HomeMy Public PortalAbout2014-03-13 HPC Minutes Village of Plainfield Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission Record of Minutes Date: March 13 , 2014 Location: Village Hall CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL , PLEDGE Chairman Bortel called the meeting to order at 7:0 0 p.m. Roll call was tak en; Commissioners Schmidt, Kachel, Olsen , Derrick , Hendricksen, Hagen , and Chairman Bortel were present. Commissioners Rapp and Buchannan w ere absent. Al so in attendance: Michael Garrigan, Village Planner and Merrilee Trotz, Recording Secretary . Chairma n Bortel led the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Derrick made a motion approving the agenda. Commissioner Hendricksen seconded the motion. Voice vote . All in favor. 0 opposed. Motion carried APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner D errick made a moti on to approve the minutes from January 9, 2014 as amended . Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Schmidt, yes; Kachel, yes; Olsen, yes; Derrick, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Hagen, yes; Bortel, yes. Voice vote - All in favor. 0 opposed . Motion carried. CHAIR’S COMM ENTS: None COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Commissioner Hendricksen read a portion of an article reg arding the eco nom ic development, tax credits and historic preservation; reminde d the c ommissioners that in r egard s to the open meeting act 3 commissioners getting together constitutes a meeting. Commissioner Derrick mentioned federal tax credits are available to the historic downtown national regist er properties ; states can set up state tax credits the way they want so it may be beneficial for people to write to their representatives to encourage passing of the bill . Chairman Bortel mentioned the Federal tax credit is in jeopardy as the Federal Government is lobbying to get rid of the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit because the government can no longer afford this program. PUBLIC COMMENT: (Items not on the Agenda) No one approached the microphone. STAFF REPORT: Mr. Garrigan indicated there are no n ew demolition applications; no new landmark applications an d the preservation watch list remains the same; the preservation awards are to be presented in May ; the VPA is working on the Founder’s Day event which may be held in the Old St. Mary Church also known as B aci. The Chamber, VPA, Historical Society and Riv erfront Foundation are working on Founder’s day . Historic Preservation Commission Minutes March 13 , 2014 Page 2 of 3 OLD BUSINESS Chairman Bortel stated the Village Board will be approving the ordinance for Mr. Habiger’s nomination for Landmark status for 24027 W Lockport Street at this coming Monday’s meeting; and the V ilalge approved the letter of agreement and COA for Mr. Heffernan work on his house on Joliet Road. NEW BUSINESS Case No. 1645 -0 214 14.HPC Demolition Text Amendment Mr. Garrigan th is is a public hearing being heard pursuant to state statute and all ap plicable local ordinances; the Village adopted a demolition ordinance in 2005 and there have been no major modifications. There has been internal discussion by the HPC indicating there is no determined deadline in the permit for the actual demolition of a property. Staff has prepared language to set a time line of one year from the date the permit is issued. Staff has recently been working with the Chairman of the Commission to determine whether property has historic significance; properties that are e ither contributing or noted as potential landmarks based on the urban survey would go through the process if the owner has applied for a demolition permit. The ordinance is very convoluted and there may be an opportunity to review or streamline the proces s. Mr. Garrigan stated he was looking for input from the Commission. Commissioner Hendricksen stated according to the ordinance the applicant is required to place a sign on the property that is to remain on the property until the demoli tion occurs; felt the addition of the sunset clause would make it eas ier for the building department; felt having a demolition permit is not a reason to increase the value of the property. Commissioner Derrick expressed concern with changing the ordinance now as in a few y ears the current surveys will be old; there will be other properties that will have achieved the 50 year mark; felt that portion of the process that allows the commission to discuss the various cases should be preserved . Commissioner Kachel asked how oth er communities handle demolition permits. Mr. Garrigan stated the ordinance was taken from Winnetka as Oswego, Yorkville, Shorewood, Joliet have an application only. Commissioner Hendricksen called the building departments of Naperville, Evanston, and Ge neva and found none of these communities have a definitive time ; if the ordinance is followed you do not need a time frame set. Commissioner Kachel feels the demolition permit is used as a sales point when 1 property is next to 1 or 2 others historical pr operties. Commissioner Hendricksen stated that our ordinance states that a site plan is to be submitted prior to the demolition permit being issued. Several commissioners agreed this step is not followed. Commissioner Hendricksen agreed that the age of the building should be considered; stated he would not want to vote on this amendment at this time as it will make the process difficult for the building department . Chairman Bortel stated maybe the Village administration will form a committee and include the HPC when they change this ordinance. Mr. Garrigan suggested this amendment be tabled until the ordinance can be reworked to streamline the process and then bring it back to the HPC for their input Chairman Bortel asked for public comments. There w as no response. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes March 13 , 2014 Page 3 of 3 Commissioner Hendricksen made a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Schmidt seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Kachel, yes; Olsen, yes; Derrick, yes; Hagen, yes; Schmidt, yes; Hendricksen, yes; Bortel, yes. Motion c arried 7 -0 Workshop on the Existing Building Code Mr. Garrigan stated the existing building code was adopted about 3 years ago; introduced Dan Seggebruch, an architect employed by the City of Aurora. Mr. Seggebruch is a Plainfield Plan Commissioner, work s on the Will County Historic Preservation Commission and works with building department doing the plan review for the City of Aurora. Mr. Garrigan stated the question is if you have a historic building or a building that has not been identified as a land mark are they required to conform with the current building code requirements, fire requirements, and ADA requirements. Mr. Seggebruch stated he is a licensed architect in three states and reviewed his qualifications. Mr. Seggebruch presented examples of a Chapter 34 review; stated that basically the building code has been established for the construction of new buildings; stated there has always been a code for existing building s; described repair versus alternations; indicated fire escapes in good rep air can remain; stairs and doors in an existing building do not necessarily have to be changed to meet the current code; described the safety perimeters; gave examples of the different levels for alternations; described the change of occupancy/type of use . Mr. Seggebruch stated the accessibility codes also have existing/historical codes; mentioned in Aurora if a property is not already a landmark or in a District the Preservation Commissi on can write a letter indicating they feel the property is eligible or meets the requirements to be historical and the building department has to accept that letter. Discussion was held regarding the Fire District codes . Mr. Seggebruch stated it will be different in Plainfield as the Fire District is a separate entity. COMMITTEE REPORTS : None DISCUSSION: ADJOURN: Commissioner Derrick made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Voice vote. All in favor; 0 opposed. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p. m. __________________________ Respectfully submitted, Merrilee Trotz - Recording Secretary