HomeMy Public PortalAbout2005-2007 - FY CAMPO Transportation Improvement ProgramCAf[JAL AREA METROPOL[JAN PLANNHNC6i ORCffANHlA THON R NSPORT !RON I PROV ENT R06R y 2005-2007 JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI METROPOL[TAN RE6ION Draft September 2004 The preparation of this report was f i nanced i n part by the U.S. Department of T ransportation, Federal Highway Administration, and Federa l Transit Administration in cooper ation with the Missouri Department o f Transportation. Th e opini ons, find i ngs, and conclusions expressed in this report a r e n ot necessari l y those of the Federal H ighway Administration, Federal T ransit Administration, or the Mi sso u r i H ighway and Transportation Department. Admi ni strator /For Information Contact City of Jefferson, Missouri Department of Co mm unity Development/Pl a n ning Division -Room 120 John G . Ch risty Municipal Bui ld i ng -320 East McCarty Jefferson City, Missouri Te l ephone 573 -634 -6410 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Transportation Planning Process Certification Statement ..................................................................... 5 Certification Of Restrictions On Lobbying ........................................................................................... 6 The Purpose of the Transportation Improvement Program ................................................................... 8 The TIP Structure for Projects .......................................................................................................... 8 Planning Factors ............................................................................................................................ 9 Documents Used in Identifying TIP Projects ..................................................................... 0000 .............. 9 Geographic Boundaries of the TIP .......... 00 ...................................................................................... 10 Changes in priorities from previou s TIPs ........................................................................................ 11 Major Projects From the Previous TIP That Were Implemented .......................................................... 11 Significant Delays In The Planned Implementation of Major Projects ................................................... 12 The TIP Annual Development Proce ss ........................................................................... 00 ................ 12 Projects for 2005-2007 Listed by Agency ........................................................................................ 13 Missouri Department of Transportation .................................................................................. 13 Callaway County ................................................................................................................. 14 Co l e County ........................................................................................................................ 14 City of Jefferson, Missouri .................................................................................................... 15 Street and Intersection Improvem ents ..................................................................... 00 ..... 15 Parks and Recreation Commission .................................................................................. 15 Memorial Airport .......................................................................................................... 16 Transit ........................................................................................................................ 17 Illustrative Project Parks and Rec reation ......................................................................... 20 Parks and Recreation Com miss ion .................................................................................. 20 Financial Capability ...................................................................................................................... 21 The TIP Project and Program Summary ........................................................................................... 23 Appendix 1 -FHWA/FTA TIP Requirements ...................................................................................... 26 Appendix 2 -Transportation Projects and Recommended Selection Criteria ......................................... 27 Bridge Projects ................................................................................................................... 27 Proj ects for Major Highways ................................................................................................. 27 Artertial Roadways Projects .................................................................................................. 27 Collector Roads Projects ....................................................................................................... 28 I Transit Service Projects ....................................................................................................... 28 Transportation Enhancement Projects .................................................................................... 28 Facilities For Pedestrians and Bicycles for Transportation Purposes ..................................... 28 Acquisition of Scenic Easements and Scenic or Historic Si t es .............................................. 29 Scenic or Historic Highway Programs ....................................... 00 ..................................... 29 Landscaping and Other Scenic Beautification .................................................................... 30 I Historic Preservation ..................................................................................................... 30 Rehabilitation and Operation of Historic Tran sportation Buildings, Structures or Facilities ...... 31 Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors ................................................................... 31 Control and Removal of Outdoor Advertisi ng .................................................................... 31 Archaeological Planni ng and Re search ............................................................................. 32 Mitigation Of Water Pollution Due To Highway Runoff Or Reduce Wildlife Mortality ................ 32 Establishment of Transportation Museums ....................................................................... 32 Appendix 3 Eligible Project Types by Funding Program ...................................................................... 34 Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality.(CMAQ) .............................................................................. 34 3 I Interstate Maintenance. (1M) ................................................................................................. 34 National Highway System (NHS) ........................................................................................... 34 Highway Bridge Repla ce ment/Rehabilitation (HBRR ) ................................................................ 35 Surface Transportation Program (STP) ................................................................................... 35 Section 5307 FTA-Formula Funding to Transit Operators ........................................................ 36 Section 5309 -FTA Discretionary Funds ................................................................................ 36 Section 5310 FTA-Capital Assistance to Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities ................ 36 Section 5311 -FTA general t ra nsit assistance to rural and small urban areas ............................. 36 4 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I n acco rd ance with 23 CFR 450.334, the Capital Area Me tropolitan Planning Organizati on, as the metropolitan planning organization f or the Jefferson, Missou ri Urbanized Area and the Mi ssouri Department of Transportation hereby certifies that the Cap ita l Area Metropolitan Pl anning Organization is carrying out a cont i nuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the region in accordance with the applicable requirements of: I. 49 U.S. C. Section 5323(k), 23 U.S.C. 135, and 23 CFR part 450.220; II. Ti tle VI of the Civi l Rights Act o f 1964 and the Title VI Assuran ce executed by each State under 23 U.S .C. 324 a nd 29 U.S.C. 794; III. Section 1101 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (Pub. L. 105 -178) regarding the involvement of disadvantaged bus in ess enterprises in the FHWA and the FTA funded project (Sec. 105 (f), Pub . L. 97-424, 96 Stat. 2100, 49 CFR part 23); IV. Th e provision of the Ame ri cans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327, as amended) and the U.S . DOT impl eme nting regulation; V. The provi sio n of 49 CFR part 20 regarding restrictions on infl uencing certa in act ivities S ignature Signature Kenneth Ferguson, Cha i rman Roger Sc hwartz, P.E., Distr ict Engi neer Capital Area Metropol itan Planning Organization Mi ssou ri Departm ent of Transportation Date: Date: __________________________ _ 5 CERTIFICATION OF RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING I, Ken Ferguson, MPO Chairman, hereby certify on behalf of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization that to the best of my knowledge: (1) No Federal approp riated fund s have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing o r attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal l oan, the entering into of any coope ra tive agreement, and the extension, continuation , renewal, amendment, or modifi cation of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall comp lete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions . (3) The undersigned shall requ i re that the language of this certificati on be included in the award documents for all sub awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub grants, and contracts under grants, loan s, an d cooperative agreements) and that all sub re cipients shall certify and disclose accordingly . Th e certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance is placed when th is t ran saction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1 352, titl e 31, U.S. Code. Executed this Twenty-fifth day of August, 2004. Kenneth Ferguson, Chairman Capital Area Metropolitan Pl anning Organization (CAMPO) 6 Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO ) B oard of D i rectors City of Jefferson Councilmember Ken Ferguson, Chairman Counci lmember Mi ke Harvey Councilmember Brian Crane Councilmember Edith Vogel Pa t Sullivan, P.E., Director of Community Development Jani ce McMillan, AICP, Deputy Direct or fo r Planning and Transportation Cole County Bob Jones, Presidi n g Co mmission er, Vice-Ch a irman Chris Yarnell, P.E., Director of Publi c Works Callaway County Rodney Garnett, Associate Commissioner Small Citi es Paul Wal z, Mayor, City of Holts Summit Missouri D epartm ent of Transportati o n Roger Schwartze, P.E., Distri ct 5 Engi neer Multi-Modal Representative Steven B ill ings, Missouri Dept. of Transportation State Agen cy Represe ntative Randall G . Allen, AlA, Director, Missouri Division of D esig n and Construction Technical Committee City of Jefferson Ja ni ce Mc Millan, AICP, Deputy Direct or, Plannin g and Transportation , Technical Committee Cha irman Pat Sulli van P.E., Director, Department of Community Development Matt Morasch P.E., Depu t y D irector Pu b lic Works Ron Craft Director, Airport Division Ric h a rd Turner Directo r , Transit Divi sion Alan Morrison AICP, Planner III, T r ansportation Bill Lockwood Director, Pa rks, Forestry, & Recreation Engineeri ng (Vacant) Ca llaway County Paul Winkelmann, County Highway Administrator, Tech nica l Co mmittee Vice -Chairman Cole County Chris Yarnell, P.E ., Director of Pu bli c Works Larry Benz, P.E., County Engineer MPO Staff Missouri De partment of Transportation Jay Bes tgen P.E ., Tra n sportation Planning Eng ineer Alan Tram pe P.E . Area Engineer Mark Anderson, Transportation Planner, Multimodal Operations Ex-Officio Members: Federal Highway Administration: Missouri Div. Jim Radmacher, P.E . Transportation Planning Eng ineer Federa l Transit Adm in ist ration : Reg io n VII Joni Roese ler, Planning & Program Development T eam Leader John We iss Misso u ri De partment of Transportation: La r ry Ko pfer, P.E. Urban Planning Engineer Private Transportation Interest: Jim Kistler, Executive Vice Presiden t Missouri Transportation & Deve lopment Co unc il Alan Morrison, AI CP -Long Range Transportation Plann e r, Plann er III Anne Str atman -Administrative Assistant 7 T h e Purpose of t he Transpo rtation Improvemen t Program The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is one of several transportation planning documents used by Metropolitan Planning Organizations for programming transportati on and transportat ion related projects in metropolitan areas. The MPO, in an effort to provide a comprehensive, coordinated and continuing transportation planning process, develops the TIP through coopera tion of city, county and other local jurisdictions and agencies, and with participation by State and Federa l transportation agen cy representatives. The TIP is a program or schedule of transportation improvements and activities coveri ng a three to five-year time period, and intended to be implemented using a combination of State, Federal and local funding , and includes a financial plan that demonstrates how the TIP can be implemented . Th e TIP is therefore fis ca lly constrained. Al so included in the TIP are projects that, a l though they may not have Federal funding, are of regional significance, and are therefore included in the TIP. I ll ustrative projects that do not have specific Federal funding identified may also be included in the TIP, for the purpose of illustrating a project that wou ld or could be done, except that no funding ha s been attributed to the project. The MPO i s charged with provid i ng a process that provides citi zens, affected publ ic agencies, representatives of transportation agency employees, and other affected employee representatives, private providers of transportation, and other interested parties with a reasonable opportunity t o comment on the proposed program. This process is identified in the MPO Public Involvement Program adopted by the MPO in 2003 . The TIP i s required to be approved by the MPO and the Governor, and updated at least once every two years. Fo ll owing approval and adoption of the TIP, it is incorporated into the State Transportation Improvement Program, without modifi ca tion . Under regu lations governing u r ban transportation planning, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), as the designated MPO for the Jefferson City urbanized area, is charged with devel oping the TIP. The TIP Str ucture for Projects This TIP contains projects proposed by the participating jurisdictions within the MPO Planning Area, and is divided into categories or type of improve ment, and by the jurisdiction that takes the lead for or sponsors the p r oject, such as a city, county, or State agency. Th e projects descri be specific improvements and provide the follow i ng information : • The name, location , description, and Project No. (if available) of the proposed improvement, and • A schedule of expenditures in current dol l ars by fiscal year, including the funding sources, and the project's sponsor o r th e jurisdiction r esponsible for the project. An additional table includes the TIP projects in a summary format, emphasizing expenditures over the three years covered by the TIP . 8 TEA -21 Planning Factors Under TEA -21, seven planning factors are to be consi d ered during the development of any MPO plan . • Supporting the economic vitality of the metropolitan area, especially by ena bli ng global competiti veness, productivity, and efficiency . • Incr easing the safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and non- motorized users. • Increasing the accessi bility and mobility options available to people and for freight. • Prot ecti ng and enhancing the environment , promotin g energy conservation, and improving th e quality of life. • Enhan cing the integration and co nnectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, f or peo p le and freight. • Promot ing efficient system management and operation. • Emphas izing th e prese r va tion of the ex isting transpo rtation system. Documents That May Be Used In Identifying TIP Projects Projects and programs in the TIP m ay be selected by agencies and governmental entities based on several methods. These m ethods ar e themselves generally b ased on iden tified needs, and may originate from reports, studies or unexpected eve nts such as unantici pated development, emergen ci es, or social and eco nomi c c hanges. Th e membershi p of the Technical Co mmittee and the Board of Directo r s of the MPO review th e propose d projects and programs to be in cl uded in th e TIP, and as the metropolitan coo rdinating entity for tran sportation planning, updates the TIP. T he studi es and sou r ce documen ts th at m ay be used f or ide ntifying items to be i nclu ded in t he TIP may i nclu de, but are not li mited to fo l lowing documents: • For th e City of Jefferson , an d th e co un ties of Cole and Callaway: the Tran sportation and Major Street Plans, Transit Deve lopm en t Program Pl ans, si dewal k plans, ADA p l ans, greenways and bicycle/pedestrian master plans, co rridor studies, and the County-wide T ransportati on St udy for Co l e County and Jefferson City. • For Cole County: The Co unty-wide Transportation Study for Cole County and Jefferson City. • Capital Improvement Pr ogra m s and Annual Bud gets for th e citi es of Jefferson , St. Martins, Ho lts Summit, and the Town of La ke Mykee, Callaway County, and Cole County. • Th e Right-of-Way and Construction Pr og r am of the Mi sso u r i Department of Transportation • For the State of Missouri, the ci ty of Jeffers on, and Co l e County, The Missouri State Penitentiary Redevelopment Plan , th e East Side Redeve lopment Plan cu r rently in process, the Wh it t on Expressway Study and the Airport Layout Plan Update scheduled for 2005 are al l doc u ment s that may be u sed for project identification. 9 Geographic Boundaries of the TIP The TIP covers the Urbanized Areas defined by the 2000 Census, the FHWA Adjusted Urbanized Area boundary, and the Planning Boundary for CAMPO . These areas include the southern portion of Callaway County, the northern portion of Cole County, the Cities of Jefferso n, St. Martin s, Holts Summit, and the town of Lake Mykee. -==-c:~~---====---•Miles 0 1.25 2.5 5 7 .5 10 Capital Area MPO Planning Area --Cole County Roads --Call away County Roads Missouri Riv er Jefferson City Limits -Munic ipal Cor porate Limits c=J MPO Planning Boundary c=J Callaway County c=J Cole County 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Changes in Priorities from Previous TIPS . Aviation/Airports: Jefferson City Memorial Airport has modified the projects listed in the 2004 TIP to reflect a r ecombination of activities to be included in the 2004 TIP, resulting in a reduction from eight separate projects to two. The perimeter road r e l oca ti o n and airport perimeter fencing projects remain in the 2004 TIP. Th e first project, the land purchase project has been cance lled , and the grading project, the secon d project listed, is being done by the FAA. The reseeding project has been removed, and will not be required. The fourth project, the Airport Layou t Update will be moved to the 2 005 TIP. The remaining projects will be co mbined with other projects and moved from the 2004 TIP to the 2005 TIP. Major Projects from the Previous TIP That Were Implemented .1 Roads, streets and Intersection projects: MODOT-US 54 Northbo und Missouri River Bridge expansion joints (project Sp0819) - completed MODOT-Rt. 179 -Mi ssouri Blvd. to Rt . C complete, Rt. C to Rt. B -under construction City of Jefferson -South Country Club Drive -under construction City of Jefferson -Sunset Lake -Advertised for bid City of Jefferson -East High -Vette rs to McCarty completed, Ash to Locust under constru ction City of Jefferson -East McCarty -under construction Traffic and signalization projects City of Jefferson -Di x & Industrial signal upgrade completed City of Jefferson -Bolivar McCarty si gnalizati o n -under contract, awaiting construction start after Di x & Industrial City of Jefferson -McCarty Street Traffi c Signals -in design, expect t o bid in August of 2004 Sidewalk projects City of Jefferson -Belai r Sidewalks completed City of Jefferson -Myrtl e Street Sidewalks-expect to bid in winter 2004/05 Airport projects City of Jefferson -Airport Fen ce-expect to bid in August of 2004 Greenways, bicycle and pedestrian projects Studies/plans City of Jefferson -MSP Redevelopment Plan: Neighborhood Plan -co mpleted Cole County -Rex Whitton Expressway Feasi b il ity Study -in prog ress Transit City of Jefferson: Jefftran pu rchased 5 fixed route buses, (2 are DNR shuttle busses) 1 As of July 1, 2004. 11 Significant Delays in the Planned Implementation of Major Projects. The Lay o ut Pl an for t h e Jefferso n City Me m o r ial Ai r port will be prepared in 2005 instead of 2004. Month Ma y-Jun e Jul y- August Au gust- September October- De cem be r The Tip Annual Development Process Activity -Notification to submit TIP proj ects are se nt to participa t in g j urisdi ction s -A Notice to the Publi c i s published, post ed and d istributed with i nform ation on how to s u bmit projects for inclusion i nto the TIP and deadli nes f or submitting projects -Dates for proposed Technical Committee meetings are sent out -Participating jurisdictions r eturn TIP project l ists; and a draft TIP is prepared -Th e Techni ca l Committee meets to rev i e w the draft TIP -T he Te chnica l Committee r eceives a nd re v iews TIP projects -Notice to t h e Publi c announcing the availabi lity of th e TIP for review and comment -Disc uss projects and prioritize as necessary, and -Formulate recommendations to the Board of D i r ectors -Technical Com mittee draft TIP is publi she d and distributed to t he Bo a rd of Directors, Mo DOT, FHWA , FTA and participatin g ju risdictions -A Seco nd Notice t o th e Public is published announcing the ava ilability of the TIP for review a nd co mme nt and date of Board of Directors meeting when the TIP wi ll be consid ered -T he Board of D irectors meets, holds a public f orum on the adopti on of TIP, receives public co mments, and recommendations, considers recommendati o n s of the Technical Com mit t ee and discuss changes t o the TIP -Board of Directors adopts the TIP: as approved by th e Board, or with c hanges. -Ad opted TIP p u b lish ed and distributed to MoDOT for approval by Governor and incorporation into the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) -MoDOT forwards Fin al TIP to FHWA and FTA 12 Projects for 2005 -2007 listed by agency Missouri Department of Transportation Project description: Lead agency: MODOT geometric improvements I congestion Leng t h: 1.4 mi. Project No.: Sp0819 comments: Project locatio n: US 50 /Rt . 179 interchang e Phase: prel im. Engin ./design Funding Local State Fed eral Total Sources MODOT FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 $75,000 $15,000 $75 000 $15 000 Lead agen cy: MODOT Project No .: 5u0441 Project description : Rt. 179 exte nsion Project location : Rt . 179 , US 50 to Rt. B Length: 4.8 mi. Phase: construction Comments: payme nt to the Transportation Corporation Funding Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 Lo cal State MODOT $3,075,000 $3,167,000 Federal Total $3 075 000 $3 167 000 Lead agency: MODOT Project No.: 5P0844 Project descri ption: US50 I City View Dr. Inter cha nge Project location : US50 @ City V iew Dr. Com m ents: prelim. engineering to sco pe & check design Funding Local State Federa l Total So urces MODOT FY 2005 FY 2006 $20,000 $10,000 $20 000 $10 000 Lead agency: MODOT Project No.: 5P0872 Pr oj ect description: US 50 I 63 Median Ba r rier Pr oj ect location: Mo nroe St. to East of Clark Ave. Comments: Funding Local State Federal Total Safety Project : insta ll barrier i n median Sources MODOT (safety) STP (safety) FY 2005 $186,800 $747 200 $934 000 FY 2006 FY 2007 $3,262,000 $3 262 000 Length: .2 mi. Phase: design FY 2007 Length: Ph ase: design FY 2007 Lead agency: MODOT Project description: Bridge Rehabilitation Length: Project location : Lafayette St. /and Vetter St. - Project No.: 5P0873* Monroe St. to East of Clark Ave. Phase: design Comments: * Part of Project 5P0872 Funding Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Local State MODOT (safety) $628,000 Federal T otal $628 000 13 Lead agency: MODOT Project descri ption : Upgrade Active Warning Devices Project No.: 5T0013 Comments: Funding Loca l State Fede r a l Total Project location: Union Pacific RR line at Rt . 179 Sou r ces Railroad MODOT STP/Highway Rail Safety FY 2005 $400 $400 $7 200 $8 000 Lead agency: MODOT Project description: Upgrade Active Warning Devices Project No.: ST0014 Comments: Funding Loca l State Federal Total Callaway County Project location : Un ion Pacific RR li n e at El ston on Rt. T Sources Railroad MODOT STP/Hig hway Ra il Safety FY 2005 $400 $400 $7 200 $8 000 Length : .1 mi Phase: Const. FY 2006 FY 2007 Le ngth: .1 mi Phase : Con st. FY 2006 FY 200 7 Lead agency: Le ng th : 1200 Callaway Cou nty Project description: bridge replacement ft . Project No .: Project l ocation : County Road (CR) 397 @ Cedar Creek Phase: design Co mments : bridge no. 20100131 Funding Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Loca l Ca llaway Co. $66,000 $44,000 State Federal BRO $264 000 $176 000 Tota l $330 000 $220 000 Cole County Lea d agency: Cole Co unty Project d escription: Congestion study Length : Project No.: 5P0820 Project location : Re x Whitton Expressway/USSO Phase: co n tract Co mments : Stu dy by MODOT, funded by Co le County, carried over f ro m 2004 Funding Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 $19,205 FY 2007 Local Co l e co. $250,000 State Fe deral Total $250 000 $19 205 14 I I City of Jefferson Missouri Street and Intersection Improvements Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No .: Project desc ription: Christy Lane extension Project location : Christy Dr. To Rt . 179 Comments: Funding Local State Federal Total Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Comm ents: Funding Local State Federal Total Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Comments: Funding Lo ca l State Federal Total Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No .: Comments: Funding Local State Federal Sources Local sales tax FY 2005 $400,000 $400 000 Project description : intersection improvements Project lo cation: Lafayette and Stadium Dr. Sources Local sa le s tax FY 2005 $206,000 $206 000 Project description: intersection improvements Project location: Tanner Bridge Rd. /Elli s Blvd . Sources Local sa les ta x FY 2005 $277,000 $277 000 Project description: intersection improvements Project location : Southwest Blvd ./Stadium Dr. Sources FY 2005 Local sa l es ta x Length: Pha se : construction FY 2006 FY 2007 Length : Pha se: co nstruction FY 2006 FY 2007 Length : Pha se: construction FY 2006 FY 2007 Length: Phase : construction FY 2006 $610,846 FY 2007 Total $610 846 City of Jefferson, Missouri Parks and Recreation Commission Lead agency: City of Jefferson Pr oject description : Wicker Lane to Southwest Blvd . Greenway trail exte nsion Project No .: Project location :, 10 ft concrete trail extension along Stp-3111 ( 507) the frog hollow branch of Wear's creek Comme nts: ca rryover from 2004 Funding Sources Local Loca l sa les tax State Federal Total FY 2005 $68,526 $274 104 $342 630 Length:.27 m i. Phase : prelim. design/ROW FY 2006 FY 2007 15 Ci ty of Jeffe rson Me mori al Airport Lead agency: City of Jefferson Pr oj ect description: airport layout plan u pdate Project location: Jefferso n Ci ty Memori al Ai r port Length: Project No.: Phase: contract Comments: Funding Local State Federal Total carry over from 2004 entitlement grant Source Local sa les tax FAA -AlP entitlement FY 2005 $1,750 $33 250 $35 000 Lead agency : Project description : Runway 12-30, r unway FY 2006 City of Jefferson maintenance Length: FY 2007 Project No .: Project location : Jefferso n City Memorial Ai r port Phase: plann i ng Comme nts : carryover from FY 2004 = $112,100 Funding Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Local Local s ales tax $9,250 State Federal Total Lead agency : City of Jefferson Project No .: Comments: Funding Local State Federal Tota l Lead agency : FAA -AlP e nt it lement 2004/5 $175750 $1 85 000 Project description: new air traffic control tower Project location : Jefferso n City Me m orial Airport So u rces Local sa les tax MODOT aviation trust fund FAA -AlP entit l ement FY 2005 $50,000 $50,000 $150 000 $250 000 FY 2006 $50,000 $50,000 $150 000 $250 000 City o f Jefferson Project No.: Project desc ription : taxiway expansion, and improvements Project l ocation: Jefferson City Memorial Ai rport Comment s: move r u nway, improve li g hti ng, extend taxiway Funding Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 Loca l Local sa les tax State MODOT Aviation Tr ust Fund Federal Total Length: Phase : FY 2007 $50,000 $50,000 $150 000 $250 000 Length : Phase : FY 2007 $150,000 $1,350,000 $1 500 000 16 City of Jefferson Misso uri Transit Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Project description : purchase of eight (8) 35' low floor buses, (5 i n 2005, 3 in 2006). Project location: JEFFTRAN Comments: fixed route replacements Funding Local State Federal Total Sources Local sales tax FTA 5309 FY 2005 $283,545 $1134 180 $1417725 FY 2006 $177,000 $708 000 $885 000 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Project description : purchase two (2) van/minibuses for 2005, four ( 4) van minibuses for 2006 Project location: JEFFTRAN Comments: replacement paratransit vehicles Funding Sources Local Local sales tax State Federal FTA 5309 Total Lead agency: FY 2005 $22,000 $88 000 $110 000 City of Jefferson Project No .: Project description: one (1) low floor minivan Project location : JEFFTRAN Comments: replacement for transit service vehicle Fundi ng Sources Local Local sales tax State Federal FTA 5309 Total Lead agency: FY 2005 $6,000 $24 000 $ 30 000 City of Jefferson Project description: cap ital equipment purchase Project No .: Project location: JEFFTRAN Comments: 2 uhf mobil e radios (2005), phone upgrade (2006) FY 2006 $44,000 $176 000 $220 000 FY 2006 Length: Phase: FY 2007 Length: Phase: FY 2007 Length: Phase: FY 2007 Length: Phase: Funding Sources FY 2005 $240 FY 2006 FY 2007 Local Loca l sa les tax State Federal FTA 5309 $960 Total $12 000 Lead agency: Proj ect description: passenger t ransfer faci lity City of Jefferson Proj ect No.: Project location: old bus station-W. McCarty St. co mments: renovation for transfer station Funding So urces FY 2005 Lo ca l Local sales tax State Federal FTA 5309 Total $4,000 $16 000 $20 000 FY 2006 $14,000 $56 000 $70 000 Length: Phase: FY 2007 17 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: com m ents: Fund ing Loca l State Federal Total Lead agency: Project d escri ption: Intel lig ent Transportation Systems (ITS) Automati c Vehicle Lo cation System (AVL) Project location: JEFFTRAN Sources Local sa les tax FTA 5309 FY 2005 FY 2006 City of Jefferson Project descripti on: computing equipment and softwar e Project No.: Project location : JEFFTRA N Comments: 3 computers@ $3500 e a . Funding Local State Fede r al T ota l Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Co mments: Funding Local State Federal Total Lead agency : City of Jefferson Sources Local sa les tax FTA 5309 FY 2005 $2,100 $8 400 $10 500 Proj ect desc riptio n : four ( 4) bus sh e lters Project location: various locations in Jefferson City So urces Local -Pri vat e Organ . FTA 5309 FY 2005 $5 ,000 $2 0 000 $25 000 Project description : transit fa c ility improvements FY 2006 FY 2006 Length: Pha se: FY 2007 $15,000 $60 000 $75 000 Le ngth : Phase: FY 2007 $400 $1 600 $2 000 Le ngth : Pha se: FY 2007 Length: Project No .: Proj ect location: bus barn, veh icle wash, mainte nance shop Phase: Comments: re nova t io n : roofing, weatherproofing, pain t a nd door r epai r s. Office fl oori ng. Fund ing Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Local Local sa l es t ax $22,321 State Federal FTA 5309 $89 284 Total $11 1 605 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project descri ption: cap ital eq uip m ent purcha se Project No.: Project location: JE FFTRA N Comments: tire service equip. (20 05 ) Funding So urces FY 2005 Local State Federal Total Local sa l es tax FTA 5309 $700 $2 800 $3 500 FY 2006 FY 2007 18 I I I I I I I I Lead agency: City of Jefferson Proj ect description: capital eq uipment purchase Project location: Central Maintenance 820 E. Miller exhaust system upgrade (2005). Vehicle wash system (2006) Project No.: Comments: Sou r ces FY 2005 Local sales tax $2,000 FY 2006 $28,000 Funding Loca l State Federal FTA 5309 $8 000 $112 000 Total $10 000 $140 000 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project description: capita l equipment purchase Project location: Central Maintenance 820 E. Miller fuel syst em: tank, monitor, dispensers, and automated fuel attendant Project No.: Comments: Funding Local State Federal Total Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Co mments : Funding Local State Fe dera l Total Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 Local sa les tax $6,000 FTA 5309 $24 000 $30 000 Project description: Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Automated Route Information Cente r Project location: Central Maintenance 820 E. Miller Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 Local sales tax FTA 53 09 Proj ect description : t ransit fa cil ity improvements Project location: JEFFTRAN 820 E. Miller Comments: power entrance gate and card reader Funding Sou r ces Local Local sales tax State Federal Total Lead agency : Th e Special Learning Center Project No.: Com m ents: Fundin g Local State Federa l Total FTA 5309 Project description: FTA Section 5310 Paratransit vehicle Project location : 1115 Fairgrounds Rd Sources Local Private Non -Profit FTA 5310 FY 2005 FY 2005 $7,080 $28,312 $35 390 FY 2006 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2007 FY 2007 $6,000 $24 000 $30 000 FY 2007 $6,000 $24,000 $30 000 FY 2007 19 Illustrative projects -projects that would be done, if adequate funding was identified. City of Jefferson, Missouri Parks and Recreation Commission Lead agency: Project description : City of Jefferson Dunklin St. Trailhead to Missouri River bridg e Project No.: Project location: along Dunklin, Bol iva r and W. Main St. Co mments : extend 10' co ncrete bike/pedestrian trail Length: .79 mi . Phase: prelim. Planning Funding Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Total Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No .: $397 000 Project description : Ellis Porter Riverside Park Greenway Trai l extension Project location : extend greenway trail through Riverside Park Length: .64 mi. Phase : prelim. Planning Comments: 10' concrete bike/pedestrian trail Fundinq Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Total _i_99 765 $88 265 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project No.: Project description : handicap accessible pedestrian paths and landscaping Project location: capital grounds @ Capital Ave. and Jefferson St. Comments: Lewi s & Clark bicentennial monument park Fundi no Length : Phase : prel im . Pl anning FY 2007 Total $525 000 $466 585 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project description : South Country Club Dr. Greenway ex ten sion Project No.: Project location : Fairgrounds Rd. To Scruggs Station Rd. Comments: 10 ft. Concrete bike/pedestrian trail Fundinq Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 Total $350 000 Lead agency: Project description : Missouri River bridge bike/pedestrian Length: 1.1 mi. Pha se: prelim . Planning FY 2007 City of Jefferson path Length: .86 mi. Project No .: Phase : prelim. illustrative Project location: W. Main St. To Cedar City Dr. Plann ing/canst. Comments: addition-6ft. wide attachment to the so uthbound bridge, al so N. And S. Approaches . Fundino Sources FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Total $5 to $5.5 mill ion est. project cost $3 300 000 $2 200 000 20 I I I I I Financial Capability For the FY 2005-FY 2007 CAMPO TIP, the TIP is fi scall y con strained for each ye ar. The projects within the TIP are finan c ially feas ib le, and the federally funded projects identified in the TIP ca n be implemented us in g current and proposed Federal and State revenue sources, and locall y dedicated tran sportation revenues. F d-S un mg ou rces f 2005 o r Local : Cole County $250,000 Highways and Interchanges State : MODOT $3,356,800 Federal: Highway Safety $747,200 Total $4 354 000 Loca l : Railroad $800 Rai l road Safety State: MODOT Safety $800 Federal : Highway Rail Safety $14,400 Total $16 000 Local: Ca llaway County Road & Bridge $66,000 Bridge Repair and Rep lacement State: MODOT Safety $628,000 Federal: BRO $264,000 Total $958 000 Street and i nter section Local : City of Jefferson Sales Ta x $883,000 Improvements Total $883 000 Local: City of Jefferson Sales Ta x $61,000 Aviatio n and airports State: MODOT -Aviation T rust Fund $50,000 Federal: FAA -AlP Entitlem e n t $359,000 Total $470 000 Greenways, Bi cycle and Ped es trian Local: City of Jefferso n Sa les Tax $68,526 Routes, Trai ls, and improvements Feder al: STP $274,104 Total $342 630 Local: City of Jefferson $360,043 Transit Local : Special Learning Center $7,080 State : $0 Federal: FTA 5309 $1,399,624 Federa l : FTA 5307 $506,844 Federa l : FTA 5310 $28,312 Total $2 301 903 Total $9,325,533 F d" S un mg ources f 2006 or Lo cal: Cole County $19,205 Highways and Interchanges State : MODOT Safety $3 ,192,000 Federal : $0 Tota l $3 211 205 Local: Callaway County Road & Bridge $44,000 Bridge Repair and Repla cement State : $0 Federa l: BRO $176,000 Total $220 000 Local : City of Jefferson Sa l es Tax $610,846 Street and i ntersection State : $0 Improvements Federal: $0 Total $610 846 Local : City of Jefferson Sale s Ta x $50,000 Aviation and airports State: MODOT Aviation Trust Fund $50,000 Fe deral : FAA -AlP Entitlement $150,000 Total _i_250 000 Local : City of Jefferson $277,542 Transit Federa l : FTA 5307 $1 ,595,118 Total $1 872 660 21 I Total F d ' S un lnQ f 2007 ources or Lo cal: $0 Highways and Interchanges State: MODOT Safety $3,262,000 Federal : $0 Total $3 262 000 Local: City of Jefferson Sa les Tax $200,000 Aviatio n and airports State: MODOT Aviation Trust Fund $1,400,000 Federal : FAA -AlP Entitlement $150,000 Total $1 750 000 Local : City of Jefferson $21,000 Intelligent Transportation Systems Federa l : FTA 5309 $84 ,000 Total $105 000 Local: City of Jeffer so n $17,364 T ra nsit Fed era l: FTA 5309 $25,600 Federal : FTA 5307 $548,203 Total $591 167 Total $5,708,167 Note : FTA 5307 est1mated fundmg IS based on FY-2004 amount, with a 4% adjustment for each year of FY 2005, FY 2006, and FY 2007. 22 I TIP Project and Program Summary ~roject location Lead Project descri ption : aoencv Proiect No . Local State Federal Local State Federal Local State Federa l 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2 00 7 Highways and lnterchanoes US50/Rex Whitton MOD OT/ Whitton Expressway Congestion Study Expressway COLE $25 0,000 $19,205 COUNTY 5P0820 Geometric improvements I congestion US50 /Rt. 179 MODOT $75 ,000 $15 ,000 interchange 5P0819 Rt. 179 extens ion Rt. 179 , US50 toRt. B MODOT 5U0441 $3,075,000 $3,167,000 $3 ,262 ,000 USS O I 63 Median Barrier Monroe E. of Clark Ave . MODOT JSP0872 $186,800 $747,200 US 50 I City View Dr. Interchange US 50 @City View Dr. MODOT 5P0844 $20 ,000 $10 ,000 Proiect Catecorv Fundinc Total $250,000 $3,356,800 $747,200 $19,205 $3 ,192.000 $3 ,262.000 Railroads I Safetv Warning Device Upg rade Rt. 179 at Jefferson Citv MODOT 5T0013 $400 $400 $7 ,200 Wamin!l Device Uo!lrade Rt. T at Elston MODOT 5T0014 $400 $400 $7 ,200 Project Catecorv Fundi no Total $800 $800 $14.400 Bridge repair/replacement Bridge Rehab Lafayette St. and Vetter St. US50/63-Monroe St. to MODOT $628 ,000 East of Clark Ave . JSP0873 Bridge replace ment County Road (CR) 397 Callaway $66 ,000 $264,000 $44 ,000 $1 76,000 @ Cedar Creek county Project Catecorv Fundlno Total $66,000 $628 ,000 $264 ,000 $44,000 $176 ,000 Street and Intersection imProvements Christy Lane . Extension Christy Dr. ToRt. 179 City of $400 ,000 Jefferson Intersection improvements Lafayette and Stadium City of $206,000 Dr. Jefferson Intersection improvements Tanner Bridge Rd . /Ellis City of $2 77,000 Blvd . Jefferson Intersection improvements Southwest Blvd./Stadium City of $610 ,846 Dr. Jefferson Project Catecorv Fundlno Total $883 ,000 $610 ,846 - 23 Lead Project description: ProJect location aaency Project No. Local State Federal Local State Federal Local State Federal 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Aviation/Airport Improvements Airport layout plan update Memorial Airport City of $1,750 $33,250 Jefferson City of $9 ,250 $175 ,750 Runway 12-30 runway maintenance Memorial Airport Jefferson City of $50 ,000 $50,000 $150,000 $50,000 $50,000 $150,000 $50,000 $50,000 $150,000 New air traffic control tower Memorial A irpo rt Jefferson City of $150,000 $1 ,350,000, Taxiway expansion , and imp rovements Memorial Airport Jefferson Project Cateaorv Fundina Total $61 ,000 $50,000 $359,000 $50,000 $50,000 $150,000 $200,000 $50,000 $1 ,500 ,000 Greenwavs BicYcle/Pedestrian Routes And Trails 10ft concrete trail extension along the Frog Wicker Lane to City of Southwest Blvd . $68 ,526 $274 ,104 Hollow branch of Wear's Creek Greenway trail extension Jefferson STP- 3111(507) ProJect Cateaorv Fundina Total $68,526 $274 ,104 lntelliaent Transportation Systems JEFFTRAN Cltv of Jefferson Transit ITS : Automated Ve hicle Location system $15,000 $60 ,000 (AVL) JEFFTRAN ITS : automated route informa tion center $6,000 $24 ,000 JEFFTRAN Prolect Category Funding Total $21 ,000 $84 ,000 Transit Improvements Purchase of eight (8) 35' low floor buses. (5 JEFFTRAN City of $283,545 $1 ,134 ,180 $1 77,000 $708,000 in 2005 3 in 2006) Jefferson Purchase two (2) van /minibuses for 2005. JEFFTRAN City of $22,000 $88 ,000 $44,000 $176 ,000 four (4) va n minibuses for 2006 Jefferson Purchase one (1) low floor minivan JEFFTRAN City of $6,000 $24 ,000 Jefferson Pa sse nger transfer facility renova tion old bus station -West City of $14,000 $56,000 McCarty St. Jefferson 24 c::l Lead ProJect description: Proiect location aaencv Proiect No. Local State Federal Local State Federal Local State Federal 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Capital equipment purchase tire service JEFFTRAN City of $700 $2 ,800 equip . (2005) Jefferson Capital equipment purchase exhaust City of system upgrades (2005 ). Vehicle wash JEFFTRAN Jefferson $2,000 $8 ,000 $28,000 $112 ,000 system (2006) Capital Equipment Purchase Radios JEFFTRAN City of $240 $960 $4 ,000 $16 .000 Upgrade phone system Jefferson Capital equipment purchase fuel system : City of ta nk, monitor, dispensers, automated JEFFTRAN $6 ,000 $24 ,000 attendant_L2005l Jefferson Computing equ ipment and software JEFFTRAN City of $2 ,100 $8 ,400 $400 $1 ,600 Jefferson Transit facility improvements items 6& 7 on JEFFTRAN City of $22 ,321 $89 ,284 transit CIP , bldg . repair Jefferson Transit fa cility improvements power JEFFTRAN City of $6 ,000 $24,000 entrance gate and card reader Jefferson Operating Expenses JEFFTRAN C ity of $10 ,137 $506,844 $10 ,542 $527,118 $10,964 $548,203 Jefferson Section 5310 Paratransit Vehicle $7,080 $28,312 Four (4 ) bus shelters various locations in the City of $5,000 $20,000 ci ty of Jefferson Jefferson Proiect Cateaorv Fundina Total $367,123 $1,934,780 $277,542 $1,595,118 $17,364 $573,803 Note : FTA 5307 Expenditures are based on full expenditure of estimated FY 2005 -2007 available Operating Assistance funding. TIP Programmed Expenditures Loc Federal ~ Local State Federal State Federal Year 2005 2005 ~ 2005 ~ 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 1.696.449 I $4.035,600 II $3,593,484 I $1,001,593 I 3.242.000 $1.921.118 $3.312.000 2.157.803 25 A p p e n dix 1 TIP REQUIREMENTS The Federal Highway Administration (FH WA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) have requ irements for producing a Tra n sportation I mprovement Program by the MPO for a metropolitan area. They are found in 23 CFR Part 450 and 49 CFR Part 613, as publ is hed in the Federal Register dated October 28, 1993. The following is a l ist of the areas the TIP must cover, including requiremen ts for a federally acceptable planning product: The TI P must cover the metropol itan area. The TIP must be updated and approved at least every 2 years by the MPO and the Governor. Copies of the T I P must be sent to FH WA and FTA. Reasonable opportunity for public comment prior to approval must be given . The TIP shall cover at least 3 years and shall include a pri ority l ist of projects or at least be grouped by year. The TIP shall be financially constrained and shall include a financial plan. The seven (7) factors described in TEA-21 shall be explicitly reflected in the TIP, outlined in CFR 450.316. Simpl ified procedures for the TIP shall be submitted for approval by FHWA and FTA. The TIP shall include: All transportation proj ects proposed for funding under T itle 23 and the Federal Transit Act. Only projects co nsistent with the long range transportation plan. All projects which require FHWA and FTA approval All projects proposed to b e fu n ded w ith federal f u nds. All regionally significant projects with non-federa l funds. Sufficient descr iptive mat erial for each project (wo r k type, termini , length, etc.). Estimated cost per project. Amount of federal funds to be obligated each program year. Proposed source of funding. I dentification of the rec ipient and agency respons ib l e for carrying out the project. Projects may be grouped, if not considered of appropriate scale, by function , geographic area and work type. Fede r al funds allocated to th e area pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 133(d) (3) (E) shall be identified. For monitoring progress i n implementing the transportation plan, the TIP shall: I dent if y the criteria and proce ss for prioritizing impl ementation of transpo rtati on plan elements. Identify any changes in priorities from previous TIPS. List major projects from the previous TIP that were implemented. Identify any significant delays in the planned implementation of major projects. The TIP may be modified at any time but must follow all procedures. (Small grouped projects need not go through the public comment process). After approval by the MPO and Governor, the TIP shall be included i n the Statewide TIP (STIP). Projects not included in the federally approved STIP w i ll not be eligible for funding with Title 23 or FTA funds . 26 Appendix 2 Transportation improvement projects and recommended criteria for the proposal of a project. 2 This section identifies reasons and general guidelines for local jurisdictions to propose a project for inclusion into the TIP . For information on how MODOT prioritizes projects refer to Missouri 's Planning Framework for Transportation Decision-Making, Final Draft February, 2004 . Bridge Projects For Bridges, there are two recommended criteria. A structural criteria 3 and a safety criteria. For the structural criteria, one of the foll owi ng conditions should apply: Th e bridge shou l d be structurally deficient, or Be functionally obsolete, or Have a low AASHTO bridge rating. For the safety criteria the following should apply A history of accidents over the previous 5 years A recognized nonstructural condition that creates a hazard Major Highways projects For Major highways, there is a structural, safety, and congestion criteria, in that order of importance. For the structural criteria, one of the fol lowing conditions should apply: The roadway should be deficient as defined through a pavement rating standard, or, other accepted roadway evaluation standard, or Functionally obsolete, by design standards For the safety criteria the following should apply A history of accidents over the previous 5 years A recognized nonstructural condition that creates hazard For the congestion c riteria the foll owing should apply A high volume to capacity ratio (V/C) A higher than acceptable delay at intersections Poor network connectivity Arte~al RoadwaysPr~ects For arterial roadways, there is a structural criteria, a safety criteria and a congestion criteria. For the structural criteria , one of the following conditions should apply: The roadway should be deficient as defined through a pavement rating standard, or, Fun ctionally obsolete, by des ign standards For the safety criteria the following should apply A history of accidents over 5 years A recognized nonstructural co nd ition cr eating a hazard For the congestion criteria the following should apply A high volume to capacity ratio (V/C) A higher than acceptable delay at intersections Poo r roadway network co nnectivity 2 Modified from source documents produ ced by the Atlanta Regional Commission . 3 MODOT identifies three bridge co ndition ratings : one for the deck, another for the substructure, and a third for the superstructure. Source: Missouri's Pla nning Framework for Transportation Decision-Making . 27 Collector Roads Projects For collector roadways, there is a structural, safety, congestion, and multi -modal criteria. For the structural criteria, one of the following cond iti ons should ap p ly: The roadway should be deficient as defined through a pavement rating standard, or, Functionally obsolete, by design standards For the safety criteria the following should apply A history of accidents over the previous 5 years A recognized nonstructural condition that creates a hazard For the congestion criteria the following should apply A high volume to capacity ratio (V/C) A higher than acceptable delay at intersections Poor roadway network co nnectivity For the multi-modal criteria the following should apply A lack of sidewa lks and pedestrian cr osswalks, t r affic separation , bicycle lanes or paths, or signalization . A lack of transit service, shelters, benches, and lighting. Poor ADA accessibility Transit Services For the transit services category the following criteria should be considered: New Service- New service should b e construed as meaning a compl etely new route, the ext ensi on of an existing route, or the provisi on of services not previou sly offered. New service includ es capital investments such as the purchase of rolling stock, fare co llection hardware and software, or development of new fixed guide ways. Repla cement -the capital investments necessary for replacing old , dilapidated, and/or technologically obsolete items. Rehabilitation and/or preventive maintenance capital investments necessary for the rehabilitation of the transit system projects such as r ehabilitating rol l ing stock, fare co llection hardware and software, transit safety infrastructure etc. Expansion -the capital investments necessary for th e reduction of headways or transit travel time on existing routes. Non-operational improvements and/or enhancements -capital i n vestments necessary to improve the quality of the transit experience, such as the provision of bus shelters, benches, trash cans, signage , and landscaping , etc. Operational and/or functional infrastructure -capital investments that are necessary to improve the operation and functionality of the t r ansit system, such as deployment of ITS i nfrastructure in accordance with the reg iona l architecture, and the development of park and ride lots, as examples . Transportation Enhancements: Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles for Transportation Purposes Including the Provision of Safety and Educational Activities for Bicyclists and Pedestrians This category includes new facilities or improving faci l ities fo r b icycl e riders and pedestrians. Facil ities for pedestrians and bicyclists should be i mplemented during the design, development and co nstruction of all fede ral -aid transportation projects, and, if on a NHS route, must be cons istent with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AAS HTO ) standards, which are recommended for all pedestrian I 28 and bicycle projects r egardl ess of location. Possible el igi ble projects may in cl u de, but are n ot limited to: T he acquisition, development and construction of separat e bicycle and pedestrian faciliti es on or off highway righ t -of -ways or in relation to tran sit f aciliti es, Constructing new si dewalks to ADA stan d ards in areas where sidewa l ks currently do n ot exist, Th e r eplace m ent of deteriorated sidewalks in extreme cases, Wid en ing c urb l an es or re -striping to create wider curb lanes and/or bicycle lan es, Paving shou lders for bicycle and pedestrian use, Providing access to publ ic transit, Parking facilities for project use, and Insta lling b icycle locke r s at ra i l stations, bus depots, airports and oth er faci liti es. Activi ti es not eligible: T he repair of old sidewalks with new and required cu rb ramps, Th e use of fund i ng to co mply with ADA st andards on existi n g sidewa lks and pathways, and Recreational loops around ball fields, parks, lakes or other public areas . Generally, p r ojects that are so l ely recreational ar e also not eligible for funding. Acquisition of Scenic Easements and Scenic or Historic Sites Projects in this ca tegory include the use of funds for purchase, donation, transfer or trade of land that possesses s ignifican t aesth et ic, natural, visual or open space values, including acquisition of lands and any property listed in or eligibl e for li stin g i n the National Registe r of Histori c Pla ces. Fu nds may be u sed for planning and transaction costs including: Appraisa l s, surveys, legal costs or purchase costs. Po ssib l e projects co uld in clud e : A cqu i sition of a scen i c easement, scenic site or hi st or ic site that e nh ances the t r ansportation experience as part of the transportation system including the acqu isiti on of a historic bridge, depot or other transportation terminal or la nd ar ound a historic site adjacent to a scenic highway. Scen i c or Historic Highway Programs Including the Provision of Tourist and Welcome Center Facilities This category includes funding for t h e protection and enhancement of state or federally designated scenic or histori ca l h i ghways. Funds may be used only: For projects th at will protect and enhance the scenic, histori ca l , cu l tura l , natural and archeological integrity and Vi sitor appreciation of an exi sting highway an d ad jacent area or For the p lann ing, design and development of new stat e sce n ic byway programs. 29 Examples of project s in cl ude: I nterpretive plaques, restoration of histor ic l i ghting standards, Historic aesthetic treatment on retain i ng wa ll s and guardrails, Aesthetically pleasi ng bridge rai l s for use on scenic highways or in areas of high visual sensitivity. Projects that are not eligible include: Constru ct ion of safety rest areas, additional la nes, new scenic or histor ic highways or Lighting that does n ot h ave historic im pact. Landscap i ng and Other Sceni c Beautificati on This category includes landscape planning, design and construction projects that enhance the aesthetic or ecological resources alon g highways, other transportation corridors, points of access and la n ds in proximity to oth er t r ansportation en h a n cement projects. Projects that enhance the at tractiveness of a transportation f aci lity include: Planning, desig n an d construction of scenic vistas and overlooks, Restoration of histo ric la ndsca p es, and Construction of l andscapes that are compati b le with their surroundings Projects t hat enhance the ecological ba lance alon g a transportation corridor include: Planning, testing and planting for rest o r ation or reintroduction of native plant communities a nd appr opr ia t e adaptive sp ecies Activities associated with interpreting sites and providing information about the programs th rough which resources a re preserved is also eligib le Examples of projects incl ude but are not limited to: Moving trees outside of clear zones and into more att ractive and/or safer locations, Retrofitting existing n o ise barriers with l andscapi ng, Replacement of a utili ta ri an bridge with a nother of appropriate arch itectural qua lities i n a setti ng that ca ll s for more than a utilitarian desi gn, Roadside ecologica l v i ewi ng areas, Development of aesth eti cal ly p leasing bridge ra i ls, Entran ce/exit pla ntings to communiti es a nd under grounding overhead utilities. Funds shou ld n ot be used for routine, incide ntal or maintenance activities such as grass cutting, tree pruning a n d removal, soil stabil izati on, the construction of noise barr iers, drainage improvement s o r post-construction finish work -such as replanting and reseeding. Seed i ng and planting vegetation for erosion contr ol wil l not constitute an eligible landscaping enhancement project. Histori c Preservat i o n Projects w i thin this category shou l d e n hance the transportati on system by improving the ability of the pub lic to appreciate t h e historic significance of the project itself or the area to be served by the project. Projects must relate t o the i nter modal transportation system by function, proximity or impact to be e l igible for funding . Work under this category incl u des: Identification, eval u ation , d ocu mentation, acquisition, protection, 30 managem e nt, rehabilitation, Interpretation, restoration, stabilization and maintenance of any historic district, site, structure, object or landscape. (Such projects can include any combination of these activities or can be combined with oth er program area activities.) The restoration of a caboose is not an e ligible activity. To be e ligibl e f or funding, the property or stru cture in question must be included in or . eligi ble for inclusi on in the National Register of Historic Pla ces . Rehabilitation and Operation of Historic Transportation Buildings, Structures or Facilities Including Historic Railroad Facilities and Canals Hi stori c transportation bui l dings are buildings or related structures associated with the operation, use, constru ction or maintenance of any mode of transportation. Structures and facilities include: Tunnels, bridges, trestles, e mbankments, rails or other guide way, non- operatio na l v ehicles, cana l viaducts, tow paths and locks, and Stations and other m a nmade transportati on features related to the operation, use, co nstruction or maintenance of any mode of t ranspo rtation . To be eligible for funding, the property or structur e in question must be included in or eligible for inclu sio n in the National Register of Historic Places. "Re habilitation " m ea n s the process of returning the p rope rty to a condition that makes possible a contemporary u se while preserving the significant historic features of that property. "Operation means" the provision of access and service in a manner related to both the continuation of a contemporary transportation or non-transportation use consistent with the historic character of the property and open to the general public on a not-for -profit basis. Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors Including Conversion and Use Thereof for Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails Rail corridors are t ra nsportati on corridors of varying width i n which rail tracks exist or have existed in the past. Abandoned ra i lway corridors are rail corridors that h ave been authorized for abandonment by the Surface T ransportation Board, rail corridors for which abandonment proceedings are pe nding before the STB or rail corridors that have been set aside for future transportation use under any applicable federal or state authority. The preservation of abandoned railway corridors includes: Th e planning , acquisition, rehabilitation and development of co rridors for public uses including bicycle and pedestrian use . It permits the development and r e habilitation of privately owned rail corridors open to the general public on a not-for-profit basis . Control and Removal of Outdoor Advertising Expenditures made to remove existing signs, displays and devices shall be made according to a legal process that bases payment on an equitable appraisal. Priority should be given to the removal of outdoor advertising signs, displays and devices on designated scenic roads or 31 in a r eas where local or state laws or ordinances ban n ew bi llboards and /or in conjunction with other t ra nsportation en h ance ment projects. I n usi ng funds under this category, additional resources may be used to ensure that new outdoor advertising signs, dis pl ays, and devi ces are permitted only i n areas actua l ly used for commercial and industrial pu r poses, including compilation of an accu r ate inventory of existing conforming signs. Arc haeolog i cal Pl a nni ng and Research Th is category includes, b ut is not limited to: Research on sites el i gib le for transportat ion enhancement funds, Experimental projects in archaeological site preservation and interpretati on, Plan n ing to improve identificati on, evaluation and treatment of ar chaeo log ica l sites, Problem-oriented sy nthesis using data derived from though not limited to: T ransportati on-r elated archaeologica l pr ojects, Develop m ent of national and regiona l research designs to guide future surveys, Data recove r y a nd synthetic research and projects having simi lar pu r poses carried out in Partners h i p wi t h other federal, state, local and tribal government agencies and non-governmental orga n iza ti o ns. Expenditures should be used f or research or inter pretati on of sites associated with tran sportation faci liti es and for excavations. Mi t igati on of Water Pollution Due To Highway Runoff or Red uce Veh i cle -Caused Wildlife Mortality Whil e Mainta i ning Habitat Connectivit y This category is limited to facili ties and prog r ams mi n imizing pollution from transportation facil it ies producing storm water run off that are in add ition to cu r rent requiremen t s an d procedures for such mitigation. Any mitigation efforts funded with enhancement moneys must be above and beyond the federal mandates. Projects th at de m onstrate aesthetic and ecologica l methods for mitigation and that en hance r echarge are el igibl e. The efforts some states have m ade to r educe vehicle-ca used wildlife mortality are also recognized in this category of el i gible enhancement activities. Enhancement funds may be used to constru ct animal "u nder cross ings " to g u ide anima ls to safe roadway crossing areas to reduce the animal death rate. I neligible projects: "Riprapping" as an i ndependent project is not an el igi b l e activity. An y project that is part of mitigation requirements mandated by the Department of Natural Resources or the Federal Highway Administration Establishme nt of T r an s portation Museums This category al lows transportation enhancement f unds to be used to construct and/or establish transportation museums for use of the general publ ic. These museums may include, but are not l i mited to those highlighting waterway facil ities including: 32 Historic ships and vessels, Railroad depots, Locomotives, Air travel and Other r ela ted transportation fa ci l ities . 33 Appendi x 3 Eligible Proj ect Types by Funding Program 1 Note: A ppl icants are not expected to identify potential fund ing sources for projects. Th is information is included only to i ll ustrate the various types of projects that are e ligibl e for specific federal funding programs. This information is appl icable to TEA-21 legislation as of July, 2 0 04. Congestion Mit i gati o n/Air Quality (CMAQ) CMAQ projects can generally be classified in one of the following categories: Transit improvements; Outreach Activities; Sh a r ed-ride services; T raffi c f low improveme nts; Demand management strategies; Pedestrian and bi cycle programs; I nspection and maintenance p r ograms. Interstate Ma i ntenance (IM) The following types of projects on the existing interstate syst em are eligible: Reconstruction of existing t h rough-lanes on interstate highways; Acce l eration/deceleration la nes on interstate highways; Interstate interchange reconstruction or reconfig ura ti o n ; Bus/HOV lanes or rail rap id trans it as a substitute f or gener a l purpose h i ghway la n es; Studies as appropriate to pla n and i mplement the above; a nd Pe r ipheral Pa r k-and-Ride lots. Nati onal H i ghway System (NHS) The fo ll o w ing types of projects a r e e lig ible if t h ey occu r o n th e National Highw ay Syst e m : Road construction, reco n structio n , r esurfacing, restor ation and r ehabi litation ; Operational improvements; Highway safety improvements; Su rface transportation p l a n ning; H ig h way r esearch and pla nni ng; T raffi c management and co n tro l start-up cos t s; Fringe and corridor parking faci lities; Carpool and vanpool project s; Bicycle and pedestrian transportati on facilities; Management system projects; Wetl and miti gation associ ated with NH S project constru ct ion ; HOV lanes or rail rapid tra n sit as a substitute for n ew general purpose lanes on freeway and major reg i o n a l arterial roadways; Studies as appropriate to p lan and implement the above; and Construction of, and operationa l improvements for , a Federal Aid highway not on the National Highway Syst em, and constru cti on of a tra nsit project el i gible f or assistance under the Federa l T ransit Act, if such h ighway or transit project is in the same corridor as, and in proximity to, a f ull y access controlled h ighway designated on the Na t ional Highway System; if t he construction or improvement will improve the l evel of service on the fully access controlled h i ghway and improve regiona l t r avel; and if t he co nst ructi o n or improvement i s more cost- effective than an im p rove m ent to the fully access controlled highway t h a t h as ben efits comparable to the benefits which wi ll be ach ieved by the construction of or improvements to, t h e highway on the NHS. 1Source: AMPO (Association Of Metropolitan Planning Organizations) 34 H ig h way Bridge Replacem e nt/Re habi litation (HBRR) The following types of projects are eligible for HBRR funds: Reco n struction; rep lacement, rehabilitation, repair and restoration of deficient highway bridges located on any public road; Wi den i ng of bridges or viaducts to relieve congestion on a public bridge; Construction of HOV lane structures on a public bridge; and Culverts of minimum size on a public bridge. Surface Transportation Program (STP) Types of facilities for which STP funds can be used: Funds can be used on all faci l ities except r oads f u nctionally classified as local or rural Minor Collectors, unless: T h e r oads were on a Federal -Aid highway system on January 1, 1991; or An exemption has been made as approved by the Secretary of USDOT; or T h e fun d i n g is for the fo ll owi ng types of projects Alternative m ode projects (see list below) Safety proj ects (see l ist below) Projects eligible for STP funding: Highway (including I n terstate highways) and bridge projects (including bridges on publ ic roads of all functional class ifications): Construction , reco n struction/rehabilitation, resurfaci ng, restoration and operational improvemen ts of the ex i sting highway and transit systems; Highway an d t r ansit safety imp r ovements and programs; Highway and transit research and development programs; Capital a nd operating costs for traffic mon itori n g, management and control facil i ties, and programs; Surface t r ansportation p lan n ing; Technology transfer programs; T ra nsportati on e nh an ce m en t activities; Development and establishment of t h e six managem en t systems identified i n TEA - 21: Pavement, Bridge, Highway Safety, Traffic Congestion, Public Transportation, and Intermodal Fa cilities ; Capital costs for t r an sit p r ojects; Construction or reconstruction necessary to accommodate other transportation modes; Modification of publ ic sidewa l ks to co mply with the Am ericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et. Seq.); Seismic retrofit and painting of and application of ca l cium magnesium acetate, sodium acetate/formate, or other environmentally acceptable, minimally corrosive anti-icing and de-icing compositions on bridges and approaches thereto and other elevated structu res; Mitigation of damage to wi ldlife, habitat, and ecosystems ca used by a transportation project funded under Ti tle 23; Vehicles a nd facilities, whether publicly or privately owned, that are used to provide intercity passenger service by bus; Alternative mode projects: Car poo l projects; Fringe and corridor parking facilities and programs; Bicycle and pedestri an transportati on faci l iti es; Modification of public sidewalks to co mply with Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Safety Projects: Hazard eliminations; Projects to mitigate hazards caused by wildlife; Railway -hig h way grade cross i ngs; Transportation Control measures Natural habitat and wetlands mitigati on efforts (related to STP-funded projects): 35 Parti cip atio n in natu ra l habitat and wetland s mitigati on b a n ks; Con tributions to statewide and regional efforts t o conserve, restore, enhance and create wetlands; Deve lopment of stat ewide and r egional wetlands conservation and mitigation p lans, including banks, effo rts, and plans; Infrastructure-based intelligent transportation systems cap ital impr ovements; and En v iron mental restoration and poll ution abatement projects. STP funding is allocated into f our areas: Urban, Small Urban, Rura l, and Flex STP-Urban dollars can be use d t o fund the transportation project types mentioned above w ithin th e des ign ated Urban ized Area. The Urban ized Area is an area with 50,000 or more persons l iving withi n a ce ntral city or cities and the surrounding densely settled area . STP -Sma ll Urban dollars can be used to fund the p roject types mentioned above within a densely settled area with more than 5,000 but less than 50,000 persons. STP-Rural dollars can fund the project types mentio n ed above i n areas outsi de th e defined Ur ba nized Area (see definition above). STP-F iex dollars can be use d to fu nd the project types mentioned above in any area- urban, small urban, or rura l. Section 5307 (Federa l Transit Administration Formu l a Funding to Transit Operators) The f o llowing types of projects are elig ibl e for these fund s : Mass transit operation (up t o FTA approv ed limits w ith required 50 percent local match) Reg ular mass transit cap ita l im p r ovement projects; T ransit vehicle maintena n ce and operations; and Stu dies as n ecessary to p l an and implement th e a bove. Section 5309 (Federal Transit Administration Discretionary Funds) T h e following types of projects are el ig ibl e for these funds: Sp ecial mass transit capital projects; Reg iona l rapid transit syste m constru ction ; Incre m enta l costs of al te rn ative fu e l ve h icles over and above the cost of di ese l veh icles; Studies as n ecessary to plan and impl ement th e above. Section 5310 (Federal Transit Administration Capital Assistance to Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities The following t ypes of projects are elig ible for these funds: Capital assistance pr ojects, not t o exceed 80 percent of cost, to provide service for el derl y pe r so ns and persons w it h d isabilities. Se ction 5311 (for general transit assistance to rural and small u rban areas only) The fo ll ow ing types of p r ojects are e l igible for these f unds: Both operating and cap ital assistance is available up t o 80 percent of the total cost for rural and small urban area projects. 36