HomeMy Public PortalAbout04) 7C League of California Cities Direction for Voting DelegatesAGENDA ITEM 7.C. MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: September 2 , 2014 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Donald E. Pe nman , Interim City Manage~ By : Giselle Corella , Executive Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DIRECTION FOR VOTING DELEGATES RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to direct the voting delegates to vote for the approval of the League of California Cities resolution , "A resolution calling upon the Governor and the Legislature to convene a summit to addre ss the devastating environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both private and public lands throughout Californ ia and the in c reas ing problems to publ ic safety related to these activities by work ing in a partnership with the League of California Cities to develop responsive solutions and to secure adequate funding for cost-effective imple mentation strategies" (Illegal Marijuana Grow Site Resolution). BACKGROUND: 1. On April 1, 2014, the City Council adopted Resolution No . 14-4984 appointing City Counci lmembers to serve on various governmental organ izations . At that time , Mayor Blum and Mayor Pro Tem Chavez were appointed as Delegate and Alternate respectively to the League of California Cities ("League"). 2 . On May 1, 2014 , a letter was rece ived by the City Clerk from the League requesting the City Council to formally designate a Voting Delegate and Voting Alternate who will be attending the League's Annual Business Meeting (General Assembly) on Friday , September 5, 2014 to represent the City in voting on proposed resolutions . 3 . On July 1, 2014 , the City Council des ignated Mayor Blum as the Voting Delegate and Mayor Pro Tem Chavez as the Voting Alternate for the General Assembly on Fr iday , September 5, 2014 . City Council September 2 , 2014 Page 2 of 3 4 . In July 2014, the City Clerk submitted the Voting Delegate and Voting Alternate Form to the League of California Cities . 5. In July 2014 , the Management Services Department received several cop ies of the League of Cal ifornia Cities Annual Conference Resolutions Packet. ANALYSIS: At its annual business meeting , the League adopts policy resolutions on issues of statewide importance that have direct bearing on municipal affairs and are of broad municipa l interest. The League 's primary means for develop ing policy is through their standing policy committees and Board of Di rectors . Additionally , any city, e lected or appointed city official , or League Division , Department, or Policy Comm ittee may submit a resolution sixty days before the business meeting . This year 's General Assembly and bus iness meeting will be held during the annual conference on Friday , Sep tember 5, 2014 in Los Ange les . The City Council has appointed Mayor Blum as the City's voting delegate and Mayor Pro Tern Chavez as the alternate delegate . During th e conference , the respective League Policy Committees and General Resolutions Committee will consider making a recommendation on one resolution related to illegal marijuana grow sites . The proposed Illegal Ma rij uana Grow Site Resolution seeks to highlight the env ironmental and public safety issues triggered by illegal marijuana cultivations , and calls upon the League , the Governor, and the Legislature to take action by convening a summit to address the env iro nmental impacts of such cultivation sites. Env ironmental impacts of illegal marijuana cu ltivation include habitat destruction and fragmentation ; illegal wate r diversions ; killing and poisoning wildlife ; and the unregulated use of fertilizers , pesticides , rodent icides thus contaminating and polluting waters . Overall , the resolution seeks to address the lack of oversight of marijuana cultivation operations and calls upon the State to provide responsive solutions with adequate fund ing support as well as effective State and Federal government leadersh ip . The League of California Cities staff analysis finds this resolution to be especially important during California 's Drought State of Emergency . Furthermore , approval of this resolution is consistent with the three other existing League policies related to marijuana (i.e ., League oppos ition to marijuana cultivation and use for non-medical purposes ; League promotion of local control to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries , cooperatives , and collectives ; and considerat ion of creating a statewide ta x structure on med ical marijuana after public safety and health ramifications are fully evaluated). Therefore , Staff recommends that Counci l authorize the City's delegate to vote in support of the Illegal Marijuana Grow Site Reso lution included in the Le ague's Resolutions Packet (Attachment "A "). City Council September 2 , 2014 Page 3 of 3 CONCLUSION: By directing the voting delegate to approve the Illegal Marijuana Grow Site Reso lution , the City Council is in support of approving a Leag ue policy that w ill further the League's goal of promoting marijuana regulation to the State's legislators . Thus , the C ity Council is requested to direct the votin g delegates to vote for the approval of the League of California Cities' resolution regarding illegal marijuana grow sites . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impact on the FY 2014-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENTS: A. League of California Cities Annual Conferen ce Resolutions Packet ATTACHMENT "A" l LEAGUE® '-.OF CALIFORNIA _CITIES Annual Conference Resolutions Packet 2014 Annual Conference Resolutions ·116th Annual Conference Los Angeles September 3-5, 2014 TNF ORMA TTO N AND PROCEDUR ES RESO LUTIO NS C O NTAINED IN THIS P ACKET: The League bylaws provide tha t resolutions s hall be referred by the presiden t to an appropriate policy committee for review and recommendation. R esolutions with committee recommendations shall then be considered by the General Reso lutions Committee at the Annua l Conference. This year, one resolution has been introduced for consideration by the Annual Conference and referred to the League poli cy committees. POL ICY COMMITTEES: Two policy committees will meet at the Annual Conference to consider and take action o n the reso lution referred to them . The committees are En vironmental Quality and Public Safety. These committees will meet on Wednesday, September 3, 2014, at the JW Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles. The sponsor of the resolutio n has been notified of the time and location of the meetings. GENERAL RESOL UTIONS COMMITT EE: This commjttee will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 4 , at the Los Angeles Convention Center, to consider the reports of the two policy committees regarding the resolution. This committee includes one representative from each of the League's regional divisions, functional dep artments and standing policy committees, as well as other individuals appointed by the League president. P lease check in at th e registration desk for room location. ANNUAL L UNCHEON/BUSINESS MEET ING/GENERA L ASSEMBLY: This meeting will be held at 12:00 p.m. on Fri day, September 5, at the Los Ange les Convention Center. P E TITIO I\ "ED RESOLUTIONS : For those issues th a t develop after the normal 60-day deadline, a resolution may be in troduced at the Annual Conference with a peti tio n signed by des ignated vo ting delegates of 10 percent of aU member cities (4 7 valid signatures required) and presented to the Voting Delegates Desk at least 24 hours prior to th e time set for convening th e Annual Business Session of the General Assembly. This year, that deadline is 12:00 p.m ., Thurs day, September 4. If the petitioned resolution is substantially s imilar in substance to a resolution already under consideration, the petitioned resolution may b e disqualified by the General Resolutions Comm ittee. Resolut ions can be viewed on the League's Web sit e: www.cacities.org/resolutions. Any questions concerning the resolutions proce du res ma y be directed to Meg Desmond at the League office: mdesmond@ cacities .org or (916) 658-8224 GUIDELINES FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS P olicy development is a vital and ongoing process within the League. 111e principal means for deciding poucy on the important issues facing cities is through the League's eight standing policy committees and the board of directors . The process allows for timely consideratio n of issues in a changing environment and assures city officials the opportunity to both initiate and influence policy decisions. Annual conference resolutions constitute an additional way to develop League poucy. Reso lutions should adhere to the following criteria. G uidelines for Annu al Conference Resolutions 1. Only issues that have a direct bearing on municipal affairs should be cons idered or adopted at the Annual Conference. 2. The issue is not of a purely local or regional concern. 3. The recommended policy should not simply r estate existing League policy. 4. The resolution should be directed at achieving one of the following objectives: (a) Focus public or media attention on an issue of major importance to cities. (b) Establish a new direction for League policy by establishing general principa.l s around which more detailed policies may be developed by policy committees and the board of directors. (c) Consider important issues not adequately addressed by the poucy committees and board of directors. (d) Amend the League bylaws (requires 213 vote at General Assembly). Poli cy Co mmittee Meetings Wednesday, September 3, 2014 JW Marriott Los Angeles Hotel LOCATION OF .MEETINGS 900 W es t O lymp ic Boulevard, Los Angeles Environmental Quali ty: Public Safety: 9:00 a .m.-10:30 a.m . 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. General Resolutions Committee Thursday, September 4, 2014, I :00 p.m . Los Angeles Convention Center 1201 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles Annual Business Meeting and General Assembly Luncheon friday, September 5, 2013, 12:00 p.m. L os Angeles Convention Center 1201 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles KEY TO ACTIONS TAKEN ON RESOLUTIONS R esolutions have been grouped by pol icy comm ittees to which they have been assigned. Number Key Word Index I I Reviewing Body Act ion 1 I 2 I 3 1 -Pol icy Committee R ecommendation to Genera l Re so luti ons Committee 2-General Resol ution s Committee 3 -General Assembly ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY POLICY COMMITTEE I 2 3 I Illegal Marijuana Grow Si te PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE 2 3 I Ulegal Marijuana Gro w Site Information perta ining to the Annual Conference Resolutions will a lso b e posted on each commi ttee's p age on the League website: www.cacities.o rg. The e ntire Resolutions Packet wi ll b e posted at: www.cacities.org/res olution s . KEY TO ACTIONS TAKEN ON RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolutions have been grouped by policy committees to which they have been assigned. KEYTOREVffi~GBODmS KEY TO ACTIONS TAKEN I. Policy Committee A Approve 2. General Resolutions Committee D Disapprove 3. General Assembly N No Action R Refer to appropriate policy committee for study ACTION FOOTNOTES a Amend+ * Subject matter covered in another resolution A a Approve as amended+ ** Existing League policy Aaa Approve with additional amendment(s)+ *** Local authority presently exists Ra Refer as amended to appropriate policy committee fo r study+ Raa Additional amendments and refer+ Da Amend (for clarity or brevity) and Disapprove+ Na Amend (for clarity or brevity) and take No Action+ w Withdrawn by Sponsor Procedural Note: Resolutions that are approved by the General Resolution s Committee, as well as all qualified petitioned resolutions, are reported to the floor of the General Assembly. In addition, League policy provides the following procedure for resolutions approved by League policy committees but not approved by the General Resolutions Committee: Resolutions initially recommended for approval and adoption by all the League policy committees to which the resolution is assigned, but subsequently recommended for di sapproval, referral or no action by the General Resolutions Comm ittee, shall then be placed on a consent agenda for consideration by the General Assembly. The consent agenda shall include a brief des cription of the basis for the recommendations by both the policy committee(s) and General Resolutions Committee, as well as the recommended action by each. Any voting delegate may m ake a motion to pull a resolution from the consent agenda in order to request the opportunity to fully debate the resolution. If, upon a majority vote of the General Assembl y, the request for debB:te is approved, the General Assembly shall have the opportunity to debate and subsequently vote on the resolution. ~--·~-- 2014 Al~AL CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY At"'D PUBUC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEES 1. A RESOLUTIO N CALLING UPON THE GOVERNOR AND THE LEGISLATURE TO CONVENE A SUMMIT TO ADDRESS THE DEVASTATING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ILLEGAL MARIJUANA GROWS ON BOTH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC LANDS THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA Al\TD THE INCREASING PROBLEMS TO PUBLIC SAFETY RELATED TO THESE ACTIVITIES BY WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES TO DEVELOP RESPONSIVE SOLUTIONS AND TO SECURE ADEQUATE FUNDING FOR COST-EFFECTlVE TMPLEMENTA TION STRATEGIES. Source: Redwood Empire Division Concurrence of five or more cities/city officials: Cities of Arcata; Blue Lake; Clearlake; Cloverdale; Crescent City; Eureka; Fort Bragg; Healdsburg; Lakeport; Trinidad; and Ukiah Referred to: Environmental Quality and Public Safety Policy Committees Recommendation to General Resolutions Committee: WHEREAS, public concerns in response to widespread damage to fish and wildlife resources and degradat ion to California's environment, and thre-ats to public safe ty resulting from ill egal marijuana cultivation statewide requires urgent action by t!Je Governor and the Legislature, and WHEREAS, local governments and the public support the State's primary objectives in complying with environmental laws inc luding the Clean Water Act, Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, and Endangered Species Act and are s upported by substantial public investments at all levels of government to maintain a hea lthy and s ustai nable environment for future citizens of California, and WHEREAS, ill egal marijuana c ul tiva tion activities in clude habitat destruction and fragmentation, poaching wildlife, illegal water diversions, unregulated use of fertilizers, pesticides, ins ecticides, rodenticides, soil amendments contaminating land and waters without regard for the cumulati ve impacts to the environment or public health, and WHEREAS, cha nging global clima te conditions are posing escalated threats in California to health , well-being, nature and property; as evidenced by critical water shortages across the state due to pro longed drought conditions, and WHEREAS, illegal water diversion for the purpose of cultivating marijuana plantations poses a direct threat to California's endanger ed and threatened anadromous fish species, including coh o sa lmon, Chinook salmon, steelhead trout and oth er aquatic species, especiall y at critical life phases during seasonall y low flow conditions ; and WHEREAS, California is a leader in th e global effort to fight c lim ate change and is pursuing a broad, integrated strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve energy, yet in a recent Lawrence Livermore Lab study estimated that upwards of 10% of electricity u sage statewide can be attribute-d to indoor marijuana cultivation; these si tes are often the causation of tires and home invasion incidents due to criminal activity, and WHEREAS, the presence of illegal marijuan a growing s ites on Sta te and federal public lands is creating unsafe conditi ons for visitors; these lands are taxpayer supported and in tended to be managed for recreation, resource conservation and the enjoyment by the public, and WHEREAS, increasing violence an d threats t o public safety related to illegal marijuana grows is contribu ting to a sense of law lessness and impactin g nearby commun ities where criminal activities are expan di ng, and WHEREAS, the iss ue of illega l marijuana grows has rea ched a crisis level across the st ate as evi denced by the murder of former L eague Board member, Fort Bragg Co uncilmember an d veteran forester Jere Melo who was fatally shot do wn while investigating a report of a marijuana grow on private timberlands in northern California . RESOLVED, at the Leagu e Genera l Ass embly, assembled at the League Annual Con ference o n September 5, 2014 in Los Angeles, that the League calls for the Governor and the Legislature to work with the League and other stakeho ld ers to convene a summit to address the devastati ng environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both private and public lands and th e increasing prob lems to public safety related to these activiti es. FURTHER RESOLVED, th at the League will work with i ts member cities to educate State and federal officials regarding emerging concerns from their communities and citizenry and to the challenges facing local governments. Therefore, we request the Governor an d the Legislature to work with the League to provide resp onsive solutions with adequ at e funding support and effective State an d federal government leadership to ad dr ess widesprea d environmental damage and associated threats to public safety impacting every regi on in the State of California. JI///1//JI Back2:round Inform a tion on R eso lution No . 1 Source: Redwood Empire Di vision Backgr o und: When California vo ters approved Proposi tion 2 15 in 1996 there was li ttle thought given to a wide range of probl ems which have emerged in associ at ion with the in c reased availability an d demand for marijuana. Cities within the Red wood Empire D ivision have grappled with the impacts of illicit marij uana grow sites for decad es . Yet in recen t years th e envi ronm ental d egradation from marijuana gro\vi n g operations and public sa fety threats has grown exponentially. 1n 20 1 1, Fort Bragg City Co un cil Member Jere Melo was f atally sh ot while investigating illega l marijuana cultivation on private tim ber lands in Mendocino County. Ille ga l m arijuana cult ivation activiti es are causing extreme environmental degradati on incl ud ing habitat des truc t io n and fragmentati on, illegal water diversions, kil lin g and p oi soning wildl ife, unre gulated use of fertili zers, pesticides, rodent:ic id es contamina tin g land and polluting waters \vithout regard for the cumulative impacts to the environment and the public's health and safety. It is expensive to remediate th is environmental destruction that oft en destroys significant , federal, state, loca l, tribal and private investments in restori ng or protecting the s urroundi ng landscape. Public concern for widespread, landscape-level environmental damage resulting from unregulated growing operations and escaJating violent crim es associa ted w ith the marijuana industry has reached a tipping poin t across the state. The Redwood Empire Divi sion joins with other cities throughout the s tate in a ca U fo r actio n to reverse these trends. Current Problem Facim~ California's Cities: Cities throughout California state have struggled with regulating medical marijuana di spensaries and grow houses along with the associated community impacts of those facilities and lan d use activities. M any unforeseen environmental impacts and public safety concern s are now emerging as a consequence of increased production and demand for marijuana. Cri tical water shortages across the state du e to prolonged drought conditions have resulted in the Governor declaring a Drought State of Emergen cy. lllegal water diversions for the purposes of cultivating marij uan a plantations are increasing throughout the state. 111ese activities impact agricultural production and domestic wa ter use. The cumulative impacts to watershed health are considerab le and pose direct threats to California's salmon, trout and other sensitive aquatic species, especiall y at critical life stages durin g seasonally low flow c onditions. In addition, under d rought conditions, th e ri sk of fire is elevated. The pres ence of marij u ana grow si tes in fire prone areas contri butes to poten tial wildfire risks at the Wildland/Urban Interface. The presence of ill egal marijuana growing sites on state an d federal pu bli c lands creates unsafe conditions for visitors. These lands are managed with taxpayer su pport an d are intended to be for enjoyment by the public, recreation an d conservation. However, th e increasing level of vio lence and threats to public safety r elat ed to ill egal marijuana grows on both private and public lands are contributing to a sense of lawlessness and impactin g nearby communities wh ere criminal act iviti es are expanding. The lack of oversight of marijuana cultivation ope rations to ensure compliance with existing sta te and fe de ral environmenta l regu lations i s impac ting water qua lity and quantity sta tewide. Th e current lega l and regulatory framework is inadequate t o addres s numerous environmental issues , as well as public health and sa fety. Redwood E mpire Division R esolution: Th e Division's resol uti on seeks to address th e deva stating environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both private and publi c lands throughout California an d the ri sing threat to public safety relating to these ill egal sites. The resolu tion will provide the League with the direction to call upon the Governor and State Legislature to convene a sunlffiit to develop responsive solu ti ons, and secure adequate funding for implementa tion strategi es. The iss ues su rrounding marijuana production and distribution are complex and require a comprehensive statewide approach . Californ ia c ities need to have a strong voice in this process. The mi ssion o(the League of California Cities is to enhance the qu a li ty of life for al l Californians and we believe that our strength li es i n the unity of our diverse co mmuniti es on issues of mutu al concern. Staff: Committee : Summary: 11//1/1111 League of California Cities St a ff Analvsi s on Resolution No. 1 Tim Cromartie (9 16) 658 -8252 Public Safety Policy Committee Thi s Resol ution seeks to hi ghlight the enviro nm ental and public safety issues triggered by illegal marijuana cult iva tion , and cal ls upon the League, the Governor and the Legislature to take action by convening a summit to address the environmen tal impacts of such cultivation si tes. It also calls upon the State of California to provi de solu tions in response, includin g suffi cient funding to decisively address the prob lem. Background: The sponsor o f this resoluti on argues that when California voters approved Proposition 215 in 1996, little thought was given to a wide range of problems which have emerged in association with the increased availability and demand for marijuana. Cities within the Redwood Empire Division have grappled with lhe impacts of illicit marijuana cultiva tion sites for decades. Yet in recent years the environmental degradation from marijuan a growing operations and public safety threats bas gro w n exponentiall y. In 2011, Fort Bra gg City Council Member Jere Melo was fatall y shot while investigating illegal marijuana cultivation on private timber lands in Mendocino County. Ill egal marijuana cultivation activiti es are causing extreme environmental degradation including habitat destruction and fragmentation, illegal water diver sions , killing and poisoning wildlife, unregu lated use of fertilizers, pesticides, rodenticides contaminating land and polluting waters without regard for the cumulative impacts to the environment and the public's health and safety. It is expensive to remediate this environmental destruction which often de stroys significant, federal , sta te, local, tribal and private inves tment s in restoring or protecting the s urrounding landscape. Critical water shortages acro ss the state due to prolon ged drought conditions have resulted in the Governor declaring a Drought State of Emergency. lllegal water diversi ons for the purposes of cultivating marijuana plantation s are increasing througho ut the state. These activities impact agricultural produc ti on and domestic water use. The cumul ati ve impacts to watershed health are consi derable and pose direct threats to California's salmon, trout and other sensitive aquatic species, especially at critical life stages during seasonally low flow co nditi ons. In addition, under drought conditions, the risk of fire is elevated. The presence of marijuana grow sites in fire prone areas contributes to potenti a l wil dfire risks at the Wildland/Urban Interface. The hick of overs ight of marijuana cultivation operations to ensure compliance with existing state and federal environmental regulations is impacting water quality and quantity statewide. The current legal and regulatory framework is inadequate to a ddress nwnerous environmental issues, as well as public health an d safety. Public concern for widespread environmental damage resulting from unregulated growing operations and escalating violen t crimes associa ted wi th the marijuana industry bas reached a tipping point across the s tate. The Redwood Empire Division joins with other citi es thro u ghout the sta te in a call for acti on to reverse these trends. Note: The League of Cities has j oined with the Cal ifornia Pol ice Chiefs Association to co-sponsor legislati on, SB 1262 (Correa), to establ ish a regu latory scheme for medical marij uana that protec ts local control , addres ses the public safety concerns triggered b y marijuana regulation, and imposes health and safety standards on marijuana for the first time. However, the measure does not address environmental i ssues, due to the expense and complexity associated wi th adding t ha t obj ective to a bill that already bas f ar-reaching regulatory goal s combine d with a critical need to contain st ate costs. F iscal Imp act: If the policy advocated by the Resoluti on is implemented by the s tate, th ere w ill be ongoing and uns peci fied costs to the State General Fund for enforcement activiti es, primarily in the rural counties where many of the illicit marij uana cult iva tion site s are located. Conservatively, the annual costs could run in the hundreds of thousands to low millions to p atrol likely grow s ites, crack down on illegal water di version activities, and provide consistent environmental clean-up made necessary by illega l r odenticid es and pesticides. Comment: To assure success, counties will have lobe acti vely involved in any policy change geared toward rigorous and consistent enforcement against illegal marijuana grows, given the fact that many o f the cultivation s i tes are located in rural areas under the direct authority o f county governments. This will require a d ialogue with counties, during whi ch the questi on oflocal politi cal will to enforce the law, in addition to secu ring the necessary funding, w ill arise. If counties should opt not to play an active part in an aggressive e n forcement strategy, the chances of success are ques tionable. Existing Leagu e Policy: R elated to th is Resolution, existing policy provides: • The League o pposes the legalizati o n of marijuan a cultivation and use for non-medicinal purposes. • Reaffirming that local control is paramount, the League holds t11at c ities should have the authority to regulate medical marijuana dispensari es, cooperatives, coll ectives or other distributi on p oints if the regulation relates to location, op eration or establishment to best suit the needs of the community. • The League affirms that r evenue or o ther financial benefits from creating a statewide tax structure on medical marij uana should be considered only after the public safety and health rami fic ations are fully evaluated. LETTERS OF CONCURRENCE Resolution No. 1 Illegal Marijuana Grow Site City Manage r (7 07) 822·5953 C omm rmity OeveiOJl!llent 736 F Street Arcaw, CA 95521 July 2, 20 14 Jose Cisneros, P resident League of Ca li fornia Citi es I 400 K Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 958 14 322 ·5955 EnvironmenU!I Services 822·8 184 Finan ce 82 2·5951 Police Recreat ion 822-2428 8 2.2 ·7091 Pr1 blic \llo rks TraTUjJortatioll 821·595 7 8 22·3715 RE: Environmental apd P ublic Safety Impacts of Ilkga l Mnrijuana Grows Reso lution Dear Pres iden t Cisneros: The Ar cata City Co un cil supports the Redwood Empire Division 's effort to subm it a resolution for consideration by the General Assembly at the League's 20 14 Annual Conference in Los Ange les. The Division's reso lution seeks to ad dress the devastating environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on bo th private and public lands throughout California, and the increasi ng threat to publi c safety relating to the se i lleg al sites . The resol ution will provi de the League with the direct ion to call up on the Governor and State Legislatu re to convene a summit to develop responsive so lut ions and to s ecure adequate fund ing for implementation st rategies . ALL of the rural a reas adjacent to the City of Arcata and throughout Humbold t County have been grea t ly affected by the devastat ing environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows! As membe rs of the League, our c ity values the policy development process prov ic;led to the Ge nera l Assembly. We appreciate your tim e on th is issue. Please feel fr ee to contact me at any time at mwheetley@ci tyofarcata .org if yo u have any questio ns. · Sincerely, ~~~~ cc: Kathryn M urray, President, Redwood Empire Division, c/o Sara Rounds, Regio na l Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Empire Division, via email srounds@cacities.org ~----------------------- CITY . OF BLUE LAKE Post Office Box 458, 111 Greenwood R oad, Phone 707.668.5655 June 30, 20 14 Jose Cisneros, Pres id ent League of C alifornia C it ies 14 00 K Street, Sui te 400 Sacramento, CA 958 14 Blue Lake, CA 95525 Fax 707.668.5916 RE: E nvironment a l and Public Safety Impacts oflll egal Marijuana Grows Resolution Dear President Cisneros: The City of Bl ue Lake su pports the Redwood Empire Division's effort to submit a resolution fo r consideration by the General Assembly at the League's 2014 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. The Division's reso lution seeks to address the devastating envirorunental impacts of ill egal marijuana grows on both private and pub li c lands tirroughout California and the increasing threat to publi c safety re lating to these ill egal s ites. The resolution will provide the League with the direct io n to ca ll upon the Governor a nd State L egis lature to convene a summit to devel op responsive solut ions and to secure adequate funding for impl ementation s trategies. As members of the League, our c i ty val ues the p ol icy development process provided t o the General Assembly . We appreciate your time on this issue. Please feel free to con tact Lana Manzaruta, Mayor Pro-Tem at 707-497 -8 159 or joe2zither l @gmai l.com, ifyou have any questions. Lana Manzanita Mayor Pro-Tem City of Blue Lake cc: K athryn MUJray, President, Redwood Empire Division c/o Sara Round s, Regi onal Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Empire Division, srounds@cacities.org City of Clearlake 14 050 Olymp ic Drive, Clearlake , California 95422 Jul y 2, 2014 Jos e Cisneros, President League of California Cit ie s 1400 K Street , Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 (707) 994 -82 01 Fax (707) 995-2653 RE: E nv ironmental and PubH c S afety Impacts of Illegal Marijuana Grows Resolution Dear Pres ident Cis nero s: The Ci ty of Clearlake s upp orts the Redwood Em pi re Div ision 's effort to submi t a re solution for consideration by the Genera l Assembly at th e League's 20 14 Annual Confere nce in Los Angeles. Tbe Division's resolution seeks to address the devastating environm ental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both priv ate and pub lic lan ds throughout Cal ifornia and the increasing threat to pub lic safety relatin g to these ill egal sites. 111e resoluti on wil l provide the League with the direction to call upon th e Govemor an d State Le gislatu re to convene a su mmi t to develop responsive s olutions and to secure adequate funding for im plementation strategies. The City of Clear lake is experiencing significant iss ues with ill egal grows in the city limits. Individuals are squatti ng on lands not be longing to them and planti ng large grows. Grows are being planted near and along creeks go ing through the city with unknown s ubstances potentially leeching into the waterways. Others are renting propert ies and clear cutting them of oak and other trees for plant sites often without t he knowledge of th e prope11y owner. Homeowners tell of not being abJe to enjoy their own properties with grow sites next to them creating untenable odors, spewing of foul language a nd concern of threats to their persona l safety if they complain. We hear often the concern of increased cri me due to the grows in the city . · As a member of the League, our city values the policy deve lopment process provided to the General Assem bly. We appreciate yo ur time on this issue. Please feel free to conta ct Jo an Phillipe at 707-994-820 I x 120 or city.administrator@c learlake.ca.us , if yo u have any questions. Sincerely, Jo(l':;.d~ City Manager cc: Kathryn Murray, President. Redwood Empire Division c/o Sara Rou nds , Regional Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Empire Division, sroundc;@.caci ti es .or g June 25,2014 Jose Cisneros, President League of California C it ies 14 00 K Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 958 14 CITY OF CLOVER_DALE RE: Environmental and Public Safety Impact~ of Illegal Marijuana G r ows Resolution D ear President Cisneros: The City of Cloverdale s upports the Redwood E mpire Division's effort to submit a resolution for considerati on by the General Assembly a t the League 's 2014 AnnuaJ Confere nce in Los Angeles. The Di vision's resolution seeks to address the devastating e n vi ronmental impacts of illegal m arij uan a gro ws on both private and public land s throughout California and the increasing threat to public safety relating to these illegal sites. 'The resolution will provide the League with the direction to call upon the Governor and State Legislature to convene a summit to develop resp onsi ve so lutions and to secure adequat e funding fo r implementation strategies. Throughout the Redwood Empire regi on including the C ity of Cl overdale, illegal marijuana grows negatively impact our environmental health and public safety. Last year, the C loverdale Police Department eradicated over 300 plants within our City Limits. P lease note that C loverdale is a total of 2.5 squ are miles. These plants use scarce water resources during a water shortage emergency caused by the current d rought and contribute to lawlessn ess that threats the public safety of our citizens. On a personal level, the City of C loverdale continues to b e hea rtsick for the loss of City ofF o rt Bragg Council Member J ereMelo. Jere was murdered as a r esult of investigating an illegal marijuana grow. Jere was an exceptional leader in our region, the League of California Cities and the State of Cal ifornia. The City of C loverdale m isses him greatly. As members of the League, our city val ues the policy development pr ocess pr ovided to the General Assembly. We appreciate your tim e on this issue. Plea se feel free to contact C loverdale City Manager Paul Cayler at 707-894-1710, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Carol Russell Mayor City of C loverdal e cc: Kathryn Murray, Presid ent, Redwood Empire Division c/o Sara Rounds, R egional Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Empire Division, sroundsJ··cacities.org Council Member Richard Enea • Council Memb<!r Ke lly &.hellonl( • Council Mt:mber KAthryn Murray City Cle r k Hobm Patch • Ci.ty Att.orney Rob~n N. Blad: • City Manager Eugene M .. Palazzo Jnne 23,20 14 Jose Cis neros, Presi d enr Le ague o f Col i fo mi.a Ci ties 1400 K Stree t. Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 9581 4 R E : E nvir o nmcntnl and Public Sa fety Impacts o f Illega l Mariju ana G r ows R es olu tio n Dear President C is ne ros : The C ity o f C rescent Ci ty supports th e Reo woo d Empi re Division's effort Lo submi t a reso lutio n for conside rati o n by th e Gene ral Asse mbl y ut the League 's 20 14 Anrm :ll C onfere nce i n Los Ange les. The Divis ion 's resol ution seeks to address tltc devastati ng environmen tal impacts of illegal mar ijuana grows o n both private and pub He lan ds llu·oughout Ca lifornia and the increas ing threat to publ ic safety relating to these illega l sites. The resolution will provide the League •..vith the direction to call up011 the Governor a11d State Lehrisla ture to convene a summit to develop responsive solu tion s and to secure adeq uate funding for im plemen tation strategies. Illegal m arijuana grows hav e a devastating impa.c t on th~ Stale and fe dera l public lands surrounding our comnm nily . They c reate unsafe co nd ition s lor o ur visito rs . The use of unregulate d fe rti lizers , pes t icides, insec ti c ide s and rodenticides co nta mi na te the lan d and ground wat er. As members of tl1 e League, our city va lues !be pol icy develo pm ent process provided to the General Assembly. We appreciate yo ur time on this issue . Please feel free to con tact Eugene Palazzo , Ci ty Manager at 707-464-7483 ex 232 or cpalazzo@crcscen tcity.org, if you have nny questions. S incerely, ~~ Mayor cy I C rescent City cc: Kathryn Munay, President, Redwood Empire Division c/o Sara Rounds, Regional Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwuod Empire Division, s rounds@cacities.org --------------------------·------------------------------------------------~ CITY OF EU REKA CITY MANAGER 531 K Stre et • Eureka. Cc1 l ifornia 95501-1146 • (707) 441-4144 fax (707) 44 1-4138 June 26 , 20 14 Jose Cisneros, President League of California Cities 1400 K Street, Suit e 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: Environmental and PuhJic S11fety Impact.§ oflllega! Mari.iuan2 Grows Re~o!uti!l!' Dear President Cisneros: The City of Eureka supports the Redwood E mpire Divis ion's effort to submj t a reso lution for consideration by the General Assembly at the League's 20 14 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. The Div is ion's resolution seek s to address the devastating e11vironmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on b oth pdvate and public lands throughout California and the increasing threat to public safety relating to these illegal s ites. The r esolutio n will provide the League with the direction to ca ll upon the Governor and State Legislature to convene a summit to develop responsive solutions and to secure adequate funding for implementation strategie s. Our city bas seen an increase in gang activity and organized crime wi thin the Greater Eureka Area as a resu lt of illegal growing operations. Our law e nforcement and commuru ty s afety have been negatively impacted by these criminaJ activities. As members of the League, our city values the policy development process provid ed to the General Assembly. We appreciate your time on tlus issue. Please feel free to contact City Manager Greg Sparks at 707.441.4140 or gsparks@ci .eureka.ca.gov, i f you have any questions. Sincerel y, --Greg L. ~O<lfKl!i-..... City Man ger City of Eureka cc: Kathryn Murray, President, Re dwoo d Empire Division c/o Sara Rounds, RegionaJ Publ ic Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Empi re Division, srounds@cacities.org • I I ~----··~--·--·· .. ·--· ------------·---------------~J June 23 , 2014 Jose Cisne ros , Pre siden t League of California Citi es 1400 K Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 CITY OF FORT BRAGG Incorpo r ated Augu sl 5, 1889 4 16 N. F rankl i n St. Fort Br a gg , CA 95 43 7 Phone: (707 ) 96 1-2 82 3 Fax: (7 07) 961-2 8 02 htt p ://c ity . fo rtbragg.com RE: Environmental and Public Safety Impacts of Illegal Marijuana Grows Resolution Dear President Cisneros : T he City of Fort Bragg supports the Redwood Empire Di visio n 's effort to submit a resolution f or consideration by t he General Assembly at t he League's 2014 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. Th e Divis ion 's reso lution seeks to address the devastat ing environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both private and publi c lan ds th roughout California and the increasing t hreat to public safety rela t ing to these illegal sites. The resolution will provide the League with the direction to c all upon the Governor and State Legislatu re to convene a summit to develop re spon sive solutions and to secure adequate funding for impl ementation strategies . The City of Fo rt Bragg lost City Councilmember and former Mayor Jere Melo in August 2011 when he walked into an illegal g row s ite and was shot and killed by the person guard ing said site . As members of the League, ou r city values the policy development process provided to the Genera l Assembly. We appreciate you r time on th is issue . Please feel free to contact City Manager Linda Ruffing at 707-96 1-2823 or lruffing@fortbragg .com, if you have any questions . ~;:.--) -\ /./. ·----- \.) pave M yor at . Me~ ice Mayo r i ~~ Hei di Kraut Councilmember cc : Kathryn Murray, Pres ident, Redwood Empire Division c/o Sara Rounds , Regiona l Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Emp ire Division , srounds@cacities .org June 30 ,20 14 Jose Cisneros, President League of California Cities 1400 K Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 CITY OF HEALDSBURG ADMINISTRATION 40 I Gro vc Street Healdsburg, CA 95448-4723 Phone: (707) 43 1-3317 Fax: (707) 43 1-3321 Vis it us at www.ci.hea ld sburg.ca.us RE: Environmental and Public Safety Impacts of illegal Marijuana Grows Resolution Dear President Cisneros: The City of Healdsburg supports the Redwood Empire Division's effort to submit a resolution for consideration by the General Assemb ly at the League's 2014 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. The Div is ion 's resoluti on seeks to address the devastating environmental impacts of illegal marijuana grows on both private and public lands throughout CaJifomia and the increasing threal to public safety relating to these ill egal sites. The resolution will provide the League with the direction t o call upon the Governo r and State Legislature to conv ene a summit to develop responsive solutions and to sec ure adeq uate funding for impl ementation strategies. As members of the Leag ue, our city values the poli cy development process provided to the General Assembly. We appreciate your time on this issue. Please feel free to contact me eith er by phone at (707) 43 1-33 171 or bye- mail at jwood@ci.heal dsb urg .ca.us if you have any questions. ~~ James D. Wood Mayor City of Healdsburg cc: Kathryn Munay, President, Redwood Emp ire Division c/o Sara Rounds, Regional Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Empire Division, sround s@caci ties .org CITY OF LAKEPORT Over fOC yeers of CJJinmvnity pri:Jv. prog171$S ;mr/ S6J'• a July 1, 2014 Jose Cisneros, Presiden t League of California Cities 1400 K Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACTS OF IllEGAL MARIJUANA GROWS RESOLUTION Dea r Pr eside nt Cisneros: The City of Lakeport suppo r ts the Redwood Emp ire Division's effort to submit a resolu t i on for consideration by the General Asse mbly at the league's 2014 Annual Conferenc e in Los Ange les . The Division's resolution seeks to address t he devastating env ir onm ental impa cts of illegal marij uana grows on both p rivate and public land s throughout California and the increa sing threat to public safety rela t ing t o these illega l sites. The resolution wi ll provide the League with the di recti on to call upon t he Governor and State Legis latur e to convene a summit to develop responsive solutions and to secure ade quate funding for implem entation str ategies. As members o f t he Leag u e, our city va l ues the policy development proce ss provided to the Gene ral Assembly. We appreci at e your t i me on this issue. Please fe el free to contact me at {707 ) 263 -56 15, Ext. 12 or by email at kparlet@cityoflakeport.com if you have any questions. Since r ely, ~~~~~ Kenneth Parlet, II Mayor cc: Kathryn Murray, President, Redwood Empire Div ision c/o Sara Rounds, Regional Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Redwood Emp i re Divis ion, srol!nd s@_facities.org 2 25 P ARK STR EET • L AKEPO R T, CALIFORNIA 95453 • TELEPt;ONE (70 '7) 263-5615 ·FAX (707) 263-8584 -------- CI TY OF TRIN IDA D P.O. Box390 409 Trinity Su-eet Trin idad, CA 955 70 (707) 677-0223 Fax : (707) 677-3759 July 2, 2014 Jose Cisneros, Pres ident League of Ca lifo rn ia Cit ies 1400 K Street, Suite 400 Sacrament o, CA 958 14 R E : E nvironme ntal a nd Public S afety Impacts of Illeg al Marijuana G rows Resolution D ear Pr esid ent Cisne ros: The City of Trini dad supports the Redwood Empire Di vision's effort to subm it a re sol ution for considerat ion by the General Assembly at the Leag ue's 20 14 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. The Division's reso lution seeks to address the devastating environmental impacts of illegal marij uana grows on both private and pu blic lru1d s thro ughout California and th e increasing threat to public safe ty relating to these illegal sites. The reso lut ion will provide the League w ith the directio n to ca ll up on the Governor and State Legi sla ture to convene a summit to deve lop respons ive so lutions and to secure adequate fun ding for implementati on strategies. As members of th e League, our city values the policy development process provided to the General Assemb ly . We appreciate your time on this i ssue. S incerely, dv\~ ~\lv-- Julie Fulkerson Ma yo r Cc: Sara Ro unds, Regi ona l Public Affairs Manager, LO CC Redwo od Empire Divi sion \ June 30 , 2014 Jose Cisreros , President League of California Cities 1400 K Street, Su ite 400 Sacramento, CA 9 58 14 RE : Environmental and Pub lic Safety Impacts of Illegal Marijuana Grows Resolution Dear President Cisneros : T he C ity of Ukiah supports the Redwood Emp ire Div ision 's effort to submit a resolu tion for conside ration by the Genera l Assemb ly at t he League 's 2014 Annual Conference in Los Angeles . The Div ision 's r eso luti on seeks to address the de vas tating environ mental impacts of illegal marij uana g rows on both private and public lands throug hout Californ ia and the increasing threat to public safe ty relat ing to these il lega l sites . The reso lution will provide the Leag u e with the direction to call upon the Govern or and State Le gislature to convene a summit to develop respons ive so lutions and to secure adequate funding fo r imp lementation strategies . As members of the League , our city values the po licy development process provided to the General Assemb ly . We appreciate yo ur time on th is issue. Please feel free to contact Jane Chambers , Ci t y Ma nager, at 7407-463-6210 or jchambers@cityofukiah.com , if you have any questions . Sincerely, "'"'\ (/lh.t rm~. Phil i p ~dwin Mary pJ. n Landis Mayor Vice Mayor ~~)·,~~ Benj Thomas Council member 1\~~~-(__.:.j '-\ Vc ~/+ ~ Douglas F . Crane Council member Steve Scalman ini Councilmem ber Cc : Ka thryn Murray, Pres ident, Redwood Empire Div isio n c/o Sara Rounds , Reg ional Public Affairs Manager, LOCC Red wood Empire Division , srounds@cacit ies .org 300 SEMINARY AV EN UE UKIAH, CA 95482-5400 Phone# 707/463-6200 Fax# 70714 63-6204 Web Address: www ct !yofukiah.com