HomeMy Public PortalAbout13) 7J Accept Plans and Specifications and authorize bid advertisment for demolition activities at 5800 Temple City Blvd.AGENDA ITEM 7 .J MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: August 19 , 2014 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Donald E. Penman , Interim City Managerra? J A By: Brian Haworth , Asst. to the City Manager/ Econ. Development Manager l/Yl---. Yunus Rahi , P.E., Deputy C ity Engineer SUBJECT : ACCEPT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZE BID ADVERTISEMENT FOR DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD RECOMMENDATION: Th e City Counci l is requested to: a) Accept plans , specifications and estimates for demolition of the form er mortuary building at 5800 Temp le City Boulevard ; and b) Authorize the Interim City Manager to circulate the bid advertisement. BACKGROUND: In April 2013, the City purchased the former mortuary site at 5800 Temple City Boulevard for redevelopment purposes , possibly as a public parking lot to alleviate downtown parking demand. Funds in t h e amount of $200,000 were subseque ntly allocated in the FY 2013-14 City Budget-and carried over to the FY 2014-15 City Budget-to demolish the blighted mortuary building and prepare the property for new development. Last month , contracted crews completed legally require d pre-d e molition activities on the building to remove hazardous materials includ ing lead-based paint, mercury-containing electrical fixtures , refrigerants, and asbestos flooring and insulation . The City's environmental consu ltan t is now prepa ri ng a project closeout report , which among other things provides clea ran ces by loca l regulatory agencies that the property is ready for demolition . C ity Council August 19, 2014 P age 2 of 3 ANALYSIS : T o co nt inue the project's momentum , th e City Engineer has prepared a bid document fo r bu ilding demolition and s ite clearance . Provided as Atta c hment "A ", it co nta ins the following key compo nents . • • • • • T he project scope , which inclu des remova l of the building and its ra ised foundation ; i n addition to the ad j acent parking lot and any miscellaneous debris . The property is to be graded to a level condition with utilities capped at street service con nection s . Mitigation measures t hat req uire the successful bidder to l imit d ust and no i se on and aroun d the pr oject site duri ng dem o li t ion activities ; as we l l as to keep the site and adjace nt City right-of-ways clea n, neat and safe . Notice of Award p rovis ions , which require the successful bidder to beg in work no less than 15 days from contract execution , and for a duration no more than 20 working days between the hours of 7 a .m . and 4 p.m . Bi dde r proposal requ i rements t hat identify professional qualifications and communica te p ro cedures for how th e work will be performed . Bidders must provide a schedule of ho urly and/or fixed costs to complete the project. Contractual provisions , which outli ne to b idders a number of the City 's key contracting re quirements in cluding-but not limited to-fa ir employment practices , prevai ling wages , prescribe d sa f et y protoco ls an d insurance l iability requirements for indemnity . Shoul d the City Co unc il authorize circ ul ati on of the bid document , the City Enginee r (on behal f of the Inte ri m City Manage r) wi ll p rovide solicit competitive bids for a bid opening date of September 9 , 2014 . An award of contract for demolition work wil l subsequently be presented fo r City Council co ns id e ratio n on Oct ober 7 , 20 14 and if approved , act ivities will be com pleted by mid-Nove mber 20 14 . CONCLUSION : Accepta nce of, a nd authorization to c irc ul ate t he bid docum e nt will in itiate a tang ible effo rt to prepare 580 0 T emple City Bou le va rd f or a f uture red eve lopment opportun it y . FISCAL IMPACT: The recommended action presents no fiscal impact as funds are appropriated as Project City Council August 19, 2014 Page 3 of 3 14-13 of the City's Cap ital Improvement Program . ATTACHMENT: A. Bid Document CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Building at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-t3D Document Control Page 1 of 64 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for Demolition of the Building at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-13D August 20, 2014 City of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Dr ive Temple City, CA 91780 Bid Due Date: 11:00 AM on Wednesday, September 17,2014 Submit bids to: City Clerk's Office City Of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91780 A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 11:00 AM , Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at the job site (5800 Temple City Boulevard, Temple City). August 20, 2014 TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Pl.ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition ot lhe Bulldn'lg at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnvrting Bid No : P14-13D Documenl Control Page 2 ol64 The City of Temple City wishes to take this opportunity to welcome you as a prospective bidder on one of its Pub lic projects. It is the City's i ntention to provide you with thorough and complete information regard ing this project and to present an accurate desc ription of the necessary work so that you may successfu ll y bid and construct the project. Subm ittal of your bid assume s t hat you have made a thorough and compl et e i nvestigation of the project site and that you have di scov ered no apparent discrepancies between the scope of work set forth in the plans and specifications and the actual field conditions. If there are any questions regarding this project, please contact in writing via e-mail : Yunus Rah i; Yunus.rahi@transtech.org Ali Cayir; Ali.cayi r @transtech.org All i nqu i r ies must be submitted vi a e-ma il. TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BIDDER 'S PROPOSAL (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX A -SAMPLE CITY CONTRACT TO BE EXECUTED APPENDIX B-CERTIFICATION OF REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ~bon o f the Buoldong at5800 Temple Crty BoUevard Nollce lnvtbng Bod No P14-130 Ooamenl Conttol Page 3 at 64 SECTION A B c D A. NOTICE INVITING BIDS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolitlon of 1he Building at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Nollce lnvoting Bid No . P14-13D Documenl Conlrol Page 4 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City A. NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City ofT em pie City invites sealed bids for DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD. Bids must be submitted to City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 9701 Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, CA 91780, no later than 11:00 AM on Wednesday, Se ptembe r 17, 2014; Attention: City Clerk. Postmarks will not be accepted . A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 11:00 AM, Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at the job site {5800 Temple City Boulevard, Temple City). Description of Work: The demolit ion of the building at 5800 Temple City Boulevard as descri bed in the project speci ficat ions. Bid Proposals must meet all requirements set forth in the BID DOCUMENTS. The Contractor shall comply with and require all subcontractors to comply with all Federal, State and City Con tractor License Laws and be duly Registered and Licensed thereunder as required for this type of work. Schedule: The demolition of the building at 5800 Temple City Boulevard as described in the project specifications shall be completed in 20 work days. liquidated Damages : $250 per calendar day. Estimated Cost and Bid Bond: The estimated cost is $100,000. 10% bid bond is required. Place of Bid Responses Submittals: Submit your bid no later than 11 :00 AM on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 to: Temple City-City Hall; City Cler k's Office 9701 Las Tunas Drive; Temple City, CA 91780; T: (626) 285-2171 To obtain a copy of the Bid Documents, please send an email to yunus .rahi@transtech .org and a pdf file of the Bid Documents will be e-mailed to you at no cost. Bid documents can also be obtained at the City Clerk's Office, 9701 Las Tunas Drive, Temple City at a non-refundable fee of $50. Bid Documents can also be reviewed and printed from the Temple City website at www.templecity.us. The City of Temple City hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively i nsure that in any given agreement entered into pursuant to th is advertisement, Disadvantaged Business and Women's Bus i ness Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and w i ll not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, creed, color, or national origin in consideration for an award . Page A.l A . NOTICE INVITING BIDS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECI FICATIONS Oemolrtlon o r !he Building at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice lnv•ting Bid No . P14-130 Oocumenl Conlrol Page 5 ol ~ DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City The City hereby notifies all qualified bidders that it will affirmatively insure that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to subm it bids i n response to this invitation and w i ll not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, religion or handicap in any consideration for an award. Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 1777.5 {Chapter 1411, Statutes of 1968) and 1777.5 of the Labor Code concern i ng the employment of apprentices by the contractor and that the contractor shall not allow discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, religion or handicap. The City will deduct a State-mandated 5 percent retention from all progress payments. In entering into a public works contract, or a subcont ract, to sup ply goods, services, or materials pursuant to a public works contract, the Contractor, or subcontractors, offers and agrees to assign to the award ing body all r ights, title and interest in, and to, all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S .C. Section 15) or under the Cartwr ight Act {Chapter 2 [com mencing with Section 16700] of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arisi ng from purchases of goods, services , or materials pursuant to the public work's contract or subcontract. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the t ime the awarding body tenders final payment to the Contractor, w ithout further acknowledgment by the parties. The successful Contra cto r and his subcontractors will be r equired to possess business licenses from the City. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids , to waive any irregu lari ty, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of sixty {60) calendar days. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice shal l become effective or enforceable aga inst the City of Temple City only when the for mal written contract has been duly executed by the appropriate officers of the City . If there are any questions regarding this project, please contact in writing v ia e-mail: Yunus Rahi ; Yunus .rahi@transtech .org Ali Cayir; Ali.cayir@tran stech .org All inquiries must be submitted v ia e-mail. BY ORDER of the City of Temple City, California . Page A .2 B. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Oemolttlon of 1he But !ding at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Nolloe Inviting Bid No.: P14-130 Ooc:oment Control Page 6 0( 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City B. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City LOCATION OF WORK The exact location of the project is outlined in the drawings, specificat ions and other Contract Documents on f i le at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Temple City. PROPOSAL FORMS Bids shall be subm itted in writing on the Proposal forms provided by the City. All i nformation requested therein must be clearly and legibly set f orth in the manner and form indicated. The City will not consider any proposal not meeting these requ irements. PROPOSA L GUARANTEE Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee consisting of a bid bond payable to the City of Temple City in the amount not less than 10 percent of the total amount of b id . Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee wi ll not be considered . If a bidder to whom a contract is awarded fails or refuses to execute the contract documents or furnish the requ i red insurance policies and bonds as set forth in those documents, the proposal guarantee shall be forfeited to the City. The proposal guarantees of all b id ders will be held until the successful bidder has properly exec uted all contract documents. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope p lainly marked on the outside: DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City-DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL" Proposals may be mai led or delivered by messenger. However, it is the b idder's responsibi lity alone to ensure delivery of the proposa l to the hands of the City's designated official prior to the bid openi ng hour st i pulated in the Notice Inviting Bids . Late proposals will not be cons idered. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, PROGRESS OF WORK, LIQUIDATED DAMAGES In accordance with the provisions of Subsection 6-1 of the Standard Specifications, and/or as may be provided for within the herein Specia l Provisions, after notification of award and prior to start of any work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval its proposed Construction Schedule. At a scheduled date prior to commencement of work, the Contractor and all su bcontractors shall attend a pre-construction conference at the City Hall. Page 8 .1 B. I NSTRU CTI O NS TO BIDDERS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DemOOtJon of the Bulldmg at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard NoiJce InVIting Bid No . P14--130 Document Conlrol Page 7 ot 64 DEMOLm O N O F THE BUILD I NG AT 5800 TE M PLE CITY BOULEVARD N OTICE INVITING BI D N O .: P14-13D City of Temple City The selected Contractor shall complete the pr oject pe r the schedule ind icated in the Notice of Inviting Bids section of the specifications . The Contractor agrees that failure to co mplete work with in the time allowed will result i n damages being sustained by the City. Contractor and City agree that fai l ure to complete the project will result in inconvenience to the citizens of Temple City. The parties also agree that fa ilure to complete the project on time will prevent the City from having the use of the affected facilities . Therefore, the parties agree such damages among others are, and will continue to be, impracticable and extremely difficult to determine, but that $250 per calendar day is the minimum value of such costs to the City and is a reasonab le amount th at the Contractor agrees to reimburse the City for each cale n da r day of delay in finishing the work in excess of the t ime specified for completion, plus any authorized time extensions . Execution of the contract under these specifications shall constitute agreement by the Contractor and the City that the above indicated liquidated damage amount per ca lendar day is the minimum value of the costs and actual damage caused by fai lure of the Contractor to complete the work within the allotted time, that such sum is liquidated damages and shall not be construed as a penalty, and that such sum may be deducted from payments due the Contractor if such delay occurs. Said amount may be reduced by the City if work is sufficiently completed with in the/an allotted time so that the damages are minimized . All constr uct io n gr affiti sh all be removed prior to t h e release of retentio n payment. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSA LS A proposal may be withdrawn by a written request signed by the bidder. Such requests must be delivered to the City's designated official prior to the b id opening hour stipulated i n the Notice Inviting Bids . Proposa ls may not be withdrawn after the bid open ing hour stipulated in the Notice Inviting Bids without forfeiture of t he proposal guarantee. The withdrawal of a proposa l will not prejudice the right of the bidder to submit a new proposal, providing there is time to do so. IRREGULAR PROPOSALS Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal will render it irregu lar and may cause its rejection . The completed proposal forms shall be without interlineations, alteration s, or erasures. Alternative proposals w i ll not be considered unless specifically requested . No oral, telegraphic, or telephonic proposal, modification, or withdrawal will be consi dered. TAXE S No mention shall be made in the proposal of Sa les Tax, Use Tax, or any other tax, as all amounts bid will be deemed and held to include any such taxes which may be applicable . DISQUA LIF ICATIO N OF BIDD ERS In the event that any bidder acting as a prime contractor has an interest in more than on e proposal, all such p r oposal s will be rejected, and the bidder will be disqualified. This restriction does not apply to Page 8 .2 B. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DemoiJiion of lhe Bulding al 5800 T M1ple C1ty Boulevard Notice InVIting Bid No.: P14-130 Document Conlrol Page 8 ol 64 DEMOLIT ION OF THE BUI LDING AT 5800 TE MPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVI TING BID NO.: P1 4-1 3D City o fTem p le City su b contractors or suppliers who may submit quotations to more than one bidder, and while doing so, may also submit a formal proposal as a prime contractor. No proposa l w i ll be acce pted from a bidder who has not been lice n sed in accorda n ce with the provisions of the State Business and Professions Code. DISCR EPA NCIE S AND MISU NDERSTANDI NGS Before submitting a Proposal, Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the work site, Plans, Specifications, and other contract documents, and by any other means as they may believe necessary, as to the actual phys ica l conditions, requ irements and difficulties under which the work must be performed, and shall include in the Proposal, the cost of all items necessary in the construction of the project. The Bidder sh all not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing, concerning that which such the Bidder might have fully informed himself prior to the bidding. No bidder shall at any time after submission of a proposal make any claim or assertion that there was any misunderstanding or lack of information regarding the nature or amount of work necessary for the satisfactory completion of the job. Any errors, omissions, or discrepancies found in the Plans, Specifications, or other contract documents shall be called to the attention of the City. Should a Bidder find any ambiguity, inconsistency or error in the plans and project manual, o r be in doubt as to their meaning, the Bidder shall notify the City, in writing via FAX as specified in the Notice of Inviting Bids Section. Issues requiring cla r ification will be addressed in a written addendum response, sent by facsimile to each Bidder, person or firm recorded by the City as having received plans. Any addenda issued by the City duri ng the t i me of bidd ing are to be included i n the proposal from the Bi dder, and shall become a part of the Bid documents. The Bidder shall acknowledge rece ipt of addenda on t h e proposal form in the space provided. By submitting a bid, the Bidder shall be he ld to have personally examined the site and the drawi ngs, to have carefully read the specificatio ns, and to have satisfi ed itself as to its ability to meet all the difficult ies attending the execution of the proposed contract bef ore the delivery of this proposal, and agrees that if awa r ded the contract, will make no cla im against the City based on ignorance or misunderstanding of t he p lans, specifications, site conditions and/or contract provisions. PER MITS AN D LI CENS ES The Contractor shall procure all permits and licen ses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incidenta l to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. No fee is charged for the Permit issued by the City for a publ ic wo r ks project. The Contractor shall pay for and obtain a City Business License. CONTRACTORS LICENSE LAW The successful Bidder shall comply with and require all subcontractors to comply with all Federal , State and City Contractor License Laws and be dully Reg istered and Licensed thereunder as required. The successful Bidder is required to p rovide and pay for a performance an d a payment bond as stated in SECTION 2-4 CONTRACT BONDS, of the Greenbook (Standard Specifications for Public Works Page 8.3 B. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Bu11d111g at 5800 T empte City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-13D Document Control Page 9 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City Constructio n, latest ed ition). These bonds shall cover the faithful performance (100%) of the Contract for Construction and the payment of all obligations (100 %) arising thereunder, in such form as the City may prescr ibe and with such sureties as they may approve. The successful Bidder shall require the attorney in fact who executes the required bonds on behalf of the surety to affix thereto a certified and current copy of his Power of Attorney indicating the monetary limit of such power. The City reserves the right to reject any proposed bonding company without stating cause . In this event the successful Bidder shall provide an alternate bonding company selection acceptable to the City. Bonds shall conform with state statutes regarding performance bond and labor and material payment bond with amount shown on each part equal to 100% of the total amount payable by terms of the Contract for Construction. The surety company shall be licensed to do business in state in which construction project is located and shall be acceptable to the City. Bond amount shall be increased to include any Change Order(s) added to the contract to 100% total value amount of each Change Order. Bonds will be recorded along with a copy of the construction contract in the County Recorder Records by the General Contractor with written proof submitted to the City. LIABILITY INSURANCE The liability insurance coverage values stated in SECTION 7-3 LIABILITY INSURANCE, of the Greenbook (Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition) are hereby amended to be: 1. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000,000); 2. Products/Completed Operations Hazard Insurance in an amount of no less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000); 3. Comprehensive Automob ile Liability Insurance in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000); 4 . Contractual General Liability Insura nce in an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000); 5 . or GENERAL AGGREGATE LIABiLITY in an amount of not less than TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2 ,000,000). * Automobile and lease vehicle insurance; owned, not owned and hired. Insurance to includ e bodily injury, sickness and death of any person and property damage owned and un -owned per occurrence. Bidders shall comply with the insurance requirement included in Articl e XI of the City of Temp le City Sample Contract included in Appen dix A. SOCIAL SECURITY ACT The successful Bidder agrees to comply with and to require all of his subcontractors to comply w ith all the provisions of the Act of Congress approved Augu st 14, 1935, known and cited as the Social Security Act and also the provisions of the act of the State Legislature Approved, and known as the State Unemployment Compensation Law and all other laws and regulations pertaining to labor and workmen Page 8 .4 B. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demoii!Jon of the Bu•ldlng at 5800 T empte City Boulevard Notice lnvlllng Bid No P14-13D Document Control Page 10 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City and all amendments to such data, and the co ntractor further agrees to indemnify and hold harml ess the City of Temple City of and from any and all claims and demands made against it by virtue of the fa i lure of the contractor or any subcontractors to comply with the provisions of any or all of said acts and amendments. SALES AND USE TAX The successful Bidder agrees to comply with and to require all of his subcontractors to comply with all the provisions of applicable state sales excise tax law and compensation use tax law and all amendments to same. The successfu l Bidder further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Temple City of and from any and all claim s and demands made against virtue of the failure of the Contractor or any Subcontractors to comply with the provisions of any or all said laws and amendments. WAIVER OF LIENS The successfu l Bidder (General Contractor) is responsible for the payment of all bills for labor and materials furnished by the subcontractors, the suppliers, and the Genera l Contractor on this project. The General Contractor sha ll deliver to the City, unconditiona l Lien Waivers and/or Releases from himself and from each of his subcontractors and suppliers, and at such time he shall certify that he is submitting such lien waivers for all subcontractors and suppliers involved. If any liens are filed against the City property, the City may, at its option, demand General Contractor immediately provide a bond in accordance with state statutes. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES All proposals must be submitted, filed and executed in accordance with State and Federal laws relating to bids for contracts of this nature whether the same or expressly referred to herein or not. Any bidder submitting a proposal shall by such action thereby agree to each and all of the terms, conditions, provisions, and requirem ents set forth, contemplated, and referred to i n the Plans, Specifications, and other contract documents, and to full compl i ance therewith. AWARD OF CONTRACT The award of contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible bidder as determined solely by the City. The City of Temple City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity, and to take the bids under advisement for a period of sixty (60} calendar days, as may be required to provide for the best interests of the City. In no event will an award be made until all necessary investigations are made as to the responsibility and qualifications of the bidder to whom the award is contemplated . The Contractor shall submit a signed contract, bonds, i nsurance and all necessary documents to the City, within the required schedule . EMPLOYMENT OF APPRENTICES Page B.S B. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the BurldJng at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-13 0 Document Control Page 11 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City Attention is directed to the provisio ns in Section 1777.5 of the California Labor Code concerning employment of apprentices by the contractor or any subcontractor under him . The contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of said section in the employment of apprentices; however, the contractor shall have full responsibility for compliance with said Labor Code section for all apprenticable occupations, regardless of any other contractual or employment relationsh i ps alleged to exist. CONFLICT OF INTEREST In the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services by sub-recipients, the conflict of interest provisions in (State LCA-24 CFR 8S.36 and Non-Profit Organizations-24 CFR 84.4), OMB Circular A-110, and 24 CFR 570.611, respectively, shall apply. No employee, officer or agent of the sub-recipient shall participate in selection, or in the award or administration of a contract supported by Federal funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved . SUBCONTRACTS Subcontracts shall comply with SECTION 2-SCOPE AND CONTROL OF THE WORK, of the Greenback (Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition). The Contractor is requ ired to perform, with its own organization, contract work amounting to at least 51 percent of the Contract Price. Failure to meet these requirements will result in d is qualifying of the bid or term ination of the contract. This provision supersedes any other provi si ons which specified a different subcontract requirement Proposed subcontractor names, a general description of the work to be performed by each subcontractor and the dollar amount for each subcontractor shall be submitted with the bid. PROJECT CLOSE OUT DOCUMENTS Within 10 calendar days of completio n of the project, the Contractor shall submit project close out documents, including : Drawings showing aS built conditions with red pencil ; All warranties and guarantees; All paperwork requ ired for labor compliance; All final lien releases; All other project related documents requested by the City. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS The bidder's attention is directed to the applicable provisions in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction requirements and conditions which must be observed in the preparation of the proposal form and the submission of the bid. 1. Examination of Site, and Specifications: Bidders shall examine the site of the work and acquaint themselves with all conditions affecting the work. By submitting a bid, the Bidder shall be held to have personally examined the si te, to have carefully read the specifications, and to have sa tisfied itself as to its ability to meet all the difficulties attend ing the execution of the proposed contract before the delivery of this proposal, and agrees that if awarded the contract, will make no claim Page 8.6 B. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Bu&ld&ng at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No .. P14-13D Document Control Page 12 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: Pl4-13D Oty of Temple City against the City based on ignorance or misunderstanding of the specifications, si te conditions and/or contract provisions. 2 . The Contractor shall have included in the contract price a sufficient sum to cover all items, i ncluding labor, materi als, tools, equipment and incidentals, that are implied or requ ired for the complete improvements as contemplated by the contract documents. If there are any questions regard ing this project, please contact via e-ma il: Yunus Rahi ; Yunus.rah i@tra nstech.org Ali Cayir; Ali.cayir@transtech .o r g All inquiries must be submitted in writing. Page 8 .7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHALL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S PI{OJJO~At Al\lf> BILl RtctUIREMENl ~ .. Documenl Conlrol Page 13 of 64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City C. BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City The following bidder: Company Name : Contractor's Lie No.: Address: Contact Name: Contact Tel No: Contact E-mail: In accordance with the City ofTemple City's Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, the undersigned BIDDER, hereby proposes to furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals required for the above stated project as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents therefore, and to perform all work in the manner and time prescribed therein. BIDDER decla r es that this proposal is based upon careful examination of t he work si te, Plans, Specifications, In structions to Bidders, and all other contract documents. If this proposal is accepted for award, BIDDER understands that failure to enter into a contract in the manner and time pres cribed will result in forfeiture to the City of Temp le City of the guarantee accompanying this proposal. BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work. The contract will be awarded on the prices shown on the bid schedule. It is agreed that the unit and/or lump sum prices bid include all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties and fees. In the case of discrepancies in the amounts of bi d, unit prices shall govern over extended amount, and words shall govern over figures. If awarded the Contract, the undersigned further agrees that in the event of the BIDDER'S default i n executing the required contract and filing the necessary bonds and insurance certificates within ten working days after the date of the City of Temple City's notice of award of contract to the BIDDER , the proceeds of the security accompanyi ng this bid shall become the property of the City of Temple City and this bid and the acceptance hereof may, at the City ofT em pie City's option, be considered null and void . BID SCHEDULE To the Temple City 's City Council , herein called the "Council". Page C.l CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S PO{OI'O'>AI. J\ND Bill REQUIREM~Nl ~ .. Doc:unent Contra Page t4 of64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the b id) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City Pursu ant to and in compliance with your Notice Inviting Bids and the other documents relati ng thereto, the undersigned bidder, having familiarized himself with the work as per the paragraph, Discrepancies and Misunderstandings, contai ned i n the INSTRUCTION S TO BIDDERS section, and with the terms of the contract, the local conditions affecting the performance of the contract, and the cost of the work at the place where the work is done, and with the drawings and specifications and other contra ct documents, hereby proposes and agrees to perform, within the time stipulated, the contract, i ncluding all of its component parts, and everythi ng required to be performed, and to provi de and furnish any and all of the labor, materials, tools, expendable equipment, and all applicable taxes , utility and t ransportation services necessary to perform the contract and complete i n a workmanlike manner, all in strict conformity with the Contract Documents on file at the office of the City Clerk of said City, per the following bid schedule (Bidder shall provide a bid amount for each bid item. Failure to provide a bid for each bid item shall render the bid non-responsive): Page C.2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHALL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S PHOPO~AI_I\ND BI Ll REQUIREMEN1 ~ .. Document Control Page 15 of 64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City Item Description Quantity Un it Unit Price 1 2 Demolish and remove all existing foundations and concrete within the building foot print (assume removal limits are to a depth of 3' from the existing top of soi l elevation). All removed items shall be disposed off by the co ntractor. Existing City owned fence will remain and maintained by the contractor during demolition work. Existing utilities will be capped at street service connections by utility co mpa nies. Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary notices, including any AQMD notices. Note: The City has completed haz-mat abatement of the building. Backfill the remaining area within the building foot print with gravel flush with the adjacent existing surface elevations (assume total of 300 CY gravel). Payment for gravel back fill will be made based on the final quantity and unit price. Total Bid 1 LS $ ___ _ 300 CY $ ___ _ Total Pr ice $ ___ _ $. ___ _ $ ___ _ In the case of disc repancies in the amount of bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts. Full compensation for the items listed to the site are Mobilization I Demob i lization considered as included in each Bid Item listed above Traffic Control, Public Convenience and Safety as applicable, and no additional and/or separate compensation will be allowed. Removals/Excavation/Clearing/Grubbing The bid prices sha ll include any and all costs, including labor, materials, appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties and any and all other incidental costs to complete the project, in compliance with the Bi d and Contract Documents and all applicabl e codes and standards. Page C.3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S P'{OJ.IO'>AI fi NO BI L• REQUIIUMENl~' Ooct.menl Contrnl Page 16 ol64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOliTION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City All other work items not specifically listed in the bid schedule, but necessary to complete the work per bid and contract documents and all appl icable codes and standards are assumed to be included in the b id prices. The City reserves the right to add, delete, increase or decrease the amount of any quantity shown and to delete any item from the contract and pay the contractor at the bid unit prices so long as the total amount of change does not e xceed 25% (plus or minus) of the total bid amount for the entire project. If the change exceeds 25%, a change order may be negotiated to adjust unit bid prices. A bid is requ ired for the entire work, that the quantities set forth in the Bid Schedule are to calculate total bid amount, and that f ina l compensation under t he contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfacto rily completed. Page C.4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPEClFICA TIONS BIDDER SHAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S P>~OI'O'>AI J\Nf.l till' Ht:.QUIK~MENl ~ .. Oocumeni Control Page 17 of 64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMO LITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D Oty of Temple City DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work which are in excess of one -half of one percent of the bid and to procure materia ls and equ i pment from suppliers and vendors as follows: Subcontra ctor Information Work to be Perform ed Dollar Amount Name: Address: $ Tel : Name : Address : $ Tel : Name : Address : $ Tel: Name : Address : $ Tel: Name : Address : $ Tel : Name: Addres s: $ Tel : Nam e : Address : $ Tel: Total Subcontract Amount (shall not exceed 49% of Total Bid Amount) $ Page C.S CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHALL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S P~OI'Cl'>A t II.ND 131fl RtQUIREMENl ~ .. Document Control Page 18 of 64 REFERENC ES BIDDER 'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIRE M ENTS (E ntire s e ctio n C s h all be submitted with the b id) DEMOLm ON OF TH E BU ILDING AT 5800 TEM PLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Te mple City The City of Temple City is interested in obtaining bids from the m ost qualified and capable contractors with a proven track record ab le to perform work desired by the Pub lic Works Department. Any and all references requ ired to be provided by the bid specifications must be for projects co nstructed by the bidd ing company; refe re nce s for other proj ects perfo r med by principals or other individuals of the bidd ing company may not be included. The followi ng are the names, add r esses, and telephone numbers for three public agencies f or wh ich BI DDER has perform ed si milar work within t h e past three years. Reference Co nt act In f orm atio n Refe r ence Pro j ect Contract Date Name Value Com(;11eted Agency Name : Contact Name and Title : $ Contact Tel No: Agency Name : Contact Name and Title : $ Contact Te l No: Agency Name : Contact Name and Title: $ Contact Te l No: BO NDS The foll owi ng are the names , addresse s, and telephone numbers fo r all bro kers and sureties from whom Bidder inten ds to procure insu r ance bonds: SITE INSPECTION The Bidder declares t hat he/she has carefully read and exam ine d t h e pl ans, specifications, bid documents, and he/sh e has made a perso n al examination of t h e site (i ndicate name of the person, representi ng the bi d der, who inspected the site and date be low) an d that he/she un d er stands the exact scope of the Project WI THOUT QUESTION . Page C.6 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHAll COMPlETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S Pi{OPO'>At 1\ND BIP RtQUIK~MENl ~ .. Document Control Page 19 of 64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City Name of Person who inspected the site: Date of Inspection : ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda and has included their provisions in this Proposal : Addendum No. _________ Dated ______ _ Addendum No .. _________ Da ted ______ _ EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE BIDDER certifies that all previous contracts or subcontracts, all reports which may have been due under the requirements of any Agency, Site, or Federal equal employment opportunity orders have been satisfacto ri ly filed , and that no such reports are currently outstanding. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIF ICATION BIDDER certifies that affirmative action has been taken to seek out and consider minority bus i ness enterprises for those portions of work to be subcontract ed, and that such affirmative actions have been fully documented, that sai d documentation is open to inspection, and that said affirmative action will remain in effect for the life of any contract awarded hereunder. Furthermore, BIDDER certifies that affirmative action will be taken to meet all equal employment opportunity requirements of the contract documents. NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT BIDDER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named here in: that no officer, agent, or e mployee of the City of Temple City is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this proposal; that this proposal is made without connection to any other individual, firm, or corporation maki ng a bid for the same work and that this proposa l is in all respects fair and without co llu sio n or fraud. Page C.7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S PROI'OSAl JI.ND Bill RtQUIHEMENl ~ .. SCOPE OF WORK Documenl Control Page 20 o f 64 BIDDER 'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City ofT em pie City The demolition of the build i ng at 5800 Temple City Boulevard as descr i bed in the proj ect sp ecifications. Project site is located at: 5800 Temple Cit y Boul ev ard , Tem ple Cit y, CA 91 78 0. SITE LOCATION MAP Page C.S CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S PROPO~AI. J\ND BID RtUUIRI:MEN1 ~ .. Document Conlrcl Page 21 of64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City FOUNDATION DETAILS OF EXISTING BUILDING Demolition work includes: o Removal of existing foundations and concrete within the building foot print (assume removal limits are to a depth of 3' from the existing top of soil elevation). o Backfill of the remaining area within the building foot print with gravel flush with the adjacent existing surface elevations (assume total of 300 CY gravel) Payment for gravel back fill will be made based on the final quantity and unit price shown in Bid Item 2 (see bid schedule). All removed items shall be disposed off by the contractor. Existing City owned fence will remain and maintained by the contractor during demolition work. Existing utilities will be capped at street service connections by utility companies. Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary notices, including any AQMD notices. Note: The City has completed haz-mat abatement of the bu ilding. Pa ge C.9 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIACATIONS BIDDER SHALL COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S P~OI'CI'>AI. J\ND Bl l ' REQUIREMENl ~ .. Documen t Control Page 22 ol64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AN D BID RE QUIRE M ENTS (Entire section C shall be s ubmitted w ith the bi d ) DEMOLITI ON OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TE M PLE CITY BOU LEVARD NOTI CE INVITING BID NO .: P1 4-13D City of Te m pl e City BIDDER INFORMATION Bidder's Name: Ad dress: Fo rm of Legal Entity (i.e., individual , partnership, corporation, etc.) If a Corporation, State of Incorporation (i.e ., Calif.) Valid State Contractor's License No. and Class Contact Person Information: Name Title E-mail Tel The following are the names, titles, add resses, and phone numbers of all individ ua ls, firm members, partners, join t venturers, and/or corporate officers hav ing a principa l interest in this proposal: The date(s) of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgem ents against any pri ncipal having an interest in th is proposa l are as follows : All current and prior DBA'S , al ias, and/or f ic titious business names for any pr inci pa l having an interest in th is proposal a re as follows : Previous contract performance his tory: Was any contract terminated previously: __ _ If the answer to the above is "yes", provide the following information: Contract/project name and nu m ber: ___________________ _ Da t e of termination : _________________________ _ Reason for termination: ________________________ _ Owner's name: ---------------------------- Owner contact person and tel. no.:------------------- Page C.lO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATlDNS BIDDER SHALL COMPlETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECT ION "C. BIDDER'S P~Of'O'>AI 1\Nf.l 1:111' RtQUIRfMlNh' Document Control Page 23 of 64 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BIDDER executes and submits this proposal with the names, t itles, hands, and seals of all aforementioned principals this __ day of 201_. BIDDER ________________________________________________ __ Subscribed and sworn to this ____ day of ______ __, 201_. NOTARY PUBLIC ________________________________________________ _ Page C.ll CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BIDDER SHAll COMPLETE AND SUBMIT All DOCUMENTS AND PAGES IN THIS SECTION "C. BIDDER'S P~CWO~AI.I\ND Blfl RtQUIR~ME:Nl '>' Document Control Page 24 0( 64 BIDDER 'S PROPOSAL AND BID REQUIREMENTS (Entire section C shall be submitted with the bid) DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City PROPOSAL GUARANTEE/BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that as BIDDER, AND ________ __J as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City ofTemple City, in the penal sum of dollars ($ ), which is 10 percent of the total amount bid by BIDDER to the City of Temple City for the above stated project, for the payment of wh ich sum , BIDDER and SURETY agree to be bound, joi ntly and severally, firm by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas BIDDER is about to submit a bi d to the City of Temple City for the above stated project, if said bid is rejected, or if said bid is accepted and a contract is awarded and entered into by BIDDER in the manner and time specified, then th is obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect in favor of the City of Temple City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals th is __ day of -------' 20_. BIDDER* SURETY* *Provide BIDDER/SURETY name, address and telephone number and the name , title, address and telephone number for authorized representative . Subscribed and sworn to this __ day of -------' 20_. NOTARY PUBLIC: _________________ _ Page C.12 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition or the Building at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnv1ting Bid No.: P14-13D Document Control Page 25 or 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City D. SPECIFICATIONS DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL The General Co nditions for this project sha ll be based on PART 1-GENERAL PROVISIONS of the Greenbook, (Latest Edition), except as amended by the project plans, specifications and contract documents, supple mentary conditions, and/or other applicable contract documents. In case of conflict between the Special Specifications included in this Section and specia l provisions included in the Appendix, the more stringent requ irement shall apply, except when the City makes an exception. The City has the right to make such exception at its discretion, and the contractor sha ll provide reasonable cost discount if the City decid es to implement the les se r stringent option . NOTIFICATION The Contractor sha ll notify the City of Temple City and the owners of all utilities and substructures not less than 48 hours prior to starting construction. The following li st of names and telephone numbers is intended for the convenience of the Contractor and is not guaranteed to be complete or correct: Agency Name and Title Tel City of Temple City Robert Sahagun, Public Safety and Services Manager 626-2 85 -21 71 City of Temple City Adam Gulick, Associate Planner 626-285-2171 City ofT em pie City Bryan Ariizumi, Public Safety Officer 626-285-2171 City ofTemple City Geoffrey Starns, Plann ing Manager 626-285-2171 City ofTemple City, PD County Sheriff's Station 626-285-7171 City of Temple City, Fire Fire Department 626-287-9521 Electric Southern California Edison 800-684-8123 Gas The Gas Company 800-427-2200 AT&T Business Customer Service 888-944-044 7 SPRINT Customer Service 800-211-4727 MCI Customer Service 888-624-5622 Refuse Athens Disposal Co mpany 626-336-3636 Cable Charter Communications 866-499-8080 Water California American Water Co . 888-422-5269 Water East Pa sa dena Water Co . 626 -793-6189 Water San Gabriel County Water District 626-287-0341 Wate r So. Californ ia Water Co. 626-446-1372 Water Sunnyslope Water Co. 626-287-5238 Page 0.1 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition or the Buoldong al 5800 Temple City Boulevard No11ce lnviUng Bid No P14-130 Document Conlrol Page 26 or 64 DEMOLmON OF THE BUILD I NG A T 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTI CE INVmNG BI D NO.: P14-13D City of Te mple Cit y I Underground Service Al ert I (soo) 422-4133 CITY HOLI DAYS City offices are closed on th e following days : New Year's Day; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; President's Da y ; Me m o ria l Day; Ind epe ndence Day; La bo r Day; Ve t eran's Day ; Thanksg ivi ng (2 days) and Christmas Day. Du ring these holida ys, inspections will not be available. EMERGENCY INFORMATION The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the Contractor and subcontractors, or their r epresentatives, sha ll be filed with the Engineer and the City Police Department prior to beg inni ng work. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS Provide and recor d a complete "As Built" records se t of b lue l i ne prints showing changes from the original drawings and specifica t ions and the exact "As Built" locations, sizes and types of equ ipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from t he City. Keep this set of drawings on the site and use only as a record set. Use t hese d r awings as work progress sheets. With red pencil, make neat and legible annotations thereon as t he wor k proceeds, showing the work as actually completed. Keep these drawings available at all t imes for inspection. Before the date of the fina l inspection, provide the "As Bui lt" prints to the Ci t y. Please note, that fai l ur e to submit an "As Bui lt'' set of drawings as noted above will result in the retention payment being delayed. SPEC IAL PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1. Scope of the Work covered by Contract Documents : The work to be do ne consists of furnis h ing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidental for the constructio n, complete in place, of those items as shown on the bid set of drawings (o r amended drawi ngs ) and as included in these Specia l Tec hnica l Provisions. 2. Contractors Duties: Comply with codes, ordinances, ru les, regulations, orders, and other legal requirements of public authorities which bear on performance of work. 3. Contracts: Construct entire work under one contract with the City. 4. Allotted Working Space: Page 0 .2 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Bu.ldong at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: Pt4-130 Document Cootrol Page 27 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City The contractor shall be re sponsible for storing his materials and equipment and to use as work yard as necessary. The City will not allow keeping equipment, materials, vehicles, removed items, debris, etc w ithin this space with no liability to the City. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide adequate fencing, security of the yard and equipment to the contractor's satisfaction, and to restore the assigned area to its original, pre -use condition, or better, to the satisfaction of the City. 5 . Acceptance of Site : The Contractor shall accept the site and the character of the work as they exist on the f i rst day of work under this contract. 6 . Maintenance of Existing Plantings , Impr ovements and Facilities : The Contractor shall protect and maintain all ex isting trees and shrubs (p lantings) to rema in from the first day of work under this contract to acceptance . In similar fashion , Contractor shall protect and ma i ntain all improvements and facilities i n place to remain from the first day of work under this contract to acceptance. Contractor shall notify City Engineer of any damage to any existing planti ngs , improvements or facilities as soon as possible . Contractor shall replant or repair any damage to the satisfaction of City Engineer at no co st or extra burden to the City. 7. Su rvey and Layout: Contr actor shall verify all dimen si ons on the drawings and shall report to the City Representative any d iscrepancies before proceed ing with related work. Contractor shall perform all survey and precise layout work to the satisfaction of the Pub lic Works Director or his/her designee . Contractor shall establish final grades and ex tents for the improvem ents and prese rve such work on as-built plans. 8 . Limits of Work: Limits o f work shall be the legal property bounda ri es of the site unless modif i ed by Contract limit l i nes i ndicated on the plans o r as noted otherwise. GENERAL PROCEDURES 1. Specifications and Drawings Complementary : The Spec ifications and Drawings are complementary, and what is called for in one shall be bi nding as if called for in both. 2. Order of Precedence of Contract Documents : In resolvi ng conflicts result i ng from conflicts, errors, or discrepancies in any of the Contract Documents, the order of preceden ce shall be as follows: Page 0 .3 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demohllon ot the Build1ng at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnv1Ung Bid No P14-130 Document Control Page 28 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofT ample City a. Contract b. Specifications c. Drawings Within the Specifications the order of precedence is as follows: a. Addenda/Change Orders b. Special Specifications c. Instructions to Bidders d. Notice to Contractors e. Standard Drawings f . Referenced Standard Specifications With reference to the Drawings the order of precedence is as follows: a. Figures govern over scaled dimensions b. Detail drawings govern over general drawings c. Addenda/Change Order drawings govern over Contract Documents d . Contract Documents govern over standard drawings e. Contract Drawings govern over shop drawings 3. Discrepancies in the Contract Documents : Any discrepancies, conflicts, errors or omissions found in the Contract Document shall be promptly reported in writing to the Public Works Director or his/her designee, who will issue a correction in writing. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any such discrepancies, conflicts, errors or omissions, but shall comply with any corrective measures regarding the same prescribed by the Public Works Director or his/her designee, and no additional payment or time shall be allowed therefor, except as provided i n the Standard Specifications. If discrepancies are discovered between the drawings and the specifications, and no specific interpretation is issued prior to the bidding, the decis io n regard i ng this interpretation sha ll re st with the Public Works Di recto r or his/her designee. The Contractor shall be compelled to act on the Public Works Director or his/her designee's deci sion as directed. In the event the installation is not in compliance with the direction of the Public Works Director or his/her des ignee, the installation shall be corrected by and at the expense of the Contractor at no add itiona l cost to the City. In case of suc h discrepancies on the plan sheets, it is assumed that the bid included the cost for implementing/constructing the discrepancy that would have the highest dollar value. 4. Errors and Omissions: If the Contractor, in the course of the work, becomes aware of any claime d errors or omissions in the contract documents or in the City's field work, it shall immediately inform the Public Works Director or his/her designee. City Engineer shall promptly review the matter, and if he/she finds an error or omission ha s been made, he/she shall determine the corrective actions and advise the Page 0 .4 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Sodding at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No P14·130 Document Control Page 29 ol64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City Contractor accordingly. If the corrective work associated with an error or omission increases or decreases the amount of work called for in the Contract, the City shall issue an appropriate Change Order. After discovery of an error or omission by the Contractor, any related work performed by the Contractor shall be done at its ri sk unless authorized by the Pub lic Works Director or his/her designee. 5 . Changed Conditions: The plans for the work show conditions as they are bel ieved by City Eng i neer to ex ist, but is not intended or to be inferred that the conditions as shown thereon constitute a representation by the City that such conditions are actually existent, nor shall the City be liable for any loss sustained by the Contractor as a result of any variance of the conditions as shown on the plans and the actual conditions revealed during the progress of the work or otherwise. The word "conditions" as used in this paragraph includes, but i s not limited to, site conditi ons, both surface and subsurface . The Contractor shall exam i ne the site, compare it w ith the drawi ngs and specifications and shall satisfy itself as to the conditions under wh ich the work is to be performed . The Con t ractor shall ascerta i n and check the location of all existing structures, utilities and equipment wh ich may affect its work. The Contractor shall be responsible to re -examine the site, as necessary, for performance of change orders or other proposed changes which may affect its work. No allowance shall subsequently be made on the Contractor's behalf for any extra expense or loss of time wh ich incurred due to failure or negligence on its part to make such examination . 6 . Con struction Staking : The Contractor shall be respon si ble for construction staking . Un less otherwise provided in the special provision, lines and grades for the construction sha ll be the respons i bility of the contractor, with the following provisions: All work under this contract shall be built in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the plans. Field survey for establ ishing these, and for the control of construction, shall be the respons i bi lity of the Contractor. All such survey work i ncluding construction staking shall be done under the supervision of a Ca lifornia licensed Land Surveyor or authorized Civil Enginee r. Stak ing shall be done on all items ordinarily requiring gr ade and al ignment, at intervals nor ma lly accepted by the agencies and trade i nvolv ed . The Contractor shall provide a copy of the office ca lculations and grade sheets to the City Inspector. The Contractor shall be responsible for any error in the finished work, and shall notify the Eng i neer, in writing, within 24 hours of any discrepancies, or design errors during the construction staking. Prior to the start of constructi on, any Survey Monuments and Bench Marks having d irect confl ict w ith the construction shall be referenced in the f i eld and "corner records " shall be prepar ed and submitted by the supervisi ng licensed Land Surveyor, to the Eng ineer, on certified official record forms for filing in the office of the County Surveyo r. A ll the Survey Monuments and Bench Marks Page 0 .5 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Dernollbon of 1he Buldlng al 5800 Temple Cdy Boulevard Nollce lnv1bng Bid No P14-13D Document Conlrnl Page 30 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City removed and/or altered during the construction shall be reset and certified "corner records" shall be submitted by the Land Surveyor, to the Engineer prior to the final acceptance of the construction. Unless a separate bid item is provided, the payment for surveying, construction staking, setting of the Survey Monuments and Bench Marks, preparing corner records, professional services, office and field calcu lations, furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals, and for doing all the work i nvolved, shall be considered as included in the items of work for which the surveying work is performed, and no additi onal compensation will be allowed. 7. Notice to Proceed: Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall not be obligated to perform any work and the City shall not be obligated to accept or pay for any work performed by the Contractor prior to delivery o f a Notice to Proceed . The City's knowledge of work being performed prior to delivery of the Notice to Proceed shall not obligate the City to accept or pay for such work. The Contractor shall provide all required contract bonds and evidences of insurance prior to commencing work at the site. 8 . Contract Time : The Contractor shall submit evidence to the City that all materials have been purchased by the date indicated in the construction schedule in INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION of these spec ificat ions. The date construction shall beg i n w ill be specified in a Notice to Proceed , by the date indicated i n the construction schedule in INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION of these specifications. Except as otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, worki ng hours in traffic lanes w ill be restricted to between the hours of 8:30 a.m . and 3:00 p .m., and, except as otherwis e stated in the Spe ci al Provisions or approved by the Public Works Director or his/her designee, working hours for areas not affecting traffic are between 7:00a.m . and 4 :00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays and weekends. During periods when weather or other conditions are unfavorable for construction, the Contractor shall pursue only such portions of the work as shall not be damaged thereby. No portions of the work whose acceptab le quality or efficiency will be affected by any unfavorable conditions shall be constructed while those conditions exist. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the Contractor and the City that the Contract time for completion of the work described herein is a reasonable t i me taking into cons i deration the average cl imatic and econom ic conditi ons and other factors prevailing in the locality of the work. 9 . De lay i n Obtaining Materials: No extens i on of time will be granted for a delay caused by the inabi lity to obta in materi als unless the Contractor either obtains advance written approval from City Eng ineer or obtains from the supplier and furnishes to the Engineer documentary proof that such materials could not be obtained due to war, government regulations, labor di sputes, strikes, fires, floods, adverse weather Page 0 .6 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demohtlon of the Buildlllg at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-13D Document Conlrol Page 3 1 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofT em pie City conditions necessitating the cessation of work, or other similar action of the elements. The Contractor is required to order materials in a timely manner as specified in the "Instruction to Bidders". 10. Record Drawings: The Contractor shall maintain at the job site one (1) set of record drawings. At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall submit to the Inspector an accurate "as-built" drawing of any changes that occurred from the approved plans and drawings, including Change Order work, changed conditions in the field, and/or claimed extra work. The Contractor shall be responsible to obta i n the Inspector's written approval of the accuracy of said drawing. No invoice will be accepted for processi ng until all work included therein is accurately shown on the record drawings. 11. Materials: Material Specifications: Whenever any material is specified by name and number thereof, such specifications shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facil itating a description of the materials and establishing the quality of the materials to be used. All materials shall be new and the best of their cla ss and kind. No substitution will be permitted which has not been approved in writing by the Public Works Director or his/her designee . Material List: A complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Catalog data and full descriptive literature and manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions shall be submitted whenever the use of items different than those specified is requested . The material list shall be subm itted using the following sample layout (double spaced between each item). Item No. Description Manufacturer Model Number 1. material ABC Corp . XXX Approval of Substitutes: Approval of any items, alternates or substitutes indicates only that the product(s) apparently meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications on the ba sis of the i nformation and/or samples submitted. Contractor's Responsibility: Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of liability under these Specifications. Such warranties only shall supplement the Contractor's responsibility. Page 0.7 D. SPE CI FI CATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of lhe Bu•ld•ng at 5800 Temple City Boulevard NotiCe InVIting Bid No Pt4-130 Document Control Page 32 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUilDING AT 58 00 TEMPlE CITY BOUlEVARD N OTIC E I NVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City 12. Inspection and Testing: All materials furn ished and all work performed under the Contract shall be subject to review by the Public Works Director or his/her designee. Such review may include mill, plant, shop, nursery, or fie ld inspection as required. City Engi n eer shall be per mitted access to all parts of the work, including plants w here materials are manufactured or fabrica t ed, and shall be furnished w ith such materia ls, infor mat ion and assistance by the Contractor and its subcontractors and supplie rs as is required to make a complete and detailed inspection. The City will provide standard progress building and public works inspection at no cost to the Contractor. Cont ractor shall arrange and pay for all other inspections required by ordinance or governing authori t ies, including tests in connection therewith, as may be assigned to it in other sections of the specifications. Where required by the Bu ilding Code, specialty inspectors shall be provided by the City at no cost to the contractor. The Contractor shall re q uest specialty i nsp ect or at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of an anticipated inspection. City shall perform co mpaction tests as req ui red. It shall be the Con t ractor's responsibility to obtain Inspection in a timely manner prior to proceeding with any phase of construction. The Contractor shall neither allow nor cause any of its work to be covered or enclosed until it has been inspected, tested and approved by the Public Works Director or his/her designee. City Engineer will make , or have made, such inspections and tests as he deem s necessary to see that the work is being accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. In the event such inspections or tests reveal non-co mpliance with the requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall bea r the cost of suc h corrective measures deemed necessary by the Public Works Director or his/her designee , as well as the cost of the sub!>equent re-inspection and re-testing. It shall be understood and agreed that the inspection or making of tests shall not constitute an acceptance of any portion of the work no r relieve the Contractor from compliance with the terms of the Contract. Standard progress billing and public works inspections shall be reque st ed by th e Contractor at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of an anticipated inspection. Work done in the absence of prescribed inspection may be required to be removed and replaced under the prope r inspection, and the entire cost of remova l and replacement, includi ng the cost of all materials which may be furnished by the City and used in the work thus removed, shall be borne by the Contractor, regardles s of whether the work removed is found to be defective or not. Work covered without the authority of City Eng ineer shall, upon order of the City Engineer, be uncovered to the extent required , and the Contractor shall si milarly bear the entire cost of performing all the work and furnish in g all the materials necessa ry for the remova l of the coveri ng and its su bsequent replacement. Page 0 .8 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Oemolrtion of the Bulid1ng at 5800 Temple City Bou levard Notice lnviUng Bid No .• P14 -130 Docume nt Control Page 33 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BU I LDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofT em pie City 13. Project Schedule: The Contractor shall submit a Construction Schedule to City Engineer prior to beginning construction . No work may be started until the Schedule has been approved in writing. The work shall be scheduled to assure that construction w ill be completed within the specified time. The Contractor shall be held responsible for coordination of all phases of the operation so that the time schedule can be met. If the Contractor desires to make a major change in its method or operations after commencing construction or if its Schedule fails to reflect the actual progress, the Contractor shall submit to City Engineer a revised Construction Schedule . Said Schedule shall be submitted in advance of beginning revised operations or within two (2) working days after notification by the Public Works Director or his/her designee, as appropria t e. City Engineer may suspend all progress payments if the Contractor fails to comply. 14. Markup : Section 3-3.2 .3 (a) of the Standard Specifications hereby is supplemented by the followi ng: For extra work and change orders the following percentages shall apply : A. LABOR COSTS 1. Labor markup for employer taxes standard federal/state rates, approxi mately: 10% 2. labor markup for fri nge benefits (if fringe benefits are not i ncluded in the labor cost: 15 % 3. labor overhead markup : 10% 4. Profit markup: 10% B. MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, SUBCONTRACTOR COSTS Only 5% markup by prime contractor will be allowed on materials, equipment and subcontractor costs. No other additional markups (overhead, profit, etc.) will be allowed . C. After the total amount is established by adding th e above items, an additional 2% markup for INSURANCE AND BONDING COSTS will be allowed . The subcontractor costs shall be established using the same cost accounting principal abov e. The markups mentioned hereinafter shall include, but are not limited to, all costs for the serv ices of superintendents, project managers , timekeepers and other personnel not working di rectly on the change order, and pickup or yard trucks used by the above personnel, and other vehicles and/or equ ipment present at the job site but not directly use d in actual construction activities. Incidental movements of labor, materials, supplies or equipment shall not be considered as use i n actual construction activities . These costs shall not be reported as labor or equipment elsewhere, except when actually performing work directly on the change order and then shall only be reported at the labo r classification of the work performed . Page 0.9 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICA nONS Demolition of the Bu11d1ng at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice InVIting Bid No P14-13D Document Control Page 34 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City The City shall not pay for the cost of foremen or vehicles used by foremen unless authorized in advance by the Engineer. REMOVALS AND GRADING 1. Removal s 1.1 All material removed from the project shall be disposed of by the Contractor in an acceptable manner in an area approved by the City Engineer. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the requirements of Section 300-1.3.1 and 300-2.6 of the Standard Specifications to avoid, to the fullest extent possible , co ntamination of any drainage system. Removals shall incl ude, but not be limited to, all exc ess excava tion material, trees and plants, debris, interfer i ng portions of curb, gutters, P.C.C. and asphalt concrete (including base, where applicable), pi pes, traffic signa ls and appurtenances, and miscellaneous items as shown on the Pla n. a. Contracto r sha ll not start any removal work unless it is prepa red to perform reconstruction work within 24 hours of the time removals were begun , unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. b . Co ntractor sha ll not remove on-site imp rovements until it is prepared to construct the adjacent street sec t io n and shall promptly re sto re all such improvement s as applicable, upon completion ofthe adjacent street work. 1.2 A.C. and P.C.C. Pavement and P.C.C. Curb and/or Gutter, Walk and Dr iveways. Un less ot herwise specifie d on Plan s, all improve ments to be removed must be sa wcut. Complete removal of base shall be included as a part of the re m oval of these items and sh all be i nclud ed in the bid pri ce therefor. Ex isting base may be r euse d if it conforms to the requirements of the Standard Specifi cations. 1.3 Miscellaneous Removal s and Relocations. This item shall include all remova ls not specifically listed in the Bidder's Pro posal or otherwise covered by these Specifications suc h as all necessary relocations and re storations of valve covers, signs and other items, whether shown on the Plans or not, and as necessa ry to co mplete the improvements. Co ntra cto r shall be re sponsi ble to r eview the project site prior to bidding and to incl ude all such work, whet her or not shown o n the plan, i n its bid prices for this item . 1.7 Limits. The Contractor shall meet with the In spector prior to making removal s to verify the limits of removal s and the locations of j oins, to establish smooth j o in s and to assure pr oper drainage. Th e Contractor may make minor changes in the location of join s and the limits of rem ovals, provided a smooth join and proper drainage shall b e achieved and it has obtained prior written approval from the Public Works Director or his/her designee. 1.8 Existing Pa v ement Sections. The thicknesses of existing AC and PCC pavement and base sections may vary. Thickne sses, if sho wn, are intended to indicate the approxim at e quantities for r emovals and are in n o way guara ntee d. No extra paym ent shall be allowed for variances found in the field. Page 0.10 ------------------- 2 . Earthwork D. SPEC IFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition o f lhe BUIIdong at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice lnvrting Bid No .. P14-130 Oocumenl Control Page l5 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City 2.1 Excavat ion. Excavation shall include removing, hauling, disposing and placing in fill embankment all materials below the ex isting base to the subgrade elevations indicated on the plan. Earthwork, subgrade preparation and fine grading shall conform to the applicable requirements of Sect ion 300-2 and other perti nent sections of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible to meet grades shown on the plan, i ncluding removal of excess excavation, import of top soil and st ructural backfill, as applicable . The City neither warrants nor implies that there will be an earth balance on this project. Attention is directed to the Standard Specifications regarding the protection and preservation of exis ting soil and fences during excavations . The Contractor shall use temporary shoring or other protective methods to support these improvements and insure that no damage will result to them by virtue of the Contractor's work. Full compensa t ion for doi ng all work involved in protecting and preserving improvements on private property shall be cons idered as included in various bid prices, and no additiona l compensation will be allowed therefor. 2.2 Unsuitable Material. If unsuitable material is found, the Contractor shall remove said material to the limits to be determined by the Eng ineer and shall replace said material with select fill or base material, as to be determined by the Engineer. Payment for removal and replacement sh all be made at the un it price b id for Base , except the City shall be entitled to a credit to be negotiated if se lect fill or a lower classificat ion of ba se materia l is used for r eplacement material. 2.3 Grading. All grading operation shall conform to secti on 300-4 of SSPWC 3. Subgrade Preparation 3.1 Section 301-1 of the Standard Specifications is hereby supplemented by the followi ng section: a. Contractor shall immediately review the site to d iscover all surface improvements, including all util ity vaults, manholes, valve covers , pull boxes, and other culture, whic h may or may not be shown on t he plans . Contractor shall be res ponsible to ma ke minor adjustments to the subgrade as necessary to join. b. Contractor shall be responsible to report any d is crepancies or problems to t he Inspector immediately and sha ll be responsible to p lan and schedule its operations in such a manner so as not to create a delay shou ld a review be requ ired by the Engineer. c. Contractor shall be responsib le to adjust pull box es and valve covers to grade, if requi red , subject to the approval of the uti lity company. d. Adju stment of Valve Covers to Grade . Contractor shall be required e ither to remove valve covers below the depth to be removed and r es tore said cov ers to finish grade upon Page 0 .11 ---------------- D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Oemolrtlon or the Bu.lding at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notlce lnv1ling Bid No P14-130 Documenl Conlrnl Page 36 or 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City completion of each day's paving or to conduct its operations in such a manner as to not disturb said items. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall be responsible to repair or replace any valve covers damaged by its operations. CONCRETE AND ASPHALT CONCRETE 1. P.C.C. CONSTRUCTION 1.1 General a. Where new construction joins existing construction, the new work shall be made to match the existing concrete in grade, color, finish and scoring as nearly as practicable. b. Contractor shall construct and install a two-inch (2") wide joint filled with Joint Sealing compound, at all joi ns between concrete pavement and asphalt concrete pavement in conformance with the manufacturer's instructions for use. The Joint Sealing compound shall conform to Type "C" Sealant per Section 201-3 of the Standard Specifications . The Contractor shall obtain approval for the proposed sealing compound and method of application from the City Engineer prior to use. All excess sealing compound shall be thoroughly cleaned up and removed. 1.2 Sidewalk and Wheel chair Ramps . Shall be constructed in accordance with Section 303-5 of the Standard Specifications. 1.3 Curb, curb and Gutter, Valley Gutter, driveways. Curb and gutter shall be constructed with standard forms or with slip-forms per Section 303 -5 .2 of the Standard Specifications. Modify height to match ex is t i ng curb & gutter at the join po i nt and match top of sidewalk where the sidewalk is adjacent to curb. 1.4 Catch ba sin. Catch bas in construction sha ll be per section 303 of the SSPWC. 1.5 Masonry and brick . Masonry and brick walls and pilasters construction sha ll conform to section 303-4 of the SSPWC. 1.6 Pipe . Cast iro n pipe shall conform to section 207 of the SS PWC. 1.7 Protection . The Contractor shall be responsible to protect all new concrete work from being etched, scratched or otherwise marked followi ng placement thereof. If new concrete work is marked, the Contractor shall replace it at his/h e r expense in accordance with Section 300-1.3 of the Standard Specifications. 2. ASPHALT CONCRETE 2.1 Permanent Pavemen t. Asphalt Concrete (AC) shall conform to the provisions of Subsections 203-6 and 302-5 of the Standard Specifications. The surface course sh all be Class C2-PG 64-10 . Page 0.12 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition or the Bu11ding at 5800 T em pie City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: Pt4-130 Document Control Page 37 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofT em pie City AC not otherwise specified shall be Class B-PG 64-10. AC used for leveling course shall be Class 02-PG 64-10. 2.2 Temporary Pavement. Temporary AC Pavement shall conform to the above requirements, except temporary AC will be Class 02-PG 64-10. All trenches and travel lanes must be paved with temporary AC until permanent pavement has been constructed. 2.3 Tack Coat. A tack coat shall be applied between base and finish courses when the finish course is not placed immediately after the base course, and the existing paved surfaces where new asphalt concrete overlaps ex isting pavement or abuts existing pavement along cut trench edges or curbs. Tack coat shall be as specified in section 302-5.3 of the Standard Specifications. 2.4 Leveling Course. Leveling course shall be Type 111-D-PG 64-10 and shall conform to the provisions of Section 400-4 of the Standard Specifications. 2.5 Payment. There shall be no payment for furnishing installatio n, maintenance, removal or disp osal of temporary AC pavement, and all costs thereof shall be absorbed in bid prices for work to which the temporary pavement is necessary. 3. BASE 3.1 Sections. Where known to be required, base is shown on the Plan and included in the Bidders Proposal. 3.2 Material Specification. Aggregate base for pavement, curb, gutter and other improvements shall be Crushed Aggregate Base and shall conform to Section 200-2 of the Standard Specifications. Con struction shall conform to Section 301-2 ofthe Standard Specifications. CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION, PHASING, & RECYCLING 1. Util ity Companies Coordination 1.1 The Contractor shall provide coordination with all the utility companies invo lved and shall provide protection from damage to their facilities . The Contractor shall be responsible for repair or replacement to said facilities made necessary by its failure to provide required protectio n. The Contractor is requ ired to include utility requirements in the Construction Schedule . 1.2 The Contractor shall notify all utility agencies and owners of all facilities within the area of construction a minimum of five (5) work days in advance of performing any work within said area . 1.3 The Contractor shall protect all utilities and other improvements which may be impai red during construction operations . It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to ascertain the actual location of all existing utilities, including service lateral s, and other improvements ind ica ted on the drawings that will be encountered in its construction operations, and to see that such utilities or other improvements are adequately protected from damage due to such operations. Page 0.13 D. SPECIFICATIONS CON TRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Bulldlfl!l at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Nollce lnv1tlng Bid No P14-13D Document Control Page 38 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City The Contracto r shall take all possible precautions for the protection of unforeseen utility lines to provide for uninterrupted service and to provide such special protection as may be d i rected by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be so lely re sponsible to check all utility record maps, books, and/or other data in the possession of the City, other agencies, and/or all utility companies, and no allowance shall be made for any failure to have done so. 1.4 It shall be the Con tractor's respons ibility to completely remove all "construction graffiti" (spray paint or other marking for utilities, survey points and construction limits) prior to acceptance of the work as completed. 1.5 The Contractor shall utilize the services of "Undergroun d Service Alert-Southern Cal ifornia" for utility locating in all public right-of-ways by calling 1-800-422-4133 at least 48 hours prior to any excavation. 1.6 If in the course of construction the Contractor damages a sewer lateral or water lateral, it shall be responsible to completely expose sai d lateral from the main line to the point of connection at private property to verify integrity of all joints to the satisfaction of the Inspector. This sha ll not be considered to be extra work and no extra costs shall be allowed therefor. 1. 7 All sewer, including lateral repairs, shall be constructed of vitrified clay pipe only, unless otherwise approved in writing by the engineer. Plastic pipe shall not be used. 2. City of Temple City license and Permit. The Contractor shall obtain a City Business License (Contractor sha ll pay for it) and a no-fee Construction Permit before commencing construction . 3. Excavation -Changed Conditions . Pursuant to Section 7104 of the Public Contract Code, for any trenches or other excavations that extend deeper than four feet below the surface: 3.1 The Co ntractor sha ll promptly, and before the following conditions are disturbed, notify the Engineer in writing, of any : a. Materia l that the Contractor believes may be materia l that is hazardous waste, as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code that is required to be removed to a Class I, Class II, or Class Il l disposa l site in accordance with provisions of existing law. b. Subsurface or latent physical co nditions at the si te differing from those indicated. c. Unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature, different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the contract. 3.2 The Engineer shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if he finds that the conditions do materially so differ, or do involve hazardous waste, and cause a decrease or increase i n the Page 0 .14 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of lhe Building at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice lnv1tlng Bid No.: P14·130 Document Control Page 39 or 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work shall issue a change order under the procedures described herein. 3.3 In the event that a dispute arises between the City and the Contractor whether the conditions materially differ or involve hazardous waste, or cause a decrease or increase in the Contractor's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work, the Contractor shall not be excused from any scheduled completion date provided for by the Contract, but shall proceed with all work to be performed under the Contract. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided either by Contract or by law which perta in to the resolution of disputes and protests between the contracting parties . 3 .4 The Contractor's attention hereby is directed to Section J.4 herein regarding "Claims ". Thi s Section shall apply to any dispute arising from the above. 4 . Public Convenience and Safety 4.1 The provision of Sect ion 7-10 .1 (Traffic and Access), Section 7 -10.2 (Storage of Equipment and Materials i n Public Streets), and Section 7-10.4 (Public Safety) all as contained in the Standard Specifications, shall be applicable to this project. 4 .2 At the end of the Work Day the job site shall be left in a neat and orderly manner. Roadway and parking shall be made available wherever possible to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director or his/her designee. 4.3 During construction the Contractor shall provide adequate access to each residence or bus iness affected by this project to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 4.4 Should any change in these requirements be neces sitated by extraord inary occurrences or requ i rements during the execution of the work, the Contractor shall obtain prior w ritten approval of the Engineer. 5 . Sanitary Conditions. The Engineer may from time to time prescribe rules and regulations for mai ntaining sanitary conditions along the work and the Contractor shall enforce observance of the same by its employees and the employees of the subcontractor, and, if the Contractor fails to enforce these rules and regulations, the Engineer shall have the authority to enforce them . 6 . Air Pollution and Dust Control. The contractor shall adhere strictly to Section 7-8 .1 and Section 7-8 .2 of the Standard Specifications throughout this entire project. 7 . Water Pollution Control. The Contractor shall adhere strictly to Sections 7-8 and 7-10 of the Standa r d Specifications through the entire project . The Contractor, without limitation, shall be responsible to provide and implement Best Management Practice s to comply with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards and practices. The Contractor shall be responsible, to the fullest extent possible, not to permit any contaminants, including soil, to enter any drainage system. Contractor shall be responsible to be prepared to provide hay bales or si m i lar devices to prevent erosion from being washed into the storm drain system . Contractor shall be Page 0 .15 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Budding at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice lnv•ting Bid No P14-13D Document Conlml Page 40 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUilDING AT 5800 TEMPlE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City responsible to maintain equipment so that oil, grease, gasoline, d iesel fuel , et al., does not contam inate areas subject to run-off. The Contractor and its Surety shall fully indemnify the City for any poll ution damage and/or clean i ng costs. All c onstruction on off-s ite o r on -site improvements shall adhere to NPDES (Nationa l Pollution Di scharge Eli m ination Syste m ) Best Management Pr act ices to p r eve nt deleterious materials or pollutants from entering the City or County storm drain systems . The following are the area s to be addressed : 1. Handle, store and dispose of materials properly. 2. Avoiding excavation and grading activities during wet weather. 3 . Con struct diversion dikes and drainage swales around working sites. 4 . Cover stockpiles and excavated soil with secured tarps or pla stic sheeting. 5. Develop and implement erosion control plan s. 6. Chec k and repa ir leaking equ ipment away from construction site. 7. De si gnate a location awa y from storm dra ins for refueli ng. 8 . Cove r and seal catch basins whenever working in thei r v icinity. 9. Use vacuum with all concrete sawing operations. 10. Never wash ex cess material from aggregate, con crete or equ i pment onto a street 11. Catch drips from paver with drip pans or absorbent material. 12. Clean up all spills using dry methods . 13. Sweep all gutters at the end of each working day. Gutters shall be kept clean afte r leav ing con struction site . 14 . Call 911 i n case of a hazardous spill. 15 . Keep a running log of all activit ies in connection w ith the Storm Water Pollution Preve nt io n Plan (SWPPP) 16. Name a person, on si te, re spons i ble for complyi ng with S.W .P.P.P. CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS AND CITY ENGINEER'S DIRECTIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION . 8. So l id Waste Management and Recycling Plan. The contracto r shall submit a Solid Waste Management and Recycl i ng Pl an to the City Manager's Office for review and approv al prior to issuance of a demol ition perm it and/or grad i ng pe rmit for the project. Sa i d plan sha ll indi cate that the permittee/contractor shall provide documentati on such as receipts from landfi ll s, salvage and recy cl ing faciliti es upon completion of the demoliti on/construction. Sa i d p lan shall identify: A. Types of materials for recycl ing, reuse or sorting B. Estimated quantities C. Separation requirements D. On site storage E. Tran sportation methods F. De st inations G. Plan manager (contracto r's representative) Page 0.16 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demol ition of the Building at 5800 T em pie City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-13D Documenl Control Page 41 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City Prior to issuance of a demolition and/or grading permit, the permittee/contractor shall contact the California Integrated Waste Management Board (recycling hotline 800-553-2962) to obtain an approved recycler (processor and/or receiver) for demolition and construction waste. At the minimum the contractor shall recycle each of the following demolition and construction waste materials: • Asphalt paving: 75% • Concrete and concrete masonry units: 75% • Non-lead based painted wood wastes (dimensional lumber and broken crates and pallets): 50% • Metals: 60% • Toilets : 75% • Appliances: 75% • Copper cable/wire: 50% • Transformers and ballasts : 100% • Fluorescent lamps: 100% • Glass: 50% • Unpainted gypsum board : 50% A minimum of 50% of the total we ight of the waste (demolition and construction wastes) shall be diverted from landfill. 9. Legal Address of Contractor. The address given in the Bidder's Proposal is hereby designated as the place to which all notices, letters, and other communications to the Contractor will be mailed or delivered, except such notices and communications as shall be given by the City's Inspectors to the Contractor's designated Superintendent in the field . The ma iling or delivering to said address of any notice, letter, or other communication, or the hand-delivery to said Superintendent, shall be deemed sufficient service thereof upon the Contractor. The date of such service shall be the date of such mailing or delivery. Said address may be changed at any time by a written notice signed by the Contractor and delivered to the Engineer. TRAFFIC REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, install and maintain such devices which are necessary to provide safe and efficient passage for the traveling public through the work area, for the safety of personnel present in the work area, and to minimize inconvenience to adjacent properties. All work and materials to implement construction stagi ng and traffic control shall comply with the Caltrans Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones . Signs, markings, striping, barricades, delineators and all materials shall conform to applicable Caltrans standards and specifications. 1. Street Closures, Detou rs and Barricades. 1.1 All costs involving street closures, detours, delineators and ba rricades sha ll be paid by the Contract. Page 0 .17 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONT RACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECI FICATIONS DemoliiJOil of the Buoldong at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnvotlng Bid No P14-13D Document Control Page 42 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City 1.2 The Contracto r shall notify: Bryan Ariizumi, Publ ic Safety Officer, (6 26) 285-2171, at least ten (10) working days before closing or partially closing any street or alley. 1.3 The Con t rac tor shall notify the foll owi ng agencies at least t wo (2) working days before closing or partially closing any street or alley: Temple City Police Department : County Sheriff's Station, 626 -285 -7171 Temple City Fire Department: 626-287-9521 1.4 Immediately upon completion of the construction work and opening or reopening of any street or alley, the three (3) parties above shall be notified. 1.5 The Contracto r shall install, maintain, and remove all temporary delineators, barricades, lights, warning signs and other facilities necessary to contro l traffic as specified in the "Work Area Traffic Contro l Handbook" (WATC H Manual). Flashing Arrow Sign (FAS) are required for all lane closures. Materials for a temporary facility may be provided from new or used materi als . If used materials are provided, they sh all be sound, in good condition and otherwise meet the requiremen t s of new materials. All traffic control devices shall be free of graffiti, and the Contractor sha ll be responsible to immediately clean and/or replace any device to the satisfaction o f the Engineer. The Contractor wi ll be allo w ed no more than one (1) work d ay to remove graffiti. 1.6 All traffic delineators used at night shall display two white retro -reflective bands . The upper band shall be a minimum of 3", but not more than 4 ", from the top and shall be 6 " w ide and the lower band sha ll be 4" w ide. The two bands shall be separated by a minimum 2" space. 1.7 All excavation s shall comply with and the Contractor's attention hereby is directed to the following supplemental requirements for STREET EXCAVATIONS . STREET EXCAVATIONS a) Every person making an excavation , cut or fill in or under a street shall resto re the surface thereof in accordance with the provisions of this section. b) Every person making an excavation, cut or f i ll in or under a street shall, until the permanent pavement is rep laced : 1) Maintain the surface of the backfill or of the temporary pavement at an elevatio n equal to that of the adjoining street surfa ce and in a manner safe fo r veh i cle s and ped estrian traffic. 2) Place and ma i ntain barriers at ea ch end of excavation, cut or fill and at such pla ces along the excavation, cut or fi ll as may be necessary to preve nt accidents, but w ith a ma ximum interval of one hundred (100) feet; and shall pl ac e and maintain a si gn o n Page 0 .18 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Building at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-13D Document Control Page 43 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City every such barrier with letters not less than three (3) inches in height, which sign shall state the name of the person making the excavation. 3) Place and maintain warning lights at each end of such excavation, cut or fill and at intervals of not less than fifty {SO) feet along the sides thereof from sunset each day to sunrise of the next day. A fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day shall be charged such person for each barricade or warning light placed or replaced by the City where this Article is violated by the absence of said barricades or warning lights. 4) Place and mainta in any and all signs, warning signs, detour signs and/or di rectional signs as required by the project specifications or as required by the Public Works Director or his/her desig nee. A fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day shall be charged such person for each such sign placed or replaced by the City where this Article is violated by the absence of said signs. 5) In the event any temporary or sub-paving is provided and traffic is allowed to drive upon such temporary sub-paving, all striping or other pavement markings which existed i n that location prior to the start of work shall be replaced or changed as r equired by the City Engineer . A fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per square foot of paint and Five Do lla rs ($5.00) for each raised marker shall be charged such perso n for any traffic striping or pavement markings maintained or replaced by the City where this Article is violated by the absence of said striping and markings . All traffic control devices shall confo rm to the latest edition of the State of California Traffic Manual. 6) Maintain a telephone or telephones where he can be rea ched twenty-four (24) hours a day and shall leave the number of such telephone or telephones with the City Engineer and the Watch Commander of the Temple City Police Department. 7) Maintain safe crossings for vehicle and pedestrian traffic at all street intersections and shall maintain safe crossing for pedestrians along such excavatio ns, cut or fill at intervals of not less than six hundred {600) feet. 8) Place all materials excavated compactly alongside the trench and in such a manner as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. If such st reet is not wide enough to hold the exca vated material without the use of the adjacent sidewalk, such person shall erect a tight board fence upon and along such sidewalk and maintain thereon a passageway for pedestrian traffic at least four (4) feet in width. 9) Maintain all adjacent gutte rs free and unobstructed for the full depth of the adj acent curb and for at lea st one (1) foot in width measured from the face of such curb at the intersection of the curb and the street; and whenever a gutter cross e s an intersecting street, shall p rovide and maintain an adequate waterway. 10) Provide access from the street to all fire hy drants and water gates and to abutting property owners un less their consent t o the contrary is first obtained. Page 0 .19 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPEC IFICATIONS Demolition ot 1he BU>Idtng at 5800 Temple City Boulevard NotJce lnv1Ung Bid No P14-130 Document Control Page 44 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City 11) Keep at least one-half (1/2) of the street ope n at all t im es for vehicular traffic. c) Every person making an excava t ion, cut or fill in a paved City st r eet shall maintain the surface thereof in good condi tion for a period o f two (2) yea rs following the date of iss uance of the permit therefor. 2 . Minimum Requirements for Maintai ni ng Traffic Flow. 2.1 Work sha ll be perm itted only under the following conditions: a. The Contractor shall maintain o ne (1) minimum ten-foot-wide lanes in each direction at all times . b. Driveways-The Contractor sha ll maintai n access to each driveway at all times unless other arrangements have been made with each property owner, subject to approval by the Engineer. c. Also, see subsection 3 hereinafter. 2.2 Reduction in lane requirements may be afforded on ly with the prior written approval of the Engineer. 2.3 Traffic signs, flaggers, warning devices, safety traffic devices and elect ronic ar row board for diverting and directing traffic shall be furnishe d, installed and maintained by the Contractor through the project. Arrow boards and other devises must comply with the City of Temple City requirements f or nighttime noise standards at adjacen t private property lines. 2.4 If permane nt pavement markings ca nn ot be restore d by the end of the work shift in which they were obliterated, temporary markings sha ll be provided by the Contractor prior to lea ving the job site on all streets except any st r eet closed to through traffic. These temporary markings sha ll be as foliows : Temporary lane lines and/or cen terlines shall consist of day/night reflectorized ra ised pavement markers, app r oved by the City of Temple City, spaced approximate ly 24' apart. W h ere app rov ed by th e Engi neer, the Contracto r may use reflectorized li nes approximately 24" long and 4" wide, spaced approximate ly 24' apart. Right edge lines shall not be simu lated with da shes or pavement markers; however, portable delineators, guide markers, etc., may be used by the Contractor where it is considered desirable to enhance th e edge of traveled way due to curvilinear alignment, narrowing pavement, etc., and sha ll be used when directed by the Engineer. The Contractor sha ll be respons ible to periodically review the construction area at night to i nsure all lights are properly placed and operable. Page 0 .20 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of lhe Building at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-130 Document Control Page 45 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City Locations where no-passing zone centerline delineation has been obliterated shall be posted by the Contractor with a sign package consisting of a Cl8 {23) "ROAD CONSTRUCTION {WORK) AHEAD" and R63 "DO NOT PASS". All temporary pavement markings and signs shall be maintained, or replaced as necessary by the Contractor, until permanent pavement markings are restored. 3_ Holiday Period. No reduction in the number of lanes or in lane widths on any street shall be permitted during the holiday period which begins on the Monday prior to Thanksgiving and ends on the Friday following New Year's Day . 4. Temporary No Parking Signs. The Contractor is responsible to post "Temporary No Parking" signs at least 5 working days in advance of the first date of enforcement. The City shall be informed before posting of signs. Parking will be restricted only for the minimum time necessary to complete on-going work. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND CLAIMS 1. Breakdown of Contract Prices. The Contractor shall, within ten {10) worki ng days of receipt of a request from the City, submit a complete breakdown of lump sum bid prices showing the value assigned to each part of the work, including an allowance for profit and overhead. In submitting the breakdown, the Contractor certifies that it is not unbalanced and that the value assigned to each part of the work represents its estimate of the actual cost, includ ing profit and overhead, of performing that part of the work. The breakdown sha ll be sufficiently detailed to permit its use by the Engineer as one of the bases for evaluating requests for payment. No extra costs sha ll be allowed for these breakdowns . 2. Payment for Labor and Materials. The Contractor shall pay and cause the subcontractors to pay any and all accounts for labor, including Worker's Compensation premiums, State Unemployment and Federal Social Security payments and all other wage and salary deductions required by law. The Contractor also shall pay and cause the subcontra ctors to pay any and all accounts for services, equipment and materials used by it and the subcontractors during the performance of work under this contract. All such accounts shall be paid as they become due and payable . If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall immediately furnish the City with proof of payment of such accounts. 3. Additional Work. Payment for additional work and all expenditures in excess of the bid amount must be authorized in writing by the Public Works Director or h is/her designee . Such authorization shall be obtained by the Contractor prior to engagi ng in additional work. It shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to obtain written approval from City Engineer for any cha nge{s) in material or in the work proposed by suppliers or subcontractors. No payment shall be made to the Contractor for Page 0.21 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONT RACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition o f the Bwldrng al5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No.: P14-130 Document Control Page 46 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City additional work which has not been approved in writing, and the Contractor hereby agrees that it shall have no right to additional compensation for any work not so authorized. 4. Claims . The Contractor shall not be entitled to the payment of any additional compensation for any cause, including any act, or failure to act, by the City, or the happening of any event, thing or occurrence, unless he shall have given the City due written notice of potential claim as hereinafter specifications . The written notice of potential claim shall set forth the reasons for which the Contractor believes additional compensation will or may be due, the nature of the costs involved, and, insofar as possible, the amount of the potential claim. Said notice shall be submitted on a form approved by the City at least forty-eight (48) hours (two working days) in advance of performing said work, unless the work is of an emergency nature, in which case the Contractor shall notify and obtain approval from the Inspector prior to commencing the work. The Public Works Director or his/her designee. may require the Contractor to delay construction involving the claim, but no other work shall be delayed, and the Contractor shall not be allowed additional costs for any said delay but may be allowed on extension of time if the Public Works Director or his/her designee. agrees that the work delayed is a controlling element of the Construction Schedule_ The Contractor shall be required to submit any supporting data (or a detailed written explanation justifying further delay) within five (5) Work Days of a request from the Public Works Director or his/her designee. and shall be responsible for any delays resulting from late and/or incomplete submittals. By submitting a Bid , the Contractor hereby agrees that this Section shall supersede Sections 6-6.3 and 6-6.4 of the Standard Specifications. The City shall be the sole authority to interpret all plans, specifications and contract documents, and no claim shall be accepted which is based on the Contractor's ignorance, misunderstanding or noncompliance with any provision or portion thereof. The above provisions shall supplement Section 3 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible to provide all data and to obtain all approvals required by said Specifications, including submittal of Daily Extra Work Reports . No claims or extras shall be approved by the City unless all work was done under the direction of and subject to the approval of the Inspector. Disputed work claims shall comply with Section 3 ofthe Standard Specifications, as modified herein. It is the intention of this Subsection that differences between the parties arising under and by virtue of the Contract be brought to the attention of the Engineer at the earliest possible time in order that such matters may be settled, if possible, or other appropriate action promptly taken. The Contractor hereby agrees that it shall have no right to additional compensation for any claim that may be based on any such act, failure to act, event, thing or occurrence for which no written notice of potential claim as herein requi red was filed. 5. Noncompliance with Plans and Specifications. Fa ilure of the Contractor to comply with any requirement of the Plans and Specifications, and/or to i mmediately remedy any such noncompliance upon notice from the Engineer, may result in suspension of Contract Progress Payments. Any Progress Payments so suspended shall remain in suspension until the Contractor's operations and/or submittals are brought into compliance to the satisfaction of the Engineer. No additional compensation shall be allowed as a result of suspension of Progress Payments due to Page 0 .2.2 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Building at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Nouce lllVIUng Bid No · PI4-13D Document Control Page 47 o164 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City noncompliance with the plans or specifications . The Contractor shall not be permitted to stop work due to said suspension of Progress Payments . 6 . Request for Payment. Contractor shall submit all requests for payment on the City provided form. The City shall provide the fo r m for use after Contract is awarded. Prior to submitta l of said form, all items for wh ich payment is requested shall be checked and approved in writing by the Ci ty Engineer. No payments will be made unless all back-up data is sub m itted with the payment request and the Progress Payment In voice is signed by both Contractor and City Engineer . There sha ll be no separate payment for any relocations, barriers or forms, grading or temporary construction required to construct the improvements herei n. Payment for these items shall be absorbed in the Bid Prices for the appl icab le work to which they are appurtenant, and no extra costs shall be allowed. The payment of amounts due to the Contractor shall be contingent upon the Contractor and subcontractors furnishing the City with a relea se of all claims against the City arising by virtue of the Contract related to said amounts. ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS REFER TO STANDARD SPEC IF ICAT IONS FORT PUBLIC WOR KS CONSTR UCTION FOR SECTIONS I NDICATED BELOW CONSTRUCT ION MATER IALS SECTION 201-CONCRETE, MORTAR , AND RELATED MATERIALS 201-1.2 .1 General. [Add the fo llowi ng prior to the first pa r agraph]: Portland cement concrete shall be SGO-C-3250, Type V, high early strength. SECTION 300-EARTHWORK 300-1 CLEAR I NG AND GRUBBING . 300-1.1 General. The following paragraphs shall be added to this Subsection: CONTRACTOR shall prevent dust or other materials from becoming a nuisance or annoyance . Clean up of dust and other materials shall be provided at the request of the Engineer, and shall be at the CONTRACTOR'S expense . CONTRACTOR shall maintain dust co ntro l at all times by us ing a vacuum/broom type sweeper by sweeping daily in all areas where work is occurring. 300-1.2 Preservation of Property [Add the following]: The CONTRACTOR shall consult the records and drawings of adjacent work and of e xi sting services and utilities, which may affect site work operations . Page 0 .23 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the BUIIdn..g at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice Inviting Bid No P14-130 Document control Page 48 of 64 DEMOLmON OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City 300-1.3 Removal and Disposal of Materials. 300-1.3 .1 General. The text of Subsection 300-1.3 .1 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following paragraphs: CONTRACTOR shall remove and transport debris and rubbish in a manner that will prevent spillage on streets or adjacent areas . Cleanup of spillage will be at CONTRACTOR'S expense. All materials indicated to be removed shall be recycled immediately at the CONTRACTOR's expense at a site approved by the Engineer, per the requirements highlighted in Section 7-15 of these Contract Documents. No demolished materials shall be stored in the Work Area or Staging Area at any time, but instead shall be removed and recycled immediately. In addition to the work outlined in Subsection 300 -1 of the SSPWC, the following items of work are included under Clearing and Grubbing unless otherwise covered by a specific bid item. 1. Maintain dust control at all times by using a vacuum/broom type sweeper by sweeping daily in all areas where work is occurring. 2. Removal and disposal of unsuitable materials. Sawcut and removal of existing AC pavement and pavement base as shown on the Contract Plans and vacuuming of all materials. 3. Protection of existing and relocating utility structures prior to and during construction of proposed improvements. 4. Maintenance of project appearance and street sweeping . 5. Control of water and dewatering of construction 6. Cleanup of project area upon completion of work. 7. Potholing of Existing Utilities. 8. Other removals, demolition, and/or abandonment items as required to construct the required improvements and as shown on the Contract Plans and as determined by the Engineer. 9. Other items of work as di rected in these Special Provisions. If exist ing i nfrastructure items such as , but not limited to, curb and gutter, asphalt concrete pavement, curb inlet, driveways, cross gutters, existing landscaping, and traffic control loop detectors are damaged due to or associated with the construction of the proposed improvements, then the CONTRACTOR shall replace, repa i r or restore the damaged work to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the CONTRACTOR's expense. Page 0 .24 D. SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Build10g at 5800 T empte City Boulevard Notlce Inviting Bid No.: P14-13D Document Control Page 49 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City SECTION 301-TREATED SOILS, SUBGRADE PREPARATION , AND PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIALS 301-1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 301-1.3 Relative Compaction The first sentence of subsection 301-1.3 of the SS PWC is hereby deleted and replaced w ith the following: The subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent. 303-5 CONCRETE CURBS , WALKS , GUTIERS, CROSS GUTIERS, ALLEY INTERSECTIONS, ACCESS RAMPS, AND DRIVEWAYS 303-5 .1 Requirements 303-5.1.1 General. This section is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Portland Concrete Cement (PCC) items shall be constructed in accordance with Section 303-5 of the SSPWC, referenced Standard Drawings, and as listed herein. Slab thickness and curb heights shall be as shown on the Construction Plans and applicable Standard Drawings . Portland cement concrete (PCC) mix shall be 560-C-3250 Type V high early cement, for curb and gutter, driveway, local depression, and sidewalks. Concrete shall meet the requirements of Sections 201-1, 303- 5 and 400-3 of the SSPWC, and as amended in these Contract Documents. If existing infrastructure items such as , but not limited to, curb, curb and gutter, asphalt concrete pavement, curb inlet, driveways, cross gutters, and existing landscaping are damaged due to or associated with the construction of the proposed improvements, then the Contractor shall replace, repair or restore the damaged work to the satisfaction of the Resident Engineer at the Contractor's expense. Page 0.25 CONTRAC T DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of 1he Budding at 5800 Temple City Boulevatd Notice lnvrting Bid No . P14-13D Document Control Page 50 of 64 APPENDIX A -SAMPLE CITY CONTRACT TO BE EXECUTED Page: APPENDIX A.O -~------------------------------ CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DemoiJtJOO of the l!ulldn'lg at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice lnv•ting Bid No~: P 14-130 Document Control Page 51 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO .: P14-13D City of Temple City City Contract No.: ________ _ THIS AGREEMENT "Agreement" is made and entered into this__ day of -------------' by and between the CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, a Municipal Corporation located in the Co unty of los Angeles, State of California hereinafter called CITY, and [a corporation/partnershi p/limited liability company corporation], located at hereinafter called CONTRACTOR, collectively referred to as the Parties. RECITALS CITY, by its Notice Inviting Bids, duly advertised for written bid s to be submitted on or before --------------'for the following: in the City ofTe mple City, Ca lifornia, hereinafter called PROJ ECT. At _______ on said date, i n t he Temple City Council Chambers, sa id b ids were duly opened. At its regular meeting held on the CITY Council duly accepted the bid of CONTRACTOR for said PROJECT as being the lowest reasonable bid rece ived and directed that a written contract be entered into with CONTRACTOR. NOW, THEREFORE , i n con sideration of the promises and of the mutua l covenants and agreements herein conta ined, sai d parties do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for the PROJECT sha ll consist of: • document titled: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Page: APPENDIX A.l for DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City of Temple City The above entitle document includes : NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BIDDER 'S PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS APPENDICES : APPENDIX A -SAMPLE CONTRACT' TO BE EXECUTED • CONTRACTOR's Proposal CONTRAC T DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolrtion of lhe Budding at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice InVIting Bid No .. P14-130 Document Control Page 52 of 64 • and all referenced specifications, details, standard drawings, and appendices, together with this contract and all required bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices and affidavits, and also including any and all addenda or su pplemental agreements clarifying, amending, or extending the work contemp lated as may be required to insure its completion i n an acceptable manner. All of the rights and obligation s of the CITY and CON TRACTOR are fully set forth and described in the CO NT RACT DOCUMENTS. All of the above-mentioned documents are intended to compl e m ent the other documents so that any work called for in one, and not mentioned in the others, or vice versa, is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all of sa id documents. The document co mprising the complete contract are hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and are incorporate d herein by this refer ence and made and part hereof as though t h ey were fully set forth herein . ARTICLE II For and in consideration of the payments and agreements be made and performed by CITY , CONTRACTOR hereby agree s to furnish all materials and perform all work require d for the PROJECT and to fulfi ll all other obligations as set forth in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . ARTICLE Ill CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to receive and accept the total amount Do ll ars ($ ), based upon those certain unit prices set forth i n CONTRACTOR 's Bid Sc hedule, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, as full compen sation for furnish i ng all materials, performing all work, and fulfilling all obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover all expenses, losses, damages, and consequences ari sing out of the nature of the work during its progress or prior to its ac ce ptance includ ing those for well and fa ithfully Page: APPENDIX A .2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DemoiiiJon of the Budding at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard NoiJce Inviting Btd No P14-130 Document Control Page 53 ol64 completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and time specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, and also including those arising from actions of the elements, unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the work, suspension or discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected w ith the work. The sum identified in Article Ill is not subject to escalation, the CONTRACTOR having sat isfied himself with said CONTRACT price, which i ncludes all labor and materi al increases anticipated throughout the duration of this CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT . CITY shall retain five percent (5 %) of sa id CONTRACT price until said time as the p r ovisions of Article XIV herein have been met. CITY's obl igation is payable only and solely from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds appropriated from the United States Department of Hous i ng and Urban Development (HUD) and for the purpose of th is CONTRACT . All funds are appropriated every fiscal year beginning July 1. In the event this CONTRACT extends into the succeed ing fiscal year and funds have not been appropriated, this CONTRACT w ill automatically term inate as of June 30 of the current fiscal year. The CITY w i ll notify the CONTRACTOR in writ ing in ten (10) days of rece i pt of the non-appropriation notice. ARTICLE IV CITY hereby promises and agrees to employ, and does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR to provide the materials, do the work, and fulfill the obligations according to the term s and cond itions herein contai ned and referred to, for the said amounts set forth in Article Ill hereof, and hereby agrees to pay t he same at the time, in the man n er, and upon the conditions set forth i n t he CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. In add it ion, CONTRACTOR hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of t he provisi ons o f both State and Federal law w ith respect t o the employment of unauthori zed aliens. Should CO NTRACTOR so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or serv ices covered by this contract, and should the Federal Government impose sanctions against the CITY for such u se of unauthorized aliens, CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to, and shall , re i mburse CITY for the cost of all such sanct ions i mposed, together w ith any and all costs, includ i ng attorney's fees, incurred by the CITY in conne ct ion therewith . Furthe r more, CONTRACTOR hereby r epresents and warr ants that it is not currently, and has not at any time withi n the past five (5) cale ndar years been, suspended , debarred, or excl uded from partici pating in , bidding on, contr acti ng for, or completed any proj ect funded in who le or in part by any federally funded program, grant or loan, or any project funded in whole or i n part by a program, loan or grant from the State of California, and that CONTRACTOR curr ently has and for the past five (5) calendar years has maintained in good stand i ng, a valid California contractor's license . CONTRACTOR agrees to complete and execute any statement or certificate to this effect as may be requ i red by the City or by any federa l or State of California program, loan or grant utilized on this PROJECT. Page: APPENDIX A.3 ARTICLEV CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition ollhe Building at 5800 Temple Crty Boulevard Notice lnvtting Bid No : P14-130 Document Cootn:>l Page 54 of 64 CONTRACTOR shall commence work on the date specified in the Notice to Proceed to be issued to said CONTRACTOR by the Director of Pub lic Works of CITY and shall complete work on the PROJECT w ithin forty (40} working days after commencement. ARTICLE VI CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate i n its recruiting, hiring, promotion, demotion or term ination practices on the basi s of race, religious creed, color, national origi n, ancestry, phy si cal d isabi lity, menta l disabil ity, medical co ndition, marital status, sex, age, or sexua l orientation in the performance of this AGREEMENT and shall comply with the provisions of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act as set forth in Part 2 .8 of Division 3, Title 2 of the Californ ia Government Code; the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as set forth i n Public law 88-352, and all amendments thereto; Executive Order 11246; and all administrative rules and regu lations issued pursuant to such acts and order . CONTRACTOR hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the prov1s1ons of the Federal Imm igration and Nationality Act (8 USCA 1101, et seq.), as amended; and, in connection therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. Shou ld CONTRACTOR so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this AGREEMENT, and should the Federal Government impose sanctions against the CITY for such use of unauthorized aliens, CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to, and shall, reimburse CITY for the cost of all such sanctions impose d, together w ith any and all co sts, including attorney's fees, incurred by the CITY in connection therewith. ARTICLE VII CONTRACTOR is aware of and agrees to abide by the provisions of California labor Code Sections 1720, et seq ., as well as 1771, 1773, 1773.1, 1773.6, 1773 .7, 1775 and 1776, perta ining to the obl igation to pay preva iling wages w ith respect to the performance of work. Copies of the prevail ing rate of per diem wages and the general prevail ing rate for holiday and overtime work for each craft are available upon request from the City. A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages shall be posted at the job site. If such posting is not possible, a copy shall be posted at the business of the CONTRACTOR . This is a federally-assisted CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. Federal labor Standards Provis ions, includ i ng prevailing wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts will be enforced. In the event of a conflict between Federal and State wages rates, the high er of the two w ill preva il. The CONTRACTOR 's duty to pay State prevailing wages can be found under labor Code Section 1770 et seq. and labor Code Sections 1775 and 1777.7 outline the penalties for failure to pay prevailing wages and employ apprentices including forfeitures and debarment. ARTICLE VIII A. CONTRACTOR shall, without disturbing the condition, notify CITY in writing as soon as Page : APPENDIX A.4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Oemollbon or the Buoldlng at 5800 Temple Ci1y Boulevard Nobce lnvrung Bid No p 14-130 Doa.ment Conlnll Page 55 ol 64 CONTRACTOR, or any of CONTRACTOR's subcontractors, agents or employees have knowledge and reporting is possible, of the discovery of any of the following conditions: 1. The presence of any material that the CONTRACTOR believes is hazardous waste, as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code; 2. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing from those indicated in the specifications; or, 3. Unknown physical cond itions at the si te of any unusual nature, different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recogn ized as inherent in work of this character provided for in this Contract. B. Pending a determination by CITY of appropriate action to be taken, CONTRACTOR shall provide security measures (e .g., fences) adequate to prevent the hazardous waste or physical conditions from causing bodily injury to any person . C. CITY shall promptly i nvestigate the reported conditions. If CITY, through its Director of Pu blic Works, or her designee, and in the exercise of its sole discretion, determi nes that the conditions do materially differ, or do involve hazardous waste, and will cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work, then CITY shall issue a cha nge order. D. In the event of a dispute between CITY and CONTRACTOR as to whether the conditions materially differ, or involve hazardous waste, or c ause a decrea se or increase i n the CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work, CONTRACTOR shall not be excused from any scheduled completion date, and shall proceed w ith all work to be performed under the Contract. CONTRACTOR shall retai n any and all righ ts which perta i n to the resolution of d is putes and protests between the parties. ARTICLE IX CONTRACTOR shall assume the defense of a nd indemnify and save harmless the CITY, its elective and ap po i ntive boards, officers, agents and employees, from all claims, loss, damage, in jury and liability of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly arising form the performance of the CONTRACTOR's work, regardless of responsibility of negl ige nce; and from any and all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability, howsoever the same may be caused, re sulti ng directly or i nd irectly from the nature of the work cove red by the contract, regard less of r es ponsibility of negligence; provided (a) That CITY does not, and sha ll not, waive any rights against CONTRACTOR which it may have by rea so n for the aforesaid hold -harmless AGREEMENT because of the acceptance by CITY or the deposit with CITY by CONTRACTOR, of any of the i nsurance p o licies hereinafter desc ribed in this AGREEMENT. (b) That the aforesaid hold-harmless AGREEMENT by CONTRACTOR shall app ly to all damages and claims for damages of every kind suffered , or allege d to have been suffered, by re aso n of any of the aforesaid operations of CONTRACTOR, or Page : APPENDIX A.S CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Oemolrtlon of lhe Bu ld1ng at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnv1ting Bid No P14-130 Document Control Page 56 of 64 any subcontractor, regard less of whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. ARTICL E X CO NTRACTOR, befor e commencing sai d PROJECT, shall furnis h an d f i le wit h CITY a bond, or bonds, in a form satisfactory to the CITY, in the sum of one hundred percent (1 00%) of the CONTRACT price the r eof conditioned upo n the fai t hfu l perform ance of this contract and upon the payment of all labor and m aterials furnished in connection with this contract. ARTI CLE XI CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under this contract until CONTRACTOR shall have obtained all insurance required by t he CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and such insurance shall have been approved by CITY as to form, amount and carrier, nor shall CONTRACTOR allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor shall have been so obtained and approved . (a) COM PEN SATI ON I NSURANCE-CONTRACTOR sha ll t ake out and maintain, during the life of this contract, Worker's Co m pensation Insurance fo r all of CONTRACTOR's employees employed at the site of improvement; and, if any work is sublet, CONTRACTOR shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees, unless such employees are covered by the protection affo r ded by CONTRACTOR. If any class of employees engaged in work under this contract at the site of the PROJECT is not protected under any Workers' Compensation law, CONTRACTOR shall provide and sha ll cause each subcontractor to provide adequate insurance for the p rotection of employees not otherwise protected. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify CITY for any damage resulting to it from fai l ure of either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to take out or maintain such insurance. (b) COMPRE HENS IVE GENERAL LIAB ILI TY, PRODUCTS/ COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD , COMPREHE NSIVE AUTOMOB ILE LIABILITY AND CONTRACTUAL GENERA L LI ABI LI TY INSU RANCE. CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such comprehensive genera l l iability, products/completed operations hazard, comprehensive automobile liability and contractual general liability insurance as shall protect CITY, its elective and appointive boards , officers, agents and employees, CONTRACTOR, and any subcontractor performing work covered by this contract, from claim s for damage for personal injury, includ ing death, as well as from claims for property damage whic h may arise from CONTRACTOR's or any subcontractor's operations under this contract, whether such operations be by CONTRACTOR or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Page : APP END IX A.6 (1) (2) (3) (4) CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition or the Buldong at 5800 Temple City Boulevard NotlcA! lnvoting Bid No.: Pt4-130 Document Contrcl Page 57 ol64 Public Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000}; Products/Completed Operations Hazard Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000); Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000}; Contractual General Liability Insurance in an amount of not les s than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000}. A combined single limit policy with aggregate limits in an amount of not less than TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000} shall be considered equivalent to the said required mini mum limits set forth hereinabove. (c) PROOF OF INSURANCE -The insurance required by this AGREEMENT shall be with insurers which are Best A rated, and California Admitted or better. The CITY of Temple City shall be named as "additional insured" on all policies required hereunder, and CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY, concurrently with the execution hereof, with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance requ i red, and adequate legal assurance that each carrier will give CITY at least thirty (30) days' prior notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of the contract. (d) NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK -The CITY will not issue any notice authorizing CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to commence work under th is contact unti l CONTRACTOR has provided to the CITY the proof of i nsurance as required by subparagraph (c) of this article. ARTICLE XII If any dispute shall arise concern i ng this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney fees. ARTICLE XIII The parties agree that it would be i mpractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages to the CITY in the event the PROJECT is not commenced and/or completed on or before the dates spec if ied for commencement and completion of the PROJECT in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The parties have considered the facts of a breach of this contract and have agreed that the liquidated damages sum hereinafter set forth is reasonable as l iquidated damages in the event of a breach, and that sai d sum shall be presumed to be the amount of the damages sustained by the CITY in the event such work is not begun and/or completed and accepted by the times so speci fi ed in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, the sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($2 ,300} sha ll be presumed to be the amount of damages suffered by the CITY for each day's delay i n the starting and/or completion and accept ance of sa id Page: APPENDIX A.7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Buddrng at 5800 Temple Ctty Boutevanl Nobce Jnv1ting Bod No . P14-130 OoaJment COntrol Page 58 of 64 PROJECT after the dates specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for the start and/or completion thereof, and CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to pay said sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($2,300) as liquidated damages for each day of delay in the starting and/or completing and acceptance of said PROJECT beyond the dates specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Any and all such liquidated damages assessed shall be done so in accordance w ith that certain edition of the Stan dard Specification for Public Works Construction currently in effect on the execution date of this CONTRACT . CONTRACTOR NAME CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, a corporation by ____________________ __ by ____________________ __ President Mayor by ____________________ __ by ____________________ __ Secretary City Clerk ARTICLE XIV Upon completion of PROJECT and acce ptance of same by the CITY Council, the CITY Manager shall have cause to be recorded a Notice of Completion with the office of the Los Angeles County Recorder; and, after thirty-five {35) days from the date said Notice of Completion is recorded, the Director of Finance of CITY shall release the funds retained pursuant to Article Ill hereof; provided there have been no mechanics' liens or stop notices fi led against said work which have not been paid, withdrawn or eliminated as liens against said work. ARTICLE XV This contract shall not be assignable, either in whole or in part, by the CONTRACTOR without first obtain ing the written consent of the CITY thereto. ARTICLE XVI The provis ions of this AGREEMENT are cumulative and in addition to and not in limitation of any rights or remedies available to CITY. ----SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE----- Page : APPENDIX A.S ----CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Oemoli1lon of 1he BUilding at 5800 Temple City Boulevanl Notice InVIting Bid No : P14-130 Document Control Page 59 of 64 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed on the __ day of ----------' 2012, by their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf. ATIEST: By : _________ _ Peggy Kuo, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM By: __________ _ Eric S. Vail, City Attorney CITY OF TEMPLE CITY a Municipal Corporation By : _________ _ Carl Blum, Mayor CONTRACTOR Name:------------' a [state] [type of entity] By:---------- Name and Title by _____________ ___ Secretary Page: APPENDIX A.9 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Bullding at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnvrung Bid No P14-13D Document Control Page 60 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City KNOW ALL MEN BY TH ESE PRESENTS that as CONTRACTOR and as SURETY , ar e h el d and firm ly bound unto the City of Temple City, in the penal sum of dollars ($ ), which is 100 per cent of the total contract amount for the above stated proj ect, for the payment of which sum, CONTRACTOR and SU RETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas CONTRACTOR has been awarded and is about to enter into t he annexed Contract with the City of Temple City for the ab ove stated pro j ect, if CONTRACTOR fa ithfully performs and fulfills all obl igations under the contract documents in the manner and time spec ified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it sha ll remain in full force and effect i n favor of the City of Temple City; provided that any alternations in the obligations or time for completion made purs uant to the terms of the contract documents shall not i n any way release either CONTRACTOR or SURETY, and notice of such alternations are hereby wa ived by SURETY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parti es hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this __ day of ------' 20_. CONTRACTOR*------------------------------ SURETY * * Prov ide CONTRACTO R/SURETY name, address and telephone number and the name, title, address and telephone number for authorized representative. Subscribed and sworn to this ___ day of ________ 20_. NOTARY PUBLIC : _____________________ _ Page: APPENDIX A .lO MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of lhe Buildll>g at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnvnlng Bid No.: P14-130 Documen t COntrol Page 6 1 of 64 DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING AT 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD NOTICE INVITING BID NO.: P14-13D City ofTemple City KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that as CONTRACTOR and as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Temple City, in the penal sum of dollars ($ ), which is 100 percent of the total contract amount for the above stated project, for the payment of which sum, CONTRACTOR and SURETY agree to be bound, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas CONTRACTOR has been awarded and is about to enter into the annexed Contract with the City of Temple City for the above stated project, if CONTRACTOR faithfully performs and fulfills all obligations under the contract documents in the manner and time specified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall rema in in full force and effect in favor of the City of Temple City; provided that any alternations in the obligations or time for completion made pursuant to the terms of the contract documents shall not in any way release either CONTRACTOR or SURETY, and notice of suc h alternations are hereby waived by SURETY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their names, titles, hands, and seals this __ day of _____ _, 20_. CONTRACTOR*-------------------------- SURETY* * Pro vide CONTRACTOR/SURETY name, address and telephone number and the name, title, address and telephone number for authorized representative. Subscribed and sworn to this ___ day of ______ _, 20 __ . NOTARY PUBLIC : _____________________ _ Page : APPENDIX A.ll .. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolition of the Bu.ldlng at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice lnVJllng Bid No • P14-13D Document Control Page 62 or 64 APPENDIX B -CERTIFICATION OF REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Page : APPENDIX B.O h Ms . Giselle Joyre B. Corella City of Temple City 9701 Las TUnas Drive Temple City, California 91780 Subject: Certification of Removal of Hazardous Materials 5800 Temple City Boulevard Temple City, California Dear Ms. Corella : CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DemolitiOn o f the Building at 5800 Temple c.ty Boulevard Notice lnvrting Bod No · P14·130 Document Control Page 63 of 64 August 1, 2014 Project No . 208805002 In accordance with your request. Ninyo & Moore is pleased to submit this certification letter in Jrlerence to the hazardous material abatement activities at the structure located at, 5800 Temple City Boulevard, Temple City, Cal.ifomia. On July 18 , 2014, Mr. Andrew Romero of Ninyo & Moo~e, a California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (OOSH) Asbestos Site Smveillance Technician, and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Lead Project Monitor reviewed laboratory clearance analysis documentation and perfonned a visual inspection of the referenced site. The visual inspection was completed after the abatement contractor (Northstar Demolition and Remediation IP) removed the asbestos containing materials (ACMs), lead-containing materials, and other hazardous materials which were noted in the Hazardous Building Material Survey report prepared by Nmyo & M001e, dated February 21 , 2013 . Mr. Romero 's wot1c. was performed mder the direct supervision ofNwyo & Moore's Project Environmental Scientist, Mr. Michael Cushner. Mr. Cushner is a OOSH Certified Asbestos Consultant. and a CDPH Lead Impector/ Assessor and Project Monitor. The laboratory analysis review and visual inspection verified that all hazMdous materials were removed from the building. Proper manifesting I bill of lading has been requested of the abatement contractor and will be required to be submitted to Ninyo & Moore for completion of the closeout docume.ntation. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this important project. Should you have any questions regarding this document, please contact me at your convenience. Michael CUshner, CAC Project Environmental Scientist Distribution: (1) Addressee (via e-mail) Attachment: Consultant Certification Documentation Page: APPENDIX 8.1 --------------------- state of california Division of Oocupational Safety and Health Certified ~ eoneun.nt -Certificabon No.1t,P11 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Demolrtlon or lhe Bulldmg at 5800 Temple City Boulevard Notice InVIting Bid No : P14-130 Document Conlml Page 64 or 64 Elcplm on !171M1t' a.c-... ............ d ~--.-.·--" ..... ~--·· .... ., ,....QIIt. St<Jte of ~Worn ~a O.partment of Public HN11tl Page: APPENDIX 8 .2