm north east or road north easl of rd County Pari< Lake County Pari< Lake Jaycee Home Assoc Inc Jaycee Home Assoc Inc Del Ill Eff m No. (GPM) A 0.740 A 0.730 A 0 .730 B 0 .730 B 0 .730 0 .290 0.290 0 .290 0 .290 0 280 0 .280 0 .280 0.280 0 .220 0 .220 0.270 0.270 0 .270 0.270 0 .270 0 .270 s 0 .830 u 0 830 A 0 .660 A 0.660 0 .130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0130 0 .130 0 .130 0 .130 0 .130 0.130 0.130 0 .240 0 .240 0.240 0 .240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0 .240 0 .240 0.240 0 .240 0.240 0 .190 0.220 0.220 4911 SCRUGS STATION B 0 .550 815 WASHINGTON ST B 0 550 1115 SOUTHWEST BLVD A 0 .550 1001 DULLE STREET C 0 .550 l ot 78 South o f W. Edgewood 0.210 0 .210 0.210 0 .210 0.210 0.130 0.130 0130 Cost ($) 2,000 2 ,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 650 650 800 800 800 800 800 800 2,500 2,500 2 ,000 2,000 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 650 800 800 2,000 2 ,000 2,000 2,000 800 800 800 800 800 500 500 500 S/GPM 2702.7 2739.7 2739.7 2739.7 2739.7 2758.6 2758.6 2758.6 2758.6 2857.1 2857 .1 2857 .1 2857.1 2954.5 2954 .5 2963.0 2963.0 2963.0 2963.0 2963.0 2963.0 3012 .0 3012.0 3030.3 3030.3 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3076.9 3333:3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3333.3 3421.1 3636.4 3636.4 3636 .4 3636.4 3636.4 3636.4 3809.5 3809.5 CUM f/f (GPM) CUM ($) f/1 Effm (%) 3655.420 752,675 44 .302 3656.150 754,675 44.311 3656.880 756,675 44 .320 3657.610 758,675 44 .329 3658.340 760,675 44.338 3658.630 761,475 44.341 3658.920 762,275 44.345 3659.210 763,075 44.348 3659.500 763,875 44.352 3659.780 764 ,675 44.355 3660.060 765,475 44.358 3660.340 766,275 44 .362 3660.620 767,075 44 .365 3660.840 767,725 44.368 3661 .060 768,375 44.371 3661 .330 769,175 44.374 3661.600 769,975 44.377 3661.870 770,775 44.380 3662.140 771 ,575 44.384 3662.410 772,375 44.387 3662.680 773,175 44.390 3663.510 775,675 44.400 3664.340 778,175 44.410 3665.000 780,175 44.418 3665.660 782.175 44.426 3665.790 782,575 44.428 3665.920 782,975 44.430 3666.050 783,375 44.43 1 3666.180 783,775 44.433 3666.310 784,175 44.434 3666.440 784,575 44.436 3666.570 784,975 44.437 3666.700 785,375 44.439 3666.830 785,775 44.441 3666.960 786,175 44.442 3667.090 786,575 44.444 3667.330 787.375 44.447 3667 .570 788,175 44.450 3667.810 788,975 44.452 3668.050 789,775 44,455 3668.290 790,575 44.458 3668.530 791,375 44.461 3668.770 792,175 44.464 3669.010 792,975 44.467 3669.250 793,775 44.470 3669.490 794 ,575 44.473 3669.730 795,375 44.476 3669.970 796,175 44.479 3670.210 796,975 44 .482 3670.450 797,775 44 .484 3670.640 798,425 44,487 3670.860 799,225 44 .489 3671.080 800,025 44 .492 3671.630 802,025 44.499 3672.180 804 ,025 44.505 3672.730 806,025 44.512 3673.280 808,025 44.519 3673.490 808,825 44.521 3673.700 809,625 44.524 3809.5 3673 .910 8 10,425 44.526 3809.5 3674.120 811 ,225 44.529 3809.5 3674.330 812,025 44.531 3846.2 3674 .460 812,525 44.533 3846.2 3674 .590 8 13,025 44.535 3846.2 3674.720 813.525 44.536 Page# 21 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 1297 Wall 1298 Wall 1299 Wall 1300 Wall 1301 Wall 1302 Wall 1303 Wall 1304 Wall 1305 Wall 1306 Wall 1307 Wall 1308sfound. Ora1n 1309sServ. Lat 1310sServ. Lat 131tsServ. Lat. 1312 L1ne Defect 1313 Bench 1314 Bench 1315 Bench 1316 Bench 1317 Bench 1318 Vented Cover 1319 Vented Cover 1320 Wall 1321 Wall 1322 Wall 1323 Wall 1324 Wall 1325 Wall 1326 Wall 1327 Wall 1328 Wall 1329 Wall 1330 Wall 1331 Wall 1332 Wall 1333 Wall 1334 Wall 1335 Wall 1336 Wall 1337 Wall 1338 Wall 1339 Wall 1340 Wall 1341sServ. Lat. 1342sServ. Lat. 1343sServ. Lat. 1344sServ. Lat 1345sServ. Lat. 1346 L1ne Defect 1347sServ. LaL 1348sServ. Lat. 1349 Corbel 1350 Corbel 1351 Corbel 1352 Corbel 1353 Corbel 1354 Wall 1355 Corbel 1 356 Line Defec t 1357sServ. Lat 1358sServ.lat 1359sServ. Lat 1360sServ. Lat. 1361 sServ. Lat. l in e Segme nt (10B ) 7196 (lOB ) 7199 (lOB ) 7200 (lOB ) 7201 (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOA ) (10B ) (lOB ) 7220 7245 8504 8548 8703 8711 8737 8147 8513 8449 (11 ) 2330 (11 ) 15041 (lOB ) 7157 (lOB ) 7215 (l OB ) 8464 (10B ) 8505 (10B ) 8707 (11 ) 9063 (11 ) 9126 (11 ) 15070 (11 2365 (11 6982 (11 7017 (11 7253 (11 7256 (11 7261 (11 7266 (11 7277 (11 7304 (11 7406 (11 7410 (11 9229 (11 9263 (11 9265 (11 9267 (11 9272 (11 9279 (11 9280 (11 94 19 (11 9423 (09A ) (100 ) (tOO) (100 ) (100) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) 7446 8794 8831 8878 8877 2443 9474 9343 15015 7083 (09A ) 7084 (09A ) 7085 (09A ) 7087 (09A ) 7460 (09A ) 7810 (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10E ) (09B ) 9477 9827 9399 8932 7592 (09B ) 7597 ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·(lOA ) 8146 ·(lOB ) 8512 ·(10B ) 8440 ·(11 ) 2325 ·(11 ) 9399 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( -(09A ) 7445 -(100 ) 8795 -(100 ) 8832 -(100 ) 8964 -(100 ) 8870 -(11 ) -(11 ) ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·(11 ) -(11 ) ·(1 1 ) -(lOE ) ·(09B ) 2444 9475 9342 9474 9825 9397 8934 7591 -(09B ) 7596 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location Del Ill Ellm Cost No. (GPM) ($) Soulh of W. Edgewood South of W. Edgewood South o r W. Edgewood 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 across creek beh1nd hous 0.130 0.130 1925 ROLLINGHILLS OR A 0.500 901 COUNTRY RIDGE OR A 0.490 714 SHERWOOD DR A 0.490 221 ATCH ISON STREET A 0.490 23 s 0 .610 0.190 Jaycee Home Assoc Inc 0 .190 Lot13 0 .190 2102 BUEHRLE DRIVE 1509 WESTVIEW OR 1705 NORTHPORT OR 5206 COLLIER CT 5300 SCHERR DR 85 0 .190 0 .190 0.150 0 .150 0 .110 0 .110 0.110 0 .110 0.110 0.110 0 .110 0 .110 0 .1 1 0 0 .110 0 .11 0 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0 .110 0 .110 0.110 0.110 0 .110 A 0 .440 A 0.440 B 0 .440 A 0.440 A 0.440 T 0.550 802 MONTANA STREET A 0.440 1003 DULLE STREET A 0.440 0 .060 0.060 0.060 0 .060 0.060 0.100 0 .060 251 s 0.490 2004 EDGEWOOD DRIVE A 0 .360 905 ST MARYS BLVD A 0 .360 5541 BRADLEY DR B 0.350 1818 SUNVALLEY DR IVE A 0 .330 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 ,000 2,500 800 800 800 800 800 650 650 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 300 300 300 300 300 500 300 2,500 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 S/G PM CUM Il l CUM Il l Ell m (%) (G PM) ($) 3846.2 3674 .850 814 ,0 25 44.538 3846.2 3674.980 814,525 44.539 3846.2 3675.110 815,025 44.541 384 6.2 3675.240 815,525 44.542 3846 2 3846.2 3846.2 384 6.2 3846.2 3846.2 3846.2 4000.0 4081 .6 4081 .6 4081.6 4098.4 4 2 10.5 4210.5 4210.5 4210.5 4210.5 4333.3 4333.3 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4 5 45.5 4545.5 4 5 45.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 5000.0 5000.0 5000 0 5000 .0 5000.0 5000.0 5000.0 5102.0 5555.6 5555.6 5714.3 6060.6 3675.370 816,025 44.544 3675.500 816,525 44.546 3675.630 817,025 44.547 3675.760 817,525 44.549 3675.890 818,025 44.550 3676.020 818,525 44.552 3676.150 819,025 44.553 3676.650 821 ,025 44.560 3677.140 823,025 44.565 3677.630 825.025 44.571 3678.120 827,025 44.577 3678.730 829,525 44 585 3678.920 830,325 44.587 3679.110 831,125 44.589 3679.300 831 ,925 44.592 3679.490 832,725 44.594 3679.680 833,525 44.596 3679.830 834,175 44.598 3679.980 834,825 44.600 3680.090 835,325 44.601 3680.200 835,825 44.603 3680.310 836,325 44.604 3680.420 836,825 44.605 3680.530 837,325 44.607 3680.640 837,825 44.608 3680.750 838,325 44 609 3680.860 838,825 44.611 3680.970 839,325 44.6 12 3681.080 839,825 44.613 3681.190 840,325 44.615 3681 .300 840,825 44.616 3681.410 841,325 44.617 3681.520 841,825 44.619 3681.630 842,325 44.620 3681.740 842,825 44.621 3681.850 843,325 44.623 3681.960 843,825 44.624 3682 .070 844,325 44.625 3682.180 844,825 44.627 3682 290 845,325 44.628 3682.730 847,325 44.633 3683.170 849,325 44.639 3683.610 851 ,325 4 4 .644 3684.050 853,325 44.649 3684.490 855,325 44.655 3665.040 657,625 4 4 .661 3685.480 859,825 44.667 3685.920 861,825 44.672 3685.980 862,125 44.673 3686.040 862,425 44.673 3686.100 862,725 44.674 3686.160 863,025 44 .675 3686.220 863,325 44 .676 3686.320 863,825 44.677 3686.380 864,125 44.677 3686.870 866,625 44 .683 3687.230 868,625 44 .688 3687.590 870,625 44.692 3687.940 872,625 44 .696 3688.270 874 ,625 44 .700 1814 CEDAR HILL ROAD A 0 .330 2,000 6060 6 3688.600 876,625 44 ,704 Page# 22 9:52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Sourc e Item 1362sServ. Lat. 1363 Bench 1364 Bench 1365 Bench 1366 Corbel 1367 Corbel 1368 Corbel 1369 Corbel 1370 Corbel 1371 Corbel 1372 Corbel 1373 Corbel 1374 Corbel 1375sStrwll Dram 1376 Wall 1377 Wall 1378 Wall 1379 Wall 1380 Wall 1381 Wall 1382sServ. Lat. 1383sServ. Lat. 1384sServ. Lat. 1385sServ. Lal 1386sServ_ Lat. 1387 Corbel 1388 Corbel 1389 Corbel 1390 Corbel 1391 Corbel 1392 Corbel 1393 Corbel 1394 Corbel 1395 Corbel 1396 Corbel 1397 Corbel 1398 Corbel 1399 Corbel 1400 Corbel 1401 Corbel 1402 Corbel 1403 Corbel 1404 Corbel 1405 Corbel 1406 Corbel 1407sServ. Lat 1408 Vented Cover 1409 Vented Cover 1410Wall 1411 Wall 1412Wall 1413 Wall 1414 Wall 141 5Wall 1416Wall 1417 Wall 1418sServ. Lat. 141 9sServ. Lat. 1420 Lme Defect 1421sServ. Lat. 1422sServ. Lat. 1423sServ. Lat. 1424sServ. Lat. 1425sServ. Lat. 1426sServ. Lat Line Segment (10D ) 8966 (09A ) 15015 (09A ) 7737 (09A ) 7792 (11 {11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 2325 2338 2372 2424 2446 2452 2457 9334 9389 9413 (09A ) 744 2 (09A ) 7450 (09A ) 7463 (09A ) 7466 (09A ) 7477 (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09B ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (10D) (10D) 7737 7764 7749 9817 9254 9298 2447 2453 2454 9 164 9369 9457 7076 7077 7078 7080 7081 7082 776 9 7811 7812 7814 7815 781 6 7817 7850 7560 231 6 9295 7035 7083 7084 7085 7087 7779 7792 7810 9132 9132 2345 7491 15028 7449Y 9016 8767 (10D ) 8761 -(10D ) 8967 -( ) -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -( ) -( ) -(1 1 ) 9414 -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -(09A ) -(0 9A ) -(11 ) -(11 ) 7771 7759 9818 9252 -(11 ) 9297 -( ) -( ) -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -(09B ) 7559 -( ) -( ) -( ) -( -( -( -( -( -( ) -( ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) 9131 9131 2344 -(09A ) 7 492 -(09A ) 7453 -(09A ) 7449 -(10D ) 9015 -(10D ) 8768 -(10D ) 8766 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM • COMBINED Location Del 1/1 Ellm Cost No. (GPM) ($) 16 14 NORTH BROOK CT A 0.330 0 .060 0 .060 0.060 mtersecllon beh•nd McKmght T~re 706 OHIO STREET 0.120 0.120 0 .1 20 0 .120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0 .120 0 .120 A 0.290 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0 .070 0 .070 1717 LI BERTY CT A 0.280 1701 INDEPENDENCE A 0.280 110 1 PRIMROSE LANE B 0.280 1211 EDGEWOOD DRIVE A 0.280 BASEBALL F IELD A 0.280 0 .040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0 .040 0.100 0.100 0.100 0 .100 0.100 0.100 0.100 lot 33 0.100 0.100 bunker hill rd&lexmgton 0 .100 lot 78 0.100 0.100 0.100 lot 35 0.100 1723 OVERLOOK DRIVE A 0 .250 0 .080 0 .080 0.060 0 .060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0 .060 0.060 0.060 1109 ST MARYS BLVD A 0.240 1111STMARYSBLVD B 0.240 120 T 0 .280 221 4 BRANDY LANE A 0.220 2119 EDGEWOOD DRIVE A 0 .220 2208 BUEHRLE DRIVE A 0.220 1314 BISCAYNE DR C 0 .220 1201 GRAN DV IEW CT A 0.220 2.000 400 400 400 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 2.000 500 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 2 ,000 2,000 2 .000 2,000 300 300 300 300 300 300 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 2,000 650 650 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 2.000 2,500 2.000 2,000 2,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 SI GPM CU M Il l CUM Il l Ellm (%) 6060.6 6666.7 6666.7 6666 .7 6666.7 6666.7 6666.7 6666 .7 6666.7 (GPM) ($) 3688.930 878,625 44.708 3688.990 879,025 44 709 3689.050 879,425 44.710 3689.11 0 879,825 44 .711 3689.230 880,625 44.712 3689.350 881,425 44 .713 3689 .4 70 882,225 44 .715 3689.590 883,025 44.716 3689.710 883,825 44.718 6666.7 3689.830 884 ,625 44.719 6666.7 3689 .950 885,425 44.721 6666.7 3690.070 886,225 44.722 6666.7 3690.190 887,025 44 ,724 6896.6 3690.480 889,025 44.727 7142.9 3690.550 889,525 44.728 7142.9 3690.620 890,025 44.729 7142.9 3690.690 890,525 44.730 7 142.9 3690.760 891,025 44.73 1 7142.9 3690.830 891 ,525 44.731 71 4 2.9 7 142.9 7 14 2.9 7 14 2.9 7142.9 7 14 2.9 7500.0 7500.0 7500.0 7500.0 7500.0 7500.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000.0 8000 0 8000.0 8000.0 8 125.0 8125.0 8333.3 8333.3 8 333.3 8333.3 8333.3 8333.3 8333.3 8333.3 8333.3 8333.3 8928.6 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 3690.900 892,025 44.732 3691 .180 894,025 44.736 3691.460 896,025 44.739 3691.740 898,025 44.742 3692.020 900,025 44.746 3692.300 902,025 44.749 3692.340 902.325 44.750 3692.380 902,625 44.750 3692.420 902,925 44.751 3692.4 60 903.225 44,751 3692.500 903,525 44.752 3692.540 903,825 44.752 3692.640 904,625 44.753 3692.740 905,425 44.755 3692.840 906,225 44.756 3692.940 907,025 44.757 3693.040 907,825 44.758 3693.140 908,625 44.759 3693.240 909,425 44.761 3693.340 910,225 44.762 3693.440 911,025 44 763 3693.540 911,825 44.764 3693.640 912.625 44.765 3693.740 9 13,425 44.767 3693.840 91 4,225 44.768 3693.940 9 15,025 44.769 3694 .190 917,025 44.772 3694 .270 917,675 44.773 3694 .350 918,325 44.774 3694 .410 918,825 44.775 3694 .470 919,325 44.776 3694.530 919,825 44.776 3694.590 920,325 44.777 3694 .650 920,825 44.778 3694.710 921,325 44.778 3694.770 921.825 44 .779 3694.830 922,325 44 .780 3695.070 924 ,325 44.783 3695.310 926,325 44.786 3695.590 928,825 44.789 3695.810 930,825 44.792 3696.030 932,825 44.794 3696.250 934,825 44.797 3696.470 936,825 44.800 3696.690 938,825 44.802 5 111 OLD LOHMAN RD A 0.220 2,000 9090.9 3696.910 940,825 44.805 Page# 23 9:52:07 AM No. Sourc e Item 1427sServ. Lat. 1428sS erv. Lat. 1429sServ. Lat. 1430sServ. Lat. 1431sServ. Lat. 1432sServ. Lat. 1433sServ. LaL 1434 Bench 1435 Bench 1436 Ch1mney 1437 Chimney 14 38 Chimney 1439 Corbel 1440 Ch1mney 1441 Chimney 1442 Chimney 1443 Ch1mney 1444 Chimney 1445 Chimney 1446 Chimney 1447sServ, Lat. 1448sServ. Lat. 1449sServ. Lat. 1450sServ. Lat. 1451 sServ. Lat. 1452sServ . Lat. 1453sServ. Lat. 1454 Wall 1455 Wall 1456 Wall 1457 Wall 1458 Wall 1459 Wall 1460 Wall 1461 Wall 1462 Wall 1463 Wall 1464 Wa ll 1465 Wall 1466 Wall 1467 Wall 14 68 Wall 1469 Wall 1470 Wall 1471 Water Valve 1472 Corbel 1473 Bench 14 74 Bench 1475 Corbel 1476 Bench 1477 Corbel 1478 Bench 1479 Bench 1480 Bench 1481 Corbel 1482 Corbel 1483 Bench 1484 Bench 1485sServ. Lat. 14B6 Bench 1487 Bench 1488 Ch1mney 1489 Ch•mney 1490 Bench 1491 Bench Wednesday , October 30, 2002 Line Segm ent (10D ) (10D ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 8838 8874 2332 2366 2435 2453 9372 7859 7890 2308 2313 2317 2360 2444 2447 2453 6983 9082 9369 (11 ) 9412 (09B ) 7574 (09A ) 7 452Z (09B ) 7649 (09B ) 7577 (lOA ) (10A ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (10D ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09B ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 7124 8102 2463 15034 2362 2372 2377 2434 2453 9069 9120 9 142 9 148 9170 9171 9172 9369 9390 9457 9790 8768 15044 2317 2323 6982 7018 7275 7332 7335 7360 7380 7388 8757 9369 7519 6982 6995 7008 7013 7336 7412 ·(10D) ·(10D) ·(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) ·(11 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) 8837 8875 2334 2367 2454 2451 9485 -(099 ) 7573 -(09A ) 7452 ·(09B ) 7648 -(09B ) 7576 -(lOA ) 7123 ·(lOA ) 8101 -(11 ) 2462 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·(10D ) 8773 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ) ·(099 ) 7518 ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( ·( JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location Def Ill Ellm Cost No. (GPM) ($) 4905 WESTPORT DR 5304 JACOB LN 815 WASHINGTON ST 933 JEFFERSON ST 1012 HAWTHORNE 1020 HAWTHORNE 728 HE IS INGER ROAD lot 41 Intersection A 0.220 A 0.220 A 0.220 A 0.220 B 0.220 A 0 .220 B 0.220 0 .080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0 .080 0 .030 0 .080 0.080 O.OBO O.OBO O.OBO 0 .080 0.080 1824 OVERLOOK DR IVE A 0.200 2202 MELODY DRIVE B 0.170 2109 MEADOW LAKE DR A 0.170 1910 SUN MEADOW A 0.170 131 2 L ECARDRIVE A 0.170 2611 KENWOOD DRIVE A 0.170 1134 DARLENE DRIVE A 0.170 0.040 1n Intersection 0.040 70 Intersect• on 1815 CEDAR RIDGE 0 .040 0 .040 0 .040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0 .040 0 .040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0 .040 s 0.200 0.060 0.030 0.030 0.060 0.030 0.060 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.060 0 .060 0.030 0.030 A 0 .130 0.050 0 .050 0 .050 0.050 0.050 0 .050 2.000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 800 BOO BOO BOO BOO 300 BOO 800 BOO BOO 800 BOO 800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 ,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 5 00 500 500 2,500 BOO 400 400 800 400 800 400 400 400 800 800 400 400 2,000 800 800 800 800 800 800 S/GPM CUM Ill CUM Ill Ellm (%) 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 10000.0 10000.0 (GPM) ($) 3697.130 942.B25 44.B08 3697.350 944,825 44.B10 3697.570 946,825 44.B 13 3697.790 94B.B25 44 .B16 369B.010 950,825 44.B1B 369B.230 952.B25 44.B21 369B.450 954,825 44.B24 369B .530 955,625 44.B25 3698.610 956,425 44.826 10000.0 3698.690 957,225 44.827 10000.0 369B.770 95B.025 44.B2B 10000.0 369B.850 95B,B25 44.B29 10000.0 369B.880 959,125 44.B29 10000.0 369B.960 959,925 44.B30 10000.0 3699.040 960,725 44.B31 10000.0 3699.120 961,525 44.832 10000.0 3699.200 962,325 44.833 10000.0 3699.2BO 963,125 44.B34 10000.0 3699.360 963,925 44.B35 10000.0 3699.440 964,725 44 .B36 10000.0 3699.640 966,725 44 .83B 11764.7 3699.B10 96B,725 44 .840 11764.7 3699.980 970,725 44.B42 11764.7 3700.150 972,725 44.844 11764.7 3700.320 974.725 44.B 46 11764.7 3700.490 976,725 44.B48 11764.7 3700.660 978,725 44.B51 12500.0 3700.700 979,225 44.B51 12500.0 3700.740 979.725 44.B52 12500.0 3700.780 980,225 44.B52 12500.0 3700.820 9BO, 725 44.B52 12500.0 3700.B60 981,225 44.B53 12500.0 3700.900 981 ,725 44.B53 12500.0 3700.940 982,225 44.854 12500.0 3700.9BO 982.725 44.B54 12500.0 3701.020 983,225 44.B55 12500.0 3701.060 983,725 44.B55 12500.0 3701 .100 984,225 44.B56 12500.0 3701.140 984,725 44.B56 12500.0 3701 .180 9B5,225 44.857 12500.0 3701.220 985,725 44.857 12500.0 3701.260 9B6,225 44.B58 12500.0 370 1.300 986,725 44.B58 12500.0 3701.340 987,225 44.B59 12500.0 3701.540 989,725 44.861 13333.3 3701 .600 990,525 44.862 13333.3 3701.630 990,925 44 .862 13333.3 3701 .660 991,325 44.863 13333.3 3701 .720 992,125 44.863 13333.3 3701 .750 992.525 44.864 13333.3 3701.810 993,325 44.864 13333.3 3701.840 993,725 44.865 13333.3 3701.870 994,125 44.B65 13333.3 3701 .900 994,525 44.866 13333.3 3701 .960 995,325 44.866 13333.3 3702.020 996,125 44.867 13333.3 3702.050 996.525 44.867 13333.3 3702.080 996,925 44.868 15384.6 3702.210 998,925 44.869 16000.0 3702.260 999.725 44.870 16000.0 3702.310 1,000,52544.8 7 1 16000.0 3702.360 1,001 ,32544.871 16000.0 3702.410 1,002,12544.872 16000.0 3702.460 1,002,92544.872 16000.0 3702.510 1,003,72544.873 Page# 24 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I 9 :52:07 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED No. Source Item Line S egment Location Del Ill Eltm Cost SIG PM CUM Ill CUM Il l Eltm No. (GPM) ($) (GPM) ($) (%) 1492 Chimney (11 8070 ·( ryans steak house 0 .0 50 800 16000.0 3702.560 1,004,52544.874 1493 Bench (11 9136 ·( 0 .050 800 16000.0 3702.610 1,005,32544.874 1494 Bench (11 9420 ·( 0 .050 800 16000.0 3702.660 1,006,12544.875 1495 Bench (11 9423 ·( 0 .050 800 16000.0 3702.710 1,006,92544.875 1496 Wall (11 15030 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3702.740 1,007,42544.876 1497 Wall (11 2345 ·( N of Broadway 0 .030 500 16666.7 3702.770 1,007,92544.876 1498 Wall (11 2358 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3702.800 1,008,42544.876 1499 Wall (11 6977 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3702.830 1,008,92544.877 1500 Wall (11 6991 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3702.860 1,009,42544.877 1501 Wall (11 7001 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3702.890 1,009.92544.878 1502 Wall (11 7276 ·( 0.030 500 16666.7 3702.920 1,010,42544.878 1503 Wall (11 7339 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3702.950 1,010,92544.878 1504 Wall (11 7388 ·( 0.030 500 16666.7 3702.980 1,011,42544.879 1505 Wall (11 8033 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3703.010 1,011 ,92544.879 1506 Wall (11 9080 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3703.040 1,012,42544.879 1507 Wall (11 9093 ·( 0.030 500 16666.7 3703.070 1,012,92544 .880 1508 Wall {11 9094 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3703.1 00 1,013,42544.880 1509 Wall (11 9380 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3703.130 1,013,92544.880 1510 Wall (11 9394 ·( 0 .030 500 16666.7 3703.1601,014,42544 .881 1511 sServ . Lat. (1 1 9377 ·(11 9376 2107 MISSOURI BLVD B 0 120 2,000 16666.7 3703.280 1,016,42544.882 1512 Lme Defect (11 9253 ·(11 9252 78 s 0 .140 2,500 17857,1 3703.420 1,018,92544 .884 1513 L1ne Defect (11 2362Z ·(11 2362 24 s 0 .140 2,500 17857 .1 3703.560 1,021,42544.886 1 5 14 Line Def ect (11 2362Z ·(11 2362 57 T 0 .140 2 ,500 17857.1 3703.700 1,023,92544 887 151 5 Line Defect (11 9390 ·(11 9387 29 s 0 .140 2,500 17857.1 3703.840 1,026,42544.889 1 51 6sServ. Lat. (10D ) 9016 ·(100 ) 9015 1318 BISCAYNE DR B 0 .110 2.000 18181 .8 3703.950 1 ,028,42544.890 t 517s5erv. Lat. (I OD ) 8831 ·(10D) 8832 1703 NORTHPORT DR A 0 .110 2.000 18181 .8 3704 .0601 ,030,42544.892 1518sServ. Lat. (10D ) 8878 ·(10D) 8964 5205 COLLIER CT B 0 .110 2,000 18181 .8 3704.170 1,032,42544.893 1519sServ. Lat. (10D ) 8878 ·(10D ) 8964 5203 COLLIER CT c 0 .110 2,000 18181 .8 3704.280 1,034,42544 .894 t520sServ . Lat. (10D ) 8833 ·(10D) 8834 4904 WESTPORT OR A 0 .110 2 ,000 18181 .8 3704 .390 1,036,42544.896 1521 s5erv. Lat. (11 ) 7362 ·(11 ) 7 360 916 JASON ROAD A 0.110 2,000 18181 .8 3704.500 1,038,42544 .897 1522sServ. Lat. (11 ) 9 125 ·(11 ) 91 24 605 HOWARD STREET A 0 .110 2,000 18181 .8 3704.61 0 , ,040,42544.898 1523sFound. Drain (10A) 81 48 ·(l OA) 8146 1935 ROLLINGHI LLS RD A 0 .100 2,000 20000.0 3704.7101,042,42544.900 1 524sServ. Lat. (11 ) 2311 ·(11 ) 2310 312 ELM STREET A 0 100 2,000 20000.0 3704 .810,,044,42544 .901 1525 Line Defect (11 ) 9203 ·(11 ) 9 202 1 36 s 0 .120 2,500 20833.3 3704.930 1,046,92544 .902 1526 Water Valve (11 ) 2435 ·(11 ) 2454 0 s 0 .120 2 ,500 20833.3 3705.050 1.049,42544 904 1 527s5erv Lat. (tOE ) 8943 ·(t OE ) 8933 5535 BRADLEY DR A 0 .090 2,000 22222.2 3705.140 1,051 ,42544 .905 1 528 L1ne Defect (11 ) 9795 ·(11 ) 9793 30 s 0 .110 2,500 22727.3 3705.250 1,053,92544 .906 1 529 Line Defect (11 ) 9388 ·(11 ) 9387 101 T 0 .11 0 2,500 22727.3 3705.360 1,056,42544.908 1530sFound. Drain (10A) 8148 ·(lOA ) 8146 1931 ROLLINGHILLS RD B 0 .080 2,000 25000.0 3705.440 1,058,42544.908 1531sServ. Lat. (11 ) 9246 ·(11 ) 9245 1016 WESTWOOD DRIVE A 0 .080 2,000 25000.0 3705.520 1,060,42544 .909 1532sFound. Drain (11 ) 7340 ·(11 ) 7339 921 CARl ANN DRIVE A 0 .080 2,000 25000.0 3705.600 1,062,42544.910 1533 Line Defect (09A ) 7446 ·(09A ) 7445 221 T 0.080 2 ,500 31250.0 3705.680 1,064,92544.911 1 534 Lme Defect (11 ) 2362Z ·(11 ) 2362 177 u 0.080 2,500 31250.0 3705.760 1,067,42544.912 1 535sServ. Lat. (09A ) 7705 ·(09A ) 15021 14121NGLENOOK DR . A 0 .060 2,000 33333.3 3705.820 1,069,42544.913 1 536s5erv. Lat. (09A ) 7452Z ·(09A ) 7452 2 124 MELODY DRIVE c 0 .060 2,000 33333.3 3705.880 , .071 ,42544.91 4 1537sServ. Lat. (10D ) 8888 ·(10D ) 8887 5419 COLLIER A 0 .060 2,000 33333.3 3705.940 1,073,42544.915 1538s5erv. Lat. {11 ) 2362 ·(11 ) 2361 1001 WASHINGTON A 0 .060 2,000 33333.3 3706.000 1,075,42544.915 1 539sServ. La t. (11 ) 8060 ·(11 ) 8059 261 7 MISSOURI BLVD A 0 .060 2 .000 33333.3 3706.060 1 ,077,42544.916 1540sServ. Lat. (11 ) 8067 ·(1 1 ) 8066 2519 MISSOURI BLVD A 0 .060 2.000 33333.3 3706.1201,079,42544.917 1541 sServ. Lat. (11 9377 ·(11 9376 2 103 MISSOURI BLVD A 0 .060 2,000 33333.3 3706.180 1,081 ,42544.917 1542sServ. lat. (11 9386 ·(11 9368 1018 LAUREL DRIVE A 0 .060 2 ,000 33333.3 3706 .240 1,083,42544.918 1543sServ. Lat. (11 9368 ·(11 9367 1008 LAUREL DRIVE A 0 .060 2,000 33333.3 3706 .300 1,085,42544.919 1544 Lme Defect (11 2435 ·(11 2454 86 u 0 070 2 ,500 35714.3 3706.370 1,087 ,92544.920 1545 Lme Defect (11 9125 ·(11 9124 50 u 0 .070 2,500 35714.3 3706.440 1,090,42544.9 2 1 1546 Line Defect (11 ) 9208 ·(11 ) 9209 28 T 0 .060 2 ,500 41666.7 3706.500 1,092,92544.921 1547 Lme Defect (11 ) 9212 ·(11 ) 15029 213 T 0 .060 2 ,500 41666.7 3706.560 1,095,42544.922 1548 Lme Defect (11 ) 9390 ·(11 ) 9387 59 T 0 .060 2 ,500 41666.7 3706.620 , ,097,92544.923 1549sServ. Lat. (09A ) 7728 ·(09A ) 7727 1622 INDEPENDENCE A 0 .040 2,000 50000.0 3706.660 1,099,92544.923 1550sServ Lat. (09A ) 7809 ·(09A ) 7769 1729 INDEPENDENCE A 0 .040 2,000 50000.0 3706.700 1,101 ,92544.924 1551s5erv. Lat. (11 7335 ·(11 7333 905 JASON ROAD A 0 .04 0 2,000 50000.0 3706.740 1 ,103,92544.924 1552sServ . Lat. (11 7382 ·(1 1 7381 927 TANYA LYNN DR A 0 .0 40 2 ,000 50000.0 3706.780 1 ,105,92544.925 1 553s5erv. Lat. (1 1 7288 ·(11 7287 709 PRIMROSE COURT A 0 .04 0 2,000 50000 0 3706.820 1 ,107,92544.925 1554s5erv. Lat. (1 1 7349 ·(11 15024 2201 TOWER DRIVE A 0 .040 2,000 50000.0 3706.860 1 ,109,92544.926 1555sServ. Lat. (1 1 7374 ·(1 1 7373 1 1 12 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 0 .030 2,000 66666.7 3706.890 1,111,92544.926 1556s5erv Lat. (11 2352 ·(11 2348 921 BROADWAY STREET A 0 .030 2,000 66666.7 3706.920 1 ,,, 3 ,92544.926 Page# 25 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I 9:52:07 AM Wednesday. October 30, 2002 Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED No. Source Item Li n e Segment location Del Ill Ellm Cost $/G PM CU MI/1 CU M 1/IEIIm No. (GPM) ($) (GPM) ($) (%) 1557sServ. Lat. (11 2352 ·(11 2348 921 BROADWAY STREETS 0 .030 2.000 66666.7 3706.950 1,115,9254 4.927 1558sServ. Lat. (11 9400 ·(11 9416 609 OHIO STREET B 0.030 2.000 66666.7 3706.980 1,1 17,92544.927 1559 Line Defect (11 9208 ·(11 9209 55 s 0 .030 2 ,500 83333.3 3707.010 1 ,120,42544.928 1560 Lone Defect (11 2307 -(11 2308 160 s 0 .030 2 .500 83333.3 3707 .040 1 ,1 22.92544.928 Appendix L Flow Analysis Reports (10°/o through 44.9°/o III Elimination) (see enclosed CD) Flow Analysis Report for 39°/o 1/1 Elimination (CEL) Follows Page#: 1:45:19 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LINE SEGMEN T (08A ) (08 A ) (0 8 A ) (08A ) (OB A ) (08A ) 7962 7961 79 32 7833 IPS 7965 Bas~n <= 8 in $0.00 Basin > 8 in $0.00 Total Ba sin Cost· $0.00 (08B ) 7963 Bas1n <= 8 1n $0 .00 Basin > 8 1n $0.00 Total Bas~n Cosl SO 00 (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) 15015 15020 1502 1 15028 15031 15057 15062 15064 15065 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 ·(08A ) 7961 -(08A ) 7965 ·(OBA ) 7833 ·(08A ) 7965 -(09A ) 7817 ·(08A ) IPS ·(08A ) 7962 ·(09A ) 7816 -(09A ) 7809 ·(09A ) 7704 -(09A ) 7453 -(09A ) 7470 ·(09A ) 74 45 -(09A ) 7719 ·(09A ) 7085 ·(09A ) 7765 -(11 ) 7026 -(09A ) 7027 ·(09A ) 7034 ·(09A ) 7088 -(09A ) 7030 -(09A ) 7031 ·(09A ) 7032 ·(09A ) 7028 ·(09A ) 7033 ·(09A ) 7035 ·(09A ) 7036 ·(09A ) 7037 ·(09A ) 7037 -(09A ) 7703 -(09A ) 7073 -(09A ) 7074 -(09A ) 7075 -(09A ) 7076 -(09A ) 7077 Flow Anal ysis Report LEN GTli (FT) 200 110 4 00 250 7025 4 5 150 1 30 11 1 96 216 131 38 4 25 50 100 276 373 4 20 206 370 2 1 3 213 238 363 226 226 365 329 204 306 305 242 363 147 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 15 15 15 12 12 12 12 1 5 12 12 1 2 8 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD ) 0 .000 0 .000 0.10 1 0.101 0.102 0 .102 0.000 0.102 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .4 35 0.4 34 0 .434 0.432 0.432 0 .4 32 0.432 0 .4 34 0 .432 0.431 0 .427 0 .307 0 .120 0 .1 18 0.118 0.1 17 0 .117 0 1 17 0 .115 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 003 0 .003 0 .143 0 .143 0 .14 6 0 .146 0 003 0 .161 0 .007 0 .005 0 002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .004 0 007 0 .00 1 1 .073 1 071 1 065 1 .039 1 038 1.034 1 032 1 .067 1.030 1.017 0 .934 0 467 0 .465 0 .427 0.425 0 .422 0 4 18 0 403 0 373 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.025 0 .025 0.206 0 .206 0.206 0 .206 0 .025 0.234 0026 0 .019 0 .009 0 005 0 .002 0.017 0 .028 0 004 2.572 2.564 2.54 6 2 .4 55 2.450 2 .4 39 2.433 2 .553 2 .4 28 2 .382 2 .074 0.771 1.356 1 .2 11 1 .205 1 .195 1 .185 1 .1 27 1 .014 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 2 .370 0 .389 0 .389 0.222 0 .389 0 389 0.222 0 .389 0.389 2 .835 2 .7 13 2 .669 1.489 1.545 1.545 1.94 1 3.458 1.947 1.541 1.552 0 .7 10 2.097 0 .967 1.343 1.735 1.453 1.345 1 .346 RELI EF %CAP PIPE PIPE COS T 6 6 53 53 1 00 53 6 10 5 0 8 9 1 95 95 165 159 1 58 125 7 4 125 155 134 109 65 125 90 69 82 84 75 (IN) ($) 12 18,334 10 26,270 10 20.235 10 16,401 10 34,4 85 10 17,402 10 16,04 6 10 25,915 10 14,484 Page#: 1 :4 5:19 P M LINE SEG MENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (0 9A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09 A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 7 44 1 7442 7 4 43 7444 7 4 45 7446 7447 7448 7449 7 4 49Y 7449Z 7450 74 51 ·(09A ) 7078 ·(09A ) 70 79 ·(09A ) 7 080 ·(09A ) 7739 ·(09A ) 7740 ·(09A ) 7083 ·(09A ) 7737 ·(09A ) 7085 ·(09A ) 7086 ·(09A ) 7029 ·(09A ) 7088 ·(09A ) 7089 ·(09A ) 7423 ·(09A ) 7424 ·(09A ) 7425 ·(09A ) 7426 ·(09A ) 7427 ·(09A ) 7428 ·(09A ) 7429 ·(09A ) 7430 ·(09A ) 7433 ·(09A ) 7431 ·(09A ) 7 4 33 ·(09A ) 7035 ·(09A ) 7435 ·(09A ) 74 36 ·(09A ) 7437 ·(09A ) 74 35 ·(09A ) 7441 ·(09A ) 74 92 ·(09A ) 7440 ·(09A ) 7442 ·(09A ) 744 3 ·(09A ) 7444 ·(09A ) 7445 ·(09A ) 744 6 ·(09A ) 7447 ·(09A ) 7442 ·(09A ) 7449 ·(0 9A ) 7449 ·(09A ) 7449 ·(09A ) 7 4 50 LENGTH (F T) 386 274 276 85 196 222 239 189 130 166 97 215 200 200 275 150 144 14 1 90 104 13 75 103 45 338 81 341 169 22 123 250 379 90 68 182 319 120 166 85 300 153 146 OIAM (IN) 10 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 12 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MG D) 0.115 0.115 0 .115 0.113 0.113 0.112 0 .110 0.109 0.109 0 .434 0 .001 0 .00 1 0.00 1 0 .001 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0.00 0 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 0 0 .000 0.000 0 .004 0 .004 0 004 0 .002 0.002 0 .002 0 .002 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) A VG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .371 0 .367 0 .364 0 .346 0 .329 0 .313 0 .280 0 .267 0 .256 1 061 0 020 0 .0 1 9 0 .0 1 7 0 .015 0 .013 0 .0 10 0 .009 0 007 0 006 0 .005 0 .002 0 .004 0 001 0 .009 0 .007 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .072 0 .073 0 .070 0 047 0 .044 0 .043 0 0 4 2 0 .004 0 001 0 .020 0 .0 01 0 .003 0 014 0.012 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 1.009 0.996 0 .986 0 .916 0.855 0.790 0 .665 0.61 4 0 .571 2 534 0 .079 0 .075 0.067 0 .060 0 .052 0.041 0 .035 0 .030 0.024 0 .021 0 .010 0 .017 0 .004 0 .039 0 .030 0 .017 0 .014 0.007 0 .272 0 .276 0 265 0 .184 0.170 0 .166 0 .163 0.018 0 .005 0 .074 0 .003 0 .012 0 .052 0.04 6 CAPACITY (MGD) 1 .890 0 .907 1.00 4 0 904 0 712 1.115 1.022 1 092 1.149 1 .758 0 .659 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.222 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 RELI EF %C AP PIPE PI PE COST 53 110 98 101 120 7 1 65 56 50 144 12 19 17 15 13 11 9 8 6 5 3 10 8 2 70 7 1 68 4 7 4 4 43 42 5 19 13 1 2 (I N) ($) 10 1 9 ,454 10 6 ,035 10 13.916 10 1 1,786 Page#: 3 1:45:19 PM UNE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 7452 7452Z 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 74 63 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470 7471 7472 7473 74 74 7475 7476 74 77 7478 7490 7491 7492 7696 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 -(09A ) 7451 -(09A ) 7452 -(09A ) 7452 -(09A ) 7453 -(09A ) 7432 -(09A ) 7455 -(09A ) 7446 -(09A ) 7457 -(09A ) 7458 -(09A ) 7457 -(09A 7460 -(09A ) 7461 -(09A ) 7462 -(09A ) 7463 -(09A ) 7463 -(09A ) 7465 -(09A ) 7457 -(09A ) 7467 -(09A ) 7468 -(09A ) 7468 -(09A ) 7462 -(09A ) 7471 -(09A ) 7471 -(09A ) 7473 -(09A ) 7474 -(09A ) 7475 -(09A ) 7440 -(09A ) 7477 -(09A ) 7491 -(09A ) 7492 -(09A ) 7036 -(09A ) 7697 -(09A ) 7698 -(09A ) 7699 ·(09A ) 7700 -(09A ) 7072 -(09A ) 7696 ·(09A ) 7701 ·(09A ) 7072 -(09A ) 7703 -(09A ) 1 5021 ·(09A ) 7705 ·(09A ) 7704 LENGTM (FT) 118 250 288 151 50 185 178 312 198 1 81 145 110 235 145 88 258 1 20 97 142 1 65 2 10 220 118 162 246 56 98 83 150 306 268 237 247 234 352 265 121 179 159 197 142 240 180 DIAM (IN) 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 L OW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 000 0 .000 0 001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 004 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .119 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 001 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .011 0 .003 0 .006 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .0 35 0 .005 0 .002 0 .023 0 .020 0 .0 19 0 .008 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .006 0 005 0 .001 0 .003 0 .010 0 .002 0 .006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .005 0 .081 0 .005 0 .008 0 .0 10 0 .013 0 016 0 .003 0 .002 0.446 0 .018 0 .004 0 .002 0 .01 1 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .041 0.010 0.026 0 .006 0 .009 0 .007 0 .138 0 .020 0 .008 0 .085 0 .078 0 .073 0 .0 29 0 .006 0.014 0 .0 10 0 .026 0 .021 0.006 0.0 12 0 .040 0.009 0.023 0 .019 0.012 0.002 0 .007 0 .003 0.006 0.018 0 .303 0 .02 1 0.031 0 .04 0 0 .054 0 .064 0 .012 0 .007 1 .284 0 .073 0 .015 0 .010 0 .047 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0.222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .604 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF '!.CAP PI PE PIPE COS T 10 5 2 2 2 36 5 2 22 20 19 4 3 7 5 10 6 5 3 2 5 78 6 8 10 14 17 3 2 80 19 2 12 (IN) ($) Page#: 4 1 :45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) Wednesday. October 30, 2002 7708 7709 7710 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 ·(09A ) 7707 ·(09A ) 7708 ·(09A ) 7709 ·(09A ) 7710 ·(09A ) 7712 ·(09A ) 7713 ·(09A ) 7076 ·(09A ) 7715 ·(09A ) 7716 ·(09A ) 7717 ·(09A ) 7716 ·(09A ) 7722 ·(09A ) 7077 ·(09A ) 7721 ·(09A ) 7723 ·(09A ) 7724 ·(09A ) 7725 ·(09A ) 7726 ·(09A ) 7727 ·(09A ) 7722 ·(09A ) 7729 ·(09A ) 7730 ·(09A ) 7731 ·(09A ) 7732 ·(09A ) 7733 ·(09A ) 7734 ·(09A ) 7735 ·(09A ) 7064 ·(09A ) 7739 ·(09A ) 7061 ·(09A ) 7062 ·(09A ) 7736 ·(09A ) 7741 ·(09A ) 7742 ·(09A ) 7743 ·(09A ) 7744 ·(09A ) 7745 ·(09A ) 7744 ·(09A ) 7747 ·(09A ) 7759 ·(09A ) 7751 ·(09A ) 7753 LEN GTH (FT) 143 101 264 60 157 157 106 90 221 127 292 50 100 140 210 190 165 115 255 100 133 143 174 250 67 166 341 121 89 296 166 74 224 177 124 92 146 51 66 165 210 so DIAM (IN) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 .000 0000 0 000 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0 001 0 001 0 .001 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .112 0 .001 0 .11 5 0 .113 0 001 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .010 0 .006 0 .007 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .013 0 .012 0 .010 0 .006 0 .007 0 .011 0 .026 0 .011 0 .009 0.0 07 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 013 0 .013 0 .011 0.010 0.006 0 .006 0.005 0 .003 0 .310 0 .013 0 .361 0.344 0 .012 0 .01 1 0 .009 0 .007 0 .002 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .00 2 0 .002 0 .002 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .040 0 .034 0 .030 0 .016 0.0 13 0 .007 0 .053 0.049 0 .042 0 .033 0.029 0 .045 0 .103 0.043 0 .038 0 .029 0 .022 0.015 0 .010 0 .055 0.051 0.046 0 .040 0.033 0 .024 0.020 0.014 0 .764 0.051 0 .977 0 .914 0.046 0.045 0 .037 0 .030 0.010 0.006 0 .015 0 .013 0 .007 0 .006 0 .010 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .369 0 .369 0.369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 0 .369 1 .377 0 .369 0 .909 1 .361 0 .369 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 0.369 0 .369 0 .369 0.369 0 .369 0 .369 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 10 9 6 4 3 2 14 13 11 9 7 12 27 11 10 6 14 13 12 10 9 6 5 4 57 13 107 66 12 12 9 6 2 2 4 3 2 3 (IN) ($) 10 2 1 ,016 Page#: 5 1.45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday, Octob er 30, 2002 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7795 -(09A ) 7755 -(09A ) 7752 -(09A ) 7752 -(0 9A ) 7758 -(09A ) 7755 -(09A ) 7756 -(09A ) 774 0 -(09A ) 7748 -(09A ) 7737 -(09A ) 7775 -(09A ) 7761 -(09A ) 7772 -(09A ) 7771 -(09A ) 7764 -(09A ) 7771 -(09A ) 7766 -(09A ) 7767 -(09A ) 7768 -(09A ) 7809 -(09A ) 7763 -(09A ) 7760 -(09A ) 7772 -(09A ) 7773 -(09A ) 7772 -(09A ) 7775 -(09A ) 7085 -(09A ) 7777 -(09A ) 7778 -(09A ) 7781 -(09A ) 7087 -(09A ) 7765 -(09A ) 7782 -(09A ) 7783 -(09A ) 7784 -(09A ) 7086 -(09A ) 7786 -(09A ) 7787 -(09A ) 7788 -(09A ) 7789 ·(09A ) 7790 -(09A ) 7791 -(09A ) 7792 -(09A ) 7796 LENGTH (FT) 170 125 288 1 45 84 250 62 66 116 58 132 40 157 146 85 147 92 76 so 212 95 61 77 60 80 52 200 150 155 210 37 83 146 134 159 95 105 213 62 11 7 82 102 245 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0 000 0.000 0 .001 0 000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0.001 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.008 0.004 0.003 0.013 0.003 0 .002 0.013 0.003 0 .029 0 .002 0.001 0 .023 0 .008 0 .006 0.012 0 .0 1 1 0 .010 0 .009 0 .000 0 .022 0 .028 0.001 0.001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0.001 0.003 0 .004 0.003 0.003 0 .001 0 .009 0.008 0 .007 0 .006 0.004 0 .003 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .003 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .033 0.0 15 0.012 0 .052 0.013 0.010 0 .055 0 .010 0 .116 0 .008 0 .005 0 .090 0 .032 O.Q25 0.049 0.046 0.040 0 .036 0 .002 0.089 0 .112 0.006 0 .003 0 .013 0 .003 0 .016 0 .014 0 .006 0 .006 0 .015 O.Q16 0.014 0.011 0 .005 0.037 0.031 0 .027 0.023 0.014 0 .012 0 .00 7 0.004 0 .014 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF '!.CAP PIPE PIPE COST 9 3 13 14 3 30 2 23 8 7 1 3 1 2 10 9 23 29 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 9 8 6 (I N) ($) Page#: 6 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7834 7835 7836 7837 7838 7839 7840 7841 7842 784 3 7844 7845 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 ·(09A ) 7797 ·(09A ) 15064 ·(09A ) 7799 ·(09A ) 7800 ·(09A ) 7802 ·(09A ) 7800 ·(09A ) 7083 ·(09A ) 7802 ·(09A ) 7803 ·(09A ) 7803 ·(09A ) 7805 ·(09A ) 7808 ·(09A ) 15020 ·(09A ) 7769 ·(09A ) 7087 ·(09A ) 7850 ·(09A ) 7859 ·(09A ) 7812 ·(09A ) 7813 ·(09A ) 7814 ·(09A ) 7815 ·(09A ) 15015 ·(09A ) 7087 ·(09A ) 7871 ·(09A ) 7872 ·(09A ) 7836 ·(09A ) 7837 ·(09A ) 7840 ·(09A ) 7841 ·(09A ) 7810 ·(09A ) 7810 ·(09A ) 7842 ·(09A ) 7843 ·(09A ) 7843 ·(09A ) 7877 ·(09A ) 7846 ·(09A ) 7847 ·(09A ) 7848 ·(09A ) 7810 ·(09A ) 7846 ·(09A ) 7851 ·(09A ) 7852 LENGTH (FT) 1 63 142 148 240 96 169 136 60 199 2 42 216 331 225 134 247 100 95 183 240 237 285 133 60 328 230 74 95 150 250 14 5 129 335 110 115 355 114 235 280 147 325 165 80 DlAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0 .108 0.104 0 .104 0 .104 0 .103 0 .103 0 .103 0 .1 02 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .107 0 .001 0.00 1 0 .000 Jeffer son City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .005 0.006 0.001 0 .004 0.006 0.002 0 .014 0 .007 0.002 0 .004 0 .002 0.003 0 .006 0.008 0 236 0 .196 0 .187 0 .185 0 .177 0.173 0 .168 0 .149 0 .014 0 .013 0 .00 8 0 .006 0 .001 0.00 1 0 .004 0 .005 0 .007 0.005 0 .001 0 .001 0.024 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .222 0 .0 15 0.01 2 0 .007 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .020 0 .026 0 .006 0 .015 0.026 0 .007 0 .059 0 .028 0 .008 0 .018 0.009 0 .013 0 .022 0.034 0.495 0 .333 0 .304 0.301 0 .273 0.264 0 .251 0 .207 0.058 0 .052 0.034 0 .025 0.004 0.006 0 .016 0.022 0 .027 0.022 0 .004 0.005 0 .097 0 .025 0 .021 0 .011 0 .43 7 0 .059 0.046 0 .028 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 1.070 1.329 1.279 1.111 1 842 1.699 1.777 2 .566 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 5 7 2 2 1 5 2 5 3 6 9 4 6 25 24 27 15 16 14 8 15 13 9 6 6 25 6 3 113 15 12 7 (I N) ($) 10 10,437 Page#: 1:45:19 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LINE SEGMENT (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) (09A ) 7854 7855 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8199 8198 7857 7856 7858 7864 7794 7720 77 11 786 6 7865 Bastn <= 8 on $96,773 00 Basin > 8 in $175,443.00 ·(09A ) 7853 ·(09A ) 7859 -(09A ) 7811 ·(09A ) 7813 ·(09A ) 7860 ·(09A ) 7860 ·(09A ) 7860 ·(09A ) 7816 ·(09A ) 7867 ·(09A ) 7852 -(09A ) 7869 ·(09A ) 7 834 ·(09A ) 7835 ·(09A ) 7854 ·(09A ) 7854 ·(09A ) 7874 -(09A ) 7875 ·(09A ) 7850 ·(09A ) 15015 ·(09A ) 7886 ·(09A ) 7887 ·(09A ) 7888 ·(09A ) 7889 ·(09A ) 7890 -(09A ) 8207 ·(09A ) 8203 -(0 9A ) 8203 ·(09A ) 8205 ·(09A ) 7837 ·(09A ) 8198 ·(09A ) 7857 ·(09A ) 7856 -(09A ) 7859 ·(09A ) 7856 ·(09A ) 7814 -(09A ) 7795 ·(09A ) 7716 -(09A ) 7710 ·(09A ) 7865 ·(09A ) 7815 Total Bason Cosl: $272,216.00 LEN GTH (F T) 180 80 94 330 115 135 18 170 120 150 130 97 126 72 176 84 126 50 33 2 1 5 252 193 144 168 56 125 26 2 1 5 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0.104 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 ,001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CU M FLOW {MGD) 0.007 0.001 0 .194 0.006 0.001 0.00 1 0.000 0 .003 0.001 0 .003 0.001 0 .01 4 0 .010 0 .001 0.004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .025 0 .010 0 .010 0 .008 0.005 0.003 0 .002 0 .00 4 0 .001 0.002 0 .002 0.005 0 .001 0.002 0 .003 0 .005 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 HIGH CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 025 0 .003 0 .330 0 .024 0 .005 0.005 0 .001 0 .012 0 .005 0 .011 0.005 0 .056 0 039 0 003 0.015 0 .008 0 .005 0 .099 0 .040 0 .038 0 .030 0 .020 0 .0 1 2 0 007 0 .0 1 7 0 .005 0 .0 10 0 .009 0 .0 1 9 0 004 0.008 0 .012 0 .020 0.004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0 004 0 .004 0.008 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 85 6 0 3 3 14 10 4 25 10 10 8 5 2 2 2 5 2 3 5 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 1:4 5:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (098 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 15016 15017 15022 15023 15025 15058 1 5059 15060 1 5061 15063 7039 7040 704 1 7042 7043 704 4 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 ·(096 ) 15017 ·(096 ) 7630 ·(096 ) 7614 ·(096 ) 7598 ·(096 ) 7522 ·(096 7675 ·(096 ) 7674 ·(096 ) 7547 ·(096 ) 15060 ·(096 ) 7046 ·(09A ) 7038 ·(096 ) 7039 ·(096 ) 7489 ·(096 ) 704 1 ·(096 ) 7042 ·(096 ) 7043 ·(096 ) 7044 ·(096 ) 7045 ·(096 ) 7555 ·(096 ) 7047 ·(096 ) 7048 ·(096 ) 7049 ·(096 ) 7050 ·(096 ) 7569 ·(096 ) 7052 ·(096 ) 7053 ·(096 ) 7054 ·(096 ) 7055 ·(096 ) 7056 ·(096 ) 7057 ·(096 7058 ·(096 ) 7059 ·(096 ) 7051 ·(096 ) 7061 ·(096 ) 7062 ·(096 ) 7604 ·(096 ) 7064 ·(096 ) 7589 ·(096 ) 7610 ·(096 ) 7067 ·(096 7068 ·(096 7069 ·(096 ) 7070 LENGTH (FT ) 20 4 3 43 84 61 96 98 108 76 371 315 11 1 205 240 216 339 315 225 138 386 173 386 216 4 03 390 250 250 260 225 160 408 251 2 15 203 100 250 32 100 270 253 253 262 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .015 0 .055 0.002 0.001 0.009 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .021 0.307 0 304 0.290 0.289 0 .288 0 .286 0.284 0 .282 0 .254 0 .239 0 .222 0 .2 19 0.200 0 .107 0 .105 0 .088 0.085 0 .083 0.081 0.069 0.067 0.066 0 .079 0 .077 0 .076 0 .054 0.04 5 O.D36 0 .021 0.017 0 .015 0 .013 0.011 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .022 0.082 0.003 0 .001 0 .014 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .031 0.463 0 .459 0 .439 0.438 0.436 0.433 0.431 0.427 0 .386 0 .364 0 .340 0 .336 0.306 0 .162 0 .159 0 .133 0 .129 0 .127 0.124 0 .104 0 .102 0 .100 0 .124 0 .12 1 0 .119 0 .085 0.071 0 .057 0 .032 0 .025 0 .022 0 .019 O.D16 HIG H CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .038 0.143 0 .006 0 003 O.D25 0.005 0 .002 0 .004 0 .002 0 053 0 .781 0 .776 0 .745 0 .744 0.74 1 0 737 0 .734 0 .730 0 660 0 .622 0 582 0 .576 0 .522 0 .268 0.264 0 .226 0 2 21 0 217 0 .2 13 0 179 0 .175 0 .172 0 220 0 .217 0 .213 0 .154 0 127 0 .102 0 .057 0 043 0 .039 0 .035 0 .029 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .7 1 3 0 .710 0 814 0 .676 0 .676 0 .605 0 .829 0 .855 0 879 0 907 0 .909 0 811 0 .863 0 .901 0 997 1 .003 1 .136 1 .243 1 068 1 .298 1 .619 1 .555 1 .037 1 247 1 .262 1175 1 .533 1 .852 0 428 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIP E COST 10 100 2 14 110 109 92 110 110 122 89 85 75 69 64 71 60 30 27 23 19 17 20 14 11 11 21 17 17 13 8 6 13 11 10 9 (IN) ($) 10 26,341 10 22.365 10 14,555 10 17,040 10 15,336 t Page#: 9 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (096 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 7479 7480 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 7493 7494 7495 7496 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501 7502 7503 7504 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 7522 7523 ·(098 ) 7489 ·(098 ) 7479 ·(098 ) 7480 ·(098 ) 7481 ·(098 ) 7482 ·(098 ) 7483 ·(098 ) 7 484 ·(098 ) 7484 ·(098 ) 7486 ·(098 ) 7487 ·(098 ) 7040 ·(098 ) 7040 ·(098 ) 7495 ·(098 ) 7496 ·(098 ) 7497 ·(098 ) 7498 ·(098 ) 15063 ·(098 ) 7494 ·(098 ) 7499 ·(098 ) 7500 ·(098 ) 7503 ·(098 ) 7504 ·(098 ) 7499 ·(098 ) 7496 ·(098 ) 7505 ·(098 ) 7506 ·(098 ) 7507 ·(098 ) 7508 ·(098 ) 7048 ·(098 ) 7510 ·(098 ) 7511 ·(098 ) 7512 ·(098 ) 7513 ·(098 ) 7514 ·(098 ) 751 3 ·(098 ) 7516 ·(098 ) 7517 ·(098 7518 ·(098 ) 7519 ·(098 ) 7520 ·(098 ) 7050 ·(098 ) 15025 LEN GTH (FT) 180 170 175 125 190 71 50 239 100 130 47 155 334 300 266 143 76 179 206 124 88 120 125 200 256 2 7 8 102 145 50 206 220 190 382 171 154 216 105 140 130 212 94 32 ClAM {IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .010 0 .009 0.008 0.006 0 .006 0.004 0 .000 0 003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .301 0 .001 0.008 0.010 0.019 0 .020 0 .021 0 .006 0 .002 0.001 0 001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .007 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.015 0 .015 0 .0 14 0 .012 0 .004 0 .001 0 .007 0.006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0.010 0 .009 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.015 0 .0 13 0 .01 1 0 .009 0.008 0 .006 0 .001 0 .005 0 .002 0 .001 0.454 0 .002 0 .012 0.015 0 028 0 .030 0 .031 0 .009 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0.003 0 .010 0.008 0 .005 0 .003 0 .002 0 .023 0 .022 0 .020 0 .0 18 0 .006 0 .002 0 .010 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.004 0 .002 O.Q15 0.013 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .025 0.022 0 .020 0 .017 0 .015 0 .012 0 .001 0 .010 0 .005 0 .003 0 .770 0.003 0 .022 0 .027 0 .049 0.051 0 .052 0 .017 0 007 0.003 0 .002 0 .005 0 .007 0 .018 0 .015 0 .0 11 0 .005 0 .003 0 .038 0 038 0 .035 0 032 0 .012 0 .004 0 .018 0 .015 0.01 1 0.010 0 .007 0 .005 0 .027 0 .024 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .670 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 6 6 5 4 3 0 3 115 6 13 13 13 2 0 2 5 3 10 10 9 8 3 5 3 2 6 {IN) ($) 10 3.619 Page#: 10 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 (098 (098 (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7524 7525 7526 7528 7529 7530 7531 7532 7533 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 ·(098 ) 7523 ·(098 ) 7524 ·(098 ) 7525 ·(098 ) 7526 -(098 ) 7523 -(098 ) 7529 -(098 ) 7532 -(098 ) 7533 -(098 ) 7534 -(098 ) 7536 -(098 ) 7534 -(098 ) 7047 -(098 ) 7539 -(098 ) 7543 -(098 ) 7540 -(098 ) 7541 -(098 ) 7542 -(098 ) 7536 ·(098 ) 7537 -(098 ) 7545 -(098 ) 7546 -(098 ) 7547 -(098 ) 7548 -(098 ) 7549 -(098 ) 7550 -(098 7551 -(098 7050 -(098 ) 7553 -(098 ) 7554 -(098 ) 7555 -(098 7046 -(098 7557 -(098 7063 -(098 ) 7556 -(098 ) 7558 -(098 ) 7559 -(098 ) 7560 -(098 ) 7569 -(098 7562 -(098 ) 7563 -(098 7564 -(098 ) 7565 -(098 ) 7566 LENGTH (F T) 134 196 229 168 240 137 170 147 165 100 133 186 194 263 90 124 115 84 135 74 152 248 84 135 101 195 60 95 272 182 90 151 19 238 211 325 91 50 260 344 194 209 115 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0.002 0.003 0 .005 0.001 0.013 0 .004 0 .002 0 .005 0.006 0 .006 0 .007 0 .003 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .005 0 .006 0 .007 0 .008 0 .009 0 .001 0 .003 0 .004 0 .258 0 .007 0 .074 0 .006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .010 0 .010 0 .008 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .008 0 007 0 .005 0 .002 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0.003 0 .005 0 .007 0.001 0.020 0 .006 0 .0 03 0.007 0 .008 0.01 0 0.011 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .005 0 .008 0 .010 0.011 0 .013 0.013 0.001 0 .004 0 .006 0 .393 0 .011 0 .1 17 0 .009 0 .007 0 .004 0.001 0 .01 5 0 .014 0 .011 0 .008 0 .006 0 .004 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .015 0.013 0 .010 0.004 0.009 0 .003 0.004 0.007 0.009 0.013 0.003 0.035 0.012 0 .006 O.D13 0.0 15 0 .017 0.01 9 0.009 0.002 0.005 0.01 1 0.015 0.017 0.01 9 0.023 0.02 4 0.002 0.008 0.011 0.672 0.019 0 .210 0 .016 0.012 0 .009 0.00 2 0 .026 0 .025 0 .021 0 .01 3 0 .01 1 0.00 7 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.890 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 RELIE F %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 4 3 3 2 2 2 3 9 3 3 4 4 2 0 3 4 5 6 6 2 3 75 5 54 3 2 6 5 3 3 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 11 1 ;45:19 PM LIN E SEGM ENT (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ~ (098 ) (098 ) (098 ~ (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ~ (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580 7581 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 7591 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 -(098 ) 7 567 ·(098 ) 7051 ·(098 ) 7057 -(098 ) 7572 -(098 ) 7573 -(098 ) 7 570 -(098 ) 7573 -(098 ) 7574 -(098 ) 7575 ·(098 ) 7576 -(09 8 ) 7572 -(098 ) 7580 -(098 ) 7067 ·(098 ) 7580 -(098 ) 7064 -(098 ) 7582 -(098 ) 7583 -(098 ) 7 584 -(098 ) 7 583 -(098 ) 7586 ·(098 ) 7587 ·(098 ) 7065 ·(098 ) 7589 ·(098 ) 7590 -(098 ) 7591 ·(098 ) 7592 ·(098 7604 ·(098 7594 ·(098 7595 ·(098 7596 -(098 ) 7597 -(098 ) 15023 ·(098 ) 7595 -(098 ) 7600 -(098 ) 7601 ·(098 ) 7602 -(098 ) 7557 -(098 ) 7610 ·(098 ) 7605 -(098 ) 7606 ·(0 98 ) 7607 ·(098 ) 7608 LENGTH (FT) 227 157 282 66 210 218 116 185 190 74 200 227 231 11 2 so 96 130 225 160 214 230 127 135 166 400 153 205 200 118 316 73 96 159 281 163 118 110 100 110 62 227 200 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0 .118 0,011 0 .000 0 .003 0 .009 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0.004 0.001 0 008 0 .007 0 .002 0.002 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .04 3 0 .006 0 005 0 .004 0 .001 0 .012 0.011 0 .005 0.004 0.001 0 .001 0 .005 0 .004 0.002 0 .001 0 .067 0.013 0 .012 0.003 0 .003 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0 .178 0 .011 0 001 0 .005 0 .014 0 .007 0 .006 0 .003 0 .00 1 0 .002 0 .002 0 .006 0 .001 0 .013 0 .0 1 2 0 .004 0 .002 0 .00 7 0 .005 0 .002 0 .06 8 0 .010 0 .008 0 .006 0.002 0 .020 0.011 0 .007 0 .006 0 .002 0 .001 0 .006 0.007 0 .003 0 .002 0 106 0 .021 0 .020 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.005 0 .296 0.031 0 .001 0 .010 0 .027 0 .013 0 .0 11 0 .007 0 .002 0 .004 0 .005 0 .013 0 .002 0 .026 0 .023 0.00 8 0.00 5 0 .014 0 .0 10 0 .005 0 .1 23 0.018 0.0 16 0.014 0.005 O.o35 0.031 0 .014 0 .012 0.005 0 .002 0 .015 0 .012 0 .007 0 .004 0 .191 0 .040 0 .037 0 .0 1 1 0.010 0 .006 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .840 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .369 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 1.921 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 0 .3 89 0 .389 0 .389 1 .378 0 .38 9 0.389 0.38 9 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 35 8 0 3 1 3 3 2 0 3 7 6 2 3 3 6 5 3 9 3 3 4 3 2 14 10 10 3 3 (IN) ($) Page#: 12 1 :45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (098 ) (096 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (098 ) (096 ) (098 ) (096 ) (098 ) (098 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 7618 7619 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650 7651 7652 ·(096 ) 7066 ·(098 ) 7606 ·(098 ) 7611 ·(096 ) 7612 ·(098 ) 7613 ·(096 ) 15022 ·(096 ) 7615 ·(096 ) 7614 ·(096 ) 7071 ·(098 ) 7618 ·(098 ) 7619 ·(096 ) 7620 ·(096 ) 7071 ·(098 ) 7622 ·(096 ) 7625 ·(098 ) 7626 ·(098 ) 7627 ·(096 ) 7060 ·(096 ) 7627 ·(096 ) 7628 ·(098 ) 7628 ·(096 ) 7632 ·(096 ) 7633 ·(098 ) 7634 ·(098 ) 7635 ·(096 ) 7636 ·(098 ) 7640 ·(098 ) 7635 ·(096 ) 7637 ·(098 ) 7638 ·(096 ) 7641 ·(096 ) 7642 ·(098 ) 7643 ·(096 ) 7644 ·(096 ) 15017 ·(098 ) 7641 ·(098 ) 7645 ·(098 ) 7646 ·(096 ) 7646 ·(096 ) 7648 ·(096 ) 15016 ·(096 ) 7650 ·(098 ) 7651 LENGTH (FT) 244 159 167 173 189 107 129 164 318 302 200 113 243 146 115 116 216 332 128 128 131 143 12 1 222 137 106 157 114 40 125 222 71 159 179 91 160 150 97 164 320 190 260 206 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .036 0 .008 0 .007 0 .006 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .007 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0.001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .063 0 .057 0 .001 0 .056 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .004 0 .007 0.009 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .011 0 .017 0 .018 0 .020 0 .040 0 .006 0 .005 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0 .015 0 .013 0 .011 J effe r s on City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 .056 0 .013 0 .011 0 .009 0 .007 0.003 0 .001 0 .002 0 .010 0 .006 0 .003 0 .001 0.004 0 .002 0.001 0 .003 0 .005 0 .096 0 .087 0 .002 0 .084 0 .001 0 .003 0 .005 0 .006 0 .011 0 .013 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .0 16 0 .026 0 .027 0 .029 0 .060 0 .009 0 .008 0 .001 0.005 0 .003 0.022 0.020 0.016 HIGH CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 .102 0.0 24 0 .021 0 .017 0 .01 2 0 .006 0.0 03 0 .004 0 .018 0 .011 0.0 07 0 .002 0 .008 0.003 0 .0 03 0 .006 0 .011 0 .166 0 .150 0 .004 0 .145 0 .003 0 .006 0 .009 0 .0 1 1 0 .019 0 .024 0 .006 0 .004 0 .00 3 0 .028 0.047 0 .050 0 .053 0 .105 0 .017 0 .013 0 .002 0 .010 0 .007 0 .038 0 .034 0 .027 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .428 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 2.273 1.890 0.389 1.773 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 24 6 5 4 3 5 3 2 2 2 3 7 8 8 2 3 5 6 2 7 12 13 14 27 4 3 2 2 10 9 (IN) ($) Page#· 1 3 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 (096 (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) (096 ) Wednesday. October 30, 2002 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7678 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7680 ·(096 7652 ·(096 ) 7653 ·(096 ) 7651 ·(096 ) 7654 ·(096 7656 ·(096 ) 7657 ·(096 7658 ·(096 ) 7666 ·(096 ) 7660 ·(096 ) 7661 ·(096 ) 7662 ·(096 ) 7663 ·(096 ) 7664 ·(096 ) 7644 ·(096 ) 7666 ·(096 ) 7667 ·(096 ) 7668 ·(096 ) 7669 ·(096 ) 7670 ·(096 ) 7636 ·(096 ) 7672 ·(096 ) 15058 ·(096 ) 7663 ·(096 ) 7662 ·(096 ) 7660 ·(09B ) 7677 ·(09B ) 7053 ·(09B ) 7681 ·(096 ) 7681 ·(096 ) 7683 ·(096 ) 7684 ·(09B ) 7682 ·(09B ) 7686 ·(09B ) 7687 ·(09B ) 7688 ·(09B ) 7689 ·(09B ) 7690 ·(09B ) 7690 ·(09B ) 7692 ·(096 ) 7693 ·(09B ) 7694 ·(09B ) 7679 LENGTH (FT) 287 167 113 207 233 226 178 77 124 112 228 183 202 98 129 250 132 144 200 4 1 79 51 86 154 104 119 224 181 155 172 136 174 174 154 40 73 56 70 125 180 143 100 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .009 0 .007 0 .001 0 .006 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .011 0 .009 0 .008 0 .006 0 .003 0 .001 0 018 0 .006 0.005 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .015 0 .010 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .008 0 .007 0 .006 0 .005 0 005 0 .000 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .014 0 .011 0.001 0.009 0 007 0 .004 0 .002 0 .017 0 .014 0 0 13 0 .009 0 .004 0 .002 0 .027 0 .009 0 .008 0 005 0 004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 002 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 022 0 .014 0.005 0 .003 0 001 0 013 0 .011 0 .009 0 007 0 .007 0.001 0 .005 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0.001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .023 0.019 0.002 0.015 0 .012 0 .009 0 .004 0 .030 0.025 0 .023 0 .018 0 008 0 .004 0 .048 O.D16 0 .01 3 0 .009 0 .007 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 003 0 .006 0 .005 0 .005 0 .003 0 038 0 .025 0 .009 0 .007 0 .003 0 .023 0 .020 0 .016 0 .0 1 3 0 012 0 .001 0 .0 10 0 .009 0.007 0 .003 0.002 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF '4CAP PIPE PIPE COST 6 5 4 3 2 8 6 6 5 2 12 4 2 0 2 10 6 2 2 6 5 3 0 3 2 (IN) ($) Page#· 14 1:45:19 PM LINE S EGMENT (098 ) (098 ) Ba s~n <: 8 in Bas1n > 8'" Wednesday. October 30, 2002 7679 7527 $99,256.00 $0.00 ·(098 ) 7644 ·{0 98 ) 7526 Total Basin Cost: $99,256.00 (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (1 0A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (1 0A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) 15018 1 5019 15050 1505 1 15052 15053 1 5054 15055 15056 15078 15079 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 71 14 7115 7116 7117 ·{10A ) 7 1 29 -(10A ) 8 104 ·(10A ) 7130 ·(10A ) 15052 ·{10A ) 15053 ·(10A ) 7 1 21 ·(10A ) 8087 ·(10A ) 8184 ·(10A ) 8187 ·(10A ) 15051 ·(10A ) 150 51 ·(10A ) 7119 ·(10A ) 7090 ·{10A ) 7091 ·(10A ) 7092 ·(10A ) 7093 ·(10A ) 7094 ·(10A ) 7095 ·(10A ) 7096 ·(10A ) 7097 ·(10A ) 7098 ·(10A ) 7099 ·(10A ) 7100 ·(10A ) 7101 ·(10A ) 7102 ·(1 0A ) 7103 ·{10A ) 7104 ·(10A ) 7 105 ·(11 ) 7107 -(10A ) 7108 ·(10A ) 7109 ·{10A ) 7110 ·{10A ) 7111 ·(10A ) 7112 ·(10A ) 7113 ·(10A ) 7114 ·(10A ) 7 1 15 ·(10A ) 9521 LENGTH (FT) 100 75 47 50 152 211 85 240 87 67 55 115 353 493 327 365 392 235 232 258 252 288 284 215 251 257 175 219 212 319 384 431 4 25 405 358 253 305 373 405 218 DIAM (I N) 8 8 1 5 8 1 5 18 18 18 8 8 8 8 1 5 24 10 10 10 1 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 21 21 21 21 21 24 24 24 24 24 LOW CUM FL OW (MGO) 0 .001 0 .001 0 .514 0 .000 0.000 0 .586 0 .586 0 587 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .635 0 .016 0 .016 0 015 0 .014 0 .014 0 .014 0 .013 0 .013 0 .012 0.011 0 .011 0 .011 0 .010 0 .010 0 .009 0 .005 0 .690 0 .689 0 687 0 .685 0 .684 0 .682 0 .662 0 661 0 .660 0 .655 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM F LOW (MGO) 0 .002 0 .001 0 ,995 0 .000 0 .001 1.132 1.133 1.134 0.001 0 .007 0.000 0 .001 0.002 1.250 0.110 0.108 0 106 0.104 0.102 0 .101 0 .099 0 .098 0 .096 0.094 0.093 0 .091 0 .090 0 .089 0 .088 0 .052 1 .334 1.332 1 .330 1 .328 1.326 1 .323 1 .291 1 289 1 .287 1 .280 HI G H CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .004 0.002 2.442 0.001 0.002 2.654 2.654 2.657 0 .001 0.014 0.001 0.001 0 .004 2 .838 0.220 0.216 0.211 0 .207 0.204 0.203 0 .201 0 .197 0.194 0.191 0.188 0 .185 0 .182 0.179 0 .177 0 .105 2 .987 2.983 2 .979 2.974 2 970 2 .967 2.909 2.906 2.902 2.891 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 2 .562 0.389 2.930 3 .209 3 .188 4.473 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 6.673 8 .341 1.286 1 .397 1.502 1.401 0 .989 1 018 1 .231 1 .726 1 .505 1 .676 0 759 1 .019 0 .686 0 .601 0 .740 0 .389 4 .522 6 .462 4 865 5 .321 6.742 4 .771 9 .165 9.200 9 .130 8.312 RELIEF ·~CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 95 0 0 83 83 59 0 0 0 0 34 17 15 14 1 5 2 1 20 16 11 1 3 11 25 18 27 30 24 27 66 46 61 56 44 62 32 32 32 35 (IN) ($) Page#: 15 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (1 0A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (1 0A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (l OA) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (1 0A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (lOA ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 71 27 7 128 7 129 7130 7131 7132 7 133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 71 39 7140 7141 7142 7143 7147 7160 7 161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7 166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7 171 7172 7173 7174 ·(10A ) 7117 ·(10A ) 9523 ·(10A ) 7090 ·(10A ) 7 120 ·(10 A ) 15051 ·(10A ) 7122 ·(10A ) 7123 ·(10A ) 7124 ·(10A ) 7 1 25 ·(10A ) 7 1 26 ·(10A ) 7127 ·(10A ) 7246 ·(10A ) 15018 ·(10A ) 7130 ·(10A ) 7 1 31 ·(1 0A ) 7 132 ·(10A ) 7133 ·(10A ) 7134 ·(10A ) 7 1 35 ·(10A ) 7 1 36 ·(lOA ) 7 1 37 ·(10A ) 7 1 38 ·(l OA ) 7 1 39 ·(10A ) 7140 ·(10A ) 8265 ·(10A ) 8341 ·(10A ) 7 11 3 ·(10A ) 7246 ·(10A ) 7160 ·(10A ) 7161 ·(lOA ) 7162 ·(10A ) 8217 ·(l OA ) 8318 ·(l OA ) 8303 ·(l OA ) 7166 ·(l OA ) 7251 ·(lOA ) 7168 ·(l OA ) 7169 ·(10A ) 7 170 ·(lOA ) 7171 ·(10A ) 7172 ·(10A ) 9488 LENGTH (FT) 21 1 1 26 350 298 265 118 360 280 263 354 307 205 24 1 239 367 330 337 328 323 290 290 222 2 1 3 269 250 175 302 3 1 3 248 221 257 85 265 290 106 64 359 343 275 176 251 72 DIAM (IN) 24 24 18 1 8 1 5 15 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 2 15 1 5 1 5 15 1 5 15 15 1 5 1 5 1 5 15 12 1 5 1 2 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .653 0 .635 0 .589 0.588 0.583 0 .582 0.581 0.580 0 .579 0.578 0.000 0.515 0.514 0 .512 0 .51 1 0.509 0 .507 0 .4 95 0.493 0 .492 0 .490 0 .4 78 0.4 77 0.476 0 .464 0 .4 53 0 .003 0 .016 0.015 0.015 0 .014 0 009 0.0 09 0 .008 0.008 0 .004 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Remov al (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 1 .277 1 .251 1 .1 38 1 .1 36 1 .1 28 1.126 1.1 25 1.122 1 .121 1 .11 9 0 .003 0.997 0 .995 0 .993 0 .991 0 .989 0.987 0.974 0 .972 0 .9 70 0 .969 0.956 0 .954 0 .953 0 .938 0 .922 0.0 25 0.11 6 0.114 0 .11 3 0 .1 11 0 .078 0 .077 0 .064 0.062 0 .031 0.012 0 .010 0 .008 0 .006 0 .00 5 0 .00 3 HIGH CUM FLOW CAPACITY (MGD) (MGD) 2.884 2.839 2.664 2 .660 2.64 7 2 .644 2 .640 2 .637 2 .634 2.631 0.007 2 .444 2 .441 2 437 2.434 2.431 2.427 2.405 2 .402 2 398 2 .395 2.373 2.371 2 .368 2 .345 2 .320 0.050 0.232 0 .228 0 .225 0 .223 0 .155 0.152 0.126 0 .122 0 .060 0 ,024 0.020 0 .016 0.013 0 .011 0.007 10.160 11.721 3.718 3.727 1 .504 4 .006 3.624 2.160 2 .172 2.796 1.680 5 .439 3 .325 2.805 3 .315 2.814 3 .018 3.632 2.800 2 .800 3 .608 2 .275 1.266 4 .429 1.358 1.712 0 .577 0.953 0.628 0 .699 0 .597 0.672 0.396 0 .795 0 .769 0.49 3 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELI EF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 28 24 72 7 1 176 66 73 122 121 94 0 45 73 87 73 86 80 66 86 86 66 104 187 53 173 136 9 2 4 36 32 37 23 38 16 16 12 6 5 4 3 (IN) ($) 15 25,970 10 21,560 10 18,673 10 1 7,094 12 18,957 1 2 20,500 10 12,425 Page#: 16 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) Wednesday, October 30. 2002 7175 7176 7177 7178 7246 7249 7250 7251 7252 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 80 87 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 8 1 01 8102 8103 8104 8 105 8106 8 107 81 08 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 ·(10A ) 7174 ·(10A ) 7175 ·(10A ) 7176 ·(10A ) 7177 ·(10A ) 7127 ·(10A ) 7167 ·(10A ) 7249 ·(10A ) 7250 ·(1 0A ) 7168 ·(1 0A ) 7147 ·(10A ) 8081 ·(10A ) 7147 ·(10A ) 8083 ·(10A ) 8084 ·(10A ) 8085 ·(10A ) 8088 ·(1 0A ) 8094 ·(10A ) 8088 ·(10A ) 8089 ·(10A ) 8090 ·(10A ) 8091 ·(10A ) 8092 ·(10A ) 8095 ·(10A ) 8097 ·(1 0A ) 8097 ·(1 0A ) 7118 ·(10A ) 8093 ·(10A ) 8098 ·(10A ) 8082 ·(10A ) 8100 ·(1 0A ) 8101 ·(10A ) 8102 ·(1 0A ) 8103 ·(10A 8100 ·(10A 8105 ·(10A ) 8106 ·(1 0A ) 8107 ·(10A ) 8108 ·(1 0A ) 8 109 ·(10A ) 8110 ·(10A ) 8 1 13 ·(10A ) 8101 ·(10A ) 9523 LENGTH (FT) 125 173 72 141 386 117 108 238 276 124 238 125 43 82 82 236 246 50 299 100 83 383 49 239 379 17 1 230 130 216 183 187 323 297 371 348 1 39 1 33 363 89 70 340 203 400 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .574 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0.002 0.002 0 .002 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0.00 1 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0.0 01 0.000 0 .002 0.000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .0 0 1 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0.00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .001 1 .114 0 .033 0 .033 0 .032 0.018 0 .021 0 .021 0 .002 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0.011 0.007 0.007 0 .005 0 .005 0.004 0.01 1 0 .01 2 0 .005 0.019 0.002 0 .001 0 .019 0 .009 0.005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .009 0 .007 0.005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .000 0.002 0 .003 0 .005 HIG H CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.006 0 .004 0 .00 3 0 .002 2 .622 0 .066 0 .064 0.063 0.036 0.04 2 0 .041 0.004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0.0 04 0 .0 21 0.015 0.014 0 .011 0 .010 0 .009 0 .022 0 .0 25 0 .011 0.037 0.004 0.002 0 .038 0 .018 0.01 0 0.008 0 .004 0.018 0 014 0.009 0.0 08 0 .006 0 .002 0 .001 0 .004 0 .006 0 .011 C APACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 2 .994 0.480 1 .449 0 .519 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF '!.CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 88 14 4 12 9 11 11 0 0 5 3 2 2 6 6 3 10 1 0 10 3 5 3 2 2 2 0 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 17 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10 A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8115 8116 8117 8 119 8120 81 21 8122 8123 8124 81 25 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 81 3 1 8132 8 133 8134 8135 8136 8 137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8 144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 ·(10A ) 8114 ·(10A ) 8115 ·(10A ) 8096 ·(10A ) 81 18 ·(10A ) 8 11 9 ·(10A ) 7105 ·(10A ) 8 121 ·(10A ) 8122 ·(10A ) 8123 ·(10A ) 8124 ·(10A ) 8125 ·(10A ) 7106 ·(10A ) 8127 ·(10A ) 8128 ·(10A ) 8129 ·(1 0A ) 81 30 ·(10A ) 8131 ·(10A ) 8132 ·(10A ) 8133 ·(10A ) 8134 ·(10A ) 8135 ·(1 0A ) 81 36 ·(10A ) 8130 ·(10A ) 8138 ·(10A ) 8139 ·(10A ) 8140 ·(1 0A ) 8141 ·(10A ) 8142 ·(10A ) 8143 ·(10A ) 8144 ·(10A ) 8145 ·(10A ) 8146 ·(10A ) 8146 ·(10A ) 8126 ·(10A ) 8149 ·(10A ) 8150 ·(10A ) 8151 ·(10A ) 8 1 52 ·(10A ) 8153 ·(10A ) 8 154 ·(10A ) 8152 ·(10 A ) 8156 LENGTH (FT ) 247 288 168 196 41 209 210 209 3 10 196 181 130 262 281 242 1 53 151 83 150 181 234 75 147 207 100 101 201 137 82 91 146 301 104 75 400 295 185 260 135 125 200 140 LOW CUM OIAM FLOW (IN) (MGD) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .003 0 .004 0 .004 0.004 0 .004 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .003 0 .0 0 1 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) HIGH CUM AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) FLOW CAPACITY 0.003 0.002 0 .003 0 .001 0.000 0 .035 0.033 0 .032 0.031 0 .029 0.027 0 .050 0.049 0.041 0 .039 0 .0 10 0 .005 0 .004 0.004 0.003 0 .00 2 0 .000 0 .028 0 .0 1 1 0 .0 10 0 .010 0 .009 0 .008 0 .007 0 .007 0.006 0 .004 0 .001 0 .025 0 .015 0.013 0 .011 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0.005 0.004 (M GD) (MGD) 0 .006 0 .003 0 .006 0 .003 0 .000 0 .070 0 .066 0 .064 0.061 0 .0 57 0.0 54 0 .101 0.099 0 .083 0 .080 0.020 0.0 11 0 .009 0 .008 0 .006 0 .004 0.001 0.058 0 .0 24 0 .022 0 .021 0.020 0 .017 0 .016 0 .015 0 014 0 .010 0 .001 0 .049 0 .030 0 .025 0 .022 0 .009 0 .006 0 .004 0 .01 1 0 .008 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .999 1.097 0 .691 0 .880 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 RE LIE F %CAP PIPE PIPE COS T 2 2 0 7 6 9 15 14 26 26 21 21 5 3 2 2 2 0 15 6 6 5 5 0 13 8 6 6 2 3 (IN ) ($) Page#: 18 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (10A ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) {lOA ) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA) (lOA ) (10A ) {lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 8181 8182 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 8200 8201 8202 8208 8209 8210 8211 8216 8217 8218 ·(lOA ) 8149 ·(lOA ) 8158 ·(lOA ) 8159 ·(lOA ) 8160 ·(l OA ) 8 1 61 ·(lOA ) 8158 ·(lOA ) 8163 ·(lOA ) 8164 ·(lOA ) 8158 ·(lOA ) 8166 ·(lOA ) 8 1 26 ·(lOA ) 8128 ·(lOA ) 8175 ·{lOA ) 8176 ·(lOA ) 8131 ·(lOA ) 8211 ·(10A ) 8181 ·(lOA ) 8131 ·(lOA ) 8138 ·(lOA ) 8182 ·(lOA ) 15055 ·(lOA ) 8185 ·(lOA ) 8186 ·(lOA ) 8187 ·(lOA ) 8186 ·(lOA ) 8186 ·(l OA ) 8190 ·(10A ) 8193 ·(lOA ) 8194 ·(lOA ) 8184 ·(10A ) 8184 ·(lOA ) 8195 ·(lOA ) 8192 ·(lOA ) 8157 ·(lOA ) 8200 ·(lOA ) 8201 ·(lOA ) 8155 ·(lOA ) 8155 ·(lOA ) 8200 ·(lOA ) 8178 ·(lOA ) 7123 ·(lOA ) 7163 ·(l OA ) 8219 LEN GTH (FT) 1 75 185 165 175 1 50 110 255 1 30 125 130 255 90 110 107 197 122 87 136 150 140 67 119 131 115 235 105 75 95 210 190 215 110 140 84 125 192 81 84 177 92 206 232 165 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LO W CU M FLOW (MGO) 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .013 0 .004 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .009 0.004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 O.D16 0 .013 0 .006 0 .006 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .003 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .00 3 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .106 0 .026 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .018 0.008 0 .006 0 .004 0.002 0 .006 0 .005 0 .002 0.003 0 .002 0 .003 0 .004 0 .003 0.001 0 .005 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .003 0 .032 0 .026 0 .01 3 0.012 0 .004 0 .001 0 .005 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .005 0 .007 0 .004 0 .001 0.002 0 .007 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .003 0 .002 0 .212 0 .054 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 1.009 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 3 3 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 21 14 (IN) ($) Page#: 19 1 :45:19 PM LINE S EGMENT (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (lOA (10A ) (10A) (1 0A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (1 0A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 824 1 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 824 8 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 ·(10A ) 8217 ·(10A ) 8218 ·(10A ) 8294 ·(10A ) 8221 ·(10A ) 8222 ·(10A ) 8223 ·(10A ) 8224 ·(10A ) 8225 ·(10A ) 8226 ·(10A ) 8227 ·(10A ) 8228 ·(10A ) 8229 ·(lOA ) 8230 ·(10A ) 8231 ·(10A ) 8232 ·(10A ) 8233 ·(10A ) 8234 ·(10A ) 8229 ·(10A ) 8236 ·(10A ) 7167 ·(10A ) 8238 ·(10A ) 8239 ·(10A ) 824 0 ·(10A ) 8241 ·(10A ) 8242 ·(10A ) 8243 ·(10A ) 8244 ·(10A ) 8245 ·(10A ) 8246 ·(10A ) 8246 ·(10A ) 8248 ·(10A ) 8249 ·(10A ) 8250 ·(10A ) 8251 ·(10A ) 8254 ·(10A ) 8265 ·(10A ) 8254 ·(10A ) 8253 ·(10A ) 8256 ·(10A ) 8257 ·(10A ) 8258 ·(10A ) 8261 LENGTH (FT) 35 1 50 46 233 294 152 155 327 200 61 1 11 281 301 183 212 168 203 200 132 128 152 294 195 1 27 140 105 76 185 1 16 1 73 1 32 183 228 265 300 200 35 344 199 222 215 186 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .004 0.003 0 .002 0.002 0.002 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 001 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.026 0.025 0 .023 0 .022 0.021 0.019 0 .018 0 .017 0 016 0 .014 0 .012 0 .008 0 .007 0 .005 0 .004 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0.028 0 .027 0 .022 0 .0 1 8 0 .014 0 014 0 .013 0.01 1 0,011 0 .00 1 0 .009 0 .008 0 .007 0.006 0 .003 0 .012 0 .013 0 ,000 0 .010 0 .008 0.003 0.001 0 .001 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .054 0.052 0 047 0 .046 0.044 0.040 0 .039 0.037 0 .033 0.031 0.025 0.016 0.013 0.010 0 .008 0 .004 0 .002 0 .006 0 .002 0.056 0.055 0.045 0 .036 0 .029 0 .028 0.026 0.023 0.022 0 .001 0 .018 0 .016 0 .015 0.013 0.007 0 .023 0 .025 0.000 0.019 0 .015 0.005 0.003 0 .002 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .174 0 .787 0 .697 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 14 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 8 8 6 4 3 3 2 2 0 6 9 8 6 6 0 5 6 0 5 4 (IN) ($) Page#. 20 1:45:19 PM LINE S EGMENT (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 ·(10A ) 8262 ·(10A ) 8263 ·(10A ) 8264 ·(10A ) 7138 ·(10A ) 7141 ·(10A ) 8264 ·(10A ) 8266 ·(10A ) 8267 ·(10A ) 8268 ·(10A ) 8268 ·(10A ) 8270 ·(10A ) 8244 ·(10A ) 8239 ·(10A ) 8273 ·(10A ) 8273 ·(10A ) 8277 ·(10A ) 8278 ·(10A ) 7163 ·(10A ) 7163 ·{10A ) 8281 ·(10A ) 8282 ·(10A ) 8283 ·(10A ) 8284 ·(10A ) 8283 ·(10A ) 8285 ·(10A ) 8286 ·(10A ) 8281 ·(10A ) 8288 ·(10A ) 8289 ·(10A ) 8293 ·(10A ) 8257 ·(10A ) 8220 ·(10A ) 8294 ·(10A ) 8252 ·(10A ) 8296 ·(10A ) 8297 ·(10A ) 8303 ·(10A ) 8299 ·(10A ) 8300 ·(10A ) 8301 ·(10A ) 7 165 ·(10A ) 8305 ·(10A ) 8306 LOW CUM LENGTli DIAM FLOW (FT) (IN) (MGO) 103 24 9 181 130 172 12 1 306 195 110 153 200 191 383 147 155 200 126 97 155 119 212 266 94 220 73 289 130 2 15 200 400 211 135 150 105 77 157 57 117 211 94 76 158 163 8 8 8 15 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .474 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .003 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .008 0 000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) A VGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0 .003 0 .004 0 .011 0.951 0.006 0 .006 0.004 0.001 0 002 0 .001 0.001 0 004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 002 0 001 0 .001 0.005 0 .007 0.011 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .004 0 .024 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0.003 0 .002 0.002 0.001 0 .067 0 .001 0 .002 HIGH CUM RELIE F FLOW CAPACITY %CAP PIPE PIPE COST (MGD) (MGD) (IN) ($) 0.003 0 .006 0 .008 0 .022 2 .366 0 .012 0 .011 0.008 0.001 0 .004 0 .002 0 ,002 0.008 0 .002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0 .005 0 .002 0.001 0 .010 0 .013 0 .021 0 .007 0.004 0 .003 0 .006 0 .005 0 .002 0 .006 0.008 0 .050 0.002 0.004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .006 0 .005 0.004 0 .001 0 .132 0 002 0 .004 0.389 0.389 0.389 1.400 1.376 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 .586 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 1 094 0 .389 0.389 172 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 2 2 13 0 0 0 12 0 12 15,308 Page#: 21 1 :45.19 PM LINE S EGMENT (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A) (10A ) Wednesday. Oclober 30. 2002 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 9487 9488 9511 9512 9513 9514 9517 ·(10A ) 8240 ·(10A ) 8308 ·(10A ) 8241 ·(10A ) 8241 ·(10A ) 7 1 65 ·(10A ) 8310 ·(10A ) 8311 ·(10A ) 8312 ·(10A ) 8313 ·(10A ) 8316 ·(10A ) 8317 ·(10A ) 8310 ·(10A ) 7164 ·(10A ) 7252 ·(10A ) 8319 ·(10A ) 8320 -(10A ) 8321 ·(10A ) 8322 ·(10A ) 8323 ·(10A ) 8324 ·(10A ) 8325 ·(10A ) 8327 ·(10A ) 8328 ·(10A ) 8329 ·(10A ) 8341 ·(10A ) 8331 ·(10A ) 8332 ·(10A ) 8333 ·(10A ) 8334 ·(10A ) 8335 ·(10A ) 8336 ·(10A ) 8337 ·(10A ) 8338 ·(10A ) 8339 ·(10A ) 7142 ·(10A ) 7128 ·(1 0A ) 7173 ·(10A ) 7113 ·(10A ) 9511 ·(10A ) 9512 ·(10A ) 9513 -(10A ) 9521 LENGTH (FT) 125 97 248 83 10 4 284 271 1 22 293 69 162 1 59 134 1 54 218 371 309 343 240 177 196 1 50 86 106 180 380 264 385 335 351 32 117 97 62 170 148 97 119 72 234 236 250 OIA M (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .009 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0.002 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .463 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .003 0.001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .009 0 .006 0 004 0.002 0.002 0 .000 0 .001 0.002 0 .078 0 .017 0 .016 0.0 15 0 .012 0.011 0.006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .013 0 .012 0 .010 0.008 0 .006 0.004 0.002 0 .002 0.001 0.000 0 .936 0 .001 0 .004 0 .005 0 .004 0.004 0.003 0.003 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .005 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.018 0.012 0 .008 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .003 0.004 0 .154 0.033 0 .031 0.029 0.025 0.021 0.012 0 .009 0 .007 0 .004 0.002 0 .001 O.Q26 0.024 O.Q20 0 .017 0.012 0.0 08 0 .004 0 .004 0.002 0 .001 2.342 0.003 0.008 0.010 0 .009 0 .008 0.005 0 .005 CAPACITY (MGO) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 1.010 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 2.263 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP P IPE PIPE COST 1 0 0 5 0 15 8 8 6 5 3 2 0 7 6 3 0 0 103 3 (IN) ($) 10 13,090 Page#: 22 1 .4519 PM Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 LINE SEGMENT (10A ) (10A I (10A) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) (10A ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (lOA ) (10A ) (lOA ) (10A ) 9516 9519 9520 9521 9523 9630 9631 6291 9516 9515 6116 6174 6173 6172 6171 6170 6213 6212 6169 6214 6163 (10A ) 6215 (10A ) 6264 (10A ) 6327 Bason <: 6 on SO .OO Bason> 6 on $163,577.00 ·(10A ) 9517 ·(10A ) 7 117 ·(lOA ) 9519 ·(lOA ) 7116 ·(10A ) 7116 ·(10A ) 9631 ·(10A ) 6323 ·(10A ) 6292 ·(1 0A ) 951 5 ·(10A ) 9514 ·(l OA ) 61 17 ·(lOA ) 6173 -(10A ) 6172 ·(10A ) 6171 ·(10A ) 6170 ·(10A ) 6213 ·(1 0A ) 6212 ·(10A ) 6169 ·(10A ) 6126 ·(10A ) 6163 ·(10A ) 6215 ·(10A ) 6162 ·(1 0A ) 7134 ·(1 0A ) 6326 Tolal Bason Cos!: $163,577.00 (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (lOB ) (10B ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (10B ) (108 ) 15007 15006 15009 15010 1501 1 15012 1501 3 15014 15047 15048 15049 7144 7145 7146 7148 7149 -(lOB ) 7220 ·(108 ) 8720 ·(1 08 ) 8712 ·(108 ) 7235 ·(1 0B ) 7222 -(lOB 7223 ·(1 08 7224 ·(108 ) 7159 ·(10B ) 7225 ·(lOB ) 7196 ·(1 0B ) 7185 ·(10A ) 7143 ·(108 ) 7144 ·(108 ) 7 145 -(108 ) 8342 ·(108 ) 8349 LENGTH (FT) 213 250 152 255 149 316 119 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 282 264 240 72 135 56 240 460 92 106 156 284 284 289 150 100 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 24 24 6 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 8 6 8 12 12 12 6 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .658 0 .639 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0 .261 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .00 3 0 .004 0 .006 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .452 0 .45 1 0 .450 0 .026 0 .024 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .00 1 0.002 0 .001 1 .265 1.257 0.002 0.003 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0.002 0.00 3 0 .003 0 .004 0 .005 0.001 0 .001 0 .002 0.011 0 .00 3 0 .536 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .01 6 0 .020 0 .025 0.007 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .921 0.920 0.919 0 .116 0.102 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0 .00 5 0 .002 2.898 2 .850 0 .004 0 .005 0 .001 0.001 0.00 2 0.004 0.001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .005 0 .006 0.007 0 .008 0 .009 0.001 0.002 0 .003 0.022 0.005 1.099 0 .004 0 .004 0 .001 0.04 3 0.053 0.062 0 .01 6 0 .001 0 .001 0.002 2 .318 2.316 2.313 0.277 0.244 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0.369 0 .389 9.864 4.512 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0.369 0 .369 0 .369 0.369 0 .369 0.369 0 .389 0.389 0.369 0 .389 0 .369 0.369 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 0 .369 1 .374 0.389 0 .389 0 .369 1 .384 1.676 1.067 0.389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 1 .621 2 .226 2.259 1.017 0 .627 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 29 63 0 0 0 2 0 6 80 0 3 6 0 0 0 127 104 102 27 39 (IN) ($) 10 21 ,866 10 20,164 10 22,253 Page#: 23 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGME NT (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (108 ) (10B ) (108 ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (108 ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7 158 7159 7179 7 1 80 7181 7182 7 1 83 7 1 84 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7 1 90 7 1 91 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 ·(10B ) 7149 ·(1 0B ) 7150 ·(10B ) 7151 ·(10B ) 7152 ·(lOB ) 7 153 -(10B ) 7154 -(lOB ) 7155 ·(10B ) 8379 ·(10B ) 7157 ·(10B ) 7158 ·(10B ) 7146 ·(10B 7179 ·(10B ) 7180 -(10B ) 7181 -(10B 7182 ·(10B ) 7 183 ·(10B ) 7184 ·(108 ) 7185 ·(10B ) 7186 -(10B ) 7187 ·(10B ) 7188 ·(10B ) 7189 -(10B ) 7190 ·(10B ) 7191 ·(10B 8543 ·(10B ) 9503 -(10B ) 7194 ·(10B ) 7195 ·(10B ) 7196 ·(1 0B ) 7186 -(10B ) 7198 ·(lOB ) 7199 -(10B ) 7200 -(1 08 ) 7201 ·(10B ) 7202 -(10B ) 7203 ·(1 0B ) 7204 ·(10B ) 7205 ·(108 ) 7206 ·(10B ) 7207 ·(10B ) 7208 ·(10B ) 7209 ·(10B ) 7210 LENGTH (FT) 315 275 230 300 170 317 272 1 8 1 68 250 400 385 240 370 270 20 0 400 325 400 360 220 418 361 295 148 258 340 361 350 260 250 375 260 400 400 390 350 350 165 210 170 200 140 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 5 1 5 1 5 15 1 5 1 2 1 2 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 1 2 12 12 1 2 12 1 2 1 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .022 0 .022 0 .021 0 .021 0 .008 0 .007 0 .007 0.004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .404 0 ,403 0 .402 0 .401 0.401 0.400 0 .385 0 .383 0 .015 0 .015 0 .014 0 .014 0 .013 0.01 1 0 .009 0 .007 0 .003 0.002 0 .001 0 .348 0 .347 0 346 0 .345 0 .326 0.325 0 .324 0 .3 1 8 0 .317 0 .316 0 .316 0.315 0 .315 0 .314 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.094 0 .093 0 .092 0 .091 0 .035 0.031 0.030 0.018 0 .018 0 .017 0 .801 0.799 0 .798 0 .797 0.795 0.794 0 .758 0 .756 0.061 0 .060 0 .059 0 .058 0 .0 56 0.050 0.043 O.Q35 0 .016 0 .009 0 .003 0 .693 0 .692 0 .691 0 .689 0 .659 0.657 0.656 0 .647 0 .646 0 .644 0 .643 0.642 0.64 1 0 .641 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.228 0.225 0.223 0.221 0.082 0 .072 0 070 0 .047 0.047 0.045 2.032 2.029 2.025 2.023 2 .020 2.017 1.928 1.923 0.149 0.145 0 .142 0 .140 0.136 0.122 0.107 0.086 0 .039 0 .022 0 .008 1.772 1.768 1.766 1.763 1.688 1.685 1.681 1.660 1.657 1.654 1.653 1.651 1 .64 9 1.64 7 CAPAC ITY (MGD) 0 .856 0.879 0.955 0 .823 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 3 843 4 .111 2 .332 2 .610 4 .127 1.938 2.280 2.328 0 .741 0 .729 0 .774 1 .064 0.830 0 .991 0 .929 1 .245 1 .074 1 .445 2.169 1 .749 1 .836 2.155 2.14 1 2 .189 2.415 2.259 2.703 2.025 2 689 2 .449 5 .865 1 .074 6 .936 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 27 26 23 27 21 19 18 12 12 12 53 49 87 78 49 104 85 83 20 20 18 13 16 12 11 4 0 101 96 82 82 77 70 74 61 82 62 67 28 154 24 (IN) ($) 10 1 5,400 10 1 8 ,460 10 14 ,200 Page#: 24 1:4 5:19 PM LIN E SEGMENT (10B ) (l OB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (10B ) (l OB ) (l OB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (l OB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (1 0 B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (1 0 B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 72 19 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 724 0 724 1 7242 7243 7244 7245 7247 7248 8342 8343 8344 8345 8346 8347 ·(lOB 7211 ·(l OB 7212 ·(lOB ) 7213 ·(lOB ) 72 14 ·(lOB ) 72 15 ·(10B ) 7216 ·(10B ) 7217 ·(lOB ) 7218 ·(lOB ) 72 19 ·(lOB ) 15011 ·(l OB ) 15012 ·(10B ) 1 50 13 ·(lOB ) 7225 ·(lOB ) 7226 ·(lOB 7201 ·(10B ) 7217 ·(l OB 7221 ·(lOB ) 7228 ·(lOB ) 7229 ·(lOB ) 7230 ·(lOB ) 7221 ·(lOB ) 7232 ·(l OB ) 7233 ·(10B ) 7234 ·(10B ) 15007 -(lOB ) 7236 ·(lOB ) 7237 ·(lOB ) 7238 ·(l OB ) 7239 ·(l OB ) 7240 ·(l OB ) 7240 ·(l OB ) 7236 ·(l OB ) 7243 ·(lOB ) 7244 -(lOB ) 7218 ·(l OB ) 7247 -(lOB ) 7146 -(lOB ) 8342 ·(lOB ) 8377 ·(lOB ) 8344 ·(lOB ) 8345 ·(lOB ) 8346 LENGTH (F T) 110 385 250 309 150 425 4 00 185 4 80 92 342 103 300 4 00 4 00 4 00 320 375 265 350 190 125 150 285 139 420 250 300 180 400 230 225 4 70 200 4 00 4 10 2 35 115 30 320 148 350 DIAM (IN) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 8 8 8 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .3 1 4 0 .313 0 .313 0 .312 0.31 1 0.31 1 0 .309 0 .263 0 .262 0 003 0 .004 0 .005 0 .006 0.006 0 .00 6 0 .000 0 001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .000 0 .260 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .255 0.254 0 .253 0 037 0 .037 0 .0 29 0 .000 0 .001 0.00 1 0 .00 1 0 .000 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CE L) RE LIEF AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) HIG H CUM FL OW (MGD) C AP AC ilY %CAP PIP E PI PE CO ST 0 .640 0 .639 0 .637 0 .636 0 .635 0 .634 0.631 0 .539 0 .538 0 .01 5 0 .020 0 .024 0.026 0 .028 0 .029 0 .00 1 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 0 .010 0.00 9 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .535 0 .007 0 .005 0.004 0 .00 3 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .528 0 .527 0 .524 0 .090 0 .089 0 .117 0 .000 0 .005 0.005 0.003 0 002 1.646 1.645 1.642 1 .639 1 .6 36 1.635 1.627 1 .105 1.104 0 .042 0 .052 0 .060 0 .064 0.069 0.072 0 .0 04 0 .012 0.009 0 .006 0.003 0 .029 0.027 0 .00 5 0 .003 1 .096 O.Q16 0.013 0 .0 10 0 .00 8 0 .004 0 .002 1 .079 1 .077 1 .072 0 .518 0.51 5 0 .280 0 .001 0.013 0.013 0.007 0 .005 (MGD) (IN) ($) 3 .448 1.0 98 1.170 3.552 4 .323 1.089 1.092 1.107 1.079 1.4 03 1.141 0.894 1.069 1.069 0 .968 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 1.097 1.210 0 .389 0 .389 2.814 1.145 0 .935 0 369 0.369 0.389 0.222 2 .621 4 .04 0 1.727 3.672 4 .713 1 .037 0 .369 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .369 4 8 150 14 0 4 6 38 150 149 100 102 3 5 6 6 3 2 3 2 39 2 4 1 27 62 14 1 1 27 0 3 3 2 10 23,4 65 10 15,250 10 30.175 10 48.000 10 29,280 Page#: 25 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (1 0 8 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 (108 (1 08 ) (106 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (106 ) (108 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8348 834 9 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8 357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8 377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8385 8386 8387 8388 8 389 8390 ·(108 ) 8347 ·(108 ) 8 357 ·(108 ) 8357 ·(108 ) 8350 ·(108 ) 8351 ·(108 ) 8352 ·(108 ) 8 353 ·(1 06 ) 8 354 ·(1 08 ) 8355 ·(108 ) 7148 -(1 08 ) 7149 ·(106 ) 8 358 ·(108 8359 ·(1 08 8360 ·(1 08 ) 8361 ·(1 08 ) 8362 ·(108 ) 8362 ·(108 ) 8364 ·(1 08 ) 8365 ·(108 ) 8361 ·(108 ) 8367 ·(1 08 ) 8 3 45 ·(1 08 ) 8369 ·(106 ) 7154 ·(108 ) 8371 ·(108 ) 8371 ·(1 08 ) 8373 ·(1 0 8 ) 8 374 ·(108 ) 8375 ·(108 ) 8378 ·(108 ) 8349 ·(108 ) 7 153 ·(10 8 ) 8379 ·(108 ) 8380 ·(108 ) 8 381 ·(108 ) 8382 ·(108 ) 8383 ·(106 ) 8383 ·(108 ) 8385 ·(108 ) 8386 ·(108 ) 8387 ·(108 ) 8404 -(108 ) 8389 LENGTH (FT) 200 240 200 178 255 250 200 350 210 30 150 375 90 60 130 200 120 4 0 130 135 200 230 100 33 210 1 30 96 85 332 50 110 2 13 40 70 200 73 90 209 66 213 180 2 16 283 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MG D) 0.000 O.o26 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .027 0 00 1 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 005 0.001 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.109 0 .006 0 .005 0 .005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .115 0.008 0 .007 0 .005 0 .004 0.003 0 .001 0 .0 02 0 .001 0.000 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 000 0 .003 0.001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .005 0 .006 0 .023 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0.003 0 .000 0 .003 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .013 0 .005 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0.260 0 .015 0 .0 13 0 .01 2 0 .010 0 .007 0 .005 0 .002 0 .276 0 .016 0 .014 0 .011 0 .010 0 .006 0.002 0.00 4 0.003 0.001 0 .003 0.002 0.0 03 0.001 0.008 0.002 0 .006 0.005 0.004 0 .003 0.013 0.014 0 .059 0 .011 0 .010 0.010 0.008 0.001 0 .006 0 .004 0 .004 0.002 0.031 0.013 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .661 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .828 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 1 39 4 3 3 2 2 33 4 3 2 0 0 2 2 3 1 5 3 0 2 0 8 3 (IN ) ($) Page#: 26 1:4 5 :19 PM LINE SEGMENT (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8391 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 84 06 8407 8408 8409 8410 8411 8412 8413 84 14 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8425 8426 8427 8428 8429 8430 8431 8432 -(108 ) 8390 ·(108 8391 ·(108 ) 8392 -(10B ) 8393 ·(10B ) 8394 ·(108 ) 8389 ·(108 ) 8396 ·(108 ) 8397 ·(108 ) 8398 -(108 8399 ·(108 ) 8400 -(108 8401 ·(108 7184 ·(108 8403 ·(10B 8404 ·(1 08 ) 8405 ·(108 ) 8406 ·(108 ) 8407 -(10B ) 8408 ·(108 ) 8409 ·(1 0B ) 8410 ·(108 ) 8411 ·(108 ) 8412 ·(108 ) 8413 ·(108 ) 8414 ·(108 ) 8415 ·(108 ) 8416 ·(108 ) 8417 ·(108 ) 8418 ·(108 ) 842 1 ·(10B ) 8422 ·(10B ) 8423 -(10B ) 8430 ·(108 ) 8423 ·(10B ) 8424 -(10B ) 8427 ·(108 ) 8428 -(108 ) 8430 ·(1 08 ) 8428 ·(108 ) 8 4 31 ·(10B ) 8410 ·(108 ) 8431 LENGTH (FT) 288 155 260 196 220 188 170 170 332 400 260 210 300 283 450 375 235 150 300 218 306 151 157 40 312 225 100 88 112 80 400 238 118 326 120 139 65 162 87 315 61 128 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 002 0 001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 .009 0 .008 0 .005 0 .004 0 004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 002 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG C UM FLOW (MGD) 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0.002 0 .001 0.006 0 .006 0.005 0.004 0 .003 0 .0 02 0 .001 0 .036 0 .035 0 .021 0 .0 1 9 0 .018 0 .0 1 7 0 016 O.Q15 0 .006 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .003 0 .005 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .008 0 009 0 .001 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .010 0 .008 0 .006 0 .004 0 .002 0 .0 16 0 014 0 .013 0 .011 0 .008 0 .004 0 .002 0 .089 0 .086 0 .052 0 .048 0 .045 0 .04 2 0 041 0.038 0 .0 14 0.011 0 .010 0 .008 0.008 0 .005 0.003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .005 0 .007 0 012 0 .004 0.001 0.001 0 .002 0 .004 0 .001 0 .019 0 .022 0 .003 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 3 89 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .3 89 1 .194 0 .839 1.097 1.210 1.438 0 .817 1 .713 0 .805 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 3 2 3 3 2 23 7 6 4 3 5 2 2 3 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 6 (I N) ($) Page#: 27 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (1 08 ) (10B ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (1 0B ) (108 ) (108 ) (10B ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10B ) (108 ) (10B ) (lOB ) (108 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8433 8434 8435 8436 8437 8438 8439 8440 8441 8442 8443 8444 8445 8446 8447 8448 8449 8450 8451 8452 8453 8454 8455 8456 8457 8458 8459 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 84 65 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 8474 8475 ·(108 ) 8432 ·(108 ) 7 1 94 ·(108 ) 9507 ·(108 ) 84 35 ·(108 ) 8436 ·(108 8437 ·(10B ) 84 38 ·(10B ) 8439 ·(108 8438 ·(10B ) 8438 ·(10B ) 8436 ·(108 ) 8443 ·(108 ) 8444 ·(10B ) 8439 ·(10B ) 8446 ·(10B ) 8447 ·(108 ) 8440 -(108 ) 8449 ·(10B ) 8450 ·(108 ) 8453 ·(108 ) 8454 ·(108 ) 8455 ·(108 ) 8456 ·(108 ) 8457 ·(108 ) 8458 ·(108 ) 8462 ·(108 ) 8458 ·(108 ) 8459 ·(108 ) 8460 ·(10B ) 7159 ·(10B ) 15014 ·(108 ) 15014 ·(10B ) 8464 ·(10B ) 8465 ·(10B ) 8468 ·(108 ) 8469 ·( 108 ) 15014 ·(108 ) 7153 ·(1 08 ) 8470 ·(108 ) 8471 ·(108 ) 8472 ·(108 ) 8473 ·(108 ) 8507 LENGTH (FT) 128 220 70 332 160 230 238 180 140 140 55 120 320 78 50 50 300 275 30 300 237 11 2 100 312 140 298 215 240 149 297 90 230 30 8 47 250 277 103 300 150 120 110 160 230 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.000 0.004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 002 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0 .002 0 000 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .007 0 .007 0 .007 0 .007 0 .007 0 005 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .000 0 .018 0 .012 0 .012 0.007 0 .007 0.005 0.003 0 .001 0.001 0.002 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.0 02 0 .001 0.000 0 001 0 .002 0.003 0 .003 0 .004 0 .005 0 .008 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .009 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .032 0 .031 0 .030 0 .030 0 .029 0 .020 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.002 0.045 0 .029 0 .029 0 .017 0 .016 0 .011 0.007 0 .001 0 .001 0 005 0 .004 0.003 0.002 0 .001 0 .000 0 006 0 .003 0 .000 0 .008 0 .0 10 0.01 1 0 012 0 .015 0.016 0 .024 0.006 0 ,004 0.001 0.027 0 .001 0 006 0 .003 0 .000 0.002 0.005 0 .006 0077 0.074 0 .073 0.072 0 .071 0 .049 CAPACITY (MG O) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 1.080 0 .781 1.235 0 .749 1 .054 0 .874 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 12 8 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 6 0 7 0 0 2 9 6 10 6 (IN ) ($) Page#: 28 1 "45:19 PM LIN E SEGMENT (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (1 0B (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (1 0B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) (10B ) Wednesday. October 30. 2002 8476 84 77 8478 8479 8480 84 81 8482 84 83 84 8 4 8485 8486 8487 8488 8489 8490 8491 8492 8493 8494 84 95 8496 8497 8498 8499 8500 8501 8502 8503 8504 8505 8506 8507 8508 8509 8510 851 1 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 -(10B ) 8475 ·(10B ) 8476 ·(10B ) 8477 ·(10B ) 8478 ·(10B ) 8479 ·(10B ) 8480 ·(10B ) 8481 ·(10B ) 8 4 75 ·(10B ) 8483 ·(lOB ) 8484 ·(10B ) 8485 ·(10B ) 8484 ·(108 ) 8487 ·(10B ) 8488 ·(108 ) 8474 -(10B ) 8 4 76 ·(10B ) 8501 ·(10B ) 8492 ·(lOB ) 8500 ·(10B ) 8507 ·(lOB ) 8495 ·(10B ) 84 96 ·(lOB ) 84 97 ·(10B ) 84 98 ·(lOB ) 8499 ·(lOB ) 8500 ·(lOB ) 8495 ·(10B ) 8475 ·(lOB ) 8503 ·(l OB ) 8491 ·(10B ) 8505 ·(108 ) 8474 ·(10B ) 84 78 ·(108 ) 8508 ·(10B ) 8509 ·(lOB ) 8510 ·(1 0B ) 7196 ·(10B ) 8512 ·(10B ) 8513 ·(10B 8 51 4 ·(lOB 8515 ·(10B ) 7196 LENGTH (FT) 50 50 235 78 120 160 230 30 25 138 175 5 0 68 3 12 70 85 50 250 70 350 100 210 370 70 50 250 175 160 230 110 370 140 140 105 125 150 77 132 138 198 320 214 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0.003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.002 0 .002 0 .007 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .015 0 .006 0 .005 0.002 0 .002 0.001 0 .00 1 0 .003 0 .003 0 .001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0 .000 0 .009 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .007 0 .005 0 .005 0 004 0 .003 0 .003 0.002 0.001 0 .002 0 .001 0.009 0 .008 0.028 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .003 0.003 0.002 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 HIG H CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.036 0 .0 1 3 0 .012 0 005 0 .005 0 .004 0 .002 0 .00 8 0 .00 7 0 .003 0 .002 0 .004 0.004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .022 0 .003 0 .003 0 .001 0 .018 0.014 0 .013 0 .0 11 0 .007 0 .007 0 .006 0.002 0 .004 0.002 0.022 0 .021 0 .069 0.005 0.004 0.003 0 .001 0 .008 0.007 0 .006 0.005 0 .003 0 .002 CAPACITY (MGD) 2 .559 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .949 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 3 3 2 2 0 0 6 0 5 3 3 2 0 6 5 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 29 1:45:19 PM LI NE S EGME NT (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (1 08 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 ) (108 (108 (108 (108 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8518 8519 8520 8521 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8527 8526 8529 8530 8531 8532 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 6548 8549 8550 8551 8552 8553 8554 8555 8556 8557 8558 8559 8560 -(108 ) 8519 -(108 ) 8520 -(108 ) 8521 -(108 ) 8522 ·(108 ) 7222 -(108 ) 8524 -(108 ) 8525 ·(108 ) 7223 ·(108 ) 8525 -(108 ) 7191 ·(108 ) 8527 -(108 ) 8528 -(108 ) 8529 ·(108 ) 8530 -(108 ) 8529 -(108 ) 8532 -(108 ) 7192 -(108 ) 8534 ·(108 ) 8543 -(108 ) 8536 -(108 ) 8537 -(108 ) 8538 -(108 8539 -(108 8542 -(108 ) 8539 -(108 ) 7192 ·(108 ) 8550 -(108 ) 8544 -(108 ) 8545 -(108 ) 8546 -(108 ) 8547 -(108 ) 8548 ·(108 ) 7193 -(108 ) 8552 ·(108 ) 8545 -(108 ) 7195 ·(108 ) 8553 -(108 ) 8554 -(108 ) 8555 -(108 ) 8556 -(108 ) 8557 -(108 ) 8558 -(108 ) 8559 LENGTH (FT) 138 1 50 102 203 70 1 10 220 179 130 75 130 140 363 82 281 110 65 190 100 135 221 120 70 121 150 260 72 160 260 131 100 110 72 195 244 291 120 125 200 1 14 165 142 180 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .010 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.009 0 000 0 .000 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 Jefferson City, Pha se 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGC UM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0.003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .004 0.004 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0.003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0.048 0 .005 0.005 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.042 0 001 0 .002 0.006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .003 0.002 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 HIG H CUM FLO W (M GO) 0.001 0 .003 0 .004 0.006 0.006 0 .001 0 .003 0 .007 0.004 0 .01 1 0 .010 0 .009 0 .004 0.001 0 .004 0 .001 0 .00 3 0.002 0 .009 0 .008 0 .006 0.004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0.1 17 0 .012 0 .01 1 0 .006 0.003 0 .002 0.001 0 103 0 .002 0 .004 0 .0 14 0 .011 0 .009 0.008 0 .006 0.00 5 0 .003 0 .002 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.369 0 .369 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .369 0 .369 0 389 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 389 0 .785 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.002 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .214 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 REL IEF %CAP PIPE P IP E COST 0 2 0 3 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 15 3 3 0 10 0 4 2 4 2 0 (IN ) ($) Page#: 30 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGME NT (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) {lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) {lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (10B ) (10B ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (l OB ) (lOB ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8561 8562 8563 8564 8565 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 8571 8572 8573 8574 8575 8576 8577 8578 8579 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 8585 8703 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 -(lOB ) 8554 -(lOB ) 7197 ·(l OB ) 8562 -(lOB ) 8563 -(lOB ) 8564 -(l OB ) 8567 -(lOB ) 8568 -(lOB ) 8572 -(lOB ) 8570 -(lOB ) 8571 -(lOB ) 8572 -(lOB ) 7233 -(l OB ) 8574 -(lOB ) 8575 -(lOB ) 8576 -(lOB ) 8572 -(l OB ) 7204 -(l OB ) 8577 -(lOB ) 8578 -(lOB ) 8579 -(lOB ) 8580 -(l OB ) 8581 -(lOB ) 8582 -(lOB ) 8582 -(lOB ) 8584 -(lOB ) 7156 -(10B ) 8703 -(l OB ) 8735 -(lOB ) 8705 -(lOB ) 8706 -(10B ) 8707 -(lOB ) 8707 -(lOB ) 8709 -(lOB ) 7156 -(lOB ) 871 1 -(lOB ) 15009 -(lOB ) 8706 -(l OB ) 8714 -(lOB ) 8711 -(lOB ) 8716 ·(10B ) 8717 -(lOB ) 8716 LENGlli (FT ) 12 1 203 1 00 125 1 20 165 200 82 1 20 65 225 180 2 18 225 100 260 100 400 400 240 260 115 75 112 100 1 52 198 80 144 145 2 10 200 75 170 70 117 72 2 14 60 275 120 128 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .000 0.002 0 .000 0 .002 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .000 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .007 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .003 0 .007 0 .007 0 005 0.004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0 .020 0 .019 0 .012 O.Qll 0.010 0 001 0 .008 0 .000 0 .008 0 .002 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .005 0.003 0 .002 0 .002 HIG H CUM FLO W (MGO) 0 .001 0 .005 0.003 0 .002 0.001 0 .002 0.005 0.005 0 .003 0 .003 0 .005 0.021 0.003 0.005 0 .006 0.009 0.017 0.016 0.012 0.009 0.006 0.004 0.001 0 .002 0.001 0 .045 0 .043 0.027 0 .027 0.023 0 .002 0.019 0.001 0.019 0 .004 0.001 0.003 0 .002 0 .013 0.007 0 .004 0.005 CAPACITY (MGO) 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 467 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RELI EF %CAP P IP E PIPE COST 0 0 0 2 4 3 0 0 12 11 6 5 0 5 0 3 (IN ) ($) Page#: 31 1:45:19 PM LINE SEG MENT (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 8732 8733 8734 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8743 8744 8745 8746 8 747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 8753 8754 8755 8756 9493 9494 94 95 9496 9 497 9498 ·(106 ) 8719 ·(106 ) 1 5008 ·(106 ) 8731 ·(106 ) 8722 ·(1 06 ) 8723 ·(106 ) 872 4 ·(106 ) 8725 ·(106 ) 8726 ·(106 ) 8 726 ·(106 ) 8728 ·(106 ) 8704 ·(1 06 ) 8730 -(106 ) 8731 ·(106 ) 8732 ·(1 06 ) 8732 -(106 8736 ·(106 8704 ·(106 ) 8723 ·(106 ) 8737 ·(1 06 ) 8740 ·(106 ) 8743 ·(106 ) 8742 ·(106 ) 8743 ·(106 ) 8 744 ·(1 06 ) 8745 -(106 ) 8756 ·(106 ) 8741 ·(106 ) 8746 ·(106 ) 8747 ·(106 ) 8747 ·(106 ) 8751 ·(106 ) 8718 -(106 ) 8718 -(108 ) 8752 ·(108 ) 8753 ·(1 08 ) 8745 ·(108 ) 8709 -(108 ) 9507 ·(108 ) 9 4 93 -(108 ) 9493 -(108 ) 9494 ·(108 ) 9496 ·(108 ) 9497 LENGTH (FT) 60 126 80 230 152 90 50 168 50 55 62 68 50 55 120 110 42 42 100 2 10 100 128 160 290 100 76 123 125 100 263 50 70 65 108 50 90 50 2 15 198 146 170 175 190 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0 001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0 000 0 .003 0 .003 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .00 1 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0 .000 0 .004 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .005 0.005 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0.012 0 012 0.001 0 .000 0.001 0 001 0.003 0.003 0 .006 0 .006 0.007 0.002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 007 0 005 0 .003 0.001 0 .0 0 3 0 002 0 .001 HIG H C UM F LOW (MGD) 0.004 0 .001 0.010 0.009 0.005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .013 0 .012 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 028 0 .029 0.001 0.001 0 .002 0 .003 0.007 0 .008 0 .0 14 0 015 0.016 0.006 0.005 0 .00 1 0 .003 0.000 0.001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0.00 1 0 .017 0 .013 0.008 0 .003 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 32 1;45'19 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LINE SEGMENT (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) (106 ) 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9524 9525 9526 9527 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9927 Bas1n <a 8 tn $0.00 Bas'" > 8'" $258,535.00 ·(106 ) 9498 ·(10B ) 9501 ·(lOB ) 8436 ·(10B ) 7193 ·(lOB ) 8550 ·(lOB ) 9503 ·(106 ) 9504 ·(lOB ) 9505 ·(10B ) 8434 ·(lOB ) 9525 -(106 ) 9526 ·(lOB ) 9527 -(106 ) 7156 ·(lOB ) 8506 ·(10B ) 9920 ·(10B ) 9921 ·(10B ) 9922 ·(10B ) 9923 ·(10B ) 9924 -(10B ) 9923 ·(10B ) 9921 Total Basin Cost $258,535.00 (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (lOC ) 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 8593 8594 9592 8592 8596 8597 8598 8600 8601 8599 8602 8604 -(10C ) 8588 ·(10C ) 8592 -(lOC ) 8587 -(10C ) 8587 -(10C ) 8589 -(lOC ) 8590 ·(10C ) 8592 -(lOC ) 8593 -(10C ) 8595 -(10C ) 8595 -(10C ) 8595 -(10C ) 8596 -(10C ) 8596 -(10C ) 8599 -(lOC ) 8600 -(10C ) 8602 -(10C ) 8603 -(lOC ) 8603 LENGTH (FT) 150 340 55 195 70 195 102 168 42 170 150 25 78 100 210 260 320 369 180 160 260 139 80 58 122 150 147 196 221 135 135 108 83 37 198 230 75 122 152 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .008 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.004 0 .000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .002 0 .000 0 .002 0.002 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .005 0.005 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AV GCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .037 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .017 0.001 0 001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .007 0 007 0 .005 0 .004 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .006 0 001 0 .005 0 .005 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.008 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0 .002 0.001 0 .011 0 .012 0 001 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .003 0 .004 0 .002 0 .091 0.004 0 003 0 .002 0 .042 0.002 0 .003 0 003 0 .004 0 .017 0 .016 0.012 0.010 0.005 0 .002 0 .002 0 .003 0 .003 0 .035 0 .004 0.029 0 027 0 .003 0 .008 0.004 0 .003 0 .045 0 .005 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .010 0 .007 0 .067 0 .069 0 .006 CA PACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 REL IEF 'Yo CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 23 0 11 0 3 2 0 0 9 8 12 0 0 3 2 17 18 (IN) ($) Page#: 33 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8605 8606 8607 8608 8603 8609 8611 8612 8610 8613 8616 8617 8619 8620 8621 86 18 8623 8595 8615 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8622 8639 8640 8642 8641 8643 8644 8645 ·(10C ) 8604 -(10C ) 8603 ·(10C ) 8606 -(10C ) 8606 ·(10C ) 8609 -(10C ) 8610 ·(10C ) 8609 -(10C ) 8611 ·(10C ) 8613 ·(10C ) 8614 ·(10C ) 8613 ·(10C ) 8616 ·(10C ) 8618 ·(10C ) 8619 ·(10C ) 8618 ·(10C ) 8622 -(10C ) 8622 ·(10C l 8599 ·(10C ) 8614 ·(10C ) 8623 -(10C ) 8624 ·(10C ) 8625 ·(10C ) 8626 -(10C ) 8627 -(10C ) 8628 ·(10C ) 8629 -(10C ) 8630 ·(10C ) 8631 ·(10C ) 8590 ·(10C ) 8633 -(10C ) 8634 ·(10C ) 8635 ·(10C ) 8636 -(10C ) 8637 -(10C ) 8639 ·(10C ) 8640 -(10C ) 8641 ·(10C ) 8641 ·(10C ) 8643 ·(10C ) 8649 ·(10C ) 8645 -(10C ) 8646 LENGTH (FT) 141 138 43 5 1 134 93 227 216 120 51 195 44 230 14 3 255 165 280 125 231 186 187 102 169 171 179 78 163 182 89 118 230 225 110 280 104 537 320 357 343 216 52 243 DIAIIII (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUIIII FLO W (M GD) 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.007 0 .001 0.000 0 .007 0.007 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0.009 0.002 0 .004 0 .000 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0.001 0 001 0.001 0.001 0 .000 0 .012 0.013 0.013 0 .000 0 .014 0 .015 0 .019 0 .019 Jefferson City, Pha se 1 39% Ill Remov al (CEL) A VGCUIIII FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .014 0.016 0 .002 0 .001 0 .017 0 .0 18 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0.022 0 .006 0 .009 0 .001 0 .005 0 004 0 004 0.003 0 .003 0 002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 .029 0 .031 0 032 0.001 0 .035 0 .035 0 .046 0 .047 HI GH CUIIII FLOW (M GD) 0 .003 0.005 0.001 0.001 0 .083 0.097 0 .012 0.008 0 .099 0.105 0 005 0.001 0 .011 0 .006 0 005 0 .130 0 .033 0 .055 0 .005 0 .028 0 .024 0.021 0 .019 0 .015 0 .012 0.008 0 .007 0 .004 0 .021 0.019 0 .017 0 .012 0 .008 0 .006 0 .173 0 .184 0.190 0.007 0 .203 0 .208 0.268 0.273 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CA P PIP E PIPE COST 0 0 21 25 3 2 26 27 0 3 3 4 9 14 6 3 5 45 47 49 52 53 69 70 (IN) ($) I Page#: 34 1:45:19 PM LINE S EGMENT (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C) (10C ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8646 8647 8648 8649 8650 8651 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 8662 8663 8664 8665 8666 8667 8668 8669 8670 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8676 8677 8678 8679 8680 8682 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 ·(10C ) 8647 ·(10C ) 8648 ·(10C ) 8649 ·(10C ) 8650 ·(10C ) 8651 ·(10C ) 8652 ·(10C ) 8622 ·(10C J 8644 ·(10C J 8612 ·(10C ) 8620 ·(10C ) 8644 ·(10C ) 8657 ·(10C ) 8658 ·(10C ) 8657 ·(10C ) 8660 ·(10C ) 8660 ·(10C J 8662 ·(10C ) 8663 ·(10C ) 8664 ·(10C ) 8665 ·(10C ) 8663 ·(10C ) 8667 ·(10C ) 8668 ·(10C ) 8671 ·(10C ) 8672 ·(10C ) 8667 ·(10C ) 8672 ·(10C ) 8673 ·(10C ) 8674 ·(10C ) 8675 ·(10C ) 8676 ·(10C ) 8677 ·(10C ) 8673 ·(10C ) 8679 ·(10C ) 8659 ·(10C ) 8682 ·(10C ) 8683 ·(10C ) 8671 ·(10C ) 8685 ·(10C ) 8686 ·(10C ) 8686 ·(10C ) 8688 ·(10C ) 8689 LENGTM (FT) 293 527 218 233 68 294 373 224 177 176 97 180 283 79 223 27 138 143 208 43 103 154 58 180 319 126 74 162 145 39 155 101 243 214 212 183 54 240 122 76 77 115 91 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.020 0.020 0 .021 0 .036 0.036 0.036 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 000 0,018 0 .001 0 .001 0 .017 0 .000 0 .016 0.016 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .016 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0,015 0.012 0.011 0,011 0.010 0.006 0 000 0 001 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .002 0.000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.048 0 .049 0 .050 0 .086 0 .086 0.087 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.045 0 .003 0 002 0 .041 0 .001 0 .040 0.040 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .039 0 .001 0 .000 0 001 0 .007 0 .037 0 .030 O.Q28 0 .027 0 .025 0 .015 0 .000 0 002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .005 0 .004 0 .000 0 .004 0 004 0 .000 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .278 0 .289 0 .292 0.504 0 .505 0.511 0 .007 0.005 0 .004 0 .004 0.263 0 .018 0.015 0 .243 0 004 0 .237 0 .237 0 .008 0 .005 0.001 0.227 0 .004 0 .001 0 .004 0 041 0 .22 1 0 .177 0 .163 0 .160 0.147 0 .087 0 .002 0 .013 0.008 0 .009 0 .005 0 .001 0 .031 0 .027 0 .002 0 .023 0 .021 0 .003 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .145 1.145 1.145 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP P IPE PIPE COST 72 74 75 44 44 45 68 5 63 6 1 6 1 0 58 0 11 57 46 42 41 38 22 3 2 2 0 8 0 6 5 (IN) ($) Page#: 35 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C (1 0C ) (1 0C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (1 0C) (10C) (1 0C ) (1 0C ) (1 0C ) (1 0C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8691 8681 8697 8692 8 693 8694 8695 8696 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 9749 9750 9751 9752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9759 9758 9760 9761 9 762 9763 9764 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 9771 9772 9773 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 -(10C ) 8689 -(1 0 C ) 8680 -(10C ) 8690 -(1 0C ) 8691 -(1 0C ) 8692 -(1 0C ) 8691 -(10C ) 8694 -(10C ) 8695 -(10C ) 8677 -(1 0C ) 8698 -(1 0C ) 8699 -(1 0C ) 8700 -(10C ) 8701 -(1 0C ) 9750 -(10C ) 9751 -(1 0C ) 9752 -(10C ) 9755 -(1 0C ) 9752 -(10C ) 9753 -(10C ) 9764 -(10C ) 9755 -(10C ) 9756 -(10C ) 9758 -(10C ) 9755 -(10C ) 9759 -(10C ) 9760 -(10C ) 9763 -(10C ) 9764 -(10C ) 9765 -(10C ) 8675 -(10C ) 9766 -(10C ) 9767 -(10C ) 9770 -(10C ) 9771 -(10C ) 9772 -(10C ) 8698 -(10C ) 9772 -(10C ) 9773 -(10C ) 9771 -(10C ) 9775 -(10C ) 9776 -(10C ) 9785 LENGTH (FT) 214 180 49 29 108 210 88 153 168 60 365 160 51 211 297 102 200 202 352 139 158 30 152 99 198 40 304 146 184 201 276 67 182 176 72 82 239 287 207 73 65 204 DIAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0.006 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .003 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 1 0.004 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0.0 00 0.000 0.004 0 .004 0 .001 0 .000 0.003 0 .003 0.000 0.000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .00 3 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .001 0 .0 14 0 .00 2 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .00 2 0 .00 5 0 .00 2 0.001 0 .00 7 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .00 2 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .00 2 0 .009 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 .009 0 .011 0 .002 0 .001 0.008 0 .007 0 .001 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .016 0 .004 0 .001 0.003 0.002 0 .009 0.005 0.003 0 .082 0.013 0 .0 1 2 0 .004 0 .001 0.004 0 .010 0 .012 0 .027 0 .011 0 .007 0 .044 0 .004 0 .001 0 .008 0.010 0 .005 0 .001 0.006 0 .00 9 0 .056 0 .0 11 0 .00 7 0 .001 0 .004 0 .007 0 .054 0 .066 0 .010 0 .006 0.046 0 .0 4 2 0.006 0 .007 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 4 0 21 3 3 0 3 3 3 2 11 0 2 3 0 14 3 0 2 14 17 12 1 1 2 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 36 1 :45:19 PM Wednesday. October 30. 2002 LINE SEGMEN T (10C ) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C (10C (10C ) (10C) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) (10C ) 9779 9780 9781 9782 9783 9784 9785 9786 9787 9788 9789 9918 9919 9765 8614 8652 Basin <= 8 in $0.00 Basin > 8 in $0.00 Total Bas'" Cost: $0.00 (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (10 0 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) 15001 15004 15005 15006L 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 8776 8777 8778 8779 -(10C ) 9777 -(10C ) 9782 -(10C ) 9782 -(10C ) 9786 -(10C ) 9784 -(10C ) 9786 -(10C ) 9784 -(10C ) 9787 -(10C ) 9789 -(10C ) 9787 -(10C ) 9776 -(10C ) 9778 -(10C ) 8601 -(10C ) 8676 -(10C ) 8618 -(10B ) 7248 -(100 ) 8796 -(100 ) 8879 -(100 ) 15004 -(100 ) 15005 -(100 ) 8764 -(100 ) 8766 -(100 ) 8763 -(100 ) 9016 -(100 ) 8763 -(100 ) 8764 -(100 ) 877 1 -(100 ) 8768 -(100 ) 8773 -(100 ) 8772 -(100 ) 8771 -(100 ) 8772 -(100 ) 8779 -(100 ) 8774 -(100 ) 8775 -(100 ) 8776 -(100 ) 8783 -(100 ) 8778 -(100 ) 8776 -(100 ) 8778 LENGTH (FT) 228 363 72 78 77 148 100 102 67 96 245 168 97 163 100 202 109 161 92 443 251 329 336 214 129 76 399 243 210 139 64 216 148 2 18 246 272 204 272 121 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0.002 0.002 0.000 0 .002 0 .000 0.000 0 .004 0 .008 0 .036 0 .006 0.002 0.001 0.000 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .007 0.004 0 .001 0.00 1 0 .002 0 .003 0.001 0 .001 0.002 0 .004 0.004 0.005 0 .006 0 .014 0 .00 1 0 .007 0 .005 J efferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AV GCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0 .002 0.000 0 .002 0 .002 0 .004 0 .005 0 .000 0 .006 0 .001 0 000 0 .010 0 019 0 .087 0 012 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .004 0.002 0 .003 0 015 0 .008 0 001 0 .003 0 .004 0 .006 0 .002 0 .001 0 .005 0 .009 0 .008 0 .010 0.013 0 .030 0 .002 0 015 0 .010 HIGH CU M FLOW (MGO) 0.005 0.007 0.001 0.010 0 .002 0 .014 0 .009 0.026 0 .029 0.002 0 .034 0 .003 0 .002 0 .059 0 .111 0 .5 11 0.024 0 .007 0 .005 0 .002 0.009 0 .005 0 .006 0 .029 0 .015 0 .003 0.006 0 .008 0 .013 0 .004 0 .003 0.010 0.018 0 .015 0.020 0 .024 0 .059 0 .004 0 .030 0 .021 CAPAC ITY (MGO) 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.092 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 RELIE F %CAP PIP E P IP E COS T 1 2 0 3 0 4 0 9 15 29 100 6 2 0 2 2 2 3 3 6 15 8 5 (IN) ($) 0 0 Page#: 37 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (100 (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) Wednesday. October 30. 2002 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 8789 8790 8791 8792 8793 8794 8795 8796 8797 8798 8799 8800 8801 8802 8803 8804 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 8811 8812 8813 8814 8815 8816 8817 8818 8819 8820 8821 ·(100 ) 8782 ·(100 ) 8780 ·(100 ) 8783 ·(100 ) 8784 ·(100 ) 8785 ·(100 ) 8797 ·(100 ) 8796 ·(100 ) 87 86 ·(100 ) 8787 ·(100 ) 8788 ·(100 ) 8791 ·(100 ) 8792 ·(100 ) 8793 ·(100 ) 8794 ·(100 ) 8795 ·(100 ) 15001 ·(100 ) 8797 ·(100 ) 9010 ·(100 ) 8799 ·(100 ) 8800 ·(100 ) 8802 ·(100 ) 8800 ·(100 ) 8999 ·(100 ) 8802 ·(100 ) 8803 ·(100 ) 8997 ·(100 ) 8807 ·(100 ) 8813 ·(100 ) 8809 ·(100 ) 8812 ·(100 ) 8809 ·(100 ) 8812 ·(100 ) 8807 ·(100 ) 9008 -(100 ) 8813 ·(100 ) 8814 ·(100 ) 8815 ·(100 ) 8816 ·(100 ) 8817 ·(100 ) 8818 ·(100 ) 8816 ·(100 ) 8820 LENGTH (FT) 392 96 178 120 304 269 179 112 81 95 215 127 200 289 168 70 120 136 193 200 293 221 245 222 139 315 176 287 240 103 148 137 337 191 165 349 172 184 163 135 251 21 4 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.002 0.000 0.003 0 .018 0 .019 0 .021 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 000 0 .001 0 .002 0.003 0 .004 0.005 0 .005 0 .009 0.031 0 .001 0 .002 0 .004 0.001 0 .007 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .008 0.001 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0 .004 O.Q16 0.008 0 .007 0.005 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.005 0 .001 0 .006 0 .038 0 041 0 .043 0 005 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0 .002 0.003 0 .005 0 008 0 .010 0 .010 0 .018 0 .063 0 002 0 004 0 .009 0 .002 0 .015 0 003 0 001 0 .0 0 3 0 .004 0 .016 0 .002 0.005 0 .001 0 002 0 010 0 035 0 016 0 .015 O.o11 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0 .004 0 .002 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.009 0.002 0.013 0 .075 0 .081 0 .086 0.009 0 .006 0 .004 0.002 0 .00 4 0 .00 7 0 .010 0 .016 0.019 0.020 0.036 0.124 0 .004 0.008 0 .017 0.004 0 .029 0 .007 0 .003 0 .006 0 .008 0.032 0.005 0.010 0 .003 0 .003 0 .019 0 .067 0 .031 0 .028 0 .022 0.009 0.006 0.003 0.009 0 .004 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 2 0 3 19 21 22 2 0 2 3 5 5 9 32 2 4 2 2 2 8 2 5 17 8 6 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 38 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100 ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8822 8823 8824 8825 8826 8827 8828 8828Z 8829 8830 8831 8832 8833 8834 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 8844 8845 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 8851 8852 8853 8854 8855 8856 8857 8858 8859 8860 8861 8862 8863 8864 8865 -(100 ) 8824 ·(100 ) 8822 ·(100 ) 8825 -(100 ) 8828 ·(100 ) 8827 ·(100 ) 8830 ·(100 ) 8829 ·(100 ) 8828 ·(100 ) 8830 ·(100 ) 8833 ·(100 ) 8832 -(100 ) 8834 ·(100 ) 8834 ·(100 ) 8843 ·(100 ) 8834 ·(100 ) 8837 ·(100 ) 8838 ·(100 ) 8839 ·(100 ) 8842 ·(100 ) 8850 ·(100 ) 9492 ·(100 ) 8845 ·(100 ) 8846 -(100 ) 8847 ·(100 ) 8851 ·(100 ) 8845 ·(100 ) 8842 ·(100 ) 8843 ·(100 ) 8852 ·(100 ) 8853 ·(100 ) 8854 ·(100 ) 8855 -(100 ) 8856 ·(100 ) 8863 ·(100 ) 8856 -(100 ) 8857 ·(100 ) 8849 ·(100 ) 8848 ·(100 ) 8855 ·(100 ) 8869 ·(100 ) 8869 ·(100 ) 8865 ·(100 ) 8872 LENGTH (FT) 149 300 399 200 95 398 14 0 80 218 1 35 222 140 219 291 196 304 111 101 140 155 100 110 111 110 142 348 63 169 107 258 181 295 142 421 260 290 260 345 399 84 143 362 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.002 0.001 0 .004 0.005 0 000 0 002 0 006 0 .000 0 .007 0.010 0 .003 0 .003 0 .011 0 .019 0 .003 0.002 0 .00 1 0.000 0 .000 0 004 0 024 0 .000 0.030 0 .030 0 .031 0 .002 0.003 0 .004 0 .037 0 .038 0 .039 0 .040 0 063 0 .067 0 .003 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.022 0 .005 0 070 0 .040 0 .042 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .005 0 .003 0 .010 0 .012 0 001 0005 0 014 0 001 0 .016 0 022 0 006 0 007 0 025 0 040 0 006 0 .004 0 .001 0 000 0 0 01 0 008 0 051 0 001 0 .063 0 064 0 .065 0 .004 0 .006 0 .009 0 .080 0 .081 0 .084 0 .086 0134 0142 0 .007 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .046 0 .011 0 149 0 083 0 087 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO ) 0 .009 0 .006 0.020 0 .023 0 .002 0 .010 0.027 0.002 0 .030 0.041 0 .011 0 .014 0 .045 0 .076 0 .012 0 .008 0 .002 0.000 0 .002 0 .017 0 .097 0.002 0 .121 0 .123 0 .125 0.008 0 .013 0 .018 0.153 0 .155 0.160 0.163 0.256 0 .272 0 .013 0 .005 0.006 0 .005 0 .088 0 .023 0 .286 0 .159 0.166 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .0 15 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIP E COST 2 2 5 6 0 2 7 0 8 10 3 3 12 19 3 100 25 31 32 32 2 3 5 39 40 41 42 66 70 3 2 23 6 74 41 43 (IN) ($) Page#: 39 LINE S EGM E NT (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8866 8867 8868 8869 8869 8870 8871 8872 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 8878 8879 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8902 8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8911 8912 8913 8961 8962 8963 ·(100 ) 8982 ·(100 ) 8866 ·(100 ) 8867 ·(100 ) 8864 ·(100 ) 8866 ·(100 ) 8871 ·(100 ) 8872 ·(100 ) 8878 ·(100 ) 8876 ·(100 ) 8875 ·(100 ) 8876 ·(100 ) 8877 ·(100 ) 8870 ·(100 ) 8964 ·(100 ) 8880 ·(100 ) 8881 ·(100 ) 8904 ·(100 ) 8881 ·(100 ) 8882 ·(100 ) 8883 ·(100 ) 8884 ·(100 ) 8906 ·(100 ) 8907 ·(100 ) 8887 ·(100 ) 8890 ·(100 ) 8886 ·(100 ) 8882 ·(100 ) 8891 ·(100 ) 8892 ·(100 ) 8903 ·(100 ) 8904 ·(100 ) 8905 ·(100 ) 8908 ·(100 ) 8905 ·(100 ) 8908 ·(100 ) 8913 ·(10E ) 8923 ·(100 ) 8911 ·(100 ) 8912 ·(100 ) 8962 ·(100 ) 8967 ·(100 ) 8889 LENGTH (FT) 250 203 352 132 251 329 21 255 202 121 193 179 296 366 269 348 474 194 247 166 199 374 284 400 157 303 203 264 275 66 97 83 105 227 306 113 488 378 434 298 227 142 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 8 10 10 10 8 8 10 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.056 0 .015 0.014 0 .039 0.040 0 .007 0 .007 0 .051 0 001 0 .001 0 001 0 .003 0 .005 0 053 0 .003 0 .004 0 .014 0 007 0 003 0 002 0 001 0 203 0 003 0 002 0 200 0 201 0 .003 0 .003 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .015 0 .221 0 205 0 005 0 227 0 235 0 232 0 230 0 001 0 002 0 .199 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Re moval (C EL) AVG C UM FLOW (MGO) 0.116 0 .031 0 .029 0 .082 0 .083 0 .015 0 .015 0 104 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 007 0 012 0 .108 0 006 0 .009 0 .032 0 .016 0 007 0 .004 0 002 0 .414 0 007 0 .004 0.408 0.411 0 .007 0 .005 0.003 0.001 0 .002 0.034 0 452 0 .416 0 .010 0 462 0 .475 0 470 0 466 0 .003 0 .005 0.406 HIGH CUM FLOW CAPACITY (MGO) (MGO) 0.222 0.059 0.055 0.157 0.159 0.029 0.030 0.200 0 .004 0.002 0.006 0.013 0.023 0.207 0.012 0.019 0.058 0.030 0.014 0.007 0.004 0.805 0.014 0.008 0 .793 0.798 0.014 0.010 0.005 0 .001 0 .003 0.062 0.873 0.808 0.020 0.894 0.918 0.909 0.902 0 .006 0 .0 11 0.790 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 1 114 0 .389 0 .389 0 .998 1.320 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 1.141 0 .869 0 .389 0 .682 1.258 1.218 1 390 0 .389 0 .389 1 .998 REL IE F %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 57 15 14 40 41 8 8 52 2 3 6 53 3 5 15 8 2 72 79 61 3 0 16 16 93 5 131 73 75 65 2 3 40 (IN) ($) 10 8 ,023 Page#: 40 1 :45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (100) (100 ) (100 (100 (100 ) (100 ) (100 (1 00 (100 (1 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9006 ·(100 ) 9004 ·(100 ) 8862 LENGTH (FT) 77 197 201 100 246 52 78 107 228 33 1 27 235 325 338 1 2 97 143 1 50 325 1 9 2 1 51 83 252 139 61 69 212 243 355 124 350 114 283 250 320 218 90 183 374 173 28 1 148 370 OIAM (IN) 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.198 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.070 0 .068 0.067 0.069 0.001 0.069 0.069 0.004 0.003 0.006 0.069 0.069 0.001 0 .075 0 .063 0.002 0.001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .058 0 .056 0 .055 0.062 0.002 0.001 0 .066 0 .001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.008 0 .008 0.012 0 .002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.004 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.405 0 .002 0 .004 0.010 0.142 0.137 0.137 0.140 0.002 0.143 0.141 0.009 0 .007 0.012 0.141 0 .142 0 .001 0.154 0.131 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.003 0 .005 0 .120 0.1 14 0 .1 14 0.127 0 .005 0 .001 0.134 0 .001 0 .004 0 .005 0 .009 0 .017 0 .018 0 .025 0.006 0 .002 0 .004 0.001 0.008 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .787 0.004 0 .008 0.021 0.280 0.270 0.269 0.275 0 .004 0 .276 0.273 0.020 0 .014 0.023 0.273 0.275 0.003 0 .299 0 .251 0.007 0.004 0.002 0.008 0.010 0.235 0.224 0.223 0.250 0.009 0.002 0.263 0.002 0.008 0.01 1 0 .0 17 0 .033 0 .035 0 .04 9 0 .0 1 1 0 .004 0 .008 0.003 0.015 CAPACITY (MGO) 1.362 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF '!.CAP PIPE PIPE COST 58 5 72 70 69 71 71 70 6 70 71 77 65 0 61 58 57 64 2 68 9 9 13 3 2 4 (IN ) ($) Page#: 41 1:4 5 :19 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LINE SEGMENT (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) (100 ) (100 ) (100 ) (100) (100) (100) 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9033 9034 9035 9036 9489 9490 9491 9492 9031 9032 Bas1n <= 8 m $8,023.00 Basm > 8 1n SO 00 Total Basm Cost. $8,023 00 (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) 15002 15003 8894 8895 8896 -(100 ) 8861 -(100 ) 9007 -(100 ) 9010 -(100 ) 9011 -(100 ) 9012 -(100 ) 8990 -(100 ) 9011 -(100 ) 9013 -(100 ) 9014 -(100 ) 9015 -(100 ) 9018 -(100 ) 9020 -(100 ) 9020 -(100 ) 9023 -(100 ) 9022 -(100 ) 9014 -(100 ) 9022 -(100 ) 8806 -(100 ) 8877 -(100 ) 8851 -(100 ) 9026 -(100 ) 9027 -(100 ) 9028 -(100 ) 9029 -(100 ) 9034 -(100 ) 8863 -(100 ) 8831 -(100 ) 9035 -(100 ) 9490 -(100 ) 9491 -(100 ) 9492 -(100 ) 8845 -(100 ) 9030 -(100 ) 9030 -(10E ) 8944 -(10E ) 8948 -(10E ) 8895 -(10E ) 8916 -(10E ) 8897 LENG TH (FT) 397 344 123 1 03 55 382 295 291 427 253 243 303 129 196 201 3 10 194 252 205 132 263 295 161 218 245 405 197 148 85 228 178 160 100 100 283 205 3 10 201 93 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FL OW (MGO) O.Q20 0.018 0 .001 0 .032 0 .052 0 .054 0 .020 0 .019 0 .010 0 .008 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0.004 0.001 0.007 0.005 0.001 0 .001 0.006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 002 0.001 0 .000 0.001 0 .002 0 .027 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 J effer so n City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CE L) AVG CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.042 0 .038 0.001 0.065 0.108 0 .112 0 .043 0 .040 0.022 0.017 0 .002 0 .005 0.001 0.009 0.002 0.015 0.010 0 .002 0.002 0.013 O.Q11 0 .008 0 .006 0 .004 0.002 0 .006 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.005 0 .057 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.000 HI GH CU M FLOW (MGO) 0 .08 1 0.074 0 .002 0 .128 0 .211 0.219 0 .083 0.077 0 .041 0 .033 0 .005 O.Q11 0.003 0.017 0 .004 0.030 0.020 0.005 0.004 0 .024 0.022 0 .017 0.011 0.008 0.005 0 .013 0.007 0.003 0.002 0 .006 0.009 0.109 0 .002 0 .002 0 .003 0.002 0 .003 0.006 0.001 CAPACITY (MGO) 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 21 1 9 33 54 56 21 20 11 9 3 8 5 6 6 3 2 3 2 0 2 2 28 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 42 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGM ENT (10E (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8909 8910 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 8944 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 -(10E ) 8898 -(10E ) 8920 -(10E ) 8898 -(10E ) 8899 -(10E ) 8900 -(10E 8910 -(10E 8921 ·(10E 8909 -(10E ) 8914 -(10E ) 8917 -(10E ) 8920 ·(10E ) 8917 -(10E 8918 -(10E ) 8927 -(10E ) 8927 -(10E ) 8926 ·(10E ) 8926 -(10E ) 8922 -(10E ) 8924 -(10E ) WVLS -(10E ) 8924 -(10E ) 8923 -(10E ) 8928 ·(10E 8929 -(10E 8932 -(10E 8934 -(10E 8910 -(10E 8933 -(10E 8921 ·(10E ) 8935 -(10E ) 8931 -(10E ) 8939 -(10E ) 8940 -(10E ) 8943 -(10E ) 8942 -(10E ) 8932 -(10E ) 8933 -(10E ) 8945 -(10E 8915 -(10E 8945 -(10E 8946 -(10E 8947 -(10E ) 8948 LENGTH (FT) 81 274 301 103 121 391 347 300 288 69 290 160 246 141 51 20 84 35 147 19 205 296 213 370 241 106 150 71 326 71 318 394 364 401 152 401 201 2 77 278 220 273 276 67 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.009 0 .012 0 .009 0 .009 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 013 0 .016 0 .236 0 016 0 .000 0 .252 0 016 0 001 0 001 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 003 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 .006 0 .008 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.003 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .027 0 .036 0 .026 0 .025 0 .002 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .007 0 .038 0 .046 0 .477 0 .046 0 .000 0 .523 0 .045 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .004 0 .008 0 .004 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0 .002 0.003 0 .000 0 .002 0 .004 0 .019 0 .023 0 .003 0.002 0 002 0 .000 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0.011 0.006 0 .004 0.003 0 .095 0 .123 0 .091 0 .089 0 .006 0 .014 0 .004 0 .003 0 .025 0.128 0.15 1 0 .926 0.151 0 .002 1 .070 0 .150 0.010 0 .006 0 .004 0 .006 0 .013 0 .030 0.014 0.005 0.001 0 .004 0.004 0.008 0 .013 0 .002 0 .006 0.015 0 .065 0 .079 0 .01 1 0 .009 0 .006 0 .001 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.499 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 5.011 0.622 5.975 0 .389 0 .660 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 2 24 25 24 23 6 33 3 149 3 0 162 39 2 2 3 8 0 3 0 2 17 20 3 2 2 0 (IN) ($) 10 6,468 10 1,805 Page#: 43 1.45·19 PM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 LINE S EGMENT (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) (10E ) 8950 8951 8952 8953 8954 8955 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9052 9053 (10E ) WVLS Bas1n <= 8 in $6,468.00 Bas1n > 8 in $1,805.00 Total Basin Cost: (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 $8,273.00 15024 15026 15027 15029 15030 15032 15033 15034 15035 15036 -(10E ) 8944 -(10E ) 8950 -(10E ) 8951 -(10E ) 8952 -(10E ) 8953 -(10E ) 8954 -(10E ) 9042 -(10E ) 8956 -(10E ) 8957 -(10E ) 8915 -(10E ) 8959 -(10E ) 9038 -(10E ) 9039 -(10E ) 9040 -(10E ) 904 1 -(10E ) 904 2 -(10E ) 8955 ·(10E ) 9041 -(10E ) 9043 -(10E ) 9044 -(10E ) 9045 -(10E ) 9045 -(10E ) 9047 -(10E ) 9048 -(10E ) 9049 -(10E ) 9049 -(10E ) 9051 -(10E ) 9052 -(10B ) 7245 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 7342 9229 9247 9211 2358 9193 9122 9067 15034 9065 LENGTH (FT) 64 240 272 260 169 299 280 390 508 392 296 205 400 280 220 182 121 120 110 80 149 115 285 178 210 180 285 350 53 32 105 15 164 137 30 183 151 203 DtAM (t N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .006 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0 .003 0.005 0.002 0 002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 .000 0 001 0 001 0 .000 0.252 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.018 0 001 0 .001 0.003 0019 0 .000 0.054 J effer son City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (C EL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.017 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.002 0 .001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0 .0 10 0.014 0.006 0.006 0 .005 0.000 0 .005 0 004 0 .003 0 .001 0 002 0 .002 0 .001 0.523 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.050 0.001 0.003 0.008 0 .046 0.001 0.122 HIGH CUM FLO W (MGD) 0.060 0.060 0.058 0.056 0.053 0.052 0.013 0.010 0.006 0.008 0.003 0.002 0.007 0.009 0.012 O.Q35 0.049 0.022 0.021 0.019 0.002 0.017 0.016 0.013 0.002 0.009 0.007 0 .004 1.070 0.002 0.006 0.004 0 .086 0.004 0.006 0.014 0.081 0.001 0.219 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 389 0 .586 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.039 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 RE LI EF %CAP P IPE P IP E COST 1 6 15 15 14 14 13 3 2 2 2 3 9 13 6 5 5 0 3 3 2 2 100 22 4 21 0 56 (IN) ($) 0 0 Page# 44 1:45:19 PM LIN E S EGM E NT (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 Wedne sday, Oc1ober 30, 2002 15037 15038T 15039 15040 1504 1 1504 2 15043 15044 15045 1504 6 15066 15067 1 5068 15069 1 5070 1507 1 1 5072 15073 15074 1 5075 15076 15077 1 5080 15081 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·{11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·{11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·{11 ·(11 ·{11 ·{11 ·{11 ·(11 ·{11 6983 9063 7263 9467 9 399 6 974 7281 7281 15044 15042 9 112 9365 9227 73 16 15039 9 105 15073 2460 6 9 85 2360 2360 15075 9395 9448 2308 2308 2310 2308 6975 2310 2313 2310 2315 2313 2321 2313 2317 2318 2317 2320 2321 2322 23 17 LENGTH (FT ) 100 184 173 142 19 1 300 75 358 218 100 100 4 0 1 16 150 145 52 161 55 52 237 347 33 102 175 300 250 250 497 325 343 499 225 100 402 498 225 100 250 257 150 200 4 24 D1AM (1N ) 28 15 6 6 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 6 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 1.4 28 0.006 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 001 0 .000 0 000 O.Q26 0 .000 0 .001 0 000 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .041 0.000 0 .000 0.038 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0 .007 0 .000 0 000 0 .005 0 .005 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 2 .888 0.01 5 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .063 0 .000 0 .003 0.000 0 00 1 0.003 0 001 0 001 0 004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .001 0.123 0.002 0.001 0 .11 6 0 .001 0 .002 0.002 0 020 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .015 0 .014 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 H1GH C UM FLOW (MGO) 6.34 3 0.031 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.003 0 .002 0.004 0 .002 0.003 0.001 0 .001 0.005 0.002 0001 0.1 19 0.000 0.005 0 .001 0 .003 0 .005 0.002 0 .002 0.007 0 .001 0 .002 0 .007 0 .002 0.341 0.018 0.002 0 .315 0 002 0 .020 0 .005 0.096 0.002 0 .001 0.075 0 .074 0.020 0.002 0 .003 CAPACITY (MGO) 10.106 0.114 0.389 0.222 0.222 0 .389 0 .222 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .788 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .222 0 .389 0.388 0 .389 0.222 0 .558 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .222 0 .389 0 .222 0 .222 RELIEF '4 CAP P1P E P1P E COST 63 27 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 2 0 3 0 88 56 0 5 25 0 19 33 5 2 (1N) ($) Page#: 4 5 1.4 5 :19 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2334 2337 2338 2339 2340 234 1 234 2 234 3 234 4 2345 2346 2347 234 8 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2362Z 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 2321 2743 2 326 2 743 2328 2325 2334 2334 2330 2340 2337 2313 2339 2338 2 341 2 341 234 3 2344 2735 2346 2347 2348 2 352 2350 234 8 2352 2347 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2356 2361 2362 2359 2363 2363 2367 2360 2367 LENGTH (F T) 490 200 24 9 100 125 200 200 200 304 372 391 72 185 149 149 15 0 126 135 325 249 224 125 147 61 179 172 206 285 11 5 87 144 102 163 11 0 351 200 225 1 10 160 400 25 255 DIAM (IN) 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 10 10 8 6 8 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.003 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .026 O.Q26 O.Q28 O.Q28 O.Q25 0.000 O.Q25 0.024 0 .024 0 .023 0 .009 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 001 0 000 0 .007 0 .007 0 .006 0 .005 0.005 0.004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .00 1 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 39 % Ill Rem oval (CEL) AVG CU M FLOW (MGD) 0.010 0 .002 0.00 1 0.00 1 0 .000 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0.087 0 .085 0 .090 0 .089 0.083 0 .001 0 .08 1 0.080 0 .079 0 .077 0 028 0 .003 0 000 0 001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .024 0.023 0.022 0.016 0.016 0.01 4 0 .0 11 0 .005 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .004 0 .006 0 .002 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.044 0 .0 0 3 0 .002 0.002 0 001 0 .020 0 .014 0 002 O.Q18 0173 0 .170 0 .185 0 .176 0 .167 0 .001 0 .165 0 .164 0 .162 0 .157 0 .082 0 .006 0.001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .004 0 .001 0.074 0.073 0 .07 1 0 .066 0 .065 0 .060 0 .055 0 .008 0 .004 0 .002 0 .005 0 .002 0 .001 0 .042 0.047 0.005 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .222 0 .332 0 .937 0.478 0.484 0 .3 4 2 0.389 0 .335 1.793 0 .6 14 0 .930 0.4 83 0 .222 0.389 0 .222 0 .389 0 .222 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.222 0 .222 0 .222 0.478 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .222 RELI EF %CAP PIPE PIP E COST 20 0 0 0 5 8 52 18 39 36 4 9 0 4 9 9 26 17 17 3 0 0 19 19 18 17 17 15 14 4 0 11 12 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 46 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2369 2369Z 2370 2371 2372 2373 2375 2376 2377 2378 2423 2424 2426Z 2427 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2 444 2 445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2457 2458 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -{11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -{11 -{11 -{11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -{11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -{11 2368 2369 15030 2370 15076 2372 2344 2377 2340 2377 2346 2 4 52 2 4 26 2 4 54 2427 2429 2430 2431 2432 2435 2454 2435 2438 2442 2438 2442 2442 2444 2444 2446 2444 2447 2424 2447 2448 2448 2424 2423 2451 2451 2454 2445 2457 LENGTH (FT) 100 328 135 85 163 194 250 132 167 146 174 70 70 2 4 6 1 86 68 167 104 165 171 120 152 207 159 59 66 60 112 123 116 125 108 299 195 71 200 139 155 116 98 65 355 134 DIAM (IN) 6 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .013 0.011 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0.000 0 .006 0.004 0 .006 0 007 0 001 0 .000 0 000 0 .004 0 .012 0 .000 0 .004 0 .000 0.002 0 .002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 001 0 047 0 044 0 .000 0 .007 0 006 0 ,005 0 002 0 001 0 001 0 002 0.005 0 001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.004 0.001 0 .019 0 .013 0 .023 0.028 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0 014 0 .047 0 001 0 012 0 .000 0 009 0.007 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.001 0 .003 0 .001 0 .082 0 .076 0.000 0.01 4 0 .012 0 .0 11 0.003 0 .002 0 .002 0 .004 0 .008 0 001 0 003 0 .020 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0.022 0.00 1 0 .042 0 .021 0.043 0.051 0.003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .023 0 .080 0 .001 0 .021 0 .000 0.015 0.0 12 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .222 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.222 0 .222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.660 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PI PE PI PE COST 0 0 0 0 0 12 20 0 3 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 11 5 11 13 0 0 6 21 0 0 (IN) ($) Page#. 47 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 Wednesday. Oclober 30. 2002 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2 4 72 2716 2717 2735 2743 6973 6974 6975 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(19 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 2 4 58 2459 15073 2461 2462 2445 2464 2465 2430 2467 24 67 2469 2470 2 471 2 460 2716 2345 2325 6971 6973 6974 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 15037 9473 6985 6986 9094 6987 6989 7275 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 LENGTH (FT) 228 64 208 100 100 1 21 412 422 83 267 178 60 153 152 49 150 360 20 158 313 170 418 300 316 80 1 72 293 207 230 110 411 427 319 109 495 142 352 304 350 481 327 466 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 6 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 24 24 24 24 24 24 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 023 0 .001 1.497 1.497 1.496 1.447 1.446 1 446 1 445 1.445 1.444 1.443 1.420 1.332 1.331 1.330 1.339 1.329 1.329 1.321 1 .321 1 .320 1.3 19 1.318 1.3 17 1.260 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.007 0.006 0.002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0 002 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.078 0 .002 3 .058 3.057 3.055 2.931 2 .929 2.928 2 927 2.927 2.926 2 .925 2.871 2.719 2 718 2 .717 2 .731 2.715 2 715 2 .704 2.703 2.702 2.701 2.699 2 .697 2.595 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .01 1 0.010 0.004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .007 0 .006 0.003 0.007 0 .002 0 .005 0 .004 0.003 0.002 0.004 0 .001 0.161 0 .00 5 6 .719 6 .718 6.714 6.422 6.420 6.418 6.416 6 .415 6.414 6.412 6 .316 6 .061 6.060 6.057 6 .084 6 .054 6.054 6 .035 6 .034 6 .032 6 .030 6 .028 6 .024 5 .865 CAPAC ITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .641 0.222 8 .978 8.498 14.34 3 8 .541 7.297 9 .549 11 491 6 .334 9.119 8.498 7 .944 5.729 8 .562 8 .855 8 .937 8 .562 8 .541 8 .477 8 .953 5 .662 5 .662 5.475 5 .676 8 .953 RELI EF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 2 2 0 0 25 75 79 47 75 88 67 56 101 70 75 80 106 71 68 68 7 1 7 1 7 1 67 107 107 110 106 66 (IN) ($) 10 18,404 10 10.450 10 23,408 10 26.950 12 61.087 10 23.217 Page#: 48 1:45:19 PM LINE SEG MENT (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, Oclober 30. 2002 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 70 13 70 14 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7107 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·{11 ·{11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(11 ·{11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·{11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{11 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7016 7012 7013 7014 7017 7018 7003 7018 7019 7020 7021 7336 7023 7024 7025 7025 15037 7253 7254 7259 7255 7257 7258 7256 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 LENGTH (FT) 236 355 222 339 307 480 290 201 232 225 292 113 342 245 244 76 96 71 142 333 117 224 305 305 305 243 296 474 464 327 285 400 280 205 172 253 255 130 85 75 199 215 25 DIAM {I N) 24 24 24 24 24 24 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 28 28 24 24 24 2 4 24 15 21 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 1.259 1.253 1.252 1.246 1.246 1 245 0 .001 0.002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .004 0 .004 0.005 0 .005 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.008 1 .244 1.233 1 .232 1 .192 1 .191 1 .173 1.151 1.151 0 .439 0 .692 0 .007 0 .007 0 .006 0 .004 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) HIGH CUM AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) FLOW CAPACITY 2 .593 2 .584 2 .583 2.573 2.572 2.571 0 .002 0 .004 0 .006 0 .007 0 .0 11 0 .011 0 .012 0.013 0 .015 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 O.Q15 0 .019 2 .569 2.549 2 .5 4 8 2.487 2 .486 2 456 2 424 2 .423 1 .085 1 .337 0.017 0.015 0.014 0 .010 0 .013 0.01 2 0 .010 0 .009 0 .008 0 .008 0 008 0 006 0 .005 (MGD) (M GD) 5 .862 5 .84 7 5 .846 5 .826 5 .825 5.823 0 .004 0 .008 0 .010 0 .012 0 .020 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.028 0 .002 0.001 0.000 0.028 0.035 5 .821 5.788 5.787 5.680 5 .678 5 .625 5 .5 7 1 5 569 2 .590 2 .991 0.029 0.0 27 0.024 0.017 0.023 0.022 0.018 0.015 0 .015 0.014 0 .014 0 .010 0 .009 8.754 6.71 2 6.006 8.74 4 6.806 7.977 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 8186 8 ,058 11 .866 7 .140 8 .008 9 .534 5.925 9 .191 3.020 3.876 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PI PE PIPE COST 67 87 97 67 86 73 3 3 5 5 6 6 0 0 0 9 71 72 4 9 80 71 59 94 61 86 77 6 4 6 6 2 {IN) ($) Page#: 49 1:45:19 PM LIN E SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 7267 7265 7267 7268 7269 7270 7273 7258 7275 6990 7274 7276 7277 7278 7276 7280 7274 7282 7000 7284 7285 7286 7287 7285 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7293 7295 7296 7289 7298 7299 7300 7300 7020 7388 7304 7305 7306 LENGTH (FT) 208 1 1 8 319 195 108 313 108 52 232 50 176 80 362 115 176 342 100 125 91 242 158 222 147 41 89 87 181 152 50 93 55 53 143 213 197 76 251 164 82 246 159 219 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 28 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FL OW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 004 1 .327 0 .003 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0.002 0.002 0 .000 0.000 0 .004 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .026 0 .018 0 .016 0 .012 0 .002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .005 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 001 0 .009 2 .713 0 .007 0.002 0.002 0 .000 0.005 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.009 0.009 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0.006 0 .003 0 .003 0.002 0 002 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .061 0.044 0 039 0 .030 0 .004 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.009 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0.017 6.051 0.014 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.010 0.008 0.002 0.001 0 .021 0.020 0 .004 0.003 0.001 0.015 0.008 0.007 0 .007 0.006 0 .002 0.003 0 .002 0.002 0.007 0 .006 0 .005 0.002 0 .002 0 .111 0 .081 0.073 0 .056 0.008 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 9.356 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .837 0.416 1.056 1.199 0.389 REL IEF %CAP P IPE PIPE COST 0 2 2 0 0 65 0 2 2 0 0 5 5 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 13 20 7 5 (IN) ($) Page#· 50 1:45:19 PM LINE S EGM E NT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday. October 30, 2002 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 7307 7308 7309 7309 7311 7304 7313 15069 7314 7316 7317 7318 7303 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7336 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7335 7333 7022 7334 7337 7338 7339 7340 7343 7341 7342 7344 7345 7343 7347 15024 7351 LENGTH (FT) 165 205 122 213 179 168 110 116 151 175 205 65 245 150 150 150 151 299 228 283 166 113 118 82 123 176 95 80 136 94 95 160 312 54 311 177 192 98 111 144 172 104 182 D1AM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLO W (MGD) 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 000 0 001 0 001 0 000 0 000 0 .026 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 000 0 .012 O.Q11 0 .010 0 .010 0 .009 0 .009 0.009 0 .008 0 .006 0 .008 1 .191 0 .006 0 .006 0 .004 0 004 0 .003 0 .002 0 003 0 001 0 000 0 .000 0 001 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0.003 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0004 0 .003 0 .000 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .060 0 .004 0 003 0 ,003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .029 0 .026 0 025 0 025 0 023 0 .022 0 .022 0 .021 0 .016 0 .020 2 485 0 .014 0 .014 0.010 0 .009 0 .007 0 004 0 .007 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 002 0 002 0 .001 0 001 HI GH C UM FLOW (MGD) 0.006 0.005 0.001 0.003 0.001 0 .008 0.007 0.001 0.006 0.003 0.002 0.000 0.110 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.003 0 .002 0.05 1 0.047 0.045 0.044 0.041 0 .040 0.039 0.038 0 .029 0.036 5.674 0.027 0.026 0.019 0.018 0.014 0 .008 0 .014 0.004 0 .003 0 .002 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 1 .143 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .633 1.064 0.909 0 .636 0 .622 0 .747 1.494 0.510 2.301 0 .756 13.944 1 .208 3 .180 0 .535 1 .712 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIP E COST 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 10 8 4 5 7 7 5 3 7 5 41 4 0 (IN) ($) Page#. 51 1:4 5:19 PM LINE SEG MENT (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wed nesday. October 30. 2002 7 351 7 352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7388 7389 7390 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 73 40 7326 7 3 5 2 7329 7 3 54 7 331 7333 7359 7334 7335 7 360 7 360 7 3 6 2 7 363 7 3 0 5 7 3 66 7 3 67 7 3 68 7369 7370 737 1 7372 7373 7368 7375 7399 7378 7379 738 0 7381 7382 7 383 7384 7320 7388 7389 7390 7389 7392 7393 7394 7395 LENGTH (FT ) 100 100 11 5 50 230 81 90 155 25 97 2 1 8 213 337 125 54 1 00 177 103 155 400 370 375 230 14 2 140 1 33 75 164 4 00 4 00 250 208 184 152 31 200 194 58 101 53 126 10 6 OIAM (IN ) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 001 0 .000 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0 000 0 001 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 002 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 000 0 024 0 005 0 .001 0 000 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .000 0 .000 J efferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .008 0 .008 0 .008 0 .006 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .007 0 .006 0 .006 0.005 0 .004 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 056 0 012 0 001 0 .001 0 .010 0 .010 0 .010 0.001 0.001 HIGH CUM FLOW CAPACITY (MGD) (MGD) 0 .002 0 .003 0.002 0 .002 0.002 0.0 0 1 0.0 0 1 0 .001 0.001 0 .007 0.001 0.005 0.003 0.00 1 0 .0 16 0.0 16 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 12 0.01 1 0 .0 10 0 .0 0 8 0 .004 0.002 0 .003 0 .002 0 .0 12 0 .0 11 0 .0 11 0.010 0 .007 0 .004 0 .003 0 .001 0 .103 0.02 1 0 .003 0.001 0 .018 0 .018 0.017 0 .002 0 .001 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .900 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 1 5 0 5 5 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 52 1 :45:19 PM LINE SEG MENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 8040 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·{1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 7396 7394 7398 7398 7400 7403 7404 7407 7338 7407 7405 7349 7349 7026 7 4 10 7411 7 4 12 7413 7 414 7415 7416 7417 7413 7419 7420 7421 7005 7005 7007 8031 8027 7004 8029 7008 7023 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8039 7107 8037 LENGTH (FT) 96 164 63 165 100 240 330 149 60 180 60 110 100 72 63 175 72 72 400 226 95 256 299 363 276 226 183 257 135 231 67 190 262 203 4 00 395 72 186 178 134 275 145 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .000 0 .004 0 .003 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 .001 0 001 0 002 0000 0.001 0 .000 0 000 0 .004 0 004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .014 0 013 0013 0 .012 0 012 0 011 0 .000 0 .001 0 .011 J efferson City, Ph ase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AV G CU M FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0 .008 0 .007 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .004 0 .001 0 .004 0 .000 0 .000 0 .010 0 .009 0 .009 0 .008 0.004 0 .003 0 .002 0 001 0 .001 0.004 0 003 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0 .031 0 .030 0 .028 0 .027 0 .027 0.026 0 .000 0.001 0 .025 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.015 0.012 0.002 0 .001 0.002 0 .004 0 .005 0 .007 0 .001 0 .006 0 .001 0 .001 0.017 0 .017 0 .016 0.015 0.007 0 .007 0 .004 0 .002 0 .002 0 .008 0 .006 0 .003 0.002 0 .001 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.008 0.056 0.055 0 .052 0.050 0 .049 0 .048 0.001 0.003 0.047 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.252 0 .478 0 .764 1 341 0 .329 0 .647 0.389 0 .389 1 .195 RELIEF '!.CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 11 15 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 53 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday. October 30, 200 2 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 8054 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8060 8061 9062 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 80 78 8079 8080 8757 8758 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 -(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 -(1 1 ·(1 1 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 -(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 8040 8041 8044 8045 8051 8042 8046 8047 8070 8046 8050 8053 8050 8053 8054 8055 8056 8056 8058 8059 8060 6981 8064 8057 8057 8065 8066 8048 8068 8069 8043 8071 8072 8073 8074 80 75 8076 80 76 8078 80 79 701 7 8757 LOW CU M LENGTH DIAM FLOW (FT ) (IN ) (MGD) 130 189 93 400 302 66 240 76 196 213 360 180 222 400 171 116 23 100 300 80 90 58 55 92 170 95 165 31 50 49 199 308 161 232 211 105 353 118 291 212 75 325 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 .011 0.011 0.003 0.004 0 .005 0.010 0.001 0.001 0 .000 0.009 0 .005 0 .000 0 .004 0.003 0 .002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .00 3 0 .003 0 .002 0 .00 2 0 .002 0.002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Re moval (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MG D) 0.025 0 .024 0.008 0.010 0 .011 0 .0 24 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .021 0 .0 12 0.001 0.008 0.007 0 .006 0.005 0 .002 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .002 0.001 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .008 0 .00 7 0 .00 6 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 HI GH C UM RELIEF FLOW CAPACITY %CAP PIPE PIPE COST (MGD ) (MGD) (IN) ($) 0 .046 0.045 0 .017 0 .019 0.021 0 .044 0.004 0 .003 0 .001 0.040 0 .023 0 .001 0 .015 0 .013 0 .010 0 .009 0 .004 0.005 0 .00 4 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0.001 0 .00 2 0.002 0 .00 2 0 .016 O.Q1 5 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 1 2 0 .0 10 0 .009 0 .002 0 .006 0 .005 0.001 0 .005 0 .004 0.714 0 .974 1.287 0 .513 0 .916 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .919 0.478 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 1.020 1.169 1.450 1.714 1.523 3.0 17 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 6 2 11 0 5 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Page#: 54 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8759 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9093 9094 9095 9096 9097 9102 9103 9104 9105 9106 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 8758 15038T 9369 6983 9097 15036 9066 15034 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9833 9078 9085 9080 9081 9082 6998 9083 9832 9084 9086 9087 9088 9091 9092 9093 9064 6984 9094 9095 9096 9077 9066 9103 9104 15071 LENGTH (FT) 300 140 31 12 135 31 76 69 237 123 344 439 86 76 377 244 230 14 358 195 122 26 94 59 203 35 404 365 335 387 85 122 379 164 143 78 288 133 280 241 346 171 54 DIAM (IN) 8 15 15 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 28 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .000 0.013 0 .015 0.054 0 .054 0 .020 0 019 0 .005 0 .004 0 .004 0 .004 0 .003 0 .003 0.003 0 .002 0.002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .005 0 005 0 004 0 004 0 003 0 .004 0 .040 0 .007 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0.001 1.420 0.060 0 060 0 .060 0 .001 0 032 0 032 0 .030 0 .026 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AV G CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.001 0.000 0.032 0 .036 0 .122 0 .121 0 .047 0 045 0 .011 0 .010 0 .009 0 .008 0 007 0 .006 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .001 0 .001 0 .011 0.010 0 .009 0 .009 0 .008 0 .008 0.100 0.015 0.014 0.012 0 .008 0.000 0.001 0.002 0 .003 2.870 0138 0 .137 0 .136 0 .003 0 .074 0 .074 0.071 0.062 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0.001 0.063 0.073 0.220 0.218 0.082 0.079 0.020 0.019 0.018 0 .016 0.013 0.011 0.01 1 0.009 0 .007 0.003 0 .002 0 020 0.019 0.016 0 .016 0 .015 0 015 0 .173 0.028 0.026 0 .022 0.016 0.001 0.002 0.007 0 .008 6.314 0.248 0 .247 0.245 0 .006 0 .139 0.137 0.132 0 .1 18 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.389 0 114 0.114 13.548 0.389 0 389 0 .389 0 .695 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .388 1.089 7 639 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .960 0.478 0 .576 0.423 REL IEF %CAP PIPE PI PE COST 55 57 56 21 11 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 5 5 45 7 6 0 0 2 83 64 64 63 14 29 23 28 (IN) ($) Page#: 55 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, Oclober 30, 2002 9107 9108 9109 9110 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9116 9117 9118 9119 9120 9121 9122 9123 9124 9125 9126 9127 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9133 9134 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 9145 91 46 9147 9148 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 9106 9107 9108 9106 9105 9104 9167 9165 9114 9115 9149 9153 9183 9119 9463 9121 9 115 9123 9124 9125 9097 9127 9128 9128 9130 9131 9131 9135 9136 9127 9136 9137 9138 9138 9129 9141 9142 9143 9144 9116 9146 9 147 LENGTH (FT) 267 170 310 290 384 346 165 271 359 363 194 28 197 365 392 230 200 297 119 180 359 187 98 300 219 105 93 97 35 149 416 87 100 93 63 272 220 45 190 301 285 355 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGO) O.Q25 0.025 O.Q25 0.000 0.003 0.001 0 .023 0 .022 0 .021 0.018 0.014 0 011 0 .007 0 .007 0 .004 0.004 0.003 0 .002 0.002 0 .002 0 005 0 003 0 001 0 001 0 001 0 000 0 000 0.000 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 000 0 .000 0 .000 0 001 0001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 J effer son City, Phase 1 39 % Ill Remova l (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGO) 0.061 0 .060 0.060 0.001 0.007 0.002 0 .056 0 .054 0.053 0 .045 0 .036 0.027 0 .017 0.016 0 .010 0 .009 0.007 0 .006 0 005 0.005 0 .013 0 .008 0 004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0.002 0 .001 0.001 0 .004 0 .003 0.001 HI GH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .116 0 .114 0.113 0.002 0.013 0.003 0.107 0.103 0.102 0.084 0.064 0.049 0.031 0.030 O.Q18 0.015 O.Q15 0.014 0.012 0 .008 0.025 0 .016 0.007 0.009 0.007 0.001 0 .004 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.005 0.002 0 .001 0.001 0.006 0 .005 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.011 0.009 0.002 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.605 0.395 0 .395 1.283 0 .873 1.289 0.394 0 .425 0.377 0 .349 0.336 1.555 6.534 0.605 1.234 1.849 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RE LIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 19 29 29 0 0 27 24 27 24 19 0 5 4 4 2 6 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 56 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9149 9150 9151 9152 9153 9154 9155 9156 9157 9158 9159 9160 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9173 9174 9175 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9184 9185 9186 9188 9189 9190 9191 9192 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 9453 9 149 9150 9151 9117 9153 9154 9155 9156 9164 9158 9161 9162 9156 9157 9163 9113 9165 9109 9167 9168 9126 9170 9171 9118 9173 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9118 9186 9186 9176 9118 15033 9189 9189 9191 LENGTH (FT) 206 400 219 137 112 171 278 136 157 21 155 114 114 173 120 48 79 380 249 155 216 223 369 327 400 365 145 75 92 126 104 30 200 21 238 97 126 283 292 146 1 78 85 448 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.016 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0 .000 0.022 0.001 0.024 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0 .001 0 .00 1 0 .002 0 .002 0 002 0 .002 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 0 .002 0.002 J efferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) HIGH CUM AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) FLOW CAPACITY 0 .039 0 .003 0.001 0 001 0.035 0 008 0 .007 0 .006 0.005 0.002 0.001 0 .000 0.001 0.001 0 .004 0 .003 0 056 0 .001 0 059 0 001 0 001 0 004 0 003 0.002 0 .003 0 001 0 .001 0.003 0 .003 0 .003 0.004 0.004 0 .005 0005 0 023 0 .000 0 000 0.002 0 .001 0 008 0 002 0 .005 0 005 (MGO) (MGD) 0 .071 0 .006 0.003 0.001 0 .063 0 013 0 012 0.011 0.008 0.004 0.002 0 .001 0.002 0.003 0.007 0.006 0.106 0.003 0.111 0.002 0.001 0.007 0.005 0.003 0.005 0 .002 0 001 0 005 0 .005 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.009 0.009 0.041 0.001 0.001 0.003 0 .003 0 .013 0004 0 .009 0.009 0.340 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.571 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.170 0 .389 0.395 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .708 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 RELIE F %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 2 1 0 11 3 3 3 0 0 2 62 28 0 2 0 2 2 6 0 0 3 2 2 (I N) ($) Page#: 57 1:45:19 PM L INE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30. 2002 9193 9194 9195 9197 9198 9199 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9227 9228 9229 9 2 30 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 9192 9190 9194 15032 9197 9198 9199 9085 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9209 9210 9205 9204 15029 9212 9213 9214 9215 9212 9217 9218 9219 9218 9221 9222 9225 9226 9215 9221 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 L ENGTH (FT) 75 190 173 38 171 117 380 372 385 136 106 144 217 191 306 251 283 161 228 65 185 179 114 310 306 165 135 380 195 280 261 246 228 173 132 363 154 251 232 189 200 58 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGO) 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .035 0 .034 0 021 0 .021 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.001 0.001 0 .018 0 .018 0.005 0 .005 0 .004 0 000 0 .013 0 .012 0 000 0 .000 0 .011 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .010 0 .009 0 .008 0 .006 0 .005 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0.002 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .003 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 002 0 .002 0 .001 0 089 0 .087 0 056 0 055 0 005 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .002 0 .003 0 .050 0 .049 0 015 0 .015 0 .011 0 .000 0 .033 0 .032 0.001 0 .000 0 .030 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0.002 0 003 0 .027 0 .024 0 .023 0 .018 0 .016 0 .013 0 .010 0 .010 0.009 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.006 0.002 0.001 0.005 0 .004 0.003 0.003 0 .154 0 .150 0.097 0 .097 0 .009 0 .003 0 .001 0 .002 0.004 0 .006 0.087 0 .086 0 .027 0.024 0 .020 0 .001 0 057 0 .056 0 .002 0 .001 0 .052 0 .003 0 .002 0 .002 0.003 0 .005 0 .046 0 .041 0 .040 0 .031 0 .026 0 .021 0 .017 O.Q16 0 .015 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .514 0.453 0 .449 0 .943 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .549 0 .872 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .665 1 .023 0.389 0 .389 0.880 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .026 0.428 0 .945 1 .193 1.192 1.328 1 .391 1 .301 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COS T 2 0 30 33 22 10 2 0 16 10 7 6 5 0 9 5 0 6 0 0 5 10 3 2 (IN) ($) Page#: 58 1 .45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 {11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9 2 36 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 924 2 9243 9244 9245 9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9 272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 9228 9231 9237 9238 9232 9240 9241 15068 9243 9244 9245 15026 15027 9 2 48 9230 9250 9 235 9252 9252 9256 9235 9254 9257 9481 9261 9202 9259 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9285 9269 9270 9264 9272 9272 9276 9272 9276 9277 LENGTH (FT) 106 100 195 200 185 281 70 180 2 48 62 11 3 339 210 275 250 3 45 331 148 191 309 170 78 138 4 9 387 45 4 02 391 297 251 188 279 129 108 91 157 152 400 150 165 122 280 130 DIAM {IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0 .009 0.012 0 .012 0 .009 0 .009 0 .008 0.004 0.003 0.003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.004 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .001 0 .000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% Ill Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .002 0.002 0 .001 0 .000 0 003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 002 0 .001 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0.025 0 .029 0 .029 0 .024 0 .023 0.022 0 .011 0.010 0 .009 0 007 0 002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .009 0.001 0 .001 0 001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.0 0 1 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.002 0 .000 0.004 0.003 0 .002 0.001 0 .006 0 .003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .002 0 .012 0 .006 0 .004 0 .002 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 .04 2 0 .050 0 .050 0 .042 0 .039 0 .037 0 .018 0 .016 0 .015 0 .013 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .017 0.003 0.001 0 .001 0 .012 0 .003 0 001 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .529 0 .983 0 819 0 950 0 .920 0 .942 1 .297 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF "'oCAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 8 5 6 4 3 0 0 3 0 (IN) ($) Page#: 59 1 ·4 5:19 PM LINE SEGMEN T (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 {11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday. Oc1ober 30, 2002 9279 9280 9281 9282 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 9322 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 9276 9279 9280 9281 9280 9268 9285 9286 9287 9287 9289 9289 9291 9292 9201 9294 9068 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9337 9310 9305 9306 9307 9308 9304 9310 9305 9312 9313 9316 9311 9315 9317 9318 9318 9315 9321 LENGTH (F T ) 175 153 228 158 280 36 120 172 173 90 88 157 150 125 28 149 196 166 38 367 365 224 63 150 72 140 166 167 166 40 29 107 148 181 136 145 126 1 63 69 70 284 199 DIAM (IN) 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 6 L OW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.002 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .014 0 .013 0 .013 0 .013 0 .012 0 .012 0.011 0 .006 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0 .006 0.002 0.005 0.005 0 .004 0 .002 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0.004 0.003 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .007 0 .004 0 .004 0 .001 0 .002 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .000 0 .00 1 0 .001 0 .034 0 033 0 .033 0.032 0 .031 0 .029 0 .029 0 .020 0.014 0 002 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .0 19 0 005 0 .01 1 0 .011 0 010 0 .004 0 .005 0 .002 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.007 0.006 0.003 0.002 0 .002 0.012 0.007 0.007 0.001 0.004 0.001 0 .003 0 .002 0 .00 1 0 .002 0.002 0 .060 0 .059 0 .057 0 .057 0 .054 0 .052 0.051 0.0 36 0 .026 0.005 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.035 0.009 0.02 1 0 .020 0 .019 0.008 0 .009 0 .003 0.002 0.000 0 .000 0.004 0.002 CAPACITY (MGD) 0.369 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0.389 0.369 0 .389 0 389 0369 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .369 0.466 0.478 0 .478 0 .479 0 .629 1 .142 1 .199 1.011 0 .369 0 .369 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 2 .015 0 .725 0 .940 0 .389 0 .369 0 .389 0.389 0 .369 0 .389 0 389 0 369 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 12 12 5 0 9 3 2 2 0 0 (IN) (S) Page#: 60 1:45:19 PM ~I NE SEGMENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday. Oc1ober 30, 2002 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 9331 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9339 9340 9341 9342 9343 9344 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 9322 9322 9314 9327 9330 9329 9330 9325 9330 9331 9332 9333 9333 9337 9303 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 9331 9344 9345 9346 9347 9344 9349 9350 9339 9344 9063 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9064 9087 9087 9485 LENGTH (FT ) 69 69 148 105 44 156 49 164 81 83 72 70 49 150 205 115 195 266 94 265 157 72 102 168 200 150 158 142 400 134 219 133 231 314 114 329 102 200 100 185 100 150 305 DIAM (I N) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 8 8 8 LOW CUM F~OW (MGO) 0 .000 0.000 0 .004 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .004 0.003 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.011 0 .002 0.00 1 0 .00 1 0 001 0 .000 0 003 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.006 0.006 0 .006 0 .005 0 .005 0 .004 0.003 0 .003 0.003 0.013 0.000 0 .000 0.002 Jefferson City, Ph ase 1 39 % Ill Removal (CEL) AVG C UM FLOW (MGO) 0.000 0.000 0 .010 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .009 0.007 0.001 0.001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 .028 0 .007 0 .005 0 005 0 003 0.003 0 .006 0 .002 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0.017 0 .015 0 014 0.013 0 .012 O.QIO 0.009 0 .008 0 .008 0 .033 0 .000 0 001 0 .006 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGO) 0 .000 0 .000 0 .018 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .017 0.014 0.002 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0 .001 0.050 0.012 0.009 0 .008 0 .005 0.005 O.Q11 0 .004 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .006 0 .005 0 .001 0.003 0 .001 0 .031 0 .029 0 .028 0 .023 0 .021 0 .018 0 .015 0.015 0.013 0 .065 0 .001 0 .001 0.01 1 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0.913 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1 .120 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.125 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 389 0 389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .114 0 .389 0.389 0.389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 8 6 5 5 3 57 0 0 3 (IN) ($) Page#: 6 1 1:45:19 PM LINE SEGMENT (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30. 2002 9373 9374 9375 9376 9377 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9 385 9386 9 387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 94 09 941 0 9411 9412 941 3 9414 ·(11 -(1 1 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(1 1 9378 9081 9374 9088 9376 9372 9378 9379 9380 9384 9385 9385 9373 9368 9368 9387 9388 9387 9386 9391 9394 1 5080 9392 9397 9405 9399 9397 94 16 94 00 9408 9402 9402 9410 9407 9409 9409 15038T 9 41 2 9412 9413 9414 9406 LENGTH (FT) 143 120 196 380 270 137 102 105 205 124 10 4 247 17 192 157 161 191 124 274 179 150 77 168 125 190 117 192 350 106 5 00 100 100 263 170 160 4 0 30 177 100 174 86 280 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CUM FLOW (M GD) 0.001 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.002 0 .00 1 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 001 0 .002 0.001 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 0 000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.003 0 .004 0.002 0.006 0 .002 0 .000 0 .003 0 .003 0.003 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVG C UM FLOW (MGD) 0 .002 0.001 0.001 0 .002 0 .001 0.004 0 .002 0 .0 01 0 .001 0 000 0 .000 0 001 0 002 0 .004 0 .003 0.002 0.001 0 .001 0.004 0003 0 .001 0.001 0 .002 0 .000 0 003 0 000 0 002 0 .002 0 .000 0 .005 0 .000 0.000 0 .004 0.008 0.008 0 .005 0 0 14 0 005 0 .000 0 .006 0 006 0 007 HIG H CUM FLOW (MGD) 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.009 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0 .003 0 .003 0 .008 0.005 0 .003 0.002 0.002 0 .006 0.005 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.007 0.001 0 .005 0 .004 0 .00 1 0 .011 0 .001 0 .00 1 0.008 0 .017 0 .018 0.012 0.029 0 .009 0.001 0 .012 0 .014 0 .016 CAPA CITY (MGD) 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.222 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 RELIEF "!.CAP PIPE PIP E COST 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 5 3 8 2 0 3 (IN) ($) Page#: 62 1:45 :1 9 PM LINE SE G MENT (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9446 9447 944 8 9449 9 4 50 9451 9452 9453 9454 9455 9456 9457 9458 9459 9460 9461 9462 9463 9464 9465 9466 9467 9468 9469 9470 94 71 9472 9473 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 94 12 9402 9215 9417 9418 9419 9420 9423 9421 9423 9420 9425 9426 9426 9428 9111 9446 9111 15081 9449 9450 9451 9116 9457 9456 9458 9456 9459 9461 9459 9462 9463 9120 9468 9464 9465 9466 9469 9470 9472 9470 9473 6988 LENGTH (FT) 100 178 60 111 73 119 210 130 187 130 92 188 290 168 109 21 1 289 62 129 250 250 200 121 80 158 96 90 85 232 158 118 238 57 49 144 375 4 65 105 84 59 93 132 110 ClAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 28 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .000 0 .001 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 002 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .000 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .016 0 .000 0.000 0.001 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0.000 0.002 0 .002 0 .006 0 .002 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .0 02 0.002 0 .004 0 .002 0.004 1.338 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) RELIEF AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) CA PACrTY %CA P PIPE PIPE COST 0.000 0 .002 0.008 0 .007 0 .007 0007 0 003 0 001 0 002 0 .000 0 003 0 003 0 001 0 001 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0.004 0003 0 002 0 002 0 .001 0 .040 0 000 0 .001 0 002 0 001 0 002 0 .003 0 .001 0 .004 0 .005 O.Q15 0 .005 0 005 0 .004 0 .002 0 005 0 006 0 010 0 004 0 .011 2 .730 0.001 0.006 0.014 0.0 13 0 .012 0 .012 0.005 0 .002 0.004 0.001 0.006 0 .005 0 .002 0 .002 0.001 0 .004 0 .002 0 .007 0 .006 0 .005 0 .003 0 .001 0.072 0 .001 0.001 0.003 0 .002 0 .004 0 .007 0 .002 0.008 0 .009 0 .027 0 .009 0 .009 0.008 0 .006 0 .010 0.010 0.022 0 .0 11 0 .023 6 .082 (MGD) (IN) ($) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.222 0.222 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .222 0 .389 0 .536 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 1.344 0 .389 0 .389 0.222 0.222 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 16 .284 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 2 0 13 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 3 3 3 6 3 6 37 Page#: 63 1 :4 5 :19 PM LINE SEGMENT (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9474 9475 9476 9 4 77 9478 9479 9480 9481 94 82 94 83 9484 9485 9486 9508 9509 9510 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(1 1 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 9475 9471 9 477 94 74 9476 94 78 9364 9 260 9481 9482 9483 9089 9485 7348 9508 9509 7 306 9792 9 793 9790 9793 9793 9795 9 79 6 9797 9794 9799 9800 98 03 9805 9803 9806 9799 9806 9809 9807 9809 9807 9811 9812 9813 9814 LENGTH (FT) 76 82 15 4 03 267 14 0 285 323 1 56 151 24 0 56 277 72 12 1 84 132 96 91 132 28 89 210 169 122 194 216 69 135 267 145 97 195 249 48 153 72 108 189 272 190 128 DIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOW CU M FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0.011 0 .001 0.001 0 .000 0 .003 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.010 0 .000 0 000 0 .010 0 008 0.001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .008 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .001 0.000 0 .001 0 .008 0 .006 0 000 0 000 0.000 0 .005 0.004 0.001 0 .000 0.000 Jeffe r son City, Ph ase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVGCUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .004 0 .004 0 .002 0 .003 0 002 0 001 0 001 O.D28 0 .002 0 .001 0 001 0 007 0 001 0 001 0 .001 0 .000 0.025 0 .000 0 001 0 .024 0 .021 0 .002 0 002 0 001 0 000 0 021 0 001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .002 0 .001 0 .003 0 .019 O.Q16 0 000 0 .001 0 .000 0 014 0 010 0 002 0 001 0 000 HIGH CUM FLO W (MGD) 0.010 0.01 1 0 .006 0.010 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 .047 0 .004 0.003 0 .002 0 .013 0 002 0 .002 0 .001 0.001 0 .047 0 .001 0 .001 0 .046 0 .04 1 0.004 0.003 0 .002 0.001 0.041 0 .002 0 .000 0.001 0 .004 0 .001 0 .005 0 .038 0 .032 0 .000 0 .002 0.000 0 .029 0 .019 0 .004 0 .002 0 .001 CAPA CITY (MGD) 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 1.14 8 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .526 0 .389 0 .389 2 .212 4.216 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .929 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 5 .065 1 .812 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .021 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 RELIEF %CAP PIPE PIPE COST 3 3 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 137 5 0 (IN) ($) 10 7,668 Page#: 64 1:45:19 PM Wednesday. Oclober 30. 2002 LINE SEGMENT (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9832 9833 9834 7377 9283 9356 9357 9355 9354 9352 9353 6976 9338 7365 9296 9187 8062 2426 2456 2425 9203 Basin<> 8 1n $7,668 00 Basm > 8 m $163.516.00 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 Tolal Bas1n Cost $171.184.00 All B asins<= 8 in. $2 18,188.00 All Basins> 8 in. $7 62,876.00 Total Cost: $981 ,064 .00 9819 9818 9819 9820 9812 9811 9821 9822 9820 9818 9823 9825 9824 9826 6996 9834 9102 7376 9282 9357 9341 9354 9353 9353 9350 6975 9337 7332 9295 9188 8061 2425 2425 2452 STORM LENGTH (FT) 2 19 70 140 215 407 52 107 138 110 134 233 247 290 206 205 69 112 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 70 135 264 OIAM (IN) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 28 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 LOW CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 000 0 .000 0 .001 0.001 0 .003 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .001 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.040 0 .00 1 0.00 1 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0.000 0 001 1 447 0 .002 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .001 0 000 Jefferson City, Phase 1 39% 1/1 Removal (CEL) AVG CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .00 1 0.001 0.003 0 .005 0 .008 0 .003 0 .003 0 .002 0 .001 0 .001 0.002 0 .001 0 .001 0 001 0 .10 1 0 .002 0 002 0 .000 0 000 0 000 0 001 0 .000 0 .001 0 .000 0 .001 2.931 0.007 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 002 0 .000 HIGH CUM FLOW (MGD) 0 .001 0.002 0.005 0 .008 0.014 0.011 0.010 0.010 0 .003 0.003 0.009 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.175 0.003 0 .004 0.00 1 0.00 1 0 .00 1 0 001 0 001 0 .001 0.001 0.003 6 .423 0.012 0.001 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0 .001 0.001 0.003 0 .000 CAPACITY (MGD) 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0.389 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 10.971 0 .389 0 .389 0.389 0 .389 0.389 0.021 0 .021 0 .021 0 .222 RELIEF %CAP PIPE P IPE COST 0 2 4 3 3 3 2 0 45 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 3 0 0 0 0 16 0 (IN) ($) AppendixM Preliminary Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule (see enclosed CD) AppendixN Recommended Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHAB/UTA TION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A -REPLACE COVER/FRAME I FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COV ER/FRAMEI FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMN EY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 09A 15015 Backyard 4.00 6 .30 09A 15021 Easement 4 .00 7 .60 09A 15031 Easement 0 .67 2.40 09A 15057 Easement 2.00 2.30 09A 15064 Backyard 4.00 6 .70 09A 15065 Easement 0.67 4.30 09A 7028 Easement 4 .00 7 .70 09A 7074 Easement 4.00 8.00 09A 7075 Easement 4 .00 5 .80 09A 7076 Easement 4 .00 5 .80 09A 7077 Easement 4 .00 8 .00 09A 7078 Easement 4 .00 8.40 09A 7084 Backyard 4 .00 7 .10 09A 7085 Backyard 4 .00 8 .50 09A 7087 Backyard 4 .00 7.80 09A 7427 Backyard 4 .00 6.40 09A 7435 Paved Street 4 .00 4.90 09A 7436 Paved Street 4 .00 6.80 09A 7439 Ea sement 0 .67 6.30 09A 7442 Backyard 4.00 5 .20 09A 7444 Private Residie nce 4.00 10.10 09A 7448 Easement 4 .00 3 .30 09A 7449 Easement 4.00 3 .70 09A 7450 Backyard 4 .00 4 .00 09A 7451 Backyard 4.00 3 .10 09A 7452 Easement 4 .00 5 .00 09A 7455 Private Residience 4 .00 5.40 09A 7463 Backyard 4 .00 3 .60 09A 7465 Easement 4 .00 9 .00 09A 7466 Backyard 4 .00 6 .80 09A 7472 Backyard 4 .00 5 .00 09A 7475 Easement 4.00 4 .50 09A 7477 Backyard 2 .50 2.30 09A 7705 Easement 4 .00 4.40 09A 7706 Easement 0.67 11 .00 09A 7709 Backyard 4 .00 4.10 09A 7712 Backyard 4 .00 4 .10 09A 7713 Backyard 4 .00 8.00 GRADE (in.) 0 .00 -6.00 -3.00 -1 .00 0.00 0.00 -3.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -1.00 0 .00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REHAB CODE DES CRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILI TATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast Precast 1 PVC 1 None 1 Brick PVC 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Brick 1 Brick 1 PVC 1 Brick Brick 1 None Brick Bri ck Brick Brick Brick 1 Brick Bri ck Brick Brick Brick Bric k 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Page 1 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB . RE-SUR· F G H I J K COST FACING 1 1 $1 ,287.50 $0.00 $1 ,000 .00 $120.00 $1 ,000.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 $750 .00 $120.00 $250.00 $120 .00 1 1 1 $1,675.00 $120 .00 1 1 $1 ,175.00 $120.00 1 1 1 $2,100.00 $120 .00 1 1 1 $2,375.00 $120.00 1 1 1 $2,425.00 $120.00 1 1 1 $2,262 .50 $120.00 1 1 $1 ,187 .50 $0.00 1 1 1 $2,100.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $1 ,250.00 $700.00 $750.00 $700.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $650.00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $462 .50 $0.00 1 1 $1 ,000.00 $0.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $450 .00 $0 .00 1 1 $1,62 5.00 $0 .00 1 1 $1 ,350.00 $0 .00 1 $6 25 .00 $0.00 $250.00 $120 .00 1 1 $1,287.50 $120 .00 $750.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120 .00 $750.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120 .00 TOTAL I COST $1 ,287 .50 $1 ,120.00 $1 ,120.00 $870.00 $500.00 $870.00 $370.00 $1,795.00 $1 ,295.00 $2 ,220.00 $2,495.00 $2 ,545.00 $2 ,382.50 $1,187.50 $2 ,220.00 $500.00 $1 ,950.00 $1 ,450.00 $870.00 $650.00 $1,200.00 $370.00 $462.50 $1 ,000.00 $500.00 $500 .00 $1 ,200.00 $450.00 $1 ,625.00 $1,350 .00 $625 .00 $370.00 $1 ,407.50 $870.00 $870.00 $620.00 $870.00 $870.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY 0-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM . NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 09A 7714 Backyard 0.67 4.20 09A 7717 Private Residience 4.00 5.50 09A 7721 Backyard 4.00 6.10 09A 7730 Ba ckyard 4.00 7.00 09A 7737 Backyard 4.00 6.40 09A 7745 Ea sement 4.00 8.80 09A 7748 Easement 4 .00 4 .20 09A 7749 Easement 4.00 3.40 09A 7752 Backyard 4 .00 4 .00 09A 7756 Easement 4 .00 5.10 09A 7766 Ea sement 3.00 5.50 09A 7768 Paved Street 3.00 3.3 0 09A 7769 Easement 3.00 2 .90 09A 7774 Easement 0.67 5.20 09A 7779 Ba ckyard 0.67 3.40 09A 7781 Ba ckyard 4 .00 4.70 09A 7789 Backyard 4.00 4.20 09A 7792 Easement 4 .00 7 .20 09A 7797 Private Residien ce 4.00 3.10 09A 7807 Easement 4 .00 5 .60 09A 7808 Ba ckyard 4 .00 6 .10 09A 7810 Easement 4.00 7.80 09A 781 1 Easement 4 .00 5 .30 09A 7812 Easement 4.00 5.90 09A 7814 Easement 4.00 6.40 09A 7815 Easement 4 .00 10.40 09A 7816 Backyard 4 .00 7 .50 09A 7817 Easement 4 .00 9 .20 09A 7839 Easement 0 .67 2 .40 09A 7840 Easement 4.00 4.00 09A 7841 Easement 4.00 3 .50 09A 7842 Ea sement 4.00 5.20 09A 7844 Ea sement 0 .67 2.80 09A 7850 Easement 4.00 5.00 09A 7859 Easement 4.00 11.40 09A 7860 Backyard 4.00 6.60 09A 7861 Ba ckyard 0 .67 3.80 09A 7873 Ba ckyard 0 .67 1.70 GRADE (in.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 -2 .00 -3.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 -1.00 0 .00 -4.00 0.00 0 .00 -3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 -4 .00 0.00 0.00 -12.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 -5.00 -6 .00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HO LE S /PLUG HO LE S G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Brick Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 None 1 None 1 None PVC PVC Precast Brick 1 Precast Brick Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Preca st Preca st Preca st Precast Other Precast None 1 Precast 1 Other Precast Precast Pre cast 1 PVC Other Page 2 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE -SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0 .00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $425.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 1 1 $1 ,600.00 $0 .00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 1 $2,500.00 $0 .00 1 $2 ,500.00 $0 .00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 1 $2,500.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $875 .00 $120 .00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120 .00 1 $2,500-QQ $0.00 - TOTAL COST $870.00 $1,200.00 $500.00 $300.00 $1 ,300.00 $920.00 $370.00 $370.00 $500.00 $620.00 $620 .00 $1 ,200.00 $300.00 $370.00 $425.00 $370.00 $620.00 $300.00 $950.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1,600.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2 ,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $370.00 $370.00 $620.00 $870.00 $370.00 $995.00 $500.00 $620.00 $370.00 $2 ,500.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-RE PLAC E COVER/FRAM E/F RAM E SEAL B-R EPLACE F RAM E SEA L C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAM E SEAUCHIMNE Y D-REPLACE FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 09A 7875 Backyard 4 .00 7 .70 09A 78 88 Ba ckyard 4 .00 8.40 09A 7889 Backyard 4 .00 7 .60 09A 7890 Ba ckyard 4 .00 6.10 09 B 15022 Pa rki ng Lot 4 .00 7.10 09 B 15023 Ba ckya rd 4 .00 4 .90 09 B 15025 Ba ckya rd 4.00 9.10 09 B 1506 1 Backya rd 0.67 2.40 09 B 15063 Easement 4 .00 7.40 09 B 70 47 Backyard 4.00 7.60 09 B 7048 Backyard 4.00 9.70 09 B 7049 Backyard 4 .00 6 .50 09 B 7050 Easement 4.00 10.3 0 09 B 7051 Easement 4 .00 7.3 0 09 B 7052 Easement 4 .00 7.00 09 B 7053 Privat e Residience 4 .00 4.40 09 B 7057 Pr ivate Resid ience 4 .00 6.70 09B 7059 Private Residience 4 .00 5.50 09B 7064 Easement 4 .00 4 .70 09B 7065 Easement 4 .00 6 .10 09B 7066 Ease ment 4 .00 7.10 09B 7068 Easement 4 .00 5.40 09B 7070 Easement 4 .00 14.30 09 B 7071 Easement 4.00 8.60 09 B 7484 Easement 4 .00 4 .00 09 B 7485 Easement 0.67 3.00 09B 7488 Easement 0.67 3.7 0 09 B 7496 Easement 4 .00 4.60 09 B 7500 Easement 4 .00 4.90 09 B 7501 Ease ment 0.67 6.20 09B 7503 Ease ment 4.00 4.60 09 B 7509 Ease me nt 4 .00 3 .80 09B 751 1 Easement 4 .00 5 .30 09 B 751 4 Backya rd 4 .00 4.90 09 B 7522 Easement 4.00 7.60 09 B 7526 Backyard 4 .00 5 .40 09B 7529 Backyard 4.00 4.80 09B 7534 Private Residience 4.00 7 .00 GRADE (in .) 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 -3 .0 0 0 .00 -6 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 -2.00 0 .00 0 .00 -2.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 -3.00 -1.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 -6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REHAB CODE DESC RIPTI O NS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PL UG LIF T HOLES/PLUG HO L ES G-WALL RE HABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOIN TS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast 1 Preca st 1 Precast Pre cast Precast Precast Pre cast Other 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast None Oth er Other Precast Precas t Clay Pip e 1 Precast No ne Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast ____!__ - Page 3 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOL E R EP LACEM ENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHA BILITAT ION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $500 .00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 1 $800.00 $0 .00 1 1 $1,375.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $7 50.00 $120.00 1 $1,050.00 $700.00 1 1 $425.0 0 $0.00 1 $1,187.50 $700.00 $250 .00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $120 .00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $1,787.50 $0 .00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $250.0 0 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120 .00 1 $500.00 $0 .00 1 $1,050.00 $120.00 $750.00 $700.00 TOTAL I COST $870.00 1 $620.00 1 $500.0 0 $500.00 $300.00 $300.0 0 $500.00 $1,120 .00 $800.00 $1,495.00 $620.00 $300.00 $500 .00 $300.00 $870.00 $1,750.00 $425.00 $1,887.50 $370.00 $300.00 $920 .00 $920.00 $1,787 .50 $500.00 $370.00 $370 .00 $370.00 $300.00 $370.00 $620.00 $300.00 $370.00 $300.00 $3 0 0.0 0 $370.00 $500.00 $1 ,170.00 $1,450.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COV ER/FRAM E/F RAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM . NUM . (ft.) (ft.) 09B 7536 Easement 4.00 6.00 09 B 7537 Ea se ment 4.00 8.70 09B 7541 Easement 4 .00 8 .30 09B 7544 Backya rd 4.00 5.30 09 B 7546 Ba ckyard 4 .00 5.30 09 B 7547 Ba ckyard 4.00 4 .00 09 B 7548 Ba ckyard 4.00 5.10 09 B 7551 Easement 4.00 5 .10 09 B 7553 Easement 4 .00 6 .00 09 B 7557 Easem ent 4.00 6.60 09 B 7562 Ba ckyard 7.90 0.00 09B 7563 Backyard 4 .00 3.40 09 B 7565 Backyard 3 .00 3.30 09 B 7567 Backyard 4 .00 5 .80 09B 7569 Pr ivate Residience 4 .00 5 .00 09B 7570 Private Resid ience 4 .00 5 .30 09B 7574 Ba ckyard 4 .00 4 .00 09B 7575 Backyard 4 .00 7 .10 09 B 7576 Backyard 4 .00 7 .50 09B 7577 Private Residience 0 .67 4 .20 09 B 7579 Easement 4 .00 3 .80 09B 7580 Easement 4.00 4 .50 09B 7582 Easement 4.00 11.70 09B 7585 Backyard 4 .00 6 .40 09B 7586 Paved Street 4 .00 8.40 09B 7587 Easement 4 .00 3.80 09B 7589 Easement 4 .00 7.70 09B 7593 Backyard 0.67 3 .00 09B 7594 Easement 4 .00 4 .80 09B 7596 Paved Street 4 .00 5.60 098 7601 Backyard 4 .00 6 .40 098 7603 Backyard 0 .67 5.60 09B 7605 Easement 4 .00 14.60 09B 7609 Backyard 4 .00 4.40 09B 7610 Easement 4 .00 4.80 09B 7611 Paved Street 4 .00 3.20 09B 7612 Paved Street 4 .00 5.80 09B 7613 Paved Street 4 .00 3.70 GRADE (in.) 0.00 0.00 0 .00 -18.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 -1 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.00 -2 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.00 0.00 -2 .00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 None 1 None 1 Precast Precast Precast None Precast Precast 1 Other Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 None Precast Clay Pipe 1 Precast Precast Precast Clay Pipe 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Page 4 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-L OWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB . RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.0 0 $120 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 $1 ,000.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 1 $925.00 $120.00 $250.00 $700.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,550.00 $700.00 1 $750.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $1,375.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $750.00 $700.00 1 1 $625.00 $0.00 1 $1,450.00 $120.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,300.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $700.00 1 $800.00 $700.00 TOTAL COST $870.00 $620.00 $300.00 $1 ,120.00 $300 .00 $870.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $300.00 $870.00 $1,120.00 $870.00 $500.001 $300.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $1 ,045.00 $950.00 $1 ,120.00 $920.00 $300.00 $500.00 $2,250.00 $870.00 $300.00 $1 ,495.00 $300.00 $1 ,450.00 $625 .00 $1 ,570.00 $800.00 $300 .00 $1,420.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 $1 ,500.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 09B 7614 Paved Street 4.00 5.10 09 B 76 15 Parking Lot 4.00 4.80 09B 7616 Parking Lot 0 .67 4.40 09B 7623 Easement 4 .00 4 .50 09B 7625 Backyard 4 .00 5.10 09B 7627 Backyard 3 .00 4.20 09B 7629 Backyard 0 .67 2.40 09B 7633 Backyard 4.00 4.50 09B 7635 Easement 4 .00 5.10 09B 7637 Backyard 4 .00 4 .40 09B 7640 Easement 4 .00 5.60 09B 7644 Easement 4.00 6.90 09B 7645 Easement 4.00 5.20 09B 7646 Backyard 4 .00 5.20 09B 7650 Easement 4 .00 7.10 09B 7651 Unpaved lntersectio 4 .00 4 .50 09B 7652 Easement 4 .00 5.00 09B 7657 Backyard 4 .00 2 .80 09B 7659 Backyard 0 .67 5.10 09B 7662 Easement 4 .00 5 .20 09B 7676 Backyard 0.67 3.70 09B 7683 Backyard 4 .00 7.20 09B 7684 Backyard 4.00 3 .90 09B 7688 Easement 4.00 7 .10 09B 7691 Backyard 0 .67 3.40 09B 7692 Backyard 4 .00 4 .10 09B 7695 Backyard 0.67 3.30 10A 15054 Backyard 0.67 3.40 10A 71 14 Easement 4.00 11 .10 10A 7115 Easement 4 .0 0 11 .00 10A 7116 Easement 4.00 9.50 10A 71 18 Private Residience 4 .00 9 .70 10A 7119 Private Residience 4 .00 10.50 10A 7128 Easement 4 .00 17.40 10A 7147 Paved Street 4 .00 14.60 10A 7160 Easement 4 .00 7 .00 10A 7163 Easement 4.00 7.10 10A 7173 ___ Easement -~ 4 .80 ---- GRADE (in.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 -3.00 -2.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 -1 .00 -1 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 -2 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 -4.00 --- REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast 1 Precast 1 Clay Pipe Pre cast 1 Precast None PVC None 1 Precast None 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 None Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast None Other 1 Precast PVC Precast None 1 Precast Other None Other 1 PVC 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Page 5 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18 " MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING 1 $800.00 $700 .00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $550 .00 $0.00 $1,000 .00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $1 ,000.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $425 .00 $0.00 $250.00 $700.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 $1,050.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 1 $1,300.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 TOTAL COST $1,500.00 $1,200.00 $550.00 $1,120.00 $300 .00 $300.00 $300.00 $870 .00 $370.00 $870.00 $500.00 1 $92o.oo ; $1,120.00 $370.00 $620.00 $870.00 $300.00 $370.00 $1 ,120.00 $500.00 $2 ,500.00 $500.00 $620.00 $300.00 $370.00 $500.00 $870.00 $620.00 $500.00 $500.00 $425.00 $950 .00 $500.00 $1 ,120.00 $1 ,750.00 $620 .00 $1 ,420.00 $370.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY 0-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM . NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 10A 7178 Easement 0.67 9.00 10A 7250 Backyard 4 .00 8.10 10A 7251 Ea sement 4 .00 8.70 10A 8084 Ea sement 4 .00 3.50 10A 8086 Easement 0 .67 5.50 10A 8090 Backyard 4 .00 5 .20 10A 8092 Backyard 4 .00 3 .90 10A 8094 Private Residience 4 .00 5 .50 10A 8098 Backyard 4 .00 4.00 10A 8099 Backyard 0.67 2.80 10A 8100 Backyard 4 .00 5.00 10A 8101 Paved Street 4.00 5 .70 10A 8104 Backyard 4.00 4.20 10A 81 13 Easement 4 .00 3.40 10A 8117 Priva te Residience 4 .00 6.50 10A 81 19 Priva te Residie nce 4.00 5 .60 10A 8120 Private Residience 0.67 5 .50 10A 8121 Private Residience 4 .00 7.50 10A 8122 Private Residience 4 .00 5.80 10A 8124 Priva te Resid ience 4 .00 7 .10 10A 8125 Private Residience 4.00 7.80 10A 8127 Private Residience 4.00 4.40 10A 8128 Easement 4.00 4.20 10A 8134 Backyard 4.00 4.80 10A 8 135 Backya rd 4.00 4 .50 10A 8 136 Backyard 4.00 5.30 10A 8 137 Backya rd 4 .00 4 .90 10A 8139 Easement 4.00 8.00 10A 8 140 Paved Street 4.00 3 .70 10A 8143 Easement 4.00 4 .60 10A 8146 Easement 4.00 10.70 10A 8150 Ea seme nt 4.00 5 .30 10A 8151 Easement 4.00 6 .60 10A 8152 Backyard 4.00 7 .00 10A 8153 Backyard 4.00 4.60 10A 8154 Backyard 4.00 4 .90 10A 8156 Private Residience 4.00 5.00 10A 8175 Backyard 4.00 5.40 GRADE (in.) 0.00 -2.00 -4.00 0.00 -3.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D PVC 1 Precast Precast None 1 PVC 1 None None Precast Precast Other 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast None Precast Precast PVC 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Brick Brick Brick Bri ck Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Pre cast 1 Pored Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Page 6 E 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMEN T K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABI LI TATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $500.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 $250 .00 $700.00 $750 .00 $700.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 1 $300 .00 $0 .00 1 $1,050.00 $700.00 1 $1,050.00 $700.00 1 $550.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $600.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,662.50 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $962.50 $700.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $1,337.50 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 TOTAL COST $620 .00 $370 .00 $370 .00 $620 .00 $870 .00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $500.00 $620.00 $370.00 $1,200.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $950.00 $1 ,450.00 $800.00 $300.00 $1 ,750.00 $1 ,750.00 $550.00 $500.00 $600.00 $500.00 $1 ,782 .50 $620.00 $620 .00 $1 ,662.50 $620 .00 $1 ,337.50 $620.00 $920 .00 $300.00 $620.00 $620.00 $1 ,200.00 $300.00 RECOMMEN DED M ANHOLE REHA B ILITATION S CHEDUL E (WITH FUTURE GR OWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HO LES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-S EAL P RECAST JOINTS BASI N M ANHOLE LOCA TION DIA. DEPTH GRADE MAN HOL E NU M. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) (in .) TYPE A B c D 10A 8180 Ba ckyard 0.67 3.40 0.00 PVC 1 10A 8181 Backyard 4.00 4.90 0.00 Precast 1 10A 8182 Private Residience 4.00 7.40 0.00 Precast 1 10A 8186 Private Residience 4.00 9.60 0.00 Precast 1 10A 8187 Backyard 4.00 4.00 -3.00 None 10A 8200 Backya rd 4.00 5.50 -8.00 Precast 10A 8202 Ea sem ent 4.00 4.60 -3.00 Precast 1 10A 8209 Backya rd 0.67 2.30 0.00 Other 10A 8210 Backy ard 0.67 5.60 -3.00 PVC 1 10A 8219 Ea sement 4.0 0 11 .00 -24.00 Precast 10A 8225 Ba ckyard 4.00 5.80 0 .00 Precast 10A 8228 Ba ckyard 4.0 0 4.4 0 0.00 Precast 1 10A 8229 Backyard 4.0 0 7 .90 0.00 Precast 10A 8233 Ba ckyard 4 .00 5 .70 -2.00 Precast 10A 8238 Private Residience 4.00 4 .30 0.00 Precast 1 10A 8239 Private Residie nce 4 .00 12.70 0 .00 Precast 10A 8241 Ea sement 4 .00 17 .20 -2.00 Precast 10A 8243 Ea sement 4 .00 11 .80 -1.00 Precast 10A 8246 Backyard 4.00 4 .40 -12.00 Precast 10A 8253 Ea sement 4 .00 7.10 -2.00 Precast 10A 8255 Ea sem ent 0.67 3.70 0.00 PVC 1 10A 8257 Ea sement 4.00 7.00 -20.00 Precast 10A 8260 Easement 4.00 5.00 -18.00 Precast 10A 8261 Ea sement 4.00 6.80 -2.00 Precast 10A 8262 Easement 4.00 9.00 -12.00 Precast 10A 8263 Easement 4.00 9.10 0.00 Precast 1 10A 8264 Easement 4.00 11.50 -14.00 Precast 10A 8266 Easement 4 .00 10.00 -6.00 Precast 10A 8268 Easement 4 .00 6.00 -18.00 Precast 10A 8269 Easement 4.00 6.20 -12.00 Precast 10A 8272 Backyard 4.00 3.90 -10.00 Precast 10A 8278 Easement 4.00 8.80 0.00 Precast 1 10A 8288 Easement 4 .00 6.00 -8.00 Precast 10A 8289 Easement 4 .00 5.20 -8.00 Precast 10A 8295 Backyard 0.67 4 .00 0.00 PVC 1 10A 8300 Backyard 4.00 5.30 -10.00 Precast 1 10A 8304 Backyard 0.67 0.00 0.00 PVC 1 10A 83 11 Backyard 4.00 7.80 0 .00 Precast _ ___;,_ -----1..... ---L-.. Page 7 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. C ODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K CO ST FACING $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $1,425.00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $750.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 $287.50 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $550.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $750.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $750 .00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 --- TOTAL COST $620.00 $620.00 $2,125.00 $1,200.00 $870.00 $370.00 $1,120.00 $287.50 $870.00 $370.00 $300.00 $920.00 $300.00 $670.00 $1,200.001 $300 .00 $370 .00 $370.00 $370 .00 $370.00 $870.00 $870.00 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $620.00 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $620.00 $370.00 $370.00 $620.00 $870.00 $620.00 $300.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEA L C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 10A 83 14 Backyard 4.00 4.60 10A 8317 Easement 4 .00 4 .60 10A 8333 Easement 4 .00 5.80 10A 8334 Sidewalk 4.00 6.40 10A 8337 Easement 4 .00 12.60 10A 8338 Easement 4 .00 13.00 10A 9487 Easement 4 .00 19.40 10A 95 12 Easement 4.00 7.90 10A 95 14 Easement 4.00 3.40 10A 9521 Easement 1.00 10.60 10B 15008 Easement 4 .00 3.60 10B 15009 Backyard 4.00 10.40 10B 15010 Easement 0 .67 7.40 10B 7153 Backyard 4 .00 7.00 10B 7156 Ba ckyard 4 .00 4.60 10B 7157 Easement 4.00 10.80 10B 7158 Ea sement 4 .00 5.30 10B 7159 Easement 4.00 4.60 10B 7183 Private Residience 4.00 15.60 10B 7184 Easement 4 .00 12.50 10B 7185 Easement 4 .00 9.40 10B 7189 Easement 4.00 8 .90 10B 7192 Private Residience 4.00 7.20 10B 7194 Backyard 4.00 8.30 10B 7195 Private Residience 4.00 10.00 10B 7196 Private Residience 4.00 12 .30 10B 7197 Backyard 4.00 6.70 10B 7199 Private Residience 4 .00 8.00 10B 7200 Private Residience 4.00 7 .20 10B 720 1 Private Residience 4 .00 7.50 10B 7202 Easement 4.00 8 .60 10B 7203 Easement 4.00 7 .20 10B 722 1 Easement 4 .00 7.60 10B 7224 Easement 4 .00 10.00 10B 7225 Easement 4.00 8.80 10B 7232 Easement 4 .00 8.80 10B 7233 Easement 4 .00 10.10 10B 7234 Easement 4.00 4 .30 GRADE (in.) -3.00 -4.00 -6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -30.00 -12 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 -2.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILI TATION H-S EAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast None 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Preca st Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Page 8 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - I-R EMOVE STEP S J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB . CODES REHAB . RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $750.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 1 $800.00 $0 .00 $500.00 $120 .00 $750.00 $120 .00 1 $750.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 1 $1 ,800 .00 $120.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $125.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $1,000.00 $0.00 1 $900.00 $0.00 1 $937.50 $0.00 1 $1,075.00 $0.00 1 $900 .00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 - TOTAL COST $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $1,450.00 $300.00 $300.00 $800.00 $620.00 $870 .00 $870 .00 $620 .00 $920 .00 $870 .00 $500 .00 $500.00 $300.00 $1 ,920.0 0 $620.00 $1,200.00 $500.00 $800.00 $620.00 $300.00 $500.00 $300.00 $125.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $900.00 $937.50 $1 ,075.00 $90 0.00 $37 0.00 $620.0 0 $500.00 $620.00 $62 0.00 L.__ $62 0.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHAB/LIT A TION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME /FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY 0 -REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM . (ft.) (ft.) 10B 7238 Private Residience 4.00 8.70 10B 7240 Ea se ment 4.00 6.70 10B 7243 Private Residience 4 .00 5.00 10B 7244 Priva te Res idie nce 4.00 5.20 10B 7245 Ea sement 4.00 6.20 10B 7248 Easement 4.00 5.20 10B 8358 Private Residience 4.0 0 10.30 10B 8388 Easement 4.00 4.20 10B 839 0 Backyard 4.00 4.90 10B 8391 Backyard 4.00 4.30 10B 8397 Ba ckya rd 4.00 3.90 10B 8411 Private Residience 4.00 5 .00 10B 84 15 Priva te Residience 4.00 6.80 10B 8423 Priva te Residience 4.00 7 .20 10B 8433 Ba ckyard 4.00 4 .60 10B 8434 Private Residience 4.00 4.40 10B 8435 Paved Street 4.00 7 .00 10 B 8448 Easement 4.00 4.00 10B 8452 Pa rking Lot 4.00 6.00 10B 8453 Easement 4.00 4.60 10B 8454 Ea seme nt 4.00 7.20 10 B 8455 Easement 4.00 3.70 10B 8456 Easement 4.00 4.20 10B 8457 Easement 4.00 4.10 10 B 8458 Easement 4.00 4.50 10B 8459 Easement 4.00 10.40 10B 846 1 Easement 0.67 3 .00 10B 8462 Easement 4.00 4.60 10B 84 64 Easeme nt 4.00 5.30 10B 8468 Easement 4.00 5 .90 10B 8470 Private Residience 4.00 8 .50 10 B 8474 Private Residience 4.00 5.50 10B 8475 Private Residience 4.00 5.60 10 B 8476 Easement 4.00 5 .30 10 B 84 77 Easement 4.00 5.30 10B 84 83 Private Residience 4 .00 10 .90 10B 8493 Parking Lot 4.00 6.70 10 B 8495 Private Residie nce 4 .00 10.90 GRADE (in .) 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 -2.00 0 .00 -1 .00 -7.00 -6 .00 0.00 0.00 -1 .00 -2.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 -3.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 -6.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHAB ILITATION H-S EAL PRECAST JOI NTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Preca st Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Clay Pipe 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Pre cast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Page9 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOL E REPLACEMEN T K-LOW ER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION RE HAB. CODES REHAB . RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $500.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120 .00 1 $1 ,500.00 $700.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $700.00 $250.00 $700.00 1 $800.00 $120 .00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $800.00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0 .00 1 1 $1,550.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $700.00 ~250.00 $700.00 -L__ ---···- TOTAL COST $1,200.00 $620.00 $2,200.00 $2,500.00 $300.00 $370.00 $300 .00 $370.00 $370.00 $370 .00 $620 .00 $300.00 $950 .00 $950 .00 $920.00 $300 .00 $300 .00 $370.00 $1,200.00 $620 .00 $620.00 $620 .00 $620.00 $620 .00 $620 .00 $620.00 $870 .00 $300 .00 $300.00 $870.00 $1,500.00 $1,200.00 $500.00 $500 .00 $1 ,670.00 $300.00 $1 ,5 00.00 $950.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM . NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 10B 8499 Private Residience 4 .00 7.00 10B 8504 Private Residience 4 .00 14 .40 10B 8505 Easement 4 .00 12.50 10B 8507 Private Residien ce 4 .00 4.50 10B 8508 Easement 4 .00 6.70 10 B 8510 Easement 4 .00 4 .30 10B 8515 Private Residience 4 .00 5.80 10B 8534 Private Residience 4 .00 5.70 10B 8536 Backyard 4 .00 6.20 10B 8538 Private Residience 4 .00 6.00 10B 8548 Easement 4 .00 4 .80 10B 8551 10B 8553 Private Residience 4 .00 5 .90 10B 8554 Private Residience 4 .00 7 .60 10B 8556 Private Residience 4 .00 4 .20 10B 8557 Private Residience 4 .00 4.40 10B 8565 Private Resid ience 4 .00 8 .80 10B 8569 Backyard 0.67 6 .50 10B 8570 Backyard 4 .00 3.70 10B 8571 Backyard 4 .00 4.30 10B 8574 Private Residience 4.00 4.00 10B 8581 Easement 4 .00 8 .70 10B 8584 Ea sement 4 .00 4 .50 10B 8703 Backyard 4 .00 4.00 10B 8704 Backyard 4.00 4.40 10B 8705 Backyard 4 .00 4 .90 10B 8707 Easem e nt 4 .00 9.90 10B 8708 Private Resid ience 0 .67 7 .50 10B 8709 Easement 4 .00 3 .00 10B 8711 Private Resid ience 4 .00 4.70 10B 8712 Backyard 4 .00 4 .30 10B 8716 Backyard 4.00 5 .80 10B 8720 Easem e nt 4 .00 4 .30 10B 8721 Easement 0 .67 3.50 10B 8724 Private Residience 4 .00 4 .10 10B 8730 Backyard 4 .00 5 .80 10B 8732 Private Residience 4 .00 5.60 10B 8734 Private Residience ~00 5.20 ---- GRADE (in .) 5000 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 .00 0 .00 -4 .00 0.00 0 .00 -4.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 50.00 -3 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 -2.00 REHAB CODE D ESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Pre cast 1 Precast Precast Precast Pre cast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Pre cast 1 PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Pre cast Precast 1 Precast Precast Pre cast 1 Precast Other 1 Pre cast Pre cast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Other 1 Preca st Precast Precast 1 Pre cast -----'-- Page 10 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE ST EPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB . CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $750.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $250.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 $250.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $2 50 .00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 1 1 $800 .00 $0.00 1 $1,250.00 $700.00 $500 .00 $700.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $1 ,000.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $700.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $750.00 $700.00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 $750 .00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 $250.00 $700.00 TOTAL COST $1,450.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1 ,120.00 $500.00 $950.00 $300.00 $920.00 $950.00 $300.00 $250.00 $1 ,200.00 $300.00 $800.00 $1,950.00 $1,200.00 $1,120.00 $620.00 $1,120.00 $1 ,200.00 $800.00 $620.00 $800.00 $300.00 $620.00 $300.00 $1,450.00 $300.00 $1,500 .00 $300.00 $620.00 $870.00 $620.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1 ,200.00 $950.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-RE PLAC E COVER/FRAM E/FRAM E SEAL B-REPLAC E FRAM E SEAL C-REPLA C E COVER/FRAME/FRAM E S EAUCH IM NEY 0 -REPLAC E FRAM E SEAUCHIMN EY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM . (ft.) (ft.) 10B 8737 Easement 4 .00 5.20 10B 8 739 Ea se ment 4 .00 2.80 10B 8740 Easement 4.00 6.80 10B 874 1 Ease ment 4 .00 5.60 10 B 8743 Easement 4 .00 4 .20 10 B 8745 Ea sement 4 .00 7.10 10 B 8747 Parki ng Lot 4 .00 11 .60 10 B 8750 Private Residience 0 .67 3.40 10 B 875 1 Priv ate Re sid ience 4 .00 4.70 10 B 8752 Pri v ate Resid ience 4 .00 4 .60 10 B 8753 Private Residience 4 .00 4.40 10 B 95 24 Backyard 4 .00 8.1 0 10 0 8760 Ba ckya rd 4 .00 4 .00 100 8762 Private Res id ience 0 .67 5.40 10 0 8763 Private Re sidience 4 .00 4 .90 100 8764 Private Re sidience 4 .00 5.40 10 0 8765 Easement 0 .67 3.20 100 8767 Easement 4 .00 4.50 10 0 8770 Easement 0 .67 8.10 100 8771 Easement 4 .00 6 .90 10 0 8774 Privat e Resid ie n ce 4 .00 6.20 10 0 8778 Easement 4 .00 8 .40 100 8783 Ea sement 4 .00 9 .10 10 0 8784 Backyard 4 .0 0 4.50 10 0 8786 Privat e Resid ience 4 .00 7.20 10 0 8789 Ba ckyard 0 .67 6 .00 100 8790 Ba ckyard 4 .00 5.00 100 8793 Backyard 4 .00 4 .10 100 8797 Easement 4.00 9.40 10 0 8798 Easement 4 .00 6 .20 100 87 99 Easement 4.00 7 .10 10 0 8802 Paved St reet 4 .00 9 .60 10 0 8804 Ba ckyard 0 .67 4.50 100 8805 Ea sement 4.00 6 .10 100 8807 Ea se me nt 4.00 6 .80 10 0 88 09 Backyard 4.00 4.40 100 8810 Backyard 0 .67 3 .20 10 0 88 11 Ease men~ ___ ~.67 4.90 -------. - GRADE (i n .) 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -4.00 0 .00 -1.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRAO EAOJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHAB ILITAT ION H-SEA L PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast None 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 None 1 Precast Precast 1 Other 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Brick 1 Other 1 Brick Brick PVC 1 Brick 1 Clay Pipe 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Other 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Other 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Oth er 1 Other Page 11 E 1 1 1 I-REMOVE ST EPS J-COMPLET E MANHOLE REPLAC EMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILI T ATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $500 .00 $120 .00 $500 .00 $120.00 $750 .00 $120.00 $1 ,000.00 $120.00 1 $5 00 .00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $7 50 .00 $700.00 $5 00.00 $700.00 $500 .00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $500 .00 $120 .00 $750.00 $700.00 1 $612 .50 $0 .00 1 $675.00 $0 .00 $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120 .00 1 $1,27 5 .00 $700.00 1 $1,550.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 $775.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 $7 50 .00 $7 00.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $1,000 .00 $120 .00 $750.00 $120 .00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $612 .50 $0.00 TOTAL COST $300 .00 $620.00 $620.00 $870.00 $1,120.00 $500.00 $1,700.00 $1,450.00 $1 ,200.00 $1,2 0 0.00 $1,200.00 $300.00 $620.00 $1,450.00 $612 .50 $675 .00 $870 .00 $620.00 $620.00 $620 .00 $1,975.00 $1,670.00 $870 .00 $620.00 $1,200.00 $870.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $775.00 $620.00 $1,450.00 $620.00 $620 .00 $1,120 .00 $870.00 $870.00 $612 .50 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHAB/LIT AT/ON SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME /FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAM E SEAL C-REPLAC E COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY 0-REPLACE FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 100 8813 Backyard 4.00 7.50 100 8816 Backyard 4 .00 5.40 100 8817 Backyard 4 .00 3 .70 100 8822 Backyard 4 .00 5.40 100 8824 Backyard 4.00 4.80 100 8829 Easement 4 .00 5 .60 100 8830 Backyard 4.00 4.60 100 8833 Backyard 4 .00 9 .10 100 8838 Paved Street 4 .00 5 .00 100 8839 Easement 0 .67 3 .50 100 8843 Easement 4 .00 6 .50 100 8844 Backyard 0 .67 3 .30 100 8845 Easement 4.00 6 .00 100 8846 Easement 4.00 6 .20 100 8847 Easement 4.00 6 .50 100 8850 Easement 4.00 4.00 100 8851 Easement 4.00 9 .10 100 8852 Easement 4.00 5.40 100 8853 Easement 4.00 7.40 100 8854 Easement 4 .00 5 .70 100 8856 Easement 4 .00 6.50 100 8857 Easement 4 .00 7 .60 100 8858 Easement 0 .67 4.10 100 8859 Easement 0 .67 5.30 100 8860 Backyard 0 .67 3 .90 100 8861 Backyard 4 .00 6.20 100 8862 Easement 4.00 5.60 100 8866 Easement 4 .00 10.40 100 8868 Easement 4 .00 9 .70 100 8871 Easement 4 .00 6.00 100 8873 Private Resid ience 4 .00 3 .80 100 8874 Easement 0.67 4 .10 100 8884 Easement 4 .00 6 .00 100 8887 Private Residience 4 .00 7 .00 100 8891 Easement 4 .00 3 .60 100 8893 Easement 4 .00 4.20 100 8906 Backyard 4 .00 7 .00 100 8907 Paved Street 4 .00 7 .10 GRADE (in.) 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 -1 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 -3.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -2 .00 -2 .00 -3 .00 0 .00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRAOEAOJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast Precast None 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 None Precast 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast PVC PVC 1 PVC 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 PVC 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Page 12 E 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REP LACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE -SUR· F G H I J K COST FACING 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $750.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0 .00 1 $800.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 1 1 $1,300.00 $120.00 1 $800 .00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800 .00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $550 .00 $120.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 $750 .00 $120.00 $750 .00 $120.00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 $750 .00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 $750 .00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $750.00 $700 .00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $750.00 $700.00 -- TOTAL COST $300.00 $300.00 $920.00 $870.00 $300.00 $620.00 $500.00 $920.00 $1 ,200 .00 $870.00 $620.00 $870.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $300.00 $1,420.00 $920.00 $300.00 $920.00 $300.00 $670.00 $2 ,500.00 $870.00 $870.00 $300.00 $870.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1 ,200.00 $870.00 $300.00 $1,450.00 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $1,450.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAM E/FRAME S EAL B-RE PLAC E FRAM E SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAM E S EAUCHIMNEY D-REPLAC E FRAM E SEAUCHIMN EY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM . NUM . (ft.) (ft.) 10D 8908 Easement 4 .00 7 .90 10D 8961 Easement 4 .00 7.80 10D 8966 Easement 4 .00 6 .50 10D 8969 Ba cky ard 4 .00 5.10 10 D 8 970 Backyard 4 .00 5.50 10 D 8972 Backyard 4 .00 5.40 10 D 8974 Easement 4 .00 5.60 10 D 8975 Backyard 4 .00 4 .10 10 D 8977 Easement 4 .00 7.60 10D 8979 Private Residience 4.00 7 .7 0 10D 8980 Easement 4 .00 8 .60 10D 8981 Backyard 4 .00 7 .30 10D 8983 Private R es id ience 4 .00 5.40 10 D 8984 Backyard 0 .67 2.10 10 D 8991 Easement 4 .00 11.20 10D 8992 Easement 4 .00 6.90 10 D 8993 Easement 0 .67 3 .70 10 D 8994 Backyard 4 .00 6 .10 10D 8995 Backyard 0 .67 2 .70 10 D 8996 Backyard 4 .00 3 .80 10D 8998 Easement 4 .00 9 .80 10D 9003 Paved Street 0 .67 5 .00 10D 9004 Easement 4 .00 6.20 10D 900 5 E ase m e nt 0 .67 4 .60 10D 9006 Easement 4 .00 5 .00 10D 9007 Backyard 4 .00 4 .90 10D 9008 Backyard 4 .00 7 .70 10D 90 13 E asement 4 .00 6.50 10D 9016 E asement 4 .00 8 .10 10D 9018 E asement 4 .00 4.70 10 D 9020 E ase ment 4 .00 3 .90 10 D 902 1 Private Residience 0 .67 3 .90 10 D 9024 E asement 4 .00 5 .70 10 D 9026 E asemen t 4 .00 6 .00 10D 902 7 E ase m ent 4 .00 5 .70 10E 15003 E asement 4 .00 8.40 10 E 8895 Easement 4 .00 5.40 10E 8910 E asement 4 .00 9 .60 GRADE (in.) -1.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .0 0 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -1 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -3.00 0 .00 -6 .00 -2.00 0 .00 RE HAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E -GRADEADJ USTM ENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HO LES G-WA L L RE HA B ILITAT ION H-SEA L PRECA ST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Preca st 1 Precast 1 Preca st 1 P recast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Other 1 Preca st 1 Precast 1 Other Pre ca st 1 Other 1 Precast 1 Pre cast Other 1 Precast 1 Other 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Brick Precast 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 P recast P recast Precast Preca st Page 13 E 1 1 1 1 1 I-REM OVE ST E PS J-C OMPLETE MAN HOLE REPLACEM ENT K-LOWE R 18 " MANHOL E REHABILITA T ION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $250 .00 $120 .00 $750.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $500 .00 $0 .00 $500.00 $700.00 $750 .00 $120.00 $750 .00 $120.00 $750.00 $700.00 1 $1 ,012 .50 $120.00 1 $1,250.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $462 .50 $0.00 $750 .00 $120 .00 $750.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120 .00 1 $300 .0 0 $0 .00 $1 ,000 .00 $7 00 .00 $750.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 $7 50 .00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $1,012 .50 $0 .00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $800 .00 $120.00 $750 .00 $700.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 1 $1 ,175.00 $120.00 1 1 $800 .00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120 .00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 TOTAL COST $370.00 $870 .00 $870.00 $620.00 $620 .00 $870.00 $620.00 $8 70.00 $500.00 $1,200.00 $870 .00 $870.00 $1 ,450.00 $1,132.50 $1 ,370 .00 $870.00 $462.50 $87 0 .00: $870.00 $870.00 $3 00 .00 $1,700.00 $870.00 $870 .00 $870.00 $300.00 $300 .00 $920 .00 $1 ,012 .50 $920.00 $920 .0 0 $1,450 .00 $620.00 $1 ,295.00 $800.00 $370.00 $370.00 $300 .00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME S EAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM . (ft.) (ft.) 10 E 8914 Ea sement 4 .00 4.40 10 E 8916 Easement 4.00 6.40 10E 8918 Easement 4.00 10.50 10 E 8922 Ea sement 4 .00 8 .30 10 E 8924 Ea se ment 4 .00 8.10 10E 8932 Private Residience 4.00 5.60 10E 8935 Easement 4 .00 8 .50 10E 8936 Easement 0 .67 3 .90 10E 8938 Ea sement 4.00 4.90 10E 8941 Easement 0.67 1.70 10E 8947 Easement 4 .00 6.90 10E 8948 Ea sement 4.00 8 .50 10E 8949 Easement 0 .67 4 .70 10E 8951 Easement 4 .00 9 .60 10E 8955 Easement 4.00 6.40 10E 8956 Easement 4 .00 8.60 10E 8957 Easement 4 .00 12 .10 10E 9037 Backyard 4 .00 4 .50 10 E 9042 Easement 4.00 8 .10 10E 9045 Ea sement 4 .00 8 .40 10E 90 46 Pri vate Residience 0 .67 3.30 10E 90 47 Ea sement 4.00 7.30 10 E 9049 Easement 4 .00 10 .00 10E 9052 Easement 4 .00 10.20 11 15024 Easement 4.00 6 .90 11 15027 Backyard 4 .00 4 .50 11 15030 Easement 0.50 4.00 11 15034 Easement 4.00 11 .20 11 15035 Backyard 0 .67 6 .30 11 15039 Easement 4 .00 7 .80 11 15044 Easement 4.00 5 .70 11 15046 Easement 0 .67 5.60 11 15069 Easement 4 .00 5 .20 11 15070 Easement 4 .00 5 .20 11 15073 Easement 4 .00 13 .20 11 15074 Sidewalk 4 .00 5 .10 11 15077 Paved Street 4 .00 4.20 11 23 12 Paved Street 4 .00 2 .60 GRADE (in.) 0 .00 -3 .00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 -14.00 0 .00 -6.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 -2.00 0.00 -6.00 -6.00 -3.00 -4 .00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRAD EADJUST MEN T F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILI TA T ION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 Precast PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast PVC 1 Precast Block Bl ock Block Precast Precast Precast PVC Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Brick Clay Pipe 1 Brick PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 None 1 Precast Brick Brick None Brick 1 Page 14 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE -SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $500.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 $1,000 .00 $120.00 $750 .00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120.00 $750 .00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120 .00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1 ,300 .00 $0.00 1 1 $1,575.00 $0.00 1 $1,512.50 $0 .00 1 $550.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $700.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $500 .00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120.00 1 $1,250.00 $120.00 1 $1,400.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $1,050.00 $120.00 $1,000 .00 $120 .00 $875 .00 $120 .00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $1 ,650 .00 $0 .00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $250.00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 TOTAL COST $620.00 $370.00 $370.00 $500.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 $1,120 .00 $870.00 $370.00 $870 .00 $620.00 $300.00 $870 .00 $500 .00 $1,300.00 $1 ,575 .00 $1 ,5 12.50 $670.00 $300.00 $370.00 $950.00 $370.00 $370.00 $300.00 $620.00 $370.00 $1,370.00 $1,400.00 $870.00 $620.00 $1,170.00 $1,1 20.00 $995.00 $300.00 $1 ,650.00 $500 .00 $950.00 $1,200 .00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COV ER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAU CHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION CIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 11 2316 Paved Street 0 .50 4 .20 11 2323 Paved Street 4 .00 6 .80 11 2324 Paved Street 4 .00 7 .80 11 2325 Paved Intersection 4.00 5 .10 11 2337 Parking Lot 4 .00 7 .90 11 2338 Easement 4 .00 6 .30 11 2341 Backyard 4 .00 14.60 11 2343 Backyard 4 .00 5 .60 11 2345 Easement 4 .00 7 .00 11 2346 Easement 4 .00 23.30 11 2347 Paved Street 4 .00 11.40 11 2358 Easement 4 .00 9 .30 11 2360 Paved Street 4 .00 6.10 11 2364 Easement 0.50 1.00 11 2367 Paved Street 4 .00 5 .90 11 2369 Paved Street 4 .00 6.60 11 2372 Paved Street 4 .00 6.40 11 2376 Paved Street 4 .00 10.50 11 2377 Paved Street 4 .00 3.50 11 2423 Easement 4 .00 12.30 11 2431 Easement 3 .00 5 .80 11 24 33 Ea sement 3 .00 3 .60 11 2434 Backyard 3 .00 4 .10 11 2435 Backyard 4 .00 7.50 11 2449 Easeme nt 3 .50 4 .10 11 245 3 Easement 3 .00 5 .20 11 2454 Paved Street 4 .00 5 .20 11 2462 Easement 4 .00 6 .30 11 2465 Paved Street 4 .00 5 .70 11 246 7 Easement 4 .00 8 .30 11 2469 Easement 4 .00 3.70 11 2472 Paved Street 4 .00 6 .50 11 27 35 Ea sement 4 .00 19 .80 11 7 006 Easement 4 .00 14.70 11 7008 Ea sement 4 .00 17.70 11 7012 Easement 4 .00 7 .70 11 7013 Easement 4 .00 7 .00 11 7016 Easement 4 .00 10.2 0 GRADE (in.) 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -2.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c 0 Clay Pipe 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Precast Brick Br ick Br ick 1 Precast Brick 1 Bri ck Precast Precast Clay Pipe 1 Brick Brick 1 Brick 1 Bri ck 1 Brick 1 Bri ck 1 Brick Brick 1 Bri ck Brick Brick Bri ck 1 Brick 1 Brick Precast Bri ck Brick Brick 1 Bri ck 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Page 15 E 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOW ER 18" MANHOLE REHAB ILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE -SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $750 .00 $700.00 1 $1 ,250 .00 $700.00 $750.00 $700 .00 1 $1 ,387 .50 $700 .00 1 $987.50 $0.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 1 1 $2 ,325 .00 $0.00 1 1 $1,950.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120 .00 1 $500.00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $30 0.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $125.00 $0 .00 1 $1 ,325.00 $700.00 1 $1,300.00 $700.00 $750.00 $700.00 1 $1 ,187.50 $700.00 1 $1 ,000.00 $120.00 1 $375.00 $120.00 $5 00 .00 $12 0.00 1 $512 .50 $0.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1 ,650 .00 $120.00 1 1 $1,650.00 $700 .00 1 $787.50 $0.00 1 $71 2.50 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0 .00 $750.00 $700.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 1 $1 ,550.00 $120.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 $500 .00 $120 .00 TOTAL COST $1,450.00 $1 ,950.00 $1 ,450.00 $2 ,087.50 $987.50 $2 ,500.00 $2,325.00 $2,070.00 $300 .00 $620 .00 $500 .00 $300 .00 $300.00 $870.00 $125 .00 $2,025.00 $2,000.00 $1 ,450.00 $1 ,887.50 $1 ,120.00 $495.00 $620.00 $512.50 $500.00 $500 .00 $1,770.00 $2,350.00 $787.50 $712.50 $370.00 $500.00 $1,450.00 $620.00 $1 ,670.00 $800.00 $620.00 $3 00.00 $620 .00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 11 70 17 Easement 4 .00 9.00 11 7026 Ease ment 4.00 8.10 11 7253 Easement 4 .00 12.00 11 7256 Easement 4 .0 0 8.40 11 7258 Ditch 4 .00 6 .40 11 7259 Easeme nt 4 .00 10.80 11 726 1 Easement 4.00 8.30 11 7264 Easement 4.00 9 .40 11 7266 Easement 4 .00 6.60 11 7267 Ea sement 4 .00 6 .30 11 7272 Ba ckyard 0.67 2.80 11 7274 Easement 4 .00 6.50 11 7276 Easement 4.0 0 5.40 11 7277 Easement 4.00 5.10 11 7283 Easement 0 .67 4.30 11 7289 Backya rd 4.00 5 .60 11 7294 Backyard 0 .67 2 .80 11 7297 Backya rd 0.67 4.20 11 7301 Ea sement 0.67 4.40 11 7304 Backyard 4.00 4.60 11 7 305 Ba ckya rd 4.00 4.30 11 7307 Backyard 4.00 4.60 11 73 10 Ba ckya rd 4.00 4.70 11 73 14 Easement 4.00 12.20 11 7319 Easement 0.67 5.90 11 7324 Ba ckyard 3.00 2 .60 11 7326 Easement 4.00 9.30 11 7328 Backyard 4.00 6.70 11 73 29 Ba ckyard 4.00 6.50 11 7330 Easement 4.00 9.40 11 7332 Easement 4.00 6 .10 11 7334 Backyard 4.00 5 .00 11 7335 Easement 4.00 12.70 11 7339 Easement 4.00 12.10 11 7341 Easement 4.00 3 .80 11 7343 Easement 4.00 5.20 11 7346 Ba ckyard 0.67 5.30 11 7348 Easement 4.00 5.40 GRADE (in.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 -4.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -3 .00 0.00 0.00 -4.00 -3.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 -1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -3.00 -3.00 0.00 -2.00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HO LE S G-WALL REH A BILITA T ION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINT S MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast Precast Precast 1 Preca st Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast PVC 1 Precast 1 Precast Preca st PVC 1 Precast 1 PVC 1 PVC 1 PVC Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Other 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Preca st Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast None 1 Precast PVC 1 Precast Page 16 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-R EMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITA T ION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,300.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $1,250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 $1 ,000 .00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,050.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $550.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $550.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 TOTAL COST $300.00 $500.00 $1,420.00 $300.00 $1,370.00 $620.00 $920.00 $620.00 $920.00 $500.00 $870.00 $1,120.00 $300 .00 $300.00 $620 .00 $620 .00 $620.00 $620.00 $370.00 $300.00 $500.00 $1,120.00 $1,120.00 $620.00 $620.00 $500.00 $1,170.00 $620.00 $500.00 $920.00 $670.00 $500.00 $800.00 $800.00 $870.00 $670.00 $870.00 $370.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A: RE PLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REP LACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMN EY D-REPLACE FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 11 7349 Easement 4.00 6 .30 11 7353 Backyard 0 .67 3.40 11 7360 Paved Street 4.00 6 .90 11 7367 Backyard 4 .00 4.90 11 7372 Easemen t 4.00 5.20 11 7378 Easement 4.00 6.40 11 7380 Easement 4.00 8 .60 11 7388 Backya rd 4.00 5 .50 11 7389 Backya rd 4.00 4.20 11 7406 Easement 4.00 5 .90 11 7410 Easement 4.00 6 .30 11 7412 Easement 4.00 6.20 11 7413 Backyard 4.00 4.10 11 8028 Parking Lot 4.00 4.30 11 8030 Easement 4.00 5.20 11 803 1 Easement 4 .00 3.70 11 8032 Backyard 4 .00 13.20 11 8033 Private Residience 4 .00 14.10 11 8070 Parking Lot 4 .0 0 5 .60 11 8073 Easement 4 .00 5.60 11 8079 Backyard 4.00 6.60 11 8757 Private Residien ce 4 .00 13.90 11 9063 Sidewalk 4 .00 11 .80 11 9069 Easement 4 .00 13 .40 11 9070 Paved Street 4 .00 6.30 11 9071 Easement 4 .00 7 .10 11 9073 Pa rking Lot 4.00 10 .10 11 9074 Parking Lot 4.00 11.50 11 9075 Private Residience 4 .00 23.00 11 9080 Private Res idience 4.00 16.00 11 9082 Private Residience 4.00 10.80 11 9086 Easement 4.00 9.30 11 9088 Easement 4.00 10.60 11 9093 Easement 4 .00 16.0 0 11 9097 Paved Street 4.00 9.90 11 9103 Paved Intersection 4.00 10 .30 11 9104 Paved Intersection 4.00 11.00 11 9 105 Paved Intersection 4.00 10 .70 -- GRADE (in .) -1.00 -2 .00 0.00 0.00 -1 .00 -1 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 -1.00 -2.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2 .00 -3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.QQ REHAB CODE DESC RIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL P RECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast 1 PVC Precast Precast 1 None 1 Precast Precast Precast None 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Brick 1 Brick Brick 1 Brick Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Brick Brick Brick Precast 1 Brick Brick Brick 1 ~k ··---'-----'------- Page 17 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $750.00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 $1,000.00 $120 .00 $250 .00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 $500.00 $120 .00 1 $737.50 $0.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 1 $750.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 $250.00 $120.00 1 $300.00 $0 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 1 $2,725.00 $700.00 1 $1,675.00 $0.00 $750.00 $700.00 $250 .00 $120.00 $750 .00 $700.00 $750.00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $800.00 $700.00 1 $1,350.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120 .00 1 $800.00 $120.00 1 $125 .00 $0.00 1 $125.00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $125.00 $0 .00 --------- TOTAL COST $870.00 $370.00 $500.00 $620.00 $1 '120.00 $370.00 $300.00 $300 .00 $620 .00 $737.50 $800 .00 $870 .00 $370.00 $1 ,200.00 $620.00 $620.00 $500.00 $300.00 $300 .00 $370 .00 $300 .00 $300.00 $3,425.00 $1,675.00 $1,450.00 $370.00 $1,450.00 $1,450.00 $1,200.00 $1,500.00 $1,350.00 $370 .00 $370.00 $920.00 $125.00 $125.00 $1,200.00 $125.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLAC E COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEA L B-REPLACE FRAME SEAL C-RE PLACE COVE R/FRAME/FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY 0-RE PLACE FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 11 9109 Easement 4.00 10.50 11 9111 Paved Intersection 4 .00 10.80 11 911 4 E asement 4 .00 14.20 11 911 5 Paved Intersection 4 .00 13.50 11 91 16 Paved In tersection 4.00 10.70 11 9 118 Paved Intersection 4.00 13.00 11 9 119 Easement 4 .00 1 1.00 11 9120 E asement 4 .00 11.90 11 9127 Paved Stre et 4.00 9.70 11 9 135 Paved Stre et 4 .00 7.90 11 9 136 Paved Street 4 .00 10.90 11 9137 Paved Street 4 .00 12.80 11 914 1 Ditch 4 .00 6 .80 11 9142 Paved Street 4 .00 8 .80 1 1 9143 Paved Street 4 .00 7 .10 1 1 9 146 Paved Street 4 .00 10 .00 11 9147 Paved Street 4 .00 5 .90 1 1 9 148 Backyard 4 .00 4 .50 11 9 149 Paved Intersection 4 .00 10.50 11 9152 Backyard 4 .00 4 .20 11 9 153 Paved Street 4.00 10 .30 11 9157 Paved Street 4 .00 3 .70 11 9158 Backyard 4 .00 3 .50 11 9159 Backyard 4 .00 6 .70 11 9163 Park i ng Lot 4.00 2 .70 11 9164 Private Residience 4.00 10 .80 11 9170 Backyard 4 .00 5.50 11 9171 Backyard 4.00 5.40 11 9172 Backyard 4.00 6 .00 11 9178 Parking Lot 4 .00 4 .60 11 9179 Parking Lot 4.00 12 .70 11 9183 Easement 4.00 10 .80 11 9222 Easement 4 .00 5.70 11 9229 Backyard 4.00 6 .80 11 9235 Easement 4 .00 11 .50 11 9245 Backyard 4 .00 4 .40 11 9246 Easement 4.00 4 .50 11 9255 Easement 4.00 §_.0_2_ --- GRADE (in.) 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -2.00 -4 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 -12 .00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL RE HABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS -··--- MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Brick Brick 1 Brick Brick Brick 1 Brick Precast 1 Brick Brick Brick Brick Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick Brick Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick Brick 1 Brick Brick Brick Brick Bric k Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Brick Precast Brick Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Page 18 E 1 1 1 - I-REMOVE STEPS J-COM PLE TE MANHOLE R EPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE R EHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING 1 $125.00 $0.00 $750 .00 $700.00 1 $125.00 $0.00 1 $125.00 $0.00 $750 .00 $700.00 1 $125 .00 $0.00 1 $875 .00 $120.00 1 1 $1 ,612 .50 $0.00 1 1 $625.00 $0.00 1 $125.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $875.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $1,100.00 $0.00 1 $125.00 $0.00 $500.00 $7 00 .00 $750.00 $700 .00 1 $562.50 $0.00 $750.00 $700 .00 $750.00 $120.00 $500.00 $700.00 $750.00 $700 .00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,837.50 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1 ,850.00 $0.00 1 $687.50 $0.00 1 $675.00 $0.00 1 1 $1 ,250.00 $0.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $1 ,000.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120.00 1 $550 .00 $120.00 1 $1,437.50 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 $500 .00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 ·- TOTAL COST $125.00 $1,450.00 $125.00 $125.00 $1,450.00 $125.00 $995.00 $1,612.50 $625.00 $125.00 $500.00 $1,575.00 $620.00 $1,100.00 $125.00 $1,200.00 $1,450.00 $562 .50 $1,450.00 $870.00 $1,200 .00 $1,450.00 $500 .00 $1,957.50 $500.00 $1,850.00 $687.50 $675.00 $1,250.00 $1 ,200.00 $1 ,700.00 $620.00 $370.00 $670.00 $1 ,437.50 $620.00 $620.00 $870.00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITA T/ON SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-R EP LACE FRAME SEAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMN EY D-RE PLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM. NUM. (ft.) (ft.) 11 9257 Easement 4 .00 3.40 11 9263 Parking Lot 4.00 4.90 11 9264 Parking Lot 4.00 6 .90 11 9265 Parking Lo t 4.00 7.30 11 9270 Backyard 4.00 4.40 11 9271 Backyard 0.67 6.60 11 9272 Parking Lot 4.00 10.00 11 9275 Paved Street 0.67 1.00 11 9276 Easement 4.00 5.00 11 9277 Paved Street 4.0 0 3.60 11 9279 Easeme nt 4.00 12.60 11 9287 Easement 4.00 4.20 11 9295 Parking Lot 0.67 3 .20 11 9300 Easement 4.00 9 .10 11 9312 Easement 4.00 12.00 11 9314 Easement 4.00 8 .00 11 933 1 Easement 4.00 4.80 11 9333 Easement 4.0 0 12.70 11 9334 Easement 4.00 10.50 11 9344 Easement 4.00 9.30 11 9346 Easement 4.00 5.30 11 9359 Easement 4.00 6.30 11 9360 Paved Street 4.00 10.30 11 9361 Easement 4.00 9 .60 11 9364 Easement 4.00 5.40 11 9368 Easement 4.00 5 .70 11 9369 Paved Street 4.00 12.00 11 9376 Easement 4.00 10.50 11 9380 Private Residience 4.00 5.00 11 9384 Private Residience 4.00 4.00 11 9389 Easement 4.00 5.50 11 9391 Easement 4.00 7.30 11 9393 Easement 4.00 4.4 0 11 9394 Easement 4.00 5.20 11 9395 Easement 4.00 5.00 11 9397 Paved Street 4.00 5.90 11 9400 Paved Street 4.00 5.30 11 9401 Paved Street 4.00 5.50 GRADE (in .) 0 .00 -3 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -1.00 0 .00 0 .00 -2.00 -6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 R EHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PL UG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast None Clay Pipe 1 Precast 1 PVC None 1 None 1 Precast None PVC 1 Brick Brick 1 Brick Precast Brick Brick 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Brick 1 Brick Brick Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Brick Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Brick Bri ck 1 Brick 1 Page 19 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-SUR- F G H I J K COST FACING $500.00 $120.00 1 $550 .00 $700.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $800.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 1 $1 ,550 .00 $700.00 $250.00 $700.00 $750.00 $120.00 $750.00 $700.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $1 ,000.00 $700.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 $750.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250 .00 $120.00 1 $1,587.50 $0.00 1 $1,812.50 $120.00 $500 .00 $12 0.00 1 $300 .00 $0.00 1 $1,000.00 $120.00 $750.00 $700.00 1 $1,200.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $1,212.50 $120.00 1 1 $2,500.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $1,050.00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $687.50 $0.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,300.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $125.00 $0.00 1 $875.00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 TOTAL COST $62 0.00 $1,250.00 $500.00 $800.00 $500.00 $870.00 $2,250.00 $950.00 $870.00 $1 ,450.00 $300.00 $500.00 $1 ,700.00 $500.00 $870.00 $370.00 $370.00 $1 ,587.50 $1 ,932.50 $620.00 $300.00 $1,120.00 $1,450.00 $1,200.00 ; $500.00 $1,332.50 $3,200.00 $620.00 $1,750.00 $1,200.00 $687.50 $620.00 $500.00 $1,420.00 $870.00 $125.00 $1,575.00 $1,200.0 0 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITA T/ON SCHEDULE (WITH FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REPLACE FRAME S EAL C-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAM E SEAUCHIMNEY 0-REPLACE FRAME S EAUCHIMN EY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. DEPTH NUM . NUM . (ft.) (ft.) 11 9402 Paved Street 4.00 5 .60 11 9409 Ba ckyard 4.00 10.10 11 9412 Pa ved Street 4 .00 8.50 11 9413 Pa ved Street 4.00 4 .30 11 9417 Privat e Residience 4.00 4.80 11 9418 Private Residience 4.00 5.60 11 9419 Private Residience 4 .00 4 .50 11 9420 Private Residience 4.00 7 .80 11 9423 Paved Street 4 .00 6 .20 11 9427 Private Residience 4.00 5.20 11 9446 Pa ved Intersection 4 .00 6 .00 11 9449 Ba ckyard 4.00 4 .10 11 9453 Paved Street 4 .00 11 .00 11 9455 Pri vate Res idience 4.00 6 .10 11 94 57 Private Residience 4 .00 5.10 11 9460 Pr ivate Residience 4.00 4 .80 11 9461 Easement 4 .00 5 .20 11 9466 Pa ved Street 4 .00 7 .50 11 9467 Paved Street 2.00 1 .30 11 9469 Easement 4.00 4.80 11 9470 Easement 4.00 6.10 11 947 1 Easement 4 .00 11 .10 11 9475 Easement 0 .00 0.00 11 9481 Easement 4 .00 13.10 11 9484 Easement 4 .00 5 .30 11 9790 Easement 4 .00 7.40 11 9793 Easement 4.00 4.50 11 9795 Easement 4 .00 6.40 11 9796 Easement 4 .00 5 .20 11 9802 Backyard 0.67 5 .10 11 9804 Backyard 0 .67 4.20 11 9805 Easement 4.00 8.80 11 9820 Easement 4.00 6.70 11 9822 Backyard 4.00 5.40 TOTAL GRADE (in.) 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 NA 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 -1 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 -2 .00 0.00 -6 .00 0 .00 -2 .00 -2.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 REHAB CODE DESCR IPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILITATION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c 0 Brick Precast Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick Brick Brick 1 Brick 1 Brick Brick Brick 1 Preca st 1 Pre cast Brick 1 #N /A Precast 1 Precast 1 Brick Precast Precast Precast 1 Clay Pipe 1 Clay Pipe Brick Precast 1 Bric k 131 222 2 13 Page 20 E 1 1 1 1 1 153 I-REMOV E STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE REPLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE REHABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. RE-S UR· F G H I J K COST FACING 1 $700.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 1 $1,687.50 $700.00 $750.00 $700 .00 $500.00 $700 .00 $500.00 $700 .00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $300.00 $0.00 1 $800.00 $700.00 $500.00 $700.00 1 $875.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120 .00 1 $125.00 $0.00 1 $500.00 $0.00 1 $1,137.50 $700.00 $750 .00 $700.00 1 $650 .00 $0.00 1 1 $1,437.50 $0.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $500.00 $120.00 1 $500 .00 $0.00 $500.00 $120 .00 $250.00 $120 .00 $500.00 $120 .00 $1,000.00 $120.00 1 1 $1 ,425.00 $0.00 $250.00 $120.00 $250.00 $120.00 $500.00 $120.00 $750.00 $120.00 1 $2 ,500.00 $0.00 1 $1,100.00 $0.00 $750 .00 $120.00 1 1 $1,175.00 $0.00 5 92 174 31 12 149 $499,638 $127,660 TOTAL COST $700.00 $500.00 $2,387.50 $1 ,450.00 $1,200 .00 $1,200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1 ,500.00 $1,200.00 $1 ,575.00 $620.00 $125.00 $500.00 $1 ,837.50 $1,450.00 $650.00 $1,437.50 $1,700.00 $620.00 $500 .00 $620.00 $370 .00 $620.00 $1,120 .00 $1,425.00 $370.00 $370.00 $620 .00 $870.00 $2 ,500.00 $1,100.00 $870.00 $1 ,175.00 $627,2981 Appendix N -Recommended Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule-Without Future Growth Projections RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (ADDITIONAL REHAB WITHOUT FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-REPLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAL B-REP LACE FRAME S EAL C-REP LACE COVE R/F RAM E/FRAME SEAUCHIMNEY D-REPLAC E FRAME S EAUCHIMNEY BAS IN MA NHO LE LOCA TI O N DIA. NUM. N UM. (ft.) 09B 7045 Ea sement 4 .00 09 B 7046 Ba ckyard 4.00 10A 7092 Private Residien ce 4.00 10A 7093 Priv ate Res idience 4.00 10A 70 97 Priv at e Residie nce 4.00 10A 7099 Private Residie nce 4.00 10A 710 1 Private Residie nce 4.0 0 10A 7103 Private Resid ience 4.00 10A 7104 Private Res idience 4.00 10A 7 110 Easement 4.00 10A 7 11 3 Ea se ment 4.00 10 A 7 130 Ease ment 4.00 10A 7 13 1 Ea sement 4.00 10A 7 136 Easement 4 .00 10A 7137 Easement 4 .00 10A 7138 Easemen t 4 .00 10A 7139 Easement 4 .00 10A 7143 Easement 4.00 10A 8265 Easement 4 .00 10B 15007 Private Residien ce 4 .00 10B 7 145 Easemen t 4 .00 10 B 7 146 Easement 4 .00 10 B 7204 Easement 4 .00 10B 7207 Easement 4 .00 10B 7208 Easement 4.00 10B 7209 Easement 4 .00 10B 721 1 Easement 4.00 10 B 7212 Easement 4 .00 10 B 72 13 Easeme nt 4 .0 0 10 B 72 14 Easement 4 .00 10 B 72 15 Easement 4 .00 10B 72 18 Easement 4.00 10B 7220 Private Residience 4.00 10B 7236 Private Resid ie nce 4 .00 11 6974 Paved Street 4 .00 11 6977 Easement 4.00 11 6978 Easeme nt 4 .00 11 6981 Easement 4 .0 0 DEP TH GRADE (ft.) (in.) 8 .20 0.00 8 .60 0 .00 9 .00 0.00 5.40 0 .00 8.80 0 .0 0 4 .70 0.00 5 .80 0.00 5 .30 0 .00 7 .00 0 .00 12.10 0 .00 11.90 0.00 7.60 0 .00 8.00 0.00 8.40 -1.00 11 .20 0 .00 9 .50 0 .00 11 .00 0.00 6.90 0.00 10.80 0.00 4.70 0.00 8.00 -4.00 12.40 0.00 8 .00 0.00 8 .10 0.00 7.10 0.00 4.90 0.00 5.30 0 .00 10 .00 0.00 4.40 0 .00 3 .60 0.00 8 .70 0 .00 25.40 0.00 3 .80 0.00 3 .30 0.00 18 .80 0.00 2 1.80 0.00 2 1.80 0.00 22.90 0.00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTION S E-GRADEADJUSTM ENT F-PLUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G-WALL REHABILI TATION H-SEAL PRECAS T JOINTS MA NHOLE TYPE A B c D E Precast Precast Pre cast Precast Pre cast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Preca st 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Pre cast 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Page 1 I-R EMOVE STEPS J-COMPLE TE MANHOL E RE PLACEM ENT K-L OWER 18" MANHOL E R EH AB ILI TA T IO N REHAB. CO DES REHAB. F G H I J K CO ST 1 1 $425.00 1 1 1 $925.00 1 $300 .00 1 $300 .00 1 1 $800.00 1 $500 .00 1 $300 .00 1 $300 .00 1 $300.00 1 $500.00 1 1 $800.00 1 $500.00 1 $300 .00 $250.00 1 $300.00 1 $500.00 1 $300.00 1 $800.00 1 $300.00 1 $1 ,337 .50 $250.00 1 $125 .00 1 $1 ,750 .00 1 $1 ,762 .50 1 $1 ,637.50 1 $612.50 1 $662.50 1 $1,250.00 1 $2 ,500.00 1 $1,200.00 1 $1,587 .50 1 1 $800.00 1 $475.00 1 1 $9 12 .50 1 $500.00 1 $800.00 $500.00 $500 .00 RE-S UR- FACING $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120.00 $0.00 $700.00 $120.00 $0.00 $120.00 $120.00 $120 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $120.00 $1 20 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120.00 $120.00 $120.00 TOTA L COST $425.00 $925.00 $300.00 $300.00 $800.00 $500.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $500.00 $800.00 $500.00 $300.00 $370.00 $300.00 $500.00 $300.00 $920 .00 $300 .00 $2,037.50 $370.00 $125.00 $1,870.00 $1 ,882 .50 $1,757 .50 $612 .50 $662.50 $1,250.00 $2,500.00 $1,320.00 $1,707.50 $800.00 $475.00. $9 12 .50 $500.00 $920 .00 $620 .00 $620 .00 RECOMMENDED MANHOLE REHABILITATION SCHEDULE (ADDITIONAL REHAB WITHOUT FUTURE GROWTH PROJECTIONS) FOR CITY OF JEFFERSON, MO A-RE PLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME S EAL B-REP LAC E FRAME SEAL C-RE PLACE COVER/FRAME/FRAME SEAUCHIMN EY D-R EPLACE FRAME SEAUCHIMN EY BASIN MANHOLE LOCATION DIA. NUM . NUM. (ft.) 11 6982 Sidewalk 4 .00 11 6983 Easement 4 .00 11 6986 Paved Street 4.00 11 6987 Paved Street 4.00 11 6988 Easement 4 .00 11 6989 #N /A 0 .00 11 6991 Easement 4 .00 11 6998 Ea sement 4.00 1 1 7000 Easement 4 .00 11 7001 Easement 4 .00 11 70 18 Private Residience 4 .00 1 1 7022 Easement 4 .00 11 7023 Private Residience 4.00 11 7025 Ea sement 4.00 11 7275 Private Residience 4 .00 11 7336 Easement 4.00 11 9094 Paved Street 4.00 11 9473 Easement 4.00 TOTAL DEPTH (ft.) 18.40 16.40 20.20 13.60 16.90 0 .00 14 .20 17 .10 16 .00 19.20 17.50 14.70 13.80 11 .10 15 .50 10.10 16.50 18.20 GRADE (in .) 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 -6 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -12 .00 REHAB CODE DESCRIPTIONS E-GRADEADJUSTMENT F-P LUG LIFT HOLES/PLUG HOLES G -WAL L R E HABILITAT ION H-SEAL PRECAST JOINTS MANHOLE TYPE A B c D E Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast #N /A 1 Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast 1 Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 Precast Precast 1 5 12 0 0 Page 2 4 I-REMOVE STEPS J-COMPLETE MANHOLE RE PLACEMENT K-LOWER 18" MANHOLE R E HABILITATION REHAB. CODES REHAB. F G H I J K COST 1 1 $800.00 1 1 $3,050.00 $500.00 1 $500.00 1 $500 .00 $250 .00 1 1 $1 ,300.00 $500.00 1 $500.00 1 $300.00 1 $300.00 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 1 $300.00 1 $1 ,000.00 1 1 $800.00 $250.00 1 12 22 2 1 19 $40 ,213 RE-SUR- FACING $0.00 $120.00 $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120 .00 $120.00 $120.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 $120.00 $0.00 $120.00 $0.00 $120 .00 ~4 ,260 TOTAL COST $800.00 $3,170.00 $1 ,200.00 $500.00 $500.00 $370.00 $1,420.00 $620.00 $500.00 $300.00 $300.00 $500.00 $1 ,200.00 $620.00 $300.00 $1 ,120.00 $800 .00 $370 .00 ~44,47 3 1 Appendix 0 Recommended Pipeline Rehabilitation Schedule City of J efferson, MO -R eco mmend ed Pipeline R eha b ilit at io n Up On Line CCTV Pipe Pipe CCTV Dye Reverse Basinup Manhole Baslndn Manhole Length Footage Diam. Type Tape II Test Setup Observations Recommendations Positive dye test @ 51' break -in service connection. All measurements from OS MH (09) 7445 09A 744 6 09A 74 45 182 207.1 8 VCP/DIP 2 Yes Yes Broken pipe@ 10.7', 13.9', 17 .8', 28.9', 36.3', 4 1.4', 54.1', Remove and replace entire l ine segment. 55 .9', 73.3' 89.2', 1 25.9'. Saas and roots. 09A 7471 09A 7462 209 222.4 8 VCP 3 No Yes Multiple crack, broken pipe and roots ailoints lhrooohout. Remove and reol ace entire line seamen!. 09A 7461 09A 7460 146 145.9 8 VCP 3 Yes No Positive dye test @ 136.4' h eav y joint Infiltration. Remove and replace entire line segment. Multiple longitudinal and circular cracks. Positive dye test @ 41' break -in service connection. Hole All measurements from OS MH (09 ) 7492 in pipe@ 8'and 40.5' from root saw. Service connection Remove and replace entire li ne segment. 09A 749 1 09A 7492 306 28 7.3 8 Truss 2 Yes No with out side infiltration @ 39.8'. Poor service connection @ 14 1.9' and 144 .4'. Services with heavy roots@ 269.8' and 286.7'. Positive dye test @ 176.6 service connection. Light root s A ll measurements from US MH (1 0) 8768 100 8768 100 8773 243 243.8 8 Truss 6 Yes No at joints@ 13.6', 101.8', 126.5'. Medium to Heavy root@ Remove and replace entire line segment. 1 23.3' and 176.6' Hole in oioe (!l) 213.5 100 8775 100 877 6 246 245 8 Truss 44 No No Heavy roots@ 2.9', 196.2' and 199.1'. Heavy grease from All measurements from US MH (1 0) 8775 140.8 to 200.0'. Remove and reolace entire line seoment. 100 8780 100 8782 392 38 7.4 8 Truss 45 No No Hole in pipe@ 23 1.5', 329.4' and 329.8'. Evidence of All measurements from US MH (1 0) 8780 infi ltration@ 99.3 and 329 .4'. Remove a nd re ol ace entire line seoment. Hole in pipe@ 43.4'. The hole in pipe@ 44 .4' was All measurements from OS MH (10) 8780 100 8781 100 8780 96 93.8 8 Truss 45 No No recorded as repaired. Evidence of joonl infiltration in what Remove and repl ace en tire line segment. appeared to be an abandon service connection til> 91 .6'. 100 8986 100 8987 252 252 8 Truss 43 No No Crushed pipe@ 62 .2', 131 .5' and 227.9'. Cracked joints@ All measurements from US MH (10) 8986 29.6' and 247.6'. Multiple ooor servoce connections. Remove and reolace ent ire line s eamen!. Positiv e dye test @ 165.7' and 177 .7' heavy joont All measurements from US MH (11 ) 15041 . , 15041 11 9399 191 186.8 6 VCP 18 Yes No infiltration. Multiple cracked joints and loght roots at joints. Remove and replace entire line segmen t. Hole in pipe (!l) 85.6'. Hole in pipe @ 1.0'. Cracked joints throughout. Moderate All measurements from US MH (11 ) 15076. 1 11 15076 11 2360 237 23 5.4 6 VCP 33 No No offset joints@ 51 .2', 79.4'. 214 .6' and 220.2'. Remove and replace entire line segment. Positive dye test @ 167 .1' from inside service. Minor All measurements from OS MH (1 1) 2308 11 2307 11 2308 300 167.2 8 VCP 18 Yes No offset joints with light roots throughou t line segment. Remove and replace entire line segment. Camera blocked by protrudina tao (!l) 167.2'. 11 23 11 11 23 10 325 28.9 8 VCP 26 Yes No Outside infiltration at connection @ 28 .9'. Protruding l ap All measurements from OS MH (11 ) 2310 camera coul d not pass. Remove and reolace entire line seoment. 11 2313 11 2310 499 487.4 8 VCP 8 No No Joint infiltration throughout line seamen!. Remove and replace entire line seAmen!. Multiple min or to moderate offset j oints and light to medium All measurements from OS MH (11) 2313 11 23 17 11 2313 498 47 3.2 8 VCP 9 Yes Yes roots th roughout line segment. Gu line broken t hro ug h Remove and repl ace entire line segment. p ipe @ 140.6' and 245.8'. Previous repai r collapsed@ Gas l in e@ 140.6' and 245.8'. 260.5'. Cracked joints@ 1.2', 22.2' and 24 .1'. Sag in line from All measurements from US MH (11) 2320L 11 2320L 11 2317 250 130.1 6 VCP 32 No No 40 .0' to 55.0' Moderate offset joint@ 30.2' pipe material Remove and replace entire line segment. ch ange. Heavy grease from 57 .3' th rough end of line segment. Positi ve dye test @ 3.9' joint infiltration. Minor to All m easurements from OS MH (11 ) 2321 11 2322 11 2321 150 118.2 6 VCP 26 Yes No moderate offset joints throughout. Pipe diameter changes Remove and r eplace entire line segment. to smaller pipe @ 1 18.2' camera could not oass. Positiv e dye test @ 14 .1' multiple cracks. Minor to All measurements from OS MH (11 ) 2334 11 233 1 11 2334 200 163.4 8 VCP 25 Yes No moderate offset joints throughout line segment. Protruding Remove and rep lace entire line segment. tap (cl) 163.4'. Unable to TV entire line. Joints with cracks throughout line segment. Hole in pipe @ All measurements from US MH (11 ) 2350 11 2350 11 2352 147 145.5 6 VCP 31 No No 1 .0'. Light roots at joints throughout. Heavy roots@ 1 .0' Remove and replace entire line segment. and 9 .7'. Longitudina l crack@ 68.7'. Severe offset joint@ 142.8. 11 2351L 11 2350 61 58.3 6 VCP 31 No No Cracked joint s@ 1.0' and 10.1'. Joints with light roots All measurements from OS MH (11) 2350 throughout line segment. Heavv roots @ 14.9'. Remove and repl ace entire line SeQment. Joint w ith medium roots 2 1.0'. Joint w ith heavy infiltration All measurements f r om US MH (11) 2356 11 2356 11 2355 115 164 8 VCP 34 No No @ 8.1 '. Cracked joint@ 146.5'. M inor offset j oints Remove and replace entire line segment. throughout line segment. City of Jefferson, MO -Recommended Pipel ine Rehabilitation Up On L ine CCTV Pipe Pipe CCTV Dye Reverse Ba sin up Manhole Basindn Manhole Length Footage Olam. Type Tape# Test Setup Observations Recommendations 11 2357 11 2356 87 81 .5 8 VCP 34 No No Light to heavy roots at join ts throughout line segmen t. All measurements from US MH (11) 2357 Cracks @ 11.0', 12.2', 29 . 1', 31.6' and 56.5'. Remove and replace entire line segment. Positive dye test @ 87 .1' heavy joint infiltration. Cracked, All measurements from US MH (11 ) 2361 11 2361 11 2356 110 103.8 6 VCP 17 Yes No offset joints and light to heavy roots at joints. Broken pipe ltii1 47.7'. Remove and replace entire line segment. Positiv e dye test @ 19.9' heavy joint infiltration. Light to All measurements from OS MH (11) 2362 11 2362Z 11 2362 200 201 .6 6 VCP 17 Yes No medium roots and minor to moderate offset joints Remove and replace entire line segment. throughout. Poor orevious repair@ 174.4' Joints with cracks throughout line segment. Hole in pipe @ All measurements from US MH (11) 2363 11 2363 11 2359 225 215.2 8 VCP 30 No No 140.3'. Joints with heavy infiltration@ 160.2' and 172.3'. Remove and replace entire line segment. Liqhtto heavy roots at joints from 164.4'-21 0.4'. Drop broken @ 2.0'. Mult iple cracked joints with light to All measurements from OS MH (11 ) 2363 11 2365L 11 2363 160 153.9 6 VC P 30 No No medium roots. Minor t o moderate offset joint s throughout Remove and replace entire line segment. line segment. 11 2424 11 2452 70 65.1 8 VCP 38 No No Moderate offset joint@ 2.4'. Joints with light roots @ 4.3', All measurements from OS MH (11) 2452 37.6', 49.5' and 61 .1'. Liner 11 2438 11 2442 159 159.9 8 VCP 11 Yes No Positive dye test @ 8.5', 40 .9' and 117.1'. Circular cracks All measurements from US MH (11) 2438 ltii1 148.3'. Remove and replace entire line seqmenl. 11 2444 11 2446 116 11 8.7 8 VCP 41 No No Cracked joints and joints with light to medium roots All measurements from OS MH (11 ) 2446 throuqhoutline seqmenl. Hole in oioe @ 22.6'. Remove and reolace entire line segment. 11 2446 11 2447 105 108.3 8 VCP 12 Yes No Positive dye test @ 32. 7'. 4 7 .5' and 68.5'. Joints with light All measurements from OS MH (11) 2447 to heavy infiltration and roots. Broken pipe @ 1 04.5. Remove and replace entire line segment. Positive dye tes t @ 7.2' and 53.4' joint infiltration. All measurements from US MH (11) 2447 11 2447 11 2424 308 299.1 8 VCP 12 Yes No Multiple cracked joints t hroughout line segment. Sag in Remove and replace entire line segment. pipe from 170' to 204 .2'. Broken and missing pipe@ 233.5'. Cracked joints and joints with light to medium roots All measurements from US MH (1 1) 2448 11 2448 11 2447 195 190.7 8 VC P 41 No No throughout line segment. Hole in pipe@ 189.7. Evodence Remove and replace entire line segment. of infiltration @ 96 .1'. Connection with outside onfiltrahon lrii1 112.5'. Positive dye test @ 175.8' connection outside infiltration. All measurements from US MH (11) 2448 11 2450 11 244 8 200 120.8 6 VCP 46 Yes No Hole in pipe @ 4.6' and 90.9'. Multiple cracks with ligh t to Remove and replace entire line segment. heavy roots. Missing footage from 120' through end of line seqmenl. Broken pipe@ 1.0'. C ra c ked joints @ 1.1', 33.7', 39.8', All measurements from OS MH (11) 2424 11 2451 11 2424 139 132.3 8 VCP 38 No No 45.8', 49.0', 70 .1 and 73.3'. Sag in line from 99 .6' to 115.6'. Remove and r eplace entire line segment. Light root thought line segme nt. Multiple cracks and light to medium root s at joints All measurements from US MH (1 1) 2457 i 11 2457 11 2445 355 353.4 8 VCP 39 No No throughout line segment. Evidence of infiltration throughout Remove and replace entire line segment. line. 11 2458 11 2457 134 132.1 8 VCP 39 No No Multiple cra cks and light to medium roots at joints All measurements from OS MH (11 ) 2457 throughout line segment. Remove and reolace entire line seqment. 11 27 16 11 2460 49 49.3 8 VCP 11 Yes No Positive dye te st @ 8.1' heavy joint infiltrat ion. Broken All measurements from US MH (11 ) 2716 1 •ioe@ 27 .4' and 48.2'. Remove and replace entire line segment. ] 11 7317 11 73 16 175 174.5 8 Truss 40 No No Evidence of infiltrating throughout line segment. Crushed All measurements from US MH (11 ) 7317 j pipe@ 108.6'. Remove and replace entire line seqment. ! Cracked pipe @ 57.0', 99.7', 11 2.1' and 114.9'. Moderate All measurements f rom OS MH (11) 9125 11 9126 11 9125 180 177.8 8 VCP 36 No No offse t j oint @ 73.8' and 78.6' pipe material change. Remove and replace entire line segment. Multiple 'oints with liqht root s. 11 9130 11 9 128 300 299 8 VCP 35 No No Multiple cracks in pipe . Medi um grease@ 27 .0'. Joints All measurements from US MH (11) 9130 with light to medium roots at joints throughout. Remove and replace entir e l ine seqment. Multiple cracks in pipe. Joint with light infiltration @ 16.1'. All measurements from US MH (11) 9131 11 9131 11 9 130 219 2 16.2 8 VCP 35 No No Large hole in pipe@ 128.5' and 186.4'. Joints with light Remove and replace entire line segment. roots throuqhout line seqment. 11 9132 11 9131 105 90.7 8 VCP 35 No No Cracks in pipe@ 11.2', 13.8', 16.3'. 26.2', 46 .9' and 49.3'. All measurements from OS MH (11) 9131 Joints with light roots throughout line segment. Remove and r eplace entire line seqment. Positive dye t est @ 25.0' and 44.5' water valve to service. All measurements from OS MH (11) 9209 11 9208 11 9209 306 304.4 8 VCP 28 Yes Yes Cracked joints with light to heavy roots throughout line Remove and replace entire line segment. seqment. Collapsed pipe @ 11 2.2'. 2 City of Jefferson, MO -Recommended Pipeline Rehabilitation Up On Line CCTV Pipe Pipe CCTV Dye Reverse Basin up Manhole Basindn Manhole Length Footage Dlam. Type Tape# Test Setup Observations Recommendations 11 9212 11 15029 228 230.6 8 VCP 24 No No M ultiple crack joints with light to medium roots. Hole in All measurements from US MH (11) 9212 1ipe @ 204.7'. Remove and replace entire line segment. 11 9213 11 9212 65 63.1 8 VCP 24 No No Multiple cracked joints w1l h infiltration throughout line Remove and replace entire line segment. segment. 11 9214 11 9213 185 183 8 VCP 24 No No Connections wllh outs1de mfiltration @ 28.6', 53 .3' and All measurements from US MH (11 ) 9214 66.7'. Connecbon with heavy roo ts @)92.3'. Remove and replace entire line seament. 11 9247 11 15026 339 305.4 8 VCP 23 No No Multiple cracks, joints with active I& I and evidence of Remove and replace entire line segment. infiltration. Liaht to medium roots atloints. 11 9253 11 9252 148 117.3 8 VCP 14 Yes No Positive dye test @ 113.9' and 117.3'. Multiple cra cks, All measurements from DS MH (11 ) 9252 broken pipe and crushed pipe. Remove and replace entire line seamen!. Positive dye test @ 30.9' and 7 1.0'. Multiple cracks, All measurements from OS MH (11) 9252 11 9254 11 9252 191 75 .8 8 VCP 14 Yes No broken pipe and crushed pipe. Camera blocked unable to Remove and replace entire line segment. TV entire line segment. Heavy joint infiltration@ 1.4'. Evidence of infiltration@ All measurements from US MH (11) 9267 11 9267 11 9266 279 277.8 8 Truss 37 No No 200.7', 262.5', 263.7' and 270.9'. Connection outside Remove and replace entire line segment. infiltra tion@ 74.1' 78.8' and 246.7'. 11 9388 11 9387 161 157.5 8 VC P 15 Yes No Positive dye test @ 56.9' and 60.2'. Multiple joints with All measurements from US MH (11) 9388 cracks and light to heavy roots. Remove and replace entire line segment. 11 9390 11 9387 124 121.2 8 VCP 15 Yes No Positive dye test @ 30.6', 31.3', 53.5', 65.6' and 69.0'. All measurements from OS MH (11) 9387 Cracked joints with heavy infiltration. Remove and replace entire line seoment Positive dye test of (11) 9476 • (11) 9474 @ 146.5'. All measurements from US MH (11) 9477 11 9477 11 9474 403 388.3 8 VCP 16 Yes No C racked joints and light roots throughout line segment. Remove and replace entire line segment. Not e: manhole 947 7 identified d uring sm oke testing. Positive dye test @ 29.0' heavy joint infiltration. C ra cked All measurements from US MH (1 1) 9825 11 9825 11 9818 134 131.1 8 VCP 19 Yes No joints and medium to heavy roots. Poor previous repair@ Remove and replace entire line segment. 11 4 .9' P VC settl ed. 09A 7842 09A 7810 130 129.2 8 Truss 4 Yes No Hole in pipe@ 69.0' All measurements from US MH (09) 7842 Point repair @)69'. 108 8559 108 8558 14 9 142.5 8 PVC 7 No No Longitudinal cracks and hole 1n pipe@ 52.7'. All measurements from US MH (10) 8559 Point repair@ 52.7'. 108 87 12 108 871 1 70 107.4 8 Truss 5 Yes No Positive dye test @ 21.1' poor service connection. All measurements from OS MH (10) 8711 P oint repair service connection @ 2 1.1 '. 108 8745 108 8756 76 76 8 Truss 7 No No Joint with root s@ 2.0'. All measurements from US MH (1 0) 8745 Point repair 'oint@ 2.0'. 100 8804L 100 8803 139 134.4 8 Truss 44 No No Hole in pipe@ 2.9' and 50 .3'. All measurements from UP MH (1 OJ 8804L Poi nt repa ir hol es @l 2.9' and 50.3'. Positive dye test @ 67.8' joint infiltration. Offset joint@ All measurements from OS MH (10) 8820 100 8820 100 8816 259 251 8 PVC 1 Yes No 80.1 previously repaired. Sag in line 88' • 95'. Hole in pipe Point repa ir offset joint@ 67.8. !@ 239.1 previously repaired. 100 8964 100 8963 77 73 10 VC P 43 No No Protruding Taps@ 65.7' and 66.7'. All measurements from UP MH (10) 8964. Point repair service connect ion s @ 65. 7' 100 9492 100 8845 160 2 14.7 8 PVC 42 No No Large hole in pipe@ 1.1'. Active I& I@ 1.1. All measurements from US MH (10) 9492 Point repair @ 1.1 '. Cracked joint s@ 27.1', 11 9.6' and 245 .0'. Hole in pipe@ All measurements from US MH (1 1) 2321 11 2321 11 2320L 257 329.9 6 VCP 32 No No 80.7'. Connection with outside infiltration @ 247 .4'. Point repair hole @ 80.7'. Reconnect service @)247.4'. 11 2366 11 2367 400 13.7 8 VCP 27 Yes No Server offset joint@ 13 .7' camera could not pass. All measurements from OS MH (11) 2367 Point repair @ 13.7'. 11 2435 11 2454 120 120.1 8 VCP 11 Yes No Positive dye test @ 9. 1' from water pit. All measurements from OS MH (11) 2454 Point repair @)9.1'. 11 7318 11 7317 205 203.6 8 Truss 40 No No Connection ou tside infiltration@ 113.6' and 184.3'. All measurements from US MH (11) 7318 Connection with medium roots @)184.3'. Point repair@ 11 3.6' and 184.3'. 11 9158 11 9164 2 1 20.1 8 VCP 36 No No One joint with root s @ 17 .2. All measurements from OS MH (1 1) 9164 Point repair@ 17.2'. 11 9 164 11 9163 48 28.3 8 VCP 36 No No Two joints with roots@ 8.2' and 18 .2'. All measurements from DS MH (11) 9163 Point repair from 8.2' to 18.2'. 11 9215 11 9214 179 179.4 8 VCP 24 No No Cracks wi th medium roots@ 21.5'. Cracked joint@ 70.3'. All measurements from US MH (11) 9215 Heavy roots at connection @)150.7'. Poi nt re pair@ 2 1.5' and 70.3'. City of Jefferson, MO -Recommended Pipeline Rehabilitation Up On Line CCTV Pipe Pipe CCTV Dye Reverse Basin up Manhole Baslndn Manhole Length Footage Dlam. Type Tape# Te s t Setup Obs ervations Recommendations 11 9268 11 9267 129 127.5 8 Truss 37 No No Joints with evidence of infiltration@ 115.1' and 124.4'. All measurements from US MH (11 ) 9268 Point repair 115 .1' and 124.4'. 11 9285 11 9268 36 39.5 8 PVC 21 Yes No Negative dye test @ 19 .7' hole in pipe. All measurements from OS MH (11 } 9268 Point repair hole@ 19.7'. 11 9795 11 9793 89 95.7 8 Truss 19 Yes No Positive dye test @ 65.8' hole in pipe. All measurements from US MH (11 ) 9795 Point repair @ 65.8' hole 1n PIPe. Positiv e dye test @ 34.9', 37.9', and 40.5'. Multiple cracks All measurements from US MH (11) 2443 11 2443 11 2444 124 123.5 8 VCP 108 Yes No @ 16.2' and 18.8'. Sag in line from 48.2' to 64 .8'. Partial replacement from MH (11 ) 2443 to 70'. 11 9 124 11 9123 303 297.9 8 VCP 13 Yes No Positive dye test @ 175.4' and 205.2'. Heavy joint All measurements from US MH (11) 9124 infiltration from 175' • 205'. Partial replacement from 175' to 205' 11 9125 11 9124 120 119.2 8 VCP 13 Yes No Positive dye test @ 47.9' and 65.1'. Joint infiltration. All measurements from US MH (11) 9125 Cracks@ 47 .1' 62.1' and 65.1'. Partial replacement from 45' • 85'. 108 8517 108 7196 214 214.2 8 Truss 7 No No Poor service connection @ 2.0'. Pipe in good condition. All measurements from US MH (1 0) 8517 108 8715 108 8714 2 18 6.6 8 Truss 5 Yes No Positive dye test @ 6.6' service with inside infiltration . All measurements from US MH 10 8715 100 8850 100 8843 64 20 8 DIP/PVC 1 Yes No Missing tape footage from 19.4' to end of line segment. 100 9491 100 9492 178 175 8 PVC 42 No No Camera out of focus. Pipe appears to be in good condition. 11 2345 11 2344 135 14 .9 10 RCP 29 Yes No Negative dye test @ 14 .9'. Smoke defect from abandoned line. 1t 9394 11 15080 77 85 8 Truss 22 No No Pipe in good condition. Unknown buried manhole @ 52.3' identified as 15080. 11 15080 11 9395 33 85 8 Truss 22 No No Pipe in good condition. Unknown buried manhole identified as 15080. 11 9449 11 15081 129 210.6 8 PVC 20 Yes No Pipe in good condition. Unknown buried manhole @ 1 00 .5' identified as 15081 . 11 15081 11 9448 102 210.6 8 PVC 20 Yes No Pipe in good condition. Unknown buried manhole identified as 15081 . 11 9470 11 9472 59 71 .9 8 PVC 16 Yes No Pipe in good condition. I Appendix P Private-Sector III Elimination Report I I I Reduction Program -Private Report Page# 11:40:19 AM Wednesday. October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 1 2 3 4 5 sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout sUncpd Clnout 6 sUncpd Clnout 7 sU nc pd Clnout 8 sUncpd Cl nout 9 sUncpd Clnout 10 sUncpd Clnout 11 sUncpd Clnout 12 sUncpd Clnout 13 sUncpd Clnout 14 sUncpd Clnout 15 sUncpd Cl nout 16 sUncpd Clnout 17 sUncpd Clnout 18 sUncpd Clnout 19 sUncpd Clnout 20 sUncpd Clnout 21 sUncpd Clnout 22 sUncpd Clnout 23 sUncpd Clnout 24 sUncpd Clnout 25 sU ncpd Clnout 26 sUncpd Clnoul 27 sUncpd Clnout 28 sUncpd Clnout 29 sUncpd Clnout 30 sUncpd Clnout 3 1 sUncpd Clnout 32 sUncpd Clnout 33 sUncpd Clnout 34 sUncpd Clnout 35 sUncpd Clnout 36 sUncpd Clnout 37 sUncpd Clnout 38 sUncpd Clnout 39 sDownspout 40 sDownspout 41 sDownspout 42 sDownspout 43 sUncpd Clnout 44 sUncpd Clnout 45 sUncpd Clnout 46 sDownspou l 47 sUncpd Clnoul 4 8 sDownspout 49 sUncpd Clnout 50 sUncpd Cl nout 51 sUncpd Clnout 52 sUncpd Clnout 53 sUncpd Clnout 54 sUncpd Clnout 55 sUncpd Clnout Line Segment (09A ) (lOA) (lOA) (l OB ) (10B ) (lOB ) (10D ) (10E ) (09B ) (10D ) 7710 8330 7124 8442 8585 8454 8826 9046 7581 9008 (09B ) 7665 (10D ) 8766 (lOA ) 8090 (lOA ) 8096 (l OA ) 8287 (10D) (09A ) (10E ) (10D ) (10E ) (09B ) (09B ) (09A) (09A ) (09A ) (11 ) (11 ) (lOB ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (l OA ) (11 ) (11 ) (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 ) (1 1 ) (09A ) (lOA) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (09B ) (10D ) 8776 7875 9046 8998 8932 7665 7616 7888 7700 7710 2468 9181 8585 9247 7007 9405 9400 8179 7307 9827 2319 2332 9360 9389 9389 9826 9407 789 1 7 124 9797 7355 9221 2716 9188 9447 15081 7840 7492 7550 8792 56 sUncpd Cl nout (1 1 7371 15030 8028 9155 9170 57 sUncpd Clnout (11 58 sUncpd Clnout (11 59 suncpd Clnout (11 60 sUncpd Clnout ( 11 61 sUncpd Clnout (11 9400 ·(09A ) 7709 ·(lOA ) 8329 ·(lOA ) 7123 ·(lOB ) 8438 ·(10B ) 8584 ·(10B ) 8455 ·(10D ) 8827 ·(10E ) 9045 ·(09B ) 7580 ·(10D ) 9007 ·(09B ) 7664 ·(10D ) 8771 ·(10A ) 8089 ·(lOA ) 8097 ·(lOA ) 8286 ·(10D ) 8783 ·(09A ) 7874 ·(10E ) 9045 ·(10D ) 6977 ·(10E ) 8934 ·(09B ) 7664 ·(09B ) 7615 ·(09A ) 7867 ·(09A ) 7072 ·(09A ) 7709 ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(10B ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) 2467 9182 6584 15026 7006 ·(11 9410 ·(11 ) 9416 ·(lOA ) 6211 ·(11 ) 7306 ·(11 ) 9825 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ) ·(09A ) ·(10A ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ) ·(09A ) ·(09A ) ·(09B ) ·(10D ) ·(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 2318 2334 9063 9386 9386 9623 9409 7890 7123 9796 7354 9218 2460 9118 9446 9448 7841 7036 7551 6793 7370 2358 6027 9154 9126 9416 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location Dol 1/1 Ellm No . (GPM) 1421 I NGL ENOOK DRIVE A 34.400 3205 MO BLVD A 45.14 0 1302 LECAR DRIVE C 55.180 3611 FAIRWAY DR A 57.160 1201 FAIRGROUNDS RD C 54.460 714 WILDWOOD DR A 51 .740 1700 C HADDSFORD DR A 34.730 551 1 SONOMA PL A 37.620 2081 SUN MEADOW A 24.080 5013 SCRUGGS A 25.800 2106 JEFFERSON B 15.050 120 GRANDVIEW DR A 19 .350 2605 KENWOOD CIRCLE A 13.500 2610 TANGLEWOOD A 12.540 10051CO N DRIVE A 10.030 1401 WESTVIEW 1936 VE ITH DRIVE 5511 SO NOMA PL 1626 WESTVIEW DR 5541 BRADLEY DR A 10.320 A 8.600 B 8.960 A 6.950 A 7.170 2 106 JEFFERSON A 6.020 1814 SOU THWEST BLVD A 6.020 2324 SOU THRIDGE DR A 5.160 1406 SATINWOOD DRI VE A 4.630 1425 INGLENOOK DRIVE B 4.630 802 MINNESOTA 2010 M ISSOURI BLVD 1201 FAIRGROUNDS RD 1815 BASSMAN 2305 MISSOURI BLVD A 4.730 A 4.730 A 4.190 A 4.240 A 4.240 614-B OHIO STREET B 4.340 609 O HIO S TREET A 4.340 1857 SARATOGA BLVD A 3.860 2027 HONEYSUCKLE A 3.940 1 105 PRIMROSE DRIVE B 3.940 410 ASHLEY S TREET A 3.940 122 ATCHISO N ST C 3.940 805 SOUTHWEST BLVD A 3.940 911 MINNE SOTA A 5.760 911 MINNESOTA B 5.760 1101 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 5 160 723 OHIO STREET A 5.160 2304 SOU TH RIDGE DR A 3.440 1302 LECAR DRIVE B 3.360 2007 AUTUMN LANE A 3. 160 2204 JULIE LANE 955 WINDSOR DRIVE 11 20 DARLE NE DRIVE MO BLVD. VI ETS A 4.550 A 3.150 A 4.550 A 3.150 620 WAVERLY STREET A 3.150 611 WAVERLY ST A 3.150 2325 YORKTOWN DRIVE A 2.760 2220 BRANDY LANE A 2.560 2117 OAKRIDGE DRIVE A 2.260 1517 FAIRLAWN CT A 2.060 1000 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 1.970 1104 SYCAMORE A 1.970 2411 MISSOURI BLVD· A 1.970 606 HILDA STREET A 1.970 1617 ST MARYS BLVD A 1.970 622 DELAWARE STREET C 1.970 Cost ($) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 75 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 S/GPM 1 .5 1.1 0.9 0 .9 0 .9 1.0 1.4 1.3 2.1 1.9 3 .3 2.6 3.7 4.0 5.0 4.8 5.8 5.6 7.2 7.0 8.3 8.3 9.7 10.8 10.8 10.6 10 6 11 .9 11.8 11 .8 11 .5 11 .5 13.0 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 13.0 13.0 14 .5 14 .5 14.5 14.8 15.7 16.5 15.9 16.5 15.9 15.9 15.9 18.0 19.4 22 .1 24.0 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 CUM Il l CUM (GPM) ($) 34.400 50 79.540 100 134.720 150 191.900 200 246.360 250 296 100 300 332.830 350 370.450 400 394.530 450 420.330 500 435.380 550 454.730 600 468.230 650 480.770 700 490.800 750 501 .120 800 509.720 850 5 18.680 900 525.630 950 532.800 1.000 538.820 1,050 544.840 1,100 550.000 1 ,150 554.630 1,200 559.260 1.250 563.990 568.720 572.910 577.150 581.390 1,300 1,350 1,400 1 ,450 1,500 585.730 1,550 590.070 1,600 593.930 1,650 597.870 1,700 601.810 1,750 605.750 1,800 609.690 1 ,850 613.630 1,900 619.390 1,975 625.150 2,050 630 330 2.125 635.510 2,200 638.950 2.250 642.330 2,300 645.510 2.350 650.060 2,425 653.210 2,475 657.760 2,550 660.910 2.600 664.060 2,650 667.210 2,700 669.990 2,750 672.570 2,800 674.830 2,850 676.910 2,900 678.880 2,950 680.850 3,000 682.820 3,050 684 .790 3,100 686.760 3,150 688.7 30 3,200 1/IEIIm (%) 0.4169 0 .9640 1.6327 2 .3257 2 .9858 3.6128 4 .0338 4 .4897 4 .7816 5.0942 5.2766 5 5112 5 6748 5.8268 5.9463 6.0734 6.1776 6.2862 6.3705 6 4573 6.5303 6.6033 6.6658 6.7219 6.7780 6 8354 6.8927 6.9435 6.9949 7.0462 7.0988 7.1514 7.1982 7 2460 7.2937 7.3415 7.3892 7.4370 7.5068 7.5766 7.6394 7.7022 7.7439 7.7848 7.8234 7.8785 7 9167 7 9718 8.0100 8.0482 8.0864 8.1201 8.1513 8 .1787 8 .2039 8 .2278 8 .2517 8.2756 8.2994 8 .3233 8 .3472 Page# 2 11:40:19 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 62 sUncpd Clnou t 63 sUncpd Clnou t 64 suncpd Clnout 65 sUncpd Clnout 66 sUncpd Clnout 67 sDownspout 68 sUncpd Clnou t 69 sUncpd Clnout 70 sUncpd Clnout 71 sUncpd Clnou t 72 sUncpd Clnout 73 sUncpd Clnout 7 4 sUncpd Clnou t 7 5 sO rive Drain 76 sUncpd Clnout 77 suncpd Clnou l 78 sUncpd Clnout 79 sUncpd Clnout 80 sUncpd Clnou t 81 sUncpd Clnout 82 sUncpd Clnout 83 sUncpd Clnout 84 sUncpd Clnout 85 sUncpd Clnout 86 sUncpd Clnout 87 sArea Drain 88 sUncpd Clnout 89 sUncpd Clnout 90 sArea Dra1n 91 sUncpd Clnou t 92 sUncpd Clnou t 93 sUncpd Clnout 94 sServ. Lat. 95 sUncpd Clnout 96 sUncpd Clnout 97 sUncpd Clnout 98 suncpd Clnout 99 sUncpd Clnout 100 sUncpd Clnout 101 sUncpd Clnout 102 sDnve Drain 103 sUncpd Clnout 104 sUncpd Cln out 105 sUncpd Clnout 106 sUncpd Clnout 107 sUncpd Clnout 108 sUncpd Clnout 109 sUncpd Clnout 11 0 sUncpd Clnout 111 sUncpd Clnout 112 sUncpd Clnout 113 sUncpd Clnout 114 sUncpd Clnout 115 sUncpd Clnout 116 sServ. La t. 117 sDnve Ora1n 118 sUncpd Cl nout 119 Sump 120 Sump Line Segment (10E ) (10E ) (11 ) (1 1 ) 8958 8956 9372 9197 (11 ) 9197 (11 ) 9238 (1 0B ) 8567 (09A ) 7 459 (10D ) 9010 (09B ) (10B ) (11 ) (11 ) (10D ) (10A ) (11 ) (11 ) (10E ) (09A ) (11 ) (09B ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10D ) (10B ) (10B ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D) (10B ) (09B ) (10D) (11 ) (11 ) (09B ) (10E ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (11 ) (10D) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (10E ) (09A ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) 7564 8 444 9405 9376 8803 8162 9815 7372 8894 7889 9791 7684 9423 2369 9139 9136 8801 8725 8452 9024 9016 8767 8823 7227 7691 8883 7381 9145 7568 8894 8062 9480 7808 7848 91 46 8795 8039 9805 9426 2372 2372 2435 9120 9402 9143 8958 7442 9126 9137 9145 121 Sump (11 9397 9402 9826 9273 9341 122 Sump (11 123 sDnve Drain ( 11 124 sUncpd Clnout (11 125 sUncp d Clnout ( 11 126 sUncpd Clnout (11 9166 -(10E ) 8957 ·(10E ) 8957 -(11 ) 9485 ·(11 ) 15032 ·(1 1 ) 15032 ·(11 ) 9237 ·(10B ) 8568 ·(09A ) 7458 -(10D ) 9011 ·(09B ) -(10B ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(10D) ·(10A) ·(1 1 ) ·(11 ) ·(10E ) ·(09A ) ·(11 ) ·(09B ) ·(1 1 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) 7 563 8443 9410 9088 8802 8161 9814 7371 8895 7888 9792 7683 9421 2368 9138 ·(11 ) 9137 -(10D ) 8800 ·(10B ) 8724 -(10B ) 8453 ·(10D ) 8806 ·(10D) ·(10D) -(10D ) -(10B ) ·(09B ) ·(10D) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(09B ) -(10E ) -(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(09A ) ·(09A ) ·(11 ) ·(10D) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(10E ) ·(09A) ·(1 1 ) ·(1 1 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 ·(11 9015 8768 8822 7217 7690 8882 7380 9 144 7567 8895 8061 9364 15020 7847 9147 15001 71 07 9806 9426 15076 15076 2454 9119 9408 9142 8957 7440 9125 9136 9144 9405 9 408 9823 9272 9340 9165 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location 1210 MERNIE DRIVE 1210 MERNIE DRIVE 728 HEISINGER ROAD 2300 MISSOURI BLVD Del ill Ellm No. (GPM) D 1.790 c 1.650 A 1.580 A 1 .580 2300 MISSOURI BLVD B 1.580 1104 MAPLEWOOD A 2.300 4012 CAMBRIDGE CRCL A 1.470 2033 EDGEWOOD DRIVE A 1.390 5210 SHADY CT A 1.390 1708 OVERLOOK DRIVE A 1 .350 3805 SHERWOOD CT A 1.360 6080HIOSTREET A 1 .180 OLD MOVIE THEATER A 1 .060 5014 SHADY L N A 41 .670 2509 LEXI NGTON DR 101 7 PRIMROSE LANE 2101 TOWER DRIVE 5513 SCHERR DR 2318 SOUTHRIDGE DR A 1.000 A 0.990 A 0.990 B 0 960 A 0.860 839 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 0.850 1630 HICKORY NUT A 0.810 t924 DORA LANE A 0.790 108 FRANKLI N STREET A 0. 790 1009 ST MARYS BLVD A 0.790 6 11 GEORGIA STREET A 0.790 1513 BAGNALL DRIVE A 29.770 619 WEST GORDON A 0.730 3322 AMERICAN DR C 0.730 5008 BAGNALL DRIVE A 26.790 1318 B ISCAYNE DR 1204 GRANDVIEW CT 1612 S COUNTRY CLUB FAIRGROUNDS MENS 1702 VEITH DRIVE A 0.640 B 0.640 A 0.64 0 A 24.250 A 0.600 5415 SCHERR DR A 0.600 909 TANYA LYNN DRIVE A 0 .590 1211 ST MARYS BLVD A 0.590 1800 OVERLOOK DRIVE A 0.570 5511 SCHERR DR A 0.550 2703 WALMART DRIVE A 0.530 91 1 INDIANA A 18.640 1800 V I ETH DR IVE A 0 .460 2315 PLYMOUTH ROCK A 0 .4 30 1713 ST MARYS BLVD A 0.420 1509 WESTVIEW DR 8 15 WES T S TA DIUM 2014 DAISY LANE 813 PRIMROSE LANE 1 105 JEFFERSON 1107 JEFFERSON 1014 HAWTHORNE 201 4 MISSOURI BLVD 801 MI SSOUR I BLVD 617 KANSAS STREET 1211 MERNI E DRIVE 2207 BUEHRLE DRIVE 601 HOWARD STREET 606 MIChigan 1201 St Marys A 0.400 A 0.390 A 0 .390 A 0.390 A 0.390 B 0 .390 A 0.390 B 0 .3 90 A 0 .390 A 0 .390 A 10.580 A 9.920 A 0 .240 1. 1.600 1. 1 .600 608 Oh10 St 1. 1 .600 807 MISSOUri Blvd 1. 1 .600 1101 MAYWOOD DR IVE B 9 .100 1004 REAR NORTH EAST A 0 .210 1506 EDMOND A 0.210 1510 MI SSOURI BLVD A 0.210 Cost ($) 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2.000 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2.000 50 50 2,000 50 50 50 2,000 50 50 50 50 50 5 0 50 2,000 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 so 50 50 50 2,000 2,000 50 350 350 350 350 2.000 50 50 50 $1GPM 27.9 30.3 3 1.6 31 .6 31 .6 32.6 34.0 36.0 36.0 37.0 36.8 42.4 47.2 48.0 50.0 50.5 50.5 52.1 58.1 58.8 61 .7 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 67.2 68.5 68.5 74.7 78 1 78.1 78.1 82.5 83.3 833 84 7 84 .7 87.7 90.9 94.3 107.3 108.7 116.3 119.0 125.0 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128.2 128 2 189.0 201 .6 208.3 218.8 2 18 .8 218 8 2 18.8 2 19.8 238.1 238 1 238.1 CU M Il l (GPM) CU M ($) 690.520 3,250 692.170 3,300 693.750 3,350 695.330 3,400 696.910 3,450 699.210 3,525 700.680 3,575 702.070 3,625 703 460 3,675 704.810 3.725 706.170 3,775 707.350 3,825 708.410 3,875 750.080 5,875 751 .080 5,925 752.070 5,975 753.060 6,025 754 .020 6 ,075 754.880 6,125 755 730 6 ,175 756 540 6 ,225 757.330 6,275 758.120 6.325 758.910 6,375 759.700 6.425 789 470 8,425 790 200 8,475 790.930 8.525 817.720 10,525 8 18 .360 819.000 819.640 843 890 844.490 10,575 10 ,625 10 ,675 12,675 12,725 845.090 12,775 845.680 12,825 846.270 12 ,875 846.840 12,925 847 390 12,975 847.920 13 ,025 866.560 15,025 867.020 15,075 867.450 15,125 867 870 15,175 868 270 15,225 868.660 15,275 869.050 15,325 869.440 15,375 869.830 15,425 870.220 15,475 870.610 15,525 871 .000 15,575 871 .390 15,625 871 .780 15,675 882.360 17,675 892.280 19,675 892.520 19,725 894 .120 20,075 895.720 20,425 Ill Ellm (%) 8.3689 8 .3889 8 .4080 8 .4272 8 .4463 8 .4742 8 .4920 8 .5089 8 .5257 8 .5421 8 .5585 8.5729 8 .5857 9.0907 9.1028 9.1148 9 .1268 9.1385 9 .1489 9 .1592 9.1690 9.1786 9.1682 9 1977 9 .2073 9.5661 9.5770 9.5858 9 .9105 9.9183 9.9260 9.9338 10 227 10.235 10.242 10.249 10.256 10.263 10 270 10.276 10.502 10.508 10 513 10 .518 10.523 10.527 10.532 10.537 10.542 10.546 10.551 10.556 10.561 10.565 10.693 10.814 10 .817 10.836 10.655 897.320 20,775 10.875 898.920 2 1,1 25 10.894 908.020 23,125 11.004 908.230 23,175 11.007 908.440 23,225 11.010 908.650 23,275 11 .012 Page# 11 :40:19 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Item 1 27 sServ. Lat. 128 sUncpd Clnout 129 sUncpd Clnout 130 sUncpd Clnout 131 sServ. Lat. 1 32 sStrwll Drain 1 33 sDnve Drain 1 34 sStrwll Drain 135 sServ. Lat. 136 Sump 137 Sump 138 Sump 139 Sump 140 Sump 141 Sump 142 Sump 143 Sump 144 Sump 14 5 Sump 146 Sump 147 Sump 148 Sump 149 Sump 150 Sump 151 Sump 152 Sump 153 Sump 154 Sump 155 Sump 156 Sump 157 Sump 158 Sump 159 sServ. Lat. 160 sUncpd Clnout 161 sServ. Lat. 162 sServ. Lat. 163 sServ . Lat. 164 sUncpd Clnout 165 sUncpd Clnout 166 sServ. Lal 167 sServ Lal 168 sArea Drain 169 sUncpd Clnout 170 sUncpd Clnout 171 sServ.Lat. 172 sServ. Lat. 173 suncpd Clnout 17 4 sUncpd Clnou1 1 7 5 sServ. Lat. 176 sServ. lat. 177 sFound. Dra1n 178 sServ Lat. 179 sServ. lat. 1 80 sArea Dra1n 181 sServ. Lat. 182 sServ. Lat. 183 sServ Lat. 184 sUncpd Clnou t 185 sUncpd Clnout 186 Sump 187 sArea Drain 1 88 sServ. Lal 189 sServ. Lat. 190 sServ. La t. 191 sServ. Lat Line Segment (lOB ) (1 1 ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (lOD) (lOD) (11 ) (11 ) (lOD) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (1 1 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (lOB ) (09A ) (11 ) (lOA ) (11 ) (11 ) (10D ) (10D ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 ) (l OB ) (lOA ) (10D ) (11 ) (11 ) (100 ) (lOA ) (l OA ) (lOB ) (11 ) (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 (11 ) (lOB ) 8452 9120 9140 9416 8802 8821 2432 9819 8778 15066 2431 2432 9110 9110 911 0 9112 91 12 9112 9130 24 57 2461 9137 9401 9142 9143 9143 9144 9145 9389 9447 9449 9478 9478 8585 7084 2436 8227 9252 2368 8824 8881 9826 9110 9304 8452 8228 8874 9091 9147 8883 8147 825 1 8526 2321 8031 9479 9133 7370 9102 9 131 9092 2434 9362 8359 (lOD ) 8763 ·(lOB ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) 8453 9119 9138 9402 ·(l OD ) 8999 -(10D ) 8820 ·(1 1 ) 2431 -(1 1 ) 9820 -(10D ) 8776 -(11 -(1 1 ·(1 1 ·(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(1 1 ·(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 ·(11 -(11 9112 2430 2431 9106 9106 9106 9104 9104 9104 91 28 2445 15073 9136 9400 9141 9142 9142 9143 9144 9388 ·(11 ) 9446 -(1 1 ) 15081 -(11 ) 9476 -(11 ) 9476 ·(lOB ) 8584 ·(09A ) ·(11 ) -(lOA ) -(11 ) ·(11 ) -(10D ) -(lOD ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) ·(lOB ) -(lOA ) ·(lOD ) ·(11 ) -(11 ) -(100 ) -(lOA) ·(lOA) -(lOB ) -(11 ) -(11 -(11 -(11 -(11 ·(11 -(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) ·(11 ) -(lOB ) 7083 2435 8226 9235 2367 8825 8904 9823 9106 9337 8453 8227 8875 9092 9146 8882 8146 8250 8525 2320 7008 9478 9131 7369 9077 9130 9093 2435 9361 8358 -(lOD ) 9016 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I 1/1 REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location Dol Il l Ellm No. (GPM) 3222 AMERICAN DR B 8.380 2022 MI SSOURI BLVD A 0.200 1005 ST MARTINS BLVD A 0.200 622 DELAWARE STREET A 0.200 1609 SHADY COURT A 7.940 1620·D CHADDSFORD A 7.540 1004 HOLLY DR A 7.490 1025 DOGWOOD DRIVE A 6.910 1317 WESTVIEW OR A 6.610 613 Virgmia St 1001 Holly 1006 Holly 614·A Waverly 619 Waverly 631 Waverly 617 Virgin1a St 623 Virgmia St 612 V1rg1n1a 632 Georg1a St 805 Lmden 1 1 28 Darlene 615 Georgia St 805 St Marys 618 Kan sas St 614 Kansas 617 Kansas 610 Kansas 1211 St Marys Blvd 1005 Laurel St 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1 . 1.600 1. 1 .600 1. 1.600 1.600 1. 1 .600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1.600 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 1 600 1. 1.600 1. 1.600 606 Waverly 1. 1.600 607 Waverly St 1. 1 .600 909 Montana 1 1 .600 906 MONTANA A 6.060 1201 FAIRGROUNDS RD B 0.150 1723 PROVIDENCE OR A 5.510 1015 HOLLY DRIVE A 5.090 938 DIAMOND RIDGE DR A 4.960 1911 SWIFTS HWY . A 0.120 102 FRANKLIN STREET A 0.120 1709 CHADDSFORD DR A 4.410 5428 SCHERR OR A 4.410 1101 MAYWOOD DR IVE C 4.090 629 WAVERLY STREET A 0.100 1002 MYRTLE DRIVE 3335 AMER ICAN DR 934 DIAMOND RIDGE 5308 JACOB L N A 0.100 A 3.350 A 3.310 B 0.080 713 MICHIGAN STREET A 0.080 605 CO NRAD STREET A 2.910 5417 SCHERR DR B 2.650 1924 ROLUNGHILLS DR B 2.480 919 DIAMOND RIDGE A 2 .480 1014 COUNTRY RI DGE A 2.430 300 ASHLEY STREET A 2.430 735 WE ST STADIUM 1300 EDMONDS 1105 ST MARYS BLVD 820 MAYWOOD DRIVE MODOT LABORATORY; 6 11 Kansas 715 MI CH IGAN 1011 HOLLY DRIVE VACANT LOT 928 MANASSAS PL 1307 BISCAYNE DR A 2.430 A 2.430 A 2.430 A 0.060 A 0.060 1 . 0 .400 A 2 .270 A 2.200 c 1.940 A 1.820 A 1.760 Cost ($) 2,000 50 50 50 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 50 2,000 2,000 2.0 00 50 50 2,000 2.000 2,000 50 50 2,000 2,000 50 so 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 50 50 350 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2.000 $/GP M 238.7 250.0 250.0 250.0 251 .9 265.3 267.0 289.4 302.6 312.5 312 .5 312.5 3 12.5 312.5 312 .5 312.5 312 .5 312 .5 3 12.5 312.5 312.5 312.5 312 .5 312 .5 312.5 312.5 312 .5 312.5 312 .5 312.5 312 .5 312 .5 330 0 333 .3 363.0 392.9 403.2 416.7 416 7 4 53.5 453.5 489.0 500.0 500.0 597 .0 604.2 625.0 625.0 687.3 754 7 806.5 806.5 823.0 823.0 823.0 823.0 823.0 833.3 833.3 875.0 881.1 909.1 1030 9 1098.9 CUM I/1 (GPM) CU M ($) 917 .030 25,275 917 .230 25,325 917.430 25,375 917 .630 25,425 925.570 27,425 933.110 29,425 940.600 31,425 947.510 33,425 954 .120 35,425 Ill Ellm (%) 1 1.114 11 .116 11 .119 11 .121 1 1.217 11 .309 11 .399 11 .483 11 .563 955.720 35,925 1 1.583 957.320 36,425 11 .602 958 920 36,925 1 1.621 960.520 37,425 11 .641 962.120 37,925 1 1.660 963.720 38,425 11 .680 965.320 38,925 1 1.699 966.920 39,425 1 1.718 968 520 39,925 1 1.738 970.120 40.425 11 .757 971.720 40.925 11.776 973.320 41 .425 11 .796 974 .920 41.925 11 .815 976.520 42,425 11 .835 978.120 42,925 11 .854 979.720 43,425 11.873 981.320 43,925 11 .893 982.920 44,425 11 .912 984.520 44 ,925 11 .932 986.120 45,425 11 .951 987 720 45.925 989.320 46,425 990 .920 46,925 996.9 80 48,925 997 .130 48,975 1002.640 50,975 1007 730 52,975 101 2 .690 54 ,975 1012 .810 55,025 1012.930 55.075 1017 .340 57,075 1021 .750 59.075 1025.840 61 ,075 1025.940 6 1,1 25 1026.040 61.175 1029.390 63,175 1032.700 65,175 1032.780 65,225 1032.860 65,275 1035.770 67,275 1038.420 69,275 1040.900 71.275 1043.380 73,275 1045.810 75,275 1048 240 77,275 1050.670 79,275 1053.100 81,275 1055.530 83,275 1055.590 83,325 1055.650 83,375 1056.050 83,725 1058.320 85,725 1060.520 87,725 1062.460 89,725 1064.280 91,725 11 .970 11 .990 12.009 12.083 12.084 12.151 12.213 12.273 12.274 12 276 12.329 12.383 12.432 12.434 12.435 12.475 12.516 12.517 12.517 12.553 12.585 12.615 12.645 12.674 12.704 12.733 12.7 63 12.792 12.793 1 2.794 12.799 12.826 1 2.853 12.876 12.898 1136.4 1066.040 93,725 12.920 Page# 11:40:19 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 No. Source Ite m 192 sServ. Lat. 193 sServ. Lat. 194 sServ. Lat. 195 sUncpd Clnout 196 sServ. Lat. 197 sServ. Lat. 1 98 sServ. Lat. 199 sDnve Dra1n 200 sServ. Lat. 201 sServ. Lat. 202 sServ. Lat 203 sServ. Lat 204 sServ. Lat. 205 sServ. Lat. 206 sServ. Lat. 207 sServ. Lat. 208 sServ. Lat. 209 sServ. Lat. 210 sServ. Lat. 211 sServ. Lat. 212 sServ. Lat. 213 sServ. Lat. 214 sServ . Lat. 215 sServ Lat. 216 sServ . Lat. 217 sServ. Lat. 218 sServ. Lat . 219 sServ . Lat. 220 sServ. Lat. 22 1 sServ. Lat. 222 sServ. Lat. 223 sServ. Lat. 224 sServ. Lat. 225 sServ Lat. 226 sServ. Lat. 227 sfound. Drain 228 sServ. Lat. 229 sServ. Lat. 230 sServ. Lat. 231 sServ. Lat. 232 sServ. Lat. 233 sServ. Lat. 234 sServ. Lat. 235 sServ. Lat. 236 sServ. Lat 237 sServ. Lat. 238 sServ. Lat. 239 sServ. Lat. 240 sServ. Lat. 241 sServ. Lat. 242 sServ. Lat. 243 sServ. Lat. 244 sStrw11 Dra1n 245 sServ. Lat. 246 sServ. Lat 24 7 sServ. Lat. 248 sServ. Lat. 249 sServ. Lat. 250 sServ. Lat. 251 sServ. Lat. 252 sServ. Lat 253 sServ. Lat. 254 sServ. Lat. 255 sServ . Lat. 256 sServ. L at. Line Segment (10A ) (lOA) (lOA) (11 ) (10A) (10E ) (11 ) (11 ) (lOB ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09A ) (10D) (10D ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10D ) (10D ) (10D ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (11 ) (09B ) (10B ) (11 ) (11 ) (11 ) (lOA ) (10D ) (10D ) (11 ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (lOA ) (lOB ) (lOB ) (11 ) (09A ) (10D ) (10D) (10D ) (10D ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 ) (10E ) (09B ) (09B ) (10D ) (11 ) (09A ) (09A ) (1 1 ) (11 ) (11 ) (09B ) (11 ) (1 1 ) (09 A ) (09A ) (09A ) 81 47 8189 8236 7384 8106 8901 9343 2316 6365 2735 6079 2437 7452Z 9002 6623 9617 9422 9137 6773 66 15 6692 6573 6567 9141 7625 6706 9362 9362 9416 6229 8786 6815 2332 9269 9343 8147 8513 8449 2330 7446 8794 8831 8876 8877 9474 9343 9827 9399 8932 7592 7597 8966 9413 7764 7749 9817 9254 9298 7560 9132 9132 7491 15028 7449Y (10D ) 9016 ·(lOA ) -(lOA) -(10A) -(11 ) -(10A) -(10E ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(lOB ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(1 1 ) -(09A ) -(10D) -(10D) -(11 ) -(1 1 ) -(11 ) -(10D) -(10D ) -(10D ) -(lOB ) -(lOB ) -(11 ) -(09B ) -(lOB ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(lOA ) -(10D ) -(10D ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(lOA ) -(lOB ) -(lOB ) -(11 ) 8146 8186 8229 7383 8105 8900 9342 2321 8364 2345 8078 2438 7452 9001 8622 9818 9423 9136 8774 881 4 8891 8574 8568 9129 7626 8707 9361 9361 9402 8226 8787 8814 2334 9285 9342 8146 8512 8440 2325 -(09A ) 7445 -(10D ) 8795 -(10D ) 8832 -(10D ) 8964 -(10D ) 8870 -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(10E ) -(09B ) -(09B ) -(10D ) -(11 ) -(09A ) -(09A ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(11 ) -(09B ) -(1 1 ) -(11 ) -(09A ) -(09A ) -(09A ) 9475 9342 9825 9397 8934 7591 7596 8967 9414 7771 7759 9818 9252 9297 7559 9131 9131 7492 7453 7449 -(10D ) 9015 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I 1/1 REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED Location Del Ill Ellm Co st No. (GPM) ($) 1916 ROLLI NGHI LL S DR C 1.650 2514 PLYMOUTH ROCK A 1.650 926 DIAMOND RIDGE A 1.650 1021 TANYA LYN N DR LVEA 0.040 2710 BR IARWOOD DRIVE A 1.540 5504 SCHERR DR A 1.410 1001 DULLE S TREET B 1.380 705 BROADWAY ST REE T A 1.360 3448 GETIYSBURG PL A 1.210 323 ATC HISON STREET A 1.210 2831 SOUTH TE N MILE A 1 .210 1022 HOLLY DR IVE A 1.210 2202 MELODY DRIVE A 1.100 5101 SHADY LANE A 1.100 1610 S. COU NTRY CLUB B 1 .100 1101PRIMROSELANE A 1.100 903 PRI MROSE LA NE A 1 .100 614 MICHIGA N ST REET A 1 .100 1320 GRANDVIEW CT A 0 .880 491 1 WI LLOBY DR 5437 SCHERR DR 4037 CAMBRIDGE CRCL 4008 CAMBRIDGE CRCL 1112 MISSOURI BLVD 2010 SOUTHRIDGE 645 HOBBS RD VACANT LOT VACANT LOT 623 OHIO STREET 930 DIAMOND RIDGE 5104 WOODWAY A 0.880 A 0 .880 A 0 .840 B 0 .840 A 0.830 A 0 .740 A 0 .730 A 0 .7 30 B 0.730 B 0.730 A 0 .660 A 0.660 4911 SCRUGS STATION B 0 .550 815 WASHI NGTON ST B 0.550 1115 SOUTHWEST BLVD A 0.550 1001 DULLE STREET C 0.550 1925 ROLLI NG HI LLS DR A 0.500 901 COUNTRY RIDGE DR A 0 .490 714 SHERWOOD DR A 0 .490 221 ATCHISON STREET A 0.490 2102 BUEHRLE DR IVE 1509 WESTV IEW DR 1705 NORTHPORT DR 5206 COLLIER CT 5300 SCHERR DR A 0.440 A 0 .4 40 B 0 .440 A 0 .440 A 0.440 802 MONTAN A STREET A 0 .440 1003 DULLE STREET A 0.440 2004 EDGEWOOD DRIVE A 0 .360 905 ST MARYS BLVD A 0 .360 5541 BRADLEY DR B 0.350 1818 SUNVALLEY DRIVE A 0 .330 1 814 CEDAR HILL ROAD A 0.330 1614 NORTH BROOK CT A 0 .330 706 OHIO STREET A 0 .290 1717 LI BERTY CT A 0 .280 1701 INDEPENDENCE A 0 280 1101 PR IMROSE LANE B 0 .280 1211 EDGEWOOD DRIVE A 0 .260 BASEBALL FIELD A 0.280 1723 OVERLOOK DRIVE A 0 .250 1109 ST MARYS BLVD A 0.240 1111 ST MARYS BLVD B 0 .240 221 4 BRANDY LANE A 0 .220 2119 EDGEWOOD DRIVE A 0.220 2208 BUEHRLE DR IVE A 0 .220 2,000 2,000 2,000 50 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,00 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2.000 2 ,000 2 ,000 2.000 2 ,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 ,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,0 00 2,000 2,000 $/GP M CUM 1/1 CU M 1/I EIIm (%) 1212.1 1212.1 1212.1 1250.0 1298.7 1418.4 1449.3 1470.6 1652.9 1652.9 1652.9 1652.9 1818.2 1818 2 1818.2 1818.2 1818.2 1818.2 2272.7 2272.7 2272.7 2381.0 2381 .0 2409.6 2702.7 2739.7 2739.7 2739.7 2739.7 3030 .3 3030.3 3636.4 3636 .4 3636.4 3636 .4 4000.0 4081.6 4081 .6 4081.6 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 4545.5 5555 .6 5555.6 5714.3 6060.6 6060.6 6060.6 6896.6 7142.9 7 142 .9 7142.9 7142 .9 7142 .9 8000.0 8333.3 8333.3 9090.9 9090.9 9090.9 (GPM) ($) 1067.690 95,725 1069.340 97,725 1070.990 99,725 1071.030 99,775 12.940 12.960 12.980 12.980 1072.570 101,775 12.999 1073.980 103,775 13.016 1075.360 105,775 13.033 1076.720 107,775 13.049 1077.930 109,775 13.064 1079.14011 1,775 13.078 1080.350 113,775 13.093 1081.560115,775 13.108 1082.660117,775 13 .121 1083.760119,775 13.134 1084.860121 ,775 13.148 1085.960 123,775 13.161 1087.060 125,775 13.174 1088.160127,775 13.188 1089.040129,775 13.198 1089.920 131,775 1090.800 133,775 1091.640 135,775 1092.480 137,775 1093.310 139,775 1094.050 141 ,775 1094.780 143 ,775 1095.510 145,775 1096.240 1 47,775 1096.970 149,775 13.209 13.220 13.230 13.240 13.250 13.259 13.268 13.277 13.286 13.294 1097.630151,775 13.30 2 1098.290 153,775 1 3.310 1098.840 155,775 13.317 1099.390 157,775 13.324 1099.940 159,775 13.330 1 100.490 161,775 13.337 1 100.990 163,775 13.343 1101.480 165,775 13.349 1101.970167,775 13.355 11 02.460 169,775 13.361 1102.900171,775 13.366 11 03.340173,775 13.372 1103.780175,775 13.377 1104.220177,775 13.382 1 104.660 179,775 13.388 1105.100181,775 13.393 11 05.540 183,775 13.398 1 105.900 185,775 13.403 1106.260187,775 13.407 1106.610189,775 13.411 1106.940 191,775 13.415 1 107.270193,775 13.419 1 107.600 1 95,775 13.423 1 107.890 197,775 13.427 1108.170199,775 13.430 1108.450 201,775 13.434 1108.730 203,775 13.437 1109.010 205,775 13.440 1109.290 207,775 13.444 1109.540 209,775 13.44 7 1109.780 211,775 13.450 1110.020 213,775 13.453 1 110.240 215,775 13.455 1 11 0.460 217 ,775 13.458 1110.680 219,775 13.461 1314 B ISCAYNE DR c 0.220 2,000 9090.9 11 1 0.900 221 '775 13.463 Page~ 5 JEFFERSON CITY PHASE I 11:40:19 AM Wednesday, October 30, 2002 Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM -COMBINED No. Source llem Li ne Segment Location Del Ill Ellm Cost $1G PM C UM Il l CUM Il l Ellm No. (GPM) ($) (GPM) ($) ('Yo) 257 sServ. Lal. (100 ) 8767 ·(100 ) 8768 1201 GRANDVIEW CT A 0.220 2.000 9090.9 1111 .120223,775 13.466 258 sServ. Lal. (100) 8761 -(100 ) 8766 5111 OLD LOHMAN RD A 0 .220 2.000 9090.9 111 1.340 225,775 13.469 259 sServ. Lal. (100 ) 8838 ·(100 ) 8837 4905 WESTPORT DR A 0.220 2,000 9090.9 11 11 .560 227.775 13.471 260 sServ. Lal. (100) 8874 ·(100 ) 8875 5304 JACOB LN A 0.220 2,000 9090.9 1111 .780 229,775 13.474 261 sServ. La I. (1 1 2332 ·(II 2334 815 WASHINGTON ST A 0 .220 2.000 9090 9 1112.00023 1,775 13.477 262 sSe rv . Lal. (11 2366 ·(11 2367 933 JEFFERSON ST A 0 .220 2 ,000 9090.9 1112.220 233.775 13.479 263 sServ. Lal (11 2435 ·(1 1 2 454 1012 HAWTHORNE B 0 .220 2.000 9090 .9 111 2.4 40 235,775 13.482 264 sServ. Lal. (II 2453 ·(11 2451 1020 HAWTHORNE A 0 .220 2.000 9090.9 1 112.660 237,775 13.485 265 sServ . Lal (It 9372 ·(11 9485 728 HEI SINGER ROAD B 0 .220 2 .000 9090.9 1112.880 239,775 13.487 266 sServ. Lal. (09B ) 7574 ·(09B ) 7573 1824 OVERLOOK DRIVE A 0 .200 2 ,000 10000.0 11 13 .080 24 1,775 13.490 267 sServ. Lal. (09A ) 7452Z ·(09A ) 7452 2202 MELODY DRIVE B 0 .170 2,000 11764.7 1113.250 243,775 13.492 268 sServ. Lal. (09B ) 7649 ·(09B ) 7648 2109 MEADOW LAKE OR A 0.170 2,000 1176 4.7 1113.420 2 45,775 13.494 269 sServ. Lal. (09B ) 7577 ·(09B ) 7576 1910 SUN MEADOW A 0 .170 2 .000 11764.7 1113.590 2 47.775 13.496 270 sServ. Lal. (lOA) 7124 ·(lOA) 7123 1312 LECAR DRIVE A 0.170 2.000 11764.7 1113.760 2 49,775 13.498 271 sServ. Lal. (10A ) 8102 ·(10A ) 8101 2611 KENWOOD DRIVE A 0 .170 2,000 11764 .7 1113.930 251,775 13.500 272 sServ. Lal. (11 ) 2463 ·(11 ) 2462 1134 DARLENE DRIVE A 0 .170 2 .000 11764.7 1114.100 253,775 13.502 273 sSe rv . Lal. (09B ) 7519 ·(09B ) 7518 1815 CEDAR RIDGE A 0 .130 2,000 15384.6 1114.230 255.775 13.504 274 sServ. Lat (1 1 ) 9377 ·(11 ) 9376 2107 MISSOURI BLVD B 0 .120 2,000 16666.7 1 114.350 257.775 1 3.505 275 sServ. Lal. (100 ) 9016 ·(100 ) 9015 1318 BISCAYNE DR B 0110 2 ,000 18181.8 1114.460 259,775 13.506 276 sServ. Lat. (100 ) 8831 ·(100 ) 8832 1703 NORTH PORT DR A 0 .110 2,0 00 18181 .8 1 114.570 261 ,775 13.508 277 sServ. Lal. (100) 8878 ·(100 ) 8964 5205 COLLIER CT B 0 .110 2 .000 18181 .8 1114.680 263,775 13.509 278 sServ. Lal. (100 ) 8878 ·(100 ) 8964 5203 COLLIER CT c 0 .110 2.000 18181 .8 1114.790 265,775 13.510 279 sServ. Lal. (100 ) 8833 ·(100 ) 8834 4904 WESTPORT DR A 0 .110 2.000 18181.8 1114 .900 267.775 13.512 280 sServ. Lal (11 ) 7362 ·(11 ) 7360 916 JASON ROAD A 0 .1 10 2 ,000 18181.8 1115.010 269,775 13.513 281 sServ. Lal. (11 ) 9125 ·(11 ) 9124 605 HOWARD STREET A 0 .11 0 2.000 18181 .8 1115.120 271,775 13.514 282 sFound Drain (lOA ) 8148 ·(lOA) 8146 1935 ROLLINGH ILLS RD A 0 100 2.000 20000.0 1115.220 273,775 13.516 283 sServ . Lat. (11 ) 2311 ·(11 ) 2310 312 ELM STREET A 0 .100 2,000 20000.0 1115.320 275,775 13.517 284 sServ. Lal. (t OE ) 8943 ·(10E ) 8933 5535 BRADLEY DR A 0.090 2,000 22222.2 1115.410 277,775 13.518 285 sFound. Dram (lOA) 8148 ·(lOA) 8146 1931 ROLLINGHILLS RD B 0 080 2.000 25000.0 1115.490 279.775 13.519 286 sServ. Lal. (11 ) 9246 ·(11 ) 9245 1016 WESTWOOD DRIVE A 0 .0 80 2.000 25000.0 1115.570 281,775 13.520 287 sfound Dram (11 ) 7340 ·(11 ) 7339 921 C ARl ANN DRIVE A 0.080 2.000 25000.0 11 15.650 283.775 13.521 288 sServ. Lal. (09A ) 7705 ·(09A ) 15021 14121NGLENOOK DR. A 0.060 2.000 33333.3 1115.710285,775 13.522 289 sServ. Lal. (09A ) 7452Z ·(09A ) 7452 2124 MELODY DRIVE c 0 .060 2.000 33333.3 1115.770 287,775 13.522 290 sServ. Lal. (100 ) 8888 ·(100 ) 8887 5419 COLLIER A 0 .060 2.000 33333.3 1115.830 289,775 13.523 291 sServ. Lal. (11 2362 ·(I I 2361 1001 WASHINGTON A 0 .060 2.000 33333.3 1115.890 291 ,775 13.524 292 sServ. Lal. (11 8060 ·(11 8059 2617 MISSOURI BLVD A 0 .060 2.000 33333.3 1115.950 293,775 13.525 293 sServ. Lal. (11 8067 ·(11 8066 2519 MISSOURI BLVD A 0.060 2.000 33333.3 11 16.010 295.775 13.525 294 sServ. Lat. (11 9377 ·(11 9376 2103 MISSOURI BLVD A 0.060 2,000 33333.3 1116.070 297,775 13.526 295 sServ. Lal (11 9386 ·(11 9368 1018 LAUREL DRIVE A 0 .060 2.000 33333.3 111 6.130 299.775 13.527 296 sServ . Lal. (11 ) 9368 ·(11 ) 9367 1008 LAUREL DRIVE A 0.060 2,000 33333.3 1116 .190 301,775 13.527 297 sServ . Lal. (09A ) 7728 ·(09A ) 7727 1622 INDEPENDENCE A 0 .040 2.000 50000.0 1116.230 303,775 13.528 298 sS erv. Lal. (09A ) 7809 ·(09A ) 7769 1729 INDEPENDE NCE A 0 .040 2.000 50000.0 1 116.270 305.775 13.528 299 sServ. Lal. (II ) 7335 ·(11 ) 7333 905 JASON ROAD A 0 .040 2,000 50000.0 1116.310 307,775 13.529 300 sServ. Lal. (11 ) 7382 ·(11 ) 7381 927 TANYA LYNN DR A 0 .040 2.000 50000.0 1116.350 309,775 13.529 301 sServ. Lal. (II 7288 ·(11 7287 709 PRIMROSE COURT A 0.040 2,000 50000.0 1116.390 311 ,775 13.530 302 sServ. Lal. (1 1 7349 ·(11 15024 2201 TOWER DR IVE A 0 040 2,000 50000.0 1116.430 313.775 13.530 303 sServ. Lal. (11 7374 ·(II 7373 111 2 MAYWOOD DRIVE A 0 .030 2 .000 66666.7 1116.460 315.775 13.531 304 sServ. Lal. (11 2352 ·(11 2348 921 BROADWAY STREET A 0 .030 2.000 66666.7 1116.490 317.775 13.531 305 sServ. Lal. (11 2352 ·(11 2348 921 BROADWAY STREET B 0 .030 2,000 66666.7 1116.520 3 19,775 13.531 306 sServ. Lal (1 1 9400 ·(11 9416 609 OHI O STREET B 0 .030 2 ,000 66666.7 1116.550 321.775 13.532 Appendix Q Recommended Relief/Replacement Sewer Program 1/1 REDUCTION PROGRAM RELIEF/REPLACEMENT SEWER PHASE I with Futu re G rowth Projections Jefferson City RECOMMENDED REPLACEMENT SEWER (with Future Growth Projections): BasinUp Up Manhole Basin On On Manhole Length Diameter Replacement 09A 7030 09A 7088 206 12 15 09A 7031 09A 7030 370 12 15 09A 7032 09A 7031 213 12 15 09A 7033 09A 7032 213 12 15 09A 7035 09A 7033 363 12 15 09A 7036 09A 7035 226 12 15 09A 7037 09A 7036 226 12 15 09A 7038 09A 7037 365 8 10 09A 7740 09A 7082 188 8 10 09A 7072 09A 7037 329 12 12 09A 7073 09A 7703 204 10 12 09A 7080 09A 7079 274 8 10 09A 7082 09A 7739 85 8 10 09A 7083 09A 7740 196 8 10 09A 7088 09A 7029 166 12 15 09A 7703 09A 7072 159 10 12 09A 7739 09A 7081 296 8 10 098 7039 09A 7038 371 8 10 098 7040 098 7039 315 8 10 098 7041 098 7489 111 8 10 098 7042 098 7041 205 8 10 098 7043 09 8 7042 240 8 10 098 7044 098 7043 216 8 10 098 7045 098 7044 339 8 10 098 7046 098 7045 315 8 10 098 7489 098 7040 47 8 10 10A 15018 10A 7129 47 15 18 10A 1505 1 10A 15052 211 18 21 10A 15052 10A 15053 85 18 21 10A 15053 10A 7121 240 18 21 10A 7091 10A 7090 327 10 12 10A 7092 10A 7091 365 10 12 10A 7093 10A 7092 392 10 12 10A 7094 10A 7093 235 10 12 10A 7095 10A 7094 232 10 12 10A 7096 10A 7095 258 10 12 10A 7097 10A 7096 252 10 12 10A 7098 10A 7097 215 10 12 10A 7099 10A 7098 284 10 12 10A 7100 10A 7099 215 10 12 10A 7101 10A 7100 251 8 12 10A 7102 10A 710 1 257 8 12 10A 7 103 10A 7102 175 8 12 10A 7 104 10A 7103 219 8 12 10A 7105 10A 7104 212 8 12 10A 7108 11 7107 384 21 27 10A 710 9 10A 7108 431 2 1 27 10A 7110 10A 7109 425 2 1 27 10A 7111 10A 71 10 405 2 1 27 1 1/1 REDUCTION PROGRAM RELIEF/REPLACEMENT SEWER PHASE I with Future Growth Projections Jefferson City RECOMMENDED REPLACEMENT SEWER (with Future Growth Projections): Basin Up Up Manhole BasinDn Dn Manhole Length Diameter Replacement 10A 7112 10A 71 11 358 21 27 10A 7113 10A 7112 253 24 27 10A 7120 10A 7090 350 18 21 10A 7121 10A 7120 298 18 21 10A 7122 10A 15051 265 15 24 10A 7123 10A 7122 118 15 18 10A 7124 10A 7123 360 15 18 10A 7125 10A 7124 280 15 21 10A 7126 10A 7125 263 15 21 10A 7127 10A 7 126 354 15 18 10A 7129 10A 7246 205 15 18 10A 7130 10A 15018 241 15 18 10A 7131 10A 7130 239 15 18 10A 7132 10A 713 1 367 15 18 10A 7133 10A 7 132 330 15 18 10A 7134 10A 7133 337 15 18 10A 7135 10a 7134 328 15 18 10A 7136 10A 7135 323 15 18 10A 7137 10A 7136 290 15 18 10A 7138 10A 7137 290 15 18 10A 7139 10A 71 38 222 15 18 10A 7140 10A 7139 213 12 18 10A 7141 10A 7140 269 15 18 10A 7142 10A 8265 250 12 18 10A 7143 10A 8341 175 12 15 10A 7246 10A 7127 386 15 18 10A 8216 10A 7 123 206 8 12 10A 8265 10A 7141 172 12 18 10A 8341 10A 7142 17 0 12 15 108 7144 10A 7143 284 12 15 108 7145 108 7144 284 12 15 108 7146 108 7145 289 12 15 108 72 10 108 7209 200 12 15 108 7213 108 7212 385 12 15 108 7214 108 72 13 250 12 15 108 7217 108 7216 425 12 15 108 72 18 108 7217 400 12 15 108 7220 108 72 19 480 12 15 108 7236 108 15007 139 12 15 108 15007 108 7220 282 12 15 108 7219 108 7218 185 12 15 108 72 16 108 72 15 150 12 15 108 72 15 108 7214 309 12 15 108 72 12 108 72 11 110 12 15 108 721 1 108 72 10 14 0 12 15 108 7209 108 7208 170 12 15 108 7207 108 72 06 165 12 15 108 7206 108 7205 350 12 15 108 7205 108 72 04 350 12 15 2 1/1 REDUCTION PROG RAM RELIEF/REPLACEMENT SEWER PHASE I with Future Growth Proj ectio n s Jeffe rson City RECOMMENDED REPLACEMENT SEWER (with Future Growth Projections): BasinUp Up Manhole Basin On On Manhole Length Diameter Replacement 11 6973 19 697 1 158 28 11 6974 11 6973 313 28 11 6975 11 6974 313 28 11 6976 11 6975 100 28 11 6977 11 6976 418 28 11 6978 11 6977 300 28 11 6979 11 6978 316 28 11 6980 11 6979 80 28 11 698 1 11 6980 172 28 11 6982 11 6981 293 28 11 6983 11 6982 207 28 11 15037 11 6983 100 28 11 6984 11 15037 230 28 11 6985 11 9473 110 28 11 6986 11 6985 411 28 11 6987 11 6986 427 28 11 6988 11 9094 319 28 11 6989 11 6987 109 28 11 6990 11 6989 495 28 11 699 1 11 7275 142 28 11 6992 11 699 1 352 24 11 6993 11 6992 304 24 11 6994 11 6993 350 24 11 6995 11 6994 48 1 24 11 6996 11 6995 327 24 11 6997 11 6996 466 24 11 6998 11 6997 236 24 11 6999 11 6998 355 24 11 70 00 11 6999 222 24 11 7001 11 7000 339 24 11 7002 11 70 01 307 24 11 7003 11 7002 48 0 24 11 70 18 11 7003 11 7 24 11 70 19 11 70 18 224 28 11 7020 11 7019 305 28 11 702 1 11 7020 305 24 11 7022 11 702 1 305 24 11 7023 11 7336 243 24 11 7024 11 7023 296 24 11 7025 11 7024 474 25 11 7 107 11 7025 327 21 11 7275 11 6990 50 28 11 7336 11 7022 136 24 11 9094 11 6984 143 28 11 9473 11 6988 110 28 Note: Replacement pipe sizes are based on current line grades. Actual replacement pipe sizes should be determined by the design engineer. 3 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 30 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 30 30 36 36 Appendix Q -Recommended Relief/Replacement Sewer Program Without Future Growth Projections Ill REDUCTION PROGRAM RELIEF/REPLACEM E NT SEW ER PHASE I Without Future Growth Projections Jefferson City RECOMMENDED REPLACEMENT SEWER (w/o Future Growth Projections): Basin Up Up Manhole BasinDn On Ma nhole Length Diameter Replacement 09A 703 3 09A 7032 213 12 15 09A 7035 09A 7033 363 12 15 09A 7036 09A 7035 226 12 15 09A 7037 09A 7036 226 12 15 09A 7038 09A 7037 365 8 10 09A 7072 09A 7037 329 12 12 09A 7073 09A 7703 204 10 12 09A 7080 09A 7079 274 8 10 09A 7081 09A 7080 276 8 10 09A 7082 09A 7739 85 8 10 09A 7083 09A 7740 196 8 10 09A 7088 09A 7029 166 12 15 09A 7703 09A 7072 159 10 12 09A 7739 09A 7081 296 8 10 09A 7740 09A 7082 188 8 10 09B 7039 09A 7038 371 8 10 09B 7040 09B 7039 315 8 10 09B 7041 09B 7489 111 8 10 09B 7042 09B 7041 205 8 10 09B 7043 09B 7042 240 8 10 09B 7044 09B 7043 216 8 10 09B 7045 09 B 7044 339 8 10 09B 7046 09B 7045 315 8 10 09B 7489 09B 7040 47 8 10 10A 7120 10A 7090 350 18 21 10A 7121 10A 7 120 298 18 24 10A 7122 10A 1505 1 26 5 15 21 10A 7123 10A 7122 118 15 21 10A 7124 10A 7123 360 15 21 10A 7125 10A 7124 28 0 15 21 10A 7126 10A 7125 263 15 21 10A 7127 10A 7126 354 15 21 10A 71 29 10A 7246 205 15 18 10A 7135 10a 7134 328 15 18 10A 7138 10A 71 37 290 15 18 10A 7 141 10A 7140 269 15 18 10A 7246 10A 7127 386 15 21 10A 15051 10A 15052 2 11 18 21 10A 15052 10A 15053 85 18 21 10A 15053 10A 7121 240 18 21 10A 15018 10A 7129 47 15 18 10A 7130 10A 15018 241 15 18 10A 713 1 10A 7130 239 15 18 10A 7132 10A 7131 367 15 18 10A 7133 10A 7132 330 15 18 10A 7 134 10A 7133 337 15 18 10A 7136 10A 7135 323 15 18 10A 7 137 10A 7136 290 15 18 10A 7139 10A 7138 222 15 10 1/1 REDUCTION PROGRAM RELIEF/REPLACEMENT SEWER PHASE I Without Future Growth Projections J ff C't e erso n I 10A 7140 10A 7139 213 12 12 10A 7142 10A 8265 250 12 12 10A 7143 10A 8341 175 12 10 10A 8265 10A 7141 172 12 12 10A 8341 10A 7142 170 12 10 108 7205 108 7204 350 12 15 108 7206 108 7205 350 12 15 108 7207 108 7206 165 12 15 108 7209 108 7208 170 12 15 108 7211 108 7210 140 12 15 108 7212 108 7211 110 12 15 108 7215 108 7214 309 12 15 108 7216 108 7215 150 12 15 108 7219 108 7218 185 12 15 108 7236 108 15007 139 12 15 108 15007 108 7220 282 12 15 108 7144 10A 7143 284 12 10 108 7145 108 7144 284 12 10 108 7146 108 7145 289 12 10 108 7210 108 7209 200 12 10 108 7213 108 721 2 3 85 12 10 108 7214 108 721 3 250 12 10 108 7217 108 7216 425 12 10 108 7218 108 7217 400 12 10 108 722 0 108 7219 480 12 10 11 6993 11 699 2 304 24 27 11 6994 11 699 3 35 0 24 27 11 6995 11 6994 481 24 27 11 6996 11 6995 327 24 27 2 Appendix R CCTV Observations City of Jefferson, MO -CCTV Listing -WADE Project No. 0107 Up Dn Line Pipe Pipe CCTV Baslnup Manhole B asindn Manhole Length Diam . Type Tape# Observations 09A 7446 09A 7445 182 8 VCP/DIP 2 Positive dye t est@ 51' break-in service connection . Broken pipe@ 10.7', 13.9', 17.8', I?R q• ~6 ~· 41 4' S4 1' <;<; Q' 73.3' 89.2' 125.9' Saos and roots. 09A 7471 09A 7462 209 8 VCP 3 Multiple crack, broken pipe and roots at joints throughout. 09A 7461 09A 7460 146 8 VCP 3 Positive dye test @ 136.4' heavy joint infiltration . Multiple longitudinal and circular cracks. Positive dye test @ 41' break-in service connection . Hole in pipe@ 8'and 40.5' from root 09A 7491 09A 7492 306 8 Truss 2 saw. Service connection with outside infiltration@ 39.8'. Poor service connection @14 1.9' l ~nd 1AA 4' C>ono;~oe with hp_aw roots {jjJ ?6Q A' ;,nd ?A6 7' 09A 7842 09A 7810 130 8 Truss 4 Hole in pi pe@ 69 .0' 10A 7131 10A 7130 239 15 Truss 29 Negative dye test @ 126.8' large hole in pipe . Joints with light roots@ 37 .6', 188.5' and lnR7' 108 8559 108 8558 149 8 PVC 7 Longitudinal cracks and hole in pipe@ 52 .7'. 108 8712 108 8711 70 8 Truss 5 Positive dye test @ 21 .1' poor service connection. 108 8745 108 8756 76 8 Truss 7 Joint with roots@ 2.0'. 108 8517 108 7196 2 14 8 Truss 7 Poor service connection@ 2.0'. Pipe in good condition. 108 8715 108 8714 218 8 Truss 5 Positive dye t est @ 6.6' service with inside infiltra tion. 100 8804 100 8803 139 8 Truss 44 Hole in pipe@ 2.9' and 50 .3'. 100 8820 100 8816 259 8 PVC 1 Positive dye test @ 67 .8' joint infiltra tion. Offset joint @ 80.1 previously repaired . Sag in :linA RR'-Q<;' Hn iA in ninA ({j) 239.1 nr .. vin11c:l ~ reoaired 10 0 896 4 100 8963 77 10 VCP 43 Protruding Taps@ 65 .7' and 66.7'. 100 9492 100 8845 160 8 PVC 42 Large hole in pipe@ 1.1'. Active I& I@ 1.1. 100 8768 100 8773 243 8 Truss 6 Po sitive dye te st @ 17 6.6 service connection. Light roots at joints@ 13.6', 101 .8', 126.5'. M"rli11m In H<>;ovv rnnt tm 12~ ~· ;,nd 176 6' Hole in nine ({j) ?1~ S 100 8775 100 8776 246 8 Tru ss 44 Heavy roots@ 2.9', 196.2' and 199.1'. Heavy grease from 140.8 to 200.0'. 100 8780 100 8782 392 8 Truss 45 Hole in pipe@ 231.5', 329.4' and 329.8'. Evidence of infiltration@ 99 .3 and 329.4'. I 100 8781 100 8780 96 8 Truss 45 Hole in pipe@ 43.4'. The hole in pipe@ 44.4' was recorded as repaired. Evidence of joint infiltration in wh"t annAarArl to be an abandon service connection® 91 .6' 100 8986 100 8987 252 8 Truss 43 Crushed pipe@ 62.2', 131.5' and 227 .9'. Cracked joints@ 29 .6' and 247 .6'. Multiple poor 1 SArvi"A r.nn nA ,tinno:: 100 8850 100 8843 64 8 DIP/PVC 1 Missing tape footage from 19.4' t o end of line segment. 100 9491 100 9492 178 8 PVC 42 Camera out of focus. Pi p e appears to be In good condition. 11 15041 11 9399 191 6 VCP 18 Pos itive dye tes t @ 165.7' a nd 177.7' heavy joint infiltration . Multiple cracked joints and llinht rnnlc: "' inintc: Hnl" i.., ninA tm 85..6' 11 15076 11 2360 237 6 VCP 33 Hole in pipe@ 1.0'. Cracked joints throughout. Modera te offset joints@ 51.2', 79.4', 214.6' ann ?2o .?' 11 2307 11 2308 300 8 VCP 18 Positive dye t est @ 167 .1' from inside service. Minor offset joints with light roots throughou t ll inA C:Anm .. nl r;om~r;o hlnrl<odh\1 nrnlroo";n'1 taO ({j) 167 .2' 11 2311 11 2310 325 8 VCP 26 Outside infiltration at connection @ 28 .9'. Protruding tap camera could not pass. 11 2313 11 2310 499 8 VCP 8 J oint infiltration throughout line s egment. -- 1 City of Jefferson, MO -CCTV Listing -WADE Project No. 0107 Up On Line Pipe Pipe CCTV Basin up Manhole Basindn Manhole Length Diam . Type Tape# Observations 11 2317 11 2313 498 8 VCP 9 Multiple minor to moderate offset join ts and light to medium root s throughout lin e segment. lr;,.,. linP hrnk<>n thrnunh oioe ta> 140.6' ""d ?4!i .R' Pn>vinuc: r<>n"ir r-nll'!nsed /1}) ?nO !'i' 11 2320 11 2317 250 6 VCP 32 Cracked joints @ 1.2', 22.2' and 24 .1'. Sag in line from 40.0' to 55.0' Moderate offset joint I® 30.2' oioe material chanae . Heaw arease from 57 .3' thro uah end of line seamen!. 11 2322 11 2321 150 6 VC P 26 Positive dye test @ 3.9' joint infiltration. Minor to moderate offset joints throug ho ut. Pipe I diamP.!P.r ..,hannP.s In ,:;ma iiP.r oioe (ci) 118 2' ca mP.ra "'""'d not ""'"" 11 2331 11 2334 200 8 VC P 25 Positive dye test @ 14 .1' multiple cracks . Minor to moderate offset joints throughout line I ,:;P.nm ~>nl Prntrurlinn t::.n /1}) 163 4' llnahll> In TV ~>nlirP l inP Joints with cra cks througho ut line segment. Hol e in pipe @ 1 .0'. Light roots at joints 11 2350 11 2352 147 6 VC P 31 throughout. Heavy roots@ 1.0' and 9.7'. Longitudinal crack@ 68.7'. Severe offset joint@ 114? R 11 2351 11 2350 61 6 VCP 31 Cracked joints@ 1 .0' and 10.1'. Joints with light r oots throughou t line segment. Heavy roots fa) 14 9'. 11 2356 11 2355 115 8 VCP 34 Joint with medium roots 2 1.0'. Joint wi th heavy infiltration@ 8 .1'. Cracked joint@ 146.5'. Minor offset ioints thrn11nhout line seamen!. 11 2357 11 2356 87 8 VCP 34 Light to heavy roots at joints throughout line seg me nt. Cracks@ 11 .0', 12 .2', 29.1', 31 .6' and !'in.!'i'. 11 2361 11 2356 110 6 VCP 17 Positive dye test @ 87.1' heavy joint infiltration . Cracked , offset joints and light to heavy roots at ioin ts . RrokP.n nin1> (cj) 47.7' 11 23622 11 2362 200 6 VC P 17 Positive dye test @ 19.9' heavy joint infiltration . Light to medium roots and min or to • offsP.I inints thrnuaho ut Poor orP.ViOilS rl>n::.ir rm 174 4' 11 2363 11 2359 225 8 VCP 30 Joints with cracks throughout l ine segment. Hole in pipe@ 140.3'. Joints w ith heavy 'nfiltration f8l 160 ?' ::.nd 172.3'. Lich t to hP.avv rnnts ::.1 inints frnm 164 4'-'21 0.4' 11 2365 11 2363 160 6 VC P 30 Drop broken@ 2.0'. Multiple cracked joints with light to medium roots . Minor to moderate I offset ioin ts throuahout line seamen!. 11 2424 11 2452 70 8 VCP 38 Moderate offset joint@ 2.4'. Joints with light roots@ 4.3', 37.6', 49.5' and 61.1'. 11 2438 11 244 2 159 8 VC P 11 Positive dye t est @ 8.5', 40.9' and 11 7.1'. Circu la r cracks@ 148.3'. 11 2444 11 2446 116 8 VCP 41 Cr acked joints and j oin ts with light to medium roots throughout line segme nt. Hole in pipe @ 1?2 n'. 11 2446 11 2447 105 8 VCP 12 Positive dye test @ 32.7', 47 .5' and 68.5'. Joints with li gh t to heavy infiltration and roots. I Broken oioe rm 104 !'i 11 2447 11 2424 308 8 VCP 12 Positive dye te st @ 7 .2' and 5 3 .4' joint infiltration . Multiple cracked joints throughout line l seamP.nl Sao in nin~> from 170' to 204 2' BrokP.n ::.nd missi nn ninP rm ?~~ <;• 11 2448 11 2447 195 8 VCP 4 1 Cracked joints and joints with light to medium roots throughout line seg ment. Ho le in pipe @ 189.7 . EvidP.n "'" nf infiltr::.tion fa) 96.1'. Conne..,tinn with"' t,:;irl" infiltr:otion (ci) 112 .5'. Positive dye test @ 175.8' connection outside i nfiltration. Hole in pipe @ 4 .6' and 90.9'. 11 2450 11 2448 200 6 VCP 46 Multiple cracks with light to heavy roots . Missing footage from 120' through end of line 11 2451 11 2424 139 8 VCP 38 Broken pipe@ 1.0'. Cra cked joints@ 1.1', 33.7', 39.8', 45.8', 49.0', 70.1 and 73.3'. Sag in li ne from 99.6' tn 11!'i .6'. Liaht roots th roua hm t linP "'"nm~>nt. 11 2457 11 2445 355 8 VCP 39 Multiple cracks and light to medium roots at joints throughout lin e segment. Evidence of infiltration throuohout linP.. 11 2458 11 2457 134 8 VCP 39 Multiple cracks and light to medium r oots at joints throughout line segment. 11 2716 11 2460 49 8 VCP 11 Positive dye test @ 8.1' heavy joint infiltrati on. Broken pipe@ 27.4' and 48.2'. 2 City of Jefferson, MO -CCTV Listing -WADE Project No. 0107 ~ Up On Line Pipe Pipe CCTV Basin up Manhole Baslndn Manhole Length Diam . Type Tape# Observations 11 7317 11 7316 175 8 Truss 40 Ev idence of infiltrating throughout line segment. Crushed pipe@ 108.6'. 11 9126 11 9125 180 8 VCP 36 Cra cked pipe@ 57.0', 99.7', 112.1' and 114 .9'. Moderate offset joint@ 73.8' and 78 .6' pipe m::.tP.ri::.l r.h:onnR. M ltiniR ioints with liaht roots 11 9130 11 9128 300 8 VCP 35 Multiple cracks in pipe. Medium grease@ 27.0'. Joints wi th light to medium r oots at joints throoonhnool . 11 9131 11 9 130 219 8 VCP 35 Multiple cracks in pipe. Joint with light infiltra tion@ 16 .1'. Large hole in pipe@ 128.5' and 186.4'. J oints with l iah t roots throuahout line sea men !. 11 9132 11 9131 105 8 VCP 35 Cracks in pipe@ 11 .2', 13.8', 16.3', 26 .2', 46.9' and 49.3'. Joints with light roots throughout line seament. 11 9208 11 9209 306 8 VCP 28 Positive dye test @ 25.0' and 44 .5' water valve to service . Cracked joints with light to heavy rnnl<: t linP ,... I nin P. rm 11 ? ?' 11 9212 11 15029 228 8 VCP 24 Multiple crack joints with light to medium roots . Hole in pipe@ 204 .7'. 11 9213 11 92 12 65 8 VCP 24 Multiple cracked joints with infiltration thro ug ho ut line seg ment. 11 9214 11 9213 185 8 VCP 24 Connections with outside infiltration@ 28 .6', 53 .3' and 66 .7'. Connection with heavy roots@ I A2 ~·. 11 9247 11 15026 339 8 VCP 23 Multiple cracks , joints with active 1&1 and evidence of infiltration. Light to medium roots at ·oints. 11 9253 11 9252 148 8 VCP 14 Positive dye test @ 113.9' and 117 .3'. Multiple cracks , broken pipe and crushed pipe . 11 9254 11 9252 191 8 VCP 14 Positive dye test @ 30. 9' and 71 .0'. Multiple cracks, broken pipe and c ru shed pipe . I ~:>mPr:> htnr-lrPrl II~:> hiP In TV P.nlirP. J.irle seamen!. 11 9267 11 9266 279 8 Truss 37 Heavy joint infiltration @ 1.4'. Evidence of infilt ration @ 200 . 7', 262 .5', 263 . 7' and 270 .9'. ConnRctinn nut<:irl~> infiltration (QL74 .1' 78 .8' and 246 .7'. 11 9388 11 9387 161 8 VCP 15 Positive dye test @ 56.9' and 60 .2'. Multiple joints with cracks and l igh t to heavy roots . 11 9390 11 9387 124 8 VCP 15 Positive dye test @ 30.6'. 31.3', 53.5'. 65 .6' and 69.0'. Cracked joints with heavy infiltration. 11 9476 11 9477 15 8 VCP 16 Positive dye te s t of (11) 9476-(11) 9474 @ 146.5'. Cracked joints and light roots thrn11nhn11l lin<> ~~~~~n• Noll>' m::mhole 9477 · "" ® 15' t1urino <:mokP. IP<:Iinn 11 9477 11 9474 403 8 VC P 16 Positive dye test of (11) 9476-(11) 9474@ 146.5'. Cracked joints and light roots throuahout li nP. ~ ·-~-·• Noh•· manhole 94 77 identifiP.d durina <:mnk~> !~><:linn 11 9825 11 9818 134 8 VCP 19 Positive dye test @ 29.0' heavy joint infiltration. Cr acked joints and medium to heavy roots . I Poor nrPvinll<: rPn :>ir fi'il 11 4.9 ' PVC settiP.d . 11 232 1 11 2320L 257 6 VCP 32 Cr acked joints @ 27 .1', 11 9.6' and 245.0'. Hole in pipe@ 80.7'. Connecti on with outside infiltr::.tinn rm ?47.4'. 11 2366 11 2367 400 8 VCP 27 Server offset joint @ 13. 7' camera could not pass. 11 2435 11 2454 120 8 VCP 11 Positive dye test @ 9 .1' from water pit . 11 7318 11 7317 205 8 Truss 40 Connection ou tside infiltration@ 113.6' and 184.3'. Connection with medium roots@ 184.3'. 11 9158 11 9164 21 8 VC P 36 One joint wit h roo ts@ 17 .2. 11 9164 11 9163 48 8 VCP 36 Two joints wi th roots@ 8.2' and 18.2'. 11 9215 11 9214 179 8 VC P 24 Cracks with medium roots @ 21 .5'. Cracked joint @ 70.3'. Heavy roots at connection @ 150 7' 11 9268 11 9267 129 8 Truss 37 Joints with evidence of infi ltration @ 115.1' and 124.4'. 11 9285 11 9268 36 8 PVC 21 Negative dye test @ 19.7' hole in pipe . 11 9795 11 9793 89 8 Truss 19 Po sitive dye test @ 65 .8' hole in pipe . ---- 3 City of Jefferson, MO -CCTV Listing -WADE Project No . 0107 Up On Line Pipe Pipe CCTV Basinup Manhole Basindn Manhole Length Diam . Type Tape # Observations 11 2443 11 2444 124 8 VCP 108 Positive dye test @ 34 .9', 37 .9', and 40.5'. Multiple cracks@ 16.2' and 18.8'. Sag in line f rnm 4R ?' In R4 R' 11 9124 11 9123 303 8 VC P 13 Positive dye test @ 175.4' and 205.2'. Heavy joint infiltration from 175'-205'. 11 9125 11 9124 120 8 VCP 13 Positive dye test @ 47 .9' and 65.1'. Joi nt infil tration. C rack s @ 47 .1 ', 62.1 ' and 65.1 '. 11 2345 11 2344 135 10 RCP 29 Negative dye test @ 14.9'. Smoke defect from abandoned line. 11 9394 11 15080 77 8 Tru ss 22 Pipe in good condition. Unknown buried manhole@ 52 .3' Identified as 15080 . 11 15080 11 9395 33 8 Truss 22 Pipe in good condition. Unknown burled manhole identified as 15080. 11 9449 11 1508 1 129 8 PVC 20 Pipe in good condition. Unknown buried manhole@ 100.5' identified as 15081 . 11 15081 11 9448 102 8 PVC 20 Pipe in good condition. Unknown buried manhole Identified as 15081 . 11 9470 11 9472 59 8 PVC 16 Pipe in good condition. 11 9360 11 9063 2 19 8 PVC 22 Camera submerged a majority of the line segment. 10 8857 10 8856 8 Could not find CCTV footage. Not on tape (11) 9 I 11 2305 11 5078 8 Could not find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 11 23 15 11 2313 100 8 Could not find CCTV footage. Not on tape (11) 9 I 11 2325 11 2321 490 6 Coul d not find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 11 2339 11 23 13 72 8 Could not find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 11 7022 11 7021 305 24 Cou l d not find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 11 8026 11 7007 1 8 Could n ot find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 11 9063 11 9369 31 12 Cou l d not find CCTV footage . No Tape Not on Direc tory 11 9369 11 9064 12 Cou l d not find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 11 9203 11 9202 1 8 Could not find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 11 9247 11 9229 339 8 Could not find CCTV footage. No Tape Not on Directory 4