HomeMy Public PortalAbout20200928 - Planning Board - AgendaHOPKINTON PLANNING BOARD Monday, September 28, 2020 7:00 P.M. REMOTE MEETING Link to Join:​ ​https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81162436425 Meeting ID: ​811 6243 6425 Password: ​683938 Call-in Phone Number: ​(646) 876-9923 AGENDA Zoom Details:To access the meeting click the link above.If you have technical issues with accessing the meeting,send an email to ​jgelcich@hopkintonma.gov​.​Your microphone will be muted upon entry and can only be unmuted by the Host​.If you have a question or comment,use the “Raise Hand”function. The Chat function will only allow communication between you and the Host and should only be used to communicate technical issues.All other questions or comments should be directed to the Planning Board through the “Raise Hand”function.Telephone-only participants can use the “Raise Hand”function by pressing ​*9​. For additional information and Zoom support, visit the general support page: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us For telephone-only support information visit: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663-Joining-a-meeting-by-phone **Times showing the anticipated length of discussion for each item below are approximate** 1.Administrative Items (±45 min) a.Board Appointments i.Growth Study Committee - Chris Melton; Jenn Devlin; Rachel Rossin b.Legacy Farms North Bond Reduction c.Potential Scenic Road Violation Discussion - Saddle Hill Road d.Growth Study Committee Presentation and discussion (±15 min) e.Minutes of July 13, 2020; July 27, 2020; August 10, 2020 2.New Public Hearing - Chester Street - Petition to Construct Road - Shawn McDonald (±5 min) Proposal to build out Chester Street in order to accommodate one new house lot 3.Approval-Not-Required Plan -15 Cedar St.Ext.-15 Cedar St.Ext.LLC ℅Edmond Massabni (±15 min) 4.Approval-Not-Required Plan -3 and 5 Box Mill Rd.-Erik Wolf and Robert Callery (±15 min) 5.New Public Hearing - 20 Saddle Hill Road Scenic Road - Brendon Properties Inc. (±15 min) Relocate the stone wall to shift driveway to a different location. 6.Continued Public Hearings – Bucklin St. & Leonard St. – 1) Stormwater Management Permit; 2) Petition to Construct a Paper Street – Wall Street Development Corp. (±1 min) Proposal to construct a paper street entitled “Bucklin Street”;Proposal to construct four (4) single-family homes with driveways,utilities and associated grading.A stormwater management permit is required because the project will result in land disturbance of one acre or more and it is not a “subdivision.” 7.Continued Public Hearing -Maspenock Woods (West Elm Street)-Maspenock Woods Realty Trust (±30 min) Proposed amendments to the Special Permit and approved Site Plan pursuant to the Garden Apartments in Residential Districts Bylaw,to allow demolition and replacement of the existing dwelling at 5 West Elm Street. 8.Continued Public Hearing - 114 Pond Street - Scenic Road Application - Brian Gassett (±15 min) Joint Public Hearing with (Acting) Tree Warden - Proposed removal of trees and stone wall. 9.Continued Public Hearing - Leonard Street - Petition to Construct Leonard Street - Wall Street Development Corp (±30 min) Proposal to build out Leonard Street in order to accommodate three proposed building lots. 10.New Public Hearing - Scenic Road Application (Joint Meeting with Acting Tree Warden) - 173-207 Fruit St. - MassDOT - Highway Division (±20 min) Removal of 83 trees and alteration (removal and resetting) of 290 linear feet of stonewall as part of the Fruit Street Bridge reconstruction project. The Applicant has proposed post-work planting of 68 trees and 102 deciduous shrubs. The listed matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting.Not all items may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.