HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009 - CAMPO FY 2009-2012 Transportation Improvement Program - Adopted 2008-08-15. i-~1 Area M etrop \~~ OJ· G~~,. "":t\ing Organizat· Jtq.A ~~~~· loq ~~ /4t-TRANSPORTATION ~ J>.ROVEMENT PROGR~ FY 2009-2012 For the J e fferson City, Missouri Metropolitan Region August 15 , 2008 Table of Contents Introdu ction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Geogr aphic Bo u ndar ies of the T IP ................................................................................................................................. 6 TIP Conte nts ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 M od ifi ca ti ons to the T IP .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Pl anni n g Factors ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 Cri t e ri a a nd Process for Prioriti z in g Imp le menta tion of Transportation P lanning Ele m ents .............................. 8 Majo r Projects From th e Previou s TIP That We re Imp lem e nte d ............................................................................... 9 S ig nifi cant Delays In Th e Planned Impl ementation of Major Projects ..................................................................... 9 TIP Project s ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 TI P Road & Bridge Project Map .................................................................................................................................. 20 CA MPO Financial Plan ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Part 1 -Fisca l Conts raint ......................................................................................................................................... 2 1 An t ic ipa t ed and Prog rammed Funding So urces fo r the FY 200 9-2012 TIP ................................................ 22 TIP Project Su mma ry ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Pa rt 2 -Impl em entati o n .......................................................................................................................................... 26 T rans p o rtati o n Operati ons and Mainten a n ce ................................................................................................. 26 Part 3 -Illu s trative Projects ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Transportation Pla nn ing and Programming Definitions ......................................................................................... 32 Adminis trator /For Informa ti on Contact City o f Jefferson , M issou ri Department of Community D evelop ment/Planning Division -Roo m 120 John G. C hristy M un icipa l Building -320 Eas t M cCa rty Jefferson City, Missouri Te leph one 573-634-64 l 0 Fo r ques tions or commen ts, contact Janice McM illan o r Alan Morrison at the Planning Division Ph o tography and G r a phics by Alan Morri son The prepara ti on of this r eport was fi n anced in part by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Adminis tration, and Federa l Transit A dministration in cooperation with the Missouri De p a rtment of Tra n sportation . Th e opinion s, findings, and co ncl u sions expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, o r the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS CERTIFICATION STATEMENT In accordance with 23 CF R 450.334, the Ca p ital Area Metropolita n Planning Organization, as the m etropolita n pla nning o rgan iza tion for the j efferson, Missouri Urbanized Area an d the Mi ssouri Departme nt o f Transportation h er eby certifies that the Capital A rea Metropolitan Planning Organization is carrying o ut a continu in g, cooperative and compre h en s ive tra n sportati on plann in g process for the r egion in accorda n ce with the app li ca bl e require ments of: Sect io n 134 ofTitl e 23, U.S.C., SectionS of the Federal Transit Ac t (4 9 U.S. C. app. 1607) and 23 CF R P a rt 450; Section 174 an d 17(c) and (d) of C lean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7504, 7506(c) and (d)); Ti tl e VI of the Civ il Rights Act of 1964 and the Title VI assura n ces executed by the Sta te of Mi ssouri under 29 u.s.c. 79 4; Section 1101 (b) of the Safe, Accountable, Fl exi bl e, Efficient Transportation Eq ui ty Act: A Legacy fo r Users (SAFETEA-LU) (PL 1 09 -59) regarding the involvem ent of disadvantaged busin ess ente rpri ses in FHWA and FT A fund ed projects (PL 97-424, Sec t io n 1 05(f); 49 C.F.R. Part 23); and The p ro vi sions of the Americans with Di sab iliti es Act o f 1990 (Public Law 101 -336, 104 Sta t. 327, as amended) and U.S. DOT regulations "Transportati o n for Individua ls with Di sabiliti es" (49 CRF Parts 27.37 and 38). Kenneth Ferguson, Chai rm an Capital Area M etropolitan Plann ing Organi za ti on Date: --------------------------------- FY 2009 CA MPO Trans port atio n lmprovem('Jlt Program Roger Schwartze, P.E., District Engineer Missouri De partm ent of Transport a t io n Date: II CERTIFICATION OF RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYI NG The unde rsigned certifi es, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal app ropriated fund s have been pa id or w ill be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any p e rson for in flu enci n g or attempting to influ ence an officer or employee of an agency, a M ember of Congress, an officer or employee of Congr ess, or an emp loyee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federa l contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Fed e ral loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the ex tension, con tinuation, renewal, amendment, or modifi ca tion of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or coop era tiv e agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federa l appropriated funds have been paid or will be pa id to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer o r employee of a ny agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or emp loyee of Cong ress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or coopera t ive agreement, th e und ersig n e d sha ll comple te and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosu re Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. (3) 'The und e rs igned s hall require that the language of thi s certification be included in the award documents for a ll s ub awards at all tiers (incl u ding s u bcontracts, sub grants, and contracts und e r grants, lo a ns, and cooperative agreem e nts ) and that a ll s ub rec ipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a mate rial representa ti on of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. S ubmission o f thi s certifi cation is a prerequisite for making or en tering into this transa ction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required ce rtifi ca ti on sha ll be subj ect to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each s u ch fai l ure. Executed thi s date ___________ _ By: Kenneth Ferguson, Chairman, Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) FY 2009 CAMPO Transpo rtation Improvement Program lll Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Board of Directors Chairman -Ken Ferguson, Jeffe rson City Council-m ember Vice-Chairman-Larry Benz, P.E., Di rec tor o f Publi c Works-Co le County Jefferson City - Ex-Officio Members: Brian C rane -C ity Counci l-m e mber Rich Koon-C ity Counc il-member Jim Penfold -City Coun cil-mem b e r Steven Billin gs, Missouri Dept. of Transportation- Multi -Modal Pat S ullivan, P.E., Director of Commu nity Development Janice McMillan, AICP, Deputy Director for Planning and T ra nsportation Eric Bemskoetter, Missouri Dept. of Transportation -Transportation Planning Donny Hamilton-Federal Highway Administration: Missouri Div. Cole County -Daniel Ng u yen-Federal Transit Administration: Michael Forck, Coun ty Commissioner, Eastern District Callaway County - Donald Kritzer, Associate Commissioner Small Cities Representative- Pamela Murray, Alderman, City of Holts Summit Missouri Department of Transportation - Roger Schwartze, P .E., District 5 Engineer Region VII Walter Joh annpe ter, O ffice of Administrati on, Facilities Management-Design and Construc tion Randall Allen -Jeffe rson C ity Area Ca mbe r of Comm e r ce Transportation Commi ttee Technical Committee Chairman -Jan ice McMillan, AICP, Deputy Direct or, Planning and Transportation, C ity of Jefferson Vice-Chairman -Larry Benz, P.E., Cole County Engineer Jefferson City Matt Morasch P .E., Deputy Director Public Works David Bange P .E., Engineering Missouri Department of Transportation William Robinett, AICP Transportation Planne r Alan Trampe P.E. Area Engineer Eric Barron, Senior Planner, Planning D ivi s ion Alan Morrison AICP, Se ni or Planner, Pla nning Michael Du senberg, P .E., District Planning Engineer Private Transportation Interest Division Richard Turner Director, Transi t Division Ron Craft Director, Ai rpo rt Division Bill Lockwood Director, Parks, Forestry, & Recrea tion Cole County Eric Landwehr, P .E., Public Works Callaway County Paul Winkelmann, Cou n ty Hi ghway Adm ini stra t o r MPOStaff Tom Kolb-J efferson City Oi l Company Ex-Officio Members: Donny Hamilton-Federal Highway Admini s tration : Missouri Div. Daniel Nguyen -Federal Transit Adm inis trati on: Region VII Eric Bernskoetter-Missouri Department of Transportation: Alan Morrison, AICP -Seni or Planner, Long Range Transportation Planner Sonny Sanders-Transportation Planner Anne Stratman -Administrative Assistant FY 2009 CAMPO Trans p o rtation Improvement Program iv Introduction The Transportation Improve me nt Program (TIP) is one of severa l transportati on planning doc um e nts used by Metropoli tan Planning Organizations for programming transportation and tran s porta tion r e lated projec ts in metropolitan areas. Under regulations govern ing urban tra n s portation pla nning, the Cap ital Area Metropo lita n P lanning Organization (CAMPO), as th e d es ignated MPO for the Jeff erson City urbani zed area, is ch a rged with developing the TIP. CA MP O, in a n effort to provide a co mprehe ns ive, coordinated and con tinui ng trans p ortation planning process, develops th e TIP thro u gh coo p e ra ti o n of city, coun ty and othe r lo ca l jurisdictions a nd agen cies, a nd with participation by Stat e and Federa l tra ns p o rt ati o n agencies. The TIP its e lf is a prog ra m or sch ed ul e of tra ns p o rtati on improvem ents a nd activities intend e d to b e imple m ented u s ing a co mbinati o n of Sta te, Federa l a nd local funding. At a minimum, Federal r egulati on s require th a t th e tra ns portation improvement program mu s t contain a p riority li s t of proposed federa l ly s uppo rted projects a nd strategies to be carried o ut over th e 4-yea r peri od cover ed by the tra ns porta tion improvement program, and a financia l pla n th a t d emon stra tes how the TIP can be imple m e nted. Also included in th e TIP are projects th at, altho ugh they may not have Federa l fundin g, are of regi o nal Slign ifi cance, and a re th erefor e includ e d in th e TIP . Illu s trative proj ec ts th a t do not have specific Fed eral fund in g iirdentified m ay a lso be include d in the TIP, for the purpose of illus tr a tin g a project that would or co uld be d o n e, except that no fundin g h as been attrib ute d to th e projec t. Th e TIP is r equired to be app r oved by CAMPO and the Governor, and upd a ted at least once every four years. F ollowing approva l and adoption of th e TIP, it is incorporated into th e Sta te Trans porta tion Improve ment Program, without modifica tion. CAMPO is also charged with providing a process that provid es citi zens, affected public agenci es, representatives of trans p ortation agency e mploy ees, a nd other affected employee re presentatives, private providers of trans p o rta tion, and other inte rested p a rties with a reasona bl e opportunity to com me nt on the proposed program . This process is i dentified in CAMPO Publ ic Participation Program of CAMPO. This TIP conta ins projects selected by th e p a rticip a tin g juris dicti o ns within CAM PO Plannin g Area and covers the fisca l years 2009 through 2012, with the MPO Fi sca l year beginning November 1 and en ding o n Octo ber 3 1 of each yea r. FY 2009 C AMPO Transportat io n Imp rove me nt Program 5 Geographic Boundaries of the TIP The TIP covers the Urbanized A reas defined by the 2000 Cens u s, th e FHW A Adjusted Urb a ni zed Ar ea boundary, a nd the Planning Boundary for C AMPO . These areas includ e the s outhe rn porti o n of Ca llaway Coun ty, the n orthern portion o f Cole County, the Ci ti es o f Jeffe rson, St. Ma rtins, Holts Summit, and th e t own of Lake Myk ee. TIP Contents The membership of CAMPO s u bmits projects and amendments for inclus io n in the TIP which is rev iewed for SAFETEA-LU compliance, and then app roved by th e Techni ca l Committee . Fi n a l approval is m ade by the Board of D~ectors depending, in part o n the recommendations of the Technical Committee. The TIP is then submitted to MIIOOT, FHWA, and FTA for approval. Projects a nd each project phase included in the TIP "shall be con s is tent with the a pproved metropolitan trCI'Ispo rtatio n p lan ", as p e r Title 23, U.S. Code o f Fe d e ra l Regulations (23 CFR). Specifi ca ll y, the TIP sh a ll inclu de: FY::Il09 C AM PO T ra n s portatio n Im provem e nt Progra m 6 Capita l and non -capi ta l s u rfa ce transporta tio n p rojects (or phases o f project s) w ith in the b o undari es o f the m e tro pol it a n p lanning area proposed fo r fundi n g unde r 23 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C. C hapte r 5 3 (incl u ding trans p o rtation enhance ments; Federa l Lan ds H ig h way progra m p r ojects; sa fe ty project s in c lu d e d in t he Sta te's Stra t eg ic High wa y Sa fe ty P lan; tra il s p roj ects; p edestria n wal k w ays; and bicycl e facilities). The TIP s h a ll con t ain all regio nall y s ign i fi ca n t projec ts r equiring a n action b y th e FHW A or th e FTA w h e the r or n o t th e projects are to b e fund ed u nd er title 23 U.S .C C hap ters 1 a nd 2 o r ti tl e 49 U.S.C. C hapte r 53 (e.g., additio n o f a n in terc h a n ge to th e Inters ta te Syst e m w ith S ta te, loca l, and/o r private fu n d s a nd congressio n al ly d esigna te d p rojects no t funded u nd e r 23 U.S.C. or 49 U.S .C. C h a p ter 53). Fo r p u b lic information an d confo r mity purposes, the TI P s h all incl ud e all regiona ll y significant p rojects proposed to b e funded w ith Fe d e ra l fund s othe r than th ose adminis tere d by th e FHW A or the FT A, as well as a ll regionally s ign ifica nt p rojects to be fu nd ed w i th n o n -Fe d e ra l funds." Th e T IP s ha ll includ e, for each pro ject or p h ase (e.g., pre limina ry eng ineerin g, e n v iro nm ent/NEPA, ri g h t-of- way, d esign, or con s tru ction), the fo llo w in g: 1. S uffic ien t d escriptiv e ma t e ri al (i .e., type o f w o r k, te rmin i, a n d len g th ) to identify t h e p roj ect or p h ase; 2. Es ti mated t o ta l proje ct cost, whi ch m ay exte nd beyon d th e fo u r yea rs o f th e TIP; 3. The amo u nt of Fe d e ra l fu nds p rop osed to b e obl iga ted during each program yea r fo r the p roject or p hase (fo r the fir s t y e ar, this in cl u d es th e p r o posed category o f Fe d e ral fu nds and source(s) of no n -Fed e ra l fu nds. Por the seco n d , thi r d, a n d fo urth y e ars, th is incl u d es th e lik e ly ca tegory o r possible categori es o f Fe d era l funds and sources of non -Fe deral fu n d s); 4 . Id e ntifica ti o n of the a gen c ies res p o n s ibl e fo r ca r ryin g o u t the p roj ect or phase; Modifications to the TIP A m o di ficatio n t o the TI P takes on o f two fo rms, a mi n o r m o difi cation referre d to as an adm in istra ti ve mo difica tio n , o r a majo r modificat ion know n as a n amendment (t o the TIP). Amendment m ea n s: A rev is io n to a TIP, STIP, o r a lo ng-ra n ge Sta tewide or Me tropolita n Transporta ti on Pl an tha t invo lves a ma jo r cha n ge to a project in cl u ded in tha t MT P, T IP, o r STIP . An am e ndme nt is a revi s ion th a t requires p u b li c re vie w and comm ent, redem o n stra ti o n o f fisca l con s tr a int, or a confo rmi ty d e t ermi n a ti o n (for m etropo lita n tra n sportation p la n s a nd TI Ps in vo lving "n o n -exempt" proje cts in nonattainm ent an d mainten a n ce a reas). Amen dme n ts to th e TIP wi ll b e req uired for any o f the fo ll owing: 1 . An addi ti o n o r dele ti on of a n y proj ec t 2 . S ubs ta n ti a l changes in the d esign concept o r d esign s co p e o f a ny proj ect (e.g., chang ing p roject termin i or th e number of thro u g h tra ffi c lan es) 3 . P ro ject/p roject phase initia ti on d ates 4 . Ava ila bili ty o f ea rm a r ked funds 5 . Pro jects mo vi n g in to or o u t o f th e fir s t three yea rs 6 . C h a n ges a project's programmed a m o un t b y g r eate r than fift een pe rcen t N o te: C hang es to p rojects that a re in cl u d ed o nl y fo r illu s tra ti ve p urposes do not require a n amendme n t. Ame ndments a re gen erall y ini ti a ted b y t he member juris di ctions, re quiring a r evised a pplication, p lace m ent o n the T e chni ca l Commit tee agenda, a nd if approved, th e Board of Directo rs wi ll in it ia te a p u b li c co mm ent p e ri o d a t FY 2009 CAMPO T rans po rtation Impro vement Prog ram 7 their next regularl y sch ed ul e d meeting. After th e requi s ite p u b li c co mment p e riod, if the Board of Direc t ors approves the amendment, it wi ll b e s ubmitted to MoDOT, FHWA and FTA for th eir approval. Administrative Modification means: A revis ion to a long-range S tatewid e or Metropolitan Transportation Pl a n , Transporta t ion Improvement Program (T IP), or S tate wide T ra nsportation Imp rovement Program (STI P) tha t includes minor c hanges to project/ project phase costs, minor changes t o fund in g sources of previous ly-included projects, and minor changes to proj ect/ project phase initi ation d a t es. An administrative modification is a revision that d oes not require publi c rev iew and co mment, re demonstration of fisca l co n s traint, or a co nfo rmi ty determ ination (in nonattainment and mainte nance areas). Ad mini s trative modifica tions do not require committee a ction, but notice of administrative changes is provid ed to CAMPO comm ittees. Administrative Adjustments Any revision to the TlP that does not meet the criteria of a n Ame ndment wil l b e an Adminis trative Ad jus tment (modification). Planning Factors Under SAFETEA-LU, eight plannin g fac tors are to be con sidered d uring th e developmen t of a ny MPO plan. 1 . Support the economic vita lity of th e m e tr opo li tan a rea , espec ia ll y by enabli ng g lobal co mpetiti ve ness, p r odu ctivity, and efficiency . 2. In c rease the safety of the trans portation s ystem for motorized a nd non-motoriz ed u sers. 3. In crease th e security of the trans p ortati on syste m for m otoriz ed and n o n -moto r ized u sers. 4. Incr ease th e accessibility and mobi lity options ava il able to people and for fr eight. 5. Protect an d enhance the environment, promote energy conservati on, improve the q u a lity of life, and promot e cons is tency between trans portat ion improvem ents an d Sta te a nd local p la nned g row th a nd econ om ic development patte rns. 6. Enha n ce the integration and connectivity of the trans portation system, across and b e tween m odes, for peop le and fre ight. 7. Promote efficie nt syst em management a n d operation. 8. Em phas ize the preserva ti on of th e ex is t in g tra n s porta tion s ys tem. Criteria and Proces s for Prioritizing Implementation of Transportation Plan Elements for Inclusion in the TIP' Lo ca l juris dic ti ons d e te r mine th e crite ria and processes for integrating transportation plan e le m ents into th e TIP by means of prioritizing projects and p rograms th rough the ir local governmen t processes and placing the p roject or program into the TI P. 1 23 CFR Part 450.32 4 (1 )(1) FY 2009 C A~IPO Transportation Im p r ove ment Prog ra m 8 Projects from the Previous TIP That Were Implementedz Roads, streets and intersection projects: 1. MODOT -4-lane di v ided h ig h way US/5 0 -St. Marti ns to e/o Ca lifornia -MPO TIP No. C700 2. MODOT-pa yba c k to the Transporta ti o n Corpora ti on-MPO TIP No. C70 1 3. C ity of j e ff e rson -New Interch a nge -C ityview Dr. a nd US 50-MPO TIP No. 2007-05 4. Rex Whitton Exp r essway En vir o nment Im pac t Sta te m en t -MPO T IP No. 2007-01 5. Sti pend p aymen t for the Safe & So und d esi gn/bu il d bridge projec t -MPO TI P N o . 2007-02 Airport projects 1. C ity of J e ff erson-MPO TIP No.C708-Taxiway expa ns io n and move runway 2. C i ty of J e ff e rson -MPO TIP No. C706 -A irport La yout Plan Transit/Paratransit 1. City of Jefferson /J EFFTRAN -Veh icle was h sys te m -MPO TIP No. C727 2. Operating assis ta n ce for the j ob Access Reverse Commute Program (OA TS, In c.)-M PO T IP No. 2007-04 Greenways, bicycle and pedestrian projects 1. C ity of J e ff e rson-Fa irg rounds Rd. Ped estrian Facility -County Park to So uth of Ed gewood Dr.-MPO T IP No. C704 2. City of J e ff e rson -Eas t Branch Greenway ex tens io n -Lafayette St. to C hes tnut St. alon g Wear 's Cr eek-MPO TIP No. 2007-14 3. C ity of J e fferson -G reenway e xte ns ion through Ell is Porter Riv er s id e Park -MPO TrP No. C705 4 . Greenway Tra il ex t e ns ion from Covington Ga rdens to County Park Lak e -MPO TIP No . 200 7-08 5 . Katy Tra ilhea d Park-MPO Project No. C728 6. G r eenway Trai l extension from the Katy Trail to Su mmit Dr.-MPO TIP No. 2007-07 Significant Delays in the Planned Implementation of Major Projects.3 No sign ifi ca nt d e lays have b een iden ti fied 2 As per 23 CFR Section 450.324 Su bsection (I) (2) 3 As per 23 CFR 450.324(1)(2) FY 2009 C AMPO Transportati o n Improve m en t Program 9 The TIP Annual Development Process The followin g sch e dul e is an approximate t imeline for of the d evelopment of the TIP. Date Actio11 Tech11 ical Co mm ittee m eets Ea rl y Jun e --Notifi ca ti o n to s ubmit TIP p r ojec ts dis tribute d to p a rti ci p a t in g juris di cti o n s --Fina l date to re turn TIP projects. Mid -June A Draft TIP will b e prepared from th is date --T echn ica l Committee r eceives Dra ft TIP Ea rl y J uly • S ta te a nd Fe deral r eview , (minimum 15 d ays) • m e mbers make any final chang es -Deadline for final revi s ions Mid -Jul y P ro p osed TIP pre p a red for T echnica l Committee Ea rl y A ugus t -T echni cal C ommittee m e ets: dis cussion on TIP, formul a t es recommendations to th e Board of Di rectors Mid -Au gust Mid -Sep t e m be r M id to la t e Sep te mber Board of Directo rs mee ts --Pro p osed TIP dis tributed to Board o f Directo rs, M o D OT, FHW A, FT A and partici p a ting juris dictions • Con s id e r reco mmenda t ions o f the Techni ca l Pl a nning C ommittee • Receiv e publi c comment -Begin publ ic comme nt p e ri o d --Pu b lis h Notice to the Public anno uncing the a va il a bili ty o f the T IP a n d trans it Progr a m o f Projects (POP), lo ca ti o n s of do cu m ents, a nd the d ate o f th e Board o f Direct o rs m eeting, when the TIP and POP wi ll be cons ide re d . Board of Direc tors meets • H o ld hea ring on a do p ti o n o f T IP, r ece iv e public comme nt a nd recomm e nda tion s • Boa rd o f Directors ad o pts TlP as submitte d o r as mod ified. --Ado pte d TIP p u b li s h ed and di stribute d t o MoDOT for a p prova l b y Gove rn o r and incorp o ra ti o n into the S tate Tra nsportation Improvem e nt Progra m (S TI P ). -MoDOT fo rwa rds Final TIP to FHWA an d FTA . FY 2009 C Al\ IPO Trans p o rtation Improve m e nt Prog ram 10 Fiscally Constrained Improvements-TIP Projects Airport Projects Project Description: : Runway 9-27 Parallel Taxiway Funding FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Construction Lead Agency: City of Jefferson Federal-FAA Airport Improvement Program $2,375,000 Location: Memorial Airport State $125,000 Comments: Local MPO TIP No. 2009-0 1 Phase: Construction Total Cost= $2,500,000 Total $2,500,000 Trans it Project Description: Transit Operating Assistance Funding FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Lead Agency: JEFFTRAN Federal -FT A 5307 $705,623 $752,623 $782,728 $814,037 Location: 820 E. Miller St State $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 Comments: Passenger fares & other revenue $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 Phase: Operating Local operating assistance $788,999 $799,999 $849,974 $901,948 MPO TIP No. 2009-0 2 Total Cost Ongoing Total $1,944,000 $2,002,000 $2,082,080 $2,165,363 Project Description: Pa ssenger Transfer Statio n Funding FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Lead Agency: JEFFTRAN Federal -FT A 5309 $56,000 Loca tion: 820 E. Miller St State Comments: Relocation of transfer point Local -Jefferson City Sales Tax $14,000 Phase: Design/Cons truction MPO TIP No. 2007-13 Total Cost= $70,000 Total $70,000 Project Description: Job Access Reverse Commute Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 (JARC)-Section 5316 Lead Agency: OATS Inc. Federal-JARC $46,500 Location: 2501 Maguire Blvd. Columbia, MO State Total Service Area: Cole/Callaway County Local -Oats Inc. $11,625 MPO T IP No. 2009-03 Total Cost = $58, 125 Total $58,125 FY 2009 CAMPO Transportation Im provement Progra m 11 Pr oject description: Emergency Generato r/Back-up Funding FY 2 009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 p o wer source Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal5309 $60,000 Lead agency: J EFFTRAN State MPO TIP No. 2009-04 Local -Uefferson City Sales Tax $15,000 Comments: Subject to action of Congress p e r 5309 earmarks Estimated Cost= $75,000 Total $75,000 Project description: 30 Ft. Low Floor Coaches Funding FY 20 09 FY2 010 FY201 1 FY2012 (replacements) (2)-2009 d eli very Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federa l 5309 $553,600 Lead agency: JEFFTRA N State MPO T IP No. C710 (partial) Local -jeffe rson City Sa les Tax $138,400 Comments: Subject to action o f Congress per 5309 earmarks Es timated Cost = $692,000 Total $692,000 Project description: Transit Facility Improvements-Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 renovations roofing, weatherproofing, paint and doo r repairs Project location: 820 E. Mill e r St. Federa l 5309 $88,644 Lead agency: J EFFTRAN State Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 Local -jeffe r son City Sales Tax $22,] 61 earmarks MPO TIP No. C716 Estimated Cost= $110,805 To tal $110,805 Pro ject description : Power securi ty entrance gate with Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY201 2 card reader for CM/Transit Facility lower entrance Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $24,000 Lead agency: J EFFTRAN State C o mments: Subject to action o f Congress per 5309 Local -j efferson City Sales Tax $6,000 earmarks MPO TIP No. C719 Es timated Cost = $30,000 Total $30,000 FY 2009 CAt> IPO T rans portatio n Improvem ent Program 12 Project description: Service truck-re placement (1) Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2.012 Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $24,000 Lead agency: JEFFTRA N Stat e Comments: Subject t o action of Congress per 5309 Local -Je ff e rson C ity Sales Tax $6,000 earmarks MPO TIP No. C720 Es timated C ost= $30,000 Total $30,000 Project descriptio n: r ota ting infor mation tubes-30 Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Project location: Federal5309 $8,400 Lead agency: JEFFTRA N State Comments: Subject t o action o f Con g ress per 5309 Loca l -Jefferson City Sales T ax $2,100 earmarks MPO TIP No. C718 Estimated Cost= $10,500 Total $10,500 Project description: Purchase of UHF mobile radios (3) Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 Sl.+tO Lead agency: JEFFTRAN State Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earmarks Local· jefferson City Sales Ta x $360 MPO TIP No. C712 Est imated Cost= $1,800 Total $1,800 Project description: Computm g equipment and Software (3 Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY201 1 FY2012 replacem ents) Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $8,400 Lead agency: JEFFTRAN S tate Comment5: Subject to acti o n o f Congres! per 5309 earmarks Local-jefferson Ctt y Sa les Tax $2,100 MPO TIP No. C714 Estima ted Cos t = $10,500 Total $10,500 Project d escripti on: Purchase and install (,I) bus stop shelters at Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 various loca ti o ns in jefferson City Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $20,000 Lead agency: JEFFTRAN State Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earma rks Local -jefferson City Sales Tax $5,000 MPO TIP No. C715 Estimated Cos t = $25,000 Total $25,000 FY 2UUY e'AMPO 'I tatts!Jut lulllltt lit11JI'UV\!11tl~nll'rogrnm 13 Project description: Electro ni c fare bo' add1tion~-ticket Fundmg FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY20 12 readers/issu e rs, probe, soflware and computer Prn1ec1 locatio n: 820 E. Mill e r St. Fe d eral 5309 $52,960 Lea d a gency: jEFFTRAN S tate Co mment~: Subjec t to act ion of Congress per 5309 earm.uks Local-j e ff e rson C it y Sa les Ta x $13,2<10 MPO T IP No. C717 Es timated Cost • $66,200 Total $66,200 Pro ject descriptio n: Purcha se and ins tall an automated route Fund ing FY 2009 FY20LO FY20 11 FY2012 information cente r Proj ect location: 820 E. M1ller S t. Federal 5309 $2-1,000 Lead agency: jEFFTRAN State Comme nts: Subject to action o f Congress p e r 5309 earma rks Local-jeffe rson Ctt y Sa l e~ Tax $6,000 MPO Til' No. C709 Es ttmated Cost = $30,000 To td l $30,000 Project descript ion: Paratrans1 t Van/Mmi-bus-Replacement (1) Fundmg FY 2009 FY2010 FY20 11 FY 20 12 Project locat ion: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $5 1,200 Lead age ncy: jEFFTRAN State Comments: S ubject to ac ti o n of Congress per 5309 earmarks Local-jefferson City Sales T a x $12,800 MPOTIP No. C711 Es timated Cost • $64,000 Total $64,000 Project d escriptio n : 30 ft low fl oor coach (replacements) (3) for Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 2010 delivery Pro ject locatio n : 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $830,400 Lend 1111ency: J EFFTRAN S tate Comments: Subject to action o f C ongress per 5309 earma rk s Local -jefferso n C ity Sa les Tax $207,600 MPO TIP No. C710 (partial) Es timate d Cost = $1,038,000 To tal $1,038,000 Projec t d escript ion: Low fl oor minivan-replacement s u pport Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY20 12 vehicl e (I) Project locatio n: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $32,000 Lead agency: jEFFTRAN St ate Comments: Su bjec t t o a ct ion o f Cong ress p e r 5309 ea rmarks Local-jefferson City Sales T ax $8,000 MPO TIP No. C72 1 Es timated Cost = $40,000 Total $40,000 FY 2009 C A MPO Transportatio n Improvement Program 14 Project description: 12 yr. 30ft low floor coach (replacements)-Fundmg FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 (5) for 2011 delivery Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 51,416,000 Lead agency: JEFFTRA N State Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earmarks Local-Jeffe rson City Sales Tax $35-1,000 MPO TIP No. 2009-05 Estimated Cost= $1,770,000 Total 51 ,770,000 Projec t description: Paratransit Van/mini bus-replacement-(2) Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $105,600 Lead agency: JEFFTRAN State Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earmarks Local-jefferson City Sales Tax $26,400 MPOTIP No. C711 Estimated Cost= $132,000 Total $132,000 Project desc ription: 12 yr. 30ft low floor coach (2) One for an Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY20t 1 FY2012 additional West End route and one for an Algoa route-for 2011 delivery Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $566,400 Lead agency: JEFFTRAN State MPO TIP No. C610 (Partial) Local $141 ,600 Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earmarks Local-jefferson City Sales Tax Es timated Cost = $708,000 Total $708,000 Project description: Computing equipment and Software (2 Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY201 1 FY2012 replacements) Project locati on: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $5,600 Lead agency: JEFFTRAN State Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earmarks Local-jefferson City Sales Tax $1 ,400 MPO TIP No. C710 (partia l) Estimated Cost = $7,000 Total $7,000 Project description Paratransit Van/mini bus-replacement: (5) Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $26-t,OOO Lead agency: JEFFTRAN State Comments: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earmarks Local-Jefferson City Sales Tax $66,000 MPO TIP No. 2009-06 Es timated Cost = $330.000 Total 5330,000 Project description: Paratrans1t Van/mmi-bus replacement (1) Fundmg FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Project location: 820 E. Miller St. Federal 5309 $13,800 Lead agency: jEFFTRAN State Commen ts: Subject to action of Congress per 5309 earma rk s Local -jefferson C it y Sales Tax $55,200 MPO T IP No. 2009-07 Es timated Cost = $69,000 Total $69,000 FY 2009 CAMPO Transportation Improvement Program 15 Roadway and S treet P roj ects Project description: Safe & Sound Bridge Improvement Program Lead Agency: MODOT location: CAMPO MPA Comments: Bridge~ A0774, Rt. T over Gray's Cr., Cole County Pha~e: MPO TIP No. 2007-02 Length: N/A Total P roject Cost -$119,000 Project descnption: Rl. 179 extension-payback to the Transportation Corpo rati on Lead Agency: f\IODOT loca tion: Rt. 179, US50 toRt. B Comments: MoDOT Project ~ 5u0441 Phase: Completed MPO TIP No. C701 Length: 4.8 mi. Total Project Cost • $10,528,000 Project description: Resurface westbound lanes of US 54, shoulder improvements Le.:~d Agency: MoDOT Project location: 2 miles W. of Rl. H to .4 miles W. of R L AA/00 in Holts Summit Length: 12.5 mi. MPO T i l' No. 2009-08 C omment~: MoDOT l'rojec t w !!P09!15 Phase: construc tion Total Project Cost= $2,315,000 Project description: lnstallalton of median safety barner on US 63 Lead Agency: MoDOT Project location: US/63 from 1-70 to US/54 Length: 24.6 mi. MPO TIP No. 2009-09 Funding Federal -(BR) -R/W Federal -(BR) -Utilities State-MoDOT (TCOS) -R!W State-MoDOT (TCOS)-Utilities State-MoDOT (TCOS) Private: Funding for R/W from Contractor Local Total Funding Federal State MODOT Local Total Funding Federal (NHS) State (TCOS) Local Total FY 2009 $SUO $800 $200 $200 $1,000 $3,000 FY 2009 $3,906,000 $3,906,000 FY 2009 $1,852,000 $463,000 $2,315,000 Funding FY 2009 Open Container Transfer Funds & Federal Highway Safety Stale Local Comment s: MoDOT Project~ 51'2149-fundtng~ Highway Safety and Open Container Transfer Funds (Section 15-1) Phase: construction Total Project Cost= $3,071,000 Total FY 2009 CAMPO Transportalton Improveme nt Program FY20 10 FY2010 FY201 0 FY2010 $3,071,000 $3,071,000 FY2011 $-16,-1 00 $11,600 $58,000 FY2 0 11 FY201 1 FY2011 FY20 12 $-16,400 $11,600 $58,000 FY2012 FY20 12 FY2 012 16 Project description: Signalization @ Eastland D r. widen E. McCart y St. Funding FY 2009 FY2 010 FY2011 FY2012 Lead Agency: C it y o f jefferson Federa l (STP) $78,000 Projec t location: E. McCarty St.-From East land Dr. t o US 50/63 State Length: 2 mi. Local -jefferson C it y Sales Tax $2,149,500 $2,277,500 MPOTIP No. 2007-12 Comments: carryover from 2008 Phase: design/ construct ion Total Project Cos t = $4,555,000 Total $2,227,500 $2,277,500 Project descr iption: Signal, intersection improvement a nd lane addition Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY20 12 Lead Agency: City of jefferson Federal (STP) $580,000 Projec t loca ti on: US 54 exit ramp to jefferson S t. and St adium Blvd. State Length: 1,050 ft. Local -jefferson City Sales Tax $160,000 MPOTIP No. 2007 -10 Comments: Carried over from 2008 Phase: design/ construction Total Project Cost= $740,000 Total $740,000 Project descriptio n: in tersectio n improvement s Funding FY2009 FY 2010 FY2011 FY 2012 Lead agency: C ity of jeffe rson Fede ral (S TP) $288,000 Project locatio n: Tanner Br idge Rd.@ Ellis Blvd. S tate Le ngth: Local-jefferson City Sales Tax $72,000 MPOTIPNo. 2007-09 Comm ents: Carried over from 2008 Phase: design/ construction Total Project Cost = $360,000 Total: $360,000 Project descr ipti o n :-Signal Intersec ti o n Improvement and Lane Addition Fund ing FY2009 FY201 0 FY2011 FY 2012 Lead agency: City of jefferson Federal (STP) $130,000 Project location: S tadium Blvd. at Sout hwest Blvd. Stat e Length: N/A Local -jeff e rso n City Sales Tax $160,000 MPO TIP No. C723 Comme nt s: Ca rried over from 2008 Phase: design/ construction Tot al Project Cost= $290,000 Total: $290,000 Project description: in t ersect ion improvements Funding FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Lead agency: City of jefferson Federal STP $200,000 Project location: Lafayette Blvd.@ Stadium Blvd. St ate Length: n/a Local-Jeffe rso n City Sales Tax $50,000 MPO TIP No. C702 Comme nts: Carried over from 2008 Phase: design/ construct ion To tal Project Cost = $250,000 Total $250,000 FY 2009 CAMPO T ransportatio n Improvement Program 17 Pro ject descn p ll on: intersectiOn ~tg nali za ll o n Funding FY 2009 FY 20 10 FY 20 11 FY 2012 Lea d agency: C tt y of j efferson Federa!STP $100,000 Projec t location: Boltvar Ave. a t W. McCarty St. Stale Length: n/a Local-jeffe rson City Sal es Tax $50,000 1\11'0 TIP No. 2009-10 Comme nts: Railroad crossing and intersec t ion Ph ase: des ig n / constructio n Total Pro ject Cost = $150,000 Total $150,000 Project descr ipt ton: Bri dge Re placement -Wal nut Acres Rd. Fu nding FY 2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY20!2 Lead Agency: Cole County Federal (BRO) $850,000 Projec t loca t ion : over th e North Mo rea u Creek, South of Z ton Rd. State Leng th: 700' Local-County Sales Tax $800,000 MPO T IP No. 2ll07-16 Comme nts: (i ncl udes $200,000 from 2008) Phase: des ign/ co ns truction Total Cost~ $1,850,000 Total $1,650,000 Non-Motorized Transportation Project description: G reenway Ex tension Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY 2011 FY2012 Lead Agency: C it y o f Jeffe rson Federal (TE) $352,700 Project locati o n: Lmcoln Univ. to Aurora Park Rd. State Le ngth : Local-j e ffer son C it y Pa rk Sal es Tax $187,800 MPO TIP No. 2007-14 Comme nts: Car ryover fro m 2008 Phase: Design/Canst. Total Cost = $540,000 Total $540,500 Projec t d esc r iption: G reenwa y Ext ension Fu nding FY 2009 FY20 10 FY20 11 FY2012 Lead Agency: City of j e ff e rson, Co-sponsor: MoDOT, Callaway Cou nty Federal (TE) $60,000 Proj ect location: Ka ty T rail to S. Summit Dr in Ca ll away County S tat e Le ngt h: 800ft. Local -j e ff erson C it y and C all away County $12,000 Sa les taxes, Holt s Summit Commun ity Betterment MI'O TIP No. 2007-07 Comments: j oint G ree n woy prOJeCt , carryover from 2008 Pha se: Design/Cans t. Tot al Cost = $72,000 Total $72,000 FY 2009 CAMPO Transport a ti on Improvement Program 18 Project description: Sidewalk Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY201 1 FY2012 Lead Agency: C it y of Holts Summit Federal (S RTS ) $191,539 Project loca tion: S. Summit Dr. to Pe rry Dr.-Holt s Summit S tate Length: 815ft. Local-H o lt s Summit C it y Sales Tax $5,067.92 MPO TIP No. 2007-06 Comme nts: Safe Routes to School Ca rryover from 2008 Phase: Des ign/Canst. To tal Cost= $196,606.92 Total $196,606.92 Projec t d escriptio n: Gree nway Park T rail Funding FY 2009 FY2010 FY201 1 FY2012 Lead Agency: City of H olt s Summit Federal (Recreational Tra ils Progra m) $41 ,990.4 0 Project locatio n: G reenway Park, H olts Summit State Length: 3,675 ft. Local-Holts Summit City Sales Tax $10,49 7.60 MPO TIP No. 2009-11 Comments: Subject to approval by DNR Phase: Design/Can s t. To tal Cost = $52,488 Total $52,488 FY 2009 CAMPO Trans p o rt a ti on Improvem ent Program 19 CAM PO TIP Road & Brid ge Project Map s.... ....... FY 2009 CA MPO Transportation Improvement P rogram Transportation Improvement Program Projects FY 2009 -2012 200Hl2 Safe & Sound Bodge Imp. Program 2007-06 Sodewalk -Sale Rou1"" to School 2007-07 Greenway Ext.-Katy Trail to Summrt 2007-09 Tanner Bodge/Eihs lnlersection Imp 2007-tOJeffersoo!Stadum Intersection Imp 2007-12 E. McCany S1gnal & Road Imp. 2007-13 JEFFTRAN Passenger Stat100 2007-14 Greenway Ext.-LU to Aurora Park 2007-16 Walnut tv;res Bodge Replacement 2009-00 Resur1ace Westbound US 54 2009-11 Greenway Park Traol C70 1 At 179 Ext. Fundmg Payback C702 Lalayett&'Stadium lnte<secuon Imp. C723 Stadlum'SouthMlSI lntersectron Imp The TIP ll a lmancaaly constrained three year pr00f11m covefnQ the most mmed4tt mplementat1011 pnonhts IOf transponalon pr•t• and t~r•teottS trom tnt ~NirOOO'rtan nnsoonauon C)lan lransl r61ilted pcotec:ts and the JC Memonal AlflJC)n Layo~ Plan E)roteet are not Shown on the map Capital A rea Metropolitan Planning Organization 320 E. McCarty St. Jefferson C~ty. MO 65101 (573) 634-6410 For mor& 1nformatton viS it our webstttt: WWW.}fJffCtlymD.OIOICa mpo MAOI.GCUa.G~•l :too& 20 CAMPO Financial Plan Part 1-Fiscal Constraint The Tran s p orta tion Im provement Program co ntains a "fi n ancia l plan" th a t "indica tes funding from public and private sources that are r easonably expected to b e ava ilab le to carry out th e p ro g ra m"4 • Fo r t h e TIP, this financia l plan d emonstrates how the TIP can be impl e m ented, and mu s t be financi a ll y (fiscally) constrai ned. As per 23 CFR Part 450, "The TIP s hall in cl ud e a finan cia l plan that demonstrates how the approved T IP can be im p lemented, indi ca tes resources from public and private sources th at are reasonably expected to be made ava il ab le to carry o ut the TIP, and reco mmends any add iti o n a l fina n cing strategies for n eeded projects and programs." Statutes a nd regulations concerning fi scal constraint in a m etropolitan Transp ortat ion improve m ent Plan requires that revenu es in transportation planning and programming (Federa l, State, loca l, and private) are identified and "are reasonably expected t o be available" to implement the Metr opolitan Transportation P lan, the STIP, and the TIP, while providing for the opera ti on and maintenance of th e existing hi g h w ay and transit systems. The fisca l con s traint re quire m e nt is in tended to e n s ure that m e tro politan long-range transportati on plans, TIPs, and ST!Ps r e fl ect realistic assu mpti o ns abou t future revenues, rather than being li sts that inclu de many more projects than could r ea listically be compl e t ed with avai lable r evenu es. G iven this basic purpose, compliance with the fi sca l con stra int re quirem ent e nta il s an an a lysis of reven u es and cos ts. T h e ba s ic question t o be answered is "Wi ll the revenues (Federal, Stat e, loca l, and private) identified in th e TIP, ST IP, or met ropolitan lo n g-ra nge transportation plan cover the a nti cipated costs of th e p rojec ts includ ed in this T IP, STlP, or m e tropo lita n long-range transportation plan, a long wi th operati o n a nd mainte nance o f the ex istin g syst e m ?" The test of financial cons tra int is met w h e n the amount programmed for each funding ca t egory in each of the first three years of the TIP is equal t o the tota l amount ava il ab le t o CA MPO fo r that category a nd year. For the FY 2009-FY 2012 CAMPO TIP, th e T IP is fin ancia lly constrained for each of the first t h ree years th at are covered by thi s TIP. Th e p rojects w ithi n the TIP a re fin a n cia ll y fe asib le, and the federally fund ed projects identified in the TIP can be imple m e nted using cu rren t and proposed Federal a nd State revenue sources, and lo cally dedicat ed transporta ti on revenu es. ~ 2 3 U .S.C. 1 34(g )(2)(B) and 1 34(h)(2)(B)(ii) FY 2009 CAMPO T r ansportation Imp r ove m en t Program 21 The Financial Plan Anticipated and Programmed Federal Funding Sources for the FY 2009-2012 TIP Anticipated Programme d Anticipate d Programmed Anticipate d Programme d Anticipate d Progra mmed 4 Ye ar Federal Funds: Sources Funding Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Anticipated Fund FY 2009 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 ' Nati onal H ighway Syste m $1,852,000 $1,852,000 $1,852,000 (NHS) Surface Transportation $1,246,000 $1,246,000 $130,000 $130,000 $1,376,000 Program (ST P -Small Urban) STP-Enhancement $412,700 $412,700 $412,700 Nationa l Recreational Trails $41,990 $41,990 $41,990 Program Safe Routes to School $1 91,539 $19 1,539 $191,539 Hig hway Safety Program $3,071,000 $3,071,000 $3,071 ,000 Highway Bridge Replacement a nd Rehabilitation Program -$850,000 $850,000 $850,000 Bridge-Off System Highway Bridge Re placement and Rehabilitation P rogr am -$1,600 $1,600 $46,400 $46,400 $46,400 $46,400 $94,400 Bridge-On System FTA 5317 JARC $46,500 $46,500 $46,500 Airport Im provement Program $2,375,000 $2,375,000 $2,375,000 -FAA {AlP) Facilities a nd Equipment-FAA FTA Section 5307 Capital and $705,623 $705,623 $752,623 $752,623 $782,728 $782,728 $814,037 $81 4,037 $3,055,011 Su bsidy (O perating) Program FTA Section 5309 Capital $1,835,044 $1,835,044 $2,093,600 $2,093,600 $264,000 $264,000 $13,800 $13,800 $4,206,444 Fundin g Program FTA Section 5310 Capital Progr am FTA Section 5316 Yearly Federal Total $7,182,996 $7,182,996 $8,422,223 $8,422,223 $1,093,128 $1,093,128 $874,237 $874,237 $1 7,572,584 FY 2009 CA MPO T r a n spor ta to o n Improvement Program 22 ,;;Jld\~ iiiJtW. LtV'-•• a ·uu...,.••'K I Anticipated Programmed Anticipated Programmed Anticipated Programmed Antitlpllt~d Programl'lled 4 Year State Funds: Sources Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funding Antici pated FY 2009 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Stat e Transit Oper ating Grant $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $68,378 $273,51 2 MODOT-District TCOS $463,400 $463,400 $1 1,600 $11,600 $11,600 $11,600 $486,600 MODOT -Pymt to Transp. $3,906,000 $3,906,000 $3,906,000 Corp MODOT-Aviation Grant $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 Yearly State Total $4,437,778 $4,437,778 $193,378 $193,378 $79,978 $79,978 $79,978 $79,978 $4,791,112 Local/Other Funding Sources Anticipated Programmed Anticipated Programmed Anticipated Programme d Anticipated P r ogrammed 4 Year Funding Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Anticipated FY 2009 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2010 FY 201 1 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Private and/or non-profit $12,625 $12,625 $12,625 Cole County Sales Tax $800,000 $800,000 $800,000 City of Holts Summit Sales $15,566 $15,566 $15,566 Tax/Gen Fund City of Jefferson Sales Tax/Gen $2,940,261 $2,940,261 $2,960,900 $2,960,900 $66,000 $66,000 $55,200 $55,200 $6,022,361 Fund Multiple jurisdiction funding: Jefferson City, Callaway $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 Coun ty, Holts Summit Community Betterment Transit Fares and Contract $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $381,000 $1,52 4,000 Revenue-J EF FTRAN Transit Local Operating $788,999 $788,999 $799,999 $799,999 $849,974 $849,974 $901,948 $901,948 $3,340,920 Assistance-j effe r son City Yearly Local Total $4,950,451 $4,950,451 $4,141,899 $4,141,899 $1,296,974 $1,296,974 $1,338,148 $1,338,148 $11,727,472 FY 2009 CAMPO Transportati on Improvement Program 23 TIP Project Summary Aviation: The Jefferson City Memorial Airpor t is the recipient of Federal a nd loca l aviation funding through the Ai rport improveme nt Program (AfP) and the Faci li ti es and Equipment Program through the Fe deral Aviati on Administra t ion (FAA). Sta te funding is provided by a MODOT State Aviation Grant. Fo r th e FY 2009 -20 12 TIP, the Airport Im provement Program provides $2,375,000 in fun ding, wi th a State match of $125,000 provid ed by MoDOT for a tota l project cost of $2,500,000. Highways, Streets and Bridges: Federa l fund ing ava il ab le for t hi s TIP inclu des Surface Transpo rtation Program (ST P) fundin g, Natio n a l Highway Sys tem (N HS) funding, STP-Tra ns porta t ion Enhancem en t Program funding (TE), O ff -Syste m Bridge Rehabilitation a nd Replacement (or BRO funding) a nd Highway Safety funding. Sta te revenu e sources include moto r fuel ta xes, motor vehicle sa les and u se taxes, m o to r vehicle li cen s in g fees, driver's li cens ing fe es, interes t ea rn ed o n inv es ted fund s, cos t reimbursements fr o m politica l s ubdivi s ions and o ther mi sce llaneous fees. MoDOT will spend $1,600 in Federa l Brid ge Rehabilitation a nd Replacement Program fund s (BR) plus $400 in Sta te TCOS fu nding and $1,000 in private funding fo r the Safe a nd So und Brid ge Program projects in FY 2009, then, $92,800 in BRand $23,200 in TCOS fund s in 2011 and 2012 in the CA MPO MPA, to total $119,000 throug h 2012. MODOT wi ll use $3,906,000 in FY 2009 in Hi g h way use r fees in payment to the Rt. 179 Transportation Corporations. MoDOT w ill s p e nd $1,852,000 in Federal NHS funds, p lus $463,000 in St at e T COS funding in 2009 for the Westbo und US/5 4 res urfacing and sh ou lder improve m ents fo r a to ta l of $$2,315,000. MODOT w ill also use $3,071,000 in Open Container Transfer funds and Federa l Highway Sa fety funding for installation of m edian barri e rs o n US/63 from I-70 to US/54 in 2010. The C ity of J efferson is usin g$78,000 in ST P funds fo r roadway improvements in 2009 o n E. McCarty St. from Eastland Dr. to C ityView /US54. Matching funds totaling $2,149,500 in 2009 a n d $2,277,500 in 2010 are provide d by city sales taxes a nd Ge n era l fund revenu es for total project costs of $4,555,000. The C ity of J e fferson is u sin g $580,000 in STP fund s for intersection improve ments and a lane add ition on J efferson St. and Stadium Blvd. in 2009 w ith a loca l m atch of $160,000 for a total o f $740,000. And a ls o in FY 2009, STP funding for intersection improvements at Tanne r Bridge Rd. and Elli s Blvd. is being matched by $72,000 in loca l sales tax funding. Additiona l projects u s ing Federa l STP fund in g by the City of Jefferso n include Lafayette Blvd. a t Stadium Blvd . intersection improvements schedu led for 2009, u s ing $200,000 in STP and $50, 000 loca l sales tax matching funds, Stadium Blvd. a t Southwest Blvd. in 2010 using $130,000 in STP and $160,000 in loca l matching funds, and Bolivar Ave. at W. McCarty St. us ing $100,000 in STP a nd $50,000 in local sales tax matching funds. 5 A Transportation CorporatiOn is a not-for-profit entity formed with the purpo se of developing and promoting a maJor transportation project. In order to facilitate the fundi ng, promotio n, planning, design, cons truction, maintenance and ope r at1on of a transportation project, and helps fund projects through methods such as imposing fees for se rvices provided , charg ing and collecting tolls, issue tax exempt bonds, and not es. FY 2009 CAMPO Tran sportat i on Improvemen t Progra m 24 Cole County is replacing the Walnut A cres Rd. Bridge over the North Morea u Creek using $850,000 in BRO funds while local funding from the Cole County sales tax is $800,000 for a total project cost of $1,650,000. Transportation Enhancements: The State's Transportation Enhancement funding is derived from 10 percent of Missouri 's Surface Transportation Progra m (STP) fund apportionment and a ssists in development of activ it ies such as safe bicycle and pedestri an fac i I i ties, seen i c routes, beau ti fica tion, and other in vestments that in crease opportunities for recreation, accessib ili ty, a nd safety for everyone beyond traditi onal highway programs. Fo r FY 2009, Transportation Enhance ment projects u s ing Federal STP/Trans portation Enhancement funding Is MPOTlP /12007-14, Lincoln University to Aurora Park Rd. g reenway exte n sion located in j efferson City, and TIP# 2007-07 a greenway exte n s ion from the Ka ty Trail to S. Summit Dr., in Ca ll away County. Transit: Operating Assistance for Urbanized Areas -Section 5307: Th e 5307 prog ram makes Federa l resources available to urbani zed areas and to Governors for transit capital and op e rating assistance in urbani ze d areas and for transpo rta tion r e lated planning. Jefferson City Trans it (JEFFTRAN) plans total operating expenditures of$1,944,000 in FY 2009,$2,002,000 in FY 2010,$2,082,080 in FY 2011, and $2,165,363 in FY 2012. The four -year total planned expend iture is $8,193,443. JEFFTRAN operating funds provided by the 5307 program total $705,623 in 2009, estimated to be $752,623 in FY 2010, $7782,728 in FY 2011, and $814,037 in 2012. The four years covered by the TIP total s $3,055,011. Section 5307 Federal funding balances reflect FT A estima tes for th e year and uns pent fund ing ca rri ed over from previous years. Operating revenue provided by passenger fares and other revenue, (Sta te Shuttle, Medicaid, non-emergency Medicaid and a Cole County grant) account for $381,000 in 2009, $381,000 in 2010, $381,000 in 2011, and $381,000 in 2012. Estimates are for steady rid ers hip at the current fares. Increases in either ridership or fare rates will increase revenues for the years 2010 through 1012. The four years covered by the TIP totals $1,524,000. City tax es accou nt for the loca l operating assistance of $788,999 in 2009, $799,999 in 2010, $849,974 in 2011, and $901,948 in 2012. The four years covered by the TIP totals $3,340,920. Additio nal funding is provided by a Mis souri Sta te Operating Grant of $68,378 each year (FY 2009, 2010, 20 11 and 2012) totaling $273,512. Transit h as sufficient re sou rces for their expenditures for FY 2009 thro u gh FY 2012. Transit Capital Investment Program -Section 5309 Th e 5309 program (the transi t cap ital in vestment progra m) provides ca pital assistance fo r three primary activities: new and repla ce me nt buses and facilitie s, modernization of existing rail systems, and new fixed guideway systems (New St arts). For FY 2009,5309 funds require Congress io nal ea rmarking and are matched with local tax revenue funding, or with funds from th e City of Jeffe rson half-cent transportation sales ta x revenues. Estimated 5309 funding and programmed expenditures for 2009 are $1,835,044,$2,093,600 for 2010, $264,000 in 2011, and $13,800 for 2012. FY 2009 CAMPO Transportation Improvement Progrart 25 5310 -Fo rmula Grants for S p ecial Need s of El d erly Indivi dua ls and Indiv idua ls with Disab i l iti es - Section 531 0 Th e fe d e ra l Tran s p o r t a ti o n Equ ity Act fo r the 21st Century (TEA 21) provides.Titis progra m 's prim a ry p urpose is to he lp local n o n -profit o r gani za ti o ns p u rc h ase veh icles to p rovide tra n s porta tion for ol d er citi zens an d people wi th d isa bilities w h en other p u b li c t ra nsporta ti on is unava il a bl e o r in s uffic ient. No 5310 fu n ded projects h ave been id entified for thi s TIP. Job Access a nd Reve rse C ommute (J A R C)-S ecti on 531 6 Sec t io n 53 16 (Job Access a n d Reve rse Co mmute)-Th is prog ra m provides fun d ing fo r loca l programs tha t offer job access and reverse commute services to provide t ran sporta ti o n fo r low in co m e ind iv iduals w ho may li v e in the city core a nd w o rk in suburba n locatio ns. For FY 2009, $4 6,500 is fu nded w ith 53 16 fun ds, an d loca l o rgani z at io n fu n di ng fr o m OATS, fn c m at ch is $11,625, tota l ing $58,125. New Free dom P rograms-Sec ti o n 5317 T o e n courage serv ices and faci lity improvem en ts to a d d r ess th e tra ns po rtati o n n eeds o f p ersons wi t h disab ilities tha t g o beyond those req u ir ed by th e Amer ica n s wi th Di sa b il iti es A ct, New Freedom s. Thi s progr a m p rovides a n ew formul a grant p rogram for associa te d capita l a nd opera tin g costs. No 5317 fund e d p rojects h ave been identif ied for thi s TIP . Part 2 -Financial Plan-Implementation Transportation Ope rations and Maintenance O perations a nd Mainte nance -MoDOT Maint en a n ce costs in clu d e MoDOT sala ri es, fr in ge benefits, m a te rials and equipme nt need ed to d e li ver th e roadway a nd bridge m a inten a n ce p r ogram s. This catego ry in cl ud es basic ma inte na n ce activities li ke m inor surface treatm e nts s u c h as: sea ling, s m a ll con cre t e repairs a n d p o t ho le p atch in g; m o w in g ri g ht o f way; sn o w r e moval; replacing sign s; s triping; re p a iring gu a rdra il ; and re p a iring traffic s ig nals. Pe rform in g these ac tiviti es req u ires employees; vehicl es a nd o th e r m ach in e ry; faciliti es to h ouse equipment and m a ter ia ls s u ch as sa lt, as pha lt and fu e l. These expenditures a r e project e d to in crease 3.1 p erce n t annuall y. fn fisca l year 2009, MoDOT esti ma tes $472,100,000 of ma intenan ce exp end itu res.6 MoDOT's a nnua l cost to o p erate a n d ma intai n t he MoDOT syst em is $14,000 p er mil e .7 Within the CAMPO MPA, M oDOT id en t ifies 107 .99 certi fie d S ta te cente r line m iles. Ope ra t ions & M a in ten an ce MoDOT Operation s & Maintena n ce expen di tures MoDOT available revenue 2009 $1 ,511 ,860 $1 ,511,860 ° Cost estim a tes reflec t th e year of ex p en d itu r e (a d jus ted fo r in fl ation ). 7 Source: MoDOT, Fiscal Year 2007 Fi n an cial Sum ma ry FY 2009 CAM PO Trans porta tion Imp rovement Program 2010 $1,558,728 $1,558,728 2011 $1,607,048 $1,607,048 2012 $1,656,867 $1,656,867 26 Local Government Operations and Maintenance Loca l govern m en ts h ave severa l sources for loca ll y funded projects, that is, receiving no Sta te or Federal funds, and for local matchi ng funds for cap ital improvements or operations that do r eceive S tate or Federal funding. Local sources includ e State Highway User Revenues, local sa les taxes, franchise fe es, license & permit fee s, property taxes, a nd other revenue sources that provide signifi cant resources fo r local general fun d and specifi c fulrodi n g of tr ansportation. Not a ll taxes a nd fees go to transportation, so the local jurisdiction u sually will identify a budget specifically for transportation purposes, such as capital improvements, Road and Bridge funds, trans it operating subsid ies, r oad and s treet budgets, o p era ti ons and maintenance bud gets, and so forth .s Operations and Main t enance revenu e and expenditures a re based on 2008 budge ts. Jefferson City Operations & M a in tenance includes the overlay program and the streets budget. The overlay progr am expenditure is h e ld constant whi le the str eets budget (O&M) incl udes a 3% inflation factor, Holts Summit has a 3% inflation factor, and S t Martins S treet Operati o n & Ma intenance contains a 3% inflation Fa ctor (but excludes l ighting)9 . Cole County includ es their overla y program and an O&M budget w ith 3% inflation fa cto r and MPO road p ortion of 23 %. Cole County Road & Bridge revenu e is based on the County annual b u dget. Callaway county Road & Bridge revenu e is based o n th e ir published a nnu a l budget for O&M, a 3% infl a ti on factor, and road proporti o n of 12% A ll expenditures exclude storm water. MlP A Local Government System Operations and Maintenance O perations & Maintenance 2009 2010 2011 MPO tota l Operations & Maintenance expenditures $5,317,483 $5,477,008 $5,64 1,318 MPO available revenue $5,317,483 $5,477,008 $5,641 ,318 Local Operations and Maintenance Breakdown by jurisdiction Operations & Maintenance 2009 2010 2011 jefferson City Opera ti ons & Maintenance Expend. $3,138,080 $3,232,223 $3,329,189 Revenue $3,138,080 $3,232,223 $3,329,189 Holts Summit Operations & Main ten ance Expend. -Local R&B tax or Trans. Tax $31,642 $32,591 $33,569 Revenu e $31,642 $32,591 $33,569 ST. Martin s Operations & Maintenance ltx:pend. $65,920 $67,898 $69,935 Revenue $65,920 $67,898 $69,935 Cole County Road & Bridge Expend. $7,093,767 $7,306,580 $7,525,777 Revenue $7,093,587 $7,306,395 $7,525,587 B 2030 Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 'Cost est im a tes reflec t th e year of expenditure (a djusted for inflation). FY .2009 CAMPO Transportation Improvement P rogram 2012 $5,810,557 $5,810,55 7 2012 $3,429,065 $3,429,065 $34,576 $34,576 $72,033 $72,033 $7,751,550 $7,751 ,354 27 Operations & Maintenance 2009 2010 2011 2012 MPO proportion of expenditures $1,631,566 $1,680,513 $1,730,929 $1,782,857 MPO proportion of revenue $1,631,566 $1,680,513 $1,730,929 $1,782,857 Callaway County Road & Bridge Expe nd. $3,752,290 $3,864,859 $3,980,804 $4,100,229 C allaway Cou n ty revenue $3,752,290 $3,864,859 $3,980,804 $4,100,229 MPO proportion of expenditures $450,275 $463,783 $477,697 $492,027 MPO proportion o f revenue $450,275 $463,783 $477,697 $492,027 MPO total oper a ti on s & maintenance expenditures $5,317,483 $5,4 77,008 $5,641,318 $5,810,557 MPO proportion a l reve nu e $5,317,483 $5,477,008 $5,64 1,318 $5,810,557 FY 2009 CAMPO Transpor tation Improvement Progra m 28 F Y 2009-2012 TIP MPO Financial Plan (continued)-Illustrative Projects '"'F o r illu s trative purposes, the financia l p lan may (but is not r equired to) includ e additional proj ects t hat wou ld b e irnclude d in the TIP if r easo n able a d ditiona l resources beyon d th ose identified in the financial plan were to become a vailabl e." 10 .Roa dways & Street Illustrative Projects Project descrip ti o n: MORt. 1 79 In te rc h a n ge b etween MORt. C a nd W. Edgewood Dr. Project locati o n : 1.5 mil es South of USSO on MORt. 179 Lead agency: Hi g hway 1 79 Cor poration Gomm e nts: St. Marys Hos pita l loca ti o n Estimated Costs= $9.9 million Ptroject d escr i ption: Bu s iness 50 West, curb and gutter improvements, including sidewalks and crosswa lks n ear the Aew hi g h sch oo l in Apache Flats. Project locat ion: U SS O W est Lead a gen cy: Cole County Comments: Estima ted Costs= Unknown Greenways & Trail Illustrative Projects Proj ect d escription: W ears Creek G r eenways Trai l Projec t locatio n : Dunklin to Mc C arty S t. along Wears C reek Lead agency: Cit y of Je fferson Comments: Estim a te d Cost= $268,750 Project d escri p ti on: Missou ri River Bridge Bik e/ped estri a n Path Projec t location: W . M ai n S t. t o Ceda r C ity Dr. Lead age n cy: Je ffer son C ity Parks & Recrea ti o n Comments: addition o f a n a t tac hme nt to the Southbound Bridge, also N. and S. ap proaches Esti m a te d Costs= $5,500,000 Pr oject d escriptio n: Adrian Is land Access Pr-oject loca ti o n : Lead agency: City of Je fferson Ccmm ents: S uppo rting agencies and programs include Jefferson C ity H o using Authority, Jefferson C ity Ch amber o f Commerce, D e borah Cooper Foundation, and C ity of Jefferson Parks, For es try and Recreation Commission Est im a t ed Cost= To tal Cost: $2,980,000 10 Z3 CF R Par t 450, 450.324(h) FY 2009 CAMPO Transport ation Improvement Program 29 Airp ort Illus tr ative Pro jects Project description: Airport Storage Facility Project location: Municipal A irport Lead agency: Jefferson City Memorial Airport Comments: 4th A i rport P r ior ity -constructed in the late 60's and early 70's, the facility provides insufficient storage space and one stora ge building is located too close to the Runway Protection Zone. Estimated Cost = $150,000-$300,000 Project d escription: Airport Snow Remova l Eq u ipment Project loca tion: Municipal Airport Lead agency: Jefferson City Memorial Airport Comments: 5th Airport Priority -replace o lder trucks which requi re in creased maintenance with equipment designed s pecifica ll y for Airport s now removal Estimated Cost = $187,500 Project description: Repair/Reloca te Ta xiway Delta Project location: Municipal Airport Lead agency: Jefferson City M emorial Ai r por t Comments: 6th Airport Priority-taxiway intersects w ith a publi c roadway . Solution: relocation of the taxiway Estimated Cost =Unknown Project description: Reimbursement of Costs for ARFF Vehicle Project loca tion: Municipal Airport Lead agency: Jeffe rson City Memorial Ai r port Comments: 7 th Airport Priority -Vehicle was p urchased at the urging of th e FAA, however, federal funds were not available at th e time. The City of Jefferson absor bed 100% of the cos t. Estimated Cost = $25,001 Project description: Purchase of a MU Meter Project loca tion: Municipal Airport Lead agency: Jefferson City Memorial Airport Comments: 8th A irport Priority -recommended by the FAA's Airports Div ision, an acceptable method of reporting runway braking action during snow and ice con ditions. Estimated Cost =Unknown Project description: Purchase of Land adjacen t to the Airport Project loca tion: Municipal Airport Lead agency: Jefferson City Memoria l A irport Comments: 9th A irport Priority -Approximately 80 acres of farm land immediately adjacent to the south boundary of the Airport is recomme nded in our Airport Master Plan. A small port ion may be necessa ry for reloca t ion of the Control Tower. Estimated Cost =Unknown Project description: Constru ct ion of a Fuel Con tainment Area for Airport Fuel T rucks Project location: Municipal Airport Lead agency: Jefferson City Memorial A irport Comments: lOth Airport Priority-This item is dependent on Federal r e q u irements and could increase in priority. Estimated Cost =Unknown FY 2009 CAMPO T ransportation Im provement Prog ram 30 Transit Illustrative Projects Project description: New Freedom - Funding FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 20 11 FY 2012 Section 5317 Project location: MPO Pl annin g Area Lead agency: Fed e ral 53 17 $42,000 $42,000 $42,000 $42,000 Comments: Projected amounts for FY Local $8,400 $8,400 $8,400 $8,400 2009-2012 Estimated T otal Project Cost: Total $50,400 $50,400 $50,400 $50,400 Project description: Cap ita l Assistance for E ld e rly Pe rsons & Persons with Funding FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Disabiliti es-Sectio n 53 10 Pro ject locatio n: MPO Planning Area Fe d e ral 5310 $36,050 $36,050 $36,050 $36,050 Lea d agen cy: Local $7,2 10 $7,210 $7,210 $7,210 Commen ts: P rojec ted amounts for FY Total $43,260 $43,260 $43,260 $43,260 2009-2012 Estimate d T o tal Projec t Cost: FY 2009 CAMPO Transportatio n Improvement Program 31 Tran sportation Planning and Programming Definitions -Tr ansportation Planning and Programming Definitions As Defin ed in the Feder a l Register of February 14, 2007: Rules and Regu Ia tions. TI1is final rule revises the regulations governing the development of metropol itan transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas, State transportation plans and programs and th e regulations for Congestion Managem e nt Systems. The revi s ion results from the passage of t he Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equ ity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA -LU) (Pub. L. 109 -59, as of Augus t 10, 2005). (U n less otherwise specified, the defini tions in 23 U.S.C. 10l (a) and 49 U.S.C. 5302 are applicable to this part.) Administrative modification means a minor revisio n to a long-range statewide or metropolitan transportation plan, Transportation Improvement Program (TI P), o r Sta tew ide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) that includes minor changes to project/ p roject phase costs, minor ch anges to funding so urces of previously- included projects, and m inor changes t o project/ project p h ase initiation dates. An admin istrative modification is a revision tha t does n ot require public review and comment, redemonstration of fiscal constra in t, or a conformity determi nation (in nonattainmen t and maintenan ce areas). A lternatives ana lysis (AA) means a stu dy required for eligibi li ty of funding under the Federal Transit Administration's (FT A 's) Capital Investment Grant program (49 U.S.C. 5309), which includes an assessment of a range of alternatives designed to address a transportation problem in a corridor or subarea, resulting in sufficien t in formation to support selection by State and local officials of a locally preferred alternative for adoption into a metropol itan trans portation plan, and for t he Secretary to make decisions to advance the lo ca lly preferr ed a lternative throu g h the p r oject d evelopmen t p rocess, as set forth in 49 CFR part611 (Major Capital In ves t ment Projects). Amendmen t means a revision to a long-r a nge statewide or metro po l it an transportation plan, TIP, or STIP that involves a major change to a project incl u ded in a met ropolitan transportation plan, TIP, or STIP, including the add ition or deletion of a project or a major c hange in project cost, project/project phase initiation dates, or a major change in design concept or design scope (e.g., chang ing project termini or the number of through t raffic lanes). Changes to projec ts t hat are included only for illustrative purposes do not require an amendmen t. An amendment is a revision that requires public revie w and co mment, redemonstration o f fiscal constraint, or a conformity determination (fo r metropo litan transportation plans and TIPs involving "non-exempt" projects in nonattainme nt and mainte nance areas). In the co ntext of a long-range statewide trans portation p lan, an amendment is a rev is ion approved by t h e State in accordance with it s public involv ement process. Attainment area means any geographic area in w h ich level s of a g iven criteria air p o llu tant (e.g., ozone, carbon monoxide, PMlO, PM2.5 , and nitrogen d ioxide) m eet the heal th-based National Ambient Air Quality S tandard s (NAAQS) for that pollutant. An area may be an a tta inmen t area for one pollutant and a nonattainm ent area for others. A "ma in tenance area" (see definition below) is not considered an atta inment area for trans por tat ion planning pu rposes. Available funds means fund s derived from an existing source dedicated to or historically used for t ransportation purposes. For Federal fund s, authorized and/or appropriated funds and the extrapolation of formula and discretionary fund s at his tori c rates of increase are considered "available." A similar approach may be u sed for State and loca l funds that are dedicated to or historical ly used for transportation purposes. --~ FY 7110'l CAMPO Tran~oortal i on lmorovemenl Prol?ram Committed fund s mea ns fund s that have been dedi cated or obl igated for tra ns portation purposes. For State funds that are not dedicated to transportation purposes, only those funds over which the Governor has contro l may be considered "committed." Approval of a TIP by the Governor is considered a commitm ent o f those fund s over which the Governor has con trol. For lo ca l or private sources of funds n ot dedicated to or historically used for transportation purposes (including donations of property), a commitment in writing (e.g., lette r of intent) by th e responsible official or body having contro l of the funds may be considered a commitment. For projects involv ing 49 U.S.C. 5309 funding, execution of a Full Funding Grant Agreement (o r eq uival ent) or a Project Constru ction Grant Agreement with the USDOTshall be considered a multi-yea r co mmitm ent of Federal funds. Conformity m eans a C lean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7506(c)) requirement that ensures that Federal funding and approval a re g iven to transportation plans, programs and projects that a re cons is tent with the air quality goa ls established by a State Imp lementation Plan (S IP). Conformity, to the purpose of the SIP, means that transportation activities will not cause new air qual ity vio lations, worsen exis t ing violations, or delay timely attainmen t of the NAAQS. The tra nsportation co nformity rule (40 CFR part 93) sets forth policy, criteria, and procedures for demonstrating and assuri n g conformity of tra n sportation activities. Conformity lapse means, pursuant to section 176(c) o f the C lean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7506(c)), as amended, that the conformity d etermination for a metropolitan transportation plan or TIP has expired and thus there is no currentl y conforming metropolitan transportation plan or TIP. Congestion management process means a sys tematic approach re quired in transportation managemen t areas (TMAs) that provides for effective management and operation, ba sed on a cooperatively d eveloped and implemented metropolitan-wide strategy, of new and exist ing transportation facilities e li g ible for funding under titl e 23 U.S. C., and title 49 U.S.C., through the use of operational management strategies. Consideration means that one or more parties takes into accou nt the opinions, action, and relevant information from other parties in making a decision or determining a course of action. Consu ltation means that one or more p arties confer with other ide ntified parties in accord an ce with an es tablished process and, p r ior to taking action(s), co nsiders the views of the other parties and periodically informs them abou t action(s) taken. This d ef inition does not apply to the "consultation" performed by the States and the MPOs in comparing the long range s tatewide transporta tion plan and the metropolitan transportation plan, respectively, to State and Triba l conservation plans or maps or inventories of natura l or historic resources (see§ 450.214(i) and§ 450.322(g)(l ) and (g)(2)). Cooperation means that the parties involved in carrying ou t the transportat io n planning and programming processes work togeth er to achieve a common goa l or o bj ect ive. Coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan means a locall y developed, coordinated transpor tation plan that identifies th e transportatio n needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and people with low in comes, provides stra tegies for meeting those local needs, and prioritizes transportation services for funding and implementation. Coordination means the cooperative development of plans, programs, and schedules among agencies and entities with legal standin g and adjustment of s u ch plans, programs, and sc h edu les to a chi eve general cons istency, as appropriate. Design concept means the type of facility identified for a transportation improvement project (e.g., freeway, expressway, arterial hi ghway, grade separated highway, toll road, reserved right-of-w ay rail transit, mixed- tra ffic rail transit, or busway). Design scop e m eans the aspects that wi ll affect th e proposed facility 's impact on the region , u s ually as they relate to vehicl e or p e rson carrying capacity and control (e.g., number of Janes or tracks to be constructed or added, le ngth of project, signalization , safety features, access co ntrol including approximate number a nd location of interchanges, or preferential treatment for high occupancy v e hicles). Designa ted recipient mea n s an e ntity d esignated, in accordance with the planning process und e r 4 9 U .S.C. 5303, 5304, and 5306, b y the c hi ef executi v e officer of a S ta te, respon s ibl e lo cal officia ls, and publicly-owned operators of public tran s porta tion, to receive a nd a pportion amount s und er 49 U.S.C. 5336 that are a ttribu ta bl e to transporta t ion management a reas (TMA s) ide nti fied unde r 49 U.S.C. 5303, o r a S tate regiona l a uthority if the authority is respons ib le und e r the laws of a State for a capital project and for financing and directly providing publi c trans portation. Environmental miti gatio n activi ti es m ea ns s tra tegies, policies, programs, actions, and ac tivities that, over time, will serve to avoid, minimi ze, or compen s ate for (by re plac ing or providing s ubs t itute resources) the impacts to o r disruptio n of elemen ts of the human and natural e n v iro nme nt associated with the impl ementation of a long-range s tatewide transportation plan or m e tropolitan transportation plan . The human and natura l e nvironment includes, for exa mple, nei g hborhoods and communities, h o mes a nd businesses, cultura l r esources, parks and recreat io n areas, w e tlands and water sources, for ested a nd other n a tura l areas, agricultural areas, e ndange r ed and threatened species, and the ambient air. The e n v ironmenta l mitigati on stra t egies and activiti es are inte nded to be regional in scope, and may not n ecessarily address potential project-level impacts. Federal land management agency mea ns un its o f th e Federal Government currently res pons ib le fo r th e a dmini s tratio n of public lands (e.g., U.S . Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the National Park Service). Federally fund e d non-em ergen cy transportation services means trans portation serv ices provided to the general public, including those with special tra n s port n eeds, by public transit, private non-profit service providers, a nd private third-party contractors to public agencies. Financia l p la n m ean s d ocum e ntati o n required to be included with a metropolitan tra nsportation plan and TIP (and o ptiona l for the lo n g-range statewide trans portati o n plan and STIP) th at d emon s trates the consistency b e tween reasonably avail a ble and projec ted sources o f Federal, State, local, and private revenues a nd th e costs of impl e m entin g proposed trans portation syst em improvem e nts. Financia ll y cons train ed or Fiscal constraint means that the metropolitan trans portation pl a n, TIP, and STIP includes s uffi c ie nt fin ancia l information fo r demons tra ting that projects in th e m e tropo litan trans portation plan, TIP, and STlP ca n b e implemented usi n g committe d, available, or reasonably available r evenue sources, with reasona b le assu ran ce that the fe derally s upported transportation system is being adequ a te ly operated a nd maintained. For the TIP a nd th e STIP, fin ancial constraint/fis ca l c ons traint applies to each program year. Additionally, projects in air quality n o nattainment and maintenance areas can be included in the first two year s of the TIP and STIP o nly if funds a re "available" or "committed." Fre ight s hippers m ean s any business tha t routinely transports its produc t s fro m on e locati o n to anoth er by providers of fr e ight transportation services o r by its own vehicle fleet. Ful l funding g rant agreement m eans an in s trume nt that defines the scope of a project, the Federal financial contribution, and oth er t er ms a nd cond it ions for funding New Starts projec ts as required by 49 U.S.C. 5309(d)(1). Governor mea n s the Governor of a n y of the 50 States o r the Commonwealth of Pue rto Ri co or th e Mayor of the District of Columbia. ~v ?MOrA~ tPn Tr':ll n<::nArt ~ti n n lmnrn \IQ r'n P nt P r nur :.m llustrati ve project means an additio nal transporta tion project that m ay (but is not requ ir ed to) be incl u ded in a fin a n cial pla n fo r a metropol itan transpo rtation plan, TIP, or STIP if reasonable additiona l r esources were to become ava ilable. bdian Tribal government m ea ns a duly form e d governing body for an Tndian o r Alaska Native tri be, band, n ation, pu e blo, v ill age, or com munity tha t the Secreta ry of the Interior acknow ledges to exist as an Indian Tribe purs uant to the Federa ll y Recogni zed Indian Tribe Li s t Act of 1994, Public Law 103-454 . lllt elligent trans portation system (lTS) m ea n s elect ronics, photoni cs, commu nicat ions, o r informat ion processing used s ingly o r in combination t o improve the efficiency o r sa fety o f a surface t ransportation system. •te rim metropolitan transporta ti on pl an means a transporta ti on pla n composed of projects eligib le to proceed u nder a conformity la p se a nd oth e r wise meet ing a ll o th er app li ca bl e provisions of th is part, including approval by CAMPO. llterim tra n s portation improvement program (TIP) m eans a TIP composed of proj ec ts e li gible to proceed under a conformity la p se a nd otherwise m eetin g a ll o th e r applicable provisions of th is part, including approva l by CAMPO a nd the G o ve rno r. long-ra n ge s t atewide transp o rtati o n plan m ea n s the officia l, s tatew id e, mu lt imod a l, transportation plan covering a p e riod o f no less th an 20 yea rs d eveloped throug h the s tatew ide transportation plann in g process. M.:lint e nance area m ean s any geographi c r egion of th e United States that th e EPA prev iously des ignated as a n o n a t ta inme nt a rea for one o r m o r e p o ll utants pursuant to th e Clean Air Act Amend m ents of 1990, and subsequently redesignated as an attai nm en t area subj ec t to t he requirement to develop a maintenance p lan under section 175A of the C lean Air A ct, as a mended . Man agement system means a system atic process, designed to assis t d ec is ion makers in selecting cos t effective s trategies/actions to im p r ove the efficie n cy or safety of, and protect the investment in the nation's infrastructu re. A management syste m ca n in cl ude: Ide ntification o f performance measures; d a ta coll ection and a nal ys is; determination o f n eed s; eva lu ation a nd selec ti o n of appro pria te s trategies/act ions to add ress the n eeds; and eva lu a ti on of th e effecti veness o f the imple m ented s trategies/actions. Netropoli ta n pla nn ing a r ea (MPA) means the geographi c a rea d e term in ed by agreement between the metropoli tan planning o rganization (MPO) for the area a nd th e Governor, in which th e metropo litan transportation pla nning process is carried o ut. Metropo lit an p lanning organization (M PO) means the policy board of an organi za ti on crea ted a nd designated to carry out the metropo litan transportation planning process. Me t ropo litan transpo rtation plan m eans the officia l mu ltimodal tr ansportation p lan addressing no less than a 20- year planning h orizon that is developed, adopted, and updated by CAMPO through the m etropolitan tra n s porta ti on p lanning process. National a mbi e nt a ir quality s ta ndard (NAAQS) means those s ta n dards established pu rs u ant to section 109 of the C lean Air Act. 1'\onattainment a rea means any geographic region of th e Un ited Sta tes that has been designated by the EPA as a nonattainment area un der section 107 of the Oean Air Act fo r an y poll u tants for which an NAAQS ex ists. I'Vi:>n-m etropolitan area m eans a geographic area outs id e a designated metropolitan p lanni n g a r ea . 1\bn-metropolitan local officia ls m eans e lected and appoin ted officials of genera l p u rpose local government in a non-m etropoli tan area wi th responsibil ity for transportation. Obliga t ed projects means strategies and projects fu nded under title 23 U.S.C. and title 49 U.S.C. C h apter 53 for wh ich th e supporting Federal fund s were authorized and co mmitted by the State or designated recipient in the preceding program year, and authorized by the FHWA or awarded as a grant by theFT A. Operational and m a nagement stra t egies means actions and strategies aimed at improving the performance of exis tin g and planned transportation fa cil iti es to relieve congestion and maximizing the safety and mobility of people and goods. Project construction grant agreement means an instrumen t that defines the scope of a project, the Federal financial contributi on, and other terms and conditions for funding Small Starts projects as requi red by 49 U.S.C. 5309(e)(7). Project selection m ea ns the procedures fo llo wed by MPOs, S tates, and public transportation operators to advance projec ts fro m the first four years of an a pproved TIP and/or STIP to implementati on, in accordance w ith agreed upon procedures. Provider of freight tra n sportati on serv ices means any entity tha t transports or otherwise facilitates the m ovement of goods from o n e locatio n to another for others or for itself. Pub lic t ransportation operator m eans the public e ntity which participates in t h e continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportatio n p lanning process in accordan ce with 23 U.S .C. 134 and 135 and 49 U.S.C. 5303 and 5304, and is the designated recip ien t of Federal funds under title 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 fo r transportation by a conveyance that provides regu lar and continuing genera l o r special transportation to the pub lic, but does n o t include school bus, charter, o r inte rcity bus transportation or intercity passenger rail transportation provided by Amtrak. Regional ITS a rc hitectu r e means a regional framework for ensuring in stitutio nal agreement and techni cal integration for the implementation o f ITS projects or groups of projects. Regionally s ignifi ca nt project means a transp o rtation project (other than projects that may be grouped in the T IP and/or STIP o r exempt projects as defined in EPA's transportation co nformity regu lation (40 CFR part 93)) t h at is on a faci lity which serves regional transportation needs (s u ch as access to and from the area outside the region; major act ivity centers in the r egio n; m ajo r p lanned d evelopments s u ch as new retail malls, sports co mpl exes, or employment centers; or transportation terminals) and would norma lly be includ ed in the modeling of the metropolitan a r ea's transportation network. At a minimum, thi s includes a ll principal ar te rial hi g h ways and all fixed g uid eway transit facilities that o ffe r a significant alternative to r egional highway travel. Revision means a change to a long range s tatewide or metropolitan trans porta ti on pl an, TTP, or STIP that occurs between schedu led periodic updates. A major revision is an "amendmen t," whi le a minor revision is an "administ rative modifica tion ." State means any one o f the fifty Sta t es, the Di s tri ct of Columb ia, or Puerto Ri co. State implementation plan (SIP) means, as defined in section 302(q) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), the portion (o r portions) o f the implementa t ion p lan, or most recent revi s ion thereof, whi ch has b een approved under sect ion 110 of the CAA, or promulgated unde r section llO(c) of the CAA, or promulgated or approved pursuant to regulations promulgated under section 30l(d) of the CAA and which implements the relevant requirements of the CAA. Statewide transportation improvement program (STIP) means a s t a tewide prioritized li sting/program of transportation projects cover ing a period o f four years that is consistent with the long-range stat ewide transporta tion p lan , metropolitan trans portation plans, and TIPs, and required for projects to be eligible fo r funding under title 23 U.S.C. and t itl e 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53. f\ 2009 lA~IfP() Tr~n ~nnrt~t irm l mnrnvetrn()nt Prnor~rn <=====