HomeMy Public PortalAbout2008 - FY2008 CAMPO Unified Planning Work Program Combined 4th Qtr - Annual ReportFY 2008 UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE JEFFERSON CITY METROPOLITAN AREA Combined Fourth Quarter and Annual Report AUGUST 1, 2008 -OCTOBER 31, 2008 Table of Contents 1.0 MPO Program Administration ............................................................................................ 1 1 .1 Program Administration .................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Public Participation .......................................................................................................... 2 2.0 General Transportation Planning ........................................................................................ 5 2.1 Transportation Data Acquisition and Maintenance .................................................... 5 2.2 Trans portation Planning Coordination ......................................................................... 7 2.3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning .................................................................................... 7 2.4 Goods Movement/Freight Planning .............................................................................. 8 2.5 Program Administration ................................................................................................. 8 2.6 Trans portation Safety Planning ...................................................................................... 9 2.7 Transportation Security Planning ................................................................................ 10 3.0 Long Range Transportation Planning ............................................................................... 10 4 .0 Transport ation Improvement Plan .................................................................................... 12 5 .0 Public Trans portation (Transit) Planning ......................................................................... 13 6.0 Coordination of Human Service Transportation ............................................................ 13 7.0 Professional Services Contrac tin g ..................................................................................... 14 The preparation of thi s report was financed in p art by the U.S. De p artme nt of T r ansporta tion, Federal Highway Adminis tration a nd Federal Transit Adminis tra ti o n in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Trans p ortation. The opinions, findings, and conclusions ex pressed in this re port are not n ecessarily those of the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, o r the Mi ssouri De p artment o f Trans p o rtation . MPO St aff Janice M cMillan, AI CP -Administrator Alan Mo rrison, AICP -Lo ng Range/ T ransporta ti on Planner Sonny Sanders, GISP-Planner I Anne Stratma n -Adminis trative Assistant For Information Contact the MPO Adminis trato r, C ity of Jeffe rson, Missou ri Department o f Community Developme nt I Planning Division Room 120 -John G. Christy Munici p al Building 320 East McCarty St. Je ff e rson City, Mi ssouri Tel e pho n e 573-634-6410 www.jeffcitymo.orglcampo 1.0 MPO Program Administration and Support 1.1 Program Administration Program Objectives 1) To provide for the a dminis trative and s uppo rt functions n ecessary for the federally require d metropolitan transportatio n planni n g process 2) To administer a ll fed eral funding in an appropriate manner 3) To ins ure that a ll grants and co ntracts are administered to allow time ly completion o f sch e dule d activities and pro du cts 4) To support the MPO tran s portation and related co mmittees and ensure communications amon g a nd be tween the co mmittees Program Activities 1) Prepare agendas, m a te r ials and minutes for MPO Committee and s ubcommi ttee m eetings and respond t o individual committee information requ ests a) Prepared schedules, agendas and mate rial s for 2008 Technical Committee meetings and Board of Directors meetings 2) Develop the unified planning w o rk p rogr a m for the n ex t fiscal yea r, describing activities to b e carried out and the estimated amounts of federal planning and local fund s n ecessar y for each a c tivi ty and tota l program bud get a) A draft UPWP was s ubmitte d a t t he July Technica l Committee meeting, revised and res ubmitted in August, recommended to the Board of Directors for a doptio n August 20, 2008, and adopted by the Board of Directors on September 18, 2008. 3) Provide a bud get a nd o the r inform a tion require d to draft the planning fund s agreeme nt a ) The budget, a lo n g with related information was submitted with the draft UPWP to th e Board of Direc tors on August 20, 2008. T h e UPWP and Budge t were adopted by th e Board of Directors o n Septembe r 18, 2008. 4) Pre pare and s ubmit docume nts require d by State and Federal agencies, including annu a l reports, progress r eports, monthly invoice s tate m e nts, and othe r docume nts as n eeded s uch as but n o t limited to TIP, U PWP, amendments, minutes, and correspond en ce fi les a) The Metropolitan T r an sp o rtation Plan scope of services a nd r e late d updates were prepared for F HWA, FTA, and MoDOT during the Metropolita n Transportation Plan d evelo pme nt, in the first quarter. b) The UPWP was amended to exp a nd the work items in February and a ppro ved by ONEDOT on March 3, 2008. c) MPO s taff pre p a red responses to the trie nnia l re vi e w qu estions for FHW A and FT A in Ju ly of 200 8. d) Quarterly progress re ports were co mple te d for the first, second and third quarters, and the FY2007 annual prog ress re port ha s been completed in November, 2008 . Quarterly invoices were al so prepared and submitted to MoDOT. e) Documents for T IP a nd UPWP amendments, approvals, co mme nts, and corres pond e n ce w e re kept a nd filed, a s were the minutes of MPO m eetings. FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 4 th Q u arte r Progress Report 1 5) Maintain appropriate cost r ecords and billing procedures a) Ex p en d itures a n d b ill in gs were submi tte d thro u gh out the year by th e C ity of Je ffe rson Fina n ce De p artm e n t. 6) Review federal/state policies and guidance regarding metropolitan transportation planning and incorporate changes as necessary (ongoing) a) N o ch an ges w e re re quire d fo r the firs t three q u a rters b) Th e UPWP was a m end e d during th e second qu a rte r 7) Attend meetings and training as appropriate (ongoing) a) Staff attended the following coordination and planning meetings • A nnu a l MPO confe re n ce in Je ff e rson C ity o n Se pte mbe r 25, 2008. • Atte nded MMRPC RPC m eetin g in July, and a Tran spo rta ti on Ad viso ry Committee and RPC m eet ing in May a nd Jul y-third qu a rte r • MPO p e rsonne l a tte nd ed the Mi ssouri Co mmittee on T ra ns p o rta ti o n Overs ig ht confe re n ce in June -third qu a rte r • Governme nt A gency I Utili ty Company P roj ect Coordina ti o n M ee ting in Ja nu a ry • MoDOT highw ay safe ty coa liti on m eeting at the central o ffi ce in Fe bru a ry • C ity of Je ff e rs o n T ra ffi c & T ran s portation Mtg. in Februa ry and April • M a r ch MMRPC Trans portation Adv iso ry C ommittee • March MMRPC RPC m eetin g Products 1) Annual work program budge t -Completed 2) Annual work program -Comple ted 3) Quarterly progress reports -Comple te d 4) Annual progress report -Compl e te d 1.2 Public Participation Program Objectives 1) Gain input into the transportation planning processes from persons within the community served by the MPO, including those tra ditionally underserved by transportation and those who have n o t traditionally p arti cipa ted in the planning process 2) The provision of opportunities for convenient public access, review and co mme nt on MPO planning and programming docume nts, as well as the data and forecasts on which they are based 3) Promote comprehensive public involvement activities at all levels of planning, throughout the MPO area Program Activities 1) Provide adequate notice of CAMPO committee meetings, forums, and focus groups a) Notices of Technical C ommitte e and Board mee tings were p osted online a nd a t th e loc ati o n s d es igna ted in the Public Pa rticipation Plan. FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 4th Quarter Progress Repo rt 2 b) Th e P u blic Parti cipa ti o n Pla n 45+ day p ublic co mme n t peri o d was in progres s thro u g h p art of December a nd into Janu ary . c) Fo ll owing the p u bl ic comm ent section o f the m eetin g, t h e rev ised and re n a m ed P ublic Parti ci p a ti o n Pla n was approved o n Fe bruar y 20, 2008 d ) The Li mite d En g li s h Proficie ncy Pla n publ ic co mme nt pe ri od was ex tend ed for 45 d ays +, the sa me a mo unt o f time as the P P P, and p a ra ll e lin g th e PPP publ ic p a rti cipa ti o n process, a lso coverin g p a rts o f Decembe r and Ja nu a ry. e ) Fo ll owing the p ubli c comme nt secti o n o f the m eetin g, the Lim ited En g li s h Pro fi ciency P la n was approved on Feb r u a ry 20, 20 08 2) Utili ze a range of public involvement techniques to reach out to those traditionally underse rved by transportation and those who have not traditiona lly participate d in the pla nning process 3) Conduct public involve ment, public meetings, hearings and workshops, as needed and in accordance with the Public Involvement Plan a) During the fir s t qu a rte r, a Coordina te d Public T ra ns it Huma n Se r v ices T ra ns p o rta ti o n Pl an and MTP pu b li c o utreach meeting was h e ld a t Community Ac ti o n, fo r comme nts a nd t o provi d e info rma tion . b) C AMPO ad ve rti sed for public co mme nt as p art o f public o utrea ch and public p a rticipation in th e d e ve lopme nt o f th e MTP. Th is e ffort is li s ted in Appe ndi x 2 o f the MTP, whi ch w as a d o pted A pril 16, 2008. c ) P u bli c p a rti cipa ti o n was a lso adve rtised fo r review a nd d evelo pme nt of the LEP a nd the PPP, b oth o f w hi ch were a d o pte d o n Feb ru a ry 20, 2008 4) Maintenance of MPO fil es for Title VI, Environmental Justice, and non-discriminatio n activities a ) Th e MPO prov id ed info rmati on requeste d fo r th e tri e nni a l rev ie w in Au g u s t, 2008 5) Improve upon notice of and an opportunity to comment on propose d trans portation projects, plans and programs for citi zen s, affected public agencies, private transportation provide rs, and other interested parties a ) During th e fir s t qua rte r, M PO s t a ff exp a nd ed, clarifie d and improved the Public Pa rti cipa ti o n Pl an to include inte reste d p a rti es lis ts fo r p a ne ls, focu s groups, a nd p ossible s ubco mmittees, a plan for brochures and lite ra ture d escribing the MPO, its functi o ns, and public p a rti cipa ti o n prog ra ms. The publi c comme nt p e ri o d s were mo difi e d to redu ce confu s io n and improve sche dul es. D is tincti o ns between Adminis tra ti ve Modi ficatio ns and Ame n d m ents were ad d e d, a lo ng w ith cl arifi ca ti on of th e p rocedures. b) Al so during th e fir s t q u a rte r, o ther improvem ents in the PPP include d a m o re promine nt presentati o n and clarifica ti o n o f s t atements o f s p eci a l accommo d a ti on , no ndisc rimina ti o n p o li cies, Limite d Eng li sh Profi ciency p o li cies, and a rev iew o f pla n a nd progr a m d evelo p m e nt procedures c ) For deve lo pme nt o f pl an s s u ch as the MTP, TI P, LEP, PPP o r U PWP: d) Fo r public comment and n o ti ces fo r pla n s, or for p arti ci p a ti o n opportunities s u ch as workshops and fo c u s g ro ups, ad verti sem ents a re place d in n ewspape rs o f gen e ra l circul a ti on (us u a l twi ce ), n o ti ces a re a ls o sent to go vernme nt o ffi ces fo r p osting, and FY2008 Unifi e d Planning Work Program 4 th Quarter Progress Report 3 to intereste d p a rti es, id e nti fie d in previou s publ ic in vo lvem e nt ac t ivi ties, an d p osted o n the CA MPO web si te . e) Notices fo r p osti n g a re a lso sent to th e fo ll owi ng loca ti o ns . • C ity C le rk, C ity of j efferson • Co unty Clerk, Cole Co un ty Courtho u se • C ounty C le rk, Call away Co unty Cou rtho u s e • C ity C le rk, H o lts Summit C ity H a ll • C ity C lerk, St. M a rtins C ity H a ll • Lak e My k ee Board o f T ru s tees • Mi ssouri Ri ver Regio n a l Libra ry f) H a rd co pi es of th e draft d ocume nts a re be sent to the fo ll owin g loca t io n s fo r p ublic access. • C i ty C le rk, C ity o f Je ff e rson • County C le rk, C ole County Courtho u se • County C le rk, C allaway County Courthouse • C ity Cl e rk , H o l ts Summit C ity H a ll • C ity C lerk, St. Martins C ity Hall • Lak e M y kee Board o f Tru s tees • Missouri Ri ver R egion a l Libr a ry Products 1) CAMPO meeting notices, publications and advertisements a ) CA MPO publis h e d public m eeting n o ti ces fo r Tec hni cal Committee and Boa rd of Direc to rs m eetin gs and a d ve r tisem e nts fo r public comme nt p eri o d s o f the pro p osed plans fo r th e Limite d En g li s h Profic ien cy Pl an a nd the Public P articipa ti o n Pl an . 2) Web pages concerning transportation p lans and programs a nd the data, policies and forecasts that supp ort them a) CAMPO web pag es we re upd a te d in February, March and April. b) C AMPO w e b pages w e re upd a te d in Ma y, June and Ju ly . 3) Public Invo lve ment pl annin g tha t is curre nt and r e levant a) The Limite d En g li sh Pro fici e n cy Pla n w as update d in January, 2008 a nd placed fo r th e r equire d public comme nt p e ri od beginning Janu ar y 16, 2008 in p a r a ll e l w ith the Public P a rti ci p a tion Pl a n . Th e public co mme nt period carried over to the 2"" qu a rte r . Both plans, the LEP and the P PP w e re a d o pte d in Fe brua ry o f 2008 4) Support for public en gagement activities intended to develop public infras tructure through active community involvement -Ongoing activ ity 5) Documentation of public responses and participation a) With the completio n of the Metro politan Trans portatio n P lan (M TP), public comments and re comme ndatio n s from fo ur public planning w o rks hops, two ope n houses, outreach a ctivities a t two s eni or centers, s pecia li zed focu s g r o ups a nd governmental conferences, w e re includ e d in appendi ces of th e MTP, a long with FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 41h Quarter Progress Repo rt 4 r esp o nses by the publi c to the interviews and q u e s ti o nn a ires u sed in developm e nt of th e MTP. b) Th e Coordina te d Pu bl ic Trans it Hum a n Services Transporta ti o n Pla n con tai n s the publi c a nd priva te o rga ni za ti o n s a nd agen cies th at p a rti ci p a te d in developme n t of d evelo pmen t o f th e pl a n . Res p o n ses fro m qu esti o nnaires, s urveys, publi c o utreac h m eetin gs, tra n s p o rta ti o n agency meetings a nd public h ea ring r esponses are s ummariz e d a nd in corp o rated into the d ocume nt r eco mmend a ti o ns, a nd th e a ppend ices. c ) De v elo pment of th e Limited En g li s h P rofic ie n cy Pl a n, be ing m o re tec hni ca ll y ori e nte d in its d eve lopm ent a nd less public p a rti cipati o n, n everthe less h ad s u rveys o f tra n s it ope r a tors a n d ce n s u s d a t a, a lo n g w ith a tte mpting to id e ntify geograph ic a nd ne ig hbo rh ood s locales w h e re LEP p e rsons could b e loca ted. Inte rn e t d is pl ay a nd publicly access ibl e location s for p rinte d copies o f th e p la n were t wo m e tho d s o f m a king th e pl a n s avai lable to the public . d) Th e Publi c Pa rti ci p a ti o n P la n (P P P) was revised a nd upd a te d wi th input fro m loca l, s ta te, a nd fe d e r a l agen cies. Copi es o f the PPP were di s tribute d to the locati o n s id e ntifi e d in the PPP as locati on s required fo r displ ay o f pla n s a nd n o ti ces, a n d placed o n the C AMPO webs ite, with a nno uncem e nts o f th e pla n s, fo r a 45-d ay publi c comm ent p e ri od. Public comme nt p e riods initiated a t the Boa rd of Direc to rs me etings provide add iti o n a l o ppo rtunities for comment. e ) Ad va nce n o tices o f Techni ca l Co mmittee a nd Bo a rd o f Directo rs m eetings, a lo ng with any a d -h oc o r a dditio n al m eetin gs, are gi v en a d vance public notice, a t the locati on s identified in th e PPP, a n d if a s pecial public m eeting is h e ld, a d verti sements in a n e w s p ap e r o f gen e ra l circulatio n . f) Corresp o nd e n ce o r co mmun ica ti o n s fr o m the publi c a re preser ved a nd fi le d fo r re fe rence, a ft e r a resp o nse h as b een prov id e d . Form a l co mmuni ca ti o n s fro m priva te a nd public agen cies a re provided to the MPO co mmittees, fo r the ir info rma tion a nd r esp on se, (if wa rra nted ). 2.0 General Transportation Planning 2.1 Transportation Data Acquisition and Maintenance Program Objectives 1) Provide for a wide range of transportation planning activities and studies supporting the transportation planning process for the Jefferson City metropolitan area and provide fo r multi-modal transportation planning activities and studies supporting a five year planning period for the Jefferson City metropolitan a r ea 2) Collect, maintain a nd anal yze data on transportation and travel behavior within the region to facilitate transportation planning and decision-making 3) Promote better understanding of transportation pattems and trends within the MPO region 4) Maintain d a ta on low-income, e lde rl y, disabled, and minority popul ations to support e n vironme ntal justice o utreach and analysis FY2008 Unifi e d Planning Work Program 4 th Qu arter Progress Report 5 5) Respond to reques ts for info rmation from local, s tate and private agencies and the public Program Activities 1) Maintain an inventory o f multi-moda l transportation facilities and services within the m etropo litan planning area for transit, rail, river, aviation, freight, and other trans p ortation modes a) Transportation infrastructure a nd related transportation/land u se data a nd maps were co mp iled fo r the MTP. b) MPO personnel completely updated and revised the ro ad database for the CAMPO MPA from May throu g h July. MPA roadway data corr ec ti o n s resulted in a red u cti on from 897 road miles to 65 1 roa d miles, a nd verification of all current public roadways within the MPA. 2) Develop and m aintain traffic count and congestion data a) in itia lly obtained for the co mple ti on o f th e MTP, it has also been expanded a nd u sed for the Federal Roadway Functional C lassifi cation revi ew, and local traffic questions. b) Additiona l 24-hour a nd 72-hour counts for were done for roadways in th e roadway functiona l classification rev iew if no cou nts existed . 3) Maintain maps of roadway functi on al classificatio ns a) No ch an ges in the firs t qu arter b) N o changes in the second quarter c) Review is co ntinuing thro u g h the third Quarter d) Functional classifica ti on review to be continu ed through the fourth quarter, and into the next fiscal year. 4) Develop and maintain transportation syste m s afety data a) Revi ewed acci d ent data for currency a nd included the d a ta in tables in the Me tropolitan Transportation Plan. 5) Acquire and maintain socioeconom ic and d e mographic data for analyses and fo recas ting ac ti vi ti es. Include items s uch as land u se, transportatio n infrastru cture, housing, environmental, and o p en s pace. a) Overlaid upcoming TI P projects over the protected class demographics for u se in an in-house exercise. 6) Coordinate with GIS s taff for the pro duction, collection, stor age, analysis and present a tion o f information for MPO and public u se a) Di sc ussion is o ngoing on d a tabases for in-house and o nline requirements. 7) Organize databases for be tte r maintenance 8) Expand databases Products 1) Preparation of maps, other graphics, and d atabases as n ecessar y for MPO and local agency u se -Ongoing ac tivity 2) Up to date d a t a bases s uitable for identifying trends, condu cting analyses and demographics -Ongoing activity FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 4 t h Quarter P rogress Report 6 2.2 Transportation Planning Coordination Program Objectives 1) Provide overall management of the CAMPO transportation planning program, and ensure compliance with applicable federal and state requirements 2) Administer all federal and local funding in an appropriate manner 3) Ensure that all grants and contracts are administered to allow timely completion of scheduled activities and products 4) Support the various transportation and related committees and ensure communications among and between the committees 5) Manage and develop staff contribution to transportation planning activities 6) Engage local jurisdictions in transportation planning and coordination through periodic outreach activities, including periodic meetings with local officials and attendance at meetings Program Activities 1) Participate in local development and transportation related meetings on transportation, urbanization and annexation issues (ongoing) a) Land use map updated for St. Martins zoning and boundary. b) Analyses performed by CAMPO for Jefferson C ity: 1) Hotel and land use zoning analysis, 2) industrial land use analysis project, and tax-exempt property ana lysis. 2) Coordinate and support local and state agencies on MPO related activities and metropolitan area planning with information on transportation studies, traffic counts, demographic information, socioeconomic information, and local comprehensive and transportation planning studies when available a) MTP meeting with Callaway County Commission -February b) MTP meeting with Ho lts Summit -Apri l c) MTP meeting with the Lake Mykee Town Board-February d) Conducted MTP discussions with City of Jefferson and Cole County Products 1) Participate in local transportation and transportation-related studies and surveys Ongoing activity 2) Identify resources for technical assistance and data for freight planning -Ongoing activity 2.3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Program Objectives 1) Maintain and implement the Bicycle and Pedestrian Elements of the Long-Range Transportation Plan, as necessary 2) Encourage communities to integrate bicycle and pedestrian transportation needs in local plans, capital improvement programs and transportation improvement projects 3) Better address the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians through technical and planning assistance FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 41h Quarter Progress Report 7 Program Activities 1) Participate in coordination with City departments and representatives from agencies, such as Parks and Recreation, MoDOT committees, technical staff, and private interest groups for non-motorized vehicle planning a) Assist Jefferson City in the updating of the sidewalk inventory and proposed sidewalk plan, also provided analysis for prioritization of s idewalks. b) Mapping update for sidewalks for Jefferson City 2) Assist local governments and other project sponsors in the development or design of bicycle and pedestrian plans or projects a) MPO personnel assisted the City of Holts Summit in preparation of GIS and Mapping for a National Recreational Trails Program grant application for trails within the Holts Summit Greenway Park b) TIP a mendments were initiated and placed for public comment for the Holts Summit Safe Routes to School Project and a Greenway Extension from the Katy Trail to Summit Drive in Callaway County in the first quarter Products 1) Review Transportation Enhancement applications bicycle and/or pedestrian components-Completed 2) Maintain and implement the Bicycle and Pedestrian Elements of the MPO plans - Completed 2.4 Goods Movement/Freight Planning Program Objectives 1) Integrate freight transportation issues and concems within the overall metropolitan transportation planning process Program Activities 1) Research resources, training and technical assistance for improvement in level s of s taff competence 2) Research data sources and information on the Freight Analysis Program, Freight Infrastructure Program, and the Freight Operations and Technology Program 3) Improve estimates of freight traffic movement and freight generation within the MPO area Products 1) Updates to the Goods Movement Element of the MTP, and other plans as needed - Ongoing activity 2) Development of freight and goods movement databases -Ongoing activity 2.5 Professional Staff development Program Objectives 1) Improve the professional skills of the MPO staff, to accomplish the requirements of SAFETEA-LU, as well as State and Local interests in commerce and freight movement FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 41h Quarter Progress Report 8 Program Activities 1) Professional meetings, conferences and workshops for MPO Staff and MPO member representatives in areas related to transportation planning and Metropolitan Planning Organization activities a) Sta ff a tte nd ed th e M id M issou ri APA m eeting (firs t qu a rte r) b ) Sonny Sa nd e rs a tte nd ed th e 1J th A nnua l Tools o f th e T rad e Con fe re n ce - T r a ns porta ti o n P la nning fo r Sm all a nd M edium-S iz ed Communiti es c) MPO p er s onnel utili ze d w e bin a rs, p o d cas ts, and o th e r m e th o d s of pro fess io n al tra ining tha t d oes no t r equ ire exte ns i ve travel or tim e co mm itm e nts . St a ff a tte n ded an AP A Ethics webin a r, a nd A P A a udio -confe re n ce in June, a nd a cn·p webin a r in Jul y (third qu a rte r) d ) Ja ni ce McMill a n attend e d th e Civil Ri g hts T itl e VI, En v iro nme nta l Ju stice worksh o p in June (thi rd qua rte r) e) A ttended travel Demand Mod e lin g tra ining fr o m PTV Limited in Ka n sas Ci ty 2) T raining and development s u ch as training in computer applications and technical processes through vendors, NTI, FHW A, and FTA for example a ) Sonny Sand e rs co mple te d th e NHl/FHWA Introducto ry T ravel Dem a nd Mod eling co urse in June b) Attende d a M issou r i G IS Sta tew id e Strateg ic P lanning -Regio n a ll nput mtg . 3) Freight Professional Development (FPD) Program Training and Technical Assistance 4) Research the potential for the Freight Planning Capacity Building Workshop Products 1) Development of expertise in freight transportation planning for improvement of future plans -Ongoing activity 2.6 Transportation Safety Planning Program Objectives 1} To foster communication and regional collaboration among local, s tate, regional, and federal safety activities 2) Cooperation with regional planning organizations, city, county and state safety planning organizations and safety s takeholders on transportation safety issues 3) Support the development and update of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Program Activities 1) Seek out additional technical and financial resources to assist in developing transportation safety analysis tools for the region and to improve crash data quality 2) Work with local agencies, State DOT, FHW A, and FT A to understand th e CAMPO role in SAFETEA-LU transportation safety planning 3) Acquire and maintain accident and crash data for the MPO region 4) Assist the State DOT in working groups, data, and analyses in safety planning 5) Increase awareness of safety and security as a component in planning FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 41h Quarter Progress Report 9 6) Support member agencies as they integrate safety considerations into projects 7) Reflect the goals and objectives of the a pproved Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan a) Incorporated into the MTP Products 1) Updated database of traffic accidents and safety-related data -Ongoing activity 2) Mapping of crash data -Completed for M TP 3) Annual report containing analyses of accident data at the MPO level -Ongoing activity 2.7 Transportation Security Planning Program Objectives 1) To enhance protection of critical transportation infrastructure 2) To identify and improve communication with special needs population s during emergencies 3) To s upport the development of emergency evacuation plans Program Activities 1) Identify special nee ds populations in the metro area and research information on communications challenges and methods prior to and during emergency events a) Location of minority, low inco m e, e lderly and h a ndi ca pped populatio n s, as special needs populations are id entified in the MTP 2) Support emergency manage ment agencies in the development of evacuation and other emergency response plans 3) Encourage adding security components into transportation processes and plans 4) Add security as a component in evaluating project priorities Products 1) Report on s pecial n eed s population -Ongoing activity 3.0 Long Range Transportation Planning Program Objectives 1) Continue work leading to the adoption of an updated Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) 2) Process amendments to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan as necessary 3) Continue refinement of the MTP consistent with the goals it articulates and adherence to SAFTEA-LU requirements for comprehensive long-range planning 4) Assist in integrating the MTP with the statewide long-range plans developed by MoDOT 5) Facilitate community dialogue concerning regional d e velopment and mobility goals and to evaluate land use and transportation policies suggested to achieve these goals FY2008 Unified Planning W ark Program 4th Quarter Progress Report 10 6) Support long range transportation through long-range, collaborative transportation and demographic studies to identify substantial projects and programs to identify needs and solutions to transportation issues over the long term Program Activities 1) Ensure the region's long-range planning process addresses the federal transportation planning factors 2) Process amendments to the MTP as necessary a) N o amendments required 3) Traffic Analysis Zone development, maintenance and update a) Initi a l MPA TAZs were d eveloped for the MTP, TAZs were completed in December, 2007 and adopted in April of 2008 . b) T he TAZ update for th e CTIP h as been delayed until 2011 . 4) Organize the MTP components (databases, maps, plans, modeling) for maintenance and updating a) Co mpleted 5) Transportation and socioeconomic information for land use and transportation decision-making a) Previously incorporated into the travel d e mand mod e l a nd late r into th e M TP in the form o f tabl es and m aps 6) Develop a multi-modal facility and service inventory, with inclusion of a freight inventory component a) First multimod a l facility inventory was incorpora ted into the MTP 7) Support for long range congestion studies such as the Whitton Expressway Problem Definition Study a) CAMPO along with other transportation entities within the region a re participating in th e funding and co llaborative p a rti cipa tion in the Whitton Expressway Environme ntal Impact Statement, which continues thro u g h the 4 t h quarter b) Staff attended the Ja nu a ry 29 public m eetin g for the Whitton Expressway EIS, h e l d by MoDOT c) Gu es t speaker a t th e Jeffe rson C ity Kiwanis C lub mee tin g in Fe bru ary, on the function of CAMPO and update on the Whitton Expressway EIS d) CAMPO a long with o th er transpo rtati o n e ntities within the region are co ntinuing in participating in the funding and co ll aborative participation in th e Whitton Expressway Environmental Impact Statement Products 1) Consolidated MPO area socio-economic and transportation databases -Ongoing activity 2) Cooperative studies and exchanges of information between agencies -Ongoing activity 3) Metropolitan Transportation Plan (completed, adopted Ap ril 16, 2008) 4) Traffic Analysis Zones (completed for the MTP in April, 2008) 5) Travel demand model data update -Completed FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 4 th Quarter Progress Report 11 6) Whitton Expressway Environmental Impact Statement -Ongoing activity 4.0 Transportation Improvement Plan Program Objectives 1) Identify projects and programs over a three to five year planning horiz on 2) Coordination and cooperation from Federal state and local members of the MPO in the production of the TIP Program Activities 1) Prepare an updated 2009-2012 CAMPO T ransportation Improvement Plan a) A 2009 -2012 TIP w as approve d on Septe mber 17, 2008 . 2) Identify state and local projects and programs for inclusion in the TIP a) Completed in July of 2008, included in a draft TIP, ve rified by project and sponsors, completed public comment period in August, and adopted on September 17, 2008. 3) Facilitate amendment of the Transportation Improvement Plan, as required For FY 2008, the following actions were taken: a) Following the appropriate CAMPO public participation procedures and comment period, the Board of Directors approved a TIP amendment at their regularly scheduled January 16th meeting for the Safe Routes to Sc hool project in Holts Summit, in the amount of $196, 607 . b) Greenway trail extension to a ccess the Katy Tra il from Summit Dr in Callaway County -TIP amendment adopted 2/20/2008 c) Greenway trail e xtension from Co vington Gardens to County Park Lake -TIP amendment adopted 3/19/2008 d) Intersection improvements at Tanner Bridge and Ellis Boulevard -TIP amendment adopted 4/16/2008 e) Cons truction of a n additional lane at Jefferson Street & Sta dium Blvd -TIP amendment adopted 4/16/2008 f) Control & geometric improvements at Stadium Blvd & Lafayette St -TIP amendment adopted 4/16/2008 g) Geometric improvements and addition of a center lane at E. McCarty St and Ea stland Drive to the US 50/63 interchange -TlP amendment adopted 4/16/2008 h) Two administrative modifications were made February 20, 2008 to the TIP Products 1) An approved 2009 TIP-Completed 2) An approved work program budget -Completed 3) TIP amendments as required -Completed FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 41h Quarter Progress Report 12 5.0 Public Transportation (Transit) Planning Program Objectives 1) Provide n ecessary speciali zed planning related to transit services 2) To improve local and regional mobility and modal choice through increased transit and special transporta tion Program Activities 1) Improve coordination on planning for ADA 2) Assist in possible route modification and Environmental Justice evaluations a ) Revised routes and sch e dules fo r antici p a te d tran sfer s tatio n re locati o n a nd d evelo p ment o f a bu s s to p da tabase. Prov ided m a ppin g and g r aph ics p ro du cts and ser vices for new ro utes a n d p u bli ca t ion s. 3) Support transit providers as they integrate safety and security considerations into projects a ) Ad d ed a transi t v id eo s urveill a n ce p ro ject to th e 2009 TIP. 4) Assist and cooperate with transit security planning ac tivities a) Ass is te d in compl e ting MPO secti o ns o f th e t ra ns it tr ienni a l rev iew d ocu ments in Ma rch Products 1) Improved safety and security -Ongoing activity 2) Better transit service for areas with higher need -Ongoing activity 6.0 Coordination of Human Service Transportation Program Objectives 1) To assist loc al and regional transit planning and coordination to secure adequate, reliable sources of funds to support the local and regional transit planning 2) To improve e mployment related transportation for disabled and low-income residents 3) To improve coordination and efficiency in human servi ces transportation planning Program Activities 1) Provide data to s uppor t route planning, sch eduling, evaluation methods, mapping, and GIS methods to coordinate transit plans with existing a nd proposed land uses 2) Provide assistance to local governments and applicant agencies in d evel oping transit/paratransit projects for incl u sion in the Transportation Improvement Program 3) Participation in transit-related studies sponsored by other agencies and jurisdictions 4) Monitor, prepare, and distribute information on the region's senior and disabled transportation services 5) Improve awareness and facilitate appli cations for section 5310 funding 6) Review applications for Section 5310 vehicles and recommend funding recipients to the r espective state departments of transportation a ) N o 5310 applications wer e s ubmitted for 2007 FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 4th Quarter Progress Report 13 7) Provide technical assistance to governmental, non-profit and for-profit grantees and operators of mobility systems 8) Support improved job access and reverse commuting through section 5316 funding a ) O a ts In c. 5316 p roject h as b een incl u ded in th e 20 09-2012 TIP 9) Support and assist in actions and programs that go beyond required ADA actions, including s upport of the section 5317 program 10) Identify or maintain a clearinghouse of information and resources for coordinating agencies 11) De velop and maintain a d i rectory of local state, and federal contacts for agencies dealing with human services transportation 12) Develop and m aintain a directory of human service agencies and transportation pro viders, along with their services 13) Host an annual mee ting of human service transportation providers as provided for in the Coordinated Public T ransi t Human Services Transportation Plan Products 1) Information and resources for agencies and organizations -Ongoing activity 2) A forum for multi-agency Human Services Trans portation planning (annually) 3) Additional Section 5310 applications for human service agencies -Ongoing activity 7.0 Professional Services Contracting Program Objectives 1) The use of contract ed consulting firms to supplem ent the activities of the MPO and s ta ff Program Activities 1) No contracted professional services are planned for FY 2008 a ) N o services co ntracted FY2008 Unified Planning Work Program 41h Quar ter Progress Report 14