HomeMy Public PortalAbout2007 - CAMPO Unified Planning Work Program - Adopted 2006-09-07For the Jefferson City, Missouri Metropolitan Region Adopted September 7, 2006 The FY 2007 Unified Planning Wo r k Program has been approved and adopted by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Board of Directors at the regularly sc heduled m eeting of September 7, 2006. Minutes of the meeting a r e o n file at the Department of Community Devel op m ent/Planning Division -Room 120, John G. Christy Muni ci pa l Building, 320 East Mc Ca rty , Jefferson City, Missouri 65101. The preparation of this report was financed in part by the U.S. Department ofTransportation, Federal Highway Administration, and Fede ral Transit Administration in coopera t ion with the Missouri Department of Transportation. The op inions, findings , and conclusions expressed in this report are no t necessari ly those of the Federa l Highway Administration, Federal Transit Ad ministration, or the Missou ri Hi ghway and T rans portation Department. Table of Contents 1-Background ............................................................................................................... 1 2-Financial Support of the MPO ....................................................................................... 1 3-Purpose of the UPWP .................................................................................................. 1 4-Planning Fa ctors ......................................................................................................... 2 5-Planning Emphasis Areas For FY 2007 ........................................................................... 2 6-Un ifi ed Pl anning Work Program El ements for FY 2007 ..................................................... 2 7-MPO Program Admini stration and Support ..................................................................... 3 8 -Genera l Transportation Plan n ing .................................................................................. 4 9-Short Range Transportation Pl an nin g ............................................................................ 5 10-Long Range Transportati on Pla nn ing ........................................................................... 6 11-Transportation Improvement Pl a n ............................................................................... ? 12-T ransit PI ann in g ....................................................................................................... 7 13-Stu di es ................................................................................................................... 8 14-Professional Services Contracting ............................................................................... 8 15-Budgets and Allocations ............................................................................................ 9 15.1-Contract and Staff Time Allocati ons ....................................................................... 9 15 .2-Th e FY 2007 Federa l a nd l oca l f unding support ....................................................... 9 15.3-Th e FY 2007 local funding support by jurisdicti on .................................................. 10 15.4-MPO Work Program Budget ................................................................................. 11 Acronym s Commonl y Used in Metropol itan Plann i ng ......................................................... 12 Definitions of Te rm s That May Be Used In This Document.. ................................................ 1 3 MPO Administration is provided by th e City of Jefferson, Mi sso uri Department of Community Deve lopment/P lan ni ng Div ision Room 120 John G. Christy Municipa l Bu il di ng 320 East McCarty Jefferson City, Missouri Te lephone 573-634-6410 For questions or comments, con t act Janice McMillan or Alan Morrison at the Pl ann i ng Di vis i on Photography an d Graphi cs by Al an Morrison, Planning Div. i i 1. Backgro und The Capital Area Metropo litan Planning Organization was designated by the Governor of Missouri as the metropolitan planning organizati on for the Jefferson City urbanized area on May 7, 2003. This designation allows the Capita l Area Metropo l itan Planning Organization (CAM PO ) t o be the recipient of metropol itan planning funds from both th e Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Tran sit Administration (FTA) of the US Department of Transportation. Metropolitan planning funds from FHWA are "PL" funds and those from FTA are referred to as Section 5303 funds. The two funds are combined into a co nsolidated planning grant (CPG) for the MPO and are administered through the Missouri Department of Transportation. Since these funds are consolidated, they are not identified separately by work task within this document. Federa l f unds shown for fisca l year 2007 are estimates, and are bas ed on the best available information. The Metropolita n Planning Organ ization is comprised of a Technical Committee composed of technical and planning staff from local, State, and Federal agencies of the MPO membership, and a Board of Di rectors composed of elected officials from a geographical area that includes portions of Co le and Ca llaway Counti es, the Cities of Jefferson and Holts Summit, and the towns of St. Martins and Lake Mykee, all within the State of Missouri. Officers to the Technical Committee and the Board of Directors are elected annually, and any member of t h e respective committee may serve. The CAMPO memorandum of understanding identifies the City of Jefferson as the MPO administrator, and as such, provi des staffing for CAMPO. 2. F in ancial S uppor t for th e MPO Based on the Memorandum of Understanding, financial obligation to support the MPO consists of 80% Federal funding through the Consolidated Planning Grant, composed of FHWA PL funds and FTA 5303 p lanning funds, and 20% in loca l funding. The participants providing the local funding are Callaway County, Cole Cou nty and Jefferson City. Jefferson City provides 60% of the local support, Co l e County provides 25% of the loca l support and Callaway County provides 15%. 3. T he P u rpose o f th e UPWP The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) o utlines a yearly prog ra m of transportation pl anning activities and studies to be funded by federal metropol itan planning and loca l funds and serves as the basis for funding agreements with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). It also serves as a management tool for schedu l ing, budgeting and monitoring the planning activities of the participating agencies and governments re lated to transportation planning for the area. In developing a planning work program, the previous transportatio n act, TEA-21, required the MPO to provide for cons id eration of projects and strategies that will accomplish t he objectives of 7 "Planni ng Factors". Under SAFETEA -LU, the newest transportation act, eight planning factors must now be considered during the development of any MPO plan. The following is a listing of the Planning Factors: 1 4. SAFETEA-LU Planning Factors • Support the economic vita lity of the metropolitan area, espec i ally by enabling global competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency. • Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users. • Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users. • Increase the accessibility and mobility options availabl e to people and for freight. • Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservat ion, improve the qua lity of life, and promote consistency between transportation improvements and State and local planned growth and economic deve lopment patterns. • Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight. • Promote efficient system management and operation. • Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system. 5. Plann in g Emph asis A r eas fo r 2007 The FTA and FHWA have also identified Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs) to promote priority themes for consideration i n metropolitan transportation planning processes. For this fiscal year, six key planning themes have been identifi ed, and CAMPO wi ll give consideration to these PEAs in administration of the 2007 UPW P. • Consideration of safety and security in the transportation planning process; • Linkage of the planning and NEPA pro cesses; • Consideration of management and operations within planning processes; • State DOT consultation with non -metropolitan local officials; • Enhanci ng the technica l capacity of planning processes; • Coordina tion of human services t r ansportation. 6. U nified Planning Work Prog ram E lemen ts for FY 2007 The CAMPO UPWP consists of the fo llowing work elements: • MPO Program Administration and Support • General Transportation Planning • Short Range Transportation Planning • Long Range Transportation Planning • Transportation Improvement Program • Transit Planning • Studies • Professional Services Con tracting 2 7. MPO Program Administration a nd Support 7.1. Objective: To provide f or carrying out the administrative and support functions necess ary for the federally r eq uired metropolitan t rans portation planning process . This will consist of, but not be l imited to, the following i te m s . 7.2. Acti v ities: 7.2.1. MPO Policy and Administrative Suppo rt-Ma intain appropriate MPO designati on, memorandum of understanding, by-laws, other l oca l agreements, etc . records and docum ents . • Provide general MPO information as requested. • Update pol icies and pro ce dures as re quired. • Update Title VI and Environmental Justice review to include survey of jurisd i ctions and TIP reporting. 7.2.2. MPO Committee Support-Pr epa re agendas, rela ted materials and minutes for B oard of Directors and Technical Committee meeti ngs and re spond to indi vi du al committee information reques t s . Th is would include si milar ite m s for subcommittees f orm ed for specific purposes au th orized by the MPO. Also includ ed is th e maintenance of re l ated MPO fi l es and d ocuments. • Develop and provide agendas, related materia ls and minu tes for t h e Te chn ical Co mmittee and Board of Directors meetings, and othe r committees and subcom mittees as requ ire d . • Attend and parti cipate in l oca l and regiona l co mmittees to further multi-jurisditional coo r dination in p lanning and transportation. 7.2.3. UPWP and Plannin g Funds Agreement- • Devel op the unified planning work program for the next fisca l year, descri bin g activi t ies to be carried out and the estimated amounts of f edera l planning and l ocal funds nec essary fo r each activity and total program budg et. • Provide a budge t an d other information requi re d t o draft the planning funds agreeme nt. • Facilitate execution of the p l a nning funds agreement. Ma intain appropriate cost r eco rd s and bi lling procedures. • Prepare qua rterl y progress and year-end reports. 7.2.4. Training, Confer en ces and Semin ar s-Training and devel opm en t of MPO Staff and MPO member representatives in areas re lated to transportation pl ann ing and Metropo litan Planning Organization activities. 7.3 . Products: • MP O official fi les, i.e. Desig nation, MOU, By-Laws, • MPO committee agendas and minutes fi les • MP O planning funds invoices, MPO cos t r ecords, qua rterly & year-end reports • FY 20 0 8 UPWP & FY 2008 Funding Agreement • Participation in conferences, seminars and training re l ated to tran sporta ti on pl anning . 7.4 . Previous Work Co mpleted: • Offi cia l fil es and records of the MPO have been maintained. Information on t he Capital Area Metropo l itan Area Planning Or ga nization was provided to t he public and the media upon request • Participation in regiona l p l anning, such as the Missouri Department of Transportation Planning Fr amewo rk for Transportation Decision-Mak ing. • Agendas and agenda pac k ets, CA MPO notebooks and minutes of the Board of Directors and T echnical Com m i ttee were updated an d maintained • The Annual Unified Pla nning Work Program for 2006 was comp leted and adopted Septembe r 28, 2005 • Quarterly progress reports are being submi tted • Annua l budget is prep a red and adopted as part of the UPWP 3 7.5. Funding (es timated ): (MPO Program Admini strati on and Su pport con t.} Fe deral -Conso lidated Planning Grant $23,366 Lo ca l -Member jurisdictions $5,842 To ta l $29,208 8. Gen eral Trans portation Pl a nn ing 8 .1 . Objective: To provide for a wide range of transportation p lann i ng activi t i es and studi es supporting t he transportation planning process for the Jefferson City metr opolitan area . Th is includes s upporti ng activities for required items such as the long -range transportation plan, the transportation improve ment plan , the public involvement/participati o n plan and other supp orting activities. 8.2 . Ac tiviti es: 8.2.1. Comprehens ive Transportation Plan ning Transportation Facilities-As semble multimodal t ran spo rtation informatio n and data concerning transportation faci l iti es and services within the metropolitan planning area, incorporating faci l iti es and services of transit, rail, ri ver, av i ation, freight, and other transportation modes. • Assemble a t r ansportation fa ci lity inven tory, level of service and traffic co unt data, corridor analyses, site impact studies. 8.2.1 .2. Bi cy cle a nd P edes trian Planning-Provide assistance i n alternate transportation modes s uch as bi cycle and p edestri an pla nning and info rmation on p r esent and future facilities. • Coordinate City departments and representati ves f rom agencies, such as Parks and Recreation, and MODOT committees, tech ni ca l st aff, and private interest groups to develop the Bicycle and Pedestrian components of the Long Range Transportation Plan . 8.3. Products: • A multi -m oda l f aci lity and service inventory, with incl u sion of a freig ht inven tory co mp onent. • A Bicyclefpedestrian/gr ee nways component of the Long Range Tran sportation Pla n and informati on availabl e to regional planning agencies and loca l jurisd ictions for comprehensive pl ans and specia l ized studies. 8.4. Prev ious Work Completed : • Staff has been working w ith Jeffer son City Parks and Recreation in updating the greenways pl an, f o r incorporation in to the Long Range Transportation Plan . • MPO staff and loca l jurisd i ctio ns identifie d Transportation Enhan ceme nt projects and participa ted in the application and se l ection process, r esu lting in the prog ram ming of three bicycle and pedestr ian improvement projects. 8.5. Funding (es timated): Federa l -Consolidated Planning Grant $17,525 Loca l -Member j urisdi ctions $4 ,381 Tota l $21,906 4 9. Short Ran ge Trans portation Planning 9.1. Obj ective : To provide for mu ltimodal transportation pla nning activ ities and studies supporting a three to five year p lanning period f or the Jefferson City met ropo litan area . 9.2. Activiti es wi t hin Short R a nge Tra ns porta tion P la nning: 9.2.1. G I S Activiti es - • Prepare maps, other graphics, and databases as necessary for MPO use • Provide for incorporation of MPO databases and mapping need s into the GlS system • Coordi nate with GIS st aff f or the production, co ll ecti on, sto rage, analysi s and prese ntation of i nformati on for MP O and public u se 9.2.2. Gene r a l Development and Co mpreh ens ive Pl a nning-Provi de demographic analyses and forecasting activities, such as land use, housing, environmental , open space, etc ., re lated to t r ansportation p lanning for the met ropo litan pl ann ing area. This includes utilization of Census and othe r recogn ized re l iable data sources. • Pa rticipate in loca l developm ent and tra nsportation re lated meeti ngs on t ransportati on, urbanization and annexation issues • Participate in loca l transportation and t r ansportation-related studies and surveys • Coordinate and support l oca l and state agencies on MPO related activities and metropol itan area planning w i th infor mation on transportation studies, traffic counts, demographic in for mation, socioeco n omic i n formation , and loca l co m prehensive and t r anspo rtation p lan ni n g studies w h en avai l ab le 9.3. E nd Produc ts: • Conso l idated MPO area socio-econom ic and transportation databases • Cooperative studies and exchanges of information between agencies • Planning parti cipa t ion in interagency and inter govern men tal activities 9.4. Previ ous Work C omple t e d : 9.4.1. Staff Attended the following meetings: • Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee meetings, • Mid Mis so uri Regiona l Planning Commission meetings, • City of Jefferson T r affic and Tra n sportati on m eetings, • subd i v isi on and devel opment review m eeti ngs, • Boone County Coo r di n ated Transporta t ion Stu dy meetings, • Major Projects Pr ior itiz ation Task Force meetings and workshops, • Tran sportation Enhancement meetings for distri ct and l oca l agencies, • government agency/public utility planning and operation meetings, • Statewide Transportation Priorities meetings, • Midwest Transportation Confe r ence, and • Missouri scenic byways meeti ng 9.5. F unding (es timated ): Federal -Conso l idated Pl anning Grant $5,842 Local -Membe r ju ri sdictions $1,460 Total $7,302 5 1 0. Long Range T r a nsportation Planning 1 0.1. Objective: To provide for transportation pl anning activities and studies supporting the transportation planning pro cess out to a minimum o f twenty (20) years, for the Jefferson City metropolitan area. 1 0.2. Activities : • The proposed process an d associated activities for devel opment of the Cap ital Area MPO Long Range Tran sportatio n Plan (LRTP) include: • De l ineate the study area for the LRTP and assemble a d em og ra phic and socio-economic database for use in the LRTP and by MP O m ember jurisdictions i n local p l anning activities • Draft the initial Long Range Transportation Plan along a form at supported by and in cons ultation with, the Technica l Comm ittee, with background and projections of population and development, includ ing anticipated urban iza t io n • Submit the initial LRTP to governm ent and interested organizations for r eview and r ecommendations. Hold ope n h ouse meetings and/or neig hborhood meetings to provide public involvement at times prior t o an d during developme nt of the LRTP. Incorporate comments, recommendations and concl usion s into the LRTP and cons id er these recommendations in fo r ecasts, planning proposals, p lann ing option s, and plan d eve lopment • Update Land use data and project future l and uses • Integrate Land use data into the Geographic Information Syste m • Coo rdin ate with Travel De mand Forecast consu ltants o n land use, p opulation and devel opment for ecasts for the 20+ y ea r pla nn ing hori zon , out to yea r 2030 • Inco r porate travel demand for ecasts, bicycle/ pedestrian, greenways p lans, major street p lans, and the Tran si t Deve l opment Program i nto the LRTP • Incl ud e additional comments into th e LRTP, an d res ubmit t o th e T ech nical co mmittee for i nform at ion • Submit the LRTP to the Boa rd of Directors at a regu larly sc heduled m eeting, and provide add itiona l publi c co mm ent opportunities . The Board has the option of approving the LRTP, accepting the LRTP with changes, or r ejecting the LRTP 1 0.3. Produc ts : • Acquisition of tran sportat io n and soci a l and economic information for use in land use and transportation decision-making to the TAZ le ve l • An adopted Long Range Tra nsportation Plan 1 0.4. Previo us Work Co mp leted: • Co mpletion of initial county and municipa l level popul atio n forecasts to 2030 (not to the TAZ level ) 1 0.5. F undin g (es timated ): Federal -Co n so l idated Pl anni ng Gr an t $40,891 Local -Member jurisdictions $10,223 Tota l $51,114 6 1 1. The Transportation Improvement Plan -Th e four year program of transportation and transport ation re l ated projects and p rog r ams. 11.1. Objective: To id entify and i mplement projects and pro grams over a three to five year planning horizon. 11.2. Activities: • Prepare the annua l CAMPO Transportati on Improvement Plan • Facil i tate am endment of t h e Transportat ion Improvemen t Pl an, as required 11.3. Produc ts: • FY 2008 Transportation Improvement Program (expanded for Title VI and Environmental Ju stice r evi ew) • Tip amendments as required 1 1.4. Previous Work C ompleted: • The 2007-2010 TIP and amend m ents 11.5. Funding (estimated ): Fede ral -Conso li dated Planning Gra nt $11,683 Loca l -Member juri sd i ctions $2,921 Total $1 4,6 04 12. Transit Planning 1 2.1 . Objective: Provid e n ecessa r y specia lized pl anni ng r elated to transit serv ices 12.2. Activities: 1 2.2.1 . Operation a l Planning Support -Assist with operati ona l pl anni ng fun cti on s in cluding s urveys and various service related anal yses 12.2.2. Revi ew of Title VI Compliance - 12.3. Products: • A Limited English Pr oficiency ana l ysis and report • Trans i t and the MPO wi ll initiate a comp l iance r eview of Ti t l e VI acti viti es • An update of Titl e Vi and Envi r onmenta l Justice co m pliance, expanded to include a TIP section for MPO -wide nondiscrimination compli ance across mod es and juri sd icti ons 12.4. Previous Work C ompl eted: • Transit Development Plan compl eted i n 2006 12.5. Funding (es timated ): Fed eral -Conso li da t ed Plan ni ng Grant $5,84 2 Local -Member jurisdictions $1,460 Total $7,302 7 13. S tudi es 13.1. O bjecti ve : Special transportation studies on current issues or plans as approved by the MPO Board of Directors and l oca l participation. 13.2. A cti v ities : 13.2.1. Coordina tion of Human Se r v i ces T r an sp o r tatio n -For FTA programs for underserved p opu lations: the El derly Individuals and Individuals wi th Disabilities program (Section 5310); t he Job Access and Reverse Commute prog r am (Section 5316); and t he New Freedom program (sec ti on 5317) funding and pro j ects must be derived fro m a l oca l ly developed, coordi nated public transit-human servi ces trans portation plan. • Inventory and identify socia l service and human service agencies and activities that fall under these programs • Participate in a loca lly d eveloped coordination servi ces p lan for the metropolitan r egion for improving coordinatio n am ong publ ic transportation and other transportation service providers. 1 3.3. Produc t s: • A plan for coordinated human services transportation. 13.4. Previous W ork Complet ed: • No specia l studies have been performed. 13.5. F unding (es timated ): Federa l -Consolidated Planning Gr ant $5,842 local -Member jurisdictions $1,460 Total $7,302 14. P r o f ess i o na l Se r v ices co ntracting 14.1. Objec ti ve : A principa l goal of the Long Range Transportation Plan is to be ab l e to i dentify potential problem or congesti on areas of the metropolita n area, plan for infrastructure investments, and eva l uate possible alternatives. To do this, t h e MPO requires forecasts of the demand for travel or tra nspo rtati on at this point in time and extending out to t he 20+ year tim e frame of the Long Range Transportation Plan. 14.2. A cti v ities: • Travel Demand Forecasts -Contract for professional travel demand mode l ing servi ces extending out t o 2030 for the MPO p lann in g area consisting of porti ons of Ca llaway and Co le counties . 14.3. Produc ts: • Short and long term travel demand forecasts as part of the Long Range Transportation Pl an. 14.4. Prev i ou s Work C omplet ed : • No previous specia l st udies have been performed. A previous county-wide transportation plan was completed in 2003 for Co l e County, including congested roadway location forecasts out to year 2021. 14.5. F unding (es timated ): (Professio nal Services Contracting co nt.) Federa l -Co nso l idated Planning Grant $29,842 l oca l -Member jurisdictions $7,460 Total 37,302 8 15. Budgets and All ocatio ns • The fo ll owi ng tables co ntain , 1) St aff all ocations of time and expen d itures, in cl ud i ng sala ri es and direct expenses 2) proposed local support by members of the MPO 3 ) proposed local support by jurisdiction and 4) the proposed overa ll budget. 15.1. Work Program Tas k Con tract a nd Staff Time All ocations-This Item identifies the amount of time a n d cost that are antici pated to be dedicate d to parti cu lar tasks t hro u ghout the year . %of Staff Salaries, Contractu Direct UPWP Work Task Cost Time benefits, al work Cos ts Tota ls Allocation indirect costs MPO Program Administra t i on & $26,552 $2,656 $29,208 Support 20% General Transportation Planninq 15% $19,914 $1 ,992 $21,906 Short Range Transportation $6,638 $664 $7,302 Planning 5% Long Ran ge Transportati o n $46,466 $4,648 $51,114 Planninq 35% Transportation Improvement $13,276 $1,3 28 $14,604 Program 10 % Transit Planning 5% $6,638 $664 $7,302 Coordination of Human Service $6,638 $664 $7,302 Trans portati o n 5% Pr ofessiona l Services $6,638 $30,000 $664 $37,302 Contracting 5% Tota l 100% $132,760 $30,000 $13,280 $176,040 15.2. The FY 2006 Fede1·a J and local funding s upport: UPWP Work Task Federa l Lo ca l Total MPO Prog ra m Ad m in is t ra t ion & Su pport $23,366 $5,842 $29,208 General Transportation Pl ann ing $17,525 $4,381 $21 ,906 Sho rt Ra ng e Transportation Plann ing $5,842 $1,4 60 $7,302 Long Range Transportation Planning $40,891 $10,223 $51,114 T ra nsportation Improvement Program $11,683 $2,921 $14,604 Transit Pl anning $5,842 $1,460 $7,302 Coordination of Hum an Service Transportation $5,842 $1,460 $7,302 Professiona l Services Contracting $29,842 $7,460 $37,302 Tota l $140,832 $35,208 $176,040 9 15.3. The FY 2006 1oca l funding support by jurisdictio n: UPWP Work Task Jefferson Co le County Ca ll away Tota ls City County MPO Prooram Administration & Su p port $3 505 $1 460 $876 $5,842 General Transportation Planning $2 629 $1 095 $657 $4,381 Short Range Transportation Planning $876 $365 $219 $1,460 Lonq Ranqe Transportation Pla nnin q $6 134 $2 556 $1 533 $10 ,223 Tra nspo rtati on Improvement Program $1 752 $730 $438 $2,921 T ra nsit Plann ing $876 $365 $219 $1,460 Coordination of Human Service $1,460 Transportation $876 $365 $219 Profession a l Services Contracti ng $4 476 $1 865 $1 119 $7,460 Total $21 125 $8 802 $5 281 $35,208 10 15.4 . The MPO Budget for FY 2007 Maior Cost Cateqorv Federal Local Total Labor Sa laries (staff/ labor) $47,694 $11,924 $96,720 Benefits $17,742 $2,774 $36,040 Labor Subtotal $65,436 $14,697 $132,760 Contra ctual Services Professional Services Travel Demand Forecast/LRTP $24,000 $6,000 $30,000 Contracted To ta l $24 ,000 $6,0 00 $30,000 Direct Costs Materi al s & Suppl ies Advertisin g $400 $100 $500 Postage $400 $100 $500 Printing $400 $100 $500 Ooerationa l Suooli es $624 $156 $780 Food $960 $240 $1,200 Offi ce Suppl ies $400 $1 00 $500 Copies $80 $20 $100 Subtotal $3,264 $8 1 6 $4,080 Oth er Co n tracted Services Dues & Pub l ications $800 $2 00 $1,000 Meetings/Conferences $2,800 $700 $3,500 Training/Education $2,400 $600 $3,000 Subtotal $6,000 $1,500 $7,500 Utilities Tel ep hone $1 ,040 $260 $1,300 Subtotal $1,040 $260 $1,300 Equipment Repa ir and Maint. $80 $20 $100 Vehicle Wash $40 $10 $50 Radio Main tenan ce $40 $10 $50 Ma intena nce Aqreement $160 $40 $200 Subtotal $320 $80 $400 Ca pital Purchases Equipment $0 $0 $0 Su btotal $0 $0 $0 Direct Costs Total $34,624 $8,656 $13,280 Total Labor and All Costs $140,832 $35,208 $176,040 11 Acronym s Commonl y Used in Metropolitan Planning AQ "3C" CAAA CMAQ CMS co CPG DOT FHWA FTA FY ITS LRTP MIS MOA MOU MPO MTP NAAQS NHS PL SAFETEA-LU SIP sov SPR STP TC TAZ TOP TOM TEA-21 TIP Title VI TMA UPWP UZA VMT Air Qua lity Continuing, Comprehensive, and Cooperative Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Congestion Management System Carbon Monoxide Conso lidated Planning Grant Department of Trans portation Fed eral Highway Admin i stration Federal Transit Administrati on Fiscal Year Inte lli gent Transpo rtation Systems Long-range Transportation Pl an (also referred to as MTP} Major Investment Study Memorandum of Agreement Memorandum of Und erstandi ng Metropolitan Plann ing Organi zation Metropolitan Transportation Plan Nationa l Ambient Ai r Qua lity St and ar ds National Highway System Planning fu nds Safe, Accountable, Flexi bl e, Efficien t Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Us ers St ate Implementation Pl an (for air qual ity) Single Occupant Ve hi cle State Plan ning and Resea r ch funds Surface Transportation Program Technica l Committee Transportation Ana lysis Zones (may also be referred to as Traffic Analysis Zones) Transit Developmen t Plan Transportation Demand Management Transportation Eq uity Act for the 21st Century Transportation Improvem ent Program Titl e VI of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended Transportation Management Area Unified Planning Work Program Urbanized Area Vehicle Mi l es Travel ed 12 Definition of Terms That May Be Used In This Document Terms used i n this document are derived from, an d conform to, 23 U.S.C. Consultation means tha t o ne party confers with anot her id enti f ied party and , prior t o taki ng action(s), considers that party's views. Cooperation means that the parties involved in car r ying out the planning, programming and man agement systems processes work together to achieve a common goa l or objective. Coordinati o n m eans the comparison of the transportation plans, program s, and sch ed ules of one agency with r e lated plans, p rogram s and schedules of other agencies or entities with legal standing, and adjustmen t of p lans, programs and schedules to achieve general consis t ency. Mainte nance area means any geographic region of the United States designated nonattainment pursuant to t h e CAA Amendments of 1990 (Sect io n 102(e)), 42 U.S.C. 7410 et seq., and subsequently redesignated to attainment subj ect to the req ui r e ment to deve lop a mai ntenan ce plan u nder section 175A of the Clean Air A ct as amended (CAA), 42 U.S.C. 7410 et seq. Major metropolitan transportation investment m ea ns a highway or transit impr ovem e nt of substantial cost t h at is expected to have a significant eff ect on capacity, traffic f l ow, l evel of service, or mode sh are at the tra ns po rtatio n corridor or s ub-area sc ale . Management system m eans a systematic process, designed to as sist deci sion-makers in se lecting cost effective strategies/ ac tions to improve the efficiency and safety of, and protect the investment in the nation's infrastructure. A m an agem en t system includes: identification of performance measures; data co ll ection an d analysis; determination of needs; evaluation , an d se l ection of appropriate strategies/acti ons to address the n eeds; and eval uat ion of the effectiveness of the implemented str ateg i es/act ions. Metropolitan p lanning area means t h e geographic area in which the metropolitan transportation pl anning process r eq uire d by 23 U.S.C. 134 and sectio n 8 of the Federa l Transit Act must be ca rri ed out. Metropolitan planning organi zation (MPQ) m eans the forum for coo perati ve transportation decision-making fo r th e met ropo litan planni ng are a. MP Os designated prior t o the prom ulgation of this regu lat ion remai n i n eff ect until redesignat ed i n accordance w it h § 450.106. Metropolitan Transportation Plan m ea ns the official intermoda l transportation pl an that is developed and adopted through th e metropolitan transportation p l anning process f or the metropolitan planning area. Nonattainment area means any geogr ap hic re g ion of the United States that the Environm en tal Protection Agency (EPA) has d esig nated as a nonattainment area fo r tran sportati on relat ed po l l uta nt(s) for whi ch a National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) exists. Regionally significant project means a project (other than projects that ma y be grouped in the STIP/TIP pu r suant to§ 450 .216 and§ 450.324) th at is on a facility which serves regional transportation needs (such as access to and from th e area outside of the reg i on, major acti vity centers in t he region, major p lann ed develop ments such as new retai l mall s, sports co mplexes, etc., or transport ation termin als as we ll as most termina ls the m selves) and wou ld normall y be included in the modeling of a metropoli tan area's transportation network, including, as a minimum, a ll principa l arteria l highways and all fi xe d guide way transit faciliti es that offer a significant alternative to regional highway travel. State Impl ementation Plan (SIP) mea ns t he portion (or porti ons) of an applicabl e implemen tation plan approved or promul gated, or the most recent revisi on t hereof, under sections 110, 301( d ) and 175A of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S .C. 7409, 7601, and 7505a). Statewide transportation improvement orogram CSTI P) means a staged, multiyear, statewide, intermodal program of transportation projects that is co nsistent with the statewi de transportation p lan and p lanning processes and metr op o lit an p lans, TIPs and pro cesses . Statewide transportation plan means the officia l sta tewide, intermoda l transportation p lan that is developed through the statewid e transpor tation planning process . Transportation improvement program (TIP) means a staged, multiyear, i n termoda l program of transp orta ti on proj ects con sist ent with t he metropol it an t r ansportat ion plan. 13 T ransp o rtation Management Area (TMA) means an u rbanized area with a population over 200,000 (as determined by the latest decennial census) or other area when TMA designation is requested by the Governor and the MPO (or affected local officia l s), and officially designated by the Adm inistrators of the FHWA and the FTA . The TMA designation applies to the entire m etropoli t an pl anning area(s). 14