HomeMy Public PortalAbout19500216CCMeeting259 There being no further business, Council adjourned, sub- ject to the call of the Mayor. 1 Mayor Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. February 16, 1950 The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 4 P.M. and was attended by Mayor Dutton, who presided, Councilmen Hosti, Brown, gmit},Meddin, Lovell, Town Attorney Solms and Mitchell Young, A. P. Solomon, Jr., J. W. Lang, Tommy Reed, T. S. Chu and B. Taylor Smith. Mr. young in discussing the Zoning Ordinance as regards Area A, stated that it was the intent of the ordinance to allow commercial buildings on Butler Ave. and his interpretation of the ordinance permitted this, Mr. Solomon stated that he proposed to operate a retail store selling paints, hardware and etc., no appliances. They were excused. Mr. Reed reported that it was now 18 prisoners at the camp, that the work on the Firemans Club Building was finished except to paint it, but that the doors had not been placed on the fire station as yet. Councilman Brown stated that the groins along the bathing area south of the pavillion were eaten out and were dangerous, he suggested that to assist nature in building up the beach at a point extending in a southerly direction from 18th St., that a groin be extended in this direction from the sea -wall, for at the present time sand was being moved away from the beach in this sec- tion by the action of the sea, the Mayor appointed Councilman Brown, Supt. Reed and Town Attorney Solms as a committee to inves- tigate the matter and also to contact the U. S. Engineers. Councilman Smith stated that he had handled the matter of the Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. operating the siren, but'that -this could not be done. Councilman Lovell called attention to the deterioated con- dition of the groins at Tilton and lst Streets, Mr. Reed stated that he had reported the matter to Mr. J. J. Hutton, who stated that he had checked with the Creosoting Co. and they would not accept responsibility, the matter was referred to Mr. Solms to handle with Thomas & Hutton. Mr. Solms stated that in connection with the conditions existing at the property of Herbert F. Goring on 1st Ave., that 260 Mr. Reed hauled away 14 loads of trash, the Mayor asked Mr. Lang what was wrong with the building, Mr. Lang stated that it was in very bad condition, the Mayor asked what it would cost to put it in condition, Mr. Lang stated that he would have to check on this, fur. Solms said that the Town has to know wants wrong to have the right to condemn it, the Mayor appointed a committee consisting of Mr. Lang, and Edmund Solomon to check and report to Mr. Solms. Mr. Chu stated that he was negotiating for the con- struction of a movie theatre on the Island that would repre- sent an investment of approximately $45,000.00, that he had arranged to have it leased over a period of years to the Lucas interests and represented by Jno. A. Cunningham, but that he cannot do it alone and wants suggestions and help from the Town, Councilman Brown stated that he was familiar with what Mr. Chu had stated and Mr. Chu had gone into the matter thoroughly, that it is proposed to form a Stock Co. and money must be raised,Mr. Chu asked if the Town would minimize the assessment on the im- provements during the early years of its operation, Councilman Brown stated that anyone putting up commercial buildings should be given a reduction in assessments and suggested that Council give its approval of the project, as the building could also be used for convention purposes, the Mayor stated that future ad- ministrations could not be bound on the granting of reductions and etc., Council Lovell moved that the project be approved, Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. The minutes of the meeting of January 18 , 1950 were read and adopted. The Mayor informed Council that the State Highway De- partment had agreed to resurface Jones Ave. and to increase its width 2 feet on each side and that it would be included in High- way 80, that work had also been started on the eastern side of Butler Ave. between 6th and 7th Streets and that pipe was also being placed along 6th Street so as to drain off that section, the Highway Department also agreed to furnish the Town with the necessary signs. The Mayor stated that the proposed new road could not be built at this time as it could not be taken into the Highway System as Route 80, he was informed that if the people can be gotten to vote that it could be put in the next referendum, also that the new bridge at Thunderbolt had run into difficulties, primarily the acquiring of a right of way. Councilman Brown stated that work should soon be start- ed on the entrance to the Town and that after it was started it should be finished in about two weeks. Councilman Smith stated that in connection with the new fire plugs needed that progress was being made, 1:61 had con- tacted Mr. C. F. Powers who informed him that the map of the Tybee Water Works showing the locations had not been kept up to date, that Mr. A. P. Solomon, Jr. had agreed to bring the map 1 1 1 up to date and that a photostap of this new map would be turned over to Mr. C. W. Owen of the Rate Bureau. The Mayor stated that the Savannah Electric & power Co. had agreed that in the future they would consolidate all the Towns electric bills on one reading which would make a substantial reduction. The Mayor asked what Council was going to do in reference to Area A, Councilman Hosti stated that the business of Mr. A. P. Solomon Jr. on Butler & 2nd is in the clear, Councilman Lovell moved that the Ordinance covering Area A, be construed as inter- preted by the Town Attorney, which is that commercial buildings could be erected on Butler Ave., Councilman Stith seconded and the motion passed. Mr. smith requested permission to move one of the Htitil Tybee cottages to a lot owned by Mr. T. Voight adjacent to his garage on Butler Ave., this lot being smaller than those allowed by the Building Code in this area. Mr. Smith was excused. Councilman Meddin read a statement covering the past sev- eral years of the comparative operations of Town government. Councilman Meddin moved that bills for the month of Jan- uary amounting to 41152.9$ be paid, Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Smith asked what was to be done in connection with the proposed telephone toll station in jail for use of the Fire and police Departments. It was decided to hold the matter up at this time. Councilman Smith stated that Mr. Julian Corish, Attorney for Mr. J. A. O'Leary stated that he was not satisfied with the re- assessment of Mr. OILeary's property. Councilman Smith stated that he understood that the Electrical Inspector appointed by the Mayor was not to engage in the electrical business. No action was taken at this time. Councilman Smith stated that he had been approached by a representative of the Liberty National Bank & Trust Co. who was soliciting on of the Town's accounts. It was decided to hold off on this at present. Councilman Brown commenting on the personel of the sew- erage Department, one man now working at the Treatment plant could be cut off but if this was done then he would have to be hired on an hourly basis which would eventually cost the Town more money, he suggested that this man could be doing extra work with the Department of public Works. Councilman Hosti wanted to know who was in charge of the Building Department he stated that Mr. Lang was reporting to him 261 262 in connection with building activities and that recently had stop- ped work on a building because the Contractor did not have a li- cense, Mr. Lang had requested Chief Stewart to put the roan on the docket but the Chief had refused. Councilman Hosti said that anybody having work done on their property should get a permit from the Building Inspector. Councilman Meddin moved that the discount be allowed on the 1949 taxes of Tybee Beach Co., Lynes Realty Co., B. Taylor Smith and W. F. Lynes, Jr. d /bae Lynes Realty Co. and Mary F. Dempsy. Councilman Smith seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Hosti moved that the 1949 Plumbing Bond of Jno. M. Foughner be cancelled. Councilman Brown seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Hosti stated that Major Landreth requested permission to tie up his cruiser to haul passengers at the public dock. Permission was granted provided he be responsible to any damages he may do to the Town's property. Councilman Smith moved that the following Resolution be adopted. Councilman Brown seconded and inFthe voting five voted yes, nays none, one absent. A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, in order to pay the expenses of the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach for the calendar year, 1950, it is necessary to make a temporary loan of $6,000.00; and, WHEREAS,•the total gross income of the Mayor and Council- men of the Town of Savannah Beach for the year 1949 collected amounted to $83,947.25; and, WHEREAS, there is no loan to said Mayor and Councilmen now unpaid which was made under the provisions of Paragraph IV, Section VII, Article VII, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia; and, WHEREAS, the total anticipated revenue of the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach for the calendar year 1950 is $93,500.00 and the aggregate of this proposed temporary loan, and other contracts or obligations for current expenses, is not in excess of such total anticipated revenue for the calen- dar year 1950; and, WHEREAS, the Savannah Bank & Trust Company has agreed to make a temporary loan to the said Mayor and Councilmen of $6,000.00 payable on or before the 31st day of December, 1950, with interest thereon at the rate of 3-0 per annum; it being a condition of said loan by said bank theft the proceeds of said loan shall be used only to pay current expenses which include salaries. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach in Council assembled that the Mayor and Councilmen of :tlje Town of Savannah Beach procure from the Savannah;Bank & Truet Company a temporary loan in the amount of $6,000.04, payable on or before the 31st day of December, 1950, and bearing interest at the rate of 3-0 per annum. Said loan shall also be payable, at the option of said Mayor and Council- men, in whole or in part at any time between the effecting of said loan and the 31st day of December, 1950, with full abatement of interest; on the part of principal so paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proceeds of said loan shall be used to pay current expenses which includes salaries. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Honorable Edward A. Dutton Mayor, of the Mayor'and.Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, or the then Acting Mayor, is hereby author- ized and directed to execute the necessary promissory agreement or agree ants with Said bank and the Clerk of Council is hereby authoriz d and directed to attest the signature ^of the Mayor, or Actin Mayor, and affix to said instrument or instruments the offioial seal of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia. Councilman peters moved that as the Town is indebted to Mayor Dutton that the discount on his taxes and Georgia B. Dutton for 1949 be allowed, Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Meddin moved that the following Ordinance be adopted,j'Councilman Brown seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A RECREATION CO',MMISSION FOR SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, TO BE KNOWN AS "SAVANNAH BEACH RECREATION COMMISSION ";TO PROVIDE FOR THE MEMBERS TO COMPOSE SAID BOARD, THEIR TERM OF OFFICE, THEIR DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach., Tybee Island, in Oouneil assembled, and it is hereby ordained by authority thereof: SECTION 1. There is hereby established a Recreation Com- mission for Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, to be known as the "Savannah Beach Recreation Commission ". SECTION 2. Said Commission shall be composed of five (5) members, each of whom must be twenty -one (21) years of age or more and'ishail be'a'duly qualified voter or resident of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, 264 SECTION 3. That said members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council and shall be appointed to hold office for a term Which shall run concurrently with that of the said Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island. SECTION 4+. It shall be the duty of the members of said Recreation Commission to manage, direct and care for all muni- cipal play grounds, supervise and carry out the recreation pol- icy in order to fit the needs of the inhabitants of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, and they shall cooperate with mem- bers of the educational and other agencies or organizations fur- nishing recreation to the general public. SECTION 5. The Commission shall have a chairman who shall be elected by the members of said Commission and who shall serve for the term of office during which a Commission is appoint- ed. SECTION 6. The duties, powers and privileges hereinabove given ancr designated unto said Commission shall not empower said Commission to incur any debts for which the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, shall be responsible. There being no further business, Council adjourned, subject to the call of the Mayor. erk o Council Mayor