HomeMy Public PortalAbout20200127 - Planning Board - Meeting Minutes1 Hopkinton Planning Board Monday, January 27, 2020 7:30 P.M. Hopkinton Public Library, Large Event Room 13 Main St., Hopkinton, MA MINUTES Members Present: Muriel Kramer (Chair), Gary Trendel (Vice Chair), David Paul, Jane Moran, Amy Ritterbusch, Deborah Fein-Brug, Mary Larson-Marlowe, Robert Benson Members Absent: Frank D’Urso Present: John Gelcich, Principal Planner; Stephanie Pemberton, administrative assistant _____________________________________________________________________ Ms. Kramer called the meeting to order at 7:31pm Proposed Town Meeting Articles Downtown Corridor Project - Assistance to Businesses Ms. Larson-Marlowe explained the addition of a paragraph for business access during construction. ZAC suggested that using general wording would be most appropriate. The Board discussed the suggested edits; which included the definition of “Affected Business,” the business’ ability to display temporary signage, and the length of time these signs are allowed to be displayed. An “affected business” is determined by the Zoning Enforcement Officer to be blocked or adversely affected due to construction within the right-of-way. Each affected business would be able to display up to 4 temporary signs within 600 feet of the property line to direct customers to parking, hours of operation, or messages such as “Open during construction.” Finally the affected business’ temporary signs would not be limited to 30 days, but remain until the business is no longer affected by the construction as determined by the Zoning Enforcement Officer. Mr. Trendel moved to add this article to the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, Ms. Ritterbusch seconded, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Draft Annual Report for 2019 The Board reviewed the drafted Annual Report for 2019. Ms. Fein-brug moved to approve the draft, with the edits suggested. Ms. Larson-Marlowe seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Ms. Fein-Brug noted that the Growth Study Committee was initiated and would like the report to reflect that. As well to show coordination for Legacy North Bus stop issues added. Minutes of December 16, 2019 The Board reviewed the draft Minutes of December 16, 2019. Mr. Trendel moved to approve the Minutes of December 16, 2019, as edited by Ms. Fein-Brug. Ms. Larson- Marlowe seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. 2 Ms. Larson-Marlowe moved to open the public hearings, Mr. Trendel seconded, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Continued Public Hearings – Bucklin St. & Leonard St. – 1) Stormwater Management Permit; 2) Petition to Construct a Paper Street – Wall Street Development Corp. Lou Petrozzi, President of Wall Street Development Corp., came before the Board to present a 3-Lot alternative plan. During the previous weeks he has engaged with the town, neighbors, abutters, and the Conservation Commission. The predominant agreeable solution for the existing drainage problems would be to abandon Bucklin Street and it’s use as a right-of-way. The existing drainage would go to an easement at the Leonard Street drain. This new plan would be an ANR to be submitted to the Board. He plans to continue the 2 existing hearings until they have the okay from the Conservation Commission, which they are meeting with on February 25th. Utilities for sewer and water would be underground and extended to service the 3 proposed homes. Mr. Petrozzi has requested the DPW review the plan for drainage concerns. Mr. Gelcich stated that the Stormwater Management Permitting process would still need to be gone through and Mr Petrozzi was confident that it would conform. Rosey Saunders, 12 Maple Street Extension, had a question as to where the utilities would be going. Mr. Petrozzi stated that there would be an approximate 24 foot underground utility easement. Mr. Benson inquired about the lot sizes and frontage. Mr. Petrozzi answered that the lots would be 20,000-25,000 sq. feet with 100 sq. feet of frontage, and the end lot will be oversized with about 225 sq. feet of frontage on Leonard Street. The applicant then requested this hearing to be continued to March 23, 2020 with a decision filing date of March 30, 2020. Mr. Trendel moved to continue this public hearing and decision filing date, Ms. Larson-Marlowe seconded, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Continued Public Hearing - Maspenock Woods (West Elm Street) - Maspenock Woods Realty Trust The applicant requested this hearing be continued to February 24, 2020 with a decision filing date of March 10, 2020. Mr. Paul moved to continue this public hearing and decision filing date, Ms. Ritterbusch seconded, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Ms. Larson-Marlowe would like to know if there's a way for the continuations to be known ahead of time. Mr. Gelcich stated he updates the project folders, but can also email the Board as notices come in. Continued Public Hearing - Amendment to Approved NMU Site Plan - 27 Lumber Street/Hopkinton Tennis Club - Crandall-Hicks Company The applicant requested that this hearing be continued to February 24, 2020. Ms. Fein-Brug moved to continue this public hearing, Mr. Trendel seconded, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Ms. Ritterbusch inquired if it would be possible to adjust the meeting schedule for March and April. Ms. Kramer would like to keep in mind and try to avoid the April 3 27th meeting if possible. New Public Hearing - Solar Special Permit and Stormwater Management Permit - 71 Frankland Road - Frankland Road Solar Adam Costa of Mead, Talerman & Costa, LLC Attorneys at Law; Nick Facendola of Level Design; and Pedro Rodriguez of Seaboard Solar came before the Board after submitting applications for a Solar Special Permit and Stormwater Management Permit to begin the Public Hearing process. They explained the proposed plan for a ground mounted solar photovoltaic facility. Mr. Gelcich stated he had reviewed the plans and provided his comments. Ms. Moran thanked Mr. Gelcich for requesting raised fences for wildlife and the addition of pollinator plants. She would like to see a trail re-created around the property for a contiguous trail, and tie into Legacy Farms North trails. Ms. Kramer would like to add additional details to the section regarding trails on the outline. Mr. Phil Paradis, BETA, took a moment to thank the Board for choosing BETA as the Town’s consultant again. He also had the opportunity to review the plan and submitted his comments. Mr. Trendel stated that this will be a multi-meeting hearing. Would like to set up a hearing structure before delving into the finer details, Ms. Kramer was open to adding specific concerns. The Board discussed the items they wish to be added to future discussions and asked the public for any additional items to be added to the outline. Morrie Gasser, 28 South Mill St., would like to add not only a trails discussion, but the environment next to array as well; including spacing, panels and screening. John Koeller, 72 Frankland Rd., looked for clarification to access, and what would happen to access to the building. Bob Foster, 85 Frankland Rd., asked if it was a permitted use to the current bylaw. How does the public see the permitted use? Water zoning? How would the surface underneath the array be finished, how much earth movement? What is the process for who sees what? He also made a recommendation to the Board to visit solar arrays off East Main and see what the home owners are dealing with. He would be willing to arrange walk around and visits for Board members if they wish. Robert Ionta, 50 Frankland Rd., would like plan clarification on the tree lines and would like to see a more definitive plan. He showed concern for the batteries, management, and maintenance. Questioned road and array maintenance, snow removal activity, road treatments, and pollutants. Mr. Trendel would like to see the batteries as a separate discussion item. Alex Levine of River Street Law, representative of Brick Hill Estates on Fawn Ridge Road. There's no way around the amount of destruction. Some of the issues of concern include: alternative arrangements, reduction of size and # of panels to preserve HALT trail that many enjoy. The residents would also like them to look into the environmental impact of wildlife, chemicals to batteries and solar arrays. Would there be a plan and what would it be should the worst happen? Local wildlife habitat destruction, deer and coyotes, where will they go? This is quite costly to the deer who have moved previously due to Legacy Farms. Thom Robertson, 15 Fawn Ridge Rd., stated that the trails and wetlands are utilized year round. 4 The wetlands work that is being done is much broader than the diagrams given. How accurate are they? And how much wildlife is supported by the wetlands? Unique case of a small area with major environmental destruction over a short time. Real concern over net impact of all the developments being put together (solar & LF). Unsure of where LM starts and stops. Lots of trails connecting access to Fawn Ridge, LF, etc. parking needing to be secured if the trails that connect are removed. Very fond of the character of this part of town. Very scared it will change and property value. Concerned for the view from the backyard and second story which is part of the reason he paid for the property. Would like to submit comments in writing. He also stated that the ‘un-named’ pond is actually referred to as “Duck Pond”. Michael Manzo, 67 Frankland Rd., is concerned with additional water coming in, property values changing and also inquired if there has been any kind of consideration to the trees being cut down. Suggested additional planting around the border to thicken up so not seen by neighboring properties and road. Stated this is a large project that will change their view. Mr. Trendel expressed the importance of a site-walk prior to any detailed discussion. The Board agreed that it was necessary to set up a site walk as it will be helpful to view the proposed area and surrounding area. The site walk will be held on Saturday, February 8th at 9am. Need to get approval from Liberty Mutual as they are still the owners of the property. Their plan is to meet in front of the building in the parking lot. The public was invited and encouraged to attend. Ms. Fein-Brug moved to continue the public hearing to March 9, 2020 and the Stormwater Management decision until March 16, 2020, Ms. Larson-Marlowe seconded, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Business at anytime: Ms. Ritterbusch would like to put a deadline for an update on the traffic light status for Legacy Farms North. Mr. Gelcich believed agreed upon and should be buttoned up and put to bid. Holding on construction if more snow or rain then won’t be complete before the marathon. It may have to wait until after. Ms. Kramer suggested creating a Legacy Farms group to keep up with progress and deadlines. Reminder from Ms. Kramer that the Special Town Election is Monday, February 3rd. Mr. Trendel moved to adjourn, Ms. Ritterbusch seconded, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Mr. Paul inquired what solar laws are already in place and would like to speak with Mr. Trendel offline more about solar reimbursement. Adjourned: 9:39pm Submitted by: Stephanie Pemberton 5 Approved: March 9, 2020 Documents used at the meeting: ● 27 Lumber Street - Hopkinton Tennis Club: Email from J. Johnson requesting continuation, dated 01/22/20 ● 2019 Planning Board Annual Report - Draft ● Article - Article XXVII, Temporary signs ● Bucklin Street & Leonard Street: Three-lot Alternative Plan, dated 01/06/20 ● Maspenock Woods: Email from P. Barbieri requesting continuation to February 24, 2020 and decision filing to March 10,2020 dated 01/23/20 ● Planning Board Agenda 1/27/2020 ● Planning Board Meeting Materials 1/27/2020 ● Planning Board Minutes December 16, 2019 - Draft