HomeMy Public PortalAbout02) 7A CCM August 19, 20141. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 19, 2014 AGENDA ITEM ?.A . Mayor Pro Tern Chavez called the City Council Regular Meeting to order at 7:32p.m. in the Counci l Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue , Temple City. 2 . ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT : Councilmember -Sternquist , Vizcarra, Yu , and Chavez Councilmember -Blum Interim City Manage r Penman, C ity Attorney Vail, City Clerk Kuo, Administrative Services Director Hause, Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs, Community Development Director Forbes , and Assistant to the City Manager/Economic Development Manager Councilmember Yu made a motion to excuse Mayor Blum 's absence. Se co nded by Councilmember Vizcarra . 3. INVOCATION Pastor Kikkert from Sunrise Community Church , 9642 E. Live Oak Ave , provided the Invocation . 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tern Chavez led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . 5. PRESE NTATIONS -None 6. PUBLIC CO MMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Jing Li, Temp le City Library Manager, announced upcoming library events. Peter Choi , Temple City Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) President/CEO , thanked City Council for th eir continued support of the Chamber. He also spoke regarding Chamber activities and goals. City Coun cil Mi n utes Augu st 19 , 2014 Page 2 of 13 7. CONSENT CALENDAR City C lerk Kuo a nnounce d correction s to th e m eeting minute s of City Counc i l Regu la r Meeting of August 5 (i .e ., page 10 item 13A and 13E. The up c oming stand ing committee dates should be in August , not September). Councilmember Vizcarra pulled item 71 and Counc ilmember Yu pulled item 7 J for staff presentation. Councilmember Vizcarra made a motion to approve the remainder of the consent calenda r items. Seco nded by Co unc ilmember Ste rnqu ist and ca rri ed by the foll owi ng vote s : AYES: ABSTAINED: NOES: ABSENT : Counc il member-St e rnq ui st , V izcarra , Yu , C havez Counc il member -None Counc ilmember -None Counc ilmember-Blum A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The City Council is requested to review and approve: 1) Minu tes of the City Counci l Special Meeting of Ju ly 30 , 2014 ; 2) Minutes of the City Council Spe cial Meeting of August 5 , 2 01 4 ; 3) Mi n utes of the City Co unci l Regular Meeti ng of August 5 , 2014; and 4) Minutes of th e City Council Speci a l Meeting of August 11 , 2014 . Action : Approved. B . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACTIONS -MEETING OF JULY 3 1,2014 The C ity Council is req ueste d to re v iew the Pa rks and Recreation Commission actions of their meeting of July 31 , 2014 . Action : Received and filed. C. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS-MEETING OF JULY 22 , 2014 The City Council is requested to review the Planning Commission actions of their meeting of July 22 , 2014 . Action : Rec eiv ed and f iled . D. TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ACTIONS - City Council Minutes A ugust 19, 2014 Pa ge 3 of 13 MEETING OF JULY 23 , 2014 The City Council is requested to review the Transportation and Public Safety Comm ission actions of their meeting of July 23 , 2014. Action : Rece ived and filed . E . FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP APPROVAL FOR TRACT MAP NO . 69905 , A SIX - UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 5949 CLOVERLY AVENUE The map has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer . The applicant has signed the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and placed the security deposit for street improvements . City's certification of the final map will allow the developer to record said map and start construction of the project. Action: 1) Received the Subdivision Improvement Agreement; 2) Approved the final subdivision map for Tract Map No . 69905 and dedications indicated on the map ; 3) Authorized the Interim City Manager to execute the Subd ivision Improvement Agreement ; and 4) Authorized the City Clerk to certify Tract Map No . 69905 . F. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT MAP NO. 71395 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIX CONDOMINIUMS AT 5416 -5420 WELLAND AVENUE Staff has reviewed the conditi ons of tentative tract map and conditional use permit approval for the project, and determined that all conditions that must be met prior to approval of the final tract map have been met. The final subdivision map for Tract No . 71395 is therefore ready for app roval and recordation . Action: 1 . Made findings as enumerated in the attached letter from the Los Angeles County Publi c Works Department; 2 . Approved and accepted the work agreements and improvement securities specified in the attached Multiple Agreement from the Los Angeles County Public Works Department; City Council Minutes August 19, 2014 Page 4 of 13 3 . Approved the final subdivision map for Tract Map No . 71395 and dedications indicated on the map; and 4. Authorized the City Clerk to certify Tract Map No. 71395 . G. APPROVAL OF A SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH ONTARIO REFR IGERATIO N S ERVI C E, I NC . FOR ME CH AN IC A L , M AI NTENANCE , AND REPAIR SERVICES FOR HEATING, VENTILATION , AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AT CITY FACILITIES It is standard practice for cities to periodically issue RFPs for contract services to ensure th at they are receiving a competitive price for services . It is staff's assessme nt that Ontario Refrigeration Service, Inc. has the best combination of experience , competitive pricing , and knowle dge of th e City's facilities and HVAC equipment to provide the requested services. Action : Reviewed and approved a Service Agreement with Onta ri o Refrigeration Services, Inc. for mechanical , maintenance , and repair services for heating ventilation , and air condition ing systems at City facilities and authorized Interim City Manager to finalize and execute the Service Agreem ent with Ontario Refrigeration Service , In c. H. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION ACTIONS -MEETING OF AUGUST 6 , 2014 The City Counci l is requested to review the Publ ic Arts Commission actions of their meeting of Augu st 6 , 2014. Action : Received and filed. K . PETT Y CA SH REPORT AN D V IS A CARD REPORT The City Council is requested to review, receive and file the Petty Cash and Visa Card Report. Action : Received and filed . L. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 14-5022 APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF BILLS The City Counci l is requested to adopt Resolution No. 14-5022 authorizing the payment of bills for Fiscal Year 2013-14. City Counci l Minutes August 19, 2014 Page 5 of 13 Action : Adopted Resolution No. 14-5022. M. ADOPTI ON OF RESOLUT ION NO . 14-5023 APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF BILLS The City Council is requested to adopt Resolution No. 14-5023 authorizing the p ayment of bi lls for Fi scal Year 2014-15. Action : Ado pted Resolution No. 14-5023. Consent Agenda Items 71 and 7 J were pulled by City Councilmembers for staff presentation. I. CITY WATER CONSERVATION EFFORTS UPDATE Even though the City itself is not a water purveyor, there is a role to play recognizing that many residents look to the City for guidance and information on important issues fac ing the community, such as this water crisis. Interim City Manager Penman gave a summary of the staff report . Community Development Director Forbes answered questions f rom Council members. Mayor Pro Tern Chavez opened public comment. Hearing no request to speak, Mayor Pro Tern Chavez closed public comment. Councilmember Vizcarra made a motion to receive and file the report on the City's water conservation efforts . Seconded by Councilmember Sternquist and carried by the following votes: AYES: ABSTAINED: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmember-Sternquist, Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez Councilmember-None Councilmember-None Councilmember-Blum J. ACCEPT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS , AND AUTHORIZE BID ADVERTISEMENT FOR DEMOLI T ION ACTIVITIES AT 5800 T EMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Acceptance of, and authorization to circulate the bid advertisement will solicit proposals fo r demolition activities at 5800 Temple City Boulevard . This action will initiate a tangible redevelopment effort to prepare the property for future reuse . City Council Minutes August 19, 2014 Page 6 of 13 Councilmember Yu spoke regarding the Future Development of City Properties Standing Committee meeting of August 15. He asked City Council to consider continuing this item so staff can bring back recommendations for use of the property. Mayor Pro Tern Chavez opened public comment. Jerry Jambazian , Temple City business owner, spoke against delaying the demotion of the property. Hearing no request to speak, Mayor Pro T em Chavez closed public comment. Interim City Manage r Penman stated that staff will bring back recommendations for the use of the property at the next regular meeting of September 2. Councilmember Yu made a motion to table this item until the September 2 City Council meeting to allow staff to bring back a more commensurate recommendation for the use of the property. Seconded by Councilmember Vizcarra and carried by the follow ing votes: AYES: ABSTAINED: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmember-Sternquist, Vizcarra , Yu, Chavez Councilmember -None Council member-None Council member-Blum Mayor Pro Tern Chavez introduced Captain Donnie Mouldin , new captain with the Temple Sheriff Station. 8. PUBLIC HEARING A. APPROV AL OF ANNUAL FEE AND FINE SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 IN CORPORATIN G ALL C URRENT FEES A ND FINES AND ESTAB LI S HI NG NEW C IT Y FEES FOR PLANNING , PUBLIC WORKS , PU BLIC SA FETY AN D SE RVI CES, AND CO MMUN ITY PRESERVAT ION SER V IC ES The proposed Annual Fee and Fine Schedule for Fiscal Year 2014-15 includes new and revised fees and combines all fees and fines from separate schedules into a single Fee and Fine Schedule . Staff is recommending that the City Council continue the public hearing to a date uncertain to provide additional time for staff and Transtech to complete this analysis and ensure that the proposed fee revisions accurately reflect the reasonable costs of providing these services. City Counci l Minutes August 19, 2014 Page 7 of 13 Community Deve l opment Director Forbes gave a brief update regarding the status of annual fee and fine schedule for Fiscal Year 201 4-15. Mayor Pro T em Chavez ope ned public heari ng . Hearing no request to speak from the publ ic , Mayor Pro Tern Cha vez closed public hearing. Co uncilmember Y u made a motion to continue the publ ic hearing to a date uncertain to allow staff a dditio nal time to comp lete the ana lysis of the costs of p rov id ing perm it , inspection, and plan check services . Seconded by Councilmember Sternquist and carried by the following votes : AYES: ABSTAINED : NOES: ABSENT : Councilmember-Sternqu ist , Vizcarra , Yu , Chave z Councilmembe r -None Councilmember-None Council member -Blum B. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO . 14-995 AMEND ING SECTION 3 -5D -9 .D AND ADDING SECTION 3-5D-11 OF ARTICLE A OF CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 3 OF THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO DOGS IN PUBLIC PARKS C urre ntly, th e City prohi b its t he en trance of any do g or domesticated an im al wit hi n City parks pursuan t to Sect ion 3-5 D-9 .D of the T emp le C ity Mu nicipal Code . Adopt ion o f Ordinance No. 14-995 will allow leashed dogs in certain areas of the City's parks finalizing a recommendation from the recent ly adopted Parks and Open Space Master Pl an. Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs gave a brief summary of the staff report and answered q uestion s from Councilmembers . Mayor Pro T em Chavez opened pub li c hearing . Jerry Jambazian , Temple City business owner, asked if there will be different signs i nstall ed at the T em pie City Park versus Live Oak Park. Mayor Pro Tern Chavez asked City Attorney Vail if the ordinance should be rev i ewed by t he J oint Powe r Insurance Authority (JP IA). City Attorney Vail recommen ds introducing the ordinance f o r fi rst rea d ing tonight but still subm it s the ordinance to JPIA for rev iew . Hearing no furth er request to spea k, Mayor Pro Tern Chavez clos ed public hearing. City Council Minutes August 19 , 2014 Pag e 8 of 13 Councilmember Sternquist made a motion to i nt roduce Ord inance No . 14-995 for first reading by title only, amending Section 3-5D-9.D and adding Section 3- 5D-11 of Article A of Chapter 5 of Title 3 of the Temple City Municipal Code; waived further reading of Ordinance No . 14-995; directed staff to have Joint Power Insurance Authority review the ordinance for liability issues; and scheduled the second reading of Ordinance No. 14-995 for September 2, 2014. Seconded by Mayor Pro T em Chavez and carr ied by th e follow ing votes: AYES : ABSTA INED: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmember-Sternquist, Vizcarra, Yu , Chavez Councilmember-None Councilmember-None Co unci lmember-Blum 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS-None 10. NEW BUSINESS A. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 14-5021 APPROVING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT FOR FIFTH SUPERVISORIAL DISTR ICT EXCESS FUNDING , APPROVING THE REQUIRED YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PLAN , AND AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT FOR THE 2014 COMPETITIVE EXCESS FUNDS GRANT PROGRAM The City Council is requested to adopt Resolution No . 14-5021 authorizing the Interim City Manage r or his design ee to apply for the 2015 Competit ive Excess Grant Program to fund a new rubberized walking/jogging path at Live Oak Park . Pa rks and Recreat ion Director Burrough s gave a summary of the staff re port . Mayor ProTem Chavez opened public comment. Hearing no request to speak, Mayor Pro T em Chavez closed public comment. Councilmembe r Yu made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 14-5021 approving the filing of an application for grant funds , approving the required Youth Employment Plan ; and authorized the Interim City Manager or his designee to execute all necessary appl ications, contracts, agreements, amendments and payment requests for 2015 Competitive Excess Funds Grant Program (2015 Grant Program). Seconded by Councilmember Vizcarra and unanimously carried by the following votes: City Council Minutes August 19, 2014 Page 9 of 13 AYES : ABSTAINED: NOES: ABSENT : Council member -Sternquist, V izcarra, Yu , Ch avez Council member-None Council member-None Council member-Blum B. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH BRYAN COOK FOR THE POSITION OF CITY MANAGER The approval of the Employment Agreement for the City Manager is necessary to fill a critical position with the City. The City Manager is the chief executive officer of the City and serves as department head for the Management Services Department. He/she is responsible for the efficient direction of all departments and the admin istrative affairs of the C ity , including direct support to the City Council. The candidate must still successfully complete his Live Scan check and physical exam inatio n. Mayor Pro T em Chavez shared a brief overview of the City Manager selection process. Interim City Manager Penman gave a brief summary of the staff report. Interim City Manager Penman announced that Section 4.1 of the employment agreement was amended to reflect a six month severance pay for termination not for cause. Interim City Manager Penman announced that Mr. Cook is scheduled to tentatively start on September 15 upon completion of his Live Scan check and physical examination . City Councilmembers made comments regarding the recruiting process. Mayor ProTem Chavez opened public comment. Hearing no request to speak from the public , Mayor Pro T em Chavez closed public comment. Councilmember Yu made a motion to approve the City Manager Employment Agreement with amendment to Section 4.1 of the employment agreement ; and authorize the Mayor and City Attorney to execute an Employment Agreement with Bryan Cook effective upon successful completion of his Live Scan check and physical examination. Seconded by Councilmember Vizcarra and carried by the following votes : AYES: ABSTAINED : NOES: ABSENT: Councilmember-Sternquist, Vizcarra, Yu, Chavez Councilmember -None Council member -None Councilmember-Blum City Council meeting recessed at 8 :59 p.m. and reconvened at 9 :05 p.m. City Counc il M inutes Augus t 19 , 2014 Pa ge 10 of 13 11 . COMMUNICATIONS -None 12. UPDATE FROM CI TY MANAGER Interim City Manager Penman made the following announcements : City will host its las t two "Concerts in t he Park" on W ednesday, August 20 a nd next Wednesday, August 27 . He thanked the sponsors for their support of the City's summer concert series . Interim City Manager Penman also thanked City Council for the opportunity to work for the C ity . 13. COUNCIL REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. ROSEM EA D BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor Blum )-Formed 6/3/2011 Councilmember Yu reported on their meeting of August 15 . The committee will meet again o n Septem ber 12 to ad dress th e re ma ining pun c h l is t items. B. SCHOOL DISTRICT/CITY STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Pro Tern Chavez and Mayor Blum)-Formed 1/3/2012 No Report. C . CITY CODE REVIEW STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor ProTem Chave z and Councilmember V izca rra )-Formed 11 /6/2012 No Report. D. CI V IC CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDING CO MMITTEE (Council member Yu and Mayor Blum)-Form ed 5/13/2013 No Report. E . STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor ProTem Chavez and Mayor Blum )-Formed 1/27/2014 Mayor Pro Tern Chavez reported on their meeting of August 14 . The comm ittee will meet again on August 28 to finalize the Strategic Plan document. F. LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmemb ers V izcarra and Yu )-Forme d 2/18/20 14 City Council Minutes August 19, 2014 Page 11 of 13 No Report. G. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTIES STANDING COMM ITTEE (Councilmembers Vizcarra and Yu)-Formed 2/18/2014 No Report. H. FAC ILIT IES, PUBLIC WORKS , AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor Blum)-Formed 2/4/2014 No Report. I. AUDIT STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu , Mayor Pro Tem Chavez , and Planning Comm issioner Curran)-Formed 7/15/2014 No Report. Mayor ProTem Chavez established the City Attorney Evaluation Ad-Hoc Committee and appointed hi mself and Mayor Blum to the ad-hoc comm ittee. 14. COUNCIL ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE CITY MANAGER'S REGULAR AGENDA A. COUNCILMEMBER STERNQUIST Thanked Interim City Manager Penman for his work and contribution to the City. She congratulated Mayor Pro Tem Chavez for the award he received at the Chamber's 901h anniversary event. B. COUNCILMEMBER VIZCARRA Commented about coyote sighting in the city. C . COUNCILMEMBER YU Thanked Interim City Manager Penman for his leadership and service to the City . D. MAYOR PROTEM CHAVEZ Congratulated the Chamber and Kiwanis Club on their anniversaries. He also thanked Interim City Manager Penman for his service to the City. -------~~~~~~~~~~-----' City Council Minutes August 19, 2014 Page 12 of 13 E. MAYOR BLUM -Absent 15. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO CITY OFFICIALS FOR CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS AND FOR CITY PAYMENT OF CONFERENCE EXPENDITURES A. COUNCILMEMBER STERNQUIST -None B. COUNCILMEMBER VIZCARRA-None C. COUNCILMEMBER YU-None D. MAYOR PROTEM CHAVEZ-None E. MAYOR BLUM-None 16. RECESS TO SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING At 9 :19p.m., the City Council recessed to the Successor Agency Meeting . Minutes of the Successor Agency Meeting are set forth in full in the Succes sor Agency's records. RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL The City Council meeting was reconvened at 9 :20 p.m. with all Councilmembers present. 17. ACTIONS TAKEN BY CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY-None 18. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Mary Kokayko, Temple City reside nt , spoke regarding the cleanliness of the Ralph 's Market and Rite-Aid property on Las Tunas Drive. Jerry Jambazian , Temple City business owner , thanked Interim C ity Manage r Penman for his service to the City. William Man , Temple City resident, spoke regarding the City's Neighborhood Watch. 19. CLOSED SESSION City Council recessed to closed session at 9:29p.m. to discuss item A. City Council Minutes August19 , 2014 Page 13 of 13 Mayor ProTem Chavez recused h imse lf f rom Closed Session Item A due to possible confl ict of interest. A. Purpose: Authority: Agency Representative: Employee Organ ization : Conference with Labor Negotiator Government Code Section 54957.6 Spec ial Legal Counsel and Interim City Manager Temple City Employee Association City Attorney Vai l announced th at Closed Session items 8 , C and 0 were place holders only and City Council will not be meeting to discuss these items. B. Purpose: Authority: Agency Representative : Employee Organization : C. Purpose : Title : Authority : D. Purpose: Potential Cases : Authority : Representatives : Labor Negotiations Government Code Section 54957 .6 Interim City Manager Unrepresented Employees Pub lic Employee Appointment Interim City Manager and City Manage r Government Code Section 54957 Anticipated Litigation One (1) Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) City Attorney City Council reconvened at 10:36 p .m. with all three Councilmembers present. City Attorney Vail reported that the City Council met in closed session and received presentation from the labor negotiating team regarding conference with labor negotiator. There is no re portable action. 18. ADJOURNMENT The City Counci l Regu lar Meeting was adjourned at 10:36 p.m . Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk