HomeMy Public PortalAboutTraffic Commission Meeting Minutes September 2016TOWN OF WATERTOWN TRAFFIC COMMISSION Michael P. Lawn Chief of Police Michael P. Lawn, Chair Mario Orangio, Fire Chief Gerald Mee, Supt. Of Public Works Steven Magoon, Community Development and Planning Mr. John S. Airasian Ms. Kelly Gallagher David Sampson Sergeant Tel: 617-972-6547 October 13, 2016 September, 2016 Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes In attendance: Michael Lawn, Gerald Mee, Steven Magoon, John S. Airasian At the September 28, 2016 Traffic Commission meeting the following items were discussed: Item 1— Mr. Airasian made a motion to approve the minutes of the June, 2016 Traffic Commission meeting; the motion was seconded by Mr. Magoon. The motion passed unanimously. Item 2 — The Commission addressed a request by Mr. Michael DiMuccio of 67 Chestnut Street for the installation of cautionary Slow Children signage in the area of 67 and 69 Chestnut Street, and the installation of school zone and speed limit signs on Chestnut Street; Mr. DiMuccio was present at the meeting and addressed the Commission. Mr. DiMuccio explained that he recently moved to this location and has 2 small children. Mr. DiMuccio was concerned about cars speeding and cut -through traffic (early in the day) on Chestnut Street, particularly with the Goddard School preparing to begin operation at 26 Chestnut Street. Sgt. Sampson stated that a vehicle speed and volume study was conducted and reported that the average speed was 15.69 mph, the 85th percentile was 20 mph, and the maximum recorded speed was 27 mph. Mr. Magoon reported that based on the data, vehicles are not going too fast on the street. Also, as mentioned in past meetings, the Town does not want a proliferation of signage because people tend to ignore signs when there are too many posted. Mr. Mee reported that the perception of speeding is a normal occurrence and is often what people complain about most; this is why the studies are important. Oftentimes, motorists do not pay attention to signage. Mr. Mee was not sure whether the Goddard School has applied for school zone signage and whether the business meets the requirements to be designated a school zone. Mr. DiMucchio was concerned about vehicles parked near the narrow portion of Chestnut Street (near Green Street) due to the new home being built and new sidewalks being constructed. Mr. Mee cautioned that taking parking away and increasing the width of the road may lead to higher speeds. Also, the roadway width should not change with the installation of the new sidewalk; the new sidewalk will not encroach into the existing roadway. This will not change traffic regulations. Mr. DiMucchio also requested that the Commission consider creating a No Turn on Red restriction on Myrtle Street at the intersection of Pleasant Street to prevent motorists from edging out and traveling around the corner when they cannot see pedestrians. Mr. Mee reported that Pleasant Street was reconstructed through a Federal transportation improvement project. The crosswalk is somewhat set back due to the design of the roadway to provide adequate line of sight. Location of the crosswalk can't change, but this area could be considered for a No Turn on Red restriction. Chief Lawn reported that the Commission relies on the speed studies when making decisions. Police presence can be provided early in the morning to observe the conditions on the street. This item will be continued until the October, 2016 meeting so that police presence could be provided on Chestnut Street and more information could be obtained about the Goddard School. Item 3 — The Commission addressed a request by Alin Darrigo of Oak Street to remove 2 parking spaces on the east side of Melendy Avenue at the intersection of Nichols Ave, and on the east side of Melendy Avenue at the intersection of at Oak Street. Mr. Magoon explained that he received an email from Ms. Darrigo who was concerned about parking congestion, speeds and sight distances on Melendy Avenue. Mr. Magoon had a conversation with Ms. Darrigo about the potential negative consequences to removing all parking on the street; this led to a request to remove parking in two specified locations. Sgt. Sampson reported that he assessed the area and measured the travel lane at various locations while large vehicles were parked on the east side of Melendy Avenue. Sgt. Sampson found the travel lane to be sufficiently wide for emergency vehicles (the travel lane was 15'-10" to 17' wide). Additionally, Sgt. Sampson did not observe any problems with vehicles parked too closely to the intersections. Sgt. Sampson noted that parking was in high demand in this area and removing spaces would not benefit the neighborhood. The Commission denied this request. Item 4 — The Commission addressed a request by Mr. Robert Rossi, owner of First Step Childcare Center at 1078 Belmont Street to restrict parking on the west side of Prospect Street from a point 70' south of Belmont Street to a point 82' south of Belmont Street. Mr. Rossi was present at the meeting and addressed the Commission. Mr. Rossi explained that he purchased the building and closed off much of his property on the side of his building adjacent to Prospect Street. Mr. Rossi's main concern is that his dumpster which is behind a gate continues to be blocked by vehicles parked on Prospect Street; this results in many missed trash pickups and additional expenses to Mr. Rossi. Mr. Rossi has made many attempts to alleviate this problem (signage on his fence, speaking to neighboring businesses, etc.) but the gate continues to get blocked. Sgt. Sampson reported that he assessed the area and found many vehicles parked on Prospect Street in the area of Mr. Rossi's business. In terms of parking, this is a high demand area. When Mr. Rossi closed off some driveways in the back of building, more parking was provided for the street. Sgt. Sampson felt Mr. Rossi's request was reasonable. Mr. Mee cautioned the Commission about using parking regulations to control a driveway. The Town already has restrictions that prohibit blocking driveways. The gate makes the driveway appear to be inactive which may be contributing to the problem. Mr. Mee thought that perhaps this area could be considered a loading zone for deliveries which would qualify for a restriction on the public way. Mr. Magoon thought that perhaps signs for a loading zone and cross -hash paint would make it clear that this is a no parking area. Chief Lawn reported that this is clearly an issue and has seen this area blocked several times. This request was continued to the October, 2016 meeting to further assess the area to determine whether this area would qualify as a loading zone. Item 5 — The Commission continued their discussion concerning a request by Ms. Jennifer Bosch, Human Resources Manager of Newly Weds Foods 70-80 Grove Street for a no parking restriction on the west side of Grove Street from a point 42 feet south of the Atrium School driveway (69 Grove Street) to a point 85 feet south of the Atrium School driveway. This issue was continued from the June, 2016 meeting; at that time, Chief Lawn asked Sgt. Sampson to contact the Atrium School so that the School could weigh in on the matter. Ms. Bosch was in attendance at the September meeting and explained the difficulties caused when vehicles park in this area. Sgt. Sampson reported that he met with Head of School Linda Echt and Ms. Bosch from Newly Weds Foods on Grove Street. Both Ms. Echt and Ms. Bosch agreed that their preference was to further restrict parking in this area for the entire length of curbing in front of the Atrium School; the School does not want parents parking on Grove Street and Newly Weds Foods does not want customers and clients parking there either. Based on this information, the new recommendation to the Commission is to create a No Parking restriction on the west side of Grove Street from the driveway of 69 Grove Street to the driveway of 79 Grove Street. Mr. Airasian was in favor of the proposal. Mr. Mee was not opposed to the request but cautioned about providing parking relief for businesses; businesses need to have the appropriate facilities on site to conduct these activities. Mr. Mee supports the proposal because both parties are in agreement and a similar restriction previously existed. Mr. Magoon made a motion to restrict parking on the west side of Grove Street from the driveway of 69 Grove Street to the driveway of 79 Grove Street; the motion was seconded by Mr. Airasian. The motion passed unanimously. New Business — No new business was brought before the Commission. Mr. Magoon made a motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Mr. Airasian. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sgt. David Sampson Assistant to the Traffic Commission