HomeMy Public PortalAbout20200225 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes TOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes – February 25, 2020 Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA 5:30 PM Select Board Members Present: Brendan Tedstone, Chair, John Coutinho, Vice Chair (5:35 PM), Irfan Nasrullah, Mary Jo LaFreniere; Brian Herr participated remotely in Executive Session only Select Board Members Absent (Open Session): Brian Herr Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER​: Mr. Tedstone called the public meeting to order at 5:30 PM in Room 211 of the Town Hall. The Chair entertained a motion to enter into executive session to approve Executive Session minutes, to discuss strategy with respect to contract negotiations with DPW, Fire and Dispatch Communications unions and Non-Union staff, Police Chief, because the Chair declares that discussion in an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town, to consider strategy with respect to the lease, sale, or value of real property in relation to the Main Street Corridor Project, the Upper Charles Trail, the lease of East Main St. property to the 26.2 Foundation, the purchase of real estate at 6 Walcott Street and 7 School Street, because the Chair declares that discussion in an open meeting may have detrimental effects on the negotiation position of the Board; to allow Norman Khumalo, Elaine Lazarus, J. Raymond Miyares and Nicholas Anastasopoulos to participate in the discussion; and to convene in Open Session after the conclusion of Executive Session. MOVED ​by Mr. Nasrullah and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. LaFreniere. ​ROLL CALL:​ Mr. Tedstone-Yes; Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-3, No-0​. Mr. Coutinho arrived at the meeting during executive session. REOPEN OPEN SESSION:​ Mr. Tedstone reopened the Open Session with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:53 PM in Room 215/216; with Mr. Tedstone, Ms. LaFreniere and Mr. Nasrullah in attendance. PUBLIC FORUM​: There were no public comments. STAFF RECOGNITION​: The Select Board recognized Toni Alexander, Senior Library Assistant, who is retiring with 31 years of service to the Town. Ms. Alexander was not present; 1 Margaret Wiggin, Board of Library Trustees, and Maria Casey, Human Resources Director, appeared before the Board. The Board thanked Ms. Alexander for her service to the Town. GIRL SCOUT TROOP #68243 SILVER AWARD PROJECT PRESENTATION​: Girl Scouts Ava Pappalardo, Sabrina Russo, Charlotte Schuster and Holly Thompson appeared before the Board. They described the physical and emotional benefits of gratitude, which also reduces stress and increases productivity. They noted that they conducted research, met with a medical professional, a teacher, and school principal, and have conducted outreach in the schools and at town events which included a table of information and displays. They described other activities, including inspirational sticky notes on school lockers. It was noted that they plan to host workshops for children at the Library and that there will be a permanent “appreciation station” at the Middle School. The Board expressed appreciation for the project and the positive and thankful attitude in particular, and suggested that the Town Hall lobby could also be a place to display the materials. Mr. Coutinho joined the Board at this time. CONSENT AGENDA​: ​MOVED​ by Mr. Nasrullah and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to approve the following Consent Agenda items: 1) approve the Minutes of the 1/30/2020, 2/4/2020 and 2/12/2020 Select Board meetings; 2) accept a $100 gift from the Hopkinton Women’s Club to support the purchase of books for the Children’s Room at the Hopkinton Public Library; 3) approve a Parade Permit for the 14th Annual Max Performance Triathlons on 5/9/20 and 9/13/20 at the Hopkinton State Park; 4) approve a temporary 4’ x 40’ banner over Main St. for the Hopkinton Women’s Club from 3/16/20-3/30/20 and a temporary sandwich board sign on West Main St. for the Hopkinton Women’s Club in advance of an event on 3/7/20. ​Vote to Approve​: Yes-4, No-0​. Mr. Nasrullah highlighted the more than 3,000,000 deaths annually worldwide from water borne illnesses, and noted that providing clean water makes a huge difference. He highlighted the annual Global 6K for Water road race which helps fund these efforts. Mr. Tedstone thanked Unibank and the Friends of the Seniors for their donations for wellness and nutrition programs at the Senior Center. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Nasrullah and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to approve a Parade Permit for the Global 6K for Water Road Race on May 16, 2020, and to accept a $2,500 gift from Unibank and a $25,000 gift from the Friends of the Seniors, for nutrition and wellness programs at the Senior Center. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. ELMWOOD SCHOOL STATEMENT OF INTEREST: ​Carol Cavanaugh, School Superintendent, and Nancy Richards-Cavanaugh, School Committee, appeared before the Board. Carol Cavanaugh noted that submitting a Statement of Interest doesn’t guarantee being invited into the MSBA process, and it was stated that the School Committee has voted to submit the Statement of Interest for Elmwood School, pending the vote of the Select Board. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah that having convened in an open meeting on February 25, 2020, prior to the SOI submission closing date, the Select Board of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, vote to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of 2 Interest Form dated February 28, 2020 for the Elmwood Elementary School located at 14 Elm Street, which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future: categories 2, 4, and 7, namely “Elimination of existing severe overcrowding; Prevention of severe overcrowding expected to result from increased enrollments; and Replacement of or addition to obsolete buildings in order to provide for a full range of programs consistent with state and approved local requirements”; and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest Form, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the Hopkinton School District to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. PUBLIC FORUM: ​Mr. Tedstone recognized the passing of Francis Pyne, longtime Hopkinton resident. He stated that Mr. Pyne epitomized what Hopkinton wants to be, noting that as a call firefighter he would drop everything to respond to calls and was looked up to by those he worked with. He stated that Mr. Pyne will be missed. PARADE PERMIT APPLICATION & SPECIAL TEMPORARY ALCOHOL LICENSE - HOPKINTON RUNNING CLUB​: Wayde Marshall, applicant, appeared before the Board. He noted that the Board had previously approved a Parade Permit for the event on another date, but it was cancelled due to weather. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. LaFreniere to approve the Parade Permit and Special Temporary Alcohol License for the Hopkinton Running Club for the Hopkin10K Race on April 11, 2020. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. SPECIAL TEMPORARY ALCOHOL LICENSE - PROJECT JUST BECAUSE - SHAMROCK SHINDIG​: Dale Danahy and Collette Cronin, Project Just Because, appeared before the Board. They described the Shamrock Shindig event planned for March 12, 2020 at St. John’s Parish Hall. In response to a question as to whether there had been any problems with the event in the past, the response was no. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. LaFreniere to approve a special temporary alcohol license for the Shamrock Shindig on March 12, 2020. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to approve a fee waiver for the application. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. BOARD/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - SUSTAINABLE GREEN COMMITTEE, TRAIL COORDINATION & MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE​: ​MOVED​ by Ms. LaFreniere and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to appoint Peggy Barton, Renee Dean, Paul Gallagher, Amy Groves, Andrew Michael Hayes, Rebeka Hoffman, Meena Kaushik, Alison E. Leflore, Geoff Rowland and Donald Sutherland to the Sustainable Green Committee, to terms expiring 6/30/2020. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. It was noted that the Conservation Commission has recommended that Jamie Wronka be appointed as its representative on the Trail Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC), and that she would be moving from an at-large position to the Con. Comm. seat. ​MOVED​ by 3 Mr. Coutinho and​ SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to appoint Jamie Wronka as the Conservation Commission representative on the TCMC, to a term expiring 6/30/2021. Ms. LaFreniere noted that Ms. Wronka isn’t a member of the Con. Comm. and asked how she plans to report to the Commission. Mr. Khumalo stated that there is an expectation that there would be reporting at public meetings of the Commission. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. SELECT BOARD FY 2021 COMPREHENSIVE BUDGET​: Mr. Khumalo reviewed the budget development process that began in the fall of 2019, and noted that at the Board’s March 10 meeting, the Board will vote on a budget to forward to the Appropriation Committee. He stated that in advance of that, he is seeking guidance on a budget document that reflects the Board’s priorities, so that it can be ready for the meeting. He stated they have been working to close the gap, and here has been good news from the Governor's budget and a reduction in state charges, for a net $480K positive. He stated staff will use this number and the budget would need to be cut if the numbers in the Legislature-approved budget is less. He stated the number is still well below the School Dept. request, and suggested focusing on: 1) overlay account adjustment; 2) review overtime in budgets; 3) closer review of supplies and expense budgets; 4) invite the schools to collaborate on limited reductions to layers of enhancements, those most removed from the student educational experience, which does not include teachers. He noted that the budget will still be short of the schools request, and there are two ideas: 1) apply funding from $831,000 in anticipated receipts due from the Legacy Farms Host Community Agreement (HCA), which would provide for most of the gap, doesn’t require an override, uses the HCA funds for their intended purpose, and provides a workable path toward next year’s increases that show very high enrollment. On the negative side, the Town would be paying for recurring costs from one time revenue sources which is contrary to the Town’s financial policies. 2) Proposition 2 ½ override, which will provide funds for the gap, solves the problem this year rather than putting it off to next year, is consistent with the Town’s financial management policy, frees up one time money to fund capital projects, and would leave the HCA funds to cover one-time education costs related to growth. Negatively, it requires an override this year and creates an additional recurring tax burden. He requested feedback from the Board. Mr. Nasrullah noted that using the HCA money doesn’t address the future, and another look should be taken at trimming expenses. Mr. Coutinho stated he doesn't like using one-time funding for recurring expenses, but it is tough to have an override. He noted that having an override vote allows people to have a voice, and is total transparency. Ms. LaFreniere suggested that some capital projects could be deferred to future years. TREASURER REPORT​: Chris Heymanns, Treasurer/Collector, provided a review of his Quarterly Deposit and Investment Report for the period ending 12/31/19. He reviewed the status of Town investments, noting that the General Funds are primarily invested in Money Market bank accounts and the Massachusetts Municipal Depository Trust, and are invested in accordance with the legal framework for municipal investments and the Town’s policies. He provided information on the status of trust and stabilization funds and portfolio holdings. Mr. Khumalo noted that the report will be posted on the Town website, and thanked the finance team for improving financial transparency. 4 2020 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ARTICLES​: The Board reviewed information on two articles on the 2020 annual town meeting warrant submitted by the Board, requesting to dispose of a town parcel on Hayward St. and a parcel off Princeton Road. It was noted that in both cases, abutters requested to purchase the lots. Candace and Bill Burke, Hayward St., stated that they have lived there for 7 years, and the Town lot is an unkempt area with weeds and they would like to fix it up. They stated that they would prefer not to buy the Town’s drainage culvert on the lot, noting that the lot could be subdivided. It was noted that if the Town retains the lot, it could clean it up and work with the abutters on other issues. The Board noted that the Conservation Commission and the DPW recommended retaining the lot, and that the Con. Comm. offered to take jurisdiction over it. It was noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission, which currently has jurisdiction, stated it has no planned use for the lot. It was noted that this lot is complicated because conveying it would require approval under Article 97 of the Mass. Constitution, due to its jurisdiction under the Parks & Recreation Commission. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Nasrullah to remove the 0 Hayward St. article from the warrant and recommend that town staff work with the abutters to address the issues raised. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. The Board reviewed the comments from Town boards/committees and officials relative to the lot at 0 Princeton Road, noting that the parcel is part of a larger open area, and the Conservation Commission expressed a desire to manage the property. ​MOVED ​by Mr. Coutinho and SECONDED​ by Ms. LaFreniere to remove the 0 Princeton Road lot from the warrant. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. TOWN MANAGER REPORT​: Mr. Khumalo provided an update on the Main Street Corridor Project, noting that there are two options for the offer letter to property owners, one that contains a donation option and one that does not. It was noted that Mr. Herr has been opposed to the donation option. Mr. Khumalo stated that there are people who already offered to donate an easement. It was noted that donation should be an option in case someone wants to do that. MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to approve the template of the Offer Letter with the option for donation, and to authorize Town Manager Norman Khumalo to send the Offer Letters to the affected property owners. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. Mr. Khumalo requested that the compensation budget be set at $1,600,000. He noted that appraisal reports have been completed, were sent to MassDOT and were approved. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to establish that the aggregate amount of Just Compensation that will be offered to the affected property owners is $1.6 million. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. The Board reviewed a draft policy entitled “Marijauana Testing Laboratories and Marijuana Research Facilities - Process and Host Community Agreement”. Mr. Nasrullah suggested that the notice of the community outreach meeting should be sent to abutters within 500 feet instead of 300 feet, and after discussion, the draft policy was changed to reflect the 500 ft. radius. Mr. Nasrullah noted that future HCAs should contain a limit on the amount of marijuana product on the site at any given time, so as to reduce public safety risks. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to approve the Marijauana Testing Laboratories and Marijuana 5 Research Facilities - Process & Host Community Agreement policy as revised. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. LIAISON REPORTS​: Members reported attending meetings of the Cultural Council and Board of Assessors. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS​: There were no future agenda items identified. MOVED ​by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. LaFreniere to adjourn the meeting. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. Adjourned: 8:15 PM Approved: March 10, 2020 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the 1/30/2020, 2/4//2020, 2/12/2020 Select Board meetings ●Application for Parade Permit dated 1/20/20 from Mike Laurence, Global 6K for Water on 5/16/20, and supporting documents ●Permitting Comments, Global 6K for Water Parade Permit Application ●Application for Parade Permit dated 1/24/20 from Max Performance Triathlons, Max Performance Triathlon on 5/9/20 and 9/13/20, and supporting documents ●Permitting Team Comments, Max Performance Triathlons Application ●Memo dated 2/14/20 to Hopkinton School Committee/Board of Selectmen from Carol Cavanaugh, re: Statement of Interest regarding the Elmwood School, including motion language for Select Board ●Application for Parade Permit and Special Temporary Alcohol License application dated 1/28/20 from Hopkinton Running Club, Hopkin10K - Andy Welzel Scholarship on 4/11/20, and supporting documents ●Permitting Team Comments, Hopkin10K Applications ●Letter dated 12/19/19 to Select Board from Colette Cronin, Project Just Because ●Special Temporary Alcohol License from Project Just Because dated 12/20/19, Shamrock Shindig on 3/12/20, and supporting documents ●Permitting Team Comments, Shamrock Shindig ●Applications, Sustainable Green Committee: Peggy Barton, Renee Dean, Paul Gallagher, Amy Groves, Andrew Michael Hayes, Rebeka Hoffman, Meena Kaushik, Alison E. Laflore, Geoff Rowland, Donald Sutherland ●Memo dated 2/5/20 to Town Manager’s Office and Select Board Office from Conservation Commission, re: Trail Coordination and Management Committee ●Memo dated 1/17/20 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo, Town Manager, re: FY 2021 Comprehensive Budget Transmittal Letter, with attachments ●Memo dated 1/30/19 to Norman Khumalo, Town Manager, from Chris Heymanns, Treasurer/Collector, re: Quarterly Deposit & Investment Report, Period Ending 12/31/19, with attachments ●Memo dated 2/20/20 to Select Board from Elaine Lazarus, Assistant Town Manager, re: 2020 ATM Warrant Articles - Request to Acquire Town Land - Hayward St. and Princeton Rd., with attachments ●Memo dated 2/20/20 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo, re: Staff Report - Select Board February 25, 2020 Meeting, with attachments ●Draft Letters, re: Main Street Corridor Project: Offer of Just Compensation ●Select Board Policy - Marijuana Testing Laboratories and Marijuana Research Facilities - Process and Host Community Agreement, Draft - 2/19/20 v.9 6 7