HomeMy Public PortalAbout2007 - CAMPO FY2007-2010 Transportation Improvement Program - Draft 2006-August'· .fJt TRANSPORTATIO~ ~ PJlOVEMENTPR0G1\~ FY 2007-2010 For the Jefferson City, Missouri Metropolitan Region Draft-August, 2006 Table of Contents Trans portatio n Plan ni ng Pr ocess Ce rtifi cation Statement .................................................................... ii i Certification Of Restrictions On Lobbying .......................................................................................... iv MPO Members and Staff ................................................................................................................. v The Purpose of the Transportation Improvement Program ................................................................... 1 The TIP Structur e for Project s .......................................................................................................... 1 Planni ng Factors ............................................................................................................................ 1 Documents Use d in Identifying TIP Projects ....................................................................................... 2 Changes in priorities from previous TIPs .......................................................................................... 2 Maj or Proj ects Fr om the Prev ious TI P That Were Implemented ............................................................ 3 Sig n ifi ca nt Delays In The Planned Impl ementation of Major Projects ..................................................... 3 Geographic Bou ndari es of the TIP .................................................................................................... 5 Finan cia l Pl an ................................................................................................................................ 6 Ill ustrati ve Projects ............................................................................................................. 14 TI P Prog r am Su m mary ................................................................................................................. 22 The preparation of this report was financed in part by the U.S. Department ofTransportation, Federal Highway Administration, and Federa l Transit Administration i n cooperation with the Missou ri Depa rtment of Tran sportation . The opi ni ons, findings, and conclus1ons expressed in this report ar e not necessarily those of the Federal Highway Administration, Federa l Transit Administration, or the Missou r i Highway and Transportation Department. Administrator /For Infor mation Contact City of Jefferson, Missouri Department of Community Development/Planning Division-Room 120 John G. Christy Mun icipa l Bui lding -320 Eas t Mc Carty Jefferso n Ci t y, Missou r i Teleph one 573-6 34-64 1 0 For questions or co mments, contact Janice McMillan or Alan Morrison at the Planning Division Photography and Graph ics by A lan Morrison ii T RAN SPOR TAT ION PLANN ING PROCESS CE RTI FICAT ION STATEMENT In accordance with 23 CFR 450.334, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, as the metropolitan p l anning organization for the Jeffe r son, Missouri Urbanized Area and the Missouri Department of Transportation hereby certifies that the Capi t al Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is carrying out a continui ng, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the region in accordance with the applicabl e requirements of: I . 49 U.S. C. Section 5323(k), 23 U.S.C. 135, and 23 CFR part 450.220; 2. Title VI of the Civi l Rights Act of 1964 and the Title VI Assurance executed by each State under 23 U.S.C. 324 and 29 U.S.C. 794; 3. Section 1101 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (Pub. L. 105-178) regarding the involv ement of disadvantaged business enterprises in the FHWA and the FTA funded project (Sec. 105 (f), Pub. L. 97-424, 96 Stat. 2100, 49 CFR part 23); 4. The provision of the Americans wi t h Disabilities Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327, as amended ) and the U.S. DOT implementi ng regulation; and 5. The provision of 49 CFR part 20 regarding restrictions on influencing certain activities Kenneth Ferguson Roger Schwartz ------------------------------------ Signed by Si gned by Kenneth Ferguson, Chairman Roger Schwartz, P.E., District Engineer Capita l Area Metropol itan Planni ng Organization Mi sso uri Department of Transportation Da~: Da~: (Signed documents are on file at the offices of the Capital Area Metropo litan Pl anning Organization) iii CERTIFICATION OF RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be pa i d, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influ encing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or emp loyee of Congress, or an emp loyee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewa l, amendment, or modification of any Federal co ntract, grant, loan, or coope ra t ive agreement. (2) If any funds other than Fe deral appropriated fund s have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to in flu ence an officer or em p loyee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Co ngre ss, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submi t Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Fo r m to Report Lobbyi ng ," i n acco rd ance with it s instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including s ubcontracts, subgrants, and contr acts under grants, loa ns, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This ce rti ficatio n is a material rep r ese ntation of fact upon w hich reliance was placed when this t ransaction was made or entered into . Submission of this certification is a p rereq u isite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1 352, title 31, U.S. Code . Any person who fail s to fi l e the required certification sha ll b e s ubject to a civi l pena lty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Executed this date ------------- By: Kenneth Ferguson, Chairman, Capital Area Metropo litan Plann in g Organization (CAMPO) (Sig ned documents are on fi le at the offices of the Cap ital Area Metropol itan Pl anning Organization) iv Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Board of Directors Chairman -Ken Ferguson, Counci l member-Jefferson City Vice-Chairman -Bob Jones, Presiding Commissioner, Co le County Jefferson City - Council member Vacant Co unci l member Brian Crane Cou n cilmember Edith Vogel Pat Sullivan, P.E., Director of Community Development Janice McMillan, AICP, Deputy Director for Plann ing and Transportation Co le County - Larry Benz, P.E., Director of Public Works Technical Committee Technical Committee Chairman - Jan ice McMillan, AICP, Dep uty Director, Planning and Transportation, City of Jefferso n Technical Committee Vice-Chairman - Paul Winkelmann , Co unty Highway Ad ministrator, callaway Co unty Jefferson Ci t y Pa t Sullivan P.E ., Director, Department of Co m munity Devel opment Matt Morasch P.E., Deputy Director Public Works Ron Craft Director, Airport Div ision Ri chard T urner Director , Tra nsit Divi si on Alan Morrison AICP, Pl an ner III, Transportation Bi ll Lockwood Director , Parks, Forestry, & Re creation Ge ne Will i ams P.E., Engineering MPO Staff Ca ll away County - Dona ld Kritzer, Associate Commissio n er Small Cities Repre se ntative - Richard Pa r ks, Mayor Pro-tem, City of Holts Summit Missouri Department of Transportation - Roger Schwartze, P.E ., District 5 Engineer Steven Bill ings, Missouri Dept. of Transportation -Multi-Moda l Re presentative Ex-Officio Member: State Agency Representative Wa l ter Johannpeter, Office of Administr ation, Faci lities Management Design and Co nstruct ion Cole Co unty Larry Ben z, P.E., Di r ect or of Publi c Works Eri c Landwehr, P.E., Coun ty Engineer Mi sso uri Department of Transportation Mike Du senberg, P.E., Transportation Planning Eng i ne er Alan T r ampe P.E. Area Eng ineer Willi am Robinett, AICP Tra nsportation Pla nner Ex-Officio Members: Federa l Hig hway Administration: Mi sso uri Di v. Donny Hamilton Federa l Transit Administration: Regio n VII Jon i Roese ler, Planning & Program Development Team Leader Missouri Depa rtment of Transportation: Michae l Henderson Private Transportation Interest: Jim Kistler, Executive Vice President - Mi ssouri Transportation & Deve lopment Counci l Alan Morrison, AICP -Long Range Transportati on Planne r Steve Macintyre -Pl anner I Anne Str atman -Admi nistrative Assistant v Th e Purpose of th e Trans portation Improvement Program The Trans portation Improvement Program (TIP) is one of several transportation planning documents used by Me t ro po li tan Planni ng Organ izati ons for programm ing transportat ion and tra nsporta t io n re l ated proj ects in metropolitan areas . Under regulations governing urban transportation p lanning, the Capital Area Metropolitan Pl anning Organization (CAMPO), as the des ignated MPO for the Jefferson City urbanized area, is charged with deve loping the TIP. The MPO, in an effort to provide a comprehensive, coordinated and continuing transportation planning pr ocess, deve lops t h e TIP through coope ration of cit y, county and other local jurisdictions and agencies, and with participation by State and Federal transportation agencies. The TIP itsel f is a program or schedu l e of transportation improvements and activities intended to be implemented using a combination of State, Federal and local funding. At a minimum, Federal regu l ations require t hat the transportation improvement progr am must contain a priority l ist of proposed federa lly supported p rojects an d strategies to be carried out over t he 4-year pe ri od covered by the transportation improvement program, and a financial plan that dem onstrates how the TIP can be implemented. Also included in the TIP are projects that, although they may not have Federa l funding, are of regional significance, and are therefore incl u ded in the TIP. I ll ustrative projects that do not have specific Federal fu ndi ng identifi ed may also be i ncl uded in t h e TIP, for the p urpose of i llustr ating a project t hat w oul d or cou ld be done, except t hat no fu nd ing has been attributed to the project. The TIP is req u ired to be appr oved by the MPO and the Governor, and updated at least once every t hree years. Fo ll owing approval and adoption of the TIP, it is incorporated into the State Transportation Improvement Program, wi thout modification. Th e MPO is also charged with providi ng a process that provides citizens, affect ed public agencies, representatives of transportatio n agency empl oyees, and other affected employee representatives, private providers o f transportatio n, and other interested pa rties wit h a reasonab le opportunity to comment on the proposed progra m. This process is ide ntified in the MPO Public Involvement Program adopted by t he MPO in 2003 and revised in 2006. The T IP S tructure for Proj ects This TIP co n tains projects se lected by the participating jurisdicti ons withi n the MPO Planning Area, and is d ivided into categories or type o f improvement, and by the jurisdiction that takes the lead for or sponsors the proj ect, suc h as a city, co unty, or stat e age ncy. The projects describe specific improvements and provide the follow i ng information: The name, l ocation, descri ption, and project number (if avail ab le) of the proposed improvement, and a schedule of expenditures in current doll ars by fisca l year, including the funding sources, and the project sponsor or the jurisdiction responsible for the p roject. An additional table incl udes the TIP projects i n a su m mary form at, emphasizi ng expend itu res over the four years covered by the TIP. Planning Factors Under SAFETEA-LU, eight planning factors are to be considered during the development of any MPO plan. 1. Support the economic vita lity of the metropolitan area, especially by enab ling g loba l competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency . 2. Increase the safety of the transportati on system for motorized and nonmotorized users. 3. Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users. 4. Increase the accessibility and mobi l ity options available to peop le and for freight. 5. Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve the quality of life, and promote consistency between transportation improvements and State and local planned growth and economic development patterns . 6. Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportatio n system, across and between modes, for people and freight. 7. Promote efficient system manag em ent and operation. 8. Emphasize the preservation of the existi ng transportation sys t em. Documents Us ed In Identifying TIP Projects Projects and programs in the T IP may be selected by agencies and governmental entities based on several methods. These methods are themselves generally based on identifi ed needs, and may origi nate f rom reports, studies or unexpected events such as unanticipated development, emergencies, or social and economic changes. The membershi p of t he Te chn i cal Committee and the Board of Directors of the MPO review the proposed p r ojects and programs to be included in the TIP, and as the metropolitan coordinating entity for transportation plann ing, updates the TIP . The studies and source documents that ma y be used for identifying items to be included in the TIP may include, but are not limited to t he fo llow ing documents: For the City of Jeffe r son, and the co unties of Co l e and Ca ll away: the Transportation and Major Street Plans, Transit Development Pr ogram Plans , sidewal k pl ans, ADA plans, greenways and bicycl e/pedestrian master plans, corridor stu di es, and t h e County-wi d e Transportation Study for Co le Co u nty and Jefferson City. For Co le Cou nty: The Cou nty-wide Tran sportat ion Study fo r Cole County and Jefferson City . Capital Improvement Programs and An n u al Bu d gets for the cities of Jefferson, St. Martins, Ho l ts Summit, and the Town of Lake Mykee, Ca llaw ay Co unty, and Co le Cou nty . The Right-of-Way and Construction Prog r am of the Missouri Department of Transportation. For the St ate of Misso uri, the city of Jeffer son, an d Co le Co unty, The Missouri St ate Pe n itentiary Redeve lopment Plan, t he Eas t Side Redeve lopment Plan, the Whitton Expressway Study and the pending Airport Layout Plan Update ar e all documents that may also be used for proj ect identi fi cation by the Missouri Department of Transpo rtation and l ocal governments. Changes in Priorities from Previous TIPS. The MPO area continues implementi ng projects identified for increased funding due to Amend ment 3. Thi s funding wi ll declin e in future years as the lar ge amount of early fu ndin g from Amendment 3 is used . Transit and paratrans it services conti nue to implement their projects and programs, and prepare to meet the new transportation act requirements. Transportation Enhancements, private and publi c cooperative projects, and public invo lvement co n tinue to garner significant interest througho ut the area. 2 Projects from the Previous TIP That Were Implemented Road s, s treets and Intersection proj ects: MODOT -Diamond grind & fog sea l shou lders -US 50 -Moreau R. to Osage Co unty MODOT -Resurface EB and WB lanes -Rt. 54 -e/o Moreau to w/o Rt. 00 @ Holts Summit MODOT-Grind & seal shoulders -Rt. 54 -Stadium at Tanner Bridge Rd. to e/o Rt. 00 Ca llaway County -bridge r e pl acemen t -County Road (C R) 397 @ Cedar Cr eek Jefferson City-intersection improvements-Tanner Bridge Rd . /Ell is BLVD .. Airport projects City of Jefferso n -airport layout p lan update City of Jefferson -Parallel Taxiway Expansion and Improvements Greenways, bicycle and pedestrian projects City of Jefferson -Fairgrounds Rd. Pedestrian Facility -County Park to South of Edgewood Dr. City of Jefferson -East Branch Gr ee nway extension -East Elm St. to E. McCarty along Wear 's Creek City of Jefferson -East Branch Greenway extension -Lafayette St. to Chestnut St. along Wear's Creek Studies/plans City of Jefferson -Transit Development Plan Co l e Cou n ty -Rex Whitton Exp r ess way Prob lem Defi ni t ion Study Transit/Paratransit City of Jefferson -JEFFTRA N -purchase of three (3) 35' low floor buses City of Jefferson -JEFFTRAN -purchase four ( 4) van minibuses for 2006 Private non-profit-Section 5310 Paratransit vehicle, New Horizons Community Services Significant Delays in th e Planned Implementation of Major Projects. No sign ificant de lays have been identified . 3 The TIP Annual Development Process Month May June July August Activity Techn ical Committee meets Notification to submit TIP projects distributed to participating jurisdictions Notice to the Public pub li shed , po sted and dis t ributed wi th information on Submitting projects for the TIP T i metables for TIP development Participating jurisdictions return TIP project lists; and a draft TIP is prepared Te chnical Commi ttee receives Draft TIP Technical Committee meets -Makes final changes, formulates recommendations to the Board of Directors. Technical Committee draft TIP is published and distributed to the Board of Directors , MoDOT, FHWA, FTA and participating jurisdictions-A Notice to the Public is published announcing the avai lability of the TIP for review and comment and date of Board of Directors meeting when the TIP will be considered Board of Directors meets (Proposed TIP distributed to Board of Directors, MoDOT, FHWA, FTA and participating jurisdictions 2 weeks before meeting) Consider recommendations of the Technical Planning Committee Hold first hearing on adoptio n of TIP First public comment opportun ity Begin 30 day publ ic co mment period -Publish Notice to the Public announcing t h e avai lability of the TIP , locations of documents, and the date of the Board of Directors meeting, when the TIP wi ll be considered. September The Board of Directors meets, holds a public comment period on the adoption of TIP, October receives publ ic comments, and recommendations, con siders recommendations of the Technical Committee and di scuss changes to the TIP (additional 30 days if required ) Board of Di rectors adopts the TIP : as approved, or with changes. Adopted TIP published and distributed to MoDOT for approval by Governor and incorporation into the State Transportation I m provement Program (STIP) MoDOT forwards Final TIP to FHWA and FTA 4 Geographic Boundaries of the TIP The TIP covers the Urbanized Areas defined by the 2000 Census, the FHWA Ad j usted Urbanized Area boundary, and the Planning Boundary for CAMPO. These areas include the southern portion of Ca ll away Co unty, the northern portion of Cole County, the Cities of Jefferson, St. Martins, Ho lts Summit, and the town of Lake Mykee. -=:=-CII---===::~--M•les 0 1.25 2.5 5 7.5 10 5 Capital Area MPO Planni ng Area --Cole County Roads --Callaway County Road s • t+ ' l Missouri River ~ J e ff er son City L1m1 ts ~ Municipal Corporate lim1ts c=J MPO Planning Boundary D Calla way County D Cole County Financial Plan The Transportation Improvement Program contains a "financial plan" that "indicates funding from public and private sources that are reasonably expected to be avai lable to carry out the program"1. For the TIP, this financia l plan demonstrates how the TIP can be implemented, and must be financially (fisca lly) constrained. Sta t utes and regu lations concerning fiscal constraint in a metropolitan Transportation Improvement Plan requires that revenues in transportation pla n ning and programming (Federal, State, local, and private) are identified and "are reasonably expected to be availab le" to implement the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the STIP/TIP, while providing for the operation and maintenance of the exi sting highwa y and transi t systems. The fisca l constra int requirement is intended to ensure that metropolitan long-range transportation plans, TIPs, and STIPs reflect rea listic assumptions about future revenues, rather than being fists that include many more projects than could r ealistically be completed with avai la ble revenues. Given this basic purpose, compliance with the fiscal constraint requirement entails an analysis of revenues and costs. The basic question to be answered is "Will the revenues (Federa l, State, local , and private) identified in the TIP, STIP, or metropolitan l ong-range transportation plan cover the anticipated costs of the projects included in this TIP, STIP, or metropolitan long-range transportation plan, along with operation and maintenance of the existi ng system?" If the projected revenues are su ffi cient to cover the costs, and the estimates of both revenues and costs are reasonable, then the fiscal co nstraint requirement has been satisfied 2 • For the FY 2007-FY 2010 CAMPO TIP, the TIP is financially co nstra i ned for each of the four years that are covered by this TIP. The projects within t he TIP ar e financially feasib le, and the federally funded projects identified in the TIP can be implemented using c urrent and proposed Fed era l and State revenue sources, and locally dedicated transportation revenues. Financial Capability Aviation: The Jefferson City Memorial A irport is the recipient of Federa l and local aviation funding through the Airport Improvement Program (AlP) and the Facilities and Equipment Prog ram th rough the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). State funding is provided by a MODOT State Aviation Grant. The Faci lities and Equipment Program provides for a traffic control tower with no local match required. For the FY 2007-2010 TIP, the Airport Improvement Program provides $1,971,250 in fund ing , with a local match of $103,750 provided by the City of Jefferson through city tax r evenues. Highways, Streets and Bridges: Federa l funding available for this TIP includes Surface Tra nsportation Program (STP) fu nding, STP- Transportation Enhancement Program fundi ng, FH WA and FTA Metropol itan Pla nn ing funds, and National Recreationa l Trai l Program funding. State revenue sources for include motor fue l taxes, motor vehicle sales and use taxes, motor vehicle licensing fees, driver's lice nsing fees, interest earned on invested funds, cost reimbursements from poli t ica l subdivisions and other miscellaneous fees. Transportation Co rpo ration payments MODOT will also use $3,262,000 in FY 2007, $3,360,000 in FY 2008, and $3,906,000 in FY 2009 in Highway user fees in payment to the Rt. 179 Transportation Corporation 3• 1 23 U.S.C. 134(g)(2)(B) and 134(h)(2)(B)(ii) ! Financial Constraint Interim Guidance-hnp:l/www.fhwa.dot.gov/p lannlng/fcgUid62705.htm 3 A Transportation Corporation is a not-for-profit entity formed with the purpose of developing and promoting a major transportation project. In order to facilitate the funding. promotion, planning. design, construction, maintenance and operation of a transportation project, and helps fund projects through methods such as imposing fees for services provided. charging and collecting tolls, issue tax exempt bonds, and notes. 6 Amendm ent 3 Funding: MODOT wi ll use $38,437,000 in FY 2007 availab le from t he recent passage of Amend m en t 3 for preventive maintenance, highway resurfacing and expansion. Me tro po litan Pl a nnin g: Pl ann ing activities are funded through Federa l Transit Administration 5303 program and Federa l Highway Administration PL funds, combined into a "Consolidated Planning Grant", complemented by local funding at the rate of 80% Federal and 20% local. For prior years, t he Conso li dat ed Pl anning Grant funding ratios for FTA and FHWA ca lcu lated to around 12% for FTA and 88% fo r FHWA. For FY 2007 to 2010, the Conso l idated Planning Grant provides an estimated $137,013 in 2007, $140,446 in 2008, $143,561 in 2009, and $149,303 in FY 2010. The proposed $156,836 MPO planning budget for 2007 refl ects t h e addition o f $19,823 in existing unspent CPG funds from pri or years. A 20% loca l match each year from MPO member jurisdictions of $39,309 is r equired and wi ll be committed on approva l of the TIP through action of the local governing bodies. Rec reation a l T ra il s Progra m: The City of Jefferson Pa r ks and Recreation Department is using $70,400 in National Recreationa l Trai ls fund ing, with a local match of $17,600 in City tax revenue for the Ell is Porter Riverside Park Greenway Trai l project. T rans p o rtation E nh a nceme n ts: The State's Transportat ion Enhance m ent f u nd i ng is derived from 10 percent of Misso uri's Surface Tr ansportation Program (STP) fu nd ap portionment and ass ists in developm ent o f act ivities such as safe bicycle an d pedestrian facili t ies, scenic routes, bea utification , and other i nvestments that increase opportuniti es for recreation, accessibility, and safety for everyone beyond traditional highway programs. For FY 2007, Transportation Enhancement projects wi ll use $896,206 in Federal STP/ Transportation Enhancement funding, $205,232 in loca l f unding from Jefferson City sa les tax, and $108,000 in in-kind services for l oca l match from the Missouri Office of Administration. T ra ns it : O pe ra tin g Assista nce for U rbani ze d Area s -Sec ti o n 5307: The 5307 program makes Federal resources available to urban ized areas and to Governors for transit cap i ta l and operating assistance in ur ban ized areas and for transportation re lated planning. Jefferson City Transit (JEFFTRAN) p lans tota l operating expenditures of $1,832,905 in FY 2007, $1,887,000 in FY 2008, $1,994,000 i n 2009, and $2,002,000 in 2010. The four year total pl anned expenditure i s $7,715,905. Operating funds p r ovided by the 530 7 progr am t otal $615,037 in 2007, $659,623 i n FY 2008, $705,623 in FY 2009, and $7 52,623 in 2010. Operating revenue provided by passenger fares and other revenue, (State Shuttl e, Medicaid , non- emergency Medicaid and a Co le County grant), and city taxes account for the loca l match of $1,148,686 in 2007, $1,159,000 in 2008, $1 ,170,000 in 2009, and $1,181,000 in 2010. Additional funding is provided by a Missouri State Operating Grant of $68,378 each year (FY 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010) tota ling $273,508. T ransi t has sufficient resou r ces for their expenditures for FY 2007 . T ra ns it Capi ta l In vestmen t Program -S ecti o n 530 9 : The 5309 program (the transit capita l investment program) provides capital assistance for three primary activities: new and replacement buses and facilities, modernization of existing rai l sy stems, and new fixed guideway systems (New Starts). For FY 2007, the City of Jefferson wi ll match $687,444 in federal Capital Investment Program fund ing 7 (5309 program) with $159,861 1ocal funding t h rough t he City of Jeff erson ha lf-cent transportation sa les tax. In addition to the FY 2007 local match is $5,000 in private co ntributions for bus shelters. For FY 2008-2010, 5309 funding of $536,400 in 2008, and $9 1 3,600 in 2009 and $58,400 i n 2010 are matched with local tax revenue fundin g of $134,100 in 2008, $228,400 in 2009, and $14,600 in 2010, also with funds from the Ci ty of Jefferson ha lf-ce nt t rans portation sales tax revenues . 5307 Federal funding balances reflect FTA esti mates for the year and unspent funding carried over from previous years . JEFFTRAN has sufficient funding for thei r capital investments for the four year TIP cycle. Section 5310, Job Access and Reverse Commute (JA RC) and New Freedom Programs For FY 2007 through 2010, no projects or program appl ications for existing funds have been rece ived . Th e following programs have or ar e expect ed to have fund ing available. Section 5310 of the federa l Transportati on Eq u ity Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21) p rovides Formula Grants for Special Needs of Elderly Individuals and I ndividuals with Disabilities. This program's pri mary purpose is to help loca l n on-profit organ iza tions purchase vehicles to provide transportation for o l der citizen s and peop le with disabilities when other public t r ansportation is unavai lab l e or insufficient. Job Access and Reverse Com mute (Section 5316) -This program p r ovides funding for loca l programs that offer job access and reverse co m m ute services to provide transportation for low i ncome individual s who may live in the city core and work in suburban locations. This program has the following f eatures: The program is now entirely f und ed from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway T rust Fund . This is a formu la program based on the number of low-income perso n s. 60% of funds go to designated reci pients in areas with p op ula tions ove r 200,000 20% of funds go to States f o r a r eas u nder 200,000 20% of funds go to States for non-urbanized areas Sta t es may transfer funds be twee n urbanized and non-urbani zed area programs States and designated recipients must se lect grantees co mpetitively. Projects must be included in a loca lly-developed human service transportation coordinated plan beginning i n FY 2007. 10% of funds may be used fo r planning, admin istration and technical assistance. Sources for matching funds are expanded (non-DOT Fede r al funds ca n be used as match) t o encourage coordination wi th other p rograms such as those funded by the Departm ent of Hea l th and Human Services. New Freedom (Section 53 17)-To enco urage services and facility improvements to address t he transportation ne eds of p ersons with disabili ties that go beyond those required by the Amer icans with Disabilities Act. This program provides a new formu la grant program for associated capital and operating costs. This program has the fo llowing featu res: Funds are allocated through a form ula based upon popu lation of persons with disabilities. Allocations to designated reci pients in areas over 200,000 (60%), to States for areas under 200,000 (20%) and non-urbanized areas (20%); States may transfer funds to urba nized or n on- urbanized area programs as long as fun ds are used for New Freedom Program purposes. States and designated recipients m ust select grantees competitively . Matching share requ irements are fl exi bl e to encourage coordin ation with other federa l programs that may provide transportation, such as Health and Human Services or Agriculture . Projects must be includ ed in a l oca lly -d evel oped human serv i ce transportation coordinated plan beginning in FY 2007. 10 percent of funds may be used for planning, administration and technical assistance. 8 The Financial Plan -Ava ilable Funding for the FY 2007 -2010 T IP Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated 4-Year Available Available Federal Available Federal Available Federal Availab le Federal Estimated Federal Funds Funds Fu nd s Funds Funds FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Federal Funding Sou rces Na tional Highway System (NHS) Surface Tra nsportation Pro gram (ST P) $1,4 10,000 $1,410,000 STP-Enhancement $196,206 $196,206 Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program Bridge-Off System Bridge-On System Metropolita n Planning FHWA PL $1 33,311 $98 ,935 $99,200 $103 ,168 $434,614 FTA 5303 $23 ,525 $18,845 $20 ,318 $21 '13 1 $8 3,8 19 National Recreationa l Trails $58 ,000 $58 ,000 Ai rport Improvement Program- FAA (AlP) $1 ,971,250 $1,971 ,250 Facilities and Equipment· FAA $3 ,500,000 $3,500 ,000 FTA Section 5307 Capital and Subsid y (Opera ting) Program • $6 15,037 $659 ,623 $70 5,623 $752,623 $2 ,732,90 6 FTA Sectio n 5309 Capi tal Funding Program $687 ,444 $536,400 $913,600 $58,400 $2,195,844 FTA Section 53 10 Ca pital Program Yea rt :z: Federal Total $5 ,094,773 $4,81 3,803 $1,738 ,74 1 $935,322 $12,582 ,639 Es timated Sta te Estima ted State Estimated State Estimated State 4-Year Estimated Funds Funds Fund s Fu nds State Fund s FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 State Fund Sources State Transit Operating Gran t $68,378 $68 ,378 $68,378 $68,378 $273,512 Missouri Amendment 3/ N HS $38,4 37,0 00 $38,437,000 Missouri OA • In -kind match $108,000 MODOT TCOS I NH S MODOT Pymt to Transp. Corp $3 ,262 ,000 $3 ,360 ,000 $3 ,906,000 $10,528 ,000 MO DO T Avia tio n Grant Yea rf :t State Tota l $41 ,8 75,37 8 $3 ,428,378 $3,974,37 8 $68,37 8 $49 ,346,5 12 Estima ted Loca l Estimated Loca l Estimated Loca l Estimated Local 4-Year Estima te d Funds Funds Funds Funds Loca l Funds FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 LocaVOther Funding Sources Loca l MPO Ma tch $39,209 $22 ,666 $2 4,042 $25,004 $110,921 Priv ate/non-profit $5 ,000 $5 ,000 City of Jefferson Sa les Tax $1 ,804,77 9 $912.100 $1,017,400 $814 ,600 $4 ,548,8 79 Transit opera ting and contract revenue $381 ,000 $381,000 $381 ,000 $381,000 $1 ,524 ,000 Yearf:t Local Total $2,229,988 $1 ,315,766 $1 ,422,442 $1 ,220,604 $6 ,188,800 9 For fiscal years2007 through 2010, total available fund i ng from Federal, State and local sources i dentified by project category. Funding Sou rces for 2007 Highways and Intercha nges Local : St ate : MODOT Amend. 3 NHS Sta t e: MO DOT Fe deral : T ota l Bridge Repair and Rep lacement Local: Street and intersection Improvements Greenways, Bicycle and Ped estr ian Routes, Trails, and improvements Aviation and airports Transit Planning Annua l Total State: Federal: Total Lo ca l : City of Jefferson State: Federal: Total Local: City of Jefferson Stat e: Fe d era l : TE/STP Federal : Nat't. Rec. Trail Prog. Total Local: City of Jefferson St ate : MODOT Av iation Trust Fund Fede ral: FAA-AlP Entitlement Total Local: Ci t y of Jeffer son 5309 Loca l : Private/non-profit Lo ca l : City of Jefferson 5307* Sta t e: MODOT Operating Grant 5307 Federal: FTA 5309 Fed eral: FTA 5307 Total Lo cal : Stat e: Fe deral : Tot al : "' includes loca l oper ating. assist. and revenues 10 Funds Anticipated Funds Programmed $38,437,000 $3,262,000 $41,699,000 $0 $370,000 $1,410,000 $1,780,000 $403,482 $108,000 $896,206 $58,000 $1,465,688 $103,750 $0 $1,971,250 $2,075,000 $159,861 $5,000 $1,148,686 $68,378 $687,444 $615,037 $2,684,406 $39,209 $0 $156,836 $196,045 $49,900 ,139 $38,437,000 $3,262,000 $41,699,000 $0 $370,000 $1,410,000 $1,780,000 $403,48 2 $108,000 $896,206 $58,000 $1,465,688 $103,750 $0 $1,971,250 $2,075,000 $159,861 $5,000 $1,14 8,686 $68,378 $687,444 $615,037 $2,684,406 $39,209 $0 $156,836 $196,045 $49,900,139 Fu nding Sources f or 2008 Funds An t icipated Fu nds Programmed Highways and Interchanges Loca l : State: MODOT Amend. 3 NHS $3,360,000 $3,360,000 State: MODOT Federal: Tota l $3,360,000 $3,360 ,000 Bridge Re pair and Repl acement Local: State: Federal: Tota l $0 $0 Street and Intersection Improvements Local: City of Jefferson State: Fe d er al: Tota l $0 $0 Greenways, Bicycl e and Pedestrian Routes, Trails, and improvements Local: City of Jefferson Local: City of Jefferson Federa l : TE/STP Federa l : Na t't. Rec. Tra il Prog. Tot a l $0 $0 Aviation and airports Local: City of Jefferson Sales Tax State: MODOT Aviation T ru st Fund FAA -Faci lities and Equipment $3,500,000 $3,500,000 Federa l : FAA -AlP Entitlement T otal $3,500,0 00 $3,500,000 Intelligent Transportation Systems Loca l : Ci ty of Jefferson Federal: FTA 5309 Total $0 $0 Transit Loca l : Ci ty of Jefferson -5309 $134,100 $134,100 Loca l : City of Jefferson -5307* $1,159,000 $1,159,000 State : MODOT Operating Gra nt $68,378 $68,378 Federal : FTA 5309 $536,400 $536,400 Federal : FTA 5307 $659,623 $659,623 Tota l $2,557,50 1 $2,557,501 Planning Local : $22,666 $22,666 State: $0 $0 Fede ral: $117,780 $117,780 Total : $140,446 $140,446 Annua l To tal $9,557,94 7 $9,557,947 * 1ncludes local operatmg. assist. and revenues 11 Funding Sources for 2009 Highways and Interchanges Greenways, Bicycle and Pedestrian Routes, Trails, and improvements Aviation and airports Transit Planning Annual Total Local: St ate: MODOT Fed eral : To t al Loca l : City of Jefferson Sales Tax Federal: To t al Lo ca l : City of Jefferson Sales Tax State : MODOT Aviation Trust Fund FAA -Fa cilities and Equipment Federal : FAA-AlP Entitlement Total Loca l : City of Jefferson-5309 Local: City of Jefferson -5307* Stat e: MODOT Operating Grant Federal: FTA 5309 Fed era l : FTA 5307 T otal Loca l : State: Federal: Total: "' includes local operating. ass ist. and revenues 12 Funds Anticipated Funds Prog r ammed $3,906,000 $3,906,000 $3,906,000 $3,906,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $228,400 $228,400 $1,170,000 $1,170,000 $68,378 $68,378 $913,600 $913,600 $705,623 $705,623 $3,086,001 $3,086,001 $24,042 $24,042 $0 $119,518 $119,518 $143,561 $143,561 $7,135,562 $7,135,562 Funding Sources for 2010 Funds Anticipated Funds Programmed Highways and Interchanges Local: State: MODOT Federal: Total $0 $0 Greenways, Bicycle and Pedestrian Routes, Trails, and improvements Local: City of Jefferson Sales Tax Federal: Total $0 $0 Aviation and airports Loca l: City of Jefferson Sa les Tax State: MODOT Aviation Trust Fund FAA -Facilities and Equipment Federal: FAA-AlP Entitl ement Total $0 $0 Transit Local: City of Jefferson -5309 $14,600 $14,600 Loca l : City of Jefferson-5307* $1,181,000 $1,181,000 State: State: MODOT Operating Grant $68,378 $68,378 Federal: FTA 5309 $58,400 $58,400 Federa l : FTA 5307 $752,623 $752,623 Total $2,075,00 1 $2,075,001 Planning Local: $25,004 $25,004 State: Fede ral: $124,299 $124,299 Total : $149,303 $124,299 Annual Total $2,224 ,304 $2,224,304 * includes l ocal operating. assist. and r evenu es 13 MPO Financial Plan Cont.-Ulu s trative Projects Illustrative Projects a re projects that wou ld be included in the adopted plan or program if reasonable additional resources beyond those identified in the financia l p l an were available. Lead agency: Jefferson City Parks & Recreation Project description: Dunklin Street Trail head to Missouri River Bridge Project location : Along Dunklin, Bolivar and W. Main St. Project No.: Comments: Extend 10" concrete bike/pedestrian trail Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 Total $397,000 Lead agency: Jefferson City Parks & Recreation Project description: South Co untry Club Dr. Greenway Extension Project location : Fairgrounds Rd. to Scruggs Station Rd Project No.: Comments: 10 " concrete bike/pedestrian trail Funding Total Sources Lead agency: Jefferson City Parks & Recreation FY 2007 $350,000 Project description: Missouri River Bri dg e Bike/pedestrian Path Project lo cation : W. Main St. to Cedar City Dr. Project No.: FY 2008 Comments: addition 6 ' wide attachment to the Southbound Bridge, also N. and S. approaches Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 Total $3,300,000 $2,200,000 14 TIP Projects-Listed by Agency Missouri Department of Transportation Lead agency: MODOT Project description: Length: 10.2 mi. 4-lane divided highway MPO Project # C700 Project location: St. Martins to ejo Ca lifornia Comments: Proj # JSP0632A-Amend. 3 Major Project Phase: ROW/design/ Constr Funding Sources Local State State Federa l Tota l MODOT Amend. 3 NHS , ROW MODOT Amend. 3 NHS Lead agency: MODOT FY 2007 FY 2008 $1,046,000 $37,391,000 $38,437,000 FY 2009 Project description: Rt. 179 extension -Tran sp. Corp. Length : 4.8 mi. MPO Project # C701 Project location: Rt. 1 79, US /50 to Rt. B Comments: Proj. # Su0441-Represents payback to the Transportation Corpora tio n Phase: Compl eted FY 2010 Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Loca l State MODOT $3,262,000 $3,360,000 $3,906,000 Federa l Tota l $3,262,000 $3,360,000 $3,906,000 Lead age ncy: City of Jefferson Project description: intersection improvements Length : n/a MPO Project # C723 Project location: Stadium Blvd. @ Southwest Blvd. Com ments: signa l upgrad e and lane additions Phase: design/study Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Loca l Local sa les tax $80,000 State Federal STP $320,000 Tota l $400,000 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project description: Length : n/a intersection improvements MPO Project # C724 Project location: Eastland Dr. @ McCarty St. Comments : Signal and roadway modification for extension of McCarty t o 50/63 interchange Phase: design/study Funding Sources Local Loca l sa l es tax State Federal Total STP FY 2007 $40,000 $160,000 $200,000 15 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project description : Length: n/a intersection improvements MPO Project # C725 Project location: Jefferson@ Stadium Comments: Signal upgrade and l ane addition on US 54 off ramp Phase: design Funding Sources Local Local sales tax State Federal Total STP Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project descripti on: Length: n/a MPO Project # Project location: Comments: Phase: Funding Local State Federal Total design Sources Local sa les tax STP Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project description: Length: n/a FY 2007 $100,000 $400,000 $500,000 FY 2008 intersection improvements C726 Ventura @ Truman FY 2007 $40,000 $160,000 $200,000 FY 2008 intersection improvements C702 FY 2009 FY 2009 MPO Project # Project location: Lafayette Blvd. and Stadium Dr. Comments: Phase: Funding Local State Federal Tota l design Sources Local sales tax STP Lead agency: City of Jefferson Project description: Length: n/a MPO Project # Project location: Comments: Phase: Funding Local State Federal Total d esign Sources Local sales tax FY 2007 $30,000 $150,000 $180,000 FY 2008 intersection improvements C703 Tanner Bridge Rd. /Ellis Blvd. FY 2007 $80,000 $220,000 $300,000 16 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 20 10 FY 2010 FY 2010 City of Jefferson, Missouri Parks and Rec r eati on Comm ission Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Proj ect # Project description: Project location: Length: .61 mi. C704 Fairg r o u nds Rd . Pedestr ian Faci lity Co unty Park to South of Ed gewood Dr. Co m ments: Tra nsportatio n Enh ancement Phase: construction Funding So urces Loca l Loca l sa les tax State Federal Total Transportation Enhancement (STP) Lea d agency: City o f Je ffer son MPO Project # Project desc ript io n : Project location: Length: .64 mi. Com m ents: 1 0ft co n crete path Phase: pl an ni ng Fu n ding So urces Loca l Loca l sa les tax State Federa l Nat. Rec. Trai ls T ota l Lead age ncy: City o f Jefferson MPO Project # Project description: Pr oj ect location: Le ngth: n/a Co m ments: 10ft concrete path Phase: pla nn ing Fu nd i ng So u rces Local Loca l sales tax State Miso uri OA In-kind Fede r al Nat. Rec. Trail s Tota l FY 2007 $115,232 $196,206 $311,438 C705 FY 2008 FY 2009 Ell is Porter Riverside Park Greenway Trail Gree n way exten sio n t hro ug h Ri verside Park FY 2007 $17,600 $70,4 00 $88,000 C728 FY 2008 Katy T r a ilh ea d Park W. Ma in St./ Cap ital Gro unds FY 20 07 $90,000 $108,000 $70 0,00 0 $898,000 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2009 City of Jefferson, Mi s souri Memorial Airport Lead agen cy: City of Jefferson MPO Project # Proj ect descr ipt ion: Project location: Length : n/a C706 a i rport layout pl an u pda t e Jefferson City Memoria l Airport Comments: carry over from 2004 entitlement grant Phase: contract Fu nding Loca l State Federal Tota l Source Loca l sales tax FAA-AlP entitl ement FY 2007 $3,750 $71,250 $75,000 17 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 2010 Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # Project description: Project location: Phase: Comments: Funding Local State Federal Total Sources Local sa les tax MODOT aviation trust fund FAA -Faci lities and Equipment Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # Project description : Project location: Phase: C707 new air traffic control tower Jefferson City Memoria l Airport Planning FY 2007 FY 2008 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 C708 FY 2009 taxiway expansion, and improvements Jefferson City Memoria l Airport Construction Comments: move runway, improve lighting, extend taxiway Funding Local State Federa l Total Sou r ces FY 2007 FY 2008 Local sales tax $100,000 FAA Entitlement City of Jefferson, Missouri Transit Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # $1,900,000 $2,000,000 C709 FY 2009 Project description : Project location: comments: Automated Route Information Center JEFFTRAN Funding Sources Loca l Local sa les ta x State Federal FTA 5309 Total Lead agency: City of Jefferson FY 2007 $6,000 $24,000 $30,000 MPO Project # C710 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 2010 Project description: purchase of six 30' low floor buses, ( 12 year life). Project location: JE FFTRAN Comments: add (1) for route expansio n FY 2007, replace (2) fixed route vehicles in FY 2008, and Funding Local State Federal Total (3) in FY 2009 Sources Local sa l es tax FTA 5309 Le ad agency: City of Jefferson FY 2007 $62,000 $248,000 $310,000 MPO Project # C711 FY 2008 $132,000 $528,000 $660,000 FY 2009 $207,600 $830,400 $1,038,000 Project description : purchase two (2) van/minibuses Project location : JEFFTRAN FY 2010 Comments: replace paratransi t vehicle van/minibus with a 5 year l ife-1 in 2009, 1 in 2010 Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Local Local sa les ta x $12,800 $13,200 State Federal Total FTA 5309 18 $51,200 $64,000 $52,800 $66,000 Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # Project description: Project location: Comments: 3 uhf mobile radios Funding Sources Loca l Local sa l es tax State Federal Total FTA 5309 Lead agency: City of Jefferson C712 radio equipment purchase JEFFTRAN FY 2007 $360 $1 ,440 $1,800 FY 2008 MPO Project# C713 Project description: passenger t r ansfer facility FY 2009 Project location: old bus stati on -W. McCarty St. Comments: renovation for transfer station Funding Sou r ces FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 Loca l Local sales tax $14,000 State Federal FTA 5309 $56,000 Total $70,000 Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # C714 Project description: computing equipment and software Project location: JEFFTRAN Comments: rep l ace computers: 3 in 2008 and 2 in 2010 Fun ding Sou r ces FY 2007 FY 2008 Local Local sa les tax $2,1 00 State Federal Total FTA 5309 Lead agency : City of Jefferson MPO Project # C715 $8,400 $10,500 FY 2009 Project descripti on: Project location: purchase four ( 4) b us shelte r s va r ious locations in Jefferson City Comments : Funding Local State Federal Total So urces Private Org FTA 5309 Lead agency: City of Jefferson FY 2007 $5,000 $20,000 $25,000 MPO Project# C716 FY 2008 Project description: transit faci lity improvements Project location : Bus barn, maintenance sho p FY 2009 Com m ents: renovation-roofing, weatherproofi ng, pai nt and door repairs. Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 Local Local sal es tax $22,161 State Federal Tota l FTA 5309 $88,644 $110,805 19 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 2010 $1,400 $5,600 $7,000 FY 2010 FY 20 10 Lead agency: City of Jeffer son MPO Project # C717 Project description: Capital eq u ip. p urchase Project l ocation: JEFFTRAN Comments: Electronic fare box a ddit ions-t icket readers/issuers, p robe, softwar e and co m puter Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 201 0 Loca l Loca l sa l es tax $13,240 State Federa l Total FTA 5309 Lead agency: City of Jefferson $52,960 $66,200 MPO Project # C718 Project description: Capital equip. purchase -signs Project location: JEF FT RAN Comments : 30 rotating i nfor mation tubes (attach ed to bus stop sign poles in high traffic ar eas) Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Local Local sales tax $2,100 State Federal Tota l FTA 5309 Lead agency: City of Jefferson $8,400 $10,500 MPO Project# C7 19 Project description: t ransi t f acility impr ovement s Project locat ion : JEFFT RA N Comme nts : power entr an ce gate an d card reade r Funding So u rces FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 Loca l Local sales t ax $6,000 State Federa l FTA 5309 $24,000 Total $30,000 Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # C720 Project description: Pu rchase one (1) Service T r uck Project location: JEFFTRAN Comments: Rep lacement Se r vice Ve h icle Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 Loca l Local sa les tax $6,000 State Federal FTA 5309 $24 ,0 00 Total $30,000 lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # C72 1 Project description : Project location : purchase one (1) rep lacement support van JE FFTRAN Comments: FTA Paratransit vehicle Funding Sources Loca l Loca l sa les tax State Federal Total FTA 5309 FY 20 0 7 20 FY 2008 FY 2009 $8,000 $32,000 $40,000 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 20 10 Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # C727 Project description: Vehicle Wash System Project location: JEFFTRAN Comments: Funding Sources FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Loca l Local sa les tax $28,000 State Federal FTA 5309 $112,000 Total $1 40,000 Lead agency: City of Jefferson MPO Project # C722 Project description: FTA 5307 Operating Assistance Project location: JEFFTRAN Com m ents: Funding Sources FY 200 7 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Loca l Loca l operating $767,686 $778,000 $789,000 $800,000 assistance Local Passenger fares $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 & other revenue State State Operating Gra n t $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 Federal FTA 5307 $615,037 $659,623 $705,623 $752,623 Total $1,832,101 $1,887,001 $1,944,001 $2,002,001 2 1 0 0 n 2007-2010 TIP Program Summary Pro ea descriot.on : Pro ect k)cation Lead aoencv MPO TIP-Loco! State F~d~ral Local State F~e ral Local State Feder~ Local State Federal 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 H.gh...-ays and Jnte 4H~~ OMdeCI HiQ hway St. Harttn.s to ejo c:.ltomYI MOOOT C700 ~)8 437 000 Rt. 179 exten*n -Tran • Core. Rt. 179 usso toRt. B MOOOT C701 $3 262 000 Sl 360 000 $3 906 000 Tot-' $41 699 000 ~-<) 360 000 S3 906 000 I Bndoes Tot,. Street and JnterHCtJOn l~rovements lntersectJOn tm roveme:nts lAfavette BNd. lnd Stad1um Or. Otv of Jefferson C702 80000 S320 000 Intersection improvements T1nner Bndoe Rd. Ellis Blvd. Crty of Jetferson C703 40000 -.-160 000 lntersec:t:ion improvements Stadium Bivd. 0 Southwest Blvd. C..tv of Jefferson C72J $100 000 $400 000 Intersection lmorove.ments Eostlond 0<. ~ McCortv St. Cltv of Jefferson C724 $40 000 s 160 ooo lnttrsect.on mprovements Jefferson Stadl..m of Jefferson C725 30 000 t150 000 Intersection lmorovements venturaOT~n CitY of lf:tfe rson C726 80000 1220 000 Total $370 000 C t41DOOO 81k Ptdestrlan/Greenwavs County Park to South of Edgewood Falrarounds Rd. Pedestr11n Faolltv 0<. C1ty of Jefferson C704 !;115 232 <196 206 Elrs Porter Rtversu:tt Park Greenway Gnenway exterwon through Trt•l RNtrslde Parte Utv of Jefferson C705 $17 600 <70400 l<aty TrailheacJ Paft( W. Main St./ Capital Grounc:Jsk CitY of Jefferson C728 S90 000 SlOB 000 $700000 Total S222 132 $108 000 5 966 606 Aviation and AlrDort lmorovtrnents •lrport layout plan update Memorial Alroort Otv of Jefferson C706 U750 71 250 new air trafflc: control tower Ht~IAiroort Otv of Jefferson C107 u 500 000 caxtw•v exoanSIOn and 1mrwovemt:nts Memorial Alrpon Otv ot ld<non C701 $100 000 •1 900 000 Total st03 ?SO Sl 971 250 13 500 000 Trans1t Improvements Automated Route Information Center JEFFTRAN Cltv of Jefft:rson C709 S6 000 24 000 purd'\ase of sjx lO' low noor buses, 12 v u r Ide). JEFFTRAN Otv of Jefferson C7t0 S62 000 $248 000 $132 000 1 528 000 $207 600 $830 400 purchase two 2 v..Vtn~rubuses JEFFTRAN 0tv of Jefferson C7t1 $12 800 $51 200 113 200 1 52 800 radiO eauioment DUfd'lase JEFFTRAN Citv of Je.tferson C7t2 S360 S1 <140 passenger trensfer feollty old bus stenon • W. HcC.anv St. CitY of Jefferson C713 $14 000 S56 000 computJnQ equtpment and software JEFFTRA.N C1tv of Jefferson C71<4 <2 100 $1400 11400 I S 600 purchase four (.C) bus Shelters vartous locatiOns In Jefferson Citv Pr1vate Oroan. C715 ss 000 20 000 tranSit fadlrtv lmorovements 8os bam ma1ntenA1"1Ce shoo CitY of Jefferson C716 S22 161 88644 Co-tQU<p. pU<d\. JEFFTRA.N 0tv of Je.tferson C717 S13240 $52,SMSO CaMel eo .. o. DU<d\. • ~OM JEFFTRAN Cltv of Jefferson C718 $2 100 S8 400 transit facH1tv improvemtnts JEFFTRA.N Oty of Jetrerson C719 S6 000 $24 000 Purchase one 1 Serv1ct Truck lEFFTRAN Dtvof Jette~n C720 S6 000 $24 000 purchase one (1) replacement support Yin JEFFTRAN C..tv of Je.ffer son C721 •• 000 $32 000 Vehlek Wash Svstem JEFFTRAN Oty of Jeffer son C727 $28 000 $112 000 Total 5309 $164 861 so $659 ....... 1 134 100 10 S536 400 $228400 so $913 600 S14600 so sss 400 Ooerat:u'ICI Exoenses 5307 lEFFTRA.N Oty of Jef\"erson C722 !;1 148 686 S68 3 78 ~5 037 Sl 159 000 ~378 659 623 Sl 170 000 $68378 $705 623 1 1181 000 168 378 <752 623 Total St 148 686 ... 378 S615 037 1 159 000 ... 378 659 623 1 170 000 $68 378 705 623 Sl 1St 000 S6S 3 7S S 752 623 P!Annlno FHWA Aannina SUDDOrt CAMPO PL S3 3 328 $133 311 123 556 1 117 ?80 $23 904 $1 19 518 $24 979 S 124 896 FTA ~n1no Support CAMPO 5303 s s 881 S23 525 S4 533 22 666 S4 809 $24 043 ss 025 $25 125 Total 39 209 $156 836 S28.0S9 140 446 528 712 $143 561 S30 004 SlSO 021 TIP ProQrammed Totals Local State Federal Local State Feder at Locll State Fe<ler al Local Stat< Federal Veer 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 20 10 Exoe:nd1ture 12 229 988 141 S75 3 78 s s 794 773 1 321 189 3 428 378 4 836 469 1 427 112 $3 9 74 378 S1 762 78-4 S1 225 604 S68 378 S961 044 Combi ned Total «9 900 139 .. 516 0 36 $1 164 274 S2 255 026 - 22 Public Noti ce-Notice of Public Hearings Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization {CAMPO) Fisc a l Year 2007-2010 Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2006-2007 JEFFTRAN Public Transit Program of Projects The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) seeks to involve the public in transportation prog rams and projects planned for the Jefferson City urbanized area , consisting of Jefferson City, City of St. Martins, City of Ho lts Summit, Town of Lake Mykee, and portions of Cole and Callaway counties . The Transportation Improvement Program (TI P) proposed for FY2007 -2010 is available for review a nd comment. The TIP identifies transportation proj ects, studies a n d prog rams to be implemented u sing a combination of loca l , state , and federal funding or having regional significance for the Jefferson City area. This notice combines information on the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Jefferson City urbanized area as well as the Program of Projects (POP) for JEFFTRAN, the publ ic transit provider in Jefferson City. The JEFFTRAN Program of P roj ects i s a l so in cl uded in th e TIP. T his pu bl ic no ti ce o f p ub li c in volvement activiti es and time establ ished for public review and comme nts on the TI P sa tisfi es the FTA Program of Projects requirements. If adopted , the FY2007-2010 T IP and FY2006-07 JEFFTRAN Program of Projects are scheduled for implementation beg inning November 1, 2006. T he JEFFTRAN Program of Projects is partia ll y funded by the Federa l Transit Administration, pursuant to Sections 5307 and 5309 of Title 49, United States Code . The JEFFT RAN Program of Projects for FY2006-2007 i ncludes: JEFFTRAN plans total operating expenditu res of $1 ,832,905 i n FY2006-2007 with $615,037 in Operati ng funds provided by federa l FTA Section 5307 and $1,148,686 in local operating revenue provided by passenger fa res, and other local revenue, including general fund reven ue. Additi onal f unding is provided by a Misso uri Sta t e operating grant of $68,378. Capital investment funds provided by t he fede ral FT A Section 5309 program total $659,444 with $164,86 1 in match i ng local funds prov ided th rough the City of Jefferson half -ce nt capita l improvemen ts sa les tax a nd $5,000 i n private contri bu tio n s for bus s helters. For 2007, capital investments include: 1. Replacement of one 30' bu s , 4 bus shelters and one service truck ; 2 . Electronic fare box additions-ticket readers/issuers, probe, software, computers and mobile radios 3. Renovation of a transit building at 630 W. McCarty for a proposed transfer sta tion; 4. Improvements to the tra nsit fac i lity at 820 E. Miller, bus barn and maintenance s hop, includ i ng, roofing, wea th erproofing, pain ting , door repairs, power entrance gate and card reader and a vehicle wash system ; 5. Local match requ ired will be from one or more of the following sources : City of Jefferson general fund, transit fund, capital improvement sales tax, Co le County Special Services, Medicaid , and local service organizations. JEFFTRAN is operated as a division with i n th e Department of Community Development, City of Jefferson, M isso u ri. J EFFTRAN administra ti ve offices are located at 820 E. Miller Street, Jefferson C i ty, M i s sou r i. Copies of the FY2007-2010 TIP which includes the FY2007-2007 JEFFTRAN Program of Projects are available for inspection at the Missouri River Regional Li brary, County Clerk Offices in Co le and Callaway counties, City offices of St. Martins , Holts Summit, Lake Mykee and the City of Jefferson Planning Division and City Clerk offices . The document is also ava ilable on the Jefferso n City website at www.jeffcitymo .org. CAMPO Public Notice Page 2 Public hearings on the FY2007-2010 TIP and FY2006-2007 JEFFTRAN Program of Projects will be held by the Capital Area MPO Board of Directors in the Boone/Bancroft Room, Room #200 , John G. Ch ri s ty Mu nicipal Building , 320 E. McCarty Street, Jefferson City, Missouri at the follow ing ti mes : Times : Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at 12:15 p.m . and Wednesday, September 27 , 2006 at 12:15 p.m . At the hearings interested persons or agency representatives will have an opport unity to speak regarding the evidence and recommendations with respect to any proposed project. Any person requesting information or requiring special accommodations to attend the hearings may con tact the Je fferson City Planning Division at the number listed below. If no substantive cha ng es are made in the FY2007-2010 TIP or FY2006- 2007 JEFFTRAN Program of Proj ects this will be the final notice and the draft FY2007- 201 0 TIP which includes the FY2006-2007 JEFFTRAN Program of Projects wi ll be the final program. Persons wishing to comment on the T IP or J EFFTRAN Program of Projects may appear at the upcoming public hearings or send written comments. At the publ ic hearings, forms will be available for receiving wri tten comments and a recorder will be availab le for recording oral comments. Com men ts may be directed to: City of Jefferson Planning Division, 320 E. McCarty Street, Room 120, Jefferson City, MO 65101, faxed to 573- 634-6457 or emailed to jcplanning@jeffcitymo.org. Those wishing to record th e i r oral comments prior to the public hearing may do so by co ntacting the Jefferson City Planning Division during normal business hours at 573 .634.6475. Recordings w ill be transcribed to written record. Comments received during or before the public heari n g on September 27, 2006 will be included in the permanent re co rd . CAMPO is administered by the City of Jefferson . CAMPO offices are located in the Department of Community Development-Planning Division, Room 120, John G. Ch ri s ty Municipal Building, 320 East McCarty Street, Jefferson City, Missouri. Regular office hours are 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., Mo nd ay through Friday, except holidays . PT Wednesday , August 16 , 2006 Wednesday, August23, 2006 Phyllis Powell, City Clerk City of Jefferson, Missouri Department of Community De velopmenUPianning & Transportation Services 320 East McCarty Street, Room 120 Jefferson City, Missouri 65 101 Attention : Anne Stratman, Phone: (573) 634-6475