HomeMy Public PortalAbout19481012CCMeetingAND, WHEREAS, Dr. end ?ors. C. F. Holton of Savannah Dr. James C. Goldsborough, life guards Buddy Sluder, Bob Pierce end Billy Sutlive End the members of the Ssvannah Beach Voluntary Fire Department took pert in the efforts to revive Mr. Strong and did all_ that was humpnly possible to revive him, but without success; BE IT THF;REFORE RESOLVED by the Mayor and. Councilmen of Sevannah Beach_, Tybee Island, t nt the efforts of the above named persons be commended and that., thanks of the Mayor End. Councilmen be extended to there people for their untiring efforts on behalf of ?:fir. Strong; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thet e copy of this resolution be pent to each of the named persons end to the Srve nneh Peach Voluntpry Fire Dep:ertment. There being no further business, Council r,d journed sub- ject to the c:r11 of the Mayor, 185 Savennah ?Serch, Tybee Island Cree October 12, 1948 The re-uler meeting of Town Council was held today in the Council Room r- t. 4 pp, and erns ettended by Mayor Dutton who presided end Councilmen peters, Young, uosti, Lovell and Brown, end Town Attor- ney Alexander End *fir. 73. T< <ylor Smith. rdopted. The minutes of the meeting of September 9, were reed end Councilmen Young roved that the necess ry p^rts to repFir the mowing machine be purchased, Councilmen Hosti seconded and the motion ppesed. Supt.of Public Works Reece informed council that the bulk- -head just south of Tilton street wps in very bed condition and should be repaired now. He also stated that work is proceding on the new groin being built :et First. Street under priv8te contract but that the work is slow. Tne Mayor instructed ?.?r. Reed to terr down the old stucco building just inside the sea -well near Tilton St. owned by Mr. O.B. Strong and which was damaged by the 1944 hurricane, and use the ma- terial behind the bulkhead pt this point. The Mayor std; ted that he would request Thomas & Hutton to get together with Town Attorney Alexander end himself in con- nection with the dry >fting of the letter to the Property Owners relative to a proposed increase in taxes. 186 ' r. Smith informed Council that he had paid his license end felt that others in the same business should be required to 7)ar also. The opinion of the Town Attorney was that fill do not have to pay an Occupational license. Councilman Brown :moved that the following Ordinance be adopted, Councilman I;Ovell seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ANENDING AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE OF LICENSES FOR DOING BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, BY REDUCI`4G THE CHARGE FOR LI'CENS`_aS ON PERSONS KEEPItiG APART M NT HOUSES, ETC.; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT _ORDAINED by' the r a Tor Fr. Councilmen of Savannah Beach, mybee Is1<.nd, in Council assembled, and it is, hereby, 'or- dained by authority of the same, n s follows : - SECTION OBE. That the following language be struck from Section One of an ordinance to provide for the rate of licenses for doing business in the mown of Savann.eh Beach, mybee Island, Georgia, for the fiscal vepr ending A,: ril 30, 191.9 ;' fixing penalties for the violation; an� for other purposes, of ch and every keeper of an apartment house or build - ing, containing more then two apartments, or a tourist court or camp, each dwelling unit 33.00, with a. minimun license of 135.00.o and inserting in lieu thereof the following provision : - "Finch and every keeper of an apartment house or build- ing, containing more than two apartments, or e tourist court or camp, 110.00, which shall be the license for any such keeper, who operates three npertrnents or dwelling units, with an pdr.ition'l charge of 13.00 per unit for each such unit in excess of three." SECTION T10. That all harts of ordinPnces in conflict here- with shall be changed rnd modified as nrovided in this ordinance, Rnd the fees Pnd charges set forth in this ordinance shall supersede the fees provided for in the part of the ordinance which is hereby repealed. Councilman young moved that bills for the month of Septem- ber amounting to 1,1 , 5 6.60be paid, Councilman I,Rve? l seconded ,and the motion passed. Councilman Young moved that the following Ordinance be adopt- ed, Councilman uosti seconded arf,the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING" FOR A NE'°3 SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BUILD °.. ING INSPECTIONS FOR SAVANNAH BEACH, TY EE ISLAND; A70 FOR OTHER PURL POSES. 187 BE IT 0; -DAI' ED by the mayor end Councilmen of Savannah Reach, Tybee Island, end it is hereby ordained by euthority of the same, as follows : -. SECTION ONE. That an ordinance providing for a new schedule of fees for building and plumbing inspections for Savannah Reach, Tybee Island; end for other purposes, adopted at n meeting of the Msyor and Councilmen of said municipality on August. 13, 1948, be, end the same is, hereby, Emended. in the following respects : - By striking from Section Two, under the heeding of "New construction," the figure "110.00" and substituting therefor the figure "15.00," end by striking the figure "35.00," and substitu- ting therefor the figures 1112.00," so that said portion of said section shall read as follows: "For new construction 15.00-for first 11,000.00 worth of value, plus 2.00 for each additional 11,000.00 worth of value." SECTION TWO. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be chr'no -ed and modified as provided in this ordinance rnd the fees set forth in this ordinance shell su- persede the fees provided for in the pert of the ordinance which is hereby repealed. Councilmen ?drown st=ted that in connection with bringing High- School bends to the Isle.nd next summer, that he had 11000.00 for prizes end asked if the Tybrise pevilion.would be repaired by next summer. The mayor stated that a 135000 law suit is now pend- ing in connection with the p- vilion and that, the Town end the Ty- brisa Company would probably get together end repair it. Councilmen young suggested rs a means of getting addition- al revenue, the use of rrrking meters. Councilman young stated that the Committee which was appointed to locate a new garbage dump had decided on an area from Jones nve. west to the marsh between Seventh & Eighth Streets and that the Tybee Perch Co. had agreed to let the Town use its lend in this area for this purpose. Mr. Alexander will request approval of Dr. Henderson. A petition urea presented by the Southern Union Mutual Ins. Co., Owners of the Amphico Club, requesting thet Alley #1 be opened from Chethcm Ave. to the Inlet e'nd that 19th St. be opened from Tzutler ve. tow-rd the fie =°wall . This wPs referred to a Committee for handling. A petition was - presented from property Owners owning pro- perty on Horsepen Hammock,requesting that that portion of Campbell Street abutting their property, be paved or graded. The matter was referred to Supt. Reed to advise the cheapest was to repair -it. Council expressed sympathy and sorrow for Councilman Slo- tin,due to his illness, end expressed their wishes for .his speedy recovery. Mr. Alexander was requested to forward a letter to Mr. Slotin expressing the wishes of Council. Councilmen young :roved that the following Resolution be adopted, Councilmen Peters seconded and the motion passed. 188 A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, TYBEE BEACH COMPANY, a corporation, is the owner of two parcels of lend on Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia, which are separated by a part of the right- of -wpy of the Central of Georgia Railwey Company, Tybee Division, which right- of -vey is now owned by Sevann h Bench, Tybee Island; AND WHEREAS, it is necessary for said Tybee each Company to pass over the portion of said right -of -way connecting the two parcels of land owned by it in order to go from one parcel to the other; AND WHEREAS, the sold p:2rt .of said, right -of -way connecting spid two parcels of land is of no us-e or value to the Town of Savan- nah Reach and said Tybee Reach Company has rer._ue steel seid Savannah Reach to convey and suit -claim the same to it End has tendered a deed containing a description of srid property; NOW, TH ti :J +:FORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah reach, Tybee Island, reorgie in Council assem- bled, thnt said municipal corporation quit -claim to the said Tybee Reach Compeny said portion of said right -of -way as described in' said deed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Vn:.yor of Savannah Reach, Tybee Isl' nd, ' eorgia be, and he is hereby, nuthori7ed end directed to execute Grid deed in the name of said town en`' that the Clerk of Council be, and he is he=reby, authorized and directed to attest the same and affix the seal of srid town thereto. $ivennnh RPMch, Tybee Island, Ga. ^?ovember 12, 1914 -£ The regular meeting of Town Council was held today-at. la- P.M. in the Council Room, and wnS attended by vayor Dutton, who presided and Councilmen Peters, Drown, Hosti and Lovell, also Town Attorney Alexander and ter. Thomas Reed. The minutes of tie meeting of October 12, were read and adopted. Air, Reed reported t let the building formerly owned by Vr. 0. P. Strong <rnd damaged in t'le 1947 hurricane hnd been torn down end the materials put behind e bulkhead between Tilton Ave. sand First St. and also tint 1 :ork being done by private contract on the First Street groin is nlrnost completed. A report from Thomas and Hilton on tie progress of work on the First Street groin was reed. Wr. Reed stated tnPt that pr rt of Campbell Street on Horse pen Hammock had been repaired, he rlso resorted that the curbs on the cement sidee:r:lk on 16th St. put in severr1 veers ego by tie spy Co., were not nut into the ground of sufficient depth, the usual reeuirement beinr six inches deep, but the curb is no deeper tarn the s:idew:rlk and in itn present condition, water gets under the sidewalk which will eventinliy cruse the sidewalk to crnck.