HomeMy Public PortalAboutA 2019-05-07 CCThis Agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be considered. Copies of the Staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection. Any person who has a question concerning any of the agenda items may call the City Manager at (310) 603-0220, ext. 200. Procedures for Addressing the Council IN ORDER TO EXPEDITE CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS, WE ASK THAT ALL PERSONS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL FILL OUT A FORM PROVIDED AT THE PODIUM, AND TO TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE START OF THE MEETING. FAILURE TO FILL OUR SUCH A FORM WILL PROHIBIT YOU FROM ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL IN THE ABSENCE OF THE UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF THE COUNCIL. AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting TO BE HELD ON May 7, 2019 Duly Posted 5/2/19 by MQ COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 11350 BULLIS RD. LYNWOOD, CA 90262 6:00 PM 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.CERTIFICATION OF AGENDA POSTING BY CITY CLERK 3.ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Jose Luis Solache, Mayor Aide Castro, Mayor Pro Tem Salvador Alatorre, Council Member Jorge Casanova, Council Member Marisela Santana, Council Member 4.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5.INVOCATION 6.PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Sheriff Captain Carter- Update on Law Enforcement Issues City Council Members Reporting on Meetings Attended (Gov. Code Section 53232.3 (D)). Public Works Week Proclamation 7.COUNCIL RECESS TO: City of Lynwood as the Successor Agency to the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS City Council Regular Meeting - Page 1 of 131 (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NON-AGENDA PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS THIS PORTION PROVIDES AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE COUNCIL AND NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. IF AN ITEM IS NOT ON THE AGENDA, THERE SHOULD BE NO SUBSTANTIAL DISCUSSION OF THE ISSUE BY THE COUNCIL, BUT COUNCIL MAY REFER THE MATTER TO STAFF OR SCHEDULE SUBSTANTIVE DISCUSSION FOR A FUTURE MEETING. (The Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code Section 54954.2 (a).) CITY COUNCIL ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION CONSENT CALENDAR ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT CALENDAR WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION AFFIRMING THE ACTION RECOMMENDED ON THE AGENDA. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION ON THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO VOTING UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OR STAFF REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION. 8.APPROVAL OF THE WARRANT REGISTER Comments: City of Lynwood warrant register dated May 7, 2019 for FY 2018-2019. (FIN) Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council of the City of Lynwood approve the warrant register dated May 7, 2019 for FY 2018-2019. 9.2019 FIREWORKS TASK FORCE TEAM Comments: The 2019 Fireworks Task Force Team will be a cadre of four (4) deputies offering increased enforcement to better manage the on-going issue of illegal and dangerous fireworks use and sale within the city of Lynwood. Two (2) additional deputies and one (1) Sergeant will assist with enforcement on the date of the July 4th holiday. Sheriff staffing is proposed to be increased beginning June 19, 2019 through July 8, 2019. (CM) Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FORM A 2019 FIREWORKS TASK FORCE TEAM WITH THE LA COUNTY CENTURY SHERIFF STATION FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY (20) DAYS NOT TO EXCEED $63,099.50" 10.2019 SUMMER CRIME ENFORCEMENT TEAM Comments: The concept of the program is to have strong Sheriff presence in targeted high crime areas. The intent is to reduce gang, narcotic, and theft related crimes. The addition of deputy personnel will result in increased and more rapid identification and apprehension of individuals perpetrating Part I crimes in the city. The Lynwood Summer Crime Enforcement Program should be comprised of four deputies divided into two teams. Each team will consist of two deputies (four deputies total), and one Sergeant for 12 weeks, starting as early as June 1, 2019. (CM) Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FORM A 2019 SUMMER CRIME ENFORCEMENT TEAM WITH THE LA COUNTY CENTURY SHERIFF STATION COMPRISED OF FOUR (4) DEPUTIES AND A SERGEANT FOR A City Council Regular Meeting - Page 2 of 131 PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) WEEKS NOT TO EXCEED $233,737.60" 11.LYNWOOD PRIDE MONTH CELEBRATION EVENT Comments: The City of Lynwood has a proud tradition of honoring and celebrating the important contributions of its diverse communities. As part of this tradition, the City Council has requested that an event celebrating Pride Month be held on June 23, 2019. (REC) Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council review and approve a request to host and fund a community event celebrating Pride Month and authorize staff and the event’s planning committee to execute the program as presented by adoption of the attached resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT AND HOSTING OF AN EVENT CELEBRATING PRIDE MONTH TO BE HELD AT THE AVALOS COMMUNITY CENTER ON SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2019 AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $10,000 FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND TO SUPPORT THE EVENT.” 12.REQUEST FOR BATEMAN HALL FACILITY USE FEE WAIVER BY COMITE MEXICANO CIVICO PATRIOTICO, INC. Comments: Comité Mexicano Civico Patriotico, Inc. (“Mexican Patriotic Civic Committee”) is a Huntington Park-based community organization whose main mission is to support Mexican cultural programs and causes in the Los Angeles area. The group is requesting that the City waive facility rental fees for use of the Bateman Hall Auditorium and adjacent meeting room on July 28, 2019 to host its “Señorita Fiestas Patrias Mexicana” event - a beauty pageant and cultural celebration. (REC) Recommendation: Staff respectfully recommends that the City Council review a request by the Comité Mexicano Civico Patriotico, Inc. organization for a reduction in rental fees, consider the related City policies and direct staff by approving one of the following options: 1. Direct staff to process and complete the facility use application as a Full-Rate rental (no discount). 2. Direct staff to process and complete the facility use application at a Lynwood non-profit base rental discount rate (50%), plus required costs. 3. Direct staff to process and complete the facility use application with full fee waiver of base rental fees and adopt the attached resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE USE OF THE BATEMAN HALL AUDITORIUM AND ROOM #1 AND WAIVING THE BASE RENTAL FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $595.00” 4. Another option as deemed appropriate by the City Council. NEW/OLD BUSINESS 13.A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING AN EMPLOYMENT SERVIES AGREEMENT WITH RUN CHEN FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Comments: After an extensive and rigorous recruitment process, the City Manager has selected Run Chen to fill the vacant Director of Public Works position. Staff recommends that the City Council approve City Council Regular Meeting - Page 3 of 131 the Employment Services Agreement with Mr. Chen. (HR) Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING AN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RUN CHEN FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS.” 14.REPORT OF AN EMERGENCY ACTION AT PALM AVENUE Comments: The Public Works Department received a request to assess sink holes that appeared on Palm Avenue. To avoid further deterioration of the street, the Director of Public Works recommends emergency action to address the problem. (PW) Recommendation: Staff recommends for the City Council to adopt the attached resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD INITIALLY REVIEWING THE EMERGENCY ACTION ORDERED BY THE CITY MANAGER TO REPAIR PALM AVENUE; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION FROM FUND 2357 (MEASURE M) IN THE AMOUNT OF $500,000 FOR THE STREET RECONSTRUCTION OF PALM AVENUE FROM BULLIS ROAD TO THE END OF THE STREET TO THE EAST AND FROM FUND 6051 IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000 FOR THE WATER LINE INSTALLATION AT PALM AVENUE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXCEED THE SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNTS AND PERCENTAGE LIMITATIONS PURSUANT TO LMC 6-3.15(d).” 15.ADOPTION OF A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FY20 FUNDED BY SB1 Comments: On April 28, 2017 the Governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 1 (Beall, Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017), which is known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. Based on an early estimate, the City is projected to receive $1,273,178 in FY20. Pursuant to SHC Section 2034(1)(1), prior to receiving RMRA funds from the State Controller in a fiscal year, a city or county must submit to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) a list of projects proposed to be funded with RMRA funds pursuant to an adopted city budget, which may include pertinent budget amendments. This list is due to the CTC on May 1st. (PW) Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 FUNDED BY SB1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017." 16.CONSIDERING THE FORMATION OF COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEES FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN MONTHS TO FACILITATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMMING. THE FOLLOWING AD HOC COMMITTEES ARE PROPOSED - 1. INFRASTRUCTURE AND ROADWAYS 2. COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 3. POLICY & BUDGET 4. PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY 5. 100TH ANNIVERSARY Comments: During the April 16, 2019 City Council meeting, Mayor Solache requested that the City Council consider forming Council Ad Hoc Committees related to key matters currently being addressed by the City of Lynwood. Consistent with established policies and procedures, appointments to an Ad Hoc Committee can be made if that proposed Committee is on a public agenda (CM) City Council Regular Meeting - Page 4 of 131 Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council appoint two Councilmembers to serve on Council Ad Hoc Committees for an eighteen-month period to facilitate the development of policy and implementation of programming in the respective subject areas. All policy and programming recommendations developed by the respective Ad Hoc Committees shall be presented to the City Council for its consideration. The proposed Ad Hoc Committee assignments are as follows: 1. Infrastructure and Roadways - Mayor Solache and Councilmember Casanova 2. Community & Economic Development – Mayor Pro Tem Castro and Councilmember Casanova 3. Policy & Budget – Mayor Pro Tem Castro and Councilmember Alatorre 4. Parks, Recreation and Public Safety – Mayor Solache and Councilmember Santana 5. 100th Anniversary - Mayor Solache and Councilmember Santana ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WILL BE HELD ON MAY 21, 2019 AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL ANNEX, 11350 BULLIS ROAD, CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 5 of 131 Agenda Item # 8. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: John Downs, Director of Finance Lilly Hampton, Senior Accounting Technician SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE WARRANT REGISTER Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council of the City of Lynwood approve the warrant register dated May 7, 2019 for FY 2018-2019. Background: N/A Discussion and Analysis: N/A Fiscal Impact: N/A Coordinated With: City Manager City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Description WARRANT RUN 5-07-2019 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 6 of 131 apCkHist Void-Check Listing Page:1 04/30/2019 11:56AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Void Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Reason-Void/Reissue Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total -- 186161 01/03/2017 010191 DONNY RAY JOUBERT 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 12/02/2016 0.01 0.01 186564 02/21/2017 010308 PATRICIA CRUZ 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 02/01/2017 100.00 100.00 186752 03/07/2017 010344 SILVESTRE ALVARADO 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 02/08/2017 0.75 0.75 186755 03/07/2017 010352 MARIA DUENAS 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 02/08/2017 135.65 135.65 186973 04/04/2017 010402 MARIA TRINIDAD 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 03/15/2017 100.00 100.00 187023 04/04/2017 005098 ALEX LANDEROS 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 09/28/2016 50.00 50.00 187068 04/04/2017 010136 JOSE TORRES OR 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 10/04/2016 68.78 68.78 187111 04/04/2017 010006 MARLYN DEREZA 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 06/28/2016 10.00 10.00 187414 05/16/2017 010465 MANUEL CASTANEDA 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 04/11/2017 75.00 75.00 187557 06/06/2017 010498 DAVID CASTRELLON 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 04/07/2017 16.00 16.00 187560 06/06/2017 010504 RUDY CHAVEZ 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 03/27/2017 31.00 31.00 187613 06/06/2017 010286 LAVONNE LATHROPE 04/16/2019 ST ALE DATED 194695 02/28/2017 196.21 04/16/2019 010286033117 03/31/2017 196.21 392.42 188236 08/01/2017 010624 GLENDA CORBIN 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 05/08/2017 148.50 148.50 188284 08/01/2017 010621 JUANA LAZCANO 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 06/08/2017 25.00 25.00 188295 08/01/2017 010685 NAISHA MAIAVA 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 07/05/2017 100.00 100.00 188458 08/15/2017 010700 CHARIE JACKSON 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 07/10/2017 50.00 50.00 189083 10/17/2017 010851 PATRICIA CATIMON 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 09/25/2017 100.00 100.00 189210 10/17/2017 010874 JUAN CARLOS GARCIA 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 10/04/2017 26.93 26.93 189211 10/17/2017 010834 NERY GONZALEZ 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 09/25/2017 2.60 2.60 189216 10/17/2017 010839 LEONARDO PINO 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 09/25/2017 29.82 29.82 189384 11/15/2017 010920 MARCUS BLACK 04/16/2019 STALE DATED 194694 10/23/2017 16.00 16.00 Page: 1 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 7 of 131 apCkHist 04/30/2019 11:56AM Bank code: apbank Void Check# Date Vendor 189405 11/15/2017 010898 DION ANTHONY 189638 12/05/2017 010954 ANQUI RENISE 190797 04/03/2018 011211 FRANK BELLO 191077 05/01/2018 011280 CHRISTINA KING 194600 04/16/2019 011990 JESUS CARRILLO 194652 04/16/2019 011994 ROSA QUINTERO 27 checks in this report Void-Check Listing City of Lynwood Status ClearNoid Date Reason-Void/Reissue 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 04/25/2019 STALE DATED 04/29/2019 STALE DATED 194739 04/29/2019 ST ALE DATED 194820 Page:2 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 10/24/2017 68.78 68.78 11/15/2017 5.00 5.00 02/26/2018 23.62 23.62 04/02/2018 30.00 30.00 03/19/2019 150.00 150.00 03/19/2019 250.00 250.00 apbank Total: 2,005.86 Total Checks: 2,005.86 Page:2 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 8 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11:25:16AM Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 1003942 3/26/2019 000053 CALPERS 1003943 4/22/2019 009720 CITY OF LYNWOOD 1003944 4/22/2019 000124 CITY OF LYNWOOD 1003945 3/14/2019 000053 CALPERS 1003946 3/26/2019 000053 CALPERS 1003947 4/9/2019 000053 CALPERS Electronic Financial Transaction List City of Lynwood Invoice 000053020919 000053022319 1761-1776 32454-32534 000053031419 000053032619 100000015617330 PO# Page: 3 Description/Account Amount EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-457-PE 2/09/2019 1011.20142 4,644.86 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-457-PE 2/23/2019 1011.20142 4,644.86 Total : 9,289.72 REPLENISH LIABILITY INSURANCE-2/2019 7151 .35.350.67 407 7151.35.350.67 411 7151.35.350.67407 Total: REPLENISH WORKERS COMP-2/2019 7151 .35.345.67 407 7151 .35.345.67409 7151.35.345.67 408 7151.35.345.67411 7151 .35.345.67 408 7151.35.345.67 409 7151 .35.345.67 411 Total: EMPLOYEE CONTRI BUTIONS-3/2019 1011.20135 Total: EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS-3/2019 1011 .20135 MEDICAL PREMIUM-4/2019 1011.20140 7151 .35.355.64012 7151 .35.355.64399 1011.20140 7151 .35.355.64012 Total: 13,708.04 339.67 162.00 14,209.71 3,682.70 467.36 3,757.59 17.74 18,697.41 4,640.00 546.63 31,809.43 49,707.09 49,707.09 55,989.59 55,989.59 138,257.62 50,792.65 495.16 2,845.74 647.48 Page: 3 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 9 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11 :25: 1 SAM Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 1003947 4/9/2019 000053 CALPERS 1003948 3/5/2019 000053 CALPERS 7 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 7 Vouchers in this report Electronic Financial Transaction List City of Lynwood Invoice PO# {Continued) 100000015587709-10 Page: 4 Description/Account Amount 7151 .35.355.64399 8.04 Total : 193,046.69 MEDICAL PREMIUM-3/2019 1011 .20140 137,267.80 7151.35.355.64012 51,422.66 7151 .35.355.64399 493.23 1011.20140 1,237.28 7151 .35.355.64012 647.48 7151 .35.355.64399 4.34 Total: 191,072.79 Bank total: 545,125.02 Total vouchers : 545,125.02 Page: 4 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 10 of 131 vchlist Prepaid-Check List Page: 5 04/29/2019 1:37:15PM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194675 4/11/2019 001194 ADMINSURE, INC. 11709 TPA FOR LIBIALITY MATTERS 05-001580 7151.35.350.62015 3,450.00 Total: 3,450.00 194676 4/11/2019 007551 AFSCME DISTRICT COUNCIL 36 007551031419 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/14/2019 1011.20144 2,028.27 007551032819 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/28/2019 1011.20144 1,977.30 Total: 4,005.57 194677 4/11/2019 010049 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, INC. 010049032819 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/28/2019 1011 .20146 10.17 Total: 10.17 194678 4/11/2019 011927 AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE CO 011927031419 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/14/2019 1011 .20140 1,899.63 011927032819 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/28/2019 1011 .20140 1,899.63 Total: 3,799.26 194679 4/11/2019 011927 AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE CO 011927031419-1 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/14/2019 1011.20140 714.57 011927032819-1 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/28/2019 1011.20140 714.57 Total: 1,429.14 194680 4/11/2019 007552 CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATES 007552031419 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/14/2019 1011.20143 212.50 007552032819 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/28/2019 1011 .20143 212.50 Total: 425.00 194681 4/11/2019 010048 LEGAL SHIELD 010048031419 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/14/2019 1011 .20146 70.30 010048032819 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/28/2019 1011.20146 70.30 Page: 5 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 11 of 131 vchlist Prepaid-Check List Page: 6 04/29/2019 1:37:15PM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194681 4/11/2019 010048 010048 LEGAL SHIELD (Continued) Total : 140.60 194682 4/11/2019 010069 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 010069032819 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION-PD 3/28/2019 1011 .20142 3,320.00 Total : 3,320.00 194683 4/11/2019 004854 PETTY CASH-FINANCE 004854040619 REPLENISH PETTY CASH 1011 .35.335.64010 45.00 1011 .60.701 .64020 314.37 1011 .35.335.64010 271.88 7151.35.350.64010 50.00 1011 .60.720.65020 12.80 Total: 694.05 194684 4/11/2019 002910 PUBLIC SECTOR EXCELLENCE 002910042319 REGISTRATION-RECREATION CLERK STAFF 1011.60.705.64015 405.00 1011.60. 701 .64015 40.00 Total: 445.00 194685 4/11/2019 000163 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 000163040919 LIGHT & POWER SERVICES-4/2019 2651.45.425.65001 172.86 2051.45.430.65001 254.52 2651.45.425.65001 199.86 6051.45.450.65001 1,993.83 2651.45.425.65001 1,098.39 Total : 3,719.46 194686 4/11/2019 011403 STAFFORD, CYNTHIA 011403032719 REIMBURSEMENT FOR AIRLINE TICKETS 05-001650 1011 .35.330.64015 425.61 05-001650 7151 .35.350.64015 425.61 Total : 851.22 194687 4/11/2019 011078 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY 011078043019 DENTAL PREMIUM FOR 4/2019 7151 .35.355.64012 6,602.67 1011 .20141 10,709.79 Total: 17,312.46 194688 4/11/2019 010857 ICSC 010857052119 REGISTRATION-MICHELLE RAMIREZ Page: 6 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 12 of 131 vchlist Prepaid-Check List Page: 7 04/29/2019 1:37:15PM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194688 4/11/2019 010857 ICSC (Continued) 3381.51.750.64015 710.00 Total: 710.00 194689 4/16/2019 011293 INFINITY GENERAL CONTRACTORS L YN-PMR-032619 NATATORIUM DAMAGED WALL IN MEN'S RESTROOM 06-007803 1011 .45.415.63025 10,825.00 Total: 10,825.00 194690 4/16/2019 011443 L.A. COUNTY REGISTRAR-RECORDER 011443041619 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 11-001328 1011 .51 .505.62025 75.00 Total: 75.00 194691 4/16/2019 011443 L.A. COUNTY REGISTRAR-RECORDER 011443041619-A NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 11-001329 1011 .51.505.62025 75.00 Total : 75.00 194692 4/16/2019 011443 L.A. COUNTY REGISTRAR-RECORDER 011443041619-B NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 11-001330 1011.51 .505.62025 75.00 Total: 75.00 194693 4/16/2019 001302 U.S. BANK 001302031319 BANK CARD CHARGES-2/18/2019-3/13/2019 1011.25.205.64015 747.67 1011.60. 701 .64020 3,000.00 1011.35.335.67950 68.90 1011.60. 701 .64020 937.12 1011.65.290.65020 113.98 1011.60. 701 .64020 252.92 1011.10.101.64015 1,200.00 1011.25.205.65040 50.00 1011.20.110.64015 317.45 1011.60.701 .64020 81.97 1011.10.101.64015 600.00 Total: 7,370.01 194694 4/16/2019 010920 BLACK, MARCUS M296BLM009 REFUND-LIVE SCAN SERVICES 1011 .35.330.64399 16.00 Total: 16.00 Page: 7 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 13 of 131 vchlist Prepaid-Check List Page: 8 04/29/2019 1:37:15PM City of Lynwood Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount - 194695 4/16/2019 010286 LATHROPE, LAVONNE 010286022817 REI MB-RETIREE MEDICAL PREMIUM 2/2017 7151 .35.355.64012 196.21 010286033117 REIMB-RETIREE MEDICAL 7151.35.355.64012 196.21 Total: 392.42 194696 4/23/2019 000943 APPLEONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 01-5134800 TEMPORARY CLERICAL SERVICES 11-001302 1011 .51.501 .62015 639.52 01-5134800-A TEMPORARY CLERICAL SERVICES 11-001333 1011.51 .501.62015 177.76 Total : 817.28 194697 4/23/2019 000141 AT&T 3378414401-040719 TELEPHONE SERVICE 6051.45.450.64501 33.03 3378414402-040719 TELEPHONE SERVICE 6051.45.450.64501 33.03 Total: 66.06 194698 4/23/2019 005344 AT&T MOBILITY 04082019 CELL PHONE SERVICE 12-000233 1011.65.290.64501 1,534.37 12-000233 6051.65.290.64501 1,534.37 Total: 3,068.74 194699 4/23/2019 004986 BIOMETRICS4ALL, INC MAINTCOLYN0005 MAINTENANCE FEE FOR LIVE SCAN 05-001655 1011.35.330.63025 840.00 Total: 840.00 194700 4/23/2019 001330 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 19966721 LEASE AND MAINTENANCE 12-000241 6051 .65.290.63030 286.13 12-000241 1011 .65.290.63030 1,144.54 12-000241 1011.65.290.63025 1,253.39 12-000241 6051.65.290.63025 250.68 Total: 2,934.74 194701 4/23/2019 012021 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS 63834515 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 05-001654 1011 .35.335.62015 171 .00 63867894 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS Page: 8 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 14 of 131 vchlist Prepaid-Check List Page: 9 04/29/2019 1:37:15PM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194701 4/23/2019 012021 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS (Continued) 05-001654 1011.35.335.62015 171.00 63906290 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 05-001654 1011.35.335.62015 171.00 63957375 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 05-001654 1011.35.335.62015 102.50 Total: 615.50 194702 4/23/2019 011568 GO-FLEET CORPORATION 1011143 GO-FLEET DRIVER RFID READER 12-000267 7011.45.420.66015 7,250.00 12-000267 1011.51.515.62015 1,074.94 12-000267 1011.51.445.62015 1,074.94 12-000267 1011.51.815.62015 1,074.94 Total: 10,474.82 194703 4/23/2019 010069 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 010069041119 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS-PD-4/11/2019 1011.20142 3,320.00 Total: 3,320.00 194704 4/23/2019 000163 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 000163041719 LIGHT & POWER SERVICES-4/2019 2651.45.425.65001 10.50 2051.45.430.65001 9.61 6051.45.450.65001 21 ,261 .24 2051.45.430.65001 216.83 2651.45.425.65001 38.43 2051.45.430.65001 539.32 2651.45.425.65001 421.46 Total: 22,497.39 194705 4/23/2019 002250 J.P.M. GLASS CO. 45973 MIRROR REPLACEMENT 08-004069 1011.60.705.63025 391 .00 Total : 391.00 194706 4/29/2019 011188 INSURANCE COMPANY, THE LINCOLN 011188053119 LTD PREMIUM FOR 5/2019 1011.20130 2,990.17 Total : 2,990.17 Page: 9 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 15 of 131 vchlist 04/29/2019 1:37:15PM Bank code: apbank Voucher 194707 Date Vendor 4/29/2019 000164 THE GAS CO. 33 Vouchers for bank code : 33 Vouchers in this report apbank Prepaid-Check List City of Lynwood Invoice 000164043019 PO# -------Description/Account GAS SERVICES-4/2019 1011.45.415.65005 1011 .60.710.65005 1011.60. 7 45.65005 1011.60.710.65005 1011.45.415.65005 1011.60.740.65005 1011.45.415.65005 1011 .60.720.65005 Total: Bank total: Total vouchers: Page: 10 Amount 36.81 116.06 2,484.76 217.11 77.41 149.88 109.28 56.96 3,248.27 110,404.33 110,404.33 Page: 10 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 16 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 11 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194708 5/7/2019 000743 ADMINISTRATIVE SVCS. CO-OP 3468-3857 SENIOR TRANSPORTATION 08-003867 2401.60.725.62015 12,374.13 3469 SENIOR TRANSPORTATION 08-003867 2401.60. 725.62015 9,865.03 Total: 22,239.16 194709 5/7/2019 001194 ADMINSURE, INC. 11928 TPA FOR LIBIALITY MATTERS 05-001580 7151.35.350.62015 3,450.00 Total: 3,450.00 194710 5/7/2019 000002 ADP, LLC 533280686 PAYROLL SERVICES 02-002266 1011.30.270.62015 1,163.15 02-002266 6051.30.315.62015 1,163.15 533281120 PAYROLL SERVICES 02-002266 1011.30.270.62015 600.38 02-002266 6051.30.315.62015 600.38 Total: 3,527.06 194711 5/7/2019 000370 ALATORRE, SALVADOR 000370053119 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO EXPENSES-5/2019 1011.10.101.60025 250.00 1011.10.101.60030 250.00 Total: 500.00 194712 5/7/2019 001994 ALIN'S PARTY SUPPLY CO. 239781 ANNUAL EASTER PROGRAM 08-004046 1052.60.701.64020 336.08 Total: 336.08 194713 5nt2019 000956 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 4-1 DUNCAN AVE STREET IMPROVEMENT 06-007672 4011.67.907.62015 12,850.00 06-007672 4011.20601 -1,285.00 RETENTION RETENTION 4011.20601 34,753.01 Total: 46,318.01 194714 5/7/2019 007439 ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SVCS, INC. 60636 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SERVICES 11-001174 2051.51.365.62015 25,170.60 Page: 11 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 17 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11 :51 :28AM Check List City of Lynwood Bank code : Voucher 194714 194715 194716 194717 194718 194719 194720 194721 194722 194723 apbank Date Vendor Invoice 5/7/2019 007 439 007439 ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SVCS, INC. (Continued) 5/7/2019 001780 ALLIANCE RESOURCE CONSULTING L YNWOD-05-03 517/2019 012035 ALVAREZ, JUANA C. 2748 5/7/2019 010746 ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN 2018-12-18267 5/7/2019 008217 AMAZON.COM, LLC 893676886943 5/7/2019 002452 AMERICAN LANGUAGE SVCS. 0055348 5/7/2019 001821 APPLE, INC. AA12739568 5/7/2019 000943 APPLEONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 01-5120502 5/7/2019 011723 ARREAGA, EVELYN 493ZPGYG 517/2019 006399 AT&T 000012813143 PO# ------- 06-007778 01-001423 12-000266 12-000266 12-000266 01-001360 08-004074 03-000380 08-004079 Description/Account RECRUITMENT SERVICES 1011.45.405.64399 Total : Total : REFUND-PARKING CITATION TICKET 1011.51 .34150 Total: Page: 12 Amount 25,170.60 6,200.00 6,200.00 125.00 125.00 SPECIAL LEGAL SERVICES -WATER CITATION 1011.25.205.62001 11 ,083.82 Total: 11 ,083.82 WI-Fl ROUTERS PURCHASE 1011 .65.290.66015 679.99 1011 .60. 705.66015 499.99 1011 .65.290.66015 120.95 Total: 1,300.93 TRANSLATION SERVICES 1011.25.250.62015 347.00 Total: 347.00 IPAD FOR RESERVATION OFFICE 1011.60. 7 40.66015 745.34 Total: 745.34 TEMPORARY SVCS. 1011.15.105.62015 833.28 Total: 833.28 BARTENDER SERVICE 1011.60.740.62064 300.00 Total : 300.00 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011 .65.290.64501 76.29 Page: 12 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 18 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 13 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194723 5nt2019 006399 AT&T (Continued) 000012837527 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011.65.290.64501 406.43 6051.45.450.64501 406.43 000012838741 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011 .65.290.64501 188.93 000012873758 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011 .65.290.64501 21 .62 000012876824 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011.65.290.64501 77.94 000012876826 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011.65.290.64501 20.72 000012876827 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011.65.290.64501 176.05 000012876829 TELEPHONE SERVICE 6051.45.450.64501 57.22 000012876833 TELEPHONE SERVICE 6051.45.450.64501 77.94 000012876837 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011 .65.290.64501 20.72 000012876943 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011 .65.290.64501 39.80 000012876944 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011 .65.290.64501 33.94 000012877014 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1011 .65.290.64501 39.80 Total : 1,643.83 194724 5/7/2019 004285 AVANT GARDE, INC. 5247 LABOR COMPLIANCE 06-007060 4011 .68.036.62015 382.50 5351 HOUSING/GRANT CONSUL TING SERVICES 11-001324 2941.51.285.62015 3,580.00 11-001324 2961.51.865.62015 1,332.50 5407 HOUSING/GRANT CONSUL TING SERVICES 11-001324 2941 .51 .285.62015 4,442.50 11-001324 2961 .51 .865.62015 910.00 5409 LABOR COMPLIANCE Page: 13 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 19 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 14 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194724 577/2019 004285 AVANT GARDE, INC. (Continued) 06-007216 4011.67.993.62015 366.25 5410 LABOR COMPLIANCE 06-007060 4011.68.036.62015 1,066.25 5411 LABOR COMPLIANCE 06-007059 4011.68.035.62015 620.00 5412 VIRGINIA AVE LABOR COMPLIANCE 06-007703 4011.68.049.62015 1,900.00 5413 SLURRY SEAL LABOR COMPLIANCE 06-007698 4011.68.047.62015 1,350.00 5414 LOUISE STREET LABOR COMPLIANCE 06-007699 4011.67.912.62015 1,560.00 5415 DUNCAN AVE LABOR COMPLIANCE 06-007700 4011.67.907.62015 1,500.00 5420 CONSUL TING SERVICES HAZARD 01-001424 1011.25.205.62015 960.00 Total: 19,970.00 194725 5/7/2019 006170 BARTEL ASSOCIATES, LLC 19-156 OPEB/GASBS 75 COMPLETED 02-002276 1011.30.275.62015 13,241.00 Total: 13,241.00 194726 5/7/2019 008496 BATTLE, ELIZABETH ANNE 008496040219 PLANNING COMMISSIONER STIPEND-4/2019 11-001134 1011.51.505.60999 50.00 Total: 50.00 194727 5/7/2019 000115 BAUTISTA, JUAN ANTONIO 000115033119 KENJUTSURU KARATE INSTRUCTOR 08-003807 1011.60.715.62015 914.57 Total: 914.57 194728 5nI2019 004986 BIOMETRICS4ALL, INC COLYN0058 LIVE SCAN 05-001602 1011.35.335.65040 24.75 Total : 24.75 194729 5/7/2019 000884 BLUE DIAMOND MATERIALS 1429669 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007765 2051.45.410.65020 307.18 1433885 OPERATING SUPPLIES Page: 14 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 20 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 15 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194729 5/7/2019 000884 BLUE DIAMOND MATERIALS (Continued) 06-007765 2051.45.410.65020 151 .31 1433963 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007765 2051.45.410.65020 297.17 Total : 755.66 194730 5/7/2019 011821 BROWN FLETCHER, LOLITA 2002 INVESTIGATION SERVICES-4/2019 05-001656 1011.35.330.62015 3,675.00 Total: 3,675.00 194731 5/7/2019 012022 BROWN JR., LOUIS QSJFTHGG REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 85.00 Total: 85.00 194732 5nt2019 012018 BRYAN MARTINEZ, ARELLANO AND 4DOKQNAO REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 100.00 Total: 100.00 194733 5nt2019 004773 BSN SPORTS 904763671 EQUIPMENT FOR FIELD 08-004023 1011.60.705.65020 594.72 Total: 594.72 194734 5/7/2019 000300 BUBBS HARDWARE 150 HARDWARE, MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007592 2701.45.610.65020 6.38 151 HARDWARE, MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007446 6051.45.450.65020 5.20 Total: 11.58 194735 5/7/2019 007750 CALIFORNIA CONSUL TING, INC. 2819 GRANT WRITING SERVICES 01-001382 1011.40.215.62015 700.00 01-001382 1011.45.405.62015 350.00 01-001382 1011 .51 .505.62015 700.00 01-001382 1011 .51 .815.62015 700.00 01-001382 1011 .60. 701 .62015 700.00 01-001382 6051.45.450.62015 350.00 Total: 3,500.00 194736 5/7/2019 007782 CAMACHO, GABRIELA 007782043019 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO Page: 15 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 21 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 16 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194736 5/7/2019 007782 CAMACHO, GABRIELA (Continued) 1011 .20.110.60030 250.00 1011 .20.110.60025 250.00 Total: 500.00 194737 5/7/2019 000488 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA, INC 4028737998 CANON MUL Tl FUNCTION PRINTER 08-003901 1011 .60. 701 .63025 200.88 4028739571 CANON MUL Tl FUNCTION PRINTER 08-003901 1011 .60.701.63025 553.50 4028856425 PRINTS AND MAINTENANCE COSTS 12-000238 1011.65.290.63025 19.57 12-000238 6051.65.290.63025 9.93 4028920549 PRINTS AND MAINTENANCE COSTS 12-000238 1011.65.290.63025 13.93 12-000238 6051 .65.290.63025 7.07 Total: 804.88 194738 5n/2019 012005 CARNEY MEHR, A LEGAL CORP. 1006 LEGAL FEES-2/2019 05-001652 1011.35.335.62001 5,005.00 Total: 5,005.00 194739 5/7/2019 011990 CARRILLO, JESUS ONQ2C1WK REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 150.00 Total: 150.00 194740 5n/2019 011834 CASANOVA, JORGE 011834053119 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO EXPENSES-5/2019 1011 .10.101.60025 250.00 1011.10.101 .60030 250.00 Total: 500.00 194741 5n/2019 001249 CASTRO, AIDE 001249053119 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO EXPENSES-5/2019 1011.10.101 .60025 250.00 1011.10.101 .60030 250.00 Total: 500.00 194742 5/7/2019 001195 CDW GOVERNMENT RMX2625 EQUIPMENT FOR CITY EVENTS 08-004047 1011 ,60.705.66015 448.32 Page: 16 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 22 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 17 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194742 5n12019 001195 CDW GOVERNMENT (Continued) RNZ8791 EQUIPMENT FOR CITY EVENTS 08-004047 1011.60. 705.66015 751 .73 RVG4942 PRINTER PURCHASE 06-007801 2051.45.410.66015 426.70 Total: 1,626.75 194743 5nt2019 000955 CENTRAL BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER LYN-MAR19 IMPORTED WATER PURCHASE 06-007414 6051.45.450.67 415 7,202.11 Total: 7,202.11 194744 5/7/2019 012023 CHAVARRIA-RUIZ, MAYRA H17WIF9W REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011 .60.33215 200.00 Total: 200.00 194745 5n/2019 009302 CHESSER, CHRISTINE OW1CYWFG BARTENDING SERVICE 08-003792 1011.60.740.62064 250.00 Total : 250.00 194746 5/7/2019 008107 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 0911809342-2 TITLE REPORTS FOR HOUSING 11-001204 2961 .51.865.62015 125.00 0911900491-2 TITLE REPORTS FOR HOUSING 11-001204 2941.51.286.62015 95.00 0911904106 TITLE REPORTS FOR HOUSING 11-001204 2961.51.865.62015 65.00 Total : 285.00 194747 5nt2019 001168 CINTAS CORPORATION NO. 2 5013391069 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 08-003865 1011 .60.715.65020 26.15 Total : 26.15 194748 5/7/2019 012016 CLARK, TICOLA HIGVA54C REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 80.00 Total: 80.00 194749 5/7/2019 000444 COMPLETE WELDING SUPPLIES 43123 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007578 2051.45.410.65020 75.74 43390 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Page: 17 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 23 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 18 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194749 5/7/2019 000444 COMPLETE WELDING SUPPLIES (Continued) 06-007578 2051.45.410.65020 30.32 43394 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007578 2051.45.410.65020 31 .27 Total: 137.33 194750 5/7/2019 012038 CONDE, MARILYN T. 46782 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT 1011.60.33205 200.00 Total: 200.00 194751 5/7/2019 006281 CONSULTANTS, PROFESSIONAL IN000098063 SECURITY SERVICE 02-002199 1011.10.101 .62016 264.94 02-002199 1011.20.110.62016 264.94 02-002199 1011.15.105.62016 264.94 02-002199 1011.25.205.62016 264.94 02-002199 6051.30.315.62016 868.35 02-002199 1011.30.275.62016 868.35 02-002199 1011.35.330.62016 264.94 02-002199 1011.45.401.62016 342.93 02-002199 1011.51.505.62016 264.94 02-002199 1011 .60.701.62016 9,227.68 02-002199 1011.65.290.62016 132.45 02-002199 6051.65.290.62016 132.45 02-002199 6051.45.450.62016 342.93 IN000098064 SECURITY SERVICE 08-004025 1011.60 740.62016 1,227.78 IN000098113 SECURITY SERVICE 08-004025 1011 .60. 7 40.62016 1,012.34 IN000098369 SECURITY SERVICE 08-004025 1011 .60. 7 40.62016 344.64 INV000098045 SECURITY SERVICE 02-002199 1011 .10.101.62016 255.59 02-002199 1011.20.110.62016 255.59 02-002199 1011.15.105.62016 255.59 02-002199 1011 .25.205.62016 255.59 02-002199 6051 .30.315.62016 837.69 02-002199 1011 .30.275.62016 837.69 Page: 18 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 24 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 19 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194751 5/7/2019 006281 CONSULTANTS, PROFESSIONAL (Continued) 02-002199 1011.35.330.62016 255.59 02-002199 6051.45.450.62016 330.83 02-002199 1011.45.401.62016 330.83 02-002199 1011.51.505.62016 255.59 02-002199 1011.60.701 .62016 8,901 .93 02-002199 1011.65.290.62016 127.79 02-002199 6051.65.290.62016 127.74 Total: 29,117.58 194752 5/7/2019 010754 COOL IMAGE WATER, DBA/ AMERICAN 000457 DRINKING WATER SERVICES 03-000374 1011.15.105.65020 9.80 000483 DRINKING WATER PURCHASE 08-004006 1011.60.710.65020 51 .00 000484 DRINKING WATER PURCHASE 08-004006 1011.60.740.65020 31.40 000486 DEPARTMENT DRINKING WATER 11-001315 1011.51.445.65020 46.60 11-001315 1011.51.501.65020 46.60 000488 DRINKING WATER DELIVERY SVCS 02-002184 1011.30.270.65020 5.40 02-002184 1011.30.275.65020 5.40 02-002184 1011.30.310.65020 5.40 000489 DRINKING WATER PURCHASE 05-001603 1011.35.330.65020 23.00 000490 DRINKING WATER PURCHASE 08-004006 1011.60.701.65020 51.00 000491 DRINKING WATER PURCHASE 08-004006 1011.60. 720.65020 20.60 000493 DRINKING WATER PURCHASE 08-004006 1011.60.710.65020 34.80 Total: 331.00 194753 5/7/2019 001306 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS, LLC. 30416139 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 12-000234 1011.65.290.62015 257.50 Total: 257.50 Page: 19 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 25 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 20 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194754 5/7/2019 007243 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 19031104457 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 06-007570 2051.45.430.62015 394.81 19031104458 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 06-007570 2051.45.430.62015 650.03 Total: 1,044.84 194755 5n/2019 007223 COX, CASTLE & NICHOLSON LLP 022953.00000-PWB NORTHGATE MARKET PROJECT LEGAL SERVICES 11-001320 1011.26107 45,156.38 Total: 45,156.38 194756 5/7/2019 000305 CULLIGAN 1124734 DRINKING WATER EQUIPMENT 06-007544 1011.45.415.63030 81 .52 Total: 81.52 194757 5nt2019 000138 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION B3214105 ADVERTISMENT FOR HRG NOTICE 06-007826 1011.45.405.62025 92.40 B3232897 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 06-007825 1011.45.405.62025 151 .20 B3234435 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 11-001335 1011.51.505.62025 955.51 B3234439 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 11-001335 1011.51.505.62025 955.51 B3235723 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 11-001334 1011.51.505.62025 566.59 B3235730 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 11-001325 1011.51.505.62025 591.21 B3235751 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 11-001326 1011.51.505.62025 468.11 B3241707 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 03-000375 1011.15.105.62025 239.40 Total: 4,019.93 194758 5/7/2019 012020 DANDRIDGE, ANTHONY 012020030719 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE 2051.45.430.64015 1,704.38 Total: 1,704.38 194759 5nt2019 012013 DAVIS, SANDRA 3IFXU740 REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT Page: 20 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 26 of 131 vchlist Check List 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 194759 5/7/2019 012013 DAVIS, SANDRA (Continued) 194760 5/7/2019 003352 DEPT. OF JUSTICE CTRL SERVICES 364592 194761 5/7/2019 001987 DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIF., WATER 001987022819 194762 5/7/2019 007457 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCTS 148101 194763 5/7/2019 011246 EFAXCORPORATE 1222729 194764 5/7/2019 012024 ELENES, MONICA QXMl5PGR 194765 5/7/2019 010554 ENCISO, JUAN 010554040219 194766 5/7/2019 001409 EQUIPMENT, INC., LINCOLN 29438256 194767 5/7/2019 009633 EVENT STEP AND REPEAT 6873 194768 5/7/2019 000028 EXCEL PAVING COMPANY 17-25001 PO# ------- 05-001581 06-007416 06-007120 12-000254 11-001137 08-004067 08-004081 06-006771 Page: 21 Description/Account Amount 1011.60.33215 Total: BACKGROUND CHECK SERVICES 1011.35.335.62015 Total: 100.00 100.00 209.00 209.00 GROUNDWATER PRODUCTION & ASSESSMENT 6051.45.450.67415 Total: 116,893.98 116,893.98 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL CABINET VINYL 2051.45.430.64399 E-FAX CLOUD BASED ONLINE 1011.65.290.64501 Total: Total: REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011 .60.33215 Total: PLANNING COMMISSIONER STIPEND-4/2019 1011 .51.505.60999 1,670.29 1,670.29 131.80 131.80 430.00 430.00 50.00 Total : 50.00 SUPPLIES FOR THE NATATORIUM 1011.60. 7 45.65020 BANNER FOR NATATORIUM 1011.60.745.62025 STREET IMPROVEMENT 4011 .67.997.62015 Total: Total : 446.18 446.18 697.58 697.58 317,472.76 Page: 21 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 27 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 22 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194768 517/2019 000028 EXCEL PAVING COMPANY (Continued) 06-006771 4011.20601 -15,873.64 Total: 301,599.12 194769 517/2019 003317 FAIR HOUSING FOUNDATION 003317013119 CDBG SUBRECIPIENT-1/2019 11-001245 2941 .51.285.64399 1,130.27 003317022819 CDBG SUBRECIPIENT-2/2019 11-001245 2941 .51 .285.64399 1,405.22 Total : 2,535.49 194770 517/2019 003334 FED EX 6-490-78953 COURIER SERVICES 02-002168 1011.30.270.64399 21.67 6-490-78953-A COURIER SERVICES 02-002274 1011.30.275.64399 5.32 6-505-38629 COURIER SERVICES 02-002274 1011 .30.275.64399 8.41 6-527-33547 COURIER SERVICES 02-002274 1011.30.275.64399 9.81 Total: 45.21 194771 5/7/2019 000372 FIRE DEPARTMENT, LOS ANGELES C0008926 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES-5/2019 01-001368 1011.40.245.62015 520,465.00 Total: 520,465.00 194772 5/7/2019 000003 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 801515 COFFEE SERVICES 01-001357 1011 .25.205.67950 106.67 01-001357 1011 .10.101.67950 106.68 Total : 213.35 194773 5/7/2019 012019 FLORES, MERCY COQISG70 REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011 .60.33215 170.00 Total: 170.00 194774 5/7/2019 009082 FLOYD, LATASIA 009082043019 HIP HOP DANCE INSTRUCTOR 08-004049 1011.60.715.62015 2,337.03 Total: 2,337.03 194775 5/7/2019 012028 FREDERICK, FALISHA JVBTH1T8 REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT Page: 22 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 28 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 23 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194775 5/7/2019 012028 FREDERICK, FALISHA (Continued) 1011 .60.33215 80.00 Total : 80.00 194776 5/7/2019 004425 FUN EXPRESS. LLC 694925511-01 EASTER PROGRAM SUPPLIES 08-004041 1052.60. 701 .64020 1,798.18 Total : 1,798.18 194777 5/7/2019 008482 GALINDO LOCK&KEY SERVICES 801197 LOCKSMITH SERVICES & KEY 06-007579 1011.45.415.64399 100.00 Total : 100.00 194778 5/7/2019 012037 GARCIA, ALEJANDRA OW1CYWFG REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 400.00 Total: 400.00 194779 5/7/2019 009599 GKK WORKS 18-1012 CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION AT HAM PARK 06-007820 4011 .67.007.62015 149.91 18-1209 CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION AT HAM PARK 06-007820 4011.67.007.62015 2,475.27 Total: 2,625.18 194780 5/7/2019 001510 GRAINGER, INC. 9059526377 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007462 2651.45.425.65020 19.81 9113416342 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007462 2051.45.430.65020 81.50 9118917732 HIGH VISIBILITY BOMBER JACKET 06-007782 2651.45.425.65020 152.71 06-007782 1011.45.415.65020 152.71 06-007782 2701.45.610.65020 597.86 9119258458 HIGH VISIBILITY BOMBER JACKET 06-007782 2051.45.410.65020 837.44 Total: 1,842.03 194781 5/7/2019 000993 GRM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 0377276-0377290 OFF SITE RECORDS STORAGE 01-001358 1011.25.205.62015 612.76 Total : 612.76 Page: 23 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 29 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 24 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194782 5/7/2019 010104 GUILMETTE, ROBERT 010104033119 YOGA INSTRUCTOR 08-003813 1011.60.715.62015 388.00 Total : 388.00 194783 5/7/2019 009832 HARDING, ELIZABETH B. 009832032619 LINE DANCE INSTRUCTOR 08-003795 1011.60. 720.62015 170.00 Total : 170.00 194784 5/7/2019 011548 HERNANDEZ, ANTONIA 158647 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT 1011 .45.415.64399 3,760.00 Total : 3,760.00 194785 5n12019 003338 HILLYARD-LOS ANGELES 603366893 JANITORIAL & SANITARY SUPPLIES 06-007406 1011.45.415.65020 1,156.56 603390482 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 08-004062 1011.60.705.65020 403.75 Total: 1,560.31 194786 5nt2019 011628 HOLLENBECK, CARA 011628030819 REIMB-TRAVEL EXPENSE 1011.51.605.64015 161.88 1011.51.515.64015 165.16 Total: 327.04 194787 5/7/2019 003315 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE 1060129 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011.45.415.65020 243.70 1085076 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011.45.415.65020 74.08 2233285 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2051.45.410.65020 195.13 3351422 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 6051.45.450.65020 121.61 3904565 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2701.45.610.65020 150.00 3904572 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2701.45.610.65020 150.00 4234260 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2051.45.410.65020 600.99 Page: 24 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 30 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 25 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194787 517/2019 003315 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE (Continued) 5032151 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011.45.415.65020 41 .88 5233181 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2051.45.410.65020 115.63 6074368 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011 .45.415.65020 78.40 6116216 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2051.45.410.65020 149.68 6235335 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2051.45.410.65020 16.40 6973297 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2051.45.410.65020 512.46 7031207 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011.45.415.65020 177.78 7084450 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011.45.415.65020 116.40 8021584 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011.45.415.65020 74.63 9084256 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007742 1011 .45.415.65020 216.51 9235559 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06-007396 2051.45.410.65020 84.15 Total : 3,119.43 194788 5/7/2019 000608 HUB INTERNATIONAL INS.SVCS,INC 000608033119 LIABILITY INSURANCE 08-003815 1011.60.7 40.64001 2,657.74 Total : 2,657.74 194789 517/2019 001681 HUMAN SERVICES ASSOCIATION 001681111618 SENIOR MEALS PROGRAM 08-003847 1011.60. 720.62015 558.00 Total : 558.00 194790 5/7/2019 002623 ICMA 002623043019 MEMBERSHIP DUES-J. OMETEOTL 1011 .25.205.65040 1,400.00 Total : 1,400.00 Page: 25 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 31 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 26 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194791 5/7/2019 000635 IDR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 64374 HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL 06-007798 2051.45.410.64399 53,183.18 64746 HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 06-007792 2051.45.410.64399 2,031 .53 64746-A HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 06-007520 2051 .45.4 1 0. 64399 1,114.45 Total : 56,329.16 194792 5/7/2019 000403 INDEPENDENT CITIES ASSOCIATION 2019-03 MEMBERSHIP DUES 1011.10.101 .65040 3,199.46 Total : 3,199.46 194793 5/7/2019 000353 INFOSEND, INC. 146572 RECYCLING FL YER INSERT 06-007784 1052.45.440.62025 1,094.04 Total: 1,094.04 194794 5/7/2019 005848 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS 23951 CONSUL TING SERVICES 06-007070 4011.68.036.62015 1,533.63 23972 LILITA STREET EVE AVE STORM DRAINAGE IMP 06-007744 4011.68.052.62015 5,045.30 Total: 6,578.93 194795 5/7/2019 011727 INTERWEST CONSUL TING GROUP INC 47834 TEMPORARY STAFFING OF INTERIM PW DIRECTOR 06-007811 1011 .45.415.64399 232.00 06-007811 2051.45.430.64399 464.00 06-007811 2651.45.425.64399 278.40 06-007811 2701.45.610.64399 278.40 06-007811 6051.45.450.64399 464.00 06-007811 6401.45.457.64399 232.00 06-007811 7011.45.420.64399 371 .20 47835 TEMPORARY STAFFING OF PW OPERATIONS MANAGER 06-007793 2051.45.410.64399 1,360.00 Total: 3,680.00 194796 5/7/2019 008254 JCL TRAFFIC SERVICES 99519 STREET SIGNS AND SUPPLIES 06-007644 2051.45.410.65020 672.53 99579 STREET SIGNS AND SUPPLIES Page: 26 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 32 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 27 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194796 5/7/2019 008254 JCL TRAFFIC SERVICES (Continued) 06-007644 2051.45.410.65020 669.22 Total: 1,341.75 194797 5/7/2019 010358 JIMENEZ, JESSICA 010358043019 BALLET AND JAZZ CLASS 08-004054 1011.60.715.62015 540.00 010358043019-1 BALLET INSTRUCTOR 08-003969 1011.60.715.62015 1,165.03 Total: 1,705.03 194798 5/7/2019 011594 KIZH NATION RESOURCES MGMT. 1360 NATIVE AMERICAN INSPECTIONS 11-001271 2941.51 .285.62015 7,696.25 Total: 7,696.25 194799 5/7/2019 007924 L & M PRINTING CO. 7876 YARD SALE SIGNS 11-001327 1011.51.605.62025 253.00 Total: 253.00 194800 5/7/2019 003331 L.A. COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT. 193093CY SHERIFF'S COVERAGE FOR PRIVATE RENTALS 08-003872 1011.60.740.62016 2,417.96 193122CY HELICOPTER SERVICES-2/2019 01-001371 1011.40.215.64399 1,126.98 193131VL PRISONER MAINT SERVICES-2/2019 01-001371 1011.40.215.64399 228.12 193233CY GENERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES-3/2019 01-001369 1011.40.215.62015 920,439.97 193234CY GENERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 01-001369 1011.40.215.62015 17,931.02 Total: 942,144.05 194801 5/7/2019 012015 LEGGETT, TAFRICA A3BJXF2Z REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 175.00 Total: 175.00 194802 5/7/2019 001256 LINDSAY, CARLA 001256032819 YOGA INSTRUCTOR 08-003797 1011 .60.720.62015 461.85 Total: 461.85 Page: 27 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 33 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11 :51 :28AM Check List City of Lynwood Bank code: Voucher 194803 194804 194805 194806 194807 194808 194809 194810 apbank Date Vendor 5/7/2019 000111 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK 517/2019 002761 MARCO POWER EQUIPMENT Invoice PRM-034384 20193396 20193406 5/7/2019 010415 MEDICAL CENTER, ANIMAL EMERGENCY 010415033119 5/7/2019 012026 MIRELES, NELLY 493ZPGYG 517/2019 005256 MONJARAS & WISMEYER GROUP.INC. 17819 5/7/2019 011973 MORALES, ALFONSO 011973040219 517/2019 007207 MUNI TEMPS 129121 129149 129232 5/7/2019 000475 NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. 29876 29876-A PO# ------- 05-001586 06-007584 06-007474 11-001331 05-001590 11-001323 03-000379 03-000379 03-000379 06-007573 11-001262 Description/Account EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 7151.35.355.61040 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 2701.45.610.66015 STREET DIVISION~ 2051.45.410.63025 Total: Total : EMERGENCY VETERINARY CARE 1011.51.445.62015 Page: 28 Amount 323.95 323.95 149.91 401.31 551.22 770.40 Total : 770.40 REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011 .60.33215 Total: EMPLOYEE ACCOMMODATION 1011.35.335.62015 Total: PLANNING COMMISSIONER STIPEND 1011.51 .505.60999 TEMPORARY STAFF 1011 .15.105.62015 TEMPORARY STAFF 1011 .15.105.62015 TEMPORARY STAFF 1011 .15.105.62015 Total: Total: GRAFFITI REMOVAL SERVICES 400.00 400.00 315.00 315.00 50.00 50.00 3,561 .25 3,666.25 2,730.00 9,957.50 2851.45.615.62015 37,997.96 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SERVICES 3381 .51 .750.62015 7,736.04 Page: 28 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 34 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 29 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194810 5/7/2019 000475 NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. (Continued) 29939 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES 06-007553 2851.45.410.62015 37,357.98 29939-A STREET SWEEPING 11-001261 3381 .51 .750.62015 7,450.73 Total : 90,542.71 194811 5/7/2019 000078 OFFICE DEPOT 2900994054001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-001386 1011.10.101 .65020 99.11 290827201001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-001386 1011.10.101.65020 141.52 290828714001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-001386 1011.10.101.65020 35.06 290985304001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-001386 1011 .10.101 .65020 103.40 294916551001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007509 1011.45.415.65020 272.07 295409671001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08-004029 1011.60. 7 45.65015 10.46 295410636001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08-004029 1011.60. 7 45.65015 36.36 298085034001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 06-007786 2401.45.435.65015 69.69 06-007786 6051.45.450.65015 71 .98 298706600001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007509 1011.45.415.65020 155.87 06-007509 6051.45.450.65020 140.47 299733514001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007509 6051.45.450.65020 25.29 299733672001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007522 1011.45.401.65015 7.01 06-007522 1011.45.415.65015 25.47 06-007522 6051.45.450.65015 161 .00 305873082-001 OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-001386 1011.10.101 .65020 -22.04 Total: 1,332.72 Page: 29 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 35 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 30 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194812 5/7/2019 012008 OM TOP PRINT 363 CUSTOM EMBROIDERED POLOS 01-001426 1011 .10.101 .64399 336.00 Total : 336.00 194813 517/2019 005562 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 181739417 PEST CONTROL SERVICE 08-004065 1011 .60. 720.64399 158.47 181739418 PEST CONTROL SERVICE 08-003802 1011.60. 7 40.64399 157.03 Total : 315.50 194814 517/2019 010945 PETDATA, INC. 7541 ANIMAL LICENSE SERVICES-3/2019 11-001168 1011.51.445.62015 647.80 Total : 647.80 194815 517/2019 004854 PETTY CASH-FINANCE 004854041119 REPLENISH PETTY CASH-4/2/2019-4/11/2019 1011 .10.101 .67950 57 .22 1011.35.330.67950 39.86 7011.45.420.64399 75.00 1011.60.701 .67950 21 .27 1011.35.330.67950 28.82 1011.60. 720.65020 55.85 Total: 278.02 194816 5/7/2019 008664 PINS ADVANTAGE 1255 ON-LINE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 05-001583 1011 .35.330.62015 125.00 Total: 125.00 194817 517/2019 000167 PRESS TELEGRAM 0011235634 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 06-007780 6051.45.450.62025 77.63 06-007780 6401.45.460.62025 166.14 06-007780 1011.45.401.62025 52.00 0011235643 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 06-007780 6051.45.450.62025 192.00 06-007780 6401.45.460.62025 29.63 06-007780 6051.45.450.62025 108.00 06-007780 1011.45.401.62025 40.00 Total : 665.40 Page: 30 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 36 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 194818 5/7/2019 010637 PROCURE AMERICA, INC. 194819 5/7/2019 001313 QUINONEZ, MARIA 194820 5/7/2019 011994 QUINTERO, ROSA 194821 5/7/2019 012025 RAMIREZ, MARIA 194822 5/7/2019 012029 RAMIREZ, MICHELLE 194823 5/7/2019 011697 RECOVERY SERVICES, LLC., 194824 5/7/2019 000075 S&JSUPPLYCO. 194825 5/7/2019 011923 SAFNA ENGINEERING & CONSUL TING 194826 5/7/2019 010757 SALAZAR RINERO, YUNUEE Check List City of Lynwood Invoice 3-1908 001313043019 001313053119 SQ9DURKI 16P85Q48 012029052119 LYN-M06-A S100131302.001 LY-01-201903 QXMl5PGR PO# -------- 02-002227 11-001332 06-007712 06-007794 08-004083 Description/Account COST REDUCTION FOR EDISON 2651.45.425.62015 Total: Page: 31 Amount 7,742.44 7,742.44 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO EXPENSES-4/2019 1011.15.105.60030 250.00 1011.15.105.60025 250.00 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO EXPENSES-5/2019 1011.15.105.60030 250.00 1011.15.105.60025 250.00 Total: 1,000.00 REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33205 Total: REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 PER DIEM 3381 .51.750.64015 Total: Total: FORECLOSURE REGISTRATION 1011.51.501.62015 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6051.45.450.65020 Total: Total: 250.00 250.00 150.00 150.00 210.00 210.00 1,930.00 1,930.00 1,203.62 1,203.62 BACKUP GENERATOR PROJECT AT WELL NO. 8 4011.67 .901.62015 BARTENDER SERVICE 1011.60.740.62064 Total: 9,825.00 9,825.00 350.00 Page: 31 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 37 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM Bank code: Voucher 194826 194827 194828 194829 194830 194831 194832 194833 apbank Date Vendor 5/7/2019 010757 010757 SALAZAR RINERO, YUNUEE 517/2019 007205 SANCHEZ AWARDS 5/7/2019 012014 SANCHEZ, ARACELI 5/7/2019 008802 SANTANA, MARISELA 5/7/2019 011690 SKILLASTICS 5/7/2019 012036 SMITH , CHERYL 5/7/2019 005397 SO CAL CONSTRUCTION SVCS. 5/7/2019 008668 SOLACHE, JOSE LUIS Check List City of Lynwood Invoice 1518 1543 1544 1545 (Continued) CQAQR618 008802053119 22882 OZ6248N4 DRAW 1 OF 2 SC1632 DRAW 2 OF 2 SC1632 008668053119 PO# 08-004076 01-001379 01-001379 01-001379 08-004066 11-001336 11-001336 Page: 32 Description/Account Amount Total: 350.00 WOMEN'S DAY EVENT 1011.60. 701 .64020 143.33 PLAQUE AND ENGRAVING 1011 .25.205.64399 55.13 PLAQUE AND ENGRAVING 1011 .25.205.64399 44.65 PLAQUE AND ENGRAVING 1011.25.205.64399 5.51 Total: 248.62 REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 280.00 Total: 280.00 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO EXPENSES-5/2019 1011.10.101.60025 250.00 1011.10.101 .60030 250.00 Total : 500.00 FITNESS PROGRAM FROM AVALOS 1011.60. 715.65020 617 .29 Total : 617.29 REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011 .60.33215 Total : 100.00 100.00 HOUSING REHAB PROGRAM GRANT ASSISTANCE 2961 .51 .865.67240 9,000.00 HOUSING REHAB PROGRAM GRANT ASSISTANCE 2961.51.865.67240 1,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 ELECTRONIC/MEDIA-AUTO EXPENSES-5/2019 1011.10.101.60025 250.00 1011.10.101.60030 250.00 Page: 32 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 38 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11 :51 :28AM Check List City of Lynwood Bank code : Voucher 194833 194834 194835 194836 194837 194838 194839 194840 194841 apbank Date Vendor 5/7/2019 008668 008668 SOLACHE, JOSE LUIS 517/2019 008956 SPCALA 5/7/2019 011186 STANDARD GLASS & MIRROR 517/2019 009025 STETSON ENGINEERS INC. 517/2019 012017 STEWART, BEVERLY Invoice (Continued) 2019-0331 004 2700-003 PC2TBZE3 517/2019 007308 STREET CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC, MAIN Lynwood #32 5/7/2019 011394 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. 517/2019 008895 SWA GROUP 5/7/2019 002938 TAJ OFFICE SUPPLY 3 176783 0040084-001 0040504-001 PO# 11-001144 06-007749 06-007630 10-000179 06-007713 06-007713 06-007713 06-007713 06-007713 06-007589 08-004010 05-001593 Description/Account Total : ANIMAL SHELTER SERVICES-3/2019 1011 .51.445.62015 Total : WINDOW AND GLASS REPAIRS 1011.45.415.63025 Page: 33 Amount 500.00 16,250.00 16,250.00 944.57 Total : 944.57 WATER MASTER PLAN 6051.45.450.62015 Total: 5,759.00 5,759.00 REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 100.00 100.00 Total: INVESTMENT ADVISORY SVCS 1011.20.110.62015 Total : STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 4011.67.912.62015 4011.68.042.62015 4011.68.041 .62015 4011 .68.042.62015 4011 .20601 Total: 3,000.00 3,000.00 38,899.66 61 ,577.70 57,081 .50 117,459.50 -13,750.92 261,267.44 LYNWOOD PARK INFILITRATION, RESTORATION, 4011 .68.037 .62015 600.00 PRINTER TONER 1011.60.710.65020 COPY PAPER 1011 .35.330.65020 Total : 600.00 833.49 380.36 Page: 33 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 39 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11 :51 :28AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 194841 5/7/2019 002938 TAJ OFFICE SUPPLY 194842 5/7/2019 008811 TARGET SPECIAL TY PRODUCTS 194843 5/7/2019 001211 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 194844 5/7/2019 001211 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 194845 5/7/2019 001211 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 194846 5/7/2019 011221 THE KILKENNY GROUP Check List City of Lynwood Invoice (Continued) 0040553-001 0040554-001 0040569-001 Pl10953250 2017-B BOND 6-2019 LUA REV 2014 SERB LUA 2009 SER A 15 PO# 01-001381 11-001337 11-001337 08-003908 06-007783 06-007783 02-002208 02-002208 02-002207 02-002207 02-002206 02-002206 01-001364 01-001364 01-001364 01-001364 01-001364 01-001364 Description/Account OPERATING SUPPLIES 1011.10.101.65020 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1011 .51.501.65015 1011.51.501.65020 PRINTER TONER 1011.60. 7 40.65020 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2701.45.610.65020 2051.45.410.65020 Total: Total : Page: 34 Amount 132.28 26.71 101 .00 113.56 1,587.40 870.57 804.17 1,674.74 LUA ENETERPRISE REV BONDS 2017 SERIES B 6051.45.450.67605 303,328.14 6051.45.450.67601 80,000.00 Total: 383,328.14 LUA-REV BOND 2014 SERIES B LYNWOOD 14A-6 6051.45.450.67605 6051.45.450.67601 Total: 96,951.75 210,000.00 306,951.75 LUA ENTERPRISE REFUNDING BOND 2009 SERIES 6051.45.450.67601 6051.45.450.67605 Total: COMMUNICATION CONSULTING SERVICES 1011.10.101.62015 1011.15.105.62015 1011.20.110.62015 1011.25.205.62015 1011.30.275.62015 1011.35.330.62015 120,000.00 121,093.75 241,093.75 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 Page: 34 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 40 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 35 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194846 5/7/2019 011221 THE KILKENNY GROUP (Continued) 01-001364 1011.45.401 .62015 525.00 01-001364 6051.45.450.62015 525.00 01-001364 1011.51 .501 .62015 1,050.00 01-001364 1011.60. 701 .62015 1,050.00 01-001364 1011.65.290.62015 525.00 01-001364 6051 .65.290.62015 525.00 Total : 10,500.00 194847 5/7/2019 005797 THE LIFEGUARD STORE, INC. INV806249 LIFEGUARD SUPPLIES 08-004071 1011.60.745.65020 653.50 Total: 653.50 194848 5/7/2019 006066 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 5486-8 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007649 2051.45.410.65020 3,125.26 Total: 3,125.26 194849 517/2019 012027 TIJERA, KENIA 2CXGS2UO REFUND-BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011 .60.33215 250.00 Total: 250.00 194850 5/7/2019 001056 TPK SCREEN PRINT 3107 JACKETS FOR POOL STAFF 08-004078 1011.60.745.65020 911 .35 Total : 911.35 194851 5/7/2019 011378 TRANE U.S. INC. 39829319 ANNEX HVAC SYSTEM 06-007771 1011.45.415.62015 2,879.00 Total : 2,879.00 194852 517/2019 000166 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT/SC 18dsbfee 1526 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 06-007497 6051.45.450.64399 104.00 Total : 104.00 194853 5/7/2019 009742 UNI FIRST CORPORATION 3242181059 UNIFORM SERVICE AND SUPPLIES 06-007563 2051.45.410.60040 32.76 Total : 32.76 194854 5nI2019 007734 USA BLUE BOOK 852066 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Page: 35 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 41 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 36 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194854 5/7/2019 007734 USA BLUE BOOK (Continued) 06-007498 6051.45.450.65020 586.45 Total: 586.45 194855 5/7/2019 008483 V V & G CONSTRUCTION 418-4-129:2 HOME REHAB PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 11-001237 2961.51.865.67235 7,020.00 418-4-129:3 HOME REHAB PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 11-001237 2961.51.865.67235 4,115.89 Total: 11,135.89 194856 5/7/2019 010541 VERA, IRMA A3OJXA0W REFUND BATEMAN HALL RENTAL DEPOSIT 1011.60.33215 100.00 Total: 100.00 194857 5/7/2019 011452 WATER SYSTEMS CONSUL TING, INC. 3751 PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY 06-007359 4011.67 .056.62015 5,308.75 Total: 5,308.75 194858 5/7/2019 002912 WATERLINE TECHNOLOGIES.INC 5447505 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 445.32 5447518 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 219.29 5448010 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 337.37 5448140 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 455.44 5448752 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 421 .71 5448753 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 219.29 5449531 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 286.76 5449532 OPERATING SUPPLIES 06-007426 6051.45.450.65020 418.33 Total: 2,803.51 194859 5/7/2019 009100 WATERWORKS TECHNOLOGY,INC. 6461 MANAGEMENT OF WATER AND SEWER SERVICES Page: 36 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 42 of 131 vchlist Check List Page: 37 04/30/2019 11:51:28AM City of Lynwood Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 194859 517/2019 009100 WATERWORKS TECHNOLOGY,INC. (Continued) 06-007764 6051.45.450.62015 5,396.79 06-007764 6401.45.460.62015 2,312.91 Total: 7,709.70 194860 5/7/2019 000040 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 78139839 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 06-007407 1011.45.415.65020 516.84 78156376 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 06-007407 1011.45.415.65020 137.54 Total : 654.38 194861 5/7/2019 007811 WELLS FARGO BANK MEASURE R SER A LOCAL MEASURER SALES TAX SEREIS A-6/2019 02-002176 5011.30.280.67605 93,736.20 02-002176 5011.30.280.67601 205,000.00 Total: 298,736.20 194862 5/7/2019 000057 WILLDAN ENGINEERING 00516536 URBAN BIKE TRAIL 06-007633 4011.68.046.62015 38,772.25 00516537 DESIGN FOR ACCESS RAMPS ON LONG BEACH BL 06-007690 4011.68.022.62015 24,658.00 00516538 SEWER SYSTEM MASTERPLAN 06-007689 6401.45.460.62015 1,815.50 00617419 ON-CALL ENERGY CONSUL TING SUPPORT SERVICE 06-007773 1011.45.415.64399 1,812.50 Total: 67,058.25 194863 517/2019 007609 WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 010-41094 DISCLOSURE SERVICES-2017 /2018 02-002277 1011.30.275.62015 8,500.00 Total : 8,500.00 194864 5/7/2019 008846 YANEZ, JACQUELINE H17WIF9W BARTENDING SERVICE 08-003854 1011.60.740.62064 250.00 Total: 250.00 194865 5/7/2019 012045 ADAMS, NORMA J. Ref000121118 UB Refund Cst #045230 6051.20103 1,609.42 Total : 1,609.42 Page: 37 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 43 of 131 vchlist 04/30/2019 11 :51 :28AM Bank code: apbank Voucher 194866 194867 Date Vendor 5nt2019 012032 BUENO PROPERTIES, INC. 5/7/2019 012033 JB DEVELOPMENT 160 Vouchers for bank code : 160 Vouchers in this report apbank Check List City of Lynwood Invoice Ref000120783 Ref000120784 Page: 38 PO# Description/Account Amount UB Refund Cst #056574 6051 .20103 62.39 Total: 62.39 UB Refund Cst#056617 6051.20103 94.84 Total: 94.84 Bank total : 4,047,414.59 Total vouchers : 4,047,414.59 Page: 38 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 44 of 131 Agenda Item # 9. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: Shanell Shipe, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: 2019 FIREWORKS TASK FORCE TEAM Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FORM A 2019 FIREWORKS TASK FORCE TEAM WITH THE LA COUNTY CENTURY SHERIFF STATION FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY (20) DAYS NOT TO EXCEED $63,099.50" Background: In 2018, the Fireworks Task Force Team was made up of (4) deputies and (1) sergeant offering increased enforcement to better manage the on-going issue of illegal and dangerous fireworks use and sale within the city of Lynwood. Two additional deputies assisted with enforcement on the date of the July 4th holiday. The team patrolled the streets for a total of 11 days beginning June 27, 2018 and ending July 7, 2018. The total cost for that team was $29,727.95 for the 11 day period. During the enforcement period, our Public Safety Officers cited 12 individuals, equivalent to $22,000 in fines and our Sheriff team cited 39 individuals, equivalent to $44,000 in fines. In sum, that is $66,000 in revenue the City received from the formation of the enforcement team. This year, we are looking to extend the number of days the enforcement team will be out patrolling the streets from 11 days to 20 days, which will in turn more than likely increase the amount of revenue received from citations issued. The total cost of this year's fireworks show will be roughly $57,400, and we believe the revenue received from this years task force team will help offset a portion of the total amount paid, resulting in a reduced cost for the City. Discussion and Analysis: The Recreation & Community Services, Community Development and Media Relations Division will work with the City Council Regular Meeting - Page 45 of 131 LA County Sheriff’s as a joint task force in preparation of the July 4th Holiday. Sheriff staffing is proposed to be increased beginning June 19, 2019 through July 8, 2019. Along with the advantage of having increased enforcement, the Sheriff’s also reported having success in through browsing various social media sites such as Craigslist and the OfferUP App and seizing illegal fireworks from individuals who advertised illegal firework sales. In addition to the Task Force Enforcement Team, we will also use the static billboard located near the 105 freeway and Plaza Mexico to promote the fines for illegal fireworks. Bulletin Displays will also work with the City to provide use of a digital billboard for promotion of the fines for illegal fireworks. The 2019 Fireworks Task Force Team will be a cadre of four (4) deputies offering increased enforcement to better manage the on-going issue of illegal and dangerous fireworks use and sale within the city of Lynwood. Two (2) additional deputies and one (1) Sergeant will assist with enforcement on the date of the July 4th holiday. Sheriff staffing is proposed to be increased beginning June 19, 2019 through July 8, 2019. The total cost for this team is $63,099.50 for the 20 day period. Fiscal Impact: The proposed 19-20 FY Budget for Public Safety includes the estimated cost of $63,099.50 from account 1011.40.215.64399 Coordinated With: City Attorney's Office Finance Department ATTACHMENTS: Description 2019 Fireworks Task Force Reso City Council Regular Meeting - Page 46 of 131 RESOLUTION NO. _______________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FORM A 2019 FIREWORKS TASK FORCE TEAM WITH THE LA COUNTY CENTURY SHERIFF STATION FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY (20) DAYS NOT TO EXCEED $63,099.50 WHEREAS, The purpose of the 2019 Fireworks Task Force Team is to have increased enforcement in preparation of the July 4th Holiday. WHEREAS, The team would be responsible for making sure residents comply with the rules set forth by the City WHEREAS, The sale and use of dangerous and illegal fireworks is not permitted within the City limits. WHEREAS, Increased policing strategies and targeted enforcement efforts have improved safety and the quality of life for the citizens residing within the city. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, ORDER AND RESOLVE THE FOLLOWING: Section 1. The term of the 2019 Fireworks Task Force Team will be for twenty (20) days beginning June 19, 2019 through July 8, 2019. Section 2. Funds allocated towards this program shall not exceed the amount of $63,099.50. Section 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify as to the adoption of this City Council Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED the 7th day of May, 2019. _________________________ Jose Luis Solache Mayor City Council Regular Meeting - Page 47 of 131 ATTEST: __________________________ Maria Quinonez City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ___________________________ ___________________________ Noel Tapia Jose E. Ometeotl City Attorney City Manager City Council Regular Meeting - Page 48 of 131 Agenda Item # 10. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: Shanell Shipe, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: 2019 SUMMER CRIME ENFORCEMENT TEAM Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FORM A 2019 SUMMER CRIME ENFORCEMENT TEAM WITH THE LA COUNTY CENTURY SHERIFF STATION COMPRISED OF FOUR (4) DEPUTIES AND A SERGEANT FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) WEEKS NOT TO EXCEED $233,737.60" Background: The mission of the Lynwood Summer Crime Enforcement Team Program is to deploy additional resources to saturate targeted high crime areas focusing on, but not limited to: 1. Reducing violent criminal activity 2. Recovering firearms and arresting gang members 3. Reducing street level crimes, including robberies and burglaries 4. Reducing property crimes 5. Conducting parole / probation operations 6. Felony narcotics enforcement 7. Enhance safety in the parks 8. Reduce prostitution related crimes The cost for two, two man deputy (four deputies) teams and a Sergeant (5 persons total), for a twelve (12) week period would cost $233,737.60. 2018 Lynwood Summer Crime Enforcement Team Results The Lynwood Summer Crime Enforcement Team was deployed for a total of 12 weeks in the summer, from July 8, 2018 to September 29, 2018. The concept of the operation was to have immediately and highly visible deputies saturated in the targeted areas to impact and reduce incidents of violent and gang-related crimes. The Lynwood Summer Crime Enforcement Team was comprised of three, two man deputies (six deputies), supervised by the City Council Regular Meeting - Page 49 of 131 Lynwood COPS Team Sergeant. The total cost of the 2018 Enforcement Team was $163,200.38. The program was an overall success. The team’s aggressive policing strategies and targeted enforcement efforts reduced violent crimes and improved safety and the quality of life for the citizens residing within the city. The team was able to balance their mission throughout the summer from aggressive police strategies to community relations outreach. Due to teams extra deployment, the city’s call for service response times reduced. Total Teams Arrest Stats for 2018 Felony Arrests 45 Misdemeanor Arrests 120 Citations 98 Firearms Recovered 5 Stolen Vehicle Recovered 4 Parole/Probation Searches 10 Total Arrests 165 Discussion and Analysis: The Lynwood Summer Crime Enforcement Program should be comprised of two, two man teams (four deputies) and one Sergeant for twelve weeks starting as early as June 1, 2019. The concept of operation is to have strong Sheriff presence in targeted high crime areas with the intent to reduce gang, narcotic, and theft related crimes. The assignment of additional uniformed deputy personnel will result in increased and more rapid identification and apprehension of individuals perpetrating Part I crimes in the city. The resulting incarceration of these violent offenders will result in fewer incidents of gang-related violence. The program will be interwoven in such a way as to significantly enhance the effectiveness of gang suppression and intervention efforts. Fiscal Impact: The proposed 19-20 FY Budget for Public Safety includes the estimated cost of $233,737.60 from account 1011.40.215.64399 Coordinated With: City Attorney's Office Finance Department ATTACHMENTS: Description 2019 Summer Crime Enforcement Team Reso City Council Regular Meeting - Page 50 of 131 RESOLUTION NO. _______________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FORM A 2019 SUMMER CRIME ENFORCEMENT TEAM WITH THE LA COUNTY CENTURY SHERIFF STATION CONSISTING OF FOUR (4) DEPUTIES AND ONE SERGEANT FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) WEEKS NOT TO EXCEED $233,737.60 WHEREAS, The mission of the Lynwood Summer Crime Enforcement Program is to deploy additional resources to saturate the high crime areas WHEREAS, The concept of operation is to have immediately and highly visible infusion into the targeted area to immediately impact and reduce incidents of gang-related crimes. WHEREAS, The assignment of additional uniformed deputy personnel will result in increased and more rapid identification and apprehension of individuals perpetrating Part I crimes in the city. WHEREAS, last year’s aggressive policing strategies and targeted enforcement efforts reduced violent crimes and improved safety and the quality of life for the citizens residing within the city. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, ORDER AND RESOLVE THE FOLLOWING: Section 1. The term of the 2019 Summer Crime Enforcement Team will be for twelve (12) weeks starting as early as June 1, 2019. Section 2. Funds allocated towards this program shall not exceed the amount of $233,737.60. Section 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify as to the adoption of this City Council Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED the 7th day of May, 2019. _________________________ José Luis Solache Mayor City Council Regular Meeting - Page 51 of 131 ATTEST: __________________________ Maria Quinonez City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ___________________________ ___________________________ Noel Tapia Jose E. Ometeotl City Attorney City Manager City Council Regular Meeting - Page 52 of 131 Agenda Item # 11. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: Mark Flores, Director of Recreation & Community Services SUBJECT: LYNWOOD PRIDE MONTH CELEBRATION EVENT Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council review and approve a request to host and fund a community event celebrating Pride Month and authorize staff and the event’s planning committee to execute the program as presented by adoption of the attached resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT AND HOSTING OF AN EVENT CELEBRATING PRIDE MONTH TO BE HELD AT THE AVALOS COMMUNITY CENTER ON SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2019 AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $10,000 FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND TO SUPPORT THE EVENT.” Background: The City of Lynwood has a proud tradition of honoring and celebrating the important contributions of its diverse communities. As part of this tradition, the City Council has requested that an event celebrating Pride Month be held on June 23, 2019. Discussion and Analysis: Recognition and celebration of the essential contributions of Lynwood’s diverse population segments is an important element of building community. During LGBT Pride Month, it is important to celebrate how far we have come and reaffirm our steadfast belief in the equal dignity of all citizens. California has been a leader in advancing the civil rights of its LGBT citizens. While further progress is needed, it is important to recognize and celebrate the substantial gains that have been achieved. In acknowledgement of this, the City Council has asked that staff develop a concept for a celebratory event to be held on Sunday, June 23, 2019 at the Avalos Community Center. The event planning committee is proposing a public event that includes the following basic elements: • Date: Sunday, June 23, 2019 • Time: 10:30 am to 2:30 pm City Council Regular Meeting - Page 53 of 131 • Place: Avalos Community Center (Alternate: Senior Center) • Keynote Speaker • Additional speakers, presenters and exhibits consisting of distinguished members and leaders of the LGBT community • Brunch and entertainment • Participation: Approximately 150-200 participants As proposed, staff estimates the cost of the event to be $10,000. Staff is respectfully recommending that the City Council: • Review and approve the event concept as presented in this report. • Authorize the City Manager to carry out the necessary transactions as so ordered by this accompanying resolution to support this event. • Authorize staff to solicit, accept and process donations to the designated special event revenue account 1011.36175 – with a goal of having the organizing committee raise approximately 50% or more of the event’s costs in sponsorships. • Adopt the accompanying resolution authorizing the above actions Fiscal Impact: The requested support in this report will have an impact of approximately $10,000 on the unappropriated General Fund Balance. Coordinated With: City Manager City Attorney Finance Department ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution City Council Regular Meeting - Page 54 of 131 RESOLUTION NO. ________________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT AND HOSTING OF AN EVENT CELEBRATING PRIDE MONTH TO BE HELD AT THE AVALOS COMMUNITY CENTER ON SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2019 AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF $10,000 FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND TO SUPPORT THE EVENT WHEREAS, in honor and recognition of the key contributions of the LGBT community, the Lynwood City Council wishes to authorize the hosting of an event celebrating their essential contributions to Lynwood and the nation; and WHEREAS, the City of Lynwood has a tradition of recognizing and celebrating its residents that contribute greatly to the progress and development of the community; and WHEREAS, the event fundraising efforts are expected to net revenue in the amount of $5,000; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the event for services and items is approximately $10,000. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES HEREBY FIND, PROCLAIM, ORDER AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Lynwood finds and declares that the foregoing recitals are true and correct, and incorporates said recitals fully into this Resolution as substantive findings. Section 2. The City Council approves the Pride Month Celebration Event and authorizes the City Manager to direct staff and the event committee to complete the program as presented. Section 3. The City Council hereby approves the expenditure of $10,000 to provide for the Pride Month Celebration. Section 4. That the funding appropriation in the amount of $10,000 be allocated from the un-appropriated general fund balance in the following fashion: FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER TO ACCOUNT NUMBER Un-appropriated General Fund Balance 1011. 701.60. 64020 Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 7th day of May 2019. __________________________ City Council Regular Meeting - Page 55 of 131 Jose Luis Solache, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ __________________________ Maria Quinonez, City Clerk José Ometeotl, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ___________________________ __________________________ Noel Tapia, City Attorney Mark Flores, Director Recreation & Community Services City Council Regular Meeting - Page 56 of 131 Agenda Item # 12. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: Mark Flores, Director of Recreation and Community Services SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR BATEMAN HALL FACILITY USE FEE WAIVER BY COMITE MEXICANO CIVICO PATRIOTICO, INC. Recommendation: Staff respectfully recommends that the City Council review a request by the Comité Mexicano Civico Patriotico, Inc. organization for a reduction in rental fees, consider the related City policies and direct staff by approving one of the following options: 1. Direct staff to process and complete the facility use application as a Full-Rate rental (no discount). 2. Direct staff to process and complete the facility use application at a Lynwood non-profit base rental discount rate (50%), plus required costs. 3. Direct staff to process and complete the facility use application with full fee waiver of base rental fees and adopt the attached resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE USE OF THE BATEMAN HALL AUDITORIUM AND ROOM #1 AND WAIVING THE BASE RENTAL FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $595.00” 4. Another option as deemed appropriate by the City Council. Background: Comité Mexicano Civico Patriotico, Inc. (“Mexican Patriotic Civic Committee”) is a Huntington Park-based community organization whose main mission is to support Mexican cultural programs and causes in the Los Angeles area. The group is requesting that the City waive facility rental fees for use of the Bateman Hall Auditorium and adjacent meeting room on July 28, 2019 to host its “Señorita Fiestas Patrias Mexicana” event - a beauty pageant and cultural celebration. Discussion and Analysis: City Council Regular Meeting - Page 57 of 131 On April 16, 2019, staff processed a facility rental application from Comité Mexicano Civico Patriotico, Inc. (CMCP) for private event rental use of Bateman Hall’s Auditorium and Room #1. The intended use is to host an entry fee-based, beauty pageant event entitled, “Señorita Fiestas Patrias Mexicana” proposed to take place July 28, 2019. On April 24, 2019, staff received communication that the applicant desired to request a facility fee waiver for the requested use. Founded as “The Mexican Beneficence Committee“ in 1931, CMCP is a Non-Profit Organization currently in good corporate standing with the State of California. Per their website, CMCP’s mission is to “…keep Mexico’s history, culture, roots, traditions, customs and beauty alive.” The group lists several collaborative 2018 events with Lynwood’s Plaza Mexico and is the presenter of the famed, East Los Angeles Mexican Independence Day Parade. The group’s website lists the first offering of the “Señorita Fiestas Patrias Mexicana” pageant in 2004, but does not mention any production after the 2014 event held at the Montalbán Theater in Hollywood, CA. City Policy In order to foster community groups built on sustainable grounds, the City encourages organizers of community, charitable and similar activities in Lynwood to obtain their own funding and other support independent of City support. The Lynwood City Council unanimously adopted both a Facilities Use Policy and later, a Donation/Fee Waiver Policy to provide procedures, guidelines and fee classifications for City support of non-profit/community entities that produce and promote events beneficial to the Lynwood community. In addition to various organizational structure pre-requisites, all groups covered by these policies and their activities must provide a valid and substantial public purpose within the mission of the City and must demonstrate a need for assistance. A. Facilities Use Policy (Resolution #2004.188) Highlights: o Establishes Policy for the use of city-owned facilities; sets rental fee classifications and limits exemptions. o Except for Group “A” users (City and City-Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Programs/Events/Groups), fee waivers shall not be permitted or granted. B. Fee Waiver/Donation Policy (Resolution #2009.120) Highlight: o Waiver exemptions are made for City uses and makes available discounts for “Lynwood- Resident Nonprofit” groups that have (1) 60%+ Lynwood resident membership; (2) a principal meeting place within Lynwood City limits; (3) a primary purpose to benefit the Lynwood community and (4) have a 501c3 in good standing with the IRS. Under the “user group” categories established by the adoption of the Facilities Use Policy (Resolution #2004.188), the Comité Mexicano Civico Patriotico, Inc. (CMCP) organization falls under the Group ”E” category. Under the policy, only Groups “A” and “B” are eligible for fee waivers. In addition to the qualifying residency and residency membership pre-requisites listed for all applicants, it must be established that an event seeking fee waiver/discount support must also “… be beneficial to the community at- large or otherwise provide a valid and substantial public purpose within the mission of the City and demonstrate a need for assistance.” (Donation/Fee Waiver Policy) Section #5 of the City’s Donation/Fee Waiver Policy gives the City Council sole authority to, “…deny or reduce such requested donation or fee waiver in an amount it deems appropriate based upon its assessment of the level by which the proposed activity meets the criteria outlined in the Policy.” Key Considerations · Event Insurance must be provided whether or not CMCP chooses to use their own provider or the City’s selected insurance provider (≈$151.00). · Fee Waivers/Discounts are applied to the base rental rate only. Per policy, facility/event amenities (linens, set- up, a la carte items, security, etc…) must be fully paid for by the user group (Facilities Use Policy: Sect. 11). Independent of any waiver or discount granted on the facility base rental, the following costs must be covered by City Council Regular Meeting - Page 58 of 131 the organization (based on the group’s application for use): o Liability Insurance: $151 (pass-through fee) o Security: $396 (pass-through fee) o Decorating/Setup Time: $120 · Full value of the rental as requested: Base Rental $595 *Liability Insurance $151 *Security $396 *Set-up Time $120 Sub-Total $1,262 Event Security Deposit (Refundable)$100 Grand Total $1,362 *Required per policy · Approvals of fee waivers do not eliminate fixed costs the City must cover (staff, facility utilities, etc.) whether the user fees are paid or not. Staff respectfully recommends that the City Council review the fee waiver request; deliberate what level of benefit is being provided to the Lynwood community; consider the City’s adopted policy and, finally, provide direction to staff by approving one of the recommended action options. Should the City Council approve Option #3 (Full Fee Waiver), the accompanying resolution should also be adopted. Fiscal Impact: The total estimated fiscal impact (revenue/loss) to the City for this request is dependent upon the final Base Rental Fee option that is approved. The various base rental fee options have the following fiscal impacts: Base Rental Fee Options with Revenue Impact: 1. Full Rental · Revenue: $595 2. 50% Lynwood Non-profit Discount on Base Rental: · Revenue Loss: ($297.50) 3. Full Fee Waiver · Revenue Loss ($595) Coordinated With: City Manager Finance Department City Attorney’s Office City Council Regular Meeting - Page 59 of 131 ATTACHMENTS: Description Option #3 RESOLUTION Senorita Fiestas Patrias 050719 Letter: Fee Waiver Request Facilities Use Policy - Reso #2004.188 Fee Waiver/Donation Policy - -Reso # 2009.120 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 60 of 131 Resolution Supporting Option #3 RESOLUTION NO. ________________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE USE OF THE BATEMAN HALL AUDITORIUM AND ROOM #1 AND WAIVING THE BASE RENTAL FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $595.00 WHEREAS, a request was made by the Comité Mexicano Civico Patriotico, Inc. group to host an event at the Bateman Hall Auditorium and Room #1 via a fee waiver; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the event is to conduct a beauty pageant and cultural celebration; and WHEREAS, the event is proposed to take place on Sunday, July 28, 2019. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES HEREBY FIND, PROCLAIM, ORDER AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council for the City of Lynwood finds and declares that the foregoing recitals are true and correct, and incorporates said recitals fully into this Resolution as substantive findings. Section 2. The City Council approves the use of the City facility as requested and the waiver of facility base rental fees valued at $595.00. Section 3. The City Council further finds that this request provides an important public purpose of benefit to Lynwood residents. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 7th day of May 2019. __________________________ Jose Luis Solache, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ __________________________ Maria Quinonez, City Clerk José Ometeotl, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ___________________________ __________________________ Noel Tapia, City Attorney Mark Flores, Director Recreation & Community Services City Council Regular Meeting - Page 61 of 131 Resolution Supporting Option #3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) § COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of said City at its regular meeting thereof held in the City Hall of the City on the _________day of____________, 2019 and passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: __________________________ City Clerk, City of Lynwood STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) § COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. _________ on file in my office and that said resolution was adopted on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this ______ day of ________________, 2019. __________________________ City Clerk, City of Lynwood City Council Regular Meeting - Page 62 of 131 April 24, 2019 City of Lynwood California TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Our Organization is planning to have the Señorita Fiestas Patrias Mexicanas contest in the Thompson Auditorium the month of August of this year. We kindly request waiver of the fees that amount to $1,262.00 in order to use the Thompson Auditorium facilities. The Señorita Fiestas Patrias Mexicanas contest was stablish to select a young lady to represent our organization at all the civic, social, charity, and sports events in our community. Proceeds of the event are to provide scholarships for the winners of the contest. The Comite Mexicano Civico Patriotico, which celebrates its 88th anniversary this year is a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles County with the objective of commemorating the main events of Mexican history, preserving, and promoting the roots and values of the Mexican Culture. We thank you for your attention to this request. If you have any questions, please, contact me at (323) 587-6177. Sincerely, Dr. Jose Duarte President City Council Regular Meeting - Page 63 of 131 RESOLUTION NO. 2004.188 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE USE OF CITY-OWNED FACILITIES, SETTING RENTAL FEE CLASSIFICATIONS FOR THE USERS THEREOF AND LIMITING EXEMPTIONS THEREFROM WHEREAS, the City of Lynwood owns and operates a number of public buildings, including buildings and facilities for public use (the "Facilities") such as Bateman Hall, the Natatorium and City Parks; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lynwood ("Council") declares that the Facilities should primarily be used for meetings, activities and other events of a recreational, social and/or civic nature which provide services of interest or need to the Lynwood community; and WHEREAS, the Council wishes to ensure that the Facilities are operated in a manner that best serves the residents of the City of Lynwood and provides access to such facilities at discounted rates for events sponsored and conducted by Lynwood based non-profit and service organizations, as well as Lynwood resident businesses, organizations and individuals; and WHEREAS, although the Council voted on June 15, 2004 in favor of adopting a "no fee waiver" policy for use of the Facilities, it desires to continue the City's historic practice of permitting Lynwood qualified community service/civic groups to conduct their regular meetings in designated Facilities without rental charges, as these groups provide services and activities which benefit both the residents and the City of Lynwood. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The attached Exhibit A, entitled "City of Lynwood Facilities Use Policy" is hereby adopted in its entirety. Section 2. Exhibit B, entitled "Rental Rate Schedule by Group," reflects the rates presently in effect for rental of the Facilities and is attached hereto to demonstrate the classification of users created by this Policy. Such rates shall continue to be adjusted annually pursuant to the administrative procedures set forth in section 6-4 of the Lynwood Municipal Code. Section 3. The Policy shall remain in effect and maybe changed from time to time upon future action by the Council. Section 4. This Resolution is to begin effective immediately upon its adoption. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 64 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 65 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 66 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 67 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 68 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 69 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 70 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 71 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 72 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 73 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 74 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 75 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 76 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 77 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 78 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 79 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 80 of 131 RESOLUTION NO. 2009.120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DONATION/FEE WAIVER POLICY WHEREAS, City Council of the City of Lynwood would like to promote community, charitable and similar activities in Lynwood that yield an appropriate public purpose, consistent with the provisions of the California Constitution, Art. XVI, sec. 6; and WHEREAS, While the City encourages organizers of community, charitable and similar activities in Lynwood to obtain their funding and other support independent of City support, aDonation/Fee Waiver Policy provides a procedure for City support of non-profit entities who participate in and promote events that are beneficial to the community or otherwise provide a valid and substantial public purpose within the mission of the City and demonstrate a need for assistance. NOW, THEREFORE THE MEMBERS OF THE LYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, ORDER AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Council approves the City of Lynwood Donation/Fee Waiver Policy attached as Exhibit A. Section 2: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16~h day of June 2009. Maria T. Santillan Mayor ATTEST: Maria Quinonez Roger L. Haley City Clerk City Manager City Council Regular Meeting - Page 81 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 82 of 131 EXHIBIT A CITY OF LYNWOOD DONATION/FEF WAIVER POLICY The City Council of the City of Lynwood would like to promote community, charitable and similar activities in Lynwood that yield an appropriate public purpose, consistent with the provisions of the California Constitution, Art. XVT, sec. 6. While the City encourages organizers of community, charitable and similar activities in Lynwood to obtain their funding and other support independent of City support, this Policy provides a procedure for City support of non- profit entities who participate in and promote events that are beneficial to the community or otherwise provide a valid and substantial public purpose within the mission of the City and demonstrate a need for assistance. All donations or fee waivers must be considered and approved by the City Council, pursuant to the terms of this Policy. 1. Application Process. The requested donation or fee waiver must meet the criteria set forth at Section 3 below. All applications must explain, in sufficient detail for the City to understand, all of the following information: a. If the applicant is an entity, it must disclose the nature of the organization and confirm its non-profit status. The applicant must also demonstrate the designated goals and objectives of the organization. b. If the applicant is an individual, he/she must provide proof of current residency in Lynwood. c. The application must demonstrate how the requested donation or fee waiver benefits Lynwood and meets the criteria set forth in Section 3 below. d. The application must demonstrate how the funds, item of value or fee savings will be used. 2. Funds Set Aside for Discretionary Donations/Fee Waivers. On an annual basis through the budget process, the Council will set aside a donations fund, including City's payment for costs not covered by an applicant where a City fee is waived. 3. Criteria for Approval of Donations/Fee Waivers. The City Council may approve a donation of funds, items of value or payment of costs resulting from fee waivers for applicants when such donation or fee waiver would serve a public purpose. The following criteria must be established to qualify for a donation or fee waiver: a. Applicants. Applicants for donations must be either: Recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a~ not-tor-profit organization, charitable organization or athletic, academic or social non-profit student organization established by any elementary, middle or high school serving Lynwood residents. Any organization meeting the criteria of this subsection 3.a.i must also have a minimum of fifty City Council Regular Meeting - Page 83 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 84 of 131 c. Religious Organizations. The City will not approve any requested donation or fee waiver that otherwise meets the above criteria if the donation will cause the City to violate the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. Generally, a donation or fee waiver to a religious organization violates the Establishment Clause, unless it primarily serves a secular purpose, neither advances or inhibits any religion and avoids excessive entanglement by the City in any religion or religious purpose. 4. Recipients Obligations to Report Use of Funds. Sixty (60) days after receipt of the donation or fee waiver, the recipient shall provide a written explanation to the City, in a form approved by the City, of how the donated funds or item(s) of value bas been used and benefited the City, its residents or businesses in the manner set forth at Section 3 above. 5. City Council Consideration of Donation/Fee Waiver. "The City Manager or designee shall review all applications for donations or fee waivers and forward those that meet the provisions of this Policy to the City Council for consideration. If the City Council fmds that all the requirements under this Policy have been met, it may, in its sole discretion, approve the requested donation or fee waiver. Alternatively, the City Council may deny or reduce such requested donation or fee waiver in an amount it deems appropriate based upon its assessment of the level by which the proposed activity meets the criteria outlined in this Policy. The decision of the City Council on any donation or fee waiver shall be tinal. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 85 of 131 Agenda Item # 13. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: Cynthia Stafford, Director of Human Resources & Risk Management SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING AN EMPLOYMENT SERVIES AGREEMENT WITH RUN CHEN FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING AN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RUN CHEN FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS.” Background: The City Manager has selected a candidate for the at-will position of Director of Public Works and has authorized the extension of terms and conditions of an at-will employment agreement. The City Manager’s decision comes after an open competitive recruitment conducted by Alliance Resource Consulting. After a review of the submitted applications, 5 candidates were determined to be most qualified and invited to participate in a rigorous evaluation process. The City held two consecutive Oral Board Interviews for the applicants One panel was an expert panel and was comprised of a Director of Public Works and a Director of Energy Resources and the other panel consisted of the Directors of Finance, HR, Parks and Community Development. The top two candidates were then interviewed by the City Manager, who selected Mr. Chen to fill the vacant position. Mr. Chen has over 13 years of experience as an Engineer and Project Manager. He currently works for the West Basin Municipal Water District that serves more than a million customers. Mr. Chen manages more than $52M in capital improvement monies and five fulltime staff. He previously worked for Burbank Water and Power, Contra Costa Water District, County of Orange and Boeing. Mr. Chen has a California Registered Professional Civil Engineer License and has participated in numerous professional certification programs. Discussion and Analysis: City Council Regular Meeting - Page 86 of 131 It is expected that Mr. Run's employment will commence on Monday, June 3, 2019, contingent upon the successfully completion of the background check and medical examination. The attached At-Will Employment Services Agreement contains the terms and conditions of employment. Following is a summary of the salary and benefits: o Base Salary: $160,000 o Additional Compensation: $10,000 deposited into a 457(k) account o Employment Status: At-Will o Executive Leave: An Additional 90 hours of Executive Leave for FY 19-20 o Other Benefits: As provided other Management Employees of the City. Fiscal Impact: None. This position is fully funded for the fiscal year. Coordinated With: City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Description Employment Agreement - Chen Resolution - Run Chen Resume - Run Chen City Council Regular Meeting - Page 87 of 131 Page 1 of 19 THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT This at-will DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS (“Agreement”) is effective May 7, 2019, by and between the CITY OF LYNWOOD, a general law city and municipal corporation (“City”) and Run Chen an individual (“Director of Public Works”). R E C I T A L S WHEREAS, the City Council of the City (“Council”) now desires to employ Run Chen in the at-will position of Director of Public Works for the City; WHEREAS, Director of Public Works desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provisions of such professional services to the City; WHEREAS, the parties wish to establish the terms and conditions of t h e D i r e c t o r o f P u b l i c W o r k s services to the City as described in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the City and Director of Public Works hereby agree as follows: A G R E E M E N T 1.0 EMPLOYMENT & DUTIES 1.1 Duties. City hereby employs Run Chen to serve as the City’s Director of Public Works, to perform the functions and duties of a Director of Public Works as such duties are customarily performed by a person in such position, as specified in any position description for the Director of Public Works, and to perform such other legally permissible and proper duties and functions as the Director of Public Works shall, from time-to-time, direct or assign, including, but not limited to, the duties of the Director of Public Works of the City, unless said duties are reassigned by the City Manager. 1.2 Work Schedule. The parties agree that the Director of Public Works shall engage in the hours of work that are necessary to fulfill the obligations of the position and must devote time in addition to the City’s regular business hours to the business of the City. Director of Public Works acknowledges that City Hall is open Mondays through Thursdays from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and is closed on Fridays, such that the City’s standard work week is four (4) 10-hour days. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Director of Public Works will be permitted reasonable time off during the City’s business hours upon proper approval and as permitted by accrued leave time, as is customary for exempt employees, so long as the time off does not interfere with the City’s business. 1.3 Direction. The City shall retain full direction and control of the manner, means and methods by which the Director of Public Works performs the services for which he is employed hereunder and of the place or places at which such services shall be rendered. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 88 of 131 Page 2 of 19 1.4 Employment Status. At-Will Director of Public Works shall serve at the will and pleasure of the City Manager and understands he is an “at-will” employee subject to summary dismissal without any right of notice or hearing, including any so- called Skelly hearing. The City Manager may terminate the employment of the Director of Public Works at any time, with or without cause, as set forth in Section 3.2 below. The Parties acknowledge that, while the Director of Public Works is afforded the benefits described in Article 6.0, as those benefits are provided to other employees within the Lynwood Employees Management Bargaining Group (“LEMG”) in accordance with the Comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding for Submission to the Lynwood City Council Regarding Lynwood Employees Management Bargaining Group (“MOU”), as may be amended from time to time, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A,” Director of Public Works is not an employee represented by any bargaining unit, and nothing in this Agreement or the City’s policies or procedures, either now or in the future, is intended to change the at-will nature of this relationship. 1.5 City Documents. All data, studies, reports, and other documents prepared by the Director of Public Works while performing his duties during the term of this Agreement shall be furnished to and become the property of the City, without restriction or limitation on their use. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other materials either created by or provided to the Director of Public Works in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by the Director of Public Works to the extent permitted by applicable law. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of the Council, be used by the Director of Public Works for any purposes other than the performance of his duties for the City. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of services under this Agreement, except as required by law. 1.6 FLSA Exempt Status. Director of Public Works agrees that his position is that of an exempt employee for the purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act. 2.0 COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT 2.1 Compensation. As compensation for the services to be rendered by Director of Public Works, City agrees to pay Director of Public Works a salary of $160,000 per year (“Salary”) payable in twenty-six (26) biweekly installments at the same time as other employees of the City are paid and subject to customary withholding. The Salary shall be adjusted for payroll taxes, workers’ compensation, and other payroll-related liability costs. Director of Public Works understands and agrees that his compensation for the first pay period that he is working for the City shall be prorated consistent with all applicable laws, as he is commencing work in the middle of a pay period. 2.2 457 Payment Compensation. As additional compensation for the services to be rendered by Employee, City agrees to pay Employee in addition to his salary above an annual payment of $10,000 to Employee’s 457 Account (“457 Compensation”) payable in twenty-six (26) biweekly installments at the same time as other employees of the City are paid and subject to customary withholding. Director of Public Work understands and agrees that his compensation for the first pay period that he is working for the City shall be prorated consistent with all applicable laws, if he is commencing work in the middle of a pay period. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 89 of 131 Page 3 of 19 2.3 Annual Review. The City and t h e Di r ec t o r o f P u b l i c W o rk s agree to conduct a review concurrently with the annual performance evaluation set forth in Article 5.0, below. Director of Public Works shall receive any Cost of Living Adjustment (“COLA”) consistent with or provided to other LEMG members under the MOU. In addition, a merit increase up to five percent (5%) of the Salary may be granted on the Director of Public Works’ one year anniversary in the sole discretion of the City Manager. 2.4 Effectuating Salary Adjustment. City and Director of Public Works agree that any upward adjustment in the Salary paid to Director of Public Works shall be at the sole discretion of the City Manager. 3.0 TERM 3.1 Commencement & Effective Date. Director of Public Works shall commence his services hereunder at 7:00 a.m. Pacific time on June 3, 2019 and after he has passed his pre-employment background. 3.2 Termination. The City may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause, for any reason whatsoever, without notice to the Director of Public Works. Additionally, Director of Public Works may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause, with at least thirty (30) days’ advance written notice prior to the effective last work day, unless a shorter period is acceptable to the City Manager. Director of Public Works expressly agrees that any for cause termination of this Agreement initiated by the City shall not entitle Director of Public Works to any severance pay; whereas, without cause termination of this Agreement initiated by the City shall entitle Director of Public Works, upon the effective date of such termination, to severance pay as provided in Section 4.1 below, and all accrued but unpaid Salary and vested benefits through the date of termination., and all accrued but unpaid Salary and vested benefits through the date of termination. 3.3 Cooperation. After notice of termination, Director of Public Works shall cooperate with the City, as requested by the City, to effect a transition of Director of Public Works’ responsibilities and to ensure that the City is aware of all matters being handled by Director of Public Works. 4.0 SEVERANCE 4.1 Severance Benefit A. Director of Public Works is an at-will employee and serves at the will and pleasure of the City Council and may be terminated at any time without cause. B. In the event that Director of Public Works is terminated by the City Manager more than one-hundred-eighty (180) days after the Hire Date, for reasons other than physical or mental incapacity, or those reasons noted in subsection E., below, the City agrees to pay Director of Public Works severance pay equal to two (2) month’s salary (but not benefits) at the Director of Public Works’ salary at the date of termination, less any applicable taxes. C. To be eligible for severance pay, as identified in Paragraphs B and C City Council Regular Meeting - Page 90 of 131 Page 4 of 19 of this section, Director of Public Works shall fulfill all of his obligations under this Agreement and shall sign an acknowledgement and release of claims against the City. Such acknowledgement and release appears as Attachment “B” to this Agreement. D. All severance payments shall be paid within thirty (30) calendar days of Director of Public Works’ last date of employment. E. Notwithstanding subsections A, B and C, above, if Director of Public Works retires or is terminated due to insubordination, incapacity, dereliction of duty, gross negligence, addiction to a controlled substance or alcohol, which addiction impairs Director of Public Works’ job performance, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or involving personal gain to him, any felony or a breach of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation to pay any severance provided in this section. 4.2 Payment For Accrued Benefits. Except as provided for in Article 6.0, upon the termination of this Agreement and the services of the Director of Public Works there under, City shall pay to Director of Public Works the cash equivalent of all vacation leave then accrued and personal leave, less any applicable taxes. Such cash equivalent shall be calculated by dividing Director of Public Works’ then-prevailing annual salary by 2080 hours and by multiplying the resulting quotient by the number of hours accrued (but unused) vacation and personal leave, as the case may be. 4.3 Sole Rights. The severance rights provided in this Article 4.0 shall constitute the sole and only entitlement of Director of Public Works in the event of the termination, and Director of Public Works expressly waives any and all other rights except as provided herein. Any and all severance rights are conditioned upon execution of standard “Agreement of Separation, Severance and General Release” attached hereto as Exhibit “B.” 4.4 Gov. Code Section 53260(a) Provision. Any other term of this Agreement notwithstanding, the maximum severance that Director of Public Works may receive under this Agreement shall not exceed the limitations provided in Government Code Sections 53260-53264, or other applicable law. 5.0 PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS. 5.1 Purpose. The performance review and evaluation process set forth herein is intended to provide review and feedback to Director of Public Works so as to facilitate a more effective management of City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to alter or change the at- will employment status of Director of Public Works, nor shall this Article 5.0 be construed as requiring “cause” to terminate this Agreement or the services of Director of Public Works there under. 5.2 Six Month Evaluation. The City Manager may review and evaluate the performance of the Director of Public Works within six (6) months after the commencement of this Agreement. The City Manager may consider the Director of Public Works’ performance in light of Approved Goals or other criteria as deemed appropriate by the City Manager. Such review and evaluation shall be conducted in accordance with the purpose noted in Section 5.1 above. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 91 of 131 Page 5 of 19 5.3 Annual Evaluation. The City Manager may review and evaluate the performance of the Director of Public Works annually, within thirty (30) days after each anniversary date. In addition, Director of Public Works shall submit for City Manager’s consideration at those times established by the City Manager, but at least annually, Director of Public Works’ proposed performance goals and objectives and incorporate the City Manager’s suggestions. Such review and evaluation shall be conducted concurrently with an annual review, and in accordance with the purpose noted in Section 5.1 above. 6.0 BENEFITS 6.1 Automobile Allowance. City shall provide an automobile, or an automobile allowance to Director of Public Works of $500.00 per month while he is employed by the City, consistent with the amount paid to LEMG members in accordance with the MOU as full compensation for the usage of Director of Public Works’ personal vehicle for City-related business, which vehicle allowance to be paid to Director of Public Works through payroll, with applicable taxes and other payroll-liability costs deducted. Director of Public Works understands that any applicable taxes are his responsibility to pay and not covered by the City. 6.2 Electronic Media Allowance. In accordance with the MOU, as may be amended from time to time, the City shall provide D i r e c t o r o f P u b l i c W o r k s a monthly allowance for electronic media consistent with the allowance paid to LEMG members (“Electronic Media Allowance”), which as of the date of this Agreement is one hundred twenty- five dollars and 00/100 Dollars ($125.00) per month. The Electronic Media Allowance shall be full compensation for the cost associated with the purchase and use of electronic media to be used for City-related business, and shall be paid to the Director of Public Works through payroll, with applicable taxes and other payroll-liability costs deducted. Director of Public Works understands that any applicable taxes are his responsibility to pay and not covered by the City. 6.3 Master’s Degree Pay. In accordance with the MOU, as may be amended from time to time, the City shall provide Director of Public Works Master’s Degree pay consistent with the pay paid to LEMG members (“Bachelor/Master’s Degree Pay”), which as of the date of this Agreement is two hundred dollars and 00/100 Dollars ($200.00) per month. The Master’s Degree Pay shall be paid upon submitting proof of the degree, and shall be paid to the Director of Public Works through payroll, with applicable taxes and other payroll- liability costs deducted. Director of Public Works understands that any applicable taxes are his responsibility to pay and not covered by the City. 6.4 Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance. City shall provide to the Director of Public Works the same group medical, dental, vision, and life insurance plans and/or programs as are offered to LEMG members in accordance with the MOU. The City’s contribution on behalf of the Director of Public Works toward any PERS health insurance plan shall be at the family premium rate for Kaiser coverage, as may be amended by the MOU. In addition, the City will pay the cost of dental plan premiums and vision plan premiums for the Director of Public Works and his eligible dependents according to the MOU. The City shall provide and pay for a life insurance policy to the Director of Public Works in the amount of fifty thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($50,000.00). City Council Regular Meeting - Page 92 of 131 Page 6 of 19 6.5 PERS. In accordance with the MOU, the City shall pay Zero (0%) (of 8%) of the Director of Public Works’ share of all required retirement contributions to the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“PERS”). The City will also afford the Director of Public Works the retirement benefit commonly referred to as “3% at 60.” 6.6 Vacation, Personal and Sick Leave. In accordance with the a p p l i c a b l e a n d c u r r e n t LEMG MOU, and subject to vacation, personal and sick leave accruals as outlined in the Management Benefit Plan, Director of Public Works shall accrue leave as follows: Vacation at the rate of eighty (80) hours per year; Sick leave at a rate of ninety-six (96) hours per year; and personal leave at a rate of twenty (20) hours per year. Director of Public Works’ accrual rates shall be revised if the accrual rates, as set forth in the Management Benefit Plan, are revised. Additionally, as further described in the Management Benefit Plan sell back provisions, vacation and executive leave may be converted into cash, up to one hundred (100) hours in one year; except that only 90 hours of executive leave may be cashed out. The aforementioned benefits shall be subject to adjustment as may be revised by the MOU. 6.7 Holidays. In accordance with the MOU, Director of Public Works shall be entitled to nine (9) days of paid holiday time and a total of five (5) floating holidays per year. The aforementioned holiday benefits shall be subject to adjustment as may be revised by the MOU. 6.8 Executive Leave. In accordance with the MOU, Director of Public Works shall accrue executive leave at the rate of ninety (90) hours per year. The Director of Public Works shall be afforded an additional 90 hours of Executive Leave for Fiscal Year 19-20. Executive leave shall not carry over from year-to-year. The aforementioned leave benefits shall be subject to adjustment as may be revised by the MOU. 6.9 Additional Benefits. In addition to the benefits set forth in this Agreement, the Director of Public Works shall receive the benefits provided by the City to LEMG members under the MOU, excluding any License and Certificate Incentive Pay. To the extent benefits provided under this Agreement are similar to those provided to the LEMG members under the MOU, the Director of Public Works shall receive only those benefits provided under this Agreement, and not both. 7.0 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 7.1 Membership. The City encourages Director of Public Works continued professional development and membership and shall provide payment of appropriate related costs for such activities, as approved by the City Manager. 7.2 Out-of-Town Meetings & Seminars. The City agrees to reimburse the Director of Public Works the actual cost for registration, travel, lodging, meals, and other reasonable expenses incurred by t h e D i r e c t o r o f P u b l i c W o r k s while attending overnight out-of-town meetings or seminars related to his employment with the City, which are pre-approved by the City Council and in accordance with the City’s policies for expense reimbursement. To be eligible to receive reimbursement for meals and lodging for out-of-town meetings or seminars, Director of Public Works must have budgeted funds available for same. 7.3 Local Meetings & Seminars. The City agrees to reimburse Director City Council Regular Meeting - Page 93 of 131 Page 7 of 19 of Public Works the actual cost of registration, meals, and other reasonable expenses necessarily incurred while in attendance at local meetings or seminars related to his employment with the City in accordance with the City’s policies for expense reimbursement. 7.4 Incidental Expenses. The City agrees to reimburse Director of Public Works the actual cost of those incidental expenses necessarily incurred by Director of Public Works while engaged in the business of the City upon the presentation of an appropriate receipt therefore in accordance with the City’s policies for expense reimbursement. 7.5 Approval by City Council. To be eligible to receive reimbursement for the memberships, travel, and other expenses incurred pursuant to this Article 7.0, Director of Public Works shall obtain advance approval of the City Council. 8.0 INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 Indemnification. For the purposes of indemnification and defense of legal actions, Director of Public Works shall be considered an employee of the City and entitled to the same rights and subject to the same obligations as are provided for all other employees of the City as set forth in the California Government Code. Accordingly, City shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify Director of Public Works against any tort, professional liability, claim or demand, or other legal action arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the performance of Director of Public Works’ services under this Agreement. This section shall not apply to any intentional tort or crime committed by Director of Public Works, to any action outside the course and scope of the services provided by Director of Public Works under this Agreement, or any other intentional or malicious conduct or gross negligence of Director of Public Works. 9.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS 9.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to Director of Public Works’ employment by the City and contains all of the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to such employment. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by either party, or anyone acting on behalf of either party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement, statement or promises not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon either party. 9.2 Notices. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally served or shall be sufficiently given when served upon the other party as sent by United States Postal Service, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: To City: To Director of Public Works: City Manager At his home address on file with the City City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, California 90262 Notices shall be deemed given as of the date of personal service or within two (2) days of City Council Regular Meeting - Page 94 of 131 Page 8 of 19 the date of deposit in the course of transmission with the United States Postal Service. 9.3 Conflicts Prohibited. During the term of this Agreement, Director of Public Works shall not engage in any business or transaction or maintain a financial interest which conflicts, or reasonably might be expected to conflict, with the proper discharge of Director of Public Works duties under this Agreement. Director of Public Works shall comply with all requirements of law, including but not limited to, Sections 87100 et seq., Section 1090 and Section 1125 of the Government Code, and all other similar statutory and administrative rules. 9.4 Other Employment. The parties acknowledge that the Director of Public Works may not conduct, participate in, or otherwise be in engaged in independent consulting projects. In no event should any services, employment or business pursuits be conducted in violation of this Agreement. 9.5 Effect of Waiver. The failure of either party to in sist on strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement by the other party shall not be deemed a waiver of that term, covenant, or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power at any one time or times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of that right or power for all or any other times. 9.6 Partial Invalidity. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 9.7 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, which are in full force and effect as of the date of execution. 9.8 Independent Legal Advice. The City and Director of Public Works represent and warrant to each other that each has received legal advice from independent and separate legal counsel with respect to the legal effect of this Agreement, and the City and Director of Public Works further represent and warrant that each has carefully reviewed this entire Agreement and that each and every term thereof is understood and that the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. This Agreement shall not be construed against the party or its representatives who drafted it or who drafted any portion thereof. 9.9 AB 1344. Assembly Bill 1344 was recently enacted as a means to provide greater transparency in local government and institute certain limitations on compensation paid to local government executives. AB 1344 also requires that contracts between a local agency and its employees include provisions requiring an employee who is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his office or position to provide reimbursement to the local agency (California Government Code §§ 53243 - 53243.4). Accordingly, the parties agree that it is their mutual intent to fully comply with the Government Code sections that are part of AB 1344 and all other applicable law as it exists as of the date of execution of this Agreement and as such laws may be amended from time to time thereafter. Specifically, AB 1344 includes the following Government Code sections which are hereby incorporated by this Agreement: City Council Regular Meeting - Page 95 of 131 Page 9 of 19 §53243. Reimbursement of paid leave salary required upon conviction of crime involving office or position. §53243.1. Reimbursement of legal criminal defense upon conviction of crime involving office or position. §53243.2. Reimbursement of cash settlement upon conviction of crime involving office or position. §53243.3. Reimbursement of non-contractual payments upon conviction or crime involving office or position. §53243.4. Abuse of office or position defined. Employee has reviewed, is familiar with, and agrees to comply fully with each of these provisions if any of these provisions are applicable to Employee, including that Employee agrees that any cash settlement or severance related to the termination that Employee may receive from the City shall be fully reimbursed to the local agency if Employee is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his or her office or position. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Lynwood has caused this Agreement to be signed and executed on its behalf by its Mayor, and duly attested by its officers thereunto duly authorized, and Director of Public Works has signed and executed this Agreement, all in triplicate. CITY OF LYNWOOD: Jose Luis Solache, Mayor ATTEST: Maria Quinonez, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Noel Tapia Jose Ometeotl City Attorney City Manager DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: City Council Regular Meeting - Page 96 of 131 Page 10 of 19 Run Chen City Council Regular Meeting - Page 97 of 131 EXHIBIT A COMPREHENSIVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SUBMISSION TO THE LYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL REGARDING LYNWOOD EMPLOYEES MANAGEMENT GROUP DATED _______ [See attached] City Council Regular Meeting - Page 98 of 131 ATTACHMENT B AGREEMENT OF SEPARATION, SEVERANCE AND GENERAL RELEASE 1. PARTIES This Agreement of Separation, Severance and General Release (hereinafter referred to as the “AGREEMENT”) is entered into by and between the City of Lynwood (hereinafter referred to as “THE CITY”), a general law city and municipal corporation, and (insert name) (hereinafter referred to as “EMPLOYEE”). 2. RECITALS 2.1. EMPLOYEE was hired by THE CITY as an at will (insert job title), effective (insert date), serving at the pleasure of the City Council of THE CITY pursuant to a written contract, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” (“THE CONTRACT”). EMPLOYEE is currently years old. 2.2. THE CITY and EMPLOYEE desire that EMPLOYEE resign and enter into a severance agreement whereby EMPLOYEE receives severance compensation in exchange for executing a general release and waiver of any and all claims that EMPLOYEE may have against THE CITY, including but not limited to its elected and non-elected officials, employees, attorneys, and agents. Accordingly, the parties hereto intend by this AGREEMENT to mutually conclude any and all employment relationships between THE CITY and EMPLOYEE by means of EMPLOYEE’s voluntary separation as of , , with this AGREEMENT setting forth the full and complete terms and conditions concluding EMPLOYEE’s employment relationship with the CITY and any obligations related thereto, including any provided under THE CONTRACT. 2.3 In accordance with this AGREEMENT and with applicable state and federal laws, EMPLOYEE acknowledges that EMPLOYEE has been advised of EMPLOYEE’s post employment rights, including but not limited to, EMPLOYEE’s rights under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (“COBRA”), the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”). 3. CONSIDERATION 3.1 EMPLOYEE shall receive payment to him at the time of his voluntary separation all earned salary, accrued fringe benefits as detailed in THE CONTRACT, and/or all other wage compensation/benefits owed to EMPLOYEE upon separation of employment as required by law or THE CONTRACT or any other agreement with THE CITY, less any applicable taxes. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 99 of 131 3.2. In exchange for the waivers and releases set forth herein, THE CITY shall also cause to be paid to EMPLOYEE an additional compensatory payment by means of severance, settlement and release in the form of a lump sum amount of and cents ($ .00) in the form of a check made payable to EMPLOYEE to be mailed to EMPLOYEE at EMPLOYEE’s home address via certified mail return receipt requested within thirty (30) business days after the EFFECTIVE DATE (as defined below) of this AGREEMENT, less any applicable taxes. 3.3 In exchange for the severance payment provided for herein, EMPLOYEE, and on behalf of EMPLOYEE’s spouse, heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns, hereby releases, acquits, and forever discharges THE CITY, and each of its predecessors, successors, assigns, officials, employees, representatives, agents, insurers, attorneys, and all persons and entities Assistant by, through, under, or in concert with any of them, and each of them (hereinafter referred to as “THE CITY PARTIES”), from any and all claims, charges, complaints, contracts, understandings, liabilities, obligations, promises, benefits, agreements, controversies, costs, losses, debts, expenses, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, rights, and demands of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which EMPLOYEE now has or may acquire in the future, or which EMPLOYEE ever had, relating to or arising out of any act, omission, occurrence, condition, event, transaction, or thing which was done, omitted to be done, occurred or was in effect at any time from the beginning of time up to and including , (hereinafter referred to collectively as “CLAIMS”), without regard to whether such CLAIMS arise under the federal, state, or local constitutions, statutes, rules or regulations, or the common law. EMPLOYEE expressly acknowledges that the CLAIMS forever barred by this AGREEMENT specifically include, but are not limited to, claims based upon any alleged breach of THE CONTRACT or any other agreement of employment, any demand for wages, overtime or benefits, any claims of violation of the provisions of ERISA, COBRA or HIPAA, any alleged breach of any duty arising out of contract or tort, any alleged wrongful termination in violation of public policy, any alleged breach of any express or implied contract for continued employment, any alleged employment discrimination or unlawful discriminatory act, or any claim or cause of action including, but not limited to, any and all claims whether arising under any federal, state or local law prohibiting breach of employment contract, wrongful termination, or employment discrimination based upon age, race, color, sex, religion, handicap or disability, national origin or any other protected category or characteristic, and any and all rights or claims arising under the California Labor Code or Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders, the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Government Code §§12, 900 et seq., the Americans With Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Right Act, and any other federal, state, or local human rights, civil rights, or employment discrimination or employee rights statute, rule, or regulation. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 100 of 131 4. Specific Acknowledgment of Waiver of Claims under ADEA and OWBPA The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (hereinafter referred to as the “ADEA”) makes it illegal for an employer to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate with respect to the nature and privileges of an individual’s employment on the basis that the individual is age forty (40) or older. The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the “OWBPA,” 29 U.S.C. § 626, et. seq., Pub L 101-433, 104 Stat. 978 (1990)) further augments the ADEA and prohibits the waiver of any right or claim under the ADEA, unless the waiver is knowing and voluntary. By entering into this AGREEMENT, EMPLOYEE acknowledges that he knowingly and voluntarily, for just compensation in addition to anything of value to which EMPLOYEE was already entitled, waives and releases any rights he may have under the ADEA and/or OWBPA. EMPLOYEE further acknowledges that he has been advised and understands, pursuant to the provisions of the ADEA and OWBPA, that: (a) This waiver/release is written in a manner understood by EMPLOYEE; (b) EMPLOYEE is aware of, and/or has been advised of, his rights under the ADEA and OWBPA, and of the legal significance of his waiver of any possible claims he currently may have under the ADEA, OWBPA and/or similar age discrimination laws; (c) EMPLOYEE is entitled to a reasonable time of at least twenty-one (21) days within which to review and consider this AGREEMENT and the waiver and release of any rights he may have under the ADEA, the OWBPA and similar age discrimination laws; but may, in the exercise of his own discretion, sign or reject this AGREEMENT at any time before the expiration of the twenty-one (21) days; (d) The waivers and releases set forth in this AGREEMENT shall not apply to any rights or claims that may arise under the ADEA and/or OWBPA after the EFFECTIVE DATE of this AGREEMENT; (e) EMPLOYEE has been advised by this writing that he should consult with an attorney prior to executing this AGREEMENT; (f) EMPLOYEE has discussed this waiver and release with, and been advised with respect thereto by, his counsel of choice, and that he does not need any additional time within which to review and consider this AGREEMENT; (g) EMPLOYEE has seven (7) days following his execution of this AGREEMENT to revoke the AGREEMENT; (h) Notice of revocation within the seven (7) day revocation period must be provided, in writing, to THE CITY pursuant to Paragraph 8.9 herein, and must state, “I hereby revoke my acceptance of our Agreement of Severance and General Release;” and (i) This AGREEMENT shall not be effective until all parties have signed the AGREEMENT and ten (10) days have passed since EMPLOYEE’s execution (“EFFECTIVE DATE”). City Council Regular Meeting - Page 101 of 131 5. UNKNOWN CLAIMS In relation to the release provisions of Paragraphs 3 and 4 above, EMPLOYEE understands that California Civil Code section 1542 reads as follows: “General Release – Claims Extinguished” “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor.” EMPLOYEE hereby waives the protection of California Civil Code section 1542. 6. WAIVER OF ADDITIONAL CLAIMS EMPLOYEE hereby waives any provisions of state or federal law that might require a more detailed specification of the claims being released pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 above. 7. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Each of the parties to this AGREEMENT represents and warrants to, and agrees with, each other party as follows: 7.1. Advice of Counsel: The parties hereto have received independent legal advice from their respective attorneys concerning the advisability of entering into and executing this AGREEMENT or have been given the opportunity to obtain such advice. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in the negotiation of this AGREEMENT, that they have read this AGREEMENT; that they have had this AGREEMENT fully explained to them by such counsel, or have had such opportunity to do so and that they are fully aware of the contents of this AGREEMENT and of its legal effect. 7.2. No Fraud in Inducement: No party (nor any officer, agent, employee, representative, or attorney of or for any party) has made any statement or representation or failed to make any statement or representation to any other party regarding any fact relied upon in entering into this AGREEMENT, and neither party relies upon any statement, representation, omission or promise of any other party in executing this AGREEMENT, or in making the settlement provided for herein, except as expressly stated in this AGREEMENT. 7.3. Independent Investigation: Each party to this AGREEMENT has made such investigation of the facts pertaining to this settlement and this AGREEMENT and all the matters pertaining thereto, as it deems necessary. 7.4. Mistake Waived: In entering into this AGREEMENT, each party assumes the risk of any misrepresentation, concealment or mistake. If any party should subsequently discover that any fact relied upon by it in entering into this AGREEMENT was untrue, or that any fact was concealed from it, or that its understanding of the facts or of the law was incorrect, such City Council Regular Meeting - Page 102 of 131 party shall not be entitled to any relief in connection therewith, including without limitation on the generality of the foregoing any alleged right or claim to set aside or rescind this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT is intended to be, and is, final and binding between the parties, regardless of any claims of misrepresentation, promise made without the intent to perform, concealment of fact, mistake of fact or law, or any other circumstance whatsoever. 7.5. Later Discovery: The parties are aware that they may hereafter discover claims or facts in addition to or different from those they now know or believe to be true with respect to the matters related herein. Nevertheless, it is the intention of the parties that EMPLOYEE fully, finally and forever settle and release all such matters, and all claims relative thereto, which do now exist, may exist or have previously existed against THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES. In furtherance of such intention, the releases given here shall be, and remain, in effect as full and complete releases of all such matters, notwithstanding the discovery or existence of any additional or different claims or facts relative thereto. 7.6. Indemnification: EMPLOYEE agrees to indemnify and hold harmless THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES from, and against, any and all claims, damages, or liabilities sustained by them as a direct result of the violation or breach of the covenants, warranties, and representations undertaken pursuant to the provisions of this AGREEMENT. EMPLOYEE understands and agrees that he shall be exclusively liable for the payment of all taxes for which he is responsible, if any, as a result of his receipt of the consideration referred to in Paragraph 3 of this AGREEMENT. In addition, EMPLOYEE agrees fully to indemnify and hold the CITY PARTIES harmless for payment of tax obligations as may be required by any federal, state or local taxing authority, at any time, as a result of the payment of the consideration set forth in Paragraph 3 of this AGREEMENT. 7.7. Future Cooperation & Consultation fees: EMPLOYEE shall execute all such further and additional documents as shall be reasonable, convenient, necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this AGREEMENT. EMPLOYEE shall provide THE CITY with consultation services (including deposition or trial testimony) in any litigation involving THE CITY which is reasonably related to acts or occurrences transpiring during his employment. Said services shall be provided as needed by THE CITY at a rate of $100.00 per hour. 7.8. Return of Confidential Information and Property: Prior to the separation date, EMPLOYEE shall submit a written inventory of, and return to the City Clerk, all City keys, equipment, computer identification cards or codes, and other equipment or materials or confidential documents provided to or obtained by EMPLOYEE during the course of his employment with THE CITY. 7.9 No Pending Claims and/or Actions: EMPLOYEE represents that he has not filed any complaints or charges against THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES with any local, state or federal agency or court; that he will not do so at any time hereafter for any claim arising up to and including the EFFECTIVE DATE of this AGREEMENT; and that if any such agency or court assumes jurisdiction of any such complaint or charge against THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES on behalf of EMPLOYEE, whenever or where ever filed, he will request such agency or court to withdraw from the matter forthwith. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 103 of 131 7.10. Ownership of Claims: EMPLOYEE represents and warrants as a material term of this AGREEMENT that EMPLOYEE has not heretofore assigned, transferred, released or granted, or purported to assign, transfer, release or grant, any of the CLAIMS disposed of by this AGREEMENT. In executing this AGREEMENT, EMPLOYEE further warrants and represents that none of the CLAIMS released by EMPLOYEE thereunder will in the future be assigned, conveyed, or transferred in any fashion to any other person and/or entity. 7.11 Enforcement Fees and Costs: Should any legal action be required to enforce the terms of this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs in addition to any other relief to which that party may be entitled. 7.12 Authority: Each party represents to the other that it has the right to enter into this AGREEMENT, and that it is not violating the terms or conditions of any other AGREEMENT to which they are a party or by which they are bound by entering into this AGREEMENT. The parties represent that they will obtain all necessary approvals to execute this AGREEMENT. It is further represented and agreed that the individuals signing this AGREEMENT on behalf of the respective parties have actual authority to execute this AGREEMENT and, by doing so, bind the party on whose behalf this AGREEMENT has been signed. 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1. No Admission: Nothing contained herein shall be construed as an admission by THE CITY of any liability of any kind. THE CITY denies any liability in connection with any claim and intends hereby solely to avoid potential claims and/or litigation and buy its peace. 8.2. Governing Law: This AGREEMENT has been executed and delivered within the State of California, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California. 8.3. Full Integration: This AGREEMENT is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral and written agreements and discussions. This AGREEMENT may be amended only by a further agreement in writing, signed by the parties hereto. 8.4. Continuing Benefit: This AGREEMENT is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective agents, spouses, employees, representatives, officials, attorneys, assigns, heirs, and successors in interest. 8.5. Joint Drafting: Each party agrees that it has cooperated in the drafting and preparation of this AGREEMENT. Hence, in any construction to be made of this AGREEMENT, the parties agree that same shall not be construed against any party. 8.6. Severability: In the event that any term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement contained in this AGREEMENT is held to be invalid or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of any such term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement shall in no way affect any other term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement and the remainder of this AGREEMENT shall still be in full force and effect. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 104 of 131 8.7. Titles: The titles included in this AGREEMENT are for reference only and are not part of its terms, nor do they in any way modify the terms of this AGREEMENT. 8.8. Counterparts: This AGREEMENT may be executed in counterparts, and when each party has signed and delivered at least one such counterpart, each counterpart shall be deemed an original, and, when taken together with other signed counterparts, shall constitute one AGREEMENT, which shall be binding upon and effective as to all parties. 8.9. Notice: Any and all notices given to any party under this AGREEMENT shall be given as provided in this paragraph. All notices given to either party shall be made by certified or registered United States mail, or personal delivery, at the noticing party’s discretion, and addressed to the parties as set forth below. Notices shall be deemed, for all purposes, to have been given on the date of personal service or three (3) consecutive calendar days following deposit of the same in the United States mail. As to EMPLOYEE: At EMPLOYEE’s home address on file with THE CITY. As to THE CITY: Noel Tapia Alvarez-Glasman & Colvin 13181 Crossroads Pkwy North Suite 400 – West Tower City of Industry, CA 91746 With a copy to: City of Lynwood Attn: City Manager 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, CA 90262 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE CITY has caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed on its behalf by its Mayor and duly attested by its City Clerk, EMPLOYEE has signed and executed this Agreement, and the attorneys for THE CITY and EMPLOYEE, if any, have approved as to form as of the dates written below. DATED: EMPLOYEE By: City Council Regular Meeting - Page 105 of 131 THE CITY DATED: By: , Mayor ATTEST: Maria Quinoñez, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney [EMPLOYEE’s LAW FIRM] By: [Counsel] City Council Regular Meeting - Page 106 of 131 RESOLUTION NO. _____________ “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING AN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RUN CHEN FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS.” WHEREAS, the City of Lynwood is a General Law City under California law and is governed by and elected City Council; and WHEREAS, the management of the day-to-day business of the City is the responsibility of the City Manager; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the request to hire the Director of Public Works under an “at-will” employment agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A.” NOW, THEREFORE, THE LYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to execute the attached at-will Director of Public Works Employment Services Agreement on behalf of the City, subject to the City Attorney’s approval of the form. Section 2. The Director of Public Works is authorized and directed to commence performance of the duties of the position upon the effective date of the agreement, subject to passing an employment background check. Section 3. That this Resolution is to be given effect upon its adoption by the City Council of the City of Lynwood and execution of the same by the appropriate parties. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of May, 2019 Jose Luis Solache MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ ________________________ Maria Quinonez Jose Ometeotl City Clerk City Manager City Council Regular Meeting - Page 107 of 131 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: _________________________ _________________________ Noel Tapia, Cynthia Stafford City Attorney Director of Human Resources and Risk Management City Council Regular Meeting - Page 108 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 109 of 131 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 110 of 131 Agenda Item # 14. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: William Stracker, Interim Director of Public Works Lorry Hempe, Public Works Special Projects Manager George Cambero, Waterworks Technology SUBJECT: REPORT OF AN EMERGENCY ACTION AT PALM AVENUE Recommendation: Staff recommends for the City Council to adopt the attached resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD INITIALLY REVIEWING THE EMERGENCY ACTION ORDERED BY THE CITY MANAGER TO REPAIR PALM AVENUE; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION FROM FUND 2357 (MEASURE M) IN THE AMOUNT OF $500,000 FOR THE STREET RECONSTRUCTION OF PALM AVENUE FROM BULLIS ROAD TO THE END OF THE STREET TO THE EAST AND FROM FUND 6051 IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000 FOR THE WATER LINE INSTALLATION AT PALM AVENUE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXCEED THE SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNTS AND PERCENTAGE LIMITATIONS PURSUANT TO LMC 6-3.15(d).” Background: Staff responded to the request to assess the sink holes at Palm Avenue and Bullis Road. Based on the observed sink holes, staff hired National Plant to CCTV the sewer lines for structural damage. There was a main line separation in the street as well as two laterals in need of repair. Staff called on 316 Construction to excavate the site for further assessment on the cause of the sink holes. Due to the concern for safety, parking restrictions were placed on the south side of the street in the area of more pronounced sinkhole damage. Discussion and Analysis: On April 29, 2019, staff held an on-site meeting with Sully Miller, All American Asphalt, 316 Engineering, and Converse Consultants. The purpose of the meeting was to assess the problem and receive cost proposals for the assessment and emergency repair. Staff recommended immediate geotechnical work and report by Converse Consultants at Palm Avenue to assess City Council Regular Meeting - Page 111 of 131 soil condition and provide recommended action for the street repair. At this time, street reconstruction appears to be a viable solution. Staff is recommending the immediate reconstruction of Palm Avenue. Preliminarily, the limits is set between Bullis Road to the end of Palm Avenue pending the outcome of the geotechnical report. Observations at Palm Avenue and Recommended Action Staff’s recommended emergency reconstruction of the street is based on the following findings: there are too many sink holes to fill and patch, the road base has significantly eroded underneath the asphalt, presence of muddy soil at 3 feet, however, dry soil at 7 feet deep, and sewer line and laterals are sagging. If time permits, staff recommends that the water line and fire hydrants be replaced. PCI Report: Based on the Pavement Management Program 2017 Report, Palm Avenue from Bullis Road to the west and end of Palm Avenue to the east, received a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) rating of “Very Poor.” Streets receiving a “Very Poor” rating are severely distressed with large quantities of distortion or alligator cracking. From To PCI Condition Bullis Road Bradfield Avenue 12 Very Poor Bradfield Avenue Muriel Drive 15 Very Poor Authority to Act in an Event of an Emergency: Pursuant to Section 22050(a)(1) of the California Public Contract Code, a public agency, pursuant to a four-fifths vote of its governing body may repair or replace a public facility, take any directly related and immediate action required by that emergency, and procure the necessary equipment, services and supplies for those purposes, without giving notice for bids to let contracts. Before a governing body takes any action pursuant to paragraph (1), it shall make a finding, based on substantial evidence set forth in the minutes of its meeting, that the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids, and that action is necessary to respond to the emergency. Pursuant to Section 22050(b)(1) of the California Public Contract Code, the governing body, by a four-fifths vote, may delegate, by resolution or ordinance, to the appropriate county administrative officer, city manager, chief engineer, or other nonelected agency officer, the authority to order any action pursuant to Section 22050(a)(1). On November 15, 2017, the City Council, by four-fifths vote of the City Council, delegated authority to the City Manager or his or her designee to order an action specified under the California Public Contract Code Section (a)(1) pursuant to Section 22050(b)(1). The City Manager made a finding that the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive bid process and that the action is necessary to respond to the emergency. This finding is based on the Director of Public Works observations on the amount of sink holes to fill and patch, the road base has significantly eroded underneath the asphalt, presence of muddy soil at 3 feet, however, dry soil at 7 feet deep, and sewer line and laterals are sagging. The Director of Public Works has recommended that based on the current conditions, that immediate repair be implemented. Initial Review of the Emergency Action Pursuant to Section 22050(c)(2) of the California Public Contract Code, if a person with authority delegated pursuant to subdivision (b) orders any action specified under Section 22050(1)(a), the governing body shall initially review the emergency action not later than seven days after the action, or as tits next regularly schedule meting if that meeting will occur not later than 14 days after the action. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 112 of 131 This agenda item is presented to the City Council to report the emergency action taken by the City Manager pursuant to his authority under Resolution No. 2017.251 in compliance with Section 22050(c)(2) relative to reporting to the governing body on the review of the emergency. Four-fifths Vote Requirement to Continue the Action Thereafter At every regularly scheduled meeting thereafter, a four-fifths vote of the City Council is needed to continue the action until the action is terminated. LMC 6-3.15(d) (Authorization for the City Manager to Exceed the Specific Dollar Amounts) The Lynwood Municipal Code (LMC) Section 6-3.15(a) provides authority to the City Manager to approve in writing any modification involving an addition to, deletion from, or revision in any item in such contract, including, without limitation, plans, specifications and extra work, and change orders relating to the nature or quantity of services, equipment, supplies or work. The City Manager is limited to approve change orders in an amount not to exceed $50,000 or 25% of the original contract price, whichever is lesser. LMC 6-3.15(d) allows the City Council by resolution to authorize the City Manager to exceed the specific dollar amounts or percentage limitations under LMC 6-3.15(a). Staff requests for the City Council to authorize the City Manager to approve consultant, vendor agreements, modifications, change orders or agreement amendments related to the Project up to the approved Project budget. Fiscal Impact: Additional appropriation is needed for this request as follows: Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 2357 Measure M Bond $500,000 Budget Balance $500,000 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 TBD TBD Street Improvements PMP $500,000 Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 6051 Water Fund $300,000 Budget Balance $300,000 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 68 042 Waterline Improvement $300,000 Coordinated With: City Manager's Office City Attorney City Council Regular Meeting - Page 113 of 131 ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution City Council Regular Meeting - Page 114 of 131 1 RESOLUTION NO.__________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD INITIALLY REVIEWING THE EMERGENCY ACTION ORDERED BY THE CITY MANAGER TO REPAIR PALM AVENUE; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION FROM FUND 2357 (MEASURE M) IN THE AMOUNT OF $500,000 FOR THE STREET RECONSTRUCTION OF PALM AVENUE FROM BULLIS ROAD TO THE END OF THE STREET TO THE EAST AND FROM FUND 6051 IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000 FOR THE WATER LINE INSTALLATION AT PALM AVENUE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXCEED THE SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNTS AND PERCENTAGE LIMITATIONS PURSUANT TO LMC 6-3.15(d) WHEREAS, Palm Avenue from Bullis Road to Muriel Drive received “Very Poor” condition under the City’s 2017 Pavement Management Program Report; and WHEREAS, staff observed sink holes at Palm Avenue; and WHEREAS, based on the excavation conducted it was found that muddy soil was found at a shallow depth and dry soil at 7 feet deep, and sewer line and laterals were sagging at certain locations; and WHEREAS, to avoid further deterioration, the Director of Public Works determined that an emergency exists and recommended the repair of Palm Avenue to the City Manager; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2017.251 delegated authority to the City Manager or his or her designee to order an action specified under the California Public Contract Code Section (a)(1) pursuant to Section 22050(b); and WHEREAS, Under LMC Section 6-3.15(a) the City Manager is limited to approve change orders in an amount not to exceed $50,000 or 25% of the original contract price, whichever is less; and WHEREAS, LMC 6-3.15(d), allows the City Council by resolution to authorize the city manager to exceed the specific dollar amounts or percentage limitations under LMC 6-3.15(a); and WHEREAS, additional appropriation is needed for this Project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES HEREBY FIND, PROCLAIM, ORDER, AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Council initially reviewed the action taken by the City Manager ordering the immediate repair of Palm Avenue after the City Manage made a finding based on observations and recommendation from the Public Works Director that City Council Regular Meeting - Page 115 of 131 2 the emergency will not permit delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids, and that the action is necessary to respond to the emergency. Section 2. That the City Council approves the following appropriations: Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 2357 Measure M Bond $500,000 Budget Balance $500,000 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 TBD TBD Street Improvements PMP $500,000 Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 6051 Water Fund $300,000 Budget Balance $300,000 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 68 042 Waterline Improvement $300,000 Section 3. That the City Council authorizes the City Manager under LMC 6- 3.15(d) to exceed the specific dollar amounts or percentage limitations under LMC 6- 3.15(a) and authorizes the City Manager to approve consultant, vendor agreements, modifications, change orders or agreement amendments related to the Project up to the available Project Budget. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Section 5. The City Clerk shall certify as to the adoption of this City Council Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of May, 2019. ________________________________ José Luis Solache, Mayor City Council Regular Meeting - Page 116 of 131 3 ATTEST: __________________________ _________________________________ María Quiñónez Jose Ometeotl City Clerk City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: __________________________ _________________________________ Francisco Leal William Stracker City Attorney Interim Director of Public Works City Council Regular Meeting - Page 117 of 131 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) § COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood at a regular meeting held in the City Hall of said City on the day of _______________, ______, and passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: _________________________________ City Clerk, City of Lynwood STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) § COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the above and forgoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. __________ on file in my office and that said resolution was adopted on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this __________ day of ________________, _____. _________________________________ City Clerk, City of Lynwood City of Lynwood City Council Regular Meeting - Page 118 of 131 Agenda Item # 15. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: William Stracker, Interim Director of Public Works Thomas Thornton, Assistant City Engineer Lorry Hempe, Public Works Special Projects Manager Laura Ochoa, Public Works Assistant SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FY20 FUNDED BY SB1 Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 FUNDED BY SB1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017." Background: SB1 On April 28, 2017 the Governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 1 (Beall, Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017), which is known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. To address basic road maintenance, rehabilitation and critical safety needs on both the state highway and local streets and road system, SB 1 increases per gallon fuel excise taxes; increases diesel fuel sales taxes and vehicle registration fees; and provides for inflationary adjustments to tax rates in future years. Beginning November 1, 2017, the State Controller (Controller) will deposit various portions of this new funding into the newly created Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA). A percentage of this new RMRA funding will be apportioned by formula to eligible cities and counties pursuant to Streets and Highways Code (SHC) Section 2032(h) for basic road maintenance, rehabilitation, and critical safety projects on the local streets and roads system. Based on an early estimate, the City is projected to receive $1,273,178 in FY20. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 119 of 131 Discussion and Analysis: SB1 RMRA is a significant new investment in California’s transportation systems. RMRA increases the annual local streets and road funds allocated through the Highway Users Tax Account, allocating funds from new taxes through the new RMRA Account. RMRA must be used for projects that include road maintenance and rehabilitation, safety projects, railroad grade separations, traffic control devices, complete street components, including active transportation purposes, pedestrian and bicycle safety projects, transit facilities, and drainage and storm-water capture projects in conjunction with any other allowable project. RMRA funds may also be used to satisfy a match requirement in order to obtain state or federal funds for eligible projects. Receipt of RMRA funds requires the City to do the following: · Develop and submit a list of projects to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) each fiscal year. · Develop and submit a project expenditure report the CTC each fiscal year. · Comply with all requirements including reporting requirements for RMRA funds. · Sustain a maintenance of effort (MOE) by spending at least the annual average of its general fund expenditures during FY10, FY11 and FY12 for street, road and highway purposes. The recommended actions under the proposed resolution for adoption address the requirements on the submittal of list of projects to the CTC RMRA FY20 Project List Submittal Pursuant to SHC Section 2034(1)(1), prior to receiving RMRA funds from the State Controller in a fiscal year, a city or county must submit to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) a list of projects proposed to be funded with RMRA funds pursuant to an adopted city budget, which may include pertinent budget amendments. This list is due to the CTC on May 1st. This year the City updated its Pavement Management Program (PMP). The PMP provides current data on the City’s street network and provides cost-effective maintenance strategies to maintain a desirable level of pavement performance on a network scale, while optimizing the expenditure of limited fiscal resources. The current replacement value of the City’s pavement network is $133 million. There is approximately 7 million square feet of pavement in the arterial and collector streets; 11 million square feet of pavement in local streets; and 980,642 square feet of pavement in the alleys. Under the PMP, sections of Gertrude Drive from Cul-de-sac to Woodlawn Avenue, received a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 15 (Very poor), sections of Gertrude Drive from Agnes Avenue to Magnolia Avenue, received a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 15, (Very Poor), sections of Stoneacre Avenue from Olanda Street to McMillan Street, received a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 21 (Very Poor), and sections of Virginia Avenue from Cortland Street to Fernwood Avenue, received a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 26 (Very Poor). PCI is a condition rating that ranges from 100 (a new pavement section or recently overlaid or reconstructed) to 0 for a section that has structurally failed and deteriorated dramatically. Below is a proposed Project Budget: Expenditures Amount Construction $678,959.00 Design $80,000.00 Contingency @ 25%$169,739.75 Labor Compliance $67,895.90 CEQA $5,000.00 Other Expenses $169,740.00 Inspection/Project Management/Construction City Council Regular Meeting - Page 120 of 131 Management (10%)$67,895.90 Administrative (5%)$33,947.95 Total $1,273,178 Funding Sources Amount RMRA (Fund 2101.45.32140 and 36241)$1,273,178 Total $1,273,178 If there is necessary water main line or sewer main line repairs needed in addition to the budget noted above, the City has set aside funding for Water Line Improvement CIP and Sewer Line Improvement CIP that can be used for this purpose. Staff will submit an item to the City Council if the Water Line Improvement CIP or the Sewer Line Improvement CIP require to be replenished. Continued Project- Wright Road Street Improvement Project Staff will also include Wright Road Street Improvement Project (CIP 4011.67.911) as part of the FY20 submittal that was approved by the City Council on May 1, 2018 to be funded by SB1. This project was not completed in FY19. Staff recommends that the Wright Road Street Improvement Project be carried over to FY20. Project Flexibility Pursuant to SHC Section 2034(a)(1), the proposed project list shall not limit the flexibility of an eligible city or county to fund projects in accordance with local needs and priorities, so long as the projects are consistent with SHC Section 2030(b). After submittal of the project list to the Commission, in the event the City elects to make changes to the project list pursuant to the statutory provision noted above, formal notification of the Commission is not required. However, the Project Expenditure Report form that is due to the Commission by October 1st each year, will provide an opportunity for jurisdictions to annually communicate such changes to the Commission as part of the regular reporting process. Maintenance of Effort RMRA contains a local agency maintenance of effort (MOE) requirement that applies to funds allocated through the RMRA. The MOE requirement was established to ensure that new road funds do not supplant existing levels of city and county general fund revenue spending on streets and roads. The MOE for the receipt of RMRA funds states that a city must maintain general fund spending for street, road, and highway purposes at no less than average FY10, FY11 and FY12 years. For the City, the early estimated MOE is $666,594 per year. The annual discretionary general fund spending to meet this MOE requirement does not have to be spent only on RMRA qualifying expenses but expended for street, road, and highway purposes. The City may need to use other sources of funding if the City cannot meet the SB1 requirements on receiving SB1 revenues. Fiscal Impact: SB1 Staff recommends the following appropriation on the proposed projects to be funded by SB1 funds for FY20: Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 2101 45 32140 36241 Road Maintenance Rehab $1,273,178 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 121 of 131 Loan Repayment Budget Balance $1,273,178 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 TBD Gertrude Drive, Stoneacre Avenue, and Virginia Avenue Street Improvement Project $1,273,178 Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 2101 45 32140 36241 Road Maintenance Rehab Loan Repayment $1,223,155 Budget Balance $1,223,155 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 TBD Wright Road Improvement Project (CIP No. 4011.67.911) $1,223,155 Coordinated With: City Attorney's Office City Manager's Office ATTACHMENTS: Description SB1 (Exhibit A-Projects List) SB1 Resolution -1 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 122 of 131 LIST OF PROJECTS (EXHIBIT A) Agency Program Funding FY Package PPNo Project Type Title Description Location Est Completion Pre Construction Est Completion Construction Est Useful Life Min Est Useful Life Max Submit Date Status City of Lynwood Local Streets and Roads Program 18/19 LSR-2019-5250 PP001 Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Wright Road Rehabilitation of street pavement. Removal and reconstruction of PCC concrete driveway, PCC sidewalk, PCC curb ramp, and 6" PCC curb and gutter. Includes traffic striping and markings, adjustment of manhole cover to grade, etc.Wright Road from Fernwood Avenue to Duncan Avenue 09/2018 12/30/2020 20 30 5/1/2018 Pending City of Lynwood Local Streets and Roads Program 19/20 LSR-2020-5250 PP002 Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Gertrude Drive from Cul-de-sac to Woodlawn Avenue, Gertrude Drive from Agnes Avenue to Magnolia Avenue, Stoneacre Avenue, and Virginia Avenue Rehabilitation of street pavement. Removal and reconstruction of PCC concrete driveway, PCC sidewalk, PCC curb ramp, andPCC curb and gutter. Includes traffic striping and markings, adjustment of manhole cover to grade, etc. Gertrude Drive from Cul-de-sac to Woodlawn Avenue, Gertrude Drive from Agnes Avenue to Magnolia Avenue, Stoneacre Avenue from Olanda Street to McMillan Street, and Virginia Avenue from Cortland Street to Fernwood Avenue 7/1/2019 12/30/2021 20 30 5/1/2019 Pending City Council Regular Meeting - Page 123 of 131 1 RESOLUTION NO.__________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1 (SB - 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) was passed by the Legislature and Signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 in order to address the significant multi-modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide; and WHEREAS, SB 1 includes accountability and transparency provisions that will ensure the residents of our City are aware of the projects proposed for funding in our community and which projects have been completed each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City must adopt by resolution a list of projects proposed to receive fiscal year funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), created by SB 1, which must include a description and the location of each proposed project, a proposed schedule for the project’s completion, and the estimated useful life of the improvement; and WHEREAS, the City, will receive an estimated $1,273,178 in RMRA funding in Fiscal Year 2019-20 from SB 1; and WHEREAS, this is the third year in which the City is receiving SB 1 funding and will enable the City to continue essential road maintenance and rehabilitation projects, safety improvements, repairing and replacing aging bridges, and increasing access and mobility options for the traveling public that would not have otherwise been possible without SB 1; and WHEREAS, the City Council allows public comments at the start of the Council Meeting prior to considering and approving the list of projects for the use of SB1 funds; and WHEREAS, the City used a Pavement Management System to develop the SB 1 project list to ensure revenues are being used on the most high-priority and cost-effective projects that also meet the communities priorities for transportation investment; and WHEREAS, the funding from SB 1 will help the City/County maintain and rehabilitate Wright Road and State Street this year and street improvements projects into the future; and City Council Regular Meeting - Page 124 of 131 2 WHEREAS, the SB 1 project list and overall investment in our local streets and roads infrastructure with a focus on basic maintenance and safety, investing in complete streets infrastructure, and using cutting-edge technology, materials and practices, will have significant positive benefits to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES HEREBY FIND, PROCLAIM, ORDER, AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. . Section 2. The following list of proposed project will be funded in-part or solely with fiscal year 2019-20 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues: Project Number 2: Title: Gertrude Drive from Cul-de-sac to Woodlawn Avenue, Gertrude Drive from Agnes Avenue to Magnolia Avenue, Stoneacre Avenue from Olanda Street to McMillan Street, and Virginia Avenue from Cortland Street to Fernwood Avenue. Project Code: To be Determined Project Description: Rehabilitation of street pavement. Removal and reconstruction of PCC concrete driveway, PCC sidewalk, PCC curb ramp, and PCC curb and gutter. Includes traffic striping and markings, adjustment of manhole cover to grade, etc. Project Location: Gertrude Drive from Cul-de-sac to Woodlawn Avenue, Gertrude Drive from Agnes Avenue to Magnolia Avenue, Stoneacre Avenue from Olanda Street to McMillan Street, and Virginia Avenue from Cortland Street to Fernwood Avenue. Project Start Date: July 1, 2019 Proposed Schedule for Completion: December 30, 2021 Estimated Useful Life: 20 to 30 Years Technology, Climate Change, and Complete Streets Considerations: To the extent possible will try to use materials that lowers GHG Section 3. The following previously proposed and adopted projects may utilize fiscal year 2019-20 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues in their delivery. With the relisting of these projects in the adopted fiscal year resolution, the City/County is reaffirming to the public and the State our intent to fund these projects with Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues: City Council Regular Meeting - Page 125 of 131 3 Project Number 1: Title: Wright Road Street Improvement Project Code: 67.911 Project Description: Rehabilitation of street pavement. Removal and reconstruction of PCC concrete driveway, PCC sidewalk, PCC curb ramp, and 6" PCC curb and gutter. Includes traffic striping and markings, adjustment of manhole cover to grade, etc. Project Location: Wright Road from Fernwood Avenue to Duncan Avenue Project Start Date: July 1, 2018 Proposed Schedule for Completion: June 30, 2020 Estimated Useful Life: 20 to 30 Years Technology, Climate Change, and Complete Streets Considerations: To the extent possible will try to use materials that lowers GHG Section 4. That the City Council hereby directs the City Manager to incorporate the aforementioned projects in the FY20 Budget as appropriate and add to the Capital Improvement Program of the FY20 Budget the project sheet attached hereto as “Exhibit A” Section 5. The City Council approves the following appropriation for the projects listed under Exhibit A “Local Streets and Roads Project List”: Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 2101 45 32140 36241 Road Maintenance Rehab Loan Repayment $1,273,178 Budget Balance $1,273,178 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 TBD State Street, Street Improvement Project $1,273,178 Fund Dept Div Object Description Amount Budgetary Transfer Out 2101 45 32140 Road Maintenance Rehab $1,223,155 City Council Regular Meeting - Page 126 of 131 4 36241 Loan Repayment Budget Balance $1,223,155 Budgetary Transfer In 4011 TBD Wright Road Improvement Project (CIP No. 4011.67.911) $1,223,155 Section 6. That the City Council authorizes the use of the Water Line Improvement CIP (CIP No. 4011.68.042) if there is necessary repair needed to the Water Line prior to the street construction and authorizes staff to go back to the City Council to replenish the Water Line Improvement CIP Account if additional funds is needed. Section 7. That the City Council authorizes the use of the Sewer Line Improvement CIP (CIP No. 4011.68.041) if there is necessary repair needed to the Sewer Line prior to the street construction and authorizes staff to go back to the City Council to replenish the Water Line Improvement CIP Account if additional funds is needed. Section 8. In the event that the City is not able to meet SB1 requirements and unable to receive SB1 funds, the City Manager is authorized to use other source of funding in its place. Section 9. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Section 10. The City Clerk shall certify as to the adoption of this City Council Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of May, 2019. ________________________________ José Luis Solache, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ Maria Quiñonez, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Council Regular Meeting - Page 127 of 131 5 _________________________ ________________________________ Noel Tapia, City Attorney Jose Ometeotl, City Manager ______________________________________ William Stracker, Interim Director of Public Works City Council Regular Meeting - Page 128 of 131 6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of May 2019, and passed by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ________________________ Maria Quinonez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and the Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the above foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. ____________ on file in my office and that said Resolution was adopted on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this 7th day of May 2019. ________________________ Maria Quinonez, City Clerk City Council Regular Meeting - Page 129 of 131 Agenda Item # 16. AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council APPROVED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager PREPARED BY: Jose E. Ometeotl, City Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERING THE FORMATION OF COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEES FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN MONTHS TO FACILITATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMMING. THE FOLLOWING AD HOC COMMITTEES ARE PROPOSED - 1. INFRASTRUCTURE AND ROADWAYS 2. COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 3. POLICY & BUDGET 4. PARKS, RECREATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY 5. 100TH ANNIVERSARY Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council appoint two Councilmembers to serve on Council Ad Hoc Committees for an eighteen-month period to facilitate the development of policy and implementation of programming in the respective subject areas. All policy and programming recommendations developed by the respective Ad Hoc Committees shall be presented to the City Council for its consideration. The proposed Ad Hoc Committee assignments are as follows: 1. Infrastructure and Roadways - Mayor Solache and Councilmember Casanova 2. Community & Economic Development – Mayor Pro Tem Castro and Councilmember Casanova 3. Policy & Budget – Mayor Pro Tem Castro and Councilmember Alatorre 4. Parks, Recreation and Public Safety – Mayor Solache and Councilmember Santana 5. 100th Anniversary - Mayor Solache and Councilmember Santana Background: Ad Hoc Committees The City Council may, from time to time, announce appointments to ad hoc advisory committees composed solely of less than a majority of the members of the City Council; the announcement of such appointments shall appear on the posted agenda, but shall not require approval from a majority of the City Council. City Council Regular Meeting - Page 130 of 131 The use of Ad hoc committees is permitted under the Brown Act so long as they • Serve a limited or single purpose that is not perpetual; • Are composed solely of less than a quorum of the City Council (for a five member Council as in Lynwood, that means two Councilmembers); • Have a defined purpose and timeframe to accomplish that purpose; • Will be dissolved once the specific task is complete; and • Are advisory. An ad hoc committee is not subject to notice and posting requirements, nor to holding public meetings, if the above requirements are followed. (Government Code Section 54952(b).) The proposed Ad Hoc Committees and their assignments are as follows: 1. Infrastructure and Roadways - Mayor Solache and Councilmember Casanova 2. Community & Economic Development – Mayor Pro Tem Castro and Councilmember Casanova 3. Policy & Budget – Mayor Pro Tem Castro and Councilmember Alatorre 4. Parks, Recreation and Public Safety – Mayor Solache and Councilmember Santana 5. 100th Anniversary - Mayor Solache and Councilmember Santana All policy and programming recommendations developed by the respective Ad Hoc Committees shall be presented to the City Council for its consideration. Discussion and Analysis: During the April 16, 2019 City Council meeting, Mayor Solache requested that the City Council consider forming Council Ad Hoc Committees related to key matters currently being addressed by the City of Lynwood. Consistent with established policies and procedures, appointments to an Ad Hoc Committee can be made if that proposed Committee is on a public agenda. Environmental Determination Action on this item is exempt from CEQA review as it does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of CEQA Guidelines Section 15060 (c)(2) or CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, because there is no potential that it will result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact with the proposed action. Coordinated With: City Manager's Office City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments Available City Council Regular Meeting - Page 131 of 131