HomeMy Public PortalAbout19630717CCMeeting1 1 157 SAvannah Beach, Tybee Island, Ga. July 17, 1963. . The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 7:39 P.M. in the Go "ncil Room in the Town Hall and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided and Councilmen Waters Fleetwood, Powers, Lovell, Town Attorney Solms, Julius Fine, Supt. Reed, Chief Summer - lin, Mr. Armand Wells, R. H. Thompson, Charles .Masters, Fred Garis, Ed. Patterson. Mr. Thompson, representing the S.B. C. of C.,stated that the Board had received con- plaints about the speed trap on the island,suggestions were made to put up signs along the highway before reaching the City Limits and informing the public of the speed limits. , He stated that this was being presented not as a complaint but in the spirit of cooperation. He. also stated that complaints had been received by the Board that motorists who received parking violation tickets are shown discourtesy and rude- ness in some instances, that people would state that they had put money in the meters which did not work and suggested that this be corrected. He also stated that reports have come from bathers and persons walking on the beach that some of the life guards are diacourteeua and rude. Mr. Wells, to illustrate this, stated that a lady who had a paper cup in her hand was told curtly that if she threw it on the beach She would be given a ticket. He stated that things of this sort are hurting business. W. Thompson stated that the lettering on the signs on the beach is not large enough to be read and that the proper signs that could be read should be installed. He also stated that the Police Court could bring-in additional income since the loss'of the placards tax. The Mayor informed the Committee that Council would give consideration to their suggestions. Zk. Masters asked where does the 40 M.P.H. start and where does the 25 M.P.H.start. The Mayor informed him that the 40 M.P.H. limit starts at the City Limits and extends to Fourteenth Street, then the 25 mile speed limit starts from there. Councilman Fleetwood wanted to know why the red light is inside the Police Car and Chief Sunnnerlin informed him that it is used gn-te a bit. Mr. Fine stated that only five cases have been made against bathers and otherwise by the life guards in court. Mr. Patterson stated that the Mayor had promised Wet lights and safety islands on Butler Avenue. The Mayor informed him that the lights had not been installed due to lack of funds. Fb•. Patterson also stated that recently a Serco" truck was parked in front of his place on 16th Street and the police woman started to give the driver a ticket and he told her not to give the man a ticket. She informed him that the truck was on a yellow line. Mr. Masters stated that in the area outside the Riptide trucks parked there often cause such an impasse that at times the Police Cara cannot get in or out. He stated that the parking meters at the head of 16th Street should be removed and suggested also that it would be a good idea to permit parking in the lots and on the streets after 6 P.M. without charge. Mr. Wells asked if the State Highway Department was responsible for the signs and Mr. Brown stated that they were. Mr. Wells also stated that he noticed quite a number of the parking meters showed "Legal Parking". He asked why doesn't the time allowed be shown instead as it causes incdnvenience to quite a number of motorists, Mr. Powers stated that the "Legal Parking" was used as by this method money would be collected from everyone using the parking lots. Councilman Waters stated that courtesy is a two -way street - he recently had a rdport from one of the Police Women of a man coming cursing and complaining about the meters and told her to send him to the police. 158 Mr. Garis stated that he has prolembi that a number of teenagers who come to his place have no respect for anyone and recently one of they went behind his counter while he was gone, although a young lade was at the counter, and took several packages of gum without paying for them. He also reported that the shrimp boats are coming in too close to the beach and that it rains surf fishing and fishing off the pier and they should be stopped. These boats are numbered and could be checked and reported to the Fish & Game ()omission. Referred to Mr. Solms to handle. Mr. Wheeler requested permission to operate a boat concession along side the public dock on the inlet and also to attach a float to the dock where they could rent boats, etc.,they agreeing to Veep up the property. The Mayor asked what is the Town's liability if we were to build a float on to the publio dock. Mr. Solms . stated that the Tovh cannot lease public property but they should get a private bocation to operate their business. The Mayor suggested that they contact Mrs.W.B. Mathews who operated the Riverside Lodge that she may be willing to lease her property. Regarding the ice making machines, it was decided there would be no license charged for this. The Mayor reported that the car of asphalt recently ordered was on the way; that 289 additional parking meters have been installed ; that there are none in Memorial Park at present. The Chief stated that they have 501 meters on hand. Councilman Lovell stated that parking meters on 14th, 15th and 17th Streets should be increased from five cents per hour to two hours for twenty -five cents. Mr. Reed reported that the new garbage area is working all right but that he is not getting much cooperation from the people. Councilman Fleetwood stated that regarding the business places some of whom are not cooperating, to give them a warning and if they do not comply to put them on docket. Superintendent Reed will check and report to Chief Sumerian. Councilman Lovell stated that more signs should be installed regarding littering of the streets such as beer cans,etc.,from Butler Avenue -.First to Sixteenth - and also the Tybee Musefim. Councilman Lovell noted that in cutting brass on the curbs from the City Limits down First Street and Butler, Mr. Drake Collins was Going it for $80.00 per month. The Mayor stated that Johnnie Solomon.charges $50..00 from the Town Limits to Butter Avenue. Chief $ rlin reported a rash of breaking into automobiles and stated that a man at the merry go round was receivadg•dthe goods. Chief Summerlin reported that the Negro situation is in hand at present, The Mayor instructed the Chief to pass along to all of his personnel to be courteous to the public. Councilman Powers stated that if the statement made by Mr. Patterson to the effect that a police woman.had given a truck driver a parking ticket for being on a yellow line was correct, then the police woman was right, also if.the police woman cannot handle the situation she should call the chief. Mr. Powers asked what about removing the four meters at the head of 16th Street. The Chief stated that it would not improve the situation to• remove them. Mr. Solms stated to refer the matter to the Police Committee to handle. Mr. Fine stated that Mrs. Purvis, a woman who operates the ride concession on the strand, was buying everything she could, that she had a 12 year old boy working for her early in the season and later on had several more. 1 1 159 The Mayor stated that a problem has arisen since the parking meters were placed on the streets East of Butler Avenue as the residents on these streets complain abort having to feed the meters stating that as tax payers on these streets they should be given free parking. Councilman Fleetwood suggested giving a tag to property owners West of Butler Avenue who use these streets also, he stated that Port Wentworth does it. Referred to the Police Committee. The Mayor informed Council that plans would be set up to handle Personal Property Taxes and asked what to do regarding the assessment per room. It was decided that each room of furniture will be asked 350.00 with a minimum total of 3200.00. Bills for the month of June for General Government amountibg to it c a 6-7 and for the Water Department amounting to 3948.31, it was moved, seconded and passed that they be paid. Councilman Powers asked if anything had boil heard from the rating bureau in reference to insurance rates and the Mayor stated that he had. not. Mr. Powers will write a letter regarding this. Mr. towers called attention to the steady cost of repairs to the police cars and stated that it might be to the Town's advantage to get a new Police Car each year and that negotiations should be started now for the new 1963 Polioe Car. The Mayor stated that this would mean that two cars would have to be purchased each year. He suggested that the Town use a motorcycle. Mr. Powers stated that this could only be used part time but that something should be done now. He was instructed to get bids. Mr. Powers stated that on July 7th the Police Car was chasing a speeder on First Street and the Tybee Bus pulled out and the Police Car hit it and another car hit the. Police Car, and asked if we could take action against the Bus Company. Mr. Fine reported that witnesses testified that the bus was not moving and that the Police Car wasogoing 60 to 70 M.P.H. and eight (8) witnesses stated that the bus did not move. Mr. Solms suggested that it be referred to the Finance Committee for handling. Mr. Powers stated that when the Town gave all of it's insurance business to John A. Peters, Jr.Inc.,that he understood that he would parcel this out to the various ones who bad been handling the Town's insurance. Mr. -Fleetwood stated that the Town wantid a Packaged Policy and that Mr. M. W. Dixon III of the Peters 6ompany agreed to work the matter curt with other companies who had been doing business with the Town andthat they would be given the privilege to bid on the Town's Insurance next year. He also stated that some of the iron supports at the fishing pier have worked loose and that some of them are being pulled out by the public. He also stated as to Plumbing & Electrical Contractors that their names should be given and also where they are working. He also stated that he had checked with Mr. Leon Case of the S E & P C but so far has not heard from him. The Mayor requested him to keep after it. Fire Chief Solomon reported that some repair work had been done on the fire equipment and that things were in good shape. He commented on the storage of L.P.Gas and storage tanks above ground and stated that the tanks shouldobe checked periodically to ascertain if any of them were leaking as this gas is heavy and stays right close to the ground if it is exoaping from any source and could be ignited very easily and is dangerous. No one should be allowed to install them except persons with plumbing experience. He also stated that the department needs some new fire hose. Mr. DeBorde suggested having a "Fireman's Day" and that the Fire Department would submit a plan to.Council. 160 Councilman Powers moved that the following Officers of the Town be Reappointed: Henry M. Buckley, Clerk of Council & Ex- Officio Treas. $5,042.08 Annually Payable Monthly Anton F. Solms, Jr.,Town Attorney h& Recorder 2,032.80 n a n Thomas M.. Reed, Supt. Public Wks & Water Dept. Building Inspector 5,183.76 a n n Hiigh H. Summerlin, Chief of Police & _ Ex Officio Tax Collector 4,489.44 0 n 0 C. V. Reynolds, Electrical Inspector 300.00 0 n Margaret Spellman, Clk Water Dept & Clerk's Office 3,000.00 n n n Sarah DeBorde, Clk & Bookkeeper, Clerk's Office 2,620.56 0 a a William Paul, Plumbing Inspector on Fee basis Dr. W.D. Lundquist, Health Officer - no salary which was seconded and passed. A request was made by some of the property owners and residents in the vicinity of Second Street that life guard protection be provided for that area of the beach. Mrs. Walter Norton. requested that she be granted free parking spaces on 12th Street in front of her cottage. Councilman Hosti called attention to the shrimp boats dragging too close in to the beach and 6-bated that something should be done to stop this. Mr. Sidney Raskin requested that he be granted free parking privileges in front of his property on Tenth Street. Council discussed arrangements for starting to handle the Personal. Property Taxes. The 0lerk read a letter from Congressman Hagan in which he acknowledged thanks ex- tended to him in connection with having a survey made of the storm damage done to the beach in front of the Fort Scrdven area. There being no further business the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. Clerk of, Council or