HomeMy Public PortalAbout19620815CCMeeting1 1 There berg no further business the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. Clerk of C until Mayor Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. August 15, 1962. The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 8 P.M. in the_Council Room in the Town Hall and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided and Councilmen Peters, Fleetwood, Lovell, Waters, Hosti, Powers, Town Attorney Solms, Jr., Superintendent Reed, Chief McCutchen', Mrs. Marjorie Solomon, Mr. Robert F. Carey and Mrs. Pauline Hunter. The minutes of the meeting of July 18th were read and adopted. The Mayor reported that the poll which was made to ascertain whether the people wanted dog racing or not was held; 570 voted for and 164 against having dog racing. He also reported that the lights on the fishing pier would be turned on tonight. Councilman Lovell reported that the budding that is partially owned by Fred Anderson on First Avenue is a duplex and that the water and sewer lines run down the middle of the house supplying both apartments which are on one•tap and one stub and it world be difficult to separate the lines. The Mayor appointed a Committee of Councilman Hosti, Peters and Lovell to check into the matter and re- port back, Councilman Lovell recommended that the water bill for $30.00 against the Southern Bell T & T Company for 1961 be cancelled-as the service was not used and the water cut off; also the charge against L. L. Stanford on Foturth Avenue & Thirteenth Street for $60.00 for the years 1960 and 1961 be cancelled'as the water was not in use. He also called attention to Council that a short while back the Town passed an Ordinance. requiring that all new buildings be placed on a meter and later it was found that this did not work out fairly with the meter consumers and the rule was changed that they could go on the flat rate to the end of the fiscal year. Later when some of the meters were read it was found that some of the users had used a considerable amount of water and that one consumer, Mr. M.J.Counihan, took his meter out without authority. The question was asked could he be prosecuted for this and Solms stated that he could. Councilman Hosti stated that everyone should be put on a meter. 118 The Mayor stated that at this time there are 885 flat rate consumers and 124 on meters in the Water Department and that the system has about reached its pumping capacity. Councilman Lovell stated that up to date $2,487.50 is due the Water Department by delinquent water consumers and suggested that one more notice be sent and that they be informed that if their bill is not paid by August 25th that the water will be discontinued. The Mayor called attention to the amount of delinquent taxes that are due and stated that as the Town is in need of funds that the taxes due through 1960 be advertised duping the month of October for sale the first Tuesday in November. The Mayor stated that the County Commissions have given until September 10th for use of the prisoners that he had talked to Messrs. Woods, Ellis and Wessels without any success. Be suggested contacting Mr. Forrester of the Board of Corrections in Atlanta to see if he would grant the continuance of the prisoners with the Town and let the•Town use the prisoners as had been done previously and the Town work the prisioners to get the best results. It was suggested that the Town purchase a regular type garbage truck. The Mayor informed Council that a new location will have to be secured before very long for the dumping of garbage. Councilman Hosti suggested that the Mayor and a Committee go to Atlanta and talk to Mr. Forrester about getting prisoners for the Town and the Town handle them. It might work out to advantage to hhve.a private contractor haul the garbage. The Mayor appointed a Committee of Councilmen Hosti, Lovell and Fleetwood to handle the matter. The Mayor informed Council that the sub- division of Beach Lot 73, Ward 4,.otined by Mr. R. J. Duffy that a lift station would have to be placed in that vicinity to go into the sanitary sewerage system. Councilman Lovell stated that property owners building beyod the sewer mains should be requ.,red to pay for the lift station. The Mayor asked Ps. Reed how the new addition to the fire station was coming along and Mr. Reed stated that it was doing all right. Mr. Reed estimated that it would require about 200 feet of 6 inch water main to run a line partially up Campbell Avenue and that 200 feet of 2 inch pipe that is now in place could be used elsewhere. The Mayor stated that this could be used d'br Brewer's place. Councilman Lovell informed Council that Superintendent Reed needs another man in the Water Department to assist him that the sewer men are working overtime as much as 72 hours per week and that they are discontented. The Mayor requested that this be held off until after Lahor Day as the work must be split up to assist Mr. Reed. Bids to furnish gasoline and oils to the Town were submitted by several distributors and were referred to Councilman Hosti. The Mayor suggested that he also get a price on an additional gasoline pump. Councilman Fleetwood suggested that the extra tank be installed for the Police Department. Superintendent Reed stated that tank do no last very long in the ground down here. Chief McCutchen reported that nine parking meters were broken into last week and that nine parking meters had been lost or stolen. Mr. Brown asked about the ambulance and the Chief stated that it was the same as previously reported. The Mayor asked the condition of the police cars, the Chief stated that they were operating but that two tires are needed for the ambulance. He was instructed to replace the two tires with new ones. The Mayor asked if we should charge for use of the ambulance. Councilman Fleetwood moved that the Town get a new ambu- lance and charge for its use. Councilman Hosti stated that the ambulance service should be furnished by the Town. There being no second the motion vas lost. Bills for the month of July for General Government amounting to $7,722.48 and for the Water Department amounting to $1,374.72 were on motion made, seconded and passed for payment. The Mayor informed Council that the rest rooms on Sixteenth Street had gotten in such bad shape that he had hired a colored woman to keep them clean. He also noted that when more rest rooms are installed it will cost more to maintain them. The Mayor read the 1961 auditors reports of both the Town's operation and also the Water Department. He also informed Council that the Sinking end has the required $25,000.00 and also the Renewal and Extension Reserve Fond has the required $15,000.00 and that there is a small surplus. The Mayor informed Council that the condition of Fifth Street from Butler Avenue to Jones in front of the Public School must be correct4d before school starts. He had received several bids and the low bidder to do the work was Whaley Minter Const. Company which was $2,300.00. Councilman Hosti moved that the work be done by Whaley Minter Company which was seconded and passed. Councilman Lovell stated that the Town should get a list of charges made for water service by the City of Savannah that he feels. that the property owners outside the Town limits should be charged more for their water supply than those within the Town limits. The Mayor reported to Council that Mr. Wm. F. Lynes, Chairman of the County Commission- ers had informed him that the professional appraisers will start their work of re- appraising the County in about sixty days. The Mayor stated that he requested Mr. Lynes to have them start at Tybee first if they could. Councilman Fleetwood stated that building permits should be re- vamped and the proper changes set up. Councilman Lovell asked regarding the zoning of Third Street and Butler Avenue, what happened, the Mayor informed him that no one had made a request for a building permit as yet, that he does not see any objections to commercial property at this location. Councilman Powers informed Council that Chief McCutchen be relieved as Fire Chief and that Edmund J. Solomon be appointed Fire Chief as he had done a good job and he will promote harmony in the department and will probably be helpful in bringing in some of the old members. Councilman Peters wanted to know if the firemen should not elect a chief. The Mayor stated that they select their chief and submit it to Council for. approval. Councilman Powers stated that a representative of the Company handling the Town's new Fire Engine will try to be here by Labor Day. It was moved, that an agreement between the Town and Mr. H. A. Brewer in which he offered to trade the pipe line installed by him on Polk Street to the Town for the amount of his water bill which amounted to $182.42 and also the Town will connect the water line to service his motel units and trailer court through the existing meter and to leave his house on the regular Flat Rate. The motion was seconded and passed. Councilman Fleetwood stated that a letter wrotten to Mr. E.C.Bobo on October 17,1954 had never been acknowledged. He was informed that Mr. Bobo got the answer to that letter in a meeting of Council which he had attended. Councilman Fleetwood stated that if he wanted a private hearing with the Assessment Committee he can have it. 120 Councilman Waters stated that he had acknowledged a letter to Mr. Bobo that all property be re— appraised. Mr. Solms asked that if he ever paid for the water for which he owed the Town several years ago. Mayor Brown stated that he would appoint a Committee with himself to go before the County Commissioners and request that they put dog racing on the ballot for the General Election which is coming up shortly. Mr. Peters asked if this could be placed on the ballot. Mr. Solms stated that it was doubtful. Councilman Fleetwood suggested that the entire Board appear before the Commissioners. A letter from Reverend Dale Brown, Chapel by the Sea, opposing dog racing and bar rooms was received as information. Petitions were received requesting that street lights be placed at the following locations: Seventh & First, Eighth & First, Eighteenth & Strand, the Public Dock on the back river. Councilman Hosti stated that a light should be placed at Butler Avenue and First Street and moved that lights be installed at the above locations. The motion was seconded and passed. The Mayor suggested that all of the candidates in Savannah running for public offices be invited to an open meeting and that they be asked questions pertaining to Tybee. The following letters opposing bar rooms and dog racing were received: Trinity Methodist Church, Savannah Baptist Association, Aldersgate Methodist Church and Cokesburg Methodist Church. 1 There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. III mac. Cler %/ ( . of Council Mayor Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. September 19, 1962. The regular meeting. of Town Council was held today at 8 P.M. in the Council 1-001n in the Town Hall and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided and Councilmen Hosti, Fleetwood, Powers, Lovell, Waters, Supt. Reed and Chief McCutchen. The minutes of the meeting of August 15th were read and adopted. The mayor called attention to the locati-n of the water and sewer lines at ti-e duplex cottage on Lot 111-#35 A & B, Ward 3 in the name of Freddie Anderson on the north side and the south side in the name of Mrs. Ruby Brannen & Mrs. Pearl Wine° Councilman Lovell. asked if the line could be separated under the house. 1