HomeMy Public PortalAbout2006 - CAMPO Unified Planning Work Program - Adopted 2005-09-28.2oo6 Unified Planni1t\~ Work Progra]lll For the Jefferson City, Missouri Metropolitan Region Ad o pted Se pte mbe r 28, 2005 Th e preparation of this report was financed in part by the U.S . Department of T ransportation, Federa l Highway Administration, and Federa l Transit Administration in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Transportation. The opi ni ons, findings, and conc lusions expressed in this report are not necessari ly those of the Fede ral Hig hway Administration, Federa l Transit Admi nistration, or the Missouri Hig hway and Transportation Department. TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................ 2 FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE MPO .............................................................................................................. 2 PURPOSE OF THE UPWP ............................................................................................................................. 2 PLANNING FACTORS .................................................................................................................................. 2 PLANNING EMPHASIS AREAS FOR FY 2005 ................................................................................................... 3 UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM ELEMENTS FOR FY 2005 ..................................................................... ) MPO P ROGRAM AD MINISTRATION AND SUPPORT ................................................................................. 4 GENERAL TRANSPORTATION P LANN I NG .............................................................................................. 6 SHORT RANGE T RANSPORTATION PLANNI NG ....................................................................................... 7 LONG RANGE TRAN SPORTATION PLANNIN G ......................................................................................... 7 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN .............................................................................................. 9 TRANSIT PLANNIN G .................................................................................................................... 10 STUDIES ................................................................................................................................ 10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTING .......................................................................................... 10 BUDGETS AND ALLOCATIONS ................................................................................................................... 12 CONTRACT AND STAFF TIME ALLOCATIONS ....................................................................................... 12 WORK PROGRAM BU DGET ............................................................................................................ 13 ACRONYMS COMMO NLY USED IN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ..................................................................... 14 DEFINillONS OF T ERM S THAT MAY BE USED IN THIS DOCUMENT .............................................................. 15 MPO Administrati on is provided by the City of Jeffe rso n, Missouri Department of Community Devel opment/Planning Division Room 120 John G. Christy Municipal Building 320 East Mccarty Jefferson City, Missouri Telephone 573-634-6410 For questions or comments, contact Ja nice McM illan or Alan Morrison at the Planning Division Photography and Graphics by Alan Morri son Background The capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization was designated by the Governor of Missouri as the metropolitan planning organization for the Jefferson City urbanized area on May 7, 2003. Thi s desig nation allows the Cap ital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) to be the recipient of metropolitan planning funds from both the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and th e Federa l Transit Administration (FTA) of the US Department of Transportation. Metropolitan planning funds from FHWA are Metropolitan Planning (PL) funds and those from FTA are referred to as Section 5303 funds. The two funds are combined into a consolidated planning grant for the MPO and are administered through the Mi ssouri Department of Tran sportation. Since these funds are consoli dated, they are not identified separately by work task w ithin thi s document. Federal funds shown for fi sca l year 2006 are estimates, and are based on the best available information. The Metropolitan Plann ing Organization is com pri sed of a Technical Committee composed of technical and planning staff from local, State, and Federa l agen cies of the MPO membershi p, and a Board of Directors composed of elected officials from a geographica l area that includes portions of Co le and callaway Counties, the Cities of Jefferson and Holts Summit, and the towns of St. Martins and Lake Mykee, all within the State of Mi ssou ri. Officers to the Techn ica l Committee and the Board of Directors are elected ann ually, and any member of the respective committee may se rve . The CAMPO memorandum of understan ding identifies the City of Jefferson as the MPO administrator, and as such, prov ides staffi ng for CAMPO. Financial Support for the MPO Based on the Memorandum of Understanding, financia l obligation to support the MPO cons ists of 80% Federa l funding t hrough the Consolidated Planning Gra nt, composed of FHWA PL funds and FTA 5303 planning f und s, and 20% in local funding. The participants providing the local f un ding are callaway County, Cole County and Jefferson City. Jefferson City provides 60% of t he local funding, Cole County provides 25% of the local funding and Callaway County provides 15%. The Purpose of the UPWP The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) outlines a yearly program of transportation planning activities and stud ies to be funded by federal metropolitan planning and local funds and serves as the basis for funding agreements w ith the Missouri Depa rtment of Transportation (MoDOT). It also serves as a management tool for sched uling , budgeting and monitoring the planning activities of the participating agencies and governments related to transportation planning for the area. In developing a pla nning work program, TEA-21 r equires t he MPO to provide for co nsidera tion of projects and strategies that will accompli sh the objectives of 7 "Pl anning Factors". T he foll owi ng section ide ntifies the Planning Factors of TEA-21. The TEA-21 Planning Factors Under TEA-21, seven planning factors were to be considered during the deve lopment of any MPO plan. For SAFETEA- LU, eig ht factors are now to be considered. T hese eight items are: • Sup port the economic vita lity of th e metropolitan area, especially by enablin g global com peti tiveness, productivity, and efficiency; • Increasing the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users; • Increase the security of the transportation system for motorize d and non-motorized users; • Increase the accessib ili ty and mobi lity options ava ilab le to people and for freight; • Protect and enhance the environment, promoting energy conservation, and improve the quality of life, and promote consistency between transportation improvements and State and loca l planned growth and economic development patterns; 2 • Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, f or peop le and freight; • Promote efficient system management and operation; and • Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system . Planning Emphasis Areas for FY 2006 The FTA and FHWA have identified Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs) to promote priority themes for consideration in metropolitan transportation planning processes. For this fiscal year, six key planning themes have been identified, and CAM PO will give consideration to these PEAs in administration of the 2006 UPWP . 1. Consideration of safety and security in the transportation planning process; 2 . Linkage of the planning and NEPA processes; 3. Consideration of management and operations with in planning processes; 4. State DOT consu ltation with non-metropolita n local officials; 5. Enhancing the technical capacity of planning processes; 6 . Coordination of human services transportation. Unified Planning Work Program Elements for FY 2006 The CAMPO UPWP consists of the following work elements: 1. MPO Program Administration and Support 2. General Tran sportation Planning 3. Short Range Transportation Planning 4. Long Range Transportat ion Planning 5. Transportation Improvement Program 6. Transit Planning 7. Studies 8 . Professional Services Contracting 3 1. MPO Progr am Administration and Support Objective: To provide for carrying out the administrative and support functions necessary for the federally requ ired metropolitan tran sportation planning process. This wil l con sist of, but not be limited to, the following items. Act ivi t ies: 1.1. M PO Policy and Adm i nistrative Support-Maintain appropriate MPO designation, memorandum of understanding, by-laws, other local agreements, etc. records and documents . Provide general MPO information as requested. Update policies and procedures as required, to conform to the new transportation plan (SAFETEA). 1.2 . MPO Committee Support-Prepare agendas, related materials and minutes for all Board of Directors and Tech nical Com mittee meetings and respond to individual committee information requests. This wou ld include si milar items fo r subcommittees formed for specific purposes authorized by the MPO. Also included are maintaining re lated MPO files and documents . Develop and provide agendas, related materials and minutes for the Technical Committee and Board of Directors meetings, and other committees and subco mmittees as req uired . • Attend and participate in loca l and reg ional comm ittees to furthe r multi-j urisditiona l coordination in planning and transportation. 1.3 . UPWP and Planni ng Funds Agreemen t - Develop unified planning work program for the next MPO fiscal year, describ ing activities to be ca rr ied out and the estimated amounts of federal plann ing and local funds necessary for each activity and total program budget. Provide budget and other information required to draft planning funds agreement. • Facilita t e execution of the plann ing fu nds agreement. Ma intain app ropria te cost records and t imely billing procedures. Issue quarterly progress and year-end reports . 1.4. T raining, Conf e r ences and Seminars-Training and develop ment of MPO Staff and MPO member representatives in areas re lated to transportation planning and Metropol ita n Planning Organization activ it ies. Products : MPO official files, i.e. Designation, MOU, By-Laws, MPO committee agendas and minutes files MPO planning funds invoices, MPO cost records, qua rterly & year-end reports FY 2007 UPWP & FY 2007 Funding Agreement Participation in conferences, sem inars and training related to transporta tion planning. Previous Work Completed Officia l files and records of the MPO we re maintained. I nformation on the Capital Area Metropo litan Area Planning Organization was provided to the publ ic and the media upon request and as per policy Agendas and agenda packets, CAMPO notebooks and minutes of the Board of Directors and Techn ical Committee were prepared Attended the Annual Conference on Transportation Planning for Small and Med iu m Sized Communities The annual Unified Planning Work Program was completed and adopted on September 29, 2004, amended on December 15, 2004 and again on February 23, 2005 4 Funding (estimated): Federa l -Conso lidat ed Planning Grant $16,607 Local -Membe r jurisd ictions $4,152 T otal $20,759 5 2. General Transportation Planning Objective: To provide for a wide range of transportation planning activities and studies supporting the transportation planning process for the Jefferson City metropolitan area. This includes supporting activities for federally mandated items such as the long-range transportation plan , the transportation improvement plan, the public involvement/participation plan and other supporti ng activities. 2.1. Comprehensive Transportation Planning Transportation Facilities-Assemble multimodal transportation information and data concerning transportation facilities and services wi thin the metropolitan planning area, incorporating facilities and services of transit, rail, ri ver, aviation, freight, and other transportat ion modes. • Assemble a transportation facility inventory, level of service and traffic cou nt data , corridor analyses, site impact stud ies. Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning -Prov ide ass ista nce in alternate transportation modes such as bicycle and pedestrian plannin g and info rm ation on present and future fa ci lities. • Coordinate with representatives fro m agencies, such as Parks and Recreation, and MODOT comm ittees, techn ical staff, and private interest groups to develop the Bicycle and Pedestrian components of the Long Range T ransportation Plan. Products: • A multi-modal facility and service inventory • A Bicycle/pedestrian/greenways component of the Long Range Transportation Plan and information ava ilable to regional planning agencies and local jurisdictions fo r comprehensive plans and spec ialized studies. Previous Work Completed St aff has been working with Jefferson City Parks and Recreation in developing a greenways plan, for incorporation into the Long Range Transportation Plan. MPO staff and loca l jurisdictio ns id entified Transportation En hance ment proj ects and participat ed in the application and selection process, resulting in the programming of four bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects. Funding (estimated): Federal -Co nsolidat ed Planning Grant $11,071 Local -Member jurisdictions $2,768 Total $13,839 6 3. Short Range Tra n sportat io n Pla nnin g Objective : To provide for multi modal transportation planning activi ties and studies supporting a three to five year planning period for the Jefferson City metropolitan area. Activities within Short Range Transportation Plann i ng : 3 .1. GIS Activities- Prepare maps, other graphics, and databases as necessary for MPO use. Provide for incorporation of MPO databases and mapping need s into the municipal GIS . • Coordinate with GIS staff for the production, collection, storage, analysis and presentation of information for MPO and public use. 3.2. Gene ral De ve lopment and Comprehen sive Pla nni ng -Provide demographic analyses and forecasting activities, such as land use, housing, environmental, open space, etc., related to tra nsportation planning for the metropolitan planning area. This includes utilization of Census and other recognized reliable data sources. Participate in loca l development and transportation related meetings on transportation, urbanization and annexation issues. Participate in local transportation and transportation-related studies and surveys. • Assist local and state agencies with information on transportation studies, traffic counts, demographic and socia l and economic information, and local comprehensive and transportation plan ni ng and studies .. • Support loca l and state agencies on MPO related activities and metropolitan a rea plann ing. End Prod ucts: Consolidated MPO area socio-economic and transportation databases. • Cooper ative studies and exchanges of infor mation between agencies. Planning participation in interagency and intergovernmental activities Previous Work Completed Staff provided employment, demographic and mapping services for the Transit Development Plan. Staff Attended the fo llowing meetings: The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee meetings, The Central Eastside Redevelopment meetings, The Mid Missouri Regiona l Planning Commission meeting, City of Jefferson Traffic and Transportation meetings, Subdivision and development meetings, Boone County Coordinated Transportation Services meetings The Major Projects Prioritization Task Force meetings and workshops, Transportation Enhancement meetings for district and loca l agencies Funding (estimated): Federal-Consolidated Planning Grant Loca l -Member jurisdictions Total 4. Long Range Transportation Plann ing $5,536 $1,384 $6,920 Objective : To provide for t ransportation planning activities and studies supporting the transportation 7 planni ng process out to a minimum of twenty (20) years, f o r the Jefferson City metropol itan area. Activities: 4.1. The Long-Range Transportation Plan The proposed proces s and associated activities f or development of the Capital Area MPO Long Range Tran sportation Plan (LRTP) include: De lineate the study area for the LRTP and assemble a demographic and socio-economic database f or use in the LRTP and by MPO member jurisdictions in loca l planning activities. Draft the in itial Long Ra nge Transportation Plan along a form at supported by and in consultation with, the Technical Committee, with background and projections of population and developm en t , incl uding anticipated urbani zation. • Subm it the initial LRTP to government and interested organi za tions for rev iew and recomm endation s. Hold open hou se meetings, and/or neighborhood meetings to provide public involvement prior to the draft LRTP . Incorporate co mments, reco mmendations and conclusions into the LRTP and consider these r eco mmendations in f or ecasts, planning proposal s, planning options, and plan development. • Coordinate with Travel Demand Forecast and Transit Deve lopment Program consultants on land use, popu lation and development forecasts for the 20+ year planning horizon, out to year 2030. • Incorporate travel demand forecasts, bicycle/ pedestri an and greenways plan s, and the Tran si t Development Program into the LRTP. Develop a draft LRTP ; submit this plan to the T ec hnical Committee. If recommend ed by the TC, publish and distribute the LRTP for a second public comment period. • Include add itional comments into the LRTP , and resubmit to the Technica l com mittee for information. • Submit the LRTP to the Board of Directors at a regularly sc heduled meeting, and provide additional pub lic comment opportunities. The Board ha s the option of app roving the LRTP, accepting the LRTP with chang es, or rejecting th e LRTP. Upda t e Land use data and project future land uses • Integrate Land use data into the Geog ra phic Information System 4 .2. Continued participation in the Missouri Department of Transpo rtation Planning Framework for Transportation De cision-Making. Partici pation in an evo lving Planning Framework, and co nsu ltation with DOT staff. End Products: • A compilation of t ra nsportati on and social and eco nomic inform ation for use in land use an d transportation decision -making . • An adopted Long Range Transportation Plan Previous Work Completed Rev iew of Long Rang e T ran spo rtation Pl an Federal Requirements and comparabl e docu ments of peer o rganizatio ns . • Tentative document f ormat outline. • Staff participated in the Mi sso uri Department of Tran spo rtation Planning Framework for T ransportation Decision -Making. Funding (estimated): 8 Federal -Consolidated Planning Gran t $55,356 Loca l -Member jurisdictions $13,839 Total $69,195 5. The Transportation Improvement Plan -The three t o five yea r program of tra nsportation and transpo rtati on related projects and programs. Objective: To identify and implement projects and programs over a three to five year planning horizon. Activities: 5 .1. Prepare the annual CAMPO Transportation Improvement Plan. 5.2. Fa cilitate amendment of the Transportation Improvement Plan, as required End Products: • FY 2007 Tran sportation Improvement Program. • Tip amendments as required. Previous Work Completed • The 2005-2007 TIP and amen dments Funding (estimated): Federal-Conso lid ated Planning Grant Local -Member jurisdictions Total $11,071 $2,768 $13,839 9 6. Transit Planning Objective: Provide necessary specialized planning re lated to transit services. Activities: 6.1. Operational Planning Support -Assist with operational planning functions including surveys and vario us service related analyses. • Triennia l Ce rtificatio n Review recommended tha t a Limite d English Proficiency Review be performed un der Title VI non-discrimination po licies. • A Li mit ed Englis h Proficiency report and analys is. 6.2. Transit Development Plan-A post-study review of the Transit Development Plan. End Products: • A post -study review of the Transit Development Plan, emphasizing implementation. Prev ious Work Completed • Staff at the MPO and JEFFTRAN is cu rrently in the process of conducting a Transit Development Plan t hrough a consu lting team, with complet ion expected in the Fall of 2005. Funding (estimated): Fede ral -Conso lidated Pla nnin g Grant $5,536 Loca l -Member jurisdict ions $1,384 Tota l $6,920 7. Studies Objective: A special transportation study based on current issues as directed by the MPO Board of Directors, subject to funding availability . Activities: 7 .1. Coordination of Human Services Transportation -As a component in the Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAS) for this planning year, the Missouri DOT has received a grant to conduct Framework for Actio n se lf-assessments or to implement plans resulting from such self-assessments. MPO will be working with MODOT on this prog ram. End Products: • A coord inated human services transportation del ivery system. Previous Work Complet ed No special studies have been requested or been identified. Funding (estimated): Federal -Conso lidated Planning Grant $5,536 Local-Member jurisdictions $1,384 Total $6,920 8. Professional Services contr acting 10 Objective: A principal goa l of the Long Range Tran sportation Plan is to be able to identify potential prob lem or congestion areas of the metropolitan area, plan fo r infrastructure investments, and evaluate po ssib le alternatives. To do this, the MPO requires forecasts of the demand for travel or transportation at t his po int in time and extend ing out to the 20+ year time fram e of t he Long Range Transporta tion Plan. Activities: 8.1. Travel Demand Forecasts-Contract for professional travel demand modeling services extend ing o ut to 2030 for the MPO planning area consisting of parts of callaway and Cole counties. End Products: • Short and long term trav el demand forecasts as part of the Long Rang e Transportation Plan . Previous Work Completed • No specia l studies have been requested or been identified. Funding (estimated): Federal -Co nso lid ated Planning Grant $24,000 Loca l -Member jurisdictions $6,000 Total $30,000 11 Budgets and Allocations The foll owi ng tables co ntain , 1) Staff allocations of time and expenditures, including salaries and direct expenses 2) the proposed local support by members of the MPO, and 3) the proposed budget. Work Program Task Contract and Staff Time Allocation This Item identifies the amount of time and cost that are anticipated to be ded ica ted to particular tasks throughout th e year. Salary portion of Task Alloca tion work task-Contract part of Direct Costs Salary, benefits, work task indirect costs MPO Program Admi nistr ation 15% $18,767 $1,992 General T ranspo rtation Planning $1 2,5 11 $1,328 10% Short Range Transportation $6,256 $664 Planning 5% l ong Ra nge Tr ansportation $62,555 $6,640 Planning 50% TIP 10% $12,511 $1 ,328 Transit Planning 5% $6,256 $664 Coordination of Human Service $6,256 $664 Transportation 5% Profess ional Services $30,000 $30,000 Totals $125,110 $30,000 $43 ,280 * Contract part of work ta sk 1ncluded 1n D1rect Costs The FY 2006 Federal and loca l funding member participation is as follows: UPWP Work Task Federal local Jefferson Co le City County MPO Program Admin istration & Support $16,607 $4,152 $2,491 $1,038 General Transportation Planning $11,07 1 $2,768 $1,661 $692 Short Rang e Transportation Plan ning $5,536 $1,384 $83 0 $346 l ong Ra nge Transportation Pla nning $55,356 $13,839 $8,303 $3,460 T ransportation I mprovement Program $11,071 $2,768 $1 ,661 $692 Transit Plan n ing $5,536 $1,384 $830 $346 Coordination of Human Service Transportation $5,536 $1,384 $830 $346 Professional Services Contracti ng $24,000 $6,000 $3,600 $1,500 T otal $134,712 $33,678 $2 0,207 $8,420 The MPO Budget Summary for FY 2006 follows on the next page. Totals $20,759 $13,839 $6,920 $69,195 $13,839 $6,920 $6,920 $30,000 $168,390 callaway County $623 $4 15 $208 $2,076 $415 $208 $208 $9 00 $5,052 12 Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization FY 2006 Budget UPWP Work Task Fed eral Local Total MPO Program Administration & Support $16 607 $4 152 $20 759 General Transportation Plann ing $11 071 $2 768 $13 839 Short Range Transportation Planning $5 536 $1 384 $6 920 Long Range Transportation Planning $55 356 $13 839 $69 195 Transportation Improvement Program $11 071 $2 768 $13 839 Transit Planning $5 536 $1 384 $6 920 Coo rd ination of Human Service Transportation $5 536 $1384 $6 920 Professional Services ContractinQ $24 000 $6 000 $30 000 Subtotal $134 712 $33 678 $168 390 Major Cost category Salaries (d irect labor) $73 576 $18 394 $91 970 FrinQe Benefits $26 512 $6 628 $33 140 Subtotal $100,088 $25,022 $125,110 Direct Costs Materials & Suppli es Adverti sing $400 $100 $500 Postage $400 $100 $500 Printing $400 $100 $500 Ope ratio nal Supplies $624 $156 $780 Food $960 $240 $1 200 Office Supplies $400 $100 $500 Copies $80 $20 $100 Su btotal $3 264 $8 16 $4 080 Contractual Services Professional Services Travel Demand Forecast;LRTP $24 000 $6 000 $30 000 Subtota l $24,000 $6,000 $30,000 Other Contracted Servi ces Dues & Publi ca t ions $800 $200 $1000 Meetings/Co nferences $2 BOO $70 0 $3 500 Trai ning/Education $2 400 $600 $3 000 Subtotal $6,00 0 $1 ,500 $7,500 Utilities Telephone $1040 $260 $1 300 Subtotal $1,040 $260 $1,300 Equipment Repair and Maint. $80 $20 $100 Vehicle Wash $40 $10 50 Radio Maintenan ce $40 $10 $50 Maintenan ce AQreement $1 60 $40 200 Subtotal $320 $80 $400 Capital Purchases EQuipmen t $0 $0 0 Subtotal $0 $0 _10 Direct Costs Subtotal $34,624 $8,656 $43,280 Total $134,712 $33 ,678 $168,390 13 AQ "3C" CAAA CMAQ CMS co CPG DOT FHWA FTA FY ITS LRTP MIS Acronyms Commonly Used in Metropolitan Planning Air Quality Continuing, Comprehensive, and Cooperative Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Congestion Management System carbon Monoxide Conso lidated Planning Grant Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration Fiscal Year Intelligent Transportation Systems Long-range Transportation Plan Major Investment Study MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NHS Nationa l Highway System Pl Planning funds SIP State Implementation Plan (for air quality) SOV Single Occupant Vehicle SPR STP TC TAZ TOP State Planning and Research funds Surface Transportation Program Technical Committee Transportat ion Analysis Zones (may also be referred to as Traffic Analysis Zones) Transit Development Plan TOM Transportation Demand Management TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century TIP Tran sportation Improvement Program Title VI Title VI of the U.S. Civ il Rights Act of 1964, as amended TMA Transportation Management Area UPWP Unified Planning Work Program UZA Urbanized Area VMT Vehicle Mile s Traveled 14 Definition of Terms That May Be Used In This Document Terms used in this document are derived from, and conform t o, 23 U.S.C. Consultation means t hat one party confers with another identified party and, prior to taking action(s), considers that party's views. Cooperation mean s that the parties in volved in carrying out the planning, programming and managem ent systems processes work together to achieve a common goal or objective. Coordination means th e comparison of the transportation plans, programs, and schedules of one agency with related plans, programs and sche dules of other agencies or entities with legal standing, and adjustment of plans, programs and sc hedule s to achieve general consistency. Maintenance area means any geographic region of the United Sta te s designated nonattainment pursuant to the CAA Amendm ents of 1990 (Section 102(e)), 42 U.S.C. 74 10 et seq., and sub sequently redesignated to attainment subject t o the requirement to develop a maintenance plan under section 175A of the Clean Air Act as amended (CAA), 42 U.S.C. 7410 et seq. Major metropolitan transportation investment mean s a highway or transit improvement of substantial cost that is expected to have a significant effect on capacity, traffic flow, level of service, or mode share at the tran sportation corridor or sub-a rea scale. Management system mean s a systematic process, desig ned to assist decision-make rs in se lecting cost effective strategies/ actions to improve the efficiency and safety of, and protect the investment in th e nation's infrastructure. A management system includes: identification of performance measures; data collection and analysis; determination of needs; evalua ti on, and selection of appropria t e strategies/actions to address the needs; and eva lu ation of the effectiveness of the implemented strategies/actions . Metropolitan planning area mea ns the geograp hi c area in which the metropolitan transportation planning process requi red by 23 U.S .C. 134 and section 8 of the Federal Transit Act must be carried out. Metropolitan planning organization CMPO) means th e forum for cooperative transportation deci sion -making for the metropolitan planning area. MPOs designated prior to the promulgation of this regulation re main in effect until rede sign ated in accordance with § 450.106 . Metropolitan transportation plan mean s the officia l intermodal transportation plan that is developed and adopted through the metropolitan transportation planning proce ss for the metropolitan planning area . Nonattainment area mean s any geograph ic region of the United States that the Env ironme ntal Protection Agency (EPA) has des ign ated as a nonattainment area fo r a transportation related pollutant(s) for which a National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) exists. Regionally significant project means a project (othe r tha n projects that may be group ed in the STIP/TIP pursuant to § 450.216 and § 450.324) that is on a facility which serves regional tran spo rtation needs (suc h as access to and from the area outside of the region, major activity centers in the region, major planned developments such as new retail malls, sports complexes, etc., or transportation terminals as well as most terminals themselves) and wou ld normally be incl uded in the modeli ng of a metropolitan area 's transportation network, includ ing, as a minimum, all principal arterial hig hways and all fixed guide way transit facilities that offer a significant alternat ive to regiona l highway travel. State Implementation Plan CSIPl means t he portion (or portions) of an applicable implementation plan approved or promulgated, or t he most recent revision thereof, under sections 110, 301(d) and 175A of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7409, 7601, and 7505a). Statewide transportation improvement program CSTIPl means a staged, multiyear, statewide, intermodal program of transportation projects that is consistent with the statew ide transportation plan and planning processes and metropolitan plans, TIPs and processes. Statewide transportation plan means the official statewide, intermodal t ran sportation plan tha t is developed 15 through the statewide transportation planning proces s. Tr ansportation improvement program CTIPl mea ns a staged, multiyear, intermoda l prog ram of transportation projects consiste nt with the metropolitan transportation plan. Transportation Management Area CTMAl means an urba ni zed area with a popu lation over 200,000 (as determined by the latest decennial census) or other area when T MA designation is requested by the Governor and the MPO (or affected local officials), and officially designated by t he Administrators of the FHWA and the FTA . The TMA des ignation app lies to the entire metropolitan planning area(s). 16