HomeMy Public PortalAbout19570508CCMeeting115 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. May 8, 1957. The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 4 P M in the Council Room and was attended by Chairman of Council Meddin, who presided, and Councilmen Hosti Brown, Maters, Lovell, Town Atty. Solms, Jr., Supt. Reed, Chief Mccutchen, Mr. J. W Lang . and Mr. James N. Carter; and D. J. Brady, O.K.Caines, Charles Dowell and Lilliam Morgan. Mr. Carter speaking for himself and his mother, Mrs. Edith U. Carter, protested against granting of a whiskey license to Netts Place, located on the southwestern corner of Butler and Second Street. Mr. Carter stated that several other residents and property owners in the vicinity also objected to it. He called attention to that the area in question is zoned against the sale of whiskey. Mr • Carter also ob- jected to the town renting the small concession stand in Memorial, Park for the sale of soft drinks, nic- nac's, etc.,stating that eventually a thing of this kind could get out of hand and would void the purpose for which the park was intended which is recreational purposes. He also protested the cutting of the oleanders adjacent to his mother's property on Second Street & Butler -Avenue and requested the name of the person who had them cut. Mr. Carter was excused. Councilman Brown stated, as regards the concession stand in the park, that he had offered it rent free to several of the orunizations.on the island but that no one wanted it and that several individuals had contacted him and finally it got down to one and he had talked with young Arnold Seyden who wants it. It was decided to hold this until the net meeting. Superintendent Reed stated that he had ordered the oleanders cut down at Mrs.Carter's place as they were obstructing the view of traffic on Butler Avenue. Mr. D. J. Brady appearing with a Committee from Post #154 of the American Legion protested against the full license fee of $700.00 for the sale of whiskey at the Post, he contending that they were always able to get this license for ore was priicetfor to he past ten years. He was informed by Councilman use the club's facilities without being required to become a member. Mr Brady stated that it had been the practice for a time in the past but that under the new regime this had been discontinued. He also stated that the club now had seventy - eight (78) paid up members and that if Council insists upon the payment of the full $700.00 they would have to discontinue operations as the income was not suficieet to warrant the full payment. He stated that the Post is now being operated strict legion requirements and that it is the only legitimate post on the island. The Committee was excused. It was moved, seconded and passed that the whiskey license for American Legion Post #154 be reduced to one -half of the regular license fee for whiskey. Chief McCutchen stated that he had recently appeared before the Grand Jury and that they were complimentary about the handling of the teenagers on the island, he also stated that the Solicitor General had, inquired as to what is being done about checking on persons working in places where alcoholic beverages are sold as anyone working in such places is required to have a card identifying them except the owner of the place. He also requested the salaries of the Police Officers be raised. The condition of weeds, undergrowth, etc on vacant lots on the island was discussed and it was decided that several ads would be run in the newspapers advising the owners that if they did not have their lots cut that the town would do this work and bill the'property ownerd for it. The Clerk was instructed to proceed tlib placing these ads in the papers. 116 Superintendent Reed stated that he had nothing to report except that the men in his departments had requested pay increases. He stated that a union organizer had been talking to some of his men. Councilman Lovell stated that the Water Department needs a new pickup truck. Supt. Reed was instructed to get prices and submit them to Council. Councilman Lovell asked about the whiskey license which had been issued to Stephens Place since the place is closed up. He was informed that : -J. T. Darby who had leased Stephens Place from Mike Goldberg and had then ceased operations, had transferred. the 1956 whiskey license to Metts Place at Butler Avenue and Second Street. Councilman Hosti made a motion that a new sewer line be extended from Butler Avenue Eastward to property in the vicinity of Section "B" of Beach Lots 81 and 82, Ward 4, to property owned by Mrb. C.P. Miller, which motion was seconded and passed. Councilman Brown stated that the town should go on record as advocating that three shifts be employed to repair the damaged bridge at Thunderbolt. The sale of fourteen (14) pieces of property at the Court House on Tuesday, May 7th, for non - payment of taxes, were bid in by Mr. Anton F. Solms, Jr.,as Agent for the town, Lot #258, Ward 4, was sold to Jack H. Morris and Lot'51 B, Ward 3, was sold to R. Curtis Monroe. It was moved, seconded and passed that the 1957 whiskey license be issued to Wilson 0. Metts, operating Metts Place, at Butler Avenue and Second Street. It was moved, seconded and passed that the regular meeting of Town Council be changed to 8 P M on the Second Wednesday of each month. It was the opinion of Council that for future private use, where a charge is made for the town's bull dozer, that this machine will not be rented out. It was moved, seconded and passed that bills for the month of April for General Goverh- ment amounting to $2,975.35 and bills for the Water_Department, amounting to $836.12, be paid. Councilman Lovell stated that for convenience in handling the meter water bills that the meters be read on the 25th day of each month. Mr. Lang was instructed to. notify Mr. Reed of this change. _ It was moved, seconded and passed that Henry M. Buckley be elected Clerk of Council and Ex- Officio Treasurer at an annual salary of $4,630.56 payable monthly; David A. McCutchen be elected Chief of Police and Ex- Officio Tax Collector at an annual salaryoof $3,704.40 payable monthly; Thomas M. Reed be elected Superintendent of Public Works Department and Water Department at an annual salary of $4,479.84 payable monthly; J. W. Lang be elected Manager, Water Department also Building & Plumbing Inspector, at an annual salary of $3,521.76 payable monthly; Anton F. Solms, Jr., be appointed Town Attorney at an annual fee of $1,089.00 and also be appointed Recorder at an annual salary of $943.80, both payable monthly; that Dr. W. D. Lundquist be appointed Health Officer with no salary or fees and that Dr. IC W. Otto be elected Assistant Health Officer with no salary or fees; that J. Guy Burke be appointed Chief of Fire Department at an annual salary of $360.00 payable monthly. 1