HomeMy Public PortalAbout1/03/1997 executiveCity of Greencastle City Hall Four East Walnut Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 GREENCASTLE BOARD OF WORKS EXECUTIVE SESSION FRIDAY, JANUARY 3,1997 10:30 A. NI. CITY HALL Pamela S. Jones Clerk- Treasurer The Greencastle Board of Works met in Executive Session Friday, January 3, 1997, 10:30 a.m. at City Hall. Mayor Michael called the meeting to order. On the Roll Call, the following Board members were found to be present: Sue Murray and George Murphey. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct interviews for the position of Chief of Police for the City of Greencastle. First to be interviewed was Randolph Seipel who is currently a Sergeant on the Police Department. Mr. Seipel has been employed as an officer with the City of Greencastle since 1989. ® Mayor Michael asked Mr. Seipel why he wants to be Chief of Police. Mr. Seipel replied that throughout college his desire was to be a Police Chief and he will bring nine years of experience and a new perspective to the department. Mayor Michael asked Mr_ Seipel what the most important characteristic is for a Police Chief. Mr. Seipel replied that he believes honesty is the most important characteristic. Ms. Murray asked Mr. Seipel what kind of different perspective he would bring to the department. Mr. Seipel stated that as Greencastle has grown it has still kept the "small town atmosphere" and he would like for people to continue to know the officers as people. He would also like to see monthly articles to help familiarize the community with the Police Department and encourage officers to become more involved with community groups. Mayor Michael asked how Mr. Seipel would get the officers involved in their off time. Mr. Seipel stated that you lead by example. Time is always a factor, but everyone can still be involved to some extent, no matter how small. Mr. Seipel stated that he would also verbally encourage the officers to be involved. Mayor Michael asked Mr. Seipel how he would work with the budget constraints and make them work to his advantage. Mr. Seipel stated that he would actively involve the department in meetings - get opinions and have everyone help in setting priorities for the department. " Ms. Murray asked Mr. Seipel how he feels about the Reserve Force. Mr. Seipel stated that he likes the Reserve Force, sometimes they are asked to do more than they should, but if you train them and have them utilized as assisting officers, they are a great benefit. They are also very helpful in community activities such as parades, 4th of July, etc. Mayor Michael stated that the Reserve budget for 1997 has been cut. What is the best way to get the Reserves started again? Mr. Seipel stated that you need to set a number of how many Reserves you want, look at the money for training and expenses and work with what you have. You can add as time goes on. Mr. Seipel continued that four of the officers on the GPD are certified trainers and that could cut some of the cost. Mr. Murphey asked how Mr. Seipel would handle a high speed chase. Mr. Seipel stated that there is written policy on how to handle high speed chases. Public safety is the biggest issue and you can always radio information to another officer in the vicinity where the car is headed. Mayor Michael asked Mr. Seipel what his strengths are. Mr. Seipel replied that he is honest, hardworking, dedicated and wants to be a part of the department. Mr. Seipel stated that he tries to share his experiences with the younger officers, he is level headed, has natural leadership abilities and makes good decisions. Mayor Michael asked if there were any negatives. Mr. Seipel stated that he is a procrastinator and sometimes gets focused on one thing and can't seem to shake that particular thing. � Ms. Murray asked what Mr. Seipel's feelings are on the DARE program. Mr. Seipel stated that he doesn't know alot about the program, but the idea is very good. Ms. Murray asked what the greatest problem facing Greencastle is. Mr. Seipel stated that growing pains always have to be addressed. There is also alot of public concern regarding crimes. Mr. Seipel feels that the police should keep a high profile, allow people to see the officers out. Work with other departments to help solve crimes. Ms. Murray asked how the City Police Department, DePauw Security and the Sheriffs Department interact with each other. Mr. Seipel stated that all the departments work well together and can count on each other for help. Mr. Murphey asked if there are racial problems in Greencastle. Mr. Seipel stated that as more minorities move in, the only real problem he sees is possibly communication, but otherwise the feeling has been positive and there are no real racial problems in Greencastle. Mr. Murphey stated that several Japanese have moved to Greencastle. If you stopped a Japanese and could not understand them, how would you handle this? Mr. Seipel stated that most of the Japanese can speak and understand English to a certain extent. If he had a real problem, Mr. Seipel stated that he would contact dispatch to get an interpreter. Mr. Seipel feels something O should be put in place to have a list of interpreters available if needed. Mr. Murphey asked how Mr. Seipel would handle a sticky situation within the Department. Mr. Seipel replied that he would get the SOP out, get specifics of problem, contact the Mayor and the City Attorney. I would go to the Mayor with a solution that I feel would work. If the Mayor didn't agree with my solution then we would work it out. You have to address problems, they do not go away. Ms. Murray asked if there was one thought as to why you are the best candidate, what would that thought be. Mr. Seipel replied that he is open minded and hard working enough to work with everyone and to accept the responsibilities that go along with the job. Mr. Murphey asked Mr. Seipel what his next goal would be if he made Chief. Mr. Seipel replied that he has decided to put in 20 years with the City Police. I guess running for Sheriff is a possibility, but I like where I'm at. Mayor Michael asked if a Physical Fitness program was need for the department. Mr. Seipel stated that he would certainly benefit from it and would strongly encourage a program. Mayor Michael asked about the negative aspects on family life if he was appointed Chief. Mr. Seipel replied that in life there are always things you have to give up. He and his wife have worked things out so far and would continue to do so. Ms. Murray asked Mr. Seipel if there was one thought he would like to leave the Board with. Mr. Seipel replied that he is dedicated to the City, he plans to put in his twenty year, he enjoys the job and would like to enhance the department. The next person to be interviewed was James Baugh. Mr. Baugh is currently a Deputy with the Sheriffs Department. Mayor Michael asked Mr. Baugh why he wanted to be Police Chief Mr. Baugh stated that he was with the City Police for 4 -1/2 years - has a lot to offer - years of experience, commitment and leadership. Mayor Michael asked Mr. Baugh what he thinks is the most important characteristic in a Police Chief. Mr. Baugh responded having a Professional Police Department. Mayor Michael asked how Mr. Baugh would work with the Budget constraints. Mr. Baugh stated that you need good equipment and personnel to have a professional department and Mr. Baugh stated that he is willing to work a shift if needed to help save overtime funds. Ms. Murray asked what Mr. Baugh has to offer aside from leadership and professionalism. Mr. Baugh stated that he has commitment, leadership, experience and the courage to stay. Ms. Murray asked if there were any negatives. Mr. Baugh stated that he has never thought of that. Mr. Murphey asked Mr. Baugh what his position the Reserve Force is. Mr. Baugh replied that he would do whatever the Mayor wanted. If the reserve force is to be expanded Mr. Baugh stated that he would take applications and hand -pick the force. Reserves have a place in the department, but they should never work alone. Mayor Michael asked how Mr. Baugh felt the officers would accept him. Mr. Baugh stated that he feel they would accept him. He knows all of them and has worked with them and has trained many of them. Ms. Murray asked how Mr. Baugh feels about a physical fitness program. Mr. Baugh stated that he is a firm believer - a fitness program is a must. Mayor Michael asked Mr. Baugh how he would enact a program. Mr. Baugh stated that if they can do their training while they are on duty the results are much better. Ms. Murray asked how Mr. Baugh feels about the DARE program. Mr. Baugh stated that his feelings about the program are mixed. When the program first started it was exceptional, but it is a program that you have to stay with to make work. Ms. Murray asked if Mr. Baugh would commit an officer to the program. Mr. Baugh replied that if there was an officer that was interested he would, but the person has to want to do the program before it will work. Mr. Murphey asked what Mr. Baugh's next goal was if he was to be appointed Chief of Police - Sheriff? Mr. Baugh replied that if he was Police Chief he would not run for Sheriff in 1998. Ms. Murray asked what is the biggest public safety issue? Mr. Baugh replied that domestic violence and alcohol abuse are the biggest safety issues, but if your officers are trained they can handle anything they are faced with. Ms. Murray asked what Mr. Baugh's feelings are on 911. Mr. Baugh stated that he enjoys working with other departments. It's possible that some could be combined, but I don't know all the inside information on the subject. Mayor Michael asked if there are any racial conflicts in the community. Mr. Baugh stated that there are none that he knows of. Mr. Murphey asked what Mr. Baugh's policy or instruction would be for a high speed chase. Mr. Baugh stated that if someone committed murder he would get them no matter what, but if the person just ran a stop sign he would not put anyone at risk with a high speed chase. Ms. Murray asked Mr. Baugh if there was one last thought he would like to express to the Board as to why he is the best candidate. Mr. Baugh stated that the City has as good department but with his leadership, commitment and training the department could be better. • Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Murray. Seconded Mr. Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Nancy A. chael, Mayor ATT, Pamela S. Jones, Cle c- e rer 0