HomeMy Public PortalAbout2006 - CAMPO Revised Public Involvement Plan for Transportation PlanningCapital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Revised Metropolitan Area Public Involvement Plan For Transportation Planning t Jefferson City, Missouri 2006 Adopted by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization February 22, 2006 The preparation of this report was financed in part by the U.S. Department of Transportat ion, Federal Hi ghway Admini stration , and Federa l Transit Administration in cooperation with the Missouri Depa11ment of Transportation (MoDOT). The opinions, findings, and conclu sions expressed in this rep ort are not necessmily tho se of the Federa l Highway Administration, Federal Transit Ad min istration, or the Mis so uri Depa11mcnt ofTran sportation (MoDOT). Tab le of Conte n ts Introduction and Purpose ................................................................................................................ l Public Notice Procedures ................................................................................................................ l Meeting Notice ............................................................................................................................ 1 The Long Range Transportation Pla n ..................................................................................... I The Tran sportation Improvement P rogram ............................................................................ I Public con11nent period ............................................................................................................... 2 Pub lic Meetings .............................................................................................................................. 2 Public Invo lvement P lan Upda te ................................................................................................ 2 The Long Range Transportation P la n ......................................................................................... 3 The Transportation Improvement Program ................................................................................ 4 Major Modifications or Minor Amendmen ts to the Adopted T I P .............................................. 5 The Un ified Planning Work Program (U P WP) .......................................................................... 5 Annual Timeline for the T IP Development and Adoption ............................................................. 7 Annua l T imeli ne for th e UPWP Deve lopment and Adoption ........................................................ 8 MPO Administration-For Infonnation Contact City of Jefferson, M issouri Department of Commun ity Development I P lann ing Division Room 120 -John G. Chris ty Municipal Building-320 East McCarty Jefferson Ci ty, Missouri Telephone 573 -634-64 1 0 .. II T. Introduction and Purpose A. Thi s section add re sses pub lic invo lvement during the development or modification of the Public Invo lvement Pl an, th e Long-Range Tran sp ortation Plan (LRTP), th e Transpor tati on Improvem ent Pro gra m (TIP) a nd the Unified Plannin g Wo rk Program (U PWP). MPOs have regulatory requirem ent s that mu st be met an d regu lati on s s uch as CFR23 Part 450.3 16, requi res an MPO to adop t a proact ive public invo lve men t process that p rovides: -Co mpl ete in fo rmati o n -Tim e ly publi c notice -Fu ll public access to key d ec isio ns, and -Su pp ort for ea rl y and continuing in vo lve ment of the publi c. B. The Capi tal Area Me trop o lit an Pl anning Organization encourages the involvement o f interes ted g roup s and the ge nera l public during the development and modificati o n of tr ansportati on pl an s. All meetings of th e CAMPO Tec hnica l Comm ittee and Bo ard of Direc tors are ope n to the pu b li c. The fo llowin g section s outline the public notice, comment procedures and th e process use d to support citi zen parti c ipati on during deve lo pment of tran s portation plans. II. Public Notice Procedures A. Meeting Notice. Meetin gs of the CA MPO Technica l Comm itt ee and Boa rd of Directors wi ll co mply with th e following public noti ce procedures: Posting of the m ee tin g notice at leas t three (3) bu sin ess days prior to the mee tin g d ate at th e foll ow in g official location s: -Jo hn G. Christy Municipal Building -Cole County Co urthou se -Ho lt s Summit City Ha ll News relea ses to print and broadcast medi a three (3) bu siness da ys pn o r to meetin gs. In additi o n, notice of the meet in g will be pl ace d o n-line for at leas t three (3) bu si ness days pri or to the mee tin gs, through the J efferso n City gove nunent webs ite. B. Long-Range Transporta ti on Plans (LRTP) -Pri or to ado pting a Long-Ran ge Transportation Plan o r a modifica ti on to thi s doc um ent, a publi c hea rin g wil l be hel d by the Board of Directors. Th e Notice of a publi c he arin g will b e publi she d 15 days in advance of th e pub li c he aring in the fo ll owi ng publi ca ti ons: -Jefferson City Po st Tribune C. Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP) -Pri or to adopt ing a Transportation Impro vement Program o r a modifi catio n to this do cum ent , a public he arin g will be held by the Board of D irectors . The Noti ce of a publi c hearing w ill be pub lis hed 15 days in advance of the public hearing in the fo ll owing publications: -Jefferson City Post T 1ibune D. Maintenance of con tact li s ts and notification t o interested parties -A li sting of pe rsons and agencies to contact when documents are updated o r revised , in add ition to the genera l noti fi cati on, w ill be mai n tained and re v ised an nu a ll y, for the Transp01iation Improvement Program, the T ran spoiiation Pl a n , and th e U PWP. HI. Public Comment peri od A . Public In volvement P lan-C hanges to the Publi c In volvement Plan wi ll in c lude a public comm e nt peri od of 45 days from the time th e proposed modifi ed plan is fi rst presented to the Board of D irectors. Changes to the Trans p ortat ion Improvement P rogram and the Unified Planning Work Program wi ll incl ude a pub lic comment period of 30 days from t he tim e t he proposed modified program is fir st presented to t he Board ofDir ecto rs. IV . Public meetings A. Public meetings will be held at convenient times a nd accessible location s . B . At al l public m eetings, fonn s will be made available to the p ub lic for r eceiv ing written comment. C . At al l public meetings a recorder w ill be made avail abl e for record ing comm ents and recommendations. The record ings will be transcrib e d to written records. D . O ra l comments recei ved during the advertised publ i c hearings will be reduced to wri tten fom1 and made a p art o f the permanent record. A record e r wil l b e made avail able to record comments and recommendations, a nd the record ings t r anscribed to written records. V. The Public In v olvement P l an Update process A . The Public Invo lvem en t Plan w ill be reviewed annua ll y and u pdated as conditi o ns require, by MPO s ta ff, an d according to the fo ll owin g process : B. Review by Technical Commi ttee. l. Draft updates wi ll fi rs t be presented to the CAMPO Technical Commi tt ee for review and recommend ations. 2. The CAMPO Technical Committee will consid er the proposed changes. 3. Once a draft upda te is recommended for approval by the CAMPO T echnical Committee it w ill be presented to the CAMP O Board of Directors fo r th eir consideratio n and recommendations, and then placed for public comment. 4 . Agencies servi ng th e el d erly, di sabled , low and moderate income c lients wi ll be given indivi du a l no tice of the availabi l ity of the draft plan update. 5. Public notice announc ing the availability of the draft Public In volvement Pl an update will follow th e public notice p rocedures described in th e Public Noti ce section. The publi c no tice will s tate that a copy of th e draft pl a n is available 2 for public in spect ion, and give the locations at which a draft plan may be v iewed. Pub lic in spectio n cop ies will be pla ced at th e fo llow ing locat ions: -Offi ce of th e City Cle rk , Ci ty of Jefferson -Office of the Co unt y C lerk, Co le Cou nty Co Uiih ouse -Office of the County Clerk, Cal laway County Courthouse -City C lerk, Ho lts Summi t C ity Hal l -C ity Clerk, St. Martin s C ity Hal l -Missou ri River Regional Library C. R ev iew by B oa rd of Directors I . The draft of the Public In vo lve ment Plan will be forwarded to the Board of Directo rs a long wi th the written recommenda ti on of the Technica l Com mitt ee, co p ies of any wri tten comments, and tr ansc ri pts of any reco rd ed ora l co mm en ts received from th e publ ic during th e course of th e pub lic co mm e nt p eri od. 2. The Board of Directors wi ll ho ld at least one pub lic me eti ng to obta in publi c input an d hear o ral testimo ny on th e chan ges to th e Publi c Invo lve ment Plan. The Board of Directors may convene addit io nal meetings at such times and lo cation s detetmined by th e Board to be in the pub l ic interes t ; s uch additional meetings may be ho s ted by the MPO staff or Technical Co mmittee as determined by the Board. 3. Pub li c meetings wi ll fo ll ow procedures previously iden tifi ed in the Publi c Meet in g section, and written record s provided for review. 4. Th e Plan may then be adopted as prep ared, or modifi ed at th e nex t sc hedul ed meetin g of the Board, fo ll owing the 45 day public com m ent period. VI. The Long-Range Transportation Plan Deve lopm en t and Public Involvement Proces s A. The Long-Ran ge Tran s portat ion P lan or in dividu a l plan e lements may be prepared by MPO staff, staff of part ic ipati ng jurisdiction s, co nsult ants, or a combinat ion. B. Rev iew by Technica l Co mmi ttee. 1. Draft plans or plan ele ments will fir st be prese nted to the CAMPO Technica l Com mittee for rev iew an d recommendatio n s. 2. The CAMPO Techni ca l Committee wi ll consider and document any input receive d from the pub lic during the course of it s review of the Long-Range Pl an or p lan eleme nt s. 3 . Once a draft pla n or plan e lement is recommended for a pproval by the CAMPO Techn ical Committee it will be released for public review in it s draft form and sched ul ed for forma l review by th e CAM PO Board of Direc tors. 3 4. Agencies serving the el d erly, disabled, l ow and m oder ate in come c lients w ill be g iven individual notice of the avai labi lity of the draft Long-Range Transp011ation Plan or plan e lement s. 5 . Publi c no ti ce announcing the availability of th e draft tran s p 011ation pl an or pl an elem e nts w il l f o llow th e public notice procedures previously s tated. The public notice will s tate th at a copy of the draft pl an is ava il a ble for pub lic in spection, and give the locati ons at w hi ch a draft pl an may be viewed . Public inspection copies w ill be placed a t th e fo ll ow in g locations: -Office of the C ity C lerk, City of Jefferson -Office of th e County Clerk, Co le Cou nty Courtho use -Office of th e Co unty C le rk , Ca ll away County Courtho use -C ity C lerk, H o lts S ummit City Hall -C ity C le r k, St. Martins City H all -MissoUii River Regiona l Library C. Review by Board o f Directors I . The prel iminary draft of t he L ong-Ra n ge Trans portati on Pl an o r p lan element will be f01warde d to th e Board of Directors along with the written recommendati on of th e Techni cal Committee, copi es of any written co mme nts , and transcripts of any recorded oral comments received from th e public during the course o f th e Technical Committee's review. 2 . The Board of Director s will hold at least one publi c meeting to o bta in publi c input and hea r o ral t estim o ny o n th e Long-Range Transpo rtation Plan or plan e lement. The Board of Directors may convene additiona l meetings at s uch times a nd locations determined by the Board to be in the publ ic interest ; s u ch additional meetin gs m ay be hosted by th e MPO s taff or T echni cal Committee as determi ned by the Board. 3 . Publ ic m eetings wi l l fo llo w procedures previous l y identified in t he Pu b li c Meet in g secti on, and written records provid ed for review. 4. The Long-Range Trans po rtati o n Pl a n ma y be prepared, reviewed an d adopted and mod ified in its entirety, or in parts. 5. Consideration by parti cipating j uri sdicti ons. Where participating jurisdictions o r govemm enta l entities require con s iderati o n of the Long-Range T r ans p ortatio n Plan or plan e le m ent, a ny notice a nd h earing requirements of the res pective jurisdictio ns wi ll be ob served. VII. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Development and Public Involvement Process A. Not ice to participating juri sdicti ons -participating jurisdictions will be no ti fied by MPO staff to submit project info rmati on and descriptions for the TIP. 4 B. Notice to the public will be published, posted and di stributed with infom1ati on on how to s ubmit projects fo r the TIP and anticipated tim eta bles . C. A draft TIP w ill be prepa red by MPO staff in cooperation w ith participating jurisdictions. The draft TIP w ill be availa bl e for publi c r eview 15 days prior to th e CAMPO Tec hnical Committee mee tin g where the TIP is to be considered. D. Public notice procedures will co nform to the procedures previously li s ted in the Publ ic Notice secti o n . E. Agencies serving th e e ld e rl y, disab led, low a nd moderate in come c li ents w ill be g iven in dividual notice of the ava il ab ili ty of the draft TIP . F. Public comm e nts wi ll be considered by the MPO s taff and Technical Comm ittee when m akin g t hei r reco mme ndatio ns to th e Board of Directo rs. G . A draft of the TIP w ill b e forwarded to th e Board of Directors a long with the recommend a t io n o f the Technical Committee a nd a ny comments received fro m the publi c, staff, o r p articipating jurisdictions. H. A fin a l draft TIP wi ll be adopted b y the Board of Directo rs, as su bmitted o r w ith modifications. If the fin a l TIP under consideration b y the Board diffe rs signifi can tl y from the draft referred to it by the Technical Committee, an additional publi c meeting wi ll be held to all ow additional public comment, a nd re-presented t o the Board at th e n ext Board m eeti ng, at th e end of th e 30 day public comme n t period, pri o r to ado pti o n o f th e TIP. 1. Maj o r modificati o ns or mino r amendments to the adopted TIP . These may be propos ed by a city, county, tran s it provider, stat e or federal agency represent a tive, and wil l be processed as follow s: 1. Major Modifications . New projects or major proj ect modificati on s will be proposed on a projec t wo rks heet which includes th e proj e c t d escription, extent, tim e frame and proj ect cost by funding source. Such modifications m ay include, but are no t limited to ne w projects, any project which pro p oses th e use o f federa l fund s not prev iously identified a nd majo r a djustments to funding a m o unts and funding so urces. Major modifi ca tions wi ll foll ow the sa me process as o utlined ab ove for the adop ti on of the TIP, in c lu ding no tificat io n of th e public and recommendation by the B oard of Directo r s. 2. Minor amendments to the TIP as described in this section may be s ubmitted to MoDOT, FHW A and FT A without pri or approva l of th e Board of Directors. However the Board wi ll be notifie d of such minor amendme n ts. Min o r a mendments may includ e project delays, d efeJTals to a s ub sequ en t budget yea r, withdr awal of a project, or minor adjustments o r co rrecti ons to funding l evels. VIII. The U nified Planning Work Program (UPWP) The Unified Planning W o rk Program is a worki ng document that th e publi c agen cies comprising the MPO develop to detail the work to be carried out b y the MPO over t h e next year. 5 o public notice is required for the consideration or adoption of the UPWP or amendments. Howeve r, the work program is available fo r pub lic examination through the MPO and local government members , as we ll as be ing posted on the MPO website. Wri tten comments are accepted throughout work progra m development and Technical Committee and Board of Director meetings are open to the pub lic, persons wishing to speak to the committees will be given an opportunity to do so. The Work Program Deve lopment Proce ss follows: A. Notice to participating jurisd ictions-Participatingjuri sd ictions wi ll be notifi ed by MPO staffthat the Unified Plann ing Work Program is being prepared and that they s hould su bmit work program item s to be co ns idered for the next fi sca l yea r. B. Agencies serv ing the elderly, di sabled, low and moderate income clients will be given indi vidu al noti ce of the availability of the draft UPWP. C. A d raft UPWP wil l be prepared by MPO staff in cooperation with participat ing jurisdictions. D. The Draft U PWP will be considered by the Techn ica l Committee, who will make its recommendation to the Board of Directors. E. The Board of Directors wi II adopt the U PWP. 6 --------- General Annua l Timeline for the TIP Development and Adoption May (early) June (ear ly) Jul y August (early) A ugus t (late) Septem ber October No vember No tifi cat ion to subm it TIP projects distribut ed to parti c ip atingjuri sdi ction s with inform at ion o n submi ttin g projects for the TIP and the sc he dul e for TIP deve lopment Techni cal Committee meets and reviews requirements Public Notice of T IP development published and posted Partic ipatingj uri sdi cti ons return TI P project lis ts . A Draft TIP is then prepared Technical Co mmi ttee rece ives the Draft TIP Technical Commi tt ee meets -Final changes a re m ade, Co mmittee fonnu lates recommendations to the Board of Directors Board of Directors meets Proposed TIP distributed to Board of Directors , MoDOT, FHW A, FT A and participating j uri sdi cti ons 2 weeks before meeting • Co ns ider recommendati ons of the Tec hnic a l Co mmitt ee • Receive publi c comment Begin 30 days public involvement period Publish No ti ce to th e Pub li c announ ci ng the avai labi lity of the T IP , locations of documents , and the date of the Board of Directors meeting, when the TIP wi ll then be cons idered. Board of Directors meets to consider recommend ati ons of the Technical Comm itt ee and receive public comment. Board adopts TIP, (add itiona l 30 days if required) Adopted T IP publi shed and di stribut ed to MoDOT for approval by Governor a nd incorporation into the Sta te Transportation Improvemen t Program (STJP). MoDOT forward s Fina l TIP to FHWA and FTA Beg in new MPO Fi scal Year 7 G e n e ra l A nnu a I T" r f th U PW P D rm e me or e t dAd f eve opm en an op JOn February (early) Notification to partici patingjurisdictions regarding preparation of the UPWP March Draft UPWP is prepared Technical Comm ittee receives the Draft UPWP, re visio ns are made as Apri l (early) necessary May (early) Technica l Comm i ttee meets, reviews U PWP May (la te) Draft UPWP sent to t he Board of D irecto rs fo r May meeting, 2 weeks before the meet ing August (early) Technical Comm ittee meets and provides fi n al recomme ndations for the Board of Di r ect ors August (late) Board meets and considers TC recommendations and approves the program as presented , or with modifications. Execute annua l p lanni ng funds agreement Documents d is tributed to Techni cal Committee, Boa rd of Directors and September member agen cies November Begin new MPO Fiscal Year 8