HomeMy Public PortalAboutEIGHTH ST_2.pdfLKS, DEPAR I Mit-N7 OF" MC)MELAIMR) SVAk)RI IV' ERJEVA'11011N mJ V L INO EX�41'51JOF� 1010tkK JI'Ul�y 1, �01 1:,5 ..... ... ... Rrnp ortwit, Rend ffm instrucAle7ni Ones 'I SECTION A, PROPER ff INFORMATION t,,IT ANCt.'CCMAPANY WR E, umbm Marnp illy N A2^ fttl0ri) StreetAckhew% (in0udln9A1i.,a,_ Unit, SkMe, ondlar SIdg,, No,) ear IP (1 Rouitcand Box hk), Company NAKII Winher 2 Sver.l C111 ..•,..,,"....,, ............. . ....... .... . State ZIP Ck"Op 31328 A3, l5ropwiy Desoyipfllon (Lot find Bioc* lqurnbers,'Dix tiv rnber, Loqat Desmipfion, Lets 1, 2, 3, & 4, a Su�,d�Vsiun o"' Baacl; 48, VVard 2, Cfl.ly of Tybee ft.,land, Ct.atharn (!oun4', PIT4; 4­,N)06,20.0�1 M&p DocA 2, 301, . . ......... . . ..... . ..... -..__1-1_.11.1- . ..... .... ­­­­­ . ..... .... A4. Building Use (e.g., Residential, Non -Residential, Addition, Acwssory, etc.) AS, Latitude/Longitude: Lat. ' fL0034 Long, :-8-0,843Q Horizontal Datum: El NAD 1927 N NAD 1983 A6. Attach at least 2 photographs of ft building If the Certill(mte Is being used to obWn, flood insurance, A7, Building Diagram Number � A& For a building with a crawispece or endosure(,$)- Ag. For a, building vAlh an attached garage - a) Square footage of orawlspace or enclosure(s) M-1 Sol ft s) Square footage of attached garage Ll 2- sq it b) Number of permanent flood openings in the craMspace b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage or endosure(s) within 1,0 foot above adjacent grade vAthin 1.0 foot above adjacent grade 6 c) Total net area of flood openings in AS,b sq In c) Total net area of flood openings In A9,b I_M sq in d) Engineered flood openings? Yes 0 No d) Engineered flood openings? 0 Yes El No SECTION B-- FLOOD INISURANCE RATu E MAP [F`L1R,!t),IN1F0,RMAT10N f-32, 0cminty Name 83, itate . ....... ..... BI NFII',' C ornmunity Naa-te CurnmunIty Number Clty afTybee isIard 135164 Chathain (K . . . ....... .. .... .... ... . . ... . ...... it, FIRM Irldex DX�nG: B'7� F'iRtA Parm W.3, f�'-iaad 99 Ba,;e Ftood ec, tivelklevised Date '��One(n) AO, ixaso R E34, MapiPana+ Numbclr X 13061CO02,14 F [7/20 9/261008 AE ''1441',frea u. . ......... ................. 810. EiGVatierJn (Br-l'E.) dr4fa or biwie flo(A riepth entered in from 89� FiS Profile FIRM Community Determined Other/Source: B11. lrrd'icate elevation datunt used for BFE in Item BO; r) NGVD 1929 N NAVD 1988 E3 ftef/Source� B12, to the building lowled in a Coastal Harrier Resources Systwn (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? Y( -j No Deswnation Date� El CSRS El OPA , m „- x....-, v--.",„"-.I.--..�.111.1-1-.,-^,-11�11.11,.�....--..-....'..�.,..,-.-.....—,.,.-�-.,...I.I.-I-..".--".",.--...-w-.11^..","".11,m-.,m,�,,��m���w-°,-,-..,.'ll'..'.,,l- SECTION C,- BUILDING, EIXVAT�ON INFORMATION (8LJRVPYlmQU1REl)) Gl . Building elevations are based on. Constmotion Dravvings* Building Under Finished Construction 'A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the buildinq is uxnpiete. CZ. Elevations -,Zones AI -A30, AS, AH, A (withBFr-), VE, VI -V30, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA, ARIAS, AMAI­A30, AR/Afl, ARIAO. Complete items C2,a-h below ao=rding to the building diagram specified In Item A7, In Puerto Rico only, enter motels, Benchmark Utilized! Lpc-r� Vertical Datum: NA Ig 19A4 Indicate elevation datum used lbr Me elevations in ilerMS a) ftoUgh h) below, 0 NGVD 1929 W NAVD 1988 El OftlelSource__ Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE_ Chpa the rneasureynent used. a) Top of bottorn floor (ind: Wing basernsill,orawlspace, or endomirp, floor) feet meters b) 'Top of the next Ngher floor feet meters C) Bottom of Ole lowast horizorltal structundl member (V Zones only) feet rneters d) Attached garage (top of slab) feet MMels of Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing flies buildin.g 16,3 feet rnotcrr, (Deswibe type of eqWpment and location in 0A)rnments) i]i Lowest adjarm -it (Wehed) grade next to buiWlinq (LAG) 8.7 feel moters g) Highest RdJacant (finished) guide next to brAd"ng (HAG) 8,7 feet meters h) Lowest adjamit grade at k>vvest elevation of der* or slairs, incl4u6ing Mrudurai supnprt feet meters .... . ......__1 SE,CTIO,N D -- SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CEIRTIFICATiON This certification is to be Signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or archhect autharized by law to certify devation inta.,rnation. I certify ltraf the ONanatfor; on this Certificate represents my best effants to infefpral the data eve/hp- ale. undersfand that tarry talsestatement rnaybe purdshable by firks, or finprisonment undar 18 U & Code, Section 1001, N Check here if comnients rare providerlon bac* offonn, Wore lafflude and longitude In Section A provided by as 0 Check We if attac;hrrtenis. ifeensed land surveyor? Yes [I No Mr,"ne Vn nv G Lh�ris:e iiurnk�er, (11% fl_Sft 2483 . . ............ ... . ........... q�, ° �M� .......... 0 014 ................ ,]W%, F�gvri'(,19fP6,33 �211 ccX10rmaIlicm" Pmviours EI-EVA"TION GE1,111FICA] E, page 2 -WMRSWT'Z�i"�-in thoss spaces, copy the cow'w(�spondlnq inforrrmlloo Froin Section A., FOR iNSLKIANCE CC-MARANY lJSF.', Addno!,�.,s (inc1uAng Apt- Lklil' sultn' nrxlfcer rVdg, No, ) ry P i'iot uo' arld Box W. F'Oky NUTIbUT' 2 1�" Strew f ....... ... . ..... . .. .. Sfalv ZIP Code Cornp,'iny NAiC Nwrtber: tw 1,61land "3A SECTICill D- SURVEYOR, ENONEAR, OR AlRcHirrECT CERTIF lf)A-T*14 (COK'1'111NUE-) . . . . ...........aw Opy bo!h sides, of 0,8s Elevation CeritficMe for (1) Community Lfficial" (2) Insurance agent/comparry, and (3) WiLding owner. ....................................._...._..w_..,._..._._ vents section Abd: Engineered vent modefff"Ni'05 FLOOD FLAPS LLC FLOOD VENT, See atta6ed Section LAW� Enqineered vont rnodel#FFNF05 FLOOD FLAPS LLC FLOOD VENT, See altached certification. Section C2: Benchmark utilized was estabfished using "EGPS"' GPS base station network. Etevalions shown are refefenced to !NAVD 88 (12) Section C2e.' Lowest elevation of ma0linery servicing buRding is top of HVAC compressor pad. Notep-Ir The height of tihe buildirq is 33, V above, the adjacent grade. I I r I I I I I : fON E �BUII,,DIt-:'ILEVATIt')N INFORMATIlON i(WJIVER NOTREQUIRED) FOR CIE ACS AND ZOINE A(WITI,1011.0'r BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), oomplate Items E1 --E5. If the Certificate is intended tel suppoa a LO MA or LOMR.-F r&quest, CrAnplew Sections A, B, and C. For herons E1 -E4, use natural grade, if available. Check,the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. E I Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation! is above or bMow the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and thea lowest adjacent grade (LAG). -motors 0 above or [-J below the HAG. a) Top of bottorn floor (including basement, orawispace, or enclosure),lis .._......m LJ feet E -J b) Top of bottom flo(w (including basement craw0space, or enclosure) is I below the LAG, 0 feet rJ meters E] above or L E.2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A iterns 8 and/or 9 (see pages 8-9 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2,b in the diagrams) of the building Is, 0 feet E] meters 0 above or [] below the HAG. 1-3, Attached garage (top of slab) Is . ..... [3 feet E] meters 0 above or below the HAG. E4. Top of: platfomn of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building Is.feet [3 meters r ] above or 0 below the HAG, E5i Zone AO p)j,piy4 no flood depth infir"bev i's availabk"�' is the top of file bottom Roof, elevatimJ ki accordarce with the corurnunity's fioodpUfln managenierit ordirv-=0 [,] Yc* No [I UnRrtown. "Dw: bcai offibM must uefkdy Inh,iinfornmuon in $eoliorf G, ... . .. . ... SECI ION F'- tit OPER11f OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTWICATiON Me property owne'� or owner'southorized rel,'q'esefitaflve, wilo completes Sncliwis ond E for&pne A (Yvithout a F`ENIA-isr.,rued m' confirnm0ly-issued o8 7ona AC mlAutsigi heFe, The stZfemenis in Smdiorls At B, aod iz me to irm best of my knowledge, ... .... .... . pj,)ixmy ICWtpls or Onec's Ao!""'of;zeo Map; e'attwfive's Name 'ku p p I1 - - - - - ------ - -- - --------- - - - - SECTION G COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL.) lca(aal aafficlaai cis thi; 7z6=4jy Law or owlnance to ardfninislei the coinmunity's floodplain rnwiagemerit ordinance can complete Sections A. !B, C (or E), and G of this Elpvathm Certificate-, CA)mpiote the apphcable iteni(s) und sgn bolo w. Ciffeck Iho rneosurrxneft wieti lrl Jttywls Iri Puoto Ric x) only, enter nlet(m& G'L F Who The ink=sbon in SocU on C was taken from other douxnenkation ftit has been signexi and sealod by a firpn5cd sf,vveyor, enj..';lneer, m is w4thorized by law to vertIN ct(edeath att infonrlation. (Indicate the sour N, and rhate ef the olevat:,Dr; dal.,l it) rr,e Cornments area below.) G2. r. j A conimunity officiai 1mTripleked Se�.:'fion E tclr A buffldinq lQcz1i.,o,1, ""n Zone A (wit*lovt as FEh4A-1ssLfd (,.4- SFE) or Zone AQ G3, 'I he Wowrng inforynation eltemis G4-CY10) provided for corivniunRy floodpfain fminagernait purposes. 1 1 110 G7" This permit has been issued for: EJ New ConstnAction Substantial Improvement 08, Elevation of as -built lowest floor (Including basement) of the building: Datum (39. BFE or (io Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site: motors Daturn G10. Community's design flood elevation : aletws, Datura Local. Officia,"s Name Titte Community Narne Tanleptnorne Signature Date Comments ........... . ....... ............. ..... .. . ... " .. ..... .... . . . ............... . .. .... .. . . . r FFMA �:'orrn pircwiv'�s qr��Jifif'ws' Ek,,EVATY)PJ URTIF"ICATE., page 3 Building Photographs for itetro X`3. 11IMFIORTANT: In theseSpaces, �CoPy tljo c(,�rresporsidl rig infcwmation ftq)m Sectlon A., r�OIIAISIIIIANCF. C,011PANY I NSE BuikEng Street Addrass (Irv%Kfing Apt- Urk, SOM, anodh% Bkfg No o� RO, Route wW Dox No. ftkq Nuirrilier 2 'Ii Street 8" -1 G, - i I �y 1-1 S Wt ZIP Corle Cornli)my NAlf,,'Number 31,328 .... . . ..... If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP food Insurance, affix at least 2 building photographs below according to th:e instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs With date taken; Front View' and 'Rear View"; and, if required, 'Right Side View' and "Left Side View," When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents, as indicated In Section A8. if submitting m�ore photographs than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page. ..... . ....... . .... . .. ............ . ... ......... ..... ... . . ... . F R 0 NT VI E W 9/1/2016 REAR V1lEW 91112016 - - ------ --- - I EF'T' SIDE VfIBN MGHT SIDVIEW 9/1 /2 1 j 9/1/20116 .... . ... .. ... . ... . . . .... . .. . .. .. .. ....... . . ..12,i- . ............. .. Ti -MA F'orin (7112) Replw,as�, all r"vVious ��EL.EIVA nON CER"Y'IFICKrE, page 4 Building Photographs contkmmt��orl Page IMPORTAINT`In these Spares, COPY the correspondhig Information frorn Sectlim A, FOR INSURANCE i.rvAA ��Nw��Y,��U'SE; ulkPnq Stre6l[,A&ires,-; (:rvJu6nq aat., UrM, Subt, r��ndlor Bldg, oir PA Romte and (3ox No.. PoPq Na,rrfac r: 2 8 StrBert . ... .... ...... State 7 1 P , C' od e C4)rnpany NAIC Nufj��bk. -A, Y TO v ru I s km d GAA 31 32 8 I,f sk&rrOtIng more photol9vaphiS than W11 fit (01 Ole Procc)Ong ��)aqe, aftx the addftiw'iiW photographs bMow, WerAfy all pimtographs w4h: date taken ; "Front 'Vkm" and "Row- VieW"; and, K req ukeW, "Rght Side &eve' and "Left 94do View" V*ieri appificabie, Photographs vnta,"A slum the foiundalbn w[th ropreuentafive exarnpies ol Hie Miod opew-Ongs orw:,oits, w4i 4tdicoted in &)cflon A8 . . .. .... ... . .. .... ........... . . ... ... ..... . .. .... ..... .. . . . ......... r . . ..... . . . . ........ o,TNA Foi ro 0610 -'J' 33 (7/12) Roplacos