HomeMy Public PortalAbout09-21-23 CouncilSEPTEMBER 21, 2023 The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret was called to order by Mayor Daniel J. Reiman at approximately 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 21, 2023 in the Council Chambers of the Memorial Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. Upon individual roll call, the following were noted present: Councilmember Jorge Diaz " Dennis DiMascio " Ajmar Johal " Randy Krum " Susan Naples Also noted present were Carmela Pogorzelski, Municipal Clerk and Robert J. Bergen, Law Director. Noted absent was Councilmember Vincent Bellino. The meeting was opened with a moment of silent prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Krum. The 2023 Amaral Notice was emailed to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board and on the doors of the Memorial Municipal Building on January 6, 2023. Notice was published in The Home News Tribune and The Star Ledger on January 12, 2023. All items being voted on tonight were posted on the Borough's website, www.earteret.net prior to tonight's meeting. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Krum and Diaz and unanimous affruuative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the minutes of September 7, 2023 were approved as transcribed and engrossed by the Clerk. COUNCIL MEETING ROLL CALL NOTED ABSENT PRAYER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE STATEMENT OF MEETING NOTICE APPROVAL OF MINUTES SEP-IUMBER 21, 2023 (continued) ORDINANCE #23-23 CONSENT TO TRANSFER 200 FEDERAL & 120 RASKULINECZ ORDINANCE 423-23 was introduced and adopted on First Reading and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public Hearing, upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Diaz, DiMascio, Johal, Krum and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilnzember Bellino was noted absent. ORDINANCE #23-23 "CONSENTING TO TRANSFER OF FINANCIAL AGREEMENTS FOR 200 FEDERAL AND 120 RASKULINECZ" Mayor Reiman said this redevelopment project is completed, this is simply transferring the rights to the agreements and financial terms. A copy of each Resolution was posted on the Borough's website for PUBLIC PORTION public review prior to the meeting in accordance with the Rules of RESOLUTIONS/ Council. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum and AGENDA ITEMS unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, & NEW BUSINESS the meeting was opened for public input on all Resohtions/Agenda items and new business. Mayor Reiman said he wanted to add a last minute Resolution and asked for a Motion to Amend the Agenda to include Resolution #23- 227, Award of Bid for Failace Park Pickleball Courts. AGENDA AMENDED Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the Agenda was Amended to include Resolution 923-227, "Awarding Bid for Failace Park Pickleball Courts." HEARING CLOSED There being no comments or objections to the Resolutions/Agenda items or new business, upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was closed. 2 SEPTEIMBER 21, 2023 (continued) RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS: 1. #23-218 Authorizing Emergency Sewer Repair Contract with B&W Construction Company. 2. #23-219 Authorizing an Emergency Purchase from PSI Process & Equipment Group for Emergency Sewer Failure Repair, Re: Hayward Avenue Pump Station. 3. #23-220 Authorizing Refund of Tax and/or Sewer Fees Overpayment. 4. #23-221 Award of Contract for IT Licensing for Carteret Performing Arts Center. 5. #23-222 UEZ Funding Request, Re: Downtown Fagade FY23 Matching Funding. 6. #23-223 Reappointing Members to the Carteret Housing Authority. 7. #23-224 Professional Services — Potter Architects, Re: Feasibility Study for Ferry Terminal. 8. #23-225 Professional Services — McManimon, Scotland & Baumami, LLC, Re: Various Legal Matters. 9. #23-226 Appointing a C4 Operator. 10. #23-227 Award of Bid, Re: Failace Park Pickleball Courts. Mayor Reiman asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda as CONSENT AGENDA Amended. Resolutions #23-218 through #23-227 were introduced by Mayor Reiman and referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples RESOLUTION #23-218 RESOLUTION #23-218 EMERGENCY SEWER "AUTHORIZING EMERGENCY SEWER REPAIR CONTRACT REPAIR B&W WITH B&W CONSTRUCTION COMPANY" CONSTRUCTION 3 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 (continued) RESOLUTION #23-219 PSI PROCESS HAYWARD AVE. PUMP STATION EMERGENCY REPAIR RESOLUTION #23-220 REFUND OF FEES RESOLUTION #23-221 CONTRACT FOR IT LICENSING @ CPAC RESOLUTION #23-222 UEZ FY23 FUNDING DOWNTOWN FACADE RESOLUTION #23-223 JOSEPH GASPARRO IRIS COLON HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION #23-224 FEASIBILITY STUDY FERRY TERIIVIINAL POTTER ARCHITECTS RESOLUTION #23-219 "AUTHORIZING AN EMERGENCY PURCHASE FROM PSI PROCESS & EQUIPMENT GROUP FOR EMERGENCY SEWAGE FAILURE REPAIR" RESOLUTION #23-220 "AUTHORIZING REFUND OF TAX AND/OR SEWER FEES OVERPAYMENT" RESOLUTION #23-221 "AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A NON -FAIR AND OPEN CONTRACT FOR IT LICENSING FOR THE CARTERET PERFORMING ARTS CENTER" RESOLUTION #23-222 "UEZ FUNDING REQUEST DOWNTOWN FAQADE MATCHING FUNDING FY23" RESOLUTION #23-223 "APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CARTERET HOUSING AUTHORITY" RESOLUTION #23-224 "AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES WITH POTTER ARCHITECTS, RE: CARTERET FERRY TERMINAL FEASIBILITY STUDY" II SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 (continued) RESOLUTION #23-225 RESOLUTION #23-225 MCINIANIMON, SCOTLAND, "APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT BAUNIANN. VARIOUS MCMANIMON, SCOTLAND & BAUMANN, LLC" LEGAL SERVICES RESOLUTION #23-226 RESOLUTION #23-226 APPOINTING C4 OPERATOR "APPOINTING A NJDEP CERTIFIED C4 OPERATOR" RESOLUTION #23-227 RESOLUTION #23-227 FAILACE PARK PICKLEBALL "AWARDING BID FOR FAILACE PARK COURTS PICKLEBALL COURTS" SHORE TOP CONSTRUCTION were Adopted. Upon individual Roll Call Vote, Councihnenibers ADOPTED Diaz, DiMascio, Johal, Krum and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Bellino was noted absent. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples, all bills PAYMENT OF BILLS appearing on the prepared list, properly audited and signed were ordered to be paid. Upon individual Roll Call Vote, Councilmembefs Diaz, DiMascio, Johal, Krum and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Bellino was noted absent. Reports: REPORTS 1. Clerk's Office —August 2023 2. Board of Health— August 2023 Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Krum and Diaz and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, all reports were ordered to be received and placed on file. 5 SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 (continued) ADJOURNED There being no further comments or discussion, upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Diaz and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cart%ela Pogorie ski, RMC Municipal Clerk cp