HomeMy Public PortalAbout19500420CCMeeting1 1 1 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. April 20, 1950 The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 4 P.M. and was attended by Mayor Outton, who presided, Councilmen peters, Hosti, Brown,Smith, Lovell, Meddin, Town Attorney Solms, also by D. R. Livingston, Lawton Livingston, Wm. F. Whalen, P. R. Summerlin and Mr. Fannie Goring. Mr. Whalen requested that the Town quit claim to him that portion of the old Central R. R. Right of Way opposite Lots 2, 3, , 5, of Block 1, Bay Ward, owned by him. Mr. Whalen was excused. Mr. Summerlin of the Rat Control Survey read a report on the activities of his group at Tybee last year during the time that they were carrying on the rat extermination period, several rats carrying the typhus flea were discovered, he suggested that his crew be brought to Tybee after the season opens so that they can have access to a larger number of homes. Mr. Summerlin was excused. Mr. Don Livingston speaking for the new owners of Hotel Tybee, The Seaview Developing Company, requested permission to out into the grass plat on two sections leading into a parking area being constructed on the hotel rounds, they plan to close the present entrances leading from 14th & 15th Streets, they will do the work at their own expense. Mr. Livingston was excused. Mrs. Goring appeared before the Board in connection with the condemnation proceedings she stated were instituted against her property at 1010 let Avenue, the Mayor asked Mr. Lang what wqs the status of the place at this time and he stated that it had been repaired as it should be at his last inspection, the Mayor read the minutes pertaining to the Goring property from the March meeting, Mrs. Goring stated that some of it was not true, she showed letters from several contractors stating that conditions at the place were alright, she stated that she wanted to get the matter straightened out, the Mayor stated that lg loads of trash were hauled away from her louse, Mrs. r;,.oring said that it was not trash, that some of the items were valuable and she was preparing to ship some of the articles away when they were moved, the Mayor stated that if the Electrical Inspector, Bldg. Inspector and the Fire Chief state that everything is alright at this time he will pass on it, Mrs Goring stated that she wanted the minutes retracted, Councilman Meddin said when the corrections have been made the minutes will so read, Mrs. Goring said that all of the shrubs and trees were cut down by the Town and she wanted them replaced. Councilman Meddin promised her that it would be corrected, Mrs. Goring said that she also wanted statements from the several Inspectors.Nrs. Goring was excused. Mr. Larry Dick of the DeWitt Chemical Co. wqnted to know if the Town was interested in purchasing some of the DDT his Co. furnished last season or was it interested in purchasing the new 275 formula recently developed by his Co. He was referred to Mr. Reed. The minutes of the meetings held February 16th, March 9th and April 3rd were read and adopted. The Mayor announced the appointment of Mrs. Eva Yagle, J. Gordon Miller, Jr., B. Taylor Smith, Rev. Jno. Kehoe, and Alex Meddin as a Committee on the Savannah Beach Recreation Com- mission. The Mayor informed Council that he had written a letter to all of the Councilmen requesting them not to make any decisions relative to licenses and that all licenses must, be paid by June 1st. Councilman Meddin stated that he had set up a book in the Clerks office showing the issuance of licenses and the locations, he requested the license committee to make a survey covering all of the locations for which licenses would be issued. It was decided to start the collecting of parking fees the forth coming Saturday, April 22nd, and the Chief of police was instructed to this effect. Councilman Hosti suggested that a letter be written to those business houses that do business on Tybee of pay their li- censes. The Mayor asked Mr. Reed if things were ready for the opening, he stated that they were not, it was necessary to put down steps and he needed the hose of the Fire Dept., then the question arose about using the hose for ther than the use of the Fire Dept., the Mayor instructed Mr. Reed to get in touch with Councilman Smith with the view to using the hose, Mr. Reed inform- ed Council that the large crane was delivered to the purchasers several weeks ago, Councilman Lovell asked what was being done toward repairing the rails at the Board walk and also painting them, Mr. Reed said the work would cost about $350.00, also that the curb of the 16th St. side walks were giving away and should be repaired atonce. It will take 18 tons of asphalt costing $144.00, at the present time prisoners are being used collecting garbage but that next month the garbage trucks will go out on Sundays and the prisoners cannot be used on those days, the Mayor request- ed Mr. Solms to ascertain if local prisoners could be used during these times. Councilman Brown in discussing the budget stated that ex- tra money is needed for the Sewerage Dept. for new stubbing lines, it was not set up in the budget. A letter was read from Fire Chief Solomon requesting $5100.00 for the Fire Dept. for the year 1950. Councilman Brown suggested consolidating several of the Departments under one head. 277 Councilman Smith stated that the Fire Dept. is short at the present time one engine, that he had been offered the use of a piece of eAuipment by the Savannah Fire Dept. until our pumper is repaired. Mr. Hubert Ellzey appearing for the Savannah Beach Volun- teer Fire Dept. requested that they be given the use of the Audi- torium on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights May 15th thru Sept. 15th for the purpose of showing motion pictures. Councilman Meddin moved that bills for the month of March amounting to $2944.90 be paid, Councilman peters seconded and the motion passed. Mr. Leo Lane requested that the 1950 license on his rides be reduced. Referred to License Committee. Council decided in connection with the request of Wm. F. Whalen that the Town quit claim to him a portion of the old Cen- tral R. R. Right of Way, that he have a survey made of the area that he wants. Councilman Peters moved that the grass plat in front of Hotel Tybee be cut in two sections and also the plat in front of the Tybee Market be cut, in neither case over 25 feet wide, at their own expense. The request of the S. B. V. Fire Dept. for use to show movies was referred to the Fire Committee. Councilman Peters moved that the following Resolution be adopted, Councilman Smith seconded and the motion passed. A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Earl S. Cook defaulted in the payment of taxes for the year 1939 and 1940 due to the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia on the hereinafter described property; and, WHEREAS, an execution for the above said taxes was duly issued by Henry M. Buckley, Clerk of Council of said Town; said executionwas levied by the Chief of Police of said Town on the hereinafter described property of Eafl S. Cook; and said property was advertised in the Savannah Evening press, the newspaper in which shertffte advertisements are published once a week for four weeks before the date of sale; and said property was offer- ed for sale at public outcry before the Court House door in Chatham Councy, Georgia between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, 1944 by said Chief of police; and WHEREAS, the said hereinafter described property was sold by the said Robert A. Stewart, Chief of Police of Savannah Beach Tybee Island, on the first Tuesday in November, 1944, to Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, a municipal corporation of said State and County, as evidenced by a deed dated November 7, 1944 and record- ed in Deed Book 45 N, folio 23, of the public Records of Chatham Councy, Georgia; and, 278 WHEREAS, an offer has been received from Kathleen M. Staf- ford of Chatham Councy, Georgia to purchase for the sum of $250.00 the following described property, to -wit: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, known and designatid on a map of the said Town of Tybee which is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in Map Book Two (2), page B, as Lot Number Eight, (8), Block Three(3), Bay Ward, being bounded an the North by Bay Street; on the East by Lot Number Nine (9); on the South by Lot Number (16) Sixteen, and on the West by Lot Number Seven (7), all in said Block and Ward. AND WHEREAS, after due investigation into the facts and cir- cumstances of this property, it is believed that a private sale to the said Kathleen M. Stafford in the amount of $250.00 is more advantaeous and more beneficial to Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, for the reason that said private sale would net more income than a public sale of the same property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in Council assembled at this reg- ular meeting and it is hereby resolved that said offer to purchase be accepted and said sale affirmed and completed; and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed conveying said foregoing described property to the said Kathleen M. Stafford for and in consideration of the sum of $250.00; and the Clerk of Council is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the said Mayor and to attach the corporate seal of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, to the said deed. The Clerk informed Council that he was holding a check of Herman Diamond for $25.00 that covered the issuance of five pin ball machine licenses and requested that Council advise him what to do with the check. He was instructed to use it. Request having been made for the removal of the old sentry box located at the entrance to Ft. Screven, it was decided that it should be moved but that the bronze plaque attached to the building be placed in a suitable location. Councilman Lovell moved that the 1949 license amounting to $50.00 of A. P. Solomon, J r. be reduced to $25.00, Councilman peters seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Hosti moved that the following Resolution be adopted, Councilman Brown seconded and the motion passed. A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on April 13, 1950 the voters of Chatham County, Georgia, went to the polls and cast their ballots in the local referendum in which there were 4,021 for, and 2,915 against a toll road to Tybee; and, WHEREAS, the results of this referendum show that the major- ity of those people who voted are in favor of a toll road to Sa- vannah Beach, Tybee Island; and, WHEREAS, the location, construction and building of said road will require one main bridge and other bridges, all of which will require an engineering survey to be made to determine the cost; and, WHEREAS, as a result of said referendum the Chatham County Commissioners should initiate revenue certificates for the finan- cing of said road; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council- men, in Council assembled, and it is hereby resolved by the author- ity of same, that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to in- itiate and work with the Chatham County Commissioners and Ex -Offi- cio Judges in an effort to carry out the wishes of the voters in regard to the toll road to Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, that the Mayor be empowered to ap- point a committee not to. exceed fifteen (15) citizens who shall work with him in this endeavor. Councilman Meddin moved that the Budget Ordinance be adopted, Councilman peters seconded and the motion passed. SAVANNAH BEACH BUDGET 1950 - 1951 EXPECTED INCOME Ad Valorem Property Tax a 70,000.00 Prior Years Taxes 5,000.00 Licenses 17,000.00 Police Court; 3,500.00 parking Meters 12,000.00. Building & Plumbing Fees. 1,000.00 Miscellaneous Collections 1,000.00 109.500.00 EXPECTED DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Mayors Salary $1,440.00 Mayors expense 300.00 Mayors Secretary 300.00 Clerks Salary 3,465.00 Clerks Asst. 1,500.00 Printing & Postage 500.00 Telephones, Office, etc. 300.00 Insurance & Bonds 1,600.00 Auditing 330.00 Town Attorney 900.00 Librarian & Library Expense 9 0.00 Plbg. & Bldg. Inspector 2,640.00 Miscellaneous 995.00 $15,200.00 279 280 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Superintendant Salary $3,000.00 Extra Help 3,000.00 Labor 500.00 public park 250.00 Gas, Oil, Tires 1,000.00 Repairing Streets 2,000.00 Maintaining all Equipment 500.00 Supplies & Miscellaneous 2,000.00 Convict Camp 1,000.00 Painting & Repairs of Bldgs 325.04 Street Lights 2,500.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Chiefs Salary 2,772.00 Policemen (3) 6,520.00 Telephones 200.00 Gas, Oil, Tires 1,000.00 Recorders Salary 780.00 Life Guards 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 Feeding Prisoners 200.00 Maintaining Motor Equipment 500.00 New Car 1,500.00 Motorcycle 1,000.00 police Uniforms 500.00 Parking Meters: Service, Help, Equipment, Supplies 3,500.00 SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT Superintendant 2 men servicing pumping stations 1 man at treatment plant Electric Service Maintainence of System Gas, Oil, Tires Labor for new stubbing lines Miscellaneous & Supplies Water Service SANITARY DEPARTMENT Truck Drivers Gas, Oil, Tires Extra Labor Miscellaneous Public Rest Room Mosquito Control 2,772.00 3,615.84 1,449.12 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 700.00 700.00 100.00 3,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 100.00 1,000.00 $16,075.04 19,972.00 14,336.96 7,100.00 281 FIRE DEPARTMENT Supplies & Miscellaneous PUBLIC DEBT Loan Savh.Bk. & Tr. Co. Bonds Retirement Interest on Bonds Telephone in Public School Payment on Parking Meters Electric Service allDepart- ments except Sewerage Groin & Sea -wall $ 2,500.00 $2,500.00 6,000.00 12', 500.00 5,091.00 25.00 6,000.00 700.00 4,000.0o 34,316,00 109,500.00 Councilman Lovell moved that the following Ordinance be adopted, Councilman Peters seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE TAXATION OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING MAY 1st, 1950, AND FROM YEAR TO YEAR UNTIL RSA PEALED; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilman of of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that the rate of taxation upon real estate and personal property within the limits of the said Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, for the fiscal year commencing May 1st, 1950, shall be TWO AND TWENTY -TWO HUNDREDTHS (2.22) PER CENT upon the assessed or returned value of same, the value of real estate improvements to be ascertained from the returns of the Committee of Assessments of said Mayor and Councilmen, and the valuation of personal property to be ascertained from the returns of the owners thereof , in pursuance of the scheme and plan contained in Sections One, Two, Three and Four of the Ordinance to provide fro the assess- ment of taxable property in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Is- land, Georgia, and the mode of valuing such property for taxation and to carry into effect the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, approved August 19, 1922, Sec - tion 21, passed in Council assembled October 13, 1922; and it is further ordained that if any person or persons shall refuse to pay any DOUBLE TAX assessed as above provided within thirty (30) days after same shall become due, the Clerk of Council, as Ex- Officio Treasurer of said Town, shall issue execution therefor and the further sum of One Dollar ($1.00) for costs, and the Chief of Police and Ex- officio Tax Collector shall Proceed with such execution in the same manner as now provided by law in such eases of execution lodged with the Sheriff of Chatham County, SECTION 2. Every person who shall pay one -half (i) of his taxes on or c ore the 15th of May, 1950, and the balance of said taxes on or before the 15th day of November, 1950, shall be enti- tled to a deduction of ten (10) per cent on account thereof, and the Clerk of Council and Ex- Officio Treasurer of said Town is here- by authorized to make such. deduction upon receipt of tax. The pro- visions of this Section shall not apply to licenses for doing bus- iness in said Town, the rate for such licenses being net. The pro- visions of this Section shall apply, however, to those persons or companies required by the provisions of Section 92 -5902 of the Code of Georgia to make returns to the Comptroller General of Georgia. SECTION 3, This ordinance shall continue in effect for each and every seal year hereafter unless and until repealed or chang- ed by Ordinance. SECTION 4. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that so much and such parts of ordinances passed as provid- ed for the execution of tax assessments, or part thereof, shall con- tinue and remain in force so as to authorize the Clerk of Council and Ex- Officio Treasurer to issue executions and the Chief of Police and Ex- Officio Tax Collector to collect same until said taxes or assessments shall be fully paid. Councilman Meddin moved that the following Ordinance be adopt- ed, Councilman peters seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE RATE OF LICENSES FOR DOING BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30, 1951;FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of same, that the licenses for doing business in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1951, shall be payable on or before the commencing of such business and shall be as follows: Each and every keeper engaged in the business of renting to transient guests of an apartment house or building, contain- ing four or more apartments, or a tourist court of camp, each dwelling unit $3.00, with a minimum license of - $35.00 Every keeper or keepers of a hotel or rooming house that contains twelve (12) rooms, each room - 35.00 Every keeper or keepers of a hotel or rooming house that contains over twelve (12) rooms, each room - 3.00 00 1 1 283 Each and every owner or keeper of a public bath house, each room - $ .50 Each owner or keeper of a rifle range or shooting gallery - Every owner or keeper of a pitch ball game where a charge is made - Every owner, operator or lessee of a billiard or pool room - Every owner or keeper of a bowling alley, ea. alley - Every owner or keeper of a photograph gallery, each machine or camera - Every commercial photographer taking pictures in night clubs, or hotels, each location - Every owner or keeper of a skating rink - Each and known as all over Each and known as 50.00 25.00 50.00 15.00 25.00 40.00 50.00 every owner or keeper of a recreational game "Bingo" that contains fifty (50) seats or less, fifty (50) seats $2.00 per seat - 100.00 every owner or keeper of a recreational game "Skee Ball ", or similar game - Each and every owner or operator of riding devices, each device - Each and every owner or operator of a spraying machine (Tifa Machine) for insecticides for which a charge is made, each machine - 15.00 50.00 5.00 Each and every person renting bicycles - 10.00 Any person, firm or corporation operating a public dance hall, employing an orchestra - 100.00 Every person or persons permitting dancing in or about his place of business, without an orchestra - 50.00 Each and every automatic music machine - 35.00 /Each and every owner of a souvenir stand or gift - 25.00 Each and every owner or keeper of a place for making and selling ice cream and /or iced sweets under the trade name such as frozen custard or similar trade name - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale candy apples - 10.00 284 Any person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale cotton candy, or similar confection - $ 10.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale a confection known as "Snowballs ", or similar con- fection - 10.00 Each and every person operating a soda water fountain, which shall include the right to sell sandwiches, crax., and novelties, if patent medicines are sold also, an addi- tional #25.00 - 50.00 Each and every person operating a confectionery store, including the rigth to sell ice cream, sherbert and sim- ilar products, sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, crackers, and novelties - o.00 Each and every dealer in balloons and /or novelties on streets - 25.00 Each and every distributor of peanuts, peanut butter sand- wiches, and /or potato chips, soliciting and delivering to stands or stores only - 15.00 Each and every dealer selling peanuts or popcorn from trucks or stands, each article - 25.00 Each and every owner or operator of a waffle and /or doughnut stand - 15.00 Any person, firm or corporation soliciting, selling and delivering beer to stores, stands, etc. wholesale only - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling, offering for sale, or giving away intoxicating liquors - 500.00 Each and every person selling soft drinks, whether alone or in connection with some other business - 10.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling and delivering soft drinks, etc., each; providing, however, that if said truck wholesales or retails soft drinks to any person, firm or corporation other than licensed dealers therein, an additional $25.00 - 25.00 Every owner or operator of a restaurant - 75.00 Any person, firm or corporation soliciting, selling and delivering meats, groceries, except regular licensed mer- chants of Savannah Beach - 15.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling and delivering ice cream, or similar products, to stands or stores - 15.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling or delivering dairy products, each 10.00 285 Each and every owner or keeper of a grocery store or provision store - $ 75.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling meats for con- sumption off the premises - 40.00 Any person, firm or corporation operating a retail bakery shop - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation operating a drug store- 50.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling and delivering bakery products to stands or stores, wholesale only - 10.00 Every person, firm or persons selling and delivering veg- etables and /or fruit from vehicles, per truck, or stand - Every person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale any dry goods and /or notions in conjunction with a grocery business - Each and every owner or operator of an ice company, sell- ing or delivering ice - 50.00 10.00 50.00 Any person, firm or corporation operating a department and /or variety store - 250.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale any paint or hardware in connection with some other business - Any person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale any building supplies, paint, and /or hardwares at retail Laundries soliciting and delivering by truck, per truck - Any person, firm or corporation selling and delivering any commodities from any point outside the corporate lim- its of said Municipality, by automobile or truck which are not specified in this ordinance, per truck - Any person, firm or corporation owning and operating a bull dozer, or similar machine and charging for its use for grading, hauling or other similar purposes, with the under standing that the issuance of a license shall not prevent the parties and making charges for the use of its equip- ment. - Each and every owner of an electric lighting or power company. - Each and every owner of a telggraph company- Each and every owner of a telephone company - 25.00 50.00 10.00 15.00 50,00 500.00 10.00 250.00 286 Each and every owner or operator of a moving picture show 25.00 Each and every person repairing shoes and other footwear - Each and every owner or keeper of a tailor silk), laundry and pressing club - Each and every owner or keeper of a pressing club - E Each and every owner or operator of a taxi cab business, each vehicle - Each and every owner or keeper of a vehicle for hire, - automobile, jitney, eadh vehicle - Automobile parking space for hire - Any person, firm or corporation selling and delivering gasoline, oil, provided, however, if oil trucks sell retail except fuel 611, and additional $25.00 Garages where automobiles or motor vehicles are re- paired or stored - Any person, firm or corporation who lubricates, and /or greases automobiles, changes and repairs tires, and /or washes automobiles - Gasoline, each pump - i'Each and every person, firm or corporation selling elect- rical equipment, parts and supplies Any person, firm or corporation selling and /or repair- ing radios and radio parts - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling, installing and /or . rewiring neon signs - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling, installing or manufacturing awnings, tither wood, metal or cloth - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation doihg:a.,general_'build- ing contradting business, not including electrical work or plumbing - 10.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 15.00 10.00 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation doing an electrical contracting business - Any person, firm or corporation doing a painting contract - ing business - Any person, firm or corporation doing a plumbing con- tracting business For transferring from one person to another, or from 100.00 50.00 25.00 75.00 1 287 lone location to another, any license for the sale of intox- icating liquors, or for the sale of beer, provided no trans- fer shall be authorized without the approval of Council $ 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation doing a floor sanding and finishing business - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation manufacturing concrete blocks or slabs or similar products - 50.00 Any person, firm or corporation selling fish and other seafood, wholesale and /or retail - 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of repairing and /or Belling of antiques - 10.00 Any person, firm or corporation operating a Barber Shop and /or Beauty Shop- 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation who has an additional entertainment for their guests or patrons operating in conjunction with their other business a 16 MM moving picture business - Any person, firm or corporation operating an amusement arcade (machines Only) on Tybrisa Paivilion - Any Person, firm or corporation engaged in and doing an insulating business - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the laying of ceramic tile, asphalt tile floor coverings and /or inlaid tile flooring or any other floor covering material - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the distribution of petroleum gas - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the manufac- turing and /or sale of rubber mats - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in a rooding business Any person, firm or corporation engaged in a siding business - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in laying bricks and /or concrete blook'et - Any 'person engaged in peddling wares, products or any and other item or items on the streets of the Town from an automobile, truck or otherwise, per day - 10.00 250.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 - 54;00 25.00 25.00 50.00 5.00 288 SECTION 2. In the event any business or calling not speci- fically mentioned in the above list set forth shall be establish- ed in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, the Ma- yor and Councilmen reserve the right to establish a license fee for same by ordinance, which fee is to be of equal dignity as the license specifically mentioned in the above Section, provided, how- ever, that such license shall not be more than the sum of Five Hun- dred Dollars ($500.00). SECTION 3. This ordinance shall he subject to alteration or repeal in whole or in part at any time during the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1950, should it be deemed advisable, and no such amendment or repeal shall be construed to impair the right of Coun- cil to assess or levy tax for the whole of such year when ever made. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation owning or oper- ating any riding device, or passenger vehicles for hire, before be- ing issued a license therefor, shall deposit with the Clerk of Council a polity of insurance against personal injury and property damage, with a receipt showing that the premium thereon has been paid for the length of time covered by the license, in such com- pany and in such amount as may be approved by the Mayor and Council- men, for the benefit of any personor persons who may be killed or injured or sustain damage to property by the reason of operation thereof. SECTION 4-A. In lieu of such policy of insurance, any per - son, firm or corporation owning or operating passenger vehicles for hire, before being issued a license therefor, shall deposit with the Clerk of Council a surety bond in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for each vehicle operated by said person, firm or corporation, signed by surety company acceptable to the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, said bond guaran- teeing the payment of any loss or damage sustained any person or persons by reason of the operation of such vehicle, the exact form of such bond to be approved by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach. SECTION 4-B. In lieu of such policy of insurance and /or such surety 'bond, any person, firm or corporation owning or operating a passenger vehicle for hire, before being issued a license there- for, shall deposit with the Clerk of Council a real estate bond in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for each vehicle operated by said person, firm or corporation, signed by an owner of real estate who holds merchantable fee simple title to the same and a'eceptable to the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beaco, said bond guarantees the payment of any loss or damage sustained by any person or persons by reason of the operation of such vehicle, the exact form of such bond to be approved by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Bestch. If said real estate bond is approved by the Mayor and Councilmen of Savannah Beach, the applicant for license shall pay the fee for recording of said bond in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia. 1 1 289 SECTION 5. The Mayor and Councilmen reserve the -right to re- fuse to issue to any one any licenses for any purpose for reasons sufficient by them. SECTION 6. Any person procuring a license on or after Novem- ber 1, 1950, shall pay one -half the fee therefor set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall, upon convic- tion before the Mayor'e Court of said Town, be subject to be fined in the sum of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days, either or both or any portion of either or both in the discretion of the Court. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflict - ing with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Councilman Smith moved that the following Ordinance be adopt- ed, Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE RATE OF LICENSE TAX ON AN AMUSEMENT BOARD OR AN AMUSEMENT BOOK USED AS A TRADE STIMULATOR AND NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30th, 1951; PROVIDING FOR A STAMP TO BE AFFIXED TO EACH SUCH TRADE STIMULATOR, FIXING FOR THE COST OF EACH STAMP AND ITS USE, PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF USE AND LOCATION OF EACH TRADE STIMULATOR; FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that on any amusement board or book, before the same is placed in use within the corporate limits of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, there shall be affixed by the person using the same as a trade stimulator, a registration stamp, which stamp shall be provided by the Office of the Clerk of Council of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, on payment to said Clerk of the required registration fee by the person operating such trade stimulator. It shall be the duty of any distributor of any such amusement boards or books to affix such registration stamps to any such board or book before the same is distributed and shall also place on said stamp the date of such distribution and mark the same ncancelled“ and shall affix the name of said distributor there - on,-all of which shall be done in ink. Such registration stamps shall be provided by the Clerk of Council who shall not sell said stamps in quantities of less than $100.00 at any one time, and shall not sell the same to anyone other than a distributor duly licensed and author- ized to do business within the corporate limits of the Town of Sa- vannah Beach, Tybee Island, and said registration stamps shall be in the amount of 91.00, each, and shall be affixed before such boards or books are placed in use. 290 Said registration stamps shall bear, on its face, the words "Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Registration Stamp" and the amount thereof. It shall be the duty of any person using such registra- tion stamp to destroy the same after the merchandise so vended has been sold. No stamp shall be used more than one time on any such board or book and the same is not permitted to be transferred from one board or book to another. No such board or book used as a trade stimulator shall be placed in use within the corporate limits of the Town of Savannah Beach until the same has been first approved by the Chairman of the police. SECTION 2. Be it further ordained that it shall be unlaw- ful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, use or place in any place of business a trade stimulator that pays out money said boards commonly known as "Money Boards ". SECTION 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Mayors Court of said Town, be subject to be fined in the sum of not more than $100.00 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days either or both, or any portion of either or both, in the discretion of the Court. SECTION 4. Any such board or book used as a trade stimulator within the corporate limits of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, on the date of passage of this said ordinance shall imme- diately have attached thereto a registration stamp as provided and set forth in Section 1, hereinabove. SECTION 5. Any board or book used as a trade stimulator within the corporate limits of Savannah Beach on which there is no registration stamp as hereinabove provided shall be immediately subject to confiscation by the Police Officers of said municipality. SECTION 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this provisions of this ordinance are hereby cancelled. Councilman Meddin moved that the following Ordinance be adopted, Councilman Brown seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE RATE OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF DISTRIBUTION OR PLACING ON LOCATION ONE OR MORE ONE -BALL VENDING MACHINES COSTING FIVE CENTS (5f) PER PLAY OR ANY OTHER VENDING MACHINES EXCEPT THOSE WITH A FIVE -BALL PLAY IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30th, 1951; FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, 291 that the occupational license tax for each and every person, per- sons, firm or corporation engaged in the business of distribution or placing on location or owning any one -ball vending machines costing five cents (5¢) per play, or any other vending machine ex- cept those with a five -ball play, one or more machines in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Leland, Georgia shall be the sum of $2500.00 for the fiscal year ending April 30th, 1951 and shall be payable on or before the commencing of such business. SECTION 2. Any person, firm the provisions of Section 1 of thi tionbefore the Mayors Court of sai in the sum of not more than $100.0 thirty days, either or both, or an the discretion of the Court. r corporation violating any of ordinance shall, upon convic- Town, be subject to be fined or be imprisoned not more than portion of either or both, in SECTION 3. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that before any type vending machine shall be placed on any loca- tion within the corporate limits of said Town same must be approv- ed by the Chairman of the Police Committee in writing. SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby cancelled. Councilman Meddin moved that the following ordinance be adopt- ed, Councilman Hosti seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE RATE OF LICENSES FOR DOING BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30th, 1951; FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that the licenses for doing the following business in the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1951, shall be payable on or before the commencing of such business and shall be as follows: Sub- section A. Each and every owner, keeper or person who has in his possession or in his store, place of business or loca- tion a cigarette vending machine which dispenses packkges of cigarette upon the deposit of coins therein, each machine, $5.00. Sub- Section B. Each and every owner, keeper or person who has in his possession or in his store, place of business or loca- tion'a coin operated scales, each scale, $2.50. 292 sub - Section C. Each and every person, owner or keeper who has in his possession or in his store, place of business or loca- tion a novelty pin ball machine costing five cents (50) per play where five balls are used and nothing but free games are given to the p layer, $25.00. Sub- section D. Each and every owner, keeper or person who has in his possession or in his store, place of business or loca- tion a novelty pin ball machine costing one cent (1 %) per play, where nothing but free games are given to the player, $10.00. Sub- section E. Each and every owner, keeper or person who has in his possession or in his store, place of business or loca- tion a coin operated telescope, for the use of which a charge is made to the public, $5.00. Sub- section F. Each and every owner, keeper or person who has in his possession or in his store, place of business or lo- cation for each and every other special amusement machine for which a license is not hereinabove provided in the foregoing Sub- sections A thru E; for each and every vending machine; and /or for each and every pin ball machine wherein one ball is used, each $50.00. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be subject to alterations or repeal in whole or in part at any time during the fiscal year be- ginning May lst, 1950, should it be deemed advisable, and no such amendment or repeal shall be construed to impair the right of Council to assess or levy tax for the whole of such year when ever made. SECTION 3. The Mayor and Councilmen reserve the right to re- fuse to issue to any one any licenses for any purpose for reasons sufficient by them. Licenses provided for in Section 1, Subsec- tion F., shall only be issued upon the approval of such location by the police Committee of Council. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of Section 1, and the Sub- section thereof, of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Mayor's Court of said Town, be subject to be fined in the sum of not more than One Hun- dred Dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days, either or both or any portion of either or both in the dis- cretion of the Court. SECTION . All sections or sub - sections of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be separate and independent and the invalidity of any section or sub- section or provision hereof shall not affect the remaining sections or sub - sections. SECTION 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflict- ing with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Councilman Smith moved that the following Ordinance be adopt- ed, Councilman Lovell seconded and the motion passed. 1 1 1 1 293 AN ORDINANCE< AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE TRAFFIC IN CERTAIN CONGESTED AREAS IN THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, DEFINING AND REGULATING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE TOWN OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF SUCH PARKING SPACES, AND FOR THE USE OF MECHANICAL PARKING TIME INDICATORS IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH; FOR THE PAYMENT FOR THE USE OF SUCH PARKING SPACES; FOR THE VIOLATIONS OF THE SAME; FOR THE PENAL* TIES IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, because of the width of the streets in certain sections of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, the free moving traffic in the business district and adjacent streets is impeded; and, EMAA, previous attempts to regulate the parking in the afore- said areas have not been as successful as is desirable because of the small number of traffic policemen available therefor and the size of the aforesaid area; and, WHEREAS, because of the habit of numerous operators of motor vehicles by which they take advantage of the above mentioned situa- tion by parking for unreasonably long periods of time in close prox- imity to other motor vehicles so parked on the most congested parts of the Town's busiest streets tends to further impede traffic and, in addition thereto, is unfair to other motorists and constitutes a danger to the rife and property of motorists and Pedestrians; and, WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Council that the best way by which the above mentioned conditions may be remedied is by the designation of individual parking spaces in the said area, by pro- viding for the use of mechanical parking time indicators in con- junction therewith, by restricting parking in said area to reason- able intervals of time and by compelling the operators of vehicles who enjoy the use of parking space so designated, pay a portion of the cost of establishing and maintaining the same. NOW THEREFORE) BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by authority thereof. Section 1. As used in this ordinance, the following words shall be defined as follows: "Vehicle." Any device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported upon a public highway, except such as are used exclusively by human power. "Parking ". The standing of a vlhicle upon a street whether such vehicle is occupied or not and whether such vehicle be accompanied or not by an operator for a period of time in excess of two minutes. "Mechanical Parking Time Indicator" or "Parking Meters." A device or devices which shall indicate thereon the length of time during which a vehicle may be parked in a particular place which shall 294 have as a part thereof a receptacle or chamber for receiving and storing coins of the United States money, a slot or place in which said coin may be deposited; a timing mechanism to indicate the pass- age of the interval of time during which parking is permissable and which shall also display an appropriate signal when the aforesaid interval of time shall have elapsed; also brief instructions as to their operation. "Individual Parking Space." A portion of the paved surface on the Strand or of the street of sufficient length and depth from the side- walk curb or otherwise to accomodate a vehicle to be parked, as shall be specified and marked off by the Municipality. Section 2. Congested Area. For the purpose of this ordinance the "congested traffic area" is hereby declared to be on the Strand from 14th Street to 15th Street; on the Strand from 16th Street to 18th Street; on 14th Street; on 15th Street; on 16th Street; on 17th Street and 18th Street; and Council hereby determines that because of the flow of traffic on said areas on the streets or portions of the streets within such area that parking therein shall be subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 3. Designation of Individual Parking Spaces. The Police Committee is hereby authorized and directed to designate and mark off such individual parking spaces as it deems proper along the streets in the Congested traffic area for the parking of vehicles. At each place where individual parking spaces are so marked off, each vehicle shall be parked entirly within an individual parking space. Section 4. Parking Meters to be Installed. The Dual Parking Meter Company, Canton, Ohio, is hereby authorrze'd and directed to place and install parking meters upon the curb side or in the im- mediate vicinity of individual parking spaces designated and marked off in the congested area where parking is restricted. All such parking meters shall comply with the conditions set forth in the third (3rd) paragraph of Section 1 of this ordinance and said meters shall be under the management, supervision, and control of the Police Committee. Section 5. Regulation of parking in Individual Parking Spaces.. Whenever a vehicle shall be parked in an individual parking space, where a parking meter has been installed on the Strand between 14th and 15th Streets and on the Strand between 16th and 18th Streets, and within the areas known as the sold parking areas ", the person parking such vehicle shall deposit one or more twenty -five cent (25¢) coins of United States money in said parking meter, if such meter displays the signal showing that legal parking is only permitted on such deposit. Upon the deposit of said one twenty -five cent (25¢) coin in said parking meter, said person shall be entitled to legal parking for a period of time not to exceed four (4) hours; said" person may deposit more than one such coin in order to receive an additional period or periods of time. Whenever a vehicle shall be parked in an individual parking space on 14th Street; 15th Street; 16th Street; 17th Street and 18th Street where a parking meter has been installed, the person parking such vehicle shall deposit one oc 1 1 1 295 five cent (5 %) coin of United States money in said parking meter, if such meter displays a signal showing that legal parking is only permitted on such deposit. Upon the deposit of said one five cent (50) coin in said parking meter, said person shall be entitled to legal parking for a period of time not to exceed one hour; said person may deposit more than one such coin in order to receive an additional period or periods of time. Notice to the public shall be given by appropriate signs setting forth the length of time for which parking is permitted and the conditions thereof. These may be upon the parking meter stand or in the immediate vi- cinity. Any vehicle which remains in an individual parking space after the prescribed time for parking, is hereby determined to be illegally parked, but in no event shall it be considered illegal parking if the meter display signal shows that a proper deposit has been made for such parking. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to vehicles parked or standing upon the streets of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in the congested area hereinbefore designated when such vehicles are perked or standing upon such streets between the hours of 12;00 Midnight until 8;00 A. M. the following morning. Section 6. Evidence. All parking is prohibited in any park- ing space where a meter is installed which displays a signal show- ing that parking is not permitted unless a deposit of a coin and/ or coins of the proper designated amount is made as herein pro- vided. Any vehicle parked contrary to these provisions shall be deemed to be an illegal parking under the provisions of this or- dinance. The fact that a vehicle is in an individual parking space when the time signal on the parking meter of the same shows no park - ing permitted, unless a deposit of a proper coin is made as herein provided shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the unlawfully parking of such motor vehicle by its operator and /or owner. Section 7. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance for any person to cause, allow, permit, or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of, or operated by, such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time established for any parking meter zone as herein de- scribed. Section 8. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance for any person to permit a vehicle to remain or be placed in any parking place adjacent to any parking meter while said meter is displaying a signal indication that the vehicle occupying such parking space has already been parked be- yond the period of time prescrbied for such parking space. Section 9. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the pro- • visions of this ordinance for any person to deface, injure, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking meter installed under the provisions of this or- dinance. Section 10. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance to deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter, any slug, device or metallic substance, or any 296 other substitute for a 5¢ or 250 coin of the United States. Section 11. It shall be the duty of the police officers of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, acting in accordance with instructions issued by the Police Committee of Council to report; (a) The number of each parking meter which indicates that the-vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such park- ing meter is or has been parking in violation of any of the pro- visions of this ordinance. (b) The State license number of such vehicle; and /or the City of Savannah registration number of such vehicle. (0) The time during which such vehicle is parking in vi- olation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. (d) Any other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such vio- lation. Each such police officer shall also attach to such vehicle a notice to the owner and /or operator thereof that such vehicle has been parked in violation of a provision of this ordinance and in- structing such owner and /or operator to report to any police officer on duty or the Clerk of Council of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in regard to such violation. Each such owner and /or operator, may, within twenty -four (24) hours of the time when such notice was attached to such vehicle, pay to any police officer on duty as a penalty for and in full satisfaction of such violation, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) in return for which said owner shall receive a receipt as designated by the Police Committee of Council. The failure of such owner and /or operator to make such payment within said 24 hours shall render such owner and /or opera- tor subject to the penalties hereinafter provided for violation of the provisions of this ordinance. Section 12. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance and any person who aids, abets, or assists there- in, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of any amount not exceeding $50.00 for each offence or violation or be im- prisoned for a term of not exceeding 15 days, and /or both. Section 13. The police Committee shall designate some member or members of the Police Department to collect the coins deposited in parking meters. In collecting such coins, the person or persona so designated, shall remove the sealed coin chamber or compartment from each parking meter and deliver the same with seals unbroken to the Clerk of Council of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Is- land, Georgia. The Clerk of said Town shall count the coins so de- livered and deposit the same to the credit of said Town of Savan- nah Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia. 1 1 297 Section 14. This ordinance shall be construed as a supple- ment to the general traffic ordinance and all other ordinances of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, regulating the traffic, parking, and use of streets, which shall be in force and effect in the congested area, except insofar as modified by the provisions hereinbdfore set forth. Any authority heretofore or hereafter ex- ercised by the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, under any ordinance, rule or regulation restricting or prohibiting parking, independent of time limits, shall in no manner be affected by this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof. The purpose of this ordinance is to assist in the regulation of overtime parking by the use of parking meters, and it shall be so construed. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as prohibiting the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, from providing for free parking space for loading and unloading, for taxicab stands, and for other matters of similar nature. Section 15. All sections of this ordinance shall be deemed to be separate and independent and the invalidity of any section or provision hereof shall not affect the remaining sections. Section 16. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 17. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Councilman Meddin moved that the following ordinance be adopt- ed, Councilman Peters seconded and the motion passed. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A LICENSE FOR DOGS AND /OR REQUIRE THE OWNER OF A DOG TO PURCHASE A LICENSE FOR EACH AND EVERY DOG; TO REGULATE DOGS ON THE STREETS, LANES, HIGHWAYS AND BEACHES OF SAVANNAH BEACH, TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA; AND TO PROVIDE A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of same that the occupants of any premises where a dog or dogs is or are kept shall pay for every dog so kept an annual license of $1.00. Upon payment of this license a badge shall be issued to the person paying the licenses for the dog. SECTION 2. Be it further ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the same, that it shall be unlawful for any dog and /or dogs to be on the streets, lanes and highways of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, unless such dogs be effectually muzzled so that it is unable to bite or unless such OC CV dog be held firmly on a leash held by an adult or person over six- teen years of age; and it shall be the duty of any owner or poses - sor or any person who harbors or keeps any dog to confine secure- ly the same within the limits of his or her own premises and not permit-.suoh dog to run or have access to run on the streets, lanes or highways of this municipality, except under the conditions above set forth. SECTION 3. Be it further ordained by the Mayor and Council- men of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, that if any dog shall be found running, or having access to run, on the streets, lanes or highways of said Town, except under the conditions set forth in Section 2 of this ordinance, the same shall forthwith be taken up and /or destroyed in a humane manner by any police officer of said Town. SECTION 14. Be it further ordained by the Mayor and Council- men of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons who own a dog to permit the same on the beaches within the corporate limits of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, under any conditions whatsoever and any dog found upon the said beaches shall forthwith be taken up and /or destroyed in a hu- mane manner by any police officer of said Town. Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this ordinance do not conflict with this said Section and shall not be construed in any manner as giving a right to the owner of the dog to allow the same on the public beaches within the corpor- ate limits of said Town. SECTION 5. Be it further ordained by the Mayor and Council- men of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, that if any dog shall be found running, or having access to run on the streets, lanes or highways of said Town, except under the conditions set forth in Section 2 of this ordinance, or if any dog shall be found on the beaches of the said Town, the said dog shall forthwith be impounded by a dog- catcher in any place designated by said Munici- pality and /or any person duly authorized by the said Municipality. Any dog so impounded shall not be released except upon the payment by the owner of the sum of $2.00 which shall be paid to the Clerk of Council or such person as may be designated by said Municipality; if, however, the said dog is not claimed before the expiration of three (3) days from the date that said dog is impounded, then in that event the said dog shall be destroyed in a humane manner by any person or persons designated by said Municipality. SECTION 6. Any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall, upon conviction be- fore the Mayor's Court of said.Town, be subject to be fined in the sum of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days, either or both or any portion of either or both in the discretion of the Court. SECTION 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflict- ing will the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. There being no further business, Council adjourned, sub- ject to the call of the Mayor. Clerk of Council 299 Mayor Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. May 26, 1950 The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 4 p. M. and was attended by Mayor Dutton, who presided, Councilmen Peters, Meddin,Hosti, Smith, Lovell, Town Attorney Solms, Jr., Mrs. Julia Hamlet, Mr. Rouse and Mr. Beattie. Mrs. Hamlet protested against the 1950 assessment placed on her property, contending that it wav too high, the matter was referred to the Assessment Committee. Mrs. Hamlet was excused. Mr. Rouse of the Dual Parking Meter Company in charge of the installation of the parking meters reported that all of the meters had been installed and were ready for use, he stated thet to service them properly would take the full time of one man as they must be kept in good condition, this man should be a trouble- shooter, that to police the meters to check violations a policeman is needed, that at least two men are needed to properly handle the job, he was aeked how long it would take to bob them, Mr. Rouse stated that it would take about four hours. Mr. Rouse was excused. The minutes of the meeting of April 20th were read and adopted. A petition was presented by a group of Town Employees petition- ing for a 20 % increase in salaries retroactive to May 1, 1950, Councilman Meddin moved that the petition be referred to the Finance Committee, Councilman Peters seconded and the motion passed. Mr. Fred Garis requested that the license fee on minature pool tables be reduced, Councilman Meddin moved that the license fee for minature pool tables be $15.00 for each table. Councilman Peters seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Peters moved that in connection with Mr. Lanes re- quest for a reduction in the cost of some of the license fees to operate his rides and etc., that the Kiddy Rides.be reduced to $25.00 each, and that the`fee on'the large rides remain at $50.00 per ride, and the shooting gallery remain at $50.00, Councilman Smith second- ed and the motion passed. Councilman Meddin moved that O'Brien & Spillane be authorized to audit the Town books for the year May 1, 1949 to April 30, 1950, Councilman Smith seconded and the motion passed.