HomeMy Public PortalAbout19450809CCMeeting146 There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of .e Mayor. )9.4 Cler! of Council Mayor Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. August 9, 1945. The regular meeting of Council was held today at 8 :00 P.M. in the Town Hall, and was attended by Mayor Dutton, Who presided, and Councilmen Farrell, Lovell, Hosti, Slotin, Young, Walsh and by Town Attorney Alexander. adopted. The minutes of the meeting of July 12th were read and Councilman Young moved that the - following resolution be passed on the death of Mr. Thomas Gamble, former Mayor of Savannah Beach, Councilman Walsh seconded and the motion passed. RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, Thomas Gamble, Mayor of the City of Savannah, died on July 13th, 1945, thus bringing to a close a life spent in the service of his fellow men, and particularly of his fellow citizens of Chatham County; AND WHEREAS, Thomas Gamble for many years, and up until the time of his death, was keenly interested in the welfare of the Town of Savannah Beach and its people, having served said Town of Savannah Beach as Mayor from May 3rd, 1926, until he resigned on December 29th, 1932, in order to become the Mayor of the City of Savannah; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in council assembled, that in the death of Thomas Gamble, the Town and the people of Savannah Beach have lost a friend who was constantly interested in the wellbeing of the town and its people,'and who on numerous occasions throughout the years proved his friendship by actions too numerous to mention in detail; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these resolu- tions be spread upon the minutes of the said Town of Savannah Beach, and that copies be sent to the family of Thomas Gamble. .Councilman Young recommended that the salary of Mr. A. C. Carter, Superintendent of the Sewerage System, be reified 610.00 per month, Councilman Walsh moved. that Mr. Carter's salary be raised $10.00 per month effective August let, Councilman Lovell seconded and the motion passed. Town Attorney Alexander informed Council that the munici- pality could obtain legislative authority to zone the Town, Council- man Walsh moved that the Chatham County Delegation be requested to have the Charter amended granting authority for the zoning of the Town, Councilman Lovell seconded end the motion passed. The Mayor informed Council that the sewera ge system had been causing quite a bit of annoyance due to some of the pumping stations not functioning properly though a maintenance crew was doing everything possible to keep the system functioning, Council- man Walsh stated that the men doing the work should be commended, the Mayor stated that the condition is had and that he had asked Espy to give an estimate on correctiong the bad conditions until the system is repaired, Councilman Young stated that Espy suggested doing it on a cost plus basis, Councilman Slotin asked that as we are going to have a law suits can the Town let out the work on a cost plus basis, the Town Attorney stated it could be done if the price is reasonable, Mr. Dutton stated that the F.W.A. informed him they would not give additional funds until the work is properly completed, the Town Attorney stated that it was a question for a jury to decide, Councilman $lotin moved. that the Chairman of the Sewerage Committee and the Mayor be authorized to made arrange- ments with the Espy Paving and Construction Company to make the necessary corrections in the sewerage system on a cost plus basis and as reasonable as possible and that the work be done at once, Councilman Walsh seconded and the motion passed The Mayor informed Council the t in regards to the net *s - paper articles relative to the Town buying Fort Soreven, and issu- ing Revenue Certificates was not authorized by him. The Mayor reported that Judge Atkinson had granted a temporary injunction restraining the Town from selling 6th Street from Butler Avenue to the Strand and that he had authorized the Town Attorney to appeal the cese to the Supreme Court and asked that his action be confirmed, Councilman Walsh moved that the Mayor's actions be confirmed, Councilman. Young seconded and the motion passed.. The Mayor informed Council that the Alee Temple was having a dance on Tybrisa Pavilion on August 10th and that he .instructed Councilman Hosti to waive the collection of the tall for this night, and asked that his action be confirmed, Councilman Walsh moved thet the Mayor's action be confirmed, Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Biotin moved that bills for General Govern- ment for the month of July amounting to $1,020.25 and that bills e! i�uu:� w -,. is.,. eiW. diL�Hlr�raWLd9WCdti�YdluWilIl�Loi`�.i�u�l�l}r dial' ��I�il��llel�iUe�larl�YliJl 'WV�it�����'y 148 for the Stubbing Account amounting to ,$32.25 be paid. Councilman Young seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Slotin stated that Mr. A. J. Ryan, Jr. had offered to buy Public Alley No. 1 located on Tybee Inlet, he had discussed it with the other members of the FinancI. Committee and they agreed that if there is no objection from the adjoining pro- perty owners that it be sold for 03, 500.00, Councilman Lovell moved that Public Alley No. 1 be sold for $3,500.00 cash,provided that the consent of the adjoining property owners is obtained, and that the matter be referred to the Town Attorney, Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. • Councilman Slotin suggested that Butler Avenue be made into a memorial for the men who have served in the present war, 'a committee was appointed consisting of Councilmen Slotin, Farrell, and Lovell to handle the matter and report back at the next meeting. Councilman Slotin stated that in connection with the Tybee Beech Company and other developers that own property in Venetian Terrace And which is now carried on an acreage bads , that this property shouldt be put on a lot basis he suggested that the Assess- ment Committee should take sufficient time to check the assessments, Councilman Walsh moved that the property carried as acreage in Vene- tian Terrace be put on a lot basis effective May let, 1946, Council- man Young seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Slotin requested that an application for an incinerator be added to the post -war projects, Councilman Young stated that the cost to operate an incinerator on Tybee is going to be high. Councilman Slotin stated that he was informed that where a project is not eligible for a Federal Grant, that the Federal Government would loan money for the project without interest for a period of years. Councilman Slotin stated that a group of doctors had investigated the plant that causes hay fever. The matter was referred to the Town Attorney and also the Sewerage, Health and Sanitation Committee. Councilman Walsh informed Council that Dr. Baker, who operates a drug store in Savannah, wanted to open a drug store at Savannah Beach, but wanted to have the business license eliminated, the opinion of the Town Attorney was that the Town cannot give free licenses, the Mayor informed Council that Mr. T. S. Chu was inter- ested in opening a drugstore also. Council is of the opinion that if a drug store came to Tybee it would be given a very reasonable license. Councilman Walsh informed Council that E. J. Haar had requested a refund on some of his property located on Atlantic Ave.' and on 16th Street, claiming that he was being taxed for improve- ments that have been removed, the opinion of Council was that since he did not make his appeal within the time limit that it has expired. 1 t 149 The Mayor referred the matter to the Aseesement Committee to ha.n- dle'and report back. The Tybee Beach Company requested a refund on some taxes that had been paid by them,the matter waa referred to the Finance Committee to report back at the next meeting. Councilman Young .stated that there is some creosoted lumber stored in the Town lot that was to be used for boracings for - Tybrisa Pavilion , and is owned by the Tybrisa Company,. and asked if the Town was interested in purchasing; it the matter was referred to the Chairman of the Finance Committee. Councilman Lovell informed Council that several days ago the fire engine in answering a fire call found one of the fire plugs blocked by an automobile, a policeman was called to correct the matter, he stated that it would have to be handled with the Chief of Police before he could do 'anything about it, Councilman Hosti stated that the matter has subsequently been straightened out. It was the opinion of Council that the Police Committee must take action so that the block- ing of fire plugs will be discontinued. Councilman Hosti informed Council that at the present time there isaa very annoying condition existing at Police Headquarters on 16th Street due to the wife of the Chief of Police being around quite a bit of the time and usually bawling the policemen out, the Mayor asked Councilman Hosti if he had talked to the Chief about this, he said he had.not, Councilman- Walsh moved that the matter be referred to the police Committee for the necessary and absolute action, Coun- cilmen Young seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Walsh sug- gested that the Chief be informed that his wife must remain away from Police Headquarters. A request was had from Sweat and Brown offering to purchase lot S -A, Block 2, Bay Ward. The matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Councilman Siotin moved that the following Ordinance be adopted, Councilman Walsh seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE TO INCORPORATE INTO CERTAIN STREETS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, CERTAIN STRIPS OF LAND LYING BETWEEN THE BOUNDARY LINES OF SUCH STREETS AND THE LOTS FACING THEREON, SO THAT SAID STRIPS SHALL CCNSTITUTE A PART OF SAID STREETS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS the Town Engineer for the Town of Savannah Beech, Ty- bee Island, Georgia, has measured the distance from the center line of First Street in said town, along Butler Avenue, to the center line of Sixteenth Street, and, it appears from his measurements that between the center lines of certain streets in said town there is a greater distance than is shown on the official map of said town; AND WHEREAS it is desir:{ble to a.11ooa)tie Said. footage to the several streets in said town, so t t questions as to the 150 location of lot lines may be settled without disturbing the present lot lines in said town; SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same that the follow- ing strips of land be, and they are hereby, incorporated into the several streets thereof : - A strip 0.55 feet wide between south line of First Street and north line of lots fronting on First Street, A' strip 0.55 feet wide between north line of Second Street and south line of lots fronting on Second Street. A strip 0.55 feet wide between south line of Second Street and north line of lots fronting on Second Street. A strip 0.55 feet wide between north line of Third Street and south line of lots fronting on Third Street. A strip 0.61 feet wide between south line of Third Street and north line of lots fronting on Third Street. No change in width of Fourth Street. A strip of 0.61 feet wide between north line of Center Street and south line of lots fronting on Center Street. A strip 3.00 feet wide between south line of Center Street and north line of lots fronting on Center Street. No change in width of Fifth Street. A strip 3.00 feet wide between north line of Sixth Street and south line of lots fronting on Sixth Street. A Strip 2.70 feet wide between south line of Seventh Street and north line of lots fronting on Seventh Street; A strip 2.70 feet wide between north line of Eigth Street and south line of lots fronting on Eigth Street. A stria 1.50 feet wide between south line of Eighth Street end north line of lots fronting on Eighth Street. A strip 1.50 feet wide between north line of Ninth Street and south line of lots fronting on Ninth Street. A trip 3.01 feet wide between south line of Ninth Street and north line of lots fronting,on Nineth Street. A strip 3.01 feet wide between north line of Tenth Street and south line of lots fronting on Tenth Street. A strip 1.10 feet wide between south line of Tenth Street and north line of lots fronting on Tenth Street. purl).. cni A strip 1.10 -feet wide between north line of Eleventh Street and south line of lets fronting on Eleventh Street. A strip 1.25 feet wide between south line of Eleventh Street and North - line of lots fronting on Eleventh Street. A strip 1.25 feet wide between north line of Twelfth Street end south line of lots fronting on Twelfth Street. A strip 1.00 -feet wide between south line of Twelfth Street and north line of lots fronting on Twelfth Street. A strip 1.00 feet wide between north line of Thirteenth Street and south line of lots fronting on Thir- teenth Street.. A strip 2.13, feet wide between south line of Thirteenth Street and north line of lots fronting on Thir-. ' teenth Street. A strip 2.43 feet wide between north line of Fourteenth Street and south line of lots fronting on Four- teenth Street. A strip 0.70 feet wide between south line of Fourteenth Street and north line of lots fronting on Four- teenth Street. A. strip-0.70 feet wide between north line of Fifteenth Street and south line �f lots fronting on Fif- teenth Street. A strip 0.85 feet wide between south line of Fifteenth - Street and north line of lots fronting on Six teenth Street. A strip 0.85 feet wide between north line of °Siaxteenth Street and south line of lots fronting on Six- teenth Street. • SECTION 2. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that the official map or plan of said town he and the same is here- by, amended to incorporate said strips of land into said streets, as a part thereof. SECTI ©N 3. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. d� a yli.W J II 152 There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the calIf the.Mayor. Cleo, of Council Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. September 12, 1945. The regular meeting of Town Council, postponed from Thurs- day, September 6th, was held today at 4;00 P.M. in the. Council Room in the Town Hall, and was attended by Mayor Dutton, who presided, and Councilmen Young, Walsh, Farrell, Slotin, Lovell and Town Attorney Alexander; also E. J. Solomon and George Jacobs. Mr. Solomon stated that Mr. Jacobs and himself were appointed a committee by some of the other contractors to request that Council protect them in the issuance of licenses as there were several parties engaging in business in competition with them who are not paying li- censes. After some discussion it wwS decided that those engaged in business end were not paying licenses would be required to do so at once. Councilman Lovell wanted to know who changed the fire sig- nals for answering alarms, he stated that the island had been divided into zones before the war but that the sounding of the alarm was dis- continued due to conflicting with the air raid warnings. The proposed war memorial was discussed and Councilman Young stated that it should be one entire project to beautify Butler Avenue, put in curbs, plant flowers, etc., he suggested that it be kept on re- cord until other projects are handled. The Mayor stated that he had been to Atlanta and had con- tacted the F. W. A. and also Mr. J. G. Attaway and also had talked with Mr. Singleton and Mr. Drummond and he discussed with them how to adjust the differences with Attaway. They stated that there was about 2,900 feet of infiltration, that they had localized it and that if Attaway would give them two men to work with their engineer, they would try "and locate and correct the condition without cost to Atta- way., Attaway agreed to replace with oast iron pipe all stations ex- cept 3 and 6, Attaway would have Espy do the work, the, cost of the First station was about 0500.00. Espy fixed all stations, the Mayor stated that if they had not been fixed the cost for maintenance to the Town would have been terrific. Councilman Young stated that some of Attawa.y's work was entirely wrong. The Mayor stated that the manhole bottom in the 12th Street station was wrong, Attaway agreed to fix that. Mr. Singleton stated that when Attaway does that the job will be completed. The Mayor stated that the bill presented by the J. G. Attaway Company for stubbing amounting to 12,303.33 was submitted to Mr. Kent who stated that the bill was o.k. for payment a.s the work has been done, the Mayor informed Mr. Attaway that deductions would have to be made on some of the stubs installed by Attaway as it was