HomeMy Public PortalAbout1998-10-01 Town of Truckee TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES October 1, 1998, 6:00 P.M. Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Florian called the regular Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers: Drake, McCormack, Susman, and Mayor Florian ABSENT: Councilmember Schneider (excused) ALSO PRESENT: Stephen L. Wright, Town Manager, J. Dennis Crabb, Town Attorney; and Vicki Soderquist, Deputy Town Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Nevada County Supervisor Sam Dardick. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR (One motion approves all of the following actions.) Motion by Councilmember Drake to approve the Consent Calendar, Seconded by Councilmember Susman, approved 4-0-1 with Councilmember Schneider absent. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Minutes of September 14, 1998 Special Meeting. Recommendation: Council approve. Minutes of September 17, 1998 Regular Meeting. Recommendation: Council approve. Councilmember McCormack requested that the minutes be amended to reflect that the Eastern County share of the Community Assessment project was $5,000-$I0,000 of the total project cost of $60,000. Commercial Row Back Alley Reconstruction Notice of Completion, CIP 60-03-031. Recommendation: Council authorize the Town Engineer to file aNotiee of Completion for subject property with the Nevada County Recorder's Office. Application No. 98-062/LLA/ABN (Parcel Merger/Easement Abandonment Meskimen). Recommendation: Council adopt Resolution 98-44 approving the summary vacation and abandonment of the ten foot public utility easement located at 10517 and 10497 Snowshoe Circle, Lots 364 and 365 of the Prosser Lakeview Estates. Western Undercrossing Change Order No. 4. Recommendation: Council authorize the Town Engineer to execute Contract Change Order No. 4 for the Western Undercrossing project in the amount of $5,482.24. Town-Wide Overlay Project Change Order No. 1. Recommendation: Council authorize the Public Works Director to execute Contract Change Order No. 1 for the Town-Wide Overlay Project in the amount of $25,000. Authorization to Solicit Bids for a Replacement Sand Truck. Recommendation: Council authorize the Public Works Director to solicit bids for a cab and chassis for a sand truck. The Town Council recessed the Regular Council meeting and met in a special joint Town Council/Redevelopment A~encv meetin~ to discuss: JOINT TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING 7.1 Truckee Redevelopment Plan, Final EIR, and Report to Council. Recommendation: 1) Town Council and Redevelopment Agency hold the public hearing; 2) take public testimony; and 3) direct staff to respond to written comments received, make any requested changes to the documents, and prepare the necessary documentation for Redevelopment Plan approval. Elizabeth Eddins, Senior Planner, informed the Council that after taking public testimony the Council/Agency could make any appropriate modifications necessary. Staff would bring back responses to all comments received, as well as the amended documents along with the supporting ordinance and resolutions for adoption. Staff recommended that Council schedule a special meeting for October 8th at 6:00 p.m. for the first reading of the ordinance. Ms. Eddins stated that the RDA area included the developed core of Truckee along Donner Pass Road from PCI (old Teichert mine area), the Downtown core, and the Mill Site to the Sha-Neva area. She then reviewed overheads of blighted conditions in PCI, a trailer park on Donner Pass Road (substandard housing), run down buildings on Donner Pass Road, Brickelltown, Jibboom Street, East River Street (substandard housing/trailers), and industrial uses with industrial storage along the river and West River Street (similar problems of unpermitted land uses, visual blight, inconsistent zoning), and the Sha-Neva area (substantial amount of abandoned material and storage and old buildings that did not meet code requirements). The overheads were a sample of the type of conditions within the project area. She then distributed copies of parcel maps showing irregular parcel patterns within the project areas (a copy on file). A large number of parcels in the project area were substandard for development and met the definition of blight in the California Redevelopment Law. Jim Williams, Davis and Associates, stated the parcel map was important because the project area had wide spread and pervasive irregular sized parcels from a standpoint of normal commercial development and, that alone established blight under Redevelopment Law. It was the most widespread condition in any RDA project area throughout the state. Mr. Crabb reviewed the procedural framework of the public hearing, i.e. take public testimony and a mandatory one week period in which responses and/or comments were considered. Responses would be drafted, refined and presented to the Council on October 8th. The public hearing was not the time for debate, but public comments. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was declared open. Monty Folsom, Director of Business Services, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, proposed that the Town and District enter into an agreement for joint use of an administrative building and a vehicle/bus garage maintenance facility. They were also interested in developing facilities that met both the needs of the Town and of the District. As the projects were developed for the Agency the District wanted to be involved in the final selection. Couneilmember/Member McCormack stated that including the School District properties did not affect their incremental taxes. They were included in the project area so there could be joint projects that would be beneficial to the community as a whole. Town of Truckee October 1, 1998 Special Page 2 David Brennan, CAO, Nevada County, stated that they had submitted written comments on the RDA Plan. They were concerned over the absence of specific information regarding findings of blight and what projects would be implemented to address blight. The definition of blight under the Government Code for Redevelopment Plans or Agencies required a connection between blight and economic impact. Some of the buildings in the overheads could be determined to be underutilized for those sites and other funds could be available for upgrade. They did not feel that the finding of blight and economic impact had been proven and requested that the Council/Agency re-look at the project area or provide more information of blight in the area. The proposed project area encompassed several commercial properties that were newly developed, i.e. not blighted or an economic drain on the community and he questioned why they were included. Their letter also addressed several other comments which he expected to be discussed on the 8th. Margaret Urke, CABPRO, stated she was concerned about property rights, eminent domain, and the ability to take private property for the primaD' purpose of making it prettier. She also did not understand why PCI was included in the project area as it did not have an economic problem and was not blighted. She expressed concern regarding the taking of industrial property and the lack of properly zoned areas for relocation. She felt that special district taxes would eventually need to be increased due to the loss of tax increment. A redevelopment agency had to go into debt and she preferred to see as little debt as possible for governments. Breeze Cross, Business Owner, Church Street, stated that redevelopment had been talked about since incorporation. They had been assured that it was a tool to enable the Town to reach long range goals, i.e. to facilitate transition of what remained of an industrial environment to a commercial core or hub. The slides of blight in the community were all on private property, i.e. residential or commercial property falling down or not being currently used. He expressed concern that most of the investment would create more public buildings and structures and would not be going into cleaning up blight. He was also concerned that there would be a great deal of pressure to improve the economic climate in the Downtown core through the creation of a parking area when there were a lot ofotber needs. Redevelopment should leverage private development to achieve tree economic development and that should be the focus of the Redevelopment Plan. Timing was important and priorities should be established. There was no roadmap to navigate the redevelopment process. Redevelopment should focus on economic development and not public facilities. Sharon Arnold, Truckee, stated she was concerned with potential condemnation of homes where families had lived 50-80 years and the resulting hardship. She requested that the Council/Agency look closely at those homes that would fall under condemnation. There being no further public testimony, the public hearing was declared closed. Mr. Crabb recommended that the Council/Agency receive public testimony and direct staff to prepare written responses for the legal administrative record. Councilmember/Member Susman shared some of the concerns expressed but felt the Council/RDA did a pretty good job in dealing with condemnation and opportunities to assist property owners. Redevelopment would give the Council/RDA the ability in many cases to assist property owners in dealing with soil contamination and other issues that may make properties undevelopable. Staffhad received direction at the September 3rd meeting to list a number of public improvements and he then reviewed the list. He had a good feeling of what could come out of redevelopment. He thanked the Planning Commission and staff for their work. Town of Truckee October I, 1998 Special Page 3 o It was the consensus of the Councii/RDA to approve the staff recommendation to direct staff to respond to written comments received, make any required changes to the documents, and prepare the necessary documentation for Redevelopment Plan approval. Council/RDA called a special meeting for October 8, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. Councilmember/Member McCormack stated the Town had held a number of discussions with the special districts and they were unanimously onboard and undemtood the implications. The RDA was in place because it would cause development and property tax growth. The question was what growth would occur without redevelopment, if it made growth possible, then the loss to other taxing agencies was a wash. It was being done because the Council felt it was necessary for good orderly growth in Truckee. The Town Council/Redevelopment Agency adiourn the special joint meeting at 6:30 and the Town Council will reconvene the Regular Council meeting. COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES - None STAFF REPORTS 9.1 Naming of the Western Undercrossing Connector Street. Recommendation: Council select a name for the Undercrossing street. Mr. Lashbmok stated the following recommendations had been received from the Historical Society - Mclver's Undercrossing, Cobum's Undercrossing, Krueger Undercrossing. Other unsolicited proposals received included Corbett Cutoff, Mill Pond Road, Roundhouse Road, Hobo Camp Road, and Slaughter House Road. He noted it was a historically significant location. Mayor Florian questioned if the Town had a formal process for naming streets. Mr. Lashbrook replied the Town did not have a formal policy. Due to the historic location it was brought to the Council with a specific recommended process. Councilmember Drake recommended that staff work on a formal process for naming streets. The Mclvers were the first to stand up when the Town incorporated and contributed $50,000 to get the Town to get started. He supported the McIver name. Sharon Arnold, representing the Historical Society, agreed with Councilmember Drake, that was their feeling when they recommended McIver. She thanked the Town for the invitation to assist in selecting the name. They supported McIver Undercrossing, Roundabout, Pond or Dairy in recognition &what the family had done for the Town. Don Cassler, Resident, stated his family gave the name a lot of thought and recommended "Shortcut". Truckee streets were named for the use of the area, i.e. Bridge, Spring, Church, West River Street, Riverside Drive, i.e. all named for a purpose, not for a person. The streets served the purpose of helping to find a specific location or area. He recommended the Council keep with history and consider Shortcut. All the nominees were wonderful people but the Town should keep with the ambiance and flavor of Truckee. He would also support McIver's Shortcut. Councilmember McCormack stated his personal preference would be to not name facilities after people, but acknowledged that all the recommended family names had donated a lot to the community. A name that was almost lost in the community was Cobum's Station which identified the original half dozen buildings in Brickelltown. It would preserve a historical name, not a person Town of Truckee October I, 1998 Special Page 4 but a place. He had questioned representatives from the Historical Society as to whether they addressed historic versus person and they had not. Therefore, he recommended that it be reconsidered. Councilmember Susman stated he respected the contributions to the community from the McIver family and that was his choice on list. It was still uncertain what would go in the center of the roundabout, i.e. there could be a tribute or plaque there also. People would be looking for the shortcut or by-pass; therefore, he was willing to consider a variation which included McIver. Councilmember Drake noted that the police department called the bridge Mclvers. It was consistent with the history of the area and acknowledged all the family gave to the community. He suggested McIver's Way. Mayor Florian stated the discussion reinforced the need for a formal process. Everyone listed deserved recognition, but the McIver family had a long history of generosity in the community. Therefore, he supported Mclver. Mr. Lashbrook stated that an option would be for the Council to settle on the first name and think about various options for the second part of name, i.e. cutoff, shortcut, way, etc. Motion by Councilmember Drake to designate the road as McIver with the designation of cutoff, way, etc. to be brought back to Council for consideration, Seconded by Councilmember Susman, passed 4-0-1 with Cooncilmember Schneider absent. 9.2 Glenshire Drive Right Torn Pocket Construction. Recommendation: Council adopt Resolution 98-45 authorizing the expenditure of up to $50,000 of AB 1600 funds for the purpose of constructing a right turn pocket at the approach to the Glenshire Drive/SR267 intersection, and make findings which authorize staffto execute the work through a contract change order of $50,000 or less to the Burdick Excavating contract for the Western Undercrossing project. Dan W ilkins, Town Engineer, stated he was requesting authorization of a change order to execute turn lane improvements at the Glenshire Drive/Hwy 267 intersection. The AB1600 study prepared by Nevada County had identified the intersection improvements and the project was included in the 1998/99 CIP (funding appropriated for engineering and construction). Staff had performed the engineering in-house and Burdick Construction believed they could complete the project during the current construction period. Lahonton was also in support of the project. Staff would evaluate the traffic flows in conjunction to the leR turn pocket at a later date and whether to pursue that project next year. Due to the by-pass the demand may not be there for a number of years. If authorized, staff felt the Town would achieve cost savings due to the change order on the underpass contract. It was a large project and the unit prices would be applied to the smaller project. Councilmember Drake stated that in the past one reason it was not paved was because the configuration of the road alignment was unknown. Mr. Wilkins stated that he believed the road alignment would stay where it currently was, but any action taken by the Council would not lock the Town into that position. If the road were realigned in five years it would not be a wasted expenditure. Councilmember Drake expressed concern regarding competitive bidding, although he agreed it was the most economical way to do the project. The Town Attorney had assured him that the Town was Town of Truckee October 1, 1998 Special Page 5 not in violation of competitive bidding requirements because it was an overlay of a road. It was a great plan. Mayor Florian stated the project was needed and questioned the time frame. Mr. Wilkins replied that they hoped to have it completed by the first of November (weather permitting). Councilmember Susman stated he supported the project and that it was long overdue. Councilmember McCormack stated it was his understanding that the grading had to be completed by October 15th which was Lahonton's concern. Mr. Wilkins replied that Lahonton regulations did not allow grading after October 15th. The contractor believed that the rough grading would be done prior to that. Councilmember McCormack questioned if the project was not completed during the current year if the costs would be excessive next year. Mr. Wilkins responded that the Town would have to bid the project and he anticipated that it could result in costs 20-30% higher. Councilmember McCormack stated he was proud of staff, it was a way to ovemome the bureaucratic process, and was completely acceptable. It would produce a beneficial/needed improvement at a lower cost. He recommended that the resolution be changed to reflect that the grading had to be completed by October 15th. George Robertson, Glenshire, stated there was a vision/distance problem for cars turning leR with large vehicles pulling up on their right. He recommended street markings to help eliminate that safety concem. He hoped to see a right mm lane. Mr. Wilkins stated that the designated lane and stripping would help prevent the sight distance problem. Motion by Councilmember Susman to approve Re~olufion 98-45, with the amendment that the grading would be completed by October 15th, Seconded by Councilmember McCormack, approved 4-0-1 with Counciimember Schneider absent. 9.3 Highway 267 By-Pass Status Report (Oral Report). Recommendation: Council provide direction. Mr. Wright stated that FHWA in Sacramento had rejected the Caltrans proposal for retaining the two ramps (westerly facing). It was staffs understanding that the action by Sacramento had not been approved by Washington DC at the present time. Staff would begin discussions with legislative representatives and the Nevada/California Transportation Commissions, as well as, developing a short term strategic game plan to deal with the Washington component. It was likely that the Town would have to send a delegation to Washington DC, dependent upon input from local congressmen and senators. It was felt that the analysis submitted did not give enough credence to the historic nature of Truckee. ISTEA and other federal funding mechanisms had an emphasis on flexibility to accommodate local issues and the historic character and nature oftbe community and the retention of such. Those issues may not have been appropriately addressed. The project survey submitted was significantly modified by Caltrans and did not include the original options and information. It was recommended that the Town become more aggressive in Washington DC as it had become a relatively fluid issue. Councilmember Susman stated it was disheartening news. At the Sierra Business Council meeting last week he had met with the Director of Caltrans and he was minimally aware of the Truckee issues but had offered to follow-up. One of the Placer County Supervisors also offered to assist the Town because of the regional nature of the project. Town of Truckee October 1, 1998 Special Page 6 Councilmember Drake clarified that the Town was only talking about the ramps, there was no danger regarding the by-pass construction. Councilmember McCormack stated it was not over, the answer was disappointing but not surprising. Caltrans had been negative from day one and their support had been lukewarm at best. 10. COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 10.1 Sierra Business Council meeting in Columbia - Councilmember Susman stated he and Councilmember Schneider had attended the meeting and he recommend that Councilmembers attend upcoming seminars. It was recommended at the meeting that the Nevada County Board of Supervisors hold another meeting in Truckee after the election, as well as, hosting a SEDD meeting in Truckee. 10.2 Community Needs Assessment - Councilmember McCormack requested that the Assessment be agendized for the next meeting for specific discussion. 10.3 Snow Plow Committee Meeting - Mr. Wright stated that the next meeting would be held on October 19th 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall. 11. CLOSED SESSION - Council met in Closed Session at 7:16 p.m. to discuss litigation against Nevada County pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9; Peoria Sunnyside LLC vs the Town of Truckee pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9; and a matter of anticipated litigation (1 case) Southwest Gas pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9. No reportable actions were taken in Closed Session. 12. ADJOURNMENT. Mayor Florian adjourned the meeting at 7:28 p.m. by: Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN L. WRIGHT, Town Manager Vicki C. Soderquist, CMC,;~--~puty Town Clerk Town of Truckee October 1, 1998 Special P, age 7