HomeMy Public PortalAbout19570814CCMeeting1 125 Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga., August 14, 1957. The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 8 P.M. in the Auditorium in the Town Hall for the purpose of hearing a mass meeting, which consisted of about 250 persons, pertaining to the location of the spur road to Little Tybee. The meeting was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided, councilmen Lovell, Meddin, Peters, Hosti, Maters, Hutton, Chief MoCutchen and Superintendent Reed. The Mayor asked for a spokesman for the meeting. Mr. A. Pratt Adams stated that he was speaking for one of the groups in attendance who were objecting to the building of a bridge to the south end of Tybee through either of the several streets to connect with Little Tybee. He stated that property owners in that area had spent considerable money through the years improving and developing as a residential section and that if a bridge were run across Tybee Inlet it would decrease the value of their property, and he was presenting a petitdn covering this. Mayor Brown asked how many persons filed protests with the U. S. Engineers, Mr. Adams Stated that the Engineers Office would not give information as to the number. Mr. E.C.Bobo stated that the island needs more business. Mr. R. H. Thompson stated that Butler Avenue would be the main artery for the business people. Mr. Carl Thompson stated that he had resided at Savannah Beach because he and his family like to live here and suggested that the opposing sides get together. Mr. Pratt Adams— agreed that it was a good idea for both sides to meet and try to adjust the matter, and also that Mr. J. A. Booker be invited to that meeting, and in the mean- time hold up the Resolution passed by council previously. Mayor Brown — Council will consider the request. There was considerable discussion for and against the several locations suggested for the bridge but the general consensus of all present was that the present dangerous road to Savannah Beach should be improved and widened at once. The Mayor called a meeting for Friday, August 16th at 8 P.M.,and invited both oups to send representatives. (Meeting vas later postponed to Monday, August 19th The meeting was closed in the Auditorium and Council proceeded to the Council Room and resumed the meeting. A Committee considting--of Mr. B.B. Cubbedge, Mrs. F. G. Doyle, F. G. Doyle, Reginald Cox, Charles Ellis, Ike Minkowitz. Mr. Cubbedge speaking for the group requested that something be done to correct the bad condition existing in the area of,Eleventh Street and the Strand after heavy rains when the entire area is under water for a considerable length of time. He stated that Thomas & Hutton had been emplpyed to work out an arrangement whereby this surplus water could be disposed of in a short time but that he did not have the drawing with him. The Mayor requested Mr. Cubbedge to have this survey forwarded to the Town so that it could be checked to see if this plan was feasible, Mr. Oubbedge agreed to do this. The Committee was excused. The Mayor decided to wait for the report of Thomas and Hutton and referred the matter to Councilman Hosti to handle. Mr. J. W. Rentiers requested that the Electrical Inspector be appointed from a resident on the island as he has no protection from other contractors from Savannah doing woik on the island. He asked if the fees had gone up for at the present time they seem to be double. At present the Electrical Inspector is paid by the Town each month and he thought it should be handled differently. Councilman Hosti stated he had found a person on the island who could serve as Electrical Inspector and that he would try and get together with him. Mr. Rentiers stated that at a recent meeting of the electrical men that Section PA" of the electrical code was discussed, which had to do with the height of wire on buildings, and was to come up at this meeting, he was excused. 126 Superintendent Reed stated that a new refrigerator with a freezer was needed at the Convict Camp, Councilman Meddin stated that he would check and see if he had one available. Mr. Reed reported that the roof at the Fire Station should be re- paired at once. Chief MCCutchen stated that he had contactdd the Humane Society in Savannah with the view of ridding the island of stray dogs but at this time they do not. have available facilities. He also stated that the Town had been loaned a rescue truck by the Civil Defense authorities which would require instructing a group of men to operate it and that he was going to ask Fire Chief Burke to make some of the members of the Volunteer Fire Department available for operating it. Councilman Hutton asked what is the.. status of the Ambulance since it was turned over to the Town, that the Police Department were to operate and take care of it. Chief McCutchen reported that.all places serving alcoholic drinks would be closed at 2 A.M. and that the package shops would be closed at midnight. "---A petition for approval of a sub - division in the vicinity of Lazaretto Creek and South Channel was presented by Mr. Frank Mathews. The matter vas referred to the Planning Board. Bills for the Month of Ally for General Government amounting to $3,566.02 and bills for the Water Department amounting to $618.30 were on motion made and seconded, were approved. Councilman Lovell wanted to know what had Mr. Walsh done about the drainage line, he also stated that the drainage on the entire island should be checked. ,Councilman Waters stated that he felt that the salary of the Chief of Police should be inc -eased $25.00 per month. Councilman Peters moved that the increase be granted effective august 1, 1957, Councilman Waters seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Meddin moved that the bill of the Thomas Plumbing Company against the Sunny Charles Apartments for cleaning out the sever line amounting to $5.00 be paid. Councilman Peters seconded and the motion passed. • The Mayor informed Council that he had purchased a small type bulldozer from Fort Pulaski for $463.50 and asked that Council approve his action. Councilman Hosti moved that the action of the Mayor be confirmed, Council Peters seconded and the motion passed. The matter of the Jewel Tea Company being charged. $50.00 for 1957 business license was protested, referred to the License Committee. It was moved, seconded and passed that a telephone bill amounting to $13.45 charged to Mayor Strong be paid. . A petition was presented for the placing of street lights at Seventeenth Place on the Strand and also Seventeenth Place and Butler Avenue, referred to the Mayor. It was the opinion of Council that the Board stick to the idea of wanting the present road and bridges to Savannah Beach widened and to let Little TJ'bee take care of it- self. There being no her business, Council adjourned, subjedt to the call of the Mayor. Clerk o/ Council Mayor