HomeMy Public PortalAbout19481112CCMeeting188 A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, TYBEE BEACH COMPANY, a corporation, is the owner of two parcels of lend on Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia, which are separated by a part of the right- of -wpy of the Central of Georgia Railwey Company, Tybee Division, which right- of -vey is now owned by Sevann h Bench, Tybee Island; AND WHEREAS, it is necessary for said Tybee each Company to pass over the portion of said right -of -way connecting the two parcels of land owned by it in order to go from one parcel to the other; AND WHEREAS, the sold p:2rt .of said, right -of -way connecting spid two parcels of land is of no us-e or value to the Town of Savan- nah Reach and said Tybee Reach Company has rer._ue steel seid Savannah Reach to convey and suit -claim the same to it End has tendered a deed containing a description of srid property; NOW, TH ti :J +:FORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah reach, Tybee Island, reorgie in Council assem- bled, thnt said municipal corporation quit -claim to the said Tybee Reach Compeny said portion of said right -of -way as described in' said deed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Vn:.yor of Savannah Reach, Tybee Isl' nd, ' eorgia be, and he is hereby, nuthori7ed end directed to execute Grid deed in the name of said town en`' that the Clerk of Council be, and he is he=reby, authorized and directed to attest the same and affix the seal of srid town thereto. $ivennnh RPMch, Tybee Island, Ga. ^?ovember 12, 1914 -£ The regular meeting of Town Council was held today-at. la- P.M. in the Council Room, and wnS attended by vayor Dutton, who presided and Councilmen Peters, Drown, Hosti and Lovell, also Town Attorney Alexander and ter. Thomas Reed. The minutes of tie meeting of October 12, were read and adopted. Air, Reed reported t let the building formerly owned by Vr. 0. P. Strong <rnd damaged in t'le 1947 hurricane hnd been torn down end the materials put behind e bulkhead between Tilton Ave. sand First St. and also tint 1 :ork being done by private contract on the First Street groin is nlrnost completed. A report from Thomas and Hilton on tie progress of work on the First Street groin was reed. Wr. Reed stated tnPt that pr rt of Campbell Street on Horse pen Hammock had been repaired, he rlso resorted that the curbs on the cement sidee:r:lk on 16th St. put in severr1 veers ego by tie spy Co., were not nut into the ground of sufficient depth, the usual reeuirement beinr six inches deep, but the curb is no deeper tarn the s:idew:rlk and in itn present condition, water gets under the sidewalk which will eventinliy cruse the sidewalk to crnck. 1 1 1 r r. Alexander read a letter of Mr. `;, *m, J. Lynch, T;ngi- neer, which v s in eenneeti.on lei_th the work that WPS done on Inlet Ave. by the Fse x Co., this street ?Irving elrea.d7 sho7en eicIns of not holding, up. T r. Reed WPS instructed to repair it. yr. Alexander also ILetcd te. t Councilman STotin hod stated to him that if the mosquito nuisance was bed enough to warrant spraying, t.i at supplies needed to do the work be ordered, if necessary. Councilman Peters moved tart bills for the month of Oct- ober, a.- ouriting to 11,503.26 be paid, Councilman Lover ! seconded and the motion pas ed . The ? ayo.r celled attention tothe meeting of the "Ireorgia municipal Asso. in Sevennch on December 9 -10; +d stated that the savrnnar. Port Authority is inviting the members-of the "eneral Assembly to visit Savannah and view the fecilities for a State Port., and 's they- wanted to entertain these visitors, different groups were asked to share in the expense, and he requested Coun- cil to donate 1100 for the occasion. Councilman ?oeti moved that 1100 be appropiated for the purpose, Councilman Brown seconded he motion passed. Councilman Siotin requested that someone be appointed temporarily in his place on the Assessment Committee. The Mayor informed Council that he had appointed. Councilman Brown tempo- rarily in Councilman Siotin's pla.ce. Mr. Alexander stated that Councilman Siotin had request- ed hint to ask Council not to do any work on the groins: until after January. A group of tickets were presented to Council from the Savannah ,, . =ch Volunteer Fire Dept. for their oyster Roast with the request to ^t the Town purchase tavern but it was the opinion of Council that at this time the Town deny the request. The Town Attorney WPS requested to write them relative to this. A letter was read from Plumbing Inspector Lang calling attention to the bad condition of the plumbing in the ,jail, stat- ing that it was very unsatisfactory. It was decided by Council that yr. Lang quake en estimate of whet was needed and that the Town purchase the materiels and that Mr. Lang supervise the in- stallation with essistence from the Dept. of Public '{Yorks and the Sewerage Dept. Town Attorney Alexander informed Council thet rr. Jno. '.Jylly who had purchased Al] ey 'k1 and who lost his case he s appeal- ed to the r.eorgia Supreme Court. Council tips informed that no permanent record at the" present time is kept showing; the location of sewer lines, as they pre made, which should be kept on file in the Clerk's office. It Was decided that Councilman Young and. Superintendent Kent have maps prepared •giving this information. 189 190 Councilman Lovell ;:.loved that the following resolution be adopted, Councilman Peters seconded. and. the motion passed. A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the mown of S avanna h Beach is the owner of P p rcei of lard lying between the northern boundary line of Lot Number Forty -five (45) ,,yard One in said town and the southern, line of Tilton &venue, which parcel of land is P, part of the old ri ht -of -way of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, and is not a street or a. part of a street rnd is not being used by the town or the public; LL: "D WHEREAS, Henry M.. uckley is the owner of Lot For- ty -five (45), ',<=rd One and other lots adjoining it on the south end _gas offered to ' :. urchase from the town the parcel of lend referrer to at and for the sum of Ten A No /100 (110.00) Dollars; AND, WHEREI it is advisable to Nell said property, for which said town has no use, in order to even up the street lines on Tilton Avenue and First and Second ,\venues; BE IT, THR FORE, RESOLVED by the-mayor end Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, that the Mayor of said town be, end he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute a deed with- out warranty conveying to said Henry r. Buckley- all of the right, tittle and. interest of the town in the property hereinafter de- scribed upon the payment by said Henry Y. Buckley to said town of the sun of Ten A, No /100 (110.00) Dollars; The property referred to being described as n parcel of land, fronting One hundred fifty -seven and forty -two one hundredths (157.42) feet on the south side of Tilton Avenue with a depth of sixty -six (66) feet on the west side of First Avenue and of Fif- teen anc one- tenth (15.1) feet on the east side of Second Avenue, being bounded on the South by the southern line of the old Central of rreorgia Reil?<'av Company right -of -way, which is shown in red lines on r map of spid property made by H. r. rarm:any, drted Nov- ember 8, 1948. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t'^ ^t the Clerk of Council of Spvennah Beach, mvbee Ts1and, he, ,end he is hereby, - uthori7ed and directed to Attest seid deed and to affix the corporate seal of said municipality thereto. ject to inhere being no further business, • call of the Mayor. Council re ourned sub- Mayor-