HomeMy Public PortalAbout2005-12-08 TOWN OF TRUCKEE TOWN COUNCIL GENERAL PLAN ELEMENT REVIEW MEETING MINUTES December 8, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Town Administrative Center 1 O183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ingalls called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Council Members Susman, Green, Vice Mayor Anderson, and Mayor Ingalls. Council Member Threshie absent. Also Present: Public Works Director/Town Engineer, Dan Wilkins; Community Development Director, John McLaughlin; Town Planner, Duane Hall; Associate Engineer, Todd Landry; Town Manager, Tony Lashbrook; and Town Clerk, Judy Price. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Recited in unison. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT - None. 5. WORKSHOP ITEM. 5.1 Council conducted a .qeneral review and provided comments on the elements to ensure that the preliminary drafts reflect previous direction from the Commission and Council, and direct staff to address the comments raised by the Council when preparing the public review draft of the General Plan. Duane Hall, Town Planner, stated these are the last three elements of the preliminary draft to be reviewed by Council. In the second phase of the General Plan update, Council and Commission requested a preliminary draft review of the elements prior to the release of a public review draft. 'The focus of this review is to establish if the draft language reflects the previous direction received by Staff, is the draft language clear in that direction, and are we headed in the right direction. Mr. Hall recommended the process for the discussion: · Staff presentation of each element one at a time. In order of Noise, Circulation, and Community Character. o Brief presentation on the element. o Present what staff has done regarding the Planning Commission recommendations. · Public comment on the specific element. · Council discussion and comments. · Final review of comments. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 1 This review is to assist staff in completing the public review draft of the General Plan Update. It will be approximately three months until the draft is available then a formal public hearing process will be initiated to receive additional input prior to adoption. Written comment was received from: · Carole Sesko, regarding the Community Character Element, public art, recommending the General Plan provide for a public art advisory committee formation. · Laura Mello, regarding adding a trail element to become a park component, and a public arts master plan. · Tom Meadows, regarding the Noise Element requirement to encourage the Airport District to pursue legal remedies for noise issues. · Ellen M. Hyatt, regarding a traffic analysis that includes holiday time, school time and snow related issues. · Ann Penfield, regarding the inclusion of planned building in outlying areas of highway 267 that will impact Truckee traffic. · Rolf Godon, regarding noise, circulation, and community character elements. Brigitte Kaneda, regarding traffic calming measures at Glenshire Drive and Donner Pass Road. Noise Element: Mr. Hall described the Noise Element as one of the more technical elements with guidelines taken from the State General Plan Guidelines, and additional regulations regarding acceptable noise levels. No specific direction was received during the workshops on this element. The update focuses on keeping the Town in compliance with all legal requirements and identify the opportunities where to improve the quality of the Noise Element and expand on topics not sufficiently addressed. Staff response to the direction: · Updated the projected noise contour maps to look at projected noise levels in the year 2025. · Insuring the Noise Element address both future and current uses. · Adding language to support efforts to mitigate unacceptable noise levels on existing homes. · Ensured consistency with the policies in the Foothill Airport Land Use Commission Land Use Compatibility Plan. · Discourage the use of sound walls to mitigate noise from Interstate 80. Planning Commission recommendations: · Mr. Hall noted the noise contours are the worst-case scenario. The noise contours are substantially greater than in the 1996 General Plan because more traffic is projected for the year 2025, and we are utilizing more accurate measures for noise pollution. The noise contours also do not take into consideration site characteristics such as terrain or vegetation, it assumes Truckee is flat. The purpose of this is to identify potential issues that will warrant further study. · The noise contour from the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan is a planning tool for future development. Continued monitoring of noise levels is necessary, not waiting for the next General Plan Update, but updating the information every three to five years and adjust with the results. · Strengthen the policies regarding mitigation of noise impacts on existing uses. · Strengthen policies encouraging alternative measures instead of sound walls. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 2 · John McLaughlin, Community Development Director, stated after the Planning Commission recommended a policy be added to the noise element, that the Airport District explore every possible measure to reduce the number of flights and restrict uses by a high noise level aircraft, and that they continue to work to mitigate airport noise. Staff contacted Dave Gotchall of the Airport District to cooperate with the airport to establish what type of policy should be added. o The airport has the Airport Community Advisory Team (ACAT), which is spending efforts to determine the best approach to the concerns regarding noise between the airport and the community. Staff recommends allowing ACAT to explore the alternatives, add the policies to encourage the Airport District to reduce and mitigate noise (from the Planning Commission #1 1 and #13), and leave specific policies for ACAT recommendations. Council Discussion: Council considered Staff and Planning Commission recommendations regarding the Airport District and Noise, and allowing ACAT to provide recommendations to be included in the General Plan at a future review level. (Planning Commission Recommendations #11 and #13). Tree removal causes an increase in noise on residents and should be addressed in the Noise Element. Council will receive the environmental impact repot1 at the final draft review of the General Plan Update, and it will identify current conditions such as noise impacts. Mayor Ingalls opened the Noise Element to public comment. Dennis Dickinson, Truckee resident, congratulated Mayor Ingalls and Council on their new appointments. Mr. Dickinson spoke regarding the impacts on Martis Valley Estates (his neighborhood) from noise from the Town and the Airport. Mr. Dickinson requested Council study and deal with the effects of Airport noise. Mr. Dickinson requested Council and the Airport District work together for resolution of these issues. John Eaton, stated he is shocked to hear the Town's pemeption that noise is not a problem. Mr. Eaton suggested Council apply pressure to the Airport Board to mitigate the noise problems. Mr. Eaton recommended berms and rubberized asphalt as potential solutions to reducing the noise along Interstate-80. Galin Larson, Martis Valley resident, spoke regarding: · Lobbying the Union Pacific Railroad to reduce unnecessary noise, encouraging Council to pursue the efforts. Recommended utilizing rubberized asphalt to reduce noise from Interstate-80, illustrating an informal noise study he performed. · Recommended language be added to restrict or prohibit unnecessary diesel engine idling. · Recommended retrofitting the Town's street sweeper to quiet it. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 3 Michael Golden, a Director at the Truckee Tahoe Airport, (disclosed he is not speaking on behalf of the board) thanked the Town for supporting the Airport District Board to explore every possible measure to reduce noise from over flights. Mr. Golden provided items to manage expectations regarding the Airport District's ability to manage noise: · The Federal Aviation Administration has sole authority over pilots once they leave the ground. · The pilots can be asked, encouraged, and provide incentives to do things but the Airport District cannot penalize them or enforce any measure. · The Reno Flight Standards District Office can be contacted regarding noise and over flight issues. · Housing surrounds the airport, creating difficulty in instructing pilots to not fly over housing in Truckee. Mr. Golden referenced a memo to Council from John McLaughlin, stating: · Applauds the support from the Town regarding the reduction of overflights of residential neighborhoods. · The Airport District has no legal means to restrict the number of flights coming in and out of the airport. · An alternative that the Airport District can consider is pursuing the reduction of high noise level aircraft, requiring a federal study and the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The studies are costly and are not always approved by the FAA. o He spoke with the Airport Noise Operations Manager, Kevin Booman, regarding stage two jets. He estimates that there are 50 stage two operations per year at Truckee Airport (an operation is considered a take off or landing). o One of the stage two aircraft utilizing the airport is an economically feasible company operating from the airport. · The prohibition of aircraft operations between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The Truckee Airport has a voluntary curfew published nationally in airport directories, facility guides, Jepesen, and the Airport District's noise abatement handouts. Again, speaking to Mr. Booman, there were eighteen recorded operations during the curfew hours. o Mandatory curfews require a federal study and FAA consent. It is possible, but not feasible. o There are no police powers to enforce a mandatory curfew. · Regarding the adoption of regulations for new residential development prohibiting property owners and residents from operating stage 1 and 2 aircraft at the Truckee Airport. The Truckee airport doesn't have stage 1 aircraft traffic. He does not believe you can deed restrict an aircraft outside of Town limits. In response to Council Questioning: The Airport District can take measures of encouragement, support, voluntary mechanisms, and monetary incentives to aircraft owners, operators, and pilots to modify their behavior. The Airport District has gone to great lengths to ask aircraft owners, operators, and pilots to operate differently. The District has appointed ACAT to examine alternative measures for noise reduction such as: aircraft modifications, and sound insulating homes. Air traffic has decreased in the last 20 years. ACAT is an advisory committee, empowered to make recommendations, to enhance the value of the airport by addressing mitigation of negative impacts of the operation, through September 2006. Dave Gotchall, Airport District General Manager, stated he has been working with Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Lashbrook to avoid conflicts between the Town's General Plan and the Airport District. Mr. Gotchall provided a copy of the ACAT work plan and charter. In response to Council Questions: There was a 96% compliance rate with the noise control program that had slipped to 55%, reinstituted the program, and are back up to 90+%. The ACAT Committee is looking into the possibility of the Airport District revoking hangers of pilots that do not follow the noise abatement program. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 4 Rick Silver commended Council for the concern regarding noise pollution and stated clarification regarding a previous statement by Mr. Dickinson regarding noise pollution being mentally unhealthy. Mayor Ingalls closed public comment. Council Discussion: Council discussed timelines for feedback to Council regarding ACAT. Staff has chosen five years as an interval to perform extensive noise measurements to determine if the assumptions in the General Plan update require revision. Council questioned the availability of permanent sound monitoring around the airport. Use of those monitors could trigger the re-evaluation of the noise assumptions if they exist. Regarding the Planning Commissions Recommendation: · #1 - The inclusion must be clinical to prevent exposure by the Town on a liability standpoint. The language will reflect the states guidelines on noise. · #4 and #5 - Define Town's role and responsibilities in the effort to reduce noise. · #9 - Discussion regarding sound walls, this is to be accomplished in an action item to have recommendations returned to Council: o Establishing criteria for when sound walls might be appropriate to allow flexibility when negotiating with Caltrans. o The Cemetery District's experience with negotiating with Caltrans during the By- pass design to prevent the use of sound walls. o The Planning Commission discussed Caltrans' placement of sound walls in communities that do not allow them, and the research of use of berms in place of sound walls. o Strong language that the community prohibits sound walls. · #2 - There is a potential conflict between requesting the Railroad to increase at-grade safety and requesting they not use their horns. It may be beneficial to identify Union Pacific's policy and request it be enforced. Suggesting an action for goal #2, work with Union Pacific to enforce their existing policies for quiet neighborhoods. · Regarding Railyard noise levels: o The Planning Commission discussion is regarding the acceptable noise levels be the same for the Downtown study area. As for the remainder of Town, recognizing the acceptable noise levels provides great discretion on how they are applied, especially to conditionally acceptable levels. Those should be sufficient to allow for mixed-use residential development in the Downtown area. o From a staff level a modification should be made recognizing higher ambient noise levels in some areas such as the Railyard, in-fill areas, and Planned Community #1. o Page 8-16 of the noise element is a matrix of acceptable noise levels- adding in language regarding mixed-use development to recognize the existing situations and still allow for development. If the language is not modified, a finding that the project provides a greater public interest of the citizens will have to be made, and potentially imposing a high standard for outdoor areas, of mixed-use development, that may be difficult to meet. · In response to the public, can Town be more proactive in reducing excessive noise? o Noise from idling diesel engines and use of sirens by the Fire District. o Contact with the Fire District needs to be made outside the General Plan Discussion. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 5 · Page 8-17, P.1.1 - The guidelines for ground transportation "Noise Compatibility Guidelines" will include aircraft and airport noise compatibility. Staff is continuing to refine language and remove discrepancies in the document prior to final draft. · Procedural question - what is the format to incorporate new ideas and language into the General Plan: o Keeping the General Plan from getting too specific will allow flexibility to enact rules that may not be identified in the General Plan but do not conflict with it. o The current General Plan has language that would support Form-Based Codes in some circumstances without naming it. o General Plan amendments can only take place four times a year. o Tree preservation is mentioned in several areas of the General Plan and a Tree Ordinance is not precluded and is not handled through a General Plan amendment. · Road material will need to be weighed for noise attenuation, safety, expense, and longevity. It is appropriate to add language to the General Plan to consider road material options. Planning Commission #12 and #3. · The state has been committed to Community, sensitive design, and this community has a General Plan that says something reasonable about tree removal or quiet asphalt Caltrans should take it into consideration. o Noise clearly has an impact on neighbors, and potentially including tree removal guidelines to the noise element may provide more appropriate guidance for Caltrans. Council Direction regarding the Noise Element: Council recommended staff determine if continuous noise monitoring is available at the airport that could be utilized to trigger additional study of noise on a regular basis. Modify Commission Recommendation ~4, to monitor Airport District noise measurements and Airport District noise reduction measures on an annual basis and to report to the Council with possible actions in response. Delete Commission Recommendation #11. Modify Commission Recommendation #14 to add language to request and encourage Union Pacific to enforce existing noise / whistle policies. Modify Noise Compatibility Guidelines to include residential uses in mixed-use developments with exterior noise exposure equivalent to "Hospital; School; Congregate Care". Add similar note as on Figure N-l, to Figure N-2 regarding airport noise projection assumptions. Circulation Element Mr. Hall stated the Circulation Element received substantial public input through the community workshops. Traffic during winter snow events is a large concern. The previous direction from Council includes: · Pioneer Trail Extension, supported by traffic modeling, is identified as a very necessary future road in Truckee to reduce the impacts on Donner Pass Road. Town of Trucke'~ December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 6 · Donner Pass Road, keep the policy to maintain it at three lanes. · The Mousehole, bicycle and pedestrian access need to be made available safely. · Deer'field Drive, connecting Deerfield Drive from Highway 89 to Cold Stream Road, addressing issues raised by the neighbors. · Downtown Roads- still under study. · Roundabouts, strong policies to promote the use of roundabouts as an intersection control measure. · Timing of Improvement and Development, to prevent development from getting ahead of increasing the capacity of our roads. Staff response to the direction: · Established a comprehensive roadway improvement program to look at the next 20 years. o It will identify the major roads in town, the areas where roads will need to be widened, and areas where intersection improvements will be necessary. A strong concurrency policy, which will divide development into categories, to assist with identifying what development will have a significant impact on roadway to insure the infrastructure is build before the development is allowed. Planning Commission recommendations: The General Plan should: · Continue using our current level of service standard for determining acceptable traffic conditions. · Add a level of service criteria for individual turning movements. · Establish a concurrency policy as appropriate. · Support street connectivity, learning from past projects to determine when it is appropriate. · Promote use of roundabouts. Insure intersections outside of Town limits such, as Martis Valley Road, Glenshire Drive, and Whitehorse Road are addressed in the Circulation Element. Staff will bring the policies regarding street connectivity together and make them consistent. Council Discussion: The traffic model update in the General Plan is based on the land use element, and was completed in the past year. The traffic study is based on build out of the General Plan in 2025. If the twenty-plus roadway and/or intersection measures are implemented, then the circulation will work in the year 2025. Today's street network will absolutely not accommodate build out. Planning Commission did not discuss further Bob Johnson's written comment regarding allowing the level of service in some situations to drop. It is appropriate for Council to discuss the issue to provide flexibility for development such as the Railyard development without requiring a General Plan amendment. There is a balance between stating that level of service "F" is ok for the Downtown and allowing some flexibility on the level of service with the appropriate findings. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 7 In the downtown area, a level "E" or better is a reasonable goal. The question is how to balance the level of service with the project development of the Railyard. A factor to consider, with Downtown infill is, is circulation options that allow you to avoid the congestion if your destination is not downtown? The options are different than they were in 1997 because of the by-pass and Mclver Under-crossing. Alternative routes should be considered when considering allowing levels of service to decrease. Mayor Ingalls opened the Circulation Element to public comment. John Eaton, stated concern regarding the myopic focus on vehicles, encouraging Town to pursue solutions to minimize the need for people to travel, maximizing the coexistence of business and residences. His example was public transportation from centralized locations. Encourage people to walk, or bicycle, and disincentives to vehicle traffic. Jim Porter, representing Rick Holiday, the Mill site developer, agreed with Mr. Eaton's comments and encou raged alternative transportation. Mr. Porter stated it is important to be careful when tying level of service E to the Mill site. The project could be killed with "bigger, badder" roads. Doug Marr recommended a population cap in Truckee and not allowing up-zoning. Development has requested and received larger build-out than what was planed for the property. This is creating a larger population than the roads can handle in Truckee. The Development should be a benefit to Truckee. Mr. Marr spoke in support of roundabouts, eliminating signals, and suggested consideration of connecting Glenshire Drive to the By- pass, and replace the signals with roundabouts on the By-pass. Mr. Marr requested Council consider eliminating traffic in Downtown altogether. Jacky Zink suggested Council add language to the circulation element to improve the circulation at the eight signals that were added with the by-pass. Mayor Ingalls closed public comment. Council Discussion: Strengthen language regarding alternative transportation. Willingness to trade off an occasional level of service drop (during snow events) to prevent Town from changing the community character by widening Donner Pass Road to four lanes. Supporting the trails plan. Improving connectivity. Creating an attractive alternative transportation source such as rail, which can be dependable in all weather and a potential attraction. Cooperate with Sierra College to improve transportation, and provide more reliable transportation than the fossil fuel burning busses. Staff will be reviewing the document on a continuous basis, looking for items such as the Soaring Way references in 40-27 and parking language in 4-38. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 8 Policy 11-5, page 4-45, encourage development of facilities for convenient transfers between different modes of transport, especially providing connections for rail and inner city bus services, and support the use of passenger rail. Add language to include inner city and regional. "Up-zoning" and population caps were discussed. Staff noted the Town has not up-zoned since the General Plan and Development Code were adopted. The Circulation Element is based on the land use development potential through build-out (not zoning). Mayor Ingalls allowed additional comment from John Eaton - Mr. Eaton commented that Hilltop was clearly up-zoned. Response: Council Member Susman stated there are no approvals for Hilltop to date. The General Plan is the appropriate place to consider changes to the level of service requirements in the Downtown. Staff stated if the Council direction is to provide policies that consider level of service "F" as acceptable, subject to a set of criteria, then staff will draft the policies. Staff mentioned potential criteria for the policies. The study analyzing the Downtown circulation issues and alternatives is currently underway and will be available in the next few months. This information should be available for the circulation of the Environmental Review Document of the General Plan. The traffic study that supports the General Plan was completed a year ago. The Traffic study is available to the public. Staff plans to continuously update the traffic model on a three-five year interval to test the assumptions. Citizens may be dubious that we can handle the traffic being generated. Page 4-25, reads "Easterly railroad under crossing will be constructed" change the "will" to "may". The Downtown Specific Plan concluded the intersections Downtown will be in failure mode in the future without the Easterly under crossing. The current analysis being done is to what level will the intersections fail without the under crossing. The fundamental premise is to maintain a level of service "E" or better at those Downtown intersections. Part of this discussion is recognition these intersections may go into a level of service "F" and if this situation is acceptable. Page 4-27, the Planning Commission discussed the detailed project development for the Mousehole being the appropriate opportunity to discuss if pedestrian access and/or traffic circulation are critical to Truckee. The Mousehole will continue to be the hourglass effect from West River Street to Deerfield Drive. The question is, is that acceptable? Caltrans interest may override the Town's interest at the end of the day. Four vehicle hours is four vehicles parked at an intersection for an hour or 240 vehicles waiting to make a turn at an intersection for one minute. The current General Plan only deals with overall intersection level of service. The new language will consider the level of service for any single movement at unsignalized intersections. Connecting local neighborhoods could alter the community character and destroy neighborhoods, however connecting neighborhoods allows for alternative traffic circulations in heavy congestion or emergency situations. Staffestablished a quantified number of 1000 additional trips per day to residential streets as a threshold for the discussion of if connectivity will affect the quality of life or improve connectivity. This policy was to prevent large developments from putting all the traffic on one collector versus disbursing it through several streets. Policies 2.1,2.4, 4.3, and 6.5 address the connectivity issue. Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 9 Page 4-39, action A-7.1, roundabouts are designed to facility pedestrian flow, they are superior to no traffic control and small volume roundabouts, but arguably inferior on higher volume roundabouts. Page 4-42, action 10.2, Staff included this action item to identify a Council priority status. Council Direction regarding the Circulation Element: Greater emphasis needs to be placed on rail as an alternative mode of travel. Modify Policy 9.3 to add language to also encourage transit and other alternative transportation partners to implement alternative transportation measures including improved transit. On page 4-4, modify the last guiding principle to remove "general and commercial". On Page 4-26, add the words "circulation related" to "benefits and detriments"; and add an additional bullet, that study should address impacts on businesses, historic character, other non-circulation impacts on downtown. Add to street connectivity policies that streets should not be connected where the classification of a street would be changed to a higher function unless shown on the circulation plan. Add language to Action 7.1 as to items, which would be considered in determining suitability including pedestrian access and safety, historic character, etc. Add language to Policy 10.2 as to why the Town boundary to Town boundary trail is the priority, "Truckee River Trail". Add action Goal 10.6 to minimize vehicular travel lane width to increase available areas for cyclists on roadway shoulders where conditions allow. It was Council consensus (with Council Member Threshie absent) to continue the Community Character Element to a date to be determined. 12. ADJOURNMENT- at 9:50 p.m. To the regular meeting of the Truckee Town Council December 15, 2005, 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA. Respectfully/s~ bmitted, Judy tbrice,tCl~lC, Town Clerk APPROVED: '.._./ Beth ~-ng~lls, Mayo~' ' ' ~ "~ Town of Truckee December 8, 2005 General Plan Draft Element Review Page 10