HomeMy Public PortalAbout20200505 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes TOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes – May 5, 2020 Remote Meeting via Zoom 6:30 PM Select Board Members Present: Brendan Tedstone, Chair, John Coutinho, Vice Chair, Brian Herr, Irfan Nasrullah, Mary Jo LaFreniere Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER​: Mr. Tedstone called the public meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Mr. Tedstone called the name of each Select Board member, and each responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear him. Mr. Tedstone called the names of staff members, Mr. Khumalo and Ms. Lazarus, who responded affirmatively that they were present. Mr. Tedstone called the name of anticipated speakers on the agenda, and those present responded affirmatively. Mr. Tedstone stated that the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker’s Executive Order of March 12, 2020, due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. He noted that in order to mitigate the transmission of the visus, the Board is complying with the Executive Order that suspends the requirement of the Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location. He stated that the Executive Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely as long as the public body makes provisions through adequate, alternative means to ensure that interested members of the public are provided reasonable access to the deliberations of the meeting. He noted that this meeting will feature public comment. He noted that for this meeting the Board is convening by video conference via Zoom App as posted on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Board’s agenda identifying how the public may join. He stated that the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM. He noted that the meeting is being recorded and some attendees are participating by video conference. Mr. Tedstone stated that all supporting materials that have been provided to the Board are available on the Town website via the web meeting calendar, unless otherwise noted. Mr. Tedstone reviewed the ground rules of the meeting including how speakers, board members and the public may participate. He stated that all votes taken in the meeting will be conducted by roll call vote. Board members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM​: Mr. Tedstone asked if anyone participating wishes to make a public comment. Tom Garabedian, Town Moderator, Davenport Ln., questioned whether the annual town meeting will still be held on June 22 and if it could be limited to financial articles. It was 1 noted that the Board will be discussing the matter later in the meeting, including whether a postponement to September may be best. Mr. Garabedian suggested a committee that includes the Town Manager, Moderator, Town Clerk and others could be useful in discussing the issues. COVID-19 UPDATE​: Shaun McAuliffe, Health Director, provided an update to the Board. He noted that 190 residents have been managed by the Health Dept. to date, and at this time there are 66 active cases, 29 recoveries and 10 confirmed deaths. He noted that of the 55 active cases at Golden Pond, most are asymptomatic and the facility is working with the Mass. Depts. of Public Health and Elder Affairs. He noted that the Hopkinton Health Dept. is working with all of the Town’s high density locations on best practices. He stated that contact tracing is being done by school nurses, and it does not appear that there is community spread at this time. He stated they are starting to prepare for the next phase, which is phased reopening in accordance with State requirements, and they are prepared to help implement as needed. He noted that isolation fatigue will increase as the weather gets better, but people need to keep up social distancing, face covering, etc., and tomorrow the Governor’s order requiring face covering becomes effective. He noted that people should have a face covering with them whenever they leave the house, so they are prepared to use it when required. Mr. McAuliffe noted that in addition to COVID-19, the Health Dept. is preparing for EEE and tick season. It was noted that the Central Mass. Mosquito Control group will treat wetlands for West Nile Virus soon, and the Town will work to coordinate a plan for high activity and poorly drained areas identified in the recent MVP grant project. The Board thanked all those involved in the COVID-19 response and noted that the information provided to residents has been great. CONSENT AGENDA​: ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Herr to approve the Consent Agenda, consisting of: 1) approval of the Minutes of the Select Board meeting on April 28, 2020; and 2) accept the following Ambulance Fund gifts: $25 from John & Julia Cade, $50 from Oskar & Carol Feldmann in memory of Franis Pyne, and $25 from Robyn & Aaron Lawyer in memory of Francis Pyne. ​ROLL CALL:​ Mr. Tedstone-Yes; Mr. Coutinho-Yes; Mr. Herr; Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0​. FY 2020 AND 2021 BUDGET AND ANNUAL TOWN MEETING UPDATES​: Mr. Khumalo noted that the Town continues to refine estimates of revenue for the next year and continues to revisit planned spending. He stated that he will have a broader view of FY2021 at the next meeting. He noted that Town and School staff and elected leaders are continuing to collaborate on a plan for the FY 2021 budget. He added that as it appears that a June 22 annual town meeting may not be possible, they are considering monthly budgets after July 1, and it would mean deferring capital projects and a final budget to a possible September annual town meeting. Mr. Tedstone noted that the State’s State of Emergency is scheduled to expire on May 18, and asked how it would affect the local State of Emergency and operations if it does expire. Mr. Khumalo noted it depends on the nature of what the Governor does, and he expects a thoughtful planned and coordinated approach to what happens next. Mr. Herr asked if the Town Election would also be postponed, and Mr. Khumalo stated that the June 29 election would proceed, adding that if the annual town meeting requires ballot questions, then a special election 2 would have to be scheduled. A question was raised as to the safety of holding an election on June 29. Connor Degan, Town Clerk, stated that people can vote by mail, and he would encourage that. He stated he will be requesting a decrease in hours at the polls. TOWN MANAGER REPORT​: Mr. Khumalo noted that with respect to the Main Street Corridor Project, the documents have been recorded so this hurdle has been cleared. He noted that on April 30, 2020 the MPO approved the $11,346,564 TIP budget for the project. He stated he is pleased to note that the Town received a $3,000,000 MassWorks grant to assist with funding. He stated the project is fully funded. Mr. Khumalo requested that the Board lift the hiring freeze to allow the hiring of a Dispatcher and Firefighter/Paramedic. He stated that the terms of the SAFER grant requires the hiring of the Firefighter or the Town will not be in compliance with the grant. He noted that filling the Dispatcher vacancy, created by a resignation, will save overtime costs. The Board discussed the need for the positions, including for COVID-19 response, and the form of the motion to be made. MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah that the Select Board allow the Town to fill the following positions: 1) Dispatcher; 2) Firefighter/Paramedic. ​ROLL CALL: Mr. Tedstone-Yes; Mr. Coutinho-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes. Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0​. LIAISON REPORTS​: There were no liaison reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS​: There were no future agenda items identified. MOVED ​by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to adjourn the meeting. ​ROLL CALL:​ Mr. Tedstone-Abstain; Mr. Coutinho-Yes; Mr. Herr-No; Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes. ​Vote to Approve​: ​Yes-3, No-1​. Adjourned: 7:30 PM Approved: May 19, 2020 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the 4/28/20 Select Board meeting ●Memo dated 5/1/2020 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo re: Staff Report - Select Board May 5, 2020 Meeting 3