HomeMy Public PortalAboutSample Ballot "'t'C' o()~.. ct~ f~ rt ~ ~~ ~~ '~8B7' City of Claremont rlJ I' c ". }~~hA;.;,~; ;,',. <. ,~, .' , "~- ' '. ~, ".,.. ' ,", T ," ',." "- ,,' ".-,'. "~':. .~ -,., ~,~.~ 1~ . \'f"ed~~:. , : " ':':~~ G_::~;_.,j~;_ ,','t. .'I.I~:I'ieft~i,~j~~-;i~ ~i~W~~!'i';"'I(!q ~'~!1-',~z'.h1e 'rov~f'k1d",lS'rl~61.UT~ ~b s1'9b,d:'A'J ai' \' _~,"t! .-t!''t ~::j ;,:._ ~... ntAb/~!~ :~"~ ~~ J).f' -to n' ,~~ ibl1i(df1J.j~,A ~~ n:1~ fl~ f~:,vL. f~.rU~}tf1.~f _;;.~ G'" t:! k,rE' :'~~~~~~IV~IlSl)ifSl~l~:'" ., 'lit ~~I~n lE:r"':~jl 0" N . ~'.P~r:'.~:;M:~~ il'VtV 1;~:1~;llil, :>1 ',L I::L.JI$~(;.;,;j" - ' '-~'-'~f~OESOA~~-~fat~Er8,'~2011--'~ ..., ;-~ ,~rd~, i Ei'f'" i ." '." ~ ) ~t ~~'; t ':".., i: I ,~' ::;.:' le('~ rl~~),~r'tt ;; ~:1 ;-.. ~i (. . t -~ t t.: v"l ~ '; '; " POLLS OPEN at 7 A.M. AND CLOSE at 8 P.M. MARK AND SAVE THIS SAMPLE BALLOT For use at your Polling Place or for voting your "VOTE-BY-MAI~' Ballot FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS AVAILABLE Pursuant to federal law, voter information and sample ballots have also been translated in the following language(s): If you would like a copy of the translated ballot and sample ballot, at no cost to you, please telephone: The Office of the City Clerk at the phone number listed on the back of this pamphlet. ESPANOL: Si usted desea recibir sin costo alguno una copia traducida de la boleta y de la boleta de muestra, por favor sfrvase lIamar por teh~fono a la Oficina del Actuario Municipal al numero de telefono que figura en la lista de la cubierta de atras de este folleto. VieT NGO: Neu quy vi muon nh~n mien phi 18 phieu va 18 phieu mau da dl1Qc phiEln dich, xin gQi di~n thoc;li cho: Van Phong Thl1 Ky Thanh Pho tc;li so di~n thoc;li ghi (j m~t sau tai Ii~u hl1ang dan nay. VOTE BY MAIL AVAILABLE TO ALL VOTERS To apply for a MAIL BALLOT, fill in the Application Form on the back page of this Voter Information Pamphlet and mail it to the City Clerk by the deadline stated on the form itself. Claremont / 2 BECOME A "PERMANENT VOTE-BY-MAIL VOTER" Pursuant to California Elections Code ~ 3201, . . . Any voter may apply for permanent vote-by-mail voter status. This means for all future elections, you will automatically be mailed a ballot for every election you are eligible to participate in. You will no longer have to fill out a Mail BalloWote-by-Mail Ballot Application form, from either the back of the Sample Ballot booklet, or from any candidate or committee who circulates such forms. Pursuant to California Elections Code ~ 3206, . . . Any voter whose name appears on the permanent vote-by-mail voter list shall remain on the list and shall be mailed a mail ballot for each election conducted within his/her precinct. If the voter fails to return an executed mail ballot for any 2 consecutive statewide general elections, the voter's name shall be deleted from the Permanent Vote-by-Mail Voter list. You may request an application for Permanent Vote-by-Mail Voter Status from the: LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTION DEPARTMENT by phone: 562-466-1323 by writing: REGISTRAR-RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK P.O. BOX 30450 LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0450 LOS ANGELES COUNTY General Voter Information http://www.lavote.net To find your Polling Place: Click on "Voter & Elections" Click on "Find Your Polling Place and Preview Sample Ballot" Follow directions ~ Claremont / 3 v o T I N G I HAVE VOTED - HAVE YOU? OFFICIAL BALLOT CITY OF CLAREMONT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2011 THIS BALLOT STUB SHALL BE REMOVED AND RETAINED BY THE VOTER Mark your choice(s) by ., FILLING IN OVAL _ COMPLETELY with a BLACK OR DARK PEN. No. 12345 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: CLAREMONT For MEMBER of the CITY COUNCIL To vote for any candidate, completely fill in the Vote for no more than THREE oval . in the area to the right of the arrow MICHAEL JOHN KEENAN ~O pointing from the candidate(s) of your choice Professional Window Cleaner with a black or dark pen. REX JAIME ~O Vote for no more than three (3) candidates. Quality Engineer To vote for a qualified write-in candidate, write JOSEPH "JOE" LYONS ~O the name in the blank space for that purpose Research Consultant / Educator and completely fill in the oval. in the area OPANYI K. NASIALI ~O to the right of the write-in name. Retired Urban Planner All marks except for the voting mark are not JOSEPH ARMENDAREZ ~O allowed. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. Teacher JAY N. POCOCK ~O If you wrongly mark, tear or deface the Businessman ballot card, return it to the precinct board member and obtain another. SAM PEDROZA ~O Councilmember / Environmental Planner ROBIN L. HAULMAN ~O - Attorney / Businesswoman ~O ~O ~o END OF BALLOT 101 Claremont 3/B/11 I N S T R U C T I o N S Claremont / 4 S A M p L E B A L L o T VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET The following pages contain: CANDIDATE STATEMENTS Each Candidate's Statement in this pamphlet is volunteered by the candidate. Although all candidates had the opportunity to submit a statement, some candidates may not have submitted a statement. A complete list of candidates appears on the Sample Ballot page of this pamphlet. LOS ANGELES COUNTY General Voter Information http://www.lavote.net ~ To find your Polling Place: Click on "Voter & Ejections" Click on "Find Your Polling Place and Preview Sample Ballot" Follow directions Claremont / 5 FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL MICHAEL JOHN KEENAN Age: 55 For the last 30 years I have happily lived and worked almost exclusively as a window cleaner in Claremont. A good part of that time I volunteered in a number of town, metropolitan and regional activities on my own and as a member of various groups focused on social and political issues. I have attended City Council meetings regularly for the last 12 years, So I can confidently bring 30 years of professional work, active community work and on the record town hall observation and involvement to bear on the difficult issues that citizens, city departments and commissions will face in the challenging days ahead, From the backbench to the council seat I have and will work to serve and keep Claremont's town hall government OPEN - HONEST - WITH A STRONG GREEN VISION for the benefit of citizens and residents of Claremont and not at the expense of recent attempts at corporate privatization of Claremont resources. I am Citizen Michael John Keenan Is/ Michael John Keenan PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL MICHAEL JOHN KEENAN Edad: 55 Durante los ultimos 30 anos he vivido y trabajado felizmente casi exclusivamente como limpiador de ventanas en Claremont. Una buena parte de ese tiempo trabaje como voluntario en una cantidad de actividades municipales, metropolitanas y regionales por cuenta pro pia y como miembro de diversos grupos enfocados en asuntos sociales y politicos. He asistido regularmente alas reuniones del Concejo Municipal durante los ultimos 12 anos. Por 10 tanto puedo aportar 30 anos de trabajo profesional. trabajo comunitario activo y observacion y participacion oficial para tratar los asuntos diffciles que los ciudadanos, departamentos y comisiones de la ciudad enfrentaran en los dias desafiantes por delante. Desde las U1timas bancas hasta el escano del concejo municipal he trabajado y seguire trabajando para servir y mantener el gobierno del ayuntamiento de Claremont ABIERTO - HONESTO - CON UNA SOUDA VISION ECOLOGICA Pllra beneficio de los ciudadanos y residentes de Claremont y no a costas de los recientes esfuerzos de privatizacion corporativa de los recursos de Claremont. Soy el Ciudadano Michael John Keenan If I Michael John Keenan Claremont / 6 FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL REX JAIME Occupation: Quality Engineer Age: 32 I live and work in Claremont. I love my city and enthusiastically represent it by being an ambassador for our city's businesses, sites, and people. The people are what make this city great; their passions, knowledge, and care for our community. I especially value their willingness to share what they know with me. Being on the ground, in town regularly, I hope to represent the people's perspective. My priorities include: Safety Sustainability Support of Business We must meet the challenge of addressing these priorities in a fiscally responsible manner. As a Quality Engineer for Technip I audit work processes, identifying issues, and facilitating resolution. I'm pragmatic and thorough in my approach. I have also accepted additional roles of leadership within the company, serving as a member of our Core Values Committee. Energy, hard work, honesty, and integrity are central to my work ethic. I advocate the younger generation being active in our community, rather than just waiting to inherit it. 1 strive to lead by example. I humbly ask for your vote to represent your community, For more information: Rexforclaremont.com Isl Rex Jaime PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL REX JAIME Ocupacion: Ingeniero de Calidad Edad: 32 Vivo y trabajo en Claremont. Amo a mi ciudad y representarla con entusiasmo siendo un embajador para los negocios, los sitios y la gente de nuestra ciudad, La gente es 10 que hace a esta ciudad gran de; sus pasiones, conocimiento y preocupacion por nuestra comunidad. Especialmente valoro su voluntad de compartir conmigo 10 que saben. Estando en el campo, en el pueblo regularmente, espero representar la perspectiva de la gente. Mis prioridades incluyen: Segu ridad Sustentabilidad Apoyo a los Negocios Debemos satisfacer los desaffos de abordar estas prioridades de manera fiscal mente responsable, Como Ingeniero de Calidad para Technip audito procesos laborales, identificando problemas y posibilitando la resolucion. Soy pragmatico y cabal en mi enfoque. Tambien he aceptado funciones adicionales de liderazgo dentro de la compania, sirviendo como miembro de nuestro Co mite de Valores Centrales. Energia, trabajo duro, honestidad e integridad son aspectos centrales de mi etica laboral. Soy defensor de la participacion activa de la generacion joven en nuestra comunidad, antes que esperar a heredarla. Me esfuerzo por dar el ejemplo. Pi do humildemente su voto para representar a su comunidad. Para mas informacion: Rexforclaremont.com Ifl Rex Jaime FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL JOSEPH "JOE" LYONS Occupation: Research Consultant, Educator Age: 65 As a Ciaremont resident, I take pride In our City's participatory form of governance for giving rise to the Claremont Sustainable City Plan and the framework for citizen involvement in its implementation, The proud father of four sons, I served in leadership roles in youth sports and schooi programs, while meeting the demands of a recently concluded career in medical research at the City of Hope, I currently serve on the boards of NAMI Pomona Valley and Inland Valley Recovery Services, and as a Delegate to the Tri-City Mental Health Services Act Stakeholder Process. My reason for seeking election is to implement our City's vision of a Sustainable Claremont that remains committed to pubiic safety, family values, fiscal responsibility, and managed growth. To this end, I pledge: To protect and nurture our children and seniors through programs and supports which recognize that a community cannot exist in the absence of an unconditional commitment to both; To provide our first responders with the faciiities and resources to effectively serve our entire diverse community; To be optimistic, forward looking, and prepared to aggressively promote economic development consistent with sustainability, I would be honored to receive your vote on March 8th. www.lyons4citycouncil.info lyons4citycouncil@verizon,net Isl Joseph M, Lyons PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL JOSEPH "JOE" LYONS Ocupaci6n: Consultor de Investigaci6n, Educador Edad: 65 Como residente de Claremont, me enorgullezco de la forma de gobierno participativo de nuestra Cludad para dar origen al Plan Municipal Sostenible de Claremont y el marco para la participaci6n ciudadana en su implementaci6n. Padre orgullosode cuatro hijos, servi en funciones de iiderazgo en programas deportivos y escolares para j6venes, satisfaciendo las demandas de una carrera recientemente concluida en investigaci6n medica en City of Hope, Actualmente sirvo en las juntas de los Servicios de Recuperaci6n NAMI de Pomona Valley e Inland Valley, y como Delegado del Proceso de Interesados de la Ley de Servicios de Salud Mental de Tri-City. Mi raz6n para buscar la elecci6n es implementar la visi6n de nuestra Ciudad de una Claremont Sostenible que permanezca comprometida con la seguridad pubiica, valores familiares, responsabilidad fiscal y crecimiento controiado. Para esto, prometo: Proteger y sustentar a nuestros ninos y personas mayores a traves de programas y apoyos que reconozcan que una comunidad no puede existir con la ausencia de un compromiso incondicional para ambos; Proporcionar a nuestros socorristas los establecimientos y recursos para servir de manera efectiva a toda nuestra comunidad diversa; Ser optimista, progresista y estar preparado para fomentar energicamente el desarrollo econ6mico de acuerdo con la sustentabilidad. Sera un honor recibir su voto el 8 de marzo. www.lyons4citycouncli.info lyons4citycouncil@verizon.net If I Joseph M. Lyons Claremont I 7 CHaC VI,l UY VI~N HOI 06NG THANH PH!)' JOSEPH "JOE" LYONS Chuc V\l: Tham Van Vien Nghien Cuu, Nha Giao D\lc La cll dan cua Claremont, tOi hanh di~n ve hlnh thuc chfnh quyen c6 ngl1i:li dan tham gia cua Thanh Ph6 VI da I~p ra dLIQc K6 Ho~ch Thanh Ph6 Claremont Vl1ng M~nh va la c6t 15i cho Sl,l tham gia cua ngl1i:li dan vao vi~c thl,lC thi k6 hOq.ch d6. Hanh di~n la cha cua b6n ngl1i:li con trai, tOi da ph\lc V\l trong wang vi lanh d~o cac chlJ(jng trlnh tha thao thanh thi6u nlen va trl1i:lng hoc, dong thCli dap ung nhl1ng doi hei cua mOt sl,l nghi~p chi m{JI vaa k6t thuc trong nganh nghien cuu y khoa a Thanh Ph6 Hope. Hi~n nay tOi ph\lc V\l trong hOi dong Dich V\l Ph\lc Hai cua NAMI Pomona Valley va Inland Valley, va la [lq.i Biau cua Ti6n Trinh Lien [l{Ji [l~o Lu~t Ve Dich V\l Suc Khee Tam Than cua Tri-City, Ly do tOi ra tranh Cll la M thl,lC thi vien kien cua Thanh Ph6 chung ta ve mot Claremont Vl1ng M~nh quyet tam duy trl an toan cOng cOng, gia tri cua gia dlnh, trach nhiem tai kh6a, va tang trl1i:lng c6 quan Iy, [la d~t dLIQC nhl1ng dieu d6, tOi cam ket: Bao v~ va nuOi dl1llng tre em va ngllCli cao nUln cua chung ta qua cac chlJ(jng trinh va Sl,l giup do dLIQC cOng nh~n r~ng cong dong khOng tha ton tq.i neu khOng c6 sl,l t~n tam vO dieu kien d6i v{Ji ca hai thanh phan n6i tren; Cung cap tnfl'lc tien cho cac nhan vien dap ung khan cap cua chung ta nhl1ng Cel sa va tai nguyen M ph\lc V\l hl1u hi~u toan bO cong dong da d~ng cua chung ta; Sa I~c quan, nhln ve phia tnfl'lc, va chuan bi d€ Iinh ho~t My m~nh Sl,l phat trian kinh te phu hr;lp v{Ji tfnh chat vl1ng m~nh. TOi rat lay lam vinh dl,l khi nh~n dllr;lC 180 phieu cua quy vi vao ngay 8 thAng Ba. www.lyons4citycouncil.info lyons4citycoun c i I@verizon.net Ichl1 kyl Joseph M. Lyons Tu6i: 65 I FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OPANYI K. NASIALI Occupation: Retired Urban Planner Age: 65 My family moved to Claremont in 1986. Kathryn and I raised our daughter Minayo here. She graduated from Claremont High to college and a career in higher education. We chose Claremont for the small town environment, safe neighborhoods, senior and youth services, parks, trees, well maintained streets, schools and colleges, For a kid who grew up without shoes in rural Kenya, I am living the American dream. Serving Claremont is my way of appreciating being an American. My experience includes: . Urban planning . Commercial/industrial development . Eight years on Traffic Commission . Volunteering for our schools, charity organizations and Chamber of Commerce . Serving on the Mayor's Economic Sustainability Committee . Campaigning against Measure CL, which the community agreed was extravagant. . Campaigning for Johnson's Pasture bond, which won by 72%. Working with diverse individuals and organizations has given me perspectives necessary for balancing the city's needs and resources, especially during this economic downturn, As your councilmember I will: . Reform employee pensions . Seek reasonable solutions for police facility needs . Promote economic development . Ensure the city's fiscal sustainability and living within its means . Uphold community values I ask for your vote - March 8. (www.opanyiforcouncil.com) /s/ Opanyi K, Nasiali PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL OPANYI K. NASIALI Edad: 65 Ocupaci6n: Planificador Urban Jubilado Mi familia se mud6 a Claremont en 1986, Kathryn y yo criamos a nuestra hija Minayo aquf. Ella se gradu6 de la Secunda ria Claremont fue al colegio y curs6 una carrera en educaci6n superior. Elegimos Claremont por su entorno de pueblo pequeno, vecindarios seguros, servicios para personas mayores y j6venes, parques, arboles, calles bien mantenidas, escuelas y colegios. Para un nino que creci6 sin zapatos en la zona rural de Kenya, estoy viviendo el sueno Americano, Servir en Claremont es mi manera de agradecer ser Americano. Mi experiencia incluye: . Planificador urbano . Urbanizaci6n comercial/industrial . Ocho an os en la Comisi6n de Transito . Trabajo voluntario para nuestras escuelas, organizaciones de caridad y Camara de Comercio . Servicio en el Comite de Sustentabilidad Econ6mica del Alcalde . Realizaci6n de campanas contra la Iniciativa de Ley CL, que la comunidad entendi6 que era extravagante. . Realizaci6n de campanas para el bono Johnson's Pasture, que gan6 por un 72%. Trabajar con diversas personas y organizaciones me ha dado las perspectivas necesarias para equilibrar las necesidades y recursos de la ciudad, especial mente durante esta desaceleraci6n econ6mica, Como su miembro del concejo municipal: . Reformare las jubilaciones de empleados . Buscare soluciones razonables para las necesidades de establecimientos de policfa . Promovere el desarrollo econ6mico . Asegurare la sustentabilidad fiscal de la ciudad y que viva por sus propios medios . Defendere los valores de la comunidad Ie pido su voto - 8 de marzo. /f/ Opani K, Nasiali (www.opanyiforcouncil.com) FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL JOSEPH ARMENDAREZ Occupation: Teacher Age: 63 I believe in giving back to my community. I have lived in Claremont for 60 years. I have enjoyed raising my family in Claremont. I have been involved in community service programs and continue to be active in school related activities. I attended Oakmont Elementary and Our Lady of the Assumption Schools in Claremont. I graduated from Claremont High School and received a Bachelor of Science degree from Cal Poly Pomona. I started my law degree at La Verne College of Law and received my Juris Doctorate degree at California Southern College of Law, I recently received an Administrative Services Credential from Cal Poly. I bring with me common sense and the wisdom that comes living alongside the citizens of Claremont. I am keenly aware of many of the issues that have faced Claremonters over the years. From the Foothills to Southern sections of the city. It isn't difficult to ask someone how they feel about an issue that faces them and they will tell you. I am here to listen. I will give those citizens affected by those issues the respect they deserve. Every citizen has the right to be heard and to have their problems addressed. /s! Joseph Armendarez PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL JOSEPH ARMENDAREZ Ocupaci6n: Maestro Edad: 63 Creo en retribuir a mi comunidad. He vivido en Claremont durante 60 anos. He disfrutado criar a mi familia en Claremont. He participado en programas de servicios comunitarios y continuo activo en actividades relacionadas con la escuela. Asistl alas Escuelas Primaria Oakmont y Our Lady of the Assumption en Claremont. Me gradue de la Escuela Secundaria Claremont y recibi un titulo de Licenciatura en Ciencias de Cal Poly Pomona, Inicie mi estudio de derecho en el Colegio de Derecho La Verne y recibi mi titulo de Doctorado en Jurisprudencia del Colegio de Derecho del Sur de California, Recientemente recibi una Credencial de Servicios Administrativos de Cal Poly. Traigo conmigo sentido comun y sabiduria proveniente de haber vivido junto a los ciudadanos de Claremont. Estoy muy conciente de muchos de los problemas que hemos enfrentado los ciudadanos de Claremont a traves de los anos. Desde las Laderas hasta las regiones del Sur de la ciudad. No es diffcil preguntarle a alguien c6mo se siente acerca del problema que enfrenta y Ie contara. Estoy aqui para escuchar. Les dare a los ciudadanos afectados por esos problemas el respeto que merecen. Cada ciudadano tiene derecho a ser escuchado y a que sus problemas sean tratados. /f/ Joseph Armendarez Claremont / 8 FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL JAY N. POCOCK Occupation: Businessman Age: 47 I moved to Claremont 31 years ago. Citizens should be more invoived with the way the city's money is spent. They need to fully understand the real ramifications and impact it will have in the future, Today's current issues within our city have stemmed from years of past decisions to give blindly to the system and now we need to solve those issues, Many decisions have been made that benefit the few instead of the city as a whole. We vote, hire, and entrust our city leaders with the fiduciary responsibility to the citizens. We need to have 100 percent transparency and know the real future cost on all issues. I believe in fiscal responsibility and accountability in all departments. I believe in savings through right-sizing and cost-cutting to achieve the funding for the continuing and evolving needs of the citizens of the city, Tough choices will need to be negotiated and not kicked down the road as in the past. With your support I can help make those tough choices. Isl Jay N. Pocock Claremont / 9 FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM PEDROZA Occupation: Councilmemberl Environmental Planner Claremont is a beautiful place, My family enjoys a quality of life where we benefit from all that Claremont has to offer, I recognize that our town is a community of neighborhoods, each distinctive yet common with Claremont ideals. As we pull through these harsh economic times, it is important that we do not lose sight of these core values that define Claremont. It is my goal to continue to accomplish community needs, such as Padua Park and Courier Place Apartment Community, while sustaining the ideals we cherish, It has been my privilege to represent you these past four years. I believe I am part of a continuum of decision making for the city that is respectful of all opinions. It would be an honor to continue to represent you and what is important to your family. I realize that we do not need an election to remind us that we do live in an extraordinary place, but you do have the choice to elect candidates that understand Claremont's quality of life and advocate for what is important to you. I am that candidate and I ask for your vote, Isl Sam Pedroza PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL SAM PEDROZA Ocupaci6n: Miembro del Concejo Municipall Planificador Ambientalista Claremont es un hermoso lugar. Mi familia disfruta de una calidad de vida en la que nos beneficiamos de lodo 10 que Claremont tiene para ofrecer. Reconozco que nuestro pueblo es una comunidad de vecindarios, cada uno caracteristico pero con los ideales de Claremont en comun. Mientras salimos de estos tiempos econ6micos dificiles, es importante no perder de vista estos valores centrales que definen a Claremont. Mi meta es continuar satisfaciendo las necesidades de la comunidad, tales como el parque Padua y la Comunidad de Apartamentos Courier Place, sosteniendo al misrl)o tiempo los ideales que apreciamos. Ha sido un privilegio para mf representarle estos ultimos cuatro an os. Creo que soy parte de una continuaci6n de toma de decisiones para la ciudad que respeta todas las opiniones. Serfa un honor continuar representandolo a usted y a 10 que es importante para su familia. Entiendo que no necesitamos una elecci6n para que recordemos que vivimos en un lugar extraordinario, pero usted tiene la opci6n de elegir candidatos que entiendan la calidad de vida de Claremont y que defiendan 10 que es importante para usted. Yo soy ese candidato y Ie pido su voto. If I Sam Pedroza FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL ROBIN L. HAULMAN Occupation: Attorney/Businesswoman Age: 57 As a candidate for city council, I will partner with the community, respecting our past, and with a vision for our future. I worked on your behalf by serving two terms on the architectural commission and three years as the chair. From 2002 to 2010, I worked with the city staff, several mayors and other commissions to maintain the quality of life that we enjoy in Claremont. During my tenure on the architectural commission, I was involved in significant projects that resulted in a positive impact on the lives of Claremont's citizens. Some of the projects include: . Padua Hills Theatre Remodel; . Pilgrim Place Expansion; · Trader Joes; . Doubletree Remodel; . Village Expansion Plan; . Affordable Housing Project; Together, we will be strong advocates for sustainability in Claremont, recognizing that Claremont is a model for other communities in integrating sustainability in our general plan. I will promote the Healthy Claremont initiative. 1 pledge to work on the issues that currently challenge our city, including our budget and revenue stream, bolstering our police force, promoting economic development that is consistent with the character of Claremont while providing meaningful business opportunities. I will also work to loster a continuing partnership with our schools and colleges, /s/ Robin L. Haulman PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ROBIN HAULMAN Ocupacion: AbogadalMujer de Negocios Edad:57 Como candidata para el concejo municipal, me asociare con la comunidad, respetando nuestro pasado y con una vision para nuestro futuro. Trabaje en representacion suya sirviendo dos terminos en la comision de arquitectura y tres alios como presidenta, Desde 2002 hasta 2010, trabaje con el personal de la ciudad, diversos alcaldes y otras comisiones para mantener la calidad de vida que disfrutamos en Claremont. Durante mi ejercicio en el cargo en la comision de arquitectura, participe en proyectos significativos que dieron como resultado un impacto positivo en las vidas de los ciudadanos de Claremont. Algunos de los proyectos incluyen: . Remodelacion del Teatro Padua Hills; . Ampliacion de Pilgrim Place; . Trader Joes; . Remodelacion de Doubletree; . Plan de Ampliacion de la Villa; . Proyecto de Viviendas Asequibles; Juntos, seremos fuertes defensores de la sustentabilidad en Claremont, reconociendo que Claremont es un modelo para otras comunidades en integrar la sustentabilidad en nuestro plan general. Promovere la iniciativa Healthy Claremont. Prometo trabajar en los asuntos que actualmente desalfan a nuestra ciudad, incluyendo nuestro presupuesto y flujo de rentas, reforzar nuestra fuerza policial, promover el desarrollo economico de acuerdo con el caracter de Claremont proporcionando al mismo tiempo oportunidades de negocio significativas. Tambien trabajare para fomentar una asociacion continua con nuestras escuelas y colegios, /1/ Robin Haulman Claremont / 10 See Back Cover for Application It's Easy! It's Convenient! It's Weatherproof! Claremont / 11 Mark your calendar. Don't forget to vote on March 8, 2011 February, 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Last day to President's register to vote for this Day election 27 28 Vote-by-Mail ballots must be received by the election official or your polling place by March 8, 2011. Postmarks do not count. March, 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6 1 Last day to 2 request a Vote-by-Mail ballot .l 8 \ 9 ~~LECTIO~~ ~~ Y "" WARNING! !! Your POLLING PLACE for this election may be different from the polling place you went to for the last election. Please check the back page of this pamphlet for the correct location. 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 Claremont! 12 r- Detach this stub before mailing back Vote-by-Mail Application Detach Here l l Detach Here 0880- ~ ~L ~6 VO lNOW31:1Vl0 088 XOS Od 3nN3AV CI:IVAI:IVH LO~ llVH A1IO }l1:I310 A110 3Hl :10 301:1:10 1'1'1' "'11'1"1'1"1"'1111"'11'"1'''111''' "I'll l.3!:1nl.VNOIS !:InOA 3^08V SS3~aav 3:>N3aIS3~ !:InOA .LNI!:Id ONV NOI.LV::>llddV !:InOA NOIS nOA 010 BJaH dwelS sselO ISJ!.::l e aoeld ___L :II\IOl:l:t Detach Here t t Detach Here NOTICE TO THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED VOTER: b, If the polling place is not accessible to the physically handicapped voter, such voter is entitled to vote in one of the following ways: 1, A precinct board member shall take a regular ballot to the physically handicapped person at a place as near as possible to the polling place and which is accessible to such person, qualify that person to vote, and return the voted ballot to the polling place; 2, If it is impractical to vote a regular ballot outside the polling place, please use the attached application and apply for a vote-by-mail ballot. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 207 HARVARD AVENUE PO BOX 880 CLAREMONT CA 91711-0880 909/399-5461 FAX 909/ 399-5492 ~~ '* '* -- ....-* 'Q:F..F:l...C.LA1b,........:'* ~ ...,*?'*f,tEX~:TI~~I:~- ~,~*~riz.e1tbithe US, posta"fse~\.. '*. '* ~*/ '*~~ BT 19-130 Detach Here t POLLING PLACE or Drop your Vote-By-Mail ballot off here ~ APPLICATION TO "VOTE-BY-MAIL" CITY OF CLAREMONT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2011 To obtain a vote-by-mail ballot, complete the information on this form. The elections official MUST RECEIVE this application by March 1, 2011, Print Name: Date of Birth FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Residence Address: (As Registered) PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 4020 Long Beach, CA t Detach Here City. State Zip Code Precinct No. Ballot Group No, Number and Steet Mail My Ballot To: (If different from above) Number and Steet City. State Zip Code ... Signature of Applicant (Must be signed to be processed) Date Date Issued Date Returned Ballot No. (optional) Daytime Phone No I have not applied for a vote by mail ballot for this election by any other means. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information I have provided on this application is true and correct. Detach Here t POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. TAKE THIS SAMPLE BALLOT TO YOUR POLLING PLACE FOR REFERENCE POLLING PLACE: Your polling place may have changed! See above for your polling place location. t Detach Here "