HomeMy Public PortalAbout2008 - FY2008 CAMPO Annual Listing of Obligated Projects\_A. rea M etrop ·~a oJ· -o '-· 0 rg · l t r -9-l-"\ j 1).U.1ng 8llJza t. ij .A v ~ 1-&-lo~ 'V -1-tlll · ec"-<O llaJ Listing of Obl igated -pyo) F Y 2008 For the Jefferson City, Missouri Metropolitan Region Annual Listing of Projects Fiscal Year 2008 Nov ember 1, 2007-October 31, 2008 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) .......................................................................................... 1 Public Participation ...................................................................................................................................... 2 CAMPO Background ................................................................................................................................... 2 TIP Projects with Obligated Federal Funding ........................................................................................ 3 The pre p a ration of this r eport was fina n ced in part by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal High way Administra ti on , and Fe d er al Tr ansit Admi n is tration in coo p eration with the Missou ri D ep artment of Tra n s p o rta t ion . The op in ion s, fi nd in gs, a n d co nclusions expressed in this rep o r t are not n ecessarily those o f the Fe d eral H ig h way A dministra ti o n, Federal Tran sit A dmin istra ti on , or th e Missouri Highwa y and Transp ortati on Dep art ment. For Inform a tion Contact the CAMPO Adm inistr a tor City o f Jefferson, Mi ssouri De partment o f Community Develo pment I Planning D ivision Room 120 -John G . Ch risty Municipal Buildin g 320 Eas t M cCarty, Jefferson City, Missouri Te lephon e 573-634-6410 https://www .je ff citymo.org/cd /ca mpo/campo.html Introduction The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) outlines the requirement for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) to publish an annual listing of projects for which funds have been obligated in the preceding year including a listing of pedestrian and bicycle projects. From SAFETEA-LU, 23 U.S.C. 1340)(7)(6), 23 U.S.C. 135(g)(4)(6), 49 U.S.C. 53030)(7)(6), and 49 U.S .C. 5304(g)(4)(6): " ... an Annual Listing of projects, including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities, for which Federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year shall be published or otherwise made available by the cooperative effort of the State, trans it operator, and metropolitan planning organization for public review. The listing shall be consistent with the funding categories identified in each metropolitan transportation improvement program (TIP)." This provision is intended to increase the transparency of government spending on transportation projects and strategies in metropolitan areas to State and local officials, and to the public at large. Realiz ing this objective involves promoting accuracy and responsiveness in financial planning and adoption of a proactive approach to sharing information with the public in a meaningful way, at an appropriate time, and in a user-friendly format. The Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) guidelines state that: "The project listings should align with categories included in the TIP. This includes project name, location, and other descriptive information included in the TIP. The listing also should include the amount of funds programmed in the TIP, the amount obligated in the program year, and the amount of funds remaining and available for use in subsequent years." This report res ponds to the directive and lists all transportation projects in the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organiz ation's region (CAMPO) that were obligated during CAMPO Fiscal year 2008 (November 1, 2007-October 31, 2008). Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) The TIP is the adopted list of public transit, highway, pedestrian, bicycle, and other transportation projects that will receive federal transportation funds in the near future. The TIP also includes projects in the CAMPO region that have regional s ignificance, but may not have federal funding. The TIP implements fiscal constraint as well and under federal regulations, the TIP must cover at a minimum, four years and be updated every fo u r years. Under FHW A requirements, TIPs are required to be updated every two years and cover a four-year time frame . The CAMPO TIP for FY 2008 was adopted September 27, 2006 and was a two year TIP to include the 2007 and 2008 Fiscal Years, with an update in FY 2009. During that time, the TIP was amended as needed over those two years. FY 2008 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Page 1 The Governor approves the TIP and it becomes part of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Missouri Department of Transportation (Mo001) provides oversight for distribution of federal transportation projects listed in the TIP/STIP. MoDOT annually updates the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) to identify the projects that will be administered as full -oversight projects by the FHW A. MoDOT will not submit requests for obligation of funds on any Federal-aid project until the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) approval process has been completed, right-of-way clearance has been approved, and the projects for which Federal funds are being requested are listed in the MoDOT Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Within this context, an obligation is the Federal government's legal commitment to pay the Federal share of a project's cost. An obligated project is one that has been authorized by the Federal agency and funds have been obligated. Projects for which funds have been obligated are not necessarily initiated or completed in the program year, and the amount of the obligation will not necessarily equal the total cost of the project. For FTA projects, obligation occurs when the FTA grant is awarded. For FHWA projects, obligation occurs when a project agreement is executed and the State/grantee requests that the funds be obligated. This Annual Listing of Obligated Project report is the listing of the amount of funds for projects in the CAMPO planning area that have been obligated. Public Participation CAMPO aims to proactively engage the public in the regional transportation planning process and embrace federal requirements that MPOs provide the public with complete information, timely public notice, full public access to key decisions, and early and continuing involvement in developing the TIP, Long Range Plan, and other products. The CAMPO public involvement strategies include presenting information and educating the public, continually soliciting public input, and considering and responding to any public concerns. For more information on the CAMPO public participation process, go to the Public Participation Plan on the CAMPO website: https ://www .jeffcitymo.org/c d /ca mpo/ca mpo.html. CAMPO Background The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) was designated by the Governor of Missouri as the metropolitan planning organization for the Jefferson City urbanized area on May 7, 2003. SAFETEA-LU requires those urbanized areas with a population greater than 50,000 develop an MPO as a condition for spending federal or transit funds. The MPO promotes a regional perspective towards transportation planning and has the responsibility for planning, programming, and coordinating federal investments. The CAMPO region includes southern Callaway County, northern Cole County and the cities of Holts Summit, Jefferson City, Lake Mykee and St. Martins. The CAMPO process is dependant on cooperation and participation among state, local government, and transit operators in providing transportation improvements. FY 2008 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Page2 TIP Projects with Obligated Federal Funding M2QQT !'.!:2jW .El:2im m ~ Number Number RQute Federal Funds TQtal Funds DESCRIPTIQN[LQCA TIQN N.Q DATE STAGE CHAN GE STP-Not Linco ln University H istoric COLE 3100515 applicable $ 363,950.00 $ 592,846.65 District Pedestri an 2009 -12 09/11/08 Const $ (314,223.76) Accessibili ty Route STP-Not T rail Ex te nsion Greenway COLE 3100517 applicable $ 121 ,708.93 $ 187,244.50 from Covington Gard e ns to 2007-08 01/31/08 Cons! $ (121,708.93) County Park Lake STP-Not Trail Extension Greenway COLE 3100517 appli cable $ 104,622.96 $ 160,985.40 fr o m Covington Gardens to 2007-08 05/27/08 Const $ 17,085.97 County Park Lake COLE STP-No t $ 5,026.40 $ 6,283.00 Jefferson City Katy Trail H o lts 2007 -07 04/01/08 PE $ (5,026.40) 3100518 applicable Summit Spur STP-Not $ 27,568.03 $ 81,082.43 Adrian Island Access 2007-03 03/19/08 PE $ (27,568.03) COLE 3101501 applicable Study/Design/Construc tion COLE J5P2151 NH-543145 US 54 $ 785,462.40 $1,516,752.00 Jefferson St reet Overpass Ln Jc 05/1 4/08 Const $ (785,462.40) COLE J5P2151 N H ER-US 54 $ 1,177,000.00 $1,516,752.00 Jefferson St Overpass In Jeff 09/1 1/08 Const $(1,177,000.00) 543145 City COLE J5P2151 N HER-US 54 $ 560.4.2 $1 ,516,752.00 Jefferson St Overpass Ln Jeff 09/11/08 Const $ (560.42) 543145 City COLE J5P2151 NH-543145 US 54 $ $ Jefferson St ree t Ove rpass In Jc 09/11/08 WID $ 785,462.40 CALLAWAY J5P0955B NHHSIP-US 54 $ 93,677.40 $ 278,415.00 From 1 Mi W/0 CoRd 348 To 2009-08 05/14/08 Const $ (93,677 .40) 543146 0.4 Mi W/0 Rt Aa/Oo J5P0955B NH H SIP-US 54 $ 83,273.40 $ 247,515.00 From 1 Mi W/0 CoRd 348 To 2009-08 07/14/08 Const $ 10,404.00 CALLAWAY 543146 0.4 Mi W/0 Rt AA/00 CALLAWAY SRTSINF-Not $ 15,782.57 $ 15,782.57 City Of H olts Summit -North 2007-06 05/16/08 PE $ (15,78 2.57) H1 05002 applicable Elem School Sidewalk STP = Surface Transportation Program NH = National Highway System NH ER = National Highway System -Emergency Relief NH-HSIP =National Highway System-Highway Safety Improvement Program SRTS-INF =Safe Routes To School-Infrastructure FY 2008 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Page3