HomeMy Public PortalAbout07) 7D Transportation and Public Safety Commission Actions July 23, 2014AGENDA ITEM 7.0. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: Augus t 19 , 2014 TO : The Hon orable City Co unci l FROM : Dona ld E. Penman , Interi m City Manage f\f Via : Mic hae l D. Forbes , AI CP , Community Devel opmen t Direct o r ~ By : Jonathan Aceves , Commun ity Preservation Officer * SUBJECT : TRANSPORTAT ION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ACTIONS - MEETING OF JU LY 23 , 2014 RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to rece ive and file the Transportation and Public Safety Comm ission (Com m ission) actions from their meet ing of J uly 23 , 2 014. BACKGROUND : On Ju ly 23 , 2014 , t he Commiss ion he ld their regularly sc hed uled meeti ng . ANALYSIS: Foll ow ing is a s ummary of actio ns take n at the July 23 , 201 4 meeti ng : 1. ROLL CALL: Presen t: Commissioner -Clift , Haddad , Nimri , V ice -C hairman Redmond , Cha irman Stratis Ab sent: Co mm issi o ne r -None Excused : Comm iss io ne r -None 2 . REOGAN IZAT ION OF COM MI SS IO N The Commissi on elected Commissioner Redmond as Chairman and Commissione r Haddad as V ice-Chairman . City Council August 19 , 2014 Page 2 of 2 3 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Comm ission approved the minutes of their June 11 , 2014 meeting . 4 . PARKING CITATION HEARINGS The Public Safety Comm iss ion held five hearings in person . The Commiss ion upheld four citations and dismissed one cita tion . 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . TPSC 14-0010 , APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF RED CURB MARKINGS AND TRAFFIC MARKINGS AT AND AROUND THE INTERSECTION OF LOMA AVENUE AND HERMOSA DRIVE The Commission adopted resolution No . TPSC 14-0010 . B. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . TPSC 14 -0011 , APPROVING THE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF PARKING CONTROL SIGNAGE AND CURB MARKINGS AROUND LA ROSA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The Commission adopted resolution No . TPSC 14-0011 . CONCLUSION: The City Council is requested to receive and file this report . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impact on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 City Budget.