HomeMy Public PortalAbout19600511CCMeeting28 Savannah Peach, Tybee island, Ga. May 11, 1960. The regular meeting of Town council was held today at 4 P.M. in the Council Room in the Town Hall and was attended by Mayor Drown, who presided, and councilmen Peters, Powers,, Waters, Lovell, Meddin, Hosti, Town Attorney Solms, Supt. Reed, Chief McCutchen, R. H. Thompson, Mrs. Johnnie Haught and Mrs. Katherine Huggins. Mrs. Haught requested permission to operate a concession on the beach renting chairs and umbrellas. Mrs. Haught was excused. Mrs. Huggins commented on the flower show to be held this coming Sunday by the garden clubs and wanted the com_runity house cleaned so that they could use it. She also suggested that as to the clearing of the lots that someone from Savannah be engaged to come down and do the work.. Mrs. Huggins was excused. Mr. Thompson read copy of a letter that the Chamber of Commerce proposes to send to the property owners and asked that Council approve it, which Council did and Mr. Thompson was excused. Nr. Reed stated that he was short of help. He also stated that he was assembling material for showers on the beach, that more chlorine had been added to the water system, that the floor in the mess hall at the convict camp must be tiled, that the Health Department has called attention to the condition of the hood over the range at the convict camp, also that the Tent t,Street storm sewer is blocked and that something must be done. This matter was referred to Councilman Hosti and Super- intendent Reed to Handle. The minutes of the meeting of April 13th were read and adopted. Chief McCutchen stated that he had not started checking on the business licenses as yet, that he needs an additional police officer. Councilman Waters moved that the Police Department employ an additional policeman effective May 15th. The Mayor informed Council that the Chief had requested than an emergency auxiliary police unit be formed for volunteer work. The Chief stated that he had gotten prices on uniforms and Councilman Peters asked what about fire arms, th's was referred to Mr. Solms. The Mayor instructed the Chief to see that dice tables and other gambling paraphernalia must not be allowed to operate and if any place does operate then the Chief is to close such place for a week and if it is repeated a second time the Town will revoke the offenderts license and also that all rest rooms must be made available without having to pass through other rooms. Councilman Waters moved that a set of tear gas equipment, a kit to cost $289.00, be purchased. The motion was seconded and passed. Chief McCutchen will purchase this item. The Mayor asked the Chief if traffic violators, especially teen agers, were prt in jail for this offense and the Chief stated that if they were from out of town. It was moved, seconded and passed that 411960 Pontiac be purchased for use by the Police Department at a cost of $3109.80, less 31895.80 for a trade —in, making a net amount of $1214.00. Bills for the month of April for General Government amounting to $2.72.67 and for the Water Department amounting to $187.68 were upon motion made, seconded and passed for payment. 29 Councilman Lovell asked what is to be clone with the condemned buildings and the Mayor stated that the Health Department and the Electrical Inspector stated that they were a menace and should be torn down. Mr. Solms suggested that the Town must give the owners an onportun -ty to be heard either in court or at a meeting of Council as the property owner must have due process of law. The Mayor suggested having a special meeting of Council to handle this. Mr. Solms stated they could also be placed on the docket. Councilman Waters stated that he had been approached by property owners and residents in the area where the Kaminsky cottage burned down several years ago, near the public dock, wanting this area cleaned up. It was moved, seconded and passed that the regular meeting of Town Council be held at 8 P.A. and that Council meet on the second Wednesday of each month. Councilman Lovell asked why the proposed new Post Office building was not located in the center of the Town. Councilman Hosti informed Council that the Water Department needed a new 1/2 ten truck. It was moved, seconded and passed that the truck be purchased and that Councilman Hosti handle the matter. The Mayor informed Council that the Tybee Development Company needed a quit claim deed for a portion of Dovewood Drive from the Town and requested that it be granted. It was moved, seconded and passed that the request of the Tybee Development Company be granted. The Mayor stated -hat the matter of dezoning the area in which the Go —Cart Track is to operate was not discussed with the Planning Board. Mr. Solms stated that the Planning Board should have a hearing and handle the matter. It was moved, seconded and passed that Lots 7 through 13, Block 25 and Lots 1 through 22, Block 31, be dezoned to permit the operation of commercial activities except alcoholic beverages. Mr. Solms informed Council that Mr. E.C.Bobo h&i appealed his case of wanting to disfranchise the non — resident owners liming in Chatham County from voting in the Town elections,had been appealed to the U. S. Sppreme Court. It was moved, seconded and passed that Mrs. Johnnie Haught be granted permission to operate a concession of renting beach chairs and umbrellas along the Strand from First Street to Eighteenth Street and that a license fee of X25.00 be charged. A peti »o of Mr. L.A.McDonough for a reduction in the assessment on improvements on Lot # +-1 W,3 -was again denied by Council. It was moved, seconded and passed that the petition of R. L. Beeland be granted in that X600.00 will be reduced on the improvements. Mr. Jimmy Overstreet, Jr requested permission to operate an ice cream push cart west of Butler Avenue and not in the area around Memorial Park. It was moved, seconded and passed that permission be granted and that a license fee of $10.00 be charged. A number of letters were received from property owners on Eighth Street East of Butler Avenue protesting against the proposed paving of Eighth Street and the erection of parking meters. Tybee School requested a street light on Fifth Street in the vicinity of the school. It was moved, seconded and passed that the request be granted, the Mayor will handle. 30 Mr. Walter M. Crawford and Mr. Michael Counihan, protested against the assessment placed on their property in Bay Ward. Referred to the Assessment Committee. A request of E. C. Bobo to erect a sign at First Street and Jones Avenue which had previously been denied was presented. It was moved, seconded and passed that permission to erect the sign in question. Council was informed that Mr. Earl Howard, an employee of the Town was in the hospital in Dublin and it was agre'd that his salary would be continued for the time being. 1 1