HomeMy Public PortalAbout19501019CCMeeting26 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. October 19, 1950 The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 4 P.M. in the Council Room and was attended by Mayor Dutton, who presid- ed, Councilmen Meddin, Smith, Lovell, Hosti and peters, Town Attorney Solms, Superintendent Reed, Chief McCutehen, Samuel L. Varnedoe, Joseph J. Hutton, Thomas E. Fitzgibbon and Henry N. Chaffin. * Mr. Varnedoe presented to Council an offer of sale of the Tybee Water Works system on behalf of the Tybee Water Works. He outlined the groan revenue, salaries, cost of operation, taxes, depreciation and net profit as shown by the statements and tax returns of the Tybee Water Works for the years 1946 through 1949. He presented Council a letter from Varnedoe & Chisholm, Invest- ment Brokers, outlining the procedure and his firm suggested the method to be used by the Town in the purchase of said Water Works. (See letter) Mr. Hutton, of Thomas & Hutton, Engineers, of Savan- nah, explained that he had made a study of the Water Works system to determine the present value, age of equipment, replacement cost, as well as the necessary additions to the system for furnishing fire protection which included looping of lines, installation of additional fire plugs and also the cost to modernize the Water Works by installation of electrical controls and valves which would make the system fully automatic. A lengthy discussion with Mr. Varnedoe and Mr. Hutton of all phases of the sale, cost of operation, etc., was had. Mr. Varnedoe asked that the Town reply to his letter not later than Wednesday, October 25, 1950, because he had a contract with the Water Works whereby he could promote the sale of same, but he desired to give the Municipality the first right of pur- chase. At the same time, he felt that there were a number of other prospective purchasers throughout the country who would be interest- ed in this type of investment. A petition from Mr. Fitzgibbon to the Mayor and Councilmen requesting the right to purchase from the Municipality a portion of Meddin Drive adjacent to his Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 27, Ft. Screven, was read. A motion was made by Councilman Lovell and sec- onded by Councilman Smith that the Municipality sell to Mr. Fitzgib- bon the 15 foot strip adjacent to his lots at the price of $10.00 per strip per lot, providing all owners along this particular strip of land also purchase the strips lying adjacent to their property. This motion was adopted. A discussion on the transfer of that portion of the Strand in front of the Tybee Hotel in exchange for an equivalent piece of land owned by the Tybee Hotel took place. Councilman Meddin suggested that it appeared that it would be necessary to pave 15th Street to its full width of 6o feet in order to entertain such a transfer. Mr. Reed suggested that the northern line of TTinutes of the meeting of Seotember 14th were red end ap ?- roved. 1 1 15th Street was very near the southern line of the Hotel Cottages located on that side of the Street and, as a matter of fact, one or two of these cottages encroached slightly on the Street. No definite action was taken on this subject. A motion was made by Councilman Meddin and seconded by Councilman Hosti that bills for the month of September amounting to $3,514.94 be paid. This motion was adopted. Councilman Meddin reported on the status of the finances of the Town. A motion was made by Councilman Meddin and second- ed by Councilman Hosti that electrical work in the auditorium of the Town Hall be made as per estimate of $111 -.25 submitted by J. W. Rentiers. The motion was adopted. Chief McCutchen reported: (1) 375 meters have been cleaned, repaired and stored. (2) The police Department is now using the new Jail. He found it necessary to borrow beds from the Convict Camp to be used in the new Jail. A discussion on the purchase of sufficient beds for the Jail was had. No definite action was taken. (3) He reported that the chromium on the new motorcycle was in bad shape. He requested permission to take this up with Cleary Motorcycle Company. Permission granted. He suggested that the motorcycle be kept on the Island and stored so that it could be used during times when the police car was on other duty. Mr. Reed reported on the public Works Department. There was discussion of authorization of the survey of Bay Ward made by S. P. Kehoe, Jr.. Mr. Reed pointed out that Mr. Diamond claim- ed that the Town had been taking sand from his property and that he had had the survey made to determine where the Bay Street lines were, as well as those lines owned by the Municipality in the vicinity of the Diamond property. Town Attorney Solms report- ed that Mr. Kehoe started that he had used several men for 4i days in making this survey and that he felt that the charge of $75.00 was in order; and, further, that Mr. Kehoe stated definitely that the sand was not removed from the Diamond property and that Mr. Kehoe checked the lines on this street from the original mark- ers of perey Sugden, C. E. and installed concrete markers as shown on the survey plat. A proposed offer of purchase of the Jail house from the Ft. Screven Development Company on the terms of $8,000.00, paya- ble at the rate of $2,000.00 per year, without interest, was re- jected by the Ft. Screven Development Company. A counter offer of sale was made by the Ft. Screven Development Company to the Municipality on the basis of $8,000.00, payable $2,000.00 per year at the rate of 5 % interest. This proposition was not ac- cepted by council. It was suggested that a counter offer of pur- chase be submitted to the Ft. Screven Development Company on the 27 28 basis of $7,500.00 cash or $8,000.00 payable $2,000.00 per year without interest. Mayor Dutton requested an opinion from the Town Attor- ney as to whether the Municipality could sell or transfer a por- tion of the Strand in front of the Tybee Hotel without an elec- tion for that purpose. A discussion took place on the request of Henry N. Chafin who requested that he be re- instated on the police De- partment. This was rejected as there are no vacancies on the force. Councilman Hosti stated that Mr. Reed reported that his Depart- ment did not want him. Motion was made by Councilman Meddin and seconded by Councilman peters that Councilman Hosti and Reed de- cide whether they could use Mr. Chafin in the Sanitation Depart- ment. The motion was adopted. Mr. Reed reported that the area near 1st and Tilton Streets needed drainage very badly and that, in order to put in the proper drainage, some pipe would be necessary. He was direct- ed to outline the cost of the required pipe. Mr. Reed, also, call- ed attention to the road at Chimney Pot Creek. Mayor Dutton stat- ed that he would get in touch with Mr. Bacon, of the State High- way Department, regarding same. Town Attorney Solms stated that the Riverside Lodge on Chatham Avenue was not zoned against rent- ing boats thereon, Mr. peters moved that a license be issued to Milton Levison for renting boats, Councilman Meddin seconded and the motion pasaed. A motion was made by Councilman peters that a transfer of the license of Riverside Lodge issued to Gladys Johnson to rent rooms, to Milton Levison be made, Councilman Meddin second- ed and the motion passed. There was a discussion on the conversion of the old Jail so that it would house the Ambulance and all fire equipment. Mr. Reed advised Council that he had found a considerable amount of new fire hose on the floor in the fire house and had the hose stacked and put away. Councilman Smith was requested to find out who made this purchase without requisition. The Mayor asked Mr. Reed whether the storm damage settlement had been completed. Mr. Meddin reported that it had been. The Mayor asked what had been done about the public Dock. Mr. Reed reported that Mr. Varnedoe did not go into further detail with him after leaving Council at the last meeting of same. Mr. Reed reported that he only had three (3) convicts and that they could now only do work of a public nature, such as street work, work for charitable institutions, Churches, etc. He stated that he had heard some rumors of criticism of the use of convicts at the Tybee Bakery. This work at the Tybee Bakery was on instructions from Judge E. W. Cubbedge of the County Commissioners to clear up the unsanitary conditions existing there after the fire. I 1 1 The Mayor read letters from (1), A. A. Thomas, Chairman of the Fire Committee of Savannah, who stated that he appreciat- ed very much receiving the Resolution passed by Council and the letter to him inclosing same and furthermore that Savannah would always be ready and willing to assist the Town in every way poss- ible.'(2) Lee MoClurkin, president, Savannah Electric Company, acknowledging receipt of a letter from Mayor Dutton on the fine work of Lawrence Smith and other employees during the storm and fire. Mayor Dutton stated that he had sent Earle Cooke a tele- gram of congratulations on becoming Supreme Commander of the American Legion. The Mayor called to the attention of Council that, the Georgia Municipal Association would hold its annu .l meeting in Augusta, Georgia, on December 7th & 9th, 1950, and that he would attend. Mayor Dutton requested as m: -.ny members of Council as would attend this most important Municipal conference, the ex- penses to be paid by the Town. The Mayor stated that he would adjourn the meeting until October 26, 1950 at 4 o'clock, at which time he requested all members to be present in order to discuss and pass on some very important matters. There being no further business at this time the meeting was adjourned until October 26th, 1950. This meeting continued from October 19th, 1950. Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. October 26, 1950 The adjourned meeting of the. Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, was held at the Town Hall on October 26, 1950, at 4 P. M. and was attended by Mayor Dutton, who presided, Councilmen Meddin, Smith, Lovell, Hosti, peters and Brown, Supt. Reed, Chief McCutchen and Town Attorney Solms. Appearing before Council: Samuel L. Varnedoe, of Varnedoe and Chisholm, Inc., Joseph J. Hutton of Thomas & Hutton, Engineers. Mayor Dutton stated that the regular meeting of Council was adjourned until this day and time for the purpose of giving all members of Council an opportunity to investigate and ascer- tain further facts about the Tybee Water Works; also, for the purpose of having all members of Council present to pass on whether or not the Municipality desired to purchase the Water Works for the acid Town. Mr. Varnedoe presented surrounding the circumstances of the Tybee Water Works. Mr. given the right by the owners to Council detailed information of the proposed sale by the owners Varnedoe stated that he had been of the Tybee Water Works to sell 29 30 the same and to give the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, the first opportunity to purchase. Mr. Varnedoe further stated that he had written a letter to Mayor Dutton under date of October 19, 1950, setting out in detail his suggestions and recommendations in the premises. He requested that this letter be read, which was done.(See letter.) Mr. Hutton further explained to Council the results of a survey and study made by his company of the entire Water Works System and he stated the replacements costs, present value and method of ascertaining the same. After considerable discussion by members of Council with Messrs. Varnedoe and Hutton, they were excused. After further discussion on the pros and cons of this matter, a motitIntiaa made-,b ' Councilman Peters, seconded by Council- man Meddin, that the Town of Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, pur* chase the Tybee hater Works at a sum not to exceed $105,000.00 and, upon the condition that Water Revenue>.Certificates be issued at a rate of interest not to exceed three (3 %) per cent; and, fur - ther, that any further details necessary to complete this purchase be worked out in a subsequent . -special meeting -to be called for such purpose. This motion was unanimously passed. A motion was made by Councilman peters and seconded by Councilman Hosti that the old Guard House, now biting used as a Jail, which is located on Van Horne Street in Fort Screven, now owned by the Fort Screven Development Company, be purchased for the sum of $7,500.00 cash. This motion was unanimously adopted. Sup. Reed stated that Mr. Solomon had taken excellent care of the equipment of the Water Works System, consisting of pumps, motors, pipes, etc., and that they were in the best poss- ible condition. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. C rk of ouncil Mayor Cc 1 1